City Council Agenda Packet 04-14-1975MONTICELLO CITY_COUNCIL , Tentative Agenda Regular Meeting -- Aprill4, 1975 -- 3 P. M• :~lavor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Stanley Hall, Denton Erick ion, Gene Walters, Diclz Martie. r~leet.ing to be taped. Afternoon Session 1. Review of ordinances. Recess for supper. Evening Se,~sion C it,iz ens comments . 1. Presentation by recycling committee. 2. Presentation by Dr. Kasper regarding Functional Industries. ;~. Presentation by Attorney Pringle on handling city's bond procedures. :~. Consideration of Arbor Day proclamation. 5. Consideration of Honey Sunday proclamation. b. Consideration of group insurance bids. ~. Adoption of beer and liquor ordinances. ~. Discussion on 2 way radio system. ~~, Approval of March `'4, 1975 and April 9, 1975 minutes. MAILING T0: G. Pringle, John Badalich, Nancy Cassano, Don gmith, Mike Holm, Dr. J. Kasper. Agenda Item 1 - Recycling Committee re ort. Results of Expo 19'75 survey: 1,6 polled. 1. All but one person wanted to see a recycling project in Monticello. ~. When asked to pick two items to be recycled first, cans; got the most votes with bottles and paperer following, in that order. 3• Most people would take part in either curb- side or a cLntral located pick up. However, tl~e majority prefer curb pick up. Plans to get a recycling project going- The recycling committee has contacted Wayne Yoirak to see if they would be interested in picking up products for recycling on a regular basis. He thought they might be interested and is checking with Gary to see which items would work best and what type of market heed have for these items, etc;„ We are to contact Wayne- Yonak again on April 11, P. M. to see what his initial findings were. Dave Schendel from the Mill Recycling Center and also the county coordinator for recycling had also been contacted previously. At the present time he has no way for us to work the type of program mentioned above through the Mill or county. Elem, Clean up school grounds! Special projects on environment during the week. Student Council - paper drive. .agenda Item " - Functional Industries - Dr Kasper Dr. Kasper has requested the council to reconsider :its position i_n regard to contributions to Functional Industries. As you recall., the council felt it in- appropriate to contribute to one charity and not others. Additionally, of course, there is the question whether a city council_ has authority to contribute to such an organization from a legal standpoint and more importantly from the standpoint of the individual citizen. It. was council consensus, that such a decision should be left to the people on an in- dividual basis. Agenda Item - Presentation b G. Pringle on•handling bond procedures. At our March 10, 1x75 meeting we had a presentation from two fiscal consultants on working with the city of Monticello on its bonding programs. Gary Pringle would also like to make a presentation, as he feels the city would be saving money by having his firm handle the bond proceedings. Agenda Item ~. - Arbor Day proclamation. Agenda Item ~ - Honey Sunday proclamation. Agenda Item b - Group Insurance. Minnesota Statutes require that all municipalities with ?5 or more employees take bids on group insur- ance. While the city does not have this many em- ployees, under group insurance it would be well to look at a few other carriers, and this was even suggested by our group insurance agent. In addition, consideration should be given to the city picking up the employee's share of group in- surance for his or her dependents. Probably the best way to handle the group insurance issue is to r°efer it for review to the Wage Review Board for their recommendations. Agenda Item - Liquor^ & Beer Ordinances. At a prior meeting the council agreed to adopt an ordinance upon approval of the split liquor question. Enclosed i.s a copy of this ordinance which would supersede our current ordinances on this matter. Our pre_~z~=~t ordina~.ce on the m.unicipal_ liquor store has been incorporated into these ordinances. Agenda I_t-em ~ - ~ ltiay Radios. In consulting with the Wright County Sheriff's Department on our purchase of a two way radio system, an item was brought up on a county wide fire fre- quent: y. I'he system we ordered would be of two frequencies, une a statewide fire frequency and the other our Local frequency. Representatives from the Sheriff's Agenda Item 8 - 2 Way Radios - continued. Department felt that instead of a state wide fre- quency we would be better off with a county wide frequency as man3- communities in Wright County are either on this system or will be on this system. Additionally, because the 5heriff~s Department is also on this frequency i_t could eliminate the base Station but would require added wattage. 'T'here i.s obvious disagreement between what the Motorola representative has told us and the in- formation we received from the Sheriff's Department. A meeting t;o clarify all points, should be con- sidered to resolve the issue. In attendance at this meeting Should be a council member, the Motor- ola repr:.seritat•ive, a representative, Mr. Sinclair from the Sheriff's Dept. and myself. STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE C"" T!