City Council Agenda Packet 07-14-1975-.. ~`'': MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Regular Meeting July 14, 1975 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton Erickson, Stan Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. Meeting to be taped. Citizen's comments. 1. Award sale of Municipal Liquor Store. 2. Completion of appointees to Civic Center Commission. 3. Audit Report - 1974 presented by Gruys Johnson Mosford Associates. 4. Review of cost estimate for improvement of street by hospital. 5. Review of Dutch Elm Disease Program. fi. Consideration of license approval - On Sale intoxicating liquor - Wayside Inn. Consideration of elimination of office of Justice of the Peace. 8. Approval of July 8, 1975 minutes. 9. Gnfinished business. 10. New business. Mailing to: John Badalich Mike Holm Don Smith Gruys Johnson Mosford & Associates w AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Item 1. Award Sale of Municipal Liquor Store. Bids were opened July 8, 195 and were as follows: Earl Lindenfelser $135,000.00 Monticell, MN. Richard B. Kampa $ 85,000.00 Foley, MN. Loren Johnson & Jerry Ludwig $ 91,969.98 200 4th St, S. W. Montgomery, MN . Elmer Matheson $115,100.00 Virginia, MN. Larry Hurrle $ ¢0,000.00 St. Cloud, MN. After reviewing references, past business experience, etc., and considering amount of bid I would recommend the award of bid go to Earl Lindenfelser. The amount of $135,000 approximates what the city council expected to receive from the sale. Should the sale be awarded at Mondays meeting the following would be in order. 1. City attorney to draw up legal papers with purchase agreement being entered into immediately with.. $1,000 earnest money payment made. 2. Provision made for partitions,-locks, alarm systems to provide for two operations to be run under one roof. 3. Removal of fire alarm system and water shut off valves. 4. Meeting arranged with buyer, Ralph Eichten, councilman and myself to review procedures for smooth transition on August 8, 19'75. This review would include inventory procedures, partition requirements, lock and alarm systems, etc. 5. Call for Public Hearing as provided by new ordinances on issuance of on-sale intoxicating liquor license at July 28, 1975 meeting. -4 ,., _.2 _ Ite~r 2. Completion of appointees to serve on Civic Center Commission. Thus far the following have been appointed and will serve on the commission: Dick Martie Bob Brown Shelley Johnson Karen Hanson ~~Gary Wieber %~ex-officio non-voting members. Mrs. George Phillips declined the appointment and Karen Hanson recommends the following as possible senior citizen candidates: Caroline Ellison Bob Dowling John Miller tem 3• Presentation of 19 4 Audit Re ort b Dale Johnson of Gru s Johnson Mosford & Associates. You have all received a copy of the audit report for review. Mr. Johnson will review highlights of audit report and answer any questions you Wray have. To minimize valuable meeting time should you have any question that you~re concerned about please feel free to contact me and I'll give you an answer. tem 4. Review of cost estimates for street im rovement b the hos ital. Estimate on this project was about $1300-$1500 with grade of street to the south to allow for drainage. Our engineer, John Badalich feels a crown should be put on the street to provide for more adequate drainage resulting in revised estimate of approximately $3,000. At last meeting it was decided city would pay 100 of cost if work was in line with initial estimate. Possible solution would be to share costs with hospital and dental clinic on 3-1 basis if hospital board and dental clinic agreed. It is a unique situation and can be argued from many angles. Hospital points out that .street should be as wide as all other streets in town, however, if it were not for the curb and gutter, improvement would have been less likely if ever made at all. em 5. Review of Dutch Elm Disease Pro 'ram Below is a review of Dutch Elm Disease Program in terms of trees and. dollars: r Trees tagged 1974 Removed Balance of 1974 Trees Trees tagged 1975 Removed Balance of 1 A7 5 Trees Wages Employee Benefits R enta 1 Other Capitol Outlay Budget-1975 $ 8800 1200 3000 500 19000 $32500 -~ i Loader 1 $10250 Chipper 5000 Pickup 2730 Dump truck 14320 Other 500 32800 Paid on loader 10000 $22800 -3- 26 13 13 46 12 34 Expenditures thru 6-3o-7S Projected $ 1209 $6600 42 900 e