City Council Minutes 02-23-2009Council Minutes: February 23, 2009 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday February 23, 2009 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Susie Woj chouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of February 9, 2009 Fiber Optics Workshop. 2B. Approve minutes of February 9, 2009 Regular Meeting. Since not all of the Council had received copies of the minutes it was suggested that this item be tabled. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 9, 2009 REGULAR MEETING AND FIBER OPTIC WORKSHOP UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. It was noted that March is Food Shelf month and residents were encouraged to support the local food shelf. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of acceptance of Sunset Ponds 1St and 2nd Additions, City Project Nos. 2003-14C, 2003-15P and 2004-12P. Recommendation: Move to accept Sunset Ponds 1St and 2nd Additions, City Projects No. 2003-14C, 2003-15P, and 2004-12P subject to the following conditions: SunsetPonds IS`: 1) Repair settled pavement around gate valve at the southeast corner of Goodrich Drive and 93rd Street NE. The extent of the pavement area needing repair will be determined in the field; 2) Repair settled pavement around gate valve along Goodrich Drive south of 92nd Street NE (station 31+11). The extent of the pavement area needing repair will be determined in the field; 3) Replace sanitary sewer casting lid with a storm sewer casting lid on STMH-321ocated at the southeast corner of 93rd Street and Golden Pond Lane; Council Minutes: February 23, 2009 4) Replace curb along the south side of 91st Street NE from Haug Avenue approximately 175 feet to the west. There is evidence that the curb has deteriorated due to a workmanship issue; and 5) Lower the hydrant and valve at the northwest corner of Haug Avenue and 93rd Street; Sunset Ponds 2"d: 1) Place structure marker signs as per City of Monticello detail plate #1003 at all off pavement structures; and 2) Lower the hydrant at station 89+40 Golden Pond Lane (Lot 29, Block 5) General Development: 1) Remove spoil piles and concrete washout areas wherever in existence within development; 2) Per approved landscape plans, cedar rail fencing is to be installed at specified locations; 3) Per approved landscape plans, trees are to be planted along southern park boundary (although not allowed in gas line easement) and 4) Verification of placement of iron monuments at lot corners. B. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors wine tasting event. Recommendation: Approve a temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors for their wine tasting event to be held on March 27, 2009 at the Monticello Community Center. C. Consideration of adopting addendum to Management Services Agreement with Hiawatha Broadband Communications Inc. of Winona, Minnesota. Recommendation: Support adoption of the addendum to the Management Services Agreement with Hiawatha Broadband Communications. D. Consideration of waiving statutory liability limits for City insurance renewals. Recommendation: The Council formally indicates that the City of Monticello does not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04. E. Consideration of approving purchase of large format copier/printer/scanner to replace Xerox 3001 large format copier. Recommendation: Move to authorize purchase of a new Canon large format combination copier/printer/scanner from Franz with a 36 month on-site service agreement for $17,450.03. F. Consideration of purchasing 15 new Fire Department pagers. Recommendation: Approve the purchase of 15 Minitor 5 pagers from Ancom Communications at a cost of $6,780.75. G. Consideration of approval of Change Order No. 3 for Monticello FiberNet Head End Building. Recommendation: Authorize payment of Change Order No. 3 for the Monticello FiberNet Head End Building in the amount of $1,394.53 to KC Companies, Inc. H. Consideration of approving bid from Olson & Sons Electric to install the automatic transfer switch (ATS) and generator at the Monticello Fiber Optic Head End Building. Recommendation: Authorize accepting the bid of Olson & Sons Electric for the electrical work to be done on the Monticello FiberNet building in the amount of $23,000. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA OF ITEMS #SA, 2 Council Minutes: February 23, 2009 #SB, #SC, #SD AND #SH WITH ITEMS #SE, #SF AND #SG BEING REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. #SE Purchase of large format copier/printer/scanner: Clint Herbst asked City Engineer Bruce Westby to review the cost comparison data that was submitted. Bruce Westby reviewed the bids from the vendors noting that one vendor did not provide a quote fora 36 month lease. Tom Perrault asked if there was a comparison done on the cost to run the different machines. Bruce Westby replied that operating cost was estimated based on previous usage. Council noted the costs of supplies can vary from vendor to vendor. Tom Bose who researched the data on the proposed equipment explained they had looked at four different vendors and two of the four vendors met the City's specifications as far as equipment needs. Staff also looked at the cost of supplies and the cost estimate used for supplies was based on the machine the City currently owns. Glen Posusta asked that Bruce Westby address the archiving aspects of the equipment. It was explained that putting the City's plans in electronic format will protect the data as plans will not be lost or damaged in storage and it will also open up building space since the plans will not have to be stored. CL1NT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A NEW CANON LARGE FORMAT COMBINATION COPIER/PRINTER/SCANNER FROM FRANZ WITH A 36 MONTH ON-SITE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR $17,450.03 SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #SF Purchase of pagers for Fire Department: The Council questioned the price quoted. Tom Kelly said he had backed out the sales tax on the one quote so that the City would be comparing apples to apples. Fire Chief Steve Joerg was present and stated that the Fire Department was satisfied with either of the two lowest quotes and added that the two firms have representatives in the area so it would be easy to bring equipment in if it is in need of repair. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APROVE THE PURCHASE OF 15 MINITOR 5 PAGERS FROM ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS AT A COST OF $6,780.75 NOT INCLUDING TAX. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #SG Change Order #3 Monticello FiberNet Head End Building: Glen Posusta stated it bothered him when a contractor is given a contract based on the low bid that there are additional costs added later on. He questioned the snow slide prevention work on the roof and did not feel that would be of benefit. He also questioned how often anyone would be on the roof and would need that especially since the pitch of the roof was not that steep. He felt the contractor bid a $600,000 building and if the contractor forgot to put something the contractor should pay for it. Public Works Director Bob Paschke stated the building plans used were based on a building from the south where the snow slide prevention and flashing was not an issue. He said the flashing was only a 10' piece. Glen Posusta said while the dollar amount of the change order was not large it was the principle of the matter. These items, however Council Minutes: February 23, 2009 small, he felt should have been covered in the bid price. He added that the City is not the only entity that runs into this issue. Susie Wojchouski agreed saying the architect who designed the building should have been designing it for what was needed in Monticello. Brian Stumpf said in previous discussion on change orders, it was his understanding that staff was going to negotiate any change order with the contractor before bringing it to the Council. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO NOT APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.3 FOR THE MONTICELLO FIBERNET HEAD END BUILDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,394.53. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. Brian Stumpf asked that the motion be amended to include that if the item was not in the bid that staff be directed to negotiate the item with the contractor. GLEN POSUSTA AMENDED HIS MOTION TO INCLUDE AUTHORIZING STAFF TO NEGOTIATE ANY ITEMS THAT WERE NOT INCLUDED IN THE BID. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of approving authorization to proceed with remodeling of DMV Building and expansion of facility into clothing area. Finance Director Tom Kelly explained the proposed remodeling project. The DMV may possibly be issuing drivers license and will likely need additional room for the camera. The City is looking at ways of trying to get them more space. The Public Works staff is proposing toextend the wall into the clothing area. This would allow the counter to be turned around thus giving more space for customers and allowing additional workstations. Tom Kelly stated this was the cheapest option. Public Works staff could do the work for $3,000. The City would need to hire an electrician for some wiring work and there would also be some work needed on the heating system. In order for the Public Works staff to do the project the work would have to be done in March. After that time the seasonal work load would make it difficult for staff to do this project in addition to their normal work load. Glen Posusta asked about the space for the camera and where that would be located. Tom Kelly explained with the remodeling two work spaces would be created and one would be used for the camera. Brian Stumpf asked if by doing this expansion will the City be required to bring any other portion of the building up to date as far as building codes. Gary Anderson, Building Official indicated that the doorways would have to be redone so they would swing outwards. Tom Kelly indicated that this spring the City would look at the exterior of the building which may require re-stuccoing. They would also look at installing an entrance way by the front door. Susie Wojchouski asked about the cost of the equipment needed to do the drivers licenses and whether the equipment is purchased by the City or furnished by the state. DMV Manager, Ann Johnson said at the present time the state would supply the equipment but added with economic conditions and proposed state budget cuts there is a possibility that could change. At this time the state has not provided information on the cost of the equipment needed. 4 Council Minutes: February 23, 2009 Brian Hamel representing the food shelf addressed the Council. He expressed his appreciation for the arrangement with the City over the past years for allowing the use of a portion of the building for the food shelf and the clothing section. He wanted to know what space would be taken for the expansion. He said the volume of people coming to the food shelf and clothing area has increased over the past several months. He also asked if the area of the food shelf and clothing distribution could be looked at to see if there was any way to re-configure the space to make it more usable. Staff explained that according to the drawing the expansion would encroach into the clothing distribution area and have minimal impact on the food shelf area. Brian Hamel asked what would be done when the wall gets moved to protect the other area from dirt and dust. Bob Paschke noted the existing wall is sheet rock and they would be constructing the new wall before taking down the old wall. Brian Stumpf asked what kind of arrangement the City had with the group operating the food shelf and clothing distribution facility. Jeff O'Neill stated he thought the lease was for $1/year and the Bob Hamel indicated they pay for the utilities for their portion of the space. Carol Peterson who operates the clothing distribution area stated it generates about $500/month which goes to the food shelter. She did not want to lose the space. Brian Stumpf felt the tenants should work together to figure out a different configuration for the space that better addresses their needs. He noted the City may end up spending $3,000- $10,000 for this expansion and in these economic times the City must be careful in their expenditures. Brian Hamel said they try to schedule their food drives so that are not stockpiling great quantities of food. He understands the City's concerns and where they are coming from. Brian Stumpf asked if someone on the City staff could help with the reconfiguration of the food shelf/clothing distribution space. Clint Herbst agreed that staff should look at the site and come back with options for what could be done. Brian Stumpf suggested Public Works look at the entire building and come back with a recommendation for the food and clothing side. Glen Posusta questioned whether it shouldn't be the building department doing the review. Brian Stumpf felt either the Public Works or Building Department could do the review. Brian Stumpf requested that this come back at the next meeting because the City has a deadline as far as when staff could do the work. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SEND THIS MATTER BACK TO STAFF AND HAVE THEM REVIEW THE ENTIRE FACILITY AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS IF THE FOOD SHELF IS IN AGREEMENT WITH IT. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. Tom Perrault said he is uneasy with doing this because there is no price provided for the electrical work, the heating work, finishing the counter, carpeting and office furniture. He asked what the City was going to pay for all of this. Clint Herbst felt the Council could authorize the moving of the wall and having staff come back with a quote on the other work. Tom Perrault is concerned that with none of these prices known at this time if the City moves to go forward with the wall then the City is obligated to do all the other things. Brian Stumpf suggested capping the project costs at $10,000. 5 Council Minutes: February 23, 2009 BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HIS MOTION TO INCLUDE THAT THE COSTS FOR THE REMODELLING AND EXPANSION NOT EXCEED $10,000. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Clint Herbst indicated he would like to accompany staff when they view the building. 8. Consideration of approval of the facility plan for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facili Paul Saffert from Bolton Menk gave a presentation on the facility plan for the wastewater treatment plant. He stated that approving the facility plan does not lock the City into anything. It is a planning document to see if the City qualifies for funds under the federal stimulus package. Clint Herbs said the plan is being put together in order to qualify for stimulus funding and that does not necessarily mean the City is going to start tomorrow. Paul Saffert stated they are waiting for a response from the MPCA on information submitted on the liquid side of the facility plan. However the biosolids plan (Phase I) is ready for submittal. In his presentation Paul Saffert explained the current system and gave a brief history of the biosolids study that the City had done. He then went on to explain the various options the City has looked at which include expanding at the City's present site and working on a joint venture with the community of Big Lake. Big Lake was deemed to be viable option for the City since they are undergoing wastewater facility modifications. Since the MPCA does not transfer load allocation, any amounts Monticello is allowed to discharge do not automatically go to Big Lake if there is a joint project. In discussion of the options the City looked at hauling liquid biosolids to a facility as well as looking at dewatering the biosolids and bringing the dewatered product to facility. The City also looked at improvements that could be made to fully utilize the City's existing facility. Paul Saffert pointed out that regional discussions included a complete regionalization and having just a portion of the residential area utilizing the Big Lake facility. He discussed some of the hurdles that occur in a joint venture. These include who controls the operation, how the costs are broken out between the entities involved, who owns the permit, who owns the end product of the treatment process and the issue of supernatant. Paul Saffert explained that supernatant is the water that comes with the waste product. The supernatant would take up the capacity of a facility. Paul Saffert stated that Big Lake has no interest in accepting Monticello's liquid but they would accept dewatered material from the City. He noted that if Monticello brings their material to Big Lake for treatment, the treated product is owned by entity providing the treatment. The costs of dewatering and drying were presented. Clint Herbst asked if the dewatering project is what the City was looking at earlier and if so why there was a cost difference between the original study and what was shown at this meeting. Paul Saffert explained the cost in the original study included the vehicle storage building and the digester mixers. The City has proceeded with these two projects so that cost is not shown in the current figures. Bolton Menk is recommending that the City submit the facility plan which includes the biosolids improvements for dewatering and drying equipment and related improvements. (Phase I). The liquid portion of the plan (Phase II) will be evaluated again when the MPCA 6 Council Minutes: February 23, 2009 has set effluent limits. The facility plan has to be received and reviewed by the MPCA so it can be determined if it qualifies for funding. Glen Posusta asked why the City is talking to Big Lake because their treatment cost is so high. There is some expansion space in the city current system and given current growth conditions, this site could work unti12050. Brian Stumpf asked if no stimulus money comes to the City are they back to square one as far as planning and if the facility plan is accepted and there is no stimulus funding is the city obligated to construct an expansion to the wastewater treatment facility. Paul Saffert responded that even if the City does qualify for stimulus funds they are not obligated to construct the expansion. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE FACILITY PLAN AS PRESENTED FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE MPCA AND FUNDING AGENCIES. THIS INCLUDES PHASE I BIOSOLIDS IMPROVEMENTS OF DEWATERING AND DRYER EQUIPMENT AND BUILDING. THE PHASE II LIQUID IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE REEVALUATED ONCE EFFLUENT LIMITS FROM THE MPCA ARE AVAILABLE AND GROWTH CONTINUES TO USE THE EXSTING CAPACITY OF THE LIQUID HANDLING PORTION OF THE MONTICELLO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Paul Saffert indicated they would be submitting the information to the MPCA on March 4~' and thought they could expect to hear something back in April. Added Item: Brian Stumpf reminded Council of the tour of the new Law Enforcement Center in Buffalo on February 25, 2009. 9. Consideration of approving payment of bills for February. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Adiourn TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:20 P.M. CUNT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 7