-r i Q;11^,~ISS!,'`JEF "But I must warn the citizens and officials of Minnesota that these efforts will only buy time. We must use this time effectively by planting other species so that there will always be large and handsome trees adding to the beauty of our state. By prompt and effective action, we can avoid the ecological disasters which have overtaken our neighboring states." ENJOY THE HfGH QUALITY AND INFINITE VARIETY OF MINNESOTA FOODS April 4, 1975 Conrad 0. Johnson Mayor 5C1 t~. River St. Monticello. r~ 55362 Dear Mayor Johnson: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE STATF_ OFFICE BUILDING SA;IVT PAUL, P~11NN, 55155 (612) 296-2856 As you know, Arbor Day is set by law as the last Friday in April, which this year occurs on April 25. You are undoubtedly also very much aware of the threat posed to our cities' shade trees by Dutch Elm Disease and Oak Wilt Disease. While massive efforts are being made state wide to control these two diseases, any such efforts can only buy time. Governor Anderson emphasized this point in his Environmental Budget Message. After recommending that the State spend X3,000,000 in the next Biennium for shade tree disease control, the Governor stated: Accordingly, I urge you to act to proclaim Arbor Day in your City, and I also request that you proclaim the 30-day period from April 25 through May 2a a_ "Arbor: °aonth". I have ertoiu:;ed a saYaple proclamation which you might find useful. I would be pleased to hear from you concerning your efforts to increase the planting of shade trees. With all best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, r, ` -,~l Jqi~ Wefald Co~nissioner of Agriculture Enc. ;L ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION] A PROCLAMATION TO ALL TO WHOM THF,SE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING WHEREAS, our City is noted for its beautiful shade trees, which line our streets and arch over our homes, and WHEREAS, our City's trees have been a gift to us from generations past, whose foresight and concern for the future motivated them to plant shade trees for our benefit, and WHEREAS, the ravages of shade tree diseases such as Dutch Elm Disease and Oak Wilt Disease threaten many of our City's shade trees with rapid destruction, unless we act in a vigorous manner to control these natural disasters, and 4v"I-iEREAS, we must use the time we have to plant new trees so that even when our Elms and Oaks have been destroyed (which we hope will be long in the future) there will be trees of other species to provide the shade, beauty and environmental benefits which we so greatly enjoy, and WHEREAS, Arbor Day, April 25, 1975, is a day set aside to engage in the planting of new trees, and to contemplate and appreciate the contribution made by shade trees to our City, NOW, THEREFORE, I, the MAYOR OF THE CITY OF DO HEREBY PROCLAIM April 25, 1975, as "ARBOR DAY" IN THE CITY OF and DO FURTHER PROCLAIM THE 30-DAY PERIOD FROM APRIL 25 TO MAY 25 AS "ARBOR MONTH" AND I CALL UPON' THE PUBLIC SPIRITED AND FORESIGHTED CITIZENS OF OUR CITY TO PLANT TREES NOW FOR THE FUTURE ENJOYMENT OF US ALL, SO THAT OUR CITY MAY CONTINUE TO POSSESS BEAUTIFUL SHADE TREES. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND Mayor V \9i ~; ~ °~ `~ ~ ~ :~ <, ~Eter for ~% HONEY ~~~Ul~DAY 1975 APRIL 14-20 .. .: nc'. he .~ .. c, s[ A~-r. 1. ,,,.a ",,, _ ,, ~, ~~arch 24, 1975 n -_ Cfi icy of the ~~layor, i~~innosota Co~~rnunities ~_~ ~:e~.,,., Dear Sir: . F ... 5 , ~. ...- ~', b:;:_,~,: Cn Behalf of i~~innesota ~ s Jaycees, I am writi n~ to reraest your support for the states rrientally handicapped during Money Sunday 6•Jeek 1y75. ~, ?,SST U7Ei1„TIiMS OIHECh?3 .,: '~,, a ee~k, s- td Since the mid-1960s, the Jaycees have annually raised s ~~<~~, ~,~; ;,,,,, r;ioney for usa in projects, around the state which `~'`'"" care for and instruct the retarded. The mentally handicapped can, in many cases, become productive and self-sapportin~ with the proper help. M~~TI~'A.iI~'. _~LYFt f~N r ~ " '<: J A. ~, honey and Honey Sunday buttons will be sold door-to- ~~ [ ~_ ~~ .~~_~ cn ~ door in many 1~iinnesota communities during the third ~~, ~..>-_-;; ~ [ ~`^` weer in April. Y FIone Sunday is a nonprofit drive; ~ the dollar donation (minus costs) ~?oes directly to red-ional projects throughout the stag, projects Aii i.~T:TISI: ~,n".Lt,~ which aid the, retarded. ... - _.. ~,, . v " ~+~° ~'~~ •. gill you help us by proclaiming April ltd-20 Honey ,Pi t5 r -. . Sunday ~'Jeek? Your 11 find enclosed a 'su~Tgested proclariation. If you have any questions, or if I can ; ". of ar;;; ~,orvico to you, please call. PLIELL'- fiEL.A TTi~^;i r 5,~., .;. , ,,; ,,,,, , Thank ~ ou for ,~ your time and your consideration. (~, r,` ~ Respectfully, l~ ~~ MR§ TAtC EE LI. Tc,~r :3yrd honey Sunday publicity ~ ~:: ~a. , ~ ( 612) X23-1939 t:.. aa.. La:: (H1 5;5-:L64 _.o~;e~T Sur.ciay ~:~eek 1975 Proclamation (su~~ested) ~ti:ereas: tt.e :Mate of .":irnosota and the city town/vi 1 ~ a:--e of are noted for r,rovidi^t: a standard of livin~• which encom- r,asses ~;oti7 t'r~e di{*nity, and the rt;alization, of acco:.x;lishr~ient which all people seek and .~;i~:,>reas: t}:e citywilla~e~town of is coat inU`-.3 :.ly increasink? its efforts on ~erraif of the mentally handicarped of this area so t'~~t they too may achieve their de- served ciG-pity and accornplishrrients and 'r~hereas: tr.e people of the city~townwilla~e of re~~lize that the reationalit,y and .:crality of specialized instruction and care benefit ev~:,ryone and .:.ereas: private pro~rar~s in all areas of the state ti~~ork witi~ aria for state-funded. or~an- izations __n attempts to aid the mentally handica;~:~ed and ',:'r:ereas: ~:innesota Honey Sur. day Week, sponsored oy the .innesota and Jaycees, will raise fur:ds for programs and facilities for the i?.entaliy handicapped in this area mherefore, ~, , T•iayor of the cit y~town/village of , do hereby proclaicr, April 1L;-20, 197 as r~iinnesota (Toney Sunday U+eek and ur~*e the food people of to support this and other' programs w~,ich aid the mentally handicapped.