e 129 500 10327 -`22800 ~ 11707 $30800 Since Dutch Elm program not going full scale until June only major expense thus far has been 2 of loader for X10,000. On Thursday, July 10, 1975 I attended Public Hearing in St. Paul regarding Grants-in-Aid program for Municipalities authorized by 1x75 legislation. The program serves as a subsidy to property owners and since Monticello already is subsidizing property owners through reduced rates the City would qualify for funds. It wor.rld appear the city could receive up to $25 per tree removed after June 1, 1975. A report would be sent in monthly to the state on trees removed and city would receive rebate in approximately 30 days of ter report filed. Item Ei. ~proval of On Sale intoxicating liquor license - Wayside Inn. Way-side Inn has filled out application and meets requirements of new city ordinance regarding insurance coverage and Surety bond. Since this is a renewal of a license, a public hearing -4- is not necessary. License fee to the Wayside would be $2250 and next year they will be brought up to present fee of $2500 as provided as the exception in our ordinances. Item 7.Elimination of Office of Justice of the Peace. Minnesota Statutes 412.02 subdivision 5 provide that a City Council may by ordinance eliminate the office of Justice of the Peace whose office has been abolished or when an earlier vacancy. occurs. Bill McPherson has moved out of town and has subsequently resigned. Since this office has been relieved of all its duties except an occasional wedding ceremony, I would recommend the City adopt the enclosed ordinance eliminating the off~yce. .. ~~~~~~i~l BUFFALO BITUMINOUS,"1NC. BLACKTOP CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 126 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Plant 682-1271 Res. 682-1371 Minneapolis 339-5438 f~ PROPOSAL SUBMITTED iQ , I f~ II '~'~' ~;e! { ', i STREET '.mot ~, IL_ C) CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE ~i ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS We hereby submit <_peaficatior.; and estimates tor: PHONE ~ DATE NAM JOB LOCATION ~, `- ___- _._-----_..-.._-_-._-_".~'i I I ~JUB PRUNE _-___.._..__-.._~__ _-_-___..1__ .. r.,. ... ~ -- ~<. J , r , ~ p-r ~ a~ ~+'~ J'f`'~° $' °- '~ ~ ~~ ' I: .. ~. ;~ ~.. ~ ~ ..> ~. ~,.. .r .. z.. ..-.N,./ of /: _- - I~ /tee ~~ll.fs9 ,~~- ~ r ~ Y ~W,.' - -- ~I ....,, ----i ~ ~~ _. u r^t&G~4. ... ~,~, ~- .f ;,~ 1 y x , -.~" "=~-~ ~, ~,,,, n Vg~ +. -T ~P ~rn}~nsr fI1 REB1`'t0 FURNISH A'IATF;RIAI,AND LABOR-COMPEL?TE IN ACCORllAiti`CE WITH AL'OVE SPECIFICATTONS FOR THE ?Ii1i OF: 'T'ERMS: PAYI4ENT I~PO\ COMPLETION OF a"ORK. ~I DOLLARS (S ~ ALL MATERIAL la (.UARANTEET~'TO BE AS SPECIFIED. ALL WOKK 1'OBE COMPI ~',7'F,D 1N A WORKI9A~L,IKF. ~I,1NNE:Ii. ACCORDIN(, i'O SI ANUARD PRAC'I'1CES. ANY ALTERATION OR DEVIATION I'RO~'1 AfSOVI_; SPLCIFICA~I]ON~ IN~'UI.~'f;~(: ABCT)VE THFIE ~ T~IAI4 CE..,AI L ~AGRE I~1 1 NTS~(:ONTINGEN'I' J ON ST~IKES~ICC1Df NT ~i OR DI 1,1 Y S BE:1 ~~tGE' UVE:R :ANT ~ CQN1'ROL. 0~'~ER IO (,ARR~ E1RF., CORNADO ANDOTHER NECESSARY IN5L'RANCE. O[1R WORKEKS ARE Ft~LLY COVERED BY R'OIiK1II~;ti ~ (.011PI;NSATION INSURANCE. ~ AUTHORIZED ~ ,I SIGNATURE -~~~ ~ . °°~ ~ ..~':~~~''r~ ? NOTE: TIIIS PROPOSAL MAY BE ,~ ^4- WITHDRAWN BY US IF NOT ACCEPTED WiTNI!~ "'~""~~ DAy~. ~j ,A~crrnre ,o-f ~ru~ro~s~l, -,-------~ 7 HE AI3O~'E PKICES, SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS ARlt SAT[~I,ACTOR ' HEREBY ACCEP'IF.D. YOt1 ARI: AL`T'HOR["LED TO DO THE A OHK AS SPECIFIED. PAYNIF.NT WILL BE ,'MADE; AS Ol 'I'LI'VEO I~ ABOVE. DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: SIGNAT'URF ~) N O T I CE (A,1 PERSONS Oft CO,MPAN(ES Ft1RNISHING LABOR OR ;11ATERIALS FOR THE,, I1~IPROVEMF:N'1' OF REAL. PROPERTY !11A~~ FORCE A LIEN UPON TITE IIVIPROVED LAND IF THEY ARE NOT PAID FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS, EVEN IF SUCH PARTIES HAVE NO DIRECT' CONTKACTUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE OWNER; ($ MINNESOTA LAW PERMITS THE OV4'NER TO WITHOLD FROM HIS CONTRACTOR SU 1IIJCH OF THE CONTRACT PRICE AS t~AY BE NECESSARY TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF ALL OTHER LIEN CLAIMAN'T'S, PAY DIREC'T'LY SUCH LIENS AND DEDUCT THE COST THEREOF FRO!ti THE CONTRACT PRICE, OR WITHOLD AMOUNTS FRO!