City Council Agenda Packet 06-23-2008AGENDA RF Monday June 23, 2008 NOTE: WORKSHOP MEETING 5 P.M. — AUDIT REPORT AND REVIEW OF FIBER OPTICS ISSUES Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of June 9, 2008 Regular Meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of June 9, 2008 Special Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Streets, Parks, Water and Economic Development. B. Consideration of approving a one -day charitable gambling license for a raffle for Wright County/West Metro White Tail Association. C. Consideration to approve a request for conditional use permit for amendment to planned unit development for a Comprehensive Sign Plan. Applicant: Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital District. F. Consideration of authorizing to proceed with hiring process for utility locator position. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing to approve the issuance of revenue bonds on behalf of Presbyterian Homes. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for appeal of denial for variance from Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regulating off-street parking requirements. 9. Consideration of accepting audit report for the year ending December 31, 2007. Agenda Monticello City Council June 23, 2008 Page 2 10. Review of SAC calculations for Buffalo Wild Wings Restaurant — Mike Krutzig. 11. Consideration of adopting an ordinance relating to emergency alarm systems. 12. Consideration of approving plans to close River Street at TH 25, City Project No. 2008-14C. 13. Consideration of award of bid for Fiber Optics Head -End Building Site Grading and Utilities, City Project No. 2006-32C. 14. Consideration of award of bid for Fiber Optics Head -End Building, City Project No. 2006-32C. 15. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and advertising for bids for Fiber Loop, City Project No. 2006-32C. 16. Consideration of approving payment of bills for June, 2008. 17. Adjourn Council Minutes: 61910$ urn l REGULAR ,ij Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. ARprove minutes of May 22, 2008 Special Meeting. aljII 041110! 11NIV lus 1003 Eeji ai I L4109W.111 IZIN ! 1 UNANIMOUSLY. 5-4. Wayne Mayer noted on Page 3, #5D the street to be added to the feasibility study is Hawthorne Place North. Tam Perrault stated his comment on page #4 should read, "He believes in public service but he would not do it for free." • • • a • ... ! a WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 29,2008 RECESSED MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 WAYNE !MOVED TOAPPROVE OF JUNE ii' KECESSED MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. CARRIED i Council Minutes: 6/9/08 3. Consideration of addinLy items to the a2endal. Riverside Cemetery and signage at the compost facility were added to the agenda. Public Works Director, John Simola submitted an invoice from Bolton & Menk to be added to the list of bills for approval. 4. Citizen comments. vetitions. requests and concerns. Mike Krutzig, 18897 108th Avenue, Big Lake spoke to the Council regarding the SAC and WAC charges for the Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant. Due to an oversight by City staff he was not notified when the SAC issue was to come before the Council. He stated that he felt the agenda item was misrepresented and misunderstood. He added that Jeff O'Neill was on an emergency telephone call and not present during the discussion of the SAC charges for Buffalo Wild Wings. Mike Krutzig distributed copies of the city ordinance relating to sanitary sewer charges. The ordinance has a calculation of 1 SAC charge for 23 seats if the facility is a bar; I SAC charge for 22 seats if it is a fast food restaurant and I SAC charge for 8 seats if it is a full service restaurant. He noted that if a use was not listed in the ordinance the SAC charge was calculated based on I SAC unit per 270 gallons of water per day. He felt that having a bar, a dishwasher or a drive- through are not factors to be considered in determining SAC charges. Mike Krutzig submitted the staff report presented to the Council at the last meeting. The staff report refers to a sit down restaurant which Mr. Krutzig felt was inaccurate. Intensity of service is what is supposed to be taken into account. Mike Krutzig then presented information on water usage from other Buffalo Wild Wing Restaurants. He felt that putting Buffalo Wild Wings at I SAC unit per 8 seats was exorbitant. Clint Herbst asked who calculated the SAC charges. John Simola indicated the City uses the Met Council formula and Gary Anderson determines the number of units. In looking at how other communities applied the SAC charges there was inconsistency with some charging fees based on one unit per 8 seats and others I unit per 22 seats. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REVISIT THIS ITEM AT THE JUNE 23,2008 REGULAR MEETING. Wayne Mayer stated he had a problem with the definitions being used. Wayne Mayer stated he felt the 270 gallons per day did not apply unless the proposed use did not fit the uses listed. Mike Krutzig felt the restaurant is unique to Monticello. Mr. Krutzig felt the restaurant was closer to a fast food restaurant than a full service restaurant and was asking for a SAC charge based on one unit per 22 seats. 1511 Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, asked for direction from the Council as to what information they wanted to see in the follow up report. Brian Stumpf said he would like staff to look at why there is nothing between a I in 8 seats and a I in 22. He would also like to know what portion, if any, of the SAC charge goes toward wastewater treatment plant expansion. Clint Herbst felt the amount of SAC fees may have to be looked at as well as how they are calculated. N Council Minutes: 6/9/08 A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Liquor Store and Parks. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures for MCC, Liquor Store and Parks as identified. B. Consideration of approving an increase in the amount of the change fund for the Liquor Store. Recommendation: Approve an increase to the liquor store change fund on a temporary basis for only those instances where the liquor store is open on a holiday weekend but the banks are not. C. Consideration to approve a request for extension of a conditional use permit for an amendment to a Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. Applicant: Mielke Bros., LLC. Recommendation: Approve a one year extension of the June 11, 2007 Conditional Use Permit for an Amendment to a Planned Unit Development for a retail commercial development at Monticello Travel Center 2d Addition with the condition that all previously approved conditions be assigned to the extension. D. Consideration to approve extension of a conditional use permit for concept stage and development stage Planned Unit Development approval for a multi -tenant shopping center, a conditional use permit for outdoor storage, a conditional use permit for a car wash, a conditional use permit for a motor fuel station/convenience store, a conditional use permit for minor auto repair and preliminary plat approval. Applicant: Mills Fleet Farm. Recommendation: Approve the extension of the June 25, 2007 Conditional Use Permit for Concept and Development Stage Planned Unit Development and preliminary plat for the proposed Mills Fleet Farm for one year from the date of Council approval of the extension with the condition that all previously approved conditions be assigned to the extension. LVATLO)WIFLOWIN VIROMN21 1k) 9192 ego I NO Lei I L91=05 I i.Consideration of items removed from the consent a2enda for discussion. 7. Public Hearin2 on vacation of a portion of Dundas Road riLyht-of-wav as related to the Amax Addition plat and vacation of a portion of 01.0 -State Hi2hwav Trunk No. 25 right-of-way. Bret Weiss, consulting engineer, provided background information noted that the vacation of the Dundas Road right of way was identified as part of the platting of the Amax Addition. The vacation of that portion of the Old Trunk Highway 25 right of way was thought to have been taken care of previously but had not. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. John Lundsten, 1804 Hillside Lane, Buffalo indicated he had questions about the vacation of the Old Trunk Highway 25 right of way. He stated he was curious as to why this was proposed for vacation now. Five years ago the City had deeded the property to him and his wife. He had not requested any vacation of the right of way. He stated the Council Minutes: 6/9/08 staff report was not clear about the history of this parcel. The staff report talked about a quiet title action being undertaken by the adjacent property owner. As the adjacent property owner he is the subject of the quiet title action. Joel Jamnik, legal counsel, stated by vacating the street the City is relinquishing its interest in the property for roadway purposes. When the City deeded the property by quit claim deed they were giving up any interest they had in the land. Wayne Mayer further clarified that with the quit claim deed the city was just releasing any interest the city had in the land. When the City vacates the right of way the property goes back to the underlying fee owner. Joel Jamnik said state statutes require the City to hold a public hearing if they proposed to vacate property given as easement or right of way. He added the vacation is a legal proceeding that is for the public and other agencies. If the City doesn't conduct the hearing the release of interest is flawed. A quit claim deed is a release of interest but it doesn't require a hearing. If the City was only releasing their interest in the right of way they would have to follow the Statute 412 relating to the vacation process. If the City wants to both vacate and convey the property both steps would have to be done. John Lundsten asked why the entire parcel was not being vacated. Bret Weiss responded that their information was that portion of the right of way had been vacated so this vacation hearing covered only the portion not covered in the previous vacation. Clint Herbst said even though the area was subject to a quiet title action the City still is required to go through the processes of vacating the right of way. Clint Herbst emphasized that nothing is being conveyed. John Lundsten stated he was not aware that a portion of the right of way had been vacated and he would like to see the documentation for that vacation. Bret Weiss indicated they would provide the documentation. Joel Jamnik said the Council needs to determine if there is any need for the road over that property. John Lundsten said that even though the City says the vacation process does not impact the quiet action title it does. John Lundsten stated he is in opposition to the vacation of the Cedar Street. Clint Herbst said in order for the property to be part of a plat the right-of-way would have to be vacated. John Lundsten repeated his question of who brought up the issue. Clint Herbst believed when the quiet action title was commenced and the platting process for Amax Addition took place is when this issue came to light. Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing John Simola said the power line easement runs in that area and could affect this property. If it does according to the terms of the franchise agreement with Xcel the City would need to notify Xcel Energy. Joel Jamnik stated there was a UPA easement indicated on the drawing but it was not shown where that ran. U Al NIV UORNBUy Lei V L030 El Council Minutes: 6/9/08 8. Consideration to adovt a resolution of suviDort and award contract for Natural Resources Inventory and Assessment to WSB & Associates. In January the Council authorized proceeding with a request for proposals for a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI). The natural resources inventory will include the YMCA area and the Montissippi Park. Eleven proposals were received by the City. The RFP's were narrowed down to three proposals and the committee interviewed those firms. The Committee was recommending acceptance of the proposal submitted from WSB & Associates at a cost of $19,980. The City was awarded a matching fund grant of $15,000 from the Department of Natural Resources Community Conservation Assistance Program. The City could utilize $10,000 of the DNR funds with $10,000 of the funds the City had budgeted to cover the cost of the Natural Resources Inventory or if the City wanted to utilize the fall $15,000 of grant monies, the City could increase the scope of the project to include park/trail planning. It was noted that the City's park plan had not been updated since 2005 and staff felt the use of the grant funds for this purpose was a good use of monies. WSB & Associates anticipates completing the project by October 1, 2008. Brian Stumpf asked if the City goes with adding the park and trail work to the scope of the project how would that impact the estimated completion date. Staff felt the project though increased in scope could still be completed by October. Clint Herbst didn't feel much change had taken place since 2005 with the park/trail plan and that the City and DNR could each save $5,000 by not doing the park/trail planning. Susie Wojchouski noted that most of the Natural Resources Inventory involved land in the orderly annexation area which is not in the City limits. She asked if items identified in the natural resources inventory limited the property owner in the use of his land. Staff indicated that the project was merely identifying natural resources and didn't address the impact of federal regulations or other governing policies relating to natural resources. Susie Wojchouski asked if the City gets permission from the property owner to enter their property, Andrea Moffatt from WSB & Associates responded that property owners will be informed by a newspaper article of the project and what to expect. In addition a letter will be sent to residents in the area affected and the individuals conducting the inventory will carry letters with them regarding the project which will be distributed as needed. Wayne Mayer asked about the price range of the proposals and specifically the estimates of the second and third place bidders. Staff informed him the second bidder was over $27,000 and third place bidder was just under $28,000. The proposals ranged from $19,980 to almost $ 100,000. Tom Perrault pointed out in the DNR correspondence on the award the DNR noted that no work should begin until the agreement is signed by all parties which they would anticipate being done by the end of June. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT AND AWARD THE CONTRACT FOR THE NATURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT TO WSB & ASSOCIATES BASED ON A FINDING TO BE MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. 0 Council Minutes: 6/9/08 Wayne Mayer felt Alternative #1 should be considered and felt the biggest reason to do the study would be to utilize the grant funds. 'IT A TT�E-�TIAYER AND TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 11. Consideration of awrovin2 the 2007 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pro2ram (SWPPP) Annual Report. City Engineer, Bruce Westby explained the background for the City's participation in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). The City's approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program contains six minimum control measures and identifies 39 best management practices and goals for minimum control measures. The City is required to have annual report on their implementation efforts submitted to MPGA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) by June 30th of each year. The annual report was prepared by City staff requiring approximately 80 hours. Bruce Westby anticipates that future reports should require less staff time for preparation. 91IN-KOXNA119V = IMMA1100.1011 -4 W-1 00. N-11"Ime ","Newo-OPLIffims 81-4911 Mill-Mard Riverside Cemetery. Tom Perrault noted the grass is quite high and is in need of mowing. John Simola responded that the recent rainfalls have prevented the mowing being done. He added that the contract calls for ten mowings a year. Clint Herbst stated that with the price of fuel the City is trying to get by with mowing less often. Signage at the Compost Facility: Wayne Mayer stated the sign at the compost facility and compactor states the hours of operation are Monday through Friday and there is nothing indicating any weekend hours. John Simola stated the facility is open Saturdays and also Wednesday evenings. Wayne Mayer asked why the compactor is not operational over the weekend, John Simola stated the compactor was provided to the City free of charge and does not have an external power source. To provide a power sources would cost between $3,00045,000. He added that the City would pay a two hour call back to have an employee come and operate the compactor. John Simola stated that the Public Works does give out a key for weekend use of the compost facilities. Susie Wojchouski asked what residents are supposed to do with the small ranches. The City does have a chipping service and the branches are accepted at the Wright County Compost facility located on County Road 37. He also added that small quantities of twigs (up to two gallons) can be placed in the garbage for collection. 12. Consideration of approvin2 pavment of bills for2008. A payment request from Bolton & Menk Inc. for work on the wastewater treatment plant digester in the amount of $159,922.43 was added to the list of bills. on Council Minutes: 6/9/08 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS WITH THE ADDITION OF THE REQUEST FOR PAYMENT FOR THE ► DIGESTER •r• WAI • SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 13. Adjourn, TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:20 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 Recording Secretary A� Special Council Minutes: 6/9/08 TTIIAUTES #4,TT4GV.-L* QT-Y-fCt*Vt�911, TRANSPORTATION PLAN WORKSHOP Monday June 9,2008 — 5 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None Others Present: Planning Commission The special meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. The purpose of the workshop meeting was to review the City's Transportation Plan. I IR 0 ro.IM B 1 771�# # - �W 7 t i Chuck Rickart from WSB & Associates, Inc. headed the presentation on the Transportation Plan. One area of focus was the TH 25 corridor and how to get local traffic off the roadway. Commuters are the primary users of TH 25. The study would look at the impact of a river crossing and identify possible locations. Brian Stumpf asked if MnDOT was involved in the planning at this stage or is holding the workshop the first step in getting MnDOT involved. Bret Weiss said MnDOT will not look at putting up any funding for river crossings. Bret Weiss felt the cities of Monticello and Big Lake and Wright and Sherburne counties will have to get together to obtain a crossing and work together on pursuing federal monies to fund the crossing. Chuck Rickart said the Transportation Plan looks at TH 25 from Chelsea Road to the river crossing with the focus being on the portion from the 1-94 ramp to River Street. The engineers want to see CSAH 18 finished and those traffic patterns established so its full impact on TH 25 will be better known. Chuck Rickart reviewed existing conditions on the TH 25 corridor with an A rating for level of service being the best and F the worse. Under existing conditions it would take 8 minutes for a vehicle to get from 1-94 to River Street and the travel speed would be 12 mph. Chuck Rickart noted this information was for the pm peak period. Traffic projections for the year 2030 were considered. In their projections the engineers looked at Big Lake's land use plan and the impact it has as well as the impact of the City of Monticello's newly adopted Comprehensive Plan. The 2030 traffic projections do not assume any new interchange or other improvements except for Fallon Avenue which was included in the calculation. In 2030 it is anticipated 40,000 cars will be crossing the river. Chuck Rickart indicated there are improvements that can be done in the short term and there are also long term improvements that should be considered. He reviewed these Special Council Minutes: 6/9/08 improvements and how the improvements would affect the level of service. Some of the short term improvements include: 1) Signal Timing possible modifications: Chuck Rickart stated that signals along TH 25 had not been looked at for some time. It is possible that some modifications could be made to the timing of the signals that may ease some traffic congestion. Brian Stumpf asked if the level of service could be improved by removing the River Street signal. Chuck Rickart indicated that issue would be addressed later in the presentation; 2) Addition of turn lanes. Turn lanes would be proposed for the 1-94 ramp, 7th Street and CSAR 75. Chuck Rickart said that the improvements they are discussing will not be profound but will just make the traffic movement on TH 25 a little better. Adding capacity to the roadway would be an example of a profound change; 3) Access modifications. This is a little more radical than the other short term proposals. This option is where they looked at River Street and whether to have a right -in and right out at this intersection. The River Street intersection is complicated because of the presence of a building being very close to the comer of the intersection of River Street and TH 25. They did not recommend a right -in at this intersection without a signal light. Other improvements to consider are additional medians; right -in and right -out and a signal at 4th Street. Chuck Rickart added that these improvements did not eliminate the signal at River Street which was kept because of safety issues. Tom Moores, Street Superintendent asked how much of an impact it would be to close off the intersection at River Street. Chuck Rickart responded that the impact of eliminating the signal at River Street would make the level of service on Broadway an F. Clint Herbst asked if the program takes into account people changing driving patterns because of traffic conditions. Brian Stumpf asked if adding more signals such as the one at 4'h Street wouldn't back up traffic more. Tom Moores questioned why a signal at 0 Street was recommended. Chuck Rickart responded that not all of the traffic could be directed to 7'h Street or CSAH 75. Brian Stumpf questioned why they would want traffic directed onto 4' Street. 4) Roundabouts — Possible locations to be considered for roundabouts would be 7th Street, 4th Street and CSAR 75. Chuck Rickart stated that MnDOT requires consideration of roundabouts when looking at intersection control and added that roundabouts increase pedestrian safety. 5) Other Improvements - Long-term improvements would include additional through lanes and a river crossing. Brian Stumpf asked how bad the traffic situation has to be before MnDOT commits funds towards the project. Bret Weiss said it is not because MnDOT is not willing to fund projects but there are a lot of projects and with limited funds MnDOT is not investing in local projects. Susie Wojehouski asked what classifies the bridge as local instead of regional. Chuck Rickart indicated the current bridge is regional but if another bridge was added to divert traffic that would be a local bridge. Bret Weiss felt MnDOT would be involved in the short term improvements but would not support a bridge. Tom Moores asked about K, Special Council Minutes: 6/9/08 MnDOT's view of roundabouts and also about moving pedestrians through a roundabout. MnDOT requires the City to look at roundabouts as part of the City's study. Chuck Rickart said with roundabouts pedestrians cross half the approach and then reach the median. From there pedestrians cross the remaining approach. In addition the speed of vehicles on a roundabout is generally slower. Jeff O'Neill asked about the impact of a roundabout on a commercial area. Chuck Rickart cited an example of Edina where there was a roundabout in a commercial area. It was found not to have a negative impact on the commercial activity. Bret Weiss said getting traffic moving on TH 25 is the most important impact for commercial properties. There was general discussion on roundabouts that are either established or in the process of being established in other communities such as Forest Lake and Edina. Tom Moores said he had reservations about the statement that there is better pedestrian safety crossing a roundabout. Chuck Rickart stressed that the severity of accidents is less with a roundabout because the vehicles moving through the roundabout are going at a slower speed. If the City was proposing just one roundabout Broadway would be the logical choice. The study listed 7th Street, 4th Street and Broadway as possible intersections for roundabouts. Wayne Mayer said he was concerned about the criteria used for the River Street crossing. Chuck Rickart noted that MnDOT would like to close that intersection Wayne Mayer felt the signal at River Street should be shut down only and not include any of the other changes proposed. He questioned why that was not one of the scenarios presented. Chuck Rickart said closing the River Street intersection will have a huge impact on Broadway. Wayne Mayer asked about right turn only. Chuck Rickart said they looked at that and noted that on the east side there was a safety concern. Chuck Rickart said they looked at all alternatives and brought back what they thought were the best alternatives but if the Council wanted all the alternatives considered could be brought back. Clint Herbst felt that something should be done so that they could get an idea of the impact closing the intersection would have. Chuck Rickart said they had talked with MnDOT about temporarily closing the intersection. The City would have to get MnDOT's okay to close the intersection and MnDOT would have to turn off the signal lights but City staff could do the majority of the work to close off the intersection. Chuck Rickart said they have traffic counts and after the intersection was closed for 4-6 months they would take counts again to analyze the impact the closing would have. Clint Herbst and Wayne Mayer felt roundabouts should be considered as a last resort. Chuck Rickart said the improvements they looked at were for the whole TH 25 corridor not just the River Street intersection. Brian Stumpf said even with the improvements suggested there is still the same amount of traffic coming through. The City has to do something to divert the traffic off the road. Bret Weiss said if the City wants to get any kind of funding from the federal government or MnDOT the City would have to plan long term even though nothing may be planned for construction right away. Bret Weiss felt the City needs the short term solutions to provide some relief and then have the long term plan for funding purposes. The City has to do something now to get the City in position for funding. Bret Weiss said MnDOT wants the City to do the leg work on these projects. Bret Weiss said the City should look at Fallon Avenue, roundabouts, and the bridge crossing. Wayne Mayer said it is important to bring Becker and Becker Township into this the discussion as well because they too are feeling the pain of increased traffic volumes. Susie Wojchouski said the City of Monticello could do everything to get traffic moving over the bridge but the other side of the bridge has to 3 Special Council Minutes: 6/9/08 complement what the City does for it to be effective. Chuck Rickart acknowledged that is the case but indicated they have not received much information from Big Lake. Susie Wojchouski asked if modifications could be made to the existing bridge. Chuck Rickart responded that they had not look at any structural changes to the bridge. Jeff O'Neill suggested the City have some kind of limit to development so that when current capacity is maximized another bridge crossing would be required before further development. Chuck Rickart said it could be tied to traffic generation. Susie Wojehouski asked if it was known how much of Big Lake traffic is local and how much goes to Highway 10. The framework of the current transportation plan was done in 2005 and will be meshed with the recently adopted Comprehensive plan. The City needs to identify improvements and how to finance them. Traffic projections will also need to be refined. After these things are done an updated plan will be prepared. Chuck Rickart briefly went over the objectives of the Transportation Plan which include a collector street system; options for interchange or overpass; river crossing options; pedestrian/bike plan; transit plan and a financing plan. Jeff O'Neill asked about the interchange being located at County Road 39 rather than Orchard Road. Chuck Rickart said they will work with MnDOT on the interchange location. The proposed County Road 39 interchange location would impact the golf course and there is not much continuity on how the interchange would hook up with County Road 75. The County Road 39 location would pull a little more traffic off of TH 25 than the Orchard Road location. MnDOT favors the Orchard Road location. Bret Weiss stated that there are other issues besides engineering to consider particularly financing. Chuck Rickart said the updated Transportation Plan would identify needs, how to address the needs, approximate cost of improvements and when the improvements need to be completed. Tom Moores asked if the new interchange would also be the site of the river crossing. Three possible crossing locations were noted: 1) Straight across from Washington Street; 2) CSAR 18 and 3) Connecting County Road 11 and Orchard Road, Chuck Rickart clarified that there would not be a river crossing study but the Transportation Plan would include the impact a river crossing would have. Clint Herbst suggested they come back with solutions on River Street for the next meeting. Brian Stumpf said whatever the City does on River Street they need to look at Broadway and look at making the right turn lane a through lane. The workshop closed at 6:45 p.m. Recording Secretary 2 Council Agenda: 6/23/08 5A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for MCC., Parks, Streets, Sewer and Water and Economic Development. (JO) The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Parks, Streets, Sewer and Water and Economic Development It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT: None A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: ' Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. • 1. Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. List of new employees. Name NEW EMPLOYEES Title Department Johnoon.B|aiue PT Custodian MCC Mitchell, David Summer Worker Water &Coll DeManaie.Jmymon Summer Worker Water &Coll Kranz, Nathan Seasonal Worker Parks Kranz, Brandon Summer Worker ' Streets Dixon' Clinton Slide Attendant MCC Zimmerman, Jessica Slide Attendant MCC GmmKh.Kks§n Slide Attendant MCC Hire Date Class 05/29/O PT OE/0208 T U5/2708 T 0SX}2/O8 T O80208 T 06/05/08 PT ' 05/29/08 PT 05/29/08 PT Name � Reason Department Last Day Class k.OUve Voluntary Eoon.Dave|oVmen 05/30/08 FT ' CauueVe.Zachry Voluntary MCC 06/01X8 FT Anderson, Cindy Voluntary ' MCC O8/O1/O8 PT - Weigand, Shannon Voluntary ~ - - MCC - 06/01/08 PT ' cuuncU_employeaUatxls: 6/10/2008 Council Agenda: June 23, 2008 5B. Consideration of aiDprovin2 a 1av charitable eambline license for a raffle for the, Wri2ht Countv/West Metro White Tail Association. (JO) Wright County/West Metro Whitetail Association has applied for a permit for a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct a raffle at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard on Sunday, September 7, 2008. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this temporary gambling license, a resolution of the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted. This is the first time this group has conducted an event in Monticello. Attached is a letter explaining the purpose of their organization and providing an estimate of revenue for this event and its proposed use. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to Wright County/West Metro Whitetails to conduct a raffle on September 7, 2008 at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard. 2. Do not approve the charitable gambling request. FUTDN�POWF Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. Letter Resolution approving charitable gambling license. Al wM310 of kAsTa of k - F! WHEREAS, Wright County/West Metro Whitetails has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a one -day charitable gambling license to a raffle at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard; WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT SOLVE BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by Wright County/West Metro Whitetails for a one -day charitable gambling license for September 7, 2008 to conduct a raffle at River City Extreme located at 3875 School Boulevard is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of June, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ulamw Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Revenue and purpose for MDHA banquet Page I of I Dawn Grossinger From: Alan.J.Weller@wellsfargo.com Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 11:16 AM To: Dawn Grossinger Subject: Revenue and purpose for MDHA banquet We estimate the gross amount of funds raised for our Banquet Fundraiser is about $25,000. Our net amount will be around $3500. The funds are sent up to our State Office in Grand Rapids Minnesota. One half of the funds raised goes to our State Office for administration purposes, The amount of funds we can use then is approximately $1750. Most of these funds go to help us send kids to outdoors camps called 'Forkhorn Camps'. This year, our group is sending 22 kids for this, mostly paid for by our group. We also have a secondary fundraiser at Cabela's in Rogers to help pay for this. The Minnesota Deer Hunters Association is a non-profit 501 -C corporation set up to help with education of youth hunters, habitat improvement for all wildlife, and to partner with the Minnesota DNR and legislative leaders to help continue the great tradition of deer hunting in Minnesota. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks. Sincerely; Alan Weller President, Wright County/West Metro Whitetails A member Chapter of the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association 6/16/2008 City Council Agenda- 06/23/2008 5C. Consideration of a Planned Unit Develooment Amendment (sien plan) reauest for a medical clinic and hosvital. Anplicant: Monticello Bi2 Lake Communitv HosDital. (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this item at its June 3 rd meeting. The Commission's finding was that the PUD standards have been met with this request, based on the size and uniqueness of the hospital and the nature of the use. The primary point of discussion relates to the sign plan's use of a "shown" sign size and a "requested" sign size. The drawings illustrate a number of signs with an additional note stating that the hospital would want the ability to display a larger sign at the time of the sign permit. T.Vc normally allowed under the code. The larger allowance is not technically correct — the sign ordinance limits total signage to 300 square feet — far below the PUD request and clearly inadequate to adequately identify the various uses in the complex. Nonetheless, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD with the stipulation that if the applicant seeks permits for signs that are within a reasonable tolerance of the proposed sign as shown on the plans, staff would grant the permit. However, if the applicants seek a permit for a sign that is significantly larger than that shown on the plans, they would have to get further Planning Commission and City Council approval. In the summer of 2007, the City approved a Development Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow a 60,000 square foot addition to the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital. As a condition of the PUD approval, it was stipulated that a sign plan must be submitted at a future date subject to a PUD amendment process. In fulfillment of this condition, the applicants have submitted a comprehensive sign plan (for the hospital campus) for City consideration. The subject 15.6 acre hospital campus is located at 1013 Hart Boulevard and is zoned PZM, Performance Zone Mixed Use. The submitted PUD Amendment application (sign plan) calls for the following sign types upon the site: • Site Identification (main and secondary) • Directional/Informational • Building Identification • Tenant Identification ® Parking Lot Identification (light towers) Applicable Requirements. The subject site is zoned PZM, Performance Zone Mixed Use. The purpose of the district is to provide a land use transition between high density residential land uses and low density business land uses as well as the intermixing of each such use. According to Section 3-9.E.2.a of the Zoning Ordinance (sign provisions), the maximum allowable square footage of sign area per lot shall not exceed the sum of one square foot per front foot of the building plus one square foot for each front foot of lot not occupied by building, up to 100 square feet. City Council Agenda- 06/23/2008 The hospital campus is occupied by three structures, the existing Monticello Big Lake Hospital building, the Zurnbrunnen Medical Building and the recent 60,000 square foot hospital addition. The existing Hospital and Zurnbrunnen building occupy a single lot (Lot 1, Block 1) while the recent building addition and off-street parking area occupy a second lot (Lot 2, Block 1). The hospital campus is a unique activity that isn't specifically addressed by the City's sign ordinance. In this regard, Staff considers the application of a PUD upon the property to be an appropriate means to process the submitted sign plan. In review of the submitted application, it is important to recognize that signage plays an important role in the efficiency of the use but also should not be overly excessive and establish an undesirable precedent (in comparison to other business uses). Site Identification Signs: The following table summarizes the site identification signs proposed upon the subject property: Location Area Height Setback Main Sign Broadway Street, south of 153.3 square 7 feet 10 feet hospital building feet I Secondary Broadway Street, south of 30 square feet 7.5 feet 10.5 feet Sign parking lot I 180 square feet Generally speaking, the two site identification signs are considered well located to fulfill their intended purpose. To be noted however, is that 12 foot drainage and utility easements appear to parallel Broadway Street (per the Final Plat). According to Section 3-9.C.3 of the zoning ordinance, no signs other than governmental signs may be erected within any street right-of-way, upon any public lands, easements or rights-of-way. In this regard, 12 foot sign setbacks should be considered, or the City should prepare a specific license to grant the hospital district the sign locations being requested.. While potentially permissible via the PUD, the acceptability of the identification signs locations within drainage and utility easements should be subject to recommendation by the City Engineer and determined by City Officials. Directional/Informational Signs. The following table summarizes the directional/informational signs proposed upon the subject property: Location Area Height Setback Along River Street at northwest 28.2 square feet 6 feet Not specified comer of the site Along River Street, north of 28.2 square feet 6 feet Not specified Hospital Addition Along Broadway Street at southwest 28.2 square feet 6 feet 4 feet comer of the site Along Broadway Street at southwest 30.9 square feet 16.2 feet Not specified comer of Hospital (upon canopy sign) 115.5 square feet City Council Agenda- 06/23/2008 According to the zoning ordinance, informational/directional signs may not be greater than 10 square feet in size. Larger signs may however, be accommodated via the PUD. Considering the nature of the proposed use and the need to convey directions/information for emergency purposes, the proposed sign sizes are considered generally acceptable. Some concern does however, exist in regard to the proposed setbacks of the directional/informational sign at the southwest comer of the subject site. As noted previously, the location of permanent signs within established drainage and utility easements (12 feet in this case) is not allowed by ordinance. While potentially permissible via the PUD, the acceptability of the directional sign location within drainage and utility easements should be subject to recommendation by the City Engineer and determined by City Officials. Additionally, the setbacks of other directional/informational signs should be indicated. Building Identification Signs: The following table summarizes the building identification signs proposed upon the subject property: South side of Hospital Addition South side of Hospital South side of Hospital South side of Hospital South side of Hospital South side of Hospital North side of Hospital South of Zumbrunnen Building Area 80.4 square feet 15.3 square feet 145.0 square feet 100.0 square feet 100.0 square feet 100.0 square feet 34.4 square feet 34.5 square feet 609.6 square feet In review of the submitted building elevations, the proposed building identification signs are considered acceptable in regard to size and location. Tenant Identification Signs. The following table summarizes the tenant identification signs proposed upon the subject property: Location South of Hospital Addition (freestanding sign) South of Zumbrunnen Medical Building (freestanding sign) North of Zumbrunnen Medical Building (wall sign) Area Height Setback 40 square feet 8 feet Not specified 50 square feet 9 feet Not specified 26.4 square feet NA NA As a condition of PUD amendment approval, the submitted sign plans should be expanded to identify the setbacks of the two freestanding tenant identification signs. Parking Lot Identification Signs. The following table summarizes the parking lot identification signs proposed upon the subject property: Location j Area West parking lot 50.3 square feet (10 signs @ 5.3 square feet each) East parking lot 42.4 square feet (8 signs @ 5.3 square feet each) 90.7 square feet City Council Agenda- 06/23/2008 Height To be determined To be determined The parking lot identification signs are relatively small and unobtrusive. As a condition of PUD amendment approval however, the heights of the proposed light standards (to which the signs are to be affixed) should be specified. Sign Design/Theme. A consistent sign design theme throughout the hospital campus is important as it serves as a unifying element. According to the submitted application materials, the proposed signage is intended to compliment the design of the hospital buildings using a metallic burgundy background with white copy (text). Sign Illumination. It appears that the majority of new signs are to be internally illuminated (LED type). Any signs which are to be illuminated from the exterior should be arranged in a manner such that the source of the illumination is shielded from view of neighboring properties and rights-of-way. PUD Agreement. As a condition of PUD amendment approval, the existing PUD agreement for the hospital should be amended to incorporate the approved sign plan. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Attorney. Regarding the Planned Unit Development Amendment request, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Amendment, based on a finding that the proposed signs are consistent with the intent of the City's Zoning Ordinance and the existing PUD, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Planned Unit Development Amendment request, based on a finding that the proposed signs are not consistent with the intent of the City's Zoning Ordinance and the existing PUD. Of primary issue with the proposed sign plan is the location of various signs within established drainage and utility easements (prohibited by ordinance). While the PUD may offer some flexibility in regard to setbacks, it is questioned whether the encroachment of permanent signs into required easements establishes a desirable precedent. Staff has suggested that the City Engineer provide recommendation in this regard. City Council Agenda- 06/23/2008 Based on the preceding review, staff recommends approval of Planned Unit Development Amendment subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. Exhibit A: Exterior Signage Plan & Standards Document (dated 4/16/08) — Since there were limited copies available, if you did not receive a copy with your packet but would like to review the document, please contact the City Clerk. Exhibit Z: Conditions of Approval City Council Agenda- 06/23/2008 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval Based upon recommendation by the City Engineer, City Officials determine the acceptability of the proposed placement of permanent signs within required drainage and utility easements. A license should be prepared specifying the conditions for occupancy of the easements by the hospital/clinic signage. 2. The setbacks of all directional/informational and freestanding tenant signs be specified. 3. The heights of the proposed light standards (to which parking lot identification signs are to be affixed) be specified. 4. Any signs which are to be illuminated from the exterior be arranged in a manner such that the source of the illumination is shielded from view of neighboring properties and rights-of-way. 5. The existing PUD agreement (for the hospital) be amended to incorporate the approved sign plan. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Attorney. 6. In the event the applicants seek sign one or more sign permits that are significantly larger than the sign listed as "SHOWN" on the approved plans, approval of said permit shall require additional Planning Commission review and City Council approval. �."T""T raospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello Exterior Signage Plan & Standards 'Document Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright This original design wascreated by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Index Narrative N. N.2,N.3,N.4 Individual Letters k4NDOT Sign Locations 7 / DoNot Enter (On [anooW / Official Plat ' '' 70A <��� Big J3 - - , k4ainEntrance (On [anoov R�������~��0 �ignLocobonP/�ns Canopy) l0A ~-����—~ ~ "°=��~ Campus &1o»t�e/h-BigLake Regional Hospital 70A 8XonUceUoOnici � 4 10A.7 Monticello - Main Identification 4A NunsingHonne --^~~~^"y 10A.7 1013HospitalHa, District -- Blvd Secondary Entrance /D 4B ZunnbrunnenMedical Building 70A Monticello MN55362 Seo»ndaryDinerbonaNnfo 4C Sign Construction Details Exterior Elevation Plans Directional Information Signage (iUunninated) 1UA.6 Sign Design [annpus-South&yyest 5 Directional Information Signage (Non -Illuminated) YOA.7 Monticello Clinic -South 5A Individual Building Letters - Non -Illuminated 70A Monticello -Big Lake District Hospital -South 6 Individual Building Letters -Illuminated lUA.l Zumnbrunnen-No/th 7 light Tower (Parking Lot ID) l0A.d kill VISUAL Zunobrunnen-Snuth Communications 7A K4ain|dend0cad«n/Entrance8gn 1OA.2 475 Cleveland NursingHonne-VVest 7B Regulatory Avenue North lOA.O Ivy League Place Main Entrance Canopy - North, West, &East 8 Secondary Identification/Parking Entrance 10A.3 Minn esot. Main Identification/Entrance Sign (Perspective View) g Tenant Identification 651-644-4494 Monticello Clinic l0A.5 651-644-4289 Copyright Q ZunnbrunnenMedical Building This UA/4 was created by Tertiary Directional Communications Inc. l0A.8 It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced . any General Specifications for. and In shall 10.9recasin 'I, prop ty of Auditor Certification The nlea,eoulf' this design in whole or in (3 pages end ofdocument) part shall require sole written authorizatio from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 09/z4/V7 11/uz/or o3/az/08 \ Cw/zz/0S \ U4/la/o8 Page: \ INDEX Monticello -Big Lake Hospital Exterior Signage Master Plan The signage master plan for the Monticello -Big Lake Hospital District has been designed to clearly identify the property and the entities within the property. More importantly, the signage defines and provides vvavfindingand assistance tnfirst time visitors along with visitors entering the property during high stress emergencies and other stress associated visits. Monticello - <3�> Big Lake HOSPITAL _ Consideration for these major signagefunctionsvvascarefb|\yanddpa1edinthesignagedes|gn.Effectivesignageunitesthe architectural elements, the landscapeand surrounding area with the purpose and intent of the medical facility. This master plan document clearly provides a criteria for all signage including sign placement, signtypes, sign messages, sign sizes, and sign fabrication/lighting details. Monticello - onticeDo_architactura\e|emnents,the|8ndscape Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd | Monticello MNG5362 This master plan also provides for additional square footage for expected growth and future name and/or tenant changes. Page 3 Copyright m Official Plat This original design Official plat of the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus Second Edition with highlighted property was created =�.u^� dimensions (provided bvVisua|[ornrnunications). ocanbe copied, mm""u**" ^" transferred or reproduced in"" f=",m shall Sign Location Plan remain the property ", v/oo^L Communications, � P The"releasea thisthisage 4 ����°mm"","� ,_--'��w~ Overall Campus °*,m" authorization This plan depicts each existing and prospective sign location along with specific signage reference pages and sign drawing from �=`=u VISUAL elevation page references. Also noted are the sign types and functions as follows: \ Project' 07.09.01 Main Identification NarrativePage1 MND(}T8gnage 11/21/07 The approach to the facility is of utmost importance for the immediacy of first time users during emergencies and as a 03/31/08 practical matter for tourism, visitors, and the general public. 04/11/08 All signage has been identified with recommendations for maintaining existing signage, additional signage recommenda- 04/16/08 tions,andthenernova|ofcertainsignageduetonevvtnafhcpa11erns.KAostnotab|y,signsband7havebeennernovedasthe ; major traffic flow will be focused on the Fenning Avenue (CR 18) therefore, signs G and H have been added. Additional signs A, B,C,[lhavebeenaddedtopnovidenotificationanddinectiononandfrornHvvylOinBigLake."Stars"onthedravviDQs represent intersections where hospital signs should be implemented on stoplight arms for high visibility. VISUAL Communications These sign recommendations are to be directed to the State of Minnesota for upgrade. urnCleveland Avenue North S i t° zzn Ivy League Place Page o°iuI ra"I Official Plat ��"n"^.�" Official plat of the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus Second Edition. Auditor Certification islocated snzo4 at end ofdocument. \ 651'644-4494 \ 651-644-4289 Page 3 Copyright m Official Plat This original design Official plat of the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus Second Edition with highlighted property was created =�.u^� dimensions (provided bvVisua|[ornrnunications). ocanbe copied, mm""u**" ^" transferred or reproduced in"" f=",m shall Sign Location Plan remain the property ", v/oo^L Communications, � P The"releasea thisthisage 4 ����°mm"","� ,_--'��w~ Overall Campus °*,m" authorization This plan depicts each existing and prospective sign location along with specific signage reference pages and sign drawing from �=`=u VISUAL elevation page references. Also noted are the sign types and functions as follows: \ Project' 07.09.01 Main Identification 09/14/07 11/21/07 Secondary Identification 03/31/08 Directional 04/11/08 Building Identification 04/16/08 Tenant Identification \ Parking Lot Identification (jghtTovvens). _ \ Page 4 (continued) Overall square footage asrequested for each sign type bshown. In some cases the signage squane footage requested is larger than the name orcurrent signage shovvntooUovvforfutuvenarnechangeSandork}ooaddidons. Note that an expansion of the "Emergency Department Entry" is scheduled within the next ten years, therefore additional square footage has been determined for this expansion. Page 4A Main Identification Sign 10/7 Placement Detail This plan specifically details the sign placement of the Main Identification Sign 10/1 as noted on page 4. The existing sign at this location on the east side of the driveway will be removed as shown. The placement of the proposed sign is shown along with the county easement. Note the sign issetback 1U'-0"from the property line (the same distance asthe existing sign which is to be removed) rather than the 15 '- 0" setback - 50% of the 30'-0" R3 required building setback. This location requires approval of a 10'-0" setback rather than the 15'-0" setback per code. Page 413 Secondary Entrance Identification Sign lO/3Placement Detail This plan specifically details the sign placement of the Secondary Entrance Identification Sign 10/3 as noted on page 4.The placement of the proposed sign is shown along with the county easement. Note the sign is setback lU'-O"from the property line (the same distance as sign 10/1) rather than the 15'-0" setback - 50% of the X -O" R3 required building setback. This location suits the space from curb to sign favorably as the sign setback is consistent with other signage on property and the sign placement is 10'-0" away from the trunk and root structure of the newly planted tree. This location requires approval of a 10'-0" setback rather than the 1Y-0" setback per code. Page 4C Secondary Directional/information Sign l04Placement Detail This plan specifically details the sign placement of the Secondary Directiona [/Information Sign10/4asnotedonpaQe4.The placement ofthe proposed sign isshown along with the county easement. Note the sign issetback 4'-O"from the property line (rather than the 15 '-0" setback - 50% of the 30'-0" R3 required building setback). This location suits the space from curb to sign favorably as a larger setback would make the sign unreadable due to existing established trees.The sign is also smaller than signs 1O/1 and l0/3and therefore the closer location t0the road ispreferable. This location requires approval of a 4'-0" setback rather than the 15'-0" setback per code. Pages 5i5A, 6, 7, 7A,7B,8 Elevation Plans Elevation plans depict an overall view of each sign placement and elevation as pertinent to the complex, and overall square footage requested for signage now and in the future. Also included are freestanding signage and positions ofsignage as associated with each elevation (refer to0O5A/l,and OO5A/2,007A/2) Note that the existing Zurnhrunnensignage (blue double faced monument photo on page 7A) and wall signage (photo on page 7) are to be removed. Each proposed sign areaishJendfiedvvbhthe6dkovvng: Building Width Building Height Wall Total Square Footage Signage Allowed Signage Shown Total Sign Request (In some cases includes future square footage). Monticello- Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Narrative VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North o"/t° zzo ur League Place u"i=^ r"ol ux/n="""," sn1o4 6*1-644'4494 sz-6u«-uzm Copyright Q This original design ~=created by ,/sn^L Communications Inc. xcannot becopied, transferred or rep°«""a in ��� "�� form �mm"" ' �`o��� ^ o=.