HRA Agenda 04-06-2005 . ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, April 6, 2005 - 6:00 p.m 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners: Chair William Fair, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr, Steve Andrews, Dan Frie, and Brad Barger. Council Liaison: Wayne Mayer. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Angela Schumann. Guests: Ron Welle, Liberty Savings Bank I. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the February 2, 2005, February 15, 2005, and March 29, 2005 I IRA minutes. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. 4. Consent Agenda. . 5. A. Consideration of a progress report f"rom Brad Johnson or Barry Flllth relative to Phase II of" Landmark Square and authorization to begin process for establishment of" a Redevelopment TIF District if so determined. B. Request to discuss tax increment payment for Cub Project per Redevelopment Contract. 6. Consideration of a request to further define sweat equity within Transformation Home Loan Program. 7. Consideration to approve the election of HRA of"ficers for 2005 and approve the appointment of" commissioners to committees. 8. Consideration to review for amending the HRA Business Subsidy Criteria and HRA Bylaws for possible amendment and to call for a public hearing if determined. 9. Consideration to review and accept the year-end financial reports for the HRA General Fund and TIF Fund as prepared by HRA Treasurer Wolfsteller. 10. II. . 12. 13. Consideration to authorize payment of liRA bills. Consideration of" Executive Director's Report. Committee Reports. Other Business. A. Update on Public Auction. 14. Adjournment. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 21ld, 2005 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioncrs Prcscnt: Chair Bill Fair, Brad Bargcr, Vice Chair Darren Lahr Commissioners Abscnt: Dan Frie, Stcvc Andrcws Staff Present: Ollie Koropchak, Rick Wolfstcller, and Angela Schumann. 1. Call to Order. Chairman Fair called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM, and declared a quorum, noting the absence of Commissioners Frie and Andrews. 2. Consideration to approve the January 5th ffild Januarv 1 i'\ 2005 HRA minutes. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO APPROVE TI-lE MINUTES OF JANUARY 5TH, 2005. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO APPROVE TIlE MINUTES OF JANUARY I Tn-I, 2005. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. NONE. 4. Consent Agenda. NONE. 5. Consideration of a progress report from Brad Johnson or Barrv Fluth relativc to Phase II of I,andmark Square and authorization to begin process for establishment of Redevelopment TIF District 1-33 if so determined. No rcport. . . . 6. Consideration to approve a resolution adopting a modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Ccntral Minnesota Redevelopment Proiect No.1 and establishing TII<' District No. 1- 33 thcrein and adopting a TIF Plan therefor. Koropchak provided a brief overview of the Rcdevelopment Plan and explained that she had receivcd a mcmo from Mark Ruff at Ehlers and Associates late in thc day. She had been unable to connect with him regarding the mcmo. Koropchak noted that she would like clarification on Ehlcrs recommendation to tie the term of the lease to the term of assistance. She also noted that the statement regarding the return on equity seemcd to bc in conflict with what Tapper had prepared in his pro forma. Barger qucstioncd who would be paying thc taxes on thc addition. Koropchak stated that Tapper had indicatcd that he would bc paying the taxes. Lahr commented on thc differential between Ehlers analysis and Tapper's, especially in terms of return on investment. A brief discussion eommeneed on thc differcnces of each statement and the issues addressed in the Ehlers memo. Lahr stated that the but-J()r analysis showing a 14(% rcturn does not seems to indicatc that thcre is a financial necd for assistancc. The Commissioners agrccd that further clarification prior to adopting the Redevclopment Plan or crcating the TIF District. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER I.,AHR TO TABLE THE APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MINNESOTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND EST ABLISI-IMENT OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-33 AND TO SCI IEDULE A SPECIAL MEETING FOR FEBRUARY 15TH AT 6:00 PM TO RESOLVE QUESTIONS RELATED TO THE REQUEST. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BARGER. MOTION CARRIED. Koropchak notcd that it would be wise to have Ehlers and Tappcr discuss their individual analysis and develop a common conelusion. 7. Public Hcaring and consideration to apProve, the Busincss Subsidy Agrcement. a provision of the Contract for Private Redevclopment among the HRA, Tappers Holdings, LLC, and Strategic Equipment and Supply Corporation, and to adopt an Authorizing Rcsolution approving the Contract for Private Redevelopment with Tapper's Holdings, LLC and awarding the salc of: and providing th c form, terms, covenants and directions f()r the issuancc of its $100,000 Tax Increment Revenuc Note, Series 2005. Chairman Fair opened the public hearing. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE SPECIAL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 1511\ 2005. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. 2 . . . 8. Consideration to authorize payment ofHRA bills. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF I-IRA BILLS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BARGER. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Consideration of Executivc Director's Report. Koropchak reviewed the Icads she had responded to in terms of qualification f()J" the Ottcr Creek Business Park. The majority would not meet the prcferred measures. Koropchak noted that Dahlheimer's has expressed interest in a possible relocation to Otter Creek Business Campus. Koropchak reported that she had received three calls in relationship to the Transformation Ilome Loan Program. She will keep the HRA informed of further interest. Koropchak indicated that pending completion by the City Attorney, the proposed covenants for the Otter Creek Business Campus will be presented to the City Council on February 14th. 10. Committee Reports. The Marketing eommittee will be mceting on February 15th at 7:30 AM. 11 . Other Business. NONE. 12. Adjournment. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO ADJOURN. MOTION SEeONDED BY eOMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. 3 . . . MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, February 15,2005 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners Present: Chair Bill Fair, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr, Brad Barger, and Steve Andrews. Commissioner AbsentDan Frie. Council Liaison Absent: Wayne Mayer. Staff Present: Ollie Koropchak. Guests: Bill and Barb Tapper, Tapper's Holdings, LtC 1 . Call to Order. Chair Fair called the I IRA special meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. declaring a quorum. 2. Consideration to approve the Februarv 2, 2005 HRA minutes. IN LIEU OF RECEIVING THE MINUTES AT THE MEETING, BRAD BARGER MADE A MOTION TO TABLE APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 2,2005 HRA MINUTES TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE HRA. SECONDED BY DARRTN LAHR AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. None. 4. Consent Agenda. Not applicable. 5. Tabled - Consideration to aDDrOve a resolution adoDting a modification to the Redevelopmcnt Plan for Central Monticello Rcdevelomnent Proiect No. 1 and establishing TIF District No. 1- 33 thercin and adopting a TIF Plan thereJ()r. On February 2,2005, the liRA tabled this item requesting a clarification of the February 2, 2005, "but for" analysis prepared by Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates. The February 10, 2005, "but for" analysis increased the expansion costs to $1,479,365 requiring a grcater mortgagc and cquity amount. With a lease ratc of $5 per square foot TNL which is typical for the sizc building and proximity of the metro, the return on equity is 2% without TIF and 8% with . . . HRA Minutes - 02/15/05 TIF. In this case, Tapper is paying the taxes so this is not a TNL. The return on equity was 7% without TIF and 14% with TIF per the February 2,2005, analysis. Given the rental rate is within industry standards, Ehler's suggested the term of assistance be tied to the term of the lease (five years). If the rental rates increase, the HRA would have the opportunity to again, review the need for TIF. The resolution to be adopted states the proposed plan will provide employment opportunities and enhance the tax base of the city and state because it will discourage industry from moving to another state. The intent is to provide only the public assistance necessary to make the private development financially feasible and if approved by the City Council, authorizes the Executive Director to complete certain tasks. Provided to the commissioners was a copy of a letter iiom Stearns Bank supporting the need for TIF, the resolution for adoption, a summary of the TIF Plan, and job and wages goals of the tenant. STEVE ANDREWS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1; AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICr NO. 1-33 THEREIN AND ADOPTING THE TIF PLAN THEREFOR. BRAD BARGER SECONDED TilE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. 