City Council Agenda Packet 10-09-2000 . Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 9, 2000 - 7 p.m. Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson CI int Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce '1'hielen db> e-., r ** Workshop on CSAl-I 75 Improvement - 5:30 p.m. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. - ~'taie PAi~ DtSc(J~( (~,J Citizen comments/petitions, request and complaints. - -rtf) o tJTIc8ZLu fo t f> G.-<<I. <M-L- b l.5c..v JJ,",-. Consent agenda. 1. 2A. B. ., ., . 4. 5. . F. G. H. . 1. Call to Order Approve minutes of September 25, 2000 inf(xmationalmeeting. 85 e -r Approve minutes of September 25,2000 regular council meeting. p we I ~~ Co T 7/11"\..1. Itt fa ( -( A. Consideration of appointing additional election judges f<Jr the general election on November 7, 2000. B. Consideration of a conditional use permit allowing a shopping center development in a CCD, Central Community District and a subdivision dividing the new development parcel from the municipal liquor store. Applicant: Silver Creek Real Estate Development. C. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing an auto body/repair shop in the B-3 District. Applicant: John Johnson, Monticello Auto Body. D. Consideration of an amendment to the parking regulations in the CCD District. Applicant: City of Monticello. E. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the Community Center and Liquor Store. Consideration of resolution supporting a fee increase for Deputy Registrars. Consid.eration of ratifying appointment of replacement Parks Department employee. Consideration of request f()r simple subdivision in requesting Lots 6 and 7, Manhattan Lots, 321 Riverview Drive be split into separate parcels. Applicant: Michael and Pamela Wigen. Consid.eration of approval of Change Order No.1 to the Chelsea Road West and Brentwood Circle Improvement Project No. 98-25C. J. Consideration of appointment of MCC Advisory Board members. . . . Council Agenda October 9, 2000 Page Two K. Consideration of final plat and development agreement for Klein Farm Estates 4th. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Review and discussion of options for rebuilding County Road 75 (Broadway). 8. Presentation - Central Minnesota Initiative - Connie Marcyes. 9. Consideration of establishing ordinance regulating pawn shops. 10. Consideration of contract renewal with PSG (US Filter) for additional five years or city operations. 11. Approve payment of bills for October. 12 Adjourn. . MINUTES PtJBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING CSAH 75 (FROM WASHINGTON STREF:T - OTTER CREEK) Monday, September 25, 2000 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Rogers Belsaas, Roger Carlson. Clint Ilerbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce ThieIcn. Members Absent: None Staff Present: Economic Development Director. Ollie Koropchak; Public Works Director John Simola, City Administrator. Rick Wolfsteller; Deputy City Administrator. Jeff O'Neill, City Engineer, Bret Weiss and Becky Ilauschild. John Simola, Public Works Director, began the informational meeting by briefly describing the scope of the project and the roles of the City and the County in the design and construction of the work. . Virgil Hawkins, Assistant Wright County Highway Engineer, explained that the improvement project for CSAH 75 was a major project in the County's five Year Plan. The project was originally planned for construction in the year 2002 but because of other projects being shifted around, the County is now considering it for construction in 2001. The proposed project is a rehabilitation of CSAH 75 from Washington Street to Otter Creek. The County's proposal includes removing the bituminous sur1~1Ce. milling it out and replacing the blacktop. The County is not proposing any widening, regrading or change in design. The County will design the roadway incorporating into the plans any utility work the City feclsneeds to be done at this time. It is proposed to bid the project in the spring with construction to take place next year. There may be a considerable amount of utility work included in this project. Some of the sanitary sewer lines in this area were installed in 1924 and the other utility lines were installed in the 1940's. The City is currently in the process of inspecting the lines to determine whether the I ines will be replaced.. John Simola indicated there may also be some realignment of Otter Creek Road where it comes on to CSAI-I 75 but that is the only street realignment being proposed. The parkway design that is being considered includes medians and left turn lanes. If the project is constructed using this design there would be loss ofparking. Revisions to the access to Pinewood Elementary are also being considered. Virgil Hawkins talked about how access onto the roadway impacts the now oftrat1ic. A video on access management was shown. By limiting the number of accesses onto a roadway, you limit the number of conflict points and you reduce interference with through traffic. The spacing of signalized intersections is also crucial to traffic now and signalized intersections should be placed at least 1/4 mile or greater apart. Good access management improves traffic flow and reduces accidents. . Jeff O'Neill provided background on how the parkway design was arrived at. A survey done in 1988 revealed that traftic was identified as the # I concern. In 1996 the City updated the comprehensive plan and attempted to address the issue of traffic on Broadway. The feeling was that the traffic should not dietate how land was used. The City wanted to maintain the character of this area as residential. The improvements that were done on CSAII 75 cast were done to improve traHic and safety in the area of the . school and the hospital. Pam Campbell from the Design Advisory Team felt that the traffic on Broadway needed to be slowed. They felt the two lane design was acceptable noting it was important to take care of pedestrian safety and suggesting that improvements be made to the designated crosswalks. The 20' median that was proposed would provide an opportunity to beautify the City. DAT felt that if the median was done it should include an irrigation system so that the plantings in the median could be maintained. OAT endorsed the project. Pam Campbell also commented that the parking in front of the post office site should he retained. Bret Weiss and Becky Hauschild from WSB, Inc., the City's engineers provided information on traffic volumes and accidents rates. The estimated cost of the project is $1,700,000 which would be funded through state aid funds, assessments and utility reserve funds. John Simola noted that because of the age of the utilities in this area, individual services may need to be replaced. The property owner is responsible for the utility lines from the house to the main. If residents are interested in determining whether their service line needs to be replaced, the City can with the equipment they have inspect the service. It was noted that the cost of replacing service lines, gate valves, hydrants etc. could be assessed. Cobra head lighting was installed in this area in the 1960's and it has deteriorated to the point where it should be replaced. In the downtown area where parking would still he allowed on Broadway, the County would charge the cost of the parking lane to the City and the City in turn could assess this cost hack to the property owners. . The meeting was then opened to comments from the public. Bill Becker, 618 East Broadway lIe stated that the lack of parking lanes could pose a hazard for those people who had to back out of their driveways onto the street. I Ie indicated that in the winter the parking lane was also used for snow storage and asked how that would be handled if there was no parking lane. Mr. Simola responded that the Street Department had similar concerns with the snow and he would check with the County about removal. Virgjl (Bud) Kaloin, 336 Broadwav East Mr. Kalpin questioned why the median was included and suggested that it be considered making Broadway a one-way street. He felt it was unf~lir to eliminate the parking on Broadway for the residential properties. He stated that part of the value of his property was that there was parking on the street and by taking away the parking some of the value of his property was lost. lie stated that all other residential property is allowed street parking. Mr. Weis responded that the City has eliminated or discouraged parking on collector streets in the past, i.e. Th Street and School Boulevard. Harold Pittman, 1 n6 Dayton Street Mr. Pittman questioned why the City would consider trees and other plantings in the median area since the salt from the snow removal would kill them. lie commented that the City had some of the nicest streets before they put in the streetscape. He wasn't sure that the City's attempt to beautify the streets actually did anything for the street. Mr. Simola responded that . lhere are sail resislant species of lrees and shrubs lhat the City would use but that lhis is a concern. .Iake Krob, 318 Broadway East Mr. Krob asked about the procedure used to notify the property owners of this meeting. He also asked if any further improvements were going to be made to the TH 25 and CSAH 75 intersection. He felt the improvements made at the intersection thus far were not working CSArI 75 Informational Meeting - 9/25/00 . very well as there seemed to be a good amount of vehicle stacking and asked if the channelization proposed would help the TII 25/CR 75 intersection. He also expressed his concern about the speed of traffic on the roadway and with the proposed improvement the closeness of the traffic to the homes. Dawn Grossinger responded stating that notice was sent to the owner of record according to the tax printout.. Ben Smith. 806 West River Street Mr. Smith expressed concern about the traiTic, particularly bus traffic at the intersection of West Broadway and Elm Street. Mr. Simola responded and stated that the statT would discuss this issue with Mr. Smith after the meeting. Mr. Simola met with Hen Smith the week of October 2nd and his concerns were with the buses making left turns onto CSAH 75 from County Road 39. The county will be looking into this with the school district. Dou!! Schneider. 112 West Broadway Mr. Schneider questioned the traffic volume and accident rate information that was presented. He was wondering if the accidents were primarily at the intersection of TH 25/CR 75 and if they were on the east or west side of the intersection. Becky Hauschild indicated that the she didn't have that breakdown but she would get the information and forward it to him. He also stated that if the City removes the parking, then they should lower the taxes for the site because the property loses value without the parking. John Simola indicated that the parking in approximately a two block distance both east and west of the TII 25/CR 75 intersection was proposed to remain. . Lawrence Clausen. 320 Broadwav West Mr. Clausen questioned the portion of the downtown area that would have parking along Broadway and stated he too felt that the parking should remain in the area of the post office. Dan Kraemer. 648 Broadwav West Mr. Kraemer questioned whether installing left turn lanes would invite the traffic on Broadway to go even faster since the traffic wouldn't have to slow down for vehicles making left turns. Becky Hauschild responded that the plantings in median have a visual dTect which slows trafiic down. The question was also raised about the mailboxes located on Broadway. John Simola indicated that if the project proceeded with the parkway design the mailboxes would be relocated to side streets. Candv Johnson. 1233 Sandy Lane She asked what was the designated speed that was looked for on Broadway and asked what the plans were for Otter Creek Road. Virgil Hawkins responded that the speed limit was 30 mph to Otter Creek Road and then it became 45 mph. Mr. Hawkins replied that the plans for Otter Creek Road are to realign it to 90 degrees from CSAH 75. Dave Kranz. 743 Broadwav West Mr. Kranz had questions regarding the sewer lines for his home. John Simola asked him to check with the Public Works Department. Opal Stokes. 215 Locust Street She asked if the opportunity to have the sewer service line inspected applied only to those properties abutting Broadway or if it would also apply to those homes on the side streets. John Simola responded it would only be f()f those properties served by the sewer on Broadway from Washington Street to Chestnut Street. . 3 . . . CSAH 75 Informational Meeting - 9/25/00 Because of the time, the informationalmceting closed at this point. Those in attendance were asked to complete comment cards and submit them to the City. Rccordi ng Secretary 4 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 25,2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes of regular council meeting of September 11. 2000. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE "rUE MINUTES OF THE SEVfEMBER II, 2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MUfrON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addill!! items to the a2:enda. Clint Herbst requested that a discussion on an update item be included on the agenda. Clint Herbst also asked that item #9(Final payment on the Orchard Road Project 2000-07C and Elm Street Sewer Extension Project No. 2000-08C) be included on the consent agenda. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO ADD ITEM #9 TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests and complaints. None. 5. Consent A2:eJl(la A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for September for the Community Center. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees tl1r the Community Center as listed. B. Consideration of resolutions declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment rolls and setting date for public hearing to adopt assessments for various public improvement projects. Recommendation: Adopt the resolutions for each of the improvement projects declaring the costs to be assessed and setting the public hearing date for October 23, 2000. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA INCLUDING AGF~Nf)A ITEM #9. BRUCL~ TIllELEN SECONDEI) TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . . . Council Meeting - 9/11/00 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of design alternatives for County Road 75 Improvement (Broadway). Clint Herbst commented that with all the information the City had obtained at the infonnational meeting held earlier, he didn't feel the City should be moving ahead on selecting a design configuration. He felt the ]lh Street extension would have a major impact on the traffic on Broadway and the Council should consider that when they are looking at the design of the proposed improvements to Broadway. Bruce Thielen felt the projcct should proceed but felt it should be discussed fUl1her and suggested setting up a workshop meeting to go over the design issucs. He agrccd that therc was a lot of information to assimilate. By scheduling a workshop for a latcr date it would not only give the Council timc to take in all the information but it would also allow additional time for residents to submit their comments. Clint Herbst asked when a decision would have to be made on the design of the project. John Simola indicated that the County would need to know the City's decision within 4-6 weeks. Brian Stumpf questioned if they City came up with a design, could the County override the City's recommendations. BRUCE 'lTHELEN MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM AND SCHEDULE A WORKSHOP WITH REPRESENTAfIVES FROM WRIGHT COUNTY FOR 5:30 P.M. ON OCTOBER 9, 2000. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There was some discussion whether the workshop meeting would allow continued comments from the residents. While the workshop is a public meeting, there would be no additional notice to rcsidents of thc workshop. Bruce Thielen felt the Council needed this workshop to rcview design options so the Council could make a decision. Susie Wojchouski suggested that thc Council invite a resident and a business owner to be present at this workshop. 8. Consideration of increase in water rates, water hookup charges and water trunk area charl!es. John Simola, Public Works Director, brief1y rcviewed the information on the proposed increase with thc Council. lIe noted that in 1997 the City had approved a rate increase but in 1998 it actually droppcd the block rates. He was asking that the Council consider a 10% increase. Mayor Belsaas also asked about the proposal to change the standards for nitrates. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO INCREASE T'f-lE WATER RATE 10%, THE WATER HOOKUP CHARGE BY 19(Ycl AND NOTIFY DEVELOPERS OF A PENDING INCREASE THE WATER AV AILABILlTY CHARGE BY DOUBLING IT, EFFECTIVE .IANUAR Y I, 2 . . . Council Meeting - 9/11/00 2001. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 9. Consideration of final payment Orchard Road Improvement Project No. 2000-07C and Elm Street Sewer Extension I>roiect No. 2000-0Se. Included with consent agenda. Approved final payment in the amount of $22,662.66 to Buffalo Bituminous for the Orchard Road Project and final payment in the amount of $32,294.00 to Schluender Construction for the Elm Street Sewer and Watermain Improvement. Weed Control The Council received a request to remove the weeds in the downtown area. The Council discussed how it could be handled. The property owner is responsible for weed removal in the sidewalk area and around the building. The City is responsible for the weed removal in the streetscape area. It was determined that the City currently has ordinances in place to handle this. John Simola suggested a meeting with the Chamber and the business people on this issue. The Council felt that since the ordinances were in place, it could be left to staff to see that they were enforced. 10. Approve payment of bills for September. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Adjourn BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:50 P.M.. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 3 -, ... .---. ~- -~~.,....- . . . Council Agenda - 10/9/00 SA. Consideration of appointin2 additional election judges for the General Election. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the August 14 meeting, Council appointed election judges to serve for the 2000 Primary and General Elections. Several of the individuals that were appointed did not attend the training sessions and could not serve as judges. Since that time, I have received calls from three additional individuals who are interested in serving as election judges. According to State Statutes. additional judges may be appointed at least 25 days prior to the election at which they will work, which requires that Council appoint additional judges at the October 9th meeting. Generally voter turnout is higher for the general election and in order to conduct the election process smoothly, I would recommend appointment of the following individuals as additional judges for the General Election: NAME ADDRESS Bob Rohland Roger Isaacson Harriet Lefebvre 1323 W. River St., Monticello, MN 55362 9325 Eagle Court, Monticello, MN 55362 6385 River Mill Dr., Monticello, MN 55362 B. AL TERNA TIVI( ACTIONS: 1. Motion to appoint the above-recommended individuals as election judges for the 2000 General Election. 2. Motion to deny appointment of additional election judges. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . 5B. . . City Council Agenda -10/09/00 Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit allowing a shopping center development in the CCD, Central Communitv District and a Subdivision dividing the new development parcel from the municipal liquor store. Applicant: Silver Creek Real Estate Development. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Silver Creek Real Estate Development is proposing to construct a shopping center on a parcel bounded by the Burlington Northern Railroad/5th Street on the north, Walnut Street on the west, the municipal liquor store site on the south, and Highway 25 on the east. The project includes 15,500 square feet of retail/commercial use, and has eliminated the original plans for 12 second Hoor residential units of 1-2 bedrooms and an underground parking garage for the residential tenants. A future commercial space on the liquor store side of the property includes approximately 9,000 square feet, in addition to the existing liquor store space of 6,480 square feet. The site is zoned CCD, Central Community District. The downtown revitalization plan encourages the use of mixed use design, and urban building styles in the corridor along Walnut Street. The proposed project would maximize the amount of Walnut Street frontage for commercial development, with the exception of access to 5 1'2 Street (to be developed as an internal access drive). The shopping center meets the downtown's commercial development goals, although it has abandoned the mixed use concept encouraged by the Revitalization Plan. The project would provide 44 at-grade parking spaces north of 5 1'2 Street. South of 5 1'2 Street, a redesign of the parking lot would be proposed that would provide 71 parking stalls for a total of 115 stalls between the two properties. The parking lot revisions would be concurrent with the development of the new commercial space.' Height, Setbacks, Density. The CCD requirements require building heights of between 15 and 35 feet and zero setbacks. The proposed building is now one story in height. with elevations yet to be submitted to verify the dimension, and is located with zero setbacks along north, cast, and west lot lines. At-grade parking lots are required to maintain the five foot setbacks where practical. It would appear that there is room to accommodate this standard, and the site plan should reilect this. Parking. The first phase of retai I space requires a total of 70 spaces at one space per 200 square feet of net retail area. With 44 supplied on the north side of 5~ I /2 Street, this leaves a deficit of26 spaces. The CCD permits such shortages where the developer agrees to pay into a parking fund for public parking in the district on a per space basis. 'The 9,000 square foot retail addition to the back of the municipal liquor store would generate an additional demand for 41 spaces. The liquor store property is currently developed with a surplus of parking, a portion of which will be made available to the developers. This issue has been addressed by the purchase agreement and will be furtherdetined by the development contract as a part of the Conditional Use Permit and the sale of the land. -1- . City Council Agenda -10/09/00 Please note that the parking stall deficit can be offset if needed through development of 20 to 30 stalls at thc 10,000 sq. n. parcel located between the Railroad and the Library Parking Lot. As you recall, the developer will be paying half the cost to build this lot if deemed needed by the City Council. The site plan docs not provide any dedicated loading areas. The applicant's anticipate using front of store loading. This does raise issue with circulation within the parking lot unless deliveries occur before or after store hours. Pedestrian Access. The CCD and the downtown revitalization area are intended to promote pedestrian access and pedestrian~based business interchange. The development block will be adjoined by public sidewalks along Walnut Street, 6th Street and Highway 25. Sidewalks arc also shown to connect Walnut and Highway 25 in front of the retail storefronts along the new building. A pedestrian connection has also been provided for across 5-112 Street to connect the new retail building with the existing liquor store. . Signs. The Monticello Sign Ordinance applies to all development within the CCD, subject to Design Advisory Team (DA T) review. The project has not shown any sign detail, with the exception of two freestanding sign locations - one along Highway 25 and one along Walnut. The sign along Highway 25 would be acceptable under the revitalization plan as an area with more of a highway commercial focus. However, the Walnut Street frontage is expected to have pedestrian scale signage. mounted on the building facades, including projecting signs over the sidewalk where appropriate. Additional sign detail will be necessary to permit complete review. Streetscape/Landscape. Streetscape and landscape details have not been submitted with this plan set. The revitalization plan encourages the use of urban design materials including planters and furniture, site and parking lot lighting consistent with the City's standard, and alternative paving materials for walkways and other locations. These details should be submitted to staff and the Design Advisory Team for review. An emphasis on "hardscape" materials would be beneficial fix this site, given the minimal area for landscaped green area. Planning staff would encourage pedestrian walks with alternative paving materials, such as the pavers planned for the Walnut Street improvements, as well as other similar and complementary materials. . Huildinl! Design. The applicants had prepared an early rendering of the proposal, but no building plans have been submitted at this time. The DA T has reviewed these preliminary building plans and given conceptual approval. The DA T noted specific concern for the building materials to be utilized on the facade ofthe building t~lcing the Burlington Northern right-or-way. Prior to final approval of the project, the applicant is to submit detailed building and site plans for DA T review. -2- . City Council Agenda -10/09/00 Site Coordination. Details regarding shared use of parking between the Liquor Store and the development site have been identified and arc included in the terms of the purchase agreement. Liquor Store l':xpansion. Please note that the Liquor Store expansion area identified in the plan will need to he increased from 2,] 00 sq. ft. to 3,000 sq. ft. which may result in the loss of the head-in parking along the north side of the Liquor Store. Staff is working with the developer to determine if it is feasible to make necessary shifts in the building walls that would allow the head-in parking to stay in the plan as identified. City Council is asked to approve this site plan knowing that it might be necessary to remove the handful of spaces along the north side of the Liquor Store building to accommodate a 3,000 sq. ft. expansion. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Conditional Use Permitfor a Shoppinf; ('enter in the CCD District. 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit, hased on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the revitalization plan and the CCD zoning requirements, with the condition that the applicant prepare site landscaping, signage, and building plans for review and recommendation of the OAT prior to final approval. . 2. Motion to deny the CUP, based on a finding that the inadequate parking supply creates the potential for puhlic street congestion in this location. 3. Motion to table actionon the CUP, pending the submission oflandseaping, building, and signage plans. Decision 2. 5,'ubdivision oj'lhe subject property into two parcels. The subdivision will create a new parcel between Walnut Street and the west wall of the Liquor Store. 1. Motion to approve the Subdivision, based on a finding that the subdivision will facilitate development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Suhdivision is contingent on completion of development agreement and execution of purchase agreement. 2. Motion to deny the Subdivision, based on a finding that the lot to be created cannot be adequately served with parking as proposed. . 3. Motion to tahle action on the Suhdivision, subject to additional infiJrmation. -3- . City Council Agenda -10/09/00 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff bel ieves that the proposed use for the site is consistent with the intent of the revitalization plan and with the CCD District, although the loss of the residential component is viewed as unfortunate. Based on this finding, CUP and Subdivision approval is recommended, subject to submission and review of the landscaping, building, and signage plans, as well as engineering review of the utilities and drainage. The City Council should consider whether any of these additional plans should he suhmitted to the DAr for review prior to final approval, or if they may be submitted directly to the City Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Site Plan 2. Elevation drawing 3. Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval . . -4- . . . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL NEWTOWN DEVELOPMENT 1. Submittal of detailed elevation drawings or building plans. Approval must he ohtained from the Design Advisory Team. 2. Suhmittal of a petition for public improvements for sueh things as sidewalks, street lights and brick pavers. 3. Review and approval of grading and drainage plans by the City Engineer. 4. Preservation of sufficient area to allow a 3,000 sq. ft. expansion of the Liquor Store. 5. Review and approval of signage plan by the Design Advisory Team. EXHIBIT Z Sb . N 'S~ 0:,- ~~ ,~ "'--I 0:,- ~Ul ,Z :-t ~ c "'..... ,- ~Ul r>1 Z ,- c :-t ~ ..... r>1 ::J Ul ,- 0 :-t ~ Z ~J ..... 2 B z ~ J ,"': - "- U) OJ ~ ( U~O~ riZZ< ---1Z---1 ::::0 - n L )>UfTl I CD ::::0 I l COO - U" __ I fTl I O::::O~ ----1-< Z-z Wf1lZ1 Ul rTl c)" lnl ::::OIO( O. ---1 c~)> Un < I .- J dnO~8 8NIOlln8 'v'~.L:J3dS ! 'J'Tl 'S311~3dOtJd INN3~8 'v'lOS3NNIV'l 'OlT3JI1NOV'l J IN3~dOl3^30 NMOIM3N i --.. i ;~ n ~ :~ ~ JI ;~ ~~ _1= I, ,:Q: 1 .._ I b: I ;t: ~ ~ I ~ I (j) <( .-- E-o Z Iz~ 1~~ IO....:l J~~ 8 , ....... <D JlGJ~J' ,,-0 ." l: 1/ f.? ~~I' "'''0,;, ~Jo :t~,,,, s. I( f ... :;;:t: " _f r" '~.'~ ~-- G ~\Fr" [l '" -+: .+ . . . 5C. City COllncil ^genda ~ 10/09/00 Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing an auto body/repair shop in the B-3 district. Applicant: John Johnson, Monticello Auto Body (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND John Johnson proposes to relocate his auto body shop to the adjacent lot. The new site is located at the corner of Sandberg Road and the newly constructed Chelsea West. A conditional use permit allowing an auto body shop is needed for this to occur. Johnson's plan calls for development of a 10,275 square foot structure. Following is site review followed by a review of the project in terms of standards identified by code that auto body shop operations must meet. Sethacks The site meets the literal requirements of the code however the proposed setback along the Chelsea side is only 10'. In Zoning Districts R-l through B-2 a minimum of 20' is required on the side lot line for a corner lot. A minimum of 20' is not identified by code therefore this site plan meets the minimum. Planning Commission should discuss this item and determine if a 20' setback should be required. It is statTs view that the Planning Commission/Council has authority to increase the setback to 20' via the conditional use process if desired. In separate action, City Council may wish to call for a public hearing on an ordinance amendment requiring a 20' setback on a corner lot in a B-3 district. Please note that the Planning Commission was not concerned with the setback issue and recommended approval per the site plan presented. The parking lot is located on the southern boundary of the parcel racing the existing body shop. Undeveloped Marvin Road runs along the northern boundary of the site. The building does not encroach along the required 30' setback at this location. The front of the building f~tces Sandberg Road and is set 30 back whieh also meets code. Following are code requirements for auto body shops followed by staff comments. Parking The site contains 19 parking spaces which meets the minimum defined by code. Door O/Jenings "Door opening to service area garage must not face street frontage." Plan complies as door openings face adjacent lot to the south. -1- . City Council Agenda - 10/09100 Vehicle ,\"'tora!!e "Vehicle storage area limited to 50% of floor space of the structure housing the auto hody shop."Also, " All vehicles being serviced and all vehicle parts must be stored inside or in vehicle storage area." This project does not contain outside storage therefore it complies with this requirement. It is hoped that the operation of the facility will assure compliance with the requirement that vehicles be stored in containment area. Past practice has shown that this is not always the case. Repair Operations "No work on vehicles or vehicle parts shall be conducted outside the confines of the auto body shop." Site plan complies. This is an operational requirement. BuildimdWa/l materials "The advertising wall facing the public right-of-way shall consist of no more than 50% metal material." Project complies as wall material is block, similar to Ultra Lube building. . 'The secondary or non-advertising wall facing a public right-of-way shall utilize a combination of colors or materials that serve to break up the monotony of a single color flat surface." A border featuring a complimentary color will be extended along the top of wall/roof line. I"andscapinr "The development shall cont()fIl1 to minimum parking and landscaping requirements of the zoning ordinance" The site plan shows cleven trees. The minimum required hy code is twelve. The plan needs to be updated to show that the tree size meets code requirements. Pro.xiJnitv to Residential Area The ordinance says "No conditional use permit shall be granted for an auto body shop within 600 feet of a residential or PZM zone existing at the time the conditional use permit is granted." The site is more than 600' from the Groveland residential area. Outside Storage . Due to the fact that this project docs not propose outside storage, the rules governing the design of the outside storage area do not apply. -2~ . 8. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the site plan subject to conditions identified in exhibit Z or modified by the City Council. Motion based on the finding that the site plan if compliant with ordinance requirements as idcntified in exhibit Z mcets the standards for the district and therefore is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. Motion to tahle approval subject to modifications requcsted by the City Council or subject to suhmittal of complete information in huilding materials. 3. Motion to deny conditional use permit based on the finding that the proposal is not consistent with the comprehcnsive plan. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval suhject to conditions noted in exhihit Z. Staff also supports tabling the item pending revisions to thc site plan that would be required. D. SUPPOWrING DATA . Conditions of Approval - Exhihit Z Copy of Site Plan . -3- . . . EXHIBIT Z Monticello Auto Body 1. Advertising wall facing the public right-of-way shaJl consist of no more than 50% metal material. 2. Secondary or non-advertising wall facing a public right-of-way shall utilize a combination of colors or materials that serve to break up the monotony of a single color 11at surf~lCe. 3. The development shall confl.xm to minimum parking and landscaping requirements of the zoning ordinance. In this case a minimum of 12 overstory trees is required. 4. The drainage and grading plan must be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. 5. No outside storage allowed. EXHIBIT Z 5C ...,......... <:::) ~ Q' I~ It I I 4J I .. I .ft I .~ f:: ICI) I I I I I I ~t I I t I , ~ I I I j' 9 I I I Ii1 &i k '" (;> ........... ~" 1_ ~'": ~ ~I ~ <=> u rt] ~ ~ ~ L.t ru 0: ~ "'''''b<';~ ..~ ~ t.J ;;; :J::.... VI ~ ~ ~ ::: '" <:1 '-' '" trJ~~~o (.!) '..... Q.....J tr<lio<:~ 4J -t...J Cl ''"1 ~ <:> '" <II '" ~'" Co. ~~:3~~ V1 ,~ <. l!! <:> , . ~......, 0 G,l r"r1 ~ ':J...~ C;..., ~....... """'I 0 ~~ii~"""'"1......, c;;:. g -4..j ~ ~...... ...... C;) (n ;:) ........ Q 'Il,->~~~<. ~~i---):5:g ~ .~ to ~ ; ~ 3~{;......<:,-, - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~ - - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - -- - --- - ~- - ~--- t1rDIJ ~ '~~: ~.' ~ I \ \ \ \ ' 11'1€~ ",'UCK J- -- ~ ~ , I - ---< ~ 't;.. 1'1' \:.) L;'ffir --""--~--l:"-~B; _ l' \ I \ ., I ':l l'l I I I w I - -~\ - f:'; \. ." - - - Iil -0;'" f;1 ~. ..... I i I .i \! I I K ~ ~ I ~ / I\l 'of ~, ~f " 'I ~ ~ ~ . f ~~ ~ h ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~, ,,\( \I # ~ ~ fI1~A/;,,11 ~ h t f\I; ....' C) I -- /tI .Oc.6l.L S ------- ~ ......... --. ~, .~~~ -~ '\ 1- ~ ~ c. I 9 ~ I L -, ----,.~- - I : I I " ~ I ~ / I ~ 1'1 ----- I ~ i I ./.'------r I ~ I " I I I I r'\ : I I I ,~I '" I., n/ ----H ~ : /I' _. ~ ~/;, " ; if I .-- -- Ii - - ~ ill -{i I q '~'---' --- ............... -,~ ~ . i"'- I k' I \ <<:t ~ ',~ "/ I ;.,., " f;$ h: r I \...:. : } ~ o ~ f R ~ 1, . ~ ~" ~' ~, " ~ ~ \) -- .-- ~ :;; ----...-- '" ti .... I , --:--- t::I t::) ~ ..... ~ " ~ n, ..... . ~ :oe "- , I ~ . . . City Council Agenda -10/09/00 50. Consideration of an amendment to the narkinl!: rel!:ulations in the CCD District. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff has raised concerns that the language developed l()r the CCD parking requirements gives the developer or landowner the choice between providing the required number of off- street parking spaces according to the zoning ordinance, or choosing to "overbuild" the site and pay into a parking fund which the City would use to provide public parking at the City's discretion. The City assigned a parking lee of $1,025 per stall as the requisite figure if a choice is made to provide less than the required amount of parking. At issue is whether the City has given a developer too much latitude to avoid parking requirements without the City's ability to acquire and develop adequate public parking in the area. It is believed that the cost of acquisition and construction of parking near Highway 25, including land lost, would amount to approximately $3,000 per stall when constructed 1(Jr exclusive use by a single building. The lot cost drops significantly for lots developed two or more blocks from Highway 25. Please note that the net cost for municipal parking is actually one half the cost of private parking because of the joint use offered by municipal parking. In other words, the City will only need to build municipal stalls at one half the rate of stalls diverted lrom private lots. Thus the city's cost per stall is actually closer to $1,500. The design of the ordinance was intended to encourage a maximization of use of the downtown land through a concentration and joint provision of parking areas. The Revitalization Plan encourages a reduction in overall parking supply due to the tendency of large parking areas to disrupt business interchange and interfere with case of cross-pedestrian business patronage. Therefore, the level of the fee charged for parking deficiency was set low as a sort of "subsidy" to encourage a more downtown-like built environment. It was envisioned that surplus tax increments or other funds, such as assessments, would be available to Jill the gap between the $1,025 lee and the actual eost ofpublie parking. There arc at least two options the City could pursue ifit believes that a change is necessary. The first would be to increase the lee. The $1 ,025 is set by City Council resolution and docs not require an ordinance amendment to change it. The ramifieations of this type of change may be to discourage the use of the tool, however. Most business operators are concerned about parking supply, and would typically choose to provide it if there were too little incentive to do utilize the fee option. This in turn would likely result in defeating the purpose of the incentive by encouraging standard, "suburban", site planning. A second option would be to maintain the current fee level, but change the ordinance to make the use of the fee in lieu of parking a choice of the City. This option would require that stall' -1- . . . City Council Agenda -) 0/09/00 work with individual property owners to negotiate the level of parking to be supplied, and would also inier that for some developers, the option might not be otTered. A set of objectives or policies would be advisable to guide staffin offering, or not offering, the lee-in~ lieu option. Draft amendment language is attached to this report. The Planning Commission reviewed this proposal and recommends approval of the ordinance amendment that gives the City the choice in determining whether or not the fee in lieu of parking is appropriate. Although not their formal place, the Planning Commission suggested that the parking fee remain the same, given availability of TIF and the need to encourage joint parking and greater parcel area huild~out in the CCD District. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve a significant change in ice amount, with no change in the text of the zoning ordinance. 2. Motion to approve the change in text giving the City the option of otlering the fee- in-lieu of parking option. Also change the fee amount from $1,025 to no more than $1,400 per stal I. " ,). Motion of no changes to the CCD parking regulations. 4. Motion to tahle action on the CCD parking issue, subject to additional inf<')fIllation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDA TJON The City Administrator recommends that the iee increase to $1,400 which, even after this increase, should continue to act as an incentive to make use of the ice for parking option. Actions which encourage full otT..street parking lots would he counter to thc intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and would negatively impact the revitalization of a true downtown. The objective of the Revitalization Plan is to avoid suburban commercial development which is characterized hy a dependence on large parking supplies and a disincentive to pedestrian interaction. As such, staif would recommend a modest change in Jee and a change in text giving the discretion to the City (Alternative 2). D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhihit A - Draft Ordinance Amendment -2- City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 148, SECTION 6 IGI, OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE RELA TING TO PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN THE '"CCD", CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapter 148. Section 6 [G] is amended to read as follows: [G J Parking: 1. Supply: Property owners shall comply with the parking supply requirements as listed in Subdivision 3-5 [Hl of this ordinance. However. property owners may be granted flexibility from a portion of their required parking supply under the following conditions: a. Where the City finds that there will be adequate opportunity to provide public parking in the vicinity of the subiect property. and at the City's option. the property owner shall pay into a "CCD" Parking Fund an amount as established by City Council resolution. Said fund shall be used for the acquisition, construction, and/or maintenance of publicly-owned parking in the "CCD" district. b. The City may. in addition to, or as an alternative to, the option listed in Subdivision 14B-6 [GJ l.a., and at the discretion of the City. the City may offer the property owner the opportunity to choose to a property oVvncr may supply parking at a rate which is sixty percent (600;;1) of the requirement listed in Subdivision 3-5 [H]. provided that the owner grants an easement to the public for automobile parking use over the subject area. The owner shall retain responsibility for maintenance of said parking area. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. / /s/ / Council Agenda - 10/9/00 5E. Consideration of approvin!:! new hires and departures for the Community Center, City Hall and Liquor Store. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently at the Monticello Community Center. liquor store and city hall. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the five part-time employees for the Community Center, city hall and liquor store identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new part-time employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Sieg, Daniel J wheel park attendant MCC 9/4/00 PT Link, Trevor J pool attendant MCC 9/7/00 PT Moran, Michael J clerk Liquor Store 9/16/00 PT Evans, Harry A custodian MCC 9/16/00 PT Keppers, Mary receptionist City Hall 10/3/00 PT TERMINA TING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Modesitt, Rae Rogosheske, Kristin voluntary involuntary MCC MCC 9/19/00 9/14/00 PT PT i- employee cc listxls.xls: 09/26/2000 r-- t= i :) Council Agenda - 10/9/00 SF. Consideration of resolution supporting a fee increase for Deputy Registrar. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: A primary legislative of objective of the Minnesota Deputy Regi strar' s Association for the next legislative session will be to achieve approval of a fee increase for deputy registrars. The last fee increase was in 1989 when the fees were raised by $.25 to the current $3.50 per transaction amount. The Deputy Registrar Association is asking for support from city councils that provide motor vehicle services to their citizens to adopt a resolution supporti ng the Association's efforts to seek legislative changes in the fees. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution supporting attempts to increase the fees for deputy registrar transactions. 2. Do not adopt a resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the resolution be adopted supporting the effort to increase the deputy registrar fees. The cost for the City of Monticello to provide this service for its residents has risen over the years. It would seem appropriate for the legislature to al10w the fees to be increased to cover the increased cost of-operations. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy ofthe resolution. RESOLIJTION NO. 2000-71 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A FEE INCREASE FOR DEPUTY REGISTRARS WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota established a puhlic/private deputy registrar system to provide citizens convenient locations to conduct title registration services for motor vehicles and DNR recreational vehicles; and, WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota in 1949 established a user service fee on motor vehicle transactions to be retained by the deputy registrar to defray the cost of providing the local service; and, WHEREAS, since 1983, the user service fee for motor vehicle transactions has had only one increase of $0.25 in 1989. Since 1989, the consumer price index has increased by more than 35% and the minimum wage has increased 41 %; and, WHEREAS, the deputy registrar administrative fee is a user fee that should fully support the cost of providing motor vehicle transactions; and, WHEREAS, the user service fee no longer covers the operational costs to maintain most deputy registrar offices. Many puhlic registrars must use property tax levy to subsidize this service. With legislatively imposed levy limits this becomes increasingly difficult. Rural areas with lower volumes are in jeopardy of losing service. NOW THER[~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Monticello supports and recommends a user service fee increase in the year 2001 to maintain local title and registration service to the citizens of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of Monticello further recommends that the legislature provide for future service fee increases hased on an acceptable economic indicator. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 9th day of October, 2000. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator s~ Council Agenda - 10/09/2000 5G. Consideration of ratifvin1! appointment of a reolaeement park department emplovee. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROIJND: The city received 46 park employee applications for the position vacated when Tom Pawelk was transferred to the street department. Seven individuals were interviewed for the position. As of the writing of this agenda, the selection committee consisting of the Public Works Director and Parks Superintendent have narrowed the field to two candidates. A second intcrview is being conductcd with one ofthose candidates over the weekend and a decision will be made and references checked prior to Monday evening's meeting. We will, therefore, provide the name of the individual selected and his background at Monday evening's meeting. ~.. Council Update - 10/09/2000 5.G. Consideration of ratifvine appointment of replacement park department emplovee. (].S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As stated in your council agenda, City staff had narrowed the selection to two candidates as of last Friday for the replacement park worker. I am pleased to inform you that we have selected Leo Schroden of Big Lake Township for the new park employee. Mr. Schroden has worked the last three and a half years with Nature's Little Helper, a local complete irrigation service company. Mr. Schroden has a broad range of knowledge and skills and should be an asset to our park department. His references checked out extremely well. With your confirmation of the hiring ofMr. Schroden we will schedule a medical physical as required by city ordinance. The park position is a union position with the Local 49 Operating Engineers and the starting pay is $13.65 per hour. City Council Agenda - 10/09/00 511. Consideration ofa rec.]Uest for a simple subdivision requesting that Lots 6 and 7, Manhattan Lots, 321 Riverview Drive, be split into two separate parcels. Applicant: Michael and Pamela Wigen. (JO/FP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Lots 6 and 7, Manhattan Lots are currently recorded under the same Property Identification number [PID] and as such are a single parcel of land. City approval of a simple subdivision is required to enable each of the lots to be considered independent tax parcels with independent PID numbers. Mr. and Mrs. Wigen have started construction on that portion of the parcel described as Lot 6. The attached land survey reflects that development. After the simple subdivision is approved, the Wigen's residence will be fully conforming to the Zoning Code upon only Lot 6. Lot 7 will be returned to the party who intended to sell only Lot 6 to the Wigens , and will remain undeveloped at this time. The Planning Commission reviewed this item on 10/3/00 and recommended approval of this simple subdivision. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Motion to approve the simple subdivision of that parcel described as Lots 6 and 7, Manhattan Lots, to created two parcels to be known as Lot 6, Manhattan Lots; and Lot 7 Manhattan Lots. 2. Motion to deny the simple subdivision. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Copy ofland survey describing Lots 6 and 7, Manhattan Lots. -1- ~I ) .,. J L I(') (i? EA5E,~ENr ^" 908 0 ...; I -- 9~5/ t~;;:- ---- / S~ ~O '0,,-:;-- - 'r i. E c---. 10 / ~ 99 8$ -- <, exr:rTTMG 1O.JSE ----- ,y~~ /5 '00. /( <J055 " t Ii' 5 9(>5,9 91)1,;> / / / I I / If/ lit' ~/ / 't tJfl.J / 1. . 9080 / ,!if / ~ / Cr) :~ i1 ;~ ;:j1 <::: i? ;1 "^' 1 Y 6 gol, I ~q~~~ So. "''' '~ ~i.t:~ 7 ---- / / / / \ ----- ~-- -= . <....,:, I I \ 915 5 ~ C'S.4 1C11 C" r . 11. .... COU'fr." .~. :a.. 41yy ~ r" _ i f ----Z -'..t:> ----- ~"<-- -- -- /5 V4 _..-: ____ I --.. .,- -e. ---.....;.. ~, ~-, -'''-- -- . ;... ,~~ -j =-~ """"'<-o-e C/-y -:<-,. , --<;> - Council Agenda - 10/9/00 51. Consideration of approval of Chan!!c Order No.1 to the Chelsea Road West and Brentwood Circle Improvement Proiect No. 98-25C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Change Order No. 1 involves the adding of a 6" sanitary sewer service and reconstruction of sanitary sewer manholes along the Chelsea Road West project. The total cost of the change order is $8,386.00. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the Change Order No.1 in the amount of $8,386.00 for the additional 6" sanitary sewer service as noted above. 2. Do not approve the change order. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the project engineer and city administrator that the change order be approved as outlined above. The cost of this improvement will he assessed to benefitting property. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of Change Order No.1. Chelsea Road WestlBrentwood Circle -. Street, Utilities and Appurtenant Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 98-25C WSB Project No. 1196.01 --- _.~"--,.~.._.,- '~"_--'..,-",.- ,."'_.~. .~~~-~ ~~-',. -.. .. '~"-,,~,_.- -"'---~ Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: September 25, 2000 1---.-.-..----.. - on ...._'--'----_._--".~".~,~. ",'".-- -.'''''''-~ ._.~- -'''~.~~ Contractor: Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. I Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the fOllowing changes in the Contract Document description: The following items are added to the contract, as attached. 6" Sanitary Sewer Service Mill Bituminous Reconstruct Sanitary Sewer Manholes CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price: $1,399,891.10 Original Contract Time: September 15, 2000 .... .- ."._-_. --""-"---,"',,~'--- .r~"'~__ ____.u________.__._.____.,._ .... .. Previous Change Orders: No.- to - Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None -...--,...-...----....,,- -- ..--.". '..~ ---."" ~" _."......".",.....,---- _0'.,,"_'.,',- Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $1,399,891.10 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: September 15, 2000 "'-'-"'.._-,~,'..'._.,,- -,_. . -... '"..~ --..,.--.,-.-....".,.,..-.-- _....,.".n~_ Net Increase of This Change Order: $8,386.00 Net Increase of Change Order: None . ----.--.-- ..,---~.~ .~---,.,-~~,.._--,-~,.-".. -.".' -,' .._--'~.', ,...,~".,... ------- .. -_._~, ..~-----,."._,-- Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $1,408,277.10 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: - . -.-.---.-..-- -- --,-~ .~-". ~'.,'.~ '~ ._"".,--,',..,,,'-'''-~-~.-".~,'' ..- --- Recommended By' ~~~ Approved By: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. WSB & Associates Inc. Barbarossa and Sons Inc. Engineer Contractor APp<oved15J A- ~ Approved By: Date of Council Action: City Engineer I City Administrator CHANGE ORDER NO.1 'C"\'" .~ .,/ Change Order NO.1 Chelsea Road West/Brentwood Circle -- Street, Utilities and Appurtenant Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 98-25C WSB Project No. 1196.01 Added Item(s) Item No. Spec. No. .._,..~-_...,.'_. -." --... -_..~.._,._,,_.'-"_.- Description Total Add 6" Sanitary Sewer Service - --------- Mill Bituminous --"""",--."..--.....,.,-."..---.... Reconstruct Sanitary Sewer Manholes -..,----..- --". .---, .._...,,~,.,-~ Units Total Qty. Unit Price Item Total LS .---.,'..- .",,--,,'."- -.-.-.,,"--- $4,400.00 $ 4,400.00 LS ---- -------- $2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 LS -.---'..- ..._-",'-_.,,'_.,_.._-~~- $1,186.00 $ 1,186.00 $8,386.00 F:\WPWIN\1196-01\co.1 5J. Consideration of appointment of Community Center Advisory Board members. (KE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the September 11th City Council meeting, the Council approved the ordinance establishing the Community Center Advisory Board with board members to include two (2) members for a start up term of 39 months, two (2) members for a start up term of 27 months and one (1) member for a start up term of 15 months, for a total of five (5) members on the Board. The Council asked that Harvey Kendall and Bob Murray, current Small Group members, remain as charter members of this board for the 39 month term and Mayor Belsaas (also Small Group member) remain as a voting member and City Council representative for a 27 month term. We advertised then to fill the remaining 27 month term and the 15 month term. The Community Center Small Group is recommending Wanda Kraemer to fill the 27 month term on the Community Center Advisory Board and Idella Ziegler to fill the 15 month term on the Advisory Board. Both Wanda and Idella have had experience on volunteer boards and in organizations within the Monticello community and have expressed their interest in serving on this new board. Wanda Kraemer, as a former city employee, was instrumental in helping establish policies and programs for the community center. Idella Ziegler has been a charter member of and takes great pride in the community center and all of the amenities that Monticello has to offer. We believe that both candidates would be excellent board members. The Small Group has voted to move their regular meetings to 4:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month to make the meetings more accessible to the public. The student ex-officio member has not been confirmed at this time. More information may be available at the Council meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the candidates as Community Center Advisory Board members. 2. Motion to deny the candidates as Community Center Advisory Board members. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative number 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letters from Wanda Kraemer and Idella Ziegler. SEP-25-2000 MON 02:35 PM VEIT ENVIROMENTAL FAX NO. 763 428 3574 p, 02 9/25/00 Kitty Baltos Community Centc!' Director 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 D~ar Kitty Ballas. I would he interested in applying far a position on the advisory board for the Monticello Comnll.tnlly Center, During my employment with the City I was very involved with the community center project so I am familiar with constructiou and operations of the center. My strengths to the board would be the knowledge of the operations and the ability to work wiLh people ill the community, At this time I am working 01.lt of town, however; J would be available for meeLings by 4:30 or evenings. If you have any furlher questions or conuncnts, please feel fi:ce to conlnet me at 428.6725-work or 295-2733-home. w;:~~~ Wanda Kraemer 1009 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 fJ~ u ~~~~~ rc; #L '. ~ . ~ . ,f~) . ~~/~~ ~.. v.~-- ~ ~Mf. cf/7ll3~/~~~,k?A-tf~) 4~ ./3~ r /1'~' ~ ~~/h~-,-;;:.~~f ~ z1k)1?~o';f,. x1~ i,/h4. 4~. ~.~ a-U ~M ?/.1fl-'l~ G:f. ~..~ na#~ ~~~~. ' -J~ · ~r a., ~.e.v~ ~ k- ~ 1 ~ ~ ff de-~' ~~ /1, ~- . ~ - ~vd;<f~~ e1c. ~ r.ev. ~ ~ v-:, .~ ~/~t ~ ~ ~ + 7 ~ .:n/~1Ja-:I1N-- . . .' J~ ~ ~~ tr-v, ~ ~~~~r-~- ~- ~d ~"....e ~ ~f ~ ~ 'i' ~~;-;b ~ d.L-( ~ ~.~ ~~~~~ v ~ ~;;t. r~~~ q ~ ~ ~. () xt . ~J f;d: "M~2 ~~.kJ c1 r.5 eJ 7..) d.J .. /:M I-,(/; ~ 'i!i. zt,.. , y.. ;t () 3 }'J/J~ ~ ~ YJ11H. 55 J 6,), . .x:f~. ,7$. dffi-v.-A'~; %4.JJ~ . . ' ~ .. d/1'iJ . b ~ a.d- ~ ~ m~~~.'. ....>. ~....~... ~,~ ~,,/1, ,Q.. ~ .~-'.~ e<?W1 /I>,~;4 ~:-L d~ ~. . .' .' . ~~~~~~~f~ ~ ~~ ft d;: ~~zk;. nr ~~a.J-/ ~ ~ ~ rY)"",,~ ~ ~ ~ ~d ~ ~~ ~~ '} ~ ~.A'V'~4 ~ 1.2--1' ,..~ ~~ ~~~t~~- ~I ~b"l-~~/.~ ~A4'J~r }It. ~~ ~ r ~ ?d M h. ~~. . '-I ~ ~ ~~ ~ "",....0;4, rPa... Ii.- ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~4~~~ a ~ p r ~ ~ e;...,... /'M~ ~~ ~~. ()~~ ~ ~. ~ ~/~. -;?-e ~ ~~ /,;t~,O~~ ~ -th ~-r ~ ~ hi "" ke:4 h..--J ,:L..-,{ ~~j~44~~~ -<f~ -m~~ /l~. h1"",~~ ~~ City Council Agenda - ] 0/09/00 5K. Consideration of approval of final plat and development agreement for Klein Farms Estates 4th Addition. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On August 14,2000 the City Council granted approval of the preliminary plan and development stage PUD for the Klein Farms Estates 4th Addition. Council is now asked to consider granting final plat and development agreement approval. Subsequent to the previous meeting, the developer has completed the landscaping plan and completed the final plat. The City Engineer has reviewed the plans and adjustments have been made to the plans to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The summary of the project costs, financial security requirements and City fees arc attached along with the development agreement and final plat. The association documentation has not been prepared, therefore the City should withhold signatures on the plat until this step has been completed. Please note that the development agreement and summary sheet are in "draft form" pending submittal of final cost figures. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the development agreement and final plat. Motion contingent on submittal of homeowners association documentation. 2. Motion to deny approval of the development agreement and final plat. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA Project summary sheet. Development Agreement. -1- DRAFT DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT RESIDENTIAL SlJBDIVISION - KLEIN FARMS EST A TES 4TII ADDITION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of , 2000, by and between the CITY Of MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota (the "City"), and D. Klein Construction, Inc., a Minnesota Limited Liability Company (the "Developer"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, Developer has requested that City grant final approval to a plat to be known as Klein farms Estates 41h Addition (the "Subdivision"), said land legally described as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Property") which Subdivision shall consist of 4 two family structures; and WHEREAS, Developer intends to construct, install, provide for and maintain streets, storm sewer, water main, signs, grading, and drainage activities in accordance with the plans and specifications as hereinafter described, all at the sole cost and expense of Developer; and WHEREAS, the City has by resolution adopted on the 11 Ih day of Octo her, 2000, granted final approval to the Suhdivision provided that the Developer enter into the within Agreement and that Developer faithfully perform the terms and conditions contained herein. NOW, TIIEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual promises and conditions hereinafter contained, it is herehy agreed as follows: 1. Plat Approval. 'fhe City agrees to approve the Subdivision as requested by Developer on the terms and conditions as hereafter set forth. The Developer agrees that the Subdivision shall be developed in accordance with the exhibits attached hereto which are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. The exhibits are: Exhibit A -- Final Plat The final plat, association documentation and protective covenants must be approved and executed in accordance with City and County ordinances and filed in the office of the Wright County Recorder at Developer's expense no later than November 30, 2000. Failure to file the final plat, association documentation and protective covenants by this date shall render this Agreement null and void in its entirety. LV .=> f-. 2. Representations of Developer. As inducement to the City's approval of the Subdivision and entering into this Agreement the Developer hereby represents and warrants to the City: A. That the Developer is the fee owner of the Property and has authority to enter into this Agreement. B. That the intended use of the property is for two family residential development. C. That the Subdivision complies with all city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to, City subdivision ordinances and zoning ordinances. D. That to the best of Developer's knowledge, the Subdivision does not require an Environmental Assessment Worksheet or an Environmental Impact Statement, but shall prepare the same if required to do so by City or other governmental entity pursuant to law and shall reimburse City for all expenses incurred by City in connection with the preparation of the review, including staff time and attorneys' fees. 3. Developer Improvements. The Developer agrees it shall construct, install, and maintain certain public improvements ("Developer Improvements") on the Property, at Developer's sole cost and expense, in accordance with the following exhibits: Exhibit C -- Building and Site Design Plan/Landscaping Plan Exhibit D -- Construction Plan Developer agrees the Developer Improvements shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and preliminary engineering reports approved or to be approved by the City Engineer and the City prior to commencement of construction and thereafter, in accordance with all City rules, regulations, ordinances, and the requirements of this Agreement, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Street grading, graveling, surfacing, and stabilizing which shall include curbs, gutter and driveway approaches. (Private street). 2. Storm sewers, including all necessary catch basins, and appurtenances. 3. Water main, including all appurtenances. (Public facilities). 4. Sanitary sewer, including all appurtenances. (Public facilities). 2 \:~ ) 5. Setting oflot and block monuments. 6. Surveying and staking. 7. Site grading, berming, and landscaping consistent with landscape and the City Erosion Control Policy Residential Lots regulation. 8. Establishment of post office cluster box stands with groups of six or more in the single family residential area. 9. The City shall install street name signs, stop signs, and other traffic control signs at all locations deemed necessary by City, at Developer's cost and expense. 10. Street lights as deemed reasonably necessary by the City. 4. Permits. Upon execution of this Agreement, Developer and other necessary parties shall promptly apply for all permits, approvals, licenses, or other documents from any and all necessary governmental agencies (which may include the City, Wright County, PCA and DNR) so as to enable Developer to construct the Developer Improvements as herein contemplated. Developer shall use its best efforts to obtain the same as soon as reasonably possihle. Developer acknowledges that a per unit trunk water main fee, sanitary sewer main fee, storm sewer main fcc, and pathway assessment shall be incorporated into an assessment role for Klein Farms. The amounts identified are net costs after credits. Park/Pathway Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Total $1,600.00 $3,237.50 $1,662.50 $8.400.00 $14,900.00 The total assessment for the Subdivision is $1.862.50 per lot. If the City discerns said plans or applications are deficient, it shall notify the Developer in writing stating the deficiencies and the steps necessary for correction. Issuance of a grading or building permit by City shall be a conclusive determination that the plans or applications have been approved as to the requested activity by Developer and satisfies the provisions oCthis section. 3 5\L The City shall issue building permits prior to City acceptance of the Developer Improvements provided that the party applying fiJr the building permit agrees to withhold requests for occupancy until necessary Developer Improvements have heen installed, which inelude operational and tested sewer and water systems, and roadway development sufficiently completed to support access by emergency vehicles, snowplows, and garbage trucks, to be determined by the City Engineer in his sole hut reasonable discretion. Until such approval is granted, no dwelling may be occupied on either a temporary or permanent basis, except that model homes may be occupied by sales personnel for marketing and related purposes. Notwithstanding this provision, if the Developer is in default of this Agreement, as hereinafter defined, in addition to any other remedy provided by this Agreement, City may refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy for any lot or parcel in the Subdivision until Developer cures the default as provided herein. 5. Pre-Construction Activities. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre- construction meeting with City to review a proposed schedule for construction of the Developer Improvements. 6. Commencement of Construction of Developer Improvements. Upon obtaining all necessary governmental approvals, licenses and permits, subject to Unavoidable Delays, Developer shall commence construction of the Developer Improvements within ten (10) days. 7. Faithful Performance of Construction on mprovements. Developer shall install, construct, and maintain the Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Developer guarantees and warrants the workmanship and materials respecting such Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements for a period of one year following City's acceptance of the same ("Guarantee Period"). 'rhe Developer shall repair or replace, as directed by the City and at the Developer's sole cost and expense, any work and/or materials that become defective, in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City or its Engineer, provided that City or its Engineer give notice of such defect to Developer within three months following the end of the Guarantee Period. The Developer, or Developer's contractors, shall post maintenance bonds or other security acceptable to City to secure these warranties. 8. Inspection of Improvements. Developer authorizes the City Inspector and City Engineer to inspect construction of the Developer Improvements as required by City and grants to them a license to enter the Subdivision to perform all necessary work and/or inspections deemed appropriate during the construction of the improvements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City for all Developer Improvement items and expiration of any applicable warranty period. 4 s~ Construction and installation plans shall bc provided to City and shall be reviewed by and subject to approval of the City to insure that the construction work meets with approved City standards as a condition of City acceptance. Developer shall cause its contractor to furnish City with a schedule of proposed operations at least five (5) days prior to the commencement of the construction of each type of Suhdivision Item and Developer Improvement. The City shall inspect all such work items during and after construction for compliance with approved specifications and ordinance requirements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City and expiration of any applicahle warranty pcriod. 9. Acceptance ofImprovemcnts. Upon notification by Developer that any of the Developer Improvements have been completed, within ten (10) days City Engineer shall inspect the Developer Improvement and, at his sole discretion, determine if the Development Improvement(s) has been completed in accordance with the plans, specifications and exhibits attached hereto. If the City Engineer determines that the Developer Improvements have heen completed in accordance with said requirements, the City Engineer shall give the Developer written notice of the City's acceptance of the Developer Improvements within seven (7) days effective as of the date of the inspection. If the City Engineer determines that the Developer Improvement(s) is not completed in accordance with said requirements, the City Engineer shall notify Developer in writing of the deficiency and provide a reasonable date upon which to cure the deficiency. Failure by the Developer to cure within the stated time period shall constitute an Event of Default. 10. Completion of Developer Improvements. Developer agrees to complete the Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements on or before July 15,2001. The Complction date as provided herein is subject to Unavoidahle Delays as hereinafter defined, in which event the completion date may be extended by the period of such Unavoidable Delays. For the purpose of this section, Unavoidable Delays mean delays which are caused by strikes, fire, war, road weight restrictions, material shortages, weather that renders construction progress impossible, causes beyond the Developer's control or other casualty to the Developer Improvements, or the act of any federal, state, or local government unit, except those acts of the City authorized or contemplated hy this Agreement. In the cvent Developer believes an extension is warranted, Developer shall request such extension in writing to the City Engineer and specify the requested length of extension and 5 5L the reason therefore. The City Engineer shall determine the length of the extension, if any, in his sole but reasonable discretion. 11. Ownership of Improvements. Upon the completion of the Developer Improvements required to be constructed by this Agreement, and the acceptance thereof by the City, the Developer Improvements lying within the public easements and public right-of~ways as shown on the Subdivision plat shall become City property without further notice or action. Within thirty days thereafter, and before any security as herein required is released, Developer shall supply City with a complete set of reproducible "AS BUILT" and "DEVELOPMENT PLAN" plans in a form acceptable to the City Engineer, without charge to City, which documents shall become the property of City. 12. Clean UP. The Developer shall properly clear any soil, earth, or debris on City- owned property or public right-of-way resulting from construction work by the Developer, its agents, or assigns. 13. Erosion and Drainage Control. The Developer shall provide and comply with erosion and drainage control provisions in the landscape plan and City policy requirements as described in paragraph 3(8) and as otherwise required by City. As development progresses, the City may impose additional erosion and drainage control requirements if, in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City Engineer, they would be useful and appropriate in controlling drainage and erosion. Developer shall promptly comply with such erosion and drainage control plans and with such additional instructions it receives from City. 14. Hold Harmless Agreement. Developer acknowledges that its failure to implement the plans and exhibits as contained herein may cause flooding and/or damage to adjoining property owners. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties or Developer for damages arising out of such flooding and/or damages. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. In the event of an emergency situation requiring immediate action to prevent loss or damage to persons or property, to be determined at the sole discretion of City, the notice and cure provisions of paragraph 21 shall not apply and City is authorized to undertake any corrective action it deems necessary to prevent or minimize any such tlooding and/or damage. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties for damages arising out of said corrective action by City, and agrees to reimburse City for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by City arising out ofthe corrective action, including, but not limited to, any costs necessary to re-landscape disrupted soils located within the Subdivision. 15. Insurance. 6 5k The Developer will provide and maintain or cause to be maintained at all times during the process of constructing the Developer Improvements until six (6) months after acceptance of all Developer Improvements and, from time to time at the request of the City, furnish with proof of payment of premiums on: (i) Comprehensive general liability insurance (including operations, contingent liability, operations of subcontractors. completed operations and contractual liability insurance) together with an Owner's Contractor's Policy with limits against bodily injury. including death. and property damage (to include, but not he limited to damages caused by erosion or flooding) which may arise out of the Developer's work or the work of any of its subcontractors. Limits for bodily injury or death shall not be less than $500,000.00 for one person and $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall not be less than $200,000.00 for each occurrence. The City, City Engineer and Developer's Engineer shall be an additional named insured on said policy. Developer shall file a copy of the insurance coverage with the City upon req uest. (ii) Worker's compensation insurance, with statutory coverage. 16. Security fen Cost ofImprovements. Prior to commencement of construction of Developer Improvements. the Developer shall post with the City a bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or dedicated escrow amount (the "Security") in the estimated amount of 1.25 times the engineer's estimate of the likely cost of such improvements, conditioned upon the faithful construction of the improvements according to the plans and specifications and final approval of the City Engineer, and the terms of the subdivision agreement. As the improvements arc partially completed, the subdivider may request the City to release a portion of the security representing the cost of the completed improvements as determined by the City Engineer. but at all times there shall be security in an amount of at least I 2YYo of the estimated cost of the unfinished improvements. If any escrow account, bond or irrevocable letter of credit deposited with the City in accordance with this agreement shall have an expiration date prior to the Developer's obligations hereunder being complete, the Developer shall renew such security or deposit substitute security of equal value meeting the approval of the City planner at least 30 days prior to the expiration of such security. Failure to provide such alternate security or renew such security shall constitute a default and the City may declare the entire amount thereof due and payable to the City in cash. Such cash shall thereafter be held by the City as security deposit in the same manner as the security theretofore held by the City. 7 S'f- If the Developer fails to complete, construct, install or correct the Developer Improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications in the City, the City may perform the construction or work and apply to the lender pursuant to the letter of credit for the remaining funds and use those funds to complete construction. This provision shall be a license granted by the Developer to the City to act, but shall not require the City to take any such action. Developer consents to such action by City and waives any claim developer may have against the City for damages in the event the City exercises its rights in accordance with this provisions. 17. Responsibilitv for Costs. A. Prior to commencement of construction Developer shall pay the City $ to cover the City's costs in connection with the development of the Subdivision, including but not limited to construction of Developer Improvements, legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the Subdivision plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the Subdivision. 18. Required Tree Planting. The Developer shall be responsible for installation of tree plantings as identified in the landscaping plan and boulevard plantings as required by the city ordinance. Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter or at least two inches (2") at one foot (l') above ground. Required trees must be protected and supported by approved tree guards. Not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty percent (20%) nor more than fifty percent (50%) of the total trees planted in a block may be of the same species. On lots with a single frontage or for corner lots with double frontage on two minor streets, two trees to be planted per street frontage. Trees must be planted at a location between 4 feet and 10 feet from the curb. The Developer shall take into account the presence of utility systems when establishing the precise location within the stated acceptable range from the curb. In areas where sidewalk is being installed, trees shall be planted between the curb and the sidewalk 4~5 feet behind the curb. The Developer is free to direct builders to plant trees as required under the ordinance and this development agreement; however, the Developer is ultimately responsible f()r compliance with the tree planting requirement. The letter of credit under Article 7 acts as the security for the landscaping and tree planting requirements. 