City Council Minutes 07-10-1995MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 10, 1995 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None 2. Anntov~l of minutes of the regular meeting held June 26, 1995. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 26, 1995, AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of acid~i 1g items to the age A. Public Works Director Jahn Simola updated the Council on negotiations with HDR Engineering for the wastewater treatment plant expansion. HDR is currently working on amendments to the Facilities Plan, and it was staffs view that the City should move ahead with the project based on the estimated 75 housing starts per year and based on commerciaUindustrial growth as projected in the original plan. Simola also reported that staff and Council members have visited various plants using sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) and oxidation ditches, and staff will be receiving additional information from an SBR plant in Kansas that handles the same type of waste as Monticello. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. A. Mr. Don Doran of 51.5 Maple Street requested that Council investigate installing stop signs at the intersection of 6th Street and Minnesota Street, which has been the site of three accidents during the last twa to three weeks. Doran also requested that the City maw between the railroad tracks and 5th Street in the area of the old bulk plants. Mayor Fyle noted that the City will review the intersection of 6th Street and Minnesota Street and will direct the Building Department to check the grass height as requested. Page 1 Council Minutes - 7/10/95 5 Consent Agenda: 5A. Consider~,rx~xi of adoF~g ~_resolution aRnroving the 1996 Heartland E~tpress Mana~g~nt Plan. Recommendation: To adopt the 1996 Heartland Express Management Plan. SEE RESOLUTION 95-48. 5B. Consid.er. a.tion. of. accen~ang bids and awarding contrast - ~shtl~21 Boulevard,_.pr~ject 95-03C. Recommendation: To accept bids and award the contract to Barbarossa & Sons in the amount of $1,020,718.95 subject to the following: 1. All roadway and utility easements necessary to construct the project must be provided by Tony Emmerich. 2. Approval of plans by MN/DOT State Aid officials. 3. Award of contract is contingent on adoption of the assessment agreement. 5C. Consideration of adontin~ assessment. greement - School ~~lxlevard. Project 95-03C. Councilmember Herbst requested that item 5C be removed from the consent agenda and placed at the end of the regular agenda. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATIONS AS NOTED IN THE CONSENT AGENDA, EXCLUDING ITEM 5C. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fyle opened the public hearing. Public Works Director Jahn Simola reported that the proposed project involves a small amount of storm sewer and re-grading of drainage ditch easements in the Maplewood Circle area. The estimated construction cost of the project is $10,000. Simola noted that some property owners have indicated a willingness to perform same of the work themselves to help lower 6. Page 2 Council Minutes - 7/10/95 the cost, and they have also requested City assistance in funding the project. Estimated assessments if calculated by square footage would range from $260 to $1,181 based upon the original estimated cost of $8,604. Rick Jarvis and Tim Churchill, residents in the Maplewood Circle area, expressed their opposition to the storm sewer project, as the drainage nuisance does not threaten any homes in the area. They noted that the proposed re-grading would kill mature oak trees on their properties, thereby reducing property values. Julie Henrichs noted her opposition to being assessed for the project. She stated that her property does not contribute to the drainage problem. Simola noted that he will direct the Construction Inspector to recheck the direction of drainage from Henrichs' lot. Howard Lenzen and Gary Sandman noted that the intent of the project is to route the drainage through the easement rather than through their property. It was their view that the proposed project should avoid damaging trees in the area if passible; however, they would like to regain use of their property. Public Works Director Simola suggested that the City consider using the existing easement for slope easement in the areas of the trees, and pay property owners for additional easement where needed on the other aide, which would save the trees and also help recover use of at least half or more of the property some residents are currently losing for drainage purposes. Additional information maybe available in two or three weeks. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CUNT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO JULY 24 REGARDING STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MAPLEWOOD CIRCLE AREA PENDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH PROPERTY OWNERS ON READJUSTING THE EASEMENT. Motion carried unanimously. 7, ('.nn~+deration of nLblic works Liming plpj e . rha ee o.v_lera. Public Works Director Simola reported that phase II of the public works facility expansion is in final stages of construction; however, staff requested that Council consider a change order for the following items: 1. Install fire chafing on the top of the masonry wall between the new wash bay and old maintenance shop at a cost of $250. 