6. Continued - Public Hearing and consideration to approve, the Business Subsidv Al-':reemenL a provision of the Contract for Private Development among the HRA. Tapper's Holdings LLC, and Strategic Equipment and Supply Corporation, and to adopt an Authorizing Rcsolution approving the Contract for Privatc Redevelopment with Tapper's Holdings LLC and awarding the sale 01: and providing the form, terms. covenants and directions for the issuance of its $ Tax Increment Revenue Note. Series 2005. The public hearing for granting a business subsidy was opened on February 2, 2005, and continued to February 15, 2005, to allow the 1 IRA to clarify the "but for" analysis prepared by Mark Rut1~ Ehlers & Associates (See explanation is previous agenda item). A public hearing is held if a local govcrnment grantor is granting a subsidy that exceeds $100,000. Because of the uncertainty as to the amount of TIF assistance, it was advised to publish and hold a public hearing. Under the proposed Contract, the maximum amount of TIF assistance the developer can receive is $100,000 NPV and at least 40 new jobs will be created at wage levels so defined in the Business Subsidy Agreement. 2 . . . HRA Minutes - 02/15/05 Hearing no public comments, Chair Fair closed the public hearing. BRAD BARGER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, THE BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREEMENT, A PROVISION OF THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN THE HRA, TAPPER'S HOLDINGS LLC, AND STRATEGIC EQUIPMEN'r AND SUPPLY CORPORATION. DARRIN LAHR SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FUR'fHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. The commissioners received a revised copy of the Contract f()r Private Redevelopmcnt which is consistent with the elarified "but for" analysis and as suggestion by Ehlers. Koropehak noted these major changes: The initial principal amount of the Note is $67,000, at 6.2% interest rate, provided the site improvement costs paid by thc developer equal the principal. The Note will be delivered to the redeveloper upon receiving the Lease Agreement and evidence satisfactory to thc HRA that the site improvement costs are complete and paid. If prior to February, 2012, the lease with the tenant has been rencwed or a lease with a dii1erent tenant has been entered into with a termination date no earlier than February 1,2015 and at a rental rate per square foot that is at market levels as analyzed by the HRA' s financial consultant, and the site improvement costs paid by the developer were at least $100,000; the Note may be increased by $33,000 to a total principal amount of$lOO,OOO at the discretion of the HRA. Koropchak further noted that the redeveloper must provide a copy of the lease agreement, evidcnce of construction financing, proof of insuranccs, and approved construction plans prior to issuance of a building permit. DARRIN LAHR MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT WITH TAPPER'S HOLDINGS LLC AND AWARDING THE SALE OF, AND PROVIDING THE FORM, TERMS, COVENANTS AND DIRECTIONS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ITS $67,000 TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE, SERIES 2005. STEVE ANDREWS SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. 7. Consideration to authorize pavmcnt of HRA bills. No bills, not applicable. 8. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Accepted as written. 9. Committee Reports. a) Marketin2. Committee No report. 3 . . . HRA Minutes - 02/IS/0S 10. Other Business. a) Consideration to cancel the March 2, 2005 HRA meeting: with the next regular meetim!, April 6,2005 (annual meeting). BRAD BARGER MADE A MOTION TO CANCEL THE MARCH 2, 2005, HRA MEETING, WITH THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 6, 2005. DARRIN LAIIR SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. 11. Adiournment. BRAD BARGER MADE;; A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE lIRA MEETING. SECONDED BY DARRIN LAHR AND WITH NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE lIRA MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:10 P.M. -""'-'~'~"'--'-~,- HRA Chair HRA Executive Director 4 . . . MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, March 29,2005 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - River Room Commissioners Present: Chair Bill Fair, Steve Andrews, Dan Frie, and Brad Barger. Commissioner Abscnt: Darrin Lahr. Council Liaison Present: Wayne Mayer. Staff Present: Ollie Koropchak. I. Call to Ordcr. Chair Fair called the HRA special meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. declaring a quorum. 2. Consideration to discuss scheduled public auction for the propertv located at Lots 3, 4, & 5, Alock 54. Koropchak provided background information about the public auction scheduled for March 30, 6:00 p.m. at the YFW Club in Maple Lake. The 8-Plex located at I I Walnut Street and currently owned by Paul Wurrn is on the auction. This property lies within the Downtown Monticcllo Revitalization Plan, to the south of the Hans Hagen redevelopment project, and the I-IRA currently owns another lot within Block 54. Additional information provided to the commissioners was a site map, tax information, inside apartment photos, and redevclopment goals fix the area. Lastly, Koropchak identificd possible financing sourccs for acquisition and providcd acquisition estimates for the southerly half of Block 54 and TIF estimates based on thc assumption of a 30- unit condo building. Commissioner Frie provided a MSL on the 8-Plex listed at price of $750,000 and stated the property has been listcd for 209 days. A comparative and incomc approach comp for a 6-Plex locatcd in Maple Lake was provided which sold for $876,000. Frie noted it was difficult to provide comparatives as only one apartment building has sold in Wright County rccently. Auctions became a popular method to sell single family housing in the past few years; however, the real estate market is now soft. Koropchak informed the commissioners potential developers and the auctioneer had talked to O'Neill and herself about future plans for the area and the option for the apartment to remain as is. Chair Fair felt the HRA roles was to be a facilitator to a redeveloper and had concerns ifthe property was purchased for income purposes, the property might deteriorate. Because the apartment was constructed in 1964, it is likely the building has asbcstos and does not meet ADA requirements. Frie noted at a price of $650,000, the rate of return would be 7% plus there is an additional 8% premium. Members noted relocation costs for eight tenants at between $5,000-$10,000 each and the need to rc-zone the area for higher density. It was suggested the HRA representatives circulate the liRA's interest to be a facilitator for redevelopment and to not bid against viable . . . HRA Minutes - 03/29/05 redevelopers. Andrews preferred, given the option ofthe Wurm or Warner parcels, to control the larger parcel first (Wurm) and noted his comfort level to grant Dan Frie the authority to act as bidder on behalf of the H RA at the auction. 