City Council Agenda Packet 11-13-2000 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY CO UNCI L Monday, November 13,2000 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Brucc Thielen 1. Call to Order 2A. Approve minutes of October 23,2000 regular council meeting. B. Approve minutes of November 8, 2000 special council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, request and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approval of revised final plat and review of final plans for development of the Dodge Dealership - Applicant: Jacob Holdings of Monticello LLC/Denny Hecker Dodge. B. Consideration of a request for vacation of utility easement within Lot 2, Block 1, 90th Street Plat C. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Community Center and City Hall. D. Consideration of approving appointment of bookkeeper position. E. Consideration to approve an amendment to the By-laws of the Monticello Design Advisory Team to change meeting date. F. Consideration of adding Silver Springs Golf Course as a liquor provider at the Monticello Community Center. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing - Considering the vacation of 5 1/2th Street between Walnut Street and Pine Street. 8. Public I Iearing - Considering the vacation of Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and Oakwood Drive and consideration of approval of concept stage planned unit development for mixed commercial use ~ Applicant: Dan Mielke. 9. Review of quarterly liquor store report. 10. Consideration of increase in water trunk fees. Agenda Monticello City COllncil Novcmber 13,2000 Page Two 11. Approve payment of bills for Novcmber. 12. Adjourn. . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 23, 2000 - 7 p.m. Memhers Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson. Clint Herbst Brian Stwnpf and Bruce Thielen. Memhcrs Ahsent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meetinKto order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approve minutes of workshop on CSAIl 75 Improvement on October 9,2000. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO APPROVE TilE MINUTES OF TI-IJ~ WORKSIIOP MEETING FOR THE CSAII 75 IMPROVEMENT HELD ON OCTOBER 9. 2000. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CARLSON ABST AINING. 2B. Approve minutes of October 9, 2000 regular council meetine. BRIAN STUMPF MOVEDI'C) APPROVE TIlE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 9. 2000 RECJtJLAR COUNCIL MEETING. C'L1NT I IERBST SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CARLSON ABSTAININO. 3. Consideration of addine items to the agendl'l. Roger Carlson asked that a discussion of establishing policy for cemetery issues he added to the agenda. Jeff ()"Nei II asked that a request for the assessnlent of connectioll charges also be added to the agenda. Brian Stumpf indicated that he would not be in attendance at the November 13'11 council and would prefer that any lnajor items be deferred until the second meeting in November or schedule a special meeting. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Susie Wojchouski reminded those present that the candidate forunl was scheduled for Tuesday October 24th at 5:00 p.m. at the middle school. Temple Barsness was present to request the Council to reconsider the pawn shop ordinance that was adopted at the previous meeting. She noted that the cost f(Jr the pawn shop to implement the computerized system that is required by the ordinance was f~lr greater than the $1.100 figure givcn at the meeting. She stated that the $1.100 was the cost fi)f' Wright County to acccss the APS (Autornated Pawn System). The pawn shop would still have to purchase the software and hardware that would be compatihle with the automated pawn system and that cost was in the range of $4.000-$6.000. She felt that the cost for the software and hardware. the $1.100 for the county access to the system and the $1 /per transaction fee was prohibitive for a pawn shop . . . Council Minutes - 10/9/00 operation that generated 3-5 transactions daily. Nor did she feel it was fair for her to have to pay for the county's eonneetion to the automated pawn systenl. The Council discussed the inf()rmation received and concurred that the issue should be looked at again. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO HAVE THE PA WN SHOP ORDINANCE BROUGHT BACK FOR COUNCIL CONSlDERAflON AT TilE NOVEMBER 27111 MEETING AND TO IIA VE TilE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DO ADDITIONAL CIIECKING WITH TIlE WRIGI IT COUNTY SI IERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ON TH[~ ISSUE. CLINT IIERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Susie Wojchouski reported that all the political signs had been removed from Club View Drive and wondered if anyone knew anything about it. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of setting council date to canvass election returns. Recommendation: Set November R. 2000 at 5 p.m. as the date for the council to canvass the election rcturns. B. Adoption of assessment roll f()[ Th Street East Extension, Projeet No.9R-12C. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution adopting the asscssment roll for the Th Street Extension Project for St. I Icnry's Church in the amount of $623.869.60. C. Consideration of renewing Fire Protection Contracts with thc City of Otsego and Silvcr Crcek Township. Recommendation: Authorize the Monticello Joint Fire Board to enter into a three year agreement with Silver Creck Township and the City ofOtsego for fire protection scrvices at a rate of $40 per parcel scrved. D. Considcration of accepting petition and calling for public hearing to vacate 5 Y2 Street roadway casement for Towne Centre Development. Reeommendation: Move to accept the petition and call for a public hearing on the vacation of the 5 Y2 Street right-of-way between Pine Street and Walnut Street. E. Consideration ofacccpting a petition and calling flJr public hearing on the vacation of a portion of Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and Oakwood Drive. Recommendation: Move to accept the petition for vacating a portion of Cedar Street and call fiJr a public hearing on November 13,2000. F. Consideration of acccpting pctition and calling t{)[ a feasibility study on construction of boulcvard irnprovements along the Walnut Street corridor. Recommendation: Move to accept petition and call for a feasibility study on construction of boulevard irnprovements along the Walnut Street corridor. ? . . . Council Minutes - 10/9/00 G. Consideration of approving development agreement with Silver Creek Real Estate Development. I J.C for the Towne Centre Development. Recommendation: Approve entering into development agreement with Sil ver Creek Development for the Towne Centre project contingent upon city staff satisfactorily resolving the issue of the zero lot line. building construction cost issues and liabilities and amendments relating to joint parking area construction. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE TI IE CONSENT AGENDA WITII TIlE ('I IANCiE OF TIMET'O 5:30 P.M. IN ITEM SA FOR THE CANV ASSINCJ OF ELECTION RETURNS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOlJSL Y. 6. Consideration of itcms rcmoved from the consent al!cnda for discussion. None. 7, Public hcaring 011 appeal of Planning Commission denial of variance for pvlon sign. Applicant: Automaxx. Jeff 0' Neill provided the Council with the background inlcmnation on the request flJr the sign variance and the Planning Commission's denial of that request. The applicant had requested a variance to place the pylon sign next to the curb of the parking lot. The applicant indicated that the sight line is interrupted by other signs further up which are non-conforming signs that have been grandfathered in. The Planning Commission did not feel that a hardship existed for the applicant. Brian Stumpf felt the sign ordinance should be looked at as it pertains to signs along TII 25. It was noted that a number of the signs in this area were constructed prior to the City's sign ordinance being in placed. If the sign proposed for Automaxx was constructed under the provisions of the current sign ordinance, it would not be visihle from the street. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Paul Kruchten, owner of the AutOlnaxx site, asked that the Council approve the variance simply hecause of the visibility factor. Jay MorrelL owner of the building pointed out that this building sets back from the other building in the area so Automaxx is obstructed by the other buildings. The proposed sign is 4' x 8' and would not hang over any portion of the right-of-way. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. CLINT lIERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR A PYLON SIGN FOR AUrOMAXX BASED ON THE FINDING THAT SUffIC!l':NT IIARDSHIP HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED BECAUSE OF THE OBSTRlJCTION CAUSED BY OTIIER SIGNAGE IN THE AREA BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION WITH TIlE UNDERSTANDINCJ THAT THE SIGN WILL NOT OVERIIANG INTO THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AR}:A. MUT'ION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. " -) . . . Council Minutes - 10/9/00 8. Puhlic hearing and adoption of assessment roll - Delinquent Utilities. Thc Council reviewed the inlcwmation on the delinquent utility accounts proposed to be certificd to thc county f(Jr collection. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hcaring jt)!' the delinquent utility bill assessment. No one spokc ft)r or against the proposcd assessment. Mayor Belsaas closed the public hearing. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQLJENT UTILITY BILLS AS PRESEN"rFD. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Public hcarinl! and adoption of asscssment roll - Chelsea Road East Improvement Proicct No. 98-08C. City Engineer. Brei Weiss provided background inltwmation on some of the terminology and procedures used in preparing thc assessment rolls. lie notcd that all the asseSSlncnt rolls were proposecl to be spread ovcr a period of ten years with interest rates varying from 6%-7%. Bret Weiss also explained the assessment appeal process and added that the assessments can be paid within ]0 days with no interest being charged. Ifpaid after the 30 days, interest charges would be includcd. Mikc Niclson from WSB & Associates, explained the particular assessments proposed for the Chelsea Road Fast Irnprovement Project. The projcct consisted of street ilnprovements, extension of sanitary sewer. watcrmain ancl construction of storm sewer improvcments. Some of the improvements had becn petitioned fClr by the affected property owners. T'he total project cost was $569,924. Of this amount $350,795 was proposed to be assesscd against the benefitting property owners. Mayor l3elsaas opencd the public hearing. Lcc Parks, owner of the property at 1305 East ()akwood Drive sublnitted a written objection to the proposed assessmcnt tC)l' his parcel (155-500-142401). He also questioncd how his C()(ltage and assessment amounts were arrived at. Mike Nielson stated that the strcet cost was based on footage, the sanitary scwcr was based on total construction cost and was split proportionally among thc parcels receiving benefit. Mr. Parks qucstioncd why the City had not cxtended the sewer linc to his property earlicr and noted he had pctitioned !t)l' sewer ten ycars ago but the City did not put it in at that tilne. Mayor fklsaas then closcd the public hearing. Hrct Weiss. City Enginccr. noted that only onc side was assessed becausc the property owner on thc other side (Simonson Lumber) already had sewer. This made f(x a highcr cost since there wcrc fewer parcels to spread the cost among. Bret Weiss also pointcd out that initial estimatc of costs fe)l' this propcrty was $17,000 and the proposed assessment came in slightly less than that. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT 'nll.: ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CHELSEA ROAD EAST IMPROVEMr:NT PROJECT NO. 98-08C AS PROPOSED wIn I PAfZCEL 155-500-14240 1 (PARCEL ff5]) BI':ING REMOVED FOR FURTHER REVIEW. BRUCE 4 . . . 10. Council Minutes - 10/9/00 TlHELEN SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll- Chelsea Road West/Groveland Improvement Project No. 98-25C. Brel Weiss briefly reviewed the improvements covered under this project and the proposed assessment. The project covered improvements to Chelsea Road from Sandberg Road to 90th Street. The project also covered construction of sanitary sewer, watermain and storm scwer. Bret Weiss explained that there are two drainage districts affected by the improvements. The existing Chelsea Road ponding area behind the dental office and the Marvin Road pond behind Milton Olson property did not have outlets. The outlets for thc ponds were constructed under this projcct. Bret Weiss explained the City's storm sewer policy. Properties developed as of December 1996 are assesscd fl.)r storm sewer improvements that are constructed within their drainage district. Undeveloped property pay trunk charges for storm sewer at the timc they develop. The area comprising the Marvin Road drainage area consists of 80.8 acres but only 7.76 is developed and would be assessed for storm sewer under this project. Thc Chelsea Road drainagc area is approximately 20.24 acres of which 13.08 acres is developed. The total project cost is $1.908,624 and of this amount $1,524.168 is proposed to bc assessed. Mayor Bclsaas opened the public hearing. Jay Morrell questioned how is property (PID 155- 500-142203) could be considered fix a storm sewer assessment undcr both the 98-25C (Chelsca Road West) and the 96-04C (Tll 25) projects. I Ie also indicated that hc had paid storm sewer trunk charges when his property developed. I3ret Weiss respondecl that what he had received previously was lateral benel~t. Todd Swanson, 133 Sandberg Road asked about the area draining to thc pond and stated his belief that the amount of area actually draining into the pond had been reduced. I Ie submitted a letter stating his objcctions to the proposed assessment. Bret Weiss respondcd that it was thc City's policy not to build stormwater ponds without an outlet. The outlet provides Ii)!' a controlled elevation oCthe pond. The storm sewer assessment was f()[ the construction of the pond outlets and not the ponds. John Erlandson (155-027-002010) also submitted an objection in writing questioning the value of the benefit he was being asscssed for and also noting an error in the acreage used in calculating his asseSSlncnt. Mayor Belsaas closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOP"rED THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR. THE CIIELSEA ROAD/GROVELAND P"ASE 1 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 98-25C AS PROPOSED WITH PARCEL 155-027-002010 BEING REVIEWED TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT ACREAGE TO 8E ASSESSED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5 . 11. . . Council Minutes -10/9/00 Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll - CSAH 75 Improvement Proiect No.9S-17C. Mike Nielson provided the background information on the asseSSlnent. The project covered the reconstruction of CSAH 75 fron1 Washington Street to County Road 18/39 intersection which included widening the roadway to four lanes with left turn movements. Some sanitary sewer and watennain was also constructed and the project also ineluded storm sewer construction. The assessment f(n curb and gutter was based on I ineal feet and the assessment for storm sewer was based on square f()otage. The total project cost for the City amounted to $914.408 and of this $439,775 is proposed to be assessed against the benefitting property. $4 74.()46 would be paid tor from other sewer and watcr trunk funds. Mayor Helsaas opened the public hearing. John I3ondhus, (PID 155-011-000031 and 155-011- 000060) submitted a letter objecting to the proposed assessrncnt. Mr. Bondhus was also present at the meeting. He noted that a received an asscssment notice for an 800 sq.n. parcel that he did not own but was in fact owned by Gladys I-Ioglund. He also questioned the assessment placed on parcel 155-011-000060 stating that this parcel was too narrow to build on. I-Ie felt the proposcd assessment far exceedcd the benefit to the property. The Monticello School District also submitted a letter objecting to the proposed assessment stating that the property did not receive an increasc in value to its property in the arnount of the proposed assessment. The engineer suggestcd that this parcel be relnoved from the roll because the City was negotiating an easement on thc ponding area and this area rnay have been included in the assessment roll. Jennifcr Ford, representing Kean of Monticello (155-037-001010) stated that the benet~t conferred to the property did not equal the amount ofthc proposed assessment. Curb and guttcr was installed which took away one of two accesscs to the property leaving only one access. She also questioned the $54, I 03 that appeared as a lniscellaneous assessment She also stated that the letter of.r u)y 21, 1999 signed by represcntatives of Kean of Monticello was inadequately worded and did not suft~ciently explain the proposed assessment Mike Nielson explained that $54,1 03 of miscellaneous assessment was for 1'2 of the right-of..way purchase and 1'2 of the road construction. The other half of this cost was picked up by the City. This roadway cost was f~)r the realignment of Hart Boulevard. Hart Boulevard was realigned to match up with Th Street which is proposed to be a signalized intersection in the future. Roger Belsaas suggcsted that this parcel ( 155-037 -0(1010) be removed fron1 the roll !()r further revIew. Hilary Hoglund representing Gladys Hoglund also sublnitted a written objection to the proposed assessment IIer prirnary concern was the proposed assessment for watennain construction. The propcrty was assessed fiJr a water line that was constructed in the 1980's when improvclnents were installed in the Macarlund Plaza development. She also expressed her bel ief that the property was being assessed t()r its cOlnmercial potential rathcr than its residential use. 'rhe Council suggcsted this parcel (155-011-000010) be removed from the roll at this tirne 6 . Council Minutes - 10/9/00 for rurther review. Hilary I Ioglund also stated that there is a safety hazard created by this improvement which is the blind driveway. Mayor Belsaas then closed the publie hearing. Clint Herbst stated that curb and gutter on a road that was reconstructed should not be assessed. lie suggested that the Council look at a policy for street reconstruction assessment procedures as the City will be dealing with a number of projects like that in the future. Bruce Thielen concurred with the nccd to look at the assessment policies for that type of project. Bret Weiss responded that most of the curb and gutter proposed to be assessed was new and the only replacement eurb and gutter was in the area by the middle school. Clint Ilerbst pointed out that both the CSAH 75 and TH 25 project were reconstruction projects and the City would be looking at a number or thesc projects as some of the older roadways need rebuilding. He felt that instead of assessing any cost for street reconstruction, the cost should be plaeed on the property taxes. Clint Herbst suggested that any of the parcels that received costs tt.)r reconstruction work should be removed from the proposed assessment roll. Roger Carlson felt that the City should look at this now rather than later. Brct Weiss noted that since the County was picking up most or the street cost, the primary reconstruction cost for the City was the curb and gutter. Clint Hcrbst suggested that at the next meeting the City Council set some kind of policy tor reconstruction costs. . BRUCT,: THIELEN MOVED TO DFL.A Y'n IF ASSESSMENT FOR CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 98-17C. CLINT HERBST SECONDED 'nlE McrnON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Public hearing ~md adoption of assessment roll - TH 25 Project No. 96-04C. Mike Nielson briefly summarized the project and the proposed assessment. The City's share of the project costs was $3.449.977. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Glen Posusta, owner of Amaxx Storage (155-500-142302) questioned how his assessments were comparable to anyone else. Mike Nielson notcd that the strcet assessment or $8,821.31 was tor the original project. However. Mr. Posusta had petitioned tt.)r improvements to Dundas Road. The cost of this work was also assessed back to his property. II is share of the improvements on Dundas Road came to $43,041.6 I. Glen Posusta stated that the estimated eost li)r this work was $36,000 but the proposed assessment $54.g30. The Council determined that parcel should be removed and reviewed further. . Daryl Cardinal (213-100-154405) stated that he had received no benet~t under this project. He felt aecess to his property was worse as a result of the in1provement and as a result of the project he has standing water on his property. Bret Weiss responded that the issue of the driveway is one that Mr. Cardinal would have to take up with the state since they required the change in the access. Mr. Cardinal stated that the project also created a hazardous situation in that there is a hidden driveway. He stated evcrything was changed li'oln what the City originally told him when they negotiated the easement. 7 . . . Council Minutes - 10/9/00 Since Mr. Cardinal is not within the City limits no assessment against his property is being levied at this time, If at some futurc date, the property is annexed into the City, the City may then levy the asscssrncnts. The Council directed the City Engineer to work with Mr. Cardinal to resolve the drainagc problem on his property, Dan Mielke requested (155-094-001020 and part of 155-036-001030) be pulled from the assessment roll. property owncd by Kjellberg's that was notified of the original assessment was being re-notified because one digit was omittcd fi'orn the parcel identification numbcr. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing, BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR TRUNK HIGHW A Y 25 IMPROVEMENT PROJECr NO. 96-04C WITH PARCEl,S (155-500-142302, 155-094-001020 AND PART OF 155-036-001030, 155-500-154400 AND 155-500-154403 BEING REMOVED FOR FUR11lER REVIEW. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTING IN oPPOSrrlON. 13. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll- Walnut Street Improvement Proiect No. 98-13C. This project consisted of the reconstruction of Walnut Strect hetween the railroad tracks to just south of 61h Strect adjacent to the Community Center. Mike Nielson reviewed thc proposed assessment which affcctcd two properties and a numbcr of city owned parcels. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. There was no one present to spcak f()f' or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Belsaas closcd the public hearing. BRUCE TIIlELEN MOVED TO ADoper TilE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR TilE WALNUT STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 98-13C AS PROPOSED. ROGER CARI,SON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Clint Ilcrbst stated that all the assessment rolls should he looked at in light of the City Council coming up with an assessment policy on reconstruction projects 14. Public hcaring and adoption of assessment roll- Elm Street Improvcmcnt Proiect No. 2000-0SC. This project extended sewer and water to thc Monticello RV Center. The cost of the improvement was split equally among the three property owncrs affected. Mayor Belsaas noted that at thc public ilnprovernent hearing it was stated that the Council would consider gi ving the R V Center crcdit for the expenses they had incurred f(Jr design of a septic system. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Tim Genung asked why the cost was higher than 8 . . . 15. Council Minutes - 10/9/00 the estimate. It was noted that the original improvement had called for sewer only to be extended but when they Council ordered the project they included the construction of the water line as well. Tinl Genung also asked about the line to his house. Someone fronl the Water Department will be contacting him on this. Mayor Belsaas closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TilE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR TIlE ELM ST'REET SEWER AND WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2000-08C WITI I CREDIT BEING GIVEN FOR THE SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN EXPENSI.: INCURRED BY THE RV CENTER FOR TI IEIR PROPERTY (155-500-104200. 155-500-1(4201) AND WITH THE NOTATION TI IAT THE ASSESSMEN'r IS BASED ON ONE UNIT PFR PARCEL. SHOULD TI IF PARCELS BE FURTHER DEVELOPED IN THE FUTURE. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR SEWER AND WATER CONNI,:CTIONS MAY BE CHARGED. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSLY. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll - Orchard Road Improvement Proiect No.2000-07C. This project was the reconstruction of Orchard Road between the 1-94 bridge and County Road 75. Since this is a reconstruction project, it was felt the assessment should be adopted with the understanding that with cstablishmcnt of an assessment policy for reconstruction projects, the Council may look at the roll again. Mayor Belsaas opencd the public hearing. There was no one prcsent to speak for or against thc proposed assessment. Mayor Belsaas closed thc pub I ic hearing. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE TIll,: ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR TI IE ORCHARD ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2000-07C. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll - Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable. Mayor Belsaas opened the publ ic hearing on the proposed assessment fi.lr miscellaneous accounts rcccivable. Thcre was no one present to spcak for or against thc proposcd asscssment. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADOPT THL.: ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR TIlE MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS PRI,:SENTED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Approve pavment of bills for Octoher. BRUCE 1'1 IlELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT OF BILLS FOR OCTOBER. ROClLR CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9 Council Minutes - 10/9/00 . Added Items: Roger Carlson suggested that the City look at establ ishing some kind of policy that sets forth procedures so that the cemetery caretaker is rclieved of policy making decisions, such as seeding the graves. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO SET POLICIES RELATING TO THE CEMETERY AFTER THE FIRST OF TilE YEAR. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Barry Fluth rcquested that the Council consider asscssing a portion ofthc conncction fees for the proposcd China Buffet to be located at retail shop on Locust Street. Barry Fluth felt thcse costs werc relatively stccp. Clint Herbst stated that there should be some tl.)llow up by statTwhen these charges are proposed so that the people affected arc aware of the costs that thcy are looking at whcn a certain business use is proposed. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ALLOW A PORTION OF TIlE CONNECTION CHARCJES FOR THE PROPOSED RESTAURANT USE FOR THE LOCUST STREET SHOPS IN THE AMOUNT OF $12J)00 TO BE ASSESSFD. ROGER CARLSON SFCONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL,Y. . Rick Wolfsleller asked about setting a date for a workshop on the assessment policy and the budget. It was proposed to hold the workshop meeting on November I 6'h at 5:30 p.m. Since the workshop on the asscssment policy would not be until November 16'1" consideration of any of thc assessment rolls would he tablcd until the November 2Th meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:20 P.M. BRUCE TIIlELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---- .-.., "...-... ----,.-.,.,-..",,-- Recording Secretary . 10 -.- ----"'."-- ..- - .. .:- ~ . . . Membcrs Present: Members Absent: MINUTES SPECIAL MI~ETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL November 8, 2000 - 5:30 p.m. Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst. Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. None A specialmecting of the Monticello City Council was held for the purpose of canvassing the results of the ballots voted in the November 7. 2000 municipal election. The total of votes cast for the offices voted upon were as follows: For Mayor (2-year term) Roger Belsaas 1500 William Fair 1301 Mike Maki 50 I Write-Ins Roger Carlson Clarence McCarty Warren Kohnback Aaron Johnson Rich Habeck Jon Brown Jeff Michaelis Chad Kirchncr I,uke Dahlheimer Dan Frie Bradley Fyle For Couneil Member (4-vear term) Roger Carlson 1392 Bradley E. Fy1e 948 Tom Perrault 1079 Michael Renstrom 943 Bruce Thielen 1539 Write-Ins Mike Carter Stcve Brooks . . . Doug Stange Dayle Veches Steve Thomzet Jodi Tolefson Dayle Tolefson Patricia Schmitz Greg Hanson A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE HYIALS LISTED ABOVE TO BE CORRECT AND THE FOLLOWING TO BE TIlE OFf-1ClAL WINNERS OF THE NOVEMI1ER 7, 2000 ELEC"rION: FOR MAYOR (2- YEAR TERM) ROGER BELSAAS FOR COtJNCIL (4- YEAR TERM) ROGER CARLSON BRUCE THI[~I,EN MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. RES. NO. 2000-83 MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE TlIIELEN TO ADJOURN AT 5:40 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Sccretary . . City COllllcil Agenda - 11/13/00 SA. Consideration of approval of a revised final plat and review final plans for development of the Dodge Dealership (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Subsequent to Planning Coml11ission and Council Approval of the Conditional use permit allowing auto sales in a B-3 zone, the developer made a revision to the plans. Under the new plan, the parking and display area is larger and the entire 1-94 frontage is occupied by the dealership. City Couneil is asked to consider allowing the original CUP approval to apply to the revised plan. Also, although the Planning COl11mission does not norl11ally make rceommendations on the final plat, the new layout represents the basic layout of the revised final plat and the Planning Commission and City Council are asked to rcview it. There was some thought of cstablishing thc two parcels via simple subdivision, However, after revicwing the plan and the complications associated with combining various lots via simple subdivision, it is recommended that the final plat simply be revised to reflect the actual development pattern. No public hearing is required. StatT has reviewed the site t()[ adherence to the 1S% rule and it does comply. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: Decision J. I. Motion to approve the reviscd plat based on the finding that the subdivision will result in two lots that confimn to ordinances. Motion contingent vacation of easemcnt along the northern edge of Lot 2 Block] . Planning Commission recoml11ends this alternative. 2. Motion to deny approval of the revised final plat. Decision 2_ I. Motion to aceept the revised plan without requiring the applicant to process a new Conditional Use Permit request contingent on the fiJllowing. a. Conditions noted in the initial CUP approval. b. Complction of a revised final plat consistent with the site plan as prepared. c. City Council granting of a lease to occupy easement or approval of the vacation of utility easement along the northern edge of Lot 2, Block] . -1- . City Council Agenda - 11/13/00 Under this alternative the developer will be able to get started on the project immediately as desired. Planning Commission recommends this alternative. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of the revised plan and require that the applicant submit an application for an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit which would require a public hearing and Planning Commission review at the December meeting. Under this alternative approval will be delayed one month (two-three weeks if special meeting is conducted). This delay could push the project into spring construction. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON Wi th regard to decision ], statT recommends approval of the revised plat. With regard to decision 2, staff would normally support processing a ncw application since the new plan is different than the original. However, due to the time of season and the difficulties assoeiated with a month delay (two week delay even with special meeting) and due to the fact that there were no concerns regarding this development by neighbors, stafT is rccommcnding that the City Council consider allowing the project to procecd under the original approval, subject to conditions that will be discussed at the mecting on Wednesday. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of original plat - 90th Street Addition Copy of new site plan which is also the basis of the revised final plat -2- , III ~ ~ .. :1 ii1 & i ~ ~ g !S IQIQ~ Q 9 9 'I -- -~~~ ---:: - ~ . ~ "" 'I " '" ~ ~ ~ ~ . ______.u._____.. __~_~__ '" II i =i I ~ H ~_.._ Ilr.._ ..-. - --~.. ._.._--~_.._----... .._...,,------""'-~--~ /,,/ 0f"j --_/~- / /{) .-~---- /"'\ C::J ( )-----..---- '1 ) 0> t t~\\o') .../_-/ ./..//. 0> I ~ ~ ! ~ S 80 i It ~ ~ I Q!: ~ ~ ~I)ro )0 fE Co I I f )---.----- ---- !I fj~ 309.42 '" ~ I "I - I . .,. if '" .. I - I . . 11-' If'~II{:..-l ,. II _, <ij:) 11..- : l V I I I , : I \. - __~_I II 1iI- I~ F I:. s: l: I~ I .. I I I r . " .... " " ~ ~~ ~~ 0 . ~jl ' I ~ ~ I~~ t ~ VI n !ll~ p .. ~ r- ,~ ~l;J ~ ~ i ~~~ ~ ~ I ~~~ i~~ ... '" f'1 -.j ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ,~ o -.----""""""' " ,::::::'" " \ c..r.,~ \ '\"'~ tP' :4 . 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Ill._ O:;l 0", / ~ "~I"'" ~~_.._-------I C' /: I@ h / .h /: _ill~'" / I " ." / \::1 I! ~ ~ / / . / 'If' / i I :',,, I : .::j' i / /: I "", 1 / / i " {'! / ~ I / A I 1 /._ I /:i I 1 _ g~~ '" o o 1i?~I.-,~ "iij~", ~~::j~ ~~;:;;: ~~:>, ~~I:l~ ~(\!o."" tj",~~ !;,)~ ii!"''''~ ~~~~ ,,"i....... ".l~~~ .., ~~ ~~~~ ~~ii1~ ~~ LJ ~~ ! ~~ ! i~ ! ~~ i '" ~t;: i L.......L. ~ ;:::::::t.......--r. ~ i '" ~ : ~ h "i : ..~ IN ., :;:1' '. ~..~.~. il~ ~a g~ 8~ ::;~ ': I~ ~ ...... .. "N. :'i;' a P: ~ n n~:II ~ . ::10 ;" n po f _ ~:U.r- o NI.... . ~ ""'1 iA......... 1II........0 .0 en GlI ~. ,. 18*:#: "' . ".. P. 4" '" "t-f.: .. . ~.~ ..:"" , <1" ':;.,. .. .-fI' ',..., w " 'Il ..-" II ~~l ..a.!It :~r: ~~~ . ;;; ."'- - ........ N :~:; / / ; . / / / f Ig ~ ,~ ,.." ::..t I I I ;"J j i.') I I . 