EDA Minutes 08-13-2008i MINUTES CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:OOpm 1. Call to order Chairman Demeueles called the meeting to order and declared a quorum. 2. Roll Call On roll call, the following Commissioners were present: Chair Bill Demeules Treasurer Bill Tapper Commissioner Bob Viering City Council Mayer Vice President Dan Frie • Absent: Commissioner Fair and Mayor Herbst Also present Executive Director Megan Barnett, Administrator Jeff O'Neill, and Finance Director Tom Kelly. 3. Introduction of Executive Director Administrator O'Neill introduced Executive Director Megan Barnett. Ms. Barnett provided a brief explanation of her professional history. 4. Report of Committees: Marketing The marketing committee did not meet • Fiber Optics Commissioner Mayer stated he is receiving feedback from the community regarding incorrect information about the potential fiber optic project. Discussion occurred regarding easement logistics for the anticipated fiber optic line. Council member Mayer discussed the fiber loop project, he stated the loop will have Internet capability. It is anticipated that cable and TV will be added at a later date. Higher Education Administrator O'Neill stated the Higher Education Commission is working on developing a plan for a pilot program to inventory training needs for existing businesses in Monticello. The Committee is further researching venues in order to meet the established training needs. O'Neill stated that the committees will most likely approach various jurisdictions and private investors in order to fund the program. 5. New Business• • TIF Reports Finance Director Tom Kelly stated that the City was successful in complying with regulatory requirements related to publishing and reporting TIF districts. Discussion ensued around the current standings of the districts. Finance Director Kelly stated that there were no red flags at this time, however the EDA and Executive Director may want to look at decertifying some of the districts to get them back on the tax payrolls. Ms. Barnett stated she would put together a summary of all the TIF districts to include the following information: the TIF districts are overall financially status, what districts are ready to sunset, and if there are any available funds within the districts. Kelly stated that the Downtown District looks to sunset in the year 2024. Further analysis may want to be completed to determine if this date could impede future redevelopment efforts. Sale of property located at 300 4th Street E Administrator O'Neill stated he was approached by George Larson, who owns the property located at 300 4th Street E ,regarding the potential for the City to purchase his property. O'Neill provided the EDA with detailed information about the existing under utilized condition of the property and the asking sale price. C` Commissioner Mayer asked O'Neill what the benefit would be in purchasing Mr. Carson's property. O'Neill stated this property is a key piece to further redevelopment within the immediate area. O'Neill stated this could be an opportunity the City may not have in the future if the EDA wants to develop this property in the future. The EDA questioned where funding sources could be utilized for the purchase of this property and future purchases of underutilized properties. The consensus of the authority was there needed to be a plan in place instead of a "shot gun" approach. The EDA stated they are interested in obtaining an inventory of City owned property and identify properties within the downtown area that may need to be redeveloped in the future. The EDA stated they would like to make a priority list of potential properties to purchase. The EDA directed Staff to: inventory property within the City and make a list of potential redevelopment areas and research current and potential funding sources. The EDA and Staff will then work together to establish a priority for purchasing said properties. 6. Adjournment • COMMISSIONER FRIE MOTIONED '1~0 ADJOURN MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSION MAYER. MOTIONED CARRIED 5-0 f~~ ~"%' ;~ President •