City Council Agenda Packet 12-08-2003 Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING.. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 8, 2003 - 7 p.m. , Bruce Thielen .- Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Approve minutes of the November 24, 2003 regular Council meeting. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 1/ /7/)..t..{, 61.1{ ~~.v 141.Jf'~ft)R... ;fQ.v; 00 /" - iMA ~(ol,J ~. Citizen coml~1ents/petitions, requests and complaints. 1/ J I A,I /frIYlcl-f ~' 'Dlc\(Uud.. C q~~l!) - W,C. t-IJ?w("'~.J' Consent agenda. <- ast'f/1 (01( ~-lJJf..lt 6..... i~).C , '~~ k~- x~ ~lcrLl7S" p.l.{). (ho&Si~ ~4.c1-',;~ ~~ p) A. Consideration of ratifYIng r1ew hires for the corrHnunity center and Assistant to ~ S \V- Community Development Director, ~,^"",L C9 2. " J. 4. 5. ~ \~, Q... \\~. (),j (j) \Y \J 1. K. L. Consideration of approving license for Walt's Pawn Shop l .~. "P, f'J I;t(;~~.~ c. Consideration of fund transfers for 2003. D. Consideration of review of nine month liquor store financial report. E. Consideration of calling for a public hearing on changing the name of Oakwood A venue to Edmonson A venue between Chelsea Road and School Boulevard. F. Consideration of amendment to Comprehensive Plan to allow front yard parking on I Block 17. Applicant: Wells Fargo G. Consideration ofa request for a simple subdivision for 824 East River Street. Applicant: Kaz/Pingcl. II. Consideration of approving a conditional use permit to allow for first floor residential units in the CCD and concept stage approval for a PUD. Applicant: Barry Fluth/Landmark Square Phase II. Consideration of final pIat for Carlisle Village First Addition Consideration to approve second amendment to loan agreement between the City and Twin City Die Castings. Consideration of authorization to prepare feasibility report and preliminary surveying f{)r Cedar Street/Dundas Road/Edmonson A venue. Consideration of authorization for feasibility study and preliminary surveying for Hillside Farms Pond Outlet. -;)~~"1 - 9-X ~ \~~( l"-l"'-$.t. ~ ~ C (,~ ~ l/UCVSf1llfot<<0 Agenda Monticello City Council December 8, 2003 Page 2 .( ~.s 'cI~ ;f 8. A) ~~ I~~ l1rwJ- u: 10. 11. 12. 13. M. Consideration of approval of maintenance agreement with Wright County for 2003. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Consideration of resolution adopting final budget and tax levy for 2004. Consideration of salary schedule adjustments for 2004. Consideration of renewal of refuse contract and recycling contract with Onyx. Consideration of a request for conditional use permits to allow townhouse units in an R-2 District and request for preliminary plat approval. Applicant: Homestead Multi-Family Development Corp. Consideration of amendment to Downtown Revitalization Plan to allow building setback to accommodate front yard parking on Block 52. Applicant: Steve Johnson Consideration of authorizing feasibility report and preliminary surveying for Prairie Road. Approve payment of bills for December. 14. Adjourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 24,2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Mem bers Absent: None. l. Call to Order and Pledl!e of Allel!iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Aporove minutes of November 10, 2003 special meetinl! on annexation ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TI-IE NOVEMBER 10,2003 WORKSHOP MEETING ON ANNEXATION WITH THE CORRECTION ON BRFIT. I-IOLKER'S NAME. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. B. Approve minutes of November 10.2003 special meeting on industrial land acquisition. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING ON INDUSTRIAL LAND ACQUISITION. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. Approve minutes of November 10.2003 regular council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 10,2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the al!enda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADD AGENDA ITEM #13, REPORT ON 4-WA Y STOP SIGNS ON WALNUT STREET TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta requested that item #5A be removed from the consent agenda for discllssion. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose ofthe citizens comment portion of the meeting. No one spoke under citizen comments. 2-- Council Minutes - 11/24/03 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of installation of fence surrounding the Mississippi Room patio. Recommendation: Move to approve the purchase and installation of the fence for the Mississippi Room patio per the approved drawings. B. Consideration of ratify new hires [or the MCC. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of employees as identified. C. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for expansion of drive through banking facility and other site improvements. Applicant: Wells Fargo Bank, Minnesota, N.A. Recommendation: Approve the expansion of the drive-through banking facility as proposed including the interim improvements to the driveway, based on a finding that the plan facilitates the expansion of tbe bank site and tbat expansion would not be feasible within thc design limitations noted in the Comprehensive Plan. D. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for concept stage planned unit development and consideration of a request for a conditional use permit and variance for parking. Applicant: Walnut Plaza Partnership. Recommendation: Recommend approval of the parking lot design with a zero setback, with the condition that a connection to the adjoining parcel is provided, and based on a finding that the PUD facilitates joint parking use which reduces the overall need for parking facilities in the downtown area. E. Review and acceptance of 2003 annual sidewalk inspection report. Recommendation: Accept 2003 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report and authorize city staff to make repairs as necessary to the grid system, to noti fy the private property owners (off grid) to repair their sidewalks and to work with them due to the lateness of the season. F. Consideration of maintenance agreement with Wright County for that portion of County Road 117 south of the city limits to 85lh Street. Recommendation: Approve a maintenance agreement with Wright County for that portion of County Road 117 outside the city limits south to 85th Avenue. G. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 to Gillard Avenue Pathway, Project No. 2001-lOC. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of $857.90 for the Gillard Avenue Trail Improvement Project No. 2001-10C. H. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of work for the Gillard A venue Pathway, Project No. 2001-1 oc. Recommendation: Approve request for payment #3 and final in the amount of $,13667.44 to Sunram Construction, Inc. for the Gillard Avenue Pathway Project No. 200l-lOC subject to receipt of final paper work 2 2 Council Minutes - 11/24/03 1. Consideration of final payment for Front Street Reconstruction, Proj ect No. 200 1-06C. Recommendation: Authorize final payment in the amount of $12,046.65 to Schluender Construction Inc. for the improvements to Front Street, City Project No. 2001-06C subject to receipt ofrequired documents with the two year warranty period to commence as of November 24,2003. J. Consideration of changing the name of Oak wood A venue to Edmonson A venue between Chelsea Road and School Boulevard. No information submitted on this item. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH AGENDA ITEM #13 ADDED TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AND ITEM SA REMOVED FROM 'Tl-IE CONSEN]' AGENDA. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Item SA consideration of installation of a fence surrounding the Mississippi Room patio was pulled for discussion. Glen Posusta stated he was of the understanding that a fence had been purchased for the patio area and wondered why that could not be used. Bruce Thielen stated that a vinyl fence had been purchased for the area but the MCC didn't feel it was appropriate for that use. Since there were funds contributed for the construction of this project, it was decided to something that would go with the design of the building and make it more rentable. Glen Posusta asked how much in additional fees the MCC thought this would generate. Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director, said at this time she couldn't provide an estimate since fees had not been set. She noted there was a loss of rentals for the facility because of the view and also there were security concerns. Glen Posusta was concerned about spending $3,000- $4,000 for the vinyl fence that would not be used and since they are proposing to spend $20,000 for another fence, he wanted to know what the pay back would be on it. Kitty Baltos stated that it would only be used in the summer months and would be an upgrade to the Mississippi room. She indicated that the vinyl fencing would be used on city owned property on Linn Street. Glen Posusta also stated he had a concern with the material which was rough sawn cedar. This is the same fencing material the fire department had and he noted the maintenance problems with that type of fencing. Kitty Baltos stated that they decided to go with cedar fencing because there aren't many cheap options for fencing that would provide the privacy needed. Bruce Thielen added that the MCC Advisory Board looked carefully at this issue before making their decision. Glen Posusta expressed concern about spending $20,000 without council approval. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the only work authorized was the footings and regardless of what type of fenci ng was installed, the footings would be req ui red. Brian Stumpf asked if the MCC could look at something more maintenance free. Glen Posusta questioned whether there would be liability concerns with the rough cedar fencing. Kitty Baltos stated the area would be landscaped with plantings so that the fence would not be easily accessible to young children. '" j 2- Council Minutes ~ 11/24/03 ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM SA RELATING TO THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A FENCE FOR THE MISSISSIPPI ROOM P A 110 AS PROPOSED BY THE MCC ADVISORY BOARD WHO HAD STUDIED THE ISSUE ROGER CARLSON, ALSO NOTING THE MCC ADVISORY BOARD STUDY OF THE ISSUE, SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Public Hearin _ Consideration ofado tin su lemental assessment roll for Core Street Reconstruction phase Il>roiect No. 2002-14C. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provided background information on the supplemental assessment. There were three parcels under the core street project proposed for additional assessments. In two of the cases, the structures were duplexes that had been charged only as a single unit. On the third parcel the street assessment had not been applied to the two residential uoits on the lot. Eacb of the parcels received a mailed notice regarding the supplemental assessment. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing on the supplemental assessment. No on was preseut who spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. Glen posusta asked about the assessment given Emerald Estates. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, indicated they were assessed at the non-residential rate of $55/ft. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CORE STREET PHASE I IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2002-14C AS PRESENTED. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Public Hearin - Consideration of ado Improvements. Project No. 2000-16C. lemental assessment roll for CSAH 75 City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller noted that this assessment hearing was the result ofIhe request by the Prairie West Townhome Association to have the assessment for their common area split equally among the units in the townhome development. Mayor Thielen opened the pnblic hearing. Janet Bridgland at 1317 Prairie Creek Lane spoke thanking the Council for their consideration of spreading the assessment out in this manner and suggested that a follow up letter be sent out to the individuals in the townhome development providing information on the payment procedures and the cut off date to avoid interest on the assessment. Mayor Thielen closed the public hearing. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADOPT THE SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2000- I 6C FOR THE PRAIRIE WEST TOWNHOME UNITS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,805.84 PER UNIT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 L council Minutes - 11/24/03 9. Review of recommendations of staff on assessment a eals. At the public hearings for the assessment of the CSAH 75 and Core Street improvement projects held on October 27.2003 a numher of residents had filed objections to their proposed assessments. The council directed staff members to meet wilh the individuals io ao allemptto clarify the assessment policy and to verify that there were 00 inaccuracies in the assessment calculations. The affected property owoers were notified by leller of the scheduled review time for meeting with staff. The recommendations oftbe review groUP was being brought back to the council at this meeting. Rory Zitur 0054 West Broadway spoke to the council. He questioned why the procedure outlined in the assessment notice had not been followed by the City. He also questioned why city stall and council members were not part of the revieW groUP, He felt that a council member or City Administrator should have been part ofthe review group. He brought up the issue of being damaged because of loSS of access to his property. Mr. Zitur stated he did not have an opportunity to disCUSS his aSsessment concems with the Council. He asked ifthe council thought the residents were being treated fairly. Bruce Thielen responded that the Pubhc Works Director is a staff member and although the City Engineer and City Allorney are contracted, they were considered staff members. Mr. Zi tur stated his belief that these individuals had a cOnflict of interest. He also contended that the council and staff felt that individuals would not appeal the assessmeut because of the cost to do so. He reiterated his statement that council and other staff members should have been included in the review groUP, Bruce Thielen pointed out that the City council set the assessment policy and that the review group was to verify that the policY waS accurately applied. The City tried to spread the cost in a manner that was fair and equitable to everyone. Rory Zitur stated that removal of his access was a concem. It was pointed out that other properties had also lost acceSS. Bret Weiss stated that whether the property owner waS damaged was a different question than ifthey should pay the assessment. Bret Weiss noted the Council had made adjustments such as changing the rate from $70/sq. ft. to $55/sq. ft.; from asseSSing \ 00% on both sides for a comer lot to assessiug 100% on one side and 50% on tbe other side. Bret Weiss emphasized that it was the council wbo sets the policY not the staff. He added that the City of Monticello followed an assessment process similar to that of other cities. Bruce Thielen Suggested approving the recommendations ofthe review group excluding the Zitur property. Brian Stumpf. Bruce Thielen and staff members will meet with Mr. Zitur on his assessment concerns. Glen posusta stated that one individual was told that ifhis property waS like the Zitur property the City cOuld do something for him. Bret Weiss addressed this noting that one property owner said he had been damaged by this project and Bret Weiss had responded that they had two people who came in who said their access had been cut off. Bret Weiss felt the statement was taken out of context. City Allomey, Mall Brokl pointed out that the aSsessment was 5 2- Council Minutes - 11/24/03 originally adopted October 27, 2003 so only a few days remained to file with the district court. It was recommended that Bruce Thielen, Brian Stumpf and staff members meet with Mr. Zitur on Tuesday at 4 p.m. with Mr. Zitur to confirm this time. Bret Weiss stated that Doug Franks had a concern about his driveway which was concrete but had been paved over with bituminous by the county. Bret Weiss met with Doug Franks and county representatives regarding this matter. The county representatives indicated the county had followed their policy and that Mr. Franks had agreed to the bituminous paving. They had discussed possible solutions but Mr. Franks had notified Bret Weiss of his intent to file an appeal. Bret Weiss also addressed the school property assessment. The schoo I had requested a reduction in the amount of the proposed assessment. Bret Weiss was concerned about reducing the assessment because of the impact it could have on upcoming projects such as School Boulevard and Fallon A venue. The school district felt since the ballfields were used for more than just school functions, the cost should be reduced or picked up by the City. Bret Weiss did not feel a change in the assessment was warranted. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR THE CSAH 75 AND CORE STREET PROJECT EXCLUDING THE ZITUR PROPERTY. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. to. Consideration of fundin!! proposals for MYHA arena facility. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller summarized the meeting held between Glen Posusta, Roger Carlson, representatives of the school district and thc Monticello Youth Hockey Association. The MYHA wants to build an ice arena as an attachment to the middle school. Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the funding for the proposed arena. The original request was for $50,000 for 10 yeas and the waiving of SAC, WAC and building fees. What is now being proposed is an agreement that would have the City contribute $40,000 for 10 years, waive SAC, WAC and building fees except for any state surcharges and develop an agreement where the City would get 100 hours of open ice time in exchange for their cash contribution. Brian Stumpf asked who would be liable for any shortfall in operating revenues. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the school and the MYHA would be liable. MYHA would like to use the City's tax cxempt status for bonding purposes but if the City did this, the City would not be obligated for the bond debt. Glen Posusta asked Steve Hammer from the MYHA to address the shortfall question. Steve Hammer replied that they don't anticipate a shortfall but both the school district and the MYHA are setting up rescrve funds to cover any possible shortfall. Steve I-Iammer statcd that current cash flow projections do not take into account any growth in the area for hockey use. Glen Posusta stated that some people believe there is a circumvention of procedures in order to get this facility in place. Glen Posusta also felt that there should 150 hours of open ice time given for the City's contribution. Steve Hammer felt the 100 hours was comparable to 6 L-.. Council Minutes - 11/24/03 what others had done. Rick W 0 I fsteller asked how many months a year the facility would be open. Steve Hammer indicated that 9-10 months is the standard. Glen Posusta asked what the school is paying out for ice time. Steve Hammer thought it was around $30,000 a year. Steve Hammer also noted that the hockey association would have 540 hours of ice time. Brian Stumpf asked Glen posusta what he meant by saying this project came through the back door. Glen posusta responded that the ice arena had been part of earlier school referendums but that they had always been voted down when it came up as part of a bond issue. Bruce Thielen felt that by working together this facility could be constructed and he felt the recommendation of the committee should be accepted. Roger Carlson stated that a lot of good ideas had been discussed in coming up with this compromise. Steve Hammer anticipated having a joint board with the school district that wonld govern the operations of the facility. City Attorney, Matt Brokl suggested that the Council direct staff to prepare a letter of intent to be followed up by an agreement with the school district and the hockey association on the arena. ROBBlE SMIT MOVED TO DIRECT CITY STAFF TO PREP ARE A LETTER OF INTENT WITH A FOLLOW UP AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE HOCKEY ASSOCIATION FOR THE ICE ARENA FACILITY. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MO'TION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen posusta stated that in lieu of purchasing advertising, an individual could make a donation toward the ice arena and he stated he would match any donation Mayor Thielen would make. 11. Consideration of Joint Fire A2:reement Renewal City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller summarized the history of the Joint Fire Board noting that it was established at the time ofthe annexation of the NSP property into the City. The original agreement ran for 10 years and had been renewed twice, each time for a five year period. The agreement expired in 2000 but it was only recently that the Joint Fire Board realized that the agreement had lapsed. Rick Wolfsteller state that the agreement is different from typical contracts for fire protection services. The Joint Fire Board established a formula for sharing the cost of operating a tire department and purchasing capital equipment. If the agreement was terminated, the capital equipment would be sold and the amount divided up based on the way the expenses were allocated. Rick W olfsteller reviewed the amount the township contributed for the fire hall building noting that of a total of $950,000 for the , building, the township had paid $75,000. The Council needs to determine whether to renew the agreement, make modifications to the agreement or terminate the agreement andoffer fire protection services to the township on a contract basis. The question is whether the Council wants to deal with this issue now or just continue the agreement for another year. Brian Stumpf stated that the Joint Fire Bnard has been meeting and bringing their decisions back to the city and township board as ifthe agreement was still in place. Brian Stumpf would like to see this continue for the time being and let the Joint Fire Board come up with a recommendation for the city and the township regarding the agreement. Bruce Thielen noted that right now there is no agreement in place. Ifthe Joint Fire Board is to continue there 7 L Council Minutes - 11/24/03 should be some kind of governing document. It was suggested with the annexation issue it might be better to come up with a short term agreement that would expire in December 2004 and have the Joint Fire Board work on a new agreement or per parcel contract and come back with their recommendation sometime in September or October. Brian Stumpf felt strongly that the Joint Fire Board should be looking at this issue. Rick Wolfsteller questioned whether they should use the same agreement language as there are some items that need clarification such as what qualifies as capital equipment and spelling out procedures when only one entity purchases capital equipment. Robbie Smith felt these were issues the Joint Fire Board should be discussing and Brian Stumpf felt some of this would be at the discretion of the fire chief. Bruce Thielen asked the City Attorney if there was something that could be put together within a couple of weeks. Rick W olfsteller suggested going with a short term agreement through 2004 because he didn't feel the capital equipment and purchasing questions would come up in a short term agreement. City Attorney, Matt Brokl stated that right now there is no agreement and if they were proposing to make significant changes to the agreement, he would suggest sending it to the Joint Fire Board and offer to continue it for one year rather than try to come up with an interim agreement. It was suggested that the current position is to continue to operate as they have in the past through December 2004 and allow the Joint Fire Board to come up with recommendations to be present to the city and the township. Bruce Thielen stated that there is some frustration among the fire department members about going back and forth between the city and township to get approval for purchases. Some fire department members felt it would be simpler just to contract the service out and have the city own the equipment. Glen Posusta questioned who initially owned what equipment. The consensus of the Council was that the matter should be reviewed by the Joint Fire Board and the Council directed staifto provide support for the Joint Fire Board in coming up with a recommendation. 12. Review of snow removal policy. The snow removal policy was reviewed along with changes noted by the Public Works Director. Adam Hawkinson, Park Superintendent, stated that the CSAH 75 project added 1 1/3 mile of sidewalk to the system. Bruce Thielen felt the snow removal from sidewalks could be one of the lower priorities. Adam Hawkinson stated that the snow removal policy and ordinance required that the sidewalks be cleared within 24 hours of a snowfall. Bret Weiss stated that the sidewalk constructed as part of the Core Street Reconstruction project was an issue that Council needs to address. The residents had asked the City to maintain this newly constructed sidewalk. Brian Stumpf felt this should be included for maintenance by the City because it is a main artery to the elementary school. Bret Weiss stated that one concern is that since every development has sidewalk, it could put a strain on the manpower and equipment of the City if the policy requires snow removal from sidewalks. Brian Stumpf stated that this three block segment should not adversely affect the staff and equipment. Rick Wolfsteller concurred that the three block section would not break the City but pointed out that it does set a precedent because it is off the grid system. If the City does the maintenance in this case now can they not do it somewhere else. Bruce Thielen stated what you do for one you should do for all. How does one distinguish this situation from all other requests? 8 2-. Council Minutes - 11/24/03 Dave Gerads, Kacey Kjellberg, lenna Hanson and Colleen Ostlund spoke regarding their request to have the City maintain the sidewalk. They pointed out that the sidewalk is very close to the curb so snow and slush plowed from the street will end up on the sidewalk. Kacey Kjellberg said the design of the sidewalk created the hardship by putting the sidewalk where it would fit. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE SNOW REMOVAL POLICY AS SUBMITTED WITH THE ADDITION OF THE NEWLY CONSTRUCTED SECllON OF SlDEW ALK ON TH1RD STREET TO BE ADDED TO THE SNOW REMOVAL POLlCY. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There was some additional discussion on the ordinance requirement to have the sidewalks cleared within 24 hours and wbetber that time frame was realistic based on current manpower and equipment. 13. Report from City Eneineer on 4-wav stop shrns on Walnut Stree! Included with consent agenda with the recommendation to provide an all-way stop condition at 3'" Street and 4'" Street and add a stop sign to the private street acroSS from City lIall. 14. Approve payment of bills for November. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BlLLS FOR NOY EMBER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Adjourn ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:55 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 9 '2- Council Agenda - 12/8/03 SA. Consideration of approvine new hires and departures for Monticello Community Center and Assistant to Community Develooment Director. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROLJND: The Council is asked to ratify thc hiring of new employees that have occurred recently in the Monticello Community Center. The position of Assistant to Community Development Director formerly held by Lori Kramer has been filled. Angela Shuman will be starting in this position as of December 8th. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached. list. C. SLJPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. Name Taylor, Andrea Name NEW EMPLOYEES Title Childcare Attendant Department MCC TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason employee councillist.xls: 12/2/2003 Department Hire Date Class 11/26/2003 part*time Last Day Class SA Council Agenda - 12/8/03 5B. Consideration of renewal of pawn shop license - 149 West Broadway. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council had previously approved a one year pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop located at 149 West Broadway which is coming up for renewal. The City staff has some concerns about items trom his shop being placed out on the sidewalk and boulevard area which is in violation of city ordinance. The Council may want to note in renewing the pawn shop license that continued non-compliance with city ordinance may be grounds in the future for not renewing the license. B. AL TERNA TlVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the renewal of the pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop at 149 West Broadway contingent upon submittal of the license bond in the amount of $5,000 and payment of the license fee of $25.00 and direct staff to take appropriate steps to bring the property into compliance with city ordinance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the license application contingent upon payment of the license fee and submittal of license bond. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda - 12/8/03 sc. Consideration of Fund Transfers for 2003. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to approve various fund transfers for the year 2003 to cover deficiencies in various construction funds, transfer of balances remaining from various construction funds to debt service funds that finance projects, along with miscellaneous transfers to correspond with our budget for the year 2003. Most of the transfers are self-explanatory and are necessary to eliminate defIciencies in various construction funds or temporarily provide financing until a future general obligation bond or revenue source can be arranged. Other major transfers from sewer access funds or water access funds are to cover the City's share of various projects that we had planned on paying for by using of these trunk fees. A listing of the individual transfers recommended for approval is included with the agenda that outlines each proposed transfer, dollar amount, and the purpose of the transfer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the transfers as recommended. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that for accounting purposes, the transfers be approved prior to the end of2003. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of proposed transfers. 2003 RECOMMENDED FUND TRANSFERS HRA #213 Various TIF A.S. Funds Annual TIF Transfers Community Center Fund Liquor #609 #226 $200,000.00 Annual contributions to operatiOns budget Community Center #226 2000A G.O. Bond #365 $573,225.00 Per budget - Community Center debt payment WWTP Note Sewer Access Fund #262 #358 $500,000.00 Partial payment - Debt WWTP Note To close out cash balance to consolidated bond fund (#314 n-1 G.O. Bond #314 Consolidated Bond #357 $557.80 should have been closed in 2001) To close out cash balance to consolidated bond fund (Debt 90C G.O. Bond #325 Consolidated Bond #357 $954.97 paid off) 98 Temporary Bond #362 #365 2000A Public Comm Ctr Facilities Bond $8,496.00 To close out temporary bond cash balances HRA #213 #383 Aroplax T1F Bond $1 ,195.58 To close out deficiency In Bond Fund HRA #213 '364 Suburban TIF Fund $334.29 To close out deficiency In Bond Fund 98-o2C Ped Bridge/Pathway Const Close out to cover deficiency #229 Park Ded/Pathway Fund #460 $16,841.06 (Total Fund to date:$392,783) 99-01 C Kjellberg W Sewer #262 Sewer Access #466 $7,478.49 To close out construction fund and cover deficit Close out conat fund and TF balance to D.S. that financed #467 98-17C CSAH 75 East #364- 2000A G.O. Bond $57,830.60 project 2OO1-o3C Sludge Thickener To close out and cover deficiency - total transferred to date '" #262 Sewer Access Proj-WWTP '480 $2,296.00 $879,008.00 Reimbursement by HRA TIF-1-22 (Hans Hagen Project) for #213 HRA TIF #1-22 c/o FD #240 $23,164.13 part of Front St Improvements 2OO3-03C Timber Ridge #263 Storm Sewer Access Storm Sewer Project $86,280.00 To cover construction cost of project from trunk funds 2oo3-o1C Marvin Rd Force '262 Sewer Access Fund Main Project $464,550.00 To cover construction cost of project from trunk fundS To repay part of money advanced to GMEF Loan program by #250 EDA #609 Liquor $70,000.00 liquor In previous years. c.;;(' Council Agenda - 12/8/03 5D. Consideration of review of nine month liquor store financial report. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: A financial report comparing the first nine months of operation for 2003 with 2002 at the liquor store has been completed for Council review. Overall, it appears the operations at the liquor store are continuing to generate increased sales, gross profits and finally increase in operating income. It appears from the first nine months of operation that the liquor store should continue towards its goal of exceeding $3,000,000 in sales and $300,000 plus annual income. To briefly summarize, total sales for the first nine months were up 7.4% or $170,000 over the same period last year. The gross profit was also up over 10.7% or an increase of $60,000. Although expenses also have increased by $47,000 over the same period last year, the resulting net income from operations did increase $12,850 or 5.4%. Overall gross profit percentages on sales at 25.2% is in line with our objectives set in establishing our pricing. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept financial report for the first nine months as presented. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Liquor Store Manager that the financial report be accepted as presented. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of financial report. MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30,2003 Current Assets Cash Change Fund Investments Accounts Receivable AIR - NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insurance TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS Fixed Assets Land & Parking Lot Buildings Furniture & Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS liabilities Accounts Payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses Deferred Revenues TOTAL LIABILITIES RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 435,844.50 2,800.00 429,047.89 (430.00) 664.04 528,894.45 7,084.92 1,404,415.80 102,420.56 823,640.73 197,044.44 (371,355.91 ) 751,749.82 2,156,165.62 147,464.52 21,859.18 22,793.71 51,896.00 3,467.42 1,620.00 250,029.83 1,906,135.79 2,156,165.62 ,\:, \~ MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEP 30, 2002 AND 2003 2002 2003 YEAR- TO~DA TE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT Sales Liquor 591,162 657,661 Beer 1,428,957 1,485,562 Wine 180,119 216,941 Other Merchandise 72,201 59,073 Misc Non~Taxable Sales 7,241 30,324 Discounts TOTAL SALES 2,279,678 2,449,561 COST OF GOODS SOLD (1,721,628) (1,831,699) GROSS PROFIT 558,050 24.48% 617,862 25.22% GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Personal Services Salaries 177,213 178,339 PERA 9,087 9,442 FICA 13,423 13,377 Insurance 15,979 15,483 Unemployment Benefits 436 Severance Pay 295 2,535 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 216,433 9.49% 219,545 8.96% Supplies Office Supplies 537 900 General Operating Supplie 11 ,479 10,741 Other Supplies 1,733 2,833 TOTAL SUPPLIES 13,749 0.60% 14,474 0.59% Other Services & Charges Professional Services 2,088 2,410 Maintenance Agreements 1,670 3,340 Communication 2,715 3,337 T ravel-Conference-School s 318 323 Advertising 11 ,176 4,827 Insurance & Tax 9,097 8,785 Utilities 14,157 14,388 Maintenance, Equipment 1,989 8,752 Maintenance, Building 3,467 7,723 Maintenance, Other 516 Depreciation-~Acquired As 18,399 47,009 Misc Svc & Chgs 26,138 32,775 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CH 91,213 4.00% 134,184 5.48% TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXPENS 321,394 14.10% 368,203 15.03% r::: (\ 2002 2003 YEAR- TO-DATE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 236,656 10.38% 249,659 10.19% Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long/Short (376) 274 Sale of Property 500 Misc Income 22 2,195 TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) 146 0.01% 2,469 0.10% NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 236,802 10.39% 252,128 10.29% Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 236,802 10.39% 252,128 10.29% i~ C\ MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEP 30, 2002 AND 2003 2002 2003 YEAR- TO-DATE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT Liquor Sales 591 ,162 657,661 Discounts Cost of Sales 412,412 437,769 GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 178,750 30.24% 219,892 33.44 % Beer Sales 1,428,957 1,485,562 Cost of Sales 1,089,732 1,137,724 GROSS PROFIT - BEER 339,225 23.74% 347,838 23.41 % Wine Sales 180,119 216,941 Cost of Sales 145,378 182,405 GROSS PROFIT - WINE 34,741 19.29% 34,536 15.92% Mise Sales 72,201 59,073 Cost of Sales 64,720 44,446 GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 7,480 10.36% 14,627 24.76% Mise Non-taxable Sales 7,241 30,324 Cost of Sales 729 19,005 GROSS PROFIT - MISC NON-TAX 6,512 89.93% 11,320 37.33% . TOTAL SALES 2,279,678 2,449,561 TOTAL COST OF SALES 1,712,971 1,821,348 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 8,657 10,350 TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 558,050 24.48% 617,862 25.22% I"-- Council Agenda - 12/8/03 5E. Consideration of calling: for a public hearing on chang:ing the name of Oakwood Drive to Edmonson Avenue between Chelsea Road and School Boulevard. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to call for a public hearing for January 26th on the prospect of changing the name of Oakwood Drive to Edmonson Avenue. This change would apply to the segment between Chelsea Road and School Boulevard. This is requested because Oakwood Drive was split with the redevelopment of Chelsea Road. The north segment is now a cul-de~sac road. The south segment currently meets up with Edmonson A venue at School Boulevard. Due to this split, it makes sense to change the name of the southern segment of Oakwood Drive to Edmonson Avenue thus eliminating a potentially confusing situation. As part of the process of changing a street name, a public hearing is required to answer questions and address concerns. Property owners that will have addresses affected by the change will be notified of the public hearing. In this case, there are relatively few property owners affected. I believe they include the old H Window site, Haskins Electric, the Alternative Learning Program School B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS; 1. Move to call for a public hearing to be conducted on January 26, 2004 on changing the name of this segment of Oakwood Drive from the present name to Edmonson Avenue. 2. Move to deny calling for a public hearing on changing the name of this segment of Oakwood Drive to Edmonson A venue. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map showing road segment affected. t J:. : ~ l. . ~... . - _~. - "I. . . ~ i I _ . I T~ P~ij " .. - - . ~ . - , CHELSEA c;.; 0:: (J !