8 s~ 19. Park Dedication. Park dedication has been satisfied with the previous dedication of land associated with development at Pioneer Park. 20. Miscellaneous. I. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. 2. Third parties shall have no recourse against any party under this Agreement. Future residents of the plat shall not be deemed to be third- party beneficiaries of this Agreement. 3. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not afTect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. 4. So long as the City uses its best efforts to review plans and inspect improvements, the Developer shall have no cause of action for damages attributable to delays in the construction and completion of said Items. 5. No one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until sanitary sewer and water lines have been installed, hooked up, tested, and approved by the City. 6. The action or inaction of the City as to the exercise of any of its rights or remedies upon an event of default shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement as to future events of default. '1'0 he binding, amendments or waivers shall he in writing, signed by the parties, and approved hy written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release as to any event of default. 7. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be recorded in the Office of the Wright County Recorder. After completion of all Developer's obligations hereunder, at Developer's request City will execute and deliver to Developer a release of this Agreement in recordable form. 8. Both parties to this Agreement acknowledge they have been represented by counsel and have entered into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. 9 s~ 9. Developer shall install, or cause to be installed, all street lighting in accordance with City standards at Deve]oper's expense. 2]. Prohibitions Auainst Assiunment of Agreement. Developer represents and agrees that (except for associating with other individuals or entities), prior to the completion of the Developer Improvements as certified by the City: 1. Except only by way of security fix, and only for the purpose of obtaining financing necessary to enable the Developer or any successor in interest to the Property, or any part thereof, to perform its obligations with respect to the construction of the Developer Improvements under this Agreement, and any other purpose authorized by this Agreement, the Developer (except as so authorized) will not make or create, or suffer to be made or created, any total or partial sale, assignment, conveyance, or transfer in any other mode or form of with respect to this Agreement or any interest therein, or any contract or agreement to do any of the same, without the prior written approval of City. 2. In the absence ofspeciJie written agreement by the City to the contrary, no such transfer or approval by City shall be deemed to relieve Developer from any of its obligations. ]n the event that City approves a substitute developer and the Property is transferred to said substitute, the City agrees to relieve the Developer of liability from performance as described in this contract. Said substitute shall assume all responsibi I ities and rights of the Developer under this contract. 22. Events of Default Defined. The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Agreement and the term "events of default" shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement (unless the context otherwise provides), anyone or more of the following events: I. Failure by the Developer to observe and substantially perform any covenant, conclition, obligation or agreement on its part to be observecl or performed under the terms of this Agreement, or the Disbursement Agreement by and between City, the Developer and Lender. 2. ]fthe Developer shall admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or shall file a petition in bankruptcy, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of itself or of the whole or any substantial part of the property. 10 s~ 3. If the Developer shall tIle a petition under the federal bankruptcy laws. 4. If the Developer is in default under the Mortgage and has not entered into a workout agreement with the Lender. 5. If the Developer shall fail to begin construction of the Developer Improvements in conformance with this Agreement and such failures are not due to unavoidable delays as defIned in this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall, after commencement of the construction of the Developer Improvements, default in or violate its obligations with respect to the construction of the same (including the nature and the date for the completion thereof), or shall abandon or substantially suspend construction work, and such act or actions is not due to unavoidable delays as determined hy the City Engineer in his sole but reasonable discretion and any such default, violation, abandonment, or suspension shall not be cured, ended, or remedied within the time provided for in this Agreement. 23. Notice/Remedies on DeJ~lUlt. Whenever any Event of Default occurs, the City shall give written notice of the Event of Default to Developer by United States mail at its last known address. If the Developer fails to cure the Event of Default within fifteen (15) days of the date of mailed notice, in addition to any other remedy provided in this Agreement, and without waiver of any such right City may avail itself of any or all of the following remedies for so long as the Developer is in default: 1. Halt all plat development work and construction of Developer Improvements until such time as the Event of Default is cured. J Refuse to issue building permits or occupancy permits as to any parcel until such time as the Event of Default is cured. 3. Apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin continuation of the Event of Default. 4. Exercise any and all remedies available to City pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement. If the Event of Default is the l~lilure of Developer to complete, construct, install or correct the Developer Improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications and this Agreement, City may perform the construction or work and apply to Lender pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement to reimburse City for its expenses. 'I'his provision shall be a license granted by the Developer to 11 S~ the City to act, but shall not require the City to take any such action. Developer consents to such action by City and waives any claim Developer may have against City for damages in the event City exercises its rights in accordance with this provision. 5. Terminate this Agreement by written notice to Developer at which time all terms and conditions as contained herein shall be of no further force and effect and all obligations of the parties as imposed hereunder shall be null and void. 24. Miscellaneous. 1. This ^greement shall he binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. 2. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ^greement. 3. The action or inaction ofthe City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this ^greement. To he binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing. signed by the parties, and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. 4. Future residents of this Subdivision shall not be deemed to be third party heneficiaries of this Agreement. 5. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Developer. its successors and assigns. The Developer shall, at its expense, record this Agreement in the Office of the Wright County Recorder. After the Developer has completed the work required under this Agreement, at the Developer's request the City will execute and deliver to Developer a release in recordable form. 6. All parties to this Agreement acknowledge they have been represented by counsel and have entered into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. 25. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, or mailed to the Developer by United States mail, postage 12 S~ prepaid to the f()llowing address: P.O. Box 713, Monticello, MN 55362. Notices to City shall be in writing and either hand delivered to the City Administrator or mailed to City by United States mail, postage prepaid to the address: 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Developer have signed this Developer's Agreement the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Roger Belsaas Its: Mayor By:_________ Rick Wolfsteller Its: City Administrator STAfE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day 01'__ 2000, hy Roger Belsaas and Rick Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public 13 s~ DEVELOPER: D. KLEIN CONSTRUCTION, INC. By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of __~__ 2000, by , the of D. Klein Construction, Inc., a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the limited liability company. Notary Public 14 s~ THIS INS'rRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: OLSON, USSET & WEINGARDEN P.L.L.P. 4500 Park Glen Road, Suite 310 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 muni/mont/145 DevAgmt ]5 cv ~ '!-'-~ EXHIBIT A Outlot ^ of Klein farms Estates, Wright County, Minnesota. 16 ~)~ Summary of expenses - Klein Farms Estates 4-- Development notes October 6 - Estimates Only Trunk or Dedication Fees to be Assessed 1,75 Acres. 8 lots Acreage Acres Credit Charge Park $000 Does not a Acres Pathway $1,600.00 Fallon Avenue Pro-Rata share $0 0 $0 $0,00 Does not apply - covered with previous develop Sanitary Sewer Watermain $1,850 1,75 $950 1.75 $0 $0 $3,237,50 $1,66250 Storm Sewer $4,800 1.75 $0 $8,400,00 No ponds no credits Total amount to Assess $14,90000 $1,86250 Per lot Assessment based on 8 lots Letter of Credit - City Fees Const Cost San Sew, Roads, Storm Sewer, Sidewalk plus 25% $125,000 Includes landscaping City Fee based on 8% of total cost. $8,000 \JSP - Lighting Developer expense Grading Fee $0 No grading fee - project to small - no city exp T rees/Lanscaping $0 Secured by Letter of Credit DRAFT SK- Council Agenda - 10/09/2000 7. Review and discussion of options for rebuildin2: CSAH 75 (Broadway). (.J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During the workshop previous to the start of the Council Meeting, the City Council was presented with current information in regard to all of the comments we received from the general public. You have received information from the City Engineer in regard to ways to mitigate the overall efIects of the project. You have heard from Wright County regarding their opinions in support of the channelized left turn improvements. You have heard from the Wright County Sheriff s Department in regard to traffic. You have heard the projects of increases in traffic, the traffic speeds and the different ways for the city to keep the traffic from growing on Broadway by completing the loop ramp at CR 18, the East ]lh Street interconnect between the Catholic Church and CSAH 75. Also, the West 7th Street interconnect between Minnesota Street and Elm Street. You have read comments from the fire chief in regard to access from the proposed project. You have seen costs, you have looked at the plans, proposals and recommendations from the various planning bodies who put together the overall plan, and you each have an image of what you think Monticello should look like in 20 years and your own ideas of how best to solve the ever increasing traffic problems and safety problems occurring out there. You have heard ways that the project can be started and staged over a period of years, as well as a innovative approach by the Wright County Highway Department to allow a three-lane section for a period of time. Wright County needs an indicator from us as to how we are going to proceed with the project. They need to begin their design work shortly to keep this project on time and have it bid early in the year. The City staff needs time to prepare all of the necessary documents to go with the project, including our lighting and utilities replacement. We would like the City Council to give some direction to the staff as to which approach they intend to select. 'fhe actual staging of the project, the actual final design will be brought forth at future meetings for your comments, review and approval. Today the following alternatives arc laid before you. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative is to approve the installation of the median and configuration to allow an interim three-lane section which would allow parking, one lane in either direction and a designated left turn lane. The interim period of time would be five years or less if the three- lane section began to break down and cause significant delays. This would be the case if no other improvements were made in other parts of the city to alleviate traffic on 75 and traffic continued to increase beyond the projections. At the end of the five-year period or degradation of the three-lane section, the highway would be re-striped by Wright County for a five lane section and parking would be eliminated in all but the downtown area. 2. The second alternative would be to build the five-lane section and designated left. turns and eliminate parking in all hut the downtown area at the beginning. Council Agenda - 10/09/2000 3. The third alternative would be to table action on the approval of design of the roadway pending further study or analysis as ordered by the City Council. This may cause some problems for Wright County ifnot done promptly. 4. The fourth alternative would be to approve no changes in the four~lane section to request the county put the roadway in its original design with the exception of some safety improvements in the area of Pinewood Elementary School and Otter Creek Road, and to complete the final safety improvements started this year from Cedar Street to Walnut Street. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staLl including the various planning bodies and City Engineer, and the Wright County Ilighway Department are convinced that safety improvements need to be made on this section of highway. All of the data collected points toward increased traffic and increased severity of accidents if not frequency of accidents in the future. It is the statT s opinion that a comprehensive approach to the overall transportation i n the community should include channelization and designated left hand turns on Broadway. These improvements should include sidewalk on the north side of Broadway to provide pedestrian access to the side streets. This appears to be the fl)[efront orthe plan to get safety improvements completed. The addition of grass and irrigation versus a wide concrete median of solid white concrete are more of an image and beautification and quieting of the traffic, as is the addition of trees on the boulevards and medians, and lighting on the medians as well as on the boulevards. These improvements add to the vision or image or beautification of the city and have a tendency to quiet traffic and should reduce speeds. All of these improvements, however, could be staged. The main objective here should be to provide for the projected traffic increases to Broadway and a higher level of safety to the traveling public and pedestrians as a whole. Stall therefore, recommends alternative #1 and then staging of the image, beautification and traffic quieting portions of the project to fit in with the city's budget capabilities. D. SUPPORTING DATA: No supporting data is being provided with this agenda packet. Please refer to the packets provided at the workshop and those delivered to you in the workshop agenda and information provided at past and previous agendas. Council Agenda - 10/9/00 8. Presentation bv Central Minnesota Initiative -Connie Marcyes. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In June information was received from the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund regarding various projects they are involved in and requesting support of the Initiative Foundation. Connie Marcyes, Director of Development for the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund will be attending the council meeting to make a brief presentation. B. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of information dated June 16, 2000. June 16, 2000 INITIATIVE FOUNDATION Dawn Grossinger, Clerk City of Monticello 505 Walnut St PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-1147 Dear Ms. Grossinger: The Initiative Foundation would like to thank the City of Monticello for the $1,000 contribution made to the Wright County Capacity Fund Campaign. We are grateful for your interest in and support of our programs and are pleased to provide you with a progress report on various activities in our 14 county service area. At this time, we would like to invite you to continue to support our programs through an additional annual contribution towards our Phase IV (1997- 2002) Capacity Fund Campaign. m our 14-year history, the Initiative Foundation has improved the quality of life in the region by: · Distributing $22 million in grants and loans . Creating or retaining 5,159 jobs · Leveraging an additional $67.7 million in private business investment . Training over 500 community leaders The special partnership we share with generous friends like you has enabled the Initiative Foundation to distribute $1,480,747 in grants & loans in Wright County alone. Please note the enclosed project list, which details the work we have supported. We have been, and continue to be, an active force for economic development, community planning, leadership development and donor services in Central Minnesota. Because of your support the Initiative Foundation is able to provide gap financing for new and expanding businesses. In addition we provide grant dollars to area non-profit organizations, schools and units of local government, in order to keep our communities viable and healthy. Your gift does have direct impact on your community as shown with recent projects we've funded: GENTRAL MINNt~~()TA'S INfTlATIVE FUND 405 riftST SnU-:f!:T SE LITTLE h\LLS. MN 56345 PHONE: 320.632,9255 FAX: 320.632.925H '^""""".IFOUND.ORG g Projects Funded in Wright County (through 4/30/00) GRANTS AWARDED... ORGANIZATION NAME FY 2000 All Parks Alliance For Change Buffalo High School Buffalo School District City of Howard Lake City of Maple Lake City of Rockford Delano Public Schools (behalf/City of Delano) Economic Dev. Partnership of Wright Co. FY 1999 City of Annandale Hubert H. Humphrey Museum Learning Center Maple Lake School District FY 1998 City of Albertville City of Waverly Wright County Technical Center FY 1997 Buffalo School District City of Buffalo City of Maple Lake Dassel Cokato School District FY 1996 Annandale School District Cokato Charitable Trust Wright County Historical Society FY 1995 Annandale School District Cities of Rockford/Greenfield (Bi-county) City of Albertville City of Rockford City of South Haven City of Waverly Maple Lake School District Montrose Elementary Schools FY 1994 City of Maple Lake Wright County - East Wright County - West Wright County Economic Development FY 1993 Maple Lake Manor Northern Lights Commmunity Adv. Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Wright County CAP - Maple Lake FY 1992 City of Rockford Clearwater Economic Development Corp, Minnesota Pioneer Park, Annandale Riverside Community Forum PROJECT TITLE Central MN Outreach Program Buffalo Youth Aquaculture Cafe 22 Planning Capital Planning Process Healthy Communities Partnership Training Healthy Communities PartnerShip Training Healthy Communities Partnership Training Wright County Marketing Piece Industrial Park Planning Design and Development Community Building Initiative Strategic Planning Five Year Financial Plan for Capitallmproveme, NDC Finance Training Community-Based Learning Senior Housing Needs Assessment Housing Needs Assessment Character Counts Initiative Youth First Feasibility Study/Congregate Living Facility Hubert H. Humphrey Museum Family Enrichment Feasibility Study for Joint Sewer System Long Range Planning Feasibility Study Wastewater Treatment Plan Visionary Enrichment Project Roots & Wings Family Night Out Community Care Project Long Range Planning Long Range Planning Overall Economic Development Plan Intergenerational Program for Seniors Domestic Abuse Program TAPPP Assessment for the Future Emergency Assistance Comprehensive Planning Development Planning Project youth/Senior Volunteers Development of Community Pride Newsletter INITIATIVE FOUNDATION AMOUNT $20,000 4,900 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2,000 5,000 25,000 2,000 1,150 3,500 2,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 10,000 10,000 2,500 10,000 $10,000 2,500 10,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 5,000 8,000 10,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 10.000 2,000 3,500 1,000 1,500 9,300 500 (7 ,..j EXAMPLES OF LOANS AWARDED ... BUSINESS NAME FY 2000 Bonita Metals, Inc. (Highland Bank - S1. Michael) GEM Development, Albertville (Stearns Bank - S1. Cloud) Grandma Jon's Bakery, S1. Michael (Highland Bank - S1. Michael) Injection Technologies, Cokato (State Bank of Cokato) FY 1999 Ring Around the Pony, Maple Lake (Crow River State Bank) FY 1998 Advanced System Design, Buffalo (Buffalo National Bank) Jeff-Ex Muffler, Montrose (Riverside Bank - Brooklyn Park) Mink Lake Manufacturing, Buffalo (Oakley National Bank, Buffalo) Taralan Corporation, Buffalo (Buffalo National Bank) FY 1997 First Call Physicians, Inc., Buffalo (Buffalo National Bank) Product Technologies, Maple Lake (Security State Bank - Maple Lake) Standard Iron, Inc., Monticello (First Bank - S1. Cloud) .;y 1996 Counter Tops Plus, Buffalo (Rockford State Bank) Deck Rescue Plus, Rockford (Rockford State Bank) Eden Electronics, Montrose (Buffalo National Bank) Mumford Sanitation, Howard Lake (Citizens State Bank - Waverly) Vector Tool, Monticello (Marquette Bank - Monticello) FY 1995 Beckman Construction, Annandale (Security State Bank - Maple Lake) Injection Technologies, Cokato (State Bank of Cokato) Kirk S. Champlin, Annandale (Security State Bank. Maple Lake) MJR Well & Pump, Annandale (Security State Bank - Maple Lake) FY 1994 Mortensen Trucking, Monticello (Marquette Bank - Monticello) Standard Iron, Inc., Monticello (Norwest - Minneapolis) o;;y 1993 Suburban Machine/Mfg., Buffalo (First Star Bank - Plymouth) Council Agenda - 10/9!OO 9. Consideration of establishing ordinance regulatint! nawn shops. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: For a number of years, Walt's Pawn and Gun Shop has operated at 149 East Broadway in downtown Monticello. For the purpose of promoting the public health. safety and welfare of the community, a municipality may adopt an ordinance that provides stricter regulations on how pawn shops must operate in addition to those already required by state law. Many communities with pawn shops have their own ordinances that regulate who can operate a pawn shop, hours of operation, and numerous record keeping requirements in an effort to make it easier for law enforcement personnel to determine if any items being pawned are stolen, etc. Other than our zoning ordinance which allows this type of business to be located in a downtown commercial zone, the City has not in the past had any ordinance regulating pawn shops. Certain information regarding each transaction is required to be available to local law enforcement personnel but Sheriff's Department detectives, Paul Johnson and Gary Reiton had recently requested that the City consider regulating pawn shops further by specifically identifying procedures that pawn shops need to follow. Rather than the police department going to the pawn shop to pick up copies of transactions that have occurred, the Sheri ff s Department had originally hoped to have the pawn shops send a weekly summary of all transactions to the police department. In addition, the Sheriff's Department would like to have seen a regulation requiring the right thumb print on each receipt for pawned items that would also be subm itted to the SheriJTs Department. These types of regulations would help the Sheriffs Department in tracking down stolen items and determining who actually pawned the items. Since my initial discussion with Detectives Johnson and Reiton in June, the Sheriffs Department has obtained more information about a new automated pawn system that is used by the City of' Minneapolis that requires all pawn shops licensed within the city to transmit daily by computer all of their transactions to a central computer that allows the police departmentto continually monitor items that are pawned and to identify individuals who pawn the items. This automated system has become available to any county or municipal police department to utilize by entering into a software agreement with the City of Minneapolis and by agreeing to pay a $1 fee per transaction to the City of Minneapolis. This fee is recovered by the city or county by billing the pawn shop the same amount so that there is no cost to the individual city for this service. [n order for the City of Monticello to participate in this system, we would need to establish a pawn shop ordinance, whieh is the purpose of this agenda item. Since our police enf(Jrcement is contracted through the Wright County Sheriff's oHlee, Wright County would be the entity that enters into a software agreement with the City of Minneapolis. The Sherin~s Department will be responsible for remitting any fees to the City of Minneapolis and would also do the billing to the local pawn shops for each transaction they take in during the month. The real benefit of this type of computerized tracking is that it would allow any police department who participates with the City of Minneapolis the ability to access all items that are pawned in cities that participate with Minneapolis and identifying information on the individuals that pawned the items. The more communities that participate in the centralized repository of pawn records, the easier it will be for law enforcement personnel to track not only stolen items Council Agenda - 10/9/00 but also to track i ndi viduals who may be doing numerous pawning of items. If the ordinance is adopted, there is a one time hookup cost to the pawn shop, as well as the fee charge for each transaction. 'fhe estimated cost to thc pawn shop would be approximately $1, 100 for the initial equipment and setup. In addition, the pawn shop would have to add a service charge to each transaction of $1.00, which would ultimately be paid to the Sheriffs Department and then forwarded to the City of Minneapolis. While it is true that adoption of this ordinance would place additional financial cost on the operator of a pawn shop, it is believed that the benefits to the community of potentially eliminating a source for stolen property to be liquidated and the ability for law enf()[cement to track and return stolen property to its rightful owner outweigh the initial cost to the pawn shop. As Sheriff's Department representatives will note, many items are pawned every year in Monticello from residents of Minneapol is and suburban communities and you would have to question why are they driving out to Monticello to pawn an item rather than using a pawn shop next door to where they live? Is it because they can he tracked easier in the metro area? Closing this loophole would seem to be in the best interest of protecting the welfare of the community. I have asked Detective Johnson and Sergeant Reiton to be in attendance at the council meeting to further explain the benefits of this ordinance. I have also notified Walt's Pawn Shop that this item will he considered by the council Monday night. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt an ordinance regulating pawn shops and requiring participation in the automated pawn system service offered by the City of Minneapolis. 2. Do not adopt an ordinance at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the pawn shop ordinance be adopted as proposed. Many of the requirements of this ordinance are already required of pawn shops by state statutes, requiring a pawn shop to be connected by computer to the central date base of the City of Minneapolis would definitely allow all law enforcement personnel to easily track individuals and items being pawned in Monticello. If such an ordinance helps eliminate criminals from attempting to pawn items in Monticello or it allows items pawned that are stolen to be returned to their rightful owner easier, adoption of the ordinance would certainly bc aq benefit to the welfare ofthc community. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Sheriffs Department · Copy of proposed ordinance · List of cities that are participating or considering software agreements v~-rY Ok (J<> ~ ~~~ \l~_ ! "1, ..4y 1ss6 Non-Emergency Administration Records Civil Warrants Investigation Jail Admin. WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE GARY L. MILLER SHERIFF Don Lindell Chief Deputy Dave Miller, Captain Operations Gary Torfin, Captain Jail Administrator 10 2nd 51. NW, RM 170 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1197 1-800-362-3667 August 16, 2000 City of Monticello Mr. Rick W olfsteller Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Mr. W olfsteller: The Minneapolis Police Department has started a system known as the Automated Pawn Shop System (APS). I along with Sergeant Reitan have reviewed this system and feel that the City of Monticello needs to adopt these ordinances for its pawn shop. All pawn shops in the Minneapolis, Duluth, Rochester, as well as Surrounding Suburbs are hooked up to the central computer system which runs all pawn transactions. If anything comes back as stolen it will alert the local department where the item is at. There is a one time hook up cost to the pawn shop, as well as a fee charged per each transaction. According to ordinance the fees are added to each pawn ticket as a service charge. Computer access is also linked to the local law enforcement office who has access to pawn shop activity. This is a way of tracking suspect as they travel to other jurisdictions to sell their goods. Attached is the minimum suggested language for the ordinances that are needed for this program to work. This is a good program as it eliminates a source for stolen property to be liquidated, and it will track and return the property to its rightful owner. There is no financial gain to Wright County, the fee is collected and passed on to Minneapolis. There is an expense for the pawn shop owner, but a compromise is that Monticello currently has no licensing fee and you will see that Minneapolis charges annual license fee of $2,500/yr. I do have these ordinances on computer disk and believe the wording can be changed for your city, Please get back to me if you have any questions. /i;;~/ Paul A. Johnson Detective - 682-1162 682-7620 682-7622 682- 7645 682-7688 682-7630 682-7662 q Automated Pawn System ™ Service May 2000 Jurisdictions that have requested and received APS Service information Jurisdictions that have requested APS Software License and Service Agreements Jurisdictions that have signed Software License and Service Agreements Anoka County Attorney Anoka County Sheriff Becker County Sheriff Big Lake PO Buffalo PO Brooklyn Park PO Chaska PO Cottage Grove PO Dakota County Chiefs of -" Police Fergus Falls PO Hilltop City Attorney lino Lakes PO Litchfield PO Martin County Sheriff Ramsey City Attorney Rochester PO Roseville PO Sibley County Sheriff South St. Paul PO St. Louis County Sheriff Tri-County Investigator Assoc. Wright County Sheriff Airport PO Alexandria PO Apple Valley PO -Brooklyn Center PO Columbia Heights PO Eagan PO Eden Prairie PO **Faribault PO Grand Rapids Hopkins PO New Brighton PO Northfield PO Maple Grove -Red Wing PO **Sl Louis Park PO Stillwater PO Belle Plaine *8laine PO *8loomington PO *Burnsville PO Crystal PO -Carver County Sheriff *Coon RapidS PO Dakota County Sheriff Edina PO Elko-New Market *Fridley PO Golden Valley *Hastings Police Dept Hennepin County Sheriff Jordan Lakeville PO LeSeuer County Sheriff *Minneapolis Minnetonka New Hope New Praque Plymouth Prior Lake *Ramsey County Sheriff -Rice County Sheriff *Richfield *Robbinsdale PO Savage *Scott County Sheriff *Shakopee *Sl Paul U of MN PO Washington County Sheriff *West Sl Paul PO * Contributing jurisdictions ** Data contributor lordinance pending q 3-15-1 3-15-2 3-15-3 3-15-4 3-15-5 3-15-6 3-15-7 3-15-8 3-15-9 3-15-1 0 3-1 5-11 3-15-12 3-15-1 3 3-15-14 3-15-1 5 3-15-16 3-15-17 3-15-1 8 3-1 5-1 9 3-15-20 3-15-1 : CHAPTER 15 PAWN SHOPS Purpose Definitions License Required Application Required License Fees Bond Required Persons Ineligible for License Records Required Application Execution Daily Reports to Police Receipt Required Redemption Period Holding Period Police Order to Hold Property Inspection of Items Label Required Prohibited Acts Denial, Suspension or Revocation Business at Only One Place Separability Purpose. The city council finds that use of services provided by pawnbrokers provides an opportunity for the commission of crimes and their concealment because pawn businesses have the ability to receive and transfer property stolen by others easily and quickly. The city council also finds that consumer protection regulation is warranted in transactions involving pawnbrokers. The city council further finds that the pawn industry has outgrown the city's current ability to effectively or efficiently identify criminal activity related to pawn shops. The purpose of this chapter is to prevent pawn businesses from being used as facilities for the commission of crimes, and to assure that such businesses comply with basic consumer protection standards, thereby protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the city. ! To help the police department better regulate current and future pawn businesses, decrease and stabilize costs associated with the regulation of the pawn industry, and increase identification of criminal activities in the pawn industry through the timely collection and sharing of pawn transaction information, this chapter also implements and establishes the required use of the automated pawn system (APS). q 3-15-2: 3-15-3: 3-15~4: Definitions. When used in this article, the following words shall mean: Pawnbroker. Any natural person, partnership or corporation, either as principal, or agent or employee thereof, who loans money on deposit or pledge of personal property, or other valuable thing, or who deals in the purchasing of personal property, or other valuable thing on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price, or who loans money secured by chattel mortgage on personal property, taking possession of the property or any part thereof so mortgaged. To the extent that a pawnbroker's business includes buying personal property previously used, rented or leased, or selling it on consignment, the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable. Reportable transaction. Every transaction conducted by a pawnbroker in which merchandise is received through a pawn, purchase, consignment or trade, or in which a pawn is renewed, extended or redeemed, or for which a unique transaction number or identifier is generated by their point-of-sale software, is reportable except: (1) The bulk purchase or consignment of new or used merchandise from a merchant, manufacturer or wholesaler having an established permanent place of business, and the retail sale of said merchandise, provided the pawnbroker must maintain a record of such purchase or consignment which describes each item, and must mark each item in a manner which relates it to that transaction record. (2) Retail and wholesale sales of merchandise originally received by pawn or purchase, and for which all applicable hold and/or redemption periods have expired. Billable transaction. Every reportable transaction conducted by a pawnbroker except renewals, redemptions or extensions of existing pawns on items previously reported and continuously in the licensee's possession is a billable transaction. LICENSE REQUIRED. No person shall engage in the business of pawnbroker at any location without a pawnbroker license for that location. No pawnbroker license may be transferred to a different location or a different person. Issuance of a license under this chapter shall not relieve the licensee from obtaining any other licenses required to conduct business at the same or any other location. APPLICATION REQUIRED. (a) (Contents.) An application form provided by the city clerk must be completed by every applicant for a new license or for renewal of an existing license. Every new applicant must provide all the following information: (1) If the applicant is a natural person: a. The name, place and date of birth, street resident address, and phone number of applicant 2 q b. Whether the applicant is a citizen of the United States or resident alien. c. Whether the applicant has ever used or has been known by a name other than the applicant's name, and if so, the name or names used and information concerning dates and places used. d. The name of the business if it is to be conducted under a designation, name, or style other than the name of the applicant and a certified copy of the certificate as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.01. e. The street address at which the applicant has lived during the preceding five (5) years. f. The type, name and location of every business or occupation in which the applicant has been engaged during the preceding five (5) years and the name(s) and address(es) of the applicant's employer(s) and partner(s), if any, for the preceding five (5) years. g. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, crime, or violation of any ordinance other than a traffic ordinance. If so, the applicant must furnish information as to the time, place, and offense of all such convictions. h. If the applicant does not manage the business, the name of the manager(s) or other person(s) in charge of the business and all information concerning each of them required in a. through g. of subdivision (1) of this section. (2) If the applicant is a partnership: a. The name(s) and address(es) of all general and limited partners and all information concerning each general partner required in subdivision (1) of this section. b. The name(s) of the managing partner(s) and the interest of each partner in the licensed business. c. A true copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the application. If the partnership is required to file a certificate as to a trade name pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.01, a certified copy of such certificate must be attached to the application. (3) If the applicant is a corporation or other organization: a. The name of the corporation or business form, and if incorporated, the state of incorporation. b. A true copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation or Association Agreement, and By-laws shall be attached to the application. If the applicant is a foreign corporation, a Certificate of Authority as required by "l _J <1 Minnesota Statutes, Section 303.06, must be attached. c. The name of the manager(s) or other person(s) in charge of the business and all information concerning each manager, proprietor, or agent required in a. through g. of subdivision (1) of this section. (4) For all applicants: a. Whether the applicant holds a current pawnbroker, precious metal dealer or secondhand goods dealer license from any other governmental unit. b. Whether the applicant has previously been denied, or had revoked or suspended, a pawnbroker, precious metal dealer, or secondhand dealer license from any other governmental unit. c. The location of the business premises. d. Such other information as the city councilor issuing authority may require. 