City Council Agenda Packet 01-12-2009AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 12, 2009 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 1.A Administer oath of office to newly elected officials. 2A. Approve minutes of December 1, 2008 Special Meeting -YMCA 2B. Approve minutes of December 8, 2008 Regular Meeting. 3. Approve minutes of December 19, 2008 Special Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. A. Kathleen Poate: I-94 West Chamber of Commerce 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures Public Works, MCC, Liquor, Building, Streets and Parks. B. Consideration of approving contract for garbage hauling and recycling with Veolia. C. Consideration of acceptance of donation for Fire Department. D. Consideration of adoption of resolution supporting maintenance of local title and registration services. E. Consideration of approving apportionment of special assessments for 1) Amax Addition; 2) Union Crossings 3'~ Addition; 3) First Federal Savings Bank. F. Consideration of adopting updated City Ordinance Chapter 8-1-11 regarding removal of snow and ice from the sidewalks. G. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 2 for the Fiber Optics Head-end Building. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on adoption of an ordinance setting the fee schedule for 2009. 8. Consideration of approving appointments for 2009. 9. Consideration of approving sale of City property to Mn/DOT for I-94 twin bridge replacement project over CSAH 75. City of Monticello Council Agenda January 12, 2009 Page 2 10. Consideration to enter into a contract between the City of Monticello, Central MN Housing Partnership and the City of Otsego to obtain funds to establish a Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Monticello. 11. Update on FiberNet Monticello and Fiber Loop Project. 12. Consideration of approving purchase of data router for fiber optic loop. 13. Consideration of amendment to Chapter 14B (Central Community District) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to the re-assignment of design review in conformance with the 1997 Downtown Revitalization Plan 14. Consideration of approving payment of bills for January, 2009. 15. Adjourn ! • ! ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:31 Schedule of Bills Payable GLOSOS-V06.75 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 123008 COMMENT... A/P CHECKS 12/30/08 DATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ H-12302008-084 A/P CHECKS 12/30/08 W-12302008-083 A/P CHECKS 12/30/08 Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI CP SP J Ol N S 6 066 10 ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 1 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION ACTION PLUS TEMPORARY SE (53)HR 11/18-11/25/08 AMAX SELF STORAGE PLAN APP DEP 3/12/08 REIMB EXP-ENG FEES PLAN ADMIN EXP REIMB EXP-INSP FEES IN-HOUSE PLANNING AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAR APEC (67)ASSORTED FILTERS APOLLO GLASS INC 003-0026-00-04 FINAL APPERTS FOODSERVICE AQUA LOGIC, INC UV REPAIR-STRAINER,LABOR ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES • AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE 742.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41301.3199 149174 12/12/08 P 083 00001 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 148995 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00002 544.50CR CONSTR/ENGIN COST REIMB 101.34960 148995 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00003 1,023.000R PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 148995 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00004 243.34CR INSPECTION FEES/CONST OB 101.34203 148995 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00005 24.70CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 148995 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00006 164.46 *VENDOR TOTAL 16.89 UNIFORM RENTAL 226.45122.4170 149090 5573621 P 083 00010 43.76 TOWEL RENTAL 226.45122.4171 149090 5573621 P 083 00011 48.44 PROF SVC - LAUNDRY 226.45122.3111 149090 S573621 P 083 00012 16.89 UNIFORM RENTAL 226.45122.4170 149091 S571169 P 083 00007 43.76 PROF SVC - LAUNDRY 226.45122.3111 149091 S571169 P 083 00008 48.44 TOWEL RENTAL 226.45122.4171 149091 5571169 P 083 00009 218.18 *VENDOR TOTAL 1,050.88 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 226.45122.2299 149032 114586 P 083 00013 43.81 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 601.11501 148982 REFUND P 083 00014 2.75 FREIGHT 226.45127.3330 149084 1076151 P 083 00015 74.25 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 226.45127.2146 149084 1076151 P 083 00016 418.17 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 149084 1076151 P 083 00017 495.17 *VENDOR TOTAL 2,367.11 REPAIR & MTC - POOL & RE 226.45122.4080 149226 33416 P 083 00018 32.09 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.45201.4170 149249 629-6637789 P 083 00019 0.96 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43110.4170 149249 629-6637789 P 083 00020 7.76 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43115.4170 149249 629-6637789 P 083 00021 13.99 UNIFORM RENTAL 602.49490.4170 149249 629-6637789 P 083 00022 13.99 UNIFORM RENTAL 601.49440.4170 149249 629-6637789 P 083 00023 49.02 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43120.4170 149249 629-6637789 P 083 00024 21.66 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149249 629-6637789 P 083 00025 32.09 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.45201.4170 149250 629-6642493 P 083 00026 0.96 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43110.4170 149250 629-6642493 P 083 00027 7.76 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43115.4170 149250 629-6642493 P 083 00028 13.99 UNIFORM RENTAL 602.49490.4170 149250 629-6642493 P 083 00029 13.99 UNIFORM RENTAL 601.49440.4170 149250 629-6642493 P 083 00030 49.02 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43120.4170 149250 629-6642493 P 083 00031 21.66 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149250 629-6642493 P 083 00032 • • ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF M ONTI CELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 2 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 278.94 *VENDOR TOTAL ARCTIC GLACIER INC. 46.36 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149033 467835307 P 083 00033 54.50 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 149062 467835807 P 083 00034 100.86 *VENDOR TOTAL ASSESSCO ENVIRONMENTAL S INDOOR AIR QUALITY CHECK 800.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 217.41990.3199 149202 5802-2 P 083 00035 BALTOS/KATHLEEN M. REIMB-MS SANTA SUIT 63.40 GEN PROGRAM OPERATING CO 226.45127.2198 149213 12/16/08 P 083 00036 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY (255)6 NO LEAD PLUS 399.33 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 148964 741370 P 083 00037 (700)6 B2 DIESEL ULS CLR 1,508.50 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 148964 741370 P 083 00038 (550)6 B2 ULS CLEAR 1,185.25 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 149172 741644 P 083 00040 (652)6 B2 ULS CLEAR 1,405.06 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 149173 741519 P 083 00039 4,498.14 *VENDOR TOTAL BELLBOY CORPORATION 120.00 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 149064 47402100 P 083 00041 2,101.33 WINE 609.49750.2530 149064 47402100 P 083 00042 2,221.33 *VENDOR TOTAL BERNATELLO'S PIZZA 82.50 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 226.45127.2146 149237 1341763 P 083 00043 115.50 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 149237 1341763 P 083 00044 198.00 *VENDOR TOTAL BERNICK COMPANIES/THE 117.75 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149034 154676 P 083 00047 581.70 BEER 609.49750.2520 149035 154677 P 083 00048 79.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149063 156749 P 083 00050 420.20 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 149087 155711 P 083 00049 21.60 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 226.45127.2146 149088 152820 P 083 00045 197.20 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 149088 152820 P 083 00046 394.40 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 149238 157777 P 083 00051 1,812.25 *VENDOR TOTAL BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATI FARM-WELL SAMPLING 1,920.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 602.49480.3199 149188 302661 P 083 00052 BURNHAM/KEITH 901 W RIVER ST 697.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 224.46102.3199 149208 142 P 083 00053 CAMPBELL KNUTSON, P.A_ YMCA LAND PURCHASE 1,174.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41910.3040 149221 234810867 P 083 00063 ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 3 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCO UNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE CAMPBELL KNUTSON, P.A. (1.5)HR PHN CALLS,GENERL 202.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 655.49870.3040 149222 2348103620 P 083 00061 (.5)HR LEGAL (LAWSUIT) 675.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 655.49870.3040 149222 2348103620 P 083 00062 GENERAL-ATTEND CC MTGS 1,012.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 149223 2348000676 P 083 00054 GENERAL-MOTZKO CLAIM 162.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 149223 2348000676 P 083 00055 GENERAL-CHADWICK ASSMT 67.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41910.3040 149223 2348000676 P 083 00056 GENERAL-POSUSTA/LUNDSTEN 202.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 149223 2348000676 P 083 00057 GENERAL-NUISANCE ORD 1,444.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 149223 2348000676 P 083 00058 GENERAL-YMCA 337.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41910.3040 149223 2348000676 P 083 00059 GENERAL 1,912.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 149223 2348000676 P 083 00060 7,190.50 *VENDOR TOTAL CARDIO STRESS INC (2500)"S"SHAPE KEY TAG 1,145.00 GENL OPERATING SUPPLIES 226.45122.2199 149177 150422 P 083 00064 CCG CONSULTING LLC (41)HR HEADEND BLDG 6,560.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 655.49870.3199 149220 3020M 12/15/08 P 083 00065 (2)HR MGMT SERVICES 500.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 655.49870.3199 149220 3020M 12/15/08 P 083 00066 REGULATORY-CLEC APP 570.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 655.49870.3199 149220 3020M 12/15/08 P 083 00067 ADMIN FEES 282.40 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 655.49870.3199 149220 3020M 12/15/08 P 083 00068 7,912.40 *VENDOR TOTAL CENTERPOINT ENERGY ACCT#5788570-9 199.92 GAS 609.49754.3830 149235 12/11/08 P 083 00070 ACCT#5828859-8 57.32 GAS 101.42401.3830 149236 12/10/08 P 083 00069 257.24 *VENDOR TOTAL CUB FOODS - MONTICELLO PRODUCE 8.96 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 148969 12/6/08 P 083 00078 PRODUCE 11.59 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 148970 12/13/08 P 083 00072 PRODUCE 5.68 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 148971 12/11/08 P 083 00071 PRODUCE 13.45 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 148972 12/19/08 P 083 00075 BOWL CLNR,WIPS,SCOUR PAD 12.55 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2110 148973 12/16/08 P 083 00073 COFFEE,DIXIE PLATES,ECT 32.35 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 148973 12/16/08 P 083 00074 PRODUCE 9.18 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 149199 12/24/08 P 083 00076 PRODUCE 10.27 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 149233 12/26/08 P 083 00077 104.03 *VENDOR TOTAL DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING 28.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149036 23430 P 083 00080 103.00 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 149036 23430 P 083 00081 9,874.24 BEER 609.49750.2520 149037 23429 P 083 00079 132.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 149065 24473 P 083 00086 141.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 149066 24477 P 083 00087 141.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 149067 24052 P 083 00082 35.20 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149067 24052 P 083 00083 66.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 149068 24135 P 083 00085 13,564.75 BEER 609.49750.2520 149069 24053 P 083 00084 24,085.59 *VENDOR TOTAL • • • • • • ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 01/02/2009 12:18:32 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY DONNELL, INC 12/1-12/28/08 ADS DYNA SYSTEMS PENETRANT,WASHERS,ECT EHLERS & ASSOC,INC PUBLI ADVISORY SERVICES EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) EVAL/ORG RECORDS (1/18) ELK RIVER PRTG&VENTURE P (300)HSG INSP COMPLIANCE EPIC PRODUCTS INC ERGEN/TRACY CUB RECPTS-J.S. CAKE,ECT FASTENAL COMPANY CABLE X-OVER MACH-PARTS 3XL 3PC RAINSUIT FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TIME CO Schedu AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME 1,137.10 BEER 2,605.15 BEER 3,742.25 *VENDOR TOTAL 72.00 ADVERTISING Le of Bills Payable FOR A/P FUND & ACCOUNT 609.49750.2520 609.49750.2520 - MCC 226.45122.3499 333.47 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 1,526.25 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.46501.3199 160.77 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46502.3199 160.77 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46505.3199 160.77 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46506.3199 160.77 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46519.3199 160.77 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46520.3199 160.77 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46522.3199 160.77 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46524.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46526.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46528.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46529.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46530.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46531.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46533.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46534.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46535.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46536.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46537.3199 160.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46538.3199 4,420.00 *VENDOR TOTAL 91.59 MISC PRINTING 357.34 MISC TAXABLE 59.90 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 27.57 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 17.19CR CLOTHING SUPPLIES 10.38 *VENDOR TOTAL 63.00 MISC TAXABLE 46.20 MISC NON TAXABLE 101.42401.3599 609.49750.2540 101.43110.4399 226.45122.2210 101.43120.2111 609.49750.2540 609.49750.2550 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 4 CLAIM INVOICE 149038 484720 149070 486645 149178 50508121551 149160 20221304 PO# F/P ID LINE P 083 00088 P 083 00089 P 083 00090 P 083 00091 149214 338542 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149224 338541 149021 27560 149158 239078-IN 149022 12/17-18/08 149026 MNMON46828 149189 MNMON41826CR 149071 23888 149071 23888 P 083 00110 P 083 00092 P 083 00093 P 083 00094 P 083 00095 P 083 00096 P 083 00097 P 083 00098 P 083 00099 P 083 00100 P 083 00101 P 083 00102 P 083 00103 P 083 00104 P 083 00105 P 083 00106 P 083 00107 P 083 00108 P 083 00109 P 083 00111 P 083 00112 P 083 00113 P 083 00115 P 083 00114 P 083 00116 P 083 00117 ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 5 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TIME CO FOOTE/TAMI SUE (6)DRAW SQUAD CLASS FORCE AMERICA, INC. #107 & STOCK-(4)GASKET FORESTRY SUPPLIERS, INC (5)STABILICER,CLEATS,ECT GRADY'S ACE HARDWARE KEYBLANK PEDESTAL FLAGS-CPLR NUTS BRDWAY STR SCAPE-CAULK PEDESTAL FLAGS-CPLR NUTS FARM LOCK-(2)KEYBLANK RIVET GUN STR SCAPE LIGHTS-WIRE 3RD/LINN-(3)SPRAYPAINT CUTTER WHEEL,TEE,ECT CASE 570-(2)EXTRA KEY BRINE-ADAPT MALE INSERT BRINE SET UP-HANGER HOSE SNOW PUSHER,(12)ANTIFRZE (12)G ANTI-FREEZE (100)3/8"ROPE,(2)HANGER FARM KEY-KEYBLANK #302-BOLT EYE 1/4X3" (10)TARP STRAP,PAIL,ECT PEDESTALS-(3)BIT EAST OVERHD DOOR-PARTS W BRDGE PK-PLUG ANGLE (2)DUCT TAPE HILLSIDE-QTZ BULB (6)CARR SCREW 8PK D BATTERY CHELSEA RESVR-(2)KEY,ECT UTIL-STANDPIPE HOSE KIT #110-BARB NYLON,ECT (2)2PK 2"CASTER STEM AUTO SCRUBBER-PARTS WELL BLDG-DUCK TAPE SHELTER GABLE-(2)LB NAIL SHEAR PINS-(100)SCREW 9/16" STAPLES #109-DRINK HOLDER • 109.20 *VENDOR TOTAL 90.00 PROF SVC - PROGRAM INSTR 226.45127.3013 50.10 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 149201 11/20-12/18/08 149156 1313783 P 083 00118 P 083 00119 325.99 SAFETY SUPPLIES 101.45201.2065 149182 695380-00 P 083 00120 2.12 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149094 J70625/1 P 083 00122 5.74 FIBER OPTIC SUPPLIES 655.49870.2180 149095 J70702/1 P 083 00123 5.85 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43160.2199 149100 J70832/1 P 083 00125 5.74 FIBER OPTIC SUPPLIES 655.49870.2180 149101 J70833/1 P 083 00126 4.24 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149102 J70788/1 P 083 00124 23.42 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 226.45122.2299 149103 J70841/1 P 083 00127 2.12 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43160.2199 149104 J70846/1 P 083 00128 7.32 PAINT SUPPLIES 101.43120.2151 149105 J70958/1 P 083 00129 11.04 PARK SUPPLIES 101.45201.2165 149106 J71293/1 P 083 00130 4.24 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 149107 J71315/1 P 083 00132 1.91 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149108 J71306/1 P 083 00131 7.98 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149109 J71367/1 P 083 00133 88.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2199 149110 J71426/1 P 083 00134 50.99 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2199 149111 J71467/1 P 083 00135 32.99 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2199 149112 J71475/1 P 083 00136 2.12 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149113 J71494/1 P 083 00137 1.27 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 602.49490.2211 149114 J71506/1 P 083 00138 60.76 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149115 J71864/1 P 083 00139 15.30 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 226.45122.2299 149116 J71984/1 P 083 00140 28.18 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 101.43127.2230 149117 J72580/1 P 083 00141 17.03 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 149118 J72856/1 P 083 00142 10.63 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149119 J73459/1 P 083 00143 9.04 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 149120 J73596/1 P 083 00144 1.47 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 149121 J73852/1 P 083 00147 11.17 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 149122 J73840/1 P 083 00145 8.94 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 149123 J73845/1 P 083 00146 24.70 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 149124 J74200/1 P 083 00148 8.13 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 149125 J74384/1 P 083 00150 20.21 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 149126 J74204/1 P 083 00149 5.94 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 226.45122.2299 149127 J74541/1 P 083 00151 5.85 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 149128 J74549/1 P 083 00152 8.50 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 149129 J74553/1 P 083 00154 26.63 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149130 J74554/1 P 083 00155 4.78 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 149131 J74573/1 P 083 00156 10.11 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 149132 J74551/1 P 083 00153 • • i ! • ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTI CELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 6 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE GRADY'S ACE HARDWARE VALVE BALL & STOP, ECT 27.97 UTILITY SYSTEM MTCE SUPP 601.49440.2270 149133 J74766/1 P 083 00157 FAN BY SLIDE-(2)PLUG 10.63 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 226.45122.2299 149134 J74818/1 P 083 00158 OFFICE-(2)FLUOR BULB 6.37 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149135 J75272/1 P 083 00159 CAGE EXPANSION-PARTS 20.21 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149136 J75279/1 P 083 00160 TOOL CRIB EXPANSN-PARTS 9.65 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149137 J75337/1 P 083 00161 24" SNOW PUSHER 18.09 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149138 J76086/1 P 083 00162 RESEVOIR-PPR TWL HOLDER 4.57 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 149139 J76467/1 P 083 00163 40LB ICE MELT,SNOWPUSHER 42.58 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2199 149140 J76520/1 P 083 00164 #105,GARAGE DR OPNR-BATT 2.97 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 149141 J77506/1 P 083 00165 (2)FT CHAIN COIL 3/16" 5.94 FIBER OPTIC SUPPLIES 655.49870.2180 149142 J77789/1 P 083 00166 4TH ST BATHRM-PAINT,ECT 35.58 PAINT SUPPLIES 101.45201.2151 149143 J78285/1 P 083 00167 SHOP TOOL BOX-(2)PADLOCK 18.08 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149144 J78425/1 P 083 00168 2PK 9V BATTERY 8.51 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 149145 J78737/1 P 083 00169 CAULK,CAULKGUN,KEYBLANK 12.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 149146 J80484/1 P 083 00171 (3)PADLOCK,FLUOR BULBS 42.01 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149147 J80520/1 P 083 00172 ELBOW,COUPLERS,CONNECTOR 20.83 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 101.43127.2230 149148 J80526/1 P 083 00173 28X30X.100" ACRYLIC 21.82 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 149149 J80549/1 P 083 00174 (2)LUBE LOCK,LUBE TRIFLW 14.98 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 602.49490.2199 149150 J81329/1 P 083 00175 #105 BRINE SYSTEM-ADAPTR 2.96 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 149151 J82157/1 P 083 00177 (3)PADLOCK,(6)KEYBLANK 47.83 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149152 J82132/1 P 083 00176 SWAN PARK-24"X36"CORKBD 15.96 PARK SUPPLIES 101.45201.2165 149153 J70366/1 P 083 00121 4PK AAA BATTERY 17.03 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.42201.2299 149154 J80362/1 P 083 00170 941.47 *VENDOR TOTAL GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY 13.05 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149039 159965 P 083 00178 719.75 WINE 609.49750.2530 149039 159965 P 083 00179 88.45 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149040 159966 P 083 00180 6,415.95 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 149040 159966 P 083 00181 105.85 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149073 161622 P 083 00182 7,611.28 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 149073 161622 P 083 00183 74.55 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149073 161622 P 083 00184 1.45CR FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149074 766800 P 083 00185 80.14CR WINE 609.49750.2530 149074 766800 P 083 00186 14,947.29 *VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. 430.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 149041 347359 P 083 00188 7,809.30 BEER 609.49750.2520 149042 347058 P 083 00187 6,824.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 149072 347476 P 083 00189 15,063.30 *VENDOR TOTAL GUARDIAN INSURANCE TO RE-INSTATE GROUP INS 282.34 MISC GENERAL I NSURANCE 101.49240.3699 149209 PREMIUM P 084 00001 H & L MESABI-HIBBING (10)3/4X6X60 BLADE 1,157.76 EQUIPMENT REPA IR PARTS 101.43125.2210 149159 H76312 P 083 00190 ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 01/02/2009 12:18:32 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION HICKMAN/JAMES 614 MINNESOTA ST 9589 MILL TRAIL LN HIRSHFIELD'S INC 4TH ST BATHRM-(1)G PAINT HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE SNOW REMOVAL-FUEL LESS TAX HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC FREEZER HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL I & S GROUPS INC PLAN APP DEP 8/28/08 REIMB EXP-ENG FEES PLAN ADMIN EXP REIMB EXP-INSP FEES INNOVATIVE UNDERGROUND I WATER DEPOSIT CK#6257 WATER PERMIT 7/17-9/18 SALES TAX J H CARSON COMPANY (54)ASSORTED BULBS J P COOKE CO/THE (500)TAGS,(100)O RINGS JACOBSON/DIANE 11/13 TARGET-COFFEE 7/15-7/29-PO,BANK,DEALER JEFF'S DREAM LLC PLAN APP DEP 12/5/07 PLAN ADMIN EXPENSES REIMB EXP-INSP FEES IN-HOUSE PLANNING Schedule of Bills Payable FOR A/P AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT 425.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 224.46102.3199 110.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 224.46102.3199 535.00 *VENDOR TOTAL 39.93 PAINT SUPPLIES 101.45201.2151 31.45 MOTOR FUELS 226.45122.2120 3.16CR MOTOR FUELS 226.45122.2120 28.29 *VENDOR TOTAL 787.15 T&E/OTHER 101.42701.2499 1,159.98 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 226.45122.2160 6,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 2,574.OOCR CONSTR/ENGIN COST REIMB 101.34960 2,412.SOCR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 549.25CR INSPECTION FEES/CONST OB 101.34203 464.25 *VENDOR TOTAL 500.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS-WATER US 601.22011 153.38CR WATER USAGE CHARGES/PERM 601.37112 9.97CR SALES TAX PAYABLE 601.20810 336.65 *VENDOR TOTAL 312.82 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 226.45122.2299 81.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 9.95 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 217.41990.2199 8.19 TRAVEL EXPENSE 217.41990.3310 18.14 *VENDOR TOTAL 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 599.40CR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 20.27CR INSPECTION FEES/CONST OB 101.34203 37.06CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 1,343.27 *VENDOR TOTAL CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 7 CLAIM INVOICE 149210 10/8/08 149211 10/8/08 PO# F/P ID LINE P 083 00191 P 083 00192 149169 30173708 149181 12/18/08 149181 12/18/08 148953 2212250 149171 8120305 148996 ESCROW REFUND 148996 ESCROW REFUND 148996 ESCROW REFUND 148996 ESCROW REFUND 148979 REFUND 148979 REFUND 148979 REFUND 149024 4205251-01 148978 692647 149192 7/15-29,11/13 149192 7/15-29,11/13 148994 ESCROW REFUND 148994 ESCROW REFUND 148994 ESCROW REFUND 148994 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00193 P 083 00194 P 083 00195 P 083 00196 P 083 00197 P 083 00198 P 083 00199 P 083 00200 P 083 00201 P 083 00202 P 083 00203 P 083 00204 P 083 00205 P 083 00206 P 083 00207 P 083 00208 P 083 00209 P 083 00210 P 083 00211 P 083 00212 • • • • • ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT JENSEN/BRENDA M (14)WATER WORKS CLASS 350.00 PROF SVC - FITNESS 226.45127.3012 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 3.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 262.20 BEER 609.49750.2520 265.20 *VENDOR TOTAL JME OF MONTICELLO, INC 1164 LADDER 1-CHARGING S 555.90 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L 49.11 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 4,740.50 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 11.12 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 568.20 WINE 609.49750.2530 77.84 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 2,067.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 66.78 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 36.14 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 3,904.13 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 13.99 BEER 609.49750.2520 1.39CR FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 41.35CR WINE 609.49750.2530 1.39CR FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 136.000R WINE 609.49750.2530 27.80 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 2,128.04 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 33.36 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 189.90 BEER 609.49750.2520 507.45 WINE 609.49750.2530 15.93CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 9.OOCR WINE 609.49750.2530 10.40CR WINE 609.49750.2530 1.39CR FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 228.000R LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 13,976.51 *VENDOR TOTAL KASPER/CATHY PO,WALMART,OFFICEMAX,ECT 11.70 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41940.3310 KEY LAND HOMES PLAN APP DEP 4/22/08 900.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 PLAN ADMIN EXP 135.000R PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 765.00 *VENDOR TOTAL KING/REBECCA JO (26)PILATES CLASS 520.00 PROF SVC - FITNESS 226.45127.3012 • CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 8 CLAIM INVOICE PO# 149175 11/3-12/22/08 149043 929547 149043 929547 F/P ID LINE P 083 00213 P 083 00214 P 083 00215 149232 SYS30834 149044 1555088 149044 1555088 149045 1555089 149045 1555089 149046 1552910 149046 1552910 149046 1552910 149047 1552909 149047 1552909 149048 1552911 149060 403030 149060 403030 149061 403377 149061 403377 149075 1556967 149075 1556967 149076 1556968 149076 1556968 149076 1556968 149098 401949 149099 401951 149155 401950 149248 404842 149248 404842 149168 7/15-12/2/08 148997 ESCROW REFUND 148997 ESCROW REFUND 149176 11/4-12/23/08 P 083 00216 P 083 00223 P 083 00224 P 083 00225 P 083 00226 P 083 00219 P 083 00220 P 083 00221 P 083 00217 P 083 00218 P 083 00222 P 083 00235 P 083 00236 P 083 00237 P 083 00238 P 083 00227 P 083 00228 P 083 00229 P 083 00230 P 083 00231 P 083 00232 P 083 00234 P 083 00233 P 083 00239 P 083 00240 P 083 00241 P 083 00242 P 083 00243 P 083 00244 ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL54 0R-V06.75 PAGE 9 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE KJELLBERG'S INC DEPOSIT 4/17/08 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 148985 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00245 PLAN ADMIN EXPENSES 454.SOCR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 148985 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00246 1,545.50 *VENDOR TOTAL KLATT/AMY BOBS INSURANCE CREDITS 60.00 A/P-APEX REBATE LIABILIT 226.20210 149180 REFUND P 083 00247 LAGS TIRES INC PLAN APP DEP 2/8/08 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 148993 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00248 REIMB EXP-ENG FEES 181.50CR CONSTR/ENGIN COST REIMB 101.34960 148993 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00249 PLAN ADMIN EXP 1,269.OOCR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 148993 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00250 REIMB EXP-INSP FEES 81.11CR INSPECTION FEES/CONST OB 101.34203 148993 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00251 IN-HOUSE PLANNING 24.70CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 148993 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00252 443.69 *VENDOR TOTAL LASER MEMORIES (1)NAMETAG 6.39 OFFICE SUPPLIES 226.45122.2099 149179 378 P 083 00253 (21)BRASS NAMETAG,FRAME 200.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41301.2199 149179 378 P 083 00254 206.61 *VENDOR TOTAL LE/SHERYL L (2.75)HR-RINK ATT,CD DIR 275.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41301.3199 149218 101826 P 083 00256 (9.33)HR-GENERAL,MILEAGE 984.48 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41301.3199 149219 101823 P 083 00255 1,259.48 *VENDOR TOTAL LYSENG/DOUGLAS WILLIAM 224.92 DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES 101.41920.2025 149184 1150 P 083 00258 467.50 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSI 101.41920.3090 149184 1150 P 083 00259 297.50 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSI 226.45122.3090 149184 1150 P 083 00260 SPRINGBRK CASH REGISTER 497.15 DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES 101.41920.2025 149191 1148 P 083 00257 1,487.07 *VENDOR TOTAL M. AMUNDSON LLP 606.60 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 149170 52870 P 083 00261 202.62 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149170 52870 P 083 00262 809.22 *VENDOR TOTAL M-R SIGN CO (12)BRACKET ASSEMPLY,ECT 603.81 SIGN REPAIR MATERIALS 101.43120.2260 148968 154926 P 083 00263 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC. REFER TO INV#2090568 120.73CR EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2210 149162 7348 P 083 00266 (2)SKID SHOE,CUTTINGEDGE 500.36 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2210 149163 2090568 P 083 00264 #119-CLUTCH ASSY,HOSE 1,879.47 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 149164 2090653 P 083 00265 2,259.10 *VENDOR TOTAL MASTERS 5TH AVENUE PLAN APP DEP 8/14/07 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 148988 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00267 ENG EXPENSES 410.80CR CONSTR/ENGIN COST REIMB 101.34960 148988 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00268 • • • • • • ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 01/02/2009 12:18:32 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION MASTERS 5TH AVENUE REIMB ESP-ENG/INSP STAFF IN-HOUSE PLANNING Schedule of Bills Payable FOR A/P AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT 20.27CR INSPECTION FEES/CONST OB 101.34203 37.06CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 1,531.87 *VENDOR TOTAL CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 10 CLAIM INVOICE 148988 ESCROW REFUND 148988 ESCROW REFUND MICHELS CORPORATION 10s CABLING BID MIDWEST UTILITY SERVICES WATER DEPOSIT CK#3738 WATER PERMIT 10/16-11/16 SALES TAX MN DEPT OF HEALTH WATER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS MONTICELLO AUTO VALUE (2)SOCKET HOLDER,FASTFIT MONTICELLO FIRE RELIEF A EQUIPMT PURCH-FEMA GRANT MONTICELLO SENIOR CITIZE (11)HOLIDAY CERAMICS MONTICELLO VACUUM CENTER BOTTOM STRIPS MONTICELLO-BIG LAKE HOSP PLAN APP DEP 5/15/08 PLAN ADMIN EXP REIMB EXP-INSP FEES IN-HOUSE PLANNING 3,365.00 IMPROVEMENTS 655.49870.5301 500.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS-WATER US 601.22011 32.69CR WATER USAGE CHARGES/PERM 601.37112 2.12CR SALES TAX PAYABLE 601.20810 465.19 *VENDOR TOTAL 6,253.00 WATER SERVICE CONNECTION 601.49440.4375 46.22 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 2,000.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2111 55.00 GEN PROGRAM OPERATING CO 226.45127.2198 21.25 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 226.45122.2299 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 1,443.OOCR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 101.39CR INSPECTION FEES/CONST OB 101.34203 12.35CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 443.26 *VENDOR TOTAL 149216 504 BALANCE 148980 REFUND 148980 REFUND 148980 REFUND 148963 4TH QTR 2008 148966 D223432 149200 REIMBURSEMT 149197 12/13/08 149025 51346 148998 ESCROW REFUND 148998 ESCROW REFUND 148998 ESCROW REFUND 148998 ESCROW REFUND PO# F/P ID LINE P 083 00269 P 083 00270 P 083 00271 P 083 00272 P 083 00273 P 083 00274 P 083 00275 P 083 00276 P 083 00277 P 083 00278 P 083 00279 P 083 00280 P 083 00281 P 083 00282 P 083 00283 NELSON REALTY PLAN APP DEP 12/11/08 300.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 149212 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00284 PLAN ADMIN EXPENSES 94.SOCR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 149212 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00285 205.50 *VENDOR TOTAL NEXTEL WEST CORP 11/19-12/18/08 3.56 TELEPHONE 101.41520.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00286 11/19-12/18/08 42.10 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00287 11/19-12/18/08 182.01 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00288 11/19-12/18/08 93.60 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00289 11/19-12/18/08 63.95 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00290 11/19-12/18/08 31.58 TELEPHONE 101.43111.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00291 GPS UNIT 11/19-12/18/08 55.35 TELEPHONE 101.43111.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00292 11/19-12/18/08 82.57 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00293 ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL54 0R-V06.75 PAGE 11 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE NEXTEL WEST CORP 11/19-12/18/08 137.17 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00294 11/19-12/18/08 145.09 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00295 CELL PHONE-T.P. 70.44 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00296 11/19-12/18/08 135.53 TELEPHONE 226.45122.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00297 11/19-12/18/08 134.83 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00298 11/19-12/18/08 63.47 TELEPHONE 602.49490.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00299 11/19-12/18/08 0.34 TELEPHONE 609.49754.