City Council Minutes 12-14-1998~~ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING; - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, llecember 14, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, E3rian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. A royal of minutes of the s ecial meetin held November 18 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLIN'I' HERBST AND SECONDED BY BR11CE THIELEN 'TO APPROVE THE MINU'hES C)F THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 18, 1998, AS WRI"I"TEN. 1Vlotion carried unanimously. B. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held November 23,_,...1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON 'I"O APPROVE THE MIND1'ES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 23, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. [1 Con ideration of addin items to the a enda. A. Performance evaluations. Councilmember Clint Herbst suggested that performance evaluation forms be distributed to the Council for the purpose of completing the evaluation process for the City Administrator. In addition, he requested that the City Council receive copies of employee evaluations for their review. Councilmernber Bruce Thielen also suggested that the Council establish a personnel committee for the purpose of discussing evaluations with the City Administrator and/or department heads. Mayor Fair recommended that establishment of a personnel committee be placed on the Council agenda in January. B. Councilmember Brian Stumpf requested that item #10 of the agenda be added to the consent agenda for approval as recommended in the stal`f report. Public Works Director John Simola added that the recommendation far approval should include that total retainage should equal $350,000. 4. Citizens comments/petitions,, requests. and complaints. A. City resident John Sandberg asked Councilmembers Clint Herbst and Brian Stumpf if they had been contacted by him prior to this meeting, to which they both responded that they had not. Page 1 Council Minutes - 12/14/98 Mr. Sandberg then stated that he felt the information submitted to the HRA and City Council regarding community center expenses to date was inaccurate and that they might have voted differently if the information had been correct. It was his view that the expenses were portrayed as being unable to recuperate if the project was stopped. He cited the $1 million in expenses by Donlar Contractors, prior to the contract being signed or work performed; $400,000 in site acquisition; bond fees; and $50,000 original buyout. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller responded that he had received a letter from Donlar which stated their estimate of cost to date if the project was stopped. It was the opinion of the City Attorney that the day the bids were reviewed and accepted was the day the City actually had a contract with Donlar. Mr. Sandberg continued his comments by stating that the Mayor owed an apology to Councilmembers Stumpf and 1-lerbst, the Concerned Citizens of Monticello, as well as himself for false information contained in the Mayor's November letter to the public regarding the community center issue. In addition, he requested full information from the City Administrator regarding the community center expenses to date. B. Mr. Scott Douglas reported to the Cotu~:cil that at previous meetings, it had been stated that the State would step in with additional state aid in the event NSP's taxes were decreased; however, he informed Council of a newspaper article which stated that Anderson Windows and the City of Bayport were left to work out an agreement without additional aid from the State. C. Mr. Dan Goeman submitted a letter to the City Council requesting that the Southwest Area Plan remain in place as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan and not be removed from the joint City/Township agreement as requested by the MOAA Board. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of fund transfers for 1998. Recommendation: Approve the transfers as recommended in the City Administrator's agenda report. B. Consideration of_ratfying union contract renewal. Recommendation: Approve the negotiated 3-year contract for the ~uiion membership as outlined in tl~e City Administrator's agenda report. C. Consideration of a reliminar lot for an 80-lot residential subdivision known as Rolling Woods. Applicant. G.P. Land Corporation. Recommendation: Approve the preliminary plat for the Rolling Woods subdivision as submitted contingent upon the City Engineer's review and approval. Approval is based on the finding Page 2 Council Minutes - 12/14/9$ that the subdivision is consistent with the direction of the Comprehensive Plan and complies with the provisions of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. D. Consideration of a rovin final a ment on hi h school storm sewer Pr ~ect 97- 070 - Arcon Construction. Recommendation: Approve