~9 HIS CONTRACTOR t~NTIL THE EXPIRATION OF 90 DAYS FROM THE COMPLETION OF SUCH IMPROVEMENT UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR Ft~RNISH- E5 TO THE OWNER WAIVERS OF CLAIMS FOR. MECHANICS' LIENS SIGNED BY PERSONS WIiO E'liRNISHED ANY LABOR OR MATERIAL FOR 'I'RE IItiiPROVEMENT AND WHO PROVIDED THE OWNER WITH TIMELY NO'T'ICE. BUFFALO BITUMIN4U5, INC. WE NAVE RECEIVED COPY OF THIS NOTICE ,, DATED ~,`E ~ :; ~"~ ~`~% a` ;~ ~" r/~ -~~~ OWNERS ~.~,~ Business and Industrial Development Commission 4 P.M. Wednesday, July 16, 1975 Purpose of meeting was to review and act upon the comments and/or complaints and finalize assessments on 1975_1 Parking Facility. Members present: Lowell Schrupp, Lois Schoepf, Lloyd Lund, John Poirier, Wilbur Eck, Jim Figenshau, Kenneth Maus. Others present; Thore Meyer, Rick Wolfsteller, Gary Wieber. 1. Harvey Cormier (Bowling Alley) Parcel 19738. Police should be informed to enforce ordinance regarding 2 hour parking to relieve congestion around bowling alley. 2. Marn Flicker re: Larson Car et Parcel 19751-A. Employee allocation reduced to 1 full time and 2 part time as requested. 3- Lynn Smith Parcel 19905, Commission felt credit could not be given for lease arrangements. The Monticello Times leases spaces from Wright County State Bank and Mr. Smith requested consideration be given to crediting these spaces. 4• Ernie Christian (Ernie's Bait) 19741. Credit for 2 spaces would remain same, when debris was removed from 3rd space it would be credited at next assessment review. S• Lee Hatfield 19741 Police would be informed to enforce 2 hour parking. Mr. Hatfield specifically mentioned problem h+ith Theater. 6. Ken Holker 19904, No action taken regarding Mr. H'olker~~ inquiry for change in formula to recognize' hours open for business during the year. Mr. Holker had no assessment on his drive-in. ~usiness and Tnd sal Development Commission July 16, Page 2. 1975 Dan Blonigen - City Hall property. City Administrator to write Mr. Blonigen a letter explaining that city is receiving credit for portion of pavement put in around city hall and paid directly by the city, however a balance is still due for the difference. 8. Larry Flake Parcels 19$1-19873 -~ Consensus was that credit given Monticello Ford for seven spaces was more than adequate and credit could not be given for car lots and service area spaces. 9. Clyde Bentzin Parcel 19$9. - ~.. Recommendations to give credit for a portion of~expenses in im- proving parking area to north of building. Possibility of giving credit for expenses incurred for improvement on own land. 10. Wayne Seestrom Parcel 1974$.. - ,~ Mr. Seestrom leases property from Leo Nelson and since lease went into effect of ter December 1, 1974 (cutoff date) assessment would be reviewed and adjusted for less employees next year. Tt was consensus of commission that possibility of commuter parking lot be looked into. Meeting adjourned. 4 00 p.~ ~ ~ $ . ~, ~ ~ o ~ H ~f - r~~ ~ I ~{ i c i i • ~, ~ ~ A 6 } i ~; ~. V~ , ~ ___rr_._ _ __ .i_ __ ___~_. _._ _ _ U~ ~ C~ ~ Qp I ~ I 4 2 ? i NpI ~ 4' ', ~, , } 2 v Z -~+ 2 C ~ ~ c. e ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ '' Q 1,. t ~ ~ W ~~ ~ ,yi 1I1~ uu~c~ j +i~_ r- ~*- _ _ C7 ~ ' _ l~lv~ ~ V / ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! a Z i r~i~~rv I • ~/ .... ~ ~ ,~ fit{ ~ • ;,. v ~ . %. r. ..Y:~rrYb~/i' 11S~n(pOM,xJ rrsal~~s~ ~' ~ ~ r-• ;p ~ • `.c - omss n ; .~y hct~~ ~ ~ ~ sbW ~ I ~ ~~~~~ti'" Ir ~ ~ r ras~atlld ~~ ~ a ~'• '•, ••.~~ ' ~" Q E t ~~ ^ U, w: •.~ e •/ _j .. ~- : ,~ ~ ~~, ~~ ~r - ~• ~ m ' p° - i y p T~ v '~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~o •' 4 p e f, -- ~ ~ r.N• % ~ - - O Q l - ---- a .. _ _ _ ~ __„ _ ~ ~ ~ i ~ Y ,~~,- M V ' ~^_ -- . ~ " ~, ~ 1 f • RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALL_I:NG FOF: HEARING WHEREAS, a feasibility report has been pre- pared by city engineers, John Badalich and Keith Nelson on the following project: Sanitary sewer and watermain extensions along Broadway Avenue (County Road #75) from 200 feet west of Chestnut Avenue .(former city limits) along Broadway to 150 feet west of Public Road (known as C emetery Road) on Broadway Avenue. NOW THEREFORE be it resolved by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 429.011 to 429.111 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $61,554.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the .?5~~+ day of August, 19~$ at City Hall at x:30 P. M. and clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Mayor City Administrator Date