City Council Agenda Packet 01-23-2006 . ~~~ ~ ~ \u...- ~ ~~~ AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 23, 2006 - 7 p.m. \) CL\._'\">v~ Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes ofJanuary 9, 2006 regular Council meeting. 2B. Summary of closed meeting of January 17,2006 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent agenda: A. B. . C. D. Consideration of approving hires and departures. Consideration of renewal of charitable gambling license - lP.s Consideration of setting date for Board of Review on April 25, 2006 at 7 p.m. Consideration of calling for public hearing on extension of utilities for Hidden Forest development. E. Consideration of authorization to complete update to feasibility study for Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road. F Consideration of a request for rezoning from PZM (Peformance Zone Mixed) to B-3 or B-4. Applicant: MMC Land Company. G Consideration of a request for rezoning from PZM (Performance Zone Mixed) to B-3 (Highway Business). Applicant: Kean of Monticello. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of certifying delinquent utility accounts for 3rd quarter 2005. 8. Public Hearing on appeal of denial of variance for maximum size of accessory building. Applicant: Wallboard, Inc. . y Agenda Monticello City Council January 23, 2006 Page Two 9. Consideration of zoning text amendment to increase the amount of allowable square footage for detached accessory structures in the 1-2 (Heavy Industrial) and I-I (Light Industrial) districts. 10. Consideration of acceptance of scope of services and cost estimate from NAC for Comprehensive Plan update or direction to staff to initiate RFP process. 11. Consideration of designating a site and terms for land trade with Kevin Tracy. 12. Consideration of designating council representative to Wright County Planning Task Force. 13. Consideration of approving bills for January.. 14. Adjourn Q . '-<l~o.sV2 -, Lt~ \ ~ 3Co~ SbS Co ~ O)l:tSD J;.. .;:;; \ La 'S 0 S'S ,"0 C; I :s , SS U ~))S6 L . . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 9, 2006 -7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pled~e of Alle~iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of December 12. 2005 re~ular Council meetin~. Wayne Mayer noted in the motion to allow the USe of the MCC facilities it should have been MEADA not Families 911. It was also noted a sentence was missing in the summary of the closed meeting held on November 28,2005. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 2005 WITH CORRECTIONS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 2B. Approve minutes of December 29. 2005 special meetin~. Torn Perrault stated that he had voted in opposition to sending three city representatives to tour the Yucca Mountain site and also noted some typing errors. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 29, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING WITH CORRECTIONS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addiDl! items to the a!!enda. Added to the agenda were: 1) Update on development guide book; 2) Poplar Hills development; 3) Letter from property owner in Sunset Ponds; 4) Update on roundabout at CSAH 18; 5) House numbers in town house development; 6) Snowmobiles; 7) Sign for high school and 8) Signage on Sandy Lane/River Street for parking restrictions. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. A. Recognition of Hoglund Bus Company for their years of service: The City Council and staff expressed appreciation of the 16 years of service provided by Hoglund Bus Company in the operation of the Heartland Express. . B. Tim Anderson of Monticello Insurance Agency and Kevin Tracy were present to discuss 1 3 Council Minutes: 1/9/06 the property located at 40~ Street West. They are proposing to construct a building on the site and have been trymg to work with staff to comply with the ordinance provisions. Mr. Anderson stated he had been working with Fred Patch on this but with Mr. Patch being on administrative leave they are left hanging. . The question is whether the City needs his lot for future expansion of the MCC site. They are concerned about whether they will be able to proceed with their project. A decision needs to be made before February 1, 2005 in order for them to get the facility constructed before the lease at their present site expires. They wanted to come before the Council to get an answer on what is going to happen. They indicated they had met with the Design Advisory Team and had been working with them to get approval of their plans but now the question has become whether the City would rather to a land swap. Tim Anderson indicated he didn't care which way the Council went on his proposal as long as a decision was made soon since his lease will be expiring. Jeff O'Neill said if the City did swap land the site would be in the Jefferson Commons development. He indicated if the site was along TH 25 the design of the proposed building would have to be upgraded. Tim Anderson said the plan is to proceed with the building as designed. If the city wants the land trade they would trade the land but they would stick with the same building design. . Jeff O'Neill stated this a building issue and it does not require any Planning Commission action. Because the property lies within the CCD it does require review by the Design Advisory Team. Jeff O'Neill stated that depending on where in the Jefferson Commons development the building is located, the building may have to be upgraded. The proposal is for a pole structure. Since Jefferson Commons is city owned property, the city is going to want to look at what type of building is going on the site. There was discussion on what features could be added to the building to make it more aesthetically appealing. . Clint Herbst asked ifthe Council had any concerns about trading land in this situation. The Council was in agreement on a possible land trade. Jeff O'Neill stated that he will have a location for the proposed building identified by Tuesday. C. Shannon Bye from Monticello Township stated that she hoped the City would not print just summaries of the minutes in the paper but provide the full minute as many people are not able to attend the meetings so the paper provides their source of information. 5. Consent agenda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures. Recommendation: Approve the hires and departures for the Parks and Public Works Department. B. Consideration of adopting a resolution accepting donation from Land 0 Lakes Choirboys. Recommendation: Accept the contribution from the Land of Lake Choirboys of Minnesota for use by the MCC for murals in the MCC facility. . 2 ......\ . . . Council Minutes: 1/9/06 C Consideration of adopting a policy on out of state travel for city officials. Recommendation: Adopt the policy relating to out of state travel for city officials. D Consideration of adopting a resolution accepting a donation to allow city officials to view biosolids treatment operations and authorizing outside travel for designated city officials. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution accepting a donation from Kruger, Inc. for allowing city representatives to tour a biosolids facility and authorize designated city officials and staff to travel outside the state for the purpose of visiting biosolids facilities. E Consideration of appointment of Tom Moores to Street Superintendent position. Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Tom Moores to the Street Superintendent position effective February I, 2006. F Consideration of approving service agreement with Larson Allen to perform annual city audit. Recommendation: Approve entering into an engagement letter with Larson Allen to perform the City's 2005 and 2006 audits. G. Consideration of a request to approve a conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure in an R-4 (Mobile Home Park) District. Applicant: Kjellberg's Inc. Recommendation: 1) Rescind the previous Council motion to denyl approval of a conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure in an R-4 zoning district and; 2) Approve a conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure for Kjellberg's Inc. based on a finding that the building should be able to meet each of the conditions of the ordinance and will minimize outdoor storage in the mobile home park with said approval including the condition that the applicant verify the screening ofthe storage area from surrounding residential areas. H. Consideration of an amendment to contract for private development - Cory Kingbay. Recommendation: Approve the amended contract for development. Items #5E, #5G and #5H were pulled from the agenda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEMS #5E, #5G AND #5H REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. #5E: Street Superintendent Appointment: Wayne Mayer noted his concern was not with the appointment of Tom Moores to the Street Superintendent position but with filling the position Tom Moores currently holds. Wayne Mayer would like the Council to consider not advertising for this position immediately but rather wait several months and evaluate ifthere is a need to fill the position. 3 s Council Minutes: 1/9/06 WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO CONFIRM THE RECOMMENDATION TO APPOINT TOM MOORES AS THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1,2006 TO REPLACE THE RETIRING ROGER MACK BUT NOT TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS IMMEDlA TEL Y TO FILL THE VACANCY CREATED BY TOM MOORES ACCEPTING THE SUPERINTENDENT POSITION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . #5G Detached Accessory Structure - Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park: Glen Posusta stated the reason he pulled this item is because he doesn't understand why this business does not have to comply with the same rules that other businesses in Monticello do. He questioned whether the proposal included hard surfacing, curb and gutter and whether a lighting plan was submitted. He felt since adding the building intensified the existing use, the business should be required to come into compliance with the ordinance regulations. Clint Herbst questioned the condition that the storage area was for the sole use of the residents of the mobile home park and was not available for use by non-residents. He felt if this space was going to be rented to residents of the park then the storage area should have curb and gutter. Jeff O'Neill said if Kjellberg's want to store equipment or materials that are used in the maintenance of the park that could be considered as being for the residents. Brian Stumpf questioned whether the doors ofthe building are high enough to store the equipment Kjellberg has on site. Bernie Beach who is bidding on constructing the building said the doors are 12' wide and 13' high. However since this is a bid there is no guarantee that the door will go in. . Clint Herbst said part of the reason the City would allow the accessory building is to get rid of outside storage that is there. Jeff O'Neill stated that condition #3 relating to use of the facility by residents was currently in the code. He said Kjellberg is not requiring people store their stuff there. Glen Posusta questioned whether the lean-to type roof complied with city code. Clint Herbst felt the building should have doors, hard surfacing and curb and gutter. Glen Posusta asked about compliance with items that are being stored in the sales lot area. Jeff O'Neill stated this was outside storage and would have to be covered by another conditional use permit. He said the mobile home park has a number of violations as it relates to the R-4 district. The city staff has taken the position that over time it will corne into compiance rather that requiring it to corne into compliance all at once. Clint Herbst asked if the city allows this what does the City get in return. Jeff O'Neill replied that they would be getting material now stored outside moved inside. Glen Posusta felt the outside storage in this location was no less of a concern than any outside storage in the industrial park. He felt that some of the compliance issues should be addressed and then the city will address the conditional use permit. Brian Stumpf asked if the Council needed to take any action on this. After furtherdiscussion it was proposed: 1) If the accessory structure is going to be used for rental to the residents then it should be hard surfaced If it is not going to be used for rental the City wants that information provided in writing. Glen Posusta felt the business must comply . 4 to Council Minutes: 1/9/06 . with the city codes since it has been annexed into the city. Jeff O'Neill stated with other properties like Hoglunds the city require they bring the existing facility into compliance. Jeff O'Neill suggested making an inventory of what is not in compliance and bring it back and see what the property owner is willing to correct. Glen Posusta also suggested getting a letter of credit to insure compliance. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ANY ACTION ON THIS ITEM. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5H Amendment to development contract - Kingbay: Wayne Mayer questioned the dates used on the amendment noting in one place it was June 2006 and in another place it was February 12, 2007. Rick Wolfsteller indicated both dates were correct. A six month extension was give to close on the first parcel and after that Mr. Kingbay has a certain period of time to construct something on the property. . Wayne Mayer stated he was under the understanding that the entire 7.5 acre parcel would be developed at one time and not piece by piece. Rick Wolfsteller stated when the deal was set up it was for the sale and development ofthree sites that would total 7.5 acres. Wayne Mayer said he didn't realize the City was tying up the property for 3-4 years before any building was be erected. The Council expressed their concern about the developer being able to sit on the property for that length of time. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the agreement provides an option for the city to purchase back the land if development does not take place. Clint Herbst asked if there were any outs for the City from this agreement if another developer comes in. Rick W 01 fsteller said that even if the City did put this on the market it is unlikely that anything would occur before the Kingbay development deadline. Glen Posusta stated he was not aware that they were parceling this into three pieces. Rick W olfsteller explained that this was the agreement that was previously approved. The only change was to extend the time frame by six months. City Attorney Torn Scott indicated the Council could decide not to approve the amendment and then the it would revert back to the terms of the original contract and in that case the developer would be in default. He said the Council could stay with the original agreement and initiate default action or they could re- negotiate the purchase agreement. Rick W olfsteller suggested a six month extension on the first parcel only. WAYNE MAYER MOVED NOT TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT AND GO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT WITH THE JUNE 2006 DATE AND ALLOWING FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PORTION OF THE PARCEL BY MULLER THEATER OR IN ESSENCE EXTENDING THE FIRST SET OF DATES. . The Council felt it should be all or nothing on the three parcels. The six month extension is on the first parcel only. Wayne Mayer would like to see all three dates just extended to the one same date. Brian Stumpf said having the same date for all three parcel would make it unlikely that any development would happen. He suggested selling the parcels to Kingbay on an 5 ..., Council Minutes: 1/9/06 . as-needed basis. Wayne Mayer agreed with that as it would allow the City to market any property not sold. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO MOVE ALL THE PARCELS BACK TO THE JUNE 2006 DATE WITH THE SALE OF PROPERTY ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Glen Posusta asked who is paying taxes and the street assessment. Rick W olfsteller informed him the City was. 7. Public Hearin~ on nroposed 2006 Street Reconstruction Project., Citv Project No.2006-1C An informational meeting was held prior to the regular Council meeting to discuss with affected property owners the area of the proposed project, assessment costs and to answer questions from residents. Kevin Kawlewski from WSB & Associates made a formal presentation at the Council meeting covering the proposed project. The City is in the 4th year of the Street Reconstruction program and he reviewed the work that had been done in previous years. Two options are proposed for consideration for 2006 which include widening Otter Creek Road and River Street to 32 feet; widening other streets from 24 feet to 28 feet; providing storm facilities, sanitary sewer and water main repair, sidewalk, . overlay and sealcoating. Option #1 would go from Otter Creek Road to Craig Lane. Under this option Otter Creek Road, Sandy Lane, Riverside Circle and River Street would be reconstructed while Kenneth Lane and Craig Lane would be sealcoated. Option 2 would go from Otter Creek Road to where River Street intersects with Broadway. In addition to the streets included in Option #1, Hilltop Drive and Hillcrest Road would also be reconstructed. Oakivew Circle and Hillcrest Circle would have utility repair and be reconstructed. Matthew Circle would have mill and overlay. Sidewalk is proposed on the east side of Otter Creek and the north side of River Street. An option was also provided to construct River Street to 28 feet. The estimated project cost for Options 1 is $1,151,159 if River Street is constructed to a 32' width; $1,126,659 if River Street is constructed to a 28' width. Option #2 has a total cost of $2,650, 170 or if River Street is constructed to a 28' width it would be $2,578,170. Kevin Kawlewski then reviewed funding for the project and the proposed assessment. The assessment rate for residential property would be $3,000/unit and $80/front foot for non- residential property. It was noted that there is 2,213 feet of public land which included the Montissippi Park, Riverside Cemetery, Hillcrest Park. In addition there is 1,291 feet of commercial property and 128 single family lots. It was proposed that any sewer and water main repairs would be funded from trunk funds. Sidewalk assessment would be levied against the properties accessing River Street and is estimated at $200/unit. Streets that received mill and overlay would be assessed at 25% of the cost and no cost would be assessed for sealcoating. It was pointed out that under Option #2 with the proposed assessment rates there would still be a shortfall of$1,316,005. . 6 ."'b . Council Minutes: 1/9/06 Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Correy Peters, 124 Hillcrest Road submitted a petition from residents stating they were in opposition to the project. They did not feel the area needed curb and gutter nor the other proposed improvements such as sidewalk and stonn sewer but indicated they would consider a mill and overlay. They also expressed concern that widening the street would bring more traffic in and the traffic would be traveling faster. Clint Herbst felt since this portion of town is pretty much built up they shouldn't be seeing an increase in traffic but he did agree the traffic could be moving faster. Brian Stumpf felt that 32' street width was not needed and 28' was adequate. Clint Herbst noted his concern about foot traffic in the area by the cemetery. He felt if you keep the road narrow you need to have some place to put the pedestrian traffic. Sidewalk is being proposed just along Otter Creek Road and River Street. Brian Stumpf noted the City does pick up 75% of the sidewalk cost. . Another resident expressed concern about sidewalk on the east side of Otter Creek Road. He noted that there are several large cottonwood trees in the area and he wondered if they would have to be removed. He also asked about the culvert underneath the road that drains down through his yard and ifthat would that be eliminated. Bret Weiss responded that they couldn't say for sure until they are in the design process but he felt if water flowed through a culvert it would be directed to the storm sewer. The resident thought it was a 12" culvert. Kevin Kawlewski suggested the resident complete a comment card noting this particular concern and then it can be addressed specifically at a later point. Daryl Tindle 1707 West River Street stated they are opposed to the project and read a prepared statement. He did not feel the area needed curb and gutter, storm sewer or street widening. He added he didn't believe the compost facility and the city's storage site should be located in a residential area. Larry Spivak, 1607 West River stated he was opposed to the sidewalk since he would have to maintain it. He didn't feel the sidewalk was necessary and felt there were better things the City could spend their money on. Carrie McDougall, 101 Hillcrest Circle asked who would be responsible for repair of the sidewalk. ] ohn Simola indicated this segment of sidewalk would be considered part of the grid system and the City would replace up to two panels per year and the two panels per year would be free. If the sidewalk needs to be totally replaced there would be no new assessment. Clint Herbst asked about who would be cleaning the sidewalk in the winter. If the sidewalk is on the grid system, the City would be responsible for maintaining the sidewalk. . Lee McDougall, 101 Hillcrest Circle questioned the comment about replacing the sewer and water line and whether they would be assessed for the line. Bret Weiss responded it would depend on whether the repair was to a service line or the main. If it is the main it would be paid for from trunk funds. The $3,000 assessment rate is for the reconstruction. Bret Weiss said 7 ~ Council Minutes: 1/9/06 . the curb and gutter will not be replaced unless it is in need of repair. Kevin Kawlewski will confirm what sewer repair will be necessary. Lee McDougall said he felt taxes should be paying for this type of improvement. The Council explained that if the City bonds for a proj ect at least 20% of the cost must be assessed. Lee McDougall question why the improvement wasn't financed 100% by property taxes. Bret Weiss indicated that he was aware of only one city that did that which was Minnetonka. Bret Weiss noted that some of the comment cards requested a safe crossing for CSAH 75. Bret Weiss indicated he will summarize the comments and forward the information to the Council. Tiffany Zalansky, 1704 West River Street stated they are opposed to the project and also questioned why curb and gutter had to go in. She also wondered why they weren't notify of the problem with the sanitary sewer. Bret Weiss stated that these were not catastrophic failures of the sewer system. These are problems that might become greater in the future and they did not want to have to dig a newly reconstructed street to repair a utility line at a later date. She also asked why the Hillcrest Park rink was no longer being flooded. Clint Herbst replied that this year the weather was not suitable and with the new ice arena and other outdoor rinks, the need to flood this rink was questionable. Tracy Revring, 1802 River Street West felt widening the street would only make traffic move faster. She also wanted to know about getting a "slow children" sign. Bret Weiss stated having curb and gutter on the street actually slows traffic somewhat as it confines the area the vehicle . travels in. John Simola indicated that there are "children at play" signs but the City cannot make the speed limit less than 30 mph unless there is school present. John Simola suggested she call him and he would look at the site and see what could be done. Walt Musty, 3 Riverside Circle stated they are opposed to full reconstruction with curb and gutter and sidewalk. They are not in opposition to widening River Street to 28' but did not feel any other streets needed to be widened. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. The Council discussed the scope of the project. The general consensus of the Council was to go with Option #1 but what the exact boundaries of Option #1 should be was debated. Wayne Mayer asked what the ramifications would of changing the boundary so that Option #1 would stop just west of the trailer park. The original Option #1 boundary was set up to go 600 ' east of Kenneth Lane since that corresponded to the boundary of the drainage district. Brian Stumpf asked if they could bid the sidewalk as an alternate and leave the road a rural section without curb and gutter. Kevin Kawlewski said they looked at that but putting a sidewalk or trail within a rural section may cause problems because the sidewalk or trail may obstruct water from draining. If you leave the road as rural section you would want to leave the ditches for drainage and then you would have the difficulty of placing a pathway in the ditch area. Clint Herbst suggested bidding the sidewalk as an alternate and the curb and gutter as an alternate. Bret Weiss stated that it would more difficult to bid the curb and gutter as an alternate as it would . 8 \0 . . . Council Minutes: 1/9/06 require two designs. Glen Posusta felt you could not place sidewalk in rural section of street. Tom Perrault suggested changing the boundary of Option #1 to include Oakview Circle because ofthe waterrnain situation that exists there. Tom Perrault asked if Hillcrest Circle could wait a year or so. Brian Stumpf noted that the Ritze property has both commercial and residential uses and suggested that they be assessed based on Y2 for the commercial use and Y2 for the residential use. Glen Posusta stated he didn't feel the Council should put in anything but urban design street. As far as the storm sewer he did not know why the City would consider doing this project without storm sewer. Kevin Kawlewski stated that since traffic counts showed Otter Creek to carry the most volume it would be considered the main entrance into the area. For that reason it was proposed to widen it to 32'. Option #1, plus Oakview Circle and the sealcoating of Kenneth Lane and Craig Lane should be the project scope according to Tom Perrault. John Simola felt the 32' width should be continued to the Ritze property since that is commercial. He noted part ofthe 32' standard was to allow for parking on both sides ofthe roadway. Clint Herbst stated that two letters have been received from residents on Hillcrest Road relating to the project. Glen Posusta suggested Option #1 but stop at the end of the Ritze property with the road widened to 28' with curb and gutter, parking allowed on one side and with the reconstruction of Oakview Circle and sidewalk bid as an alternative. There was additional discussion on whether the road width should be 32' or 2S'. Wayne Mayer favored widening the street because it is so narrow as to make passage difficult. It was noted that $25,000 was the difference in the cost for widening the street. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE OPTION #1 TO INCLUDE OAKVIEW CIRCLE, THE STREET BEING WIDENED TO 32' AND SIDEWALK BID AS AN ALTERNATE. There was some discussion on the boundary of the project area. WAYNE MAYER AMENDED HIS MOTION TO MAKE BOUNDARY OF THE PROJECT FROM OTTER CREEK ROAD TO CRAIG LANE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GbEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. ~..,., a............ s+-....~ . Bret Weiss asked for clarification if the motion atomized the preparation ofp1ans and specifications and if they City was going with the proposed assessment rate. Clint Herbst indicated the authorization was there for plans and specs and the assessment figures will be as presented until the bids are back. 9 \ \ Council Minutes: 1/9/06 8. Public Hearin~ on appeal of denial of variance for lot fronta~es for Pine View Development. . The applicant requested a variance for lot frontages for a preliminary plat consisting of five residential lots with four of the lots be developed initially and the 5th lot would be developed when the intersection of Otter Creek Road and CSAH 75 is realigned. The Planning Commission voted 2-2 on the variance request and the matter came before the Council. The variance requested was for a reduction of 80' of frontage to approximately 74'. The applicant stated that a variance is appropriate because of extenuating circumstances. This site is difficult to redevelop. The applicant will be coming back with a preliminary plat on 123/06. Jeff O'Neill discussed the design issues related to the development. Clint Herbst asked if the site was in the same part of town where 66' was allowed because it was in the old part of town. Brian Stumpf noted that this is less density than what was previously proposed and would provide a way for the property to be redeveloped. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Tom Holthaus stated that at this time he didn't have any building design in place because he didn't think it made any sense to design it without knowing ifthe variance would be granted. Glen Posusta indicated that comments from the adjacent residents at the Planning & Zoning . meet were positive and another plus was that this development was single family detached housing. Glen Posusta questioned where the driveway would be on Outlot A. No one else present spoke for or against the variance. Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. Wayne Mayer stated his concern is about where the driveway comes up onto CSAH 75 and Otter Creek Road. He wondered how soon after you turn off CSAH75 onto Otter Creek road does the driveway for the 5th lot come up. He would like the driveway for the fifth lot pushed back as far as possible. Tom Holthaus indicated he is agreeable to holding the driveway to the far side of the lot. Bret Weiss suggested that the wording of the condition be that the driveway location be approved by the City Engineer. Tom Holthaus said the only comment he had with concern to Exhibit Z related to the right turn lane and the sidewalk. He felt complying with these would push the yard back and he would like to compromise on this. Clint Herbst asked about the findings for hardship. Possible findings could include the difficulty in redeveloping the property and its location in the old part of town could be extenuating circumstances. Tom Scott said the Council has the discretion to grant a variance even though there may not be a real hardship. Tom Perrault stated in looking at the area and with the constraints ofturn lane and CSAH75, he felt the development should contain 4 lots not 5. Wayne Mayer stated his was that the . 10 \~ . . . Council Minutes: 1/9/06 development across the street had a number of demands placed on it the City seem to be relaxing the demands for the property on the south. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE A V ARlANCE FOR LOTS WIDTHS OF LESS THAN 80 FEET FOR THE PINE VIEW DEVELOPMENT WITH A FINDING THAT THE APPLICANT HAS SHOWN A HARDSHIP BASED ON A FINDING TO BE DETERMINED BY THE BOARD OF APPEALS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Public Hearin~ - Continued hearin~ on anneal of a variance for a secondarv drivewav in an R-l zonin~ district. - Richard Bastien Jeff O'Neill submitted a survey drawing and provided background information on this item. The variance request was to allow for a second driveway. The applicant was also requesting a conditional use permit for an accessory building. The Planning Commission had recommended a building setback of20 feet. Jeff O'Neill reviewed options that were available. The property owner could just get access to his building from River Street. This option was not feasible according to the property owner. The accessory building could have a 10 foot setback from Sandy Lane and a 20 foot setback from the curb to the garage. The survey document showed a 22' setback from curb to the front of the garage with the accessory building being 26'. However these dimensions would still encroach in the public right of way. A building 22' in size would get it offthe right of way but may not be the right size for truck/equipment being stored in the building. If you make the accessory building bigger it will encroach into the area of the retaining wall. The 16' driveway width would make it difficult to turn into the building. The hardship is self-imposed because the applicant put up the retaining wall before the setback was determined. Clint Herbst felt the garage had to be 28' for the truck which would mean moving the retaining wall. Wayne Mayer noted on the survey one side shows a dimension of 20' and in another place it is 22'. The original building was to be 26' x 38' and there is 58' to the retaining wall. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against this matter. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. Clint Herbst felt if the property moved the retaining wall they would be able to meet the setback requirements. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE VARIANCE ALLOWING A SECOND DRIVEW A Y BUT WITH A 16' CURB CUT CONSISTENT WITH COUNCIL DISCUSSION ON THE ITEM AND WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE BUILDING LOCATION WILL NOT RESULT IN VEHICLES BEING PARKED ON PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11 \3 Council Minutes: 1/9/06 . 10. Consideration of approvin~ a conditional use permit for 896 sq. ft. detached accessory structure in an R-l ZoniD!! District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonry and Concrete. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVED THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 896 SQUARE FOOT DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE IN AN R-l ZONING DISTRICT FOR RICHARD BASTIEN WITH THE CONDITION THAT A BUILDING SETBACK 25' FROM THE PROPERTY LINE BE PRESERVED, THAT THE BUILDING IS CONSTRUCTED WITH MATERIALS AND COLORS SIMILAR TO THAT OF THE PRINCIPAL BUILDING AND THAT THE BUILDING IS CONSTRUCTED TO FACE RIVER STREET WITHOUT THE NEED FOR A SEPARATE DRIVEWAY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of annual appointments for 2006. Clint Herbst informed the Council that Dick Fried had decided to not to serve another term as Planning Commission chair. The Council took the opportunity to thank Mr. Frie for his years of service on the Planning Commission. Glen Posusta stated he would like to continue to serve as Council liaison to the Planning Commission but asked if someone else could take the second meeting which occurs every other . month. Wayne Mayer indicated he would be willing to do that. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS AS PRESENTED BUT WOULD LIKE SOME CONSIDERATION GIVEN TO OTHER DEPOSITORIES BESIDES WELLS FARGO. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of license renewal for Walt's Pawn Shot>. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller noted the concerns from the Sheriffs Department about problems with transactions reporting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO RENEW THE LICENSE FOR WALT'S PAWN SHOP AT 1219 TH 25 ON A MONTH TO MONTH BASIS PROVIDED THE PROPER LICENSE BOND AND ANNUAL PERMIT FEE OF $25 IS PAID. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta questioned the $25 annual fee. Rick Wolfsteller explained that the City also receives $.50 from each billable transaction. Glen Posusta pointed out that there are zoning violations on the site and asked when these violations would be address by the Planning Commission. City Attorney, Tom Scott indicated they had sent the applicant a letter informing them their application was deficient. The applicant has not submitted anything to correct the . deficiencies of their application. The applicant was informed of the violations and the need to 12 \ L.\ . . . 13. Council Minutes: 1/9/06 send in a complete and correct application. Tom Scott said the City could proceed with going to court on the zoning violations but staff is hopeful these issues will be resolved. Randel Thompson owner of Walt's Pawn Shop stated he has tried to work with the City on these items. He said the problems with recording of transactions was a computer glitch and he is working with Dave Clemons from the Wright County Sheriffs Department and the software people to get the problem resolved. Randel Thompson discussed the outside sales and storage issues. He stated there was a previous conditional use permit issued to the site for outside storage and sales. He noted other properties in the area were in violation ofthe code andt when he attempted to register a complaint about another business's violation he was treated in a rude and offensive manner by the zoning official. Clint Herbst stated he was more concern that the computer problems are resolved. If there continues to be problems with reporting transactions, the Council discussed what options could be taken. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that if violations continue to occur the City can notify the license holder that a public hearing will be conducted to consider suspension or revocation of the license. He added that this option is available whether the license is approved for a full year or on a month to month basis. Consideration of fee increases for 2006. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADOPT THE 2006 FEE SCHEDULE AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Tom Perrault stated his opposition was because of the amount established for park dedication fees. 14. Consideration of approvine RFP and authorizin2 process for Comp Plan update. Jeff O'Neill stated that nothing had been done on preparing an RFP for the Comprehensive Plan update because of how busy he has been and he cited some ofthe development issues he has been dealing with. He did not see that the delay on this item had done any harm. Now that things are slowing down there is an opportunity to start moving on getting the update completed. He asked the Council to consider selecting Northwest Associated Consultants to do the Comprehensive Plan update. He stated that sending out RFP's would extend the time frame to complete the update. Wayne Mayer stated that it was a Council directive that RFP's be prepared for the Comprehensive Plan update but itt had not been done. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO REQUEST NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULT ANTS TO PROVIDE A SCOPE OF SERVICES AND A COST ESTIMATE FOR COMPLETING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE WITH THE COUNCIL HAVING THE OPTION TO REVERT BACK TO THE RFP PROCESS. THIS INFORMATION WILL BROUGHT BACK AT THE JANUARY 23, 2006 MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE 13 \s Council Minutes: 1/9106 MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. . 15. Finance Department Activitv Reoort City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explained that periodically staff will be presenting to the Council department activity reports. He provided a verbal report on the activities in the Finance Department. The Finance Department is in the process of closing out the books for year end and is beginning preparations for the annual audit. Rick Wolfsteller reported that the City received a $27,000 insurance dividend from LMCIT. This is the 19th year that the City has received a dividend. Lastly he noted that when the Council approved the 2006 budget and tax levy, a comparison was made between the taxes in Monticello and the taxes in Buffalo with the implication that Monticello is a more costly place to live than Buffalo. Historically Monticello has relied on property taxes as their primary revenue source and has chosen to keep fees and charges for services low. In comparing the revenue sources for the two communities it was pointed out that unlike Buffalo, the City of Monticello does not receive LGA (Local Government Aid). Buffalo has an electric utility whose revenues are used to offset expenditures in the general fund while Monticello does not nor does Monticello charge for recycling and garbage services. lfthe City of Monticello wanted to reduce the amount of their tax levy, they could do so by increasing the . sewer and water rates to comparable amounts in other communities like Buffalo. They could charge residents for recycling and garbage collection. The City could establish a franchise fee that their electric service customers would have to pay. At the present time Monticello charges 20% in assessments for reconstruction projects whereas Buffalo charges 40%-50%. When you compare charges for services and other sources of revenue as well as tax levy, the two communities are fairly close. Added Items: Development Guide Handbook: Jeff O'Neill presented draft copies of the development guide handbook to the Council and reported that a meeting has been scheduled with builders and developers on January 24,2006 at 2:30 to review the process outlined in the guide. Poplar Hills Parking: Wayne Mayer asked about the parking issues and if anything had happened on that. Jeff O'Neill said they will be meeting again with the developer in the next couple of weeks. Roundabout at CSAH 18: The City met with county officials regarding the roundabout. Two options were presented; a roundabout with a connection to the elementary school and one without a connection to the elementary school. Wright County does not favor use of the roundabout and turned down both options. The City could bring this matter before the Wright County Transportation Committee. The estimated cost for roundabout with no connection to the school is $275,000-$375,000. With a connection to the school the cost is approximately . 14 \\P . . . Council Minutes: 1/9/06 $375,000 to $425,000. Bret Weiss stated they have not talked to developer to see what interest he has in pushing this forward. Wayne Mayer stated the roundabout would not be necessary if the County would allow a left turn off Meadow Oak Lane. Letter from Resident in Sunset Ponds: The issues raised in a letter received from a resident in the Sunset Ponds development was discussed at site review. Many of the concerns noted in the letter were issues between the property owner and builder but it was unclear whether any written notification had been given to the property owner regarding his concerns. Rick W olfsteller will check into this and make sure that a response is sent. House Numbers: Tom Perrault asked ifthere was a size requirement for house numbers. He stated that he had received a complaint that the numbers in the Timber Ridge development were not very legible. Jeff O'Neill will check with the building department on this. Snowmobiles: Tom Perrault asked if some kind of information relating to snowmobile use and regulations could be placed on Channel 12. Parks: Tom Perrault reported that the Parks Commission had expressed deep regrets about the resignation of the Parks Department Superintendent. Sign age: Tom Perrault noted that directional sign for the high school is located at the intersection of CSAH 18/CR 39 and that street is closed. He was wondering what could be done about it. City Engineer Bruce Westby indicated that the contractor was suppose to bag the sign. He will check with the contractor. Tom Perrault also asked when the parking on one side of the street only signs would be placed in the recently completed portion ofthe Core Street Reconstruction project. John Simola will check into this. 16. Consideration of approvine bills for Januarv. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Adiourn BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 11 :25 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Notice of a closed meeting to take place after the regular meeting had been given. Because of additional information that had been received, the Council determined to continue the meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CONTINUE THE MEETING TO JANUARY 17,2006 AT 6:30 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 15 \-"1 . . . Council Agenda - 1/23106 . 5A. Consideration of aporovine new hires and departures for Parks. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the Parks Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . \~ . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Witschen, Nathan Winter Park Assist Parks 12/22/2005 Temp Farnick, Derek Winter Park Assist Parks 12/21/2005 Temp Neese, Christopher Winter Park Assist Parks 12/21/2005 Temp Hook, Katherine Winter Park Assist Parks 12/20/2005 Temp Binette, Yvonne Winter Park Assist Parks 12/20/2005 Temp TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Class Reason Department Last Day . . employee councillist.xls: 1/10/2006 5 ~-l~ . . . 5B. Council Agenda - 1/23/06 Consideration of resolution approvin~ renewal of eamblin!! license for Land of Lakes Choirboys to conduct charitable !!amblin!! at JP's. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Land of Lakes Choirboys is requesting renewal of their permit to conduct charitable gambling operations at .IP's (Jalapeno's). Prior to the State Gambling Control Board issuing a license, the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the application. The staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the state to issue this license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to renew the charitable gambling license to the Land of Lakes Choirboys [or charitable gambling activities at JP's. 2. Do not approve the resolution. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends the resolution being adopted authorizing the issuance of the license. The City is not aware of any reason why the license should be denied. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution · Financial Statement - Gambling Operations d.O . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2006-4 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Land of Lakes Choirboys has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the renewal of a charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling activities at Jalpeno's in Monticello, Minnesota; WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Land of Lakes Choirboys for a charitable gambling license at Jalapeno's, Monticello, Minnesota is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of January, 2006. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator :; ~- d. ~ . LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS GAMBLING OPERATIONS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2004 AND 2005 Year Ended Year Ended Dec. 31, 2004 Dec. 31, 2005 Totals Gross Profit: Gross receipts - pull tabs $ 2,090,562.00 $ 1,681,317.00 $ 3,771,879.00 Gross receipts. meat raffle 360.00 360.00 Prizes paid - pull tabs (1,720,635.00) (1,362,512.00) (3,083,147.00) Prizes paid - meat raffle (240.00) (240.00) Gross Profit $ 369,927.00 $ 318,925.00 $ 688,852.00 State Taxes: Net receipts tax $ $ (10.20) $ (10.20) Combined receipts tax (70,918.66) (52,838.96) (123,757.62) Gambling Control Board fee (2,090.56) (1,681.69) (3,772.25) Gambling tax (54,627.15) (46,687.39) (101,314.54) Total State Taxes $ (127,636.37) $ (101,218.24) $ (228,854.61 ) Gross Profit After State Taxes $ 242,290.63 $ 217,706.76 $ 459,997.39 . Allowable expenses (151,255.53) (144,914.15) (296,169.68) Net Profit After State Taxes $ 91,035.10 $ 72,792.61 $ 163,827.71 Lawful Purpose Expenditures: Land of Lakes Choirboys $ 81,700.00 $ 49,000.00 $ 130,700.00 Monticello organizations (see attaChed) 25.220.00 40,300.00 65,520.00 Allowable portion of annual audit costs 2,100.00 2,300.00 4,400.00 License fees 600.00 600.00 1,200.00 Total Lawful Purpose Expenditures $ 109,620.00 $ 92,200.00 $ 201,820.00 less: 2% tax credit/refund (13,252.78) (17,719.00) (30,971.78) Net lawful Purpose Expenditures $ 96,367.22 $ 74,481.00 $ 170,848.22 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ (5,332.12) $ (1,688.39) $ (7,020.51) Profit Carryover. January 1 28,432.36 23,100.24 28,432.26 Profit Carryover - December 31 $ 23,100.24 $ 21,411.85 $ 21,411.75 . 51t>- ~ ?, LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS DONATIONS MADE FROM GAMBLING OPERATIONS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 AND 2005 . Organization Purpose Amount Total % Donations: Land of Lakes Choirboys: Total donations Programming costs $ 130,700 Less: allowances approved by City management for financial hardship: For fiscal year 09/0112003 to 08/3112004 $ (5,000) For fiscal year 09/01/2004 to 08/31/2005 (3,000) For fiscal year 09/0112005 to 08/3112006 (5,000) (13,000) Total Land of Lakes Choirboys, net of approved allowances S 117,700 60.0% Monticello Organizations: City of Monticello Riverfest $ 5,000 Monticello Community Center Murals in pool area 14,000 Monticello Community Center Mural by climbing wall 1,500 Monticello High School Scholarships for the arts 4,000 Monticello High School Crossroads & other teen programs 4,750 Monticello High School Close Up Program - Washington D.C. 3,000 Monticello High School Baseball program 1,620 . Monticello Science for Youth (SciFY) Robotics Project 1,200 Monticello SciFY Rocketry Program 3,900 Monticello SciFY Space Science Shuttle Project 8,600 Monticello Community Toys for Tots Donation 1,000 Monticello Community Choir Music books 300 Monticello Arts Council Events expenses 800 Little Mountain Elementary School Music program 1,550 Little Mountain Elementary School T-shirts for "T.EAM." theme 2,100 Little Mountain Elementary School Books for monarch butterfly science unit 150 Pinewood Elementary School Music program 6,000 Monticello-Big Lake Nursing Home Patient care equipment 3,800 Monticello Polecats Donation 2,000 Rivers of Hope Donation 250 Subtotal - Monticello Organizations S 65,520 Add: approved allowances to Land of Lakes Choirboys for financial hardship (see above) 13,000 Total Monticello Organizations, after approved allowances S 78,520 40.0% Total Donations S 196,220 100.0% -- other Lawful PUll108e Expenditures: Cost of annual audit 4,400 License fees 1,200 Total Lawful Purpose Expenditures S 201,820 . s ~- d-?-> City Council Agenda - 1/23/06 . 5C. Consideration of approvinl! the date for annual Board of Review. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Assessor's office has scheduled Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 7 p.m. as the date for the Monticello annual Board of Review. Ifthis date is not acceptable to the Council, we need to let the County Assessor know as soon as possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve setting Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2006 Board of Review. 2. If this date is not acceptable, the Council should suggest an alternate date or starting times. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Wright County Assessor . . ~\.{ ~ W' . . "'tV . ,,~... ... Q~ (i:C~., .tt.- "."~ .' ; .~ J.r. .~ :r'" .,'" 6. .WIl"'" ;""".' ..."_........:',';~';..~. ~;' ! ~_. . y' '""). i! ~~,!:? Gregory A. Kramber Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street NW, Room 240 Buffalo, MN 55313-1183 Phone: (763) 682-7367/(763) 682-7368 1 (800) 362-3667 FAX: (763) 684-4553 www.co.wright.mn.us To: Monticello City From: Randy DesMarais, Wright County Date: January 4, 2006 Re: 2006 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Dates Tuesday Day of the Week April 25, 2006 Date Minnesota Law requires that the County Assessor set the date for your Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting. The 2006 Monticello City Local Board of Review and Equalization Meeting has been tentatively set for April 25, 2006 at 7:00pm. If this date is agreeable or must be changed please contact Randy at 763-682.7366 or 1- 800-362-3667 ext. 7366 prior to February 8, 2006. Minnesota Statues require that in order to hold a Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting in 2006 there must be a quorum and at least one of the voting members must have attended the approved training. If your board has any questions or needs any information please contact Randy. Currently some of the Cities and Townships in Wright County held their meetings with a starting time of 9:00AM, 1 :OOPM & 3:00PM. lfyour members are interested in starting the meeting earlier than your tentatively scheduled time please contact Randy. As there must be a quorum please notifY your board members with a request that they mark their calendars. More information, including a summary ofthe duties and responsibilities ofthe Local Board of Appeal and Equalization will be provided at a later date. Your early completion and return ofthe attached tear off slip will be appreciated and we will send your official notice for posting as required by law. Please return to Randy DesMarais, Wright County Assessor Office, at the above address or fax to our office at 763-684-4553. ~~___~~___.rr_______~~~____rr___~~.