°*=u""` Inc. The release of this design in whole or/" ��'�"����== from VISUAL Communicatiom, Inc, Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14N7 I�v 11/21/07 03/31/O8 \ 0*/1l/08 \ 04/I6/08 Page 9 Main Identification/ Entrance |D -Monument The signage isthe most visible image orsignature oftheHospita|andtheHospita|[arnpus, it's staff ofprofessionals, it's reflection ofthe community, and the quality of care within. Overall design, colors, and architectural components create continuity throughout the project conlp|irnentiOgthebuiWingmnchitectune. Well-designed signage provides organization and continuity for users each time they visit mwhen they are arriving |na stressful situation. Ahierarchy ofsign types, based onsize, placement, and configuration have been created with the Main Entrance Sign as the key identification and wayfinding sign. The main entrance sign hasbeenoositionedonLhevvestsideofthe entrance. The open area provides a large, unobstructed apace for notice -ability and readability from both the east and west appma[hes.Thegreen open space provides anatura| setting for this monument sign. The sign and stone landscaping bases have been designed to parallel with the long, low architectural flow of the buildings and the campus. The curved shape and matching stone compliments the flat building facades and emulates the stone accent structures at key building entrances. Subtle, low landscaping is recommended with low lighting to enhance the stone bases during the evening (by otheo). The opaque metallic burgundy background of the sign has amatte base finish with asatin design over print. The soft visual texture provides a high level quality of detail that reflects the special care within the facility. On sunny or cloudy days, the curve of the sicin face will highlight the pattern. The final pattern has not been determined at this time. Contrasting from the opaque metallic burgundy background, bthe project name, directional information, and so forth. The translucent white copy is acrylic - illuminated with fluorescent lighting from within that sign cabinet. The directional circles with arrows are illuminated. The red" background (with white copy) balso illuminated creating a strong image and wayfinding tool under stress.The vertical gold accent bar is illuminated throughout the project unless specified. Sign Construction Details Page IUA }ndkviduaiBui|dingLetUeo-NVn-IUurninated (Do Not Enter) Exterior letters are aluminum, with opaque white faces decorated as required with red'Do Not Enter" pictograms. Page 1OA.l Individual Building Letters-U/unninated (Monticello Big Lake Hospital, Main Entrance, Nursing Home, et[] Exterior letters are all aluminum, with white translucent faces and opaque returns finished metallic burgundy. The lighting is energy efficient LED minimizing electrical draw, maintenance, and with minimal occasion of outages. Page lOA3 Secondary ID, Parking Entrance -Monument The Secondary Entrance/Parking Entrance sign has been positioned on the west side of the entrance as the area provides an unobstructed viewing for all west bound traffic on this divided highway - note it is not possible to enter this driveway from the west as the highway is divided.The green open space provides a natural setting for this monument sign. This sign isofthe same colors, materials, and structure asthe Main Entrance Identification sign. Thes' DsbeandconfiguGr tion have been established for maximum message readability and placement within the space. Monticello- Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Narrative VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North u"'," z2o Ivy League Place a"'"t v"=l M i`n e""t° sn1u« 651'644'4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by v'So^c Communications Inc. * cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property w v/ov^L Communications, Inc.o° release ofthis design inwhole or in part shall require sole written authorization from "/no^c Communications, Inc. Project : 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 o/zI/07 03/31/08 \ u4/n/00 Page lOAA, 7OA.5, Tenant Identification -Freestanding (Monticello Clinic and ZurnbnunnenMedical Building) Exterior tenant directory signs are to be located directly outside the front entrance to each prospective building. The function of this signage is to provide a listing of key tenants for clarity and to support wayfinding. Although these signs are not intended to be readable from Broadway Street, once a user is within the parking lot, signage / K acts as assurance that the proper building has been located. Signage of this type is particularly helpful for first time users, HOSPITAL and when walking long distances is difficult for people with disabilities and for senior populations. This sign is of the same colors, materials, and structure as the Main Entrance Identification sign. The sign size and configura- Monticello - tion have been established for maximum message readability and placement within the green space near each building ooticello'tionhavebeenestabUshedforrnaxinnurnrnessageneadabUhvandp|acennentvvithinthegreenspaceneareachbui|ding Community en1rance.Thetenant panels are changeable for future tenant turnover. The finish ismatte without asatin pattern tomini- Hospital District nnizefuture color matching. 1013Hart Blvd Monticello MN55362 Page 1UA.6 UohtTbwers Light Tower signage isofthe same colors, materials, and structure as the main entrance identification sign. The sign size Narrative and configuration have been established for maximum message readability and placement throughout the parking lot on existing light poles. I The Alphabetical letters for each sign isiUunninated,thegn|dbarisnot Pages 7OA.6,10A.7and 7B This original design Directional |nfoSigns-Postand Panel was created by The directional info signs have been located primarily for traffic movement to the Nursing Home and to the Delivery Dock Communications Inc. on East River Street (EKA First These materials, and structure ' ' ' ' ' VISUAL identification sign. The sign size and configuration have been established for maximum message readability and place- Communications rnentwithin the space. 475 Cleveland Avenue North Sign Number 10/4 is illuminated as it's location on Broadway Street will match the Main Identification Signage (10/1) and a " i ' " 2 n the Parking Entrance Signage (1U/3). arLeague Place that face will become highly luminous and readable. o"/", r""/ M i n n c""t" Signs lO/5and O07/1 will not be illuminated as the location on East River Street (F.K.A. First Street) is residential and does s s z » 4 not require significant illumination. Reflective 3KAgraphics will beutilized accordingly - when car lights hit the sign, similar 651'*44-4494 toastop sign, that face will become highly readable. \ 651-644-4289 Placement of non -illuminated signs 10,5 and 10,4 are recommended to be 4'from the property line. This original design was created by Page l0A.8 Communications Inc. ParkingLotRegu|atnrySignage-PostandPane| It cannot be copied, transferred or These signs are of the same colors, materials, and structure as the Main Entrance Identification sign. The sign size and reproduced m any form and shall configuration have been established for maximum message readability and placement within the space. remain the property of Communications, Inc. The release of this Signs are not illuminated however reflective 3M graphics will be utilized - when car lights hit the sign, similar to a stop sign, design in whole or in part shall require sole that face will become highly luminous and readable. written authorizatio from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Page lUA.9 Project:orop.0 Signage Specifications and General and Performance Standards 09/14/07 These drawings assure that the signage fabrication is completed correctly and within the signage criteria on each and every Rev: 11/21/07 sign. Details include construction methods, UL requirements, permits, and so forth. na/az/0o 04/11/08 cm/16/u8 Auditor Certification Documents (Spages) \ R= R :t 1 8 39 turns into HWY 18 It, A' Sign on 18 Note: Each Ring on inap = Approx. 112 Miles. This sign type is typical of the standard DOT directional system and are located off -campus. The existing DOT sign system is reflective blue with standard white graphics. The majority of the DOT signage is in the appropriate positioning although it would be beneficial to provide additional signs per the map. A ,A Arms ®f Stoplights Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place SaintPaulI M i n n es o t a 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc The release of this design in whole or in par,h 11 require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09. 01 Date: 09/14/0 7 Rev. 11/16/07 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page. j 1: t: 7 'is T"; T jeve V 4p5 C ---------— --------- earth L— -----------— — — — — — L — — — — — — — — — — — — , -a— - T T ki e mace 20-59 IF K178 4-,*O.S , —A. F, -- I -P 70� n Pa S57*41'14"E S57*28'• Np^59'11"— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — iea V, t OF— 107 S59*13'42"E —,41_50 S5ro8'1Z'E ri e .09 0,9 3Z.66 -- - - - - - - - - - - "-2 0 9 6 B734 I 9 80.02 197. 99 f05 00 EXCEF;T16N- S64'09'09"E F % •60 9 651' 651.6 7-�"W� C 3 cooliz 33 FT. I iitr eated6es%" is 01, �14`P ul ij ,A$ 13 JVC� 1 M01 uo iR 'S59-11 '59-E "ITI, coy ons e 0 A 144 IE Coll, ,t be ot 20 +- -, t to ... ... a X0 It CEetted in 'Yaix s57*4V14"E --u; t Vey ar ea ll 66.0 ' f — .a"c of 20.00 x 42 e1w Irr, -�,e of," te,,VxV, 1A 5 g , k . ,V�01!61 VS PI V ��l Ok COVVI e 15, OT �X�e in v�bO. . ole Tt 5y"', tbotyatio l, -q 15 ocy- ,�Jca W, Ii loo.01 20 -2996, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 80.02 207.43 21&0 1 1 47`�:- - - - - - - ro9'WC 2,72 N57*41'14"W N5 N59*13'42 W 01 iQj IRO 1j, * 398s ------ o,313 -11 o" F kgo Zo 7 - ----------- MAWA.C&Aff UTILtrY Z.- w vv v= --N m. '4004 c0 s4r;e. C.S.pNY r'm: -4. hs -f -- - -------------------------- 1 871 75 low A -%,i AY� rSF�EC,40,y 'ED • "a, e. OFFICLAL T Y, i t F r r { 9 u d S } t __J ro k M ( s57 \ �F=oFra�t>G •° I% � /,s`l, 41 ''/ � `,`•�\- ss `\ /;:,.r'.'-'( ,- > 6 -� °y � � '4 'v !ry W _ 197 '�Z .' m �• � ,- - � � , - _, N' LOT I ° / N --- '° - ° 2"° °50 , d R0341,JJ» dR20'S9'f f'° 125.09 95.78 O*h� "58562^c °s0¢ 19 LOT2 '�g,,• ' 4s ss9°7 _ Irl" k �/l ��s�� gp N597 F V /IOC / 1 4S. s ` " \• N6g^1342 `'r-� sssy3'az El ( � t�ry� \\ y (' o l r (' J� `\���C•f"^' xr. •• �\ --� -tis of •,, so ( Y q6 \p.°w / \ \ '••- wc,+t rANCeNt �"' _J°°._ l ` ( �°, \ ''aA \ - £ '-. / r <$, \ c�c�O�4�3g �J o° s s bsr>JO'�t/!rv' ('r_• j� •r ° !!`' i°V _ gid` 66 CO,S 1f \a,FO`Ff "`• ! "''1 �j h'��if , `°O > '` 4 is 6as�� Ura,n.•�• /� " � �. d ; q°. f :� �o N ° oy a w°oyi7,41e 68 s°' � n, &J t,°' i t"''a-r :a-:-R�.c;1 `-`-n d ' 4` • � •' " _ _ .. 'fin•,, e - m. s"' t t `7 � _, !_. IT -------<i`a'2V $� � ys �, nD'2'��,5��® ''�`� r dJ, y'.y6�tuws�4LLfU{.. �1•°,yj:l ,s,,� `�$ a„ NORTH • q� �_ pe -,e`, cg r {'. f 5 1 J t d j kf{fi •• 'r 9 to5c/ 'o J'a•'� % �4�c[„ �• ��,�,r ::r° "'9i "��; /ice $�' - `...--^' ` 'rye°rr.: �.'v, ,�Q q= •S3fa� ':.r..� 4 1. � i.. ' a Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Official Plat VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: I DIRECTIONAL/ LIGHT TOWERS 7 f A .i' 10 INFORMATIONAL NAGE (PARKING LOT ID) 10 ¢ 9 2$,GsQUARE FEET 5.25 SQUARE FEET (TYPICAL ALL) `, NORTH SID ., a SIDE Ve+ ISSISSII I - _ RIVER NEW ADDITIO 60,000 SF HOSPITAL ,'/ / (2 STORY, 30,000 SF PER FLOOR) „> tom" Id r� DIRECTI®NAL/ 4 1 4 °DIRECTI NAL/ INFORMATIONAL10 , f n > INFORMA IONAL SIGNAGE SIGNAGEKu,. ® t' r \ 28.2 SQUAREF T r 28.2 SQUARE FEET SECONDARY 3 '„�•' _ r;,�. �' - �ki> dam 'nP'. ,,e"R ,,. �M1'�fi0o 6� � "/`,-.. IDENTIFICATION/ ,ro., PARKING ENTRANCE .�; 30 SQUARE FEET 40 ,l "'® �l 2 BUILDING TENANT 007E IDENTIFICATIO IDENTIFICATION 005A SP p t _ 34.4 SQUARE FEET 40 SQUARE FEET �F BUILDING 1 IDENTIFICATION 005A ``�f: O x� "'l *m: EXISTING 80.4 SQUARE FEET"` NURSING M . �.. - mss: `i DIRECTIONAL/ 4 HOME INFORMATIONAL 008 y \`° ` EXISTING 30.94 SQUARE FEET LE MONTICELLO_ BUILDING�`�` ` m BIG LAKE 1A TENANT 2 - IDENTIFICATION HOSPITAL 007 IDENTIFICATION 008 I. ',• ` 15.25 SQUARE FEET ®-' '_ice 26.4 SQUARE FEET LEGEND BUILDING 1 < IDENTIFICATION 006 145 SQUARE FEET f^ SI A �' � ZLIMBRUNNEN MAIN IDENTIFICATION/ MEDICAL ENTRANCE IDENTIFICATIONr1_11\ FLAG BUILDING MAIN IDENTIFICATION/ 1 1 POLE a ENTRANCE IDENTIFICATION OOg 10 SECONDARY IDENTIFICATION/ (SEE DRAWINGS PG. 9 & 10) PARKING ENTRANCE 153.3 SQUARE FEET � M1sslssrnPl DIRECTIONAL/ BUILDING 2A SHORES INFORMATIONAL SIGNAGE IDENTIFICATION 006 100 SQUARE FEET BUILDING IDENTIFICATION BUILDING 2 2A BUILDING TENANT IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION 006 007A IDENTIFICATION 100 SQUARE FEET 34.5 SQUARE FEET LIGHT TOWERS (PARKING LOT ID) 3 \ BUILDING 3 IDENTIFICATION 006 TENANT -- _--__--- .------_-_ --- -- 007A IDENTIFICATION 100 SQUARE FEET 50 SQUARE FEET Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Sign Design Location flan VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/16/07 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: 4 " � � �� *,Q� �",�`«„,��°�• i� .gyp '�" g a op 153.3 SQUARE FEET SIDE B AAAA A v��aMont3 is - <3�> Big Lake >\ HOSPITAL -C5 SIDE A ep'4 Wim„ ��@ ♦x41`w-0 - - - -- - 0 Monticello- Community C, ,A°- °r' r {.. et"«' ,A°�'m s, a.." •, °=a•, Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 41;, A Sign Design Location Plan airs„� ”' i ° x' a ° � e'✓ � a .vf . ,,y A A .gm�.x / C „ "s x r " �FROM CURB pP�. h sg�yv '"Tva 34, b w� • -. ifs® _ "n prir°"- q'i µ Ja" e 11 �a �1 �° . f 96 SQUARE FEET n p 1 �' EXISTING SIGN, VISUAL (TO BE REMOVED) d Communications •` „ �r�'r � "°°` t'� 475 Cleveland A v e n u e North S u i t e 2 2 3 'e� . ,r°� s. Ivy League Place m' °q �,f kyr �� �' Saint Paul $, Baa a a 5 a 5 n 1 s 0 t 4 IN fwP �^ 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 l a s in Copyright 0 This original design was created by TRANSFORMER V I S U A L !< Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, s transferred or reproduced in an and form shall , '",a remain the property o f " ^ Communications,IA w , Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole A s a, written authorization from Communications, L Inc. k, m c 07.0 9.01 �m Pr t• Da e: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/16/07 11/21/07 0.03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16J08 i AIN C I� LOCATION .A � Page: �4Aj SCALE: 1/16"= V-011 5 SC y 30 SQUARE FEET 3 JH 2 Ic Ma. A % T, g as Is 0 0 41? & % 8 yp , �q �Z! >� %a. "N 4, SECONDARY ENTRANCE ID LOCATION PLAN SCALE: 1/16"= 1'-0" 1=1111>11 w a '4% N SECONDARY ENTRANCE ID LOCATION PLAN SCALE: 1/16"= 1'-0" 1=1111>11 Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Sign Design Location Plan VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul M i n n e s a t a 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V IS U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/16/07 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 4B w a '4% Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Sign Design Location Plan VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul M i n n e s a t a 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V IS U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/16/07 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 4B I %7, 44 V: % 4 DIRECTIONAL /INFORMATIONAL SIGANAGE LOCATION PLAN 4JC SCALE: 1/16"= 1'-0" Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Sign Design Location Plan VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. Itcannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any for- and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. I Project: 07.09.01 \Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/16/07 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: 11\ 4C .DARE FEET t5 SQUARE FEET 1 1 80.4 SQUARE FEET 2 N 40 SQUARE FEET 005A 006 t 7,onticxiio —n lin,c 0 0 NEW ADDITION (SOUTH) r-17REFERENCE EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 60,000 SE HOSPITAL��5 SCALE: NTS (2 STORY, 30,000 SF. PER FLOOR) NEW ADDITION - NEW ADDITION (WEST) LINK ELEVATION (WEST) 60,000 SE HOSPITAL (2 STORY, 30,000 SE PER FLOOR) REFS RF -NCE EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST 005 SCALE: NTS 100 SQUARE FEET MONTICELLO BIG LAKE HOSPITAt NEW CANOPY CONSTRUCTION SEE DRAWING PG. 8A FOR DETAIL _3 28.5 SQUARE FEET 00 0007A 50 SQUARE FEET 2A 34.5 SQUARE FEET 007A 26.4 SQUARE 007 FEET DO n ,,, DO 0 11 11 DOD 00 0000 0 V I S U A L 2 2 3 Copyright 0 Monticello- Elevation Plans Project: 07,09-01 PCommunications Ivyl,eapePlace This design is an oripinal. It Date: 09/14/07 cannot be copied, transferred or Community Rev: 11/21/07 475CIeveland reproduced in any form and A sign design & A v e n u e N o r t h shall remain the property of Hospital District 03/31/08 consulting group VISUAL Communications, Inc. S a i n t P a u. I The release of this design in 1013 Hart Blvd Sign Design 04/11/08 651-644-4494 M i n n e s o t a whole or in part shall require sole written authorization trom Fax 644-4289 1 5 5 1 0 4 VISUAL Communications, Inc Monticello MN 55362 Location Plan Page: 5 04/16/08 BUILDING WIDTH = 200'-3' BUILDING HEIGHT = 22'-41/2" WALL TOTAL = 4,465 SQUARE FEET SIGN ALLOWED = 100 SQUARE FEET SIGN SHOWN = 4'-8- X 16'-71/2- 5'-0" X 8'-0" (80.4 SQUARE FEET) TOTAL REQUEST= 100 SQUARE FEET 24'-9 3/4" 16-7 1/2" PREFINISHED PARAPET CAPMETAL - Ad J @ 6H B.7 (D 4H 541 541 Monticello 22" CURTAINWALL 4'-8" _4:1 — Clinic �::[,L4 22'-4 1/2" FREESTANDING PEDESTRIAN TENANT DIRECTORY BUILDING WIDTH = 24'-9 3/4" BUILDING HEIGHT = 22'-41/2" WALL TOTAL = 557.76 SQUARE FEET SIGN ALLOWED = 100 SQUARE FEET SIGN SHOWN = 5'-0" X 8'-0" 5A (40 SQUARE FEET) TOTAL REQUEST= 50 SQUARE FEET *NOTE: ACTUAL CLINIC NAME/LOGO ART TO BE VERIFIED BY VCI PRIOR TO FABRICATION. GE G) PREFINISHED METAL 8'SOLDJER COURSE PARAPET CAP ALUMINUMWINDOW Ei F PCC SJUL FACE BRICK 1 ........... EIMMEM FOR SPECIFICATION DETAIL REFER TO CONSTRUCT16N DRAWING ON PAGE 10A.1 REFERENCE NEW ADDITION EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH ooSA SCALE: 1/16""= 1'-0" V I S U A L - 2 2 3 P Communications Ivy League Place 475 Cleveland A sign design & consulting group Avenue North Saint Paul 651-644-4494 M i n n e s o t a Fax644-4289 5 5 1 0 4 Copyright 0 This design is an original It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of VISUAL Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall reqture sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Elevation Plans = - W. LE161AIR4140111INNIP-1111 N O 47" CH W 17'-9 3/8" EXISTING ROOF 122'-10" EXISTING SECOND FLOOR 109'-5 0"-5 1/2" EXISTING FIRST 11001 S) 981 - EXISTING LOWER LEVEL �D 86' - 77-4" 6,47W X 8"H SLIDE -IN TENANT PANELS WITH 31/2" TYPE FOR SPECIFICATION DETAIL, REFER TO CONSTRUCTION DRAWING ON PAGE 10A.5 Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 04/16/08 03/31/08 04/11/08 Page: 5A RMI SPACE FOR POTENTIAL FUTURE LOGO -- 198'-5" EXISTING ELECTRICAL POLI 120'-3' T006 1161'- 4" EFE EXISTING EXTERIOR ELEVATION ®S UT 0 UO6 WALL WIDTH = 13'-8"' WALL WIDTH = I3'-8— WALL HEIGHT = 23'-3 3/8" WALL 3,-33/8- WALL HEIGHT = 23'-3 3/8- WALL TOTAL = 321.5 SQUARE FEET WALL TOTAL = 321.5 SQUARE FEET 2A 2 SIGN ALLOWED = 100 SQUARE FEET SIGN ALLOWED = 100 SQUARE FEET SIGN SHOWN = 20 SQUARE FEET SIGN SHOWN = TBD SQUARE FEET 006 006 TOTAL REQUEST= 100 SQUARE FEET TOTAL REQUEST= 100 SQUARE FEET EXISTING 'HOSPITAL ENTRANCE POTENTIAL FUTURE LOGO OR SCULPTURAL ART (TBD) EMERGENCY WALK-IN' NOTE: STONEWALL MEASUREMENTS TO BE VERIFIED BY VC1 PRIORTO FABRICATION FZM# Copyright 0 5'X � /-23A 3/8" D2 REFERENCE EXISTING EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 006 SCALE: 1/16"= 1'-0" V I S U A L 2 2 3 Communications Ivy League Place 475 Cleveland A sign design & Avenue North consulting group Saint Paul 651-644-4494 M i n n e s o t a Fax644-4289 5 5 1 0 4 This design is an original. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form, and shall remain the property of VISUAL Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall re1u. e sole written authorization 1rorm VISUAL Communications, Inc. Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd B-11ILDING WIDTH = 274' BUILDING HEIGHT = 24' WALL TOTAL = 6,575 SQUARE FEET SIGN ALLOWED 100 SQUARE FEET SIGN SHOWN = 145 SQUARE FEET TOTAL REQUEST= 145 SQUARE FEET i udlz < cc M P e II —III - T==115 FOR SPECIFICATION DETAIL, REFER TO CONSTRUCTION DRAWING ON PAGE 10A.1 28.5 SQUARE FEET 3 (EXISTING) 006 12 ,___I T- 3 r7 L7 'M ma ma Fi Fi TIj�W II III I I I III I I F— TT--FFT--Tn--TTT- I BUILDING WIDTH = 274' BUILDING HEIGHT = 24' WALL TOTAL = 6,575 SQUARE F] SIGN ALLOWED = 100 SQUARE FEI SIGN SHOWN = 28.5 SQUARE FE� TOTAL REQUEST= 100 SQUARE FEI El'vat1®1 Plans Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 Sign Design 03/31/08 1 Location Plan 04/11/08 Page: 6 04/16/08 uJ J Ll Ll J LJ H F1 F1 1 -EL-LL- 4'-0" 1117771 1 =1 I M I=- I I I, E 1=1 I 1-, 17 -F T1=1 1=1 1 �7;=f T 1-1 7-111-- ZUMBRUNNEN EXTERIOR ELEVATION ® NORTH 007 SCALE: NTS TOP VIEW (WALL NOT TYP.) 00BUILDING WIDTH = 188'-4" 07 BUILDING HEIGHT = 17'-9' WALL TOTAL = 3,370 SQUARE FEET SIGN ALLOWED = 100 SQUARE FEET SIGN SHOWN = 4'-0" X 6/-61' (26.4 SQUARE FEET) TOTAL REQUEST= 50 SQUARE FEET NORTH ELEVATION V I S U A L 1 2 2 3 1 Copyright 0 P Communications i Ivy League Place I Thisdesignis an original. It i t be copied, I c ed, transferred or 475CIeveland reproduced in any form and A sign design & i g 0 1 AvenueNorth sh 11 remain the propertyof consultin group , VIaUAL Communications, Inc. S a i n t P a u I The release of this design in 651-644-4494 M i n n e s o t a whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from F a x 6 4 4- 4 2 8 9 5 5 1 0 4 VISUAL Communications, Irmc 00072 TENANT IDENTIFICATION SCALE - NTS007 Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Elevation Plans Sign Design Location Plan TENANT IDENTIFICATION SCALE - NTS 040 EXISTING TENANT IDENTIFICATION 07 SCALE - NTS Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 04/16/08 03/31/08 04/11/08 Page: 7 BUILDING WIDTH = 188'-4" BUILDING HEIGHT = 17-9" WALL TOTAL = 3,370 SQUARE FEET 3 SIGN ALLOWED = 100 SQUARE FEET SIGN SHOWN = 51-01, x 101-0" 007 (50 SQUARE FEET) TOTAL REQUEST= 50 SQUARE FEET BUILDING WIDTH = 188'-4" BUILDING HEIGHT = 17-9" LLI 3,370 SQUARE' ET SIGN ALLOWED 100 SQUARE FET 07 SIGN SHOWN z (34.58 SQUARE FEET) 30'-2 5/8" TOT TOTAL REQUEST= 100 SQUARE FEET _J 9= co BUILDING WIDTH = 188'-4" BUILDING HEIGHT = 17-9" 2A WALL TOTAL = 3,370 SQUARE' ET SIGN ALLOWED 100 SQUARE FET 07 SIGN SHOWN 26'-61/4- X 1'-31/4- (34.58 SQUARE FEET) 30'-2 5/8" TOT TOTAL REQUEST= 100 SQUARE FEET 4'-3 3/4" �-266& /4' RELOCATE ADDRESS V-3 1/4" A ON WHITE PANEL BELOW CANOPY FOR SPECIFICATION DETAIL, REFER TO CONSTRUCTION DRAWING ON PAGE 10A.1 Zurnbrunnen Medical Building 15-0"1 1107 2'-5'LJ I !0_0 El El F1 El ❑ El El El El El +/- 188'-4" 2 '\\ ZUMBRUNNEN EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH U0O7A SCALE: 1/16"= V-0" FORMIMMOMMMAXOM 111191111011112104"A IM01M F -IN M , 1700MIIIA ��� IN ME1111 5'-0" 47" V I S U A L 2 2 3 Copyright 0 P Conunurdcations Ivy League Place This design i "a -al. it cannot be copied, transferred or F, A sign design & 475CIeveland reproduced in any form and 0 AvenueNorth shall remain the property of consulting group VISUAL Communications, Inc. S a i n t P a u I The release of this design in 651-644-4494 M i n n e s o t a whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from F a x 6 4 4 - 4 2 8 9 5 5 1 0 4 VISUAL Communications, Inc. 'W X 8"H SLIDE -IN ,NT PANELS 31/2" TYPE !SPECIFICATION DETAIL, ER TO CONSTRUCTION SWING ON PAGE 10A.4 Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd JILIA&AUQ 7, -k- KA-,4i,.l Q� ileqinrs MAIN IDENTIFICATION - INDIVIDUAL LETTERS SCALE - NTS Elevation Plans +/- 17'-9" Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 Page: 7A 04/16/08 000DIRECTIONAL/INFORMATIONAL SIGNAGE 7B SCALE: 1/4*= 1-0" II +/- 40'-0" e --'s 2 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION B) SCALE: 1/8"= 1-0" TO LOCATE NEW SIGN ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF STREET DING WIDTH 40'-0" DING HEIGHT 24'-7" LTOTAL = 988 SQUARE FEET ALLOWED = 100 SQUARE FEET SHOWN = 8'-5" X 3'-10" (34.4 SQUARE FEET) 1 REQUEST= 100 SQUARE FEET 'ECIFICATION DETAIL, TO CONSTRUCTION NG ON PAGE 10A.1 VCI TO SITE VERIFY MEASUREMENTS PRIOR TO FABRICATION V I S U A L 2 2 3 Copyright 0 Communications Ivy League Place Thisdesign . si- is n original. It Monticello - 4 an, 475CIeveland t be copied, erred or A sign design & reproduced in any form and Community consulting group A v e n u e N o r t h shall remain the property of S a i n t P a u I VISUAL Communications, Inc. Hospital District — The release of this design in 651-644-4494 M i n n e s o t a whole or in part shall reqin uire Fa x 6 44- 428 9 5 5 1 0 4 1013 Hart Blvd sole written authorization fr VISUAL Communications, Inc. Monticello MN 55362 SIGN TO BE SET BACK PER CITY CO Sign •Design Location Plan EXISTING SITE PHOTO (TO BE REMOVED) DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE LOCATION PLACEMENT Project: 07 * 09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 NORTH/SOUTH SECTION REFER TO DRAWING: 008,4 : C? WEST ELEVATION REFER TO DRAWING: 008,2 I T SOUTH ELEVATION REFER TO DRAWING: 008, 3 00LINK WEST VESTIBULE ADDITION 08 SCALE: NTS INDIVIDUAL ILLUMINATED ADDRESS NUMBERS ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE VERIFIED 5'-0"1 M-1/2" 030 SOUTH ELEVATION 08 SCALE: 3/32"= 1'-0' CANOPY WIDTH = 28'-1/2" CANOPY HEIGHT = 16'-2" TOTAL = N/A ALLOWED = N/A SIGN SHOW = 6.5 SQUARE FEET FOR SPECIFICATION DETAIL, REFER TO CONSTRUCTION DRAWING ON PAGE 10A.1 INDIVIDUAL ILLUMINATED LETTERS 55'-7" omlmsaeln —11D EQ. PcccaPronwia 14-1 —/12' Entgmnv-� �w M, 12'-2" 020 WEST ELEVATION 08 SCALE: 3/32"= l' -O" ff wo DMGMHIGW Lmano4M'%TcMm 00804 NORTH/SOUTH SECTION SCALE: 3/32"= 1'-0' 21-2" T-2" V -01i Monticello - 1/2" Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 CANOPY WIDTH = 55'-7' CANOPY HEIGHT = 15'-91/2" TOTAL = N/A FOR SPECIFICATION DETAIL, ALLOWED = N/A REFER TO CONSTRUCTION SIGN SHOW = 15.25 SQUARE FEET DRAWING ON PAGE 10A.1 INDIVIDUAL NON ILLUMINATED LETTERS& PICTOS 561-2" EQ. EQ. 0'00 MOT ENT50, 041/2' 0 2t-2" 31-2" �=T-2"J CANOPY WIDTH = 56'-2" CANOPY HEIGHT = 16'-2" TOTAL = N/A FOR SPECIFICATION DETAIL, ALLOWED = N/A REFER TO CONSTRUCTION SIGN SHOW = 30.94 SQUARE FEET DRAWING ON PAGE 10A.1 Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design wascreated by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in put shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 �Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 P'ge: \ 8 O V, NO E, FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION ON PROPERTY SET BACK/ rr)i IKITV EASEMENT I LlINr--') LING PG. 4A NORTH 6F%=nm==19 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET E MAIN IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE LOCATION PLAN 009 SCALE: NTS QMAIN IDENTIFICATION/ENTRANCE ID - SIDE A SCALE: NTS 153.3 SQUARE FEET 21,_9" MAIN IDENTIFICATION /ENTRANCE ID - SIDE B LO�9 SCALE: 1/8"= V- 0" FOR SPECIFICATION DETAIL, REFER TO CONSTRUCTION DRAWING ON PAGE 10A.2 Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u I t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright Q This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc, It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced In any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc, Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 V: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 9 c,PACE FOR POTENTIAL FUTURE LOGO ®®II. +/-61'-4" ----- ------r----- --+ Monticello - o INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LID CHANNELMonBig Lake LETTER, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE HOSPITAL sticello-B'g Lake Regional ® BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MPI 9757, -- - - - - - - - - I FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE ®, - - - - - - - - - - - ®d - REFER TO SECTION DETAIL PAGE 10A.1 WHITE VINYL FIRST SURFACE ACTUAL ARTFORM/ SCULPTURE HAS NOT BEEN CREIATED Affi�� - _Mamin E 7 14 1/2" 145 SQUARE FEET - CENTERED OVER 5 WINDOWS REFERENCE EXISTING EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 006 SCALE: SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" 30'-2 5/8" .26'-61 /4" El INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL LETTER, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE ro n r- Zumbrunnen Medical Buildin g -METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MPI 9757, FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE WHITE VINYL FIRST SURFACE 1107 91 FLAT CUT OUT ALUMINUM ADDRESS NUMBERS, PINNED OFF OF WALL, COLOR TO BE DETERMINED, REFER TO DRAWING THIS PAGE [1 k- 11'-3" ........... 