City Council Agenda Packet 08-23-2004 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, 2004 - 7 p.m. . BUDGET WORKSHOP AT 5:30 P.M. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A.. Consideration of approving the minutes of the August 9, 2004 regular Council meeting. B. Consideration of approving the minutes of the August 9, 2004 CSAH 18/1-94 Workshop. C. Consideration of approving the minutes of the August 9, 2004 Library Expansion Workshop. 3. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 'I Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. A. Mike Holker - Citizen Watch Group ~ J)1 ~- ) 0);]1 J 5. Consent agenda. . ~~;- @ II. \\('~f- .~G A. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and advertising for bds for the Meadow Oak Storm Sewer Outlet, City Project No. 2004-09C. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and advertising for bids for the 1-94 Watermain Crossing at Mcadow Oaks, City Project No. 2004-1OC. C. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for TH 25/School Boulevard Signal installation. D. Consideration of adoption of resolution for annexation of Otter Creek property. E. Review of bids and consideration of award of contract Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet, Project No. 2004-18C. F. Consideration of amendments to subdivision ordinance relating to park dedication, topographic survey, and time limit for recording final plat. G. Consideration of approving Change Order No.1 to 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06C. Consideration of authorizing installation of street lighting on west sidc of Walnut Street at corner of 3rd and Walnut. Consideration of Change Order #1 to Briar Oak Pond Restoration, Project No. 2003- IIC. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council August 23, 2004 Pagc 2 6. J. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of work on the Briar Oak Pond Restoration Project No. 2003-11(.:. ...f <-/-,; . K I ~~,J a r: ~.f1. f/?-NtI,~ttAft.- ~M) / {1M UvJh / rf:tJO Cvi Consideration of items removed from t~e consent agenda for discussion. 7. Continued Public Hearing for consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a commercial concept stage planned unit development in the B-3 zoning district. Applicant: Shingobec Buildcrs/UBD 7 A. Consideration of sale of right-of-way - Shingobce Builders/UBD Properties 8. Public Hearing to consider the vacation of Nicholas Circle in the plat of The Brothers Addition and vacation of related casements. 9. Consideration of accepting development plan for Jefferson Commons. 10. Approve payment of hills for August. 11. Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 9, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta. Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Alle!!iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of Julv 26.2004 re!!ular Council meetin!!. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TIlE JULY 26, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION WITH A SPELLING CORRECTION NOTED ON PAGE 9. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin!! items to the ae:enda. Glen Posusta added to the agenda discussion ofthe bills that were passed at the last meeting. A public hearing for a conditional use permit for a planned unit development in the B-3 zoning district which had been taken off the Council agenda was being added as # 8 so that the Council could open the public hearing and table action on the request. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comment portion of the agenda. Jeff Young of 1276 County Road 37 NE, Buffalo presented an award to Glen Posusta for his support of the efforts of the Monticello Township Citizens Against Annexation. 5. Consent ae:enda. A. Consideration of ratify new hires and departures for Liquor store and Public Works. Recommendation: Ratify new hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of adoption of joint resolution for annexation of proposed Hunters Crossing Development. Recommendation: Approve the resolutions annexing the property comprising the Hunters Crossing development. Resolutions No. 2004-55 and 2005-56. c. Consideration of preliminary plat and development stage PUD for J-Iunters Crossing. Recommendation: Approve development stage PUD for Hunter's Crossing based on the comments from the staff report for the February 3, 2004 Planning Commission ;)A . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 meeting and the conditions noted below: I. The applicant idcntify pathway locations consistent with the recommendations ofthc City Engineer and this report. 2. Sidewalks should be addcd to the north side of Ehler Lane. 3. For PUD consideration in the town home area, building matcrials should be changed by adding contrasting materials and articulation to the rear building walls on the townhomes. 4. ^ property owner's association be crcated for the townhome area of the project addressing maintenance responsibilities for common areas, covenants etc. The by-laws for such association shall be subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. 5. A landscape plan for the townhome area should be revised to add a significant number of trees, and include both cultured and naturalized landscape areas. 6. The landscape plan for the common ponding areas and cul-de-sacs should be revised to add detail, subject to statf review. 7. The City Engineer provide comment regarding grading, drainage and utility issues. 8. The applicant enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it. 9. A phasing plan is submitted for review, and subject to staff recommendations on access and utility extensions. 