________~~~__________~~__r___~_~___"______~_____r____~.________~~_______~~______~~__r___ CONFIRMA TlON Municipality: Date: Time: Place: For selecting meeting dates in future years, the following information will be helpfuL !;c..-~s . . . 5D. Set the Public Hearine Date for the Extension of Utilities to the Hidden Forest and Niaeara Falls Developments (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2005.03C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The proposed Hidden Forest and Niagara Falls (Brad Paumen and Mark Woolston) developments are two individually owned and connected plats consisting of 173 acres located just outside ofthe east City boundary, adjacent to the recently constructed Sunset Ponds development. These projects propose to develop 249 unattached units (single- family homes). The City Council has previously approved the preliminary plat for the first phase of the Hidden Forest development, and the second phase of Hidden Forest as well as the Niagara Falls development is scheduled for preliminary plat consideration in March 2006. Since this development is located beyond the utility system limits, a feasibility report was prepared and approved to extend sanitary sewer and water systems to serve the site, as well as evaluation of a storm water outlet for the area as it is associated with providing a new outlet to Ditch 33. Preparation of final plans and specifications has been authorized and is nearly complete. In order to proceed with the project, a public hearing will need to be held prior to approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids. The project will be funded by the developers with some trunk system credits provided. City staff is currently working with the developers to finalize the Developer's Agreement. A public hearing is recommended to be held to allow the City to bond for the project. A summary of the project improvements is outlined below: The proposed improvements include construction of a lift station in the northwest comer of the site, adjacent to CSAH 39, to serve the Hidden Forest development. A secondary lift station to serve the Niagara Falls development and adjacent developable area may be constructed in conjunction with this project as the developer has indicated that he is interested in constructing the development this year. This southwest (Niagara Falls) lift station would pump temporarily into the Sunset Ponds lift station until the forcemain is extended to the Hidden Forest lift station scheduled for 2007. Approximately 4,800 feet of 8-inch forcemain is proposed to extend from the Hidden Forest lift station along the south side ofCSAH 39 and connect to the existing 12~inch sanitary sewer system at River Mill Drive. The 8-inch forcemain is designed to serve the proposed developments as well as future developable areas to the east, within the annexation boundary. Approximately 3,900 feet of 12-inch watermain is proposed to extend from the development along CSAH 39 to Gillard Avenue. The watermain will eventually extend through the Niagara Falls development to the Sunset Ponds development to provide a looped system. It is anticipated that frequent flushing of the watermain will need to occur to prevent stagnant water prior to the loop being constructed. There is limited space to construct the forcemain and watermain along the south side of CSAH 39 due to several private utilities, existing properties, and the existing right-of- way. We have met with the private utility companies to discuss impacts to their facilities and it would be difficult and costly to open cut one or both of the watermain and forcemain pipes. Therefore, the project will be bid with two alternates as follows: C;\DocumeIllS tmd Settingslda'W1l.grossingerILocal SeuingslTemporary Intenlet Files\OLKJIAGN ITM-HitldenForestNiagtInIFallsSetPuhHrg-OI1306,tloc d~ . Alternate 1: Directional bore the watermain and forcemain using HDPE (high density polyethylene pipe) along the south side of CSAH 39. . Alternate 2: Open cut the watermain along the north side ofCSAH 39 using DIP . (ductile iron pipe) and directional bore the sanitary sewer forcemain using HDPE (high density polyethylene pipe) along the south side of CSAH 39. An option analyzed in the feasibility report was to directional bore DIP (ductile iron pipe); however, we have not found a contractor yet who can directional bore DIP. Therefore, this was not included as an alternate. An analysis of the costs for each alternate will be completed after the bids are received. A 48-inch diameter storm sewer pipe is proposed to extend across CSAH 39 and outlet to the Mississippi River. This will provide a storm water outlet for the area as it is associated with providing a new outlet to Ditch 33. A 40-foot easement is in place to construct the stonn sewer. We are recommending the Council set the public hearing date for February 13, 2006, at which time the public hearing would be held and the Council can also consider approving the plans. and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids. The project is anticipated to bid in midhMarch with a March 27,2006, award date contingent on an approved Developer's Agreement. Construction of the project is anticipated to start in May 2006. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Set the Public Hearing date for February 13, 2006, for extending utilities to the Hidden Forest and Niagara Falls developments. 2. Do not set the public hearing date at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to select Alternative No. 1. City staff is working with the developers to finalize the Developer's Agreement. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . C:\Documents mu/ Senings\dll'Ml,grossingerlLocal SelfingslTe11/pomry Internel Files \OLK3 \.A GN ITM-Hidde"ForestNiagaraFallsSetPuhHrg-OI]306.doc dl . . . "'~.,'.'~,'~ Council Agenda: 1/23/06 5E. Authorization to Accept Petition for improvements and Update the Feasibility Report for the Reconstruction of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2006-02C) (WSB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff has recently received interest from developers to develop the properties along Cedar Street south of Chelsea Road. The proposed sites include redeveloping the existing Checker Auto Parts/Purple Pride site at the southwest corner of Chelsea Road and Cedar Street and developing the Lamont property (old Home Depot site) located at the southeast corner of Chelsea Road and Cedar Street. An application for preliminary plat and a conditional use permit allowing drive thru pharmacy and convenience food has been submitted for the Checker Auto Parts/Purple Pride site and is scheduled for the February Planning Commission agenda. A preliminary plat application for the Lamont site is under development and the developer has verbally expressed an interest in seeing Cedar Street reconstructed next summer. Ifthese developments move forward, Cedar Street will need to be reconstructed to accommodate these developments. The roadway will need to be widened and access locations evaluated. Sanitary sewer and watermain exists along Cedar Street. Storm sewer will need to be evaluated to serve the roadway and adjacent property. A feasibility report was prepared in 2001 to reconstruct Cedar Street from Oakwood Drive to Dundas Road. It is recommended that Cedar Street be reconstructed from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road to complete the connection to the already reconstructed north and south ends of Cedar Street. This includes re-aligning Cedar Street through the City property located along the east side of Cedar Street, north of Dundas Road. In anticipation of these developments, it is recommended that the feasibility report be updated to address the proposed improvements, anticipated costs, and assessments to the proposed developments. The estimated cost to complete the feasibility report is $5,000, which will be provided by the developer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion accepting petition and authorizing updating the feasibility report for the reconstruction of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road, provided that the developer deposits funds to complete the report. 2. Do not authorize any work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the Council select Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Site map showing potential development area. Petition available at meeting, (;)3 C: lDocufflenfs alJd SellillKsltimm.gro.tsin/:e:,.\Lac.ll1 Setli"gslTemporary InlemeJ Filcs\OLK3\AGN ITM-C.edllrSlmdAulh Fea.iRpl-O/2306.d/x. . SF. Consideration to deny a request for a rezonin{:l from PZM (Performance Zone Mixed) to B-3 (Hi{:lhway Business) or B-4 (General Business). Applicant: MMC land Company. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission considered the request for rezoning for the three parcels directly adjacent to Highway 75, owned by MMC land Company. MMC revised their rezoning request from the previous application, leaving the parcel directly adjacent to residential property out of the rezoning request. . The Planning Commission reviewed the location of the parcels in relationship to the proximity of residential, and also discussed the types of uses allowable within either a B-3 or B~4 district. The Commission came to a 2-2 vote on the rezoning. Two of the Commissioners had remaining concerns regarding the compatibility of more intense commercial districts located to residential areas, noting the purpose of the PZM as a buffering district. The other two Commissioners indicated that due to the growth and changing nature of uses within the area of the MMC parcels, a commercial zoning designation was appropriate, especially if residential uses were buffered by the remaining parcel. The applicant is seeking approval of a rezoning from PZM to B-3 or B-4 of the property north of County Highway 75. The property currently includes the O'Ryans gas/convenience store facility, and two other parcels. The applicant had previously requested the rezoning of a larger area, including land along County Highway 39 which abuts a residential zone. The Planning Commission did not recommend the larger area due to concerns over compatibility between the commercial zoning designation and the residential zone. The applicant has amended its request to retain the PZM zoning along the northern boundary with the residential district (Glorious Church boundary). The primary concern with the original request related to issues raised by the potential for auto-related uses adjacent to the residential properties. As now configured, the proposed commercial zoning would only abut other commercial districts, and the PZM buffer along the north side of Hart Boulevard would remain. It would appear the intent of the PZM as a transition district would be retained with this arrangement. Moreover, the exposure of the commercial districts along the easterly extension of County Highway 75 would suggest that commercial zoning would be appropriate, as it is to the east (Hawk's Bar), and to the west (Liberty Bank). . There are a number of auto-related uses that are allowed in the B-3 District, but not in the PZM District. The most likely to be requested in the subject area would be Motel/Hotel and Fast Food. The B-4 District provides for a broader range of 1 30 commercial uses, and would reflect the 8-4 District designated for the TargeUHome Depot project south of County Highway 75. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Rezoning from PZM to B-3 or 8-4 1. Motion to recommend approval ofthe rezoning to B-3, based on a finding that the most appropriate zoning for the area (due to highway proximity and traffic volumes) is the B-3 District. 2. Motion to recommend approval ofthe rezoning to BA, based on a finding that the most appropriate zoning for the area (due to highway proximity and traffic volumes) is the B-4 District. 3. Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning, based on a finding that the most appropriate zoning for the area (due to proximity of extensive residential uses) is the PZM District. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends approval of the rezoning to B-4. The area was zoned PZM due to the extensive boundary with residential. The original rezoning request was rejected due to . this concern. lIowever, the revised request changes the dividing line to retain the PZM transition to the residential zoning. As a result, planning staff believes that a rezoning of the property along County Highway 75 to B-4 would be consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Aerial Image 2. Staff Report for Planning Commission 10/04/05 3. Minutes of Planning Commission 10/04/05 4. PZM Zoning District Regulations 5. B-3 District Regulations 6. B-4 District Regulations 2 . 31 MMC Land Company Rezone Request . 5~-~d. Planning Commission Agenda - 10/04/05 10. Public Hearinl!: Consideration of a request for a rezonine from PZM (Performance Zone Mixed) to B-3 (Hig:hwav Business). Applicant: MMC Land Company. (NAC) . REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicant is seeking approval of a rezoning from PZM to B-3 of property between County Highway 75 and County Highway 39. The property currently includes the O'Ryans gas/convenience store facility, and three other parcels. The purpose of each district is listed below: "PZ-MIXED USE ZONING DISTRICT": The purpose of the "PZ-Mixed Use Zoning District" is to provide a land use transition between high density residential land uses and low intensity business land uses, as well as the intermixing of each such land use. PURPOSE: The purpose of the "B-3," highway business, district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. In the following table, we have listed the potential land uses and compared each district to highlight how the rezoning might change the development of the area: Type of Use PZM B-3 Barber/Beauty Permitted Permitted Governmental Buildings CUP CUP Multiple Family Buildings CUP CUP Commercial Offices Permitted Permitted Convenience Grocery Permitted Permitted Laundromat CUP CUP Art/School Supplies CUP Permitted Bakery/Grocery/Ice CUP Permitted Banks CUP Permitted Candy/Ice Cream CUP Permitted Camera/Electronics CUP Permitted Dry Cleaning CUP Permitted Drug Store CUP Permitted Florist CUP Permitted Gift/Novelty/Hobby CUP Permitted Hard ware/Paint CUP Permitted Professional Offices CUP Permitted Bill CUP NA Locksmith/Glass Service CUP Permitted Plumbing/Electrical Sales CUP Permitted . . 5~ - ~"3 Planning Commission Agenda - 10/04/05 . ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Rezoning from PZM to B-3 1. Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning, based on a finding that the most appropriate zoning for the area (due to highway proximity and traffic volumes) is the B-3 District. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning, based on a finding that the most appropriate zoning for the area (due to proximity of extensive residential uses) is the PZM District. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the rezoning. If there are specific uses that the applicant is seeking, a potential amendment to the PZM District might be more appropriate. The area was zoned PZM due to the extensive boundary with residential. There are a number of B-3 District uses that could conflict with the residential neighborhoods facing the area. An amendment incorporating specific uses into the PZM district could be designed to address specific issues raised by those uses without opening the area to objectionable land use conflicts. . Staff also believe that if Commission is inclined to consider recommending rezoning on this site, it could consider rezoning only those parcels not directly adjacent to residential neighborhoods. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Plan B. Arial Image C. PZM Zoning District Standards E. B-3 Zoning District Standards D. CSAH-18/I-94 Interchange Map . "'I .) S\=-,3L1 Planning Commission Agenda lO/04/05 THAT ALL LOTS IN THE PLAT WILL CONTINUE TO MEET THE CITY'S ZONING REQUIREMENTS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. . MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 10. Public Hearing ~ Consideration of a request to rezone from PZM (Performance Zone-Mixed) to B-3 (Highwav Business). Applicant: MMC Land Company. LLC Grittman reviewed the staff report, noting the location of the request. Grittman explained that the PZM district, which is the current zoning for the property, provides for and limits commercial service activities. Grittman referred to the chart in the staff report, wh ich compares and contrasts the allowable uses and regulations in both districts. Grittman stated that because the site is adjacent to single family uses, staff would suggest instead amending the ordinance to determine each proposed use's compatibility on its own merits. Grittman stated that staffs recommendation is to deny the request. John Ryan, property owner, stated to the Commission that they would specifically seek to allow fast food and auto accessories. They do not necessarily need rezoning. Ryan noted there is no allowance in the PZM for auto service. Grittman stated that there is a clause for motor service within the code, that could be added by amendment to the PZM district as permitted by CUP. Ryan also noted that hotel/motel is not allowed in a PZM. Ryan stated that 1110st of the adjoining properties are commercial and most residential uses do not directly abut their property. Ryan stated that he does not think we need to rezone, if may they have the opportunity to seek the CUP under an amendment. Ryan referred to their assessment for interchange. . Frie asked if Ryan got the table outlined in the staff report. Ryan stated that he did. Frie reviewed CUP uses within the B-3. Grittman stated that none of the uses Frie stated are allowed in the PZM. Frie stated that may be why the applicant is seeking the B-3. Grittman stated that the amendment may be acceptable as well. Frie asked if that option was made available to the applicant. Patch stated that he didn't bel ieve so. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Dan Gassier addressed the Commission, representing A Glorius Church. Gassier stated that he noticed that the church wasn't considered in potential rezoning impacts. Gassier stated that the church owns the parcel with the largest amount of lineal footage directly abutting this property. Gassier clarified that he doesn't want anyone to think of the church as a buffering area between commercial and residcntialuses. Gassier stated that he drove through town looking at B-3 districts, which includes uses such as General Rental and McDonald's. Gassier stated that he doesn't th ink that is really the type of use we want to see next to the church. Gassier also noted the clause allowing adult uses within the B-3 district. Gassier stated that it was interesting to him that adult uses are permitted without even the need for conditional use permit. Gassier stated that they want to protect the quality of their property. Additionally, he stated that the types of uses allowed in a B-3 are not compatible next to R-l areas. He indicated that when the church searched for property, they were discouraged from siting in a location that was incompatible with their use. Gassier stated that the church is against this rezoning. . 11 5t:~3S Planning Commission Agenda 10104/05 Frie asked what Gassier's attitude is towards the PZM district. Gassier stated that with limited knowledge, he is satisfied with what is there now. . Albert Blasovich, also a property owner, addressed the Commission, asking Gassier to provide them with information on what types of uses might be acceptable, as it would help them in who they would invite in and determine what is acceptable. Frie stated that is really a separate issue from the rezoning. Blasovich stated that he would like to go on record that they would at least like to see the portion adjacent to Hart Boulevard rezoned. Posusta agreed that might be more acceptable. Gassier stated that seems more favorable, athough it seems as though the applicants are still moving toward other uses. David Gassier, resident of the Mill Run development, stated that he shares his father's concerns. He added that he represent the residents of Mill Run area. He noted that he did not receive a mailing because he is outside the 350' area. Gassier stated that he was also made aware ofthe adult uses allowed in the B-3, and as a nearby resident that concerns him. He mentioned his children and stated that it is a concern, even ifonly allowed on paper. Gassier stated the residents are also concerned about noise. He stated that the compromise in zoning only a portion ofthe property may be a favorable option. Gassier indicated that in his opinion, all are residents should have been notified, noting the nearby child care facility. Grittman stated that while the zoning district does allow adult uses as permitted uses, there is a spacing requirement between the adult use and residential areas, parks and churches. None of this area would be eligible for adult use because of its proximity to those areas. . Frie asked about whether adult uses are permitted uses in a B-3. Grittman stated as long as they meet code requirements, they are permitted uses. Posusta clarified that the City is only required to notify property owners within 350 feet and also posts notices on the website, as well as newspaper. A citizen asked whether the Commission could address the issue of AST Sports being allowed to park a mobile home on their property. Frie asked him to address his concern at the Council meeting. Grittman also recommended a call to staff during the day. If there is a violation, they can follow up on it. Hearing no fwiher comment, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Hilgart stated that he agrees with keeping the lot next to church PZM and possibly rezoning the others. Dragsten, Spartz and Suchy agreed. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE REZONING, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE MOST APPROPRIATE ZONING FOR THE AREA (DUE TO PROXIMITY OF EXTENSIVE RESIDENTIAL USES) [S THE PZM DISTRICT. MOT[ON SECONDED BY COMM[SSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARR[ED, 5-0. . 12 'S ~ - 3(0 until such time as the applicant or City staff has prepared the necessary studies. 3. Surrounding Property Owners: . Surrounding property owners shall be notified in writing of any proposed developments. Applicants shall be encouraged to meet with property owners prior to public hearings or whenever such a meeting will allow better involvement of neighbors in the review process. While complete consent of adjacent property owners shall not be mandatory for approval ofprojects developed under the PZ-Residential zoning, involvement with adjacent owners shall be encouraged through all steps within the approval process. 4. Submission Requirements, Amendments, and Special Requirements: (a) All applicants shall submit final building plans to the City prior to the granting of permits. No changes to the plans shall be permitted without consent from the City Council. All requirements as a condition of approval shall be addressed in the final developers agreement and indicated on all appropriate plans. City staff shall inspect the work during construction to assure that such plans are followed. (b) The City Council may at its discretion place special requirements that will ensure the complete construction of all requirements. Such conditions may include performance bonds, time limitations for commencement of the work, and limitations on the hours of construction. . (c) When areas are to be preserved by the developer, the City may require that such areas be fenced during construction to assure that equipment will not damage preservation areas. 10-6: PERFORMANCE ZONE-MIXED (PZM) PERMITTED USES: Only the following uses are permitted uses within a PZM district: "PZ-MIXED ZONING DISTRICT" [A] Those uses listed as permitted uses within the R-3 zoning district subject to the standards contained therein. [B) Club or lodge without the serving of food or beverages. (#226, 6/8/92) [C] A permitted use shall be regulated and controlled by the terms, conditions, and provisions of this ordinance as they pertain to an R-3 district. . 10-7: PZM: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: Only the following uses are permitted MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/7 ~~~31 accessory uses within a PZM district. [A] Those uses listed as pennitted accessory uses in the R-3 zoning district. ..... ., [B] A permitted accessory use shall be regulated and controlled by the terms, conditions, and provisions of this ordinance as they pertain to an R-3 district. 10-8: PZM: CONDITIONAL USES: Only the following uses are conditional uses in a PZM district. [A] Those uses listed as conditional uses in the R-3 zoning district and as regulated therein except as modified in this chapter. [B] Hospitals, medical offices and clinics, dental offices and clinics, professional offices and commercial (leased) offices (limited to appraisers, architects, attorneys, certified public accountants, clergymen, dentists, engineers, manufacturers representatives, physicians, real estate agents, and other similar uses which have no storage of merchandise and are service oriented with no retail sale of goods on the premises), and fimeral homes and mortuaries provided that: 1. When abutting R-l, R-2, R-3, or PZR district, a buffer area with screening and landscaping in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], shall be erected. .At. .., [C] Nursing homes and similar group housing, but not including hospitals, sanitariums, or similar institutions, provided that: 1. Side yards are double the minimum requirements established for this district and are screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 2. One (1) off-street loading space in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 6, of this ordinance is installed. [D] Parking facilities for adjacent commercial or multiple dwelling establishments provided that: 1. Screening of abutting residential uses and landscaping is provided in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. [E] Retail commercial activities as listed in Chapter 12, Section 2, of this ordinance, provided that: 1. Merchandise is sold at retail only. 2. The procedures outlined hereinafter are complied with in full. a ., 3. Accessory production or processing activities provided that: MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/8 Sl=-'3t a. The production activities are accessory to a permitted retail use in the PZM District. b. The building and site plan are designed to be compatible with architecture in the adjoining neighborhood. . c. The production activity shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the gross floor area of the building. d. When abutting a residential district, a buffer area with screening and landscaping in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (G) shall be erected. e. The site is served by a collector street with access that avoids mixing of residential traffic with truck traffic generated by production use. (#415, 10/11/04) [F] Buildings combining residential and non-residential uses allowed in this district provided that: 1. Residential and non-residential uses shall not be contained on the same floor. 