the final payment request to Arcon Construction in the amount of $21,Q71.2$ for the high school trunk storm sewer, Project 97-070. E. Consideration of a resolution re uestin = State a royal of Hi hwa 25 access at Chelsea Road School Boulevard and Dundas Road. Recommendation: Approve a resolution requesting State approval of Highway 25 access at Chelsea Road, School .Boulevard, and Dundas Road. SEL-; RESOLUTION 98-55. f'. Consideration of emblovment of professional services for materials testinc and special inspections for the Monticello Communt~and Trainin Center. Recommendation: Accept the proposal and enter into a contract with GME Consultants, Inc., for construction testing and special inspections for the Monticello Community and Training Center project. G. Considerati n of retaina e reduction on wa •tewater treatment lant Project 9 - 14C -with Adalfson &.P,eterson. Recommendation: Approve a reduction in the retainage amount to 3% for a retainage total amount of $35,000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CUNT HERBST TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration f items removed from the consent a enda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearin -- n i ration of resolution orderin = lans ands ecifications--Trunk Highway 25 Project. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that along with the improvements to Trunk Highway 25 from I-94 to Kjellbergs Mobile I-1ome Park are numerous city improvements, including Oakwood Drive, School Boulevard, Chelsea Road., and Dundas Road. The Trunk Highway 25 improvement also includes numerous trunk and lateral sanitary sewer, water main, and storm. sewer improvements. The City will be responsible for local costs as part of the Highway 25 improvement through a cooperative agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT). A portion of these costs is assessable to adjacent property owners. Page 3 Council Minutes - 12/14/98 Mr. Weiss reviewed the construction cost summary, noting that the project cost has increased from $2 million to approximately $4.8 million due to right-of--way and storm sewer. The storm sewer increases are due to the method ofcost-sharing by Mn/DOT and an increase in the unit price, and options and alternative designs for reducing the storm sewer costs with Mn/DOT are being reviewed. He noted that Mn/DOT is making a significant contribution of approximately $5 million to the project, including the ramping praject. ",he McDonald's/SuperAmerica access/new service drive was included in the plan per Council direction, at a cost of approximately $80,000, of which $27,000 is assessable to McDonalds, SuperAmerica, and Hoglund Bus Company. Mayor Bill 1{ air opened the public hearing. Mr. Mike Murphy, attorney representing Oxboro Development Company/Wendy's Restaurant, objected to the plan of closing access to West Oakwood Urive from Highway 25, which he stated has caused injury to the value of the property. Mr. Larry Martin, attorney representing SuperAmerica and McDonalds, stated concerns regarding the installation of a median in front of the McDanalds property. He noted that the easement on the easterly side of the site for the proposed service drive was too narrow for traffic and was not felt to be a workable alternative. In addition, it was felt a significant amount of traffic would cross the SuperAmerica parcel. He requested that Council consider a layout prepared by the engineering firm RLK, which would not require a median if East Oakwood Drive was constructed with two right-hand turn. lanes onto 1-.highway 25 toward the 1-94 exit and a third lane for left-hand movement. This layout would eliminate significant damage to the McDonalds and SuperAmerica properties. fIe added that they would agree to have the median installed in the future should it be needed. In addition, he noted that extension of Cedar Street was necessary if the median is installed to mitigate the damage done to the McDonalds and SuperAmerica properties. The City Engineer noted that Mn/DOT wants the median installed and that there are still quite a few parcels in the area to be developed. Chuck Rickert of WSB & Associates added that the greatest concern with two right lanes turning onto Highway 25 is the vast majority of traffic trying to get back onto h-94, which would create weaving of traffic. Mr. Dan Mielke, owner of Ultra Lube, stated that numerous properties will be accessed from the rear on Chelsea Road and that it would be preferable not to have a median block access from Highway 25 to the front of the businesses. Mr. Jay Morrell, owner of the building occupied by Goodyear Tire, suggested that the City consider extending Chelsea Road to Marvin Road at this time in order to give easier access to trucks, heavy equipment, and trailers to Royal Tire and the storage units. City Engineer Bret Weiss responded that the extension of Chelsea Road is currently being studied and will likely be completed in conjunction with this project. Page 4 Council Minutes - 12/] 4/98 The manager of McDonalds noted his opposition to installation of a mediaa~ on fast Oakwood Drive. He stated he has never seen traffic back up onto Highway 25 from McDonalds and that if the road is changed to a cul-de-sac, traffic in the area will lessen. Mr. Larry Martin, attorney for McDonalds and SuperAmerica, added that it would become a legal issue if the City tried to expand the easement in order to convert it into a main access. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that it was his assLimption that the easement was granted to provide access to the landlocked parcel behind McUonalds. Mr. Glen Posusta, owner of Amax Storage, asked why there would be no south exit onto I-lighway 25 from Dundas Road, with traffic funneled onto Chelsea. The City Engineer responded that Mn/DOT would not allow a full intersection at Dundas Road and Highway 25; however, in the future Cedar Street will give access to the south. There being no further comments from the public, Mayor Fair closed the public hearing. City Engineer Bret Weiss noted that negotiations with Mn/DOT are in progress and asked that Council order the project and accept the proposed layout, with approval of .final plans taking place in January or February. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRCJCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF 'I'O ADOPT A RESOLIJTIUN ORDERING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE TRUNK HIGHWAY 25 PROJECT CONTINGENT UN RESOLUTION OF THE MEDIAN ISSUE WITH MCDONALDS AN.D SUPERAMERICA AND CONTINGENT ON TIME NEGOTIATED COST SHARING BETWEEN THE CI7^Y AND MN/DOT. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 9$-56. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE TIIE LAYOU'T' I~OR THE TRUNK HIGHWAY 25 PROJECT CONTINGENT ON NEGOTIATIONS OF THE MEDIAN LAYOUT ON OAKWOOD DRIVE AT MCDONALDS AND SUPERAMERiCA. Motion carried unanimously. Ado tion Hearin --Consideration of resolution ado tin 1999 bud et and. tax lev . The 1999 tax levy was proposed at $4,617,725; which would result in an estimated l $.9% increase in dollars to be collected over the 1998 tax levy. Approximately 4.3% of the increase is related to the non-debt portion of the budget, and 14.6% relates to the amount necessary to cover debt obligations. Mayor Fair requested that the City Council reconsider adding $50,000 back into the budget for industrial land acquisition, which was cut from $75,000 to $25,000 during budget workshops. It was noted that during previous discussions, it was felt that reserves could be used for industrial prospects if necessary. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR TO ADD $50,000 TO TIME BUDGE'T' FOR INDUSTRIAL LAND ACQUISITION. Motion died for lack of a second. Page 5 Council Minutes - 12/14/98 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE Tf-IIELLN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADOPT" A RESOLUTION SETTING THE TAX LEVY FOK 1999 AT $4,617,725. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, .Roger Carlson, Bill Hair, Brian Stumpf. Opposed: Clint Herbst. It was his view that the budget could be further reduced. Motion carried. SEE RESOLUTION 98-57. 9. Consideration of resolution awarding sale of $3,000.000 G.O. improvement bonds. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller explained that the general obligation improvement bands will fund various public improvement projects, includiaag Highway 25; extension of 7th Street and utilities to the St. F-lenry's Church project; Wildwood Ridge sewer, water, and pump station improvements; fire hall driveway project; and the Resurrection Church/Methodist Church sewer improvement. Mark Ruff of Ehlers & Associates reported that eight bids were received for the sale of the $3,000,000 G.O. improvement bonds. The winning bid was received. from Suntrust Equitable Securities at a true interest rate of 4.1569%. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCF, THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AWARDING TIKE SALE OF $3,OOp,000 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS TO SUNTRUST EQiJiTABLE SECURITIES AT A TRUE INTEREST" RATE OF 4.1569% AS RECOMMENDED BY EHLERS & ASSOCIATES. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 98-58. 10. Consideration of retaina e reduction n wastewater treatment lant Pr ~e t 93-1.4C - with Adolfson,& Peterson. This item was moved to the consent agenda as item SG. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCF, TIIIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO TAKE A 5-MINUTE RECESS. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration of traffic si nal im rovements at the intersection of Hi hwa 25 and County Road 75. Public Works Director John Simola reported that the City has been discussing with Wright County and Mn/DOT possible improvements to the signal system at "Trunk I lighway 25 and County Road 75 in order to make left-hand turns safer. The first option would add a green arrow in the left turn lane but would triple the intersection delays and was not considered to be feasible. The second option called for adding a green arrow and green ball so that westbound County Road 75 left turns would go first, then terminate while eastbound left turns had the right-of--way. 1-Iowever, this option would double the traffic delay and was also not considered to be a feasible alternative. 'T'he third option, which was recommended by the Public Works Director, Mn/DO 1", and the Wright County klighway Department, would designate a left turn lane and combination right turn lane/thru lane on eastbound. County Road 75, with no changes Page 6 Council Minutes - 12/14/9$ in parking. Westbound County Road 75 would have a designated left turn lane, one thru lane, and a designated right turn lane. This option, however, would prohibit parking on the north side of County Road 75 between Highway 25 and Cedar Street and would involve removal of the node and a loss of approximately six parking spaces. The Public Works Director requested Council approval for a public information meeting to be held in January for property owners along County Road 75. A MO'I"ION WA5 MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CUNT HERBST TO SE.L)/C'I' OPTION #3 FOR FUR'I"HER STUDY AS RECOMMENDED BY MN/DOT AND WRIGH'[' COUNTY, AND TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL, INFORMA'T'ION AND LAYOUTS PIJR'I'AINING TO THIS DESIGN AND LOSS OF PARKING, ANU TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING TO BE FIELD JANCJARY 25, 1999, AT 6 P.M., AND NO'I"IFY AREA BUSINESSES WHO WOULD BF., AFFECTED BY 'T'HE LOSS OF PARKING. Councilmember Roger Carlson noted his objection to option #3 in that it would bring traffic closer to the sidewalk and would ruin the aesthetics on Broadway in order to accommodate Highway 25. He suggested that the City wait until Highway 25 improvements are complete prior to making changes to County Road 75. Voting in favor: Brian Stumpf, Clint Herbst, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair. Opposed: Roger Carlson. Matian carried. 12. Consideration of etiti n from residents for traffic control and enforcements in the Meadow Oak and Oak Ridg~.subdivision. Public Works Director John Simola reported that the City recently received a 122- signature petition from Sara Watters, a resident in the Oak Ridge subdivision, requesting various traffic improvements in the area of Oak Ridge Drive and. Meadow Oak Drive to reduce and slow down traffic. After reviewing the request, the public works department placed "Slow--Children" signs, which will eventually be replaced with "Caution-- Children at Play" signs; installed three of the five stop signs requested; and contacted the Wright County Sheriff's Department to request additional enforcement of traffic regulations in the area. They noted they would also monitor speeds by placing the speed limit trailer in the area. Ms. Sara Watters noted that the neighborhood felt their situation was unique in that residents and trucks cut through the neighborhood from County Road 11$ to I-94. City Engineer Bret Weiss suggested that in the spring, a traffic counting system could be set up to differentiate between trucks and cars and to record speeds to help justify the neighborhood's concerns. Page 7 Council Minutes - 12/14/98 A MO"I'fON WAS MADE, BY BK1AN STUMPF TO MONI I"OK "1"HE SITUATION [N "1'HE OAK RIDGE SUBDIVISION, SET UP A TRAI~'FIC COUN'T'ING SYSTEM IN THL SPRING, REQUES"I' "I~HAT THh SPEED '1"RAILER BE PLACED IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY THE WRIGFIT COUN'T'Y SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, AND COMPILE TIIE INFORMATION FOR REVIEW BY THE POLICE COMMISSION IN THE SPRING;. Public Works Director John Simola also suggested that staff and the public works department could discuss installation of a sidewalk in the neighborhood. 'hHE MUTTON WAS AMENDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO INCLUDE CITY STAFF AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DISCUSSION OF INSTALLATION OF A SIDEWALK IN THE OAK RIDGE SUBDIVISION. Motion was seconded by Roger Carlson and carried unanimously. 13. Consideration of reviewin bids for enerator for raster um station Cit Project 98- 24C and consideration of award of contract for urchase of same. Public Works Director John Simola reported that one bid was received for the emergency generator for Project 98-24C, the booster pump station for the Wildwood Ridge subdivision and surrounding area. Ziegler Inc. submitted the bid at an amount of $39,071.66. Total cost is $41,500, including the City providing its own cord connections. A MO'T'ION WAS MADE BY CLIN'I" HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELI?N TO AWARD THE CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF THE GENERATOR FOR PROJECT 98-24C TO ZIEGLER TNC. FOR $39,071.66. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consideration of reviewin bids for re lacement of 1984 1-ton Dod e icku for the wastewater treatment lant. Public Works Director John Simola reported that the 1984 Dodge pickup currently used by PSG at the treatment plant for plowing snow, moving equipment, removing pumps and equipment from tanks with a crane, pickup of materials, as well as general transportation, is badly rusted, has some mechanical problems, and the crane is inoperable. Three bids were received, with the low bid at $23,578.57 from Monticello Ford. In addition, quotes were obtained for a new snowplow from Crysteel Truck Equipment for $4,537.52 and a 2,000 lb crane for $3,824.42 for a total of $8,361.94. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY RUCiER CARLSON TO ACCEPT 7"HE LOW B[D FROM MONTICELLO FORD FOR $23,578.57 AND PURCHASE, ThIE SNOWPLOW AND CRANE FROM CRYSTEEL TRUCK EQUIPMENT AT A COST OF $8,361.94. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. Page 8 Colmcil Minutes - 12/14/98 15. Consideration of urchasin the Daniel James ro ert at 1705 Count Road 39 ad~acent to the Cit~s_biasolids facility. Public Works Director John Simola reported that the City previously purchased a ] 58- acre farm on County Road 39 for biosolids application from the City's wastewater treatment plant. The two-acre Daniel James property is located on the north property line on County Road 39 and is centered in the City's property and surrounded on three sides by the biosolids facility. Mr. James inquired. as to whether the City would be interested in purchasing his home for $145,000, indicating he may have difficulty selling it due to the biosolids applications. The Public Works Director also informed Council that the City could be required to fence the 2-acre site or test the drinking water. 'The City obtained an appraisal of the James property, which indicated a value of $140,099 using the cost approach and $143,743 using the sales comparison approach. In addition, the appraiser noted that there may be some minor resistance in the market resulting from the proximity to the biosolids sewage site. Funds in the amount of $143,743 were allocated in the sewer access fund budget for 1999, and it was estimated that the City could rent the home for about $900 per month. Councilmember Clint Herbst suggested that, if the City was going to purchase land, they should purchase industrial land rather than residential property. Mr. Daniel James stated that when he purchased the house, he was supposed to have the opportunity to buy additional land; however, the City purchased the surrounding acreage before he ~~~as given that opportunity. It was his view that the City should have purchased his home at the same time. A MO'I'lON WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMI')~' AND SECONDED BY CIaINT HERBS"h `TU NOT CONSIDER PURCHASING THE DANIEL JAMES PROPERTY. Voting in favor: Brian Stumpf Clint Herbst, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Bill Fair. Motion carried. 16. C~orisideyation of salaarv ~c;liedule ac_aila_s_trx-~a~ts_far 19~>~3., ~~ MOTION WAS MADE B~' Ci.,I~*1'I' IIIRBS'1, AIti1D SIJCONDID BY BRIAN ST'1!MPF `T'O ESTABLISH A COST 01~ I,l~I1NG I?JCREASE OI; 2.5%~ t•()R THE NON-UN1(~N :PAY SCALE. Motion carried urranirrioiasly. Page 9 Council Minutes - 12/ 1 ~l/98 17. Consideration of a request for an amendment,to a conditional use permt,_PL ,D within the PZM z nin district and amendments to 1 Iart Boulevard street vacation boundaries. A licant Monticello-Bi Lake Communit 1-los ital District. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the Monticello-Big Lake Community 1-lospital [)istrict is requesting approval of an amendment to their planned unit development (PUD) which would alter the street vacation pattern along the west portion of Dart Boulevard from the proposed Hospital entrance to the Dental Clinic property. To accommodate the change, the f-Iospital's entrance canopy, already under construction, would violate front yard setbacks and require a variance. Under the original PLJD, the Iospital was required to obtain written agreements from all parcels affected by the street vacation accepting access easements from the Iospital in Lieu of public street frontage; however, the Hospital obtained permits from the City to begin grading and. foundation construction even though they had been unable to obtain such an agreement from the Dental Clinic. In response, the City required the Hospital to provide an indemnification to the City in the event of litigation initiated by the Dental Clinic. This requirement has been unacceptable to the I-Iospital District, resulting in the right-of=way issue being left unresolved. 