{( o g ROAD I(JELLBERO'S MOBILE fOoE PMIC OiESn KJELLBERG'S KlBILE : I<IME PARK <EAST) . f?' U c ..... . QOURT := '" g ~ Ii ~ ti ~ "t '-lJ f ~ o II: VI o;S 'i' ? <J " '.:( > l- ;t ::> o <.> " '" . '<:('. . - - - . . - , . - - - . - - . - - - I~ j STREET Council Agenda - 12/8/03 SF. Consideration of a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan to permit Wells FarQo Bank to construct a parkinQ lot alonq Walnut Street in the CCD. Applicant: Wells FarQo Bank. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission reviewed this request and recommended Alternative #1 below. Wells Fargo Bank has requested an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to permit the construction of a parking lot along Walnut Street. The applicants have received Conditional Use Permit approval to proceed with this plan. As a part of that discussion, it was noted that an amendment would be necessary to support the CUP approval. The amendment in this location relies on the fact that the Wells Fargo facility has direct building frontage along Pine Street, but requires additional parking on the site to facilitate its expansion. As a result, the applicant argues that it is not possible to construct both an expansion of the bank and a separate commercial building along Walnut Street. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: Comprehensive Plan Amendment to allow for the construction of a parking lot along Walnut Street adjacent to 4th Street for Wells Fargo Bank. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment, based on a finding that this design is the most appropriate site plan for the site, given the need to expand the building and the location of the site. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment, based on a finding that the commercial use along Walnut Street is a integral component of the Comprehensive Plan. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the amendment, based upon previous action of the Planning Commission and City Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: See agenda item from previous Council meeting. Council Agenda - 12/8/03 5G. East River Street: A A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In reviewing a survey of their property the owners found that a small part of the neighboring home to the west encroaches onto the their parcel. Pingel/Kaz found that they cannot sell their property until this boundary problem is resolved. The method proposed for solving the problem is to create a new boundary line located 6' (minimum setback) from the adjoining home. The land created by this subdivision would then be attached to the parcel to the west. Creating a lot line at this location would bring both parcels into conformance with code and also clear up title problems for the Kaz property thus enabling the sale of the land. rhe Planning Commission reviewed this request and recommended approval under Alternative #1. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ] . Motion to approve the simple subdivision as proposed on the attached survey. The motion based on the finding that the subdivision will result in two parcels with dimensions and setbacks that are in conformance with City Code. Motion contingent upon submittal of a certified survey. 2. Motion to deny approval of proposed subdivision. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative]. The proposed subdivision eliminates a setback problem and results in two parcels with dimensions and setbacks that are in conformance with City Code. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of site plan, pictures. 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The applicant has requested a conditional use permit to allow the construction of 11 ground level dwellings (row houses) upon a 0.76 acre site iocated north of Third Street and west of Locust Street. The subject site is zoned CCD, central Community District which allows ground ievel residential dwellings by conditional use permit. The proposed development constitutes the second phase of the Landmark Square project. The initial phase of the project, which borders the subject site on the north, consists of a mixture of commercial and residential uses and was approved approximately two years ago. cuP Requirements. According to the zoning Ordinance, ground ievel dwellings are allowed within CCD districts provided: 1. The proposed site for residential use is consistent with the goals and objectives ot the Downtown Revitalization Plan. 2. The proposed site does not interrupt the flow of commercial pedestrian traffic in the CCD District. 3. Density for the ground floor residential units not exceed one unit per 9,000 square feet of lot area, exclusive ot land area utilized by, or required for, permitted uses on the property. . Downtown Revitalization Plan. The City's Downtown Revitalization Plan encourages reinvestment in the City's downtown area and the creation of higher residential densities which support/complement area commercial uses. As a result, the proposal is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan. Aithough this specific site is shown for commercial development, the city has viewed the land use patterns in the CCD broadly. Planning staff believes that residentiai use on this portion of the block is not inconsistent with the intent of the Plan. Pedestrian Traffic. The site is designed to encourage pedestrian movements along the periphery of the site with vehicular movements being confined to the site's interior. With . . . . Council Agenda - 12/8/03 this in mind, the proposed development will not interrupt the flow of commercial pedestrian traffic in the area. Density. As previously indicated, the maximum allowable density of the site is one dwelling unit per 9,000 square feet of land area. In calculating the allowable density for the development, both the subject property and Phase 1 site (to the north) must be included in the site area. With an overall site area of 88,345 square feet, a total of 9.8 (or 10) units are allowed. To comply with such density requirement, one dwelling unit will need to be eliminated. Subdivision. The subject site presently overlays three individual parcels of land. If the row houses are to be sold individually, the property should be subdivided such that the dwelling units correspond to individual lots. Such lot configuration would however, require the processing of a PUD (to accommodate the creation of lots without public street frontage). If the property is to be owned by a single entity, the four lots should be combined into a single parcel of land. Site Circulation. Several concerns exist in regard to site circulation as summarized below: Drive Aisle Width. Access to the site is provided from the west via a 20 foot wide driveway from Locust Street. To allow safe, two-way traffic movements, the driveway should be increased from 20 to a minimum of 22 feet in width. Garaqes 3 and 4. All proposed dwelling units are provided two stall garages. While the majority of the garages are accessed from within the interior of the site, Garages 3 and 4 are provided direct access to a public street (Locust Street). The allowance of such periphery garages presents both a visual concern (in regard to consistency of public presentation) and a functional concern (in creating pedestrian/vehicle conflicts). Garages should be designed to be no less than 20 feet by 22 feet in dimension. Garaqe 5, 6, 8 and 9. Access to these garages is considered problematic in that area does not exist to allow 90 degree turning movements necessary to provide access. The site plan should be revised to improve accessibility to these garage units. Garaqes 10 and 11. Some concern exists in regard to the proximity between Garages 10 and 11. Of issue are safety concerns over the possibility of simultaneous backing maneuvers (out of the garages). . . . Council Agenda - 12/8/03 Off-street Parkinq. According to the ordinance, single family dwellings must provide two off-street parking spaces per unit. In satisfaction of this requirement, a total of 35 parking spaces have been provided for the 11 dwelling units. To be noted is that the proposal includes 10 visitor parking stalls and 4 supplemental garage spaces. While parking beyond the minimum supply requirement (22 stalls) is typically considered a positive feature, it is believed such additional parking has resulted in deficiencies in site circulation. For this reason, it is believed the areas devoted to supplemental parking could be better used to correct the noted vehicular circulation concerns. In consideration of the site's "Downtown" setting, it is believed that visitor parking can be accommodated on street. It is acknowledged that some of the visitor parking on this parcel is designed to accommodate overflow from the commercial projects to the north. Nonetheless, the parking lot design needs to be functional. The existing parking lot shows a 22 foot drive aisle and shallow stalls. This area is already congested. As such, changes need to be considered to make this proposal work. Landscapinq. To date, a landscape plan has not been submitted. As a condition of CUP approval a landscape plan identifying the location, size and variety of all site plantings should be submitted subject to City approval. This plan should address perimeter plantings, as well as the treatment of the landscaped courtyards between the units and the garages. This area could be made a very attractive space if given adequate attention. Gradinq, Drainaqe and Utilities. Issues related to grading, drainage and utilities should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Buildinq Desiqn. Generally speaking, the proposed building designs are considered positive and through the use of several architectural features (i.e. dormers, grilled windows, front porches etc.) evoke an image consistent with the age of area buildings. While it appears that the buildings are to be finished in horizontal lap siding and brick, the elevations should be modified to specify finish materials. The Design Advisory Team should provide additional comment on architecture and materials. Cross Easements. Recognizing that the functioning of the site is dependent upon the use of the phase 1 site to the north, it will be necessary to establish cross access easements. Such easements should be subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. Liqhtinq. As a condition oCCUP approval, a photometric lighting plan should be submitted which indicates the location and illumination levels of all outdoor lighting. . . . Council Agenda - 12/8/03 The Planning Commission and DA T reviewed the site development plan with the developers and both recommended approval based on the developer's indication that adjustments to the plan can be made addressing concerns noted in this report. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit to allow ground level residential dwellings within the CCD District based on the comments from the staff. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit to allow ground level residential dwellings within the CCD District based on a finding that the submitted plans are inconsistent with goals and objectives of the Downtown Revitalization Plan. 3. Motion to table action on the Conditional Use Permit to allow ground level residential dwellings within the CCD District subject to the submission of revised plans which respond to comments of the staff. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the response to items noted in this report by the developer, the Planning Commission, DA T and staff supports approval. If an approval recommendation is adopted by the City Council, a list of recommendations is provided in Exhibit Z that should be attached to the approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Site Survey 2. Site Plan 3. Building Elevations 4. Floor Plans 5. Conditions . . . Council Agenda - 12/8/03 EXHIBIT Z Conditions: 1. The number of ground level dwelling units be decreased from 11 to 10. 2. The three parcels of land that comprise the subject property either be combined (if the project is to be owned by a single entity) or replatted in a configuration that allows individual unit sales 3. The site's access driveway (from Locust Street) be increased from 20 to f 22 feet in width 4. Direct garage access to public streets be prohibited. 5. The site plan should be revised to improve accessibility to garages 5,6,8 and 9. 6. Safety concerns over the possibility of simultaneous backing maneuvers from garages 10 and 11 be addressed to the satisfaction of the City. 7. A landscape plan be submitted which specifies the location, size and variety of all site plantings. 8. The submitted building elevations be modified to specify building materials. 9. Cross access easement be established with the Phase 1 site (to the north) subject to review and approval by the City Attorney 10. A photometric lighting plan be submitted which indicates the location and illumination levels of all outdoor lighting. 11. The City Engineer provide comment regarding grading, drainage and utility issues. SI..\ . Minutes Regular Meeting - Design Advisory Team Tuesday, Deeemhcl' 2, 2003 Monticello City Hall - Academy Room MEMBERS PIH~SENT: Ron Hoglund, Pam Campbell, Dennis Sullivan, Cindy Anderson and Susie Wojchouski MEMBERS ABSENT: Roberta Gewds OTHERS PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak, Fred Patch and Steve Grittman of City Staff Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services 1. Call to Order Ron Hoglund called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM 2. Approval of minutes Motion to approve the Minutes hom November 18 was made by Pam Campbell and seconded by Ron Hoglund. Motion approved . 3. Consideration of adding items None 4. Review Blod.: 52 setback Issues A development with Walgreen Drug as the prime tenant is seeking parking setbacks from the planning commission and city council. Oat supports the downtown revitalization plan of a pedestrian friendly. walkable downtown with zero building setback on Broadway. HoweveL due to the conditions on Pine Street (MN 25), Dat would approve a setback for parking as was done across the street to support the movie theatre. Motion by Susie Wojchouski and seconded by Pam Campbell against the change to the comprehensive plan. Motion approved 5. Wells Fal'go Private Parking Lot off Walnut Per the Revitalization Plan: -Retain a pedestrian access to the bank fi'om Walnut Street -Add parking lot lighting matching the Walnut Street and Town Centre lighting style. -Monument directional signs to be used on Walnut _ Visual screening between the parked cars and Walnutt -Create a park-like "look" using pavers, trees and ilowers -Provide a Landscaping, lighting, and signage plan to DAT. Motion by Pam Campbell and seconded by Cindy Anderson. Motion Approved . ~ 6. LandMark Squarc Facade Rcvicw ~ Steve Grittman prepared an eleven item review to the plan called Exhibit Z. The Design Related items were then discussed by OAT A) Hem 4 of direct garage access from a public street was eliminated B) The list of external building materials will be submitted C) Landscape plans will be submitted D) Garage Space is ten square feet bclow city code E) The number of ground level units is ten with the eleventh unit being an upper level duplex. s\-\ . . . A motion 10 accept the "Old 'fawn" look of the cleven units and the garage access off I,oeust was made by Susie Wojehouski and seconded by Cindy Anderson. Motion Approved. 7. Motion to Ad.journ Pam Campbell made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Cindy Anderson. Motion Passed. Next mectin~ is scheduled for December 16th, Z003. Submitted by: Dennis J. Sullivan 2 \:j t\ :ADDWG\10319lS2\Study2\A01-5,DWG,layou11, 111071200312:08:17 PM, sta26a "- + SEE 2/A3.1 FOR STREET ELEVATIONS r-.f #11.6' ;J I-- Pi- :=>- .K> L I Ii ~ ill ~l it\e~ ~ J!r: $!i mN n 1 -. ~m ~... TI); !]e ~~ 1::0 , jj .t ,/-,) = l!I !,. i'-1iI= ~ I~~ I- . -f---- 1 ::: d. I ~/ I=I~:/ I I q ~ II'-- I --<:: "'""7 ~ ~ (J) ~ q ..... I :~~-- ~ m] : / ~ ~ .t- ~ -- ~ I f-l~/' I rlt: L. h 4- =_ \r I 4' ..... j~ I I r- I I I .!Y_1i' - 4-811 I .J I ~ , u / ,.;!... / I ~]MV -,--- - ~ , I :s J ;f'jl , '1'-0". II ~~D \ c:::..:;I--' ! ' : ~j : _. I I ~ I - - I ! I~~i---- I Ii : i I "' I I 0r, '-I F-~I~r~lr~ ~-cr hl-, Lu.l I 1--1-.1 ,::' ! r'-- I I Ii I I : II I I I I L .... r' : : 511: : 1 " I -,"- ...:..::-i , :. - I I Loi t...! --- '''-0'' JII-o" r..., -- " Il",I_Jl1 II~, _~ J -.. .-1. fII-<t' ~. ''I ...... " _"" f'I m T\ ~_ 1 II t;- .-....:;n P- T-- , e l Ii! 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":.," -I 'J ,.... .:....~. :~...:.~ I .---.-+-~--- =-~;==j ~~t~~~~\~~}(~:~1~~l~:~ _u"_ .... -T''-' --- -- I. ,'. '.. I . 'I;;i' ..'" '. ~_-~~~_~-~=L ::~;~~;Ys~'~~~~~:;~ I J - ~ ~ --- ._~ . '. . . ~ .-. 10.... ..... '.... 11: - =. .~.-- :.;~: == =-: .~.-.----j ~.~~~{};;~i;:~;:~~~~t~rfr~ .' " ~ ~ ~ ~ r' 1 T li~ --- T r - ----- -- - -- ::::I. ~ ...c:: u ~ ' I"b 'I ........ J-.~ ail 'I -- - - 0 _0:1 8 ~ ~I' Nil : i ~ <:) (;) 0 1ft. ;!!Ii _I it ~ lJ~ _ l"!~; _ (II ~l n _ _ _____ _____ _ w -~-I~iill 'Iilll I~ I IIII j : ~ i , Ii III:, ---7 T ~~~ I ~~~ ! ~g~ I ~~ 1 II . - .l. ,.~ ~..- - __:~,J d J I..._-~___.J ~ ....... t ~ ~ j ~ i - - 1 t .0--001 I~ 0; : t li~ t . . · (f\ :c Council Agenda - 12/8/03 51. Consideration of aooroving the final olat of the Carlisle Villae:e First Addition. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve the final plat of the Carlisle Village First Addition. The first addition consists of 25 town homes 'and 49 single family homes. As you recall, this development is located along the southeast boundary of the community directly east of Rolling Woods development. Details regarding the project financing can be found on the attached spread sheet. Following are some highlights. The developer will be placing funds on deposit that will be used construct either a storm sewer lift station or to assist with funding of downstream improvements to Ditch 33. Our main objective is to apply the funds toward solving a portion of the Ditch 33 problem. If this is not possible, the funds will be used toward development of the lift station. In the event that the annexation occurs as proposed, it is likely that the funds will be used to solve the ditch problem and not wasted on a lift station. There are a few modifications to the plat and associated plans that need to be made prior to final signatures being placed on the plat. These requirements are identified in the letter form WSB which is attached. The developer has begin grading activities and hopes to begin construction on utilities yet this year. rr'he goal of constructing utilities may not be realistic this latc in the season. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approvc the tinal plat of the Carlisle Village final plat subject to updating thc document to satisfy comments by the City Engineer. Plat approval also contingent on cxecution of a development agreement as prepared by the City Attorney. 2. Motion to deny approval of the final plat. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Plat Project finance plan 1 Summary of expenses 2 CarUse Village - First Addtlon 3 4 A.... Charge. and Aluumenta 5 Total Ac.... for PhaIe · Total Houalng Unltl for Ph... .... Graded with PhaIe I December 5, 2003 24 15 (49 Single Family and 25 Townhome sites) 24 Acreage Acres Gross Credits Net Charae Cost Assessment Park Dedication Provided Trail OUUot 0 Total Park Dedication Area Provided 0.0000 Park Dedication Required (10%) 2.4000 Park Dedication Deficiency 2.4000 Park Dedication Deficiency as a percent of total 100.000/. Park Dedication per lot gross $868 Net Park Park Dedication Required $868 $65,100 Pathway. $229 per unit $11,115 $14,000 $3,115 Credit for building path on County 18 Sanitary Sewef $2,060 24 $49,440 $0 $49,440 Meadow Oaks Bypass $1,800 24 $43,200 $0 $43,200 Watermain $1,620 24 $38,880 $0 $38,880 Watermaln - Uttle Mountain Booster Station $2,214 NA $0 $0 $0 Not applicable to this phase Stub Street Constructlon $5,000 Stann Sewer (net acres) $5,405 16 $86,480 $86,480 Final Total amount to Asaess $291.275 ( Per lot Assessment baeed on number of units In phaae. $3,884 r'---~' Estimate Const Percent COst Gradina Fee $12 000 Sanitary Sewef $203,425 Watennaln $191,288 Stonn Sewer $188,258 Roads Driveways and sidewalks $455,000 Tum Lane $40,000 construction totsl (Does not InclUde Grading) $1,On,911 Other 18m. Included In prlmery LOC. Developer's recon:l drawings I As Bullts $0 Lot Corners/lron Monuments $300 $22,500 )\al $1,100,411 Letter of Credit Amount (Total cost X 125%) $1,375,588 Max allowed reductlon prior to acceDtancelbond 90.00% $1,238,030 .\til,. , "j'I~,~~AW;"'~'''''''''''''.1 IOther 18m. requiring l8Curlty 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 38 39 City FeeslDeposlt ~I'":ity Fee (General overhead and Admin) Flat ra -... Legal and Planning 44 45 Ult Station Expense (Bret Checking on Cost) 46 41 Soli Testing 48 49 Grading Fee Inspection Deposit 60 51 Engineering and Inspection 52 53 Total City Fees 54 mJ .. I 1~1ml 55 Letter of Credit Calcu18tlon 66 51 COMtructJon COlts 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 61 66 69 10 11 12 13 14 t, 18 19 80 81 82 83 84 Sodding adjacent to Wetlands (12 lots) 2.00% $21,559 2.00% $21,559 $166,000 1.00% $10,180 $1,440 1.00% $75.458 $316,191 '1~11Ii\~~_I1III~g;~ii~tli~t~'i~ii~~ii'~jill 'I Aat rate - no reconciliation at project completion Consultants fees reconciled at project completion City holds. help fund downstream improvements. Acres (24) X $3,000 Inspector IEnglneer cost reconciled at project completion Paid at_ ;;ii!l:;tjl;.~... " ~: .. .. -.rllll. ($3,000 . acreage affected) Included In total security. not an addition to LOC amount Estimate Can be reduced but held until project complete ~~... $12,000.00 51- '\18'21.' :!l.01 .1 ..wc,') ib\ t"v 0)- ~~) i_ ~~ ,~ fI'\..lt; ..\ 'ft-' \.# ~.\ \l"~ ~~~ ",'at -A ~" 0\ 't :f , ( alO J! ~ ( ~ ~- ? c L-__ f" V L____ L L-____ lJ. dO :i~ \~ " <:: / L r L C" L-n__ [ ~ ~. / -, o ~-' ~ ~~ :2f~ ~ i~ ~u I:I~ ~1ll8 t t~ ~~m ~ ~i df ~ ~~~' ii!~i :! ~tta;' g2i.... ; ~~; ~:i ~ si! ~b5..J ~ ~d If!~~ ~ llii~ ~S~ji {l-~ 1. w ~g u g- ~o l:I t;; t::' l!; s . 0 ~'ik E-o if ;3h E-< .... 81R (JJ ; ~ ~ ?: e ' ~ S-~ Z:C;1lO!: :VZ,I!t.IOS . !If 1'_'00 'OIl IlO:I9 ' ""'lit onl q!m: r--, r-'" I--"I"""'~=-"'" r----' ~ t: : : 1 :: ~I: r ~l ~ ~ 1 i ~ ~I - i ~ ~ i I H) = · : ~ If) 6 ~ ~ a: I ~ I ~ I , I I "'l ~ I I I I I I I I'~IDI I 1. _ _.J L _ -1 L. _..J L _ ...... ...... -1 L _ _ _ _...J ~I'~~..tl!>:~..~ OG'ti OO'GI rneall'lll y ~.; 3.U,'''~OS a.t\. !C I OM\f^3 noEt:'( 4: ...~.... oL<~~ ].~~~"I(lS ~~:'\. A:f ....:.....,;-.... l\1l>' . 'VEl '.;""-r. , 1I'lll .. ~ ~r - - - "'" - - - .., r - - - - - - - , ~r ...... ...... - - ., i' .... I~ I I to I I 51~ i L__ , -__J =: N \~ i~ co l!J ;net , ,~ - - e ~.'~AOO" I . R L ~~n_......~ r- - ',<<.bO"""" .., ill , \; I "'l, \~\ ---i,j- ~! }.~ ""lffi I Ii 31SI1M\f:) lI'-'I:,6t.ION Inti: tnOI to'ot 1.1l:,U.tOS If) oil => i!: I s: lif~ o~r~ ~9ri d!1~ a Ii @~,~~ ~t=J .')1 iB~h .... - , L_ I I '" I L .,., I I ~I I_ I ~ ~~ ab ~.. ~~ 5 o ~ I 'T iD ~ ~ ~ CZ) ~ ~ir Oi! ~ii City Council Agenda - 12/08/03 5.1. Consideration to apProve a Second Amendment to the Loan Ae:reement between the City of Monticello and Twin City Die Castine:s Comvany. (O.K.) A. Reference and background: l'his is a housekeeping item to simply follow through on procedure. Back on July 28, 2003, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2003-54 amending the Business Subsidy Agreement within the Agreement for Loan of Small Cities Development Program Funds betwccn the Twin Cities Die Castings Company (TCDC) and thc City of Monticello. Originally, thc City was awarded a grant from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development and the City lend the grant proceeds to TCDC. Per the Grant Agreement between thc City and State, any adjustment and amendment requests must be made in writing to the State. The State approved the City's request to amendment the Loan Agreement on August 29,2003. Kennedy & Graven was authorized to prepare the Second Amendment to the Loan Agreement on September 30,2003. The attached amendment was reccived on December 2,2003, and therefore appears before thc Council for action. The Second Amendment is consistcnt with or is a rcpeat of the resolution approved by the Council in July. B. Alternative Action: J . A motion to approve the Second Amendment to the Loan Agreement between the City of Monticello and Twin City Dic Castings Company. 2. A motion to deny approval of the Second Amendment to the Loan Agreement between thc City of Monticello and Twin City Die Castings Company. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator recommends Alternative No. I approving the Second Amendment to the Loan Agreement. D. Supporting Data: Copy of Grant Adjustment Notice and Second Amendment to Loan Agreement as prepared by Kennedy & Graven. 53 , GRANT ADJUSTMENT NOTICE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Department of Employment and Economic Development Grant # CDAP-99-0122-H-FYOO Grantee: City of Monticello Project Title: Twin City Die Castings Company Adjustment # 2 Per the City of Monticello's August 1, 2003 request, the following adj ustments in the above grant project is made: 1. The grant period is extended to July 26,2004. 2. The number of jobs to be created is decreased to 42 full time jobs with 51 % of the jobs taken by low and moderate income persons. The Loan Agreement must be amended to reflect these changes. Please provide a copy of the amendment to this office when it is executed. ~. r1" .C> ~ c, <",0 r-' 0/ ~fty~-!_~ 8L{~'l' [t-( ~'\ Carol Pressley~Olson 7 Senior Loan Officer q / ;2, 3 I D3 Date I ~lonlicfcllo.TCDC.gan2 c '~'\-'; SECOND AMENDMENT TO LOAN AGREEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO LOA;\! AGREEJ\-IENT is made and entered into as the dav of . 2003 bv and bet\veen the City of Monticello. a statutorY citv .. ... ... ... '" under the laws of Minnesota (the "City") and Twin City Die Castings Company. a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"): WITNESSETH: WHEREAS. on January S. 2000. the City was aVvarded a Minnesota Investment Fund Grant through tht: Small Cities Economic Devt:lopment Program of the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development (now called the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, "DEED") for the Developer with a Grant Agreement Number of CDAP-99-0 l22-H-FYOO (the "Grant AgreemenC): and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Grant Agreement. on June 8. 2000 the City and the Developer entered into an Agreement for Loan of Small Cities Development Program (with amendments, the "Loan AgreemenC). which contained in its Article 7 a business subsidy agreement (with amendments, the "Business Subsidy Agreement") pursuant to the Minnesota Business Subsidy Act now codified as ivlinnesota Statutes, Sections 1161.993 through 116.1.995. which Business Subsidy Agreement stipulatl.?d the crl.?ation of permanent jobs. some of which were required to be tilled by low' to moderate income persons as delined in federal Section 8 guidelines. and WHEREAS, on September 23. 2002. the City and the Developer entered into a First Amendment to Loan Agreement which modi tied the Business Subsidy Agreement by extending by more than one year the Compliance Date. as delined in the Loan Agreement. for the provision of jobs under Article 7. from .I une 30. 1002 to July 16, 2003. so that Sections 7.1 (b) and (c)( I ) 0 f the Business Subsidy Agreement \vithin the Loan Agreement would read as follows: (b) By no later than July 26. 2003 (the "Compliance Date") and continuing through at least the Compliance Date. the Developer shall create at least eighty-tive (SS) new full-time equivalent jobs (the "New Jobs") on the Development Property. At least seventy-one (71) of the New Jobs must pay a wage of at least $8.50 per hour. exclusive of benefits. The remaining fourteen (14) of the New Jobs must pay a wage of at least $11.00 per hour. cxclusi\e of bcneti ts. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary' herein, either ( 1) at least forty-three (43) of the Nev.; Jobs must be tilled by people who. at the time of hiring. reside in households of "Iow to moderate income" as detined by federal Section 8 guidelines (hereinafter "Low to r.loderate Income Persons"') F\tT.2397X6\' I I\INI<)O.X~ \::~'" WHEREAS, on July 28. 2003 the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing, and approved amending the Loan Agreement for a second time through the passage of Resolution No. 2003-54 Amending the Business Subsidy Agreement Within the Agreement for Loan of Small Cities Development Program Funds Bet\veen the Twin City Die Castings Company and the City of Monticello; and WHEREAS, on September 23. 2003, the City and Developer received from DEED, as required by the Business Subsidy Act. its approval of: I) an extension of the Compliance Date until July 26, 2004 and 2) a decrease in the number of full-time jobs to be created from a total of eight-five (85) to forty-t\vO (42). with 51% of the jobs to be taken by Low to Moderate Income Persons as defined in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, Section 11.8 of the Loan Agreement requires that the Loan Agreement be moditied solely through written amendments executed by the Developer and the City and approved by DEED (called the Grantor Agency in the Loan Agreement). NOW THEREFORE. the City and Developer hereby agree to amend Section 7(b) and (c)( I) of the Loan Agreement as follows: (b) By no later than July 26, 2004 (the "Compliance Date") and continuing through at least the Compliance Date, the Developer shall create at least forty-two (42) ne\v full-time equivalent jobs (the "New Jobs"") on the Development Property. Forty~t\\'o (42) of the New Jobs must pay a \vage of at least $12.25 per hour. exclusive of bendits. (c) Not\vithstanding anything to the contrary herein. either (1) at least twenty-two (22) of the New Jobs must be filled by people who. at the time of hiring, reside in households of "low to moderate income" as detined by federal Section 8 guidelines (hereinafter "Low to Moderate Income Persons") IN \VITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and the Developer has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behal f as of the date Ii rst above written. 1:\1l.2J97l!6\ I \1;-.J1'l()-l!.j .., t:::' ---j- . ..~~,-,., -.-..,,..', CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its By Its F1\IT-2Y/7IHn I :'.IN 190-8-1 -. -' TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS COMPANY By Its By Its OlT~2Ji)786\ I ~lNIi)O"X.j 4 \;\ ::>_) Counci I Agenda - 12/8/03 SK. Consider Authorization of Preparation of Feasibility Report for Edmondson Avenue and Updatin2; the Feasibility Report for Cedar Street and Dundas Road (City Project No. 2003-l9C) (JO/WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 2003, the City undertook the preparation of a feasibility report for Cedar Street and Dundas Road, and started the initial preparation of plans and specifications to accommodate a proposed Horne Depot development. Since that time, those plans have been put on hold and the public hearing that was held will need to be renewed for Cedar Street and Dundas Road. Because there was no development plan for the proposed Retail B location, Edmondson A venue was left out of the feasibility report process. Through conversations with the Horne Depot architect, there is renewed interest in moving forward with the development in 2004. Therefore, we are requesting authorization to update the feasibility reports for Cedar Street and Dundas Road, and prepare a feasibility report for Edmondson A venue between Dundas Road and Chelsea Road. Because there is no second Council meeting in December, and the architect felt that there may be a decision sometime in December, we are requesting the authorization to complete this work subject to receipt of the necessary deposit from the developer. The deposit for preparing plans and specs, including a feasibility report for all three roads, is estimated at $59,000. Even though the design is not authorized at this time, it makes sense to receive the design costs so that if the Council chooses to move forward, the City would have the funds to keep the project on schedule. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize preparation ora feasibility report Jor Edmondson Avenue and update of the Cedar Street and Dundas Road feasibility reports subject to receiving the developer deposit. 2. Do not authorize any work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the Council authorize Alternative 1. The developer has initially stated an opening date in October 2004, which will require that the process be initiated in late 2003 or early 2004. This authorization will allow us to move forward should the developer choose to provide a deposit. F: Idall'l1g1 11'ordl'rrJC IA G ENDA SIEdmol1dsol1-Cedar-LJlimlas Roads. doc Council Agenda - 12/8/03 5L. Consideration of resolution authorizinl! Preliminary Survey and Preparation of Feasibility Report for the Hillside Farms Stormwater Outlet (WSB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Hillside Fanus development is located just east of Fenning A venue on the south edge of the City of Monticello. This development and the Spirit Hills single family development, located directly to the north of Hillside Farms, currently discharge to the south to an area located outside the City of Monticello limits. Various options were considered to address the situation of handling the stormwater, with the selected option to construct a stormwater outlet from Hillside Farms through Tcd I-Iolker's property and into the Rolling Woods development pond. This pipe would extend through Mr. Holker's property and was the selected alternative, based on conversations with Mr. Holker and his brother, Chris. It is important that this work be completed in early 2004, so that it does not conflict with the farming operations by the Holker family. We are asking for authorization to complete a preliminary survey of the proposed route and preparation of a feasibility report to address the potential costs associated with construction and land acquisition. These costs are estimated at $1,700 and $3,800 for the survey and feasibility report, respectively. There will be some additional cost associated with the easement acquisition. Funding for this project will be dcrived from the storm sewer trunk development fund. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize preliminary survey and preparation of a feasibility report for the Hillside Farms stormwater outlet. 2. Do not authorize any work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthc City Engineer that the Council authorize Alternative 1. Now that the Hillside Farms development is under construction and 2004 will include the development of the Spirit Hills development, it is necessary to have this outlet in place in early 2004. F: Idawngl 11'ordproc \/l (i f:N DA SIHi lis ide Farm.\'. doc Council Agenda - 12/08/2003 SM. Consideration of maintenance a2reement with Wri2ht County for 2003 for snow and ice removal on CSAH 75 and CSAH 39. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AN]) BACKGROUND: City staffhas been in discussions with the Wright County Highway Department in regard to our 2003 Maintenance Agreement for several months. Our discussions centered around the four lane portion of CSAH 75 from Chestnut Street to Washington Street. We had some concerns about snow and ice removal costs in this area due to the new configuration of the highway. The new agreement increases our costs $300 per lane mile in this portion for additional snow and ice control. Additionally, we were concerned about the icy conditions between Washington Street and Meadow Oak Drive on CSAH 75. The county will be supplementing our maintenance efforts in this area. Based upon the newly negotiated items, the maintenance agreement would pay us $12,276.38 for maintaining portions ofCSAH 75 and CSAH 39 for the year 2003. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to approve the 2003 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County for snow and ice removal on portions of CSAH 75 and CSAI-I 39, paying us a total of$12,276.38 f()r the year of2003. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the existing agreement but to modify it through negotiations. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve the maintenance agreement as outlined in alternative # 1 and as enclosed for your review. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: 2003 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County for County State Aid Highways. 12-05~2003 12:22 FROU-WRIGHT CO HIGHWAY +7SNS2-7313 T~238 P.002/003 F-97S MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - 2003 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello hereinafter refen-ed to as the "City" and the County of Wright hereinafter referred to as the "County". WHEREAS, Chapter 162, Minnesota Stamtc5. permits the County to designate certain roads and strecls within the City as County State Aid Highways, and WHEREAS. the City bas concurred in the designation of the County State Aid Highway within its limits as identified in County Board's resolutions of August 28, October 8. November 5, December 3, December 27, 1957 and January 7, 1958, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of all parties that the duties and responsibilities of both the City and the County as to maintenance on said County State Aid Highways to be clearly defined, NOW TIiEREFORE, IT IS AGREED with regard to said. County State Aid Highway maintenance: That the City will be responsible for routine maintenance on the following highways. MAINT. PLAN RQAJ2 $EOMENT MIl.ES COSTIl\1I. · TOTAL COST* c. CSAH 75 Willow St. to Meadow Oaks Dr. 5.65 1,429.56 $ 8,077.01 (Includes four lane portion.) D. CSAH 39 From City Public Works Bldg. to 0.32 327.04 104.65 W.lct. oreSAH 75 B. CSAH 75 Four lane portion 5.22 128.60 3,803.28 B. CSAH 39 From CSAH 75 to Kampa Cir. 0.40 7:l8.60 291.4A ESTIMATED TOTAL =: $12,276.38 That routinc maintenance shall consist of the following: (Maint. Plan) C. (CSAH 75) - Snow and ice removal. D, (eSAH 39) - 25% otthe snow and ice removal. B. One-tin1e spring sweeping only. *Based on average annual costs of years 1999~ 2000. and 2001, plus $300/mile for four-lane portion (snow/ice control only). That when the City deems it desirable to remove snow by hauling. it shall do so as its own expense. The City shall also be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevard related maintenance outside the CUIb or street area. That thc County will be responsible for all other maintenance. That the City shall indemnify, save and hold hannless the County and all of its aaents and cmployocs of any form against any and all claims, demands. actions or causes of action ofwhatevC1' nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execu:don or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the pcrfonnance of any work: or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County; and that any and. all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. (Sheet 1 of2) S fY\ 12-05-2003 12:22 FROM-WRIGHT CO HIGHWAY +783-882-7313 T-238 p,003/a03 F-976 That the County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any fOfm against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatever nature or character, whether at laW' Or equity, arising out of or by reason of the execmion, omission or perfonnanoe of me work provided for herein to be performed by the County including, but not limited to, claims made arising out of maintenance obligations of Calmly, engineering, design, taking or inVCI'St condemnation proceedings. It is fUrther agreed that any and all full.time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance or any work or services t'Cquircd or provided for herein to be perfOImed by the County shall be considered employees of the COWlty only and not of the City; and that any and. all claims that mayor might arise under the WOrkmen'g Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so enpicd and any and all claims made by any third. parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County Cn1ployees while so engaged on any of the work Of servioes provided to be rendered hcrc:in shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. That in December of 2003 . the City shall receive payment from the County for their work. This amount shall be based on the 2002 average annual cost per mile for the years 2002. 