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00300 11/19-12/18/08 AIR CARD 48.99 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00301 11/19-12/18/08 AIR CARD 48.99 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00302 11/19-12/18/08 AIR CARD 48.99 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00303 11/19-12/18 AIR CD (1/2) 24.50 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00304 11/19-12/18 AIR CD (1/2) 24.49 TELEPHONE 602.49490.3210 149093 571273315-085 P 083 00305 1,437.55 *VENDOR TOTAL NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTA (1)PLANNING MEETING 150.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149205 18208 P 083 00321 DANNER TRUCKING EASEMENT 13.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149206 18207 P 083 00319 MILLS FLEET FM FINAL PLT 13.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149206 18207 P 083 00320 FIBER BLDG 34.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 655.49870.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00306 SIGN ORDINANCE UPDATE 2,254.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00307 DAT REORGANIZATION 34.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00308 TRANSPORTATION PLAN 57.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00309 YMCA IMPLEMENTATION 23.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00310 COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT 46.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00311 LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE 184.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00312 BIG LAKE RACE TRACK 11.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00313 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS 11.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00314 HOUSING PROGRAMS 103.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00315 CAPITAL IMPROVE PROGRAM 23.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00316 GENERAL-(2)SITE REVIEW 310.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00317 GENERAL EXPENSES 70.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 149207 18206 P 083 00318 3,341.26 *VENDOR TOTAL OFFICEMAX CONTRACT INC KEY CAB,STOR BOXES,ECT 124.02 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 149017 95112 P 083 00325 12V BATTERY,(3)CALENDAR 44.70 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 149018 868911 P 083 00323 (5)12V BATTERY 9.53 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 149019 869154 P 083 00324 PENS,ROTARY FILE,ECT 61.93 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110.2099 149020 829784 P 083 00322 240.18 *VENDOR TOTAL OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, I (2)BT37 CLEAR LAMP 55.36 LIGHTING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2153 148976 13902 P 083 00327 (82)FLOUR. LAMP RECYCLE 82.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 609.49754.3199 149031 13897 P 083 00326 137.36 *VENDOR TOTAL ON-SITE SANITATION ELLISON PK-11/15-12/12 52.19 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.45201.3199 149165 A-352816 P 083 00328 • • • ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTI CELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL54 0R-V06.75 PAGE 12 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE ON-SITE SANITATION PIONEER PK-11/15-12/12 52.19 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.45201.3199 149166 A-352817 P 083 00329 104.38 *VENDOR TOTAL OSI ENVIRONMENTAL INC FILTER-UNCRUSHED 50.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43127.3199 148967 2015349 P 083 00330 PAN-O-GOLD CO. ST. CLOUD 25.92 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 149085 010004835807 P 083 00332 25.92 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 149086 010004835413 P 083 00331 51.84 *VENDOR TOTAL PASCHKE/BOB INTRA-CITY TRAVEL 82.84 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.43110.3310 149225 12/1-12/26/08 P 083 00333 PAUSTIS & SONS 15.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149049 8207917-IN P 083 00334 990.41 WINE 609.49750.2530 149049 8207917-IN P 083 00335 1,005.41 *VENDOR TOTAL PETTY CASH PKG,MILEAGE-MAPLE GROVE 39.25 TRAVEL EXPENSE 226.45122.3310 149231 12/30/08 P 083 00343 10.55 POSTAGE 226.45122.3220 149231 12/30/08 P 083 00344 ICE ARENA SUPPLIES 15.27 GEN PROGRAM OPERATING CO 226.45127.2198 149231 12/30/08 P 083 00345 3/4/08 ST CLOUD PARKING 5.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.43115.3310 149234 12/23/08 P 083 00336 3/5/08 ST CLOUD PARKING 10.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE 601.49440.3310 149234 12/23/08 P 083 00337 SEWER JET-XYLENE 17.01 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 602.49490.2160 149234 12/23/08 P 083 00338 TORCH-LIGHTER 1.06 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 149234 12/23/08 P 083 00339 5/29/08 10.00 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 149234 12/23/08 P 083 00340 WAND ASSEMBLY 21.29 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 101.43127.2299 149234 12/23/08 P 083 00341 FARM-KEYLOC_K 11.70 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 149234 12/23/08 P 083 00342 141.13 *VENDOR TOTAL PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 19.46 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149050 2696136 P 083 00352 722.20 WINE 609.49750.2530 149050 2696136 P 083 00353 2.78 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149051 2696135 P 083 00350 162.50 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 149051 2696135 P 083 00351 332.21 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149052 2694393 P 083 00346 15,600.50 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 149052 2694393 P 083 00347 41.70 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149053 2694394 P 083 00348 2,232.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 149053 2694394 P 083 00349 28.61 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149078 2697562 P 083 00354 1,960.38 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 149078 2697562 P 083 00355 22.24 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149079 2697563 P 083 00356 383.15 WINE 609.49750.2530 149079 2697563 P 083 00357 144.90 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149079 2697563 P 083 00358 8.34 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149080 2698842 P 083 00359 289.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 149080 2698842 P 083 00360 ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 01/02/2009 12:18:32 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC. (2)FLUSH SENSOR KIT,ECT PITNEY BOWES (PBCC) 11/16-12/31/08 1/1-2/15/09 PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE PO 8000 9000 0077 1414 PITNEY BOWES, INC. CARTRIDGE,MOISTENER KIT PREMIER BANKS PLAN APP DEP 12/28/07 REIMB EXP-ENG FEES PLAN ADMIN EXPENSES IN-HOUSE PLANNING PRISM TITLE & CLOSING SE 21-0062-01-01 FINAL PRO AG CROP CONSULTANTS, FINAL 1/3 RIVERCITY EXTREME PLAN APP DEPOSIT 5/15/08 PLAN ADMIN EXPENSES REIMB EXP-ENG/INSP STAFF IN-HOUSE PLANNING RJTHOMAS MFG CO INC (6)TABLE (2)GALV BENCH FRAME ROTHHAMMER INTERNATIONAL (240)GOGGLES Schedule of Bills Payable FOR A/P AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT 1.39CR FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 76.70CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 1.39CR FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 134.50CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 21,735.99 *VENDOR TOTAL 672.72 BUILDING REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2230 61.14 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 101.43110.4150 61.14 PREPAID ITEMS 101.15501 122.28 *VENDOR TOTAL 1,000.00 POSTAGE 101.41940.3220 152.27 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41940.2099 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 655.50CR CONSTR/ENGIN COST REIMB 101.34960 541.50CR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 61.76CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 741.24 *VENDOR TOTAL 56.97 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 601.11501 1,075.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 602.49480.3199 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 941.90CR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 189.48CR INSPECTION FEES/CONST OB 101.34203 12.35CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 856.27 *VENDOR TOTAL 3,917.77 T&E/OTHER 101.45202.2499 705.61 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45202.2199 4,623.38 *VENDOR TOTAL 541.89 NON-FOOD PRODUCTS (RESAL 226.45127.2549 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 13 CLAIM INVOICE 149246 3400999 149246 3400999 149247 3401586 149247 3401586 PO# F/P ID LINE P 083 00361 P 083 00362 P 083 00363 P 083 00364 149161 52574257.001 149195 9718686-DC08 149195 9718686-DC08 149190 26272021 12/23 149194 404593 148991 ESCROW REFUND 148991 ESCROW REFUND 148991 ESCROW REFUND 148991 ESCROW REFUND 148983 REFUND 148960 PAYMENT 3 2008 148989 ESCROW REFUND 148989 ESCROW REFUND 148989 ESCROW REFUND 148989 ESCROW REFUND 149227 126064 149227 126064 149198 54248A P 083 00365 P 083 00366 P 083 00367 P 083 00368 P 083 00369 P 083 00370 P 083 00371 P 083 00372 P 083 00373 P 083 00374 P 083 00375 P 083 00376 P 083 00377 P 083 00378 P 083 00379 P 083 00380 P 083 00381 P 083 00382 • • • • ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTI CELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL54 0R-V06.75 PAGE 14 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE RYAN COMPANIES PLAN APP DEP 12/28/07 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 148992 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00383 REIMB EXP-ENG FEES 302.50CR CONSTR/ENGIN COST REIMB 101.34960 148992 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00384 PLAN ADMIN EXP 733.70CR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 148992 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00385 REIMB EXP-INSP FEES 211.50CR INSPECTION FEES/CONST OB 101.34203 148992 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00386 IN-HOUSE PLANNING 12.35CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 148992 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00387 739.95 *VENDOR TOTAL SAFETY TRAIN INC (21)FIRST AID BOOK 325.50 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 101.43110.4350 148977 12/2/08 P 083 00388 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. PARTS WASHER SOLVENT 155.13 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.43127.3190 149242 37845500 P 083 00389 SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA A (16)HOMEWARD BOUND 93.60 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42701.3310 149023 12/1-12/30/08 P 083 00390 SB 22 LLC PLAN APP DEP 3/18/08 1,800.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 148990 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00391 PLAN ADMIN EXPENSES 1,226.70CR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 148990 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00392 IN-HOUSE PLANNING 12.35CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 148990 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00393 560.95 *VENDOR TOTAL SCHARBER & SONS, INC. #217-JOHN DEERE BATTERY 100.54 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2210 148974 Ol 1016668 P 083 00394 #217-BLOWER CUTTING EDGE 223.44 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2210 148975 O1-1016483 P 083 00395 CABLE,PLUG,WASHER 14.41 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2210 149157 1017205 P 083 00396 338.39 *VENDOR TOTAL SCHWAAB, INC. (8)STAMP 403.55 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 217.41990.2199 149228 X68482 P 083 00397 SELUEMED PLAN APP DEP 8/8/07 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 148986 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00398 PLAN ADMIN EXPENSES 559.12CR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 148986 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00399 IN-HOUSE PLANNING 37.08CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 148986 ESCROW REFUND P 083 00400 1,403.80 *VENDOR TOTAL SIGNATION SIGN GROUP INC (8)ACRYLIC ROOM SIGN 595.34 RENTAL ROOM SUPPLIES 226.45127.2075 149186 74907 P 083 00401 SIMOLA/JOHN E. #118-TRUCK BED TOOLBOX 316.83 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2199 149183 12/19/08 P 083 00402 SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY SHELTER-(1452)1X6 CEDAR 1,809.26 IMPROVEMENTS 101.45202.5301 149240 SPCL ORDER P 083 00404 MATERIALS 4,831.96 IMPROVEMENTS 101.45202.5301 149241 GAZEBO P 083 00403 6,641.22 *VENDOR TOTAL ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 15 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE SPECTRUM ENGINEERING COR SPLICING REVIEW 226.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 655.49870.3199 149187 15406 P 083 00405 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. LINERS,FOAMING GUN 184.66 CLEANING SUPPLIES 226.45122.2110 149027 183561 P 083 00412 FLOOR MAT,BANDAGES 263.32 GENL OPERATING SUPPLIES 226.45122.2199 149027 183561 P 083 00413 9"&7" RAD PLATES 75.48 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 226.45127.2146 149028 183560 P 083 00410 FOAM PLATES,NAPKINS 85.88 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 149028 183560 P 083 00411 LINERS,25' VAC HOSE 151.00 CLEANING SUPPLIES 226.45122.2110 149029 183386 P 083 00406 FOAM WASH 175.53 GENL OPERATING SUPPLIES 226.45122.2199 149029 183386 P 083 00407 (1000)T-SPOON 9.90 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.45127.2541 149030 183387 P 083 00408 PPR TOWELS,TP,PUMP 254.20 PARK SUPPLIES 101.45201.2165 149167 183389 P 083 00409 1,199.97 *VENDOR TOTAL ST JOSEPH EQUIPMENT INC #621,#721,STOCK-(5)BULB 106.61 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 148954 VI19090 P 083 00414 STATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT DOOR/FIT EQUIP-LUBRICANT 232.89 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 226.45122.2299 149230 94014611 P 083 00415 STREICHER'S ENG 1-POWER SUPPLY 299.99 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.42201.2211 149245 I573967 P 083 00416 TARGET BANK EUREKA FLOOR CARE 42.59 CLEANING SUPPLIES 226.45122.2110 148956 21800841224 P 083 00418 BUSY ZOO,RD RIPPERS,ECT 300.62 INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 226.45127.2174 148957 21800841223 P 083 00417 MEGA BLOCKS (12/4/08) 20.22CR INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 226.45127.2174 148958 21801253555 P 083 00419 322.99 *VENDOR TOTAL TD & I CABLE MAINTENANCE WATER DEPOSIT CK#20859 500.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS-WATER US 601.22011 148981 REFUND P 083 00420 WATER PERMIT 9/30-10/30 142.95CR WATER USAGE CHARGES/PERM 601.37112 148981 REFUND P 083 00421 SALES TAX 9.29CR SALES TAX PAYABLE 601.20810 148981 REFUND P 083 00422 347.76 *VENDOR TOTAL TDS TELECOM 12/13/08-1/12/09 69.00 PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 217.41990.3092 149003 11720354 12/08 P 083 00423 12/13/08-1/12/09 69.00 PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 101.41920.3092 149004 11720456 12/08 P 083 00424 12/13/08-1/12/09 69.00 PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 609.49754.3092 149005 11720457 12/08 P 083 00425 12/13/08-1/12/09 79.00 PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 101.41920.3092 149006 11721111 12/08 P 083 00426 2,065.21 TELEPHONE 101.41940.3210 149007 295-2711 12/08 P 083 00428 280.96 TELEPHONE 217.41990.3210 149008 295-2712 12/08 P 083 00429 688.38 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 149009 295-3170 12/08 P 083 00431 271-3265 FIBER LOOP 18.13 TELEPHONE 655.49870.3210 149009 295-3170 12/08 P 083 00432 83.62 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 149010 295-3193 12/08 P 083 00433 150.05 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 149011 295-3714 12/08 P 083 00434 52.99 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 149012 295-3808 12/08 P 083 00435 117.34 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 149013 295-4111 12/08 P 083 00436 • ! i ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTI CELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 16 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE TDS TELECOM 329.41 TELEPHONE 609.49754.3210 149014 295-5222 12/08 P 083 00437 687.24 TELEPHONE 226.45122.3210 149015 295-2954 12/08 P 083 00430 70.82 TELEPHONE 602.49490.3210 149016 271-3257 12/08 P 083 00427 4,830.15 *VENDOR TOTAL THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP 1,991.20 BEER 609.49750.2520 149054 521924 P 083 00438 15,376.85 BEER 609.49750.2520 149055 522486 P 083 00439 166.45 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149056 522487 P 083 00440 68.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149057 522488 P 083 00441 10,993.25 BEER 609.49750.2520 149082 523126 P 083 00442 28,595.75 *VENDOR TOTAL TRI STATE SURPLUS CO RIVET SHELVING,FENCING 468.60 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 148955 14173 P 083 00443 TWIN CITY OPTICAL CO., I M THEISEN (1/2) 119.48 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2111 148961 561628 P 083 00445 M THEISEN (1/2) 119.47 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 602.49490.2111 148961 561628 P 083 00446 J SIMOLA 271.38 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2111 148962 560392 P 083 00444 510.33 *VENDOR TOTAL VIKING COCA COLA 147.60 BEER 609.49750.2520 149058 22238053 P 083 00448 389.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 149081 0025200082 P 083 00447 536.60 *VENDOR TOTAL VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER (1)JACKET-B.P. 75.00 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43110.4170 149196 219580 P 083 00449 VOLKMEIER/KERRY 10-0219-00-01 FINAL 12.09 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 601.11501 148984 REFUND P 083 00450 WASHKUHN/AMANDA PO,BANK,DEALERS 30.37 TRAVEL EXPENSE 217.41990.3310 149193 6/23-12/22/08 P 083 00451 WATER LABORATORIES, INC 30.00 WATER SAMPLES 601.49440.2274 148965 08L-266 P 083 00452 WEIDNER PLUMBING & HEATI CHECK 3 RPZ'S-PARTS 399.90 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 226.45122.4044 149203 226023 P 083 00453 AIR HANDLING-TESTED RPZ 172.00 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 211.45501.4010 149204 226024 P 083 00454 571.90 *VENDOR TOTAL WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC PLUG STRIP INSTALL-PARTS 201.99 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.42201.4010 149239 3600 P 083 00455 PLUG STRIP INSTALL-LABOR 315.00 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.42201.4010 149239 3600 P 083 00456 516.99 *VENDOR TOTAL • ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL54 0R-V06.75 PAGE 17 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE WEST SHERBURNE TRIBUNE (2)OPEN SATURDAYS 264.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 217.41990.3520 149185 53175 P 083 00457 WESTBY/BRUCE MILEAGE,CAB FARE 546.83 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.43111.3310 149243 1/8-12/22/08 P 083 00458 3/3/08 POSTAGE-SPECTRUM 16.25 POSTAGE 655.49870.3220 149243 1/8-12/22/08 P 083 00459 6/3/08-"NEXT BIG THING" 15.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43111.3320 149243 1/8-12/22/08 P 083 00460 6/28-12/31/08 PE LICENSE 30.00 LICENSES & PERMITS 101.43111.4370 149243 1/8-12/22/08 P 083 00461 1/1-12/31/09 PE LICENSE 60.00 PREPAID ITEMS 101.15501 149243 1/8-12/22/08 P 083 00462 1/1-6/30/10 PE LICENSE 30.00 PREPAID ITEMS 101.15501 149243 1/8-12/22/08 P 083 00463 698.08 *VENDOR TOTAL WINE MERCHANTS, INC 19.46 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 149059 256368 P 083 00464 1,348.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 149059 256368 P 083 00465 1,367.46 *VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS PROPERTY PURCHASE 550,000.00 PARK LAND 229.45202.5102 149089 YMCA LAND P 084 00002 YMCA LAND-CLOSING FEES 3,456.00 PARK LAND 229.45202.5102 149244 2008 P 083 00466 553,456.00 *VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELE CEDAR ST 11/16-12/15/08 124.65 PROF SRV - MAINT AGREEME 101.43160.3190 148999 15016831555 P 083 00472 (30)SCHL BLVD11/16-12/15 415.50 PROF SRV - MAINT AGREEME 101.43160.3190 149000 1003953 12/08 P 083 00468 (14)SCHL BLVD11/16-12/15 193.90 PROF SRV - MAINT AGREEME 101.43160.3190 149001 1003698 12/08 P 083 00467 (997TH/HIGHLDII/16-12/15 90.00 PROF SRV - MAINT AGREEME 101.43160.3190 149002 15016819698 P 083 00471 POLES/LIGHTS,FIXTURES 51,406.13 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 101.43160.4099 149215 150-1683-4840 P 083 00469 CHELSEA RD E 11/16-12/15 180.00 PROF SRV - MAINT AGREEME 101.43160.3190 149217 15016806574 P 083 00470 52,410.18 *VENDOR TOTAL XCEL ONE BILL 51-6505907-2 131.02 ELECTRIC 101.43140.3810 149092 12/18/2008 P 083 00473 51-427112-2 754.35 ELECTRIC 211.45501.3810 149092 12/18/2008 P 083 00474 51-6505909-4 187.57 ELECTRIC 217.41990.3810 149092 12/18/2008 P 083 00475 51-6505910-7 1,479.66 ELECTRIC 609.49754.3810 149092 12/18/2008 P 083 00476 51-6505911-8 10,226.27 ELECTRIC 101.41940.3810 149092 12/18/2008 P 083 00477 51-6505912-9 92.04 ELECTRIC 101.42701.3810 149092 12/18/2008 P 083 00478 51-6505913-0 557.73 ELECTRIC 101.42201.3810 149092 12/18/2008 P 083 00479 51-7780310-4 53.36 ELECTRIC 101.42401.3810 149092 12/18/2008 P 083 00480 51-4400193-4 14.38 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 149092 12/18/2008 P 083 00481 13,496.38 *VENDOR TOTAL ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE ASSORTED SUPPLIES 274.20 SAFETY SUPPLIES 101.43127.2065 149229 54033304 P 083 00482 ZIMMERMAN/ANNIE ALEXANDRIA,ST CLOUD,ECT 220.19 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41520.3310 148952 9/24-11/18/08 P 083 00483 ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT 1ST MN BANK PLAN APP DEP 7/9/07 2,000.00 ESCROW DEPOSITS 101.22011 ENG EXPENSES 864.1OCR PLANNING ADMIN FEE 101.34122 REIMB EXP-ENG/INSP STAFF 306.79CR INSPECTION FEES/CONST OB 101.34203 IN-HOUSE PLANNING 98.82CR DEVELOPER COST REIMB 101.34965 730.29 *VENDOR TOTAL • • GL5~ CLAIM INVOICE 148987 ESCROW REFUND 148987 ESCROW REFUND 148987 ESCROW REFUND 148987 ESCROW REFUND CITY OF MONTICELLO 60R-V06.75 PAGE 18 PO# F/P ID LINE P 083 00484 P 083 00485 P 083 00486 P 083 00487 • ! ~ ! ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL540R-V06.75 PAGE 19 FOR A/P VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE REPORT TOTALS: 856,608.44 RECORDS PRINTED - 000489 ACS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/02/2009 12:18:32 Schedule of Bills Payable GL060S-V06.75 RECAPPAGE GL540R FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION ---- ---------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 213 HRA FUND 217 DEPUTY REGISTRAR 224 SHADE TREE FUND 226 COMMUNITY CENTER 229 PARK/PATHWAY DEDICATION FUND 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 655 FIBER OPTICS TOTAL ALL FUNDS BANK RECAP: BANK NAME ---- ---------------------------- GENL GENERAL CHECKING TOTAL ALL BANKS DISBURSEMENTS 126,602.38 926.35 2,893.75 2,053.59 1,232.50 13,605.69 553,456.00 8,118.38 3,334.49 131,917.61 12,467.70 856,608.44 DISBURSEMENTS 856,608.44 856,608.44 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY ................................. • • • Accoun~a able Y To Be Paid Proof List User: ann.zimmerman Printed: 01/07/2009 - 1:OSPM Batch: 201.12.2008 Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number • Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Descriptimt • Close PO Line # Type PO # Reference American Red Cross 1024 48846 12/22/2008 226-45127-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 48846 Total: 1024 Total: American Red Cross Total: Ameripride Linen and Apparel S 1028 S575895 12/31/2008 226-45 1 22-44 1 700 Uniform Rental 5575895 12/31/2008 226-45 122-43 1 1 1 0 Laundry Services S575895 12/31/2008 226-45 1 22-44 1 7 1 0 Towel Rental S575895 Total: 1028 Total: Ameripride Linen and App 675.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - (225) Program service fee 675.00 675.00 675.00 16.89 43.76 48.44 109.09 109.09 109.09 0 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 Anderson-Crane Rubber Co AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Paae 1 Invoice Number Im oice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 1032 0 MP18621901 12/31/2008 161.85 0.00 01/08/2009 - 226-45122-422990 Misc Repair and Maint Suppli (13) assorted Gates V-Belts MP18621901 Total: 161.85 0 MP18621902 12/31/2008 85.76 0.00 01/08/2009 - 226-45122-422990 Misc Repair and Maint Suppli (12) assorted Gates V-Belts MP18621902 Total: 85.76 1032 Total 247.61 Anderson-Crane Rubber Co 247.61 Bailer Herbst Law Group PC, The 1622 DC 08-11 8/9/2008 4,956.25 0.00 01/08/2009 CFONET-LEGALX 655-49870-430400 Legal Fees Fiber Project DC 08-I1 Total: 4,956.25 1622 Total: 4,956.25 LEGALSVC 0 Bailer Herbst Law Group P 4,956.25 Cahill, Sara 1089 12/18/08 12/18/2008 46.80 0.00 01/08/2009 - 226-45 1 22-433 1 00 Travel Expense Edina-MRPA meeting 12/18/08 Total: 46.80 1089 Total: 46.80 0 Page 2 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Invoice Num~ .4ecount Number Invoice Date Amount Quantit ~ Payment Dati~ Task y Description Type PO # Close P~ Line # Reference Cahill, Sara Total: 46.80 Cen[erPoint Energy 1102 12302008 12/30/2008 4,316.22 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 1 0 1-43 1 2 7-43 8300 Gas 909 Golf Course Road 11/12/08-12/16/08 12302008 12/30/2008 127.64 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-45201-438300 Gas 113 W riverStll/12/08-12/16/08 12302008 Total: 4,443.86 1102 Total: 4,443.86 CenterPoint Energy Total: 4,443.86 David's Photography 1133 8507-1 12/13/2008 58.58 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-42200-421990 Gen Operating Supplies Style session, 8x10 basic 8507-1 Total: 58.58 1133 Total: 58.58 David's Photography Total 58.58 Fastenal Company 1170 MNMON46980 12/23/2008 38.24 0.00 01/08/2009 - 601-49440-420650 Safety Supplies (8)Safety goggles,(8)pr So1VexGlov MNMON46980 Total: 38.24 0 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Page 3 Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Invoice Number Description Reference Account Number 1170 Total: 38.24 Fastenal Company Total: 3824 Glunz, Raymond J 1201 797864 12/19/2008 65 1-490 1 0-43 1 1 5 0 Excavation Services 797864 12/ 19/2008 65 1-49010-43 1 1 50 Excavation Services 797864 Total 1201 Total: Glunz, Raymond J Total: Green, Elizabeth 1207 9/4-10/27/08 12/29!2008 101-43110-433100 Travel Expense 9/4-10/27/08 Total 1207 Total: Green, Elizabeth Total: Griggs Cooper & Company 0 400.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 12/19 L Hammons 0 400.00 0.00 O 1 /08/2009 - 12/26 M Andersen 800.00 800.00 800.00 ls.o2 0.00 01/08/2009 - PO,Bank,W.C. training,ect. 0 18.02 18.02 18.02 1209 0 164304 12/29/2008 149.35 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49750-433300 Freight 0 164304 12/29/2008 11,024.01 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49750-425100 Liquor Page 4 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) tm•oice Num~ Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Da~ Task Account Number Description Type PO # Reference Close P~ Line # 164304 Total: 767420 12/18/2008 609-49750-433300 Freight 767420 12/18/2008 609-49750-425300 Wine 767420 Total: 767640 12/23/2008 609-49750-433300 Freight 767640 12/23/2008 609-49750-425100 Liquor 767640 Total: 767847 12/23/2008 609-49750-425100 Liquor 767847 Total: 1209 Total: Griggs Cooper & Company Grosslein Beverage Inc 1211 11,17336 -1.45 0.00 01/08/2009 - -242.92 0.00 01/08/2009 - -244.37 -7.25 0.00 01/08/2009 - -689.90 0.00 01/08/2009 - -697.15 -9.34 0.00 01/08/2009 - -9.34 10,222.50 10,222.50 0 0 0 0 0 347748 12/30/2008 4,437.35 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425200 Beer 347748 Total: 4,437.35 347805 12/31/2008 8,368.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425200 Beer 347805 Total 8,368.00 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Page 5 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Description Reference Account Number 1211 Total: 12,805.35 Grosslein Beverage Inc To[ 12,805.35 HD Supply Waterworks LTD 1224 0 8361649 12/24/2008 14,976.56 0.00 01/08/2009 - (125) S l OR Single port MXU T-coupler w/ external bat 601-49440-422700 Utility System Maint Supplies 8361649 Total: 14,976.56 1224 Total: 14,976.56 HD Supply Waterworks L 14,976.56 Health Partners 1604 0 W86726 11/12/2008 76.50 0.00 01/08/2009 - 11/1/08-12/1/08 Employee Assistance Program 101-4 1 1 1 0-41 3 1 00 Health Insurance Contributions W86726 Total: 76.50 W86740 12/26/2008 78.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 12/1/08-1/1109 Employee Assistance Program 101-00000-155010 Prepaid Items W86740 Total: 78.00 1604 Total: 154.50 Health Partners Total: 154.50 Hoglund, Julie 1238 0 7/14-12118/08 12/30/2008 18.49 0.00 01/08/2009 - Page 6 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - LOS PM) [moice Num~ Invoice Date Amount Quantih~ Payment Da~Task Type PO # Close P Line # Account Number Description Reference 1 0 1-43 1 1 0-433 1 00 Travel Expense City Hall, W.C. training, Monticello Printing 7/ 14- 12/ 18/08 Total: 18.49 1238 Total: 18.49 Hoglund, Julie Total' 18.49 Holiday Credit Office 1242 12/18/08 12/18/2008 334.64 0.00 01/08/2009 - 101-42200-421200 Motor Fuels 12/18/08 12/18/2008 -14.59 0.00 01/08/2009 - 101-42200-421200 Motor Fuels Less tax 12/18/08 12/18/2008 -19.10 0.00 01/08/2009 - 101-42200-421200 Motor Fuels Less tax 12/(8/08 12/]8/2008 9.35 0.00 01/08/2009 - 226-4 5 1 22-42 1 200 Motor Fuels 12/18/08 12/18/2008 -1.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 226-45122-421200 Motor Fuels Less tax 12/18/08 Total: 309.30 1242 Total: 309.30 Holiday Credit Office Tota 309.30 JME of Monticello Inc 1260 133544 12/9/2008 664.18 0.00 01/08/2009 - ]01-42400-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 3602 Savanna Ave 0 0 0 0 0 0 133544 Total: 664.18 1260 Total: 664.18 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Page 7 Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Invoice Number Description Reference Account Number JME of Monticello Inc Tot 664.18 Johnson Bros Wholesale Liquor 1263 1559634 12/28/2008 609-49750-433300 Freight 1559634 12/28/2008 609-49750-425100 Liquor 1559634 Total: 1559636 12/28/2008 609-49750-425200 Beer 90.11 8,540.26 8,630.37 26.25 26.25 38.92 2,775.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 0 1559636 Total: 1560542 12/29/2008 609-49750-433300 Freight 1560542 12/29/2008 609-49750-425100 Liquor 1560542 Total: 1263 Total: Johnson Bros Wholesale Li KC Companies Inc 1621 Pmt Request 2 12/23/2008 655-49870-452010 Buildings Pmt Request 2 Total: 1621 Total: 0.00 01/08/2009 0.00 O 1 /08/2009 0 0 0 2,813.92 11,470.54 11,470.54 56,394.90 56,394.90 56,394.90 0.00 01/08/2009 CFONET-BLDING CONSTR Headend Building 0 Page 8 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) ~ s ln~oice Num~ Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Da~ Task Type PO # Close P~ Line # Account Number Description Reference KC Companies Inc Total: 56,394.90 Le, Sheryl L 1289 101833 12/31 /2008 101-41310-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 100.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - (1)hr FLSA Advice 0 101833 Total 1289 Total: Le, Sheryl L Total: Minneapolis, City of 1330 40650004968 12/29/2008 101-42100-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services 40650004968 Total: 1330 Total: Minneapolis, City of Total Monticello Vacuum Center 1380 51396 12/26/2008 2 1 1-45 50 1-440440 Repair & Maint-Mach & Equip 51396 Total: 1380 Total: 100.00 100.00 100.00 101.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - November transactions 0 101.00 101.00 101.00 323.34 0.00 01/08/2009 - Vacuum motor repair-parts,labor 0 323.34 323.34 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Page 9 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantit}' Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # .Account Number Description Reference Monticello Vacuum Center 323.34 Personnel Research Services Inc 1607 0 65048 12/15/2008 25.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49754-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services (1)Basic screening 0 65048 12/15/2008 170.90 0.00 01/08/2009 - 101-45201-431990 Miscellaneous Prof Services (2)Basic (2)Criminal Screenings, (2)Fees 65048 Total: 195.90 1607 Total: 195.90 Personnel Research Service 195.90 Phillips Wine & Spirits Co 1427 0 2699541 12/28/2008 82.36 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49750-433300 Freight 0 2699541 12/28/2008 5,246.31 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49750-425100 Liquor 2699541 Total: 5,328.67 2699542 12/28/2008 61.16 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-433300 Freight 0 2699542 12/28/2008 96.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 0 2699542 12/28/2008 1,870.60 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49750-425300 Wine 2699542 Total: 2,027.76 2700297 12/29/2008 5.56 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-433300 Freight 0 2700297 12/29/2008 799.46 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49750-425100 Liquor AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Page 10 S Invoice Num~ Account Number Invoice Date Amotmt Quantity Payment Dat~Task Description Type PO # Close P~ Line # Reference 2700297 Total: 2700298 12/29/2008 609-49750-433300 Freight 2700298 12/29/2008 609-49750-425300 Wine 2700298 Total: 1427 Total: Phillips Wine & Spirits Co Pipeline Supply Inc 1431 S2579452.001 12/29/2008 101-45201-422300 Building Repair Supplies 52579452.001 Total: S2579529.001 12/29/2008 101-45201-422300 Building Repair Supplies S2579529.001 Total: 1431 Total: 805.02 37.53 1,576.20 1,613.73 9,775.18 9,775.18 14.64 61.10 61.10 75.74 Pipeline Supply Inc Total: 75.74 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0.00 01/08/2009 - W Bridge-Zurn urinal repair kit 0.00 01/08/2009 - W Bridge-Urinal flush valve 0 0 0 0 Purcell's Plumbing and Heating 1442 29772 12/22/2008 120.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49754-440100 Repair and Maint-Buildings Toilet-augered 29772 Total: 120.00 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Page 11 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 1442 Total: Purcell's Plumbing and Hea Quality Wine & Spirits Co 1444 096301-00 12/ 10/2008 609-49750-425300 Wine 096301-00 Total: 100928-00 12/22/2008 609-49750-425300 Wine 100928-00 Total: 102657-00 12/28/2008 609-49750-425300 Wine 102657-00 Total: 102658-00 12/28/2008 609-49750-425300 Wine 102658-00 Total: 1444 Total: Quality Wine & Spirits Co Snow Plows Plus Inc. 1494 3561 12/8/2008 602-49490-422100 Equipment Repair Parts 3561 Total: Page 12 • 120.00 120.00 -144.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - -144.00 412.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 412.00 1,045.50 0.00 01!08/2009 - 1,045.50 0.01 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0.01 1,313.51 1,313.51 174.55 0.00 01/08/2009 - Sump base e-60 174.55 0 0 0 0 0 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) • Invoice Num~ Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Da~ Task Tv e PO # p Close P~ Line # Account Number Description Reference 1494 Total: 174.55 Snow Plows Plus Inc. Tota 174.55 Spectrum Supply Co. 1497 183699 12/29/2008 48.93 0 00 01/08/2009 - . 0 226-45122-421990 Gen Operating Supplies (1)cs 36/IOOct Kleenex Facial 183699 12/29/2008 43.45 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 226-45 1 22-42 1 1 00 Cleaning Supplies Floor combo tool nozzle 183699 Total: 92.38 1497 Total: 92.38 Spectrum Supply Co. Tota 92.38 Strategic Equipment & Supply C 1506 1388588 12/17/2008 37.15 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49754-421100 Cleaning Supplies Canliners 1388588 12/17/2008 29.79 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49754-421990 Gen Operating Supplies (1)cs 12oz Foam drink cup 1388588 12/17/2008 238.77 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-443990 Miscellaneous Other Exp 1388588 Total: 305.71 97674 12/3/2008 -35.38 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable Refer to inv#1382271 return corkscrews 97674 Total: -35.38 1506 Total: 270.33 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Page 13 Invoice Number Lmoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference Strategic Equipment & Sup 270.33 Viking Coca Cola Bottling Co 1552 0 0025200157 12/29/2008 218.70 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 0025200157 Total: 218.70 1552 Total: 218.70 Viking Coca Cola Bottling C 218.70 Vonco II LLC 1555 0 9024 11/28/2008 149.10 0.00 01/08/2009 - 1 0 1-43 2 30-43 1 020 Landfill Services Dump clean-up 9024 Total: 149.10 1555 Total: 149.10 Vonco II LLC Total: 149.10 Water Laboratories Inc 1561 0 08L-356 12/30/2008 60.