'Co resolve the Dental Clinic access issue, the Hospital is now requesting a revision to its vacation request which would leave the Hart Boulevard right-of--way in place from the new Hospital entrance drive to the Dental Clinic, resulting in an island of public street. In addition, they are asking for approval of a dedication of the proposed entrance to County Road 75 as a city street, which would provide the connection to Hart Boulevard. Under this revised. proposal, the entrance canopy would encroach to the edge of the right- of--way, and the City is being asked to waive its setback standards from the required 30 ft to 0 ft; however, the City would still require a maintenance agreement for this portion of street and an indemnification against claims which are based on inadequate design or maintenance since the remaining portion of Hart Boulevard would not be built to city standards, and the Hospital will assume responsibilities for maintaining it as if it were a private driveway. Additional indemnification would be needed since the helipad would now be located on public right-of way. At their December 1 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD, vacation, and variance request as proposed. No appeal to the variance had been received; therefore, the Planning Commission's recommendation stands as approved. The City Council members noted that, although in Favor of the Hospital's expansion plans, the Hospital should have indemnified the City from lawsuits prior to moving forward with the project and should follow the proper procedure in the future. Page 10 Council Minutes - 12/14/98 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MAUL BY GLINT HFRBST AND SECONDED BY BILL FAIR TO APPROVE, ~hHE PUD AMENDMENT ALTERING "THE FLAN FOR VACATION ANU STREET DEDICATION ON TI IE HOSPI"I'AL CAMPUS SUBJECT TO T1IE I~'OLLOWTNG: A MAINTENANCE., AGREEMENT AND INDEMNIFICATION FOR DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE OF THE KEMAINING RIGHT-OF-WAY. 2. INDEMNIFICATION FOR HA7_ARDS ASSOCIATED WITH OPERATION OF A HELIPAD ON CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY. Motion was based an the finding that the physical and operational characteristics of the l lospital PUD do nat change under tl~e revised PUD and incorparates previous PUD approval conditions, including the option for the Hospital to continue seeking written Dental Clinic approval or the indemnification concept approved previously. Motion carried unanimously. 18. Consideration of adopting amendments to City/Township agreement removing the "Southwest Area Concept Plan" as an attachment to the agreement. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the City received a letter from the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area (MUAA) Board requesting that the Township and City remove the Southwest Area Plan as an attachment to their joint agreement, thereby opening up land use planning in this area to the MOAA Board.. It was City staff's recommendation that Council request a meeting with the MOAA Board to discuss ideas for modifying the Southwest Area. Council discussed the joint Township/City resolution and the City's comprehensive plan, and it was noted that time is an issue since the joint resolution would be null and void if a land use plan is not adopted by the MOAA Board by March 1999. Councilmember Bruce Thielen noted that any meeting held with the MOAA Board should be limited to discussion of specific issues, and he requested that an agenda be prepared outlining specific issues to be discussed. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF TO RF,QUEST A MEE'T'ING IN JANUARY 1999 WITH THE MOAA BOARD, INCLUDING THE'I'OWNSHIP BOARD, TO DISCUSS IDEAS FOR MODIFYING THE SOUTHWEST AREA. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE'I'HIELEN, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE DISCUSSIONS WOULD BE LIMITF,D TO TIIE SOUTI-IWEST AREA PLAN ONLY. Motion carried unanimously. Page 11 Council Mi.nuies - 12/14/9$ 19. Consideration of ado tin amendments to K'ellber West sanitar sewer extension agreement. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that on October 26, the City Council directed the City Attorney to work with Kent Kjellbcrg to make revisions to the current agreement regarding sanitary sewer extension to the west mobile home park. City Attorney Dennis Dalen reported. that a number of changes had been introduced to the agreement in the form of an addendum, which had already been signed by Kent Kjellbcrg. A MO`T'ION WAS MADE BY CUNT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENTS TO THE KJELLBERG WEST SANITARY SEWER EXTF.,NSION AGREEMENT AS PROPOSED. Motion carried unanimously. -~ ~J 20. Consideration of bill for the first half of December 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE BII.,LS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF DECEMBER 1998 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIF..,LEN ANL] SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADJOURN TtIE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. ar Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 12