Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - 12/05/2023MINUTES REGULAR MEETING – PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 5, 2023 – 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL MEETING of the MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monticello Community Center – Academy Room 4:15 p.m. Interview of Candidate for Open Planning Commission Position 7:30 p.m. Interview of Candidate for Open Planning Commission Position MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL JOINT WORKSHOP Monticello Community Center – North Mississippi 5:00 p.m. Concept Stage Planned Unit Development Submittal for expansion of Storagel-ink-Dundas facility (36 Dundas Road) Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Andrew Tapper, Teri Lehner, Eric Hagen, Melissa Robeck Commissioners Absent: Chair Paul Konsor Council Liaison Present: Councilmember Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman, Ron Hackenmueller, Hayden Stensgard 1. General Business A. Call to Order Vice Chair Andrew Tapper called the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. B. Roll Call Mr. Tapper called the roll. C. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items None D. Approval of Agenda MELISSA ROBECK MOVED TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 5, 2023 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. TERI LEHNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. E. Aaaroval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes—November 6, 2023 ERIC HAGEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 6, 2023 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. F. Citizen Comment None 2. Public Hearings A. Consideration of an Amendment to the Monticello City Code, Title XV: Land Usage, Chapter 153: Zoning Ordinance, Section 153.091— Use Specific Standards, to allow for a single industrial self -storage facility to be built on a parcel less than two acres, and allow for such individual units to be divided into spaces of at least 1,500 square feet in industrial districts, and including definitions or other regulations necessary to define and limit the intent or application of the proposed amendment. Applicant: Skylar Rekstad City Planner Steve Grittman provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. The applicant's request is to amend the lot size requirements for Industrial Self -Storage facilities to allow for single -building construction on a site. The current zoning ordinance requires a 2 -acre parcel minimum for development of an Industrial Self -Service Use. The applicant owns a property within the City's 1-1, Light Industrial district that could potentially be developed in accordance with the proposed amendments, once subdivided. City staff recommended approval of the ordinance amendment. Mr. Tapper asked if the Industrial Self -Service principal use is conditional in all allowed zoning districts. Mr. Grittman clarified that the use is conditional in the 1-1 and 1-2 districts, and is not allowed in any other district. Eric Hagen asked if the difference in square feet of unit size minimum is sufficient between single -building parcels and multi -building parcels. The proposed language would establish a minimum of 2,000 square foot units for multi -building facilities and 1,500 square foot units for single -building facilities. Mr. Grittman believed the difference is sufficient for the given circumstances. Mr. Tapper opened the public hearing portion of the agenda item. Mr. Tapper closed the public hearing portion of the agenda item. Mr. Tapper asked for clarification on the proposed added language to Subsection E, Operation, of the overall proposed amendment. Mr. Grittman said that staff believed it was appropriate to note that the units within an industrial self -storage facility are for personal use only, and not for commercial or industrial business purposes. Mr. Tapper thought this was the original intention of the applicant's proposed amendment, to be able to rent out or sell individual units of a facility for people to house their businesses. Mr. Grittman clarified that an individual could produce commercial or industrial products at a facility as such, but the extent of the business practice would be required to be limited in terms of public exposure. Councilmember Charlotte Gabler mentioned that the extent of the potential uses and site impact would relate more to the City's code enforcement policy, rather than the zoning ordinance language itself. Mr. Tapper asked how the underlying use of Industrial Self -Storage would address site impacts that the uses within the specific units could produce. Mr. Grittman noted that those concerns and considerations would need to be addressed at the time of the Conditional Use Permit review. Any other changes or additional impacts that follow that review would need to be addressed by way of the City's change in use/occupancy review. ERIC HAGEN MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2023-37 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TITLE XV: LAND USAGE, CHAPTER 153: ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 153.091— USE SPECIFIC STANDARDS AS RELATED TO STANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIAL SELF -STORAGE BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. TERI LEHNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. B. Consideration of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to reguide two parcels from Mixed -Density Residential and Mixed Neighborhood to Public and Institutional, Rezoning from A -O, Agriculture Open Space District to Planned Unit Development (PUD) District, Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD for a proposed municipal Public Works facility. Applicant: City of Monticello Mr. Grittman provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. The requests for the Planning Commission to consider was in regard to future development of a new public works facility for the City of Monticello. The preliminary plat of Redford Crossing includes one lot for the proposed facility, as well as a lot to the west that would accommodate future private development. Staff's