5B. Consideration of acce "in' a Jetition and call for a ublic hcarin , on the vacation of utilit easements within Lot 2 Block I of the 90'" Street Addition. (10) City Council Agenda - I J/13/00 A. REFERENCE AND BACKCiROUND Jacob Holdings group is requesting that the City consider vacating an easement identified within Lot 2. Block I of the 90'" Street Addition. Vacation of this easement is requested because it interferes with the building footprint. According to Bill Rambow. the only utility COmpaoy that Uses this casement is the cable company and they will relocate the line. When the revised tinal plat is completed, it wil1 contain easements that wil1 replace the easement proposed for vacation, therefore there is no reason for the City to retain it. B. bLTERNATlVE ACTIONS I. Motion accepting a petition and eal1ing lor a public hearing on the vacation of utility easements within Lot 2, Block 1 of the 90th Street Addition. Motion to include granting a license to construct a huilding on the casement. Under this alternative the public hearing will be held at the lirst Council meeting in December. Due to the t~lCt that the date ofthc hearing and final decision will Occur after construction commences, it is suggested that the City Council allow the construction to occur aver the easement area via license agreement. 2. Motion to deny accepting petition and cal1ing for a public hearing on the vacation of utility casements within Lot 2, Block I of the 90lh Street Addition. C. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON Staff recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of petition and plat with easement location identified. -1- . PETITION FOR VACATION OF EASEMENT 1 hereby petition the City ofMonticcllo to "acate the utilitY easement within Lot 2. Block I. 9()lh Street Addition. Jacob Holdings of Monticello LLC cf~~ 11-9'-~ Date . . 5 b--\ 1 1 J ., 1 1 , 1 ] ., ., 1 " ~ ., ., '1 / " I / I /~ l- I /> , I I ~ ...J >-"" ...J ~5 / I.i') f'.,. ~ I I .,;1 .,; .::: N N il w (;I z "l 0:: 0:: ~I N D- D- I / / / I / I :;;// ..:/ / 0/1 -/ / / / / :r: :r: / !....' / O~ I ~ / "'., I- ~ / .i/.. / x; I ~ ,/ ;:::/ / ~~ ~~ : / .j::',' / ~ t: I ~ B :/ .. / I-~,~ I-\t! VI,.. ;t I ......., f----- ~ ~ I "- ~ ~ /: "':. / wow ~ / 1.i.J::J: w~ :J::::: /: .'::: ~..... ZI- i=..... en / / ~ ~ I ~ ~ i ~..,. / '.:.i / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ......' / ';"::lO I ~:z: ~ I-Vl...J ~ u., r _,".:i.. / \, ) :'"".1'- / ":., / '.../ WW rn Z ::i:: / I zw /':'" ~~ /: .... / Mil L 17 , l ~ .OOS -' /' / z v . L 9 V I ' ' os: l'u I -- - - l~ " ~ If/ I .....(f) .'/ I " .....~ 0(2' , 0."" 0(;) ,/ I . . / I 0,_011/' I .... PIC' , I I ....~ ..... 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I""",r / I "" ;' / / ( , 1-::( o. 0- JJ / / ..: w z / / ..J I , , , , , , / / / / CV'tOQ:l / .~ ./;f I 0, . ,." / / ~"'>8 II ....~ II II !i IIllJ I "VCC<.J I , \ \ I I , I \ I I \llIt v' ~ ...;" "'''' ik .. / I / :.:.1 .".. .,:,. N ...-l '.. ..~ ~ , , .',"i.r.' : ,.... I "t' I I , I I I I , I .......... ~.". t.~.: l;" ~ M /'h/ ...... /h.' ~ ~ i::.', -ex: ":::1 . .... '..':; i.':.'; :;:~I: '1::: .... ~ n ~.s 03~ S ~.sO <6' --r. 41'1- ....: :.:.:' .'::1, . . . sc. A. Council Agenda - 11/13/00 Consideration of approvin2: new hires and departures for the Community Center and City Hall. (R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIV~: ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the employees for tbe Community Center and City Hall as identified on tbe attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Dale Brown Lifeguard MCC 10/27/00 PT Joseph Mottlow Lifeguard MCC 10/27/00 PT Carol Firkins Bookkeeper Finance 11/8/00 FT TERMINA TING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Melanie Mozey voluntary terminate Deputy Registrar 10/27/00 PT Gerald Barthel end of season Parks 10/27/00 temp Don West end of season Parks 10/27/00 temp . . 5C employee cc listxls: 11/09/2000 . . . SD. Council Agenda - 11/13/00 Consideration of approving appointment of bookkeeoer position. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND The Council is asked to formally approve the hiring of our new bookkeeper. Carol Firkens. Carol will be replacing Lori Wentland who resigned a few months ago. The City advertised for the vacancy and received over 60 applications from which 9 individuals were scheduled for interviews. Carol is from the Elk River area and started work on Wednesday November go,. Carol will be starting at Step I in (Trade Level IV at a salary of $11.52/hr. B. AL TERNA TIV~~ ACTIONS: 1. The Council should formally approve the hiring of Carol Firkens for the bookkeeper position. c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City ^dministrator that Carol Firkens be f(xmally appointed to the bookkeeper position. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: None. City Council Agenda - 11/13/00 SF.. Consideration to approve an amendment to the Bvlaws of the Monticello Desien Advisory Team. (O.K.) A. Reference and backeround: The City Council is requested to approve an amendment to the DAT Bylaws. According to ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS, BYLAWS OF THE MONTICELLO DESIGN ADVISORY TEAM, the bylaws of the DAT shall be amended by a majority of the Monticello City Council. By an affirmative vote of the majority of all the DAT members at their October 25, 2000 meeting, the members recommended amending the date and time of the regular meeting of the DAT as follows (Bold print indicates recommendations): ARTICLE V: MEETINGS OF THE DAT, Section 1. Regular Meetin~s. Regular meetings of the DAT shall be held without notice at the Monticello City Hall at 4:30 p.m. (9:00 a.m.) on the first and third Tuesday of each month. (first and third Wednesday prior to the first Tuesday of each month, which is the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission. ) Because of the time of the DAT meetings, the attempts to recruit new DAT members_with both flexible daytime hours and some knowledge of design concepts has been unsuccessful. DAT has some interested candidate(s) subject to amending the regular meeting date and time. In addition, the new date and time is a benefit to existing DAT members and the 4:30 p.m. time is acceptable to city staff. lfthe amendment is approved by the City Council, the amendment is effective beginning with the DAT meeting of Tuesday, November 21,2000. DAT Chair Pam Campbell or a DAT member will be present at the City Council meeting for additional questions if necessary. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve an amendment to the Bylaws of the Monticello Design Advisory Team, ARTICLE V: MEETINGS OF THE DAT, Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the DAT shall be held without notice at the Monticello City hall at 4:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 2. A motion to deny approval ofthe said described amendment to the Bylaws of the Monticello Design Advisory Team. 3. A motion to table any action. 1 City Council Agenda ~ 11/13/00 c. Recommendation: O'Neill, Patch, and Koropchak, as city staff, support the recommendation of the DA T which enhances their ability to recruit and retain members. D. Supportine Data: Copy of existing Bylaws of the Monticello DAT for amendment. 2 .J.Ut "''-'1 "':"U\,.H.,,,, , '.-/ BYLAWS OF MONTICELLO DESIGN ADVISORY TE ARTICLE I: PURPOSE The purpose of the Monticello Design Advisory Team is to provide ign review of all development and redevelopment projects within the Central Commw1i District, as provided for in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Title 10, Chapter 14B, u amend . The Design Advisory Team may also provide semces, separate from its official duties, rela to enhancing the physical appearance of Monticello to Monticello Community Partners, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation. ARTICLE ll: DEFINITIONS Section I. UDA T" shall mean and refer to the Monticello Design Advi ry Team, a public body appointed by the Monticello City Council. Section 2. "Member" shall mean and refer to all individuals duly no ted by Monticello Community Partners, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, and appoin to the DA T by the Monticello City Council, as provided for in Article ID, Section 1 of the bylaws. 5 for appointment to Community Partners. roval, as provided for \......../ Section 3. "Bylaws" shall mean and relet to the bylaws of the DA T as ~~ I f ARTICLE ill: MEMBERSIDP OF THE DESIGN ADVISORY T AM Section 1. J\Wointment of Members. The DAT shall nontinate indivi the DA T, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of Monticell All nominations shall be forwarded to the Monticello City Council for in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Title 10, Chapter 14B, Section 7. Section 2. Number and Terms ofOffic:e. The number of members of Monticello Design Advisory Team shall be not less than five (5) and not more than seven ( . Each member shall be a natural person of full age and serve for a period of two (2) years, 'I his or her successor is appointed or until his or her resignation or removal as hereinafter provi d. At the expiration of any term, any member may be reappointed in the manner specified in S ction I hereof. Additional members may be appointed to fill vacancies in the same er. Section 3, Initial Terms. Of those members initially appointed, two (2) embers shall serve three~year terms, and three (3) members shall serve two~year terms. The after, all members shall serve tw~year terms. \.. 1 J. tJl .L U{ LlliJt..n,,, (A) Initial Two-Year Tcnn: (Tenn expires January 2000, with the pointment of new '-- member) Gail Cole Ron Hoghmd Rita UlriliOh (B) Initial Three.Year Tenn: (ferm expires January 2001, with the a pointment of new member) ri Pam Campbell Susie Wojchouski Section 4. Resi",.tion. Any member may resign at any time by Jiv' g written notice to the Chair or Secretary of the Desip Advisory Team. The resignation of y member shall take effect at the time specified therein or, uno time is specified therein, on receipt thcreofby the officer of the DA T to whom the written notice is giveni and, unless erwise specified therein. the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it e ective. the discretion of the ty Council for the removal meetings of the DA T or period. A quire an affirmative vote Section 5. Removal. Any member may be removed from the DA T, Monticello City Council. DA T may make a recommendation to the of a DA T member, ifhe or she misses three or more consecutive re more than fifty percent (50%) of the regular meetings in any six mOD recommendation from DA T for the removal of a DA T member shall of the majority of all DAT mCIDben. "--'" Section 6. Vacancies. Any vacancy in the DA T caused by death, res' tion, removal, or any other cause, shall be filled in the manner specified in Section I hereof. Section 7. Conflicts of Interest. A member shall disclose any conflict finterest, and shall abstain from voting on any matter in which he or she has a conflict of terest as defined by, and in accordance with, Minnesota State Statutes. ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS Section 1. Enumeration of Officers. The officers of the DA T shall be e Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. who shall be members of the DAT, and other such officers the DAT may from time to time create by resolution. Section 2. Election ofOfticcrs and Terms. The election ofall offic at the first regular JanUBl)' meeting of the DA T following the appom reappointment of members by the City Council. The terms of all offi " Section 3. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office may be filled by a spec election at any time. The perSOD elected to such vacancy shall serve in such capacity for the emainder of the term of the officer he or she replaced. Sec;tion 4. Multiple Offices. No person shall simultaneously hold mor than ODe office. 2 10/10/2000 12:00 5122950997 MONTI COMM PARTNERS PAGE 04 '~' ',-_/ --- Section 5. Duties. Officers shall have the usual duties and power 0 their offices. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the DA T if present, and see that the carried out. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the Chair; and, in case of resignation, removal or death of the Chair, the duties of the Chair Wltil such time as a ne'oiI ChaiX' is elected. If meeting and the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent, the remaining me a Chair foX' the said meeting. The Secretary shall keep the records of votes and keep the minutes of all meetings of the DA T. The Chair secretary to take minutes in the event that the Secretary is absent fro the DA T shaH perform such other duties and functions as may from the DAT or tile bylaws of the DAT. olutions of the DA T are e absence or incapacity of e Vice-Chair shall perform quorum is present at a of the DA T shall elect e DAT, shall record the 11 appoint a temporazy a meeting. The officers of e to time be required by ARTICLE V: MEETINGS OF THE DAT Section 1. RelZUlar Meetings. Regular meetings of the DA T shall be eld without notice at the Monticello City Hall at 9:00 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday p or to the first Tuesday of each month, which is the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning ommission. , Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the DA T may be c led by the Chair or any two members of the DA T. Notice of any special meetings must be ade in accordance with Minnesota. State Statutes governing public bodies. The call for a spec meeting may be delivered at any time prior to the time of the proposed meeting to cae member of the DA T or may be mailed to each member at least three (3) working days prior t the date of such special meeting. At a special meeting, no business shall be transacted other as designated in the call; but if all members of the DA T are present at a special meeting. y and all business may be transacted at such meeting. ." Section 3. Ouonun. At any meeting of the OAT, the presence ofa m 'ority of members shal constitute a quorum. The act of a majority of members present at an meeting at which a 'quorum is present shall be the act of the members. In the absence ofa uorum, a majority oftl members present may adjourn any meeting from time to time without otice other than announcement at such meeting until a quorum is present. At-any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which mi t have been transacted. the meeting as originally called. ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS Section I. Amendments to Bylaws. The bylaws of the DA T shall be the Monticello City Council. Recommendations for amendments to by the DA T, upon an affirmative vote of the majority of all DA T m City Council. ended by a majority of se bylaws may be made IS, to the Monticello The amended bylaws are effective upon their adoption by the Montice 0 City Council. Adopted by DAT 4/1198 Amended by DAT 3/31/99 Adopted by City Council 4/26/99 3 5F. Consideration of addine: Silver Sprine:s Golf Course as a liquor provider at the Monticello Community Center. (KB) e A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Pam Dane, owner of Silver Springs Golf Course, requested to be included as an available liquor provider at the Community Center. This request does require approval by the City Council. Silver Springs Golf Course does hold a current retail on-sale liquor license with Monticello Township and will include the Community Center on their liability insurance policy for events held at our facility. Silver Springs would be added to the list of eight current liquor providers which include: Chin Yuen Silver Fox Inn, Monticello Country Club, American Legion Post #260, Days Inn, Monte Club, Russell's Of Course, Becker's Blue Heron, and Nature's Hideaway. These providers, excluding Silver Springs, will be required to renew their authorization in December to be an MCC liquor provider for 2001. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve Silver Springs Golf Course as a liquor provider at the Monticello Community Center. 2. The second alternative would be to not approve Silver Springs Golf Course as a liquor provider. ec. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None e . . . City Council Agenda - 11/13/00 1. Public I learing Considcration of vacation of 51/2 street right of wav between Pine Street and Walnut Street. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to conduct a public hearing and considcr vacating the 5 1/2 Street right of way between Pinc and Walnut which will allow development of the Towne Centre development as proposed. This is a housekeeping item relating to development of the site plan. 8. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Motion to approve vacation of 5 1/2 Street as proposed, contingcnt on execution of the development agreement. The utility easement will remain in place under this alternative. 2. Motion to deny approval of the vacation as proposed. C. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1. The actual vacation will not be processed until thc development agreement and associated financial securities are in place. D. SUPPORTING DATA Survey showing area to be vacated and legal description ~I- . GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ~ ~ o 80 1 120 40 '-<1/( ~ ~r Co . ~ . . " ~ DLNOTLSI . [RON MONUMENT roUND o 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON MONUMENT SET '.11TH A PLASTIC CAP HARKLD, TAYLOR 15233 PARCEL A; That part or Block I-I. MONTICELLO according to the recorded pl<ltlhereof. Wright Count~. Minnesota described as follows Beginning at Ihe mOSI northerl\ cornlCr of said Block l-L thence on an assumed bearing of South 17 dICgrces OX mlnutes-l2 seconds West along the northwesterh line of said Block 1-1. a distance of .1,0.11 feel to 1 h IC III 0 s t \\ cst e r h cor n e r () f sa i d B 10 c k I -I. I he n c e Soul h (,\ d q~ r e c ~ () 0 1111 nul e s 5 0 seconds Easl along the southw eSlerl\ line of said A lock 1-1 a distance of 'iO 71 feIC. Ihence North 1<1 degrees -IX minutes -II seconds East a distance of I X7 (10 feel. thence Soulh 6.1 degrees 0-1 lIllnUles 0-1 secollds East. a distance of 2,2 (I') feet to Ihe IIMlhweslerl\ right of \\ a~ Illle of M InnICsota State H Iglm a\ No 25. thcllce North 2X degrees 27 minutes SX seconds East alollg said northwesterly rlghl of \\ a\ line. a dlslance of 1-12 X7 feel to the northeaslerh line of said Hlock 1-1_ Ihence North 61 degrees 07 mllllltes IX seconds WCSl along said northeasterl\ line of said Block 1..1. a d I S I a nee 0 f 2 X:'i (I () fe e t to I he po lilt 0 f beg i nllln g PARCEL B: Block 1-1. MONTICELLO according 10 the recorded plat Ihereof. W right COllnt~. M inn e SOl a I \' In g no rI h \\ C sIc r 1\ 0 f I hen 0 r t h we s t e r h rI g hI 0 f \\ a ~ Ii n c 0 f M III n e sol a Stale H ighwa\' No 25 e.\cept the follOWing described lracl of land ThaI pari s,lld Block 1-1. MONTICELLO. according 10 the recorded plallhereof. Wrl!!hl ('ollnl~. Mill n e SOl a des c rib cd a s folio \\ s Beg inn i II g a I I he III 0 S I II 0 r t h n h cor II e r 0 I' sa i d B 10 c k I~: thence on an assumed bearing orSouth 27 degrees OX llllnules ~1 seconds West along the north\\esterh line of said Alack I~. a distance of no II feel 10 the mosl \\ e SIC r h corn e r 0 f s a I d B 10 c k I -I. I hell c e Sou t h (I.~ de g.r e c s 00 III In III e s :'i () s e con d s r~ a s t along Ihe sOllth\\eslcrh Illle of said Rlock 1-1. a distance of <;0 71 feel. thence North 2(, degrees -IX llIlnules -II seconds East. a dIstance of lX7 (,(1 feel. IhICllce South (1'\ degrees 0-1 Illlnutes ()~ seconds East. a distance of 2\1 (,') feel 10 said north\\ estcrh rightof\\a\ line of Millnesota Slale Highwa\ No 25. thellceNorlh2Xdegrees27 mlllutes 5X seconds East along said lIorlll\l eSlerl~ right of \1 a\ line. a dlqallce of I -I 2 X 7 feel I 0 the II 0 rt he a sIc r h 111I eoI' sa i d B I (l e k I -I. I hell c c N 0 rI h (), degrees () 7 minutes IX seconds Wesl along said llorthcastuh Ilnc of said Block 1-1. a dIstance of 2 X 5 (, 0 fe e t lot he po 11\1 0 I' beg Inn I n g SUBJ[CT TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF \,lAYS AND EASEHENTS OF RECORD IF ANY. '16 ", "'" / }'" -'-"'" , //~ I/~ / Ie / ~ ( / ~ I / I / ^' /~ / ~~ / / . / ~~~ ~ ' 6>u~~.................. --...... < QrOItt "-........ /~, .~ , 1I0;f> 1> -.:.<')~ ~ ...... ......."~ '. , '~'~r3v " -.... '", '. , -1110 ' -1-' ""'",''''' 6'J'b .>_ )'6>. /1r '---- / /. ! ~ '0 d / ! ~ ;' if # "............, ~'" ~ r............" 'V I ............ 'V I "............ \ ~'............, -1t '............, IC';- 6'.)'" -. '............, i'O-lO """,rO_. '............., -II\< '" '......... 'D &'>;>(/1}-. II-- .....,'......... '............ <O'-IS;o; ........, ", '"h "?"..? "" " .6'.9............ ............ " ' ,9 '............. ., ' , /0" ............., \ / '............, /' I/'-- ~............ \ / '\ \ / \ " "............ r ' \ L.. \ '"-. J 'r ~_ _ c. -' ~ ~/t>C'0 "-?Se> , <- Olp "6'2S , / /S Sn ...~ /';-- "i' C',.pf'S . .------'''<If ' 1.>;,--"''''<<_ ....,}-~ Q.-" <6>S 6: "4-/. . 0, ----" '" " ~~ / ~~. / ~~' I / / .~ , ~. cl'y il f ~ l l "" '---- " ~ -4 " '" " f> -.~, / / /~ /~ / ~"r < 1!/3- 1 ~ "') I~ 1 ~"r 1 A...~ I., /~ ~ / I n" / ~ "<. / / / / / 1 / '--.- ,J <v .f ,~ N ~ ~ / I I \ I '-so .__ I S ~ ..>)' _ . \ ....)',,~ - - , ~.. "Ir-s~ '-17S0_ " -it}- <<'"__,,, e- -- q.. "-, '-', ""4- I. .,"""-."",,, '" ~ ~/t> C',f; 0."";; /6,& <- if ./-;: Q99 Sq /' -1CJpf' ;-- e f>' '_"__, ~.... 6'/)y ", ;.." -"- ~ ~ il I;,kl ~.f Ii .~ if" ~/t /' " .......~ ....... "--", ......~........~....... . s "'--.", l:?~~l' .......~ ....... ~~~.... ", --, f> '--..... '---....., ", ~......,. ...................... ""--"'" " ~'- ............ '714- . . . City Council Agenda - 11113/00 .8.., Consideration of a vacation of a portion of Cedar Street right-of-way, and concept stage planned unit development to allow a mix of commercial uses. Applicant: Dan Mielke (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Dan Mielke is seeking to develop a mixed commercial development of 3.53 acres of land including the existing Ultra Lube and Subway Restaurant buildings. The Planning Commission considered the pun concept plan at its November 8 meeting. The project consists of a collection of highway oriented businesses, all of which are either permitted or conditional uses in the B-3 Districts. The original stafT report is attached for City Council reference. Because of concerns over circulation and traflic generation, as well as a general concern over the balance between PUD flexibility and PUD design enhancements, staff had recommended tabling of the concept plan for further refinement. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the concept plan, with celiain conditions. Discussion at the Planning Commission focused on a few specific issues. The first was the orientation of the project and which street of the three would be the front. The applicant had designed the project assuming that Highway 25 is the front, consistent with the individual development of Ultra Lube and Subway. As noted in the stafTreport, the zoning ordinance defines Chelsea Road as the "front" of the pun. The Planning Commission added a finding to their approval recommending that under the PUD, lIighway 25 should be considered the front. This interpretation would remove concerns over building setback, with the vacation of Cedar Street as requested. The vacation of Cedar Street was discussed briefly. Cedar Street is a 100 foot wide right-of-way. serving as a collector and service road for Chelsea and Highway 25. Engineering and Public Works staff has indicated that ten (10) feet of vacation is likely acceptable. The applicants are requesting a sixteen (16) foot vacation. If sixteen feet is not possible, the convenience store and gas canopy will be violating the "rear" setback along Cedar Street. The next issue relates to landscaping and green space in the project. Stairs position was that the use of PUD design directs more extensive attention to this element than the zoning ordinance requires. Staff had proposed an alternative which was intended to illustrate with more heavily planted internal boulevards which defined the circulation. The Planning Commission recommends the applicant's site plan. -1- . City Council Agenda.. 