2. Relocate the roof drain for the new roof on the maintenance shop and the roof of the wash bay at a cost to be determined. Page $ Council Minutes - 7/10/95 3. Re-pipe the exterior hose bib to hard water at a cost of $399, less credit for deleting future exterior irrigation pipe. 4, Installation of concrete block bond beam reinforcements at a cost of $325. 5. Additional painting for block stripes, exterior of the door frames and windows, and skylights at a cost of $1,875. City Engineer Bret Weiss noted that OSM will negotiate with the City for paying a share of the change order cost caused by plan irregularities. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY CUNT HERBST TO AUTHORIZE CHANGE ORDER #2 FOR THE FIRE CHAFING INSTALLATION, RELOCATING THE ROOF DRAIN, RE-PIPING THE HOSE Bffi TO HARD WATER, INSTALLATION OF BOND BEAM, AND ADDITIONAL PAINTING FOR BLOCK STRIPES, EXTERIOR OF DOOR FRAMES AND WINDOWS, AND SKYLIGHTS AS PROPOSED. Staff was directed to negotiate with the architect in regard to paying a share of the change order cost. Motion carried unanimously. r 8, C'nnaidrration of accept~e eealcoatino hidx tLnrl aw~xling cnntract. Public Works Director John Simola reported that this year's project consists of 41,751 sq yds of sealcoating in the eastern portion of the community. Two bids were received on July 10, 1995. The low bid was submitted by Astech Corporation of St. Cloud, at a price of $31,312.50 including sweeping, and an alternate bid of $28,389.93 with the City performing the sweeping. Simola noted that the bids were higher than estimated, which could be the result of bidding later in the summer rather than in the spring; however, it was his view that the sealcoating product is better if done during the hot summer rather than in the spring. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO AWARD THE 1995 SEALCOATING PROJECT TO ASTECH CORPORATION OF ST. CLOUD AT A PRICE OF $31,312.50, INCLUDING SWEEPING, AND USE STATE-AID MAINTENANCE FUNDS TO COVER THE COST ABOVE THE BUDGETED AMOUNT OF $27,500. Motion carried unanimously. Page 4 Council Minutes - 7/10/95 9. Consideration of adopting Meadow Oak 4th A~itio development ~Il~. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the Meadow Oak 4th Addition consists of 13 lots that were platted in the early 19$0'x. Developers now wish to install utilities and ask that Council adopt a development agreement which outlines terms associated with installation of utilities very similar to the agreement adopted for the River Mill subdivision. He noted that in terms of the financial guarantee, the agreement requires establishment of a disbursement agreement, which asxures the City that funds are available to complete the project as outlined in the approved plans. It was also noted that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency hax indicated that due to the small size of the development, they are willing to grant the sanitary sewer permit necessary to support this project, as they are satisfied that the City is moving forward to resolve the wastewater treatment plant capacity problems. Council discussed the small lot sizes in the development, and it was noted by staff that when the area was originally platted, the City required dedication of pathways and other common open space areas in exchange for allowing smaller lots. Due to the fact that the land is platted, there is little that the City can do now to require that the lot sizes be increased. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BEING MET: 1. Review and approval of the grading plan by the Army Corps of Engineers to determine consistency with Army Corps of Engineers wetland regulations. 2. Approval by the City Engineer of the final utility plans. 3. Final revision and updates as deemed necessary by the City Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Items removed from consent.. agenda for discussion. 5C. Project 95-D3~. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that according to the plan for the School Boulevard project, the City is to complete construction of the project and pay for the construction cost via a recent bond issue. Tony Emmerich will then reimburse the City through payment of Page 5 Council Minutes - 7/10/95 special assessments, which will be levied against the HIein Farms North, HIein Farms South, and the Monticello Business Center area. He noted that because the land is not being platted at this time, the agreement focuses on financing the project only. When the land is platted, a development agreement will be prepared, and the assessments against the original unplatted parcel will be assigned to the newly-platted parcels. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT GOVERNING PAYMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FINANCING THE SCHOOL BOULEVARD PROJECT SUBJECT TO: 1. Review and final approval of the agreement by the City Attorney. 2. Developer providing the City with a letter of credit in the amount of 60% of the assessment expense. 3. Developer providing the necessary roadway and utility easements. 4. Final approval by MN/DOT of state aid designation and approval of Highway 25 access request. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further discussion, en Doty Office Manager the meeting was adjourned. Page 6