3. Consideration to approve authorization or denv authorization to bid on the said propertv and to determine maximum amount of bid ifapplicable. COMMISSIONER BRAD BARGER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AUTHORIZA TION OF A DISCRETIONARY BID IN THE AMOUNT OF $550,000 PLUS 8% PREMIUM FOR THE PROPERTY LOCA TED AT 11 WALNUT STREET, MONTICELLO, MN. COMMISSIONER DAN FRIE SECONDED THE MOflON AND WITH NO rURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. HRA Chair Bill Fair and Commissioner Dan Frie were dclegated to represent the HRA at the auction. Koropchak to request a down payment eheck of $25,000 and to preparc a certification of authorization to accompany the rcpresentatives. Should the HRA be successful at the auction, thc commissioners will discuss thc next step at the April HRA mceting. 4. Other. Koropchak informed the commissioncrs of a telephone call from Andrea Angier, 319 East Broadway. Thcy had received the Transformation IIome Loan inlzmnation in the mail; however, they wanted to know if the HRA was interested in purchasing their home at the mortgage price of $199,000. She indicated with six children thcy had outgrown their home which needed improvements and just wanted out. She also noted thc area was zoned for commercial. According the property tax information for payable 2005, the market value is $114,500. Given no immediate redevelopment plans for the area, the HRA expressed no interest to purchase. 5. Adiournment. WITH NO FURTHER BUSINESS, BRAD BARGER MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL HRA MEETING. SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:00 P.M. Chair Executive Director 2 . . . H RA Agenda - 04/06/05 5. A. Consideration of a pr02:ress report from Brad .Johnson or Barn' Fluth relative to Phase II of Landmark Square and authorization to be2:in process for establishment of Redevelopment TIF District if so determined. Reference and back!!round: In conversation with Brad Johnson, he indicated he will not be at the HRA as he's scheduled to be out-of-town. He will talk to Barry about moving forward with Phase II at this time. The question remains "when?" Currently, they are looking at sites to relocate the one house "lid Brad continues to seek tenants. As you recall, the IlRA and Master's Fifth Avenue entered into the Preliminary Development Agreement for Landmark Phase II on September 14,2004, and a $7,500 deposit was made. Should the developer be at a point to move forward and the HRA is comfortable with the redevelopment project whieh was reviewed by staff sometime ago. Exterior building materials, landscaping, storm sewer drainage and potential drive-thm lane are some planning concerns to be addressed. Action if dctermined necessary: Motion authorizing the establishmcnt of Redevelopment TIF District No. 1-34, requesting the City Council call for a public hearing and to begin preparation of a Contract for Private Redevelopment. B. Request to discuss tax increment pavment for Cub Proiect per Redevelopment Contract. Reference and back2:round: Brad Johnson has talked to me about the amount of the tax increment received by Fluth relative to the Cub Project and has requested a copy of the Contract. Attached is TI calculations showing the reduction in tax increment due to the class rate compression over the years and noting some recent tax changes to commercial property as initiated by the Legislators. As you recall, the HRA negotiated with the developer to received the first $45,000 of the annual "avai lable tax increment". This $45,000 is committed toward the annual payment of the $945,000 Hond for District 1-22. There appears to be some discrepancy within the Lease Agreement between Cub and Fluth as to the definition of tax increment and taxes. Johnson has asked to discuss the matter with the HRA. . T AX INCREMENT REDUCTION - CLASS RATE COMPRESSION CUB REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT March 2005 155-076-0010102005 Market Value: $3,537,100 Hase Market Value: $ 802,400 1997 City Tax Rate: 112.618% 1998 Class Rate 2005 Class Rate <$150,000 2.45% 1.50(% >$150,000 3.5%) 2.00% Captured Tax Capacity $ 3,675 $ 2,250 $90,465 $51,694 TOTAL $94,140 $53,944 - $40, 1 96 X Tax Rate 1.12618 1.12618 $106,019 $60,751 - $45,602 Available '1'1 90% 90% $95,416 $54,677 . Less $45,000 $45,000 To Developer $50,416 $ 9,677 STATE TAX CHANGE TO COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 1997 Tax Rate - 112.618% 2005 Tax Rate - 121.996% 2005 MY Tax Capacity 1997 Tax Rate 2005 Tax Rate School .05433% XMV State 52.0% XTC $3,537,100 $69,992 $85,387 $1,922 $36,396 TAX INCREMENT Captured MV T'ax Increment Available TI Less $45.000 To developer $2,734,700 $53,944 $60,751 $54,677 $ 9,677 . 'fotal Taxes $123,705 OM ~J <:'" . ~ \<\C\~ ~ C\~'('\~- ~ . l{ S 0/0 . IJ,c 0 4 'M~ \J~ ~~ 'M~~ ff~. ~<=\. ~ . s:,.(') a '1t ~ 0 '"J . ~( C)-c) Property Tax j 01 State Leoislature Class Rate C'ompression ~ x Tax Payable Year 2001 2002 2003 2004/2005 RI!!j;identi.a1 Home$te.ad <=$76k 1.00% 1.00% 1,000/1;1 UJO% :.. S76k anc::l ~~ $SOOk 1.65% 1,00% 1.00% 1,00% > S500k 1.65% 1.25% 1,25% 1.25% Commercial. Industtl.al & Publir: utility Induding Maehinary ..~ $1501( 2.40% 1.500/1> 1.50% 1.50% > $150+1: MO% 2.00% 2,00% 2.00% Residential Non-Homestsad 4 or more uni1s; Hospitals 2..4~ 1,80% 1.50"'\' 1.25% New Construction i.fter June 30,2001 1,25% 1..2~%, Residential Non-Homestead Z or 3 units ir1l:.Iuding Ag HGA 1.55% 1.50% 125% 1.25% ResldeRtial Non-Homestead 1 unit. including Ag HGA <::~ S75k 1.20% 1.00"~ 1.00% 1.00% .c; srak and <~ $500k 1,65% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% > S500k 1,65% 1.25% 1.25%, 1.25% . Property Tax 101 ~ Property Tax Class Rate Compression History "1- Cornmert;;ial & Industrial 5.259/, Ap~rtme"ts (4 QI' mOra units) 4.10'V_ 4.60'10 HomBS . Hignar Value J.30"l. 3.40'/. 3.401/. 2.40"1, 2.11'10 Hom es -< $6S,k 2.00-/11I 2,001/. 1.65'Y. 1.000/. Homes <: .$i2k 1.:!S'/. 1.00"1. Homes < $500k 1.00'/_ Homes < S76k P:ily'1989 Pay1996 Pay Z001 f='ay ~004 . ~.SOd/V 9 . f\' Impact of Class Rate Changes on Tax Capacity, 2001 to 2005 Taxable Tax Capacity Tax Capacity Market Pay"ble 2001 Payable 2005 Percent Tvpe of Prooertv Value Class Rates Class Rates Channe $50.000 $500 $500 0.00% 75,000 750 750 0.00% 100.000 1.156 1.000 -13.49% 150,000 1.981 1.500 -24.28% ReSidential 200,000 2,806 2.000 -28.72% Homestead 250,000 3,631 2.500 .31.15% 300,000 4.456 3,000 -32.68% 400,000 6.106 4,000 -34.49% 500.000 7.756 5.000 -35.53% 1.000.000 16006 11.250 -29.71% SSO,OOO $1.200 $750 -37.50% Commerciall 300.000 8,700 5.250 .39.66% Industrial .. SOO,Ooo 15.500 9,250 -40.32% 1.000,000 32.500 19,250 -40.77% 5.000,000 166.S00 99.2SO -41.10% 10,000.000 338 500 199.250 -41.14% $100,000 $896 $910 1.56% Agricultural 200,000 1,269 1,460 15.10% Homestead'. 400,000 2,869 2.560 -10.75% 600.000 4.469 3,660 -18.09% 800.000 6.549 5,300 -19.07% 1 SOO.OOO 14949 12.300 -17.72% Non-homestead $750 $9.00 $7.50 -16.67% Agricultural Land 1.000 12.00 10.00 .16.67% and BuildingS 1.250 15.00 12.50 -16.67% (Amounts are per acre) 1,500 18.00 15.00 -16.67% 2,000 24.00 20.00 -16.67% . Also Subject 10 state PfOp.erty tax .... For <I!:j. homS!ilead property, assumes. value of Muse, oar~e anti one acre is $80,000. ~ . Impact of Class Rate Changes on Tax Capacity. 2001 to 2005 Taxable Tax Capacity Tax Capacity Market Payable 2001 Payable 2005 Percent T voe of Prooertv Value Class Rates Class Rates Chanoe SSO.OOO $600 $500 -16.67% Rental Housing 75.000 900 750 -16.67% (Single Units) 100.000 1.308 1.000 -23.55% lSO,OOO 2,133 1,500 .29.68% 200,000 2,958 2,000 .32.39% 300.000 4.608 3000 .34,90% SSO.OOO $825 $625 .24.24% Rental Housing 100,000 1.650 1.250 -24.24% (2-3 UnitS) 150.000 2.475 1.875 -24.24% 200.000 3,300 2.500 .24.24% 250,000 4,125 3,125 -24.24% 300 000 4,9SO 3750 -24.24% Seasonal SSO.OOO $600 $500 -16.67% Recreational 75,000 900 750 .16.67% Residential' 100,000 1.308 1.000 -23.55% 150,000 2,133 1,500 .29.68% 200.000 2.956 2.000 -32.39% 300.000 4.608 3000 .34.90% Apartments $200.000 $4.300 52.500 -41.86%. (4 or more Units) SOO,OOO 10,750 6,250 .41.86% Small non-Metro Cllies 1.000.000 21.500 12500 -41,86% Apartments $200,000 $4.800 $2,500 -47.92% (4 or more Units) SOO.OOO 12.000 6.250 -47,92% Remainder of Stale 1.000,000 24.000 12,500 -47.92% 2.000.000 48.000 25.000 -47.92% ~j~ct to .,tate propen:y ta:( ~ . 10 . . . H RA Agenda - 04-06-05 6. Consideration of a reauest to further define sweat eauitv within Transformation Home Loan Proe:ram. A. Reference and backe:round: As of today, I have had five inquiries to the Transformation Home Loan Program, Three of which had possibilities. The one interested party was looking to purchase a property located at 1023 West Broadway and to make improvements. She and her husband were interested in doing part of the work and some improvements would be made by a contractor. She asked if the work she and her husband completed would be eligible for the program. 