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 601-49440-422740 Water Samples OSL-356 Total: 60.00 1561 Total: 60.00 Page 14 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Invoice Num~ Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Da~ Task Account Number Description Type PO # Ctose P~ Line # Reference Water Laboratories Inc Tot 60.00 Weldon, Brian 1564 12/18/08 1/2/2009 57.33 226-45122-433100 Travel Expense 0.00 01/08/2009 - St Louis Park-Aquatic Meeting 0 12/18/08 Total: 57.33 1564 Total: 57.33 Weldon, Brian Total: 57.33 Wine Merchants Inc 1573 9258098 12/29/2008 111.21 609-49750-433300 Freight 9258098 12/29/2008 7,248.25 609-49750-425300 Wine 9258098 Total: 7,359.46 ] 573 Total: 7,359.46 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 Wine Merchants Inc Total: 7,359.46 Wright Hennepin Cooperative El 1583 100308712/08 12/17/2008 578.16 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 1 0 1-43 1 60-438 100 Electric 100308712/08 12/17/2008 92.22 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 602-49490-438100 Electric 11/10-12/8/08 Sunset Ponds/94th Lift 1003087 12/08 Total: 670.38 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Page 15 Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Invoice Number Description Reference Account Number 1583 Total: 670.38 Wright Hennepin Cooperat 670.38 Xcel Energy 1585 181.12 14.78 12,749.08 0.00 01/08/2009 - 51-6505907-2 11 /28/08-12/27/08 0.00 01/08/2009 - 51-6505908-3 11/28108-12/27/08 0.00 01/08/2009 - 51-6505916-3 I 1 /28/08-12/27/08 0 0 0 12292008 12/29/2008 101-43 140-438 1 00 Electric 12292008 12/29/2008 101-42500-438100 Electric 12292008 12/29/2008 1 01-43 1 60-43 8 1 00 Electric 12292008 Total: 1585 Total: Xcel Energy Total: Ziegler Cat 1589 PC050069743 12/20/2008 602-49490-422100 Equipment Repair Parts PC050069743 Total 1589 Total: Ziegler Cat Total: 12,944.98 12,944.98 12,944.98 132.25 0.00 01/08/2009 - (2)Door latch 0 132.25 132.25 132.25 Page 16 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) [moice Num~ Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Da~ Task Type PO # Glose P~ Line # Account Number Description Reference Report Total: 152,543.90 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/07/2009 - 1:05 PM) Page 17 Accounts ayable To Be Paid Proof List User: ann.zimmerman Printed: 01/08/2009 - 7:31AM Batch: 201.01.2009 1k`,'~ll+~k,i~s~ Invoice Number invoice Date Amount Quantih~ Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference American Planning Association 1023 186028-080907 9/16/2008 315.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-41910-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri 1/1-12/31/09 Angela Schumann 186028-080907 Total: 315.00 1023 Total: American Planning Associa 315.00 315.00 Apperts Foodservice 1038 I OS 1492 1 /2/2009 609-49750-433300 Freight 1081492 1 /2/2009 226-45 1 27-4254 1 0 Concession Food Products 1081492 Total: 1038 Total: 2.25 0.00 01/08/2009 - 400.28 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 0 Apperts Foodservice Total Arctic Glacier Inc 1041 467836611 12/31/2008 402.53 402.53 402.53 134.07 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description Type PO # Close PO Line # Reference 609-49750-425500 Miscellaneous Non-Taxable 467836611 Total: 1041 Total: Arctic Glacier Inc Total: Barnett, Megan 1618 1 /2/09 1 /6/2009 101-46500-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri 1/2/09 Total: 1618 Total: Barnett, Megan Total: Bematello's Pizza Inc 1066 1341920 1 /2/2009 226-45 1 27-42 1 460 Party Room Supplies 1341920 1/2/2009 226-45 1 27-4254 1 0 Concession Food Products 1341920 Total: 1066 Total: Bematello's Pizza Inc Tota Bernick's 106'7 134.07 134.07 134.07 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 82.50 181.50 264.00 264.00 264.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - Reimburse-Notary Registration 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 0 0 Page 2 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) • Invoice Numb Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date~ask Type PO # Close PO~ Line # Account Number Description Reference 158961 1/2/2009 117.75 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 158961 Total: 117.75 158962 1/2/2009 79.75 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425200 Beer 158962 Total: 79.75 1067 Total: 197.50 Bemick's Total 197.50 BusinessWeek 1613 2009 Subscriptn 1/1/2009 20.00 0.00 01/08/2009 101-46500-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri 1 year - 26 issues 2009 Subscriptn Total: 20.00 1613 Total: 20.00 BusinessWeek Total: 20.00 Dahlheimer Distributing Co 1129 24573 12/29/2008 43.60 0.00 01/08/2009 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 24573 Total: 43.60 0 0 24574 12/29/2008 9,754.25 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425200 Beer 24574 Total: 9,754.25 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page 3 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 1129 Total: 9,797.85 Dahlheimer Distributing Co 9,797.85 Day Distributing Company 1134 487329 12/30/2008 1,356.10 609-49750-425200 Beer 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 487329 Total: 1,356.10 1134 Total: 1,356.10 Day Distributing Company 1,356.10 Echostar Satellite LLC 1152 269710 12/08 12/18/2008 37.26 609-49754-432500 Cable/Network Services 0.00 01/08/2009 - 1/2-2/1/09 Digital music 0 269710 12/08 Total: 37.26 1152 Total: 37.26 Echostar Satellite LLC Tot 37.26 Extreme Beverage LLC 1167 738170 12/30/2008 315.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 738170 Total: 315.00 0 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page 4 Invoice Num~ In~~oice Date Account Number Amount Quantity Payment Dat~Task Type Description Reference PO # Close PO• Line # 1167 Total: Extreme Beverage LLC Tot Fire Engineering 1614 Subscription 1/1/2009 101-42200-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri Subscription Total: 1614 Total: Fire Engineering Total: Griggs Cooper & Company 1209 164303 12/29/2008 609-49750-433300 Freight 164303 12/29/2008 609-49750-425300 Wine 164303 12/29/2008 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 164303 Total: 1209 Total: Griggs Cooper & Company 315.00 315.00 67.95 67.95 67.95 67.95 0.00 01/08/2009 - 3 year subscription 0 10.15 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 103.90 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 199.90 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 313.95 313.95 Health Partners 1604 1/15/09 1/15/2009 415.12 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-00000-217060 Health Insurance Payable Health Ins-R Wolfsteller AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:51 AM) Page 5 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Close PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 1/15/09 Total: 415.12 ] 604 Total: 415.12 Health Partners Total: 415.12 ICMA Membership Renewal 1623 318786 1/1/2009 789.26 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-41310-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri 2009 Membe rship -Jeff O'Neill 31878b Total: 789.26 1623 Total: 789.26 ICMA Membership Renew 789.26 Johnson Bros Wholesale Liquor 1263 1559635 12/28/2008 151.51 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-433300 Freight 1559635 12/28/2008 4,532.29 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425300 Wine 1559635 12/28/2008 46.95 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 1559635 Total: 4,730.75 1560543 12/29/2008 120.94 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-433300 Freight 1560543 12/29/2008 4,336.25 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425300 Wine 1560543 Total: 4,457.19 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page 6 Invoice Numb Invoice Date Account Number Amount Quantih• Payment Date~ask Description Type Reference PO # Close PO~ Line # 1263 Total: 9,187.94 Johnson Bros Wholesale Li 9,187.94 Kansas State Bank of Manhattan 1267 Payment 24 1/28/2009 880.00 226-45 1 22-44 1 500 Equipment Rental Payment 24 Total: 880.00 1267 Total: 880.00 Kansas State Bank of Man 880.00 Kiwi Kai Imports 1273 8209231-IN 12/30/2008 158.00 609-49750-425300 Wine 8209231-IN Total 158.00 1273 Total: 158.00 Kiwi Kai Imports Total: 158.00 Minneapolis/St Paul Business Journal 1615 2009 Subscriptn 1/1/2009 93.00 101-46500-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri 2009 Subscriptn Total: 93.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - Acct # 3340050 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0.00 01/08/2009 - Acct #233549 1 year-52 issues 0 0 0 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page 7 Invoice Number Im oice Date Account Number Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Description Type PO # Close PO Reference Line # 1615 Total: 93.00 Minneapolis/St Paul Busin 93.00 Minnesota Nursery & Landscape Association 1620 IVC13088 12/19/2008 60.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-45201-433200 Training/Conferences (5) 2009 Expo Registration -Trade show IVC13088 12/19/2008 12.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 1 0 1-43 1 1 0-433 200 Training/Conferences (1) 2009 Expo Registration -Trade show IVC13088 Total: 72.00 1620 Total: 72.00 Minnesota Nursery & Land 72.00 MN Dept of Health 1345 1/5/09 1/5/2009 28.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 226-45122-443700 Licenses And Permits State License for food service certificatn @ MCC 1/5/09 Total: 28.00 1345 Total: 28.00 MN Dept of Health Total: 28.00 North Hennepin Comm College 1624 Customer 97519 12/18/2008 610.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-42400-433200 Training/Conferences (2) classes -Ron Hackenmueller AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page 8 ` ~ PO~ Li # PO # Cl T Invoice Date Invoice Number Amount Quantity Payment Date Task ose ne ype Account Number Description Reference Customer 97519 Total: 610.00 1624 Total: 610.00 Nnrth Hrnnenin Cnmm ('n 610.00 Phillips Wine & Spirits Co 1427 2701143 12/30/2008 16.68 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-433300 Freight 2701143 12/30/2008 795.38 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425100 Liquor 2701143 Total: 812.06 270] 144 12/30/2008 1.39 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-433300 Freight 2701144 Total: 1.39 1427 Total: 813.45 Phillips Wine & Spirits Co 813.45 Salzwedel, Patricia A 1474 1/15/09 1/15/2009 1,505.08 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 1 0 1-42700-43 1 200 Animal Control Services Contract 1/15/09 Total: 1,505.08 1474 Total: 1,505.08 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page 9 Im~oice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Account Number Description 0.00 01/08/2009 - SLA - 1st Payment of 5 Salzwedel, Patricia A Total 1,505.08 Springbrook Software Inc 001612 10850 11/14/2008 21,544.00 101-41920-430900 Data Processing Services 10850 Total: 21,544.00 001612 Total: 21,544.00 Springbrook Software Inc T 21,544.00 SUSA 1616 2009 membership 1/1/2009 50.00 601-49440-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri 2009 membership 1/1/2009 50.00 602-49490-443300 Dues, Memberships and Subsc 2009 membership 1/1/2009 100.00 1 0 1-43 1 1 0-443 3 00 Dues Membership and Subscri 2009 membership Total: 200.00 1616 Total: 200.00 SUSA TotaL• 200.00 Thorpe Distributing Company 1522 523832 12/31/2008 26,274.15 609-49750-425200 Beer 523832 Total: 26,274.15 0.00 01/08/2009 - Annual membership Matt Theisen (1/2) 0.00 01/08/2009 - Annual membership Matt Theisen (1/2) 0.00 01/08/2009 - Annual membership Bob Paschke 0.00 01/08/2009 - Type PO # Close PO Line # Reference 0 0 0 0 0 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) • Page 10 Invoice Num~ Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Da~ Task Type PO # Close P~ Line # Account Number Description Reference 1522 Total: 26,274.15 Thorpe Distributing Comp 26,274.15 TR Computer Sales LLC 1528 31191 1/1/2009 1,007.94 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-41920-430900 Data Processing Services 1/t-12/31/09 PermitWorks annual support 31191 Total: 1,007.94 1528 Total: 1,007.94 TR Computer Sales LLC T 1,007.94 University of Minnesota CCE 1617 24917 12/23/2008 170.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-42400-433200 Training/Conferences 1090420 Deb Ward 24917 12/23/2008 170.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-42400-433200 Training/Conferences 1090421 Ron Hackenmuetler 24917 12/23/2008 170.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 101-42400-433200 Training/Conferences 1090422 DJ Hennessey 24917 Total: 510.00 272321088215 1/7/2009 70.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 1 0 1-43 1 20-43 3 200 Training/Conferences Pavement Rehabilitation Workshop-Tom Moores 27232 1088215 Total: 70.00 272331088216 1/7/2009 70.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 1 0 1-43 1 20-433200 Training/Conferences Pavement Rehabilitation Workshop- Mike Haaland 27233 1088216 Total: 70.00 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page I 1 Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date Task Type PO # Glose PO Line # Account Number Description Reference 161.7 Total: 650.00 University of Minnesota C 650.00 Viking Coca Cola Bottling Co 1552 0025200224 1/2/2009 89.60 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 609-49750-425400 Miscellaneous Taxable 0025200224 Total: 89.60 1552 Total: 89.60 Viking Coca Cola Bottling C 89.60 Wright County Mayors Association 1611 2009 membership 11/26/2008 150.00 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 1 01-41 1 1 0-443300 Dues Membership and Subscri Annual dues 2009 membership Total: 150.00 1611 Total: 150.00 Wright County Mayors As 150.00 Wright Hennepin Cooperative El 1583 100308712/08B 12/17/2008 21.25 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 2 1 7-4 1 990-43 1 900 Maintenance Agreements Feb service 100308712/08B 12/17/2008 29.77 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 1 0 1-42200-43 1 900 Maintenance Agreements Jan-Feb service 100308712/08B 12/17/2008 18.38 0.00 01/08/2009 - 0 1 01-45201-43 1900 Maintenance Agreements Feb service AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page 12 Invoice Numb invoice Date Amount Quantity Payment Date~ask Account Number Description Type PO # Close PO~ Line # Reference 1003087 12/08B 12/17/2008 21.25 0.00 0!/08/2009 - 60 1-49440-43 1 900 Maintenance Agreements Feb service ]00308712/08B 12/17/2008 21.25 0.00 01/08/2009 - 601-49440-431900 Maintenance Agreements Feb service 100308712/08B 12/17!2008 21.25 0.00 01/08/2009 - 601-49440-431900 Maintenance Agreements Feb service 1003087 12/08B 12/17/2008 29.77 0.00 01/08/2009 - 240-49200-431900 Maintenance Agreements Feb service - 101 Chelsea Rd 100308712/08B 12/17/2008 29.77 0.00 01/08/2009 - 226-45 1 22-43 1 900 Maintenance Agreements Feb service 100308712/08B 12/17/2008 35.09 0.00 01/08/2009 - 60 1-49440-43 1 900 Maintenance Agreements Feb service 100308712/08B 12/17/2008 21.25 0.00 01/08/2009 - 101-45201-431900 Maintenance Agreements Feb service 1003087 12/08B Total: 249.03 1583 Total: 249.03 Wright Hennepin Cooperat 249.03 Report Total: 78,037.78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AP-To Be Paid Proof List (01/08/2009 - 7:31 AM) Page l3 Council Minutes: December 1, 2008 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL December 1, 2008 Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer and Tom Perrault. Members Absent: Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski City Administrator Jeff O'Neill welcomed those present at the informational meeting and acknowledged the presence of city staff, council and representatives from the County and the YMCA. Jeff O'Neill outlined areas of discussion that would be covered which include a review of the progress of the project; review of funding options; outlining what are the next steps in proceeding with this project and how citizens can be involved. The Bertram Chain of Lakes comprises 1,200 acres lying west of Monticello and within Monticello Township. It consists of 3 undeveloped lakes, 245 acres of mixed vegetation/wetlands and 140 acres of agricultural land. The property is close to I-94 a major corridor. Currently the YMCA operates Camp Manitou at this facility with the camp having been in operation for almost 50 years. Photographs of the area were shown. Jeff O'Neill discussed why it is important to preserve this area. The City, County and State agree that this area has value and should be preserved. It is one of kind area with four pristine lakes along a major traffic corridor and close to the metro area. The area is a valuable for wildlife habitat, with high quality native wetlands and significant biodiversity and is identified as such in Monticello's Natural Resource Inventory Assessment. There are opportunities in this area for wetland/savannah restoration projects. The area contains a glacial esker which is a unique land formation created as the glaciers retreated. It is valued as a community resource as it is important to members of the community. The presence of a park is another reason for people to live, work and invest in Monticello. Jeff O'Neill discussed the proposed to site for a ballfield complex in this area noting there is a regional and local need for additional fields. Monticello is centrally located making it an attractive location for tournaments for soccer, softball, and baseball. The tournaments bring in people from outside the Monticello area which benefits the local economy. Nature education programs are also important as are regional trails connecting to the park and winding through the facility. The possibility exists with this project to create other recreational opportunities. The YMCA contacted the City some time ago about their desire to sell the property. The YMCA needed cash for the other programs they provide. The City and County got together and talked to the YMCA about keeping the land in the community rather than selling it to a developer. A task force of City and Wright County officials was set up and worked together to come up with a plan for acquiring the property and developing an overall vision of the area. The YMCA has worked with the City and County to come up with a price and a plan for the acquisition to take place. The YMCA is maintaining a presence in the facility and will be leasing space for the continued operation of Camp Manitou, their day camp. The appraised price for the property is $20,500,000 which is also the purchase price. The City and County have identified the property as a natural resource and recreational land in their Council Minutes: December 1, 2008 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. A considerable number of tours of the project area by state officials from various agencies reflect the level of the state's interest in the value of this area. A Memorandum of Understand has been approved by all parties involved in the purchase. The Memorandum of Understanding sets the table for a number of agreements to follow. It sets the purchase price and establishes a phased acquisition valid through 2013. This was important because the City and County could not get all the state funding that was needed at one time. Property will be purchased over time as state funding becomes available. County has also indicated they would be willing to up front some of the City`s share of the acquisition cost with the City to pay the County back over time. The Memorandum of Understanding provides for the athletic fields to be purchased when state funds become available. The Memorandum of Understanding contains a provision to allow the YMCA to lease a portion of the land for the operation of their day camp. Having the YMCA in operation at the site is a benefit for the area. The first phase of the acquisition would involve the purchase of parcels #SA and #6 for $3,600,000 and include a use lease agreement cover parcels #1 and #2. The second phase would depend on when state funds are available and would cover parcels #7, #1 and #2. The City and County will pick up the land area to the west and then pick up parcels #5, #4 and #3. Jeff O'Neill briefly discussed the possibility of program coordination between City, County and YMCA. State funding is critical to acquiring the 1200 acres at $20.5 million. The need for state funding is important as park dedication fees alone can't fund the project. A grant of $200,000 was received for this project which has not yet been spent. In addition $1,000,000 in funds was received from LCCMR (Legislative & Citizens Commission on Minnesota's Resources) which would go towards the purchase of parcels #5 and #6. The land would have to be acquired by the end of the year to be eligible for the $1 million. A request for $7,000,000 in funds for this project to be included in the states bonding bill was made but it was not in the final bill signed by the governor. In the 2008 general election the Clean Water, Land and Legacy amendment was passed which is meant to provide funding for park land acquisition. These funds will be available in the future and it is hoped that because the Bertram Chain of Lakes project involves multiple entities it will be a more desirable project for funding. Finance Director Tom Kelly talked about City funding of their share of the cost which is just under $6,000,000 with state funding. This cost is just the land acquisition and not the cost for development of the athletic complex. The City has park dedication fees of $1,000,000 that can be utilized. The City also owns undeveloped commercial land that could be sold. It is estimated the value of this commercial land to be in excess of $S,000,OOwhich could be used for the ballfields. Other sources are bond funds where there are reserves left after the bonds have been paid off. These funds, amounting to approximately $1,800,000, can be used as the Council feels appropriate. There are some additional reserves and liquor store funds that could be utilized as well. When development picks up again there will be additional park dedication funds coming in. The City could also levy for this amount through a bond referendum. The County has various funding options and has indicated a willingness to help the City up front some of the acquisition cost. If the City was to levy the $475,000 annually, a home valued at $100,000 would see an increase of $28.31 in their taxes; a $200,000 home would have an increase of $56.61 and a $300,000 home would see an increase of $84.92 The County's estimate as to the increase on taxes for the County's share 2 Council Minutes: December 1, 2008 would be $7.54 per year on a $200,000 home. Jeff O'Neill clarified that would if the City share was funded in total by a tax levy not use park dedication fees or reserves to help fund the cost. The next steps in the process if to finalize the purchase agreement which is under way and will be ready for Council consideration at their December 8, 2008 meeting. The terms of the lease agreement will also be considered at this meeting. The City will have to identify the source of funds and the mix of funds that will be used to purchase the land. This depends somewhat on state contribution to the project. There are a lot of variable that will be considered in this. The parties will have to take the necessary steps to secure additional state funding through the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment. Jeff O'Neill stated the City in November had applied to the LCCMR for funds. However, the LCCMR did not award any funds for the Bertram Chain of Lakes project and with the passage of the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment the LCCMR will not be a funding source for this type of project after 2009. Community Development Director, Angela Schumann talked about the development plan for the facility. What will the park look like? She noted that some input has been received as result of the tours of the area. The Bertram Chain of Lake Project is an opportunity for the park to be whatever people want the park to be. The City and County invite the public to take part in the visioning process. The process will result in a development plan and capital improvement plan for the project. The plan will have passive and active park area. It will also cover plans for operation including whether it should be done jointly or have different entities responsible for different areas. The City and County will have information on their websites. Residents can participate by signing up for e-mail updates. Comment cards are also available at this meeting. Residents are urged to lobby their legislators to drum up support for this project. It was noted that although the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment was only passed in November there is already pressure on how these funds should be spent. Jeff O'Neill noted this wrapped up the formal presentation and opened the meeting up for questions. A resident asked what lakes were being considered. Jeff O'Neill said the first phase which is parcels #SA and #6 which is portion of Long Lake and the wetland to the south and east of Long Lake. The YMCA has agreed to hold the land aside through 2013 for the phased acquisition. There was a question on trails within the camp and the condition of the access road to the area. Jeff O'Neill responded that this would need to be looked at. The question was raised as to why this area was being purchased first. Jeff O'Neill noted the area has significant wetland area. A question was raised about reopening the access to the beach. Because of the problems that occurred there in the past it was felt that reopening the access would require policing of the area. While there are issues that need to be re resolved the public would like to see that area opened sooner rather than later. A resident asked about 60 foot strip of right of way which went all the way to the lake and expressed his belief that the right of way to the lake should not have been closed. Wright County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke responded that the County owned right of way in this area but the access to the lake is not located on the County right of way. The County owns right up to the lake on the east side of parcel #7 but then the terrain becomes too steep to be used as an access. The actual access to the lake is on YMCA property. The YMCA didn't want to sell the heart of their property so it was agreed to purchase #SA and #6 first and in the next months they Council Minutes: December 1, 2008 hope to work out the issue of access. Brian Kirk from the YMCA said he wanted to make sure the people understood that the YMCA did not close the access. The DNR, County & YMCA had sat down and talked about the landing. The DNR did not have resources to handle the landing so they decided to close the landing until there were additional resources to open it. Brian Kirk said there was never public access established to lake but the YMCA may have allowed their access to be used. A property owner across the street from the access said the landing turned into a real bad area with a lot of questionable activities taking place there. If access is restored to Bertram Lake the access should be gated and closed at night to control that kind of activity as well as having the area patrolled. Providing security for the area as well as providing access to the area is an issue that needs to be discussed. The property owner said he understood that the County Park system has Park Patrol Officers that could be used in this area and he reiterated his belief that any access to the be gated and secured. Dan Lemm asked about parcels #9 & #10 indicating that at one time there was opening in that area which he believed was used as access to a landing. He thought this was back in the 1960's. Another question that came up was whether any of the property in the project area would be sliced off for housing or development. Jeff O'Neill said the City and County felt the total land area is right for a county park and they are interested in setting up a regional park with a large passive area. The City and County property development would not work into this type of park. If the state did not come through with funding it may be an option for the future consideration however, the City and County both would prefer to see the area used as a natural area. If a developer did come forward with a proposal it would require both the City and County to make a change in their Comprehensive Land Use Plan as the area is presently identified as a natural area in both the City and County plans. Pat Sawatkze said the County is not in the mode of starting new projects but this unique which is why they are interested in funding it. He felt the project has to be significant to get funded for a regional park. He noted that Crow Hassan and other regional parks encompass more acreage (2,000-3,000 acres) while the Bertram Chain of Lakes project is only 1200 acres but the project has significant lake shore and that justifies the interest in preserving it. The question was raised as to who will own the land. Although the relationship between the City and County has not been worked out as for operation and maintenance of the facility, the City and County will jointly own the land. Dan Lemm noted the land lies in the township and asked where the township stood in this. The area will remain in the township but it will be owned by the City and the County. Jeff O' Neill thanked the people in attendance for coming and indicated staff would remain if there were any additional questions. Recording Secretary 4 Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday December 8, 2008 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of November 19, 2008 Special Meeting -Transportation Plan. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 19, 2008 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO THE TRANSPORTATION PLAN. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of November 24, 2008 Regular Meeting. Wayne Mayer clarified on Item #15 on page 7 that the motion was not unanimous but that he and Tom Perrault had voted in opposition. Tom Perrault noted on the agenda item relating to the additional hours for the Human Resources Manager the extension date should be Apri12009 not 2008. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 24, 2008 REGULAR MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS NOTED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Brian Stumpf asked that those individuals who speak at the meeting to please use the microphone so that they can be heard. Susie Wojchouski asked that the rental ordinance be brought up for discussion. John Simola added to the consent agenda consideration of the maintenance agreement with Wright County. Wayne Mayer asked for an opportunity to say a few words at the end of the meeting. Bob Paschke was introduced as the new Public Works Director for the City of Monticello. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. No one spoke under citizen comments. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, DMV, Parks and Building Department. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 B. Consideration of accepting a contribution from Wal-Mart for Fire Department equipment. Recommendation: Approve the contribution and authorize the use of funds as specified. Resolution #2008-94. C. Consideration of rescinding withdrawal from membership in the Sherburne-Wright Cable Commission. Recommendation: Rescind the motion to withdraw from the Sherburne-Wright Cable Commission effective January 1, 2009, with written notice to be given before December 31, 2008. D. Consideration to review and adopt the 2008 Natural Resource Inventory and Assessment. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution supporting the approval and adoption of the Monticello, Minnesota 2008 Natural Resource Inventory and Assessment. Resolution #2008-95. E. Consideration of reassignment of TIF agreement as it relates to Prairie West, TIF District 1-20. Recommendation: Assign the Developers Agreement for TIF District 1-20 for Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. /Prairie West to Linda A. Smith, contingent on the approval by the Economic Development Authority. John Simola explained that the maintenance agreement with Wright County is the same as in previous years but the City is getting a little more money under this agreement. Brian Stumpf noted that the NRI document in the agenda packet was not complete and ended at page 22. Staff indicated the balance of the document will be sent to out to them. Items #SC and #SD were pulled from the consent agenda. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA OF ITEMS #SA, #SB AND #SE WITH THE ADDITION OF THE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH WRIGHT COUNTY AS #SF. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. #SC Rescinding withdrawal from membership in the Sherburne-Wright Cable Commission: Wayne Mayer in pulling this item noted that in the staff recommendation it stated there is no benefit to withdrawing from the Commission at this time. Jeff O'Neill said a portion of the fees from cable subscribers goes to the Commission and then is distributed back to the member cities. If the City withdrew from the Commission the money would come directly to the City instead of coming through the Commission. The benefit of staying with the Commission is that they have the contracts and expertise in place. Wayne Mayer asked what ramifications there are to FiberNet if it is allowed to launch next spring. Joel Jamnik said there is no adverse impact to FiberNet from continued participation in the Commission. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO RESCIND THE MOTION TO WITHDRAW FROM THE SHERBURNE-WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2009 WITH WRITTEN NOTICE TO BE GIVEN BEFORE DECEMBER 31, 2008. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 2 Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 #SD Adoption of 2008 Natural Resource Inventory and Assessment: Tom Perrault indicated he was in attendance at the Planning Commission meeting when they adopted the NRUA. He feels that property rights will be violated with the adoption of this plan. Susie Wojchouski asked if his concern was with the greenway. Clint Herbst felt the NRUA merely documents what is out there in the way of natural resources. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE MONTICELLO MINNESOTA 2008 NATURAL RESOURCE INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Consideration of approving fma12009 tax lew and budget. Tom Kelly, Finance Director presented information on the 2009 tax levy and budget which must be certified to the County in December. The budget document is a result of a process that was started in May and culminates with the adoption of the document at this meeting. The 2009 budget of expenditures for all funds is $31,761,184 with revenues estimated at $26,464,353. These figures include debt service and capital improvements. This is over a 3% decrease from 2008. He noted the budget proposed a 5% increase in sewer and water rates. The current rates pay for operation of the sewer and water system but do not cover debt service cost. Tom Kelly noted the importance of having the rates cover the debt service. John Simola explained how previous improvements to the water and wastewater system expansions were funded. He added that most cities do have debt service built into their rates. John Simola stated that in addition to the 5% increase they are looking at the way the rates are structured. They will be looking at factors such as BOD (biological oxygen demand), flows and TSS (total suspended solids). Going with the 5% increase means more of the sewer revenue can be applied to debt service. Tom Kelly explained that over $500,000 of debt service reserves are proposed to be used to fund the budgeted expenditures. The street reconstruction will be funded with $150,000 of liquor store reserves. The proposed tax levy for 2009 is $7,750,000 which results in a tax rate of 46.183%. Tom Kelly noted that Monticello is one of 12 cities and townships in Wright County that is proposing a tax decrease in 2009. He added that the impact of the home foreclosure situation will be seen next year. Tom Perrault asked about the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) District. Tom Kelly explained that the County Assessor forgot to back out the value for the TIF Districts. The original market value was $17,952,883 but after the TIF District value is back out the market value is $16,781,096. Tom Perrault asked if any of the TIF Districts were going to be decertified. Tom Kelly said an analysis of the TIF Districts is being done and the consultant may make some recommendation on decertifying districts earlier. Jeff O'Neill asked Tom Kelly to address possible cuts in aid from the State. Tom Kelly said estimated funds from the Market Value Homestead Credit are expected to run between $260,000 and $270,000 in 2009. The City is also expecting to get Utility Transition Aid which is meant to offset the decrease in value of the Xcel facilities. In 2009 this is anticipated to be $355,000. Tom Kelly expects to see the aid cut in some form. He felt it would not be good for the City to cut its levy because at this point it is not known what the state cuts will be. Staff will come back to the Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 Council when it is known how the state will make up their shortfall. Tom Perrault asked if the state looks just at the levy amount or if they take into consideration the City's use of its reserves. Tom Kelly indicated it is just the tax levy. Wayne Mayer submitted the following motion noting that he did so even though there were some items in the budget that he would like to remove; WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE 2009 BUDET AND RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED WITH A TAX LEVY OF $7,750,000. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. Tom Perrault felt there were still some areas that could be cut citing the Administrative Assistant as one such item. Wayne Mayer said he agreed with Tom Perrault but he questioned shooting down the entire budget for one item. The amount budgeted for the Dutch Elm Disease program was questioned. John Simola replied that they have seen a big increase in the disease and so they are budgeting for tree replacement and removal. The City needs to keep the program going. Clint Herbst said the City has to be careful not to cut itself short. He said the budget is used as a guideline and things in the approved budget will not be rubber stamped by the Council. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING OPPOSITION. 8. Consideration of shifting the paY scale for 2009. Finance Director, Tom Kelly provided information from other cities on what they had done as far as cost of living increases for 2009. He noted that some communities have larger increase because they are locked into a union contract through 2009. The majority of the communities had increases in the 3% range. City staff was not making a recommendation as to the cost of living increase. Tom Kelly suggest tabling this item until after union negotiations are completed and whatever increase is approved for the union can be extended to all city employees. Brian Stumpf questioned why they wouldn't establish an increase for the employees and then bring that to the union. Jeff O'Neill said with a potential loss of $600,000 in revenue it is important that the cost of living adjustment not be set too high and he felt that anything over a 1 % increase would be too risky. Wayne Mayer asked about insurance costs. Tom Kelly explained that Blue Cross proposal was calling fora 23% increase. Staff pursued proposals from other health care providers and Health Partners submitted a plan that was similar to what the City had with Blue Cross but at a lower price than what was being offered by Blue Cross. The City is currently in the process of renewing their dental insurance and hope to keep the increase for dental insurance to 5%-6%. Jeff O'Neill said they can't really cut any more from the budget without cutting staff or service. Clint Herbst said the Council appreciated the efforts staff made in cutting back spending. Wayne Mayer said in these economic times it is hard to justify any increase at all. He noted that the Council had given a 1% increase last year. Susie Wojchouski emphasized that the Council appreciates their employees but the economic times dictate using discretion. Tom Kelly said there are 4-5 cities that provide cola increases at the beginning of the year and also mid-year. He felt there were a number of ways that the cola could be handled. 4 Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE A 2009 COLA INCREASE OF 1 % EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2009. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. Tom Perrault asked if the increase could be changed mid year and Susie Wojchouski asked about increases in the previous years. Susie Wojchouski would like to see the increase reviewed on June 1St and see how the City is doing with their budget. Clint Herbst said no matter what the amount of the increase is it is not a reflection on the quality of the employees. He said the increase is based on market conditions. With wages and benefits making up almost a third of the city's budget it is an area of expense the City needs to monitor. Wayne Mayer felt the City was going to have problems negotiating a union contract if the percentage ofnon-unions employees is changed in the beginning. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT AND SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Consideration of an amendment to Title 7, Chapter 2, Section 20 of the City Code as related to Utility Shut-off. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director explained the purpose of the proposed amendment. The City has experienced problems with home and property damage as a result of foreclosed and abandoned homes not having utilities disconnected. The proposed ordinance would allow authorized city staff to disconnect the utilities outside the home under certain conditions which include the property being vacant; the property being uninhabitable; other utilities such as gas/electric being disconnected and if running water at the property creates an unsanitary or unsafe condition. Brian Stumpf asked if staff has the authority to go onto property to shut off the water. Joel Jamnik said generally the water shutoff valve is the easement or right of way but if it is an emergency situation staff could enter onto the property and shut the water off. Wayne Mayer asked if the City could go on private property when the curb stop is not in the front yard but is in the back yard or would they need to get an administrative order. John Simola said in emergency situations like where water is coming out of the window they enter onto the property to shut the water off. Susie Wojchouski asked if there were any issues with shutting of water in houses with water heat. Joel Jamnik said no because those are generally closed systems SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT TO TITLE 7, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 20 OF THE CITY CODE FOR PROVISION FOR SHUT-OFF OF SERVICE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Presentation of update on long range plan for wastewater treatment plant. John Simola noted the long range plan for the wastewater treatment plant was to be completed in December. The City has been meeting with Cargill Kitchen Solutions regarding their discharge agreement. They are a major industrial user and have significant impact on the wastewater treatment plant. Staff has also met with the City of Big Lake about cooperative ventures related to wastewater treatment. Paul Saffert from Bolton & Menk stated they are still getting detailed information for the report which would not be done until January. Because Cargill Kitchens is a significant industrial user Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 they had to start the expansion planning with them. Cargill generates 3000 pounds a day of bod (biological oxygen demand) and 360,000 gallons of daily flow. The City's wastewater system has three sequencing batch reactors and when all three are running it can handle 8,100 pounds cbod per day but when one tank is taken out of operation for maintenance or other reasons then the system can handle 5.400 pounds cbod per day. Of the flows handled by the City's system 7% come from Cargill, 51 % from residential users and 36% from other commercial users. The system cannot meet the permitted capacity under the Cargill discharge agreement. When capacity is met it would trigger improvements to the wastewater treatment plant. Needed improvements would be a new influent lift station and an additional sequencing batch reactor. Other factors to consider are room on the existing site for expansion and more stringent effluent standards. Clint Herbst asked if 2030 is the life of the City's current wastewater treatment plant site. Paul Saffert said it would be 2050 especially if they are upgrades in treatment technology. Paul Saffert felt the capacity was there to utilize the site to 2050. The current site plan of the wastewater treatment facility was reviewed and a site plan was presented showing the site fully maximized. The City needs to make a decision on the biosolids and whether they want to continue with Class B sludge disposal or convert to Class A sludge removal. Another possibility to look at is regionalization. Big Lake is designing improvements to their facility and there is a possibility that some of the capacity from those facility improvements could be used by Monticello for the short term. Paul Saffert showed the site plan changes needed if the City brings some of the biosolids to the Big Lake facility. Paul Saffert further discussed what the City would have to do their site in order to produce the biosolids in a form acceptable to Big Lake. It would be necessary for Monticello to construct a dewatering and drying facility. John Simola said Big Lake doesn't want the City's filtrate so Monticello needs to reduce the liquids in the biosolids by 16%. This reduction in liquids would allow the material to be trucked over to Big Lake in cake form. John Simola said in the future it is possible that the eastern portion of the community could be taken to Big Lake wastewater treatment facility. Brian Stumpf asked what type of equipment the City would have to have to accomplish the biosolids reduction and whether the City couldn't apply it to the land. John Simola responded the City is running out of land. The existing sludge disposal site is at capacity so the City would need to acquire additional land and get it permitted by the PCA. Brian Stumpf said the biosolids dryer was not something the Council was interested in when it was presented 4-5 months ago. John Simola noted that even with staying with Class B biosolids the City would have to make improvements to the plant and there would be continuous demand for land for sludge application. Eventually the City would have to dry the biosolids into a cake so it could be landfilled. John Simola said the City is maxed out on how much sludge they can apply to the current land area. Brian Stumpf questioned whether trucking the biosolids and acquiring additional land seemed a more practical solution. John Simola said the City has two options which are to either stay with Class B biosolids or convert to a Class A biosolids process. Either option will necessitate some changes to the current wastewater treatment facility. Susie Wojchouski asked if there would be another meeting with Big Lake prior to the report being submitted in January. Staff indicated that there could possibly be a meeting in February. The schedule for the facility plan was reviewed. A number of decisions will have to be made by the City within the next month or so. The report coming to the Council in January will outline alternatives and provide cost information. Clint Herbst said he had a problem with Bolton & Menk when they had previously recommended a $10,000,000 upgrade for the wastewater treatment facility. He didn't think they were looking after the City's best interest. Clint Herbst stated that 6 Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 other communities such as Annandale and Maple Lake were looking at a joint facility. He also wondered why Bolton & Menk were not making that kind of recommendation. Clint Herbst agreed with Brian Stumpf that the City should be looking at some land for use in the interim until a decision could be made on treatment of the biosolids. Susie Wojchouski asked if the meeting in January could be a workshop format. Paul Saffert indicated that could be set up as that. Brian Stumpf asked about capacity in the City's system and in Big Lake's system. He felt the City needs to be looking now because Big Lake will need a certain amount of time to expand their facility and make excess capacity available to Monticello. Wayne Mayer asked with the river could Big Lake and Monticello continue to do something jointly. Paul Saffert said there are a number of communities that pump under the river. John Simola said Monticello is locked into the requirements that were put in place many years ago. John Simola said the plant could be utilized to 2050 but by 2040 the City needs to have a plan in place for what they are going to do in the future for wastewater treatment. John Simola said the City is looking at one or two properties as possible sites for spreading biosolids. Tom Perrault noted the City of Otsego is looking at their wastewater treatment facilities and might be interested in some type of regional venture. 11. Consideration of approving amended snow plowing policy. Brian Stumpf felt since this item contained only minor modifications it could have been handled on the consent agenda. BRIAN STMUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE 2009 SNOW PLOWING/REMOVAL POLICY WITH THE CHANGES PROPOSED. WAYNE MAYKER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of replacing cobrahead lights on TH 25 from the I-94 Bridge to the Mississippi Bridge• John Simola provided the background information noting that Xcel's representative had informed the City this type of fixture is outdated and need to be replaced. The proposal is to replace the fixtures and add a new controller cabinet. The estimated cost is $13,981 which is lower than the original estimate. Brian Stumpf asked how the old lights will be disposed off. John Simola said the lights would be taken to the recycling center in the industrial park. John Simola stated because they are proposing to by the fixtures through the state bid the City doesn't have to get quotes. Bob Paschke checked with a number of vendors, local and non-local on the installation cost for the lights. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE NEW FIXTURES AND LAMPS FOR T.H. 25 THROUGH THE STATE BID FROM CARLO LACHMANSINGH SALES AT A COST OF $4,771.20 AND HAVE THEM INSTALLED BY OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, INC AT A COST OF $3,820.00 AND TO FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE REPLACEMENT OF THE CONTROL PANEL TO BE ORDERED NOW AND REPLACED 1N THE SPRING AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $4,800.001NCLUDING INSTALLATION MAKING A TOTAL PROJECT COST OF $13,391.20. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7 Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 13. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. 14. Foreclosure Prevention and Remedy Options. Economic Development Director, Megan Barnett explained that Monticello has an opportunity to obtain monies from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) to help offset the negative impact of the recent home foreclosures. There is a detailed application process to obtain these funds and the program requires the City to partner with anon-profit organization that has had experience administering this type of loan. City staff has arranged a meeting with CMHP (Central Minnesota Housing Partnership) to discuss the possibility of partnering on this venture. This is a neighborhood stabilization program requiring the City to submit a plan on how the City would stabilize a neighborhood. Staff is pulling statistics together and doing visual surveys of property for preparation of a plan The funds can be utilized to purchase property, rehabilitate property and offer buyer assistance programs. Brian Stumpf questioned with the number of foreclosures and vacant homes how much an impact $523,000 would make on the problem. Megan Barnett said there is a formula that is used and by the next meeting staff should be able to come up with how many house could be rehabilitated. Tom Perrault asked if the program is geared for home ownership and not for rental property. Home ownership is targeted by this program but the buyer's assistance program is not for people who currently own homes. To obtain these funds the City would have to approve a neighborhood stabilization plan which is proposed to come before the Council in January. 15. YMCA A. Consideration of approving an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding on Bertram Chain of Lakes Project adding draft lease agreement as an exhibit. B. Consideration of approving a, lease agreement enabling the City to use parcels #1 and #2 for athletic fields. C. Consideration of approval of purchase agreement. Jeff O'Neill provided background on the various agreements that were to be considered. Clint Herbst noted that there was a community meeting on the YMCA on December 1, 2008. The concept plan has been reviewed by the YMCA, County and City. The amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding includes the ground lease agreement for the establishment of a camp on the south side of Bertram Lake. The second document is the purchase agreement for parcels #SA, #11 and #6. When the purchase agreement is adopted a closing for the property can be scheduled. The purchase price is $3,600,000 of which the City's share is $1,200,000. The City has funds available in the park dedication fund in the amount of $1,000,000. The second phase of funding could be paid through unallocated bond fund and the sale of City owned land in Jefferson Commons. The City could also levy for the funds to acquire the property. If the Council decides to move forward, staff will be looking to set up a committee to wok on the planning for the athletic fields and general park area. Clint Herbst discussed future funding and he felt the sale of the Jefferson Commons property could supply some of the funding needing. Clint Herbst felt the City could earmark these dollars for the YMCA. He noted that one of the parcels in that development had an option agreement a couple of years ago but it has not been development. He felt they should put in on the market and try not to levy for the YMCA acquisition. Tom Perrault had questions on the ground lease and subletting of the property. Joel Jamnik said the 8 Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 ground lease would not be executed until some future point. Also the YMCA would retain a 99 year ground lease. The YMCA felt the right to use this property was important and it was a central factor in the negotiations. From the City and County perspectives it is important that after a 99 year lease the buildings and property are in good condition. If the property is sublet it would be something that is consistent with use of the land. Susie Wojchouski asked about the option on the ball fields. She didn't think the City should be looking at the ballfied in the next couple of years and should hold off because of the bad economy. Clint Herbst said staff and park staff have to justify the development of the fields but they still need to get the lease in place. The lease is only $1.00/year. Susie Wojchouski asked if there was a vision as to when pathways and other improvements would actually be added. Right now the focus of the City and County is just on acquiring the land. Wayne Mayer felt the City needs to have options open to be flexible in making payments. While County is looking at putting the pathways in, the City's concern is the ballfields. Wayne Mayer said what needs to be defined is the symbiotic relation between the City and County. Clint Herbst questioned Tom Perrault's opposition to the proposal and whether there were particular things within these documents that he is opposed to or just a general opposition to the park. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY, COUNTY AND YMCA WHICH INLCUDES A DRAFT GROUND LEASE. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE LEASE AND OPTION AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF ATHLETIC FIELDS ON PARCELS #1 AND #2. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE YMCA SALE OF PARCELS #SA, #6 AND #11 TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND WRIGHT COUNTY. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Added Items: Rental Ordinance: Susie Wojchouski questioned the rental ordinance noting the project was bigger than what was anticipated as far as number of hours required. She suggested looking at something different. Maybe have the renter be given something when he signs the lease that would allow them to contact the City for an inspection. She felt the ordinance required an excessive number of hours to enforce. Clint Herbst questioned a tenant requested inspection being done at the expense of the landlord since it might cause the renter to be displaced. Jeff O'Neill noted a high percentage of housing stock in the City is rental. It was discussed how to make the enforcement of this ordinance more streamlined. Clint Herbst didn't feel that the City should be creating more work than needed. Susie Wojchouski and Clint Herbst will meet with staff on the rental 9 Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 ordinance. The original intent of the ordinance was to give the City some control over what was happening with rental properties Personnel: Clint Herbst noted that tonight was the last Council meeting for Council Member Wayne Mayer and Public Works Director, John Simola. The Council expressed their appreciation for their dedication and service to the City. John Simola thanked the Mayor and Council. He stated when you get involved in a community, whether you live there or work there you do everything you can to help the community. He expressed his appreciation for the time he was able to spend in Monticello. Wayne Mayer asked if his comments could be deferred until after payment of the bills. 16. Consideration of approving payment of bills for December, 2008. Brian Stumpf questioned the costs for the election judges. It was explained that the costs covered both the primary and general election. Most judges worked an eight hour shift at each election and had a minimum of two hours training time but there were also additional hours for nursing home voting, conducting accuracy tests for the equipment and set up and take down of the polling place. It was pointed out that because of the error in the printing of the ballots, the election judges were required to transfer the information from the approximate 300 plus ballots on the misprinted ballot to the correct ballot. Because of the number of voters processed throughout the day, the election judges were not able to commence this duty until polls closed which also added to the hours worked by the judges. Wayne Mayer had a question on a $350 cell phone. He noted a new cell phone was purchased fro the City Administrator and wondered what happened to the old one. Wayne Mayer asked about a fee by WSB for project management on fiber optics. He said he was not aware that WSB did this. Bruce Westby responded that it was for on the headend building and drainage/site improvements for the building. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLLY. Added item: Wayne Mayer spoke saying it was his last Council meeting and he wanted to thank his supporters and his wife, Patty for their help and support during his term. He noted newly elected Council member Glen Posusta was present at this meeting. He felt different viewpoints make the leadership strong. The proactive approach of the Council makes it a stronger body. The community is in for a long hard time and it will require strength and vision to get through this. He spoke of the YMCA property acquisition and the importance of making the land available to the local residents. At the public forum there was an opportunity for the people to speak on acquisition of the property and he expressed his disappointment that so few residents spoke out on this issue. Wayne Mayer said that he, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf looked at all sides of the issue. He felt this is how all issues should be looked at. He said the initial step the City took four years ago with a proposal for fiber optics was needed to make Monticello an attractive area to locate to. He felt two competitive fiber optic networks give Monticello an edge most other communities do not have. With the fiber optic system installation, Monticello should be ahead of the curve and should fare well. He went on to 10 Council Minutes: December 8, 2008 chastise the local newspaper saying that the paper should not pit one system against the other. The local paper and the Chamber of Commerce need to realize that competition is what is needed. He felt the newspaper and Chamber of Commerce should ask what the impact of their stance is when June 2009 arrives. Competition will be good for both systems. He felt because others could not build the system in Monticello it was necessary that the City could take the initiative and build the fiber optic system. He had serious questions about the role of the Chamber of Commerce in this project citing that Monticello was the only community that passed a referendum without the support of the Chamber of Commerce and the local paper. He felt to be an effective leader for any city you have to remember that you were elected to represent the people. The interests of the people should be first and foremost. He added that he would give the paper a copy of his statement so that he would not be misquoted. 17. Adiourn TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:40 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 11 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Friday December 19, 2008 - 4 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 4 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve payment of bills for December, 2008. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Adiourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 4:10 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary Council Agenda: January 12, 2009 5A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Public Works, MCC, Liquor, Building, Streets and Park Departments. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at Public Works, MCC, Building, Street and Park Departments. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT: None A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Rachelle Eberle Zachary Holtman Tyler Vogt Brent Thoe Name John Brandon Maggie Pawlenty Cynthia Jones Anthony Franco Guest Service II MCC Climbing Wall Attendant MCC Climbing Wall Attendant MCC Liquor Store Clerk Liquor Store TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason Department Voluntary Building Voluntary MCC Voluntary MCC Involuntary MCC 12/15/08 12/18/08 12/18/08 12/18/08 Last Day 12/05/08 12/01/08 12/01/08 12/06/08 PT PT PT PT Class Temp PT PT PT council_employee list.xls: 12/29/2008 NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Robert Paschke Public Works Director Public Works 12/01/08 FT Kayla Brown Slide Attendant MCC 11/21/08 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class William Klein Voluntary Building 11/26/08 Temp Brandon Kranz Voluntary Streets 11/26/08 Temp Nathan Kranz Voluntary Parks 11/26/08 Temp council_employee list.xls: 12/9/2008 Council Agenda - 01/12/2009 SB. Consideration of approving contract for garbage hauling and recycling services with Veolia. (B.P.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: At the City Council Meeting on April 28, 2008, the City Council accepted an offer from Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. for a new three-year contract for garbage pickup/hauling and recycling services with increases of 1.25% the first year, 1 % the second year and 1 % the third year with the agreement to take effect June 1, 2008. Veolia's previous refuse and recycling contracts expired the last day of May of 2008. The original contracts were for a period of three years beginning June 1, 2004, and no increases occurred during that three-year period of time. The original contracts included a clause for two one-year extensions based upon mutual agreement of a CPI increase. City staff believes that our current refuse and recycling contractor Veolia is doing an excellent job for the City and they have kept the same drivers in Monticello for some time now which helps things go smoothly. The new three-year garbage contract will be in effect from June 1, 2008 through May 31, 2011 with the option of two one-year renewals after 2011. The contract price is $13,640.40 per month for single family residential (including Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park) plus $1,751.63 per month for multiple unit apartments for a total of $15,392.03 per month. The new three-year recycling contract will be in effect from June 1, 2008 through May 31, 2011 with the option of two one-year renewals after 2011. The contract price based upon the current 3,890 residential units and 631 multiple unit apartments is $8,515.15 per month. Recycling services are not taxed. a. Budget Impact: The increases as outlined in the background information above represent a very modest increase in our budget and are certainly within reason. b. Staff Workload Impact: There are no staff workload impacts from this contract. B. ALTERNATIVES: The first alternative is to approve the new three-year garbage and recycling contracts with Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. effective June 1, 2008. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the contract. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a staff recommendation that the City Council approve a new three-year contract with Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. as outlined in Alternative A. This alternative offers the City a contract with very modest increases. In the light of the cost of diesel fuel doubling over the last couple of years and Veolia giving their employees a modest increase, it represents a very attractive offer to the City and it demonstrates Veolia's interest in staying with the City and offering to keep our costs low as we work through the next few lean years. Council Meeting - 01/12/2009 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of April 28, 2008 Council Agenda considering the new three year contract with Veolia; Copy of April 28, 2008 Council Minutes showing the recommendation of accepting the offer from Veolia for a new three-year contract garbage pickup/hauling and recycling services. The original contracts will be available at the council meeting for the Mayor's signature. SUPPORTING Council Agenda - 04/28/2008 DATA SI. Consideration of new three-veer contract with VeoIia for refuse/Dickun and recv`. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUNI3INFORMATION: The City's refuse pickup .and hauling contract and the recycling contract with Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. will expire the last day of May of 2008. The original contracts were for a period of three years beginning June 1, 2004, and no increases occurred during that three-year period of time. The original contracts included a clause for two one-year extensions based upon mutual agreement of a CPI increase. The increase for 2007 was 2.6%. At the current rate the cast for gazbage pickup and hauling is $14,582.50 per month, or $1.74,990 per year, excluding solid waste management tax. For recycling services the current contract price is $8,169.28 per month or $98,031.36 per year. Recycling services are not. taxed. In discussions with Veolia, they first proposed cone-year extension as allowed by contract based upon a CPI increase between 3% - 4%. After further discussions, Veolia proposed a CPI increase of 4.5% occurring in steps over athree-year period of time with the new contract. After some discussion, Veolia reconsidered the increases and is proposing 1.25% the first year, 1 % the second year and 1 % the third year, for a total of 3.25% over the three-yeaz period. These very modest increases would result in a $2,187.38 increase for garbage collection and hauling for the first year and $1,225.39 for the first yeaz for recycling. The actual dollar increases for the second and third year are actually smaller. For a business that uses significant amounts of diesel fuel, these are very modest increases considering the price of diesel fuel today and projected increases far the future. I've enclosed a copy of the proposal from Rob Holzer, General Manager of Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest, Inc., St. Cloud, Minnesota. a. Budget Impact: The increases as outlined in the background information above represent a very modest increase in our budget and are certainly within reason. b. Staff Workload Impact: There are no staff workload impacts from this contract.. B. ALTERNATIVES A. The first alternative is to accept the offer from Veolia for athree-year contract with increases of 1.25% the first yeaz, 1 % the second year and 1 % the third year as outlined. above. This agreement would take effect the last day of May 2008. B. The second alternative would be not to accept the offer from Veolia and attempt to negotiate the contract further. C. STAFF RECOIt~I1VIENDATION: It is a staffrecommendation that the Gity Council consider a new three-year contract with Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest, Inc. as outlined in Alternative A. This alternative offers the Gity a SUPPORTING Ccruncit Meeting - 04/28/30x8 DATA contract with very modest increases. In the light of the cost of diesel fuel doubling over the last couple of years and Veolia giving their employees a modest increase, it represents a very attractive offer to the City and it demonstrates Veolia's interest in staying with the City and offering to keep our costs low as we work through the next few lean years. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of April 14, 2008 contract offer from. Rob Holzer of Veolia ES Solid Waste. Midwest, Inc.; Copy of the 2004-2007 Contract; Copy of the contract extension for 2007-200$. ~ vE~~i~- ENVIRQt11MENTAI SERVICES SUPPORTING DATA April 14, 2008 Mr. John Simola Public Works Director, City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Mayor and City Council Members Thank you for the opportunity to extend our commitment to the City of Monticello. It would be our pleasure to renew Curb-Side Garbage/Refuse and Recycling Services under present terms and conditions with a three year extension. We are asking for 1.25% increase first year, 1.0% increase second year, 1.0% increase third year. We are asking for above increase for some offset of fuel which has doubled in price over the last 14 months, in addition we have also given our employees a modest wage increase. We will also continue staring your carts and deliver as needed per our discussion. We will also continue allowing the use of self contained compactor for your compost collection, Sincerely; Robert Holzer General Manager Veolra ES Solid Waste Midwest, Inc. 4`nolia E5,aiid Waste, Irtc. .. ._ a=' SUPPORTING Council Minutes: ~#!28l08 DATA B. Consideration of approving a charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey at the Monticello Country Club. Recommendation:. Adopt a resolution recommending approval of charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey at the Monticello Gauntry Club. Res. #2008-32 C. Consideration of approval of annual renewal of liquor licenses. Recommendation: Approve the renewal of the liquor licenses contingent upon submittal of certificate of insurance and payment of fees. D. Consideration of approving appointment of Beth Osiek to fill. vacancy on Library Board. Recommendation: Approve the appointment. of Beth Osiek to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Tom Parker whose term. expires December 31, 2008. E. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for the Church of St. Henry. Recommendation: Approve the temporary liquor license for the Church.of St. Henry for May 15, 2008. F. Consideration of adding a grade to the Community Center part-time pay scale. Recommendation: Approve the addition of the new grade for Program Instructor and the addition of a Program Assistant and Program Helper within another grade already established. G. Consideration of authorizing postings. 1. Economic Development Director -Recommendation: Authorize the advertising for the position of Economic Development Director. 2. Human Resources Manager. - Recommendation: Authorize the jab posting for a Human Resources Manager for the City of Monticello. H. Consideration of approval of increase in the amount the change fund far MCC for operation of balIfieid concessions. Recommendation: Approve the increase to the Community Center's change fund in the amount of $550 for operarion of the ballfield concession stand. I. Consideration of a new three year contract with Veolia for refuse pickuphiauling and recycling. Recommendation: Accept the offer from Veolia for athree-year contract: with increases of :1.25% the first year, 1 %a the second year and 1 % the third year as outlined above with the agreement to take effect the last day of May, 2008. 