34.58 SQUARE FEET 20 ZUMBRUNNEN EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 007A SCALE: 1/8"= V-0' 'DO NOT ENTER' PICTOGRAMS TO RECEIVE TRANSLUCENT 3M 12'-2" RED VINYL, APPLIED TO FIRST SURFACE X 12'-9" 7_ 14 1/2" n,rt r a n c e ffZ, Do No to REFER TO SECTION DETAILS ON PAGE 10A.1 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL LETTER, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE 15.25 SQUARE FEET METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MP1 9757, FACETO RECEIVE 2 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE WHITE VINYL FIRST SURFACE f N 10:OJ7B SCALE: 1/2"=1-0" ALL COLORS TO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO FABRICATION ALL COLORS TO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO FABRICATION 1. Wall not typical 2. 31g, Mat cut out aluminum, sada finish w/ matte clear top mat 3. 11g Threaded rod shod mount 4. 3/y' Aluminum sleeve finish to match architecture bkgd. NON -ILLUMINATED LETTER SECTION DETAIL NTS REFER TO SECTION DETAIL ABOVE 15.25 SQUARE FEET 1 2 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION / NON -ILLUMINATED SCALE: 1/2-= 1-0" Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North Suite 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul M I n n e s o t a 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 1 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 �w A, LI FMI E- tT :__c 7 E�, F f -7 X: Affi�� - _Mamin E 7 14 1/2" 145 SQUARE FEET - CENTERED OVER 5 WINDOWS REFERENCE EXISTING EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 006 SCALE: SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" 30'-2 5/8" .26'-61 /4" El INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL LETTER, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE ro n r- Zumbrunnen Medical Buildin g -METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MPI 9757, FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE WHITE VINYL FIRST SURFACE 1107 91 FLAT CUT OUT ALUMINUM ADDRESS NUMBERS, PINNED OFF OF WALL, COLOR TO BE DETERMINED, REFER TO DRAWING THIS PAGE [1 k- 11'-3" ........... 34.58 SQUARE FEET 20 ZUMBRUNNEN EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 007A SCALE: 1/8"= V-0' 'DO NOT ENTER' PICTOGRAMS TO RECEIVE TRANSLUCENT 3M 12'-2" RED VINYL, APPLIED TO FIRST SURFACE X 12'-9" 7_ 14 1/2" n,rt r a n c e ffZ, Do No to REFER TO SECTION DETAILS ON PAGE 10A.1 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL LETTER, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE 15.25 SQUARE FEET METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MP1 9757, FACETO RECEIVE 2 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE WHITE VINYL FIRST SURFACE f N 10:OJ7B SCALE: 1/2"=1-0" ALL COLORS TO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO FABRICATION ALL COLORS TO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO FABRICATION 1. Wall not typical 2. 31g, Mat cut out aluminum, sada finish w/ matte clear top mat 3. 11g Threaded rod shod mount 4. 3/y' Aluminum sleeve finish to match architecture bkgd. NON -ILLUMINATED LETTER SECTION DETAIL NTS REFER TO SECTION DETAIL ABOVE 15.25 SQUARE FEET 1 2 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION / NON -ILLUMINATED SCALE: 1/2-= 1-0" Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North Suite 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul M I n n e s o t a 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 1 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 �w A, LI FMI ty, I 6 16 8'-5" INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL LETTER, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED IN MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE NAVEL ORANGE SATIN FINISH #MP29653, -"N u rs n FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE VINYL FIRST SURFACE TO MATCH 9 M.A.P. NAVEL ORANGE INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL LETTER, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE Home METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MP79757, FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE WHITEVINYL FIRSTSURFACE REFER TO SECTION DETAILS THIS PAGE 26.3 SQUARE FEET 2 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION 0076 SCALE: 1/2"=1-0" ALL COLORSTO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO FABRICATION -•'- ,.'�s _ ..:ii'a`�''m w�, ..4. X18',, ,. ('.r,1.7 •� i �� P Vii aka' loll k' '..'' `i � . i rqq LED LETTER SECTION DETAIL REMOTETRANSFORMER NTS N 6 16-7 1/2" . INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL LETTER, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS Monti'cello-PAINTED MATTHEWS �5v«¢r>dll4llrn t: t�ti: t REFER TO SECTION DETAILS THIS PAGE 80.4 SQUARE FEET *NOTE: ACTUAL CLINIC NAME/LOGO ART TO BE VERIFIED BY VCI PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 2 UILDING IDENTIFICATION 0078 SCALE: 1/4"= 1-0" 5� r `!J 9 LED LETTER SECTION DETAIL RACEWAY NTS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MP79757, FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE WHITE VINYL FIRST SURFACE ALL COLORS TO BE VERIFIED PRIORTO FABRICATION 1. Aluminum channel letter, paint Matthews Acrylic polyurethane, backside to be finished welded with clean seams. 2. .063 Aluminum return weld & fill & backer finish M.A.P. or equal 3. .125 transluscent acrylic w/ 3M translucent vinyl applied to face 3.1 Edgetrim, painted M.A.P. to match returns 4. Weep holes required w/ internal light sheilds 5. Wall section not typical 6. Threaded screw attachment w/ aluminum sheild, paint to match wall. 7. _ 20 amp line(s) by others. 8. — - LED transformer(s) 9. 2" x 2" x 1/8" Aluminum angle internal support structure 10. L. E. D.'s Note: 120 Volt service required Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4259 Copyright U This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 10A.1 SIDE B SCALE: 1/8"= 1'- 0" 6 A- 7 a 7 e A .125 ALUMINUM FACE C B ALUMINUM CLIP _ 4, E s C WHITE TRANSLUCENT D ACRYLIC D TRANSLUCENT VINYL 1. S(Ar. MRDI Au &ACMr. a WALLft VdMRET M (FOR COLORS OTHER 2- NONCORRCYWE FASTER IER 7- ALLMIJtM TRIM CAP THAN WHITE) 31 P$3 POMP Supply a- 311 eACMIC FACE 4- TETRA LED STNP 6 LED MODULE C> co ELECTRICAL AND 18" DEPTH ELECTRICAL i I i CONDUIT SWEEP TO BE PROVIDED TO SITE BY OWNER 120 VOLT OR 277 VOLT TO BE i DETERMINED PRIOR TO FABRICATION. SIGN I i I ! FABRICATOR/ INSTALLER TO SUPPLY CONDUIT i - -- SLEEVE TO ACCEPT POWER WITHIN POLE T.B.D. T.B.D. SIDE A 153.3 SQUARE: FEET MAIN IDENTIFICATION/ENTRANCE ID - SIDE A 10 j SCALE: 1/4"= V- 0," -- ---- ----- t_-- -1 -- Tend" LED Ship INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL DECORATIVE BAR, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE NAVEL ORANGE SATIN FINISH MP29653, FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE VINYL FIRST SURFACE TO MATCH M.A.F. NAVEL ORANGE, REFER TO DETAIL THIS PAGE ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED SIGN CABINET, 2" x 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED W/.125 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION,AS REQUIREDTO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), EXTERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MP19757 W/ CLEAR MATTE PAINTED PATTERN, INTERIOR OF CABINET FINISH WHITE, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED BY TI2HOCW FLUORESCENT VERTICAL LAMPS, 800MA,'G.E.' BALLASTS OR EQUAL QUANTITY AS REQUIRED, FLUSH MOUNTTURN OFF SWITCH, WEEP HOLES W/ INTERIOR LIGHT SHIELDS, AND APPROPRIATE WEATHER PROOF ACCESS PANELS FOR FUTURE SERVICING REQUIRED COPY ROUTED OUT OF ALUMINUM SIGN CABINET AND BACKED WITH TRANSLUCENT WHITE MCRYLIC, ARROWS TO BE WHITE W/ RED AND BURGUNDY W/ GOLD, REFER TO SECTION DETAIL THIS PAGE ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED SIGN CABINET, 2" x 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED W1.1 25 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION, AS REQUIRED TO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), EXTERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE FIRE RED SATIN FINISH #MP24069, INTERIOR OF CABINET FINISH WHITE, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED BY T12HOCW FLUORESCENT VERTICAL LAMPS, 800MA,'G.E' BALLASTS OR EQUAL QUANTITY AS REQUIRED, WEEP HOLES W/ INTERIOR LIGHT SHIELDS,AND APPROPRIATE WEATHER PROOF ACCESS PANELS FOR FUTURE SERVICING REQUIRED, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL DECORATIVE FACE, EDGETRIM PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE FIRE RED SATIN FINISH #MP240691 FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE VINYL FIRST SURFACE TO MATCH M.A.P. FIRE RED, ALL VERTICAL SURFACES TO ILLUMINATE CURVED STONE BASE BY OTHERS CONCRETE BASE ADEQUATE TO WITHSTAND 30 LB. WIND LOAD. ALL FOOTINGS & POLE DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECTTO FIELD SURVEY & SOIL CONTENT. RESULTSTO BE PROVIDED BY THE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY. ALL FINAL POLE & FOOTING SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY NOTE: PHOTOCELL LOCATION ATTOP OF SIGN IN INCONSPICUOUS AREA. NOVISIBLE SCREWS,WELDS,OR ATTACHMENT METHODS. REFER TO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES THIS DOCUMENT. REFERTO LOCATION PLANS DOCUMENT. ELECTRICAL, LOCATION, PLACEMENT, ATTACHMENT AND ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONSTO BE DETERMINED AFTER COMPLETED SITE LOCATION EVALUATION BY CONTRACTED SIGN FABRICATOR, U.L. LABEL REQUIRED. ALL ARTWORK AND LOGO WORKTO BE PROVIDED AT TIME OF FABRICATION BYVISUAL COMMUNICATION ( ABOVE ART SHOWN FOR EXAMPLE ONLY). Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright O This original design was created by V 1 S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications. Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communicntions, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 10A.2 ELECTRICAL AND 18" CONDUIT SWEEP TO BE PROVIDED TO SITE BY OWNER 120 VOLT OR 277 VOLTTO BE DETERMINED PRIOR TO FABRICATION. SIGN FABRICATOR/ INSTALLER TO SUPPLY CONDUIT SLEEVE TO ACCEPT POWER WITHIN POLE 4'-0„ SIDE A 30 SQUARE FEET j 3 SECONDARY ID/PARKING ENTRANCE 10 SCALE: 1/4"= 1'- 0" 1-1 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL DECORATIVE BAR, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE NAVEL ORANGE SATIN FINISH MP29653, FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE VINYL FIRST SURFACETO MATCH M.AA NAVEL ORANGE, REFER TO DETAIL THIS PAGE ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED SIGN CABINET, 2" x 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED W/.i 25 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION, AS REQUIRED TO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), EXTERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MP19757 W/ CLEAR MATTE PAINTED PATTERN, INTERIOR OF CABINET FINISH WHITE, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED BY T12HOCW FLUORESCENT VERTICAL LAMPS, 804MA,'G.E.' BALLASTS OR EQUAL QUANTITY AS REQUIRED, FLUSH MOUNTTURN OFF SWITCH, WEEP HOLES W/ INTERIOR LIGHT SHIELDS, AND APPROPRIATE WEATHER PROOF ACCESS PANELS FOR FUTURE SERVICING REQUIRED COPY ROUTED OUT OF ALUMINUM SIGN CABINET AND BACKED WITH TRANSLUCENT WHITE ACRYLIC, ARROWS TO BE WHITE W/ RED AND BURGUNDY W/ GOLD, REFER TO SECTION DETAIL THIS PAGE ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED DECORATIVE ACCENT, 2" x 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED W/.125 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION, AS REQUIRED TO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), EXTERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE FIRE RED SATIN FINISH #MP24069 ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED SIGN BASE, 2" x 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED W/ A 25 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION, AS REQUIRED TO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), EXTERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MP19757 CONCRETE BASE ADEQUATETO WITHSTAND 30LB. WIND LOAD. ALL FOOTINGS & POLE DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECTTO FIELD SURVEY & SOIL CONTENT. RESULTS TO BE PROVIDED BYTHE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY. ALL FINAL POLE & FOOTING SPECIFICATIONS ARETHE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY NOTE: PHOTOCELL LOCATION AT TOP OF SIGN IN INCONSPICUOUS AREA. NO VISIBLE SCREWS, WELDS, OR ATTACHMENT METHODS. REFER TO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES THIS DOCUMENT. REFER TO LOCATION PLANS DOCUMENT. ELECTRICAL, LOCATION, PLACEMENT, ATTACHMENT AND ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS TO BE DETERMINED AFTER COMPLETED SITE LOCATION EVALUATION BY CONTRACTED SIGN FABRICATOR, U.L. LABEL REQUIRED. ALL ARTWORK AND LOGO WORKTO BE PROVIDED AT TIME OF FABRICATION BYVISUAL COMMUNICATION ( ABOVE ART SHOWN FOR EXAMPLE ONLY). SIDE 8 SCALE: 1/4"= 1'- 0" A B A .125 ALUMINUM FACE C B ALUMINUM CLIP C WHITE TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC D TRANSLUCENT VINYL (FOR COLORS OTHER THAN WHITE) .* N• 01 1� SAII.DdDY:ALLPACK116 6. VALukQq IMR.7wn 2- 11011CQRROME FASIE NER I 1. ALLW I MtTRMA CAP 3- PS3 POWER SUPPLY_-_'—.__ i 8- 3116' ACMIC FACE .. , 4- TEM LED SIMP - -- — - - - S LED MODULE _-------------------------- --, Tetra"LED Ship INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED SECTION DETAIL / NTS Rtm Monticello- Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright O This original design was created by V 1 S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 10A..3 EXISTING TENANT IDENTIFICATION 5-0" I i -T I fi t I I ELECTRICAL AND 18" DEPTH ELECTRICAL T. B. D. CONDUIT SWEEP TO BE PROVIDED TO SITE BY OWNER 120VOLT OR 277 VOLTTO BE DETERMINED PRIOR TO FABRICATION. SIGN FABRICATOR / INSTALLER TO SUPPLY CONDUIT SLEEVE TO ACCEPT POWER WITHIN POLE 50 SQUARE FEET r" ) S/F TENANT IDENTIFICATION 007AJ SCALE -1/2-= 1'-0- -------i---------_..... _--. _=41 IT 1`1 CONCRETE BASE ADEQUATE TO WITHSTAND 30LB.WIND LOAD,I Teta-LED Sftjp I ALL FOOTINGS & POLE DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECTTO FIELD - ------------' -------- -------------- SURVEY & SOIL CONTENT. RESULTS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY.ALL FINAL POLE & FOOTING SECTION DETAIL 1 NTS SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY NOTE: PHOTOCFLL LOCATION AT TOP OF SIGN IN INCONSPICUOUS AREA. NOVISIBLE SCREWS,WELDS,OR ATTACHMENT METHODS, REFER TO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES THIS DOCUMENT. REFER TO LOCATION PLANS DOCUMENT. ELECTRICAL, LOCATION, PLACEMENT, ATTACHMENT AND ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS TO BE DETERMINED AFTER COMPLETED SITE LOCATION EVALUATION BY CONTRACTED SIGN FABRICATOR, U.L. LABEL REQUIRED. ALL ARTWORK AND LOGO WORKTO BE PROVIDED ATTIME OF FABRICATION BYVISUAL COMMUNICATION ( ABOVE ART SHOWN FOR EXAMPLE ONLY). Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 1 QA .4 . • • 4 x w `•\ tPL J}{ �l'1 ihyz�� � 'F\ \\�� � f y 1: r �� � T ���ts � FL i .. , • � y}tj! i t � z3 J ✓� � t.'. \ `}'K\��% z S t � i �-. � � • • � J bl5 t `3 � � e} Y � 1J in � s •; 1 � t a \ . M. 0 � � z £ver ��,` �,` �� ��� r�,� � r� '� �' � •• • •• • �, • . t t ,\ ���J� 3l, ti s F 4F �s�u� i •, ` . , � • � � � • Ar�'"1' ,�s�� 1 • s �c'g� , ��ro b F � i• , r4S ! � rtk Z1C Y}Ti 1 � • � • �y4'\\r F 3 ,�s i t � • s � • � •� r� zr, �� t S �� rS �l 512 �$ � � �����\fit fil � £ { iy z t • R • r � ; tit Y 'L,t41��5}v1C. Y�k 1'`� �, �i•.titiCf�+ rSSJr � itJti 1 1 i ' � � .I 4 � F I i -T I fi t I I ELECTRICAL AND 18" DEPTH ELECTRICAL T. B. D. CONDUIT SWEEP TO BE PROVIDED TO SITE BY OWNER 120VOLT OR 277 VOLTTO BE DETERMINED PRIOR TO FABRICATION. SIGN FABRICATOR / INSTALLER TO SUPPLY CONDUIT SLEEVE TO ACCEPT POWER WITHIN POLE 50 SQUARE FEET r" ) S/F TENANT IDENTIFICATION 007AJ SCALE -1/2-= 1'-0- -------i---------_..... _--. _=41 IT 1`1 CONCRETE BASE ADEQUATE TO WITHSTAND 30LB.WIND LOAD,I Teta-LED Sftjp I ALL FOOTINGS & POLE DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECTTO FIELD - ------------' -------- -------------- SURVEY & SOIL CONTENT. RESULTS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY.ALL FINAL POLE & FOOTING SECTION DETAIL 1 NTS SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY NOTE: PHOTOCFLL LOCATION AT TOP OF SIGN IN INCONSPICUOUS AREA. NOVISIBLE SCREWS,WELDS,OR ATTACHMENT METHODS, REFER TO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES THIS DOCUMENT. REFER TO LOCATION PLANS DOCUMENT. ELECTRICAL, LOCATION, PLACEMENT, ATTACHMENT AND ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS TO BE DETERMINED AFTER COMPLETED SITE LOCATION EVALUATION BY CONTRACTED SIGN FABRICATOR, U.L. LABEL REQUIRED. ALL ARTWORK AND LOGO WORKTO BE PROVIDED ATTIME OF FABRICATION BYVISUAL COMMUNICATION ( ABOVE ART SHOWN FOR EXAMPLE ONLY). Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 1 QA .4 I1 47" REFER TO DETAILS ON PAGE 10A.4 50 SQUARE FEET TENANT IDENTIFICATION 10A SCALE -1/2"= V-0" I. SMAM WALL McRiG 6- TALtR UMREUM 2, 11ot OWEFAMERIER ; 7 ALtk 9tDRviT£2A9 CAP 3ji6, AC(Muc FACE _ 4- TETRA LED STRIP 6• LED MOMILE ------------------------------------------------------ - Tetrad' LED S* ---------------------------------.._----__------_-_-__ INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED SECTION DETAIL! NTS SIDE VIEW (WALL NOT TYR) 1 A TENANT IDENTIFICATION 007 SCALE -1 J2„= 1,_O„ A—� $ A .125 ALUMINUM FACE Montics lloBig LAeC l— B ALUMINUM CLIP HOSPITAL C WHITE TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC D TRANSLUCENT VINYL (FOR COLORS OTHER Monticello - THAN WHITE) Community Hospital District ROUTED LETTER SECTION DETAIL ! NTS 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED SIGN CABINET, 2” x 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED W/.125 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION, AS REQUIRED TO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), EXTERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE BURGUNDY METALLIC SATIN FINISH #MP19757 W/ CLEAR MATTE PAINTED PATTERN, INTERIOR OF CABINET FINISH WHITE, INTERNALLY VISUAL ILLUMINATED BY T12HOCW FLUORESCENTVERTICLE LAMPS, 800MA, 'G.E.' BALLASTS OR EQUAL QUANTITY AS REQUIRED, FLUSH MOUNT Communications TURNOFF SWITCH, WEEP HOLES W/ INTERIOR LIGHT SHIELDS, AND 475 Cleveland APPROPRIATE WEATHERPROOF ACCESS PANELS FOR FUTURE SERVICING Avenue North REQUIRED S u i t e 2 2 3 TENANT PANELS TO BE REMOVEABLE 3/16" WHITE PLEXIGLAS #7328, Ivy League Place W/ VINYL PAINTED TO MATCH BURGUNDY METALLIC SATIN FINISH S a i n t P a u I #MP19757 (NO PATTERN) REFER TO SECTION DETAIL ABOVE Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED SIGN CABINET, 2" x 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED W/ .1 25 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS 651-644-4494 CONSTRUCTION, AS REQUIREDTO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), 651-644-4289 EXTERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE BURGUNDY METALLIC SATIN FINISH #MP19757,'LEXAN' FACE W/ Copyright TRANSLUCENT WHITE GRAPHICS AND OPAQUE BACKGROUND PAINTED FIRST SURFACE M.A.P. BURGUNDY METALLIC SATIN FINISH #MP19757, This original design was created by CONSTRUCTED FOR FUTURE COPY CHANGEABILITY, INTERIOR OF V I S U A I, CABINET FINISH WHITE, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED, Communications Inc. IS cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A I, Communications, Inc, The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization SEAMLESS CURVED RECTANGLE ALUMINUM DECORATIVE BAR, PAINTED from VISUAL FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE MATTE RED # Communications, Inc. \Pagee: 7.09.01 NOTE: 9/14/07 PHOTOCELL LOCATION AT TOP OF SIGN IN INCONSPICUOUS AREA. FACES ON HORIZONTAL PANELS TO BE CHANGEABLE, SIGN FABRICATOR 11/21/07 TO REFLECT IN SHOP DRAWINGS. 03/31/08 NO VISIBLE SCREWS, WELDS, OR ATTACHMENT METHODS. 04/11/08 REFER TO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES THIS DOCUMENT. REFER TO LOCATION PLANS DOCUMENT. 04/16/08 ELECTRICAL, LOCATION, PLACEMENT, ATTACHMENT AND ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS TO BE DETERMINED AFTER COMPLETED SITE LOCATION EVALUATION BY CONTRACTED SIGN FABRICATOR, U.L. LABEL REQUIRED, 10A.5 ®/\ aC�ALL ARTWORK AND LOGO WORK TO BE PROVIDED ATTIME OF FABRICATION .[ a ✓ BY VISUAL COMMUNICATION ( ABOVE ART SHOWN FOR EXAMPLE ONLY). M N 6 co F-: rLIGHT TOWERS (PARKING LOT ID) SCALE: 1/2-= 1'- 0" 3" DECORATIVE SUPPORT BAR, PAINTED MATTHEWS YLIC POLYURETHANE NAVEL ORANGE SATIN FINISH '29653 'Y ROUTED OUT OF ALUMINUM SIGN CABINET ) BACKED WITH TRANSLUCENT WHITE ACRYLIC, ER TO SECTION DETAIL THIS PAGE ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED SIGN CABINET, 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED 125 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION, tEQUIRED TO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), ERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC YURETHANE METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH 119757 W/ CLEAR MATTE PAINTED PATTERN, :RIOR OF CABINET FINISH WHITE, INTERNALLY MINATED BY T12HOCW FLUORESCENT IIZONTAL LAMPS, 800MA, "G.E." BALLASTS :QUAL QUANTITY AS REQUIRED, FLUSH MOUNT N OFF SWITCH, WEEP HOLES W/ INTERIOR LIGHT :LDS, AND APPROPRIATE WEATHER PROOF ESS PANELS FOR FUTURE SERVICING REQUIRED TING LIGHT POLE -E: RICATINGANSTALLING SIGN COMPANYTO SURVEY =TRICAL, LOCATION, PLACEMENT, ATTACHMENT AND CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION rn m 3-- _ 4 I- STANDAAM YJAU BACKING b FAILINW7JMFOURN 2- NONCORR ME FAS€ERDER ! 7• ALLRAIRM17RttL CAP 3- PS3 POWER 3€APO' ! & 3116'ACRNCFACE 4TEfRA tEDMMP . S- LED MODULE ------- ---- ----------------- -- - ------- I; Tetra'LED Strip ------------------------------------------------------- INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED SECTION DETAIL / NTS A e A .125 ALUMINUM FACE C— B ALUMINUM CLIP C WHITE TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC D TRANSLUCENT VINYL (FOR COLORS OTHER THAN WHITE) €J ! € T.B.D. SIDE: A 28.2 SQUARE FEET QDIRECTIONAL INFO SIGNAGE/ILLUMINATED SCALE: 1/2"= 1'- 0" SCALE: 1 /4"=1'- 0" INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LED CHANNEL DECORATIVE BAR, EDGETRIM AND RETURNS PAINTED MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE NAVEL ORANGE SATIN FINISH MP29653, FACE TO RECEIVE 3M TRANSLUCENT MATTE VINYL FIRST SURFACE TO MATCH M.A.P. NAVEL ORANGE, REFER TO DETAIL ABOVE ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED SIGN CABINET, 2" x 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED W/.125 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION, AS REQUIRED TO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), EXTERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MP19757 W/ CLEAR MATTE PAINTED PATTERN, INTERIOR OF CABINET FINISH WHITE, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED BY T12HOCW FLUORESCENT HORIZONTAL LAMPS, 800MA,'G.E.' BALLASTS OR EQUAL QUANTITY AS REQUIRED, FLUSH MOUNTTURN OFF SWITCH, WEEP HOLES W/ INTERIOR LIGHT SHIELDS, AND APPROPRIATE WEATHER PROOF ACCESS PANELS FOR FUTURE SERVICING REQUIRED PAINTED DECORATIVE BAR FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE FIRE RED SATIN FINISH #MP24669 COPY ROUTED OUT OF ALUMINUM SIGN CABINET AND BACKED WITH TRANSLUCENT WHITE ACRYLIC, ARROWS TO BE WHITE W/ RED AND BURGUNDY W/ GOLD, REFER TO SECTION DETAIL THIS PAGE CONCRETE BASE ADEQUATE TO WITHSTAND 30LB. WIND LOAD. ALL FOOTINGS & POLE DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECTTO FIELD SURVEY & SOIL CONTENT. RESULTS TO BE PROVIDED BYTHE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY. ALL FINAL POLE & FOOTING SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY ELECTRICAL AND 18" DEPTH FLECTRICAL CONDUIT SWEEP TO BE PROVIDED TO SITE BY OWNER 120 VOLT OR 277 VOLTTO BE DETERMINED PRIOR TO FABRICATION. SIGN FABRICATOR / INSTALLER TO SUPPLY CONDUIT SLEEVE TO ACCEPT POWER WITHIN POLE NOTE: PHOTOCELL LOCATION AT TOP OF SIGN IN INCONSPICUOUS AREA. NO VISIBLE SCREWS,WELDS,OR ATTACHMENT METHODS. REFERTO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES THIS DOCUMENT. REFER TO LOCATION PIANS DOCUMENT. ELECTRICAL, LOCATION, PLACEMENT, ATTACHMENT AND ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS TO BE DETERMINED AFTER COMPLETED SITE LOCATION EVALUATION BY CONTRACTED SIGN FABRICATOR, U.L. LABEL REQUIRED. ALL ARTWORK AND LOGO WORKTO BE PROVIDED ATTIME OF FABRICATION BY VISUAL COMMUNICATION ( ABOVE ART SHOWN FOR EXAMPLE ONLY). Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League PIace Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc.. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 10A.6 IT.B.D. SEAMLESS RECTANGLE ALUMINUM DECORATIVE BAR, PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE NAVEL ORANGE SATIN FINISH #MP29653 ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED SIGN CABINET, 2" x 2" ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME AS REQUIRED W/.125 ALUMINUM SKIN (SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION, AS REQUIRED TO AVOID OIL CANNING EFFECT), EXTERIOR PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANEBURGUNDY METALLIC SATIN FINISH #MP19757 W1 CLEAR MATTE PAINTED PATTERN, WEEP HOLES AND APPROPRIATE WEATHER PROOF ACCESS PANELS FOR FUTURE SERVICING REQUIRED PAINTED DECORATIVE BAR FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE FIRE RED SATIN FINISH #MP24069 3M REFLECTIVE GRAPHICS WHITE, BLACK AND NAVEL ORANGE TO MATCH M.A.P. NAVEL ORANGE MP 29653 CONCRETE BASE ADEQUATE TO WITHSTAND 30LB. WIND LOAD. ALL FOOTINGS & POLE DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECTTO FIELD SURVEY & SOIL CONTENT RESULTS TO BE PROVIDED BYTHE .INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY. ALL FINAL POLE & FOOTING SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY SIDE A 28.2 SQUARE FEET NON -ILLUMINATED DIRECTIONAL INFO SIGNAGE 10 SCALE: 1/2"= 1'- 0" E I SCALE: 1/4"= 1'- 0" 4'-7" SIDE A 28.2 SQUARE FEET NON -ILLUMINATED DIRECTIONAL INFO SIGNAGE 007 SCALE: 1/2"= 1'- 0" • SCALE: 1/4"= V- 0" Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4289 Copyright 0 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 Page: \ 10A.7 0 A mwy d m H .090 ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTED PAN ARCED SIGN PANEL, PAINTED FACE'MAP' ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE METALLIC BURGUNDY SATIN FINISH #MP19757 W/ CLEAR MATTE DIAMOND PATTERNED GRID DESIGN MATTE, WHITE 3M REFLECTIVE GRAPHICS USE MNDOT REFLECTIVE STANDARDS DECORATIVE STRIPE, FINISH PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE FIRE RED SATIN FINISH #MP24069 3"+/- SQUARE SUPPORT POST, FINISH PAINTED FINISH MATTHEWS ACRYLIC POLYURETHANE NAVEL ORANGE SATIN FINISH #MP29653 �rF : • y rr W !: kffi M A..; 914: Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul M i n n e s o t a 5 3 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4259 Copyright 8 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 ORev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 f 6'\ REGULATORY STANDARDS SIGNAGE Page: 10 J \ 10A.8 .t A A SCALE: 1 /2"= V- 0" CONCRETE BASE ADEQUATE TO WITHSTAND 30LB. WIND LOAD. ALL FOOTINGS & POLE DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECTTO FIELD SUR- VEY & SOIL CONTENT. RESULTS TO BE PROVIDED BYTHE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY. ALL FINAL POLE & FOOTING SPECIFICATIONS ARE THE T.B.D. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLING SIGN COMPANY NOTE: SIGN HEIGHTS TO BE DETERMINED BY CITY CODE. NO VISIBLE SCREWS, WELDS, OR ATTACHMENT METHODS. REFER TO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES PAGE11. �rF : • y rr W !: kffi M A..; 914: Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 Exterior Sign Design VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North S u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul M i n n e s o t a 5 3 1 0 4 651-644-4494 651-644-4259 Copyright 8 This original design was created by V I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V I S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 ORev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 04/11/08 04/16/08 f 6'\ REGULATORY STANDARDS SIGNAGE Page: 10 J \ 10A.8 .t A A SCALE: 1 /2"= V- 0" Fabrication & installation of the work to be provided in these drawings must meet the following conditions and specifications. GENERAL The requested work will comply with all Federal and State codes, laws and regulations, and all municipal ordinances or regulations in effect at the time work is being performed. Any alternates or changes to materials, construction methods and sign types specified in this document must be approved in writing by VISUAL Communications or client's representative prior to implementation. LABOR GENERAL Any work required under this section, that is not specified in detail, shall be constructed in accordance with approved shop drawings. All work shall be fabricated & erected square, plumb, straight & true. Cut-out letters, numbers & images shall be cut in continuous, even lines as indicated on drawings. Fabricator shall provide all supporting & anchoring means as required for proper installation. Fabricator is responsible to provide proper thickness to eliminate waviness or other deformations in materials. EXPOSED METAL SURFACES Exposed metal surfaces shall be reinforced, braced & securely fastened to provide rigid assembly. Sign faces shall be free of all holes, except those required to install letters or weep -holes. Service access doors shall be concealed wherever possible. Flush -butt locked seams and fillers shall be metal screwed & bolted on filler edges to provide smooth faces, free of unsightly rivets. All steel items exposed to the weather, and all other steel items as written, shall be galvanized or ground & painted with zinc -chromate primer & finish coated. EXPOSEDJOINTS Exposed joints shall be continuously welded, ground & polished smooth and shall not be visible. Mitered corners shall be snug, neat & tight fitting in an even, smooth plane. EXTERIOR & INTERIOR CABINETS AND FRAME Exterior cabinets & frames shall be fastened with stainless steel screws. Phillip -type, flat head, countersunk screws or nuts & bolts shall be used as indicated. The interior cabinet on exterior signage shall be rain -proof and painted white. Signs shall be provided with weep -holes in bottom, sufficient size to allow for proper drainage per the cabinet size. LABOR (continued) ACCESSORIES, ANCHORAGE, MOUNTING DEVICES & SPACERS Accessories, anchorage, mounting devices & spacers shall be guaranteed non -staining to adjacent walls and sign finishes for a period of five years after acceptance. Ferrous mountings may be sleeved with non-ferrous metal covers matching adjacent finishes, cemented with non -hydroscopic glue, or other suitable protective measures may be proposed to comply with this specification. All aluminum that is in contact with ferrous metals shall be separated with a heavy coating of bitumastic paint or sheet neoprene. INSTALLATION All signs shall be installed as indicated on the location drawings unless otherwise directed by VISUAL Communications. Signs shall be secured with hardware as indicated on these drawings or methods as approved on shop drawings showing alternative methods. Survey of ground conditions relating to soil content, density & compaction are the responsibility of the installing company and must be included in the initial bid. Removal and/or replacement of asphalt, concrete, existing footings and poles are the responsibility of the installer unless otherwise written on these drawings. MATERIALS GENERAL All materials, used in production, shall be new and of top quality, and free of defects impairing strength, durability or appearance. METALS Thickness, size, type & seam placement must be as written on drawings. Steel sheet must be paint -lock or galvanized. All edges of metal or aluminum shall be cut in a continuous line and sanded smooth to finish. Aluminum sheet to be #5052 alloy. All seams to be straight & symmetrical. PLASTICS All fabrication and adhesives to be per highest quality industry standards. All adhesive to be nonstaining and warranted for the life of the product. Thickness, color, size, seam placement, seam construction, depth of pillowed faces and brand name as written on these drawings. Embossed or flat sheet plastic shall be free of wrinkles or imperfections from forming or fabrication. All surfaces shall be free of scratches and shall be clean & polished per manufacturer's instruction at completion of installation. MATERIALS (continued) FLEXIBLE MATERIALS Thickness, color, size, and brand names shall be as written on drawings. All fastening devices must meet dealer recommendations. Seam placement shall be as documented in drawings, straight and symmetrical. Face surface shall be free of wrinkles, discoloration & imperfections. Flexible face to be. of a tensile strength to withstand 120 lbs. per square foot of wind pressure (UL - 48 testing). COATINGS & FINISHES All aluminum, metal & fasteners shall be finish coated with an appropriate primer & color coat with corrosion inhibitors guaranteed for eight (8) years against fading, chipping, cracking, peeling & discoloration. Colors shall meet specifications on drawings. Sample colors shall be furnished by fabricator for approvals by VISUAL Communications. All flexible face coatings shall be guaranteed for eight (8) years against fading, discoloration & riildew, provided that routine six month cleaning and maintenance has been performed by an approved sign representative. All holes, cut edges & penetrations of prefinished metals and aluminum shall be free of burrs, primed & brush painted to maintain a corrosion proof firrsh. ELECTRICAL Electrical parts & materials shall meet all national electrical codes, applicable local codes & the requirements of the Underwriter's Laboratory, Inc. and be labeled as such. All electrical parts shall be new & free of defects. Signs shall be completed with all necessary lamps, tubes, ballasts, transformers, sockets and internal wiring as required in these drawings and to provide complete operable units. Electrical service shall be provided as written in these drawings. Extensions of wiring, conduit, transformation of voltages if required, and final connection are as noted in these drawings. Verify exact location of existing stubs & junction boxes by referencing drawing and site. All signs shall provide evenly distributed lighted surface equal to intensity specified. All areas of lighted letters shall be of equal intensity in all parts of the sign. ELECTRICAL (continued) All light sources shall be 'outdoor type', 30 Ma or 60 Ma transformers and/or 800 Ma ballasts rated for -20F. Proper disconnect switches shall be provided as noted. Location shall be inconspicuous & approved by VISUAL Communications. SHOP DRAWINGS FOR CHANGES OR ALTERNATES Three (3) copies of shop drawings indicating changes or alternates in detail shall be submitted to VISUAL Communications or the client's representative. Written approval of shop drawings shall be required before any work is started on the section being revised. GUARANTEE & SERVICE Contractor shall guarantee that all material and work furnished in these drawings are guaranteed for one (1) year to be free of defects & faulty workmanship, & that any defective material or work shall be promptly repaired or replaced without additional cost to the owner or their consultant. Contractor shall, during the first year of operation, fully maintain & service the signs, making regular inspections, servicing, replacing tubes & electrical equipment as necessary to operate the signs without additional cost to the client. Any guarantees for additional time or services noted in these drawings are to be included in the contract. All exposed surfaces and sign components shall be protected until final installation and approval by client or their consultant. Any work damaged or discolored in any way before installation and, approval occurs shall be the responsibility of the fabricator without additional cost to the owner or their consultant. CLEAN-UP During the process of implementation, the premises shall be kept reasonably free of all debris & waste materials resulting from the work being completed in this contract. Upon completion and before final acceptance of work, all debris, rubbish, leftover materials, tools and equipment shall be removed from the site. Final cleaning of all surfaces shall be carefully done strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's or consultants instructions. Signs shall have non -corrosive, concealed fasteners, continuous welds, ground smooth, filled, primed & finish painted to match. No visible attachment methods or oil canning allowed. Appropriate weatherproof service access panels required at strategic points for future servicing and maintenance. Weep holes w/ internal light shields required for all internally illuminated sign cabinets and fabricated letters for water drainage. Sign to meet all local, state & national codes. Underwriters Laboratory (U.L.) label required. Fabricating sign company responsible for wind load calculations for sign support & concrete standards based on soil conditions & prevailing winds. Engineers stamp required by fabricating / installing sign company. Final electrical connection to be made by the install- ing sign company. Field survey of each sign location is required to identify 120 volt service, or 277 volt service and access availability. Owner and contracted sign compaito coordinate type of voltage to be used. Contracted sign company to identify correct electrical plan in shop drawings. Owner to run electrical to within 3' of each sign location. Sign company to make final electrical connection to sign(s), unless otherwise specified. No exposed conduit. Type, placement & hook-up of time clocks, photocells, computerized time clocks, etc. by others. Flush mount turn-off switch required, switch to face building not street side, painted to match background placed on. Contracted sign company to provide color & material samples for review and written approval to VISUAL Communications and/or client or clients consultant prior to fabrication. Contracted sign company to provide shop drawings and full size patterns for review and written approval by VISUAL Communications and/or client or clients consultant prior to fabrication. Contracted sign company to provide a prototype of sign(s) to VIS&i Communications for approval prior to fabrication. Field survey of each sign location prior to providing bid for fabrication & installation, All finishes to be Mathews Acrylic Polyurethane (MAP) matte paints unless otherwise specified. All colors to be verified prior to fabrication. Installing sign comparey will not alter natural soil conditions (pave or tar) without verifying with owner. Sign installer to check all following for easements and placement of sign as determined; including water, gas, electrical, telephone, sewer, cable &sprinklers. When power is run by electric contractor to a designated meter. Meter is to be placed within the pole wrapper if possible or set at a distance from sign for aesthetic appeal. Meter is not to be attached to the outes surface of the sign or pole. All permits are the responsibility of the contracted sign company. Monticello - Community Hospital District 1013 Hart Blvd Monticello MN 55362 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS VISUAL Communications 475 Cleveland Avenue North s u i t e 2 2 3 Ivy League Place Saint Paul Minnesota 5 5 1 0 4 651-644-4494 661-644-4289 Copyright (o This original design was created by v I S U A L Communications Inc. It cannot be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form and shall remain the property of V i S U A L Communications, Inc. The release of this design in whole or in part shall require sole written authorization from VISUAL Communications, Inc. Project: 07.09.01 Date: 09/14/07 Rev: 11/21/07 03/31/08 a4/Mos 04/16/08 DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Monticello Big Lake Community HospitalDistrict, amunicipal corporation and a political subdivision ofthe State of Minnesota,fee I botchy certify that I have surveyed and platted or directly supervisedthe surveying and platting ofthe land described on this plat as MONTICELLOBIG LAKE COMMUNITY owners of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, and Stam ofMinnoseta, m wit: HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION; this plat is a correct representation ofthe boundary surrey; all mathematical data and labeisam wmntiy designated; all monuments depicted on the plat have been or will be correctly set within one year; all water boundaries and wet Lands as ofthis date, as definedby Minnesota Stmudes 505.02, Subd 3, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, and I I, Block 16, LOWER MONTICELLO, together with the southeasterly 20 feet of Lots 1 and 2 of said Block 16 and the southwesterly 33 fent o£Lot6 of said Block are shown and labeled; and all public ways are shown and labeled 16. Except that part of said Lot 7 described as follows: f% Beginning at the most northerly, comer of said Lot 7; thence on an assumed hearing of South 59 degrees 53 minutes 13 seconds East along the northeasterly line of said Lot 7, a t-tX:....,....._ distance of 6.00 feet; thence South 24 degrees 48 minutes 38 seconds Wcst, a distance of55.80 feet; theaceNotth 66 degrees 21 minutes 08 seconds West, a disocco of 10,06 feet to onatb- M. Altmann, Land Surveyor the northwesterly line of said Lot 7; thence Nord128 degrees 56 minutes 17 seconds East along said northwesterly linc, a distanceof 56.70 feetut dm Pomt of Begu¢dng. MinnesotaLicense Number44647 And that part of vacawdDaytou Street as dedicated in the plat of LOWER MONTICELLO, as described in DocuawatNumber And Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10, Block 25, LOWER MON'ILCELLO, together with the southwesterly 5 feet ofLot 6, Block 25, LOWER MONTICELLO and the northwesterly half ofvacated Cedar Street accming Recent, And Lots 1, 3, and 9, Block 24, LOWER MONTICELLO, together with the northwesterly 34 feet of Lot 4, ofsaid Black 24, together with the southwesterly 10 fent and saudessa^xly 20 feet ofLot 10, ofsaid Block 24, and together with the southeasterly one-balfafvacated Cedar Street seeming thereto. Except that part ofsaidLot l nowplatted as Lot 1, Block I, MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS, AndL.ot 1, Block 1 and Lott, Block 2, MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS. And that par ofLot 6, Block 27 and Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Block 28, together with those parts ofvacatedEbre Street and vacated Oak Street lying southwesterly of Broadway Street (present day Hart Boulevard), all being in the plat of LOWER MONTICELLO, which ties northeasterly ofa line 75 fhxtnarthaastariy ofand parallel with the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, distant 1022 feet north ofthe east granter comer thereof; theneeren northwesterly at an angle of 53 degrees, I8 minutes, 00 seconds with said cast section line for 1651A feet; thence deflect to the right on a 0 degree 45 minute 00 secondcunn, (delta angle 7 degrees, 26 minutes, 00 seconds) for 991.1 feet: thence on tangent to said curve for 2255.2 feet to atangent spiral point; thence deflect to the left on a spiral curve of decreasing radios (spial angle 1 degree, 07 minutrs, 30 seconds) for 150 feet to spiral curve point; thence deflect to the left on a 1 degree, 30 minute, 00 second circular curve (delta angle 15 degrees, 30 minutes, 00 seconds) for 1033.3 feet to curve spiral point and these terminating. And that part ofGavemment Lot 2, Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, described as follows: Commencing at the intemocflon ofthe centerline of County State Aid Highway No. 75 and the north line ofLot 6, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. ONE, according to the plat co file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 36 minutes 31 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the north line ofseld Lot 6, a distance of 106.67 feet to the northeasterly right-of-way line of said County State Aid Highway No, 75 and the actual Point of Beginning; thence continue North 89 degrees 36 minutes 31 seconds East, along said north line ofLot 6, a distance of 155.54 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line ofa public mad; thence South 38 degrees 12 minutes 37 seconds East, along said southwesterly right-of-way line a distance of 150,10 feet, thence South 51 degrees 47 minutes 23 seconds West, a distance of90.53 feet to thenottbeasteady right-of-way line of County Stam Aid Highway No, 75; theace North 45 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds West, along said northeasterly right-of-way tine, a distance of 247.59 feet to the actual Point of Beginning. And that part of Government Lot 2, Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, described w being a part ofa triangular piece of landlying southeasterly of Oak Street and southwestee:y of Broadway Street (present day Hart Boulevard) as shown on the plat ofTOWNSITE OF LOWER MONTICELLO. And that porion o€vacated Broadway Street (present day Hart Boulevard) as described in Document Numbers 722760 and Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CANTPUS SECOND ADDITION and do hereby culture and dedicate to the public for public use forever the easements as shown an this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. Ln witness whereof said Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District, a municipal corporation and apolitical subdivision of rho State of Minnesota, bee caused these presents to be signed by it's proper officer this day of , 200_,.. Barbara Schwientek, Chieffixccutive OBicer STATE OF COUNTYOF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 200T by Barham Schwientek, Chief Executive Of6car, of Monticcho Big Lake Community Hospital District, a municipal corporation and a political subdivision ofthe State ofN inrmwm, on behalfofthe corporation. (Signature) (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing surveyor's certificate was acknowledged before me this fit) day of Au gt t MinnesotaLicense Number44647. .l ARt U_ � (Signature) 1 i (Namee p�) ePrint y1�I1 TA tfi (. rc k{1TA5ir h:.n_!C •� � wtikaesor., Notary Public, Hennepin County, Miaoesom, My commission expires January 31, 2010 , 200_7, by Jonathsa M. Pithnnnn, nLicensed Land Surveyor, This plat of MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION was approved by the Planning Comadssian ofthe City ofMornicello, Minnesota at a meeting held this day of '200 - Chairman This plat of MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION was approved and accepted in compliance with Minnesota Starnes 505A3, suled. 2 by the City Council of the City of Monficello, Minnesota at a meeting held this day of , 200 - Mayor City Administrator Reviewed and approved this _ day of , 200_„_ Wright County Surveyor This piatwas recommended for approval this _day of ,2W_ Wright County highway Engineer Taxes paid for ail years through year 200,,_ and transfer entered this _ day of , 200 Wright County Auditor I hereby certify that taxes payable in the year 200, on lands herein described are paid this _ day of Wright County T=usurer I hereby certify that itis instrument was filed in the office ofthe County Recorder far record this day of was duly =corded in cabinet _, sleeve , as Document Number Wright County Recorder , 200. ,200 at._,-o'.Imk-_,.M., and MINNEAPOLIS -PHOENIX Yc 00,6'.0,7 09 06 8p. O� Ssq.13, .99 lt�: So 06� 0,4 00 so LOT I jlo I ------- i .00 A-20-59111,, A=20.5911 I R=341.50 8=261.50 125,09 95.78 9 aosE– – – – – – — – – – – la cli Z 4� ol s90 LOT 2 0 10 v 0 9 0 110 0 '9;� 00 6, 0, O2 96." / I 4u 6BLOCK/ 9• % cj 40 NORTH N ORA, C.gRa. DENOTES CHORD BEARING P�, u7z,,, 0 50 100 ------- – 0 DENOTES 112 INCH [RDN PIPE MONUMENT FOUND 0 DENOTES 112 INCH By 14 INCH IRON PIPE SET AND AIR SCALE IN FEET MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 44647 0 DENOTES 112 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE TO B SET DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN ONE YEAR Gr RECORDING OF THIS PLAT AND p 6– ARE SHOWN AS THUS: - MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 44647 4 H 6 F.K.A. DENOTES "FORMERLY KNOWN AS" THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK Z MON77CEL 0 810 LAKE COMMUNITY DISTRICT CAMPUS IS ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 31 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 16 12-I SECONDS WEST BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING LOT LINES AND SONG 12 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING PLAT BOUNDARY LINES AND RIGHT OF WAY LINES, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SECTION )2, TOWNSHIP 121 N, RANGE 25 W A& LANDFORM MINNEAPOLIS.PHOENIX 0MCLAL PLAT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS All SHOWN AS THUS: BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING NORTH LOT LINES AND BEING 12 FEET IN WIDTH ANDADJOINING PLAT BOUNDARY LINES AMD RIGHT OF WAY LINES, UNLESS 0 60 120 OTHERWISE SHOWN. SCALE IN FEET C.BRG. DENOTES CHORD BEARING .08'1 0 DENOTES 112 INCH IRON PIPE MONUMENT FOUND S59 '59'11 6,-20'59'11 32'6 6 0 DENOTES 112 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE SET AND A-20 R=261-50 R=341. 50 MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 0647, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 95.78 125.09 ,G, DENOTES 12 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE TO BE SET WITHIN ON'E YEAR OF RECORDING OF THIS PLAT AND - - - - - - — - - - - - MARKED By LICENSE NUMBER 44647 08 -0' F.K.A. DENOTES "FORMERLY KNOWN AS" R 52 25 *0 S59 90 "'303. (M) DENOTES MEASURED DISTANCE (D) DENOTES RECORDED DEED DISTANCE THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, MON110ELTO IG LAKE COMMUNITY DISTRICT CAMPUS IS ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 31 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST k w En1 \\1\15\ .•Y /��♦ "J, 3: o ol LOT 1Q4 � 4 74 U9 mp BLA)cK I 6'G:6,0 MARap CONG E '07'41 "E -SET P1- P ( NAL -------- 124.43 U, 4,1 E 53 S1y R.O.W LNE 11 HART D, VO 2Q 7 150.1C 0 SNEE' KA_ "ROADWAY 5r) 0. Av G'- G "Jo 7p, 0� ---- -------- ------ A. — — — — — — — 11,41, �41 L - - - - - - - -F -F 'A, 247�59 L --970.05 (M) ­ '36'"E (0) $46 47 725-90 ------ Op C.S.A.H. 00. 75 R.O.W. NE LY UN* M. 75 ,46'36'47"W NELy RO.W. Lw- LO' C-5=1'. ETAS HCOWA� NO. 152) A 0 1 (OLD rNNE"' 0, LIT 6,"O,Tozs SUED. THE NORTH 227949 CeNllk,NE OF 0_5,,N0. 75 PER VOCU"' NO' C'S.A OF CBNTE9UNE E, G.S.A.H. SUED ND- 1 NAITLANE OF 50. 75 O THE NORTH 11 LOT , ALC" CENTER,,, Op C.$AH No. IE GER CoCLMgT NO, 227�� I LANDFORM MINNEAPOLIS -PHOENIX Council Agenda: 6123108 6F. Consideration of authorizing to i)roceed with hirin2 lDrocess for Seasonal Locator/Field Technician vosition., (13W) 11111111111 M'' I , I 11!1�!!Ili!lllllllllllili!lll�l�111111�lI � 4 This position is required to assist Engineering and Public Works staff in meeting the anticipated demands associated with locating the City's public utilities and observing construction of the proposed fiber optics projects throughout the City of Monticello. Copies of the position description and points evaluation/pay scale are attached. A.1 Budget Impact: The starting pay for this position is $14.53 per hour, which would equate to $30,222 per year. A.2 Staff Workload: If this position is not filled our existing locators/construction inspectors will likely need to work overtime and potentially neglect some of their other duties in order to meet the anticipated demands. 1. Motion to authorize to proceed with hiring process for Seasonal Locator/ Field Technician position. 