City Council Minutes 05-15-1995 SpecialMnvuTEs SPECIAL JUINT MEETING - M~NTTCELLQ COMMISSIQNS Monday, May 16, 1996 - ? p.m. Members Present: City Council: Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Planning Commission: Dick Frie, Jon Bogart, Dick Martie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsters HR.A: Al Larson, Tom St. Hilaire, Everette Ellison, Brad Barger Parks Commission: Bruce Thielen, Fran Fair, Larry Nolan, Steve Andrews, Roger Carlson Members Absent: Shirley Anderson, City Council Others Present: Sheldon Johnson, School District; John McVay, TDC; Ken Maus, IDC; Ron Hoglund, Chamber of Commerce; Bret Weiss, City Engineer A special joint meeting of Monticello Commissions was held for the purpose of identifying goals and objectives for the city in the area of housing and economic development and to discuss a variety of strategies for accomplishing those goals. Direction provided from the meeting will become the basis for major sections of the comprehensive plan. Once goals have been established, the City will then review the ordinances, decide if they accomplish the goals that have been set, and make any changes accordingly. 3. City Planner Steve Grittman reviewed and the group discussed potential economic development goal statements with the following results: GOAL STATEMENTS What is the primary purpose for the City's economic development program? A. Monticello should pursue economic development to broaden the City's tax base. B. Monticello should pursue economic development for the purpose of expanding the City's job inventory. VOTES 16 3 Page l Special Joint Meeting Minutes - 5/15/95 GOAL STATEMENTS VOTES C. Monticello should pursue economic development 1 as a means toward achieving other community goals. II. What quality of economic development should the City pursue? A. The City should facus its pursuit on new and 10 existing high quality, high investment businesses. B. Monticello should focus an mid-level businesses. 0 C. Monticello should focus its efforts an expanding 1 or entry-level businesses. D. Monticello should consider each potential 9 business individually on a case-by-case basis. III. How should the City utilize its financial incentives? A. The City should utilize its financial strength to 9 attract business. B. The City should utilize its financial strength to ~ improve and maintain the city's infrastructure. C. Monticello should utilize its financial strength to 7 improve its "quality of life." D. Monticello should return the maximum amount 0 of its financial strength to the taxpayers without spending it. N. On what land uses should the City focus its economic development incentives? A. The City should facus its spending on housing 1 and redevelopment efforts. B. The City should focus its spending on commercial 2 development efforts. C. The City should focus its spending on industrial 1? development efforts. Page 2 Special Joint Meeting Minutes - 5/15/95 Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak reported that the areas currently considered in recruiting industry include employee salaries and benefits, financial strength, tax base, community involvement, and spin-off benefits. The group discussed potential housing goal statements, and it was noted by the City Planner that more than two-thirds of the current housing in Monticello is below the break-even point of paying for services and that it is difficult to maintain a tax base if low-end housing is excessive. Following are the results of the housing gaal discussion. GOAL STATEMENTS II. III. Haw does Monticello perceive the role of housing growth in the city? A. Is housing a support system For the City's other uses? B. Is housing an economic development sector in itself? What kind(s) of housing does the City wish to promote? A. Monticello wishes to promote middle and higher-end housing only. B. Monticello wishes to promote low to moderate market housing only. C. Monticello wishes to promote a full range of housing. D. Monticello should monitor rather than promote housing activity [and promote where a void exists]. What role does the City have in allocating housing development to different locations? A. Monticello needs to actively utilize its zoning power. B. Monticello should consider the provision of residential land base on specific, requests, case-by-case. VOTES 18 0 4 Q 4.5 12.5 is 2 Page 3 Special Joint Meeting Minutes - 5/15/95 4A. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that Monticello is being considered by the Minnesota Sports Federation as a site for a regional sports facility, which may present an opportunity far a cooperative effort toward development of a family/education sports center. The Sports Federation would solicit corporate donations from throughout the state for funding of the center, and user fees would pay for day-to-day operations and taxes. The City is asked to determine to what extent development of a regional sports facility will contribute toward accomplishing City goals. O'Neill reviewed a list of current and potential activities in the community and problems associated with each. He noted that the City and School District have recently been attempting to jointly plan and combine resources for facilities such as meeting rooms, community kitchen, etc. Concerns were expressed regarding possible difficulties for the School District in scheduling events at the sports facility and possible difficulties relating to the facility being constructed on School District property. It was suggested that additional information is needed regarding the Federation and the facility prior to making a commitment to the project. O'Neill was directed to continue efforts toward developing a cooperative City/School plan for development of community facilities. 4B. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that Monticello has also been approached as a possible site for an upscale outlet mall. A potential site for the mall would be north of the Middle School, which is presently zoned business campus and represents a major part of the industrial land inventory. He noted that a zoning amendment would be necessary to support an outlet mall at that site, which would require a 4/6 vote by the City Council. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that two major transportation improvements would be needed to support this project: 1) a freeway off-ramp and on-ramp, and 2) realignment of the Oakwood Drive intersection. He noted that these improvements are currently planned for the future but would need to be done 3-4 years earlier to accommodate a project such as an outlet mall. Discussion focused on reviving the downtown area versus commercial development in other areas of the city along with traffic problems that would occur on Highway 25 if a mall was constructed in this area in addition to the recently- platted Monticello Business Center. Charlie Pfeffer, owner of the property being considered by the outlet mall, requested feedback as to whether or not the City is interested in this type of development, as he would focus his efforts elsewhere if the City is not comfortable with this project. Page 4 Special Joint Meeting Minutes - 5/15/95 Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that he will be meeting with outlet mall offiicials an Wednesday, May 17, to obtain additional information on the project and will report back to Council accordingly. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. - ~~,r~ti ~~ lrv Kure Doty Ofl"ice Manager [1 Page 5