3-15-5: APPlICA liON EXECUTION. All applications for a license under this chapter must be signed and sworn to under oath or affirmation by the applicant. If the application is that of a natural person, it must be signed and sworn to by such person; if that of a corporation, by an officer thereof; if that of a partnership, by one of the general partners; and if that of an unincorporated association, by the manager or managing officer thereof. Any falsifiction on a license application shall result in the denial of a license. 3-15-6: PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR A LICENSE. No licenses under this chapter will be issued to an applicant who is a natural person, a partnership if such applicant has any general partner or managing partner, a corporation or other organization if such applicant has any manager, proprietor or agent in charge of the business to be licensed, if the applicant: (1) Is a minor at the time that the application is filed; (2) Has been convicted of any crime directly related to the occupation licensed as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 2, and has not shown competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties of a licensee under this chapter as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 3; or 3-15-7: (3) Is not of good moral character or repute. License fees. ~.! (a1 The annual license fees for licenses issued under this chapter shall be: ~,.J..t./) ~ '(I....f. (c7.h, Cou /"'~ ,'/ . ., f .. (b) The billable transaction license fee shall reflect the cost of processing transactions and other related regulatory expenses as determined by the city 4 q council, and shall be reviewed and adjusted, if necessary, every six (6) months. Licensees shall be notified in writing thirty (30) days before any adjustment is implemented. (c) Billable transaction fees shall be billed monthly and are due and payable within thirty (30) days. Failure to do so is a violation of this chapter. 3-15-8: BOND REQUIRED. Before a license will be issued, every applicant must submit a five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) bond on the forms provided by the licensing authority. All bonds must be conditioned that the principal will observe all laws in relation to pawnbrokers, and will conduct business in conformity thereto, and that the principal will account for and deliver to any person legally entitled any goods which have come into the principal's hand through the principal's business as a pawnbroker, or in lieu thereof, will pay the reasonable value in money to the person. The bond shall contain a provision that no bond may be canceled except upon thirty (30) days written notice to the city, which shall be served upon the licensing authority. 3-15-9: RECORDS REQUIRED. At the time of any reportable transaction other than renewals, extensions or redemptions, every licensee must immediately record in English the following information by using ink or other indelible medium on forms or in a computerized record approved by the police department. 1. A complete and accurate description of each item including, but not limited to, any trademark, identification number, serial number, model number, brand name, or other identifying mark on such an item. 2. The purchase price, amount of money loaned upon, or pledged therefor. 3. The maturity date of the transction and the amount due, including monthly and annual interest rates and all pawn fees and charges. 4. Date, time and place the item of property was received by the licensee, and the unique alpha and/or numeric transaction identifier that distinguishes it from all other transactions in the licensee's records. 5. Full name, current residence address, current residence telephone number, date of birth and accurate description of the person from whom the item of property was received, including: sex, height, weight, race, color of eyes and color of hair. 6. The identification number and state of issue from any of the following forms of identification of the seller: a. Current valid Minnesota driver's license. b. Current valid Minnesota identification card. c. Current valid photo identification card issued by another state or 5 q province of Canada. 7. The signature of the person identified in the transaction. 8. Effective sixty (60) days from the date of notification by the police department of acceptable video standards the licensee must also take a color photograph or color video recording of: a. Each customer involved in a billable transaction. b. Every item pawned or sold that does not have an unique serial or identification number permanently engraved or affixed. If a photograph is taken, it must be at least two (2) inches in length by two (2) inches in width and must be maintained in such a manner that the photograph can be readily matched and correlated with all other records of the transaction to which they relate. Such photographs must be avilable to the chief of police or the chiefs designee, upon request. The major portion of the photograph must include an identifiable front facial close-up of the person who pawned or sold the item. Items photographed must be accurately depicted. The licensee must inform the person that he or she is being photographed by displaying a sign of sufficient size in a conspicuous place in the premises. If a video photograph is taken, the video camera must zoom in on the person pawning or selling the item so as to include an identifiable close- up of that person's face. Items photographed by video must be accurately depicted. Video photographs must be electronically referenced by time and date so they can be readily matched and correlated with all other records of the transaction to which they relate. The licensee must inform the person that he or she is being videotaped orally and by displaying a sign of sufficient size in a conspicuous place on the premises. The licensee must keep the exposed videotape for three (3) months. 9. Digitized photographs. Effective sixty (60) days from the date of notification by the police department licensees must fulfill the color photgraph requirements in section (RECORDS REQUIRED) (8) by submitting them as digital images, in a format specified by the issuing authority, electronically cross-referenced to the reportable transaction they are associated with. Notwithstanding the digital images may be captured from required video recordings, this provision does not alter or amend the requirements in subdivision (8). 10. Renewals, extensions and redemptions. For renewals, extensions and redemptions, the licensee shall provide the original transaction identifier, the date of the current transaction and the type of transaction. 11. Inspection of records. The records must at all reasonable times be open to inspection by the police department or department of licenses and consumer services. Data entries shall be retained for at least three (3) years from the date of transaction. Entries of required digital images shall be retained a minimum of ninety (90) days. 3-15-1 O:DAIL Y REPORTS TO POLICE. (a) Effective no later than sixty (60) days after the police department provides licensees with computerized record standards, licensees must submit every 6 ~ 3-15-11 : reportable transaction to the police department daily in the following manner: 1. Licensees must provide to the police department all information required in section (RECORDS REQUIRED) (1) through (6) and other required information by transferring it from their computer to the Automated Pawn system via modem. All required records must be transmitted completely and accurately after the close of business each day in accordance with standards and procedures established by the issuing authority. The licensee must display a sign of sufficient size, in a conspicuous place in the premises, which informs all patrons that all transactions are reported to the police department daily. (b) Billable transactions fees. Licensees will be charged for each billable transaction reported to the police department. 1. If a licensee is unable to successfully transfer the required reports by modem, the licensee must provide the police department printed copies of all reportable transactions along with the video tape(s) for that date by 12:00 the next business day. 2. If the problem is determined to be in the licensee's system and is not corrected by the close of the first business day following the failure, the licensee must provide the required reports as detailed in section (DAILY REPORTS TO POLlCE)(b) (1), and must be charged a fifty dollar ($50.00) reporting failure penalty, daily, until the error is corrected, or: 3. If the problem is determined to be outside the licensee's system, the licensee must provide the required reports in (DAILY REPORTS TO POLICE) (b) (1) and resubmit all such transactions via modem when the error is corrected. 4. If a licensee is unable to capture, digitize or transmit the photgraphs required in (RECORDS REQUIRED) (9), the licensee must immediately take all required photographs with a still camera, cross-reference the photographs to the correct transaction, and make the pictures avilable to the County Sheriff upon request. 5. Regardless of the cause or orign of the technical problems that prevented the licensee from uploading their reportable transactions, upon correction of the problem, the licensee shall upload every reportable transaction from every business day the problem had existed. 6. (DAILY REPORTS TO POLICE) (b) (1) through (3) notwithstanding, the police department may, upon presentation of extenuating circumstances, delay the implementation of the daily reporting penalty. RECEIPT REQUIRED. Every licensee must provide a receipt to the party identified in every reportable transaction and must maintain a duplicate of that receipt for three (3) years. The receipt must include at least the following information: 7 q 3-15-12: 1. The name, address and telephone number of the licensed business. 2. The date and time the item was received by the licensee. 3. Whether the item was pawned or sold, or the nature of the transaction. 4. An accurate description of each item received including, but not limited to, any trademark, identification number, serial number, model number, brand name or other identifying mark on such an item. 5. The signature or unique identifier of the licensee or employee that conducted the transaction. 6. The amount advanced or paid. 7. The monthly and annual interest rates, including all pawn fees and charges. 8. The last regular day of business by which the item must be redeemed by the pledger without risk that the item will be sold, and the amount necessary to redeem the pawned item on that date. 9. The full name, current residence address, current residence telephone number and date of birth of the pledger or seller. 10. The identification number and state of issue from any of the following forms of identification of the seller: a. Current valid Minnesota driver's license. b. Current valid Minnesota identification card. c. Current valid photo driver's license or identification card issued by another state or province of Canada. 11. Description of the pledger or seller including approximate sex, height, weight, race, color of eyes and color of hair. 12. The signature of the pledger or seller. 13. All printed statements as required by state statute 325J.04 subdivision 2, or any other applicable statutes. REDEMPTION PERIOD. Any person pledging, pawning or depositing an item for security must have a minimum of ninety (90) days from the date of that transaction to redeem the item before it may be forfeited and sold. during the ninety (90) day holding period, items may not be removed from the licensed location except as provided in (BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE). Licensees are prohibited from redeeming any item to anyone other than the person to whom the receipt was issued or, to any person identifed in a written and notarized authorization to 8 Q{ 3-15-13: 3~15-14: 3-15-15: redeem the property identified in the receipt, or to a person identified in writing by the pledger at the time of the initial transaction and signed by the pledger, or with approval of the police license inspector. Written authorization for release of property to persons other than original pledger must be maintained along with original transaction record in accordance with (RECORDS REQUIRED) (10). HOLDING PERIOD. Any item purchased or accepted in trade by a licensee must not be sold or otherwise transferred for thirty (30) days from the date of the transaction. An individual may redeem an item seventy~two (72) hours after the item was received on deposit, excluding Sundays and legal holidays. POLICE ORDER TO HOLD PROPERTY. (a) Investigative hold. Whenever a law enforcement official from any agency notifies a licensee not to sell an item, the item must not be sold or removed from the premises. The investigative hold shall be confirmed in writing by the originating agency with seventy~two (72) hours and will remain in effect for fifteen (15) days from the date of initial notification or until the investigative order is canceled, or until an order to hold/confiscate is issued, pursuant to [section] (POLICE ORDER TO HOLD PROPERTY) (b) whichever comes first (b) Order to hold. Whenever the chief of police or the chiefs designee, notifies a licensee not to sell an item, the item must not be sold or removed from the licensed premises until authorized to be released by the chief or the chief's designee. The order to hold shall expire ninety (90) days from the date it is placed unless the chief of police or the chief's designee determines the hold is still necessary and notifies the licensee in writing. (c) Order to confiscate. If an item is identified as stolen or evidence in a criminal case the chief or chief's designee may: 1. Physically confiscate and remove it from the shop, pursuant to written order from the chief or the chief's designee, or 2. Place the item on hold or extend the hold as provided in (POLICE ORDER TO HOLD PROPERTY) (b) and leave it in the shop. When an item is confiscated, the person doing so shall provide identification upon request of the licensee, and shall provide the licensee the name and phone number of the confiscating agency and investigator and the case number related to the confiscation. When an order to hold/confiscate is no longer necesary, the chief of police or chief's designee shall so notify the licensee. INSPECTION OF ITEMS. At all times during the terms of the license, the licensee must allow law enforcement officals to enter the premises where the licensed business is located, including all off-site storage facilties as authorized in (BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE), during normal business hours, except in an 9 q 3-15-16: 3-15-17: 3-15-18 emergency for the purpose of inspecting such premises and inspecting the items, ware and merchandise and records therein to verify compliance with this chapter and other applicable laws. LABEL REQUIRED. Licensee must attach a label to every item at the time it is pawned, purchased or received in inventory from any reportable transaction. Permanently recorded on this label must be the number or name that identifies the transaction in the shop's records, the transaction date, the name of the item and the description or the model and serial number of the item as reported to the police department whichever is applicable and the date the item is out of pawn or can be sold, if applicable. Labels shall not be re-used. PROHIBITED ACTS. (a) No person under the age of eighteen (18) years may pawn or sell or attempt to pawn or sell goods with any licensee, nor may any licensee receive any goods from a person under the age of eighteen (18) years. (b) No licensee may receive any goods from a person of unsound mind or an intoxicated person. (c) No licensee may receive any goods, unless the seller presents identification in the form of a valid driver's license, a valid State of Minnesota identification card, or current valid photo driver's license or identification card issued by the state of residency of the person from whom the item was received. (d) No licensee may receive any item of property that possesses an altered or obliterated serial number or operation identifiction number or any item of property that has had its serial number removed. (e) No person may pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property not their own; nor shall any person pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit the property of another, whether with permission or without; nor shall any person pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property in which another person has a security interest; with any licensee. (f) No person seeking to pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property with any licensee shall give a false or fictitious name, nor give a false date of birth; nor give a false or out of date address of residence or telephone number; nor present a false or altered identification, or the identification of another; to any licensee. DENIAL, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION. Any license under this chapter may be denied, suspended or revoked for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The proposed use does not comply with any applicable zoning code. 2. The proposed use does not comply with any health, building, building maintenance or other provisions of this Code of Ordinances or state law. 10 3~15~19 3-15-20 3. The applicant or licensee has failed to comply with one or more provisions of this chapter. 4. The applicant is not a citizen of the United States or a resident alien, or upon whom it is impractical or impossible to conduct a background or financial investigation due to the unavailability of information. 5. Fraud, misrepresentation or bribery in securing or renewing a license. 6. Fraud, misrepresentation or false statements made in the application and investigation for, or in the course of, the applicant's business. 7. Violation within the preceding five (5) years, of any law relating to theft, damage or trespass to property, sale of a controlled substance, or operation of a business. 8. The owner of the premises licensed or to be licensed would not qualify for a license under the terms of this chapter. BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE. A license under this chapter authorizes the- licensee to carryon its business only at the permanent place of business designated in the license- However, upon wirtten request, the police inspector may approve an off-site locked and secured storage facility. The licensee shall permit inspection of the facility in accordance with (INSPECTION OF ITEMS). All provisions of this chapter regarding record keeping and reporting apply to the facility and its contents- Property shall be stored in compliance with all provisions of the city code. The licensee must either own the building in which the business is conducted, and any approved off-site storage facility, or have a lease on the business premise that extends for more than six (6) months- SEPARABILITY. Should any section, subsection, clause or other provL:;ion of this chapter be declard by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid such r!ecision shall not effect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part other than the part so declared invalid. 