2 Council Agenda: 1/12/09 5C. Consideration of approving contribution from Monticello Riverfest Comittee . (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received donation of $500 from the Monticello Riverfest Committee. The use of these funds will go towards equipment cost for the Fire Department. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. A.1. Budget Impact: The donation has negligible impact. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: None A.3 Council Priority: Not applicable B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Do not approve the contributions and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution No. 2009-1 City of Monticello RESOLUTION N0.2009-1 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts maybe limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Monticello Riverfest Committee Cash Contribution $500 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE Monticello Riverfest Committee Monticello Fire De artment E ui ment Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 12th day of January, 2009. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: January 12, 2009 SD. A. B. Consideration of Adopting a Resolution Supporting Maintenance of Local Title & Registration Services. (TK) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The State Minnesota controls who can be a deputy registrar and the fees they receive. As the State has faced budget difficulties in the past they have shifted some of the costs to the local DMV's without increasing fees. The attached resolution is for supporting an increase in the fees retained by the local DMV's. Through Thursday, January 8th seven cities and 9 counties had already passed the resolution supporting the increase. Al. Budget Impact: The City's DMV would receive more revenue than is currently budgeted making the DMV more profitable. A2. Staff Workload Impact: There would be no staff workload impacts since it's just a fee increase. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Adopt the resolution supporting maintenance of local title and registration service. C. 2. Do not adopt the resolution supporting maintenance of local title and registration service. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff supports, Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution Supporting Maintenance of Local Title and Registration Services. RESOLUTION SUPPPORTING MAINTENANCE OF LOCAL TITLE AND REGISTRATION SERVICES WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota established apublic/private deputy registrar system to provide citizens convenient locations to conduct title registration services for motor vehicles and DNR recreational vehicles; and, WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota in 1949 established a user service fee on motor vehicle transactions to be retained by the deputy registrar to defray the cost of providing the local service; and, WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has shifted increased costs and responsibilities onto the deputy registrar such as regular replacement schedules of computers and associated electronic equipment, printing of previously supplied state forms, and expanded auditing tasks with additional risks and potential liability that was previously the responsibility of the State; and, WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota now competes with deputy registrar offices for the retention of some user fees that were traditionally retained primarily by deputy registrars; and, WHEREAS, collectively the deputy registrar system handles over one billion dollars of state funds for the State of Minnesota annually on a cash basis only with considerable risk whereby dishonored checks are the responsibility of the deputy registrar in the full amount tendered after remitting the bulk of those funds to the State; and, WHEREAS, the user service fee that should fully support the cost for providing motor vehicle transactions no longer covers the operational costs to maintain most deputy registrar offices. Public deputy registrars must use property tax levy proceeds to subsidize this service. Rural areas with lower volumes are in jeopardy of losing service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that supports the State Legislature authorizing the acceptance of more secure alternative payments at deputy registrar offices; and to achieve a greater retention of existing fees or a user service fee increase in the year 2009 to maintain local title and registration service to the citizens of Minnesota. Passed and adopted this day of , 200_. Council Agenda: January 12, 2009 SE. of F A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In reviewing the County printout for 2009 of the assessments levied against individual parcels within the City of Monticello it came to our attention that there were existing special assessments on the parcels that comprised the plats of Amax Addition, Union Crossings 3'~ Addition and First Federal Savings Bank Addition. These plats were all approved by the City Council in 2008. If the City does not provide the County with the apportionment of the assessments on the new lots, the old parcel numbers and the assessments shown on them are deleted from the County records so the existing assessments were spread over the newly created parcels based on acreage and forwarded to the County. In order to comply with State Statute 429.071, the City Attorney recommended that the Council officially approve special assessment apportionment. The Council first took this action in November, 2008 with their approval of the apportionment of assessments for Outlots C and D in the Otter Creek Crossing Addition. Staff is asking Council to consider the same action for the plats of the Amax Addition, Union Crossings 3rd Addition and First Federal Savings Bank Addition. In approving the Otter Creek Crossing assessment split the Council also waived the provision of the statute that requires the property owner to furnish a surety bond. This decision was based on the fact that the property owners were not made aware of the requirements of this statute at the time of platting. Staff is asking that the Council waive the requirement for the plats noted above as well as the property owners were not made aware of this requirement at the time of platting. Attached is information on the apportionment of the assessments on the newly created lots. Assessment amounts, terms and interest rate were not changed in the platting process. Existing assessments were spread against the newly created lots based on acreage. The property owners were notified by mail on how the assessments were being apportioned among the platted lots and that the Council would be acting on the matter at this meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Move to approve the assessment apportionment for the plats of Amax Addition, Union Crossings 3'~ Addition and First Federal Savings Bank Addition and to approve the waiver of the required surety bond. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the assessment apportionment for the plats noted above. This action ensures that the levied City assessments for improvements are collected. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Statute 429.071 Assessment apportionment for Amax Addition, Union Crossings 3`~ Addition and First Federal Savings Bank Addition. Page 1 of 2 Dawn Grossinger From: Joel Jamnik [JJamnik@ck-law.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 1:31 PM To: Angela Schumann Cc: Dawn Grossinger Subject: RE: Chadwick Assmt. I am. 429.071 Subd. 3.Reapportionment upon land division. When a tract of land against which a special assessment has been levied is thereafter divided or subdivided by plat or otherwise, the council may, on application of the owner of any part of the tract or on its own motion equitably apportion among the various lots or parcels in the tract all the installments of the assessment against the tract remaining unpaid and not then due if it determines that such apportionment will not materially impair collection of the unpaid balance of the original assessment against the tract. The council may, and if the special assessment has been pledged to the payment of improvement warrants shall, require the owner or owners, as a condition of such apportionment, to furnish a satisfactory surety bond fully protecting the municipality against any loss resulting from failure to pay any part of the reapportionment assessment when due. Notice of such apportionment and of the right to appeal shall be mailed to or personally served upon all owners of any part of the tract. Within 30 days after the mailing or service of the notice of such apportionment any such owner may appeal as provided in section 429.081. -----Original Message----- From: Angela Schumann [mailto:Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 9:22 AM To: Joel Jamnik Cc: Dawn Grossinger Subject: FW: Chadwick Assmt. Importance: High Joel, Are you still of the opinion that Council should approve the revision to the assessment agreement as a formality? If so, please let me know because Mr. Chadwick was hoping this re-apportionment would occur for 2009 taxes payable. Dawn -are we still on track for the re-apportionment for 2009 in terms of prep work for the County? Angela Schumann Community Development Coordinator City of Monticello 763-271-3224, angela.schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us 11 /6/2008 ASSESSMENTS - POSUSTA PROPERTY Original Balance Due PID Project Assort Amount Term Interest as of 12!31/09 155-500-142302 TH 25 Project $43,298.17 9 Cedar Street $89,031.91 15 Deferred Assort $12,926.42 for Cedar Street 155-500-142315 No assessments 6% $4,810.89 5.25% $53,419.15 Deferred until development Based on area these numbers would be split as follows agains the lots in Amax Addition: 155-213-001010 TH 25 21117-6 (Based on 57%) 155-213-001020 TH 25 21117-6 (Based on 43%) 155-213-001010 Cedar St 24411-0 155-213-001020 Cedar St 24411-0 $2,742.21 2.0$ 68.68 $4,810.89 $30,448.92 X22.970.23 $53,419.15 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK Ori final PID Lev Description Ori final Amount Balance at 12!31!08 155-178-000010 27211-2 $59,990.75 $47,992.59 This parcel was platted into First Federal Savings Bank 155-209-001010 27211-2 $59,990.75 $47,992.59 2008 ASSESSMENT SPLITS FOR 2009 TAXES ORIGINAL PID 155-178-000030 TOTALS NEW PID LEGAL Outlot C Union Crossings LEVY DESCRIPTION 27111-0 Proj 2004-02C AMO $24,622.75 BAL AT 12/31 /08 $19,698.19 LEGAL 155-212-001010 L1, BI 1 Union 40% Crossings 3rd 155-212-001020 L2, BI 1 Union 32.00% Crossings 3rd 155-212-001030 L3, BI 1 Union 28.00% Crossings 3rd TOTAL 27111-0 155-212-001010 155-212-001020 155-212-001030 TOTAL 27111-2 155-212-001010 155-212-001020 155-212-001030 TOTAL 27111-3 155-212-001010 155-212-001020 155-212-001030 TOTAL 27111-4 TOTAL LEVIES L1, BI 1 Union Crossings 3rd L2, BI 1 Union Crossings 3rd L3, BI 1 Union Crossings 3rd L1, BI 1 Union Crossings 3rd L2, BI 1 Union Crossings 3rd L3, BI 1 Union Crossings 3rd L1, BI 1 Union Crossings 3rd L2, BI 1 Union Crossings 3rd L3, BI 1 Union Crossings 3rd 27211-2 Proj 2005-11 C 27211-3 Proj 2005-11 C 2711-4 Proj 2005-11 C LEVY DESCRIPTION 27111-0 Proj 2004-02C 27111-0 Proj 2004-02C 27111-0 Proj 2004-02C 27111-2 Proj 2005-11 C 27111-2 Proj 2005-11 C 27111-2 Proj 2005-11 C 27111-3 Proj 2005-11 C 27111-3 Proj 2005-11 C 27111-3 Proj 2005-11 C 27111-4 Proj 2005-11 C 27111-4 Proj 2005-11 C 27111-4 Proj 2005-11 C $67,583.58 $67, 583.58 67 583.59 $227,373.50 AMOUNT $9,849.10 $7,879.28 6 894.37 $24,622.75 $27,033.43 $21,626.75 18 923.40 $67,583.58 $27,033.43 $21,626.75 18 923.40 $67, 583.58 $27,033.44 $21,626.75 18 923.40 $67,583.59 $227, 373.50 $54,066.86 $54,066.86 54 066.87 $181,898.78 BAL AT 12/31 /08 $7,879.28 $6,303.42 5 515.49 $19,698.19 $21,626.74 $17, 301.40 15 138.72 $54,066.86 $21, 626.74 $17,301.40 15 138.72 $54,066.86 $21, 626.75 $17,301.40 15 138.72 $54,066.87 $181,898.78 Council Agenda: 1/12/09 5F. Consideration of adopting updated City Ordinance 8-1-11 regarding removal of snow from sidewalks. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The snowfall events this winter has been more often and heavier when compared to recent winters and as such City staff has seen an increase in the number of violations of the current sidewalk clearing ordinance which reads as follows: 8-1-11: TIME OF REMOVAL, ICE AND SNOW.• The owner or occupant of every building or tract of land within the city fronting upon any street having a sidewalk abutting upon such premises shall clear such sidewalk opposite said building or tract of land of snow and ice within twenty four (24) hours following the termination of any snow storm or the formation of ice from any cause and shall keep the same clear and free from snow and ice. If such snow and ice is not removed by the owner or occupant within the time specified herein, the same shall be removed under the direction of the Director of Public Works and the expense of such removal shall be levied against the property owner as a special assessment and collected as in the case of other special assessments. (#153, 4/13/87) The existing ordinance has several shortfalls in that it does not provide clear direction on the amount of snow cover on sidewalks that will trigger the need for the City to clear the sidewalk to remedy the safety issues that result from sidewalks that are not cleared. In addition, it does not reference the fee that the City charges to clear sidewalks when needed, nor does it allow a property owner to directly pay the City for snow removal services provided by City forces. As such the following ordinance language is proposed: 8-1-11: TIME OF REMOVAL, ICE AND SNOW: The owner or occupant of every building or tract of land within the city fronting upon any street having a sidewalk abutting upon such premises shall clear such sidewalk of snow and ice within twenty- four (24) hours following the termination of any snowfall of one (1) inch or more or the formation of ice from any cause. If such snow and ice is not removed by the owner or occupant within the time specified herein, the same shall be removed under the direction of the Public Works Director and the City shall be reimbursed for the expense of such removal by the property owner within 30 days per the current City fee schedule. If payment is not received within 30 days the costs shall be levied against the property owner as a special assessment and collected as in the case of other special assessments. Attached is a copy of the revised ordinance that clearly shows the language changes. The fees that are being proposed for 2009 are $75 per hour plus any applicable equipment charges. These have been added to the 2009 fee schedule that Council is considering for approval tonight. The City Council is therefore being asked to adopt the attached revisions to City Ordinance 8-1- 11 in order to provide clear direction to property owners with sidewalks that require clearing by specifying a minimum amount of snow that requires clearing, by providing information on the fees they will be responsible for if the City clears their sidewalk for them, and by providing a more timely means for the City to recover funds that were spent assisting the property owner with their snow removal efforts. Council Agenda: 1/12/09 A.l Budget Impact: Funds received by the City for clearing sidewalks will be returned to the general fund. As such the budget will not be permanently impacted. A.2 Staff Impact: The revised ordinance language should not impact staff any differently than they are already impacted by the existing ordinance language. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt updated City Ordinance 8-1-11. 2. Motion to deny adoption of updated City Ordinance 8-1-11. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Public Works Director and City Engineer recommend that the Council approve Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of changes to updated City Ordinance 8-1-11. 8-1-11: TIME OF REMOVAL, ICE AND SNOW: The owner or occupant of every building or tract of land within the city fronting upon any street having a sidewalk abutting upon such premises shall clear such sidewalk~of snow and ice within twen -fou_r_ (24) hours following the termination of any snowfall of one (1) inch or more~pr thety _ _ _ _ _ formation of ice from any causes If such snow and ice is not removed b~_the owner or _ _ - occupant within the time specified herein, the same shall be removed under the direction ~ \ of the ublic Works Director and the City shall be reimbursed for the expense of suc_h_ _ _ removalby the property owner within 30 days per the current City fee schedule If _ _ _ _ _ payment is not received within 30 days the costs shall be levied against the property owner as a special assessment and collected as in the case of other special assessments. (#153, 4/13/87) Council Agends - 01/12/2009 SG. Consideration of Change Order No. 2 for the Monticello FiberNet Head End Building Proiect #2006-32C. (B.P.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Change Order No. 2 for the Monticello Fibernet Head End Building involves upgrading the roof panel from McElroy Maxima to McElroy Mega-Rib. This upgraded roof is much more water proof and durable than the lap seam style that was originally bid. As discussed with the Monticello FiberNet Committee, this new roof will be much more beneficial to the building since it will protect the electronic equipment to a higher degree. The Total of this change order is $8,077.00 with a reduction of a $346.00 credit for a job sign that was not supplied, bringing the change order total to $7,731.00. It is the opinion of City staff and the FiberNet Committee that this change order should move forward as soon as possible to avoid any delays in construction. a. Budget Impact: Change Order No. 2 will have an impact of $7,731.00 as an increase in the cost of the Head End Building project. This brings the total contract sum of the project to $580,343.00. b. Staff Workload Impact: This change order will have only a slight impact on the time requirements for the Public Works Director and the City Engineer. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize payment of Change Order No. 2 to KC Companies, Inc. in the amount of $7,731.00 for the upgrade of the roof panels. 1. The second alternative would be to not approve Change Order No. 2. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and the City Engineer that the City Council authorize the approval and payment of Change Order No. 2 for the Monticello FiberNet Head End Building project in the amount of $7,731.00 as outlined alternative A. It is our opinion that the change order cost represents a good value for the City and is necessary to complete the project to safeguard the electronic equipment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No. 2 from KC Companies, Inc. is included along with all costs associated with the change of the two styles of roofs. ~'~: Ta ~. Document G7o1 Changir Order PROJECT (Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 002 OWNER: [~ Fibernet Monticello Head End Building & Garage QAFE: Decembcr 3l, 2008 ARCHITECT: ^ 3698 School Blvd Monticello, MN CONTRACTOR2: [:Q FIELD: Q TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: ?5808 OTHER: ^ KC Companies, Inc. CONTRACT DATE; June 24, 2008 : 734 First Street South Waite Park, MN CONTRACT FOR: General Constroction THE CONTRACT 1S CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (fnciude, where applicable, mrv undispared amo+ml attriGatrrbie to previously ¢recuted Constreuaian CJurnge Directives} CC PR 004 =Credit far job sign. ThducCS 346.00 - CC PR 005 -Change of roof panel from McElroy Maxima to McElroy kiega-Rib. Add S 8,077.00 Total S 7,731.00 i - Tice original Contract Sum was ~ Sb9,300.00• . The net change by previously authorized Change Orders 5 3, f 12.D0 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order wns ~ b72,b12.06 . The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of ..~ ; „ :.7,731-00 - The new Contract Sum including Chia Change Order will be = 580,343.Op The: Cogtra~ Titnc will.beincreased by?,eui (Q.).day3, . .. . ., . .. Thadate of Substantial Completion us of the date of this Change Order therefore is December 23, 2008. ~ - - " - NOTE: This Change-Order does not include changes in the Contras Sutn, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which ~ • • ---- - - .-_-.- - .. have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and tinx have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor; in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. ~ • NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTDRAND QWNER. ~ - ~ ~-' Kodet Architectural Croup Ltd. ICC Companies. Inc. City of Monticello ARCHITECT (Finn name) CONTRACTOR (Ffrnr name) OWNER (firm nano) 15 Grovetand Temce, Minneapolis, 734 First Street South, Waite Park, 505 E Walnut Street, Monticello, Mtn esota Minnesota S ADDRESS '~ B ignatura Edward J. Kodet, 3r, FAIA ~~} • D~ DA SUPPORTING DATA tool BY (Signature} Bab Paschke (Typed name) DATE AFA Document G701"" -2001. Copyright®1979, 1887, 2000 and 2001 by Tho American Inetilute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA' Document is protected by U.S. Copyright !aw and Iniemationai Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or disldbution of this AIA' Document, or any portion of it, n,ay result In severe civlt and criminal panaitlea, and still be prosecuted to the maximum extent poesiWe under the law. This dacumant was produced by AIA soltware at 09:22:35 on t2l3i J2006 under Order No.10003676 t S ~ 1 which expires an tV26i2004, and ~ not for resale. User Noise: - (9410010881 i ~~oy Website: KCCompanieslnc.com WAITS PARK 734 First Street South Waite Park, MN 56387 Phone: 320/217-2640 Fax; 320/217-2642 CROSSE.AKE P.O. Box 217 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone: 218/b92-6640 Fax: 218/692-6642 Fully Insured & Bonded HN Builder Lic. #20517204 erience ~'' Quality ~. Buildrng Better ~ .;° .. Communities -~'~'~ 4~~ December 23, 2008 Abby Evans Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd. 15 Groveland Terrace Minneapolis, MN 55403 Re: FiberNet Head End Building & Garage Monticello, MN Proposa) Request Number Five (5} Dear Ms. Evans: SUPPORTING DATA Please see our cost breakdown to furnish and install a 24 gauge standing seam roof panel (McElroy -Maxima double panel length} in lieu of a 24 gauge mechanically ~'astened~~McElroy •-Mega-ltib} as specified. 3'his cost includes the rental fees and freight.charges associated with the. seamen and hand crimper rental. 074113 Metal Roof Panels - Materials {KC ~o., inc:J 074113 Metal Rbof Panels -Seamen Renta) 074313 MetalRoof panels-Freight 074113 Metal Roof Panels -Labor {DLC) Subtotal Contractors 596 OH & F: Additional Bond 1-iJ296: Total G,~32:00 $ 589.00 358.00 400.0 $ 7,579.00 $ 379.00 119.00 $ 8,077.00 Please review the above proposal and advise our office as to your decision as soon as possible. If acceptable, please sign and return this proposal to our office, so we may proceed with this change. ~:~ ~~ Website: KCCompanieslnC.com WRITE PARK 734 First Street South Waite Park, MN 56387 Phone: 320J217-2640 Fax: 3201217-2642 CROS5IAKE P.o. Box z17 Ciosslake, MN 56442 Phone: 21$J692-6640 Fax: 218/692-6642 Fully Insured & Bonded MN Builder lic. #20517204 erience e~' Quality Buildmg Better Communities SUPPORTI11iG DATA Sincerely, Jeff Baggenstoss VP of Operations KC Companies, Inc. Owner's Acceptance 12/?7/2008 10:26 2186242818 AMERICINN PROCTOR PAGE 02/09 5UPPORTIN~ DATA '~"„ 1VIcElroy Meta Great Lntin Rgdaa, ]I i Oliver)lrtve tvlglahnll, MlddBgn 49068 ToU lies: 8t1D$30dit34, Tn>L 269.761-7409 Sales Ropmcnhdlva Sant rtgyn+anA, 6!2.599.9502, ~v:; 969.205.950E tzr6/2Dae Material Estimate quota Mumeer. t~208•02 Name: KC Companion .rob Nttmo: Fibr:mel Montlt:alto Addmss: 734 FIr7t Stroh 3outtl Shlp tn: CNy Ot Mondee80 Wtlita Park, DAN 58387 MonBoollo, Mn Contao~ JefFt3apoonettue Maxtmrl 18~ ?4 Ga e phone: 320-~17.28a0 tDouble Pallet 4enattl~a Fe*! 34fl.?71.7Rd9 C or etitl Fse! Lan t1 Inches P ctDeaCrt tln . U it o Eldenela 40 'o Meri:ma ?!t2 lit tie a Std MeE! Metal Colors 81tt2.gt $7 718,40 t 10 3 MxM Rokd SIIQo St4.12 S1A.12 7 2a 3 MXM Rake Slldo $!8.70 5130.90 2 SCUT '. 'Corner Box ~ - ... .. .. - .. .. - St7A8.-. .....: Z34.9B .. . 2 HiSltle Comsr 8ez 7. 534,86 A 20 3 Scut rod Eave Trlm $67.09 S28&.39 7 20 3 Rllkli Trlm 107.88 5783.83 1 10 3 ReKS Trim . SS7.09 57:a1 14 10 3 7' ee Closure 114.29 ;08 1A Clnch An Je 50.58 59.28 4 20 3 M Sltle Ttlm 384 47 5377.89 4 20 9 ee.Cloaurn . 528.74 $112,99. M ti0k Box 517AB 33e.98 H 10 0 Eave P 578.00 S7tlB.00 60tl 1/4-14 x 1,fla Tak ~ Zoe $D.2B !);t30.D0 2 3/t8':x 18"x40'Ta a $if.41 312:82 13 a _. Hfht oe0n Cli .... ... .. .. . ......-. - -S1s3 .. ----¢2x58,38--. 38 t3A PlabeX'12" 55.37 9193,32 38 flutetee Closure x t2• 33.00 $198.80 15 !il' li F. lots Reke Plate 523.03 1345.45 1298 - - _ arms S Cd(1" x 18.7/A' ._ - $tl./2- ...gtfi5.fi2 - .. 500 N74 x 718 L Tek 50.27 5136,00 2so xta x.71e° La .Tek zae ~D.z7 9ai•sa 13 760 - Tq a /8" X ° x 30' PO rivet 3787 44q m3.6 .15 552.80 $37.50 4 +tB-3B"X:120'-Flats Bat 7AGttu C _ ,i39.fi0~- „ : 3488,OD st 1a o PodrnaterClata St a0 s693:Db 28 t0 0 liiove Flsanl E33.00 S 58.00 1 10 ear Wator Tl I Watran 5760.00 5750.00 tn9t911er CettlRcstl R red t)oas not hlduds 1, UaWI rants for Roof S tia Note: Over/ Glntlerand NIIrL etlet9eil ep plleil to ell quotes Fnofght $860,DD FtnM PrIeMSLDotslTCttled at TIMg Of Shipment Crspng SeaD.aD tbtotetl ~ t:Sdoab 9~a1ay...ord APProVea Sys Bitlec 10,00 Ttt/ee and condltiasa on Ne Inatq! names q! proeuet prtea uoaY appry agtaR . Bub~Total - ~ 517~0T0.03 Taa ani aaylab8 ~ lnly vrglwl rtrq nrx Inciwled, Fralght Fu91 8ulclle-ga 1.759(. 3298.73 PnCr guelectad ro eeaa9e wMout notlga Tore! 117 368.78 ~__....-..._..~........-..,,~...n,,..v....mw•....n w,..v. ,... rwe.vnq.r.w..rv+~"eovgv"m.u.. n.m6rncar~mRS~n~a msaearwry etMAfa latgrAa aY W q10 mat/rlal lBQUlfe6 by Mle prof tnt aatamenta. R la rile heyen- naPanabtllN ro nannnn Intl lee 4UtrllftltA aro ae~ct and tM1l~e apae8teslbmraertneampllanrgwl1hg11rl+roJedeaRWrarlants. AtllrlvgleeswlNpaunMPrlegAendltrebuyorwtllAnraaPonalpNbtarPByn+Mto/Mlo+latnwicea. Priefligte 0ased on all rnatarlala sernp purclr+aodlFam uglilpr Motel. PMlai metaAai onlrro tray ba pAtaa mtramr+sttry. Plnai PACs ro oe aatemmned a1 tlmn q} ghlpmrtnt Buyer Acknowledgement: __ /B, 589x1 w/~ 12/17/2008 1@: 26 ZI86242618 AMERICINN PROCTOR PAGE 03/@9 SUP~'ORTING DATA i Great Gntna ftaplarq 711 t)Ilvartftfiva Metaftn8, Mkldalan 49068 ToIlFtan;tlAO.9S0.653d,Fn~;2C~9.7F1•740? 3ntca Rcprettntntitro: 3colt Ttaymomi, G12.s9p•9.St12, Fa:: 76J-1AS•2l06 12/8/2008 Natnc: 1CC Compenlea - Adtfre~: 734 Firaf SlraAf Soulh Wakri Pftrk, MN 5838) Ctxttatf: Jeff t3e(Lgnnsktas Ptwne: 32D-Sf?-2640 Pnac 320.2f7.28~12 Material Estlmafe alioteNutnbei: 1208.02 IY.[ege_lilb._Z4 Gauae AoublQ Pslnof Lsnaths Job Name: Ffbernel Monticolto Sltlp co: Illy a nilomk4uo A4onlfeefln, Mn Item Color Ouantlt Feet en th triehea '~ '- ~ Prntlucf Deacrtptfon ' Un i'ftce ENfetrsto d3 Sq't: d t?16, 24 u e M $f4a.42 56 1 .06 8 2ti 3 RaMa T m fi$.85 419.10 . .. - - - .2 .. .... - - . Rtdlts.. rim End Cloxuta . ....... ....... . . _ .1130AZ .. ... Sti0.94. . 2 t ~ I.Ue Cotner box SZ9.80 .80 8 f4 3 Eave'Crim 520.14 5188.84 6 14 3 Wt Stdo rlm 55188 #311.88 Z8 10 0 PerirrraterClenf $1.30 S OB.fiA 28 10 3 Eavo Flprhin 535:78 311 .12 12 i'utre 0 SealerA ~ $5.00 S47.Ofi 3200 1l4- 4x1.1/4Teh2Zeo 80:35 81,12000 _.:.. ,...-. .. :.15 - ... .... . . - 3L16':..718'x.40' T~ .. .SBA1. ...896.15. 25 Oeesldn Cloau-o 50.88 24,75 . 25.. .... .. .. Meid~ G'tosu-e . .... . . .. . ... ..... ... _.. ..:..50.99. -...524.75... _ . 1600 A14 x 718' La~•TrkZ:sC $0 7 $432.00 20 Ta 1/8' x 7• z 3I! 53.52 570.40 . _ - _. .. _. 500.. .: _ . ... Po ~Aaltl SFr3T~14D .. ..... .... ... . .... . SO.fS ~ - - - 575.00 4 d8-3~8' X 170' flat StlaC1, 4 Ga40a 539.60 88,00 10 Year aterTl ht JoMt Wa tM eH9lletilB on Me a' 6 .. _ Does rdil o f, Lie6i1' Intutmpar fnr Raaf 5 ern Nttttf: yv®r /Under and 1N1n. charges ap pNes to alt quotea_ Frtfight 8650.00 Elna. Prtcing Deft:rndned M tlrtte of Sht ertt Crrting 50.00 Quoted B} K~asrb !Qa•y...o..d Approved lay: Mlse 9i0,OD T~ni16+N4 ~origlltotie an dte 1nMd6 comer of preauet peen fwdz appy smaa Stab-Total 141 345:19 TeM end teylAleg nor apaaldyaha•e nm not tncluaa4, Freight Fuel 9urchnr9n 1,75We 5188.65 Prke twbleeted b ahang0 whheul noflaa Total 511,344.34 Ti+la h a pnaharlnaryr,adlmntn oMy, It ~ nm a yuaranentq wpsp aum RuoM, A tneludM onfy Uursa hems and duenlplcs Ilatad. Meglwy Metel has made evetr eHOrt.IOJneladr.eR 9fthe mrfert4t raau4Y.+f bY.tMs r+.nT~ do~rurygne~ p l^ t>MAuyn~ ea+Ryan•~0uny.fseaM«n!nt1M.QuAntttlen •re ~ar~ee.ne ~u.t yt•. . apcalttaAltsea Mm N aan+Pheecw vfip tao nrok+x ta9ultamaren Alt Mvetces wllt Os unN peeotl aed tha buyerwlll be res}wrvlbljfty rot peymsM e<theae tnvoteea Ptlelnp Is beard an all mrAartnla baing punervnne wont Ma17my r4areE A..Ue~ meteeM ontere mty ee Prtred dNteteMtalty. Ftnat peco ro bn entwmNned n Utae eF nhlDmt:et. E~uyer AcknowE43dgemertt: /~ 35"z r ~~ ~~~ 1~/?7/2068 10;26 2186242818 Ah1ERICINN SUPPORTING: S~A.ME.~ ~.'~ DATA ~LECT,R~C SEA,MER Sz kJ.A,ND CRXIVIPER ~tA'~'ES (Each. Orr3sr Izlc3udea One E.lecrl-ic Searner & Q.oe hand C~~im.peir) .Daily 12.en~~1: ,54.00 pex seam.er. kit Weekly 1ZerltaI; ~ 170.00 per seatt~er lit Monthly .Rental.: $550.00 per. ~searner. kit/j~'~~r--~-~/f '"R.'ntnl fec:e lkgut whcu tic sonmsr is.receivcd by lhr cu<tc~mca• and cuntinucs anti) tlac vcnmer is received bnek at the maeltinr shay ~. • :itanclurd Mcihod of Sbipmcttt is Ya Federal .Expcege • -Typlcat Rrnind -Trip Ptcigl~t C1[[[,rgcs arc lx;twcctt~and , depending nn Location. ~T~•~e.~iz~e'~G'~~'~t~ Return Prcigtit 8i11 is Included with Seamcr. ICit. Outbound and Return Freight Chocgcs xtt: Pre-Paid by McElroy Kad f3:illcd to CuRtoi~irr•upon Retd~7to€S~caincrls). .. .. ........ ........... _,_ _ _ .,..._ _, DEPC~S~'~' ..+ X1,()00 .Deposit is 1Legt[irExl for Scorner an all Cash Ptuchnses of NiaXJJ71P hoof Systems. Ren[ta.l, [~it;ight, Maltttenartcc l~ecs, 3iid xaxcs 1rC dCaucted fYC)rrt nc~OStt, MAIN':!'ENANCE Field Scamers requixtr rttaiatcnance af[er [h~ cpmplCtion o! enciy fob. Narmttl ndjusut-ents and mr[.intcnancc fees nrt: not sharked to customer. However, any damages to scorner tcitS and any missing components will res[[lt in additional cltxrgc4 to Lessee, i:p to ~7~2:it) per S`e~rriet Kit. ~ten-La~j ~+'fie~g~tt; a~c~ IV~a~ntenance fees and ,A,~~p~~cable `axes az-e ~8~lled to Customer u~ax~ JRetur~n of Seame~r. Council Agenda: January 12, 2009 7. Consideration of Adopting 2009 Fee Schedule. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The fees for services performed by the City are set by City ordinance. Every year staff reviews these fees to make sure the fees charged are in line with what the service costs or that they will provide the funds necessary to provide the service. Attached is the proposed 2009 fee schedule based on staff review of these fees. Where changes to the fees schedule are being recommended, the old fee has been lined out with the proposed fee inserted next to it. Some of the changes to the schedule were language changes to better describe what the fee is for or how the fee is charged. A summary of some of the larger changes are described below. • Under animal control the fines for barking dogs and feces pickup which are handled by the sheriff's department and no longer by the City so they are being removed. Also kennel permits are not allowed in the City so the fees for them are also being removed. • The fee and the way grading permits (in the building section) are charged are proposed to change to make less expensive and easier to calculate the charges and are also in line with the recently approved ordinance for Erosion, Grading and Sediment Control. • The cemetery fee increases are needed to have the cemetery break even with costs. • Under miscellaneous fees the biggest change would be for the implementation of delinquent certification processing fee and not to the fees itself. Staff is recommending that only accounts with a minimum balance of $50.00 or more be certified. This would eliminate 75 to 100 accounts from the certification list. Accounts with a balance of less than $50.00 would continue to be billed on the utility billing system for collection and thus increase the possibility of payment. If they continue to not be paid they would be assessed the late fees. The second change, since the County only processes delinquent certifications once a year in the fall, we would recommend only processing delinquents twice a year. It takes two staff members two to three days to process the delinquent certifications each quarter. Again the delinquent amounts would remain in the utility billing system and be billed for collection the next quarter and if unpaid would be assessed a late fee. These two changes would reduce the revenues the City collects for the processing fee but would be offset by increased late fees, reduced staff time, and possible increase in payment of these smaller amounts. Changes to planning and zoning include changing the units from 1 unit to 1 to 5 units and from 2 to 10 units to 6+ units and eliminating the fee for 11+ units for plat subdivisions and PUD's and staff recommends the fees for these also change. Another change is having only one fee for special home occupation permits. Also at this time no changes are proposed to the park dedication fees as this will be reviewed as part of the review of the subdivision ordinance amendment relating to park dedication requirements at a future meeting. • Public works fees have some language clarification for tree removal costs, but the fee remains the same and then there is a new fee being proposed for sidewalk snow and ice control. • Sanitary sewer, storm water and water fees all include a 5% increase to the rates as discussed as part of the 2009 budget discussion and the access charges and trunk charges are also proposed to increase 5% to help fund future system improvements. Council Agenda: January 12, 2009 Finally staff has included the membership fees and room rental rates for the Community Center in the fee schedule and the rental fees for the various park facilities is also now include in the fee schedule. Al. Budget Impact: Increased fees would provide the possibility of increased revenues above the amounts budgeted for 2009. However since most of the increases are relatively small the impact will be minor. The water and sewer increase is already incorporated into the 2009 budget. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The only staff impact would be if the change to certifying delinquent account twice a year from quarterly is approved, then staff time would be reduced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Adopt the ordinance setting the 2009 fee schedule as submitted. 2. Adopt the ordinance setting the 2009 fee schedule with changes. 3. Do not adopt the ordinance setting the 2009 fee schedule. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff supports, Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 2009 Fee Schedule. CITY OF MONTICELLO 2009 FEE SCHEDULE ANIMAL CONTROL Fine 13arleng=FiFStsffere.~ erdei;xing Handled by Sheriff Department Boarding Fee: ~ 1-3 $ l4/per day + tax . Not permitted in City cnc Dog License: Altered Pet $10 - 2 years Unaltered Pet $15 - 2 years Altered Pet $5.00 - 1 year Unaltered Pet $7.50 - 1 year Late Fee $5 Replacement Tag $1 Euthanization/Disposal Fee $35 S3 7 per animal + tax Hanillul by Sheriff Department Fine: Running at Large: First offense Second offense Third offense If impounded Licensed Unlicensed $25 $35 $35 $45 $50 $60 Add boarding fee (plus tax) BUILDING ,.... cee.,. a.aa:.... v..i.....:,.