1 noted the criteria that sweat equity may apply when verified by a certified appraisal at the applicant's expense. Not clear, to the work she and her husband planned to do versus what a licensed contractor would do, I requested a break down of improvements by them versus the contractor for the purpose of determining if sweat equity was necessary, Her father also stopped by and I talked with the proposed lender, Liberty Savings Bank. Ron Welle, Liberty Savings Bank, will attend the HRA to discuss the sweat equity and the program, . . ~ . " .J. Funds arc limited. You may want to call ahead of time to find out if funds are still available. 4. A Pre-Remodeling Condition Report is required by the HRA to meet city financing and auditing requirements. A property evaluator (not an appraiser) contracted by the HRA will spend approximately an hour at your home to assess the age of mechanical systems, measurc square footage, and othcrwise note the condition of the home prior to remodeling. This is a one-time report for HRA records and incurs no cost to the homeowncr. 5. Loans will not be considered for work in progress or work completed. The Transformation Loan can only be considered for projects not yet begun. 6. You wil1 be sent a commitment letter verifying the reservation of funds to be provided at closing. A copy of the letter will be provided to your lender. :1 7. A copy of a letter of commitment from your lender verifying approval of the primary loan is required. 8. The Transformation I-Iome Loan funds will be deposited in an escrow account and disbursed by a title company. Upon satisfactory verification of work in progress or upon completion, the escrow account will be drawn upon in pro-rated increments simultaneously as funds are drawn upon from the primary loan to make payments to the remodeler. Work must be completed prior to final disbursement. 9. The Transformation Home Loan shall be secured by a Mortgage Deed and Note. 10. Final payment of the committed 'rransformation Loan must be disbursed by the title company by no later than six months aftcr the datc of lender's closing. Please be informed that financial data shall be submitted to the Lender for purposes of this loan application. However, the fact that you apply for a Transformation lIome Loan, the final loan amounts are considered public data according to Minnesota Statute Chapter 13. General Remodelcr and Design Criteria: The HRA does not recommend any particular remodeler. Selected remodelers must complete a Remodcler Form, and comply with the general criteria established by the Monticello lIRA. "Sweat equity" may be applied toward eligibility costs associated with interior improvements such as painting, flooring, etc. or by a Minnesota Licensed Residential Contractor and when verified by a certified appraisal at the applicant's expense. 4 . . . 8RA Agenda - 04/06/05 7. Consideration to approve the election of 8RA officers for 2005 and aoprove the appointment of commissioners to committees. A. Reference and backeround: OFFICERS In accordance with the BRA Bylaws, the chair and vice-chair shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners from among the Commissioners of the Authority and shall hold office for one ycar or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Secretary- Treasurer shall be appointed at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners by the Commissioners. At the annual meeting in 1998, the commissioners discussed available time to volunteer and agreed to rotate the HRA officers among the commissioners suggesting the Vice-Chair move up to Chair. So being, the Vice Chair for 2004 was Darrin Lahr, therefore, L,ahr's name moves up to Chair for 2005. The next in-line for Vice Chair is Dan Frie. Following is a list of names of the previous HRA Chairs and year served: Frie Lahr Murray (Fair) Andrews Barger 2001 2000 1999 1998 2002 2006 2005 2004 2003 2007 Rick Wolfsteller serves as the Secretary-Treasurer and delegates the recording of minutes to Angela Schumann. Koropchak is employed as the Executive Director and serves as assistant to the Secretary-Treasurer. COMMITTEES The HRA, annually or as need be, appoints a commissioner(s) to various committees. Current committees and appointees: Small Industrial Group - Dan Frie Marketing - Darrin Lahr/Brad Barger . HRA Agenda - 04/06/05 B. Alternative Action: OfFICERS 1. A motion to nominate and elect as Chair and as ~'._''---------o---------.... Vice Chair of the BRA for year 2005, and approve the appointment of Rick Wolfsteller as Secretary-Treasurer for 2005. 2. A motion to table any action. COMMlTfEES 1. A motion to approve the appointment of the following commissioners: -~-~'-'._"~.- Small Industrial Group -"_.~'-'-~ Marketing . C. Recommendation: No recommendation givcn. I). Supoortinf; Data: None. ...... -.-.- 2 . . . HRA Agenda - 04/06/05 8. Consideration to review the HRA Business Subsidy Criteria and the HRA Bvlaws for {lossible amendments and to call for a DubHc hearing. These are housekeeping items for review at the annual meeting of the HRA. BUSINESS SUBSIDY CRITERIA In review of the Criteria by the Exeeutive Director, there is no reeommendation or need for ehange. Last year the I IRA amendment the Criteria to increase the deposit amount from $5,000 to $7,500. I noted on the invoice from Ehlers relative to the new district created for Tapper's Holdings LLC, Elhers increased the fee to establish a new TIF Oistriet from $4,500 to $5,000 Upon review by the commissioners; questions or changes may be noted. In order to amend the Business Subsidy Criteria, a public hearing is required. If the commissioners find a need to amend the Business Subsidy Criteria, a motion calling for a public hearing date of May 4. 2005, would be in order. BYLAWS In a review of the Bylaws by the Executive Director, there is no recommendation or need for changes. The commissioners may note some changes. 1 . l...:I.~ tt.t.t:tJ. MONTICELLO -"- HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Business Subsidy Criteria Public Hearing and Adoption the 8th day of September, 1999. Public Hearing and Adoption of Amendments the 4th day of October. 2000. Public Hearing and Adoption of Amendment thc 5th day of May. 2004. I. PURPOSE . 1 :01 The purpose of this document is to establish the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's critcria for granting of business subsidies, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1 ] 6.1. 993, Subdivision 3, for private development. This eritcria shall be used as a guide in processing and reviewing applications requesting business subsidies. 1 :02 Thc critcria set forth in this document are guidclines only. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority rescrves the right in its discretion to approve business subsidies that vary from the criteria stated herein if the }lousing and Redevelopment Authority determines that the subsidy nevertheless serves a public purpose. The Authority will file evidence of any deviation from these criteria with the Department of Trade and Economic Development in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section] 161.994, Subd. Z. ] :03 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority may amend the business subsidy criteria at any time. Amendments to these criteria are su~ject to public hearing requirements pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections] 161. 993 through 1161.994. 2. ST A TUTORY LIMITATIONS 2:01 In accordance with the Business Subsidy Criteria, Business Subsidy requests must comply with applicable State Statutes. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority ability to grant business subsidies is governed by the limitations established in Minnesota Statutes 116.1.993 through 1161.994. . . HRA Business Subsidy Criteria 3. PUBLIC POLICY REQUIREMENT 3:0] All business subsidics must mcct a public purpose in addition to increasing the tax base. Job retcntion may only bc used as a public purpose in cases where job loss is imminent and demonstrable. 4. BUSINESS SUBSIDY APPROVAL CRrrERIA 4:01 All new projects approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority should meet the following minimum approval criteria. J Iowever, it should not bc presumed that a projcct meeting thesc criteria will automatically be approved. Meeting these criteria creatcs no contractual rights on the part of any potential developer or the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. . 