City Council Minutes 06-12-1995MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MUNTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 12, 199b - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None 2. ®FFroval-~f minutes of the special meeting held May 22, and the regular A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD MAY 22, 1995, AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Perrault requested that item 3C of the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22 include that he abstained from voting because he is also an employee of Joyner Lanes. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 22, 1995, AS CORRECTED. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Cons±deration of adr_ling items to ~e agenda. A. Consideration to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing on the pr~osed modification of the Redevelopment Pla~for Redevelol~t Project No. 1' the TIF plans for TIF Dis ~,-ict Nos. 1-1 throug 118~_and the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-19 (Mississippi Shores). Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak reported that Council previously approved the establishment of Tax Increment Finance District No. 1-19, a housing district, to assist with site improvement costs associated with the construction of the 48-unit multi-senior housing facility known as Mississippi Shares. The plan included a budget amount of $325,830. Council was now asked to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing for June 26, 1995, for modification of the the TIF plan for District 1-19 by increasing the TIF budget by $42,000 for a total of $3fi7,830. Koropchak went on to report that on April 15, the HRA gave preliminary approval to increase the budget by $42,000 in order to allow 90% of the tax increment ($325,830) to be spent on the senior housing project, which would increase cash flow and reduce the rental Page 1 Council Minutes - 6/12/95 rates. In addition, the 10% administration ($42,000 budget increase) provides dollars for HRA administration costs and/or allows the HRA the flexibility to reimburse the City for its estimated total HACA lass of $33,787 if the project does pat meet the requirements of a qualified housing district. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A FUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JUNE 26, 1995, ON THE PROPOSED MODIFICATION FOR DISTRICT NO. 1-19. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 95-43. B. Consideration to adopt a resolution ann~royuig the Private Redevelopment Contract among the H + the CitX, and Presby~an Homes and the Subo~~,nation A~eement between the HRA, the Citv. and the Trustee. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak requested that Council consider adopting a resolution approving the private redevelopment contract between the HRA, the City, and Presbyterian Homes, and the subordination agreement between the HRA, the City, and the Trustee, regarding the proposed Mississippi Shores senior housing project. Koropchak noted that the private redevelopment contract defines the terms and conditions associated with the disbursement of the TIF assistance to a redeveloper. The proposed contract calls for TIF pay- as-you-go assistance for public redevelopment costs in the maximum amount of $325,830. Koropchak noted that normally the contract is an agreement between the HR.A and redeveloper only; however, the City is a party to this contract because the City will be constructing the public improvements and is associated with the requirements of a qualified housing district. It was noted by staff that the public improvements to be performed by the City include the sanitary sewer realignment and pedestrian bridge construction. The cost of construction of the improvements will be funded by the development. All other site improvements will be installed by the builder. Attorney Steve Bubul indicated that the contract can be modified to clarify which improvements will be installed by the City and which will be installed by the builder. Page 2 Council Minutes - 6/12/95 Koropchak went on to report that in order to induce the Trustee (First Trust National Association) to enter into the Indenture, and as additional security for repayment of all amounts due under the loan agreement, the HRA, City, and Trustee agree to enter into the subordination agreement. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AMONG THE HRA, CITY, AND PRESBYTERIAN HOMES, AND THE SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HRA, CITY, AND TRUSTEE. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 95-42. C. subdivision. Applicant, Eug~,Q ~~~~Q.r. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that at the meeting held on May 22, Council approved the preliminary plat of the Pinehurst residential subdivision subject to a number of minor modifications. He noted that the final plat is consistent with the preliminary plat, and the protective convenants have been received and appear to be in order. O'Neill also reported that Mr. Bauer is requesting that the City issue a building permit prior to recording the plat with the County in order to begin construction immediately. Staff recommended that Council approve issuing a building pernut prior to formal recording of the final plat because an error in the original public hearing process caused a delay in the platting progress and there are no public improvements required for the project. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF THE PINEHURST RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION SUBJECT TO FINAL REVIEW BY CITY STAFF AND COMPLETION OF PLAT MODIFICATIONS. MOTION ALSO INCLUDES AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE A BUILDING PERMIT PRIOR TO RECORDING OF THE PLAT WITH THE COUNTY DUE TO THE PUBLIC HEARING ERROR WHICH DELAYED THE PROJECT, THE RISK IS NOMINAL, AND NO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ARE REQUIRED WITH THIS PLAT. THE PLAT MUST BE RECORDED BY MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1995, OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WILL BE HALTED UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE PLAT HAS BEEN RECORDED. Motion carried unanimously. Page 3