-. coon non ,._ ie,... $25 County Assessor Fees: Building Valuation $499,999 or le: $25 Building Valuation $500,000 or more $100 Building Inspection (non-permit related): Building Permit Fees: Building Permit Surcharge: Contractor License Check Fee: $50/hour 106% of 1997 State recommended schedule .0005 of building value (State mandated) $25 Building Permit/Records -Duplicate $50/hour Blight Processing Fee $35 Demolition Permit: 106% of 1997 State recommended schedule Permit is issued under a building permit (follow same procedures as issuing a building permit). Prior to demolition permit issuance verify with Public Works. Contractor must arrange disconnection: 1) Sanitary sewer; 2) City water & retrieve water mater and 3) approve routing for trucks and heavy equipment, (if applicable). Excavation permit may also be required. Fire Alarm/Fire Sprinkler System 106% of 1997 State Recommended Schedule t Grading Permit lxisting Single-family Residential $75 per permit + $1,500/acre restoration surety bond. New Single-Family Residential Development, Multi-Dwelling, Commercial and tndusi<•ial Properties $ l50 per perniit with no drainage calculation review + restoration srvety bond of $3,000/first acre; $1,500 each additiona acre or $350 per permit widr drainage calculation review + restoration surety bond of $3,000/first acre; $1,500 each additiona acre Land Reclamation/Mining Permit (requires subdivision development agreement or CUP) Fee determined by City Council resolution + 100% of land restoration costs as determined by City Engineer Mechanical Permits: Residential $45 base + $9/fixture Cormercial 1.25% of valuation + state surchazge, minimum $100 + state surchazge Mechanical Surchazge $.50 (State mandated) Mobile Home Permit $95 Moving Buildings: $150 + expense + demolition permit Plan Review: 65% of building permit fee Plumbing Permits: Residential $45 base + $9/fixture. "Fixture includes such things as traps, ^toilets,^ floor drains, sinks and showers Commercial 1.25% of valuation + state surchazge, minimum $100 + state surcharge Plumbing Surcharge: $.50 (State mandated) Sign Permits: Permanent $50 for fast $1,000 of value; $10 each (minimum fee $2$50) $1,000 of value Sign Permits: Temporary State Surcharge on Building Permits: Valuation of Structure $1,000,000 or less $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 Greater than $5,000,000 Utility Locate Fee: Residential Commercial/Industrial Rental Housing License Fee: Rental Housing License Application (Late Fee) Rental Housing License Transfer Fee Housing Inspection Fees CEMETERY FEES ~ $35 Addition or Alteration Surchar eg Computation - .0005 x valuation - $500 + .0004 x (Value - $1,000,000) - $900 + .0003 x (Value - $2,000,000) - $1200 + .0002 x (Value - $3,000,000) - $1400 + .0001 x (Value - $4,000,000) - $1500 + .005 x (Value - $5,000,000) x$40 $30 $55 $45/per building + $15 for each dwelling unit within the building Double the standazd license fee $35 $50/hour (1/4 hour increments; 1 hour minimum chazge) Grave Pivchasing Fee: r~ "~' ~o=; Resident Non-Resident Full Grave (4'x12 Flush Mazker Area X50 $750 ~3A $950 Full Grave (4'x12 Raised Mazker Area ~9A $800 $900 $1,000 Infant Grave (2'x6') $200 $200 Cremation Grave (4'x4') $3A8 $400 $499 $500 Grave Transfer Fee $15 Grave Excavation Fee: Weekday $400 Weekend $430 Infant Grave Excavation -Weekday $100 -Weekend $125 Cremation Grave Excavation -Weekday $80 - Weekend $105 z Grave Staking Fee: $2-5 $50 Perpetual Caze Fee: New Grave Sales Included in grave price (Maint. Not taxable -Plant Care Taxable) Grave Sold Pre-1960 $100 Administrative Fee: $50 FIRE DEPARTMENT Building Burn Emergency Response - Caz Accident $2,500 $500 FalseAlarm Policy -First Time No chazge Second Time $250 Third Time or More $350 * Per calendar year. Fire Dept. Lock Box: $157.00 + tax LICENSES/MISC PERMITS Burning Permit: $250 deposit (to cover expenses if PW/Fu•e Dept. are called to bum site.) Cigazette License: Tobacco licenses aze issued by Wright County Excavation Permit (Right-a-wayiLasemcnt) ~3A $50 Gambling License: Licensed through State of Minnesota Liquor: 1 Day Consumption & Display $25 Temporary On-Sale (Beer) $10/day Wine, On-Sale $275/per year Wine/Strong Beer Comb. On-Sale $1,200/per yeaz Wine/3.2 Beer Com. On-Sale $500/per year 3.2 Beer, On-Sale $275/yeaz 3.2 Beer, Off-Sale $100/peryeaz Liquor, On-Sale $3,750/per yeaz Liquor, Sunday Sales $200 (Statutory limit) Liquor, Setups $250/yeaz Liquor,Club (Veteran's Orgy. Membership 200 or less $300 (Statutory limit) 201-500 $500 (Statutory limit) 501-1000 $650 (Statutory limit) 1001-2000 $S00 (Statutory limit) 2001-4000 $1,000 (Statutory limit) Over 4000 $2,000 (Statutory limit) Pawn Shop: $25 annual license $1.50 per billable transaction (invoiced monthly) Transient Merchant: Daily fees, independent merchant: Daily fees, farm/gazden fruits & vegetables (from 6/15 to 9/15) Annual fees, private premise Fireworks Sale Transient Merchant: Daily fees operating under annual permit Traveling Shows $50/day + $3.50 application fee No fee $75/year + $3.50 application fee $350/yeaz $10/day + $3.50 application fee $100/first day; $50/day for each day thereafter 3 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Annexation Study: Assessment Seazch (Written) Business List Brochures: City resident list:(Utility Billing List) 0-10 pages City Labels Comprehensive Guide Plan -Entire Downtown Revitalization Plan Transportation Plan Copies on copy machine (Black & White) Copies on engineering copier Delinquent Certification Processing Fee Minimum Account Balance of $50 Processed ta-ice a vear Delq. List (gtrly or yeaz end) Deposits on City Repair Projects $22.50 + tax ~5 $30 $3-+-t~t Pree Free gage-+4a~t $0.25%page (tax included $.50/sheet $32 plus tax $15 plus tax $50 plus tax $.25 per copy (tax included) $1.00/small sheet; $3.00/large sheet (tax included) $50 $10 + tax (each) $100-$300 (depending on est. value of work) WASTE ITEMS Gazbage Carts-Residential: 90 gallon 60 gallon 38 gallon Gazbage Service Fees - Apts: w/o dumpsters Pickup Disposal Disposal Surchazge $4.12 per quarter (incl. 9.75% tax) $3.29 per quarter (incl. 9.75% tax) $2.96 per quarter (incL9.75% tax) $18.90 x # units + 9.75%tax/per quarter $3.48 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter Gazbage Service Fees -Commercial Residential &Non-Commercial Residential 60 gallon: Pickup Disposal Disposal Surcharge Gazbage Cart 90 gallon: Pickup Disposal Disposal Surchazge Garbage Cart Switeldng Gazbage Cart Sues 'Transfer Fee Gazbage Cart Replacement (If lost) 38 -gallon 60 -gallon 90 -gallon $15.93 x # units + 9.75%tax/per quarter $2.31 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter $3.29 x # units (incl. 9.75% tax) per quarter $18.90 x # units + 9.75%tax/per quarter $3.48 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter $4.12 x # units (incl. 9.75% tax) per quarter $15.00 $59.06 + 9.75% tax $65.31 + 9.75% tax $70.75 + 9.75% tax Recycling Bins: (Sales tax paid at purchase; city is end user and owns the bins) Residential, set of 3 (tote-yellow not available) Price per bin -Old Style $6.00 Res. Large blue container (RC2000) Price per bin $8.00 (City covers 1/2 cost for new homes $4.00) Wheels Kit $6.25 Apt -Roll-azound cart $36 (Equals 1/2 cost) Apt -Blue Recycling Container,individual $8.15 (Wheel kit $6.25; lid $2.65) CITY RESOURCES (MOST ITEMS AVAILABLE ON WEB SITE) Maps: City map (lazge) $3 (includes tax) City map (small) $1 (includes tax) Zoning map $3 (includes tax) State maps $.55 (includes tax) Wright County maps $3 (includes tax) Minutes/Agendas: Faxed $5.00/set + tax Mailed $7.00/set + tax Minutes - CD of proceedings $10.00 (plus tax) Notary: $1 Signs: Current listed price + tax Entire set of ordinances $40 plus tax Individual Ordinance Sections: Zoning Ordinance $20 plus tax Subdivision Ordinance $8 plus tax City Code $20 plus tax Sanitary Sewer $5 plus tax Assessment Policy $2.50 plus tax PLANNING/ZONING Administrative Zoning Permits -{~,easenal-SalesF -het~eeeeapatiens) ~5 $50 Conditional Use Permit $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Driveway Permit $25 Special Home Occupation Permits: $200 + Deposit (See plat/Pl ID Deposit (.'hart) A .i....:..:..a.... ... D,........:a P t n Interim Use Permit: $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Pazk Dedication (residential) An amount of land equal to ten percent (10%) of the total gross land azea of the plat shall be presumptively defined as "reasonably commensurate." in the event that the subdivider objects to the ten percent (10%) standard, the City shall, at the developer's request and expense, conduct a specific dedication study of the Pazk system and the demand placed on the system by the proposed plat. (Alt: For purposes of this Section, an amount of land equal to one (1) acre for each75 persons in the subdivision shall be presumptively defined as "reasonably commensurate." To estimate the population of the subdivision, a household size of 3.5 persons per unit for single familyhomes and 2.5 persons per unit for attached housing shall be used. Cash: $3,500 per unit. Pazking Fund (CCD District) $4,500 per stall Plat Subdivisions: $300 + deDOSit ac followsc PUD's: G+~ ` 0-3 acres $2,000 1-5 units $5A9 $L000 4-10 acres $6,000 ~•-I9-tits 6+ units $150 er unit 11+acres $10,000 its Planned i lnit T)ev P200 + dennait ac fnllnwc• 0-3 acres $2,000 1-5 units 330A $1,000 4-10 acres $6,000 '' '=-=o=R=i4s 6+ units $150 unit 11+acres $10,000 "'~•-~'° s Rezoning Request: $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Seasonal Outdoor Sales License: $150 per 60 day license Simple Subdivision $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Special Planning Commission Meeting $350 Street Vacation: ~13A $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Trail Fund: $248/per unit Variance: Setback Variance $500 for single family requests c2nn ~ ccnn a.... c ....n ,..t, Other Variances W ,oo a~~;~t~,-~-o~~~~, $200 + Deposit (See pIaVPUD Deposit Cha~~t) PUBLIC WORKS C~PP~g~ $3A-$40+ t<vc per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the fvst 2 hours S69 $70+ tax per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the next hour No more than 3 hours per year per property Construction Inspection (City or Engineer) ~ $80/hour Sidewalk Snow & Ice Control $75/hour per person including equipment If City is contracted for tree D+tteh-E~ Disease Tree Removal ~'~~• ~:;11 --, o~r~s-~-~~'~}a ~--'~~2~,~,,_~ ~,~ P~==~=o removal, a credit of 1 /2 the cost _ _~ e~~ r - ei~.._,.. ,.~;ae..« _ _.. •r.~ c ~. i - --~ ---- - -==r---~-~-- -.,. .. . of removal up to $225 per tree ~ with resident responsible for the cost of sales tax. Oxte Boulevard Replacement Tree at 1/2 cost $30 maximum credit each Rodding: $230/hour for one operator & machine $115/hour or part thereof for 2 operators, machine and pickup. Sweeping: $100/how•. Includes operator Vac/Sewer Jet $287.50/hour for one operator & machine $345/hour for two operators & machine SANITARY SEWER Sewer Rates: 1st 500 cu. ft. e'er $14.45 minimum Over 500 cu. ft. 162:47 $2.60 per 100 cu. ft. Sewer Rates: Special Cases c'~ $20.00 x # of people in household Industrial Sewer Rates: 0-500 cu. ft. r'~ $14.45/minimum Over 500 cu. ft. ~-1~ $1.40/100 cu. ft. BODS: x:249 $0.252/lb. TSS: e~ $0.345/lb Testing Actual costs + 10% Sewer Connection Permit: $75 (residential or commercial) Sewer and Water Combination Permit: $127 (residential) $127 plus tax (commercial) Sewer Access Charge: Residential -Single Fanuly $4;83 $4,230/C1nit All others per unit equivalent ~4;A30 $4,230/Unit Trunk Sanitary Sewer Residential Unit a $1,285/unit Non-Residential ~-3,963 $3,220/per acre 6 STORM SEWER Trunk Stonn Sewer Fees: (Net acre) '~" c $3,405 Alternate Ponding Area -Commercial X947 $7,365 per acre Alternate Ponding Area -Industrial 58~ $8,585 per acre Alternate Ponding Area -Residential 53;499 $3,665 per acre WATER Hydrant Rates for Contractors: (#1, #2 and #3 IS ALL TAXABLE IF COMMERCIAL) 1. All contractors must obtain a permit from the Water Superintendent. The permit fee is $500. This permit will define the hydrant to be used and provides a tally sheet for water usage. 2. The following rates shall apply: A. 523 $24.25 minimum billing for up to 500 cu. ft. or 3,750 gallons. B. After the 3,750 gallons, the rate shall be 52:3 $2.35 per 100 cu. ft. or 52:98 $3.15 per 1,000 gallons. 3. The following deposits shall be taken for use of City equipment (no exceptions) A. Hydrant Wrench $30.00 B. 2-1/2" fill hose $100.00 C. 1-1/2" fill hose with 2-1/2" adapter $100.00 D. 2-1/2" hydrant meter $1,000.00 E. 3/4" and small meter $100.00 F. Nozzle $50.00 If equipment is returned within 10 days of permit expiration in good condition, the full amount for water use and equipment less 10% per month on portion thereof for rent shall be refunded. Trunk Water Charge: 5907 $950/Residential Unit 52~Fi7 '$2,380 per acre non-residential Res. Water : 0-500 cu.ft.. 514$2 $12.40 minimum 500-4000 cf Sa4 $0.78/100 cf "°-°w'°'e°°° ~°° ` over 4000 cf 584 $0.88/100 cf Comm Water Rate, Mtr 1 1st 500 eu. ft. 51-1-82 $12.40 minimum + sales tax Over 500 cu. ft. Sao 50.78/100 cf+ sales 1<~tx Res., Twnhms &Comm Irrigation Water Rate 1st 500 cu ft 5, ~." $14.05 minimum + sales tax Over 500 cu ft 5~4 $0.88/100 of + sales tax Water Shut Off, then Tumed On: 52~ $50.00 ($25 on/$25off) + delinquency (taxable if non-res.) Water Connection Permit: $65 (residential) $65 plus tax (commercial) Water Access Charge: 1" line 5804 $840 + materials 1-I/4" line 511-7 $1,280 + materials 1-1/2" line 5-469 $1,535 + materials 2" line 5-929 $2,015 + materials 3" line 52;42 $2,520 + materials 4" line 53,-164 $3,320 + materials 6" line 53984 $4,185 + materials 8" line 5`~ $5,495 + materials Water Main Tapping -New Services (1" only) $250 each + materials Water Meters: 5/8" meter $268.00 + sales tax 3/4" meter $307.00 + sales tax 1" meter $370.00 + sales tax 1 1/2" meter $550.00 + sales tax 2" meter + up Cost + $50+ sales tax 1" Valves $29.00 + sales tax Water Availability Charge 33-96 $34.75 (For those who have city water available but (Billed in July) choose not to hook up) COMMUNITY CENTER Daily Pass Regular Rate Resident Rate Junior/Senior $5 $4 Adult $6 $5 Family $23 $18 *Climbing wall is not included with Daily Pass. 3 Month Membership Junior/Senior $80 $65 Adult $110 $90 Dual Senior $130 $105 Family $160 $140 Annual Membership (Paid in full Options) Junior/Senior $240 $180 Adult $310 $240 Dual Senior $385 $290 Family $425 $350 Continuous Membership (Monthly**Payment Option) Junior/Senior $22 $17 Adult $30 $25 Dual Senior $36 $27.50 Family $40 $35 **Automatic Withdrawal. Cancellation fee applies within 12 months. Room Rental Rates (2 Hour minimum required) Resident Regular Non-Profit Boom Island Room $12 $14 $11 Bridge Room $20 $23 $17 N. or S. Bridge Room $11 $13 $10 River Room $10 $12 $8 Wazehouse Room $22 $27 $17 Wazehouse Room -Weekend $27 $32 $22 Mississippi Room Private Resident Private Regular Business Resident Business Regular Half Room Rental $42 $51 $32 $47 Full Room Rental $60 $72 $50 $66 PARK RENTALS Resident Non-Resident Ellison Gazebo $75 $100 Ellison Log Shelter $75 for 4 hours $100 for 4 hours West Bridge Pazk Shelter/Warming House $75 for 4 hours $100 for 4 hours West Bridge Picnic Shelter $75 for 4 hours $100 for 4 hours Pioneer Pazk $75 for 4 hours $100 for 4 hours Groveland Pazk Picnic Shelter $75 for 4 hours $100 for 4 hours Otter Creek $50 for 4 hours $75 for 4 hours East Bridge Wedding Gazebo $100 for 4 hours $150 for 4 hours s Council Agenda: 1/12/09 8. Consideration of annual appointments for 2009. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes require that at the first meeting of each year, certain appointments be made. Attached you will find a list of the required appointments that maybe approved in either one single motion or separately. . a. City Depositories: The City utilizes one bank to provide banking service for the City which is Wells Fargo. In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239, the Chief Financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other official depositories for the purpose of investments. The motion includes the authorization for the Chief financial Officer to designate other depositories when necessary for investment purposes only. b. Official Newspaper: In the past the Monticello Times has been designated as the official paper. c. Health Officer: In the past the City has appointed the River Place Physician Clinic in this capacity. d. Acting Mayor: In 2007 Brian Stumpf was appointed as Acting Mayor to serve in the absence of the Mayor and it is assumed he will be appointed to this position in 2009. e. Representatives to Other Multi-Jurisdictional Bodies: This appointment is for selecting the City representatives to serve on the Community Education Advisory Board and the Orderly Annexation Board. As part of the orderly annexation agreement, the Orderly Annexation Board was created to handle zoning and land use issues in the area covered by the annexation agreement. Members to the OOA Board are appointed for one year with Clint Herbst and Brian Stumpf serving as the City's representatives. It is proposed that Susan Wojchouski be reappointed to the Community Education Advisory Board and Clint Herbst and Brian Stumpf reappointed to the OOA Board. f. Parks Commission: The terms of Larry Nolan and Nancy McCaffrey expired at the end of 2008. They both have indicated that they are willing to serve another term. Rick Traver has submitted his resignation effective with the February 2009 meeting. The City is in the process of seeking applicants for that position. When an applicant is selected the appointment for Rick Traver's position will come back to the Council for approval. g. Planning Commission: The term of Rod Dragsten and Barry Voight both expire December 31St. They have indicated their willingness to serve another term. h. Library Board: The terms of Ralph Olsen and Beth Osiek expire at the end of the year They both have indicated their willingness to serve another term. j. Economic Development: The term of Dan Frie expired in December and he indicated he is willing to serve another term. Council Agenda: 1/12/09 k. Police Advisory Commission: The term s of Wayne Mayer and Jim Roberts were up at the end of the year. The Mayor has recommended that Glen Posusta be appointed to the position held by Wayne Mayer. Mr. Roberts has indicated he will serve another term. 1. DAT (Design Advisory Team): The duties of the Design Advisory Team will be assumed by the Planning Commission. m. MCCAdvisory Board: The terms of Clint Herbst and Richard Quick expired in December. Clint Herbst is willing to serve another term. Richard Quick will not serve another term. In addition Robert Grabinski whose term would expire in 2009 has resigned. The MCC has conducted interviews and Wanda Kraemer and Jennifer Bethke have been selected to fill the two vacancies with Wanda Kraemer filling the two year term and Jennifer Bethke filling the three year term. It should be noted that the MCC recently reduced their board from six members to five members. n. IEDC: The terms of Bill Tapper, Patrick Thompson, Don Tomann and Jim Johnson expired at the end of 2008. Jim Johnson will not continue on the board and Elaine DeWenter is being recommended as his replacement. Bill Tapper, Patrick Thompson and Don Tomann will serve another three year term. o. FiberNetAdvisory Board: The Advisory Board was created by ordinance in April of 2008 but no appointments to the board have been made at this time. At the appropriate time the appointments to this board will come back before the Council. p. Firemen's Relief Association: The by-laws of the Relief Association state that the Mayor and the Clerk are ex officio members of the Board of Trustees. The Council can reaffirm this or assign to another Councilmember or staff member. The following appointments are not required to be made annually by statutes but each of them performs services on an as-needed basis for the City. The consulting services and/or individuals are listed below and can be individually discussed by the Council if desired. City Attorney: The firm of Campbell Knutson has served as the City's general legal counsel with Joel Jamnik being the primary attorney for Monticello. The City has also used the services of Flaherty and Hood for more specialized areas such as annexation. In addition, the City has utilized Frank Madden and Associates for a number of personnel related issues and Kim Kozar on issues relating to the wastewater treatment plant. It should be noted that Campbell Knutson is increasing their fees as shown on the attached letter and this fee rate is reflected in their contract. 2. City Auditor: In 2007 the Finance Department sent out RFP's for audit services and the Council approved a contract with MMKR for years 2007 through 2009. 3. Consulting Engineer: Currently WSB & Associates serves as the City's consulting engineer. The City has used other consulting firms for specific projects such as Bolton Menk for the biosolids drying system or Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates for the water tower. Council Agenda: 1/12/09 4. City Planner: Northwest Associated Consultants has served as the City Planner for a number of years. It is recommended that this relationship continue on an as-needed basis. 5. Financial Consultants: The City designated Ehlers and Associates as its primary financial advisor and it is suggested that the City continue with Ehlers and Associates. It should be noted that with the Fiber Optics project the City does utilize the services of other financial consultants. Ehlers & Associates is also proposing a fee increase as per the attached letter. In addition to the annual appointments, individual Councilmembers have been appointed as liaison members with various committees and commissions of the City. A list of these committee assignments is attached for Council review. The Mayor and Council may want to discuss whether any commission assignments need to be changed. The attached sheet as supporting data lists all of the members of the various commissions and appropriate appointments, both required and discretionary, that the Council can consider for 2009. The names in bold print are the ones whose terms expired in December. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Motion by the Council appointing organization and individuals to various roles and advisory boards as noted with modifications, if any. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of current appointments and current office holders. Letter from WSB & Associates. Letter from Campbell Knutson 2009 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Official Depositories: Wells Fargo Chief Financial Officer -authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Newspaper: Monticello Times Health Officer: (1 year) River Place Physician Clinic Acting Mayor (1 year) Brian Stumpf Joint Commissions: Community Education Susie Wojchouski Joint Planning Board (Annexation area) Clint Herbst & Brian Stumpf Attorney: Campbell Knutson Planner: Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Grittman) Auditor: MMKR Consulting Engineer: WSB & Associates COMMISSION NAME TERM EXPIRES Economic Development Authority Dan Frie 1212008 1 yr term (6-year staggered terms) Bill Tapper 12/2009 2 yr term Bob Viering 12/2010 3 yr term Bill Fair 12/2011 4 yr term Bill Demeules 12/2012 5 yr term Tom Perrault 12/2008 4 yr term Brian Stumpf 12/2008 2 yr term Parks Commission Larry Nolan 12/2008 (3-year staggered terms) Nancy McCaffrey 12/2008 Gene Emanuel 12/2009 Rick Traver 12/2010 Resigned Mark Larson 12/2010 Planning Commission (3-year staggered terms) Rod Dragsten 12/2008 Barry Voight 12/2008 William Spartz 12/2009 Lloyd Hilgart 12/2010 Charlotte Gabler 12/2010 Library Board (3-year staggered terms) Ralph Olsen 12/2008 Beth Osiek 12/2008 Claudia Tollefson 12/2009 Janet Bridgland 12/2009 Sandra Lommel 12/2010 Police Advisory Commission Jim Roberts 12/2008 (3-year staggered terms gen members) David Gerads 12/2009 Dick Slais 12/2009 Brad Fyle 12/2010 Glen Posusta 12/2010 DAT (Design Advisory Team) Duties assumed by Planning (2-year staggered term) Commission effective 2 009 MCC Advisory Board Clint Herbst, Council 12/2010 (3-year staggered terms) Richard Quick 12/2008 Resigned Ron Broekemeier 12/2009 Sandra Theros 12/2009 Robert Grabinski 12/2010 Resigned IEDC: Bill Tapper 2008 Elaine DeWenter 2008 Patrick Thompson 2008 Don Tomann 2008 Rich Harris 2009 Dick Van Allen 2009 Dan Olson 2009 Marshall Smith 2009 Zona Gutzwiller 2010 Wayne Elam 2010 Don Roberts 2010 Lynne Dahl-Fleming 2010 Mike Benedetto 2010 Resigned Charlotte Gabler 2011 Council Liaison (ex-officio) appointments to City committees: (Changes noted in bold type) Proposed 2008 Liaison 2009 Liaison Planning Commission Susie Wojchouski Susie Wojchouski Parks Commission Brian Stumpf Brian Stumpf Police Commission Tom Perrault Glen Posusta Library Board Susie Wojchouski Susie Wojchouski MCC Advisory Board Clint Herbst Clint Herbst Recycling Committee Brian Stumpf Brian Stumpf Personnel Committee Herbst & Mayer Herbst &Posusta Wellhead Protection Tom Perrault Tom Perrault IEDC Herbst & Mayer Herbst 8~ Posusta Outdoor Storage Clint Herbst Clint Herbst Fiber Optics Wayne Mayer Herbst &Posusta WSB & Associates, Inc. November 13, 2008 Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction Mr. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 _ Re: 2009 Rate Schedule Dear Mr. O'Neill: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Te1:763-541-4800 Fax:763-541-1700 On behalf of WSB & Associates, Inc., I would like to thank the City of Monticello for utilizing our firm for consulting engineering services in 2008. We very much appreciate the opportunities we have been provided and look forward to working with you and your staff on upcoming projects in 2009. Please find attached for your consideration a copy of the WSB & Associates, Inc. rate schedule for the year 2009. These rates will become effective January 1, 2009 for work performed by WSB & Associates on an hourly basis. We have an overa112009 rate increase of less than 2.5%. WSB & Associates, Inc. prides itself on maintaining one of the lowest overhead rates in the industry and as a result, has one of the lowest billing rates of any consulting firm in the metro area. Our billing rates continue to include all miscellaneous costs associated with word processing, mileage, cellular phones, reproduction, and mailing, which provides for easy-to-understand invoicing. We are proud to be a Minnesota based engineering firm that strives to provide value to our clients while contributing to local tax base, charities and community programs. We are committed to a local based workforce and proud of our contribution to the Minnesota economy. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. Once again, thank you for allowing WSB & Associates to provide professional engineering services. We are enthusiastic about continuing to provide professional engineering services to the City of Monticello. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (763) 287-7190. Sincerely, WSB & ///~~Associates, Inc. ~~ r Bret A. Weiss, PE President Attachment Minneapolis 1St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer ^^ Principal '' Associate Sr. Project Manager/Sr. Project Engineer ^^ ^^ 0 0 7~ m Billing ~ Rate/Hour n _ _ _ CrJ $137.00 d $129.00 C" Cr7 Prolect Manager II/Prolect Engineer III/Engineering Specialist IV Project Manager/Project Engineer II/Engineering Specialist III Project Engineer/Registered Land Surveyor/Engineering Specialist II Graduate Engineer II/Engineering Specialist I/Sr. Construction Observer Graduate Engineer/Engineering Technician V/Construction Observer Engineering Technician IV/Scientist III Engineering Technician III/Scientist II Engineering Technician II/Scientist I Engineering Technician I Office Technician II Office Technician I Survey (Two-Person Crew/GPS Crew) Survey (Three-Person Crew/Expanded GPS Crew) $124.00 $115.00 $108.00 $98.00 $88.00 $78.00 $69.00 $64.00 $57.00 $50.00 $63.00 $34.00 $144.00 '', $172.00 Costs associated with word processing, vehicle mileage, cell phones, reproduction of common correspondence and mailing are included in the above hourly rates. Reimbursable expenses include costs associated with plan, specification and report reproduction, permit fee, delivery cost, etc. Rate Schedule is adjusted annually.... WSB CAMPBELL KNLJTSON Professional Association *** Direct Dial: (651) 234-6219 E-mail Address: jjamnik@ck-law.com Thomas J. Campbell Roger N. Knutson Thomas M. Scott Elliott B. Knetsch Joel J. Jamnik Andrea McDowell Poehler Soren M. Mattick John F. Kelly Henry A. Schaeffer, III Alina Schwartz Samuel J, Edmunds Cynthia R. Kirchoff Marguerite M, McCarron December 22, 2008 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: 2009 Billing Rates Dear Jeff: We appreciate very much the City's business and look forward to a long term relationship. Our goal is to provide quality legal services in the most cost-effective manner, but like other businesses our cost of doing business continues to increase, including health and professional insurance, rent and computer expenses. "Consequently, we are proposing an increase in our rates, as shown on the enclosed redlined version of the Fee Schedule to our proposed agreement for legal services. We are requesting a $5.00 increase in the attorney hourly rate to $140.00 and a $5.00 increase in the staff hourly rate to $75.00 effective January 1, 2009. Thank you for your consideration. Best regards, Campbell Knutson Professional Association 1380 Corporate Center Curve Suite 317 • Eagan, MN 55]21 651-452-5000 Fax b51-452-5550 www.ck-law.com Council Agenda.• 1/12/09 9. Consideration of authorizing sale of City property to Mn/DOT for I 94 twin bride replacement project over CSAH 75 (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In July of 2009 Mn/DOT will begin a project to realign a portion of westbound Interstate 94 (I-94) and replace the twin bridges over CSAH 75. To complete this work Mn/DOT needs to purchase some temporary easement over an area of City-owned land north of interstate 94 (I-94) by the River Mill development, and they need to purchase some City- owned land located just north of the existing westbound I-94 bridge over CSAH 75. Mn/DOT officials met with City staff on several occasions in 2008 to discuss their needs. They then presented documents to City staff outlining the fair market analysis used to determine the price they are willing to pay for the temporary easement and land acquisition, and they presented the City with signed documents that once signed by the City will finalize these purchases. The temporary easement area needed is shown in Figure A in the supporting data. The size of this easement area equals 10,625 square feet and the easement will expire on December 1, 2014. Mn/DOT is willing to pay the City $4,028 for the temporary easement. Mn/DOT is also proposing to pay the City $20,125 for landscaping restoration efforts that will be needed to restore vegetation to the area disturbed by their project. This amount is based on repopulating the entire impacted area with 115 trees at an average height of 6-feet, as well as establishing new ground cover. The trees will replace the several larger trees and many smaller trees, bushes and other vegetation that will be removed during Mn/DOT's project. In total, Mn/DOT is proposing to compensate the City in the amount of $24,200 for this purchase. The land acquisition area is shown in Figure B in the supporting data. The size of this partial acquisition totals 0.72 acres, for which Mn/DOT is willing to pay the City a total of $33,000. In addition, Mn/DOT will pay to relocate the existing billboard that is owned by The Lamar Companies to a location yet to be determined on the remaining portion of the City's property. This location will be determined by staff from both The Lamar Companies and the City. The land Mn/DOT wishes to purchase is not identified for a specific use in any of our current or proposed plans. A.1 Budget Impact: By authorizing the sale of the temporary easement and the partial acquisition requested by Mn/DOT, the City will be compensated in the amount of $57,200. This money will be deposited directly into the general fund. A.2 Staff Impact: There are no anticipated impacts to staff time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the Finance Director to complete the sale of both the temporary easement and the partial land acquisition to Mn/DOT as outlined in this report and per the Mn/DOT documents provided to City staff. Council Agenda: 1/12/09 2. Motion to deny the sale of both the temporary easement and the partial land acquisition. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff has reviewed the proposed purchase prices and feels that Mn/DOT's fair market analysis is reasonable. As such, the City Administrator, Finance Director and City Engineer recommend approving Alternative Action No. L D. SUPPORTING DATA: Figure A -Area of requested temporary easement Offer Letter for temporary easement purchase Figure B -Area of requested partial land acquisition Offer Letter for partial acquisition purchase {~'.~.VK.J~ ~. ~~~,ME3pp4 C.S. X680 (94=392) 902 PARCEL N0. 548 p pf ~*`~~~ S.P. .8680-142' COUNTY WRIGHT OWNER __CITY Of idONTICELLO Scale 1 iN = 100 FT ~ ST,~OFR/ ,~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ €`s3 €~ ~, ~ / ~ ~ ~ L~ ~ L ~, O 04 ~ Oi, Pl~ ~ I ~ r ~ ~ ~ t~,~i i ~\~\\ ~~ ~ ~' •• ~ \ ~~ ~, \ ~ ~~ ~\ loyout sketch by JEFF LENZ Data 5-02-08 Parcel No. 548 Minnesota Department of Transportation ~~~~~ • ~ Transportation Building ~OF~` 395 John Ireland Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899 Date: /G' ~ ' a City of Monticello Mayor Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut St, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362-882 In reply refer to: MS 631 S.P.: 8680-142 C.S.: 8680 (94=392) 902 Job: T39075 County: Wright Parcel: 548 -City of Monticello Property Address: The State of Minnesota, through the Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT), is acquiring part of your property for the improvement of Trunk Highway 94. The person delivering this letter is a real estate specialist representing Mn/DOT. This individual will explain the procedures involved in the acquisition process. The State's valuation report is included with this letter. The monetary damage to your property due to this acquisition is $24,200.00, this being the State's certified offer. The monetary damage to your property is considered to be a foss in value to your property. Please be advised that law#ul owners and/or occupants of the property on the date of this offer may be entitled to relocation assistance/benefits in accordance with Federal and State laws. It is important that you read the information provided in the purchase packet. It will help you to understand your rights during the acquisition process and also to assist you in making sound decisions. • Offer Letter -Partial with Only Damages DP1002 8/14J2008 An equal opportunity employer As the acquisition of your property proceeds, you will undoubtedly have additional questions. Please direct them to the Mn/DOT representative who submitted this offer. Sincerely, Ro~Brown, Director Office of Land Management Package Contents: "Guide for Property Owners" Booklet Legal Description describing acquisition Offer to Sell and Memorandum of Conditions (reference copy if applicable} Conveyance Instrument {reference- copy if applicable) "Relocation Assistance" Booklet (if applicable) Valuation Report Appraisal Reimbursement Claim form Acquisition Incidental Claim form Plat map (if applicable) Parcel sketch Receipt of Valuation Report: Date: Owner: • offer Letter -Partial Wlth Only Damages DP1002 8/14!2008 ~v '~']~ f May 21, 2008 8680-902-548 Parcel 548 C.S. 8680 (94=392) 902 S.P. 8680-142 The right to use that part of Tract A described below for highway purposes, which right shall cease on December 1', 2014, or on such earlier date upon which the Commissioner of Transportation determines lay formal order that it is no longer needed for highway purposes: Tract A. Outlot A, River Mill 6t~' Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Wright County, Minnesota; which lies within a distance of 25 feet northeasterly (measured at right angles) of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Outlot A; thence westerly on an azimuth of 270 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds, along the south line thereof for 80.5 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence on an azimuth of 308 degrees 26 minutes 59 seconds, along the southwesterly line of said Outlot A for 425 feet and there terminating. • +~MrErpr~ MONNE~OYA ®1#Q~AIIYRYI:NY O1: TItAN1;~O11TAT0OP1 ~°~~'~ 111®IIY Ooa tlUAV 1•AIICEI. LAYOIlY +~ C.S. 8680 (9~a3921 902 PARCEL N0. SST ` ~~~~5~ S.P. 8680-I~12 COUNTY MR[GNT OtNER CITY Of YONiICE 0 SH i nc ~ Sccle 1 IN = 200 fT ~ a I ~ o o,, u~ ~ ~ i o ~ \ n ~ ~ I o ~ o ~/ ~~ \~"N o o .. 11 0 t -.~ ~ o 00 ~ ~~ •• Q' o ~ !~/ I~ / ~ o ` _ oo~. ~/\ o ~ x' ~ ~ ~'~~ ~ ~ 8 . ~ `o ~~ ~ ~r ~ ~~ o ols *~ ~fl ~~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ •x \~ ~` ~ t ~~ i i ~ ~\ ~ ~ / '~ ~ f ~~ \` 1`~\ t ~ ~1` t ~ '.