2. Motion to deny authorization to proceed with hiring process. City staff recommends Alternative Action No. 1. Position description. Points evaluation/pay scale. Title of Class: Seasonal Locator/Field Technician Effective Date: June 16, 2008 General Statement of Duties: Performs on-site locations for underground facilities including, but not limited to: electric power lines, sewer lines, water lines, telephone lines, cable TV lines, gas lines and fiber-optic lines; maintains accurate record drawings; observes underground telecommunication construction activities and performs related duties as required. Swervision Received: Works under the general and technical supervision of the City Engineer; receives some technical direction from the Public Works Director. Supervision Exercised: None. The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. *Reads job order tickets and determines the work to be completed. *Reads and interprets blueprints and maps. *Locates sewer and water services, water and sewer mains, fiber-optic and cable television lines, gas lines and City -owned lighting and irrigation systems for Gopher State One Call. *Logs into their Gopher State One Call's website to manage locate status files, checks base maps, record drawings, and service inspection reports to verify location of utility services. *Uses GPS and GIS to determine location of utilities when information is available. *Removes and replaces utility hole covers, as needed, to properly locate underground utility lines. *Operates a PC to record and process excavation notices. *Observes construction of underground telecommunication facilities to ensure compliance with plans and permits; reports any irregularities to City Engineer. *Communicates with excavators, utility technicians and City staff regarding underground utilities. *Complies with established time requirements, including emergency locates after hours. Assists other departments as needed. Performs other duties as needed or assigned. *Considerable knowledge of practices, methods and techniques to accurately locate underground utilities. *Considerable knowledge of safe and acceptable practices and OSHA standards to locate, record and notify others of underground utilities and to work around heavy equipment. *Working knowledge of personal computer use including standard software packages. City of Monticello *Working skill in providing good customer service. *Considerable ability to read blueprints and maps and to read and interpret construction specifications. *Considerable ability to use survey equipment and to record and maintain accurate records. *Considerable ability to locate and document located utilities for multiple construction projects simultaneously. *Considerable ability to walk on various types of terrain using equipment to locate underground utilities. *Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing with excavators, city employees, and general public. *Working ability to learn State and Local damage prevention regulations and utility construction patterns and layout. *Working ability to work outdoors in all weather conditions. *Working ability to work in and around construction zones, and to climb into utility holes and trenches to perform the work. *Working ability to lift and carry location equipment and occasionally lift utility -hole covers using removal tools whenever possible. *Working ability to drive safely and legally. Must possess and maintain a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license and insurable driving record. One year of experience working with underground utilities and reading blueprints is required. Acceptable work experience may include: installing and/or repairing various types of underground utilities, construction excavation, construction site preparation, landscape construction or equivalent experience. Completion of one year of technical college in surveying or one year of college in civil engineering can substitute for the above -listed experience. * Asterisked items are essential to the job. 10 ayffARM-11 V UIJIZI� CATEGORY RATING POINTS DEFINITION Knowledge & Specialized & technical knowledge required Experience B 1 30 to understand and perform in a work situation. (High school Education plus some additional formal training) Accountability Bla 30 Some room for discretion and independent actions; supervisory guidance available; may be left "in charge" occasionally. Minor impact on budget and City operations, Often provides information and suggestions which others use to make major decisions. Degree of Planning 2a I Planning relates to relatively routine matters. Most planning is for immediate application. Supervision A 0 No supervision required Working Conditions I D-3 Lifting 2 D-3 Awkward working position 3 B -I Abnormal Hours 4 c-2 Excessive Standing 5 C-2 Excessive travel or sitting 6 D-3 Requiring fine coordination, manual dexterity 7 D-3 Dust and dirt 8 c-2 Extreme cold and heat 9 c-2 Rain, snow and wind 10 c-2 Abnormal human behavior 11 A-0 Chemical and fumes 12 B-1 Machinery and power tools 13 A-0 Climbing and heights 14 A-0 Excavating 15 A-0 Guns or Weapons 16 A-0 Electrical Shock 24 PTS Total Points = 85 Grade 6 Hourly pay range Grade I = $14-53 per hour Grade 8 = $$18.89 per hour im FA 7 Council Agenda: 6/23/08 Public Hearin2 to Approve the Issuance Revenue Bonds on Behalf of Presbyterian Homes. (TK) Presbyterian Homes constructed the Mississippi Shores Project by using the City of Monticello ability to issue Senior Housing Revenue Bonds. Presbyterian Homes is now in the process of refunding these bond and other similar bond issues through the City of Bloomington. Since the Monticello project is part of this refinancing, the City is required to hold a public hearing to approve the issuance of the refunding bonds by the City of Bloomington. Al. Budget Impact: This bond issue will have no budget impact on the City of Monticello. A2. Staff Workload Impact: This action would have no impact on staff workload. 1. Approve the issuance of Revenue Bonds on Behalf of Presbyterian Homes. 2. Do not approve the issuance of Revenue Bonds on Behalf of Presbyterian Homes. & The City staff supports, Alternative 1. Resolution Approving the Issue of Revenue Bonds on Behalf of Presbyterian Homes. MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 462C, AS AMENDED, TO REFINANCE A SENIOR HOUSING FACILITY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 4620, as amended (the "Act"), authorizes and empowers municipalities of the State of Minnesota to issue and sell revenue bonds and lend the proceeds thereof to a nonprofit corporation for the purpose of financing or refinancing multifamily rental housing developments designed and intended to be used primarily by elderly or physically handicapped persons and new or existing health care facilities that provide nursing, medical, personal care, and other health related assisted living services on a 24-hour basis to the residents; and WHEREAS, at the request of Presbyterian Homes Housing and Assisted Living, Inc. (now known as PHS/Monticello, Inc.), a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the "Monticello Borrower"), the City previously issued its Senior Housing Revenue Bonds (Mississippi Shores Project), Series 1995 (the "Series 1995 Bonds"), the proceeds of which were applied to the acquisition, construction, and equipping of a 49 -unit senior housing facility known as Mississippi Shores located at 1213 Hart Boulevard in the City (the "Monticello Project"); and WHEREAS, at the request of the Borrower, the City also previously issued its Senior Housing Refunding Revenue Bond (Mississippi Shores Project), Series 2002 (the "Series 2002 Bond"), the proceeds of which were applied to refinance the Monticello Project by redeeming and prepaying the Series 1995 Bonds; and WHEREAS, the City of Bloomington ("Bloomington") has proposed to issue one or more series of revenue obligations and loan the proceeds derived from the sale of the obligations to the borrowers referenced herein to be used as follows: (i) the refinancing of certain capital assets, through the redemption of outstanding bonds that financed those assets, including: (a) the Monticello Project; (b) an 88 -unit senior housing facility known as Summerhouse of Bloomington located at 9850 Lyndale Avenue South, Bloomington, Minnesota (the "Bloomington Project") owned by Presbyterian Homes of Bloomington, Inc. (the "Bloomington Borrower"); (c) a 100 -unit senior housing facility known as Echo Ridge located at 11033 Gerschwin Avenue North, Oakdale, Mimiesota (the "Oakdale Project") owned by PHS/Oakdale, Inc. (the "Oakdale Borrower"); (d) a 72 -unit senior housing facility known as Summerhouse of Shoreview located at 4655 Victoria Street, Shoreview, Minnesota (the "Shoreview Project") owned by PHS/Shoreview, Inc. (the "Shoreview Borrower"); and (e) a 77 -unit senior housing facility known as Stonecrest located at 8723 Promenade Lane, Woodbury, Minnesota (the "Woodbury Project") owned by PHS/Woodbury, Inc. (the "Woodbury Borrower"); and (ii) the payment of the costs of issuing the Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Bloomington Project, the Monticello Project, the Oakdale Project, the Shoreview Project, and the Woodbury Project are referred to collectively as the "Projects" and the Bloomington Borrower, the Monticello Borrower, the Oakdale Borrower, the Shoreview Borrower, and the Woodbury Borrower are referred to collectively as the "Borrowers"; and WHEREAS, the Borrower has advised this Council that it has requested that Bloomington issue revenue bonds pursuant to the Act in an aggregate principal amount which is not expected to exceed $37,105,000 (the "Bonds") for the purposes described above, including the refinancing of the Monticello Project and the redemption of the Series 2002 Bonds issued by the City; and WHEREAS, approximately $3,330,000 of the proceeds of the Bonds is expected to be allocated to the Monticello Project, approximately $8,625,000 of the proceeds of the Bonds is expected to be allocated to the Bloomington Project, approximately $9,025,000 of the proceeds of the Bonds is expected to be allocated to the Oakdale Project, approximately $6,920,000 of the proceeds of the Bonds is expected to be allocated to the Shoreview Project, and approximately $9,205,000 of the proceeds of the Bonds is expected to be allocated to the Woodbury Project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.656, as amended, a city may issue obligations to finance the acquisition or improvement of property located outside of the corporate boundaries of such city if the obligations are issued under a joint powers agreement in which one or more of the parties to the joint powers agreement issue such obligations and the property is located entirely within the boundaries of one or more of the parties to the joint powers agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.5 9, as amended, by the terms of a joint powers agreement entered into through action of their governing bodies, two or more cities may jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties or any similar powers, including those which are the same except for the territorial limits within which they may be exercised and the joint powers agreement may provide for the exercise of such powers by one or more of the participating governmental units on behalf of the other participating units; and WHEREAS, on June 23, 2008, the City conducted a public hearing on the issuance of Bonds for the purposes of refinancing the Monticello Project, at which a reasonable opportimity was provided for interested individuals to express their views, both orally and in writing, on the refinancing of the Monticello Project and the proposed issuance of such revenue obligations by Bloomington, notice of which was published as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 4620.04, subdivision 2, of the Act, and Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, in the Monticello Times, the official newspaper and a newspaper circulating generally in the City, on June 5, 2008, a date at least fourteen (14) days before a meeting of the City Council of the City on June 23, 2008, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA THAT: Section 1. Amroval of Issuancc of Bonds by Bloomington. 1.01. The City hereby approves and authorizes the issuance by Bloomington of one or more series of Variable Rate Demand Senior Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds (Presbyterian Homes Projects), Series 2008 (the "Bonds"), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $37,105,000, to refinance the Projects. 1.02 The Bonds are to be issued pursuant to authority granted by the Act. The Bonds will constitute a revenue obligation secured solely by the Projects, revenues derived from the operation of the Projects, and other security provided by the Borrowers. The Bonds will not constitute a general or moral obligation of Bloomington or the City, or be secured by any taxing power of Bloomington or the City. 2 1.03. The City has determined that it is desirable, feasible, and consistent with the objectives and purposes of the Act, and it is in the best interests of the City, to approve the issuance of the Bonds by Bloomington to finance in part the redemption of the Series 2002 Bonds, which refinanced the Monticello Project and pay of the costs of issuing the Bonds. Section 2. Cooperation Agreement. A Cooperation Agreement, to be dated on or after July 1, 2008, between Bloomington, the City, Oakdale, Shoreview and Woodbury (the "Cooperation Agreement") is hereby approved, in substantially the form on file with the City. The Mayor and City Administrator of the City are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Cooperation Agreement, with such necessary and appropriate variations, omissions, and insertions as do not materially change the substance thereof, or as the Mayor and City Administrator, in their discretion, shall determine, and the execution thereof by the Mayor and City Administrator shall be conclusive evidence of such determination. Section 3. Documents Furnished to Bond Counsel. The Mayor, City Administrator, and other officers of the City are authorized and directed to furnish to Kennedy & Graven, Chartered, as bond counsel ("Bond Counsel"), certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to such affidavits, certificates, and other documents as may be required by Bond Counsel to show the facts relating to the legality of the Cooperation Agreement and related documents, as such facts appear from the books and records in the custody and control of such officers or as otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates, affidavits, and other documents, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the City as to the truth of all statements contained therein. Section 4. Costs. The Borrowers will, upon demand, reimburse the City for costs paid or incurred by the City in connection with this resolution. 3 Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage this 23rd day of June, 2008. Attest: City Administrator BL130-126 (JAE) 332149v.2 Its Mayor 0 City Council Agenda — 6/23/08 8. Public Hearing: Consideration of a reauest for avveal of denial of variance to the parking reguirements in the CCD. Central, Communitv District. Applicant: Masters Fifth Avenue. (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this request at it June 3 d meeting. On a 3-2 vote, the Commission denied the variance. The applicant has appealed that decision to the City Council, in accordance with the process outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. On appeal, the City Council is asked to consider the merits of the variance request under the Zoning Ordinance requirements for hardship and reasonable use. The standards for variance consideration are taken from state law, and essentially require the City is able to make a finding that the variance is necessary to overcome a hardship in putting the property to a reasonable use. This test does not require that the applicant need only make minimum use of his property, but that the requested use is a reasonable one. Fn this case, the applicant's request is to be relieved of the requirements to pay into the City's t1owntown public parking fund for the excess parking demand his use creates beyond the requirement. It is important to note that the parking requirement has already been reduced tg % of the code standard by virtue of its location in the CCD. Thus, the deficiency is for 8 c -paces, rather than the 14 that the code would require in other business districts outside the CCD area. We would further note that the requested use (restaurant space) is a permitted use — the only issue is how to address the parking demand that will be created by the new use. The "library parking lot" would be an available public parking area for users of this facility. The purpose of the parking fund is to create a partial revenue source for the provision of public parking for private business in the CCD. In some areas, that may be future parking — in this case it is more of a "reimbursement" for existing parking. Barry Fluth and Masters Fifth Avenue is seeking a variance from the City's parking standards related to a proposal to add to the Pizza Man facility of a delivery -only business to a pizza buffet sit down facility along with the delivery function. The expansion area occupies 1,200 square feet, with a seating capacity of 43. When the facility was originally planned, the building occupied the site with a slight deficit in parking. The applicant subsequently paid for the installation of on -street angled parking to supplement the off-street parking lot. The parking capacity was calculated with the majority of the building (including the proposed restaurant expansion area) as retail space. In addition, the applicant took advantage of the -ability in the CCD District to reduce required parking to 60% of the ordinance stated requirement when parking is made available to the public and other overflow options exist. Retail space is calculated at one parking space per 200 square feet — a parking requirement for the existing retail space of 6 parking stalls. Because all floor space is discounted by 10% to account for unproductive areas, the net parking requirement for the retail area would have been 5 spaces. City Council Agenda — 6/23/08 For restaurant space, the parking area is one parking space per 40 square feet of dining area, plus one parking space per 80 square feet of kitchen/service area. The applicant calculates his new restaurant floor area as 485 square feet of dining space, and 715 square feet of restaurant space. This nets out to about 440 square feet of dining and 640 square feet of kitchen after the 10% reduction. Applying the formula, the parking requirement for the pizza restaurant addition would be 11 spaces for the dining area, and 8 spaces for the kitchen/service area, a total of 19. This represents a net increase of 14 spaces over the retail requirement. The applicant suggests that there is adequate parking in the area to accommodate the increase in parking demand. The bulk of this parking would be on -street, limited to street frontage to the south, since parking along 7`h Street would not be encouraged. The CCD District permits the development of commercial space to a point "over capacity" as would otherwise be required in a number of ways. One way (alluded to above) permits a reduction in the ordinance requirement to 60% of the standard. This would reduce the 14 space deficit to 8 actual required spaces. When these cannot be provided on-site, or by lease from an appropriate, adjacent off-site location, the applicant is permitted (on approval of the City) to pay into a municipal parking fund which the City uses to construct and maintain public parking throughout the downtown area. Examples of such public parking would be parallel parking within the existing street, or municipal parking lots such as the parking area on the west side of the library property. The rationale behind the ordinance is that without this allowance, properties in the CCD would not be able to be built or used to a density expected in a downtown area, while at the same time, the allowance for "over- building" a site comes at a cost towards which an applicant should be expected to contribute. The applicant's variance in this case would shift the burden of the provision of public parking space used by his tenants to the public generally. Moreover, to find in favor of a variance, an applicant must show that there is a unique physical condition that interferes with putting the property to a reasonable use under the regulations. As with all variances, the hardship may not be economic in nature. In this case, the applicant operates a commercial building that already is permitted to be larger than would otherwise be allowed, given the standard parking requirements. Staff does not see a hardship, other than the economic "burden" of providing funds to construct public parking that would be used by the applicant's tenants. IN M I WE IN i Decision 1: Variance to parking regulations requiring 8 parking spaces, or payment of a fee -in -lieu of such parking, for the Pizza Man restaurant expansion. 1. Motion to approve the requested variance to the parking regulations in the CCD zoning district, by allowing a restaurant expansion without the required parking construction or fee -in -lieu. 2. Motion to deny the requested variance to the parking regulations in the CCD zoning district based on a finding that there is no condition of the property that creates a hardship in putting the property to a reasonable commercial use according to the regulations. City Council Agenda — 6/23/08 ffl•�# ffl@ I lj} , ,� Staff recommends that the variance not be approved. As noted, the site has been permitted to develop to (or beyond) its typical maximum capacity under the parking allowances of the CCD District. Even with this condition, the applicant may expand the restaurant as proposed by providing the prescribed fee for the provision of public parking. No hardship is seen that would support the request to waive these requirements. A. Site Plan B. Applicant's Letter tg <e0�s ,01 -XL = .4-16 a slwls 9 D- + j Variance Request MEIM To: City of Monticello From: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc., owner of property at 617-619 Locust Street, Monticello, MN. History: Pst. 4kWrNA Q'j , • work well as it was designed. A space has opened up next to an existing pizza delivery business. The pizza company would like to • the space to a pizza buffet facility. Request: Allow this use with no additional parking requirements. There is adequate parking on site and in ♦ oY site snvcps- T,4PV?,rff• its irregular shape. The CUB Foods property is available for cross easement possibility but there is an elevation difference that could cause hardship in getting to the center. The site will be workable with this variance be granted with no additional conditions. Thank you. Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc, Council Agenda: 6/23/08 9. Consideration of Accepting 2007 Audit Report. (TK) The City is required to have an annual audit of its financial statements. Last year the City completed a RFP for audit services and from that the City has hired the audit firm of Malloy, Montague, Kamowski, Radosevich & Co., P.A. (MMKR) to conduct the audit, which they have completed. MMKR cost to complete the audit for 2007 was $34,750 which is less than the $43,200 the City paid for the 2006 audit from the previous firm. Jim Eichten, Principal of MMKR will present a summary of their findings and summarize the highlights of the City's 2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Al. Budget Impact: The City budgeted $36,250 for the audit. The 2007 audit will cost the City $34,750.00. A2. StaffWorkload Impact: To complete the audit the finance staff has worked many hours providing information and constructing various worksheets and audit schedule for MMKR and this is the culmination of MMKR and staff's work. 1. Accept the 2007 Audit Report. 2. Do not accept the 2007 Audit Report. The City staff supports, Alternative 1. The 2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Management Letter will be handed out at the meeting. City Council Agenda — 06/23/08 10. Consideration of SAC calculations for Buffalo Wild Wines Restaurant — Mike Krutzi2 (AS) At the last meeting of the City Council, the developer of the Buffalo Wild Wings projects asked the City Council to reconsider their motion requiring that the developer pay SAC units for the project at a rate of I per 8 seats. The Council requested that staff complete additional research and provide information to the City Council on the method of SAC calculation and how it applies to the proposed restaurant use. In relationship to that research, staff presents the following information for clarification: 1. Code Language Sewer access charge code language from Chapter 2 of Title 7 of City Code, which was referenced at the last Council meeting by the developer, is not current. That ordinance was last updated in 1997. For actual calculations, Monticello uses Met Council standards, which are adopted by fee schedule each year. The fee schedule is the applicable ordinance used for the purposes of calculating SAC fees. These standards were updated in January of 2008. The language in Title 7 will need to be amended as it is inconsistent with the SAC development fees adopted by ordinance. 2. SAC Calculation Method The developer provided information to the City Council on average and maximum daily water usage. That information relates to water flow coming into the building and is not directly applicable to the method of calculating SAC. SAC fees are calculated using "maximum daily wastewater flow". In short, SAC units are based off the maximum amount of wastewater flow during peak time for the facility. The SAC standards/ratios set by the Met Council were determined based on engineering research and analysis. The Metropolitan Council's calculations for SAC units are based from a core calculation that one SAC unit is equal to 274 gallons of maximum daily wastewater flow. This calculation has not been updated in recent years. Under the Met Council system, the two most commonly applied designations to Buffalo Wild Wings are "Restaurant" designations. The first is "full-service" at a rate of 1 SAC unit per 8 seats, the second is "fast-food", at a rate of I SAC unit per 22 seats. For a store the size of the Monticello Buffalo Wild Wings, the SAC calculations are equivalent to 13 SAC units under the fast-food designation, and 31 units under the full-service restaurant scenario. In discussion with a Met Council SAC representative, it was indicated that most recently, Buffalo Wild Wings restaurants have been charged at the I per 8 rate, based on the fact that they have an automatic dishwashing system. Met Council's engineering information indicated that this type of equipment creates maximum daily wastewater flow equivalent to a full-service restaurant. However, it should be noted that technology has changed greatly over the last ten years, and Met Council's engineering calculations for these types of facilities may not reflect changes made to improve efficiency in dishwashing and other plumbing fixtures, which impact wastewater flow. City Council Agenda — 06/23/08 Additionally, the previous report referred to the I per 8 calculations as applicable to a "sit-down restaurant". That terminology was incorrect. The correct term is "full-service". The criteria for full- service and fast-food restaurants is included for reference. As noted in the previous report, Buffalo Wild Wings uses baskets for food delivery service, but does utilize glass bar service and actual silverware. Staff has researched the Met Council standards and believes there is a third, perhaps more applicable designation option. Under "Golf Courses", there is a "bar" and "grill" designation. The bar is charged at a rate of 1 SAC unit per 23 seats and is used for rail service facilities only. (There is a similar standard for "cocktail lounges" with no food service at 1 unit per 23 seats.) Where food is served in bar areas, the "grill" standard is applied. For a store the size of the Monticello's Buffalo Wild Wings, the SAC calculations under this "grill" designation would be equivalent to 17 SAC units. 071== Monticello follows the Met Council system, but is not within Met Council service area, and is therefore able to discern its own designation for SAC units. As a result of this research, staff believes there are a number of options for the Council to consider in relationship to SAC fees. 1. Find the restaurant consistent with a full-service restaurant designation. Met Council's current practice indicates this type of facility to be the commonly used designation. This results in a SAC fee based on I unit per 8 seats, or 31 SAC units. 2. Find the restaurant consistent with a fast-food restaurant designation. It is possible that the overall use of paper versus glass serving ware creates less maximum daily wastewater flow than a more typical full-service restaurant. Additionally, technology improvements in terms of dishwashing/plumbing may also decrease the impact on wastewater systems and flow. This finding results in a SAC fee based on 1 unit per 22 seats, or 13 SAC units. 3. Find the restaurant to be consistent with a "grill" facility. This designation accounts for the restaurant as a hybrid of the two uses, This results in a SAC fee based on 1 unit per 15 seats, or 17 SAC units. 