City Council Agenda Packet 12-06-2000 Special . . . AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COlJNCIL TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2000 - 5:00 P.M. Mayor: Roger Bclsaas Council Memhers: Roger Carlson, Clint Hcrbst. Brian Stumpf and Brucc Thielen Call to Order 1. Public Ilearing - Y car 200 I Truth in Taxation Budget Ilearing. Adjourn . . . Counci I Agenda - 12/6/00 1. Year 2001 Truth in Taxation Bud1!ct Hearing. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Thc purpose of this spccial meeting is to allow for public comment regarding the proposed 200 I city hudget and resulting tax levy. After receiving any public comments, the Council will need to recOIn mend a final budget and tax levy that will be considcred for adoption at our regular council meeting on December Illh. The budget summary worksheets that arc enclosed for your review are a culmination of the modifications and changes that have occurred during our past budget workshop sessions. The final tax levy being considered at this time is thc same preliminary tax levy that was adopted in early September. While our last workshop session discusscd funding issucs related to the Community Education program, YMCA Detached Worker program, Central Minnesota Initiative funding, Rivers of Hope funding and bike park/ramp projects, the changes to the proposed budget did not result in any additional tax levy modifications. Based on the Council's direction after our last workshop, the following is a summary of the budget adjustments that were made to the final budget proposed. PURPOSE AMOUNT FUNDING SOURCE Community Education Program - $12,740 Liquor Store Rescrves Total City of Monticello tax capacity valuation oftbe school district is 72.8% oftbeir total. The proposed funding arnount was arrived at by taking the percentage times the original $17,500 amount that we had provided in the past. It is my understanding that this funding is contingent upon the Community Education program receiving appropriatc contrihutions from othcr jurisdictions within the school district to fund the remaining 27.2(Yo. YMCA ~ Detachcd Worker Funding $ 5,460 Liquor Store Rescrves The proposed amount for the YMCA funding was calculated under the same allocation as the Community Education program, 72.8% of the previously budgeted $7,500 annual amount. Likewise, it is my understanding this amount would be provided assuming the YMCA can receive funding from other jurisdictions for the balance. For both the YMCA and Community Education program, if funding is not rcceived from other jurisdictions, it was assumed that the City's contribution would only bc 5m/o of the amount budgeted last year. or $8,750 fiJr Community Education and $3,750 for YMCA program. . Community Center Bike Park/Ramps $40,000 Liquor Store Reserves 'The estimated cost of a bike park was discussed at $55,000 and whilc only $40,000 was included in the budget from liquor store reserves, direction was given by the Council to seek funding from other outside organizations and sources fix the balance. . . . Council Agenda - 12/6/00 20t)) BUDGET HIGHLIGHT: · Total Projected Revenue - $15,010,905 · Total Expenditures - $16,235,700 · Total Tax Levy Required - $5,067,342 · Total City Tax Capacity Value - $13,641,431 · Total 2001 Tax Capacity Rate - 37.146 The proposed 2001 tax levy will generate $328,017 more than last year or a 6.9% increase. With the increase in our tax capacity value rising from $13,066,057 to $13,641,431, our tax capacity rate only has to increase 2.4%. In comparing what this tax rate means to an average homeowner. r prepared some examples showing what various valued homes would have paid in the year 2000 versus what they will pay next year. In most eases there is very little change in the taxes an