City Council Agenda Packet 06-02-1975 Special~fOpt^'IC:~,LLC} CITY COUNCIL Tentative Agenda Special Meeting ---- rune 2, 195 --- ~:?Q P. "?. r _~-~~_.^;~^: 'dick ~~rtie, ~entcn E:iokson, Stanley Hall, Gene '~altPrs. v . ,~ i . ~?eti :~;~ o`_' ~u a.;^F lns nett: an oro~ram. _. ''r?SP_'1~7~=.i~:`i DV i j±,y r,Tl?1. !1P Pr G!t the following: %~•. ~ev,~e.: ~'nai oian.= ar,d speoi°ications for 19?5-1 Sanitary Se«er and :~.atsrmai n =.m:~*.-ovemenL Project. ' :Ke'Ti,E'W ec,uipment specifications. ~~easibiiit,y and cost estimate of sidewalk project. ?. gar;. Board Commission ren:lacemert. ~s. ~-_r.:~ider=tier. of Civic Genter Commission. 5. r,,r s ~ arat,' %-~ , !" schedule for City Planner, ^. A^crov,l of miauter.. ,. ~. -~e~•ieh~ ~_° ordinances. =. :r.'':r:ished '~ ..uszrFSS. * ~ ~n ~ c t rt .- i C. .,ez« ~._._..e s, .' .:.r •3adal ^z~ ,, ~.:, r -mi±;~ .. .. ... _ n.. Y ' 1. A~~~,d2 Item ; ~ _°e ~~=.ew of Euilc~in~ Inspection Program. 3u:~dinp; Inspector, Ja;,- Diller, wi.l.l fse at .the mr~etirg to review the building inspection cro- ~ram. Ure item to oe considered w-s.21 be i.n_ ~:~ect.ion of Jav's own construction. This create, ar. o^~~iaa~ or~~hlem .and could possibly be resolved ' `° '~a~•ing the County BuiidinQ Inspector in~nect ~av's buildinr~s or Axel Rasmussen, who had ore- vi^usly in~'ic~ted he would be willing to do this. °^~:~ _4e[n ~. ~_ 2 .Ert ~tl~~ri ov City ~'nR'inee.r. john 3adalich and his staf'' at Orr-Schelen-M3yeron and Associates will have final plans and soecifi- cati.ons ready for council. aopraval on ooth t.~~e I~~5-1 Sanitary Sewer and ~r<~at,ermain Imrrovemert ''r-~ ~~ct and ent:i anent.needs alone with feas,: hility stud~~ and cost estimate of the proposed si.de•.aa1k ^ro,ect 'oetw~=en Pinewood and the High School.. Arerd6_ i`.eM~ ?ark "oard Commi.ssian rerlacement.. •'ar;es I.un?witz has re~~ned from the Camrr;ission~ d~ae to other comTitments and a replacement is ^Aeded. Other ^~emhers are I1ave gauge, Cordon. L»nk and Doug Pitt, ,Since Jim Lungwitz is resign.. irg and aou~ Pi tt's time might: be overburdened with Civil. Defense duties,. some th~u~ht miPht be given :.^ combining this corunissidn with the Road & Streets Co^;niss;on resin*ing i» a Streets and Park Comm, Thus far this year the 'ark Eoard Comm. has r.ot met. ''+d°~1~? ' e'r -. ~;~ ~ ; c_Cent•~r C ~, n em: issic~ . ~-? ciscussions ~riththe'ma~or and. some of the councii- ^:Pr, the rossihle need was mentioned to establish a ca.,,.,issio:~ to investigate and explore +.he rossibili*.~r ^=' a ~%i ~~ic >;er,ter. Just ,exactly what will be in- cluded in a Civic Center will ultimately be ~:p to the council with reccmmendations from the .commission, howAver, it iS contemplated .that the eor:clex' will h~uCe t:~e city offices, Senior Citizen: Center and a leer Center. At Monday's meetin~- ronsideratinn sh;~i:;d he ~i~.~er. tc? the creation of the committee and 21so co:Trnittee appointments.` Possible corrmisior. !^emt~ers ~rould be Karwn Hinson, Senior Citizens director; r ^<,urci2 mem~er; a rrtetnber of the senior Citi7.enS; ? rer>ident at larrze and the city administrator. I*, is i_^.t,er.d~~d that the ecmmi.ssion come up e.~ith ,.^~~sihle sites, ^.asts, source of fin2r.ctns, etc. Agenda Item ~. Consideration of schedule for City Planner. The possibility of setting up regular hours in 'the City Hall ..for the City_.Planner will: be dis- cussed. I would think-something like 2 hours every other week would be sufficient to answer citizen's questions regarding planning and zoning .and alsa answering specific `questions the council or city officials may .,have.'' The cost would be on an hourly ..basis and would be in addition to .our.-,contract titith ~ioward Dahlgren. Currently there are some cities, which use Howard's services in this ~sanner right now..' with the expected growth of the com~runity and `especially in light of the new set of ordinances an planning and coning there will. be a considerable amount of 'expertise required in this area« Howard's fee ,would be $4,5.0{3 per hour.. Agenda Item 6. Approval of minutes__- Agenda Item ?. Approval of bills. Agenda Item 8, Review of ordinances. Lash time xe got as far as Title $, Chapter 2 on ~xcavations« To be reviewed are the followings Title $ Public. Ways and Praperthy Title 9 Traffic Regulations.