~ ~... \\ \~ A~ `r ~ ~ ~ { 1 t 00000 0 ~ e lOyout Sketch by JEFF LENT OOte 5-2-08 ParCei No. 51T `0~" Minnesota tepartment of Transportation Transportation Building °F 395 Jahn Ireland Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899 Date: ~~•~ -0~ City of Monticello Mayor Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut St, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362-882 In reply refer to: MS 631 S.P.: 8680-142 C.S.: 8680 (94=392) 902 Job: T39075 County: Wright Parcel: 547 - CITY OF MONTICELLO Property Address: XXX Co. Rd. 118 SE, Monticello, MN 55326 The State of Minnesota, through the Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT), is acquiring part of your property for the improvement of Trunk Highway 94. The person delivering this letter is a real estate specialist representing Mn1DOT. This individual will explain the procedures involved in the acquisition process. The State's valuation report is included with this letter. The monetary damage to your property due to this acquisition is $33,000.00, this being the State's certified offer. The monetary damage is for real estate being acquired. Based upon the valuation report, it has been determined there is no loss in value to your properly. Please be advised that lawful owners and/or occupants of the property on the date of this offer may be entitled to relocation assistance/benefits in accordance with Federal and State laws. It is important that you read the information provided in the purchase packet. It will help you to understand your rights during the acquisition process and also to assist you in making sound decisions. Offer Letter -Partial Without Damages DP1000 9/11/2008 An equal oppartuniry employer As the acquisition of your property proceeds, you will undoubtedly have additional questions. Please direct them to the Mn1DOT representative who subrnifted this offer. Sincerely, Robert S. Brown, Director Office of Land Management Package Contents: "Guide for Property Owners" Booklet Legal Description describing acquisi#ion Offer to Sell and Memorandum of Conditions (reference copy if applicable) Conveyance Instrument (reference copy if applicable) "Relocation Assistance" Booklet (if applicable) Valuation Report Appraisal Reimbursement Claim form Acquisition incidental Claim form Plat map (if applicable} Parcel sketch Receipt of Valuation Report: Date: Owner: Offer Letter- Partla[ without Damages DP1000 9/11/2008 July 25, 2008 8680-902-547 FEE ACQUISITION Parcel 547 C.S. 8680 (94=392} 902 S.P. 8680-142 That part of Tracts A and B described below: Tract A. That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 121 North, Range 24 West, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly of the northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway No. 94 as now located and established and southwesterly of the_Great Northern Railroad (now BNSF Railway Company} right of way; Tract B. That part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly of the northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway No. 94 as now located and established and southwesterly of the Great Northern Railroad (now BNSF Railway Company) right of way, being a part of Lot 16, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 ~ according to the recorded plat thereof; which lies southerly of Line 1 described below: Line 1. Commencing at a point on the east and west quarter line of said Section 18, distant 500.00 feet easterly of the west quarter corner thereof; thence westerly on an azimuth of 270 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds along said east and west quarter line for 500.00 feet to said west quarter comer; thence on an azimuth of 55 degrees 05 minutes i 4 seconds for 681.84 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of Tract A hereinbefore described; thence on an azimuth of 305 degrees 59 minutes 56 seconds along the northeasterly line of said Tract A for 104.32 feet to the point of beginning of Line 1 to be described; thence on an azimuth of 270 degrees 53 minutes 12 seconds for 359.88 feet; thence on an azimuth of 295 degrees 53 minutes 2$ seconds for 450.18 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the southwesterly line of Tract B hereinbefore described and there terminating; containing 0.72 acre, more or less; ~~,,,.. F~ ~ together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that part of Tracts A and B hereinbefore described, not acquired herein, to the above described strip. Council Agenda: January 12, 2009 10. Consideration to enter into a contract between Monticello, Central MN Housing Partnership, and the City of Otsego to obtain funds to establish a Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Monticello (MB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monticello also has an opportunity to obtain grant monies through the MN Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) to help facilitate a community wide Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) to address the on-set of foreclosures. MHFA completed a comprehensive study of zip codes in the State to determine where the greatest need to address foreclosures exists. Monticello has been identified as one of the communities with a high concentration of foreclosed homes. Based on the number of Sheriff's sales from 2007 through the 2°d quarter of 2008, Wright County is ranked sixth in the state for highest concentration of foreclosures. As a result, MHFA allocated approximately $523,923 non-competitive dollars to Monticello through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). It should be noted, while the dollars have been tagged as "non-competitive" dollars, the City will be required to complete an extensive grant application and will be required to partner with anon-profit agency to complete the application and administer funding transactions. NSP dollars are being allocated through Community Development Block Grant guidelines, which require extensive reporting and follow up. Staff met with Bill Reinke, from Central Minnesota Housing Partnership, Inc. (CMHP) to discuss establishing a partnership. CMHP is anon-project organization that has extensive experience in writing grants and administering Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). They have experience in Monticello administering CDBG projects. These projects include; Drakes Court (the purchase of property and construction of single family housing), rehabilitation and administering of Riverpark View, Cedar Crest, and Monti-Haven, to name just a few. Attached is a contract the City Council is being asked to approve to formally enter into a partnership agreement between Monticello and Central Minnesota Housing Partnership. The contract states CMHP is responsible for completing the NSP application and administering the funds in coordination with the direction of the City and in accordance with MHFA regulations. The agreement also includes language identifying a partnership with the City of Otsego. Otsego shares a small portion of the zip code held by Monticello. Otsego is requesting to utilize 10% of the funds allocated to the 55362 zip code. They intend to rehabilitate a dilapidated foreclosed home. Staff is of the opinion that the request is reasonable; especially due to the fact that the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency specifically stated that communities sharing zip codes will be required to form partnerships in order to be awarded any funding. There will be no immediate impact on the City's budget, except City staff time. If the grant is awarded, 8.7% of the grant is eligible to be used for administrative costs, which will include CMHP's application processing and administering fees. In the event the City is not successfully awarded the NSP grant, staff did apply for reimbursement from Greater Minnesota Housing Fund to cover the $4,844.50 dollars CMHP will incur to complete the Neighborhood Stabilization Plan (NSP) application. Greater Minnesota Housing Fund made it clear Cities will be awarded funds to cover any application processing fees. Based on the criteria established by MHFA, City Staff and CMHP have put together a preliminary outline of how the grant could be utilized in Monticello (see attached): 1. Assist buyer in purchasing a home that needs minor improvements: $15,000 per buyer 2. Assist buyer in purchasing a home that needs major improvements: $30,000 per buyer 3. Provide down payment assistance to encourage purchasing of homes that are currently vacant: up to $30,000 per buyer 4. Purchase and/or demolition of foreclosed/vacant home: $100,000 *** This proposed program is intended for Owner/Occupied buyers (no rental). CMHP is well aware and versed in only processing buyers that intended to own the purchased home. The above outline provides the potential for approximately 14 homes within the community to be impacted. While it is not required to identify exact homes (due to the fact that this is a moving target), the City is required to identify what neighborhoods will be targeted to stabilize. In reviewing Sheriff sales data and completing field inspections, it appears Sunset Ponds, Featherstone, and Hunters Crossing neighborhoods have the highest concentration of foreclosed and vacant homes. However, these neighborhoods do not exhibit the most blighted homes. This leads to the idea of working with local lenders and residents to provide down payment assistance programs to help facilitate purchasing power for these homes. The "core" City and homes within west Monticello lends to a higher concentration of older homes that need to be purchased along with some rehabilitation. These homes would fall in the purchasing and improvement category. Staff is of the opinion that a home within the core city could either be purchased and/or demolished, or an existing dilapidated residence owned by the City could be demolished. MHFA has included a few challenging stipulations in the allocation of NSP funds. Cities must allocate at least 25% of the funds to individuals and families with incomes at or below 50% of area median income. In Monticello, this equates to approximately a family of four with a household income around $40,450 would qualify for a base house price between $100,000 to $150,000. However, with this said, the base house price could increase if the buyer was able to obtain down payment assistance. Additional stipulations include any purchasing of land must be at a 10% discount, housing must be the end user (i.e. a commercial building can be demolished but replaced with housing), percent of funding must benefit households at or below 120% AMI, and funds must be allocated within 18 months and completely expended within 4 years. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Motion to approve entering into a contract between Monticello and Central Minnesota Housing Partnership to complete the NSP application, submit application to MHFA, and administer funds upon being awarded an NSP grant. 2. Motion to deny entering into an agreement with Central Minnesota Housing Partnership. 3. Motion to table action for further action. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The state has a very aggressive schedule to expend these dollars. If the City were to receive all $523,923 dollars, these funds will be required to be allocated within 18 months to a specific resident or household and completely expended within four years. The state realizes this is an aggressive schedule and therefore will be looking favorably on grant applications that have included partnerships between Cities and non-profit organizations. The Central Minnesota Housing Partnership specializes in administering community block funds and will serve as a backbone to achieve the goals of the NSP Action Plan, resulting in the state ranking Monticello as a top candidate to receive the non-competitive funds. In partnership with CMHP, the City will need to complete the NSP Application by January 28, 2009. The EDA and City Council will also be required to adopt a Monticello Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) by the first part of February. Staff is diligently working, in cooperation with CMHP, on drafting an acceptable local NSP plan to bring to the City in February. Staff is recommending proceeding with entering into an agreement between Central Minnesota Housing Partnership (CMHP), the City of Monticello and the City of Otsego. D. EXHIBITS: a. Scenario planning spreadsheet b. Neighborhood Stabilization Program Map c. Contract Agreement between Central Monticello, and City of Otsego Minnesota Housing Partnership, City of SCENARIO PLANNING -- Balancing the Mix, Within Budget . ..- Total NSP Fund Sources $431,188 Total NSP Fund Uses (allocated below) $430,000 Funds would assist this many HH if all used for this purpose: 2 HH Per Unit Cost $ 15,000 Funds would assist this many HH if all used for this purpose: 5 HH Per Unit Cost $ 30,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Funds would assist this many HH if all used for this purpose: 5 HH Per Unit Cost $ 30,000 Funds would demolish this many properties if all used for this purpose: 2 Properties Per Unit Cost $ 50,000 • ~ • ~ ~ I Foreclosures in Monticello Foreclosed Horrtes >-City Efforts curreritly '_ in place :: Identify properties to purchase for <;; demolish- i=oreclosed Homes in Monticello `NSP Funding Request Buyer Assistance... Programs Foreciosure prevention ~oreeii'§ut'e <.:<: Prevention and 'Remedy Funding Opportunities :- Purchase & Rehab Core City West Monticello Downpayment Assistance Hunters Crossing/Nathans Court, Feather Stone Sunset Ponds MN Home -Qwnership Agency Wright"r/ounty "' West Monticello Monticello Foreclosure Recovery Map MONTICEL'i.0 Core City Featherstone * Information Sources: Wright County Sheriffs Sale and MLS as of December 4, 2008 Sunset Ponds Nathan's Court N W E S Hunters Crossing PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT The City of Monticello, Minnesota and the City of Otsego, Minnesota, Minnesota municipal corporations ("Cities"), and Central Minnesota Housing Partnership, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ("CMHP"), make this Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") effective as of , 2009 ("Effective Date"). RECITALS A. The Federal Government has established the Neighborhood Stabilization Program ("NSP"), which is administered in Minnesota by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency ("MHFA"). B. NSP provides assistance to local governments with high levels of foreclosed and abandoned homes that might otherwise become sources of abandonment and blight. C. CMHP is a regional housing organization with experience in administering community development and housing programs and assisting local governments with funding provided through the state of Minnesota and the MHFA. D. MHFA has set aside certain funds under the NSP program for which the Cities are eligible and the Cities now seek CMHP's assistance in applying for and administering such funds. E. In consideration for CMHP's assistance, the Cities have agreed to pay CMHP certain fees for its services as provided in this Agreement. In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth in this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which the parties acknowledge, the parties agree as follows: 1. En~aEement of CMHP. The Cities engage CMHP, and CMHP accepts engagement on this Agreement's terms and conditions, as the Cities' exclusive administrator in regards to the NSP and any funds the Cities receive from the NSP. 2. Administration Services. CMHP shall provide such administration services, expertise and assistance in the name of and on behalf of the Cities as CMHP deems reasonably necessary for the application, acquisition, planning, coordination, implementation and management of the NSP funds, including without limitation, the following services on the Cities' behalf (the "Administration Services"): PJanuary 7, 2009:02005 07 OS G:\Econ Dev Director\Housing\CMHP & Monticello & Otsego Agreement.~c pac a. Application Preparation. CMHP will prepare the application for NSP funds on the Cities' behalf prior to the deadline of January 28, 2009, which shall include, but not be limited to the following: (i). Utilize research conducted by the Cities regarding foreclosure numbers and concentration of foreclosures, as well as other research; (ii). Coordinate with the MHFA and the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund ("GMHF") regarding the application process, resources and application format; (iii). Work with the Cities to define the scope of the Cities' NSP project and the administration of the NSP funds, including selection of appropriate eligible uses and geographic focus and the development of financing mechanisms and establishment of program parameters; (iv). Work with the Cities' staff in the application preparation and obtain the Cities' approval regarding elements within the application; and (v). Work with the Cities' staff in order to seek approval of the application concept from other city officials, which may include interaction with the city council during city council meetings. b. NSP Plan Preparation. CMHP will prepare any program plan required under the NSP, which shall include, but not be limited to the following: (i). Work with the Cities to best utilize research data collected by the Cities in preparation of the plan; (ii). Work with the Cities' staff to obtain their approval of any required program plan as well as the appropriate approval of other city officials, as CMHP deems necessary, which may include presentations to small groups and participation in other public governmental meetings. (iii). Work with MHFA and GMHF regarding the preparation of any required plan and defining and meeting the expectations of MHFA and GMHF. c. Program Administration. CMHP, in conjunction with the Cities will administer the NSP program on the Cities' behalf, which shall include, but not be limited to the following: (i). Provide implementation and services necessary for start-up for the general administration of the NSP grant as well as implementation of the program elements. PJanuary 7, 2009:02005 07 OS G:\Econ Dev Dvector\Housing\CMHP & Monticello & Otsego Agreement.doc pac (ii). Manage the overall NSP project, including, but not limited to the development of policies and procedure; homebuyer program education; interaction with homebuyer classes ("Home Stretch"); recruitment and liaison with participating lenders; outreach and liaison with real estate agents; other marketing activities; compliance with regulations and standards, including Fair Housing Equal Opportunity; compliance with financial and program requirements, and reporting. (iii). Field administration of the NSP, including, but not limited to: homebuyer outreach and recruitment; application processing and referral; property inspections; application approval for expenditure of NSP funds; scope of work preparation; assistance in selecting contractors; assistance in loan processing and approval; inspections and final loan closings. 3. Administrative Fee. As compensation for the Administration Services to be rendered by CMHP on the Cities' behalf pursuant to this Agreement, the Cities shall pay CMHP an administrative fee which shall equa18.7% of the total amount awarded to the Cities under the NSP (the "Administrative Fee"). CMHP shall be deemed to have earned the total Administrative Fee upon the Cities being awarded the NSP funds. The Cities shall pay the Administrative Fee by making progress payments to CMHP throughout this Agreement's term, the amount of which shall be reasonably determined by CMHP. CMHP will invoice the Cities monthly throughout this Agreement's term. The Cities shall pay each invoice within 30 days after the Cities' receipt of such invoice. Unless expressly stated otherwise, any estimated fees provided to the Cities by CMHP are estimates based on the information available to CMHP and are not a guarantee of maximum price. 4 Reimbursement of Expenses. During this Agreement's term, CMHP shall submit monthly invoices to the Cities for all such expenses incurred on the Cities' behalf under this Agreement's terms and conditions, which the Cities shall pay within 30 days of receipt of such invoices. 5. Collection Costs. If the Cities fails to pay CMHP any amounts due and owing pursuant to this Agreement's terms, the Cities agree to pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in addition to any and all other amounts due and owing under this Agreement. 6. Indemnification. The Cities agrees to defend, indemnify and hold CMHP harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, judgments, attorneys' fees, costs, damages, losses, expenses or causes of action arising solely out of or in connection with the administration of the NSP and performance by CMHP of the services set forth in this Agreement; provided, however, that such claims, losses, damages or expenses shall not arise out of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of CMHP or its employees, agents, or assigns. PJanusry 7, 2009:02005 07 OS G:\Econ Dev Director\EIousing\CMHP & Monticello & Otsego Agreement.doc pac 7. Termination. This Agreement shall immediately terminate (a) by the mutual written consent of the Cities and CMHP, (b) six (6) months after the date in which the remainder of all awarded funds under the NSP are committed (the "Fund Commitment Period"), or (c) six months (6) after the initial Fund Commitment Period or revocation of the NSP funding contract with the Cities and NSP funding source, whichever occurs first. Within ten (10) days of this Agreement's termination, the Cities and CMHP shall account to each other with respect to all matters outstanding as of the termination date, including payment to CMHP of the remainder of any and all amounts due and owing to CMHP under this Agreement's terms and conditions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the NSP is extended or the Cities are awarded additional NSP funds in addition to those awarded initially as a result of CMHP's performance under this Agreement, the Fund Commitment Period shall be extended accordingly until six (6) months after the date in which the additional NSP funds are committed. 8. Default. Upon default of any of this Agreement's terms, the party claiming the default shall provide the defaulting party written notice specifying the conditions of default and the actions necessary to cure such default. If the defaulting party fails to cure the default within five (5) days after receipt of notice, the party claiming the default may assert such remedies as provided under this Agreement and as otherwise maybe available at law. 9 Excluded Services. The parties expressly understand and agree that CMHP's services are specifically limited to those duties necessary to properly administer the NSP on the Cities' behalf and do not include participation in any and all activities involving or related to the eviction of occupants from housing affected by the NSP. 10. Independent Contractor. The parties intend CMHP's relationship with the Cities during this Agreement's term to be that solely of an independent contractor. CMHP's agents, employees or servants shall not be deemed to be the Cities' employees, agents or servants. The Cities are interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement during its term. The manner and means of conducting the Administrative Services and activities during this Agreement's term shall be at CMHP's sole discretion and control. The Cities will not provide any benefits, such as health, life, workers' compensation, or employment compensation insurance, to CMHP or its employees, agents or servants. CMHP will be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and for the acts of its agents, employees, servants and subcontractors during the performance of its services under this Agreement. CMHP will indemnify and hold the Cities harmless against all liability and loss in connection with, and will assume full responsibility for payment of, all federal, state and local taxes, premiums or contributions imposed or required under workers' compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, social security and income tax laws with respect to CMHP and its employees, agents, servants or subcontractors engaged in the performance of services under this Agreement. 11. Force Maieure. CMHP shall perform the Administrative Services in a prudent and timely manner, however the Cities acknowledge and agree that CMHP shall not be held responsible or liable for delays occasioned by factors which are beyond CMHP's control or by PJanuary 7, 2009:02005 07 OS G:\Econ Dev Director\Housing\CMHP & Monticello & Otsego Agreement.doc pac factors which CMHP could not reasonably have foreseen at the time this Agreement was prepared and executed. 12. Assignment. Neither of the parties shall assign, transfer or otherwise convey this Agreement or their respective rights, obligation or duties under this Agreement, whether in whole or in part, to any other person or entity, without the other party's prior written consent. 13. Amendment. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Cities and CMHP, and no amendment or modification shall be valid or enforceable except by supplemental agreement in writing, executed by both parties. 14. Governing Law. Minnesota law shall govern this Agreement. 15. Severability. If any one or more of this Agreement's provisions shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, this Agreement's remaining provisions shall remain unimpaired and shall continue in full force and effect. 16. Headings. Headings used in this Agreement are for purposes of convenience of reference only and shall in no way limit or affect the meaning or interpretation of any of this Agreement's terms. 17. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior understandings, representations, proposals, discussions, and negotiations whatsoever, whether oral or written, between the parties. 18. Counterparts. This Agreement maybe executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Facsimile or electronic signatures shall be sufficient for all purposes. 19. Reliance. No person other than the parties to this Agreement may directly or indirectly rely on or enforce this Agreement's provisions, whether as a third-party beneficiary or otherwise. 20. Notices. Any notices given pursuant to this Agreement will be in writing and will be sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered to the respective party at their principal place of business. 21. No Joint Venture. The parties are not engaging in a joint venture or partnership. Nothing in this Agreement is to be construed to create a joint venture or partnership of any kind between the parties. 22. Binding Agreement. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties' respective successors and assigns. PJanuary 7, 2009:02005 07 OS G:\Econ Dev Duector\Housing\CMHP & Monticello & Otsego Agreement.doc pac 23. Advice of Counsel. Prior to executing this Agreement, each party has fully informed itself of this Agreement's terms and conditions, and has had (to the extent the parties desire to do so) this Agreement reviewed by an attorney of its choice and fully understands its effect, including without limitation, all federal income tax consequences. The parties agree that notwithstanding any provision of statutory or common law to the contrary, this Agreement will not be interpreted against the party drafting the Agreement. 24. Cooperation. The Cities will, without charge to CMHP, fully assist and cooperate in CMHP's attempts to obtain all governmental approvals for the administration of the NSP which are necessary in CMHP's sole judgment. The Cities will execute and deliver such applications, forms, worksheets, any other documents as may be required by governmental bodies, and any other contracts and agreements determined necessary by CMHP for its performance of the Administrative Services. Signature page to follow) PJanuary 7, 2009:02005 07 OS G:\Econ Dev Director\Housing\CMHP & Monticello & Otsego Agreement.doc pac The parties have executed this instrument as of the day and year first above written. CITIES: a Minnesota municipal corporation By By By a Minnesota municipal corporation By CENTRAL MINNESOTA HOUSING PARTNERSHIP, INC., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation: By By Update to Council on FiberNet Monticello and Fiber Loop Project January 12, 2009 City Staff has continued to put forth strong efforts to keep the FiberNet Monticello project on track, under direction of City Council. The City Fiber Optics Committee meets approximately once a month to review progress and discuss components of the project including construction of the fiber loop, head-end building construction, marketing, and implementation of services on the fiber loop. Smaller groups are handling marketing and economic development, service contracts, regulatory applications, and more. Although the lawsuit puts limitations on our ability to carry out the wishes of the voters, we commend the Council for continuing to support this project. City Administrator Jeff O'Neill put together an Implementation Plan for the Fiber Loop, which has been reviewed, discussed and revised several times by the Fiber Optics Committee. Our recent meeting, held January 5, was an intense all-day session which covered a myriad of topics and issues. The following outline summarizes a lot of the discussion that took place and the actions that are proposed for the interim period over the next few months (during the lawsuit appeal). A financial reconciliation is also provided with this update, along with a short summary of items related to the FiberNet Monticello project. Plans to Move Forward 1. Status of current project (fiber loop) a. Head-end Building to be complete within two weeks b. Fiber construction completed for the season. The fiber route is complete. c. RFPs issued for electronics and other equipment. Responses in house and selections to be made this week. d. Data routers purchased from State contract. e. Electronics expected to be installed and functioning by end of March. f. Negotiations for Internet connection underway. Draft contract under review. g. Majority of drops to be built at spring thaw. A few drops or temporary drops to be installed for alpha test customers. h. Discussions with Spectrum Engineering have identified potential customers and costs, which fall within budget. i. Discussed processes involved with installing drops and equipment for service. 2. Time Line a. Sign up alpha test customers beginning in March. This would include some City buildings, some residential customers, and possibly a few business customers. Alpha test period will allow us to make sure the network is functioning properly. b. Pre-sell to business customers February to April and have 10 to 20 business customers ready to install at first ground thaw. We would consider these as beta customers. We plan to offer free service as part of the testing process, which may run to June-July. c. After that, open sales to all customers that can be reached by the fiber loop. 3. Operations a. HBC to provide apart-time General Manager who will also function as the initial salesperson. This person has been introduced to City staff, and we feel this person has the potential to become the eventual general manager of the system. General Manager will be available around February 16 and could be involved in some meetings and discussions prior to that. b. HBC to provide a technician on an hourly basis. The function of the technician is to install customers and make certain that customers and the network are functioning properly. This technician has been identified by HBC and is working with them. c. Both employees will live in or near to Monticello. d. City and customers will have access to technical support and engineers at HBC as needed. e. Goal is to provide outstanding customer service even during the alpha and beta test period using HBC processes and philosophy. f. Working on phone coverage issues to make sure customers can always reach a live person, even during the interim test and sales process. g. Identified and answered a number of potential issues and questions that could arise during implementation of service. h. Discussed location for General Manager and access to resources such as copier, fax, meeting space, etc. 4. Marketing a. Prices for service are being developed by CCG Consulting and HBC (to be presented to Council at a later date). b. Spectrum Engineering project maps provide detail of potential customers near to fiber loop. c. Project underway to determine best use of existing budget to reach the most customers. d. Some beta customers already lined-up. e. Marketing /sales effort will be to talk to other businesses near the fiber route during the rest of the winter. f. Probably put some sort of informational kiosk in Community Center to keep wider community informed. g. General Manager and marketing consultant together will focus on marketing and sales planning in mid to late January with rollout in February. h. Specific marketing plan will be finalized in the following weeks. i. Marketing consultant and city staff are working on a variety of public relations efforts related to economic development and public information. 5. Contract with HBC a. Parties have reached agreement in principle and the contract is being modified to reflect final understanding of issues. This contract will be presented to the Council for final approval. b. We expect that an addendum to the main contract will suffice for this interim period. c. Potential costs will be reviewed through contract discussions. 6. Ongoing issues which may require council approval a. Finalize HBC contract. b. HBC contract amendment for interim services and resources of the General Manager and technician. c. Contract for Internet Connectivity. d. Budget amendment to approve ongoing operating expenses that extend beyond existing budget. e. Approve final pricing for services. f. Advisory Board implementation. Reconciliation of Current Budget The Council approved a budget of $2,490,341 for all fiber activities. Through December 31, 2008 $2,097,780.06 of that budget has been spent, leaving a balance of $273,721.55. Of the funds spent, $91,219.02 is related to the lawsuit and $1,437,876.92 for construction of the system. The remaining expenditures of $568,684.12 are for miscellaneous expenses such as marketing, insurance, postage, consultants, election expense, and staff salaries. So far the majority of the funds spent have come from the liquor fund reserves, which are close to being fully invested as authorized by Council, but will be repaid once the bond funds become available. Other • The Fiber Optics Committee is pleased to introduce Don Patten, from HBC, who will serve as our Interim General Manager for FiberNet Monticello. He comes to HBC with many years of experience in the telecommunications industry and a background in sales and marketing. Don currently lives in Elk River and is excited to become involved in our project and the community. We look forward to having Don spearhead our initial sales and implementation work for the fiber loop project. (Don will be introduced at the Council meeting on Monday night.) • The City will become a member of NATOA, the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Administrators. This is a national organization that promotes public telecommunications services, such as the City of Monticello is undertaking, and supports efforts for national broadband policies that encourages efforts such as ours. They have been in communication with the City and will be a great resource for us in many ways. • Megan Barnett, City Economic Development Director, is actively working with the business community to keep them aware of the fiber optics network. Her first business newsletter will be mailed out very soon. • When the Head-end Building is completed, the City Fiber Optics Committee would like to invite council members to take a look. as of 12/31/08 (12/24 payroll) FIBERNET PROJECT EXPENSES Amount Description Explanation Fund 7,438.04 salaries, city staff 2005-31 C Broadband Feasibility Study -city staff 101 1,419.47 salaries, city staff 2007-13C Fiber locate I-94 to CH -city inspections 101 85,190.06 salaries, city staff 2006-32C Fiber Optics project (overall) 101,226,601 469.25 salaries, city staff 2008-012 Fiber Optic Headend Bldg CUP(only) 101 19,103.62 salaries, city staff 2008-16C Fiber Loop 101,601 5,218.95 salaries, city staff 2008-11 CLawsuit-related 101 118,839.39 SUBTOTAL -Salaries "Note: employee salaries wen: not budgeted within the project. However, they are being tracked with fiber optics project codes for information purposes. (included in Actual totals at bottom.) 