EDA Minutes 12-10-2008• MINUTES CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:OOpm 1. Call to Order: Chairman Demeules called the meeting to order and declared a quorum at 6:OOpm. Roll Call: The following Commissioners were present: Chair Bill Demeules Vice President Dan Frie Treasurer Bill Tapper Commissioner Bill Fair Commissioner Bob Viering Council Member Mayer • Also present Executive Director Megan Barnett 2. Approve minutes: MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MAYER SECONDED BY TAPPER TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 12, 2008 MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0 3. Consideration of additional agenda items: Commissioner Tapper added reviewing language in the Tax Increment Financing Business Subsidy Criteria. 4. Approval of the EDA Invoices: Commissioner Tapper questioned the invoice from Lamar. Executive Director reviewed Lamar made a mistake in billing. Staff was able to negotiate the billboard staying up additional month without charge. Council Member Meyer questioned whether the amount the City is paying to publish an ad in the Business Journal is worth the value. Commissioner Frie stated the feedback received by site selectors is positive and is a resource they read often. Barnett supported such statement and indicated it is important to continue to include marketing ads on a • consistent regular basis in order to be most effective. • Commissioner Tapper questioned a WSB invoice. Barnett stated there are still a few outstanding documents and work that will need to be completed in order to close out the project. The EDA will receive invoices from WSB for the stated projects in the future. Mayer requested that the City Engineer include a summary statement for each WSB invoice. Barnett stated that she has worked through a procedure with the City Engineer to detail each invoice for EDA review. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VIERING SECONDED BY FAIR TO APPROVE EDA INVOICES. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0 5. Public Hearing and approval to amend EDA Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Business Subsidy Criteria. Barnett stated she completed a review of the Greater Monticello Enterprises Fund (GMEF) Business Subsidy Criteria. Staff simply reformatted the document at this time. Executive Director noted contact was made with DEED to verify how the Small Cities Economic Development Set Aside criteria is to be administered within Monticello's GMEF criteria. A representative from DEED stated the additional criteria under Small Cities loan has not been redistributed and therefore the City is required to maintain the additional criteria at this time. Commissioner Tapper reviewed the different "funds" within the GMEF. A portion of the money derived from liquor store revenue and a portion from a grant that was awarded to Twin Cities • Die Casting. Tapper reiterated that the assumption is that money obtained from the small cities loan funds must be redistributed differently than money originally obtained as part of the start up funds. Tapper stated he is recommending two documents be created in order to clearly separate how each fund can be distributed. Executive Barnett stated additional research needed to be completed in order to determine if creating two separate loan criteria was appropriate. Discussion ensued regarding how the GMEF criteria should be handled. Commissioner Tapper stated he would like to see the money tied by the Small Cities criteria re-distributed sooner rather than later in order to ultimately get the funds back into the general GMEF. Chair Demeules cautioned separating the two fund balances due to the fact the GMEF criteria allows the combination of both the general GMEF and the Small Cities balance to be combined when factoring in how much can be loaned out at one time. Commissioner Frie stated he would like the document to be simplified in order to be easier to read and implement. Staff stated additional research needed to be completed to MOTION BY TAPPER TO TABLE THE ITEM AND DIRECT STAFF TO COMPLETE • ADDITIONAL RESEARCH SECONDED BY FAIR. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0 . The Commission appointed Tapper and Demeules to meet with staff to further revise the GMEF document. The Authority closed the Public Hearing. 6. Proposed Marketing Budget: Barnett reviewed the staff report. Discussion ensued regarding the cities website and the monticelloland.com website. Commissioner Frie stated he was interested in seeing the City list the industrial park land with a commercial broker. Commissioner Tapper stated if it is the desire to include printed ads in the Business Journal it should be more frequent than not. Frequent consistent exposure would seem appropriate. Commissioner Viering asked if a $20,000 budget is adequate. Director Barnett stated the approved 2009 budget does not allow for any additional marketing funds. Mayer stated staff and the EDA should get involved in the budget process in May in order to provide the City Council with enough time and information prior to approving a preliminary budget for the following year. • MOTION BY BILL TAPPER SECONDED BY VIERING TO APPROVE THE 2009 MARKETING BUDGET LEAVING THE DETAILS TO THE DISCRESION OF THE MARKEITNG COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. 6-0. 7. Reassignment of Developers Agreement for Prairie West: MOTION BY TAPPER SECONDED BY VIERING TO REASSIGN THE DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT FOR PRIAIRE WEST TO LINDA A SMITH. MOTIONED CARRIED. 6-0 Commissioner Viering stated the City should not be responsible for the cost associated with processing the revised Developers Agreement. 8. Elect Officers for 2009: Will be completed in April of 2009. 9. Report of Committees: Updates were provided in the Executive Director Report 10. Report of the Executive Director: Barnett reviewed the opportunity the City has to obtain funds from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) to address the foreclosure situation in Monticello. The grant • application is time intensive, detailed, and will require the City to obtain a partnership with an organization that has administered grants like Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). rsarnett reviewed statics obtained through in field inspections and Sheriff data as to where a majority of foreclosures are occurring. She further stated the grant application submitted to the state would include three main components: 1. Down payment assistance 2. Acquisition and rehabilitation 3. Purchase for demolition. Staff is recommending the City partner with Central Minnesota Housing Partnership in order to complete the application. Additional Item: Commissioner Tapper stated he is concerned with the language in the Tax Increment Financing Business Subsidy document section 4.03C. Tapper stated he felt the existing language was confusing and proposed revised language. Mayer stated staff should research if legal believes the proposed language is applicable and acceptable and report back to the EDA. Councilmember Mayer stated this was his last meeting and extended congratulations to Executive Director Barnett. He further stated in a short time he has witnesses a lot of growth and enthusiasm from Director Barnett. Chair Demeules extended his thanks to Wayne Mayer for all of his efforts and time while serving on the EDA. MOTION BY FAIR SECONDED BY MAYER TO ADJORN THE MEETING. Meeting adjourned at ~:15pm. ~~~ President