individual property would pay and in many cases, the identical market valued home from 2000 to 2001 will actually see a slight decrease in their overall taxes. The charge also includes a comparison of home values if we assume their values increased 5% and shows what their taxes would be next year under those conditions. A similar chart is also provided with the same home values comparing what the City of Monticello taxes only would he when comparing 2000 to 2001 taxes. Although the City's share shows an increase of around 2.5%, the overall final (axes fl.)r the various properties should be less next year. Also enclosed with the budget summary is a summary of our market values and resulting tax capacity values cOll1paring 2000 to 2001. Total market value for the community has increased R.2%. and would have increased over 15% had it not been for depreciation taken on NSP's property. 'rotal tax capacity values have increased4.25~), and would have risen over I ()lYo had it not been fl.)r NSp.s depreciation. The rise in residential, cOlnmercial and industrial property values and new construction that is occurring helps to lessen the dependency we have had on NSp. s valuations. For example, NSP's share of the property taxes collected in the year 2000 was about 68% and it should drop to 63% next year. The more residential. commercial and industrial values we can add to our tax base. the better off we will be in the future should the property value continue to decline at the power plant or if personal property tax legislation is implemented. After the public comments are received. if any. the Council should close the public hearing and determine whether any additionalmoclifications to the final budget and/or tax levy are necessary. While the final hudget and tax levy can agreed to at this meeting, the Council cannot oflicially adopt the resolution Wednesday night but must do so at a future meeting. It is scheduled to be placed on the December 11 th couneil agenda for final approval. .. . . D, Council Agenda - 12/6/00 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the proposed 200 I budget and tax levy as presented. 2. Council could make adjustments to the budget and/or tax levy based on public comnlents or other factors presented Wednesday night. c. STAFF RI~COMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the final tax levy be adopted as proposed in the anlOunt of $5,067,342. This will amount to a 6.9% increase in dollars to be collected but only a 2.4% increase in our tax rate. With the amount of l11ajor reconstruction projects that are likely to occur in future years, it is highly recommended that the tax levy not be reduced li'Oln the alllOunt proposed in the prelil11inary budget. I believe the budget as proposed is very reasonable considering the growth and increased demands we arc experiencing. The actual effect of this budget and tax levy on a typical taxpayer should be very mi nimal. and in many cases, the actual total taxes individual properties will pay next year are likely to be even less than this years taxes. SUPPORTING DATA: Budget sUl11mary documents. --........................a:EI.~~~ ...tIii.... _ ~.J.. Revision #2 TAX LEVY SUMMARY 2001 Budget All Funds . Parks $458,171 $387,165 $0 $387,165 General $2,266,639 $2,632,289 $283,426 $2,348,863 Library $32,790 $33,290 $0 $33,290 Transportation $21,722 $22,7 40 $0 $22,740 Shade Tree $0 $0 $0 $0 OAA $4,425 $5,200 $0 $5,200 HRA $15,790 $17,570 $0 $17,570 Debt Service $1,264,135 $1,335,304 $0 $1,335,304 Capital Imp. Revolving $130,000 $328,200 $0 $328,200 Community Center $545,653 $589,010 $0 $589,010 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt Net Levy Increase for Non-debt Portion of Budget Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase Maximum Levy Allowed $33,419 $294,598 $328,017 NA 6.9% . Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1997 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate Paybable 2001 Tax Capacity Rate 18228 18.509 1 9. 1 36 27.001 35.186 36.272 37146 c e $15,586,930 $15,792,922 $15,993,989 $14,413,597 $13,123,681 $13,066,057 $13,641,431 18.228 18509 1 9. 1 36 27.001 35186 36.272 37.146 y $2,841,185 $2,922,800 $3,059,880 $3,883,013 $4,617,725 $4,739,325 $5,067,342 '94/Payable 1995 '95/Payable 1996 '96/Payable 1997 '97/Payable 1998 '98/Payable 1999 99/Payable 2000 2000/Payable 2001 . COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $525,000 for debt service and $64,010 for operations with a transfer from Liquor Fund of $240,000. (Net Levy Required = $589,010) DAWN:BUDWKSPREV:Tax Levy Summary.Rev#2:11/29/00 ~ -1- Revision #3 . REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 2001 Budget General $3,518,508 $3,515,770 $3,737,095 $3,737,095 Parks $468,171 $468,171 $400,265 $400,265 Park Dedication $0 $0 $30,000 $30,000 Library $34,290 $34,290 $34,790 $34,790 Transportation $89,300 $89,300 $91,675 $91,675 Shade Tree $3,665 $43,120 $4,800 $44,560 Community Center $1,216,710 $1,216,710 $1,339,905 $1,339,905 UDAG $10,130 $0 $8,500 $0 OAA $5,700 $5,700 $7,100 $7,100 'If/I, 1:>1 {} HRA $732,480 $411,630 $766,105 $43 Minn. Investment Fund $0 $0 $17,590 $0 . EDA $37,960 $7,000 $51,915 $8,000 SCERG $6,805 $0 $9,030 $0 CMIF $145 $0 $160 $0 Debt Service $3,222,970 $3,852,318 $3,505,271 $3,972,918 Liquor $2,531,225 $2,345,440 $2,575,000 $2,481,380 Water $306,875 $539,935 $334,900 $509,820 "" Sewer $737,080 $1,804,475 $761,840 $1,880,995 " Cemetery $23,090 $31,290 $30,350 $31,500 Capital Improvements $242,030 $130,000 $401,500 $531,500 Water Access $146,000 $25,000 $116,795 $860,000 Storm Sewer Access $174,760 $0 $124,520 $0 $698,100 $633,000 . COMMENTS: "includes $1,147,600 Depreciation ~- contributed assets sewer ""includes $269,395 Depreciation -- contributed assets water .., (1{11"1) -;:;;;1-~13 , 2001 BUDWKSPREVRev&Exp Summary-#3: 11/29/00 y -2- . . . SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (Cash & Investments) Revision #3 Parks Fund Park Dedication fund General Library Tree OAA Water Water Access Sewer Sewer Access Transportation Liquor Capital Outlay Revolving HRA Minn. Investment Fund UDAG EDA SCERG CMIF Storm Sewer Access Cemetery Community Center Fund suaTOTAWS Debt Service General Obligation Bonds Special Assessment Bonds Tax Increment Bonds TOTALS $178,700 $40,195 $3,155,000 $1,575 $70,650 $7,325 $615,650 $329,150 $657,200 $1,674,200 $1,200 $1,065,675 $1,305,000 $646,450 $100 $56,200 $610,000 $86,725 $800 $116,050 $16,000 ($192,750) $17,136,095 PR E><PENDITUR $430,265 $30,000 $4,344,095 $34,790 $44,560 $7,100 $240,425 $860,000 $733,395 $633,000 $91,675 $2,481,380 $401,500 $531,500 $766,105 {1'I~0 70 $~ $17,590 $0 $8,500 $0 $51,915 $8,000 $9,030 $0 $160 $0 $124,520 $0 $30,350 $31,500 $1,339,905 $1,339,905 $1.1,514,885 l~,~:}~i~:~ $15,010,905 2001 BUDWKSPREV:Sum of Projected Revenues-#3:11/29/00 -3- ".:gRc>JECTED :a.<<mNCE 12/31/01 $148,700 $40,195 $2,548,000 $1,575 $30,890 $7,325 $710,125 ($414,055) $685,645 $1,712,250 $1,200 $1,159,295 $1,175,000 '1 70 (&,h S' $ 9 ?.h4-'t5 $17,690 $64,700 $653,915 $95,755 $960 $240,570 $14,850 ($192,750) $~ r~'100, 0;;6 y ... GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2001 Budget Revision #2 REVENUE Taxes 2000 2001 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101,31011 $2,266,639 $2,348,863 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 10131021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 101,31031 $0 $0 TIF #1 - KMART 10131051 $0 $0 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 10131920 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 10131910 $1,500 $2,000 '.. .'