82,847.96 prof services 2005-31 C Broadband Feasibility Study -consultants 101 600.00 postage/permits 2005-31 C Broadband Feasibility Study -mailings 101 8,065.11 prof services 2006-32C Fiber Optics project - 2006 consulting services 240 116,708.36 prof services 2007 consulting services (includes election workers) 101 66.71 office supplies 2099 Lawsuit 2008-11 C 655 5,070.42 operating supplies 2180-2299 655 92,921.83 architect 3020 655 568,323.27 engineering 3025,3030 655 124,118.67 legal 3040 60,476.07 655 875.13 data proc 3090 452.63 655 14,836.79 marketing 3194 399.38 655 232,653.01 other prof services 3199 (consulting) 13,996.33 655 484.49 phone 3210 655 7,212.82 postage 3220 (marketing) 655 7,126.44 travel, trng 3310,3320 655 3,709.29 adv, public notices 3510,3520 (marketing, legal) 99.58 655 3,200.00 insurance 3699 655 625.00 repair & maint 4044 655 213.36 membership 4330 655 34,277.96 license & permits 4370 655 675.40 project admin fees 4380 655 741.19 misc 4399 655 218,542.50 building 5201 (head-end) 655 558,089.32 improvements 5301 655 15,795.03 interest expense 6202 15,795.03 655 2,097,780.06 SUBTOTAL -Other 91,219.02 Amounts allocated by budaet/Council approval: 3,500.00 2005 - CC allocation for study committee 240 1,500.00 2006 - CC approved for RFP prep for feasibility study 101 65,000.00 2006 budget 101 75,000.00 2007 budget 101 90,000.00 2007 - CC approved for pre-engineering/bond financing work/misi 101 480,000.00 2007 - CC approved engineering design RFP/contract costs 655 715,000.00 SUBTOTAL 569,500.00 6/23/2008 - CC approved head-end bldg 655 133,874.00 6/23/2008 - CC approved site grading & util 655 1,071,967.00 7/28/2008 - CC approved fiber loop project 655 2,490,341.00 CUMULATIVE TOTAL Actual Budaet/CC Approval 101,601 318,995.71 101 231,500.00 240 8,065.11 240 3,500.00 655 1,889,558.63 655 2,255,341.00 2,216,619.45 2,490,341.00 Council Agenda: 1/12/09 12. Consideration of authorizin urchase of backbone data routers for the Fiber O tic LOOp• ($~1) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: One of the primary electronic components of the City's Fiber Optic Loop system is the backbone data router. This equipment is needed to turn up the fiber backbone, interface with the Internet backbone, interface to HBC for ISP services, and to aggregate Ethernet interconnections at the head-end building. The City's fiber optic consultant, CCG, recommended that the City purchase two Cisco backbone routers that meets the needs of our system and are compatible with the other electronic equipment components that we recently received bids on (which will be presented to Council at the next regular meeting for purchase approval). However, upon checking into the availability of the Cisco data routers it was found there is a 6 to 8 week lead time for delivery of the equipment so in order to prevent the project deadline from slipping the City needed to issue a Purchase Order to the vendor so the equipment could be ordered. This was complicated by the fact that Cisco was planning on shutting down on December 19t" for 2 weeks so a decision had to be made quickly on whether to order the equipment or not. Staff therefore issued a Purchase Order to the vendor, but made it "contingent upon City Council approval on 1/12/09" (see supporting data). As such staff is now requesting that the Council formally approve the purchase of the Cisco data routers through the State Cooperative Purchasing Venture. Backbone data routers were originally budgeted at $100,000 under the overall fiber project, but the actual purchase price will be $68,641.97 plus tax and shipping, if applicable. This price includes all the equipment as well as the labor required to install, test and turn up the routers. A.1 Budget Impact: Funds for this purchase will be drawn from City reserves, but will be replenished using proceeds from the Revenue Bonds if the lawsuit is dismissed. A.2 Staff Impact: There are no anticipated impacts for staff. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize purchase of two Cisco data routers from Qwest Communications at a cost of $68,641.97 through the State Cooperative Purchasing Venture. 2. Motion to deny authorization to purchase the Cisco data routers at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In order to keep the Fiber Optic Loop project on schedule, the City Administrator and City Engineer recommend that the Council approve Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Purchase Order No. 4426 State Cooperative Purchasing Venture contract release T-653(5) for Cisco router PRIRTEB WITH SOYINK CIS ®~ ~~1~~C1ELL® soy watrtut street, suite ~ MONI1CELl~, MN 55382~883f Phone (763) 295.2711 PURCHASE ORDER ~~~~L~ THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE. INVOICES, SHIPPING PAPERS ANb PACKAGES. ^ r ... ____... ~ ~e S o4utuur~-t c.~..~ one ~''.~~ ~' ox-~'ce~~o ` ' ,71 v~ N~ ~ U o ~-~ n svi`1 1 ~d~~ ~d~ _ DATE ORDERED f-~ O 8 DATE WANTED SHIP Vlq TERMS F.O.B. 3 3 ~ r. (, y r ,~7. D~.P~F~ lu:~ ~ ~~ ~~ . PLEASE ENTER OVR ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING - TO BE SHIPPED A3 DIRECTED: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT . - ~- r - a^ _ ~(rt n~~ ~ ~~ ~_~_ ~_.~_~ ~ ~~~ I I ~ ~ I ~~ ro~~l'~f._. ~v~s~~: 1~iL ~~~___~ S1~ 3~~~.~~~a ~.._.....__. __._.__..._....__._..,E.-.-_ __.- 6ra -b~Ll- ays~ • ___.-~- .. ... _ _~_ 7 ~-X _ _L~L. _~v ~! hG~u_~~~ ~ ------------ . ~ ~ ~" ~ ~P ~ - 1 r _ - ~ i ---«------ 1 r ~ . -_-_--I --.---- t S I ~.___-__ - _. _ __.._.~._._____..____ ___.______ ___ _ .... ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~s r, ~ _ 6~~r~o~av I ~ ~/~0 9 1 CONDITIONS ~ GOODBARESUBJECTT000RINSPECTIONANDAPPROVAL. iF BHIPMENT WILL BE DELAYED FOR ANY REASON, ADVISE US IM• MEOIATELY, STATING ALLTHE NECE93ARY FACTS. - ~ya+ ~~~~~~~~~- 4d'/ 8Y ~ 70 AVOID ERRORS, NOTE SPECIFICATIONS CAREFULLY ANO IF UN- ABLE TO COMPLETE ORDERS AS WRITTEN NOTIFY US PROIy1R'4l~Y. PURCHASING AGENT ~,~ A. ~ . POCG70B-3 ~ PRINTED W U.S.A -' '- Raom 112 Administration 81dg.,~50 Sherburne Aue., St. Paul, MN 55455; Phone: 651.296.2600, Fax: 651'.297.3996 For TTY/TDD communication, cantact us through the Mlnnesats Relay Service at 1.800.827.3529. DATE: OCTOBER 8, 2008 CONTRACT RELEASE; 'T-fi53~5~ PRODUCT/SERVICE: TELECOM: CISCO EQUIPMENT, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT CONTRACT PERIOD: JULY 1, 2006, THF20UGH JUNE 30, 2009 EXTENSION OPTIONS: UP TO 24 MONTHS ACQUISITION AAANAGEMENT SPECIALIST: JOAN BREISLER PHONE: fi51.201.2448 E-MAIL: joan.breislerQstate.mn.us CONTRACT VENDOR CONTRACT N0. QWEST COAAMUNICATIONS CORP. 436482 600 Stinson Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55413 WEB SITE: www.mmd:admin.state.mn.us TERMS DELIVERY NET 30 30 DAYS VENDOR NO.: 200236285 04 ~ CONTACT: Dwight Brakei - PHONE: 612.684.2497 1=AX: 612.664.2477 rwwwrw*wrrrwrwwwrrrrwrr~rwa*rswwwww#wrrrwrwwnw#nwrrrwrtrrrw#wrrwwrwwrww#rr#rt#r##ww++rw###w#wwcsrwwrwrteewr+yr:rrrrrf•~wat~iwwww+w~+++wwssww•• CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. 436463 NET 30 30 DAYS 7145 Boone Avenue North, Suite 140 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 VENDOR NO.: 200206177-08 CONTACT: Robin Wiggins PHONE: 7fi3.592.5913 FAX: 763.535.7428 •rww#r##r*w#w##r##f~####r####r###M##########t##w###w##e#iewwww#ww#r##frw,t#Kki##,N.##r###rw#i##A#rA#######ihk########~-#fhF######YH#########i####: CONTRACT USERS. This Contract is available to State agencies and to members of the State's Cooperative Purchasinc Venture {CPV) program at the same prices, terms, and conditions. STATE AGENCY CONTRACT USE. This Contract must be used by State agencies unless a speGfic exception is grantee I by the Acquisition Management Specialist listed above. AGENCY ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS. Orders are to be placed directly with the Contract Vendor. State agencies should use a Contract release order (CRO) or a blanket purchase order (BPC). The person ordering should include his of her name and phone number. Orders may be submitted via fax: Please see page 2, under the Pricing Section, how your entity may ok~taini additions! discounts. . Contract Release 8 (08!05} Contract Release T-653(5) Agencies do not need to complete the "Serutce Contract Certlflcatlon Form" when ordering from this Contract. MMD was able to determine that no state employees are able and available to perform the service{s) In this Contract, and Therefore MMD completed the "Service Contract Certification Form" for this Contract. PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAI. (P/Tj SERVICES. Professional Services must lie related to the purchase of equipment from this Contract and are limited to $25,000.00 per project For projects exceeding $5,000.00 agencies must complete a ProfessionallTechnical two signature work order document, which can be downloaded from MMD's webstte, enter a Master Work Order (MWK doc type) in CFMS, and process a Work Order Certification Form. The T-Number for the Work Order is the same as the Contract Release Number, T-G53{5). Agencies cannot use a Purchase Order to procure these services, unless the total cost of the project is.~5000 or less. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS SCOPE. Ta provide a Contract for Cisco Equipment, Smar#Net Maintenance and Support far al! State agencies and members of the Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV). PRICES, NOTE: At no time should the ordering entity pay more than the Contract price. Agencies must contact the AM:~ immediately and fill out a Vendor Performance Report if there is a discrepancy betuveen the price on the invoice and the Contract pace. MAPS KLIN: LI NE 0001: 894-05 - TeiecomlTelephone Equipment LINE 0002: 894-12 - Telecom/Telephone Equipment/Repair/Maintenancellnstall LINE 0003: 89412 - Telecomfl'elephone Equipment/Repair/Maintenance/Install LINE 0004: 700-31 -Software Maintenance LINE 0005: 700-05 -Software, Computer (Not Mainframe) LINE (}006: 700-30 -Software License FeeslRentals PRiC1NG. New Cisco Equipment Discount from Price List wp Minimum 42.5% GDW Minimum 42.5°k Agencies are encouraged to first contact the contract Vendor(sy to determine if they qualify for one of txlany different promotional opportunities to obtain larger discounts. Educational Discount Cisco SmartNet 20% 30% 20°l0 Installation service for configuration, physical instalt end acceptance testing. Hourly rates for. Weekdays $ 75.00 Voice Architect Weekends $100.00 Network Architect Holidays $100.00 Sr. Network Engineer Network Engineer Trainer Staging Resource Project Manager Weekday Off Hours $190.Ot? $285.00 $175:00 $262.00 $170.00 $255.00 $150.00 $225A0. $125.04 $187.00 $ 90.00 $185.00 $150.00 $225.00 Weekday: ht-F -lam to 6pm Off-Hours: M-F - 6pm to lam Weekends, holidays) Contract Rereaso.a (081osi Page 2 of 3 Contract Release T-653(5) PRICE LISTS. Agencies and CPV members should contact the Contract Vendor for a copy of the current Cisco Price Lisi , or assistance m accessing the Cisco website. LEASE/PURCtiASE OPTIOtV. Agencies who wish to do a teaselpurchase opfian for Cisco egttipment, over $100,OOdA0 can contact Sue Gurrota, Department of Flnance, 851.201.$d4fi far assistance. REVISION. 10/08/08 The contact name„phone number grad vendor numher for CDW Government (Barbee) has been changed. - 07/03/08 The Gantract with Barbee Information Networks has been assigned io CDW Government inc., at the same prices, terms and conditions. Agencies shall still continue to work with the focal Minnesota sales representatives. 06!10!08 The Contracts with Qwest and Barbee Information Networks have been extended through June 30, 2009. The discount has been changed to read: Minimum 42.5% discount off list price. 11/20/07 The Contract with Qwest Interprise America has been reassigned to Qwest Communications Corp. contras Rebase 8 (08/05) Page 3 of 3 Oe.`90,~2008 14:54 FAI BE129759l8 ST. at YN. ADYIN. ~ 003 Dopact neat oaf Administration ~ Mx aiaL M~B~ DivLiam 12 Ada»~tfattoa Bviidin8 • SO'8i:abu~aae AYeaue Jung 30, 204t) St Psut.1~ 55153 ~ Vofcsr.65i.20L2448 Pscc: 651.197.3996 NOTIFiCATtON OF CONTRA+r7 AWARD . To; - ~ caNrf~cr ova; 436462 tsAr. Jason Rlch FtEt.FA3E NO: T-653(6} Qwest lotetprise Americo. Inc. CONTRACT PERIOO: my i, 2ooa, 80Q S5r-san BNd. througgh Junin 90.2009 • fdlnneapd~t, MN 65,413 EX'I'SNSION dP'fION: Up to 3fl AAonths: ' You ~ara hereby notlfled thet•yaw response W our salldtetlon, whidt opened AAay 91.20QI , is aaxOpted. ThEs Contrail Award &sdudea aH or part of the bi{owlrrg pruducte or sarvicn~, as Purflter speclf sal in IJdlibh A: Tellaom: Lysca lAUiptrsent, Maintertanca and Sa~psxt. Tha idlawinp documents, in order of prscedena ero n~orp d herelrt by rnterertce a d otins6wrta the entire Contrail t~elwaen you and the State: (1) thb f~a#~(ceUoni of Con~byct Award, or w(tl Debit A and arty artsadrrrrenka or su sb aquaM purdtasa ordsra, amendment or efmlfar dow~(Z) tt~a itats's aoltc~a0orri dnd (3) your rsa a. to the avant of s oortNlct h language among any of theca dowmenta, tlx terms artd oonditiona sat forth andJor raferoracad In th>s Notltlcatian and anylamr ezecutetl dacum~ NtaN gravel over oorr6lctinq term: and condfflona pontalned in the earner doCUmentt, fn their original form ar ae amended. T. t~1AfEST INTERPRI$E AMERIC.A~ INC. 7t1r Canted v.ndor oalNla I~.t ms app'°v~a Pa~a+G) V dof 7~1,~gid~ b~~ t on b~ir d Y1e r:OrlOrad Nnhts artld~. t~yle,N. rmoludana, - By: .I ~`~Z'~1r, tv~c'L Data: ~~ r~ ~ - By: TIUe: Date: ~. MATERIALS MANAG~ =MEN7~ DIVISION aaa~dones wNh Sit ~ 1 .03, $uhd. 3. SY ~ ,;til~n„~]L; Bement Sceciallst Date•~- ~' d ~'• 3. COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION or dslspatted tiprwenhrtlve. By ~~c,~,e.~.oc.c._~ . Date: 7~,Lc.7 ~ 08/SOi''2008 14:34 PAX 6312975998 9T. of IIN. ADYIN. Qta04 Contract NQ. ~438gS2 STATE OF MINNl:5OTA MATERW.S wtANAG1ffMENZ' DMt3lt?iK PR(C8 CONTRACT pWISIT A ~ ' Asa in the Natltkanon of Contract A . iFUe Cor-tr~lct Incaparabea fire farms, conditlaans and . apectrtcatlane of the sdidtatbn end teapanse at • the prices attached. 'TERMS: Nat 130 D11iVSRY: y30 Days Thk Contract, for the pravlalon of Tdecom; Cisco F.4ulpment, Maintenance and Support. fc the 31>ol#e of Minnesota, Is entarnd into batwean the Staffs of Minnesota, acting through the l3eperhrtent of Adminiat~etJ n, Materlala MtanagwneM Dfvislan ("S`tate~. and tZvvest Interprise America, ins, {'pwesf'). . The State and tlvrrest agree and covenant between themselves !a the foUowinn tsrm~end t MdlNons: 1. E1emeMts of the Contract 1.1 Thk Contract caisists of the iollowing tlaments: i.1.1 The cantraehrai forma and conditons. that fbllovv; 1.12 The State's Rsqutat for Bid (RFP) for Telecom; Cisco EqulptnsM. Mainter rnce and 3uppart, that opened an May 11.2006. Incorporofed herein by refw'ertce; and 1.1.3 t~wesl"s response bo the RFS and enrbaequent clarlflcation:. whldt to incur orated neraln by reference; end The fariow~g farms and conditions have bean clarified or negotiated betKn sn the State of Mfnneaota And pwett btterprt9e Atnerkal. Ines To the extent these farms and eondttirxta far}iy ar add b the tsmw snd conditans set Earth in the State's j~B , @roae bans end conditions shah b~ read in raryondicn wRh Ufa terms and conditiorta fn the 3tate9 tiFB. To the extant the faltowtng.termr and eondiflons contact with Ure farms and oonditlona set forth In the state`s RFB these tarrna and condltia : shad thke prscsdence over the terms and conditions set forth In the RFI3. i.1.4 INDEMNIFICATION. HOLE] FIAliML.E89, AND LlMfTATtON OF LIAb1Lt` Y. The Contract Vendor shat! indemnity, protect. save and hold I,arrnlate the State, Its reprosentadva e~ td ampla~ees irmn anyand all darts' or causes of action, Irtdudlrw au bgal Inwrred by ihi 8tata ar dna from the performance of construed to bi teDai remedlas the Congtract Vendar~m Y ha s ts~o~r Stata't falluro to fulfUl ~ not be abllgationa ptaauant fD the Contract. The State agrees that Contrard Vendor, Its prlndpal9. members and empE yeas shall riot be Ilabia bo iha state for any sdiona. damages, clelms, llabtlltles, casts, expsrteas, or loss se ~ ~awayunt i~ne~ee of « relating 4o the gouda provided a servlcas perfinmttd hereunder for art apG •eg S1p,0gp,pp0 or the canh'act amount for the fiscal year in whklt fife goods ~rnd ! or servlca were provided. whichever Is gr+ee-ter. This UmitaUan of IiablNty dose not apply to damages "a' peraantt Injury a death, or bo Cantractofs ob~tton to Indemnify, dotend snd held the Stabs harmiasa,• aelnit'(ntslledusl property • ~~ ~ ~ ~~ engroastn'syiepgence ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ng e~ I~ ~ n does not G?dudt iiab~ltlea 98/SOf~2D06 143E FAJ[ 88128739D8. ST. of ]W. I~DYIN. ,.t__._ . ~ 09E CpNt;EI.LATtON OF THE CQNT~T• Ths Contract maybe dnoeUad by .re State ar the commissioner ~~ gdntin>stratlon at any tLris, without cause, upon 30 days' writbsn no4lce to ~a Canfroet Vendor. In the svsnt the Contract Vendor la In dsfatdt, fire Conpatt is aub}ed to }mmedistt ;anceilatfon to the extant atlowaWs by applksbls law In the event of eaneofbtlon, the Contrail Venda shalt be sntided to payment for work or ssrvleaa ea#lsfadorgl+ pertottned and for' produots delivarod prior .o eancslli~lon as wall ss for p order+ad prier to notice oT Ceedllatton to the extent the order cannc be candled by Contrail Vendor. . IlflTp,i.1=Ci'tIAL PROP!'RTY 1NDE~~IIFtCATK7H. The Contract Vendor ti• erranta first arty matv'iafa or preclude provided or produced by the Conb'aCt Vander or ut>if~ed by the Cor tact Vendor In the perfamarus of Ih)s Contract will not InTrtnge upon orViolsts any U.S. ester , ~pyt1gh41rade saarot,'or any order proprietary right of any third party. in the even! oT any such Claim N wtiy thud party agalnatlhs State, the Stets shall prarnptly notify the Contrail Vendor, Ths Contract Ve• odor, et As awn expanse, shall Indemnity: defend to ftse extent pamrltted by the Mirtnesoia Atianey Qsner}:'a t~ff4ce, Gild hold ttamdess the ghats against any loss, oost. expanse, or ItablAty (Including legal ) a+~ sing out of such s claim, whersar or not ouch claim b succsisNl against the State. If such a dalrrf has occtrr,ed, or In the Contract Vendor's opinbn b likely to recur. the Contrail Vapdor aha{I either proar~e Tor She Stab the Hpht th continue using the materiels or x~oduots a r'spiaoement~or modiflsd matsrtets a products. If ari optlan setlsfectory to the >~ tr~n i ~ w ~ drev Contract Vendor shall return the materials nr produos to the. Contract Vendor, rovided by law. end at the Contract Vendor=s expenas. This romady is In addlttort 1o any of sr remedy p t.1.5 Priritrg. ,' Nsw Cisco Equipment ` plscount firm Prioo t.lst 4396 Cisco smerWet 20Sb lnetallatton stsrvkro for cor-fiGuratlon, ~! • physir~l irtstsU and acoeptanca testing. Hourly rats+s for: ~ ~ 7Q,00 . weekdays . Weekonds :'100.00 ~ HoNdaye 5100.40 ~ .. E City Council Agenda -1 / 12/09 13. Consideration to approve an amendment to Chapter 14B (Central Community District) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to the re-assignment of design review in conformance with the 1997 Downtown Revitalization Plan. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item during their regular January meeting and recommended unanimously to approve the amendment, noting that the amendment does not impact the guidelines or design standards for the CCD, but rather just transfers review authority. The Commission expressed their gratitude to the members of the Design Advisory Team who had served the community since its inception. The Design Advisory Team was established to assist in reviewing projects proposed in the City's Central Community District (CCD) for consistency with the Downtown Revitalization Plan. The DAT served as an advisory board to City staff, the Planning Commission and City Council. Due to the lack of projects needing review by the DAT, City staff has been asked to draft an ordinance amendment which eliminates the DAT and shifts those responsibilities to staff and the Planning Commission. It is hoped that the current members of the DAT will still serve the City in a design review capacity by conducting an analysis of the existing Downtown area as action plans are developed for the Downtown. The attached ordinance amendment has deleted all references to the DAT. To ensure compliance with the Downtown Revitalization Plan, design review for projects in the CCD will be conducted by City staff for permitted uses and the Planning Commission for Conditional Uses, Interim Uses and Variances. Design review for permitted uses in the CCD will conducted by staff concurrent with general site and building plan review. Design review for all other uses will be conducted by the Planning Commission as they review the associated applications. For Conditional Uses, Interim Uses and Variances, the City Council will give final approval of the application based on the Planning Commission's recommendation. Any appeals to design review decisions will be handled similar to all other application appeals, as outlined in Chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance. BUDGET IMPACT This item does not have a budget impact of any significance. STAFF IMPACT Dissolution of the Design Advisory Team will result in a net decrease in staff time, as meeting notices and agendas will no longer be required for preparation and distribution. Alternatively, the amount of staff time needed to continue to evaluate CCD design items will remain static. City Council Agenda -1/12/09 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Amendment to the CCD Zoning District restructuring the Design Review responsibilities. 1. Motion to approve the amendment Chapter 14B (Central Community District) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as proposed. 2. Motion to deny the amendment Chapter 14B (Central Community District) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval the proposed amendment. The role of DAT has changed over time, and with the changes in redevelopment activity in the CCD, the design review role can be more efficiently handled within the other zoning review process without adding the DAT step. DAT members have had some discussions as to shifting their role to other projects, rather than disbanding altogether. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Proposed Ordinance Amendment CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N0.2009 -491 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE "CCD" CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT SECTION OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING THE DESIGN ADVISORY BOARD (DAT) THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ORDAINS: Section 1. The following provisions of Section 14B-5 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: 14B-5: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are allowed as conditional uses in the "CCD" district (requires a conditional use permit based upon the procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance): [A] Hotels, subject to the following conditions: The principal building lot coverage is no less than fifty (50) percent of the property, exclusive of easements devoted to public pedestrian use or other outdoor public spaces. The building, site, and signage meets the standards for the "CCD" district, and design review is conducted by the Planning Comintssion. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. [B] Motor fuel station, auto repair-minor, and tire and battery stores and service, as allowed in the "B-4" district, and subject to the following additional conditions: 1. The design of the site promotes pedestrian access adjacent to and along the property. 2. No more than two (2) curb cuts of twenty-four (24) feet in width or less shall be permitted. 3. Site lighting shall utilize fixtures similar in style to that designated by the City for use in public areas of the "CCD" district. Deleted: approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team 4. The building, site, and signage meets the standards for the "CCD" Deleted: approval is granted by the district, and design review,is conducted by the Planning; Commission. _ _ J desigoateaDesignAdvisoryTeam The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. [C] Residential dwellings on the ground floor, subject to the following conditions: The proposed site for residential use is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Downtown Revitalization Plan. 2. The proposed site does not interrupt the flow of commercial pedestrian traffic in the "CCD" district. 3. Density for ground floor residential units shall not exceed one unit per 9,000 square feet of lot area, exclusive of land area utilized by, or required for, permitted uses on the property. [D] Drive-in and convenience food establishments as allowed in the "B-3" district, and subject to following additional conditions: 1. The design of the site promotes pedestrian access adjacent to and along the property. 2. No more than two (2) curb cuts of twenty-four (24) feet in width or less shall be permitted. 3. Site lighting shall utilize fixtures similar in style to that designated by the City for use in public areas of the "CCD" district. 4. The building, site, and signage meet the standards for the "CCD" district, and design review~is conducted by the Plannin#; Commission. 5. Drive through facilities comply with the requirements of Subdivision 14B-5 [E] of this chapter. 6. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. [E] Drive through windows accessory to other principal uses in the "CCD" district, subject to the following conditions: 1. Service through drive-through facilities is accessory to interior on-site, or sit-down, service within the same building. 2. Drive-through lanes are designed to avoid disruption of pedestrian and vehicular traffic flow, both on- and off- site. D21et2d: approval is gaoled by the designated Design Advisory Team 3. Landscaping and other site improvements are included which screen automobile stacking space from the public street. 4. The principal building occupies no less than forty (40) percent of the property, exclusive of easements devoted to public pedestrian use or other outdoor public spaces. 5. The building, site, and signage meet the standards for the "CCD" district, and design review~is conducted by the Plannins; Commission - .. - ~eietea: approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team 6. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. [F] Animal pet clinics, as allowed in the "B-3" district. [G] Day-care centers, as allowed in the "B-3" district. [H] Shopping centers, provided that the proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. [1] Buildings of a height greater than the maximum building height as allowed in Subdivision 14B-6 [D] of this chapter. [J] Planned unit development (PUD) subject to the provisions of Chapter 20 of this ordinance, and provided that the proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. [K] Car Wash, provided that: 1. The car wash building and the principal building must meet the architectural requirements,CCD and design review is conducted by the - Deleted: of the Design Advisory Team Planning Commission. 2. The automobile stacking space area is screened from abutting property, both residential and commercial. 3. Noise generated by the use, including vacuums, is mitigated by location or architectural features from adjoining or nearby residential uses and pedestrian or outdoor commercial activities. Doors of car wash must be closed during drying operation. Mechanical interlock between door and dryer must be employed to assure compliance. 4. Lighting on the site is consistent with the City's themed lighting style, whether freestanding orwall-mounted. 5. Signage meets the requirements of the CCD zoning district and. is - - Deleted: the approval of the Design - - - - - - Advisory Team (DAT) reviewed by the Planning Commission. 6. Drive through traffic does not interfere with pedestrian routes around and/or through the property. 7. A minimum of five stacking spaces for car wash customers is provided that avoids interference with other traffic on the site. 8. Site landscaping is provided to mitigate the amount of concrete and/or asphalt surfacing. The use of alternative paving surfaces is encouraged. 9. Measures are taken to avoid freezing and icing from washed vehicles prior to exiting the site to the public street. 10. All other applicable requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance are considered and met. Section 2. The following provisions of Section 14B-6 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: 14B-6: LOT AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS: The following requirements shall apply to all properties in the "CCD" district: [A] Minimum Lot Area: None [B] Minimum Lot Width: None [C] Residential Density: One dwelling unit per 3,000 square feet of lot area for permitted residential uses. The number of dwelling units may be increased by up to twenty-five (25) percent over the permitted density forprojects which provide at least half of the required parking underground or in above-grade structures such as ramps or decks (including covered at-grade parking areas). [D] Building Height: The following height limitations shall apply to all buildings in the "CCD" district: Minimum Height: Fifteen (15) feet. Maximum Height: Thirty Five (35) feet, or three (3) stories, which ever is greater. [E] Setbacks: Building setback minimums and maximums shall reflect the recommendations for the use and location as listed in the Downtown Revitalization Plan. Where setbacks as discussed in the Downtown Revitalization Plan are not listed or appropriate, there shall be no building setbacks required. In such cases, there shall be no parking allowed in the areas between the front building line and the public street. [F] Site Improvements: All areas of a parcel within the "CCD" district shall be subject to the applicable recommendations of the Downtown Revitalization Plan. Site improvements shall be reviewed for compliance by,City staff and/or the Planning Commission together with other design elements, including architecture and signage. [G] Parking: 1. Supply: Property owners shall comply with the parking supply requirements as listed in Subdivision 3-5 [H] of this ordinance. However, property owners maybe granted flexibility from a portion of their required parking supply under the following conditions: Where the City finds that there will be adequate opportunity to provide public parking in vicinity of the subject property, and at the City's option, the owner shall pay into a "CCD" Parking Fund an amount as established by City Council Resolution. Said fund shall be used for the acquisition, constriction, and/or maintenance of publicly-owned parking in the "CCD" district. (#535, 10/9/00) The City may, in addition to, or as an alternative to, the option listed in Subdivision 14B-6 [G] 1 a, and at the discretion of the City, the City may offer the property owner the opportunity to choose to supply parking at a rate which is sixty (60) percent of the requirement listed in Subdivision 3-5 [H], provided that the owner grants an easement to the public for automobile parking use over the subject area. The owner shall retain responsibility for maintenance of said parking area. (#355, 10/9/00) Location: Parking shall not be located on a parcel between the front building line of the principal building and the public street, except where expressly provided for by the City Council after recommendation from the Planning Commission. [H] Signs: The following requirements shall apply to all sign displays and construction in the "CCD" district: - Deleted: the Desi~ Advisory Team 1. Signs shall comply with the Monticello Building Codes and Zoning Ordinances relating to signs, including special allowances which may be made for the "CCD" district. 2. All signs in the "CCD" district shall receive review and approval from _ _ . _ - - Deleted: the Design Advisory Team Citystaff and/or the Plannini; Commission. Signs in compliance with applicable ordinances: For signs which meet the regulations of the City's sign ordinances and the goals and objectives of the Downtown Revitalization Plan, such review shall be given the weight of an administrative deternnation. Appeal of a determination by~City staff and/or the Planning , -- Deleted: the Desigo Advisory Team Commission shall be as provided for in Chapter 23 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. b. Signs not incompliance with applicable ordinances: Signs which do not meet the regulations of the City's sign ordinances shall require review by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, as provided for in Chapter 23 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, following City staff and/or Planning Commission review and ~ . - Deleted: Design Advisory Team recommendation. Section 3. The following provisions of Section 14B-7 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: 14B-7: DESIGN REVIEW: All development and redevelopment projects in the "CCD" district shall be subject to design review for compliance with the goals and objectives of the Downtown Revitalization Plan. This subdivision identifies the process and application of design review recommendations. [A] projects within the "CCD" whichpropose new or altered buildings, site _ _ _ _ _ _ ; improvements, or signs shal I be reviewed for compliance with the Downtown Revitalization Plan. Site improvements shall include parking lots, landscaping projects (other than direct replacement of existing landscaping), walkways and open space plazas, or other outdoor projects affecting the visual impact of a site. Bl City staff shall review shall conduct the desi>Yn review for Dermitted uses and the Planning Commission shall conduct design review for Conditional Uses, Interim Uses and variances. Design review for Conditional Uses, Interim Uses and Variance shall follow the procedures and process outlined in Chapter 22 and 23 of this Ordinance. ,, i , i 1. Submitted plans shall be_sufficientl~ detailed to identif}~ proposed_ _ _ _ _ ,'i ~' F - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ .. _ _ . . - _ _ _ - . materials, colors, locations, and any other factors relating to the visual impact of the proposal. Such plans may include: Site Plans, Floor Plans, Building Elevations, Rendered Drawings, Materials Samples, and other appropriate submissions. i •_ _ ~ ----------------------------------------------------I ~,' C] Appeals: appeals shall be governed by the process and requirements listed in ,~~~ ------ Chapter 23 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. ~] Status oI:CCD design_review,~ecisions: Design review decisionsshall_be _ _ `~ _ _ treated as follows: Permitted Uses which comply with all building code and zoning Deleted: The City Council shall designate a Design Advisory Team (DAT) [o carry out [he requirements of this Subdivision. The Council may delegate membership determination to another private or public boazd. Said DAT shall review p Deleted: 1.. Plans shau be submitted to the DAT for review no less than seven (7) days prior [o a DAT meeting. An applicant shall submit at least six (6) sets of plans. The DAT meeting shall be open to the public, but shall not constitute a "public hearing" within the meaning of the inning ordinance. Deleted: 2 Deleted: 3.. The DAT shall render its decision for approval or denial of a submitted design review application at the same meeting at which a proposal is properly presented. A written report of the DAT's findings shall be forwazded to the Zoning Administrator for information to the Planning Commission. Upon written request of an applicant, the DAT may table action ce a proposal for up to thirty (30) days. If the DAT does not render a decision within the required dine frame, an application will be deemed approved. Deleted: [s Deleted: Appeals of an adverse decision of dte DAT may be made to the Planning Commission by the applicant, an abutting Property owner, or another Property owner within the "CCD" district. Said a Deleted: C Deleted: DAT Deleted: D Deleted: of dre DAT ordinance standards: decisions shall be advisory to_the Building Official,. , ., - Deleted: DAT Conditional and Interim Uses and Variances: decisions. shall be _ _ _ _ _ _ ~-evieweddy the Planning Commission~nd included in its recommendation to the City Council. rSection4. This Ordinance_shall_become effective_immediately upon its passage _and publication. MOTION BY: ~~ SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED this 12th day of January 2009 by the City Council of the City of Monticello. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor Attest: Deleted: DAT Deleted: given the status of administrative determinations, to Deleted: be submitted to the Deleted: fa inclusion Deleted: 3. Uses Requesting Variances: DAT decisions shall be given the status of administrative determinations, to be submitted to the Planning Commission for inclusion in its recommendation to the City Council.¶ Deleted: 4.. Proposals receiving direct financial assistance from the City or one of its official entities: DAT decisions shall be considered final, subject to the appeal process outlined in this Subdivision. Deleted: ¶ Dawn Grossinger, City Clerk