2. The procedures outlined hereinafter are complied with in full. [01 Senior citizen housing provided that: . 1. Not more than ten (10) percent of the occupants may be persons sixty (60) years of age or under (spouse of a person over sixty (60) years of age or caretakers, etc.). 2. Except for caretaker units, occupancy shall be limited to man and wife, blood relatives, or a single man or single woman. 3. To continue to qualify for the senior citizen housing classification, the owner or agent shall annually file with the City Administrator or the Building Inspector a certified copy of a monthly resume of occupants of such a multiple dwelling, listing the number of tenants by age and clearly identifying and setting forth the relationship of occupants sixty (60) years of age or under to qualified tenants or to the building. 4. One (1) off-street loading space in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 6, of this ordinance is installed. 5. Elevator service is provided to each floor level. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/9 s ~ .,~ ~ . . . 6. Usable open space as defined in Chapter 2, Section 2, of this ordinance, at a minimum, is equal to twenty (20) percent of the gross lot area. 7. The site of the main entrance of the principal use is served or is located within four hundred (400) feet of regular transit service. 8. The site of the main entrance of the principal use is within four hundred (400) feet of commercial shopping development or adequate provision for access to such facilities is provided. [H] Restaurants and private clubs and lodges serving food and beverages, provided that: 1. The proposed use complies with applicable screening and buffering standards in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2[G], of this ordinance. 2. Service of prepared food or alcoholic beverages shall be in compliance with all federal, state, and municipal regulations. 3. Offices of such use shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) percent of the gross floor area of the principal structure(;#318, 10/12/98) [I] Bed and breakfast facilities provided that: 1. Bed and breakfast operations shall be limited to residential structures existing prior to the date of this ordinance. 2. When abutting R-I, R-2, R-3, or PZR district, a buffer area with screening and landscaping shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 3. Adequate off-street parking and an access shall be provided in the fonn of one parking space per rental unit plus one space for each ten rental units and one space for each employee on each shift. 4. Food served on the premises may be served only to overnight guests of the bed and breakfast. 5. The owner, operator, or manager ofthe bed and breakfast shall reside on the premises. 6. Activities shall be limited to those customary to the operation of a bed and breakfast facility. Commercial use of the property for other activities not normally associated with the operation of a bed and breakfast such as wedding receptions, parties, etc., are not allowed under this conditional use permit. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE I 0/1 0 S \=- L\ D 7. Material used for the parking area shall consist of dust and erosion resistant materials that will not cling to vehicle tires and track onto public streets. The materials used shall also be capable of supporting vehicular traffic. 8. Operation of the bed and breakfast facility shall comply with all state regulations governing such facilities. (#180,8/14/89) . [J] Dry cleaning processing provided that: 1. Dry cleaning operation must meet all OSHA safety standards. 2. Dry cleaning operation shall be self-contained in terms of noise and fumes with no venting to outside of building. 3. Dry cleaning facility shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. 4. Screening of abutting residential uses and landscaping must be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of the zoning ordinance. 5. Voice amplifiers used in conjunction with drive- through process shall not be audible to adjoining residential areas. [KJ Car wash activity provided that: 1. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. . 2. Magazining or stacking space is constructed to accommodate that number of vehicles which can be washed during a maximum thirty (30) minute period and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 3. At the boundaries of a residential district, a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [GJ, ofthis ordinance. 4. Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered. 5. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 6. The entire area other than occupied by the buildings or plantings shall be surfaced with material which will control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/11 5 t=- ~ 1 . . . 7. The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subj ect to the approval of the City Engineer. 8. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], oftrus ordinance. 9. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, and shall be subj ect to the approval of the City Engineer. 10. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. 11. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 12. The provisions of Chapter 22 ofthis ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. 13. Car wash facility shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. 14. Intermittent sounds produced by car wash operation such as the sound of a vacuum or warning signal shall not be audible to users of adjoining PZM or residential properties. (#181, 9/11/89) [L] Radio antennas and other communication transmission devices provided they meet the following conditions: 1. Height: A ground-mounted communication device height shall not exceed 60 feet when fully extended. 2. Yards: The communication device shall not be located within a front yard setback, a required side yard, or any side yard abutting a street. Communication devices shall be located five (5) feet or more from rear lot lines and shall not be located within a utility easement. 3. Roofs: The communication device may be placed on the roof of any authorized structure on the premises. The height ofthe communication device shall not exceed 20 feet above the peak of the roof or roof line. 4. Neighboring Property Impact: The communication device shall be so constructed and located that in the event it falls, it will not fall on adjoining property. The conununication device may be set back from adjoining property at a distance that is less than the height of the communication device if a certified engineer certifies that the device as constructed will not fall on adjoining property. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1 0/ 12 5"F--4d. 5. Building Permits: A building permit shall be required for the installation of any communication device which requires a conditional use permit, or for any device which has a structural surface exposure of greater than nine (9) square feet. Building permit applications shall be accompanied by a site plan and structural components data for the communication device, including details of anchoring. The City Building Official must approve the plans before installation. . 6. Color/Content: Communication devices shall be of a neutral color and shall not be painted with scenes or contain letters or messages which qualify as a sign. 7. Lightning Protection: Each communication device shall be grounded to protect against natural lightning strikes in conformance with the applicable state and local codes. 8. Electrical Code: Communication device electrical equipment and connection shall be designed and installed in conformance with the applicable state and local codes. 9. Use or the physical presence of the communication transmission device shall not interfere with the operation of electronic equipment, including televisions, radios, computers, etc. (#224, 4/13/92) [M] Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the . health, safety, and general welfare of the community provided that: 1. Conformity with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained, and required setbacks and side yard requirements are met. 2. Adequate screening from neighboring uses and landscaping is provided in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 2, of this ordinance. 3. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. 4. The facility must have direct access to county or city state aid highway. (#225, 6/8/92) 1 0-9: APARTMENT DENSITY BONUS: When multiple family structures often (10) units or more are approved, a maximum often (10) percent reduction in the lot area per unit as regulated in Chapter 3, Section 4, may be allowed. The reduction in lot area shall be determined based upon the following table: Condition to Earn Bonus Lot Area Reduction (per unit) . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/13 S~-'-\3 . . . 1. Type two (2) construction. 100 sf. 2. Elevator serving each floor. 50 sf. 3. Transit service available within three hundred (300) feet of entrance. 50 sf. 4. Two-thirds (2/3) of the required fee, free parking underground or within principal structure (not including attached or detached garages). 150 sf. 5. Indoor recreation and social rooms equal to twenty-five (25) square feet per unit or seven hundred fifty (750) square feet total, whichever is greater. 50 sf. 6. Major outdoor recreation facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, or similar facilities requiring a substantial investment equaling at minimum five (5) percent of the construction cost of the principal structure. 20 sf. 10-10: FINDINGS OF FACT: Prior to granting of a conditional use permit, the City Planning Commission and City Council shall make the following findings of fact. In the event that the applicant shall submit insufficient materials for the City to make informed findings of fact, the City staff and Planning Commission shall request additional information pursuant to Chapter 22 of this ordinance. 1. The proposed project is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 2. The proposed project is consistent with the purpose of the performance zoning ordinance as outlined in Section 1 of this chapter. 3. The proposed project will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in Chapter 22 ofthis ordinance. 4. The proposed project shall meet minimum screening and landscaping requirements as outlined in Chapter 3, Section 2 [G]. 5. The proposed project shall provide adequate parking pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 5, ofthis ordinance and off-street loading pursuant to Chapter 3, Section 6, of this ordinance. 6. The proposed project shall provide a wider range of housing types, price ranges, and styles within the community. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1O/14 5\:~'--t4 7. The proposed project will provide amenities and facilities and open spaces greater than the minimum requirements under alternative zonmg. 8. The proposed project shall in no way be detrimental to the environment. Scenic aspects and natural features such as streams, trees, topography, and geological features shall be protected and preserved to the greatest extent possible. . 9. The proposed project shall not impose any undue burden upon the public services and facilities such as fire, police, schools, streets, water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer. 10. The proposed project is designed in such a manner to form a desirable and unified environment within its own boundaries, and also which will not be detrimental to future land uses in the surrounding areas. Architecture and site treatments shall be compatible with adjacent structures and site plans and shall respect the privacy of neighboring homes and/or businesses. 11. Findings of fact submitted by the Planning Commission to the City Council shall address additional requirements necessary to make the project in compliance with this chapter in all areas where the Planning Commission feels the proposed project is lacking. 10-11 : STANDARDS: Except as specifically provided herein, there shall be no fixed standards for conditional uses within the mixed performance zoning district. In their review, the City shall . take into account standards that are contained in other sections of this ordinance that most closely resemble those that would apply to a similar use if it were proposed in a district other than the performance zone. 10-12: PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS: The following are guidelines for reviewing projects within the PZ-Mixed zoning district. Procedures for the review of such proposals shall be as outlined in the PUD section ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance. The City staff and Planning Commission shall review the project and give recommendations so as to permit the City Council to make informed findings of fact as outlined above. Variance from these guidelines may be permitted when site specific conditions and specific proposal elements show that a strict interpretation of the guidelines will either place undue hardship on the developer or will be detrimental to adjacent properties. In no case shall standards be reduced so that the findings of fact outlined above cannot be achieved, AND in no case shall the guidelines prevent the City from requiring greater standards when specific conditions outlined in above must be satisfied. 1. Setback Guidelines (a) Setback requirements shall be based upon the zoning requirements of the district for which the project would be zoned if conventional zoning was applied as described in Chapter 3, Section 3, of this ordinance. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/15 S "'\-- ~ S . SECTION: CHAPTER 13 tOD "8-3" ~IIGJ-IW^ Y BUSINESS DISTRICT 13~ 1: Purpose 13-2: Permitted Uses 13-3: Permitted Accessory lJses 13-4: Conditional Uses I3~5: Interim Uses 13-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the "B-3." highway business, district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. 13-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in a "B-3" district: [AI [B] Ie] . ID] lEJ All permitted uses as allowed in a B-1 and B-2 district. Auto accessory store. Commercial recreational uses. Motels. motor motcls. and hotels provideclthat the lot area contains not less than five hundred (500) square feet of lot arca per unit. Restaurants. cafes. tca rooms. taverns. and off-sale liquor. provided that the use is not located within 300 n of a residential zone. (#258.09/26/94) [F] Private clubs or lodges serving food and beverages with use being restricted to members and their guests. Adequate dining rool11. kitchen, and bar space must be provided accorcling to standards imposed upon similar unrestricted customer operations. The serving of alcoholic beverages to members and their guests shall be allowed, providing that such service is in compliance with applicable federaL state. and municipal regulations. Oflices of such use shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) percent of the gross tloor area of the building. [0] Taxi terminals. stand. and offices. [H] Small printing or publishing business employing six (6) or less persons. . ~WNTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/1 s ~- ~'\o 13-3: PERMITTED ACCL~SS()R Y USES: Th~ following are permitted accessory uses in a "8-3" district: fA] P3] All permitted accessory uses as allow'cd in a "8-2." limited business. district. . Adult Use/Accessory (#217.01/13/92) 13-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a "8-3" district: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regub.tcd by Chapter:?2 of this ordinance.) [A] Drive-in and convenience food establishments provided that: 1. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting innuence within a reasonable distance of lot. 2. At the boundaries of a residential district. a strip of not less than five (5) feel shall11c landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Scction::: [ei]. of this ordinance. .., J. E:1Ch light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or cu\'ercd. Pmking areas shall he screened from view of abutting residential districts. cumpliancL' \\ith Chapter 3. Section 2 [Gj. of this ordinance. 4. 5. Parking arClIs and dri\'eways shall be curbed with continuous curb not less than si:-: (h) incllL's high above the parking lot or dri\t~\\ay grade. 6. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict \\ith through traflic movements, shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible rrOI11 the public right-of-way or ft'om an abutting residence and shall be in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section 2 [I-II, or this ordinance. 8. The l'ntire area shall have a drainage system 'vvhich is subject to the appnwul of the City Engineer. 9. Thl' entire area other than that occupied by buildings or structure or plantings shall be surLlced with a material which will control dust and drainagl;' and \vhich is subject to the approval ofthc City Engineer. . f'vIONTICELLO ZONING ORDIN.-\NCE 13/2 S~.,~\ . . . 10. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinance. 11. The provisions of'Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. IBI CARWASHES (DRIVE THROUGH, MECHANICAL. AND SELF- SERVICE) PROVIDED THAT: 1. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 2. Magazini ng or stacking space is constructed to accommodate that number of vehicles which can be washed during a maximum thirty (30) minute period and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 3. At the boundaries ofa residential district a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3. Section :2 [Gj, of this ordinance. 4. Each light stambrd island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or eo\t:rcd. 5. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting n:silkntial districts in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance. 6. The entire area othcr than occupied by the buildings or plantings shall be surbccd with material which will control dust and drainage w'hich is subject to the approval orthe City Engineer. 7. The entire area shall have a drainage system vvhich is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 8. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not \'isible from the public right~of..\vay or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section :2 [H]. of this ordinance. 9. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict \\ith through traffic 1110\'('111ent and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 10. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinance. MONTICI~LL() ZONING ORDIN:\0.!CE 13/3 5 ~"' '-\8 [CJ 9. 11. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 12. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance arc considered and satisfactorily met. . MOTOR FUEL STATION. MOTOR FUEL STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE, AUTO REPAIR-MINOR. AND TIRE AND BATTERY STORES AND SERVICE PROVIDED THAT: 1. Regardless of whether the dispensing, sale, or offering for sale of motor fuels and/or oil incidental to the conduct of the use or business. the standards and requirements imposed by this ordinance for motor fuel stations shall apply. These standards and requirements are, however. in addition to other requirements which are imposed for other uses of the property. 2. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in propeliy values or constitute a blighting intluence \vithin a reasonable distance of the lot. 3. The entire site other than that taken up by a building. structure. or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. A minimum lot area oftwenty-t\vO thousand live hundred (22.500) square. feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) fed by one hundred thirty (130) feet. 4. 5. ^ drainage system subject to the approval of the City F:ngineer shall be installed. 6. A curb not less than six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right-or-way and shall be in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance. 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed. pump islands shall be installed. At the boundaries of a residential district. a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section 7 [0]. of this ordinance. . i\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/4 5l:-'-\'\ . . . 10. Each light standard landscaped. II. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G]. or this urJimlllcc. 12. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance. and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 13. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. 14. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 15. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance with Chapter 13, Section 4, of this ordinance. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mentioned in Chapter 13, Section 4. be subject to a conditional use permit and be in compliance with Chapter 13. Section 4 [FI, of this ordinance. 17. All conditions pL:rtaining to a specif~c site are subject to change: when the Council. upon investigation in relation to a furmal request. finds that the general well~tre und public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisbctori I y met. [OJ Nevv and used automobile/light truck sales and display provided that: 1. The minimum building size for any auto sales use shall comply with the following standards: P.lrccl Size Lot Coverage Percent* Minimum Building Sizc* Up to 2 acres 5% 2.500 square feet More than 2 acres to 4 acres 10% 10.000 square feet More than 4 acres ]5% 40.000 square feet *Whichewr requires the larger building. (#351, 8/14/00) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/5 S t - bO 2. Outside saks and display areas are fenced or screened from vic\v of neighboring residential uses or an abutting "R" district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [GJ. of this ordinance. .J. 1\11 lighting shall be huudeu unu so directed that the light SllUru.: shall not. be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences, an shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance. 4. The outside sales and display area shall be hard surfaced. 5. The outside sales and display area does not utilize parking spaces which arc required 1'01' conformance with this ordinance. 6. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement. shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. There is a minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. x. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 9. All signing shall be in compliance 'vvith Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinance. . 10. The pro\isil1l1s of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satist:lCtnril\ met. [E] Open and outdlll1r stl1rage as a principal or accessory USl;' provided that: 1. The an::l is fenced and screened from view of nl;'ighboring residential uses or if ahutting an "R" district in compliance \\ith Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance. ) Stl1rage is screened from view from the public right-of-\\ay in compliance \\ith Ch:lpt-.'r ~. S-.'ction 2 [G]. of this ordinanc-.'. ., .J. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4 All lighting shall he hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be \"isibk from the right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDIN...\?\:CE 13/6 5)= - S \ . 5. Does not take up parking sraee as required for eonfomlity to this ordinance. 6. The provisions of Charter 22 of this ordinance are considered and ;;<llisj~lLturi]y Il1d. I F] Open or outduor service. sale, and rental as a principal or accessory use and incluuing sales in or from motorized vehicles, trailers, or wagons provided that: 4. . ). 6. I. Outside services, sales and equipment rental connected with the principal uses is limited to thirty (30) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use. This pen.:cntage may he increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. 2. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view of neighboring residential uses or abutting "R" district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. AI! lighting shall he hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public righh){:'way or from neighboring residences and shall he in compliance with Chapter], Section 2 [HI. of this ordinance. Sales area is grassed or surl'aeed to control dust. Docs not take up raIling sracc as rcquiredl~)r c()nt~1rmity to this ordinance_ The provisions ol'ChaptLT 22 ol'this ordinance arc considered and satisl'actorily met. Ie; I Accessory. enclosed retail. rental. or service activity other than that allowed as a permitted use or conditional use within this section provided that: . I. Such use is allowed as a permitted uSe in a "B-1" or "B-2" district. ..., Such use docs not constitute more than thirty (30) percent of the lot area and not more than fitly (50) percent orthe gross floor area of the principal use. 3. Adequate off-street parking and nn:'streetloading in compliance with the requirements or Chapter J. Sections 5 and 6, of this ordinance is provided. -1-. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance "vith Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinance. I\IONTICELLO lONI\iG ORDINANCE 13/7 5';-Sd. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [H] Shopping Center. [I] Animal Pet Clinics. . I. Annual inspection by City's health officer at owner's expense. 2. All pets must be leashed. 3. Treatment to be limited to household pets. [1] Pet hospitals with the following condition: I. No outside pens or kennels. 2. Annual inspection by City Health Officer at owner's expense. 3. All animals must he leashed. 4. Treatment would be limited to small domesticated animals. 5. No outside storage of carcasses. (#364.9/]()!Ol) . [K] Commercial storage contained entirely within a building. [L] Commercial planned unit development as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinance. [MJ Consignment auction sales and/or auction sales. I. The architectural appearance and function plan of the huilding and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting intluence within a reasonable distance of the lot. ') At the boundaries ot'residential districts. a strip of not less than 5 feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chaptc;r 3. Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance. 3. Any light standard islands and all islands in the parking lot shall be landscaped or covered. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/8 5\. ~ S 3 . . . 4. Parking areas shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 5 [G]. of this ordinance. 5. Parking areas and driveways shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5 [0]. 6. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict through traffic movements. shall comply with Chapter 3. Section 5, of this ordinance, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 1 [H]. of this ordinance. 8. The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 9. All signing and information or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 9. 10. The provisions or Chapter 22 or this ordinance arc considered and satisfilCtorily met. 11. All conditions pertaining to a specillc site are subject to change \vhen thc Coullcil. upon investigation in relation to a formal request. finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as "veil or bettcr by ll10dirying the conditions. 11. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view 0 r neighboring residential uses or abutting residcnticd districts in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 1 [GJ. of this ordinance. 13. Outside sales connected \vith the principal use is I imited to 30% of the gross floor area of the principal building. This percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. 14. Outside sales may not take up parking space as required for conformity to the ordinance requirement. IS. No pets or livt'swck may be sold at this auction sales facility. 16. Provisions must be made to control and reduce noise when adjacent to a residential zoning district. 17. All outside storage shall be effectively screened from publ ic view in accordance \\ith Chapter J. Scction 2 [G]. and limited to 10% (\f the gross floor ~\rea \)!' the principal use building. i\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/9 5t=-s,-\ [NJ Outdoor go-kart tracks provided that: I. The proposed use Illust meet all conditions of Chapter 3. Section 4 [I\J. 2. TIl..: cundiLiulla! LIS!.: p..:rmiL \\-ill b..: rc\i!.:\\ed y-:arly Lo ddenninc \\hCLh-.:r. not it is compatible with neighboring properties and in conformance with conditions of the conditional use. 3. ^ solid wood. six-foot high fence must be part of the screening required when the adjacent property is residential. 4. For Just and noise (7008 at residential property line) must be controlled at all times to the satisfaction of the City. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [0] Day-care centers provided that: I. No overnight beiliLics arc provided for children served and that said children are delivered and removed daily. 2. ^n outdoor recreationall~lCility shall be appropriately separated from the parking lot and driving areas hy a \-vood fence not less than 4 feet in height or Council approved substitute. and shall be located continuous to the . day-care bcility. and shall not he located in any yard ahutting a major thorought~lre. and shall not have an impervious surface f()r Illore than one- hal1'o1'the playground area. and shall extend at least 60 feet 1'1'0111 the wall of the huilding or to an adjacent property' line. vvhichever is less. or shall be bOLlnd on not more than two sides by parking and driving areas. A minimum size of the outside recreational facility shall be 2.000 sq. fL or in the alternative 75 sq. ft. per child at licensed capacity. whichever is the greater ligurc. 3. l~hc regulations and conditions of the Minnesota Departnlent ofHulnan Services and Department of Health, Public Welfare Manual 11-31-30 as adopted. amended, and/or changed, are satisfactorily met. 4. A written indication of preliminary, pending. or final license approval from the regulatory agencies is suppl ied to the City of Monticello. (#152.9/22/86) [P] Auto body shop repair provided that: 1. Door opening to service area garage must not face street li"ontage. . rVIONTIC"ELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/1 0 5):-55 ') .;... Vehicle storage area limited to 50% of noor space of the structure housing the auto body shop. .., .J. All vehicles being serviced ancl all vehicle parts must be stored inside or in vehicle sturage ur-:a. ~ ,., 4. Vehicle storage area shall be enclosed by enclosure intended to screen the view of vehicles in storage from the outside. Enclosure shall consist of a six-foot high. 100% opaque fence designed to blend with the auto body shop structure and consisting of materials treated to resist discoloration. 5. The tloor of the vehicle storage area shall consist of asphalt or concrete pavll1g. 6. No work on vehicles or vehicle parts shall be conducted outside the confines of the auto body shop. 7. The advertising wall facing the public right-of-way shall consist of no more than 50% mdal material. 8. The secondary or non-advertising wall facing a public right-of-way shall utilize a combination of colors or materials that serve to break up the monotony of a singk color l1at sLlrl~lce. ~ - ~ 9. The development shall conform to minimum parking and landscaping requirements of the zoning ordinance. 10. Nu conditional use permit shall be granted lor an auto body shop within 600 leel of a residential or rIM zone existing at the time the conditional use permit is granted. (#J 75.4/24/89) [Q] Restaurants. cafcs. tea rooms. taverns. and off-sale liquor located within 300 ft of a residential zone provided that: J. Primary access must not he through residential street(s). (#258,91:26/94) [R] Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health. safety. and general welfare of the community provided that: 1. Conformity with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained and required setbacks and side yard requirements are met. 2. Adequate screening from neighboring uses and landscaping is provided in accordance \vith Chapter 3. Section 2. of this ordinance. a ., rVIONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/11 '5t:-S"\P . . . Council Agenda: 1/23/06 . 5G. Consideration to deny a reauest for Rezoninq from PZM (Performance Zone- Mixed) to B-3 (Hiqhwav Business). Applicant: Kean of Monticello. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission considered this request on December 6th, in a continued public hearing. The Commission was made aware during the meeting that the applicants do not wish to seek an amendment to the PZM district to allow a tire sales and service use. The item for consideration by both the Commission and Council is only the rezoning of the requested parcels to B-3. The Commission heard a significant amount of testimony from residents of the town homes along Riverview Drive, as well as property owners in the River Mill area. The residents expressed concern regarding a number of issues. The primary concerns relayed to the Commission included the potential noise, traffic, safety and environmental impacts associated with the types of uses allowed within a B-3 district. . The Planning Commission recommended denial of the B-3 zoning request in a 3-1 vote, based on the finding that the PZM district is acting as defined by its purposes statement in this case, which is to provide a transitional zone between high intensity and low intensity uses. The applicants had previously requested a rezoning for property along the north side of County Highway 75, west of the MacCarlund Plaza retail center. The Planning Commission tabled action on the rezoning due to concerns over the appropriateness of the B-3 District on this site, and based on input from the adjoining residential neighborhood. The applicant has included an alternative request that would add tire and battery auto service ("Minor Auto Repair") to the list of potential PZM uses. With this alternative, the PZM district would remain in place on the subject site, but the auto service use would become a potential use of the properties in this district. . Community Development staff was not supportive of the original rezoning request due to the impact on the adjoining residential area. As noted in our original staff report for the Planning Commission's November 2005 meeting, the PZM purpose statement identifies the purpose of the district as being for transitional purposes between residential and low-intensity business uses. The rationale of the PZM district acting as buffer between the higher intensity use of the Ryan site to the south and the residential uses to the north makes these particular parcels an important transition area. The PZM district would appear to be the proper zone for this site, based on the district's purpose and the existing land use pattern. 1 51 Council Agenda: 1/23/06 Amending the PZM District would result in the same issues raised by the rezoning. . By allowing an auto service use in this district, even by CUP, the objectionable impacts of such uses would be permissible in this location, defeating the intent of the zoning district's design to establish a land use transition. Perhaps most importantly, this allowance would then be applicable to other locations in the City where PZM zoning is in place. Many of the residential areas surrounding the CCD are zoned PZM, locations where auto service and the potential impacts of the use would also not be appropriate. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Rezoning from PZM to B-3 1. Motion approve the rezoning for the requested parcels of MacCarlund Plaza, based on a finding that the proposed B-3, Highway Business District is the most suitable zoning district for the site. 2. Motion to deny the rezoning for the requested parcels of MacCarlund Plaza, based on a finding that due to the boundary with residential uses and the conflicts that could be created by B~3 uses, PZM is the most suitable zoning district for the site. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends denial of the rezoning. The issue is whether B-3 uses, geared by definition to automobile types of uses, would be compatible uses when located adjacent to residential properties. Community Development staff believes that the noise and activity levels of such a use would not be compatible with the residential neighborhood. D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Aerial Image 2. Site Location Map 3. DRAFT Minutes of 12/06/05 4. 11/01/05 Planning Commission Report 5. Public Comment Letter . 2 53 . s~-sq file://C:\DOCUME-1 \ANGELA-1.CI\LOCALS-1 \Temp\CH8A2WPY.htm 12/1/2005 . . . PROPOSED AREA OF REZONING ....... ~ "0".. .'<:~~':~ . ,'~":... <:':,",-, "'':,,,-, MONflcELLol .~~::'.. (!~/:~~';~... .'.--\{~., BIG LAKE / f,',~<O,y""". ''':>, COMM HOSPITAL I (,f . > '. ":I~'<",<;." / DISTRICT CAMPUS "'" / I~ ", 'r'4.. /~...' ". .., ....// -, .,..... .'~' ~ ' .~ o,,~w ~ ;::', ,\IDDLE ';CHom:,. \ )~., ." 7'. ~"~~ <,'n\::':::;"'~"'''''' F ~~4ffiTEF~;--/,:Oii;\\? "C /'~ I '/vGro/v.l1':l.lvltfl!'" '"'\\,' ...",;/ , ,~ ~'~" , ~ ~ ;;.. ~.;<llt~l; ."'''''"'~=~-:~-'>''''~c=~J?' if "'I[ /, ' Ai,Y!L ~'RIVER ......;;; ~.. r"'r!~._ '- r/(lf)0A,'- ff/> ~ ' ,,;.-., ~;,: 1/;'1;", </1 ", ,,"'"""-.0 " >:;; " '. 'I''> "1/11,' Jr-'-~~,~ :.~~=-~> . , \\ / '" ;,1'1/ MIl.L /( Ii ""'-,~, '---:.:....-----------:g- '-- i 'Iv rf" . \, \ II' / 'J,,~ ~/' r: r ( ::- - ~~lIFr~ M J \ 13AfTLE r,REE~ ,! ,'R'I'IIF' "-, ,"" Jl11f:." , . RIVERc~OE -'--. ,1~!"...9~~=) PARK - ~" ~IA'r '///. \,\:::: -~ PARK e:l/Rlv;'R I AN[ /~: '-..:..;:tr -. ;-//t?f~~I';,) ---)I)~ F~iI1G:S,;.=-/IG'g-~'PI~E'; ~ ~ ":,";'. ',......~'.', 1,0 G'~ l....r) CIH .w IIIG", I::: ) " lit.. 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Berth 5C,-CoC) . . . . . . ~ Planning Commission Minutes 12/06/05 building. lfthe building is similar to the existing and helps promote their business and not drive them somewhere else, Posusta stated that he doesn't know why the Commission wouldn't allow that, other than that we are not following the letter of City law. Frie noted that the applicant's two other options accomplish the same thing, and stated that the Commission still needs to abide by the ordinance in their recommendation. Frie explained that the Commission can't base their decision on looks or economics. Posusta stated that by the same token, the Commission is looking again at a potential outdoor storage issue. Grittman responded that staffs position is that the variance ordinance has required findings that come out of our ordinance and also state statutes. While staff and Commission may think what the applicant is proposing is a good idea, they have to follow the ordinance. Grittman stated that ifthey were coming in with the expansion first, the variance request would be unnecessary. The request is a timing issue. Sand stated that open and outdoor storage is a big issue for them. He noted that all of their storage would no longer be outdoors, it would now be inside. Sand indicated that his realtor had told him there were no restrictions for accessory structures. If we had learned this restriction earl ier, they wouldn't be here. Patch stated that if the ordinance doesn't provide sufficient area via the 30%, it could certainly be amended. Although staff and the Commission are somewhat sympathetic, the request may require an ordinance change rather than variance. Frie asked if perhaps the Commission should continue any action and allow time for the applicant to meet with staff to come up with an alternative. Sand stated that he was receptive to hat option. Frie noted that a recommendation would need to be made at the January meeting. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE WALLBOARD VARIANCE REQUEST, TO PROVIDE THE APPLI CANT TI-IE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLORE OPTIONS OTHER THAN THE TWO PRESENTED. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SUCHY. Spartz asked what Sand would be looking for in January. Sand stated that they would be looking to bring the principal building expansion plan forward so that Commission knew there was something firm. Patch stated that ifthey were to pull the permit for both, it would be good for a year. Patch suggested that by pulling the permit for both, Wallboard could move on the proposed accessory structure without the variance. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Rezoningfrom PZM (Performance Zone Mixed) to B-3 (Highway Business) and consideration of a request for a Zoning Text Amendment to allow a Tire Sales and Service as a Conditional Use within a PZM district. Applicant: Kean of Monticello Grittman explained that in conversations with the applicants prior to the meeting, they had requested that the only item for consideration be the rezoning. Frie restated for the record that the alternative for action is strictly the rezoning. 3 'SG-CoJ Planning Commission Minutes 12/06/05 Grittman stated that the applicants are seeking to accommodate a tire service store as part of a retail strip center. They are requesting a rezoning to B-3 in order to accomplish this use. Grittman noted that as explained previously, the PZM district provides a land use transition between high and low intensity land uses. Staff had not recommended approval based on the use statements ofthe two districts. Grittman indicated that the PZM ordinance is set up to require some kind of slow transition between residential and commercial area. He stated that it is staffs opinion that condition is still present at this location. Grittman said that a PZM designation is well suited to this site, and that even a potential amendment to allow the tire sale and service use would create the same issues. Grittman reported that staff continues with its original recommendation, which is to deny the request. . Frie referred to the other agenda item, also requesting a rezone in the same area. Frie asked if the rezones would be considered spot-zoning. Grittman stated that staff had looked at rezoning this entire area, in order to avoid spot-zoning. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Maxine Lilja addressed the Commission as a resident of the Riverview Drive townhomes, directly behind the property requested to be rezoned. Lilja commented that it was her understanding that according to the notices and letters received previous to the meeting, the request is being made to allow an auto accessory store. Lilja stated that the residents would like to know where the development would start, referring to trees and the location close to the river. Lilja noted that the B-3 zoning district is designed to capture high traffic, and she indicated that there are already a lot of other locations within the City suitable for this type of development. Lilja stated that her concerns are the noise, lighting, signage, traffic, potential environmental effects, and stacking and storage associated with this request. Lilja stated that it seems that this space is too small and too close to a residential area for such an intense business. . Lilja asked about the yellow lines shown on the location map used for site location reference. Grittman stated that the yellow lines do not indicate areas included in the rezoning request, but rather show parcel delineations. Lilja asked about the amendment. Grittman stated that the applicants are not requesting the amendment. Grittman stated that if rezoned, the uses Lilja referred to are potential uses within the B-3. For many of those uses, Grittman indicated that the applicant would have to come back for a conditional use permit, including for the proposed tire and battery store. Lilja inquired whether when the request is approved or disapproved, residents would be notified what was proposed to go in. Grittman confirmed that if a use requires a conditional use permit, they would be notified. Girtman also noted that the district ordinance language identifies what would be allowed within a given district via permitted use or conditional use. Li Ija asked for permission to read a letter prepared by another resident of the townhol11e association. Frie noted that the Commission had also received another resident letter and asked for a summary of the other letter. Lilja stated that the letter outlined many of the same concerns Lilja had expressed earlier, which included noise, traffic and potential environmental effects. The property owner stated that she sleeps during day and works at night. The writer had stated that car repair less than one hundred feet away will destroy what she pays taxes for. The writer asked what the City would do to protect residents from noise, safety issues, and maintaining the road into MacCarlund Plaza. 4 . SC-~~ Planning Commission Minutes 12/06/05 . Lilja asked the Commission to use the zoning that is in place and help the applicants be more creative in their thinking. Lilja stated that the residents are not in favor of this at all. Frie asked if she speaks for the group. Lilja confirmed. Walt Albold, resident of Riverside Drive townhomes, also addressed the Commission. Albold stated that there should be something in writing regarding the buffer zone, ifthe rezoning is approved. Albold stated that a fence and shrubs are not good enough. Abel asked if the applicants had developed MacCarlund. He '. . ents had come across was that the City was not responsible for maintenance happens ofthe st ets, which he ~ did not understand. Frie asked A 0 d if residents pay association fees. Albold stated that they do. Frie stated that it is most likely that maintenance, including private streets, was the initial intent of the association fees. Albold stated that residents were not aware of that when they moved in. Frie asked staff to respond. Grittman stated that the street that serves the townhouse development is private. The association owns the street and is responsible for the maintenance. Frie stated that was his understanding with associations as the responsible party. Frie suggested that the residents visit with their association company on this issue. Frie noted that ifthe rezoning is accompl ished, all buffer information has to be laid out before any permits are issued. . Dan Gassier spoke to the Commission on behalf of A Glorious Church. Gassier stated that he wanted to address both the rezoning and amendment. Gassier noted that the Commission had held a discussion a 1110nth or two ago about the types of uses that would be allowed in commercial districts. Gassier stated that in the City's own staff report, a recommendation for denial was spelled out. Gassier indicated thathe shares concerns already heard here. He stated that the church abuts PZM property that he does not want to see the PZM zoning changed. Grittman clarified that the amendment item is not up for consideration. Carol Albold, 149 Riverview Drive, stated that she is concerned about Hart Boulevard and the traffic associated with these types of uses. She inquired what changes would be made to handle additional use, as there is already quite a bit of traffic located here. Maryann Pearson, Riverside townhome resident, stated that it was her understanding that the City of Monticello was paid $35,000 to make sure these kinds of complications didn't come up. Staff and the Commission stated that they were unaware of any such negotiation. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Suchy stated that she is not in favor of rezoning this parcel. Suchy noted that the nOl1hwest corner of the lot is within close proximity to Swan Park, which she stated is a wonderful asset for the City of Monticello. Suchy stated that the uses allowed under a rezoning may create more noise and potential detrimental effects to this area. Spartz asked about the zoning designation on the other side of Highway 75. Grittman stated that the other side is B-4. . Frie noted that PZM is a transitional zone and asked what the difference is between BA and B-3. Grittman explained that the B-3 zone is geared toward automobile uses. B-4 is more retail oriented, which is why it was applied to Ryan site. Dragsten noted that by ordinance, anything in B-3 would be allowed in B-4. Grittman noted that the B-4 district allows more types of uses than B-3. In the future, Frie asked staffto provide all three columns of comparable uses when the potential rezoning is to commercial. 5 SG- Co "3 Planning Commission Minutes 12/06105 Dragsten stated that even if the zoning doesn't change, the area will change. Dragsten noted that by ordinance, the property owners are allowed to put in a stripmaIl currently. He stated that there are many commercial uses that would be allowed in PZM. Dragsten stated that across the street, the City has already rezoned to B-4. He commented that the City had also just rezoned an area next to a senior housing facility to B-4. Dragsten stated that this area would fit with B-3 in his opinion. His stated concern is the permitted uses in the B-3 and B-4. '. Frie asked Dragsten if this rezoning was approved, wouldn't this put other PZM areas in jeopardy. Dragsten stated that it could, but he didn't know that there are a lot of PZM areas surrounded on three sides by commercial or industrial zones. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SUCHY TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE REZONING, BASED ON A FINDING THAT DUE TO THE BOUNDARY WITH RESIDENTIAL USES AND THE CONFLICTS THAT COULD BE CREATED BY B-3 USES, PZM IS THE MOST SUITABLE ZONING DISTRICT FOR THE SITE. Frie noted there will not be two decisions. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 3-1, WITH COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN IN DISSENT. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Rezoning from PZM (Performance Zone Mixed) to B-3 (Highway Business) or B-4 (Regional Business). Applicant: MMC Land Company Grittman noted that as discussed, the purpose of the PZM district is to create a transition between uses. Grittman commented that in this case, the bulk of residential is buffered by the parcel that would retain the PZM designation. Staff is recommending rezoning to BA, which . is the most common commercial zone in the area. Grittman re-stated that B-3 is focused on automobile uses, while B-4 accommodates a more acceptable range of retail commercial uses. Grittman reported that in this case, there remains a transition to residentially zoned properties. For that reason, staff recommend approval of the rezoning. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Rick Williamson, MMC Land Company and property owner, made himself available to answer questions. Frie stated that the agenda item calls for rezoning to B-3 or B-4 and asked if Williamson is receptive to B-4. Williamson confirmed that he was. Dan Gassier again addressed the Commission, and stated that he prefers the entire area to stay PZM due to the residential uses directly across from this property. He stated that adjacent owners need to protect the value oftbeir properties. Carl Talonen, 9796 Hart Boulevard, stated that he does not want to see the change to B-4, especially the eastern-most parcel. Frie asked him to note his location. Talonen stated that he owns the parcel directly across from eastern parcel. David Gassier, 61 17 Mill Run Road, asked if the eastern parcel would be rezoned the B-4, would other restrictions apply, especially as it is so close to residential. For example, referring to adult uses, Gassier stated that it was noted previously that there are restrictions in terms of . distance. Grittman responded that the primary requirement would be the buffer requirement 6 5C,- ~~ . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 11/01/05 8. Public Hearine: Consideration of a reQuest for a rezonine from PZM (Performance Zone Mixed) to B-3 (Hiehway Business). Applicant: Kean of Monticello. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicants are seeking a rezoning of their property from PZM to B-3. The parcel is 3.1 acres in size, and abuts a mixed variety of land uses: West: Monticello Waste Water Treatment Plant North: R-l, Single Family Residential (Mississippi Drive) East: R-2, Townhouse Residential East: Vacant PZM zoned land South: Broadway (CSAH 75) and the Target/Home Depot project The applicants wish to construct a strip commercial center, a portion of which would include an auto repair business that the buyer of the propeliy would operate. It should be noted that if the rezoning is approved, the applicant would need to submit plans for the approval of a Conditional Use Permit authorizing the llse. The two zoning districts are described by their purpose statements as listed below: "PZ-MIXED USE ZONING DISTRICT": The purpose of the "PZ- Mixed Use Zoning District" is to provide a land use transition between high density residential land uses and low intensity business land uses, as well as the intermixing of each such land use. B-3 - HIGHWAY BUSINESS: The purpose o[the "B~3," highway business, district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. The PZM District is established to provide for transitions between high activity and low activity locations. The B-3 District, on the other hand, is designed to focus on, and capture, high volume traffic. The parcel in question would appear to be a typical location for the PZM District. In this area, both commercial and residential land uses abut the site. If a B-3 District were to be considered, including the establishment of an automobile repair facility, buffering both the activity and the noise generated by these uses could be difficult. The retail commercial strip center could be established on the site under the PZM zoning, however, the automobile service would not be allowed. Planning staff believes that the PZM District does the best job of addressing the various land use constraints for this site. In a previous rezoning application on a nearby site, we had summarized the differences between the PZM and B~3 Districts. That summary is repeated below: SG _6S Planning Commission Agenda - 11/01105 T e of Use PZM B-3 . Barber/Beaut Permitted Permitted Governmental Buildin 's CUP CUP Multiple Family Buildings CUP CUP Commercial Offices Permitted Permitted Convenience Grocer Permitted Permitted Laundromat CUP CUP Art/School Supplies CUP Permitted Bakery/Grocery/Ice CUP Permitted Banks CUP Permitted Candy/Ice Cream CUP Permitted Camera/Electronics CUP Permitted Dry Cleaning CUP Permitted Drug Store CUP Permitted Florist CUP Permitted Gift/Novelt /Hobby CUP Permitted Hardware/Paint CUP Pennitted Professional Offices CUP Permitted CUP NA Locksmith/Glass Service CUP Permitted Plumbing/Electrical Sales CUP Permitted Shoe re air CUP Permitted . Jewelry CUP Permitted Gas/Convenience CUP CUP CI ub/Lodge - no food Permitted Permitted Restaurants CUP Permitted Car Wash CUP CUP NA Permitted NA Permitted NA Permitted NA Permitted NA Permitted NA CUP NA CUP NA CUP NA CUP NA CUP NA CUP NA CUP CUP CUP NA CUP NA IUP . 2 Sc,~ lo~ Planning Commission Agenda - 11/01/05 . This list is a summary of the uses in the two districts. Uses which are allowed in one, but prohibited in the other have been highlighted. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Rezoning from PZM (Performance Zone-Mixed) to B-3 (Highway Business 1. Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning from PZM to B-3, based on a finding that the proposed B-3, Highway Business District is the most suitable zoning district for the site. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning, based on a finding that due to the boundary with residential uses and the conflicts that could be created by B-3 uses, PZM is the most suitable zoning district for the site. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends denial of the rezoning, based on the finding PZM zoning district is acting as it should in this circumstance, by providing a valuable buffer between more intense commercial uses to the south and the residential uses to the north and east. The PZM is intended to provide a transition between those types of uses. Although some automobile uses have become "cleaner" and therefore less detrimental to adjoining uses, it is staff's view that this area is too small and too close to residential uses to support these more intense uses. Staffs recommendation is also based on the fact that as noted above, a number of retail and commercial uses are allowed as either permitted or conditional uses in the PZM district, allowing the applicants flexibility in the use of their property. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Site Plan 2. PZM Zoning District Provisions 3. B~3 Zoning District Provisions . 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In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to eaeh delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinq uent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on January 4,2006. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll · Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. l.o~ . . . . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2006-4 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS THIRD QUARTER 2005 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) almual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2007 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per aImum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2007. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of JanuaI)', 2006. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator Co~ ~::"-"';;J ~ <"> ~ ~~~ ~ .... . '" " ::i ::l ..., .... .. i;la w lHl ~ f;; ~ ::! ., laii' :;: '< ~ '" .... " ~ '" ~. "' ~ .s "'. 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" S ~ t' S & w '< 0 .. ~ t' E: ~ ~ ~ '" g ~ ~ ~ j; OJ ~ o~ .. 0 rii ~'" .. 0 '< " 0'- .. ., '< 0 m 9&: ~ ... H ro 'Ii ~ ~ lS . . . . . . Council Agenda: 1/23/06 8. Public Hearina: Consideration of a reQuest for appeal of a denial of variance from the Monticello Zonina Ordinance to allow an 11,760 SQuare foot detached accessory structure in an 1-2 District. Applicant: Wallboard, Inc. (NAC/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At the January meeting of the Planning Commission, the request for a variance from the maximum 30% accessory building rule was denied, based on the finding that no hardship was present to justify the variance request. Wallboard, located within an 1-2 District, is seeking to construct an 11,760 square foot detached accessory structure in addition to an existing 6330 square foot accessory structure. If allowed to construct the 196' x 60' structure, the detached accessory structure square footage for both would total 18,090 square feet, or almost 35% of the gross principal building'S square footage (principal building at 51,904 square feet). On the original application, the applicant also noted that they may consider another 7280 square foot accessory structure in the future, bringing the total accessory square footage to 25,370 square feet, or almost 49% of the principal structure. It should be noted that the variance request and subsequent appeal to be considered was for the 196' x 60' structure only. The Planning Commission felt that the discussion regarding the variance request justified further review of the 30% regulation and subsequently called for a public hearing to consider an associated zoning amendment. This amendment will be considered by the Planning Commission at a special meeting immediately prior to the City Council meeting. The City Council will then have three options to consider: 1) Variance; 2) Ordinance amendment; and 3) Denial of both. In the original staff report, planning staff had noted that there were no grounds for consideration of a variance in this case. As noted in that report, both State law and City ordinance require that approval of a variance requires a finding by the City that there must be a unique set of conditions on the property, not created by the applicant, and not economic in nature, that cause a hardship with putting the applicant's property to a reasonable use according to the basic zoning regulations. ""11o Council Agenda: 1/23/06 In this case, no such condition is present. The applicant is able to put the property to reasonable use under the current regulations as demonstrated by the fact that: . 1. The applicant is already putting the property to reasonable use; 2. The applicant can expand the principal building without need for a variance; 3. The applicant can expand the accessory building space to the 30% threshold without a variance. 4. The expansion of the principal building would allow further accessory building expansion, again without variance. The sole rationale for the expansion of the accessory building space at this time is economic: the applicant notes that accessory building expansion is less expensive that adding on to the principal building. As a result, the request does not qualify for variance consideration. Granting of the variance would confer a privilege on this applicant that is commonly denied to other property owners. The applicant met with staff to consider other possible options. One option was to proceed with a building permit for the expansion ofthe principal building at this time, thereby authorizing a larger accessory building without need for a variance. The applicant indicates that company officials were not willing to expend funds on this type of project at this time. Staff also discussed other building expansion options as well, . however, the applicant chose to proceed through the variance process before deciding on a building plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Variance to allow accessory building space beyond the maximum 30% allowed by the zoning ordinance 5. Motion to Approve the variance, based on a finding that the applicant has made a showing that the variance is necessary to put the property to reasonable use, and that a hardship exists in doing so without the variance. 6. Motion to Deny the variance, based on a finding that no hardship is present, and that the applicant can continue to put the property to reasonable use under the hasic zoning regulations without a variance. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the variance. The rules for variance consideration in both State law and City ordinance are clear, and this application is not based in any ofthe . II Council Agenda: 1/23/06 . cligib Ie categories lor variance consideration. If Council is supportive of this proposal, then an ordinance amendment should be considered. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Location Image B. Site Plan . . \~ . . . Page 1 of 2 . \C\ letlcom.esri .esllmap.Esrimap?ServiceName=CustomParcel&ClientV ersion=3.1... 12/30/2005 i ~ t..., f ! I . I / / I ; ! I . . .. I i ; I I I ~ i ~ I 5\ I__~--- " ... I I ,/...~ \(H?< ,\ ,<!,' ;.p '~-"" ,,-- l<J'f .' \ \",'" X-? J;r I" .jft( .Jolt< '<(" J' """ ,,)L ,~(' <\IV' '''(,0 /IJ \V" Ld" ,,\'l.., P // 0'0 ,~,;'" (jJ' <-.; /', C^ ;' {>/!b '{Jolt!" :!' ...149.62/ ...' I ,} --'iiI,' _----- \ I EAST Ii: _,_!....~__J..~J1l.l.!..!.!.L~!ll--....... '''' """, 297.24 " 7,W ACRtS sHeD a " / I L._.-- I I rlCQ'o' {LeV ..jiI~6,,jI'1I /.~',J\ , l~ ,D" ,,,.,/ g~li,1i J~ ,r--"" i .' ! ! i % i e "\ ! ! \ \ -- : l~'~ · ., J 1 .. / / ./ ~ Ie-""" i G.I;H ., , , 57.::! I i:;lg RIo;; ~It;l '1" I . ~5" ~ '-. tJ:r~"t'O,IS PARM>iC (OT ---- !I~:..8 i · ~ "',' 8 1flEi""" '-~ ~.O --~--1~- c:;, \ 0' I c:;, ~ ' ~ <0 BITINJJ..CJ.I'j'::,l iJMACf 1iI~"7 " 9~:. ~ !iI~,' '" '\ .\ I / / " \ \ , ~ I \ ~~-- :r\ a ~ '~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >00 " I ! / ~ i B .0 ~ ~- (xISTING BUIlDING \, --l;Je C.iL (vJ\ s\-{u 154'~GO' 95~..t 1l56.} :......~ i._~----- 20;',62 - ~".-\ .,j'" , 1\'1'" I' \ ''1,"\0 ocJ'''! \3'1 r;'If ,;>, J% <f'$ 7 .;}' "IY" j'..f'''- .. . , t_...___~~ ~11[)"~ ~ { lOil( ~MJ\I[ ~ ~ ~ 000 t\ II I ~ \ ~ ~ I 2 I: I -t- l/~~ i : """,,= ~ , --l. P-'RKINt; LOf .. I-~~ \ / . ~,'"'' '\ ^ , ..\ / ____________.:..::_-:i.-.:..=.-:-- -~.:. - -----J '0 PARKtNt; LOT.- I ----- /' I >: ---_.-...............~~-- ullll'iY (..,~~NT . ~ \. WEST . 582.Ja. / \. .....------ ~ .....---.- ~ .............-- - - ~ ---.::;;- ~ ...----"- ~ - - -..--- - ..................._CEUltRlltoU: ------ '" " ~~.....--------~----_...........-----------~- -..-- - ~ ~ - ~ ------ - - ----- ~ DUNDAS ROAD rJlM" FTM::r \ _ _/--"f"HQj"05t1J 8' HIQ. fofIl\lALY FfN:L / IJ S' 111$ I DE. or PRCJP[RfY L II\( I ~~_:l.O ~~-~- --w.;::( or B,r/..AII~ . . --..-----'-" --~-~-_....-------_.............-~-""'----~~~ ---_--..-----'--~- ------.----- . 'cJ0 . . . City Council Agenda: 1/23/06 9. Consideration of a reQuest for a Zonine: Text Amendment to increase the amount of allowable SQuare footal!e for detached accessory structures in the 1-2 (Heavy Industrial) and 1-1 (Lil!ht Industrial) districts. (AS/JO/SG) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND This item is written both to the Planning Commission and City Council as a special meeting is being held immediately prior to the Council meeting and separate reports could not be prepared. The results of the special Planning Commission meeting will be provided to the Council. As the Planning Commission may recall, Wallboard, Inc. requested a variance to the ordinance regulation requiring that detached accessory buildings not exceed 30% ofthe gross principal floor area, which is applicable in each of the City's three "I" zoning districts. As an alterative to granting the variance, Council is also provided with the option of amending the ordinance regulating accessory buildings in the 1-2 District. The ordinance amendment proposed increases the maximum square footage of an accessory structure from 30% to 40% in the 1-2 District only Wallboard, located within an 1-2 District, is seeking to construct an 11,760 square foot detached accessory structure in addition to an existing 6330 square foot accessory structure. If allowed to construct the 196' x 60' structure, the detached accessory structure square footage would total 18,090 square feet, or 34% of the gross principal building's square footage (principal building at 51,904 square feet). The Planning Commission denied the variance at its regular January meeting, based on a finding that there was no hardship present to justify the variance. The Planning Commission felt that the discussion regarding the variance request justified further review of the 30% regulation and subsequently called for a public hearing to consider an associated zoning amendment. The current regulations regarding detached accessory structures in the "I" districts are based primarily on the following ordinance sections: 3-2 [D] ACCESSORY BUILDINGS, USES, AND EQUIPMENT: 1. An accessory building shall be considered an integral part of the principal building ifit is connected to the principal building either directly or by an enclosed passageway. 2. No accessory building shall be erected or located within any required yard other than the rear yard. 3. Detached accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height, shall be six (6) feet or more from all side and rear lot lines, shall be ten (10) feet or more from any other building or structure on the same lot, and shall not be located within a utility easement. (#396, 7/28/03) l5A-3 PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in a "1-1A" District: (#298,10/13/97) [A] Commercial or business buildings and structures for a use accessory to the principal use but such use shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the gross floor space of the principal use: 1 8\ "';""1~\.:.' City Council Agenda: 1/23/06 ~ 1. The parking requirements of Chapter 3, Section 5, are complied with in full. 2. The off-street loading requirements of Chapter 3, Section 6, are complied with in full. . The above section of ordinance is included in the I-1A regulations and similarly applies in the I-I and 1-2 zoning districts. As noted previously, this type of regulation is intended to accomplish two primary goals. First, accessory buildings are often granted leniency in several zoning regulations, including setback regulations, how parking standards apply to them, building materials requirements, and others. Second, distinguishing between principal and accessory uses can be important for certain uses. The City's purpose for providing for industrial development usually includes economic activity and job creation. As such, there is often an interest in promoting an employment-creating principal use, and limiting uses that do not create employment, such as cold storage. Additionally, from an economic perspective, detached accessory structures do not have the same impact to the City's tax base as a principal building addition. As such, the 30% threshold regulation is a common component of a City's set of industrial zoning performance standards. During the January meeting, the Planning Commission indicated that the review of the 30% should be targeted at the recognition of the specific needs of individual businesses. Planning staff believes that increasing the City's employment opportunities and tax base remain important goals. For that purpose, planning staff would suggest no change to the ordinance within the I-1A and I-I districts. However, recognizing that some industries have a need for larger storage facilities, and the capacity to add cost- effective storage space for their growth, the following is a proposed amendment to the 1-2 zoning district. . 16-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in an "1-2" district: [A] Commercial or business buildings and structures for a use accessory to the principal use but such use shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the gross floor space of the principal use: 1. The parking requirements of Chapter 3, Section 5, are complied with in full. 2. The off-street loading requirements of Chapter 3, Section 6, are complied with in full. It should be noted that the proposed A VR site composition would not comply with the new standard because the garage for ready mix trucks exceeds 40% of the plant area. In this case it is recommended that the site plan be reviewed via the PUD process which will enable flexibility on accessory building size in exchange for additional site enhancements. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 16-4. 1. Motion to recommend approval of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 16-4, regulating accessory structures in an 1-2 (Heavy Industrial) District, based on a finding . that the amendment will grant greater use of industrial property. 2 <3.:) . City Council Agenda: 1/23/06 2. Motion to recommend denial of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 16-4, regulating accessory structures in an 1-2 (Heavy Industrial) District, based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion of other. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION If Council is inclined to support additional accessory building area for Wallboard, Inc. staff recommends alternative 1 above as opposed to the variance. It is believed that amending the ordinance to 40% for the Heavy Industrial district allows greater flexibility in the storage of materials for business and industries most likely to be sited within heavy industrial districts. With low area and building size regulations, the 40% maximum also maintains the ability for principal building expansion. In a case such as Wallboard's, the property owner would have the option to expand to serve their economic growth, and provides adequate space for future principal building expansion. Planning staff believe that the dual goals of economic and employment growth within the City would support that no amendment be made to the current ordinance regulations for the I-IA and I-I areas. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. 1-2 Zoning District Regulations . . 3 o~ . . . . . . CHAPTER 16 "1-2" I-lEA VY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT SECTION: 16-1 : Purpose 16-2: Permitted Uses 16- 3: Perm itted Accessory Uses 16-4: Conditional Uses 16-5: Interim Uses 16-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the "1-2," heavy industrial, district is to provide for the establishment of heavy industrial and manufacturing development and use which because of the nature of the product or character of activity requires isolation from residential or commercial use. 16-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in an "1-2" district: [A] Any use permitted in the "1-1." light industrial, district. l"Bl The manufacturing. compounding. assembly, packaging. treatment. or storage of products or materials including: Brewcries, cement. stone cutting, brick. glass, batteries (wet cell), ceramic procucts, mill working. metal polishing and platting, paint (pigmcnt mfg.). vinegar \vorks, rubber products, plastics. meat packing, tlour. feed grain milling, milling, coal or tar asphalt distillation, rendering works, distillation of bones. sawmill. lime, gypsum. plaster of paris, glue, size. cloth, ancl similar uses. [C] Automobile assembly and major repair. lO] Creamery and bottling plant. [E] Adult Use/Principal. (#217,1/13/92) [F] Foundry. 16-3: ACCESSORY USES: [A] Permitted Accessory Uses: The following are permitted accessory uses in an "1-2" district: 1. All permitted accessory uses allow'ed in an [-I (light Industrial) district. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ~ '--\ 16/1 [8] Interim Accessory Uses: The following are interim accessory. uses in an 1-2 district: I. One temporary structure as an interim accessory use. subject to the following conditions: . (a) The interim accessory structure is not to exceed 700 sq ft. (b) The property owner(s) sign a development agreement with the City controlling site development and use, including a date upon which the interim use is to terminate. (c) The termination date is established at a point not longer than two (2) years following City Council approval. (d) The property owner supply adequate security to ensure removal of the interim structure and use upon reaching the termination date. (e) All other standards of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance arc met. 16-4: (t) Any Interim Accessory Use or Structure appro\"ed under this section will not be considered to constitute an expansion of a pre- existing legal non~cont()rming use ,vhere applicable. (#241. 10/11/93) ---------~'~)N[)ITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in an""1-2" dis:ri;t: (R_eQUir. a conditional use permit based upon procedures set fcmh in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance). [AI All conditional uses allowed in an "1-1." light industrial. district. [B] The f()llowing uses provided they meet all requirements of Chapter 3. Section 2, of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. I. Auto wrecking, junk yard, used auto parts (open storage). and similar uses. 2. Incineration or reduction or waste material other ~han cllstomarily incidental to a principal use. 3. Poison, fertilizer, fuel briquettes. 4. Kilns or other heat processes fired by means other than electricity. 5. Creosote plant. . 6. Acid manufacture. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ~ S 16/2 7. Storage, utilization, or manufacture of materials or products which could decompose by detonation. . 8. Refuse and garbage disposal. 9. Commercial stock yards and slaughtering of animals. 10. Crude oil, gasoline, or other liquid storage tanks. 16-5: INTERIM USES: The following are interim uses in an "1-2" District (requires an interim use permit based on the procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance ): [A] Outdoor storage of trucks and trucking equipment as an accessory use, provided that: 1. A specified termination date is documented. 2. The applicable requirements of Chapter 3, Section 2. General Building and Performance Requirements, are met. .., ..J. . 4. 5. The permit prohibits the parking of automobiles. The permit specifics a gravel surf~lce. suitable f(Jr the parking of trucks. The permit specifies that the intensity of visual screening shall be related to the location and nature of the storage and the duration of the interim use. 6. The permit spcci fics that appropriate setback of necessary fencing and/or setback of storage shall be related to the location and nature of the storage and the duration of the interim Llse. (#268. 5/8/95) . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE "8' to 16/3 . . . . . . Council Agenda: 1/23/06 10. Consideration of Acceptine Proposal from NAC for Comprehensive Land Use Plan nine: Services and Authorize Staff and NAC to Initiate the Process accordinelv. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting of the City Council, staff was authorized to obtain a proposal from NAC for services necessary to support a major update to the Comprehensive Plan. Council is now asked to review the proposal submitted by NAC and consider awarding the project to NAC as proposed, or prepare a request for proposal and seek proposals from others. The proposal is provided for your review. It outlines an ambitious plan and schedule for updating the Comprehensive Plan. The plan proposed outlines costs and a time line that will involve not only NAC staff but also a very large investment of city staiftime necessary to supply information and coordinate the process. Fortunately, much of the road and utility infrastructure/planning information the preparation of the plan demands is already available. The process proposed by NAC appears to address the most important aspects of the comprehensive planning process. The policy and concept planning portion of the proposal includes a somewhat innovative concept involving gaining input from other communities that are currently in or recently experienced a rapid growth mode. The input from these communities is intended to assist the City Council in defining a vision for the future. As you will note, the projected cost of the project is set at $58,950. For comparison purposes, the cost of the downtown redevelopment study completed in 1997 by Hoisington Koegler amounted to about $80,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept proposal from NAC for Comprehensive Land Use Planning Services and authorize staff and NAC to initiate the process. 