.':'. r-.: '.. TOTAL TAXES . "" .... .......... I, , $2,268,139 $2,350,863 v Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS VARIANCES/CONDITIONAL USES GRADING PERMIT PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS ANIMAL LICENSES BINGO LICENSES CABLE FRANCHISE FEE OTHER NON.BUS L1C & PERMITS 1I01lALI;;ICI;NSES& PERI\lI'llI~\. ~ON:.:!3U.~IN~$S v"- Inter-Governmental FEDERAL GRANTS. CErA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID HOMESTEAD CREDIT (HACA) MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT PERA INCREASE AID DISASTER AID LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID FIRE DEPT AID POLICE DEPT AID STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS OTHER COUNTY GRANTS 10132211 10132212 10132215 101,32231 10132241 10132261 10132262 10132299 . J 10133120 $0 $0 10133401 $8,162 $0 10133402 $272,777 $283,426 101,33403 $0 $0 10133404 $6,740 $6,7 41 101,33408 $0 $0 101.33410 $57,000 $58,500 10133420 $47,450 $48,750 10133421 $20,000 $24,000 10133499 $0 $0 10133610 $8,700 $7,450 v 101,33620 $0 $0 / Charges for Services . RECYLlNG INCENTIVE 10133621 $7,000 $5,000 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 10134103 $7,000 $7,500 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS 101,34105 $350 $450 MV LICENSE SALES/DEPUTY REG 10134106 $120,000 $135,000 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 10134107 $2,500 $4,000 INSPECTION FEES 10134204 $35,000 $35,000 FIRE PROTECTION TWP CONTRACT 101,34206 $71,645 $71,580 STREET, SIDEWALK, CURB REPAIRS 10134301 $0 $0 SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE 10134408 $0 $0 0/ 2001 BUDWKSPREV.Gen FlInd Sum Rev - #2:11/29/00 -tr y . v' Miscellaneous Revenue S A. PRINCIPAL - COUNTY 10136101 $0 $0 S A. PRINCIPAL - DIRECT 10136102 $0 $0 S, A. PENAL TIES & INTEREST 10136150 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS 10136210 $102,000 $185,000 INTEREST EARNINGS-SUBURBAN 10136213 $65 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX 101,36214 $305 $135 RENTAL OF PROPERTY 10136220 $11,800 $11,800 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 10136221 $0 $0 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 101,36230 $0 $0 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 10136240 $0 $0 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 10136241 $0 $0 LOCK (FIRE) BOXES 10136242 $150 $600 SIGNS & INSTALL (NEW PLATS) 101,36243 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 10136299 $500 $500 Refunds and Reimbursements . REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS 101,36290 $45,000 $23,250 IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB) 10136291 $0 $0 HACA REIMBURSEMENT 10136292 $0 $0 DISCOUNT 101,36298 $0 $0 Transfer In TRANSFER IN - LIQUOR FUND 10139202 $0 $18,200 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $3,518,508 $3,737,095 . y 2001 BUDWKSPREV.Gen Fund Sum Rev - #2.11/29/00 -5- . GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2001 Budget Revision #2 EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 General Government Mayor and Council Administration Finance Audit Legal Planning & Zoning Assessing Deputy Registrar City Hall Data Processing Elections National Guard $34,065 $244,460 $157,045 $13,750 $60,425 $275,840 $23,4 75 $119,870 $103,940 $87,555 $8,325 $0 $34,410 $280,780 $141,575 $14,400 $62,375 $247,095 $24,830 $151,175 $121,730 $92,465 $0 $19,925 v Public Safety Law Enforcement $406,830 $513,040 ./ . Fire $191,000 $202,340 / Building Inspections $169,540 $189,935 vi Civil Defense $8,960 $12,635 ./ Animal Control $41,075 $45,275 j TOTAL Public Works Inspections $119,225 $ 119,665 Public Works Administration $132,245 $ 143,200 Streets & Alleys $291,420 $ 326,440 Snow & Ice $118,890 $ 92,995 Street Lighting $94,500 $ 99,000 Parking Lots $5,300 $ 5,500 Shop & Garage $108,500 $ 113,875 Refuse Collection $374,565 $ 325,920 Engineering $100,000 $ 100,000 ./ Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center YMCA/Community Education I nformation Center '. V\l1:2.L.FARE ,/ 2001 BUDWKSPREVGen Fund Sum-Exp #2: 11/29/00 -6- ~ . . . Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Economic Development Economic Development Miscellaneous Misc. -- Severance Benefits Insurance / v TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $3,515,770 $3,737,095 2001 BUDWKSPREV:Gen Fund Sum-Exp #211/29/00 y -7- . BUDGET 2001 - PRELIMINARY - MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER . (~.ooo '200t . REVENUE .....:..:.... . 1 Room/Space Rental ,:3.0IQQQ 83,695 2 Kitchen Rental .,........." .........."".. 1,000 3 Concessions :'..42000 42,000 4 User Fees .....; 58,000 5 Memberships/Daily Fees '2114100 300,000 6 Other Charges for Services . ..:':':34,600 35,000 7 Contributions '~ 8 Programminq Revenue 24,000 9 Equipment Rental :..... ....... 4,200 10 Mise Revenue . ..........i'........ 3,000 ..............L.,:. 11 tQI~LQPEM,.INGREVE:NlJE .,L~J,}9jO!)1 ;!)!)O,895 Ii.................. .............c) NON-OPERATING - REVENUE ..' ....:.";...... 12 Property Taxes 54Ql~Qa 589,010 13 Transfer from Liquor Store 202'000 240,000 ......:./..:.. 14 TQ"f~4:B!;VENUE'. ..>......... ...... ~o :.1.13.19,$0$ OPER EXPENSES ~ ADMIN .........;................. 15 Salaries FIT ~ Regular 144;440 165,500 16 Salaries F/T - Overtime ................. 6,000 17 Salaries PIT - Regular '168,4:34 216,000 18 PERA Contributions 12,773 11,000 19 FICA Contributions 19,386 24,000 20 Medicare Constributions .L. ;..4;9.34 6,000 21 Health/Dental/Life Insurance '21.1.810 24,110 22 UC Benefits 1,000 23 we Benefits ......:...... '.., 2,800 24 Program Operating Cost :i,g~~ 20,000 25 Office Supplies 2,000 26 Clothing Supplies .., ."N. 1,200 27 Cleaning Supplies ...C:..,..1'iIPOO 8,760 28 Chemical Supplies 'j'j'f.j10'OQQ 20,000 29 General Operating Supplies II 7,300 30 Building Repair Supplies 1,500 31 Maintenance Supplies/Mise Repair 6,000 32 Small Tools & Equipment 6,000 33 Professional Services - Fitness 6,000 34 Professional Services - Mgmt Fee . 500 35 Professional Services ~ Website/Email 500 36 Professional Services - Custodian nnr 3,000 37 Professional Services - Laundry \',15,000 5,000 38 Professional Services - Newsletter WI........... 39 Maintenance Agreements I . .............iW.;. /.x 500 . y -14- 1,500 9,000 500 . 600 1,000 500 300 15,000 6,000 18,560 5,000 76,375 59,200 5,000 5,000 20,000 3,500 500 600 2,000 1,500 5,000 1,500 2,500 44,000 . 600 25,000 72]<i>,TAgU;XP;!;NSI;~, IQNS film 74 . -15- y . Interest 3.7% Transfers 7.5% . REVENUE SOURCES All Funds, 2001 Budget Refunds 0.2% Special Asmts 5.9% Misc 32% Inter-Gov't 3.1% liquor 16.9% Fines 04% lie & Permits 24% Taxes- TIF 4.6% Charges 183% Inter-Gov't Taxes Taxes-TIF Lic & Permits Charges Fines Transfers Interest Mise Liquor Refunds Special Asmts TOTAL $5,067,342 $697,400 $470,681 $363,100 $2,746,880 $25,000 $1,136,365 $561,615 $486,080 $2,540,000 $23,250 $893.192 $15,010,905 ( i:\ '". " '.0 2001 BUDGET.XLS:Chart-Revenue Sourees:11/30fOO -13- Taxes 33.8% J-- . U> V ::J m > ~ c:: VJ v c: "0 0 Uj <{! v rn 0::: CL S E a 0 0 u 0 ,.,---l x N 1: ---l '" .2 f- a w m 0 VJ U 0 .~ 0 v I- a N )( OJ E '" Z E 0 l- E N ,g . '0 0 0 VJ V ~ U 0> c: ::J 0 <<l 0 co 0 t LL Ll 0 > 0 0 '" N V 0- OJ Ul -'" .a->- OJ rn GI- E :2 0 U :c ,S OJ '" VJ ~ '" OJ V U Ll 'Uj S OJ eft. a::: l(J '" VJ OJ E ::J VJ VJ ~ - -- x '" I- ~ 0 0 N V Z OJ ::J ~ ~ ;; '0 '" 0 CLN '" U x '" l- v E Q) 0 VJ I '" a OJ u v ~ ,S -=' 0 0 eft. 