recommendation was approval of the various requests, subject to those conditions established in exhibit Z of the staff report. Mr. Tapper noted that along the south and east borders of the proposed public works site shows a pathway, and asked if it was an active path as part of the entire pathway system. Mr. Grittman noted that it is an informal path that is anticipated to be removed to accommodate the noted berming as part of the site landscaping plan. Melissa Robeck noted there are outbuildings along the south border of the proposed site, and asked if they are anticipated to remain. Mr. Grittman clarified that those storage sheds are anticipated to remain, but those found to be encroaching on the City's property will need to be moved back on to their respective property. Ms. Robeck as if the proposed berm on site would screen the south property from site noise. Mr. Grittman said that while the noise impacts will not entirely be avoidable, the berm would assist with some screening for noise as well as lighting. Mr. Tapper opened the public hearing portion of the agenda item. Public Comment Ben Anderson, 4208 Eaton Circle NE, Monticello, MN 55362, asked what the purpose of the berm is given the existing vegetation that is along the southern property line. Mr. Grittman clarified that though there is vegetation along the south property line, the existing trees were not large enough to be factored into the required inventory for removal. It is anticipated that the berm and new plantings will provide ample screening, compared to the existing conditions. Mr. Anderson requested that consideration be taken to account for the disruption of that vegetation to replace it with a berm and plantings and the short- and long-term benefits for both the City and the adjacent residents Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, noted that for the purposes of this meeting, notice was provided to the adjacent property owners for the public hearing. In the near future, the City plans to host engagement opportunities, such as open houses with residents, both owners and renters in the area for an opportunity to provide their feedback. Matt Leonard, Public Works Director/City Engineer, mentioned that in regard to noise, the Public Works Department will proactively load necessary vehicles and materials the day prior, to eliminate any concerns of noise early in the morning. Mr. Tapper asked if the proposed fencing along the south and east of the site is for security purposes. Mr. Leonard said that was correct, and that the proposed fence along School Boulevard will reflect those seen on commercial property along the north side of Chelsea Road West. Mr. Tapper closed the public hearing portion of the agenda item. Mr. Hagen noted that he agreed with Mr. Anderson's comments during the public hearing, and that Staff and the design team should verify that the proposed berming and planting plan along the south property line is the best path to move forward. Mr. Tapper encouraged staff and the design team as well to eliminate unnecessary impervious surface for the proposed development of the site, if possible. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2023-38 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF REDFORD CROSSING SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z AND BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. TERI LEHNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2023-39 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO REGUIDE THE PROPOSED LOT 2, BLOCK AND OUTLOTS A. B AND C OF REDFORD CROSSING TO PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL AND LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF REDFORD CROSSING TO MIXED NEIGHBORHOOD, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z AND BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. TERI LEHNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. TERI LEHNER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2023-40 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A MAP AMENDMENT REZONING THE PROPOSED LOT 2, BLOCK 1 AND OUTLOTS A. B AND C OF THE REDFORD CROSSING TO PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. TERI LEHNER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2023-41 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD FOR THE PROPOSED PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY ON THE PROPOSED LOT 2, BLOCK 1 AND OUTLOTS A, B AND C OF REDFORD CROSSING SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z AND BASED ON FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of a recommendation for Planning Commission appointment for expiring term for Teri Lehner Ms. Schumann provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. Commissioner Lehner's current term on the Planning Commission is set to expire on December 31, 2023. Ms. Lehner had indicated to staff prior to the meeting that she is willing to serve another term. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO RECOMMEND COMMISSION TERI LEHNER FOR A THREE-YEAR TERM TO THE PLANNING COMMISISON, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 11 2024. ERIC HAGEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. B. Consideration of 2023-2025 Planning Commission Workplan Update Ms. Schumann provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. Staff requested the Planning Commission review their workplan and provided a worksheet for the review. The Planning Commission was asked to return their worksheets to staff for them to prepare an update to be presented at their January regular meeting. No action was taken on the agenda item. 4. Other Business A. Community Development Director's Report Ms. Schumann provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. Eric Hagen was recognized and thanked for his time on the Monticello Planning Commission, as his current term will end on December 31, 2023. No action was taken on the agenda item. 5. Adjournment MELISSA ROBECK MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:29 P.M. Recorded By: Hayden Stensgard Date Approved: January 2, 2024 ATTEST: Angela Schumark ,, gom)nunity Development Director