4:02 Thc project must be in accord with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinances, or required changes to the plan and ordinances must be undcr active considcration by the City at the timc of approval. 4:03 4:04 4:05 4:06 - - Busincss subsidies will not be provided to projects that have thc financial feasibility to procecd without the bencfit of the subsidy. In effect, business subsidies will not be provided solely to broaden a developer's profit margins on a projcct. Prior to approval of a business subsidics financing plan and when deemed appropriate by the Housing and Rcdevelopment Authority, the developer shall provide any required market and financial feasibility studies, appraisals, soil boring, information provided to privatc lenders for the project, and other information or data as requested. A recipient of a business subsidy must make a commitment to continue operations at the sitc where the subsidy is used for at least five years aftcr the benefit date. The Housing and Redcvelopment Authority may determinc after a public hearing that job creation or retcntion is not a goal of the subsidy. In those cascs, the recipient must instcad mect at least one of thc following minimum requirements (in addition to all other criteria in this document other than those relating to jobs and minimum wages): A. The proposed subsidy must accomplish removal, rchabilitation or redevelopment of "blighted areas" as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, Subd.] 1, or must constitute a cost of correcting conditions that allow designation of rcdevelopment districts under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469. I 74 to 469.179; or 2 . . . HRA Business Subsidy Criteria B. The proposed subsidy must result in improvements to public infrastructure or public facilities, including without limitation, sewers, storm sewers, streets, parks, recreational facilities, and other City facilities; or C. The proposed subsidy must remove physical impediments to development of land, including without limitation poor soils, bedrock conditions, steep slopes, or similar geotechnical problems. 4:07 For any business subsidy that does not meet the requirements of Seetion 4:06, the recipient must create or retain jobs as determined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and must meet the minimum wage thresholds described in Section 5:03C or D (whether or not the source of the subsidy is tax increment financing). 5. TAX INCREMENT' PROJECT EVALUATION CRITERIA 5:01 The I-lousing and Redevelopment Authority will utilize Tax Increment financing to support the community's long-term economic, redevelopment, and housing goals. 5:02 Each Tax Increment Financing suhsidy will be analyzed and cvaluated by the Housing and Rcdevelopment Authority. Eaeh project shall be measured against the gcneral criteria in Sections I through 6 and the specific criteria in this Section 5 applicable to tax incrcment financing business subsidies. 5:03 Following are the evaluation criteria that will be used by the llousing and Redevelopment Authority. A. All business subsidy requests shall mcet thc "but for" test. The "but for" test means that the project would not develop solely on private investment in the reasonahle future. The developer shall providc findings for the "but for" test. B. Business subsidy requests should crcate the highest fcasible number of jobs on sitc from date of occupancy where deemed appropriate. C. for manufacturing and warehousing business subsidy rcquests, at least 90% of the jobs created must pay a wage of the higher of $9.00 per hour, or at lcast 160% of thc federal minimum wage requiremcnt for individuals ovcr the age of 20. Annual written reports are required until termination datc. Failure to meet the job and wage lcvel goals rcquire partial or full rcpaymcnt of the assistance with interest. D. For other business subsidy requests, jobs created must meet as a minimum the fcderal minimum wage requirement. Annual written rcports are rcquircd until termination date. Failure to meet the job and wagc level goals require partial or "I -) . . . lIRA Business Subsidy Criteria full repayment of the assistance with interest. E. All business subsidy requests should create the highest possible ratio of property taxes paid before and after redevelopment. F. Business subsidy requests should facilitate redevelopment or elimination of "substandard" or "blighted" areas where deemed appropriate. G. Business subsidy requests should facilitate the "clean-up" of environmentally unsound property where deemed appropriate. I-I. Business subsidy requests should increase moderate priced housing options for area residents where deemed appropriate. I. All business subsidy rcquests should be deemed to promote additional desired "spin-off' development. J. All business subsidy requests should demonstrate "community involvement" including demonstrated degrees of the various factors: a) Local residency of thc company's owners and employccs, or b) Local residency of the contractors involved in the project, or c) Membership in local business organizations, or d) Other similar factors. 6. PROCEDURES · Meet with appropriate Staff to discuss the scope of the project, public participation being required, and other information as may be necessary. · The request shall be rcviewed by Staff on a preliminary basis as to the feasibility of the project. · The project concept shall be placed on the Housing and Redevelopment Authority agenda for concept review. The applicant will make a presentation of the project. Staff will present its fi ndings. · If the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's concept review is positive, StafT will provide the city Council with an informational concept review. . The applicant will execute and submit the Preliminary Development Agreement accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $7,500. 4 .. BRA Business Subsidy Criteria . Building and site plans submitted to the Chief Building Official. . If Planning and Zoning Commission action is required, it will be necessary for the applicant, at this time, to make application to the Commission. . Staff will authorize the following steps: - Preparation for establishment of the Tax Increment Finance District and the Tax Increment Financing Plan if required. - Preparation of the Private Redevelopment Contract (Subsidy Agreement) based upon agreed terms. · Whcn action is required for the Tax Incremcnt Finance Plan, Private Redevelopment Contract, or Zoning/Ordinance; the Housing and Redevclopment Authority, Commission, and City Council shall take appropriate action such as public hearings and consideration of approvals. . Building permit issued aftcr the Tax Increment Finance District and Plan is approved by City Council, the Private Redevelopment Contract is executed by the developer and the Housing and Rcdevelopment Authority, and the Building Permit Fees are paid. . EliKihle Tax Increment Finance expendUures: Land aequisU;on, site improvements, puhhe hnprovements, and demohtion and relocation costs. Tax Increment Finance time: Generally six to eight weeksjrom time olauthorization to begin drafiin;; plan and contract. Zoning/Ordinance time: Varies per pmjeef. -- 5 . . . Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 1. Section 2. AMENDED BYLAWS OF TIlE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNI~SOT A ARTICLE I THE AUfIIORITY Name of Authority. The name of the Authority shall be the "I-Iousing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota." Seal of Authority. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Authority and the year of its organization. Office of thc Authoritv: Place of Meeting. The office of the Authority shall bc at such place in the city of Monticello, Minnesota, as the Authority may from time to time determinc by resolution. Regular and special mectings of the Board of Commissioners shall be open to the public and shall be held in Monticello City IIall at 50S Walnut Street, Suite #1. Monticello, Minnesota; provided, however, that upon thrce days writtcn notice to the Commissioners of the place of such meeting, any regular or special meeting may be hcld at such placc within the city of Monticello as the notice shall dcsignate. Powers of the Authority. The Authority, by and in its corporate name, shall have and exercisc all powers, functions, rights, and privilcgcs pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.001, et set]. ARTICLE II COMMISSIONERS Authoritv. The business and afTairs ofthc Authority shall be managed by or under the authority of the Board of Commissioners, except as otherwise permitted by statute. Number, Oualification, and Term of Office. There shall be five Commissioners appointed by the Mayor of Monticello and approved by the City Council. Commissioners shall he natural persons, at least 18 years of age, and must reside in the city of Monticello. Commissioners shall serve a tcrm of five years with one Commissioner's term expiring each year. DAWNIWORDIOLLlEIBYLAWSHRA: 4/3102 Page 1 . . . Section 3. Section 4. Section I. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Vacancies. Vacancies on the Hoard of Commissioners occurring by reason of death, resignation. removal. or disqualification shall be filled f()r the unexpired term by the Mayor in aceordancc with the procedures set forth in Article [I, Section 2. Removal. For ineUiciency or neglect of duty. or misconduct in office, a Commissioner may be removed from office by the City Couneil in accordance with Minnesota Statute 469.010. ARTICLE III OFFICERS Onicers. The Officers of the Authority shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, and a Secretary-Treasurer. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected from among the Commissioners. A Commissioner shall not hold more than one of the above-named offices at the same time. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed by the Commissioners. Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Commissioners if present. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, the Chair shall sign all contracts, deeds, and other instruments made by the Authority. At each meeting, the Chair shall submit such recommendations and information as considered proper concerning the business, aifairs, and policies of the Authority. Except as otherwise provided by rcsolution of the Board of Commissioners, all such orders and checks shall be counter-signed by the Chair. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or incapaeity of the Chair; and in case ofresignation or death of the Chair, the Viee~Chair shall perform such duties as are imposed on the Chair until such time as the Board of Commissioners shall select a new Chair. If in the event a quorum is present and the Chair and Vice-Chair arc absent or unable to attend a meeting of thc Board of COlnmissioners. The three remaining members shall elect from among the remaining Commissioners a Chair for the said meeting. Secretary-Treasurer. Thc Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties of the office of Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer may delegate the responsibility for recording the Minutes of the Board of Commissioner meetings to the Exeeutive Director or to the Authority Oi1ice Seeretary as is determined appropriate by the Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall sign all orders and cheeks t()f the payment of money and shall payout and disburse such moneys under the direction of the Authority. DAWNIWORD\OLLlEIBYLAWSHRA 4/3/02 Page 2 . . . Section 5. /\dditional Duties. The Officers of the Authority shall perform such other duties and functions as may from time to titne be required by the Authority or the bylaws or rules and regulations of the Authority. Section 6. Election or Armointment. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected at the annual mceting of the Hoard of Commissioners from among the Commissioners of the Authority and shall hold office for onc year or until their successors are elected and qualiiled. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners by the Commissioners. Section 7. Vaeaneies. Should the offIce of the Chair, Vice-Chair, or Secretary-"rrcasurcr become vacant, the Board of Commissioners shall clect a successor hom its members at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. ARTICLE IV EXECLJTIVE DIRECTOR The Authority shall employ an Executive Director who shall have general supervision over the administration of its business and affairs, subject to the dircction of the Board of Commissioners. As assistant to the Secretary-Treasurer, the Executive Director shall ensure that proper records of the Authority are maintained. The Exccutive Dircctor (or designee) shall act as Secretary of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners and shall kecp a record of the proceedings in ajournal of proceedings to be kept fl1r such purposes (the minutes of the proceedings are to be signed by the recorder plus the Authority Commissioner acting as Chair at the meeting). The Executive Director shall perform all duties incident to the Executive Director position as may be assigned by the position description as approved by the Board of Commissioners. The Executive Dircctor shall keep in safe custody thc seal of the Authority and shall have the power to affix such seal to all contracts and instruments authorized to be executed by the Authority. The Executive Director shall have the care and custody of all funds of the Authority and shall deposit the same in the name of the Authority in such bank or banks as the Board of Commissioners may select. The Executive Director shall be charged with the management of the housing projects of Authority. The Executive Director shall keep regular books of accounts showing receipts and expenditures ~lI1d shall render to the Board of Commissioners, at each regular meeting (or more often when requested), an account of his/her transactions and also of the financial condition of the Authority. The Executive Director shall give such bond of the faithful performance of duties as the Board of Commissioners may determine. DAWN/wORDlOLLlEIBYLAWS.HRA 4/3/02 Page 3 The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Hoard of Cornmissioners. Any person appointed to fill the ofjice of Executive Director. or any vacancy therein, shall have such term as the Board of Commissioners fixes. but no Commissioner of the Board of Comrnissioncrs shall be eligible to this of-lice. When the office of Executive Director becomes vacant, the Board of Commissioners shall appoint a successor. as aforesaid. . So long as the Executive Director is an employee of and paid by the City. the Executive Director's compensation will be determined in accordance with City compensation policies and procedures provided that the Board of Commissioners shall at least annually rcview the performance of the Executive Director and make recommendations to the City regarding that person's compensation. If the Exccuti ve Director is not an employee of the City but is indepcndently retained by the Authority, the Board of Commissioners shall establish the compensation of the Executive Director. AR"fICLE V ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL The Board of Commissioners may from timc to timc employ such personnel as it deems necessary to exercise its power, duties, and functions as prescribed by the Municipal Housing and Redevclopment Law of Minnesota applicable thereto. The selection of such personnel (including the Executive Director) shall be determined by the Board of Commissioners subject to the laws of the State of Minnesota. In cases where such personnel are employees of and paid by the City, such persons' compensation will be determined in accordance with City compensation policies and procedures, provided that the Board of Commissioners shall at least annually review the performance of the personnel and make recommendations to the City regarding such persons' compensation. Ifany personnel are not employees of the City but are independently retained by the Authority, the Board of Commissioners shall establish the compensation of such pcrsonnel. . Section 1. Section 2. . ARTICLE VI MEE"fINGS Annual Meeting. ~rhe annual meeting of the I30ard of Commissioners shall be held on the first Weclnesday of April at 6 p.m. at the regular meeting place of the Board of Commissioners; provided, however, that the date/time ofthc annual meeting may be postponed to a subsequent date/time upon the votc of a majority of Commissioners in office at any time taken at any regular or special meeting. Re!!;ular Meetin!!;s. Monthly meetings shall be held without notice at the regular meeting place of the Board of Commissioners on the first Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. unless the samc shall be a legal holiday, in which event said meeting shall be held on the next succeeding secular day. In the