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COMPARISONS MARKET VALUES AND TAX CAPACITY VALUES 2000 TO 2001 (INCLUDES NSP) Total Market Values - 2001 Total Market Values - 2000 (W/O NSP) $600,486,300 $554,857,100 $45,629,200 $347,517,900 $293,922,800 $53,595,100 Amount of Increase +8,2% + 18,23% Market Value Increase - New Construction Market Value Increse - New Inflation Value $26,638,400 $18,990,800 $45,629,200 Before NSP Depreciation +48% +9,1% +3,4% +6,4% 82% 15,5% (INCLUDES NSP) (W/O NSP) (NSP) Total Tax Capacity Values - 2001 $13,641,431 $5,008,872 $8,632,559 Total Tax Capacity Values - 2000 $13,085,763 $4,186,983 $8,898,780 Increase (Decrease) $555,668 $821,889 ($266,221 ) +4,25% +1962% (-3,0%) . Tax Capacity Value Comparisons 2000 to 2001 + (-) Residential (HS) $2,200,000 $2,700,000 + $500,000 Commercial $1,330,000 $1,560,000 +$230,000 Industrial $530,000 $648,000 +$148,000 Apts (4+ units) $251,000 $361,000 +$110,000 NSP- Utility $8,898,000 $8,632,000 (-$266,000) Net Income +$692,000 Less: Additional TIF -($137,000) Final Tax Capacity Increase +$555,000 2000 2001 NSP - Utility Share of Tax Capacity (Taxes) 68% 63% DAWN/BUDGETMkIValue. TaxCapValue 11/29/00 -18- :Y . . CI.l E o :I: Iii' o .~ 't"'" > CI.l 0 CI.l Oo...J +:IN I:: I:: 0 0 0_+:1 ~oCU o 0 >< cg~~ lO..9!C 't"'".Q.c 't"'"CU_ (I). >. :::I CU CU lo.. lo..Q..J-- o CI) C - CI.l 0 C >< 'C CI.l CU CI.l 'C J-- CI) lo.. CU :::I III III _ )( CU J-- -- (!) Ol """ "'""" tA- """ Ol """ "'""" tA- .~ o co o f- o o o N III , o N I -,- o o N ld o e t:' .- t: '" ..c () o o N C OJ "E :0 m >< '" f-- ~ UJ ('J o :J m Z $ ;3 y . - n:s .., 0 t- ro N .~ ~ c.. M en 0 0 (0 I 0 . N CO N -0 ~ Q) . . tn 0 (1) 0 0 0 ..c ...... () Q. Q)~ CI) n:s 0 ..,:;::; a:: n:sa s... rr:~ 0- >< I 0"\ . ~ ....; ><~ m I Q) 1.0 1.0 t- .t: n:s~ T"" ,....: J-~ C") >- .., .~ u ~ '+- 0 0 0 c: N 0 - -- m .., .- >-. ...... tn +-' 0 C :::l 0 0 t- u Q. E ~.""'~.,"~.,,,.......::.:..,',...............,"~.,,.~ \~... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U <0 I.{') ~ (V) N ~ -y . . ~ ~ School Average Proposed Monticello Property Tax Bill Where the Tax Dollars Go--Pay 2001 Special City 1.6% 45.1% County -21- y . . ~ 2001 Budget Comparison of Statistical Data (a) % of total proposed budget representing total compensation for employees (wages, salaries, benefits, etc.) Total bUdget -- all funds Total bUdgeted salaries/benefits 17.61% $9,849,651 $1,735,060 14.09% $13.787,656 $1,942,755 1652% $14,930,049 $2.466,692 1681% $16,159,300 $2,716,490 (b) Number of Employees - FT (Gent 29 31 35 40 Number of Employees - PT (Gen)" 5 7 19 80 Number of Employees - FT (Liq) 3 3 3 3 Number of Employees - PT (Liq) 6 6 6 6 'Classification - Administration - Finance - Deputy Registrar - Inspections - Public Works Admin. - Streets - Economic Development - Water - Parks - Community Center ., Includes 65 @ Community Center 6 3 1 4 2 5 1 3 4 o 6 3 1 5 2 5 1 3 5 o 6 3 1 5 2 5 1 3 5 4 6 3 4 5 2 6 1 4 5 4 (c) BUdget data on independent contractors, and consultants. City Attorney - Dennis Dalen Planner - Northwest Consultants Engineer (non-project) - WSB Police - Wright County Sheriff WlNTP Operations - PSG Inc. Animal Control - Patty Salzwedel Garbage - Superior Services Recycling - Superior Services Assessor - Wright County $11,000 $25,000 $10,000 $333,325 $440,000 $28.475 $105,000 $56.000 $16,250 $11,000 $35,000 $70000 $390875 $484,000 $29450 $110000 $54,000 $19,550 2001 BUDGET.XLS:Comparison_statlstical data: 11/20/00 -11- ~ . EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY All Funds, 2001 Budget Liquor Products 11.8% Transfer 7.2% . Debt Service 24.5% Salaries & Benefits Supplies Other Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfer Liquor Products TOTAL ... 2001 BUDGETXLS:Chart-Exp by AcI11/30/00 Salaries & Benefits 16.7% Supplies 24% Other Services 225% Capital Outlay 14.9% $2,716,490 $384,200 $3,652,342 $2,425,550 $3,972,918 $1,176,365 $1,907835 $16,235,700 )- -12-