2001, and 2000 for routine maintenance On Municipal County State Aid Highways. The average annual cost per mile will reflect only those com associated with the areas ofrourine maintenance for which the City is responsible. ADOPlEO; .20_ A1TEST: Mayor City Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a we and correct copy ofa-resolution duly passed. adopted and approved by the City Council of said City on . 20_. City Clerk APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: COUNTY OF WRIGHT Name of City Chairman of the Board Date ATI'EST: County Coordinator Date (Sheet 2 of2) S IY\ Council Agenda - 12/8103 7. Consideration of adoption of the 2004 tinal budeet and tax levy. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to adopt the final 2004 budget and resulting tax levy proposed in the amount of$6,957,9l5. The final budget and tax levy must be certified to the auditor by December 29th and since this is our last scheduled meeting for the year, adoption should take place at this meeting. A truth in taxation hearing was not required by the City this year as our overall levy increase was less than 3.3%, which exempts us from the public hearing and publication req uirements. The budget summary worksheets that arc enclosed for your review are based on the budget modifications that the Council implemented at the first workshop session back in late August. As you may recall, the initial preliminary budget had proposed a tax levy of$7,01 1,865, but this amount was reduced to $6,957,915 based on Council direction at that workshop. To refresh your memory, the following are the budget modifications that resulted from the first workshop seSSIOn: Budget Moditications: Park Dedication Fund - Added to capital outlay $30,000 for future land acquisition. (No increase in revenue needed, funded by reserve balance.) Tree Fund - Increased tree planting in capital outlay category by adding $ 15,000 to capital expenditures for the anticipated tree planting program ($10,000 covered by Mep contribution received in 2003). Deputy Registrar - Added $300 for computer monitor, covered through revenue by increasing Deputy Registrar fees by $300. Street Depm1ment - Changed the addition of the new position from full year to half year which reduced salary and benefit categories by $19,1785. Snow and lee - Reduced this category by $2,185 for salary and benefits to cover the half of the new Strcet Department employee that is added to the Planning and Zoning Department for code enforcement technician. (The result is no change in levy, just in allocation bctween the two departments ). Liquor Fund - Increased transfer by $50,000 to Community Center to reduce the debt levy required for the bond issue. Community Center - Shows an increase of $50,000 for the transfer from the Liquor Fund. Council Agenda - 12/8/03 Librarv - Added $1,500 for shelving/bookcases. (Omitted from first draft by mistake). No additional revenue needed, taken from library fund balance. Debt Funds - Was informed by Ehlers that the new bond sale levy expected for one year for the recently sold bond could be reduced by $3,950 to reflect interest earnings from the bond fund. The result is the debt levy was lowered by $3,950. 2004 Bud2:et Hiehlig:hts Total projected revenue $19,482,562 Total projected expenditures $20,600,298 Total tax levy required $6,957,915 Total City tax capacity value $11,141,062 Total 2004 tax capacity rate 62.452 The total required tax levy as proposed would generate an additional $175,897 in revenue over the amount collected for 2003. This is a 2.59(Yo increase in dollars, but because our tax capacity value has increased by 7.7%, our overall tax capacity rate has actually dropped from 65 to 62 for about a 4.75% decrease. In other words, although we are collecting slightly more revenue in actual dollars, a property owner with similar values from year to year would see a reduction in their taxes by almost 5% (See graph and charts enclosed). If a property owner's valuation increased 5% because of inflation their property taxes should be very similar to those paid in 2003. The market value increases from int1ation along with new construction of housing and commercial projects has enabled the City's tax base to grow at a higher percentage rate than our actual levy increases. At the present time, our tax capacity value is increasing more each year than we are losing in valuation from the power plant, which is a good trend and hopefully this will continue to minimize tax payer impacts in the future. Included with the budget worksheets is a comparison of estimated taxes for various valued residential and commercial properties comparing the 2003 taxes with proposed 2004 taxes. As you will recall, the 2004 budget has been developed with the understanding that we wi II lose an additional $295,000 in state aid next year. What this means is that even though we are adopting a levy that is $175,897 higher than last year, the reality is that we will actually receive $146,000 less than last year. This is due to the fact that the state will not be reimbursing the City for LGA of $18,194 nor will we be receiving any homestead credit payments of $276,882 or any transit aid for our bus program that was $26,674 last year. Our taxpayers will actually be responsible for $6,957,000 in levy amounts but the City will only receive the equivalent of $6,636,000. Our actual planned expenditures are targeted towards the $6,636,000 number, because that is all of the funds we will actually receive. 2 Council Agenda - 12/8/03 The proposed 2004 budget includes the third year of funding for the street reconstruction program at $500,000, which should bring total revenue for this program to $1,500,000 of which approximately $500,000 has been applied to the 2003 core city project expenditures. Like 2003, it is assumed that additional funding for future phases of our core street project will require additional bond sales to help finance the entire project cost, but setting aside of funds for this purpose will substantially reduce the amount that is needed to be borrowed in the future. Transportation improvement costs for such items as a future Fallon Avenue/I-94 bridge project, and CSAH 18/1-94 interchange costs have not been included in this budget, but are assumed to be items that we would have to finance through some type of bond sale in the future. As you know, these eosts could be substantial in acquiring the necessary right of way along with construction of the interchange, but it is hoped that a finance plan can be developed that would include revenue from MnDOT for their share of the project along with assessments to benefitting property owners in the area in addition to tax payer funding from the community at large. Specific additional funding for library addition construction has not been included in next year's budget either, but it is anticipated that when this project proceeds, it will be taken from reserve funds of the City. The Council willlikcly be presented with cost information on an expansion project in the near future for consideration. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution setting the 2004 final budget and tax levy in the amount of $6,957,915. 2. Adopt a resolution setting the final budget and tax levy at an amount less than the maximum allowed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the final tax levy be adopted as proposed to meet the statutory deadline. As noted earlier, the maximum levy proposed at $6,957,915 will actually generate $145,000 less revenue than we even had last year because of the state aid cuts and it is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the maximum amount be levied at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Budget workshop documents. 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO 2004 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY WHERE PROPERTY TAXES GO 2004 Hospital 2% . School . County o Hospital DCity Page 1 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1 ,500 $1 ,000 $500 $0 to TAX ON $135,000 HOME TAXES PAYABLE 2003 AND 2004 W/CAEDITS TAX W/CAEDITS 2003 2004 DAWN/EXCEUBUDGET:T ax-Home: 12I2l2OO3 . City . Total Tax Page 2 REVISED TAX LEVY SUMMARY 2004 Budget All Funds Net Certified Levy Decreasellncrease Maximum Le Allowed $175.897 $6,957.915 2.59% Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2001 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2002 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2003 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2004 Tax Capacity Rate 27.001 35.186 36.272 37.146 67.645 65.558 62.452 14,413.597 13,123,681 13,066,057 13.641,431 9606212 10,344.950 11 ,141.052 8._ 27.001 35.186 36.272 37.146 67.645 65.558 62.452 $3,883.013 $4.617.725 $4.739.325 $5.067,342 $6.498.079 $6.782,018 $6 957.915 COMMENTS: .Communlty Center budget levy includes $612.455 for debt service and $405.900 for operations 2004 Budgelxla:Tax Levy $um:121212OO3 Page 4 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE S~MMARY 2004 Budget 2003 2004 FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURES REVENUE EXPENDITURES General $4,715,780 $4,715,780 54,985,585 54,985,585 Parks $719,225 $709,525 $667,600 5667,600 Park Dedication 543,400 $60,000 597,605 5120,000 Library $35,190 $35.190 $36,500 538,000 Transportation $87,780 587.780 $61,350 573.385 Shade Tree $30,285 $45.775 $2,400 $45.525 Community Center $1.822.395 $1,822,395 $1,966,800 S 1,966,800 UDAG $0 $0 $250,000 $250,000 OAA $375 $5,000 $400 510,000 HRA $683,070 $481,560 5683,445 $420,345 Minn. Investment Fund $18,745 $0 $17,710 SO EDA $50,800 $7,000 $55,155 $7,000 SCERG $480 $0 $180 $0 CMIF $150 $0 $165 $0 Debt Service $3,204,985 $3,656,918 $3,523,312 55,549,143 Liquor $3,326,650 $3,132,305 $3,545,525 $3,357,730 Water $420,850 $701,270 $443,905 $782,025 Sewer $867,050 $2,008,425 $915,250 52,064,505 Cemetery $30,210 $30,685 530,000 $30.000 Capital Improvements $219,840 $635,000 $79,630 $206,575 Water Access $234,000 $194,000 $350,740 $109,000 Storm Sewer Access 5181,790 $0 $246 390 5250.000 Sanitary Sewer Access $850.200 $100000 $1.012,365 $;::05,000 Streeet Reconstruction Fund $552.700 $0 5510,550 5500.000 TOTAL $18,095,950 $18,428,608 $19,482,562 II $21,638,218 COMMENTS "includes $1,214,635 Depreciation -- contributed assets sewer TTincludes $312,940 Depreciation -- contributed assets water 20048 UDGET XLS:Rev & Sum 8/27/2003 Page 5 SUMM~RY OF PROJECTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (Cash & Investments) PROJECTED 2004 . 2004 PROJECTED BALANCE '. PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE FUND 12/31/03 REVENUE EXPENDITURES 12/31/04 Parks Fund $174200 $667.600 $667,600 $174,200 Park Dedication fund $124,000 $97,605 $120.000 $101,605 General $4,850,300 $4,985.585 $4,985,585 $4,850,300 Library $4.550 $36,500 $38.000 $3,050 Tree $43,125 $2,400 $45,525 $0 OM $13.000 $400 $10,000 $3,400 Water $1,105,000 $443,905 $410,025 $1,138,880 Water Access $922.000 $350,740 $109.000 $1,163,740 Sewer $995,200 $915,250 $804,585 $1,105,865 Sewer Access $2.720,000 $1,012,365 $205,000 $3.527,365 Transportation $25,500 $61.350 $73,385 $13,465 Liquor $430,000 $3,545,525 $3,357,730 $617,795 Capital Outlay Revolving $710,000 $79,630 $206,575 $583,055 HRA $924,600 $683,445 S420,345 $1,187,700 Minn, Investment Fund $153,000 $17,710 $0 $170,710 DTED Clean Up Fund $0 $250,000 $250,000 $0 EDA $1,026.500 $55,155 $7,000 $1,074,655 SCERG $11,400 $180 $0 $11,580 CMIF $1,450 $165 $0 $1,615 Storm Sewer Access $965,000 $246,390 $250,000 $961,390 Cemetery $26,000 $30,000 $30,000 $26,000 Community Center Fund ($20,000) $1,966.800 $1966,800 ($20,000) Street Reconstruction Fund $520,000 $510,550 $500,000 $530,550 SUBTOTALS $15,724,825 $15,959,250 $14,457,155 $17,226,920 Debt Service General Obligation Bonds $1,601,465 $1.756573 $1,770.993 $1587,045 Special Assessment Bonds $3,980,819 $1,557,439 $1,437,600 $4,100,658 Tax Increment Bonds $2.204,000 $209.300 $2,340.550 $72,750 DEBT SERVICE SUBTOTALS $7,786,284 $3,523,312 $5,549,143 $5,760,453 I TOTALS $23,511,109 I $19,482,562 I $20,006,298 I $22,987,373 I 2004 BUDGET XLSSumm of Proj Rev'8/27/2003 Page 6 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2004 Budget REVENUE Taxes CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 10131011 $3,167,330 $3.527,722 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 10131021 SO $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 10131031 SO SO TIF #1 - KMART 10131051 $0 SO FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 101.31920 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 101.31910 $3.000 $5.000 TOTAL TAXES $3,170,330 $3,532,722 2003 2004 Licenses and Permits. Business LIQUOR LICENSE 101.32111 S29.050 $29,050 BEER LICENSE 101.32112 S 1 .100 $1 ,950 SET UP LICENSE 101.32113 S50 $50 OTHER BUS LICENSES & PERMITS 101.32199 $300 $1,500 TOTAL LICENSES. & PERMITS - BUSINESS $30,500 $32,550 Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS 101.32211 $505,000 $635,000 VARIANCES/CONDITIONAL USES 101.32212 $2.650 $2.600 GRADING PERMIT 101 32215 $0 $0 PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS 101.32231 $0 $0 ANIMAL LICENSES 101.32241 $225 $225 BINGO LICENSES 101.32261 $0 $0 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 10132262 $0 $0 OTHER NON-BUS L1C & PERMITS 101 32299 $7.000 $7,650 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS - NON BUSINESS $514,875 $645,475 Inter-Governmental FEDERALGRANTS-CETA 101 33120 SO $0 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 101.33401 S 18,194 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT (HACA) 10133402 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT 10133403 SO SO PERA INCREASE AID 10133404 $6,741 S6.741 DISASTER AID 101.33408 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID 10133410 $65.000 $68,000 FIRE DEPT AID 10133420 S53.345 $63.250 POLICE DEPT AID 10133421 $28,000 $33,000 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 101 33499 SO $0 COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS 101 33610 $11,750 $11,600 OTHER COUNTY GRANTS 101 33620 $5.000 $1,000 TOTAL INTER-GOVERNMENTAL $188.030 $183,591 Char es for Services RECYLlNG INCENTIVE ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 10133621 10134103 513.000 $5.000 $14.000 $10,000 2004 BUDGETxLS GenF undSumRev8/27/2003 Page 7 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS 101 341 05 $200 $250 MV LICENSE SALES/DEPUTY REG 1 01 .34 1 06 $205.000 $245.300 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 101 34107 $8.500 $10.000 INSPECTION FEES 10134204 $160.000 $55000 FIRE PROTECTION TWp CONTRACT 101.34206 $82.760 $80.215 FIRE EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALLS 101.34207 52.500 $3.000 BLIGHT MOWING FEES 10134210 $300 $300 STREET. SIDEWALK CURB REPAIRS 10134301 $0 $0 SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE 10134408 $3.000 $2,600 GARBAGE CHG 101.34409 S55.000 $46,000 GARBAGE CART RENTAL 1 01 .344 1 0 $26.000 $33.500 PARK RENTAL FEES 10134780 SO $0 CONSTRUCTION COST (REIMB) 10134960 $40.000 $155.418 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 101.34999 $1.200 $1.200 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES ... $602,460 $656,783 Fines ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT TOTAL FINES 101.35104 $21,000 $21,000 $23.000 $23,000 Miscellaneous Revenue S. A PRINCIPAL - COUNTY 101.36101 $0 $0 S. A PRINCIPAL - DIRECT 10136102 $0 $0 S. A PENAL TIES & INTEREST 101.36150 $128.000 $162.500 INTEREST EARNINGS 10136210 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS-ANDERSON 101.36215 $6.785 $6,090 INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX 101.36214 $0 $4,300 RENTAL OF PROPERTY 101.36220 $1 .500 $13,350 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 101.36221 $0 $0 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 101.36230 $0 $0 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 101.36240 $0 SO MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 10136241 $0 $0 LOCK (FIRE) BOXES 101.36242 $500 $450 SIGNS & INSTALL (NEW PLATS) 10136243 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 10136299 $4,000 $4,500 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $140,785 $191,190 Refunds and Reimbursements REFUNDS/REIMB URSEMENTS 101.36290 $10,000 $15.000 IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB) 101.36291 $0 $0 HACA REIMBURSEMENT 101 36292 $0 $0 DISCOUNT 101 36298 $0 $350 TOTAL REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS $10,000 $15,350 Transfers from Other Funds Transfer TOTAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS 101.39203 SO $0 so $0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $4,677,980 $5,280,661 ($295,076) I $4,985,585 /Less: LGA and MVHC Aid Loss TOTAL NET GENERAL FUND REVENUE 2004 BUDGET.XLSGenFundSllmRev.8/27/2003 Page 8 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2004 Budget EXPENDITURES 2003 2004 General Government Mayor and Council $34.520 $38,710 Administration $268,500 $273,765 Finance $186,585 $198,145 Audit $21,500 529,500 Legal $/1,880 $102.150 Planning & Zoning $202,530 $197,630 Assessing $29.925 $44.510 Deputy Registrar $207,365 $204,470 City Hall $132.000 $151.450 Data Processing $99,750 $101,175 Elections $0 $8,975 National Guard $21,870 $21 ,400 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT i ,i '..' "'i . $1,276,425 $1,371,880 ..' P bl' S f t U IC aery Law Enforcement $716,710 $797,160 Fire $216,855 $242,930 Building Inspections $211,790 $215.855 Civil Defense $15,665 $13,665 Animal Control $42,250 $42.975 ~. TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY, i';',,:"" i,C'. ',' " ..ci '. .. $1,203,270 ....,~"",,{\ $1;312,585 Public Works Inspections $144.470 $131,790 Public Works Administration 5181 ,760 $177.480 Streets & Alleys 5644,055 5577,340 Snow & Ice $70,490 $82,575 Street Lighting $100,500 $102,500 Parking Lots $18,600 $6,600 Shop & Garage $125,940 $135.525 Refuse Collection 5362,125 $439,930 Engineering $300,000 $370.000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $1,947,940 $2,023,740 Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center 578.465 577,890 YMCA/Community Education $18,200 518,200 Information Center $4.000 50 TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE $100,665 $96,090 Communi Celebrations Community Celebrations (Previousl TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 511,800 $11,800 $6.600 $6,600 Economic Development Economic Development TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 559,175 $59,175 55/885 $57,885 2004 BUDGET XLS GenFundSum-Exp8!27/2003 Page 9 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2004 Budget Miscellaneous Misc. -- Severe nee Benefits Insurance TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS ITOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 2004 BUDGETXLSGenFundSum.Exp:8/27/2003 "0"';:',;"-:' ,~':':;-~' /',;' 1-' 1 $32.000 $84,505 .,$116,505/;:0 $4,715,7801" . ~:t Page 10 >''''J. $28.000 $88.805 - $116,805 $4.985.5851 SUMMARY Debt Serv-ice Funds 2004 Budget Forecast REVENUE 2003 2004 Current ad valorem: $1.268.813 $1,201.643 Interest: $1 56,51 0 $124460 Special asmt--County: $397,037 $855104 Transfer in -Tax Increment: $142,800 $179.650 Transfer inuLiquor Fund (community center bond): $0 $0 Transfer in--Community Center Fund: $573,225 $662455 Transfer inuSewer Access Fund (VVVVTP note): $500,000 $500,000 TOTAL REVENUE $3,038,385 $3,523,312 --------------....