1 J Council Meeting - 10/09/2000 10. Consideration of contract renewal with PSG (US Filter) for an additional five years, versus city operation of the WWTP. (.J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: PSG, i.e., US Filter, has operated the city's wastewater treatment facility since September of 1986. Although it has been a formal contract, it has worked more like a partnershi p. PSG's standard contract covers fixed costs for all operations of the WWTP, all salaries, benefits and insurances related to operations, all operational supplies, telephone, postage, conferences, training, engineering services related to their operations and expertise provided through their other plants, and many intangible items. It also includes a maintenance budget allotment, which ifnot used is refunded to the city, or if exceeded under city authorization results in increases to PSG. Since the new plant has begun operations, thc additional cost above normal operations of the old plant to the new plant for electricity and natural gas have been a pass through to the city. PSG over the past decade and a half has provided a significant amount of services from their corporate offices and other plants to assist us through operations and design review and comments. One of their typical reports is enclosed for your review and involves a future proposal for thickening of sludge to delay the construction of additional storage capacity. Our typical contracts with PSG are for five years and, although the PSG operations are very comprehensive, they are not all encompassing of the operations of the WWT'P. We do budget separately f(x the maintenance of the biosolids farm expenses and buildings and property insurance, as well as vehicle insurance as the city does own the vehicles. Additionally, we do budget for miscellaneous professional services to cover engineering services and others which are typically within the scope of the contract with PSG. PSG's last five-year contract was up January 1, 2000; however, it was extended for a period of one year to grant us additional time to become more familiar with some of the utility operational costs of the new plant. This was done so PSG could prepare a "fixed budget" and the city could also prepare an estimated budget for city operation of the WWTP. This has been done in the past with each contract renewal proposal. The city has prepared a budget to replace the services of PSG and put numbers to those tasks and services provided by PSG where they were tangible and we could affix some type of cost to them; however, we were unable to duplicate some of the services provided by PSG or estimate those servIces. There arc currently four full time and one halftime employee at the WWTP. These employees are well trained, knowledgeable and have been through the entire construction of the new plant, and I am very confident in their capabilities of the operation of the facility. It is assumed that if the city took over operation of the WWTP, we would of Tel' employment at the same rate of pay and current benefit package to all of the existing employees at the WWTP. With this in mind, the city put together a budget for the first year of operation which amounts to $50 1,819. Our budget attempts to duplicate all of the services provided by PSG except the following: Council Meeting - 10/09/2000 1. Technology resources and support personnel for all aspects of operations management. 2. Process troubleshooting through company's wide range of personnel and expertise. 3. Guaranteed compliance will pay any fines if violations within plant capabilities. 4. Employee training program through corporate training officers and outside services. 5. Fully trained backup and on call personnel that can be used at the project as necded to supplement the existing staff, cover for open positions, etc. 6. Grant support to help with managing the work efforts and documentation associated with the performance grants for water and wastewater efforts. 7. Legal support. 8. Price incentives with US Filter sister companies. It should be pointed out that our budget is an estimate while PSG's is fixed. It would be difficult to estimate some of the costs involved with the above tasks or services. For example, the guaranteed compliance or paying of fines, or the extensive technical assistance and process troubleshooting available through PSG's corporate office in personnel. Also, fully trained backup personnel and outside employee training opportunities beyond what's available through the MPCA. Also, having a fixed contract and price incentives through US Filter sister companies, there would be significant savings in this area for larger pieces of equipment purchased. PSG's proposal for the first year of operation is $521,026, a difference of $19,207. The question is, is the difference enough to warrant the city taking back operations at the WW'J'P. Operations at the WWTP are stable in regard to the SBR operations. The sludge, however, is a different story. We have not yet completed the Class A heat pasteurization process and this could go on for some time yet. Additionally, we are facing sludge storage problems at the facility due to the inability to dewater sludge by normal settling process or decanting, or removal of clear water from the settled sludge. PSG's enclosed report shed some light on where we may be going in this direction. It would be difficult to go through these sludge issues in the future without PSG's continued corporate support and technical assistance. As with city operations, there would be an annual escalator for increase in contract prices, probably tracking the CPl index. PSG's contract proposal ifapproved would be similar. The final details of this part of the contract would be negotiated out but we would expect them to be simi lar with past contracts. In most cases we have been able to negotiate a price less than the CPI indicator with PSG, and the CPl indicator is only used when we cannot reach an agreement. Council Meeting - 10/09/2000 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative is to approve a new contract with PSG for five years from January 1, 2001, to January 1, 2006, with the first year price fixed at $521,026. The final contract would be negotiated and returned to the City Council at a subsequent meeting for final approval. C H (3 5 2. The second alternative would be for the city to resume operations ofthe WWTP based upon the estimated operations replacement budget of $501 ,819. This is assuming that all of the existing employees would accept employment with the city of Monticello at their same rate of pay and benefits. 3. The third alternative would be to prepare dctailed request for qualifications and then proposals for operations at the WWTP and request proposals from outside companies. It would take approximately 30 days to solicit qualifications from companies, another 60 days to prepare the final request for proposals and an additional 30 days for those firms to investigate operations at the ww'rr and prepare a proposal that could be returnable some time in February or March. If this alternative is chosen, the Council should appoint a subcommittee to begin this task ASAP and give proper notice to PSG. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the city of Monticello continue operations with PSG and prepare a final contract renewal for review by the City Council at a subsequent meeting based upon their guaranteed first year operational price of $521,026. It is our opinion that our working relationship with PSG, the qualifications of their existing staff and the advantages of having a broad base technical expertise of their firm at fixed cost with guarantees represents the best alternative for the city. Certainly, the numerous MPCA awards for operational excellence over the years also shows the success of our existing relationship with PSG. We, therefore, recommend alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed city operations of the WWTP replacement budget; Copy of sludge dewatering study by PSG; copy of proposal from PSG for a five-year contract for operations at the WWTP. PROPOSED CITY OPERATIONS BUDGET FOR PSG/USFIL TER REPLACEMENT WWTP OPERATION BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO YEAR 2001 SALARIES & BENEFITS (4.5 EMPLOYEES) Salaries, Full-Time/Part-Time Salaries, Overtime/Standby PERA Contributions (5.18%) FICA Liability for unemployment Medicare Contributions (1.45%) Health, Dental, Life Contributions SUB TOTAL SUPPLIES --~~~".._".~,.~~-~.- Printed forms, office copier, computer and cleaning supplies Clothing supplies (i.e., uniforms) Motor fuels Chemicals Misc. operating supplies (lab and safety) Equipment repair parts and maintenance supplies Vehicle repair parts Building repairs and maintenance supplies Small tools and equipment $178,500.00 $7,300.00 $9,625.00 $13,200.00 $1,500.00 $2,700.00 ~3;?,400.00 $246,225.00 SUB TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES ._.~~_~~._~~., '~M'''~ Misc. professional services (Certified Lab & 1/2 Pro Ag) Telephone (incl. alarm lines, fax, pagers and cellulars) Postage Travel expenses, mileage, etc. Conferences, schools and training Workers camp insurance Liability insurance Electric Natural gas Repair and maintenance machine & equipment License & permits Dues & subscriptions SUB TOTAL C:\BETH\SPREAD\WWTPBDGT.WK4: 10106/2000 $2,700.00 $1,300.00 $4,300.00 $17,000.00 $3,200.00 $21,800.00 $1,500.00 $2,500.00 $500.00 .. ~-,-~'" ,.~_._-_.,- $54,800.00 $12,650.00 $5,600.00 $450.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $9,200.00 $3,000.00 $90,000.00 $27,000.00 $6,600.00 $100.00 $300.00 $157,900.00 JO -Page 1- DescriRtion of Task or Service 1. Comprehensive safety program (contract "Safe Assure") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Comprehensive QA/QC program, audits and additional outside lab audits. . . . . . . . 3. Legislative updates on regulations including OSHA, EPA, MPCA, DOT, employment law and others (Information Services Co.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Technology resources and support personnel for all aspects of operations mgmt. . . 5. Operations support and troubleshooting, including but not limited to: design modi- fications, biosolids certification and process verification and permitting, biosolids disposal, solids handling,odor control, laboratory management, electrical audits and energy conservation plans, equipment research and much more. . . . . . . . . $3,000.00 6. Process troubleshooting through company's wide range of personnel and expertise N/A 7. Engineering advice through the company's engineering and construction dept. , , . . $5,000.00 8. Administrative services for payroll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ' . $780.00 9. Administrative services for vendor invoice processing and payment. . . , . . . . . . . . . $7,634.00 10. Administrative services for accounts receivable. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . $300.00 11. Administrative services for OSHA reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . .. Existing Plant P 12. Administrative services for MPCA reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . .. Existing Plant P .3. Financial tracking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,800.00 14. Personnel administration hiring, comp worth, benefits admin., etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000.00 15. Guaranteed compliance will pay any fines if violations within plant capabilities. . . . N/A 16. Computerized maintenance management system ($1,000 annual up-keep plus $8,000 first year divided by 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Computerized operations management system ($800 annual up-keep plus $2,000 first year divided by 5) . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 18. Employee training program through corporate training officers and outside services 19. Fully trained backup and on call personnel that can be used at the project as needed to supplement the existing staff, cover for open positions, etc. . . . . . . . , 20. Grant support to help with managing the work efforts and documentation associated with the performance grants for water and wastewater efforts. . . . . . 21. Legal support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . 22. National purchasing agreements for chemicals, operating supplies and other items 23. Price incentives with US Filter sister companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . 24. Communicati~n services recep!ionist, phone message~, paging, question/al1swer ',m SUB TOTAL ADDITIONAL Added items included in PSGIUSFilter overhead and administrative fees which would have to be funded by the city: Estimated Replacement Cost $5,000.00 $3,600.00 $1,000.00 N/A $2,600.00 $1,200.00 N/A N/A MINOR MINOR $2,300.00 N/A $4,680.00 $42,894.00 C:\BETH\SPREAD\WWTPBDGT.WK4: 1010612000 ,0 -Page 2- a~===E~-_- --- ~ ~----.....-. -------. - ------ iIIII/tIIII ___~_ - ...- --- 1401 HART BOULEVARD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 TELEPHONE 612-295.2225 FACSIMILE 612-295.4779 October 6, 2000 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Honorable Mayor and Council USFilter (pSG) is proud to have successfully operated the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility as a partner with the City of Monticello during the past 14 years. Below you will find a budget number for a five (5) year contract extension. This agreement would become effective as of the 1 st day of January 2001 between the City of Monticello and USFilter Operating Services. USFilter's Annual Fee for the first year of this agreement shall be Five Hundred Twenty One Thousand Twenty Six Dollars ($521,026), which includes a Repair and Maintenance Limit of Thirty Two Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Dollars ($32,880). The Annual Fee for the additional life of the extension shall be negotiated each year commencing four (4) months prior to the anniversary of the effective date. Should the City of Monticello and USFilter fail to agree by the anniversary of the effective date, the Annual Fee will be determined using an escalator tracking the previous years Consumer Price Index (CPI). If given the opportunity we would like to meet with City representatives to negotiate the additional contract language over the next thirty (30) days, It is our pleasure to serve the City of Monticello and we look forward to a continuing association. Sincerely, ~~ Sincerely, --P12f' -&/ ~ Peg Becker Area Vice-President Central Region USFilter Operating Services Chuck Keyes Project Manager, Monticello WWTF USFilter Operating Services fO oVlVENDl water compony 0 [c. ~. " " "' " ,-0 u U \!l " ef) ,- 00 "' '_0 <.J! C) ., ,,, M '" '" " "' 'D "' [" C" 0 (") '" CO 0 '" ,-- 0 D 0 ~ "' M M M ," ", '" " " " " " " "' ? 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Mr. Bondhus was opposed to the project moving ahead as he felt it was not necessary at this time. He also felt that the Monticello School District did not feel any urgency in completing the pond to act as a biology or nature center. We did receive word from the school district through Mike Benedetto that the board were not in any hurry to have the pond constructed. Consequently. we are making plans at this time to have the existing excavation filled and the area dressed up and re~seeded. This project as well as the overall project serving the future proposed industrial park on the Chadwick property, was a topic of discussion at the last industrial development committee meeting. City staff laid out ultimate plans for the new trunk line crossing 1-94 and serving the southeastern portion of the community, as well as the new industrial park area and acting as a reliever for the trunk sanitary sewer at Washington Street and the Burlington Northern Railroad. The consensus at the Industrial Development Committee Meeting, which was attended by John Bondhus, was that the actual project could wait but that the city should move forward in completing the plans and obtaining the easements but wait on installation until the need is eminent. Mr. Bondhus did not appear to have a problem with the suggestions from the Industrial Development Committee to obtain easements and have the plans drawn as long as the installation was not going forward. Consequently. that is our current plan. that the City Engineer will draft plans and determine the size of the eascments and we will make every attempt to obtain those easements but the actual construction will wait until the need is eminent. Ifany of the Council has a problcm with us proceeding under this scenario please petition the item to the agenda and we can discuss it at the meeting, otherwise, we will proceed as proposed. By: John E. Simola Public Works Director Economic Development Director's Update October 9, 2000 OUie Koropchak * Can you believe I've been employed by the City of Monticello for 15 years, October 5, 2000. Wow! * Update relative to the lIRA process for redevelopment of the North Anchor. BRA Chair Damn Lahr and myself have meet with O'Connor and Bostic relative to the BRA's interest and process to acquire their properties. We are scheduled to meet with the Carlson's the evening of October 11. At the BRA meeting of October 4, the commissioners authorized hiring of Terry Nagorski to update or obtain appraisals for the O'Connor, Bostic, and Carlson's properties and also authorized hiring of the firm, Conworth, Inc., as a relocation advisor to inform the residents of their relocation rights. Two BRA commissioners and staff continue to work with developers and architects relative to redevelopment concept options for Block 54 and 64 and the commercial northerly half and southeasterly comer of Block 52. Options which are both feasible and marketable. We are also working with Brad Johnson and Barry Fluth relative to redevelopment concepts for the Broadway Amoco+ site. After hearing the estimated tax increment expected to be generated from TIF District 1-22 (Downtown District) and estimated project expenditures, the BRA is looking to move ahead with plans for redevelopment of the these sites. Chair Lahr and myself will attend the next Parks Commission meeting to inform the members of the last few months work by the BRA We are trying to inform property owners first rather than property owners being informed by the public. These are exciting times and it's the hope of the BRA to have redevelopment plans and financial agreements underway by no later than June 2002. Upon receiving concept options, the lIRA plans to host a joint meeting with Council and appropriate Commissions. * Thanks for attending the IDC Banquet. I'm sure everyone had a good time, good food and wine, and excellent speaker. * The RFP for the 300,000 sq ft headquarter/production facility will be completed and in the mail by Tuesday to meet the deadline of October 13. * 100,000 sq ft three story headquarter facility - Monticello remains in the running along with St. Cloud. When decision is made the company will move fast. * 6,000.. 7,000 sq ft office space for lease. 28 jobs with additionalS-l0 in six months. * 100,000 sq ft facility. Company manufacturer louvers. 70 employees, will add 30 more. Average wage $12 plus benefits. ... 5,000 sq ft office/warehouse. Will lease or construct. Six employees, average wage $30,000- $40,000 includes benefits. Will add 4 -6 more employees. 125,000.150,000 sq ft - Cargill turkey processing plant - 275-350 permanent jobs in two years. 25-30 acres. Monticello wouJd need to immediately begin expansion of their waste water treatment plant. No plans to respond. If Council disagrees, please let me know. The HRA amended their Business Subsidy Criteria to include the enactments made by the 2000 Legislators and to increase the wage level: At least 90% of the jobs created must pay a wage of the higher of $9.00 per hour, or at least 160% of the federal minimum wage requirement for individuals over the age of20. This applies to the use of tax increment. The EDA authorized to make the same amendments.