event the date/time/meetings place of a particular meeting must be changed, the Chair may make such change deemed necessary by notifying all Commissioners by delivering (by staff) a notice to their home address at any time prior to the meeting or mailing a notice to the business or home address at least three (3) working days prior to the date of such regular meeting. DA WNIWOR mOLLI EIB Y LAWS. H RA 4/3/02 Page 4 Section 3. . Special Meetine.s. Special meetings of the Board of Commissioners may be called by the Chair or two members of the Board of COlnmissioners fClr the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. The call (including location of meeting) JClr a special meeting may be delivered at any time prior to the time of the proposcd mceting to each member of the Board of Commissioners or may be mailed to the business or home address of eaeh membcr of the Board of Commissioners at least three (3) working days prior to the date of such special meeting. At such speeial meeting, no busincss shall be considered other than as designated in the call; but if all of the members of the Authority are present at aspecial meeting, any and all business may be transacted at such special meeting. Notice of any special meeting shall be given in accordance with MinnesotaStatutes, Section 47] .705, subd. ] c, or any successor statute regarding notiee of meetings of publ ic bodies. ARTICLE VII QUORUM The powers ofthc Authority shall he vested in the Commissioners thereof in office from time to time. Three Commissioners constitute a quorum (except as notcd below) for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and f(u all other purposes, but a smaller numher may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Board of Commissioners upon a vote of a majority of the Commissioners present (except as noted . below). Exception: In regard to action on the annual Authority operating budget, or revisions thereto, there must be at least rC)llr Comrnissioners present, and the majority of those present must vote in favor of such for the matter to be approved. Section ]. 1. 2. .., .J. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. ARTICLE VIII ORDER Of BUSINESS Order of Business. At the regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners, the following shall be the Order of Business: Roll call Reading and approval of minutes of the previous meeting Items not contained in the agenda New business Hills and eommunications Project update hy Executive Director Other Business Adjournment All resolutions shall be in writing and shall be copied in the journal of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners. DAWN/WORD\OLLlE\BYLAWS.HRA. 4/3/02 Page 5 . . . ARTICLE IX MANNER OF VOTING The voting on all questions coming bd()re the Board or Commissioners shall be by roll call, and yeas and nays shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting. The Chair and all mernbers of the Board of Commissioners at every meeting of said Board of Commissioners shall bc entitled to a vote. In the event that any Commissioners shall have a personal interest of any kind in a matter then before the Board of Commissioners, the Commissioners shall disclose his/her interest and be disqualified from voting upon the matter, and the Secretary shall so record in the minutes that no vote was cast by said Commissioner. ARTICLE X EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS All contracts, notes, and other written agrecments or instruments to which the Authority is a party or signatory or by which the Authority may be bound shall be executed by the Chair and Executive Director. If thc Executive Director is absent or otherwise unable to execute a document, the Secretary- Treasurer may execute the document. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS The bylaws of the Board of Commissioncrs shall be amended by Resolution only with the approval of at least a majority of the Commissioners in office at any time. These bylaws were adopted as the bylaws of the Authority by the Board of Commissioners on July 8, ] 997. Thcse bylaws were adopted as the bylaws of the Authority by the Board of Commissioners on September 2, ] 998. These bylaws were amended as the bylaws of the Authority by the Board of Commissioners on June 7, 2000. These bylaws were amended as the bylaws of the Authority by thc Board of Commissioners on April 3, 2002. DAWN/WORD\OL LI E\B Y LAWS H RA: 4/3102 Page 6 . . . HRA Agenda -04/06/05 9. Consideration to review and accept the vear-end financial reports for the HRA General Fund and TIF Districts as prepared bv HRA Treasurer Rick Wolfs teller. The 2004 BRA General Fund and TIF Districts Reports are attached or will be submitted at the HRA meeting. After review of the report, it is rceommcnded thc commissioners make a motion to accept the 2004 financial rcport.. -I "*' ::I 'U r 0 0 0 0 00 s 9, iD ::I. 0 r;: r;: r;: ~' ~'~' ~ ::I Dl It It It i5 Cil ~' ::I 0' iii iii iii s o.S Dl !!!. ~ 3 w ~ 0 ::I ::I ::I (!) ~ Oil ::I c. C. 0. c- <~ It c. ~' ~' ~' 0 (!) _. ~ _::I 0' -0 ::I o - ~ c- o. S' 0. -0 (!) c- O' 0 (!) iD c. (!) 2- (!) 3 ::I < (!) .., ::I ro ~ (!) 0. (!) 2- !:?; ~-e @ ::I c. 0 ::I Cil r iD Et (!) -0 ;;:' U g !!l c. (!) 0 c. 0 3 w (!) -I r;: .... gj (!) ::I C. (!) w B ::;:; 5 ~ ru :J ;a'" ~ 0- 0 Dl Dl '" I\> ~ 3 iil 0- (!) 0 is' c. 0 C]l ::I 0 U1 :a @ ~ :J 0 '" 0' I\> !2:Dl ::I 0 ,,- '" '" 0 ~9, '" + 0 ~ ::I ~ '" I\> ....'" -I 1\>::::: ~ -0 ~-I'- 25 -I'- r.n -I'- U1 0 -0 ." ." ." ." ." ." ." 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ." '" OJ ~ ." ." ." UlUl U1 0 00 0 00 .... ~ ." ." (A I\> ." <0 (AI\> '" 0> '" <0 .0> ?' U1 0 I\> t.> -1'-0 -0 0 (:, <0 ....0 0 ... 0 0 0 U1 00 0 00 0 ." ." 00 0 ~ <0 .... r.n ." ... ." ~ 00 0 0 ." ... 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City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 Tax 10 No. 41-1225694 February 25, 2005 Statement No. 64933 Through January 31, 2005 MN190~00118 Economic Development TIF (Tapper/Strategic Equipment) . 3,114.25 Total Current Billing: 3,114.25 ~~\i (\J~ ~t \- \-;~3 \~~ ~~~Ll~ .~. O--~ ~ I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been pai . . '\) \~31~t'~\ ......ij' "'I!'" >>Ii;, ;.; f:JJ\Y? Oll,L- .- ....;.,..)(.\]0. ""'" '-\. .', '~...":I......,' PjI:i.1 ~ ~ \C' S .. ."......" ..."_..._..__......... J ~ -:>' 0 . . Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 41-1225694 February 25, 2005 Invoice # 64933 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 MN 190-00118 Economic Development TIF (Tapper/Strategic Equipment) Through January 31, 2005 For All Legal Services As Follows: Hours Amount 1/6/2005 SJB Conference with 0 Koropchak re meeting with Tappers 0.20 36.00 1/7/2005 SJB Meet with 0 Koropchak, Strategic re TIF contracts 3.25 585.00 1/12/2005 SJB Review Ehlers documents, schedule; email to/from 0 0.75 135.00 . Koropchak; review TIF runs 1/12/2005 JAE Review e~mail correspondence, documents from Ehlers 1.50 232.50 regarding TIF Plan, TIF plan cash projections, and materials regarding Redevelopment Project; Begin drafting Contract for Private Development. 1/14/2005 SJB Review Ruff TIF runs 0.20 36.00 1/18/2005 JAE Draft Contract for Private Development. 3.00 465.00 1/19/2005 JAE Complete first draft of Contract for Private Development. 3.00 465.00 1/20/2005 JAE Phone conversation with Ollie Koropchak. 0.10 15.50 1/21/2005 SJB Conference with J Eddington re subsidy summary 0.30 54.00 1/21/2005 JAE Revise Contract; Send Business Subsidy portion of 0.50 77.50 Contract to City. 1/25/2005 JAE Review cash flows received from Todd Hagen; Review 0.30 46.50 resolutions received from Susan Landrum at Ehlers. 1/26/2005 JAE Review TIF Plan drafted by Ehlers. 2.50 387.50 1/27/2005 JAE Revise Contract for Private Redevelopment and send to 3.00 465.00 parties; Provide comments to Ehlers regarding TIF Plan; Exchange e-mails with Susan Landrum regarding TIF Plan; Phone conversation with Ollie Koropchak regarding TIF Contract; Revise Contract and send to parties . 1/31/2005 JAE Receive and review school and county notification of TIF 0.50 77.50 Plan from Ehlers; Receive e-mail from Ollie Koropchak; Revise Contract for Private Redevelopment and send to parties. . . . Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello January 31, 2005 Total Services: For All Disbursements As Follows: 1/7/2005 Stephen J. Bubul ; Mileage Total Disbursements: Total Services and Disbursements: $ $ 3,078.00 $ 36.25 36.25 3,114.25 . . . Monticello HRA 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 March 10, 2005 MC100~35 Invoice # 23644 TIF District No. 1-33 Professional Services Hours Amount 2/28/2005 TH Establishment of TIF District No. 1~33 TH Prep for Meeting/Attend Public Hearing 5,000.00 2.00 250.00 Total Due This Month: 2.00 $5,250.00 Status of Account: Current $5,250.00 90 Days 120+ Days $0.00 $0.00 Total .'nm_'_ $5,250.00 30 Days _______E20 D~~ $0.00 $0.00 ' ~,~ \~~ ~~S~~ ~(L\ \ ~ ~ ~ i \ b (\ ~ \,^-0. l '-- C ~~~ ~ ~ ~" PAY? O\l\L Code' tV!/j [1 1 4 2005 h~~ti8.,~ ~ -\ "'5,. 0 S PLEASE KEEP WHITE COPY FOR YOUR FILE AND REMIT PINK COpy WITH PA YMENT TO' . EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113-1105 651.697.8500 . . Monticello HRA 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 March 10,2005 MC100-35 TIF District No. 1-33 Professional Services 2/28/2005 TH Establishment of TIF D'istrict No. 1-33 TH Prep for Meeting/Attend Public. Hearing Total Due This Month: Status of Account: Current __1.QI)E.Y~ $5,250.00 $0.00 60 Daysu______ $0.00 90 Days $0.00 Invoice # 23644 1 ?Q+ , Q_~YE... $0.00 Hours Amount 5,000.00 2.00 250.00 2.00 $5,250_00 Total $5,250.00 . PLEASE KEEP WHITE COPY FOR YOUR FILE AND REMIT PINK COpy WITH PA YMENT TO: . EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113-1105 651.697.8500 . 2005 AGENCY MEMBER APPLICATION FORM Please cross out any incorrect information and write in any changes. Contact Information Company: Contact: Title: Monticello HRA Ollie Koropchak Executive Director Address: 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 City: Monticello, State: MN Zip: 55362 Telephone: 763-271-3208 Fax: 763.,295-4404 Email: ollie.koropchak@ci.monticello.mn.us Web Site: Program Information: . 3 L.\ L, 30 \ I l/?> 3 C) '9-\ - " ~~~ ~,-\ S.. t~ Congressional and Legislative Districts Federal Congressional District: 2 State Legislative Districts: . Dues for Agency members are based on the number of full-time or full-time equivalent employees. Please check the appropriate dues amount and return this sheet with your dues payment. fJE Employee ~) 1-4 ( ) 5-9 ( ) 1 0-1 9 ( ) 20-29 ( ) 30-49 ()50-74 ()75-100 ( ) 100+ Dues $125 $175 $235 $325 $525 $775 $1025 $1225 Return to: Minnesota NAHRO 1228 Town Centre Drive Eagan, MN 55123 Thank you for your 2005 Membership and ongoing support to Minnesota NAHRo. . . d) e) 1) . g) h) i) j) . HRA Agenda - 04/06/05 11. Economic Development Director's Reoort. a) Marketing Committee meeting - The committee met on March 22. Production of maps: Monticello Location, Access to Business Center, transportation of future collector roads, and concept plan t(H center. Contracting for billboard along 1-94, participation in manufacturing exposition, May 3-5 and Chamber Golf Outing, further research in radio talk shows and metro golf course clubhouses. City/TCDC Loan - The final report was mailed to the State, March 18. Once confirmed by the State, this will close-out the agreement between the City and State and the EDA can access the funds for future revolving loan fund applications. The original loan amount was $500,000 of which repayments by TCDC arc currcnt. Job and wage reports to State of Minnesota - These reports arc due to the State by April 1. WSI, Tapper's (equipment loan), TCDC, and GWJ,LLC completed the forms so will get the rest of the info together to complete by Aprill. All companies reached their job and wages goals. WSI actually now employs 57 people at wages greater than committed. Council Member Mayer will attend a conference March 30 in St. Paul. Fiber Optics to the Home Community & Economic Development. (Good info for options fl)[ industrial park) Wurm eight-plex on a public auction March 30,6:00 p.m., VFW Club, Maple Lake. HRA Annual meeting scheduled for April 5, 6:00 p.m. Election of officers and year-end financial reports. EDA Annual meeting scheduled for April 26, 4:00 p.m. Election of officers and year-end financial reports. Susie Wojchouski appointed to EDA Commission. Transformation Home Loan Program - Had five inquiries so far. Three appear doable. Barry Fluth/Brad Johnson getting closer to redevelopment of Landmark Square ll. Hoping to sign two lease agreements. May be on HRA agenda. The final occupancy permit is being issued today for the last home constructed within Mike Cyr's Front Porch '1'IF District development. The remaining 8 homes for construction are part of the project area but not part of the 'I'IF District. Attached letter requested for continued financing. Ad Hoc Committee for Open and Outdoor Storage Ordinance met March 9. IDC Member Kelli Huxford - Darrin Lahr informed me that KelIi is no longer employed at the Nuclear Plant. I've asked him for suggestions for a replacement. Industrial businesses: - Tapper 25,000 sq ft expansion - Site and building plans to be submitted to the city the week of March 28. Anticipate construction to begin mid-Mayor June. - Dahlheimer still interested in both Monticello and Big Lake. Has architect on board, waiting. to hear final commitment and timing for interchange and Ryan project. - WaIbord, Inc. - New owner checking on taxes. Purchase price $1.2 million. I need to visit. - Bondhus Corporation - 1 need to visit with John about future company plans. b) c) k) 1) m) . HRA Agenda - 04/06/05 Leads - 11,000 sq ft for computcr business assembly. E-mailed customer workshcet. (Construction company.) - Start-up business looking for lease space. Referred to Tapper and Barger. (Owner) - Looking f()r 10,000 sq ft: of existing space for lease. This extrusion company looking for additional satellite space. Referred to Barger and Tapper. Future to combine into one facility. On my marketing list. (Owner) - Wrote letter to Medtronic's, marketing the Monticello Business Center. Received call back that demographic in this area does not meet company's needs. - 28,000 sq ft: rubber products facility - Going to Big Lake, purchased last lot in first industrial park. - 40,000 -60,000 sq ft: manufacturer - f()llow-up left message with metro area broker. 10,000 sq ft: - left: message, worthy company (Barger) 30,000-50,000 sq ft - check back in 2 months (No decision-problem with Contract) (owner) 30,000 sq ft manufacturing facility (consultant) Will check with client and call back week of March 28. Duke Real Estate - Jeff met with them while I was on vacation. Interested acquiring land for commercial/industrial master plan development. Looking at Weinand, Otter Creek and Osowski areas. Putting together RFP. . . 2 11 ~ I February 17, 2005 MONTICELLO Front Porch Associates, LTD Attn: Mike Cyr P.O. Box 1338 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Contract fen Private Development by and among Front Porch Associates, LTD, Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, and City of Monticello. Minnesota. To Whom It May Concern: . On May 1, 2002, the Contract fi)r Private Development was entered into among the above said parties. Within the Contract, the Developer agreed to complete the construction of the minimum improvements for a total of eighteen townhouses on the Development Property (TIF Housing District) by no later than December 3 I, 2004. As on this date, the Developer has been furnished a Certification of Completion for each of the seventeen townhouses completed. It is my understanding, the eighteenth townhouse will be completed 'vvith the closing scheduled for the end of March 2005. The Developer should be commended for his timel iness in completion of the minimum improvernents within the Development Property and satisfying the qualifications for a TIF I'lousing District. Also per the Contract, the Developer agreed to complete the construction of the minimum improvements le)r an additional eight townhouses on the ^<.ljaeent Property (outside TIF District but within project area) by no later than December 31,2007. The Authority encourages the Developer to continue his good works and to complete the additional eight townhouses on the Adjacent Property on a timely basis. Should you have any further questions relative to the construction progress of Vine Place, please call me at 763-271-3208. Sincerely, . I lOUSING AND IUJ)EVELOPMENT AllTI rORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO U~ \~ 0\ 0 c:SJ ~}.,..(")~ Ollie Koropchak Fxccutive Director c: TIF District No. 1-2t) File Monti<.:cllo City Hall. 505 Walnut Slr<.:et. Suite I, Monricello, MN 55362-kk31 . (7m) 2<)52711 . Fax: (763) 2<)5-4404 Office of Publ ic Works, <)0<) Gol r Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271. -3272