4. Monitor the restaurant's maximum daily wastewater flow for a period of one year to determine the appropriate designation. This would require the installation of a meter (price for a meter is a minimum of $10,000, not including installation) on the outgoing water system and the implementation of an inspection schedule for the meter readings. The applicant would be required to pay at the lower rate (I per 22) and sign an affidavit requiring the reconsideration of this rate after a period of one year. The Council would need to deten-nine who would pay for the meter and the added inspection costs. The City Council is asked to consider which SAC designation is the most consistent with the potential wastewater flow generated by this restaurant. City Council Agenda — 06/23/08 The "full-service" and "fast-food" restaurant designations do not seem to fit this restaurant due to the limited use of washable serviceware. Although option four allows for the most flexibility in applying SAC, it does create an additional cost for the purchase and installation of the meter, and requires that the City monitor the meter. This is done manually and would create additional cost to the City. After further research on the SAC system, option 3 does present an alternative which categorizes Buffalo Wild Wings as a "grill". This designation seems to be most consistent with the type of facility and is most likely consistent with the engineering research on wastewater flow. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Metropolitan Council Standards for SAC Calculation The Metropolitan Environmental Services Service Availability Charge CSAC') is a charge to local governments for the reserve capacity costs of the system. SAC has been levied since 1973 by MCES, and its predecessor agencies, for new demand or increased volume use to the Metropolitan Disposal System WS). The regional SAC rate is periodically set by Council action. SAC is assessed based upon the maximum potential daily wastewater Row, which is in tam based upon the usage of individual properties.. Single family houses, townhouses, condos, duplex units and most apartments each equal one SAC per Dwelling Unit. One SAC unit is defined as 274 gallons of daily wastewater flow capacity. Commercial Properties are assessed SAC units based on maximum potential daily wastewater flow proportionate to the residential capacity (ie., 274 gallons per day). Industrial Properties are assessed SAC units based on maximum normal daily wastewater flow volume separately for process areas and maximum potential daily wastewater flow volume for commercial areas. k%WNMTTTIkTZ-TITTMWT_,�,- Molog While SAC has been levied by MCES since 1973, it was not part of the original rate structure. MCES, then called the "Metropolitan Sewer Board," was created in 1969 by Minnesota Statutes §473 with mandates to provide set vice for the rapidly growing population in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and to clean up the area's rivers and takes. At the time the law was passed, local communities in the area, struggling to keep up with rapid growth, were operating about 40 treatment plants. Many treatment plants served limited local areas, and they often caused serious water quality problems in the lakes and rivers which received their effluent Heavy capital costs were inevitable as the Sewer Board needed to expand and improve treatment and collection capacity for the area, to serve a population that grow 20 percent in the 1950s and 23 percent in the 1960s. The question facing the agency in the early days was how to pay for the share of capital projects reserved for future users. Then, as now, the "reserved" share represents excess capacity built into the current capital projects, so that treatment plants and interceptors provide capacity not only for today's population but for the population growth expected over the next 20 to 50 years. This reserved capacity does mot include capacity for the amount of allowed inflow and infiltration (III). Excess 1/1 does take up reserve capacity that should be available for growth. The practice of building in reserve capacity is based upon experience and economy. With prudent maintenance, interceptors more than a century old continue to provide service. The physical sites of sewer pipes and treatment plants seldom change; so that major Land acquisition occurs only once per site. Further economies of scale in construction make it more cost effective to provide some reserve capacity in these facilities at the time the facility is first built rather than to make small, frequent expansions in capacity. In 1971 and 1972, its first two years of operation, the then -Metropolitan Sewer Board allocated the cost of reserve capacity to individual communities based on each community's projected demand. However, many communities, particularly those in the early stages of development found it difficult, if not impossible, to pay lump -sum charges for reserve capacity. These young communities often had neither the population nor the tax base to finance the cost of capacity they would need in years to come. It quickly became apparent that an alternative method of paying for reserve capacity had to be developed. Following intensive study and discussion with customer communities, MCES developed the Service Availability Charge system of paying for reserved capacity. The SAC system was instituted in 1973. Animal Clinic (humans societies, animal research, boarding, etc.) Animal holding area *17 fixture units Archery (6 feet/lane); for remainder use other criteria 6 lanes Arena (bleachers 18 inches/pemon) 110 seats Auditorium (7 square feet/person) 110 seats Automobile Service Fast service (less than 4 hours/car) 2 service bays Major service (more than 4 hours/car) 14 service bays Car dealership (charges for office, retail, etc, are separate at 2 service bays established rates) Fast service (number of service bays x 30%) 2 service! bays Major service (Number of service bays x 70%) 14 service bays Ballroom (exclude dance floor) Facility without liquor service 825 square feet Facility with liquor service 690 square feet Bank (exclude bank vault) 2,400 square feet Banquet Room (16 square feet/person) Food catered 2,060 square feet Food catered with dishwashing 1,180 square feet Food catered with liquor 1,028 square feet Food catered with dishwashing and liquor 750 square feet Food preparation and dishwashing 825 square feet Food preparation with dishwashing and liquor 590 square feet Barber 4 cutting stations Batting Cage (10 feet/lone-pitching; IS feet/lane-batting); for remainder 6 lanes use other criteria Beauty Salon Hair Cutting 4 cutting stations Manicure 9 stations Pedicure/Facial 7 stations Bingo Hall (used only for bingo) 1,660 square feet Boarding House (dorm rooms; with food service) 6 beds Body Shop (major service — more than 4 hours/car; vehicle washing 14 service bays additional) Bowling Alley (for remainder use other criteria) 3 alleys *See page 26 formore details on fixture unit criteria. K11 11 E 1� I E Camp (number of gallons x occupant or site) Children's camps (central toilet and bath; overnight, primitive cabins; number of occupants x 60 gallonsloccupant) Day camps (no meals served; number of occupants x 10 gallons/occupant) Laboriconstruction camps (number of occupants x 60 gallons/occupant Resorts (housekeeping cabins; number of occupants x 60 gallons/occupant) Travel trailer parks With water and sewer hookup (number sites x 100 gallons/site) With central toilet and showers (number of sites x 75 gallons/site) Sanitary dump (sites without hookup; number of sites x 10 gallons/site) Catering Church (for sanctuary, nave, chancel; 7 square feet/person seating area; sacristy and ambulatory at no charge); for remainder use other criteria Ablution Room (# of people in sanctuary x 1.6 gallonsiperson) Clinic (see Hospital) Cocktail Lounge (no food service) Coffee Shop (no food service) Correction Facility (prison) Court Room Daycare Number of people for which facility is licensed Child/adult play area (not licensed) Health Club, Bowling Alley, etc. Dry Cleaner (retail) Elder Housing (see formula below to determine the number of residents) No washerldryer in each unit Washerldryer in each unit Calculate the number of residents as follows: Number of efficiency units x 1.0 residentslunit • Number of one -bedroom units x 1.5 residents/unit) • Number of two-bedroom units x 2.0 residentsfunit) • Number of three-bedroom units x 3.0 res id ' ents/unit)- Total number of residents for SAC calculation Exercise Area/Gym {juice bars at no charge); for remainder use other criteria No showers RE Appendix A, Continued 274 gallons 1 274 gallons 1 E74 gallons -4 r,74 gallons 1 Contact MCES for Determination, Contact MCES for Determination Contact MCES for Determination 275 seats I FIMFM?M� 23 seats 23 seats 3 inmates 1,650 square feet 5 beds 14 people 1 490 square feet 1 2,400 square feet 1 3,000 square feet 1 3 residents I 2,060 square feet 1 Exhibit Hall (gross square feet x 45% usable space @ 7 square 64 people feet/parson) I bed Fire Station (charges for office, meeting rooms, etc. are calculated 16,000 square feet separately); for remainder use other criteria 5,000 square feet Hose Tower i tower Vehicle Washing I vehicle Full time, overnight people (76 gallons/person) 274 gallons Volunteer (occasional overnight stays) 14 volunteers Funeral Home (charge for the viewing areas only: i.e., chapel), for 770 square feet remainder use other criteria 100% of current SAC rate Apartment I apartment Came Room (billiards, video and pinball games) 60% of current SAC rate With bar 590 square feet Without bar 2,060 square feet Golf Course (if facility has showers use Locker Room criteria) 18 hole 9 hole (par 3) Miniature Country club (private) Dining room (used only on evenings and weekends) 15 seats Bar and grill (with bar and grill separate) Bar only 23 seats Grill 15 seats Golf Dome or Driving Range (for remainder use other criteria) 6 driving stations Greenhouse I bed Area not open to the public 16,000 square feet Area open to the public 5,000 square feet General retail area 3,000 square feet Group Home 274 gallons Secondary treatment (residents leave during the day) 6 beds Primary treatment (residents stay all day) 3 beds Guest Room (in an apartment or condominium complex) Washer/dryer 100% of current SAC rate No washer/dryer 801/6 of current SAC rate No kitchen 60% of current SAC rate Handball and Racquetball Court 1 court Hospital (licensed beds or baby cribs) I bed Outpatient clinic *17 fixture units Sterilizer (4 hours x gallons per minute x 60 minutes) 274 gallons X-ray film processor (4 hours x gallons per minute x 60 minutes) 274 gallons Dental clinic vacuum device (4 hours x gallons per minute x 60 274 gallons minutes) Whirlpool, therapy (number of gallons to fill x 8 fills/day) 274 gallons 22 ii 3 2 3 2 I Ice Arena Shower (see Looker Room) Team Room (plumbing fixture units) *17 fixture units Bleachers 110 seats Ice resurfacer (if discharge goes to the sanitary sower) I resurfacer Laundromat (required water volume for cycle time x.8 cycles/day) 274 gallons Library (subtract book storage areas, file areas; charge for common *17 fixture units plumbing fixture units in public areas) Reception, book checkout office 2,400.square feet Meeting room, board room 1,650 square feet Loading Dock 7,000 square feet Locker Room (if showers — 20 gallonallocker) 14 lockers Massage Room (without showers) 6 stations With showers add I SAC/shower Meals to Go (prepared bulk meals) # meals prepared in one day x 1.6 gallons/meal (no dishwashing) 274 gallons Meeting Room (conference room) 1,650 square feet Mini -storage (storage area — no charge) Apartment 1 apartment Public Area *17 fixture units Mobile Home Motel and Motel (assume 2 people/room; no charge for pools, saunas, 2 rooms whirlpools, game rooms, or exercise rooms used exclusively by guests) Breakfast only (complimentary) 45 seats Cocktail hour (complimentary) 55 seats Kitchenette (number of kitchenettes x 10 gallons/day) 274 gallons Museum 2,400 square feet Nall Salon (See Beauty Salon) Nursing Home 3 beds Office General office (deduct mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, stairwells, 2,400 square feet restroom and storage areas) Dental and Doctoes office, see Hospital, Oulpaffent Clinic Parking Garage (minimum I SAC) *17 fixture units Park Shelter *17 fixture units Park Public Building (see specific criteria for each use) Police Station (charge as Office) Calls (overnight —jail) 3 inmates Cells (holding area with no overnight stays) 14 inmates Recording/Film Studio 7,000 square feet *See page 26 for more details on fixture unk criteria. 23 I E I Appendix A, Continued Restaurant Drive-in 9 parking spaces Take-out (no seating) 3,000 square feet Fast food (with disposable plates, drink cups, and table utensils) 22 seats Fixed Seating 22 seats Moveable Seating (square feet of dining area x 80% usable space 22 seats @ 16 square feettseat) Full service (with washable plates, drink cups, and table utensils) 8 seats Fixed Seating 8 seats Moveable Seating (square feet of dining area x 80% usable Space 8 seats @ 16 square feetfseat) Outdoor seating charged at same criteria as inside seating Retail Store (deduct mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, stairwells, 3,000 square feet escalators, restrooms and unfinished storage areas) Roller Rink (skating area only) 825 square feet Rooming House (no food service) 7 beds RV Dwnping Station (not in association with camp grounds) School (teacher offices are included in the per student criteria; admin areas use separate criteria) Elementary school Secondary School Lab Gym (if permanent bleachers) Collegettechnical/vocational Lecture hall Lab Dorm rooms (on and off campus) Music School (number of practice rooms x 2 people/room) Nursery school (see Daycare) House of worship nursery (used during worship service only; not daily parochial school) Service Station Gas pumping Convenience center Service bays Carwash Shooting Range (rifle and handgun ranges, 6 feetilane); for remainder use other criteria Swimming Pool (nein-residential, swimming pool area only) *no charge for private residential, townhouse, apartments, condominiums, hotels, or motels used exclusively by residents of complex Tanning Room (no showers) With showers add I SAC/shower 24 540 square feet 420 square feet 700 square feet 110 seats 640 square feet 270 square feet 900 square feet 5 beds 18 students 1650 square feet il i 3,000 square feet 2 bays Contact MCES for Determination 6 lanes 1 shower I 900 square feet I 3,000 square feet 1 Tennis Court (non-residential, showers available) I court No showers available 6 courts 25 64 seats Theater Drive-in (parking spaces) 56 spaces Vehicle Garage 14 employees Employees stationed in garage 28 drivers Vehicle drivers (per day) Vehicle washing (number of vehicles per day x gallons per minute x 274 gallons minutes/vehicle) Warehouse 7,000 square feet Assembly area OfficeAvarehouse {speculative) 2,400 square feet Minimum 30% office 7,000 square feet MgD(jmum'70% warehouse 25 PF -1 In Council Agenda: 6/23/08 When the City Council received the yearly Wright County Sheriff's report, there was a discussion on the number of false alarm calls the sheriff's department is responding to. These are responses to security alarm systems calling out the sheriff s department as a result of a defective or malfunctioning alarm system. These are not calls to 911 operators from individuals. In March of 2008 the sheriff s department responded to 33 false alarms. The City currently bills for fire department responses to false alarms. The fire false alarm charges are as follows: I st Alarm Free 2nd Alarm $250.00 P Alan -n and above $350.00/each This ordinance would provide equal treatment of all false alarm calls. The reason to charge for false alarms is to encourage the repair of defective or malfunctioning alarm system so emergency personnel are not repeatedly tie up needlessly at the same location time after time. The charge would be for all alarm systems in residents or businesses. The City currently bills for the fire false alarms under a City Policy. However, Minnesota Statutes state "A city may exercise the power under sections 366.011 and 366.012 relating to charges for emergency service only if the city adopts an ordinance authorizing the manner and amount of charging for those services". This is the reason for this ordinance. The Fire Department also has a policy to charge for automobile accident responses, so we are also adding an ordinance related to those fees. Al. Budget Impact: This would be a new revenue source for the City, which would help offset the City's police costs. I would estimate that the City would receive less than $ 10,000 from this new charge and over time would decrease as alarm systems are maintained and/or repaired, thus reducing the number of false alarms. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The finance department would need to track these alarms and send notices and/or bill for the false alarm call, much as the department now does for the fire false alarms. This should require minimal time for the department. 1. Adopt the Emergency Alarm System and Emergency Response — Car Accident Fees Ordinances. 2. Do not adopt the Emergency Alarm System and Emergency Response — Car Accident Fees Ordinances. Council Agenda: 6/23/08 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff supports, Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Emergency Alarm System Ordinance. Emergency Response — Car Accident Fees Ordinance. MM � 5-5-1 Definition 5-5-2 Charges 5-5-3 Unpaid Charges 5-5-4 Enforcement Any alarm call to an home or business that, in the opinion of the Monticello Fire Chief or his authorized representative having jurisdiction over the area or the County Sheriff, was the result of a defective or malfunctioning alarm system will receive a written notice outlining this ordinance, indicating additional false alarm calls within the calendar year will subject the property owner to a charge. 5-5-2 Charges A second false alarm call within the calendar year (January -December) will subject the property owner to a charge as adopted in the city fee schedule by City Council. A third (3) or more false alarm calls within a calendar year will result in the property owner being charged fees as adopted in the city fee schedule by the City Council for each additional false alarm. RSIIUM�I= � Any charges not paid within thirty (30) days of the date of billing shall be assessed a 1% late fee. Any charges over thirty days (30) and unpaid by October 31 of each year will be subject to a fifty dollar ($50.00) administrative fee and certified to the county auditor for placement as a lien on the property owner's real estate taxes the following year. The Monticello Fire Chief, or his authorized representative, the County Sheriff or the City may use discretion in enforcing this ordinance, taking into account any unique circumstances that may exist in a particular case and/or history of false alarms coming from a particular property, business or residence. SECTION 5-6-1 Definition 5-6-2 Fees 5-6-3 Unpaid Fees 5-6-4 Enforcement Q rim —Iff -1-7 -Tff 07 a M41 Any response to a traffic accident of the Monticello Fire Department within the City of Monticello city limits. 5-6-2 Fees Fees for emergency response – car accident fees shall be the fee schedule adopted by City Council. Any fees not paid within thirty (30) days of the date of billing shall be assessed a I % late fee. The Monticello Fire Chief, or his authorized representative, or the City may use discretion in enforcing this ordinance, taking into account any unique circumstances that may exist in a particular case. Council Agenda: 6123108 12. Consideration of approvin2 vlans to close River Street at TH 25, Citv Proiect No. 2008-14C. (13W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the special City Council meeting on June 9, 2008 the Council directed staff to develop plans to close River Street at TH 25 as a pilot project, including revising the signing and striping on CSAH 75 to change the westbound right lane from a thru-right into a right -turn lane to reduce vehicle queuing on WB CSAH 75. Staff discussed Council's request with Wright County Highway Department (WCHD) officials who responded by saying that the right lane of VVI3 CSAH 75 used to be a right -turn lane until the mid -1990's, at which time it was converted into a thru-right lane to prevent creating traffic violations. This is because there is an opposing thru-lane on the west side of TH 25 and people were constantly using the right lane as a thru-lane no matter how it was striped and signed. And since it is not feasible to reconfigure the opposing thru-lane due to the need for trucks traveling S13 on TH 25 to turn right at the intersection, this request would not be supported by the WCHD. The City's consulting traffic engineer noted that revising the lane designation for the right -lane would also make it hard to study the true effects of closing River Street at TH 25. As such the attached plans do not reflect any changes to the lane designation for the right lane on W13 CSAH 75. Traffic counts from the fall of 2007 show East River Street having an average daily traffic (ADT) volume of 902 vehicles, while West River Street has an ADT of 968 vehicles. Closing River Street will therefore cause these vehicles to use CSAH 75, or some other local street south of CSAH 75, in order to access TH 25. According to traffic models this will result in additional congestion and delays for both EB and W13 CSAH 75, particularly for vehicles turning onto NB TH 25 from EB and WB CSAH 75. Advance warning signs indicating the change in traffic control will be placed in advance of the pilot study area as shown on the attached plans. The anticipated start date for construction is July 14th so as not to cause confusion during RiverFest. This date will be included on all advance warning signs. The operation of traffic on TH 25 should not be adversely impacted by the pilot study. It is anticipated that it will only take a few days for drivers to adjust to the closure so staff recommends limiting the pilot study to a period not to exceed 60 days. This should allow sufficient time to study the effects of the closure. Council Agenda: 6123108 A.1 Budget Impact: The estimated cost to close River Street as shown in the attached plan is $11,600. A.2 Staff Workload: There will be minimal impact to staff workload, other than what is required to monitor traffic operations during the pilot study, to maintain the traffic control devices, and to respond to people's concerns and/or questions. 1. Motion to approve plans and authorize quotes for River Street closure at TH 25. 2. Motion of other. ffl�N 0 K I 9"MMY—a-raT V City staff recommends approving Alternative Action No. 1. This includes leaving the lane designations for the right lane of WB CSAR 75 as is. Plans for closing River Street. �........ 4" DASHED 4" BLACK '^X NHITE (TAPE) I 'TE iTAPE) SIGN PANELS TYPE C LIN f LINFi LIN FT r € .t 125 ,N,^N POSTS ..... I iP p ;gyp„ SIGN NO. QUANTITY ,...,.m..,.�..-, N0. KNEE LEFT T) MOUNTING HEIGHT (FT' 4 PANEL PANEL TOTAL SIZEPANEL E4 AREA ISO. SIGN pp CODE PANEL LEGEND NOTE -_ Y DATcv O6/t a/09 26082 LIF. nav BRACES MONitCFLtO s WAFT.) TYPE QUANT, E 1 FT.) p I C-1 4 2U-k 7 72 X 60 30.00 120.00 11 -XI y ROAD CLOSURE DATE C-2 2 IU-- 7 24 X 24 4.00 8 00 8371 E NO LEFT TURN C-3 2 lU ..,... I., ..... 7 24 X 24 4,00 8.00 .w ..... W 00 +G20 R3 2 M NO RIGHT TURN C-4 v 1 lU [ 7 30 X 30 6.25 6.25 _ R3-7 ._..�. _ . LEFT TURN LANE ..A ,., C-5 . ¢ 4 7 48 X 30 'y 10.00 40.00 RI 1-2 ROAD CLOSED 2 7 60 X 30 12.50 25.00 z.a , RIl-4 ROAD CLOSED THRU TRAFFIC rr . ...,,µ �.._ _ 48 16.00 32.00 )20-3 ROAD CLOSED AHEAD ROAD TOTAL -_n... 17 € 239.25ti., 4" SOLID 4" DASHED 4" BLACK '^X NHITE (TAPE) I 'TE iTAPE) (EPDXY) LIN f LINFi LIN FT �_� ...250.... .t 125 ,N,^N v:. �.�„�...,... 400 1 Il SIGN OR SIGN COL OR SIZE I QUANTITY DEVICE NO. =-I-- ,J-SARR IER dT PLASTIC SL ACK 0 „ „ i3RU)k ON ORANGE FLASHER AMBER o�w TYPE III ORANGE as BARRICADE y I TE y Ch C b C D Cl a 0 U "1 Oq \�. �U Nd. ­ DATE BY I CHK I REVISIONS b�y w mrb D3 120 (LIN FT) 36" 30 (EACH) 25 (EACH) WEEMENUUM [ UBS 80 By: -� I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, CAR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY OR UNDER MY DIRECT SLPERVISIOI MTD MAY I AM A DOLY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER MR ,� ♦ 701 F�VenUe South, $l:12e 3QQ gP 101'1 By: THE LAHB 6 THE STATE 6 MINNESOTA. WSB .Yan]a Minneapolis, MN 55416 iP p ;gyp„ www .wsbengcom I E A rOVed 8 pP CERTIFIED BY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER - CHANES I. RICNARi. P.E. &ds.ocia#.s. Grt. TLD-941d&1D-Fav -_ Y DATcv O6/t a/09 26082 LIF. nav " 7Q354t77Op INFRASTRUCTURE-, ENGINEERING 1 PLANNING, CONSTRUCTION - MONitCFLtO NIS 66 156182 q66 366 61I) 6gA —P- vF 1� 5R 162 'R 2 �S'T v 1A. ZA1 3,36 Agg 51 n 1 1 A 'to 1g p 1$ i 3A 5q 5A6 v m - JULY 14 4-6.641, 36.4 I 8—L---14.4--4-6.6-1 35.7]- 60.6 1.5.74 —14.6 42.8 a-10--- Jw 32.2 1— 72 6.0" Radius, 1,3" Border, Black on Orange; [RIVER ST] E Mod; [CLOSED] E Mad; [AHEAD] E Mod; [JULY 14] E Mod; SHEET RIVER STREET CLOSING 1 OF Monticello, Minnesota TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 2 SHEETS � 7 'j w Nq, N WJ, A, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IZII;t _L?t I AIL) 0 NI, E! C 7, ris' o R 21, -�N '6 �k T! Q T o, aF ?, f - 9A, Z 7 ox E, 2 X 24 ON 611�1 il, 20-Xl IY, fe A %)Q ''I"URT ON, 'P zlkl� C.? TURN 4AL % / Y� BAG ALL SIGNAL HEADS. 5 ly C uA� q `Y� N 'P� fit K,,� b X 30 ;N 30, 60 X %,A P� d �4, plg �AC I I I�U�l , , �:,, �� �? � '', 1 1.� ; �� a�:� G2b-XI 11"4 W� o VAI , "'7", 1 , 9��P ` � R3 i� ; 0 , , ��i, 0�", - . gA 72 X 60 COVER COWLICTING64 "N 19t 30 1�1 lio� 4 %A PAVEMENT MARKINGS . . ...... WITH BLACK TAPE" 4, 111L�,o ni EXTEND 4" � WHITE LINE' , j"TOW, WHITE TAPEj- Z WITH 4 6, 0 4 N i�7 f, RA 4 F.4 mn 93 21, 1z x 50, 4� Y, �jr, V 'JA 4r, f �, N, , IRE TRO -REFLECTIVE ORU- AT 25' SPACINGS (TYP) IO'SPACING THROUGH "THE INTERSECTION - 71* "t di", 1j, Z' y", \60 X An Pz� T F%, A, 3 A . . ..... 