City Council Minutes 09-06-1994 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, September 6, ].994 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: None A special meeting of the City Council was held at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6, 1994, for the purpose of reviewing the proposed budget and for setting a preliminary tax levy for 1995. Brad Fyle convened the meeting and noted that the preliminary levy adopted cannot be adjusted upward at a later date. Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reviewed his budget memo to Council. In his report, he noted that increases in deputy registrar and building inspections are due to higher workload associated with city growth. Higher revenues are expected to cover cost increases. Wolfsteller stated that general fund expenses for 1995 are projected tv be nearly identical to the 1994 budget. Council has the option of increasing the levy to help finance future infrastructure needs such as expansion of the wastewater treatment plant. Council discussion focused on the City contribution to the School District for the community ed program. Dan Blonigen felt that the City should discontinue contributions to this program, as city residents are paying twice because both City and School District tax dollars are used to support it. Councilmembers Smith and Anderson disagreed. It was their view that the City's contribution helps pay for administration of recreation programs that would cost the City more than the $17,500 to administer ourselves. Clint Herbst and Brad Fyle both suggested that the amount of the contribution remain at the 1994 level. Administrator Wolfsteller suggested that the City investigate what other communities are doing far summer recreation. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that the Parks Commission discussed this topic with Duane Gates, Community Ed Director, and requested that he determine what percent of users are city versus township residents. Council agreed that this information would be valuable in helping Council determine fiiture community ed contributions. Dan Blonigen stated that he would like this item brought to Council for discussion before the expenditure is made. Discussion then centered around the future expansion of the wastewater treatment plant, which is planned to occur in 3-6 years. John Simola, Public Works Director, reported that he just received preliminary figures for expansion of the plant and noted that the estimate is now $10-15 million. He noted that the design resulting in this estimate must be scrutinized closely to Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 9/6/94 determine opportunities for cost reductions. He also stated that staff has discussed increasing the sewer hookup charge and user rates to help fund expansion of the plant, as Monticello fees are well below what most communities are charging for these services. The City will soon need to begin design work on the plant, which will require an estimated $500,000. Rick Wolfsteller then reviewed three options for capital outlay fund expenditures as shown on the Summary of Levy Increases/Decreases. The first option includes the balance of the fire truck purchase, which will be bid soon; park improvements to Outlot A in the Meadow Oak subdivision; the balance of ISTEA trail system project; reserve for interceptor sewer; and reserve for future WWTP expansion, for a capital outlay increase of $374,000. Option #2 includes the same items as #1 but also includes a reserve for future city hall expansion for a total of $464,550, and option #3 includes items listed in the first two options but also includes an additional reserve amount for the WWTP expansion for a total capital outlay increase of $557,8$5. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported to Council that the additional costs for the ISTEA pathway stem from design changes associated with future widening of CSAH 75, installation of sidewalk along the high school property, and due to high design standards for the footbridge over Otter Creek. He noted that state highway aid funds provided to the City by the State could be used to fund the additional expenses. He also noted that the ISTEA pathway is not only part of our park system, but is part of the transportation and sidewalk grid systems as well; therefore, it may be inappropriate to place ISTEA pathway expenditures solely in the parks budget. Discussion regarding improvements to Outlot A in the Meadow Oak subdivision ensued. John Simola noted that the amount needed to make these improvements will depend on how much the public works staff is able to help with the project, but he doesn't believe staff will have time to work on these improvements. He noted that the ballfields and soccer field are the items that should be focused on for 1995. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council tv try a 2-year program for development of Outlet A, Meadow Oak subdivision. Council allocated $45,000 for development in 1995. Rick Wolfsteller noted that if Council adopts a preliminary levy amount tonight, they can continue to discuss and change line items such as the parks budget at a future workshop but may not increase the levy. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to adopt a resolution setting the maximum levy at $2,852,965, which is a 4°1o increase over 1994, with the understanding that there will be line item changes made, particularly in the parks department, at a future meeting. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 94-29. Page 2 Special Council Minutes - 9/6/94 lJ 1 [] It was the consensus of Council to set the date for the public hearing for review of the budget for Wednesday, December 7, 1994, at 7 p.m., and a continuation date for Wednesday, December 14, 1994, at 7 p.m., if needed. There being no further discussion, _ . f~ ~ .. Kare Doty Office Manager the meeting was adjourned. Page 3