2. Motion to direct staff to direct staff to prepare a request for proposal document outlining comprehensive planning needs for distribution to Planning Consultants. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the view of City staff that the proposal and costs as prepared by NAC will provide the City with the planning direction needed in an overall cost efficient manner. At $58,000 the cost of the project appears reasonable given the magnitude and scope of the effort. In addition, staff time needed in the planning effort will be relatively modest because notime will be needed for the selection process and no time would be needed to educate other planning consultants on the various factors affecting development in Monticello. Of course, cost of the project and cost of stafTtime arc two important but not overriding factors in your decision. It is our view that based on experience, NAC will execute the process and help develop a plan with credibility necessary for future implementation which is really the bottom line that Council is looking for. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan Proposal Submitted by NAC G.""" 1 /.~ . . . . . . NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highvvay, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763231_2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Monticello Mayor and City Council Rick WOlfsteller, City Administrator Jeff O'Neill, Deputy Administrator FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: January 15, 2006 RE: Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan NAC FILE: 191.06 This memorandum transmits NAC's work program and estimate for preparation of a new Comprehensive Development Plan for the City of Monticello. There are two primary components to the attached material: 1) a Work Program and outline of the project, and 2) a Budget and Timeline to complete the project by the middle of next year. With the last year's annexation agreement, the City faces an extraordinary prospect - transitioning from a smaller rural community to a much larger City in a relatively short period of time. The City's planning efforts for the past few years have been focused on maintaining its high quality of life and addressing the increasing number of development proposals in 80 acre (or smaller) parcels. With periodic infrastructure plans and conceptual land use planning, the City has been able to keep pace with development pressure, although now, new projects are stretching the City's resources. Before development pressure overwhelms the City's ability to plan for the demands on its finances, now is the time to identify the long-term vision for the City of Monticello, and establish the standards that will allow the City to implement that vision. As noted by the City Council in goal-setting statements, it is critical to be able to plan for an efficient infrastructure system - one that avoids duplication of service, and which permits an assignment of costs to new development and avoids passing costs to existing taxpayers. As such, the Comprehensive Plan integrates solid utility, parks and road planning into the land use plan, and prepares the way for the most efficient infrastructure plan possible. 'Irt One of the changes that will be important for the City is the realization that Monticello . will be a desired location, and that higher development standards can be implemented to protect its long-standing interest in broadening its housing and commercial base - particularly in upper bracket development. In the past, this sector of the market has been limited, as attractive development opportunities were available closer to the Twin Cities. As those communities have been developed, growth in the Twin Cities region is following the transportation corridors out of the core areas, including Interstate 94, US Highway 10, and the future Northstar rail line to Big Lake. Monticello is the beneficiary of this condition, and several high-amenity areas in the region could absorb upper bracket development. That being said, Monticello will continue to be an attractive location for more modest housing style due to its proximity to an excellent transportation system and the increasing availability of local shopping opportunities. Ensuring that the modestly priced developments also meet the City's expectation for excellence is yet another important reason to undertake a complete plan update at this time. In addition, many developers are accumulating larger and larger parcels for master- planned development. It is not uncommon now to see several hundered acre projects being assembled that will include a wide variety of uses, development types, and densities. The City will need a comprehensive strategy for dealing with these projects, not just from the design standpoint, but also with regard to the service demands such . projects will place on the City's infrastructure. Can the City be in a position to accommodate development of this magnitude in all directions? How will the City be able to recapture the financial costs that these projects place on its budget? How can the City be certain that the Monticello of 30 years from now is a superior place to live, work, shop, and play? This plan will allow the City to set those goals, establish those standards, and ultimately, realize its vision. We at NAC highly value our 15 year relationship with the City of Monticello. We look forward, in this project, to providing the material that the City will be able to use to create a community It can continue to be proud of well into the future. 2 . '6C\ Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan . Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan The update to the Monticello Comprehensive Plan is proposed to be developed in three phases of work. The first phase establishes the goals and policies that the City officials believe will identify the kind of community Monticello intends to be, and a conceptual plan for getting to that point. In this phase, community involvement, as well as work with other communities that Monticello believes could serve as valuable models, will create a framework for the concept plan to be developed. In Phase 2, engineering support studies will be completed and reviewed. This may include new study work from the City's engineering staff and/or consultants, as well as existing infrastructure analysis that already exists. The purpose of this phase is to identify for the City officials what kinds of economic issues are raised by the concept plan, how those issues can be addressed, and whether the concept plans and goals should be adjusted. A more extensive analysis of the concept plan and infrastructure studies would occur in Phase 3. With consensus as to the final plan and goals, the concept plan would be finalized and prepared for adoption. It is envisioned that public open houses would be conducted during each phase of work to provide for an additional check on the planning objectives from interested members of the public at large. . PHASE 1 - Policv and Conceot Planninfl. 1 . Growth Manaaement Vision - What do we want Monticello to look like in 30 years? This phase is perhaps the most critical phase of the work program. It establishes the direction for all of the plans and programs to follow, including eventual updating to ordinances and other regulations. [Why 30 years? Infrastructure life; growth beyond a single generation; requires true vision, rather than mere extensions of existing conditions]. a. This work phase will begin with a brief analysis of other communities that have grown from small, fringe communities to large urban/suburban places in the past 20 years, both good and bad. Possible examples may include Lakeville, Shakopee, Blaine, Cottage Grove, Maple Grove, Brooklyn Park, and Chanhassen/Chaska. b. Part of the visioning process will be transitioning the community's "mind-set" from small town with growth potential to actively growing larger city. This phase includes two seminar sessions with staff and officials of the case study communities to understand what they believe worked or didn't work, and preparation of a summary report. . - 1 - ~o Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan c. Focus group discussions with Monticello community officials, staff, and others. We would use case study report information as material for focus group meetings with city officials, community leaders, and other interested community members. . d. The focus group discussions will be centered on the generation of a tangible, identifiable set of development goals that must be applied to the city's growth plan, and new development proposals. This summary needs to be able to be implemented in a measurable way to be useful in decision making. The Comprehensive Plan visioning work is included here to emphasize the land use and planning aspects of the visioning process. We expect that the visioning process will be valuable for other City departments, and will summarize the material by department so the City can utilize the data throughout the organization, not merely for land use planning alone. This chapter will be designed to tell a descriptive story, with graphics, photos, and other materials as appropriate, about what Monticello expects to achieve in the coming phase of rapid growth and development. It must set a threshold against which new development proposals can be evaluated, and the City must come to expect that it will be making decisions with the vision report as a real standard, not just a high-sounding . statement. 2. Inventory-Issues - What do we have now?; What do we like and not like about Monticello? [What issues do we face in getting from the existing to the identified VISION? What needs to change? What needs to be added? What needs to be built?] a. Collect information in context. How does Monticello compare to Wright and Sherburne County totals? Why are the comparisons interesting for planning purposes? What does the inventory information tell us about dangers, resources, opportunities, needs? b. The focus of this chapter will be issues that need to be addressed, not the raw data. The report will include references to data and data sources, but will not reprint the data itself, except where it is helpful to the point being made. c. Tasks: L Collect raw data sources - demographic, physical, etc. iL Review and summarize for issues. . -2- C\\ . . . Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan III. Prep summary report - a "SWOT" analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). iv. Discuss the analysis with the Comprehensive Plan Steering Group. This chapter will present data and analysis, but not conclusions. The summary report will be designed to organize the data so the City can evaluate various growth models, and eventually choose one as its development plan with an understanding of the impacts of that choice. The data in this chapter does not present debatable policy. 3. Concept Development Plan -What does our VISION look like on a map? [Maps of area; Aerial and Ground photos; Drawings of specific ideas; Photos of other places we wish to emulate; Text in support of graphics] The Concept Development Plan is actually a series of plans and graphics, beginning with a general conceptual land use plan, then telescoping down into more specific illustrations of development type. Examples of inclusions in this chapter are as follows: a. Illustrate how density is to be balanced or clustered over a site with natural resource preservation or other site factors. b. Illustrate favored, disfavored, required, and prohibited development types. This information can be used to draft zoning regulations that achieve the City's development goals. c. Develop an analysis of public land and infrastructure needs (both park and non-park) over the City and analyze the percentage share per acre - develop this into an annexation fee that can be used to ensure that new development pays for itself and avoids spreading costs to existing tax payers. d. Master Plan in areas of specific needs or sensitivities. Included in this function will be a definition of development capacity for all areas. e. Illustrate goals and objectives for existing community development - where redevelopment is desired, what the nature of redevelopment should be, and where revitalization is desired (maintain land use pattern, but enhance existing conditions). f. Create criteria and solutions for extraordinary development constraints. These may include density trades, Transfer of Development Rights, density credits for development meeting specific goals, etc. g. Examine the existing community development pattern to determine redevelopment targets, as well as enhancements in existing neighborhoods where necessary. -3 - C\d. Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan h. Utilize the five Orderly Annexation Agreement zones to create planning study neighborhoods in an effort to allow more detailed planning objectives in specific areas. . i. Illustrate park and trail corridors, collector street cross-sections, special street design options, and other identified development issues that may benefit from detailed illustration. The Concept Development Plan establishes the land use pattern, and the development goals for the overall community, more localized geographical areas, and specific conditions that occur in several areas. The Plan recommendations should be incorporated into zoning and subdivision regulations to give it the force of ordinance, rather than the suggestion of policy. Phase 2 -Infrastructure Plannina, 4. Deve/oa Infrastructure Plans to sUDaort the Conceat Plan - What needs to be built to accomplish the VISION? [SanitaryIWaterlStorm/Roads/Parks/General Government e.g. fire, police, public works, etc.] . This section is a summary of the engineering work being done on a parallel track. The summary needs to specify the development constraints that the infrastructure plans describe. For some areas, there will be extraordinary costs - is the city interested in pursuing growth in those areas, and how might those cost issues be overcome? This section will not re-state the infrastructure plans, but will identify issues raised by them. Also addressed in this chapter are issues that may be raised as a part of any City growth - police facilities, public works needs, and other administrative demands placed on the city as a larger community. a. This plan will form the basis of an "exactions" policy. We need to understand the demand for quantities and costs of infrastructure in an effort to assign those costs. b. The City needs to define these exactions oriorto annexation. Once a parcel is annexed, the City loses the ability to assign many of its costs, and must spread those costs to the broader community. . -4- C\~ Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan . Phase 3 - Analvsis and Final Plan 5. Balance Costs & Benefits - How can the costs of the Development Plan be paid for? [What is a fair share for existing property tax payers? How can the City be sure that new development finances its fair share? A part of the overall planning effort is the development of a Capital Improvements Program that defines costs for infrastructure, stages of development, and methods of financing. This section of the plan is intended to establish a process for assigning new costs to newly annexed areas. If the CIP identifies the need for new roads in a specific area, this section of the plan will create a policy for capturing those costs from new development. An integral part of this function is an understanding of which portions of the CIP are properly assigned to existing development. Because infrastructure wears out, it is an expected cost of government that maintenance is required, and replacement will be necessary at some point in the future. Which of the costs in the CIP are attributable to maintenance or replacement, and which are attributable to new demand? . 6. AnalVIe the ConceDt Plan - Does the Concept Plan achieve the VISION and fit the Balance Sheet, or do changes need to be made? [How is the Vision affected by changes to the Concept Plan? Are these compromises worth it?] Looking back, the VISION will result in some extraordinary demands on the public. What options exist to lessen those demands, and if chosen how will they affect the City's chances of achieving the VISION? If the demands are worth it, what steps can be taken to minimize the negative impacts? 7. Finalize the Deve/oDment Plan - How do we blend everything we have learned through this process? [Draw it; Write it; Map it; Calculate it; Summarize it; and finally: IdentifY and List the action steps to Implement it] . - 5 - C\ ~\ Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan . Schedule and Budget Phase 1 - Policv and Concept Plannina Task 1 - Visionina Feburary - April, 2006. This task will run parallel, and be integrated with, the City's organizational visioning process. It includes interviews and case studies, focus group participation, and summary report. Task 2 -Inventory and Issues April - June, 2006. This task will run parallel with the visioning process. It includes data collection, organization, analysis, and report preparation. One or two meetings with the Steering Group will be required. Task 3 - Concept Development Plan . June - October, 2006. This task begins with general land use planning, and will be meeting intensive, with at least one Steering Group meeting per month. Planning Budget, Phase 1: 370 Consultant hours; $30,950.00 Phase 2 -Infrastructure Plannina Task 4 -Infrastructure Plans September - November, 2006. This task is in support of the engineering planning and will use summaries of those plans as they become available. Planning staff will participate in these studies as needed, and blend the results into the Concept Plan work. Planning Budget, Phase 2: 40 Consultant hours; $ 3,550.00 . -6- C\S Monticello Comprehensive Development Plan . Phase 3 - Analvsis and Final Plan Task 5 - Balance Costs and Beneftts November, 2006 - January, 2007. This task works with City finance and legal departments to develop a plan and policy for assigning development costs to the appropriate party. A part of this task will be the summary report and preparation of policy drafts for adoption by the City Council. Task 6 - Analvze the Concept Plan December, 2006 - February, 2007 (and ongoing). This task will actually occur throughout the process, but will include a formal analysis task at this stage to determine the need to consider other options in light of budget or finance issues. The budget for this task assumes that the Concept Plan development will reflect the Final Plan, with nominal adjustments and fine-tuning. It would be expected that at least two Steering Group meetings would be necessary during this stage. Task 7 - Finalize the Development Plan . January - March 2007. Finalization will include full text writing to supplement and illustrate elements of the Plan, as well as adjustments made during the Analysis stage. This stage also include the formal hearings required prior to adoption. Planning Budget, Phase 3: 290 Consultant hours; $22,650.00 Summary Budget - Planning Consultant Consulting hours/cost: 700 Consultant hours; $57,150.00 $ 1,800.00 $58,950.00 Printing Expenses and other costs of production Total Project Budget . - 7 - C\~ . . . . . . Council Agenda: 1/23/06 H. Consideration of ExchaDl:!e of Land Between the City of Monticello and Kevin Tracv. (.10) A. REFERENCE AN]) BACKGROUND: As you know from the discussion at the previoLls meeting, Council directed staff to work with Kevin Tracy and his tenant Tim Anderson (Monticello Insurance Agency) in finding an alternative location for development of office space. It was noted that the lot directly west of the current National Guard Storage area is space that the City may need at some point in the future and if possiblc should be protected for future City uses. Last Tuesday staff met to discuss thc topic and developed an alternative for Tracy and Anderson to review. Both Tracy and Anderson were supportive of the concept prepared by staff which is outlined as follows. If Council supports this concept then the City Attorney will prepare a formal agreement accordingly. Terms of trade The City will provide the land arca identified in the attached plan which is located at the Jefferson Commons site adjacent to the watcr tower site at no cost to developer in cxchange for the land currcntly owned by Tracy. Thc land area provided to Tracy is slightly larger than the site he is trading away in order to accommodate the original structure in the Jefferson Commons plat. The City will provide utility connections to the site in conjunction with a change order to a current project or by separate process. The cost estimate for cxtending utilities is approximately $3 1,000. The drive access to the site is already being constructed with development of the water tower site. The Tracy parcel will benefit from this improvement without additional cost to the City. The City will maintain this dead end drive as a public street. Tracy will he provided the option ofheing included in an area sign program that would include identification of his office building on a monument sign located near the intersection of School Boulevard and the drive scrving his site. The City currently controls the area on which the proposed sign would be located and would need to incorporate this commitment into any future transaction. Although such a sign would he considered "off premise" it can he allowed via PUD. Regarding building design. Tracy and Anderson have made an effort to enhance the structure given its new location. It is now planned to apply stucco to the exterior and to break up the roof line by adding a covered entrancc area that will extcnd perpendicular to the building. The developer also will be adding windows to the south side of the structure which was not possible with the original building at the first location due to proximity to adjoining residential. One design concern that has not been discussed in detail is selection of roof material. Final Platting: The City will be responsible for paying costs associated with platting and preparation of the development agreement. ").' l --1 Council Agenda: 1/23/06 B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve or modify and approve the proposed exchange under the general terms as . identified above and direct the City Attorney to prepare documents accordingly. Motion to approve contingent on final staff review and approval of roof and eaves design. 2. Motion to deny approval of the proposed exchange. 3. Motion to table for further information. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. This alternative appears to result in a win/win situation for both the City and will allow construction to start on the developer's schedule.. If Council selects this alternative, staff will be working closely with the developer's architect and engineer toward completion of the site planning effort. It is suggested that staff provide final approval of building design with input from one or more Councilmembers as needed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Site plan/survey showing land to be received by the City. Site plan showing proposed development site. Architectural detail to be provided at meeting if available. . . (17' ~\ .) . ,; :.-'" . . (5ad[ q\72:X\7092:X9~82:) ~oooue::>s 9 '1 . . . . II~ i' ; ! II I!! i ;1 Mia ~ z ~~~~~ /", ,,,r"~~'~~ /..~~~".rr // Jr /r}}I,"" /~~J"r / ",/ "~~" J~J'" /'~ ..."..__~~J" < " ///'/ ~".,..r .,' ~.,:fI~~ ~~1f,'):.~ , ,Ij.....~->,;~ 'P..........","s- " ...."..."".. ~__ ~ _~IJ~ J""'" /"r ,.~,/ ,- ....J / / JJ". ",.",,--.---._-~ <:<:::~:~=-t )\'=~~=,= 11 ~~~,..I _J~~ / / / _~J~~_~~JJ-\ 0 ~ 0 ~ "TI I: ~ Z ~ --- - -- 0 --. __1i&1--\ . m \ ~ ,- en ", iii I: ~ ~ m ~ a ~ lD ;;l ~ I i !!l ~ !:> t ~ ',-- --1I611"_~ '~. . U "TI f ir I c ~i z c t + lil~ .... 8 ~ / "H iIIJ"', \\ ~ Il """,> ~~_ '0- ';. ~$,"lE ,/ '\\\ ~S~I,~~~ ...,.~~~_~J "=,,.___J. - ----- C) ~ N 8 ...1- _ _~___...... r_~_~~_~'... , , " //1 [/I,! : f\ \'./ J _r_~_..~ '~.:;::,_J:~~-- ,..... o o /' . . . . . . Council Agenda: 1/24/06 12. Consideration of Desi task force. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may know, Wright County is also in the early stages of completion of an update to the County Comprehensive plan. The focus of the update is in the Northeast or fastest growing portions of the county which includes Monticello and Monticello Township. The timing of this planning effort coincides with development of the City's Comprehensive Plan which provides a great opportunity for placing city and county plans in sync. You will note that the County process includes opportunities for input from both cities and counties in the planning area. City Council is asked to review the material and consider appointing one or more representatives from the City to serve on the County Planning task force. The letter from Wright County requests that the "City Consider potential candidates to represent our organization on the task force". It appears that the City can send Planning Commission, staff and or Council or any combination thereof. Logical choices for the task force would include Mayor Herbst or any member of the City Council especially Council liaison (s) to the Planning Commission (Posusta, Mayer), Planning or Parks Commission member, City Staff (J volunteer). B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Discuss matter and identify City representatives to serve on the task force. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from SEll planner seeking city planning information and representation on Task Force Memo to Wright County Jurisdictions describing scope of planning effort in the "Northeast Quadrant" \0\ I . . . ~ SEH December 6, 2005 Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Last month, Wright County's Office of Planning and Zoning kicked off the Northeast Quadrant Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The consultant team is lead by Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH) with assistance from Ekola & Associates, Inc. Due to the unprecedented growth in northeastern Wright County and associated pressures at city/township borders, as well as demands placed on agricultural and natural resources in the County, there has never been a more important time to plan for the future use of land and systems in this part of the County. We are asking for your participation to assure the success of this timely project. As you know, stakeholder participation, consensus-building and intergovernmental cooperation are key factors in the land use planning process. As part of the Project, we are assisting the County with the assembly of a project Task Force that will meet monthly throughout the 12-month process starting after the first of the year. This Task Force will serve in an advisory capacity to the County's Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners and the and Project team, and will provide review and comment on various aspects of the project as well as serving as informational conduits to their various organizations. We arc asking you to consider potential candidates to represent your organization on the Task Force. Additionally, as part of the inventory and analysis of the Northeast Quadrant of Wright County, the consultant team will review and evaluate background information, available data and existing conditions. This analysis will include a review of land use, agriculture, open space, transportation systems, physical/environmental conditions and new development occurring within the county. Thus we will be requesting the following information if available, along with any other information you deem appropriate, from each agency in northeastern Wright County: t Comprehensive plans . Land use studies . · Orderly annexation agreements · Infrastructure studies/reports · Downtown or highway corridor plans · Transportation plans and traffic studies · Capital improvement programs · Zoning ordinances and maps · Subdivision regulations · Mapping information Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., Butler Square Building, Suite 710e, 100 North 6th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55403.1515 SEH is an equal opportunity employer I www.sehin<:.com I 612.758.6700 I 866.830.3388 I 612.758.6701 fax \0 d Wright County Northeast Quadrant Comprehensive Land Use Plan December 2,2005 Page 2 We would appreciate it if you could forward the information to us by date December 30th, if possible. Please also note that Wright County staff will be sending out a letter asking for you community's participation in the planning process in the next week, including the potential selection of representatives for the Task Force. Please feel free call me at 612.758.6782 or email mnolan@sehinc.comif you have any questions or would like additional information. SEH and Ekola & Associates look forward to working with you and Wright County on this exciting project! Sincerely, SHORT ELLIOlT HENDRICKSON me. ~~~ Mark K. Nolan, AICP Project Manager mkn h:\adminlyvormelinitiolletter to wright co oommmritiesJevised,doc ,03 vtJ.TY O~ <> 1,. " ~ I-Z I ~..4tI~ m \- g ~ 4')' 7Ss6 November 10,2005 Office of PLA4NNIl\TG A.l,\iD ZOJ-lING '\VRlGHT COlINT'J' GCNERNli1ENT CENTER ](J Securu! Street NW, Rm 140, Bullir/u, IIf^, 55313-1185 (7(i;:!) 682-7338 F'ux if (7G3) 68:::'-7872 To: Townships of Buffalo, Monticello and Rockford Cities of Albertville, Buffalo, Hanover, Monticello, Otsego, Rockford and St. Michael School Districts of Buffalo, Elk River, Monticello, Rockford and St. Michael! Albertville From: Tom Salkowski, Wright County Planning and Zoning ArJrnIDjstrato;t~;t!!: RE: Comprehensive Plan for Wright County's "Northeast Quadrant" I am pleased to inform you that the County Board of Commissioners has signed a contract with the firm of SEH, Inc. for consulting work to prepare a Comprehensive Plan. The enclosed "Request for Proposals" will provide you with better detail and explanation of the County's expectations and hopes for this project. SEH teamed with a smaller firm, Ekola and Associates, to make the winning presentation to the County Board in mid-October. Although the primary objective for the Plan is to derive a new land use plan for the three townships, this project is also a result of impetus from the Wright County Mayor's Association. Meetings between the County Board and the Mayor's Association, like meetings with the Township Officers Association, have emphasized the need for better cooperation and collaboration between governmental units in Wright County. All Wright County Officials are acutely aware ofthis need as we face the opportunities and challenges of growth. The "Northeast Quadrant" was chosen as the first phase of planning updates for the Connty because ofthe unprecedented growth that has occurred in this area. We are acutely aware of the enormous pressures placed on City Councils and ToWnship Boards for growth, and also of the impact that such growth has on the many services that County government must provide the increased population. We ask that you carefully consider any major decisions to expand or promote development or annexation during the next several months, as cooperation between cities, townships and the county will undoubtedly be a difficult subject on its own. As the purpose of this new comprehensive plan will be to anticipate, coordinate and manage growth, we ask that the Cities continue to abide by and respect any existing annexation agreements, and hold off on negotiating new ones so that growth patterns can be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. We want to be certain that the future growth of Wright County is based on quality rather than quantity, and determined by its residents and not solely by the quest for short-term profits. On behalf of the County Board, we look forward to your cooperation in this important effort. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions, or would like me to meet with your Board or Council. You will be hearing much more about this project in the weeks and months ahead. Printed on recycled paper. Equal Opportunity / Affirmatil!e Action Employer \ 0 '. \ Office of PL-.4NNING A.ND ZONIJ\TG \,VRlGHT COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 10 Second ,sired N1\', Rrn 140, BufliJ,lo. Mlv'I):):313.1185 (?(;~1,1 t;8~:-7338 Fux # 1763, li82.7872 1ss6 WRIGHT COUNTY LAND USE PLAN The Wright County Board of Commissioners desires to update the Wright County Land Use Plan. The County Board remains dedicated to the goals and principles set forth in the existing Plan, but the background data, including population, current land use, transportation and environmental features, needs to be updated. Most importantly, the current plan is essentially a land usc plan for the Townships of Wright County. The County Board is especially interested in developing a truly Comprehensive Plan, which manages and coordinates the physical growth of the County with the cooperation of Cities, School Districts and all relevant public and private agencies. Wright County is also dedicated to the preservation of important fann areas, open space, and natural areas in the face of rapid suburban development. Especially sought are innovative and practical plans that may include cooperative ventures and density transfers between willing townships and cities, or other methods to promote urban densities in growing Cities and the preservation of open space and a genuine rural countryside in the Townships. THE "NORTHEAST QUADRANT" Phase 1 ofthis project is the preparation of a Comprehensive Plan for the northeast quadrant of Wright County. This area (see map) abuts the Crow River and the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area on the east, and is roughly bounded by State Highway 55 on the south, State Highway 25 on the west and the Interstate 94 corridor and the Mississippi River on the north. There are three townships within this area, and detailed land use plans are needed for those. Also included are seven cities, which are not subject to County land use authority. There is a need to coordinate the growth and development of these Cities with the County Plan, the County's ability to provide services, highway plans, school district plans and other relevant plans and programs. It is expected that this process will be completed by early in 2007, and serve as a model for updated plans for the remainder ofthe County immediately thereafter. This RFP however, is limited to a call for proposals to prepare a Comprehensive Plan for the Northeast Quadrant of Wright County as defined herein, to prepare new Wright County Subdivision Regulations accordingly and to make recommendations, as necessary, for changes to the Wright County Zoning Ordinance. Lead staff contact: Tom Salkowski, Wright County Planning and Zoning Administrator (763-682-7330) tms7330@co.wright.mn.us All interested parties are encouraged to attend a pre-submittal meeting at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 in the County Board Room of the Wright County Courthouse in Buffalo, Minnesota. Please refrain from phone inquiries prior to the meeting. Printed on recycled paper. Equal Opportunity / Affirmatiue Action Employer \OC) BACKGROUND Located in south-central Minnesota approximately 40 miles northwest of downtown Minneapolis, Wright County is the ninth largest County in Minnesota in population, with a 2000 Census population of 89,986. Wright County has approximately 700 square miles in land and water area, including 18 townships and all or part of 17 incorporated cities. Wright has been one of the fastest growing counties in Minnesota over the past 30 years, due to its location and the attractive areas for residential development including 298 lakes over 10 acres in size. Wright County is still predominately rural in nature, but so located as to be subject to ever mounting pressures for suburban development. Wright is the only County adjacent to Hennepin County that is not a part of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Council, but is inextricably tied to the Twin Cities economically and rapidly becoming a "commuter feeder". In addition, much of northwestern Wright County is less than 20 miles from downtown St. Cloud, another growing urban area with a complete services base and a state university campus. The major interstate highway serving central Minnesota (I-94) passes through northern Wright County on its way west from the Twin Cities, and two other major trunk highways provide access to the metropolitan area through central (State Highway 55) and southern (U.S. 12) Wright County. In 1978, Wright County adopted a Comprehensive Plan that specifically addressed agricultural preservation and protection, and also adopted strict agricultural protection ordinances, modeled after those being used in some outlying parts of the metropolitan region. In 1988, the County reinforced those policies with a new Land Use Plan funded partially by a grant from the Milmesota Department of Agriculture, and established an Agricultural Preserves Program which has met with moderate, but declining success. The 1988 plan also made a significant attempt to establish and define "growth areas" or urban service boundaries around the cities. However, at the time most Wright County cities were small towns in every sense, and few anticipated rapid growth. Interested fmalists may want to review the current Wright County Land Use Plan for a better understanding of the County's approach to development and growth. Very rapid suburban growth in the County's "small towns", particularly in the Northeast Quadrant, has led to major changes in the landscape and all the problems, and opportunities that such growth can bring. Two of the largest cities in the County, Otsego and St. Michael, are the result of incorporating fornler townships into a city, creating very large incorporated land areas and little or no need for expansion of the city borders. All of the other Cities in the Northeast Quadrant are essentially "built-out" and facing intense pressures for growth and development. As in many developing areas, there is tension between these growing cities and the surrounding townships that they must annex in order to grow. This is particularly true of the three remaining Townships in the Northeast Quadrant, Monticello, Buffalo and Rockford, which are all bordered by growing cities. "The Wright County Board of Commissioners believes that its planning efforts have resulted in a superior settlement pattern in the County, and is dedicated to continuing efforts to manage growth. Planning for the Northeast Quadrant will require the ability to balance the intensive pressure for rapid suburbanization with the desire to maintain a rural atmosphere and preserve quality farmland and significant natural areas. (The extensive Pelican Lake wildlife area lies in the center of the Quadrant.) Innovative plans that establish partnering relationships amongst the various local units of government, the COW1ty and State agencies are most likely to succeed. \ c \c' COUNTY PLANNING The Wright County Office of Planning and Zoning is primarily a zoning and building code administration agency for the lmincorporated (Township) areas ofthe County. The 1988 Land Use Plan was completed in-house, and updates since that time have primarily been changes to individual Township land use plan maps. Office staff include divisions for building inspection, environmental health (including on-site sewer regulation) and planning. A major effort to institute and utilize GIS systems in the County for several years has resulted in a parcel based mapping system, which is constantly improving using ESRI software. The Office is currently involved in steps to move maps and as much information as possible onto Internet accessible systems. Both the County Planning Commission and the County Board of Adjustment meet twice a month, with full agendas the norm. Due to the very large land area and rapid growth, the Planning Commission rarely meets to "plan" as such, as its meetings are dominated by public hearings for zoning change and special permit requests. Since the County's land use jurisdiction applies solely to the unincorporated areas, there is traditionally a much closer relationship between the County and Townships than with the Cities. The Planning Commission is required by law to hold public hearings on any new Plan or ordinance changes. The Commission is advisory to the County Board on these matters. City Planning in Wright County has traditionally been completed independently of the County, if at all. When growth was limited and city expansions to annex parts of townships were rare, there was less need to coordinate plans and share planning between the County and its Cities. Current levels of growth have made many designated city "growth areas" obsolete, often cause conflicts between cities and townships and require a new level of coordination and cooperation between all three units of government for which there is no history or established model. The County Planning Office does administer "orderly annexation areas" for two city/township (including Monticello) areas where agreements have been reached, but those are thc exception rather than the rule. Rapid growth in population and housing, particularly in the Northeast Quadrant, demands a new model be developed for growth management and cooperation. The County provides many traditional public services needed and/or demandcd by a growing population, such as police protection and a jail, court services, major roads and highways, human services, regional parks, and others. Rapid increases in population have a major impact on the County's ability to provide such services, especially when it has no control over the pace or volume at which such increases may occur. While cities traditionally resent any effort to influence their policies toward growth, the lack of coordination and planning, together with the animosity created between townships and cities, is leading toward dysfunction. A major challenge of this planning process will be to develop a bettcr method for coordination and management of growth that scts a sustainable level that all of the affected governmental units can accept and efficiently service. Senior staff at the Office of Planning and Zoning will be available to assist the consultant choscn for this work, especially in the areas of mapping and information exchange and contacts for public hearings and meetings with the various local units. The County has GIS specialists in-house and all map work and property related data generated by the project would be expected to match County systems (ESRI, ArcGIS). Administrator Tom Salkowski, A.r.C.P., is an experienced planner with over 25 years as Wright County's planning director. SCOPE OF SERVICES Funding up to $50,000 has been allocated to begin this project in 2005 but the County Board has not yet set budgets for 2006 and will make decisions based on the proposals received. The exact scope of services sought is somewhat flexible, as the County is looking for innovative approaches to growth management for multiple jurisdictions and does not want to unnecessarily limit the review process. However, at a minimum, the following tasks need to be accomplished. . 'fhe primary task is the completion of land use plan updates for three Townships that are governed by the County land use authority. These are the Townships of Monticello, Buffalo and Rockford. Data collection and a land use inventory as well as projections of population and land use needs will be an intebTTal part of this task. . The plan should include an agricultural and open space preservation element that includes a joint effort with State and Federal agencies to preserve the Pelican Lake natural area, currently in a special protection zone. A second product will be new or substantially revised County Subdivision Regulations that implement the new plan and comply with the open space dedication requirements of Minnesota Statutes 394.25, Subd. 7. . Gravel mining is a very serious issue in Monticello and Buffalo Townships, particularly in the Highway 25 corridor. As part of any land use inventory, a review of current mines and potential areas for expansion should be identified. A review of current mining regulations and recommended changes to better implement any plan should also be considered. . All three townships are under intense pressure to allow higher densities for a variety of rural housing projects, but urban services are not available. The three are also subject to losing land to adjacent cities through annexation, and have a variety of annexation agreements. The County has long been dedicated to preventing "rural sprawl" and continues to promote "hard edges" at city limits. Working with the Cities to establish firm, practical, long-term or permanent urban service boundaries will be essential to any plan. . Public participation in a lengthy "visioning" process is not anticipated. The County is open to suggestions regarding public input and participation, but expects that much may be accomplished with numerous meetings that will be required with various Town Boards and City Councils. A more traditional process, such as forming a task force to meet regularly to review work and progress, combined with several "open house" meetings for the public at appropriate intervals, is expected. Senior staff at the Wright County Planning and Zoning Office will be available for assistance and sole attendance at other meetings of local units of government. . The consultant may be expected to assist with identifying and applying for additional sources of funding early in the process. Special legislation may be needed to implement particularly innovative or creative growth management strategies and the County is willing to pursue such options if convinced of the ability for practical application. . Collection and review of existing transportation, school district and City comprehensive plans will be important early in the process. Coordination of County (Township) plans with realistic plans of all other jurisdictions is a primary goal of this project. lD --I SUBMITTAL AND SELECTION PROCESS Interested consultants should submit a brief proposal for review. After review by the County Board and staff, up to five finalists will be selected for final presentation interviews. Further direction for the presentations and interviews will be provided to finalists. Ten copies of the following must be received by 4:00 pm on :Friday September 9, Z005, to "Comp Plan Proposal" Office of Planning and Zoning Wright County Government Center ] 0 Second Street NW, Room ] 40 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 The County does not intend this submittal to be considered a finalized work program or contract basis. This initial submittal will be used to gauge the qualifications of consultants for the particular needs of the County, and allow the County to choose finalists. While costs are certainly vital and should be addressed, this document will be used primarily to identify which consultant best demonstrates an understanding of the County's needs, and provides evidence of the ability to realistically address those needs. The submittal should be limited to 20 pages and include, at a minimum, the following: . An outline of the consultant's qualifications, as well as principal staff likely to be assigned. A list of at least three clients who have received similar services in the past ten years, with contact information. Emphasize and elaborate on specific experience with communities on the urban fringe, rural issues and the ability to devise and implement innovative programs. . A description of the consultant's understanding of the project scope, goals and complexity, as introduction to any proposed work program. Comments or discussion on needs that the County may be overlooking or should be included in a work program, beyond the "scope of services" previously described, are welcome. . A work plan outline, based on the consultant's current understanding of the project. This should identify major tasks, and associated work to complete those tasks. Estimates on staff and time to be assigned to tasks and a tentative timetable for completion. . A description of specific programs, regulatory proposals, multi-jurisdictional agreements or other proposals that the consultant believes may be of particular interest to Wright County and its current situation. The consultant's experience with implementing such programs would be of special interest. . The consultant's best estimate of a not-to-exceed total cost for the project. The proposal should include hourly rates for all individuals expected to work on the project, and any other pertinent cost information. . Any other relevant information. Selection of the finalists will be based on firm and project team qualifications and experience, a demonstrated understanding of the project and the County's needs, the County's evaluation of the ability to service the County, total and unit costs, and the work plan/schedule submitted. All infomlation supplied as part of a Proposal is subject to the Minnesota Government Dail Practices Act contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13. Such information is classified as public data unless it falls into one ofthe exceptions under said law. The County reserves the right to: a. amend the RFP and to request new proposal; if deemed in the best interests ofthe County; b. reject any and all Proposals if deemed in the best interests of the County; c. to waive any irregularity in any Proposal if deemed in the best interests ofthe County; and d. to negotiate individually with one or more Proposers. \ ('~ , ({ \...J ,~) '-, ~. ~~~ ~::-.'" ~t) 11 Y'H. i -, \ ( j :'~=':..I,~.~--I- ]1" 'uA-ll_ -.- .' _IlL "\\1 '"-,,, /--. ,-_ '..l. .! \~ _ ffi- .\f\. 1::\ - J-~- Iii I Monticello I I Otsego I (1/ i -r~I" I .~ _ ! 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J ~\_~ \,~, \~"-, () I:; "un Wright County Northeast Quadrant () I Rockford ..., .~' '0-J (7., ::...' ,F\ \ 0 C\ . . . MEMO DATE: January 23,2006 TO: ~ ~ I se ~ G r~ D tr FROM: Rick W olfsteller Kitty Baltos V RE: Fitness Equipment Purchase In the 2006 budget, $14,900 was allocated to purchase equipment for the fitness area. This is an area that every year sees increased use by our members and guests. Not only is the fitness area use heavy January through March, but throughout the year. To accommodate this increased use I along with the Advisory Board strive to have equipment that can accommodate a full body workout in a quantity that will ensure that our users are not waiting overly long. Also since we are starting our seventh year of use on some of that equipment, we are seeing a need to replace some items that are breaking down continually and need to be retired. This is what the Advisory Board is proposing be purchased for 2006. Two (2) Elliptical Trainers for $5,200, Two (2) recumbent bikes for $3,100, a Lat Pull Down machine for $1,750, and Olympic Bench and bar for bench pressing for $1,375 and floor mats to cover and protect the aerobic room floor for $2,000. We are using the aerobic room for fitness equipment and have moved our group fitness classes to the Senior Center in the evenings. The total for the listed items is approximately $13,900 plus tax. This figure does include shipping, handling and installation of the equipment. The equipment will be purchased through Second Wind Exercise Equipment in their commercial sales program. I did compare with another company and they were the lowest quote. There can be anywhere from a four to ten week wait for equipment, so I'd like to be able to order as soon as possible to receive some of it during our busiest season. . Oi:il ..:1D ..:1<1; 1J:lp., UP:: Hi:iI Eo<:> ZO OU ::;:: . rl p., r>.r- Ul O' 10 p., ><0 U Eo<:> HI UUlP:: HO 00 p.,rl 1.11'" U 01.11 ..:1..:1 Ul DD 11)\0 ,,10 -,; 0 10 ..:1 0 ....... 0'\ H I]) .-f p.,\(l .-f ....... ..:1 ..0 H nl :>. UJ I]) nl ~ U p., U nlUl i:iI 0.. tIl tt: UJ rl U rl '0 ''; p., rl m ....... oz ><l; tt: 4-< 0 I-i 1.0 I]) I]) 0 W rl ....... " ;::l E-< 0'\ 0'; '0 Z .--I I-i I]) i:iI ....... p., ;::: ~ ~ rl U Ei Ul IJ:l UJ I-i U ~ :.:: 0 U r>. 0 i:iI U tt: tIl 10 U I]) i:iICO 0 ~ -,; rl ..:1['.1 0'\ p., 0..0 ~:.; .--I ....... 0 .-f 0 <I; "U ><'" " 0 tIl ><l;.. 0 rl " P,O -,; 00 0 . rl W 1.11 0'; I-i UJ U I WI]) Eo< I]) p., 0 10 Ur:: S~ rl 5 H 0 ;::l" I]) I 0 I-inl 00 UJ Ct: IJ:l N wm U"l D I-J 0'\ Ul u....... 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