----------------------------......----- EXPENDITURES 2003 2004 Principal: $2,237,925 54,096,539 Interest: $1.411,924 $1.445,623 Paving agent fees: $7,069 $6.981 Interest exp: $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,656.918 $5,549,143 2004 BUDGETXLS:Debt Service Fund-Forecast 8/27/2003 Page 11 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Park Fund REVENUE 2003 2004 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 225.31011 $709,525 $653.875 DELiNOUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 225.31021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 225.31031 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 225.31910 $0 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 225.33402 SO $0 TEAM FEES 225.34770 $5.000 $6,500 PARK RENTAL FEES 225.34780 $2,000 $2,000 PARK DEDICATION FEES 225.34950 $0 $0 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 22534999 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS 225.36210 $2,700 S5,225 REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS IN 225.36290 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 225.36299 SO SO TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 225.39201 $0 $0 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 225.39203 $0 ..,!~,'~,T?''''M' . .,., },;: (.<'. . ..1 TOTAL REVENUE .: . '\;<':i.,'.;'> . ~. . $719,225 : ':.~<. $667,600 --------------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES. FULL TIME - REG 225452011010 $199,550 $203,440 SALARIES. FULL TIME - OT 225.45201.1020 $2,550 $2,750 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 225.45201.1030 $0 $0 SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT 225.45201.1031 $0 $0 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 225.45201.1040 $35.000 $38.000 SALARIES. TEMPORARY - OT 225.45201.1050 $0 $0 SALARIES. OTHER 225.45201.1090 $0 $0 SEVERANCE PAY 225.45201.1110 $0 $1,000 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 225.45201.1210 $13,115 $13,615 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 225.45201.1220 $14,700 515,265 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 225.452011250 53.440 $3,570 HEAL TH/DENTAULiFE INSURANCE 225.45201.1310 $33.820 $35,460 U C BENEFIT PAYMENTS 225.45201.1420 $0 $0 WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PA YMT 225.45201.1520 $0 $0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $302,175 $313,100 2004 BUDGET XLS Soec Revenue Fund.Parks8/20/2003 Page 12 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Park Fund Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 22545201,2030 SO SO SAFETY SUPPLIES 22545201,2065 $2,000 52400 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 22545201_2099 $200 $200 CLEANING SUPPLIES 225452012110 $700 $600 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 225452012111 $650 $650 MOTOR FUELS 22545201,2120 $5,500 S6,OOO LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 22545201.2130 $1 .400 $1,600 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 225452012160 $7,500 $8.500 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 22545201.2199 $21,500 $22.000 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 225452012210 $3.600 $4,200 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 22545201.2211 $3.000 53.400 TIRES 22545201.2220 $ 1 .000 51.000 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 22545201.2230 $3,500 $3,600 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 22545201,2250 $4,000 $4.500 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 22545201,2299 $11,000 $9.000 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 22545201.2410 $1,500 $1,500 . '-"'" '.,', '<:';',.::';:~,,;,;:"", '" ,,'- ., c' TOTAL SUPPLIES ,. $67,050 $69,150 "" S & Ch ervlces arges PROF SERVICES ~ CUSTODIAL 225452013110 SO $0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 225.45201.3190 SO $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 225.45201.3199 $5,500 $3.400 TELEPHONE 22545201.3210 $2,300 $2.300 TRAVEL EXPENSE 22545201,3310 5250 $300 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 22545201.3320 $ 1.200 $1,200 FREIGHT 22545201_3330 SO $0 ADVERTISING 225.452013499 $650 $650 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 225.45201,3520 $500 $500 VEHICLE INSURANCE 225452013630 $0 $0 ELECTRIC 225.452013810 $9.000 $5,000 GAS 225.45201.3830 $650 5800 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 225452014010 $3.000 S3. 000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 225452014044 $2,000 $2.000 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 225452014050 $1,700 52,000 ADOPT-A-PARK MAINT/EXP 225452014090 $3.200 53,200 PA THWA Y MAINTENANCE 225.452014091 $ 1 ,000 51,000 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 22545201 4099 $2,000 52,000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 225452014150 $500 5500 UNIFORM RENTAL 225452014170 52,800 $3.000 MISC RENTALS 22545201 4199 50 $0 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIPTIONS 225.452014330 $400 5400 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 225452014350 I $150 5150 TOWING CHARGES 22545201.4360 50 SO LICENSES & PERMITS 225452014370 50 $0 PRIZES 225.452014390 50 $0 TREE REPLACEMENT 225452014391 51.500 51,500 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 225452014399 $1.500 SO TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $39,800 $32.900 2004 BUDGETXLS Spec Revenue Fund-ParkS 8/20/2003 Page 13 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Park Fund Capita Outlay IMPROVEMENTS 225.45201.5301 SO SO MOTOR VEHICLES 225.45201.5501 $57,000 $30,000 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 225.45201.5601 SO SO OTHER EOUIPMENT 225.452015801 $103.500 S46,500 r ,. :.,'.;.::,:'" '" : \, ,. "".".; . ^ . .y..... '.'. '.... .'." .- ' r:r ,. .(. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTtA Y .,' .' "'. . ". ... :.,: . .~--;;,~ :.',:": $160,500 $76,500 TOTAL GENERAL PARK .~ : . ...; .~;!, '. .:\ .. .".,,', .)'.., . '~'4t''P;.:c':$569,525 Parks/Improvements CITY BALLFIELDS/NSP IMPR 225.45202.5305 $15,000 $0 SOCCER FIELDS IMPR 225.45202.5306 SO $0 PARK ADA/STRUCTURE IMPR 22545202.5311 $10,000 $10,000 WEST/EAST BRIDGE PARK IMPR 22545202.5312 $25,000 $15.000 PRAIRIE/OTTER CREEK PARK IMP 22545202.5321 SO $0 CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT IMPR 225452025322 $0 $0 PIONEER PARK IMPR 225452025323 $20,000 $30,000 RIVER MILL PARK IMPR 225.45202.5324 $0 $0 4th STREET RINK IMPROVEMENT 225.45202.5326 SO SO WILDWOOD RIDGE PARK 22545202.5327 SO $0 1. Playground Equipment SO $0 2. Landscaping_ & Gradirl9 $0 $0 3. Picnic Tables,Benches & Garbi'ige cans SO $0 4. Open Air Shelter $0 $0 5. Trees $0 $0 GROVELAND PARK IMPROVEMENT $60,000 $65,000 TOWER PARKNALLEY VIEW IMPROVEMENT $10,000 $10,000 TOTAL PARK IMPROVEMENTS . $140,000 $130,000 NSP Ballfields Cleaning SUPPles 225.45203.2110 $150 Motor F ueis 22545203.2120 5500 Lubricants 22545203.2130 $100 General Operatin.g SUDplles 225.45203.2199 $500 Misc. Repair/MaInt Supplies 22545203.2299 $2,000 Misc. ProfeSSional Services 225.45203.3199 $2.000 Electricity 225452033810 $7,000 Repair/Malnt ' 8uildln,gs 225452034010 $200 Improvements 22545203 5301 $25,000 Other Equipment 22545203.5801 $8.500 TOTAL BALLFIELD IMPROVEMENTS $45,950 'GRAND TOTAL PARKS 1 $709,525' $667,6001 2004 BUDGET XLS Spec Revenue FunO.ParkS B/20/2003 Page 14 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Community Center REVENUE 2003 2004 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 22631011 $894,945 $1,018.355 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 226.31021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 226.31031 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 226.31910 $0 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 226.33402 $0 $0 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 226.33429 $0 $0 ROOM/SPACE RENTAL 226.34101 $107,000 $81,695 KITCHEN RENTAL 226.34102 $0 $0 CONCESSIONS 22634740 $70.000 $72,000 USER FEES 22634790 $70,500 $75,000 MEMBERSHIPS 226.34791 $400.000 $400.000 PROGRAM ACTIVITY FEES 226.34792 $52,000 $60,000 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 226.34999 $17,000 $6,000 INTEREST EARNINGS 226.36210 $1,950 SO RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 226.36221 $4,000 S500 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 226.36230 $3,000 $3,000 OTHER MISC REVENUE 226.36299 $2,000 $250 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 226.39201 $0 $0 TRANSFER FROM LIQUOR 226.39207 $200,000 $250,000 TOTAL REVENUE ..... ....':, . ;:>~, ." ',:. ,: :.':"..'. .,.""':",., .,-., .... $1,822,395 '.. $1,966,800 -----------------....------------------.....-------- EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG 226.45122.1010 $247,500 $258,540 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 226.45122.1020 $2,000 $4,000 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 226.45122.1030 $278.000 $295,000 SALARIES. PART-TIME - OT 226.451221031 $1,000 $500 SALARIES. TEMPORARY - REG 226.45122.1040 $10,000 $2,500 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT 226.45122.1050 $0 $0 SALARIES. OTHER 226.45122.1090 $0 $0 SEVERANCE PAY 226.451221110 $0 $1,000 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 226.45122.1210 $21,000 $21,000 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 226.45122.1220 $38,400 $35,000 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 226.45122.1250 $7,300 S8,OOO HEAL TH/DENTAULlFE INSURANCE 226.45122,1310 S30,930 $32,945 U C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 226.45122.1420 $4,000 $4,000 WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PA YMT 226.45122.1520 $6,500 $10,000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES , $646,630 $672,485 2004 BUDGET XLSSpec Revenue Fund-Comm Ctr8127/2003 Page 15 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Community Center Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 22645122,2030 5750 52,000 PROGRAM OPERATING COSTS 22645122_2065 SO SO MISC OFfiCE SUPPLIES 22645122.2099 $7.500 $6.500 CLEANING SUPPLIES 22645122_2110 $9.500 $7,300 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 226451222111 $7.000 $7.000 MOTOR FUELS 22645122,2120 $0 SO LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 226451222130 $0 $0 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 22645122,2160 $12.000 $12,000 POOL MAINTENANCE SUPPliES 22645122.2161 $2,500 $5.000 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 226451222199 $18.000 $18,250 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 226_45122_2210 $3.400 $5,000 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 22645122.2211 $0 $0 TIRES 22645122,2220 $0 $0 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 22645122.2230 $9,100 $4,000 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 226.45122.2250 $0 $3.000 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 226.45122.2299 $5,000 $5.000 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 226.45122.2410 $4.000 $4.000 COST OF GOODS SOLD 22645122,2998 $0 $0 TOTAL SUPPLIES "",. .' $78,750 $79,050 Services & Char~es PROF SERVICES - MANAGEMENT FEE 226.45122.3070 $700 $400 PROF SERVICES - DATA PROCESSING 226451223090 $4,000 $4.000 PROF SERVICES - WEBSITE/EMAIL 226451223092 $400 $400 PROF SERVICES - CUSTODIAL 22645122.3110 $500 $500 PROF SERVICES - LAUNDRY 226451223111 $3,000 53.000 PROF SERVICES - BLOG/EQUIP 22645122.3112 $5,000 $5,000 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 226451223190 $10,000 $15.000 PROF SERVICES - NEWSLETTER 22645122.3195 $0 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 226.45122,3199 $9,000 $2,000 TELEPHONE 22645122,3210 $12.000 $12,000 POSTAGE 22645122.3220 $1,000 $500 CABLE/NETWORK SERVICES 22645122.3250 $2.200 $2.200 TRAVEL EXPENSE 22645122.3310 $600 $500 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 22645122.3320 $5.000 $2.500 FREIGHT 22645122.3330 $300 $0 ADVERTISING 22645122,3499 $28.000 $10,000 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 226.451223520 $2.000 $1.000 BROCHURES 226451223560 515.000 56,000 GENERAL LIABiliTY INSURANCE 22645122.3610 $20.000 $34,345 PROPERTY INSURANCE 226451223620 55.420 $7,075 MISC GEN INSURANCE (WORK COMP) 226451223699 $12.120 510.190 ELECTRIC 22645122.3810 570,000 574.000 GAS 226451223830 $62.000 $76,000 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 226451224010 $5,000 $5,000 REPAIR & MTC . MACH & EOUIP 226451224044 $5.000 $5 000 REPAIR & MTC . VEHICLES 22645122.4050 $0 $0 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 226451224099 50 SO EOUIPMENT RENTAL 226.451224150 $15,000 $ 15.000 UNIFORM RENTAL 226451224170 $1.800 $1500 2004 BUDGET XLS 50ec Revenue Fund.Comm Clr8/20/2003 Page 16 TQ\^/EL RENTAL 226.45122.4171 5750 51 . 1 00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIPTIONS 226.45122.4330 5500 $1.500 TOWING CHARGES 226.45122.4360 SO SO LICENSES & PERMITS 226.45122.4370 S700 5700 CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS 226.45122.4379 SO SO BANK CHARGES 226.45122.4398 $4.000 55.500 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 226.45122.4399 $1.500 5300 OPENING CELEBRATION EXP 226.45122.4429 SO $0 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES ":. .- . :~2'iN'~;J~j~r.':.\~{.; ~ -., ;" .:;:.' ,..: :t'.d" _;":.! ~,.~.. ."','"\> J, -. . ,j. . ~,-., ,t....:.i...,:: --. ';"'$302,210 .', -'..0. ",'. '., $302,490 .. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Community Center Capital Out ay IMPROVEMENTS 226.45122.5301 $29.000 $162.550 MOTOR VEHICLES 226.45122.5501 $0 $0 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 22645122.5601 $6.000 $0 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 22645122.5701 S2.000 50 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 226.45122.5702 $2,500 SO OTHER EOU/PMENT 226.45122.5801 $85.000 SO :,'::.,. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ;:,.. ,:,..... $124,500 $162,550 Debt Service LEASE PYMT TO HRA - PRINC LEASE PYMT TO HRA . INT TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FD TOTAL DEBT SERVICE. 226.45122.6040 226.45122.6140 226.45122.7205 $1.126.700 $0 $573.225 $1,699,925 so SO $662.455 . : $662.455 Community Center Programming RENTAL ROOM SUPPLIES 226.45127.2075 $1.000 $2.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PROGRAMMING 226.45127.2099 $500 SO OPER SUPPLIES - CONCESSIONS 226.45127.2145 $1 .000 53.000 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 226.451272146 $7.000 S6.500 CLIMBING WALL SUPPLIES 226.451272171 $500 5500 FITNESS AREA SUPPLIES 226.45127.2172 55.000 $1.000 GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES 226.45127.2173 $500 $500 INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 226.451272174 5500 5500 POOL SUPPLIES 226.45127.2175 $2.200 $2.000 "THE WAREHOUSe" SUPPLIES 226.45127,2176 $500 8500 WHEEL PARK SUPPLIES 226.45127.2177 S700 $500 GEN PROGRAMMING - Op, COSTS 226451272198 85.500 $7.000 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 22645127,2541 S50.000 $50.000 PRIZES 226.45127.4390 SO S250 PROF SERVICES. FITNESS 226.451273012 $3.000 53.800 PROF SERVICES - PROGRAM INSTR 226.45127.3013 $3.000 51 .500 PROF SERVICES - GENERAL PROGRAMMING 22645123199 $4.500 51.500 ADVERTISING - PROGRAMMING 226.45127 3499 $7.000 53.500 EQUIP RENTAL - PROGRAMMING 226451274150 53.400 52.000 PRIZES 226.451275805 S 1.000 S 1 .500 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER RECREATION $96,800 $88,050 GRAND TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER $2,949,095 $1,966,800 2004 BUDGET XLS Spec Revenue Fund.Comm. Ctr.8/20/2003 Page 17 0 :>> .,' ,,' ,... Ci c 0 G'J rr -< r. . " c " .f '" "TI 0 r () :J: "0 "tI 0 () '" 1; ::;' III 5' III :::0 III 0 I'll ~ III Ei ~, -. - 't:l CD ill )> :>:' n" 8 Ei VI c :r: "0 -< It) ~ ~ -. - ~ 8 0 0 :::0 "TI r> ~ III C III to ~ VI 1il ![ Q. VI '< 0 ~ "TI ill ~ to C ..... ~ Q. ""Cal ::;':J C ro III "" ::;i5'~ CO!'O r> !!!. ""0 "(\llll :::0 Q. -, ro ' 3. 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(Xl tn (1'1 o ("') o :1: OJ - z m Cn _Cl'J_ "'0-1-1 ""')>< .Q. -I 0 (1)m"T1 Sl3:, COm=- C.zo -:-IZ NO:::l W"TIn "tz~ ocr- .I:lomo aJ -I m c z m CI'J CI'J LEVY AND STATE AID REVENUE COMPA-RISONS Base Levy Limit (Taxes) 2003 $4,939.980 2004 $5.143.817 Add: Debt Levy (Taxes) 1.842.038 1.814.098 Sub-Total $6,782,018 $6,957,915 Additional State Aids: LGA Market Value Homestead Credit Transit Aid (Bus) $18,194 included in taxes ($18.194) ($276,882) $26.674 ($26,674) Total Tax & Aid Revenue $6,826,886 $6,636,165 * *Even with a $175,897 increase in levy, City will receive $190,721 less in total revenue. DA WN/X CEUBU DGET: levy&StateAid Comparison: 8/2 7/2003 Page 23 z ~~~(,4(,4(A !E- n I'\.) 0 - co -.j 01 0 0> W .....COO1CO 0 s: w..... ::.J01.j:>..W W W ..... -i "'tJ W )> x (") =4__ :::0 to,) "<(") en 0 0;;;;: 0 ""lJ 0 "T1'< (3 (..l 3:;' z < (tl !" 0>< 0 0 Z(tl ~~~(A(,4(A CD to,) -il/l " - - - CO-.j01 a. 0 -0 011'\.)0.j:>.......0') I'\.) 0 (")~ n O>J>.WWCOI'\.) 0 .j:>.. m- .... 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Consideration of salary schedule adiustment for 2004. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to consider an adjustment to the salary schedule for all non-union employees for the year 2004 to renect changes in the consumer price index (CPl). The Council has annually reviewed the salary schedule and made adjustments in order to help retain the City's pay relationship to market and with Monday nights meeting being the last one scheduled for this year an increase should be approved at this meeting to allow for implementation of a new schedule by the first payroll period in January. As part of the 2004 budget, I had included an additional 3% in the salary categories for each department to allow for potential cost of living adjustments, step increases and to allow for additional salary adjustments to our pay system to keep us competitive with surrounding communities. What the Council is being asked to consider tonight concerns the basic adj ustment of the salary schedule to reflect current increases in the CPI for our area. In the past the Council has used the consumer price index as a measurement of the inf1ationary rate. The Minnesota Department of Economic Security provides information on the consumer price index for both the US and the Mpls-St. Paul area. Normally the CPJ for either are very similar percentage wise but occasionally there can be differences between the two percentages because the Mpls-St. Paul index is only calculated twice a year on a June and December basis while the US cpr is updated on a monthly basis. The latest information that 1 could obtain indicates that the consumer price index for the US on an October to October basis shows an increase of 2%. The CPI for the Mpls-St. Paul area through June 2003 (June 2002-June 2003) shows a 1.3% increase in the cost of living. As you can see there is some difference between the US average and the Mpls-St. Paul index because of the different time frames used to compile the statistics. In addition to the cpr information, we have also conducted a brief survey again of various surrounding communities including the cities of Big Lake, Buffalo, Elk River, Maple Grove, Becker and Plymouth to determine what increases they had granted last year and are proposing or have approved for next year. Using the same communities we have surveyed in the past allows the Council to see what is happening in other communities around us. Finally, r have enclosed a brief history ofrecent year salary adjustments adopted by the Council compared to the reported CPI indexes for those particular years. Any adjustments to the current salary schedule adopted by the Council will only affect non- union employees as of 1-1-2004. The union contract that was renewed last April 1,2003 had their wage adjustments set for 2003 and 2004 as part of the two year contract. The union personnel will receive a 2.6% increase in their wages for the 2004 year of their contract. Because of comparable worth reporting requirements, we have always tried to keep union and non-union wages on a similar scale to avoid any violations of the comparable worth law, which could result in penalties being assessed against the City if we were out of compliance. The last time we reported our comparable worth information was as of December 31, 2002 and I am Council Agenda - 12/8103 happy to report that we just received notification that we have met all of the requirements of comparable worth and are in compliance at this time. In comparing union and non-union wage scales for similar type job classifications, the salaries for each are very similar although there are some variations in the union contract that allows for quicker advancement on the wage scale. The offset to this has normally been to occasionally provide non-union classifications with a slightly higher percentage increase to compensate for these differences. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could establish a cost of living adjustment for wage scales that would apply for non-union employees that is comparable to the salary adjustments being proposed by surveyed communities. Although there are some differences in the amounts proposed by our neighboring communities, again the percentage increase seems to be around 3%-3.5%. 2. Council could establish a cost of living adjustment for 2004 wages based on some other factor to be determined. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since one of the prime reasons for cost of living adjustments is to help keep our pay relationship in line with market conditions surrounding us, I would recommend that 2004 salary adjustments be in line with those increases being proposed by the surveyed communities or 3%. Although the cpr index is lower, being competitive with surrounding communities is just as important for the Council to consider and to recognize that the growth pressures we are experiencing in our community continue to place additional work load demands on our staff. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Salary survey of surrounding communities Prior years salary adjustments PREVIOUS YEARS' SALARY SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENTS For Year: Reported CPI Increase Council Adiustments 1993 3.2% 2.5% 1994 3.7 to 3.8% 3.5% 1995 2.9 to 3.1 % 2,5110 1996 2.7% 2.7% 1997 3.1 to 3.3% 3.1% 1998 2.7% 3% 1999 1.5% 2.5O;() 2000 2.6% to 2.7% 3.0% 2001 3.4% to 4.2% 3.0% 2002 2.1% to 4.2% 3.5% 2003 2.0% to 2.3% 3.0% 2004 1.3% to 2.0% ? DAWNIWORDlRICKIPRIORYR.ADJ: 12/3/03 ~ SURVEY OF SURROUNDING CITIES 2004 PROPOSED SALARY ADJUSTMENTS Big Lake 2000: 3% 2001: 3.5% 2002: 3.5% 2003: 4% (Actual likely to be less) 2004: 3% Buffalo 2000: 4.7% 2001 : 3.5% 2002: 2003: 2% 2004: 1% Elk River 2000: 3% - May increase benefits 2001: 3% - Increase health insurance 2002: 3% 2003: 3(10 2004: 3% Maple Grove 2000: 3% 2001: 3% 2002: 3% 2003: 3% 2004: 3% Plymouth 2000: 3% 2001: 3% 2002: 3% 2003: 3.5% 2004: 3% Becker: 2003: 3%-3.5% Proposed 2004: 3.5% WORD/DA WN/PERSONNELlSALARY.SUR: 12/1/03 R Council Agenda - 12/08/2003 9. Consideration of renewal of e:arbage/refusc pickup and hauling services contract and consideration of renewal of contract for curbside recvcling services. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Our current contracts for garbage/refuse pickup and hauling services and curbside recycling services are both up for renewal. Both contracts expire on May 3], 2004. Both contracts are with Onyx Waste Systems Midwest, Inc., which was previously Superior Services. The city contracts separately for disposal services with the Elk River Landfill. That contract is not up for renewal until March 3] , 2005. City staff has been working with Onyx Waste Services to look at ways to improve services to the community, as well as to keep any contract increases as low as possible. The most advantageous change to the city and the contract will be to have garbage and recycling services five days per week. This would make collection more efflcient for the contractor, as well as to provide better services to our citizens as missed pick ups for garbage or recycling could be picked up the next day in most instances as we would have service five days a week. This can be an effective tool to manage costs, especially with the growth of the community. This change would occur some time in the next three years. With these changes coming down the road, Onyx Waste Services has proposed an increase to the contract prices ll)f garbage and recycling services of a modest 2 Yz percent. Both contract prices would be fixed for the life of the contract (three years). Following is a list of the existing and proposed charges for garbage and recycling services excluding tax: PICKUP AND HAULING OF GARBAGE/REFUSE #OF PICKUPS NEW DESCRIPTION PER EXISTING PROPOSED WEEK RATE RATE Residential (using cart services rate per unit/month) 1 $304 $3.12 Commercial Residential(rate per yard of dumpster capacity/month) 1 $7.04 $7.22 Commercial Residential(rate per yard of dumpster capacity/month) 2 $14.07 $14.42 The current value of the contract based upon October's billing, excluding tax, would be $11,947.31 per month. The 2 Y2 percent increase would make the monthly refuse hauling contract $12,245.99, an increase of $298.68 per month. Curbside Recvclinf! Services Contract: City statThas also negotiated a 2 Yz percent increase in the recycling services contract with Onyx. Our current rate is $1.86/month for those individual pickups using the bin system. Four-plexes and larger apartment buildings using roll-around carts, the rate is $1.27/month. The new rates would be Council Agenda - 12/08/2003 $1.90/month and $1.30/month respectively. The current base rate using the October billing was $6,532.03 per month. The new base rate with the 2 Yz percent increase would be $6,695.33 per month. A difTerence of $163.30 per month. We would again be proposing to go to five days per week (on a recycling week) some time during the next three years. Comparison: To obtain a comparison, City staff did a survey of other communities using organized garbage collection, whereby the city held a contract with the hauler. The city of Monticello is a little different in that we contract separately for the landfill and we contract with the hauler directly for hauling only. Consequently, I think we have been able to keep prices in this community for garbage/refuse services extremely low for many years. Our current base rates which we use to charge residential commercial user or single family that require a second cart are included on the survey which is enclosed in the agenda supplement. Prices for a 95 gallon cart with once per week service range from a low of $9.45 (Monticello's rate) to a high of $21.99 (Buffalo's rate). For a 65 gallon cart again the city of Monticello was low at $7.70 per month and the city of Buffalo was high at a rate 01'$13.99. Even with a 2 Yz percent increase over the next three year contract life, we will still be the lowest of the cities surveyed. City staff believes that our current refuse and recycling contractor Onyx (i.e., Superior Services) is doing an excellent job for the city and they have kept the same drivers in Monticello for some time now which helps things go smoothly. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. 'fhe first alternative is to authorize staff to renew our garbage/refuse pickup and hauling contract with Onyx for another three years with a 2 Yz percent increase over the last contract, and also to renew our recycling contract with Onyx for another three year period, also with a 2 Yz percent increase over current prices. 2. The second alternative would be not to renew one or the other contracts with Onyx and/or to obtain bids on one or the other. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council renew the contracts with Onyx for garbage/refuse pickup and hauling and curbside recycling services as outlined in alternative #1. We arc receiving excellent service from Onyx Waste Services and are able to maintain rates for our citizens that are extremely competitive, if not the lowest around. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposal letter from Onyx Waste Services. Copy of the Single Family Residential Garbage Rate Survey. 12-04-'03 14:14 FROM-SUPERIOR SERVICES 320-251-7113 T-951 P02/04 U-196 ::,;c~t~o' ...IVV . ~ ." I"tt.. Date: December 4. 2003 John Simala Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Simola: As our agreement to service the City of Monticello trash and recycling ends on May 31, 2004. We would like to propose the following draft for the next three.year contract. Following is the break down of prices as described in the CITY OF MONTICELLO CONTRACT. Prices are based on today's total billings and counts with effective net increase of 2.5%. CONTRACT FOR GARBAGE/REFUSE PICKUP AND HAULING SERVICES Residential as described in CONTRACT Lump sum cost 01$10.580.28 per month. Four-plex and greater apartments Lump sum cost of S1.665.72 per month. Additional Residents The sum of J3.12 per unit/per month. Commercial Residential The sum of JLiZ per yard once a week. Commercial Residential The sum of $14.42 per yard twice a week. Miscellaneous City Property will remain same as needed. Dumpster Rental will remain the same. All other Items In present contract remain same with exception of compost, which will reduce to two pickups per year. AGREEMENT FOR CURB-SIDE RECYCLING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. The base rate will be $5.874.00 (lump sum) per month. onp: ___ Service. MIdwe... Inc. 23ee ,2m Slreet $IM~ E3lll, St. Ooud. MN 00304 BU'i320.2~1.8919' fll>i:m.!I~1.7"::J C\ 1L-~q-'~~ 14:14 rHUM-~UPcH1UH ~cHV1~c~ ~L~-L~1-'(11~ T-~~1 PL1~/~4 U-1~b New units added shall be l1Jm/month/unit for individual pickups. Multiple pickups $821.40 (lump sum) per month. Month/unit for multiple pickups S1.30/monthlunlt for multiple pickups. All other items in present contract remain same. John, thank you for the customer lists. This we help us going forward with a possible new and exciting routing which will make us more efficient and have a sanitation and recycling truck within Monticello City limits on a daily basis. Sincerely. or;;:R~:V- Robert Holzer General Manager C\ SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE RATE SURVEY 2003 MONTHL Y COST INCLUDING CART (HAULING AND DISPOSAL) CITY 35 GAL 65 GAL 95 GAL BUFFALO $ 7.99 $ 13.99 $ 21.99 ELK RIVER $ 11.25 $ 12.75 $ 14.25 HAM LAKE $ 9.36 $ 13.60 $ 18.74 HOPKINS $ 11.00 $ 13.25 $ 14.45 LITTLE CANADA $ 8.29 $ 9.77 $ 11.79 .................... ...... .. ... ... > . ....... MONTICELL.O , $ 7.70 '.,..$, '........ ...9..45' NOTE: SOME OF THE SIZES MA Y BE SLIGHTL Y DIFFERENT (I.E., 38 GAU60 GAU90 GAL) BUT FOR THIS COMPARISON WE'LL ASSUME 35/65/95 AND COMPARE COSTS PER MONTH BASED ON ONE PICKUP PER WEEK. F:\BETHG\SPREAD\-JOHN\GBG-RA TE-SURVEY -2003-SF-RESIDENTIALxls C\ Council Agenda - 12/8/03 10. Consideration of a reQuest for Conditional Use Permits to allow six four-unit townhouse buildinQs and a Preliminary Plat for 7 townhouse lots in an R-2 District. Applicant: Mike Schneider - Homestead Multi-Familv Development Corp. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The applicant is seeking a Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of six four-unit townhouse buildings on property along West Prairie Road, south of the Timber Ridge Townhouse project. The plat is a replat of four single family lots owned by the City and "The Brothers" plat, a single family plat that has existed for some time with no homes. Zoning and Density. The area is zoned R-2, and four-unit townhouse structures are Conditional Uses in the district. The zoning ordinance permits townhouses at a density of one unit per 5,000 square feet of lot area. Each of the proposed lots exceeds 20,000 square feet, and as such, the density requirement is met. All units would face public streets, including Prairie Road and a new cul-de-sac extending south from Prairie Road. Preliminary Plat. The plat itself shows 7 total lots - 2 are located on City land north of Prairie, and five located to the south. Lot 5 of the southern group does not show a building. Due to the plat configuration, it does not appear that a building could be located on it to meet setbacks. This lot should be eliminated and absorbed into the adjoining parcel, as the Subdivision Ordinance does not permit remnant parcels. The applicant has inquired about the possibility of "simple subdivision" instead of a full plat. The Subdivision Ordinance requires a plat in all but a few cases. Those cases include lot combinations, and situations where one platted lot is being split into two new parcels. This project clearly does not meet those situations. Moreover, if subdivided without a plat, a complicated "metes and bound" description of the various lots would be necessary, resulting in legal descriptions that are unlikely to be accepted by the County Recorder. In short, the proposed simple subdivision request would meet neither City nor County requirements. As noted, the design of the plat utilizes a cul-de-sac. The Subdivision Ordinance position on cul-de-sacs is to avoid them where possible. In this case, there does not appear to be a reasonable way to develop the plat without one, due to the shape of the existing property. Where used, the preferred design in an "oversized" cul-de-sac with a landscaped center island (maintained by the homeowner's association). There would appear to be adequate room to accommodate this concept due to the elimination of Lot 5 as discussed above. Council Agenda - 12/8/03 The redesign of the cul-de-sac would also benefit the driveway design for the townhouse units on Lot 4. This building relies on sharply turning driveways which are often difficult to negotiate. It would also increase the rear yard setback for that lot - currently shown at 20 feet along the east lot line. This should be increased to 30 feet to meet the R-2 zoning standards. The City Engineer will review street design, grading and drainage, as well as utility plans for the plat. Conditional Use Permit. As noted, the four-unit buildings are allowed by CUP in this district. The density easily meets the zoning minimum due to significant oversizing of three of the parcels. The general layout of the units is reasonable, and the existence of all public streets in the project is the preferred design. The following issues are noted with the project: a. The center two units of each structure share a wide driveway. This design does not meet the zoning maximum of 24 feet wide driveways at the street. Planning staff recommends a landscaped island that divides the driveways to meet the maximum width standard. b. The project is set up for a single four-unit building on each parcel. No plans are provided for separate sale or ownership, nor are any association proposals provided with the application. The applicant should clearly describe the proposal for the association and common area maintenance. c. The landscaping plan shows a row of trees along the freeway, and front yard trees at the ratio of one tree per unit. At least two trees are typically required to be planted, and no provision has been shown for foundation plantings around the buildings. Planning staff would recommend that any approval include a condition for additional tree and foundation plantings. d. As noted in the plat discussion, the cul-de-sac should be designed to be over-sized (according to the template provided by the City Engineer's office) with a center island to be landscaped by the developer and maintained by the association. The revised landscape plan should include this element. e. The City required that the developers of the townhouses in "Sunset Ponds" provide a landscaped berm along the interstate. The design of the berm is to include reasonable slopes with a height of 8 feet above the ground floor elevation of the adjoining structure. The purpose of the berm is to provide some sound attenuation from the adjoining freeway. This requirement should also be applied for this project. Planning staff is concerned that housing adjacent to the freeway would have significant negative impacts from freeway noise. Such berms are commonly employed in other communities where housing adjoins the freeway, and Council Agenda - 12/8/03 the application of such a berm in this development would be consistent with the requirements made in the Sunset Ponds project. On the berm, a planting of intensive vegetation should be provided, including native grasses and wildflowers on the slope to minimize the need for mowing and maintenance. f. The project should include sidewalk on one side of Prairie Road that connects to the pathway in Timber Ridge. A future project would be necessary to extend the sidewalk to the east through the existing neighborhood. g. As with Timber Ridge, an intensive landscape buffer should be provided along the edge of the project shared with the single family neighborhood to the east and north. The current landscape plan shows no plantings in those areas. The Planning Commission received comments from two neighbors that expressed concerns regarding traffic that will result on Prairie Road. Prairie Road does not have curb and gutter, is narrow and has no sidewalk. It is also the only public right of way in the neighborhood leading to the City pathway system. The Planning Commission agreed that reconstruction of this road along with sidewalk is probably needed with our without the proposed housing development. The developer objected to some of the conditions noted in Exhibit Z and stated that perhaps he would develop twin homes on the site instead as twin homes in an R-2 District are allowed as a permitted use. The Planning Commission was willing to take the chance and recommended approval with the conditions noted. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for six four-unit Townhouse buildings. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, based on a finding that the zoning supports the use, and the proposal meets the density requirements for the area, subject to the conditions found in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on a finding the existing single family plat is the most appropriate land use for the area, and the neighboring single family area would be negatively impacted by a townhouse project in this location. Council Agenda - 12/8/03 Decision: Preliminary Plat for six four-unit townhouse lots. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the plat, based on a finding that the plat is consistent with the zoning requirements, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the plat, based on a finding that the re-plat changes the nature of the surrounding neighborhood. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the CUP and plat, but only with the conditions found in Exhibit Z. The City has seen several townhouse projects in recent months. This proposal does not show the level of development amenities (mostly landscaping) that is present in the other projects the City has reviewed. Particularly because of the location of this project adjacent to the freeway, special care should be taken to ensure that negative impacts are mitigated. When a poor residential environment dominates a neighborhood, building quality and property values will suffer. As such, the changes recommended in Exhibit Z are designed to minimize those impacts, and bring this project in line with others recently approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Site Location Map 2. Preliminary Plat 3. Grading and Drainage Plan 4. Utility Plan 5. Landscape Plan 6. Building Elevations 7. Building Floor Plans Council Agenda - 12/8/03 Exhibit Z 1. Elimination of the remnant lot (Lot 5 Block 2) to meet Subdivision Ordinance requirements. 2. Submission of a final plat and execution of a development contract prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Revision of the plat to show an over-sized cul-de-sac consistent with the City Engineer's template design. 4. Establishment of an association to maintain common areas, including the cul-de-sac island landscaping. 5. Elimination of sharply turning driveways. 6. Separation of combined driveways to meet City curb-cut width maximums. 7. Redesign to meet 30 foot rear setback standards. 8. Increase number of boulevard trees per City standards and this report. 9. Provide landscaping plans for foundation plantings. 10. Provide a landscaped berm along the freeway per this report, consistent with the requirement for Sunset Ponds. 11. Provide sidewalk along Prairie Road to connect to Timber Ridge. 12. Provide landscaped buffer along the east and north boundaries of the project consistent with Timber Ridge and this report. 13. Compliance with City Engineer recommendations on grading, drainage, utilities, and street construction. 14. Compliance with City Public Works direction for mailbox locations, garbage collection locations, street lighting, and other requirements. \0 SI ',," -.,;:,..- ~ "--r- \ ~ -- ---=::, " , C SIO,,! 10 BE BUlL f ~lRE ~OA .)(T_N_ "l'\r.[ 2ND /IDOlnON. PARr OF 18ER IK..~ ~ \ // _// - ~= -=- -~ ---l'7 r"- -\ /) 'I / .1 if i 'l ;/ , II '-I ! I, 'I ""3 r, I j1r J I ~ [III I ,\ I /' 'I I II >> L .' I :I: I, I - - ~~ 1 ' " TIMBER RI ~'--:-P~T -" = ;-~.-r~-~---l ;1 --- ~~~= ~~" 'I ~ ~-1J .c"",1 Af - U~-=I, \~o---_"" ,A ff( 00 \;-_,~x -7"\ ~-!~/~~ .c: I. t /vtQ:.., 8..lc/ ')lo-ll>J"-<- I , ~(I 1 ---- l ~ .~_.,'~.- /\., ~] .1 C . I Ii Pra. :.a. i t e ood ~ .,. Q;. ~ '" 1 \ \10'\ 'Xo ~~) 1)~ ~~ "'", "", \ '< I \0 ~ : I I ' ,I l~ : I I' " I " - - - -:::. -:. -:'1' / -- -- l- ---===:-lr--- / .-:--- LA J .- ,) ~. 'I ~ II ~ 'I .,.. , I -U II I " " / " " ; ; ; / , , / \\ ~ \\ / ~\~ /1. 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':;"01,"" t "" -.-- ,I ~ "'r' ~~ $ . - .: ~'~. 1I 7_~~ fA~ ........;"1, I J ~1~rJ ~ H -er .... .-0 I ~ q Hl '~ , I ~ h q~ ' . *' ~ 1" P . ~ lr JJ -t ie' h '9 u I t . ... << fi~~ ;i A J ----.......2.!'~'!."~!, .. ~.r#<")"_ ~ ~!p h~ -fr- ',,,"\ ,..... ~ ~~ U~ ~ 1w tlf ~, 1r il~ lr ~', 3 ~et ... -----1i------------- ~:,J,. d:~ t S .. 8 -; ,J I t~ ? ~ ~~ U1 ~ I~ qf I: 17~ ~ 'e~ ? '9 . Memorandum To: Jeff 0 'Neill, Deputy City Atlmillistrlltor City of ll-/ollticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Ellgilleer Dllte: December 8, 2003 Re: Preliminllry Review Comments Preliminllry PllIt - UllIllImetl Town/wme Project WSB Project No. 1010-00 I am writing this memorandum with regard to the preliminary plat submittal documents that \vere provided for the above-noted project. These comments are general in nature and will need to be refined with the developer' s engineer. since not all information \vas provided. Our comments are noted as follows: Preliminary 1)lat . In general. the preliminary plat documents. as provided. do not follmv the requirements as set forth in the subdivision ordinance. The plans should be revised to accommodate all n:quiremcnts as stipulated in the City"s Design Guidelines Manual. . Proposed Lot 5. Block 2. does not appear to be large enough for construction of a structure. The developer should provide information as to what this lot will be used for. It may be possibk to realign the street to accommodate a building, or the property should be used for other purposes. Preliminarv Utilitv Plan . The preliminary utility plan docs not include service locations for the proposed buildings. [t is proposed that each building will be served by one utility service. \vhich will not allmv for future sale of individual buildings. . 'rhe 6-inch \vatermain \\ill need to be eyaluated to determine if it can adequately seryc the proposed de\elopml'nt area. and "hether or not there are any isslIl's related to the existing 6-inl.:h line. . All existing sen'ices \vill need to be remo\'\~d that arc not planned to be used with this project. Prcliminan' Gradinl! Pl:tn . The preliminary grading plan should include existing contour information f()r a minimum of 2()() teet beyond the existing property line. This includes area into to 1-9.-l, C. I/)()( 'I '.\Il,'../ :o./,,-y -I. (j/W'/.()( ',/LS', / \ lilli/pi / :0803-1IIi!/l/o'jond,X' Council Agenda - 12/8/03 11. Consideration of a reQuest to amend the City's Comorehensive Plan relatin2 to the development of Block 52 (Hiehway 25 and Broadway) Apolicant: Steve Johnson. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the November meeting, the Planning Commission heard a presentation regarding the redevelopment of Block 52. The applicants are requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to permit the development of a Walgreen's facility with parking lot in the yard area between the building and both Broadway and Highway 25. The Comprehensive Plan calls for storefront design that is built up to the street and sidewalk as commonly found throughout the traditional downtown area. Parking areas are to be placed behind the primary commercial buildings they serve. The applicant represents a development interest on Block 52, and is the owner of a portion of the property on this block. The site in question is the northwest corner of Highway 25 and Broadway, bounded by Walnut Street on the west and River Street on the north. The proposed development would consist of the removal of most of the buildings along Broadway and River Street (retaining the one building at the corner of Broadway and Walnut). The amendment does not include development of a housing complex and associated removal of the parking lot on River Street at this time. In place of the current uses, the applicant proposes a Walgreen's Pharmacy with a drive through that would have parking and driveways on all sides. The development would also result in a reduction in retail space on the block and an oversupply of parking. The current square footage would be reduced trom 17,900 sq. ft. to 14,300 sq. ft. or a 20% reduction in retail. An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is necessary due to the proposed site plan for the Walgreen's facility. The layout relies on a suburban model that includes parking along the primary exposures to Highway 25 and Broadway, in direct opposition to the traditional development pattern and the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan. 'rhe applicant has suggested that they would be willing to construct an ornamental structure along these frontage areas to regain a sense of the zero setback building required by the planning policies, as well as use building architecture that would be more traditional in nature. The Design Advisory Team has reviewed the proposal and found that some flexihility might be offered along Pine Street (Highway 25). However, they have recommended that the Broadway Street frontage he maintained. Particularly at the prime intersection of the downtown area, a suhurban style development would be contrary to foundation on which the Plan is built, and on which the City has spent considerable amounts of funds to help achieve. Although the applicants argue that their tenant will accept no other design due Council Agenda - 12/8/03 to economic requirements of their business, several other development projects have been completed or are proposed throughout the downtown area that reflect the objectives of the Plan. Among these are the Town Centre project, Landmark Square, the Walnut Plaza, the First Minnesota Bank (former Marquette Bank) the FluthlJohnson projects currently under consideration. In addition, the City has a significant area zoned for the style of project proposed by the developers. The B-3 and B-4 zoned areas south of Interstate 94 permit this type of commercial site planning, and various projects of this type are under way in those areas. The introduction of this type of site development in the core of the downtown would not he consistent with the City's planning process, nor with the large public and private investments that have been made throughout the downtown area. The Planning Commission voted 2-1 against changing the plan with Dave Reitveld and Richard Carlson absent. In voting for the amendment, Dick Frie noted his belief that the project represented an opportunity for the City. He believed that it may not be realistic to expect that the traditional design as noted the comprehensive plan will be achieved due to recent di11iculty Steve Johnson has experienced in tlnding developers that will follow the design. The Design Advisory Team, and the majority of the Planning Commission at the meeting was not convinced that sufficient time had elapsed since development of the plan (1997) to warrant giving up on maintaining the tradition Monticello downtown design and that the commercial suburbanization of Block 52 is inappropriate at this time. It was the view of the majority that given the rapid commercial growth in the community (major retail on the horizon) it will not be long before a developer comes forward who is interested in following the traditional urban design unique to Monticello, a design that ironically many suhurban communities are attempting to re-create. In the discussion, the door was left open to modify the comprehensive plan by allowing a greater setback on Highway 25 to accommodate parking. When asked if the building could he kept at 0 setback on Broadway and allowed a greater setback on Hwy 25, the developer said that the Walgreens Corporation was not interested in modifying their standard model for the sake of the City plan and that they would not move forward on the project without the City allowing parking on both corners, full length. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: Comprehensive Plan Amendment permitting parking lots along Pine and Broadway. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment, based on a finding that this corner is Counci I Agenda ~ 12/8/03 an inappropriate location for traditional downtown development patterns due to high traffic levels. A four-fifths vote of the City Council is needed for the amendment to pass. 2. Motion to deny the request for an amendment, based on a finding that the Comprehensive Plan direction for this site is important due to the significance of the location as the prime intersection in the Monticello downtown commercial district. 3. As a third alternative Council may wish to table a decision on this matter and direct the Planning Commission to examine the request in terms of the overall redevelopment plan. This study would include at least one joint meeting of the City Council, HRA, Planning Commission, DA T, Chamber of Commerce representatives and others. Some possible benefits from delaying the decision include: The additional time would enable the developer to prepare a detailed plan showing how the site will function. The current site plan is basically a pencil sketch without dimensions. A detailed site plan would provide a precise ideas as to space available for parking, landscaping, and other features. It would show traffic circulation and identify the need for additional land if any. This information would be useful prior to a Council decision to amend the comprehensive plan. · Additional time would allow time to analyze how this decision will affect adjoining blocks and help determine what other changes might be appropriate. It would also provide the Planning Commission and staff with direction as to what portions of the plan is valid and what portions are not important. 'rhe magnitude of this decision is significant and should be based on a fairly strong consensus. Although everyone wants to encourage Walgreens, there appears to be divergent views regarding the site design among members of the various commissions. Additional time would be of great value in providing decision makers (Council, HRA, Planning Commission, Devc10per etc) with the opportunity to discuss the topic further and hopefully form a consensus on this project and on the future development of the traditional "small town" downtown area of Monticello. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that Alternative #3 which is to table for further community discussion for reasons noted above and that no amendment be considered at this time. Council Agenda - 12/8/03 Although the applicants may have f(mnd a tenant who is interested in the site, the restrictions placed on the development of the property by that tenant are completely inconsistent with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, the existing development pattern, and other new projects in the downtown area that reflect the direction of the City's planning goals. Other sites in the community would be appropriate for the proposed use, but the prime corner would be the least appropriate location. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Site Plan Min utes Regular Meeting - Design Advisory Team Tuesd~IY, Decem her 2, 2003 Monticello City Hall - Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Hoglund, Pam Campbell, Dennis Sullivan, Cindy Anderson and Susie Wojchouski MEMBERS ABSENT: Roberta Gerads OTHERS PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak, Fred Patch and Steve Grittman of City StafT Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services 1. Call to Order Ron Hoglund called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM 2. Approval of minutes Motion to approve the Minutes from November 18 was made by Pam Campbell and seconded by Ron Hoglund. Motion approved 3. Consideration of adding items None 1fr 4. Review Block 52 setback Issues A development with Walgreen Drug as the prime tenant is seeking parking setbacks from the planning commission and city council. Oat supports the downtown revitalization pl8n ofa pedestrian friendly. walkable downtown with zero building setback on Broadway. However, due to the conditions on Pine Street (MN 25), Oat would approve a setback for parking as was done across the street to support the movie theatre. Motion by Susie Wojchouski and seconded by Pam Campbell against the change to the comprehensive plan. Motion approved 5. Wells Fargo Private Parking Lot off Walnut Per the Revitalization Plan: -Retain a pedestrian access to the bank from Walnut Street -Add parking lot lighting matching the Walnut Street and Town Centre lighting style. -Monument directional signs to be used on Walnut - Visual screening between the parked cars and Walnutt -Create a park-like "look" using pavers, trees and Jlovvers -Provide a Landscaping, lighting, and signage pl8n to OAT. Motion by Pam Campbell and seconded by Cindy Anderson. Motion Approved 6. LandMark Square Facade Review Steve Grittman prepared an cleven item reviev,l to the plan called Exhibit Z. The Design Related items were then discussed by OAT A) Item 4 of direct garage access from a public street was eliminated B) The list of external building materials will be submitted C) Landscape plans will be submitted D) Garage Space is tcn squarc fect below city code E) The number of ground level units is ten with the eleventh unit being an upper level duplex. I I ~ l:~ v_:1 . ,...~ -- . # t ~ ' 11 ~ ......, '. ;.-J.. k......r. -4 ( . --1, : :::1 ! " ~,~ f~ i g'] I , .! =-~ J ~; ~ 'I ~".'i.I.' ~) l8~~"'~;itj L:_ . . . .---=== I ~ --. .--.-.... 'l~~~ .1 __'. ,_....~.." " ~ 'L {Ij~ . ..' . ~!t'''H~ ~~52:'~# ~'.'. 1~' \hL-..'. t Jll' . 'TI' J....,.""~mlT~":':~~~t. ;'Y'''l''^~~~'''''..-r'TH' " 1 \ ,. : ~ t 't : ' '" t; ~ ~ ~ i ~ f f f f ~ t ; ~ " ~ i \ . ~' (". . "'";' . '.' . ~\~ 1! · '. ~ \ L:~, ~ } t " : t.1 t.l i .,.1 J. j ! \ iLl j { 1 tr4kV".v.rr 'ZIJ~ tr;:i ftt-'t;t>>"i.tl. ~'t$') 1 I i [F1 i! ~ j fJ,j~ltlltF1 ' ;~f ,') if! 11W,. 11 I~ '1 ^:' ~:">-"~"*"""'~ ...t.....-..J ~. L..Lj I ( ~ ," . H . .... . '. .....::, l . . ..' ~ ! 1 . l . .."'-....; I :l~ ~".".....".. ..... J" -:-,~t \1~ ~--~-.).,. . , ! i 0/ 'IniT; \.- ~._.~: ,1 ~l~' -fin,{<:;.<rj , '!~f ";@: oj ! ~ . { t ~l;~ . 1 \-, .", \ ; o 1 ' t}!:1 ~ ~ . .: l J \~~ ~A ! -f.. )' l 'i1 i.~ ~W "'l.-4:i" 1 ...- ~~ A=~ 1 '1') '/ V' ',.. tI Council Agenda - 12/8/03 12. Authorization to Prepare a Feasibility Report for the Reconstruction of Prairie Road from 1-94 to CSAH 75. proiect to include curb. storm sewer and sidewalk. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As a condition of the approval of the preliminary plat for the "Unnamed townhome" development located on the south end of Prairie Road, a portion of Prairie Road will need to be reconstructed. Prairie Road is currently a 24~foot wide rural section road which will need to be reconstructed to an urban section for the portion of the road located within the proposed townhome area. At the Planning Commission meeting, there was some question trom local residents as to how the existing road could carry the increased traffic of the proposed development and maintain pedestrian safety. They also asked whether or not the remainder of the road would be reconstructed. Please note that reconstruction of Prairie Road is identified in the City's Street Reconstruction program. The development of the townhome project could serve to move it forward slightly earlier than planned. We are requesting authorization to complete a preliminary survey, feasibility report and order soil borings for Prairie Road from the south edge of the proposed plat to CSAH 75. This authorization would include the stipulation that the portion of the cost associated with the devclopment be upfronted by the developer with the remainder of the cost paid by the City. The design contemplated includes curb and gutter, storm sewer and sidewalk. The estimated cost to complete the preliminary survey, feasibility report, and soil borings is estimated at $4,000, $7,500 and $2,500, respectively, for a total cost of $14,000. It is estimated that the development would be responsible from the south end of the project to Hedman Lane, for deposit of $4,500. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: \~s W 1. Authorize preliminary survey and preparation of a feasibility report subject to the developer upfronting $4,500. -..I- tA,;.,(.-~ ?,lI/!)< ~7 &P {'"AI S Authorize preliminary survey and preparation of a feasibility report for the entire length without receiving a deposit. 2. 3. Do not authorize any work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the Council authorize Alternative 1. It is important to determine how the street will be reconstructed in the future as it relates to the completion of the work within the proposed development. It also makes sense to install sidewalk as well. Once the costs arc determined and presented, the Council can decide if they would like to move forward with the reconstruction of the remainder of Prairie Road. F. Ida H'ng I lI'ordproc\AGEN g./S\Prairie Road doc . . ~i:';8:J "IQZ a;;:~i: "1(11< ;!!:l~l'l ... Zl'l (II(IIQ~ I Q ~;1 ~I a C)> )>... "I O<:J; = (II"'l'l o >- "'~QO t'l!:l~ =.. :E !:li!;:(II t'l6t" CD ... 0<!:1~ ~[;la b~o ~ Z !:l~;! ~ntl1 "I~;g :>:...", ....l'l:J::~ '" (11(5 I (5 z ... "IOZ )>"IGl t" ~~i:'; oS~ !i'!~(II "I!:l;l '" 0)> "'(110 (II'" =0 Ot" ~~ :J; 0(11 z. "I = l'l . ~ ". t" t" CD ~ :>I (II C ". "I 1>2 ". '" i3 o <: l'l c CD 0< ..., ..., ..., ..., ... .... o 0 o 0 ... ... 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