5 Q. Air 47 ..... . . . . . . ..... IN" al z 10 if 41, , �tm NO. DATE BY CHK REV 15 1 DNS Design By: I HER Or CENI IFY THAT IN IS PLAN, SPECIF [CATION. ON REJORT WAS PREPARED BY OR OMER An DIRECT SAPERVISION AND THAT I AW A MY LICENSED PINCIFESSIONAL ENGINEER MR 701 Xenia Avenue Soutb, Suite 300 SHEET plan BY: THE LAOS OF THE STATE D' AHNNIESITA. Minneapolis, MN 55416 2 A, WSB ww. wisbeng com RIVER STREET CLOSING :� OF CERTIFIED lessiffamom By L ICIENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGIflEER - ANTHONY J. VINIECKI. P.E. 1- TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ApproVe(l By: 7(O-W4&D0-FA,7"'-17o) tow. Monticello, Minnesota 2 -6 06/18/08 23128 : — INFRASTRUCTURE , ENGINEEIRING � PLANNING , CONSTRUCTION SHEETS Council Agenda: 6123108 13. Consideration of Award of Bid for Fiber Outies Head -End Buildin2 Site, Grading and Utilitv Improvements, Citv Proiect No. 20,06-32C. (B.W.) The proposed project includes site, grading, and utility improvements for the head -end building site for the City's fiber optic network. The site is located south of the City's new water tower within an approximate 150 -foot x 375 -foot area. The proposed improvements will include grading the site to allow for construction of the head -end building and garage, as well as the proposed outside storage area where the antenna/satellite dishes will be located. Sanitary sewer and water services will be extended to both the building and garage areas. Driveway and parking lot construction will also be included with the project. Drainage from the site will be directed north to the storm sewer within the water tower driveway and west to the adjacent existing pond. A 6 -foot black vinyl coated chain link fence surrounding the site is also included with two access gates, one to the outside storage area and one to access the parking and building area. The original plan called for a standard galvanized chain link fence. There was discussion at the Council meeting to include alternate types of fencing consistent with other development applications. Staff reviewed this and revised the fence type to be a black vinyl chain link fence. This type of fence is consistent with the type of use for the site and meets ordinance requirements. The fence is to be used for security purposes and the landscaping proposed meets the screening requirements. Landscaping improvements are not included with the project and will be bid separately by the Parks Department. Bids for this project were received and opened on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 and are good for a period of 45 -days. The City received thirteen bids, which were very competitive, with Schluender Construction, Inc. submitting the low bid for this project at $133,874.00. The Engineer's Estimate was $134,026.00. The Letter of Recommendation, Bid Tabulation Summary and Bid Tabulation are included. Funds for this project are projected to be drawn from existing reserves. Revenue from the system will be used to pay -back reserves or when the full project goes forward and Revenue Bond funds are released from escrow, these funds can be used to replenish reserves. Construction is anticipated to commence on July 7, 2008. Site grading and utility work are to be completed on or before August 15, 2008. Final completion will be dependent on the head -end building construction schedule, but shall occur no later than December 12, 2008. Council Agenda: 6123108 Motion to award project to Schluender Construction, Inc. in the amount of $133,874.00. 2. Motion to not award the project at this time. Staff recommends Alternative Action No. 1. Letter of Recommendation Bid Tabulation Summary Bid Tabulation A WSB AINANNINNOOk & Issociale", Inc. June 4, 2008 Infrastructure a Engineering ® Planning ® Construction Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Head -End Building Site, Grading, and Utility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2006-32C WSB Project No. 1627-92 Dear Mayor and Council Members: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Bids were received for the above -referenced project on Tuesday, June 3, 2008, and were opened and read aloud. Thirteen bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Schluender Construction, Inc., Monticello, Minnesota, in the amount of $133,874.00. The Engineer's Estimate was $134,026.00. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to Schluender Construction, Inc., based on the results of the bids received. Sincerely, Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Robert Schluender, Schluender Construction, Inc. srb K. 101627-92t4dmdn1C.-s ,t,.nAd,.,.iLTR PEC,1510Y*,\'-h-060408-.,ig-d.doe PROJECT: Head -End Building Site, Grading, and Utility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2006-32C LOCATION: City of Monticello, MN WSB PROJECT NO.: 1627-92 Engineer's Opinion of Cost $134,026.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on June 3, 2008. Shibani K. Bisson, PE, Project Manager Denotes corrected figure K.101627-9264dMInlConstniction AdminII627-92 Bid Tab Summary-signed.xIs Contractor Bid Security Addendum No. 1 Grand Total Bid (5%) Received 1 Schluender Construction, Inc. X X $133,874.00 2 Rum River Contracting Co. X X $136,056:84 1 , , : 3 Kuechle Underground, Inc. X X $138,265.20 4 Sundblad Construction, Inc. X X $141,599:5§ 5 Hardrives, Inc. X X '�,, $147"C0896 N 6 Dennis Fehn Gravel & Excavating, Inc. X X 7 Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. X X $152,165.00 8 Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. X X $156,107.30 9 Northdale Construction Co., Inc. X X $160,136.12 10 R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. X X $165,037.00 11 Rahm Construction, Inc. X X $16 7 , 63 1.30 12 S. R. Weidema, Inc. X X $173,704.86 13 Kober Excavating, Inc. X X $174,416.80 Engineer's Opinion of Cost $134,026.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on June 3, 2008. Shibani K. Bisson, PE, Project Manager Denotes corrected figure K.101627-9264dMInlConstniction AdminII627-92 Bid Tab Summary-signed.xIs 00 coCD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 q UU) O O O O O CR O (P 0 q 0 q q q 0 0 .2 0 0 0 0 w Il- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO L �T0 a N 'r m w to w m �2 0 Nr 0 o 00 0 0 LO fl. M - u') r- a) Nto ll� Ccl G6U3r- � m m w w 602 '-T 6" 6'.1 69 63 6"' V C\i - to (a r-- - t,: ,7 N : 63 63 69 69 I 61'� :!t 2 0 69 ffl, C11 64 eq 09. 69 09. 63 cq 69 Gq U3U3 to 4) 'a— c 0 0 0 0 0 o 'n a 0 0 0 0 0 a w 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 D O O O IR O . rl: O O C! O 0 0 o 't O O O O p O O O 0 a 'i O m C4 m m L,f CV 0 4 g w 0 0 0 w 0 0 6 CL C, 0 W. 69 U366, 69(D 0 V> 04 LO 69, 0 LO r-- 0 Vi LQd3 60 69 69 69. c! C\j 00 (D 6% w C*4 6% 6% C\f 63 69 60 5 'E 60 7� Of Z) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w N 0 a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 C> 0 0 0 v 0 h w N w h m 0 U) N U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 6 c6 6 c6 c6 CV N 6 6 h 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 O m v I --N �; �; m m m v m m & h0 w w O r, LL a. 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C15 r-- ai r- ca cvi to cl ! cli rl- :� 0 Cl) 0) . m Ce) CL C13 0ti 1. 64 ) 0 a x 6,3, C\f uj a 0 a a 0 0 0 0 C> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 U) m 0 Lo (D (0 0 CD r"L Lri cl� 00 Cli ICD Q M 0 ;; tfT (f), CN OD C14 C11 Co 6, 64 V> 6% V9. 0 0 0 0 o o O to of LU w 0 N U). L 00tonol, C, U7 CL K3 .r- uj Cl) _T t0 < - 'r CJ uj F- F- U- z = LLI Z 0 D L< u uj U) Q 2 (D 0 > 00 z m 4- .0 -W 0 0 m v 0 C14 z x m cx uj C/) W0 =� m 0 (1) < rnZ m (13 (DF- z 0 of < U- a- z WF- z >Z CP 0 -j < cilia z > Lu S, W uj ca CL < =� F- w LU ui D C14 UJ (D ID ui LU LU = a: =: 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 O(OR (n ui Qi E U o a o c) _j 0 2 2 0 Z Council Agenda: 6123108 14. Consideration of Award of Bid for Fiber Optics Head -End Buildin2. Citv Proiec) No. 2006-32C. The proposed project includes construction of the head -end building and garage footings and foundation for the City's fiber optic network. The site is located south of the City's new water tower. The proposed improvements include construction of the head -end building and the footings and foundation for the proposed garage. Landscaping improvements are not included with this project and will be bid separately by the Parks Department. Bids for this project were received and opened on Monday, June 16, 2008 and are good for a period of 45 -days. Bids included a base bid for the complete construction of the head -end building, as well as an alternate bid for constructing the footings and foundation for the proposed garage. The City received seven bids, which were very competitive, with KC Companies, Inc. submitting the low base bid for this project at $555,000 and an alternate bid of $14,500. The Engineer's Estimate for the base and alternate bids was $571,177.15 and $23,457.89 respectively. The Architect's Letter of Recommendation and Bid Tabulation Summary are included. Funds for this project are projected to be drawn from existing reserves. Revenue from the system will be used to pay -back reserves or when the full project goes forward and Revenue Bond funds are released from escrow, these funds can be used to replenish reserves. Construction is anticipated to commence in mid-August following completion of the site grading and utility work. The precast wall panels will be ordered immediately after the project is awarded and should arrive on site by October 15, 2008. Final completion of the head -end building and garage foundation will occur by November 28, 2008. 1. Motion to award both the base and alternate bids to KC Companies, Inc. in the amounts of $555,000 and $14,500 respectively. 2. Motion to award base bid to KC Companies, Inc. in the amount of $555,000. 3. Motion to not award project at this time. Council Agenda: 6123108 Staff recommends Alternative Action No. 1. Letter of Recommendation Bid Tabulation Summary Kadet'. Architectural Group, Ltd. IS Groveland Terrace • Minneapolis, MN 55403 1 1 54 E -Mail arch@kode, corn Website www,kodet.com Telepho �e 612.377.2737 Vacsimile 612,377.1331 June 19, 2008 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: head -End Building Storage Garage Footings City of Monticello Project No. 2006-32C. Kodet Project No, '75808 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above -referenced project oil Monday. June 16, 2008, and were opened and read aloud. Seven bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as KC' Companies, Inc., Waite Park, Minnesota, in the amount of $555,000. Kodet Architectural Group's estimate was $580,565. An add alternate was received for the Garage Foundation for the amount oi'$14,500, The estimate of Kodet Architectural Group was $23,457.89. All bidders indicated that they could not meet the schedule in the specifications because of production time, due to pre -cast delivery. 1f their contract is approved at the fUre 23, 2008 meeting, KC Companies indicated they would provide pre -cast on or about October 15. 2008., with six to eight weeks needed to complete the project. This qualification to the bid was suggested by Kodet Architectural Group, after discussion with the pre -cast companies, All bidders indicated this qualification in their bid submittals. This was discussed with Mr. Joel Jamnik, the City Attorney. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to KC Companies, Inc., based on the results of the bids received, Enclosure Faxed: Mailed. Yes No Sincerely, KODET ARCHITECTURAL GROT TP, LTD. 0 1 1 OrL Edward J. Kodet, Jr,, FA IA Ek ge 08,019 Monticello x4 +uxv 5e Architectore - Interiors Pianmng PROJECT - Head -End Building Site, Grading, and Utility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2006-32C LOCATION: City of Monticello, MN KODET PROJECT NO.: 75808 Bids Opened: Monday, June 16. 2008 at 2:00 p.m. FiberNet Monticello Bid Date: June 16, 2008; 2:00 P.M. Kodet Project Number: 75808 Contractors Base Bid Add Alternate #1 Addenda 1, 2 Bid Bond Garage Foundation Received KC Companies, Inc. I $555,000 $14,500 x Yes Forza Construction $566,400 $14,660 X Iles GenCon/Graus Construction $567,400 $19,800x Yes Nelson Builders $581,664 I $ 9,613 x Yes Gopher State Contractors, Inc, 1 $583,264 $15,900 x 5% Sbingobee Builders j $599,000 514,000 x I 5-1,, 1 Hunerberg Construction I $670,722 :512,975 x Yes Engineer's Opinion of Cost $580,565 $23,458 x Yes I hereby his is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on June 16, ZOO& 111� Edward J. Kodet, Jr., FAIA Architecture - Interiors - Planning Council Agenda: 6123108 15. Consideration of avvrovine Plans and Specifications and authorizinLy advertisement for bids for Fiber Loop, City Proiect No. 2006-32C. (J.0.) City Council is asked by the Fiber Optics Committee to consider moving forward on important elements of the FiberNet Monticello project by constructing a vital subset of the larger project. This subset has been labeled the "Fiber Loop" because in includes a ring of fiber optic line connecting important commercial, industrial and civic facilities. It also would take advantage of development of the head -end building as proposed under the FiberNet plan. The service provided at this time would include high speed data only and no TV or telephone. The estimated cost to construct and operate this system (1.47 Million) is small relative to the original project and it is projected that the revenue derived from the project will be sufficient to fund capital and operation expenses. Operation expenses for this type of service require minimal manpower with the budget projecting one full time technician. The details of this proposal can be found in attached report from Doug Dawson. This subset of the larger project actually stands on its own merits and is actually akin to "Fiber Loop" projects developed in other communities. It is my -understanding that the City of Buffalo currently has a fiber loop that connects municipal and county facilities. As noted in Dawson's report, the engineering information developed with the full project can be readily modified to fit this scaled down project and thus the design and bidding process can be expedited quite quickly. It is likely that the project can be bid, awarded and completed during this construction season. There are no legal implications that staff is aware of relating to this proposal as it is fully separate from the legal challenge presented by TDS. Following are reasons for considering this proposal: • The cost of the system along with operating expenses can be funded through revenue created by this project . • At such time that the fall project is completed, Revenue Bond funds can be used to pay the City back for funding the initial cost of this "Fiber Loop" phase. • Completion of this phase (head -end building) will improve outlook for timely completion of the full system and thus reduce added costs relating to delays created by the current lawsuit. • Industrial/Commercial users along the Fiber Loop will have access to fiber optic speed thus contributing toward achievement of economic development goals. • The route includes a pass by the Otter Creek Business Park thus providing another important asset in marketing this property. Council Agenda: 6123108 The route will connect the City Hall, Community Center and Public Works facilities which will enhance communication/data speeds and reduce internet access expense. TDS has indicated an interest in development of a fiber optic system however, the elements and terms associated with their system are not understood. A.1 Budget Impact: Funds for this project are projected to be drawn from existing reserves. Revenue from the system will be used to pay -back reserves or when the full project goes forward and Revenue Bond funds are released from escrow, these funds can be used to replenish reserves. 1. Motion to approve plans and specification for Fiber Loop and authorize advertisement for bids with project costs estimated at 1.47 Million. Motion based on benefits noted above. If this alternative is selected, bidding documentation will be submitted to firms that bid on the original project. 2. Motion to deny or table requests as noted under alternative 1. It is the view of Staff and the Fiber Optic Committee to move forward on accomplishment of the City's goals of enhancing economic development and provide choice through development of this Fiber Loop. The project is projected to be financially self supporting and can be nicely integrated into the larger system both financially and physically when it is constructed. Report from Doug Dawson Budget for Fiber Loop project Budget Request for Building some Network in 2008 The following document proposes that the City proceed with building some network in 2008 even with the lawsuit. The ultimate and completed network will consist of six types of equipment — fiber backbone, fiber drops, customer electronics, system electronics, a headend building and miscellaneous equipment. Each of these network components is described as follows. Fiber backbone is fiber-optic cable (cable that transmits using light instead of electricity) that will be constructed to go up every street in the City. This will place the network in front of every home and business in the City. Fiber drops consist of a fiber that is built to each customer as the customer subscribes to the network. A fiber drop is a fiber that connects from the fiber backbone to the side of a customer's home or business. Customer electronics are those electronics that enable the fiber system to communicate with each customer. The customer electronics consists of a core set of electronics at the network hub referred to as the FTTP headend and an electronic device placed on the side of each home or business called an Optical Network Terminal ("ONT"). ONTs are only installed as customers subscribe to service. System electronics is a generic term used to describe the electronics needed to provide the triple play services to customers. The triple play or products that the City plans to offer consists of cable television, voice and high-speed Internet service. The systems electronics needed to provide cable television service are referred to in the industry as the cable headend. This consists of a series of devices that are used to receive, decode and retransmit cable TV signals received from the programmers via satellite. The electronics needed to provide voice service are referred to as a voice switch. There are various pieces of electronics needed to provide data services such as routers and servers. A new building is needed to house all of the electronics. This building is referred to in the telecom industry as the hub or the headend. building. The final category of miscellaneous equipment consists of such things as vehicles, furniture, computers and those other similar assets needed to operate a business. It is necessary for all of the assets described to be purchased, constructed, tested and ready for service for the business to be able to serve the first triple play customer. For example, if the City were to build only the fiber backbone, no customers could be served without the electronics. I have previously determined by looking at the schedule that the headend building and the fiber backbone are critical path assets. By that, I mean that it is essential for the building and the fiber backbone to be constructed on schedule in order for FiberNet Monticello to meet the existing planned customer launch date. The building is a critical path asset because it must be ready before any of the electronics can be purchased and installed. The fiber backbone is a critical path asset since a contractor must be selected very soon or the City will miss the 2008 construction period. The Council has already approved funds to begin the process of for construction of two assets — the fiber backbone and the headend building. For the fiber backbone, the City has already gone through a process of qualifying contractors as able to bid on the fiber construction. The responses to this bid process were received on June S. However, if we are now proposing to build only a small portion of the larger network, that RFP can't be used and we will have to re- issue the RFP. We can use the same shell RFP as the first one and this will require a minimal effort. For the building, the City has already hired an architect to prepare a bid package to send to potential builders. The City's original plan was to choose the fiber contractor and the building contractor in June 2008. 2 It's now obvious that the lawsuit will delay the start of the construction. While the City has sold the bonds, those funds are now in escrow and can't be used for construction until the end of the lawsuit. The question I address in this memo is: are there any assets that the City should build anyway in anticipation that the lawsuit will eventually be settled? In order to answer that question I used two criteria in deciding what assets ought to be built now: • Are some assets so critical to the process that they should be built now to most efficiently use the bond money when released? • Is there some subset of assets that if built, can be economically justified on their own? The building meets the first criteria. If the construction of the building is delayed, then the customer launch also will be delayed. If the building is not started until the end of the lawsuit, then the launch of customers is massively delayed. For example, if the lawsuit is not settled until next summer, and the building not started until that settlement, then the system would not be able to get customers until late in 2010. However, if the building is constructed now and is sitting ready for the end of the lawsuit, then customers can be added as the fiber is built to neighborhoods. Thus, constructing the building now would pull customer revenues forward as much as a year and half, depending upon what time of the year the law suit ends. Further, the building is an asset that has economic value beyond the fiber project. If the City constructs this building, and then somehow never gets into the fiber business, then the building would ultimately be able to be sold or leased to some high tech firm. The building could serve as a good way to bring another good firm to the City. 3 In looking at the second criteria, I look at the experience of many other Cities. Monticello decided to leap forward and build a fiber network to everybody in the City. However, many other Cities have elected instead to build a fiber network that would serve the City and that would be able to sell cheap data to businesses. Most Cities refer to this as a wholesale network since they only sell to businesses and carriers. Further below in this memo I look at a budget for running this sort of network and show that it ought to be able to pay for itself after a few years. The specific recommendation being made is to build a 7 -mile long fiber ring that will pass 338 businesses. A map of the proposed route is attached to this memo. The City could begin selling data products at the end of 2008. There are a number of reasons to build this network now: • This tells the Citizens of Monticello that the Council is serious about building the fiber network. • This tells TDS that you are very serious. 0 It gives a great message to the bondholders. a The route passes some government locations and allows you to begin to transfer government service to your own network. 0 Over time, the business of just selling to businesses can pay for itself irrespective of moving forward with the rest of the fiber network. 0 Over time this network could be expanded to include more businesses and to cover the other government locations. 0 if you move on with the larger project, none of this investment will be wasted. This construction would include enough conduit to easily finish the full network on these routes. This is seven miles of fiber that doesn't need to be built later. rd Also attached to this memo is a 3 -year budget for building and operating this very reduced business plan of only selling to businesses on the route. Following is an explanation of the key elements of this budget: Capital Budget * The budget for the building is $825,000 which includes architect fees, grading, pad, parking lot, and completed building. e The big ticket item is estimate for the 7 miles of fiber construction supplied by Spectrum Engineering. This price of $1,151,140 includes 200 fiber drops. Her is an additional $96,000 required for engineering and inspection. @ The system also needs electronics to light the fiber. We actually have two options to put in PCNs or to put in direct Ethernet. The two options cost almost the same amount and we can choose one of the two technologies later this year. 0 I've estimated $500 of electronics at each customer. Most of this doesn't have to be funded until 2009 and 2010. ,s, In order to be a data service provider we will need data routing equipment. 0 We also need a truck for one technician along with tools and test equipment. The total capital estimate for 2008 is $23M. Operating Budget 0 The primary assumption is that we only Deed one technician to operate this tiny business plan. At most we might get 200 customers over a few years. ® Sales would be done by a part-time salesperson. 0 Billing would be very simple and could be done in Word or Excel. 0 0 The revenue projections on the budget assume an average billing of $200 per business customer per month. There will be some businesses with bills as low as $75, but there will others that might spend several thousand per month. The $200 average billing is conservative. 0 A further assumption is that we will offer cheaper and better data products than TDS and will get at least 200 of the 338 businesses over three or four years. CCG has always warned that the larger businesses will be slow to give us all of their data business, but many of the businesses on the route are small businesses and ought to welcome cheaper and faster data products. This business plan does not anticipate selling voice, but we could probably bring wholesale voice in from HBC and increase the revenue potential. e The only full time employee is one technician. 0 One significant expense is Internet backbone. Unfortunately, if this is the only business the City ever does, then data will cost more than in the original business plan. That plan assumed we would get price breaks based upon volume. 0 My projections show this small business ought to be able to pay for itself within three years. After that, even if the City does nothing else, this business ought to return a • 0 Over time, this network, and the revenues could be expanded with carefully planned additional fiber routes. 0 The City must fund the operating shortfalls of this business until it breaks even. I estimate those shortfalls as $150,000 in 2008 and $145,000 in 2009. The system will pay for itself after that. 0 Doug Dawson President CCG Consulting. LLC Cash Required 2,462,607 200,200 0 0 0 FiberNet Monticello Budget for 2008 Small Fiber Build 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Building 825,000 Fiber 1,151,140 Engineering/ Inspection 96,000 Base Electronics 100,000 Customer Electronics 5,000 55,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 Data Routers 50,000 Truck 30,000 Test Equipment, Tools 35,000 Misc 10,000 Total 2,302,140 55,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 Operating Expenses 1 Technician & benefits 21,667 52,000 54,080 56,243 58,493 Internet Backbone 32,000 108,000 108,000 108,000 108,000 Additional Sales & Marketing 12,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 Accounting 5,400 21,600 22,464 23,363 24,297 Misc 12,000 24,000 24,960 25,958 26,997 Vehicle Expense 2,400 9,600 9,984 10,383 10,799 Consultants 75,000 50,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Total Expense 160,467 301,200 290,488 294,948 299,585 Expected Revenue 6,000 156,000 336,000 408,000 456,000 Gain J Loss (154,467) (145,200) 45,512 113,052 156,415 Cash Required 2,462,607 200,200 0 0 0 ow W 124 r4 HW > 0 OU Ln Q4 0• a H> 0 o 134 r -I Ln,v -Ho co 04 to cl, U (d C/) 04 04 0 4-4 0 �4 0000 0) -Lj rnrn Tj Z 124 0 �4 0 X U U Cr4 0 WW (3)H i04 a4 Q40 CQrn --q 0 Q KCS rn 0 UJ 1. 0 Dto 04 r- •ri I In to 0 o 4j r I'll 1-1 � Lj Eo Q) 04 1::) mm u �D oo O 0 c) cD Oo Cf) (N N jj CQ cr) (7) W 4j Iq rl 01 <H.Q hcf) 0 04 h dH H N MV' Ln LD m tO h CO H N M V' C- w m O -1M ONMd Ln cn v Ln ID h CD a W O O O O O O HHHHHHs-f H 0 0 0 H NNN N N N N M MMMMM a z 0 0 00 00 000000000000 000000 0 000000 W H O O 00 00 000000000000 000000 O 000000 Ci a O O 00 00 000000000000 000000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 HW U H H OH HH NNNNNNNNNNNN (nI-N N rl-r- N HOLf) 000 HU` Q Lf) Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln m m mm m m m m Ln m to Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln u)Ln Ln Ln Ln % 4 H Ln Ln Ln a) Ln Ln Ln l.n LC) LCl Lil Lf7 Lti LIl Ln ltl In ul Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln LI) Ln Ln m Ln Ln Ln Ln 0aaQ Lz H H HH HH HHHHHHH,H HHRH NNNNNN H NNNNNN z W +y+ tet' lzP rt dT d' et' da eN It 11 Ln H a a wa. 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