11113/00 An issue which Planning Commission discussed but did not comment on directly was the setback violations of the driveways around the fast-food restaurant and the gas canopy. These setback violations require a separate variance, not flexibility via the PUD. Perimeter setbacks for driveways are five feet. Variances require a finding of physical hardships. A hardship is present only when a unique condition of the land prevents any reasonable use without the variance. Because there are many possible uses of the parcel which would not encroach into the five foot setback, staiTbelieves that a variance is not appropriate in this case. The driveway setback encroachment, in staff's opinion, is evidence that the site design is a very intense use of the property. While the applicant's representative pointed out that a common commercial lot coverage would be 20 - 25% compared to this project's II %, the issue is one oftraflic and parking generation of the uses selected for this site. Twenty- five percent would be common for an office project. However, fast-food, gas- convenience store, and sit-down restaurants require significantly more support parking and driveways than ofTice. . Onc way to overcome this problem is by consolidating the uses into an attaehed shopping center where driveways, and parking, are more likely to be llsed for common trips. A detachcd project as proposed minimizes the advantages of common access. In summary, while thc building coverage is low, the intensity of sitc use will be high. StafT argued that PUD flexibility is intended to be available to projects that maximize design and minimize sitc conllicts. Often this can lead to increased land use intensity, but it is to bc accompanied by increased site amenities. With thc plan as presented stan'is concerned that it does not fit on the site under minimum zoning standards, let alone an enhanced PUD design objcctive. IIowevcr, Planning Commission recommended that with the understanding that Highway 25 should be trcated as the front the applicant's proposal for a conccpt stage PUD should be approved as presented. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision I, Concept Stage PUD 1. Motion to approve the concept stagc PUD based on a finding that the design of the site is appropriate for the proposed uses and location, and that the proposed improvements qualify for PUD consideration under the City's PUD ordinance. This approval would also be based on a finding that llighway 25 would be treated as thc front fix purposes of this PUD. . -2- . City Council Agenda - 11/13/00 2. Motion to deny the concept stage PUD, hased on a finding that the propose uses as designed are too intense for the site, and that the plan does not meet the standards for consideration of a PUD. 3. Motion to table action on the concept stage PUD, subject to the submission of additional information. Decision 2. Vacation of a portion of Cedar Street. 1. Motion to approve the vacation of a portion of Cedar Street as requested by the applicant from Chelsea Road to Oakwood Drive, contingent on approval of development and final stage PUD and associated plat. 2. Motion to deny vacation of a portion of Cedar Street as requested, based on a finding that the road and utility needs of the Cedar Street right-of-way do not accommodate the vacation. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends approval of the vacation of Cedar Street, suhject to the recommendation of the City Engineer and Public Works Director. At this time, it appears that some right-of-way would be considered excess and could be returned to thc property owner without compromising the road and utility needs. However, if the availahle vacation area is less than sixteen feet wide (tcn feet has been discussed by statl), the project PU D design will need to be modified to accommodate a smaller site. With regard to the pun, stalTrecommends approval based on the Planning Commission's recommendation, with the added conditions that the site plan is modilied to meet the required, applicable setbacks, or appropriate variances are considered and granted. D. SUPPORTING DATA Planning Commission staff report and exhibits. . -3- . . . Planning Commission Agenda -11/08/00 7. Consideration of a Concept Stage Planned Unit Development to allow a mix of commercial uses. Applicant: Dan Mielke. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: E.x: is' in!! and ProlJosed COl1(li' ions. "rhe appl icant controls property bet ween "('runk Highway 25, the new Chelsea Road (east) and Cedar Street, south of the Tom Thumb. The several parcels which are a part of the proposal total about 3.5 acres in area. Currently, the land is dcvcloped with the Ultra I ,ube building, the Subway restaurant, and two houses along Cedar Street. The applicant is also seeking a vacation ofa 16 foot wide portion of the Cedar Street right-of-way to accommodatc the redevelopment of the site. The proposed dcvelopment would retain the Ultra Lube and Subway rcstaurant. In addition, another hlst-food restaurant would be constructed in thc southwest corncr near Chelsca and "rH 25, a car wash facility would he added to thc north side of the Ultra Lube building, a convcnience store with gas would be constructed in the southcast corner ncar Chelsea and Cedar Street (with an additional 1,600 squarc feet of other rctail space attachcd), and a full- service restaurant would be located in the northeast corner of the site along Cedar Street. The proposal relies on Planned Unit Development "PUD" flexibility since much of the project would share parking bet ween parcels and uti I ize common driveways without separate landscaped areas between parking lots. Planned Unit Development is a zoning technique which is employed to permit flexibility in the application of zoning regulations and aIlow for site design which integrates common design elements such as access, parking, and open space. The assumption tl1r any PlJD is that the sum of the process will create a project which is superior to a projcct which would adhere to the strict standards of thc zoning ordinance. Such a finding is one of the requirements to issue a Conditional Use Permit for a PUO. It is common in pun design to /lex intcrnal setbacks and other standards. The zoning ordinance trcats all lots within a PUD as a single parcel for zoning purposes. Thereforc, adherence to cxternal setbacks is required. The applicant states in his application letter that thcy have assumed that TH 25 is the front. T'his would make Chelsea Road and the north property line side yards, and the area along Ccdar Street on the east thc rear yard. Building setbacks are 30 feet front, 10 feet sidc, and 30 fcet rear. Thc ordinance defines the front yard as that frontage which is the least on a multiple-frontage lot. Therefore, Chelsea Road (the south line) should he trcated as the front of the lot. This will raise issues with front building setbacks f()r thc gas canopy, thc fast food restaurant, and thc rear setback for the full-servicc rcstaurant. In summary, the applicant is requcsting encroachments into the perimetcr setback area for the foliowing clements: . Drivc Lane for Fast food Restaurant - reduction from 5 feet (required) to 0 fect along Chelsea Rd. 814 . Planning Comm ission Agenda -11/08/00 . Drive Lane for Gas/Convenience Store - reduction from 5 feet to 0 feet at Chelsea! Cedar Street corner. Building setback Irom Chelsea Road fl.)r Fast Food Restaurant - reduction ham 30 feet front yard to 14.8 feet. Building setback from Chelsea Road lor Gas Station Canopy - reduction from 30 feet front yard to 17 feet. Building setback from north property line flJr Full Service Restaurant - reduction from 30 feet rear yard to 10 feet. . . . A generalized discussion of sign age has been provided in the application letter, although the plans are not prepared to this level of dctail at this stage. Formal review of the sign plan would be conducted at a later stage of PUD approval when the plans are ready. Analvsis. The site includes all uses which are permitted or conditional uses in the B-3. Highway Business District. Each of the uses is a high-trallic generator and is automobile- oriented. that is, there is likely to be little cross use of the site. As such, the design must accommodate access to the individual usesfl.)J' a sufficient number of visitors, and little interaction between uses would be expected. . The applicant's information includcs an analysis that approximately 168 parking spaces would be required for the entire development. The site plan illustrates 186 spaces with the majority of those on the northern half of the site. The applicant suggests that the primary access to the site will be via the main driveway ofTofCedar Street. ^ central drivc running north-south distributes tral1ic internally. There are a lew design concerns with the site as presented on the plan, most of which relate to the levels of traffic and the related site amenities. Includcd in these concerns arc exiting traffic from the f~lst-fl.)()(1 restaurant, and access through the gas island area to Cedar Street and the availability of parking next to the car wash along the main internal access drive. In aggrcgate, the buildings cover about 11 % of the sitc. Landscaped coverage is about 1 X% of the site (almost halfofwhich is around the full-service restaurant. The remaining 71(YrI ofthc sitc is paved parking and drive aisle. Because the buildings arc all separatc concerns instead of an attached "shopping center" design. thcrc is a need for additional drivc way space, and the landscaping which is includcd is almost entirely found in narrow, live-foot wide planter arcas or small traffic islands. In planning staff's view, while islands are important, they represent only the minimum effort to break up the predominance of paved area. In pre-application meetings, the applicant's representatives indicated that neither the appl icant or the proposed occupants of the projcct arc amenable to a shopping center design. . For PUD design, the applicant is required to exceed the minimum. If a shopping center design which would conccntrate more meaningful open spaces is not acceptable to the applicant it may be that the proposal is too intense to qualify for PUD consideration. This suggestion is supported by the parking setback encroachment request. and the application letter commcnt that some ofthc plantings may need to be locatcd on the right-of-way instead B6 . Planning COIllIll ission Agenda -11/08/00 of private property. The front yard/side yard orientation would further complicate the appl icant' s intended layout. Nonetheless, a staff sketch is attached to this report which proposes a slightly altered plan at the cost of a number of parking spaces. It is based on the building and access layout provided hy the applicant, and assumes that the building locations would be appropriate. Under the planning staff sketch, approximately 149 parking spaces are shown. This would be 19 spaces short of the estimated requirement for the buildings as proposed. The most difficult area on the site is the space around the proposedtast-food restaurant. Traffic and parking demands for these uses arc often the most intensive, and due to the location of the Ultra Lube, the available area for the l~lSt-te)()d building and parking is the tightest. However, the alternative design is intended to illustrate a greater emphasis on landscaped areas hy creating a planted corridor along the main interior access drives. ]n these areas, the island plantings would be widened to at least 8 to 10 feet or more. Sta1T would envision an creatively and intensively planted, irrigated corridor which creates a distinct impression on the visitor. With this type of approach, the required findings for PUD consideration could be more appropriate. . To mitigate the parking deficiency, it may be necessary to reduce overal] building size. A partial solution would be the 1.600 square feet of undesignated retail space adjacent to the convenience store. The applicant's representatives have indicated that this retail space has no prospective tenant. If the applicant is held to the sethaek orientation with Chelsea as the front yard, a more major redesign of the site is likely to be necessary. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the PUJ) Concept Stage based on a finding that the design of the site is appropriate lelr the location and proposed uses, and that the proposed improvements qualify lor PlJJ) consideration under the City's PUD ordinance. This recommendation would be subject to the condition that all site improvements meet the required standards of the zoning ordinance, and includes a recommendation that Chelsea Road be treated as the front yard for purposes of building setbacks. 2. Motion to recommend dcnial of the PUD Concept Stage, based on a finding that the proposed uses are too intense for thc site, and that the plan docs not meet the standards fix consideration of a pun. ., -) . Motion to table action on the pun Concept Stage, subject to the submission of additional inf<mllation. . Sv Planning COllllllission Agenda -11/08/00 . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff docs not recommend approval of the PUD as presented. As noted in the text of this report, PUD consideration is to be used where the City finds that the flexibility granted under the pun results in a site design which is superior to a plan which complies with the basic zoning regulations. Because the site plan shows such a large number of encroachments into the perimeter site area, induding driveways in the setback, required plantings on the public right-of-way, and building orientation inconsistent with the zoning ordinance's definitions, it would appear that the site would be overbuilt under the proposed development. Nonetheless, if the encroachments and the front/side orientation arc resolved, the creation of a distinctive, integrated site design is still the basic requirement of the use of PUD flexibility. StalThas illustrated one possible design option (without resolving all issucs) and suggested a second (attached "shopping center" building layouts). The primary issues to resolve at Concept Stage pun should indude the following: I. Application of the ordinance definitions of front and side yard - Chelsea is the front according to the zoning ordinancc; the applicant proposes Highway 25 as the front. This determination will affect the building setback requirements. It is assumed by staff that building setbacks at the perimeter of the pun will not be varied. . 2. Likelihood of variance consideration for driveway encroachments - hardship is required fix these encrOaChll1ents, and staff believes that in the B-3 District, a variance would not be likely. 3. Application ofPUD to the project, and what additional requirements, ifany (such as landscaped area) would be made of the applicant for PUD approval. The intent of Concept Stage PUD is to identify issues and direct the developer's continuing design process. Because a number of these issues could greatly affect the project, a revised concept plan may be the most appropriate follow-up to this proposal. For City Council consideration, the applicant is also seeking City financial assistance in the establishment of the redevelopment district. D. SUPPORTING DATA I. Proposed Site Plan 2. Planning Staff Alternative Plan . S6 ~.~-~._----------.,--,._----~-,.._-~ --- -.... --_..".._,-"-~._--,,._-~~- - . s g ~""""'CB"" ~~ Q,.'MNo'" ~~~~~ ~ Ou,,:iI"l:v. ~ f"~~ f~I~~ i ~ ~ ~5ta:~ ~~! ...."''OS ~8"'~", "'IS." ;S~zli ~!i2 ~!~i~ lC:;hl ~ ~..~ - .. i '" .. ~ 5i ~.I::I ~~ I . .... .,,'" I ~~~~~ 1~1~~ .... . i VI Q ~ ;-I ~ ;ll :r .. ~ :10 VI :-t N (,n ~5~~;;;!~ ~C! ~;::: ~a ~ ~"'~/SlC:; ~E "'~~~~~ :rll! . . ~:~~~~ si z....~- lC:;~ Q oiQ O;j !i ~!; ClS ~9i~~ ~~! ~~lC:;~~ c~ el"" ~~oE ~~ f~i~~ ~ ....... ~~ .. O' '" 6t: <; .. '" '" II '" ." a . g ~~~a: 'j""tl ~ I rig : ~ ~UItPIAN ~---- -----.------ --- --- -- 6S .CISTYLE - -1:- DMp '--==-==---- - MIhoiI,.IRIlITI.IIII....I.I~_ r.---~~-- ,~ .....1"III!........~.ItDII'nI' ~_-.-..~_ 11II11,-. ~~""~._MTA WoI.Fr.... ,em_~l'.IMDrI ~ TIJNI...,......II".."JMI,~, t(Y ~ ~'J[ . I - . . I~ CHELSEA RD. ~ S-F r . . . Council Agenda - 11/13/00 9. Review of quarterly liquor store report. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Enclosed you will find the financial report for the liquor store operation comparing the first nine months of this year with last year. Joe Hartman, Liquor Store Manager, will be in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the operation. To summarize, sales for the first nine months were up I 30;() or $222,444 to $ I ,900,000. "fhe resulting gross profit was also up $41,828 to a total $476,3 I 3. After deducting operating expenses, the operating income for the first nine months was $275,980, 10.8% higher than the same period last year. Overall, the gross profit percentages seem in line with expectations and we are satisfied with the operating income to date. As an added note, we arc expecting the retail consulting report to be completed soon that will provide recommendations to the Council on how we may want to proceed with an expansion of the liquor store and/or estahlishment of a second store. In a recent conversation with the consultant they apologized for not having the report available yet, but they did indicate that their primary recommendation will center on an expansion of the existing store at the current location rather than inlll1ediately looking at a second site. As soon as the final report is received, this information will he shared with the Council for further review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the nine month financial report as presented. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of nine month financial report . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEP 30,1999 AND 2000 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 2000 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT Liquor Sales 458,165 505,237 Discounts Cost of Sales 317,7911 359,259 -~-------~ ---------~ GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 140,371 30.6% 145,978 28.9% Beer Sales 1,011,865 1,162,348 Cost of Sales 770,446 887,980 -~-------- -~-------- GROSS PROFIT ~ BEER 241,419 23.9% 274,368 23.6% wine Sales 163,506 178,442 Cost of Sales 116,822 123,047 ~~.~-~---~~ ~--------- . GROSS PROFIT - WINE 46,684 28.5% 55,395 31.0% Mise Sales 68,601 78,665 Cost of Sales 55,919 69,098 ---------- -------~~- GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 12,682 18.5% 9,567 12.2% Mise Non-taxable Sales 1,213 1,081 Cost of Sales 548 1,065 ------~,~-- ---~,.----- GROSS PROFIT .. MISC NON .. TAXA 665 54.8% 15 .1% TOTAL SALES 1,703,329 1,925,773 TOTAL COST OF SALES 1,261,529 1,440,449 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 6,314 9,011 -~~-'------ --------~- TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 435,485 25.6% 476,313 24.7% -~----~-~~ --~----~-- ~---~~---- --~------~ . q . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEP 30, 1999 AND 2000 SALES Liquor Beer Wine Other Merchandise Mise Non-Taxable Sales Discounts TOTAL SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD GROSS PROFIT . 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 458,165 1,011,865 163,506 68,601 1,213 1,703,329 (1,267,844) 435,485 -~~---~--- ------~--- GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Personal Services Salaries PERA FICA Insurance Unemployment Benefits Severance Pay TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies Off ice Suppl ies General Operating Supplie Other Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES . 110,141 5,494 8,499 6,227 975 131,336 2,089 4,740 140 6,970 25.6% 7.7% .4% 2000 YEAR-TO~DATE AMOUNT 505,237 1,162,348 178,442 78,665 1,081 1,925,773 (1,449,460) 476,313 117,906 5,761 8,986 9,002 105 141,761 623 6,970 1,246 8,839 24.7% 7.4% .5% q . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEP 30, 1999 AND 2000 Other Services & Charges Professional Services Maintenance Agreements Communication Travel-Conference-Schools Advertising Insurance & Tax Utilities Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance, Other Depreciation--Acquired As Mise Svc & Chgs . TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CH TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXPENS TOTAL OPERATING INCOME Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long / ShOl"t Sale of Property Misc Income TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (EXPENSE) Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE . 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 1,245 615 1,621 4,234 8,339 11,453 4,271 1,388 300 8,297 5,714 48,147 186,452 249,033 ----~--~~- -----~---- 35,440 (248 ) (59) 39,687 288,720 --~~--~-~- ~---~----- 288,720 ---~------ -- ._~~----- 2.8% 10.9% 14.6% 2.3% 16.9% 16.9% 2000 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 8,179 612 1,378 252 2,368 6,538 10,982 1,918 470 99 8,253 8,261 49,733 200,333 275,980 --~-~----- ~,-~-----~~ 40,247 219 (27 ) 40,439 316,419 ~--~-----~ _____m___~__ (8,000 ) 308,419 ------~~-- --~------~ 2.6% 10.4% 14.3% 2.1% 16.4% 16.0% q . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 30Sep2000 Current Assets; Cash Change Fund Investments Aceounts Reeeivable A/R - NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insuranee 315,727.74 2,000.00 978,461.31 (3,375.02) 320,915.95 5,779.99 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,618,856.45 Fixed Assets Land & Parking Lot Buildings Furniture & Equipment less; Accumulated Depreciation 46,591. 03 234,104.13 84,776.71 (286,150.78) . TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 79,321.09 TOTAL ASSETS 1,698,177.54 Liabi Ii ties Accounts payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Siek Leave Other Accrued Expenses 44,208.67 4,513.37 7,936.93 32,564.00 2,998.66 TOTAL LIABILITIES 92,221.63 RETAINED EARNINGS 1,605,955.91 . TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 1,698,177.54 q . . . Council Agenda - 11/13/2000 10. Consideration of increase in water trunk fees. (.I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a previous Council Meeting, City staff presented information in regard to the need to increase our water use rates, hookup fees, and trunk fees. At that meeting the City Council increased the water use fees by 1 OIYo and the water hookup charge or WAC fee from $525 per residential unit to $625, both effecti ve January 1,2001. At that time, City staff indicated that the water trunk fees were under further study. Spreadsheets which show cash flow analysis in the water funds were updated by WSB. Assuming 60 acres of development per year would increase our revenue by $6,000 for each $100 increase per acre in the water trunk fee. Our current water trunk fee is $950 per acre. A cash How analysis of rates from $950 per acre to $1,500 per acre were discussed with the Industrial Development Committee at their regular meeting on October 19,2000. The rDC felt that the projections using the current rates of having the fund in the red for 40 years was not healthy. They were in favor of increasing the rates to see that the trunk funds stay healthy. The first step toward keeping the fund healthy has already been taken with increasing the hookup fee from $525 to $625 per house. This changed the fund from being in the hlack in the year 2040 to the year 2035. This would also drop the total water deht levy required 1i-om $2.4 million to $2.2 million, and instead of over 11 years it would drop to 10 years. If we increase the trunk fee to $1,500 per acre, based Llpon 60 acres of development per year, the fund would become solvent in the year 2023, and the water debt levy requirements would drop to $1.5 million over a 9-ycar period. Copies of the three spreadsheets are included in the supporting data. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to increase the water trunk fee from $950 per acre to $1,500 per acre which would reduce the levy requirements from $2.4 million over 11 years to $1.5 million over 9 years. 2. The second alternative would be to choose an increase between the current $950 and the $1,500. 3. The third alternative would be for no increase. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator. Puhlic Works Director and City Engineer that the City Council consider increasing the water trunk fee to $1,500 per acre as outlined in alternative . . . Council Agenda - 11/13/2000 # 1. Based upon current projections, this would hring our fund in the hlack in the year 2023. Adjustments will also he made along the way but are anticipated to be at least 4% per year for hookup fees and trunk fees. This fund will provide for additional water well capacity and water storage along with interconnecting trunk lines. Ifsomeday the city needs to install water treatment for other major improvements along the way, the fund would be in much better shape to do so. Also, it is possible that the fund could be tapped for replacement of trunk lines or other water lines in addition to the use of user fees, assessments and ad valorem taxes. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of minutes from the JDC meeting. Copy of spreadsheets from WSB. . * . . IDe Minutes - 10/19/00 5. (QnslcleratignJo revJ~.\:'y_ill2Qrov~"Q.ZQQ1 Wfl~er rates .i}lld W A(J~~?~l!d to dis<;l!.$,~.J!_ proposec.!.JLI,!!ll'. !V;!1~L<:11a n>,e 1I~~!:<X~lliLiJQ!lll Sill10lal Public Works Dllector Sllllola presented IDC rnembers with a copy the cash tlow analysis for tJw water tlllnk fee fund which is running in the red. The trunk fees pay f()r new irnprovemcnts such as wells, purnps, water towers, etc. The proposed rate increase., based on need, will be sOlllCwhere between $(),'i0 to $ J ,500 per acw. The Councd may act on tIllS sometUlle in Novernber. Simola also noted the adopted Illcn:ase III water rates and water hook up fees which are effective January 1, 200 I. Any rGplacernent costs such as replacmg the old water trunk Jme along Broadwav proposed for next year are paid through Clssessrnents and tax levy. 'fhe I DC agreed tl18 water trunk fce lillld needs 1"0 stay healthy. ChaJ! OlJig thanked Sirnola for the mionnatioll 6. E~!H()w-up on t1~9.Jecnli1me!.lLof Barb Sch\\i"~intek as an IDC [nember and award of J9hn~Q!<~. appref.iation plaque, Chair OlIig informed mernbers that he contacted Barb Schwlentek of her interest in becorning a tllember off DC DIscussions were deferred until after surgery Koropchak has plaque for J ohnsoll. 7. .Continued - C.onsideratio!l9f an update on the proi.(ress to actively pursue acquisition of land fo[~ future rndustnaluse. B2 Draft cO.P-Y. of Swap Al!;reeII~.ent between C!1Y and Chadwick parcel. O'Neill infonned IDC rncmbers that the origmal swap concepts is changing and the City IS preparing three/tour dIfferent purchase optIons for the Chadwick Group to consider. One option to include the purchase of the entire I gO acres More later. g . Odr e L B u s.!n~"\?J?_. None Q. t\....Qj9_~U}1l1lCl_lt Next JQ~~.l!l~t~lliLJhursdav, Novemb~r 16,2000 The IDe meeting adjourned at approxllnately Q:OO a.m. 01110 Koropchak, Recorder 3 10 . Cash Flow Analysis Water Trunk Fee City of Monticello WSB Project No. 1010.97 Beginning Balance Annual House Hook up Fees Annual Acres Proposed Trunk Fee Annual Fee Multiplier $0 101 $500 per house 60 $905 per acre 4.00% Water Trunk Fund Annual Year Description i Expenditures i Debt Service i Trunk Main i Hook Up Fee Trunk Fee Balance Debt Transfer Beginning Balance $0 $0 1999 $0 i $40,000 $50,500 $54,300 $64,800 $0 2000 Well and Pump house $515,000 $50,000 i $41,600 $52,520 $56,472 $82,192 $0 2001 10 year bond @ 6% $63,194 i $43,264 $54,621 $58,731 $89,086 $0 2002 And $100K Cash $63,194 : $44,995 $56,806 $61,080 $98,784 $0 2003 $63,194 j $46,794 $59,078 $63,523 $111,397 $0 2004 Water Tower $2,086,693 $63,194 : $48,666 $61,441 $66,064 $127,043 $0 2005 10 year bond @ 6% $346,775 i $50,613 $63,899 $68,707 ($137,740) ($137,740) 2006 $346,775 i $52,637 $66,455 $71,455 ($399,242) ($261,503) 2007 $346,775 i $54,743 $69,113 $74,313 ($657,334) ($258,092) 2008 $346,775 i $56,932 $71,877 $77 ,286 ($911,879) ($254,545) 2009 $346,775 ! $59,210 $74,752 $80,377 ($1,162,734) ($250,855) 2010 Well and Pumphouse $553,694 $346,775 i $61,578 $77,742 $83,592 ($1,409,753) ($247,019) 2011 10 year bond @ 6% $358,829 : $64,041 $80,852 $86,936 ($1 ,664,834) ($255,082) 2012 $358,829 i $66,603 $84,086 $90,413 ($1,915,766) ($250,932) 2013 $358,829 ! $69,267 $87,450 $94,030 ($2,162,382) ($246,616) 2014 $358,829 i $72,038 $90,948 $97,791 ($2,404,509) ($242,127) 2015 $75,247 : $74,919 $94,586 $101,703 ($2,358,387) $46,122 2016 $75,247 1 $77,916 $98,369 $105,771 ($2,307,410) $50,977 2017 $75,2471 $81,033 $102,304 $110,002 ($2,251,384) $56,026 2018 $75,247 : $84,274 $106,396 $114,402 ($2, 190, 1 07) $61,277 2019 $75,247 ! $87,645 $110,652 $118,978 ($2,123,370) $66,738 2020 Well and Pumphouse $744,118 $75,247 i $91,151 $115,078 $123,737 ($2,050,952) $72,417 2021 10 year bond @ 6% $101,126 : $94,797 $119,681 $128,687 ($1,998,507) $52.445 2022 $101,126 i $98,589 $124,468 $133,834 ($1,939,919) $58,588 2023 $101,1261 $102,532 $129,447 $139,187 ($1,874,943) $64,976 2024 $101,126 ! $106,633 $134,625 $144,755 ($1,603,322) $71,621 2025 $101,126 : $110,899 $140,010 $150,545 : ($1 ,724,792) $76,530 2026 $101,126 ! $115,335 $145,610 $156,567 i ($1,639,075) $85,717 2027 $101,126 i $119,948 $151,435 $162,830 i ($1,545,665) $93,190 2028 $101,126: $124,746 $157,492 $169,343 ! ($1,444,922) $100,963 2029 Well and Pumphouse $970,905 $101,126 ! $129,736 $163,792 $176,116 ! ($1,335,675) $109,047 2030 10 year bond @ 6% $233,072 ! $134,925 $170,343 $183,161 : ($1,350,366) ($14,493) 2031 $131,946 : $140,322 $177,157T $190,488 i ($1,254,992) $95,376 2032 $131,946 1 $145,935 $184,243 $198,107 i ($1,150,522) $104,469 2033 $131,946 i $151,773 $191,613 $206,031 ' ($1,036,597) $113,926 2034 $131,946 $157,844 $199,277 $214,273 ($912,636) $123,761 2035 $131,946 $164,157 $207,249 $222,844 ($778,847) $133,989 2036 $131,946 $170,724 $215,539 $231,757 ($634,221 ) $144,626 2037 $131,946 $177,553 $224,160 $241,028 ($478,532) $155,669 2038 $131,946 $184,655 $233,126 $250,669 ($311,337) $167,195 2039 Well and Pumphouse $1,304,815 $131,946 $192,041 $242,452 $260,695 I ($132,177) $179,160 2040 10 year bond @ 6% $177,324 $199,722 $252,150 $271,123 i $14,049 $132,177 . I 0 CD 'bCT-18-2000 15:28 WSB & "SSOCI""[ INC. 7635411700 P.02/09 c%J . Cash ~IOW Analysis Wat r Trunk Fee City Of MontiCtllo WSB ProJed No. 1010.87 Sqlnning BaIanGu $0 Annual Howle 101 H/)OI( up ..... $825 P"f hr;Iu.. Annlllll AcIUll 60 PlOfIO$ttJ Trunk ~ $905 '* lK'I'il Annual F.. Mulllpllar 4,QO'li AnnUIII Year OIrIbt TIMIJf..- 1H8 i I , $0 19S1g ~nnlnD ~Iance t i $0 $0 i I 2000 I I sol 141,600 l $6S,~ $56,472 $80,522 $0 2001 Wel and PumplYwse 1530, of$) I 150,000 I $43.2$4 $88,276 $58,731 $114,265 $0 2002 10 )'e'" b<lnd fit 6% 165.293 I $44,_ 171.(107 $61.080 '13&.06<t SO 2003 And $1001< ea.h I $85,213 SM,7lW $73,&47 $53,~3 $181,341 $0 2004 W..TOWlW I Sa.oauw I 5GUa3 ! ' $48,666 I 576.801 $6i,QG4 S190,2M SO 2005 10 )lelr bond Q U% i I =1 ; $llO,813 I $79,873 $68,707 ($60,8~41 ($80,eS4) 20M I ' $62.8311 $83,018 $7.1,465 ($301,643) ($246.969) 2007 .S<I8,875 I $54,743 188,391 $74,313 ($550,!5!ll!i) {$242.913} 2008 I $348.875 .,~ $89,847 $T7,2845 ($189,231) ($238,675) , 2009 I ! 5348,875 I J 159,210 I 193,440 $80,377 {$1,O23,498} ($234,267) i 2010 Wl!IllMd ~ ! i 1 ! 971 83, 2 $1,253.180 1229.8&3 2011 10 vel/' bond CD 6% 5424.122 : $M.041 . $101,0115, $M,83ll ($1,!!53,3421 ($ 1 2012 1358.829 ! ~ _.eoa ! $105,1081 $90,418 ($1,783,252) ($229,910) 2013 S368,829 ' I _.267 ! $101,3121 $114,030 ($2,OO8,OO6) (1224,754) 2014 1358.8291 . $72,038 I $113,685 ! $07,701 ($2,227,396) ($219,391 ) . 2D1S $7',Z47 $74,918 , $118.232 ! $101,703 ($2.157,628) $60,769 2016 $715'2471 . $77'9181 :\1122,.1 I $10$,771 ($2,Oe~,058) $75,560 2017 $75,247 .. $81,033 $127 ,880 I $110,002 ($2,000,457) 581,802 2018 175.247 ! $&4,214 $132,995 1114,402 ($1,912,581) $87,876 2010 $75,ao47 i I $87 ,6116 I $131,316 $118,978 ($1.818,180) ~,401 II .. 576,247 I $91.1611 5143847 . $123737 $1.716993 101 187 2021 10 ~r bond G 0% "01.1le I ::.::: i 1 , 1 ' 1 , { 1,634, $A2.385 I 2022 $101.128 $1SS,!:Il55 l '133,834 (S1,S44,923) $89,705 2023 $101,126 $102,532 $161.ll09 I $1811,187 ($1,447,5M) S97,m 2024 I $101,126 $108,833 $168,281 $1+4,755 ($1,342,3(6) $105.277 2025 I $101,126 15110,lI!l9 $175,012 $150,545 ($1,.22.8,716) $113,633 2026 I $101,12e 5115,335 $182,013 5156,567 ($1,106,656) $122,111i1 2027 t $101,126 i $1111.948 , $11111,293 $1'2,830 ($97!J,607) '131,049 2028 .70.8051 $101,12e , '$124,104e I 519&,S65 $169,343 ('835,271) $1-'0,330 2~ W~*ndP~~u" $101.12& ; $129.738 j $204,738 S17I,11lS (S685,276) $149,994 2030 10 nr bgnd 6% $233.072 $1~825 . $212,929 $183,161 ($657 183 $a,0II3 1 ! 131. 1",....1 1,448 51110, 1 ,51 ) 139,865 2032 I $131,948 I $230,304- $1118.107 ($3015.988) $1ec1.530 i 2033 i $131.948j . $151,773 I S239,51 tl $20e.o31 ('205,159) $161,829 2034 I $131.9018 I $Ui7,844 ! $249.097 $21-4,273 (:531,579) $173.500 2035 $131,1461 $164.157 i S25f1,061 $222,844 $154,222 $31,579 2036 I S131.i48 1$170'7241 1269,423 5281,767 $362,733 SO 2037 ~ $131,948 ,$177,553 $2$0,200 $241,02a $564.462 $0 203ll j S131,~ I $1e-,@ $291,408 $250,669 $789,83& $0 2038 WIlU.... Pumphnu.. $1,304,815 i $131.948 i 5192,041 I $303.0'" $260,695 $1,029,711 SO 2040 10 bond ,% $177,:t24 i $198 n:J. . $315,187 271123 75 $0 I . / CJ OCI-18-2000 15:32 WSB & ASSOCIATEp INC. I, I j Cash ~IOW Analysis W.,r Trunk Fee CIW of Monticello WSB P~j.ct NO. 1010.97 . Beglnnlng Balance Annual Houle Hook up Fees Anllulll /JctM PIqIIl_TI\IIlII F.. Annual Fie WIlpUar so 101 S62S pet house eo $1.500 ~_ 4.00% . i I i I ! $1,304.815 j 1 . 1131,i4tI "3',04& I $131,948 I' $131,946 $131,a4(I $131.G46 I '131,$4$ ! S1S1.~ ! $1n.:ta4 I $1~.~ 11e1.m, $157.844 ! ,$164,151 i 11170,7'24 11177,553 , $1&4,655 1$112.041 $189 . 7635411700 $0 "'7,650 1190.006 $251,983 1319,010 $3111,351 $185,615 (114;395) ($208,4501 ($396,313) ($1;71,735) $752.459 ( i5,4G4) ($1, 1~,931) ($1,326,864) ($1 ,4-8~,961) ($1.347,326) ($1,202,217) ($1,048,294) ($885,203) ($712.579) (5630 041 ,06 ) ($1es,S74) $3,474 $.203.921 S418,4j1 1641.487 SBYa,ri90 $1.131.261 $1,397,04$ 51.545 SS!! 1.810.4152 $2,OQ1,23Q $2,388.$28 $2,702,981 Sj,03:l,282 $3,.188,174- $3,166,_ $4,146,649 $4,'57,819 ,94S 3M P.~) Ann Debt Trel'lS1er $0 $0 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 $0 ($14,395) ($194,055) ($187.66.3) 1$1a1,422} $174,724 ($2Q,Q051 ($110,487) ($162,9331 ($155,097) 1136,834 $146,109 $153,924 1163,090 '172,824 $182 639 1 , 1 $1n,Ggs 1185,374 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 $0 TOTAL P,09 ;0 . . 0 ['I ~ ~J ~ ."J:: ", '" u '" II '" fo-I ~~ 0 0 (, ">" ("; " D 0 1.0 e' D ~ .~ I U U) '" H '" D '" " "' ,~ U "I [ ~ <I, C' (~ OJ I.() " ", 'M C) ~ ," r..~ , I '" '"' c, ~ "" Cl (/) OJ '" '" U " U '" (/J ',I r" '" ro ~r. 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