10. Annexation approval of the project area into the City of Monticello. II. Identification at final plat of a lot line outlot and/or casement configuration that would enable public use of the corridor without creating a maintenance problem for Public Works. . and 2) approve the preliminary plat of Hunter's Crossing based on comment from the stalTreport for the February 3, 2004 Planning Commission meeting and the conditions noted above. D. REMOVED FROM AGENDA E. Consideration of amendment to final plat and development agreement - Parkside at Meadow Oaks 2nd Addition. Recommendation: Approve an amendment to the final plat of the Parkside at Meadow Oaks 2nu Subdivision. F. Consideration of final plat and development agreement for Cottage Charm development. Recommendation: Approve the final plat for the Cottage Charm Subdivision. G. Consideration of authorizing geotechnical and survey work and consideration of ordering appraisals relating to acquisition of right-of-way necessary to support development of the road system. Recommendation: Approve authorizing the geotechnical and survey work associated with planning for the 1-94/CSAH 18 interchange ineluding authorization to obtain appraisals on land to be acquired in conjunction with development of the road system. . H. Consideration of ordering feasibility report and plans and specifications for School Boulevard and sidewalk improvements - Wal-Mart. Recommendation: Approve ordering of feasibil ity report and plans and specifications for School 2 ,;)R . . . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 Boulevard, Cedar Street and Deegan Avenue improvements contingent on completion of a petition for public improvements by affected property owners and contingent upon Wal-mart providing a $35,000 deposit.. I. REMOVED FROM AGENDA 1. REMOVED FROM AGENDA K. REMOVED FROM AGENDA L. Review of 2004 annual sidewalk inspection report. Recommendation: Accept and approve the 2004 annual sidewalk inspection report. M. Consideration of approving temporary charitable gambling license - Monticello Women of Today. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a temporary charitable gambling license to the Monticello Women of Today for a rame at their state convention on November 21,2004. Glen Posusta requested that item #5 L be removed from the consent agenda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH TI-1E REMOV AL Of ITEM #5L. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Item #5L - Glen Posusta noted that some of the sidewalk with handicapped ramps had truncated domes and others did not. He questioned why it was not uniform. John Simola, Public Works Director, indicated that there was a change in design standards which is the reason there is a difference. Glen Posusta asked if the City had looked at jacking the sidewalk panels instead of replacing them. John Simola stated that the City has been doing that and approximately 75% of the panels were repaired by jacking. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ACCEPT AND APPROVE THE 2004 ANNUAL SIDEWALK INSPECTION REPORT WITH THE CITY STAFF TO MEET WITH PAT SAW A TZKE '1'0 DETERMINE TIlE SCHEDULE FOR REPLACEMENT OF SIDEW ALK IN FRONT OF JADE PATRICK SALON. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIEl) UNANIMOUSL Y. 7. Continued public hcarinf! - Block 35 improvements. At thc July 26,2004 meeting, the Council opened the public hearing on proposed 3 if.{r\ City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 . improvements for Block 35. Some of the affected property owners submitted a petition in opposition to the proposed improvements. The Council continued the public hearing to allow the EDA time to consider whether or not to proceed with the project. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, stated that the EDA has met and has determined that the objections of the two property owners, who own four properties in the project area would make it difficult for the EDA to proceed with the improvements. The EDA was asking that the Council support the EDA's recommendation not to proceed with the project. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SUPPORl' THE EDA'S RECOMMENDATION NOT TO PROCEED WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR BLOCK 35. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Hcarine: for consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a commercial concept staee planned unit development in the B-3 zonin~ district. Applicant: Shine:obee Builders/DBD Properties. (This item was added to the agenda) . .lefT O'Neill stated that the City Council was conducting the public hearing on this item because staff was not able to meet the publication requirements in time for the item to be considered by the Planning Commission. This proposed development is in the area ofTH 25 and Chelsea Road. In discussion of the proposed development an issue came up relating to access. For that reason the developer is requesting that the Council open the public hearing and continue it until the August 23, 2004 meeting. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing for consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a commercial concept stage planned unit development in the B-3 zoning district. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO CONTINUE Tl IE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A COMMERCIAL CONCEPT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN THE B-3 ZONING DISTRICT UNTIL AUGUST 23, 2004. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Public Hearing on consideration of request for a conditional use permit and simple subdivision to create two single family residential lots in the CCD. Applicant: Dennis .James Custom Bldrs. . .lefT O'Neill stated that the City Council was conducting the public hearing on this item because publication requirements could not be met in time for the Planning Commission to consider the item. The applicant was requesting a simple lot division to create two lots and also a conditional use permit to allow ground floor residential units in the CCD 4 ;;LA . . . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 district. Jeff O'Neill indicated that the Planning Commission had discussed the proposal and did not recommend approval of the conditional use permit. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing on the subdivision and request for conditional use permit. Don Doran, 515 Maple Street, stated that on the notice he had received it indicated a variance was also being requested. He wanted to know if the variance in setbacks was still being requested and what the setbacks were for this district. JefT O'Neill responded that the setbacks for the CCD district were 6' from the property line. Glen Posusta clarified that the 6' setbacks were for garages and that residential structures had 10' setbacks. Mr. Doran had additional questions on how the structures would be placed on the lots. It was noted that the developer had not indicated that on the drawings he submitted. John Simola, Public Works Director, noted that the agenda item contained no reference to easements. He would like to see the standard 6' side yard and 12' front and rear yard easements be required on the lots. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO APPROVE THE SUBDIVISION Of LOTS 2, 5, AND 6, BLOCK 0 OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED LOTS ARE CONSISTENT WITH OTHER ORIGINAL PLAT LOTS AND THAT 1'1 IE DOWNTOWN PLANNING DOCUMENTS SUPPORT MIXED USES INCLUDING SINGLE FAMILY AND TO REQUIRE EASEMENTS ON THE LOTS OF 6' ALONG THE SIDE LOTS LINES AND 12' ALONG THE FRONT AND REAR LOT LINES. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED HOUSING MEETS TlIE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CUP REGULATIONS IN THE CCD SECTION OF TIlE ZONING ORDINANCE INCLUDING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON THE HOUSING STYLE AND THAT 'THE APPLICANT NOT USE GARAGE FORWARD IIOUSE DESIGN AND TIIAT THE APPLICANT BE PERMITTED TO CONSTRUCT THE BUILDING TO 6' SIDE YARD SETBACKS. 10. Public "carint! on consideration of preliminary plat approval for residential plat of Nathan's Court. Applicant: Quality Builders. JefTO'Neill stated the Council was holding the public hearing on this item because the publication requirement could not be met for Planning Commission to hear the item. 5 d-F\ . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 Nathan's Court consists 01'8 lots and lies between Hunter's Crossing and Klein Farms 7th Addition. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. No one was present who spoke for or against the proposed plat. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR NA THAN'S COURT BASED ON COMMENT FROM THE STAFF REPORT FOR THE AUGUST 3, 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION MEE'fING AND WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1 . "I'he City approve a variance to accommodate the proposed 600 foot cul-de-sac length. 2. Fairhill Lane be shifted to the south to avoid encroachment into the NSP powerline easement. Subject to further comment by the City Engineer. 3. The location of the proposed stormwater detention basis is found to be acceptable by NSP and documentation of such determination shall be provided to the City. 4. The landscaping plan is revised to comply with zoning and subdivision ordinance requirements and final statf review. 5. Subject to the comments of the City Engineer regarding grading, drainage and utility issues. 6. The subdivision is subject to review and recommendation by the Parks Commission. 7. The applicant enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of plans and specifications for surfacine Block 35. GroveIand Park and Pioneer Park parkin!! lots. John Simola, Public Works Director, provided background information noting that the parking lot at Pioneer Park has been graded and rough grading has been done at the Groveland Park. 'fhe proposal is to combine the three parking lot projects for cost efficiency reasons. Glen Posusta asked about the curb cuts and John Simola indicated that the project has not been designed out yet. John Simola stated that the three projects together will exceed $50,000 so the project docs need to go through the bid process. There was some discussion on whether the proposed parking spaces (15 at Groveland and 22-24 at Pioneer Park) would be adequate. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO AUTHORIZE WSB AND ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE BLOCK 35 PARKING LOT, PIONEER PARK PARKING LOT AND GROVELAND PARK PARKING LOTS WITH THE PLANS TO COME BACK POR COUNCIL APPROVAL WHEN COMPLETED. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED TIlE MOTION WITH COMMENT. . Glen Posusta questioned whether anyone would be assessed for the improvements to the Block 35 parking lot. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the adjacent properties had not been noticed that they would be assessed for any improvement and it was proposed to fund 6 ;;;.A . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 these improvements out of the general fund. John Simola added that this is the first time there was a reconstruction of the parking lot. He noted that when the original improvements to the parking lot were made there was a complex formula based on a number of factors that was used to determine the assessment. If the Council determines the abutting properties should be assessed, then staff would nced to eome up with an assessment formula and a public hearing would need to be held. Bruce Thielen asked if Glen Posusta wanted to withdraw his second to the motion. Glen Posusta indicated he did not but did question why did the City was not assessing for this improvement when they assess any improvements in other areas. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of offer to purchase property - Applebee's. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, informed the Council that after the last meeting the City had received a letter of intent from Applebee's relating to the purchase ofland in the City owned development of Jefferson Commons. Applebee's has been looking at a number of sites in Monticello including the Jefferson Commons area. They are proposing to purchase 1 Y2 acres ofland south ofthe Culver's site. . Rick Wolfsteller informed Applebee's the City is in the process of putting together a development plan for Jefferson Commons and that at the last meeting the Council had discussed getting an appraisal t()r the property. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that pricing information as well as general information about sales in the area and other background information had been provided to the appraiser. The appraiser indicated that it would take approximately 30-60 days to complete the appraisal. The offer from Applebee's was brought before the Council because it expires on August] 3,2004. The Council has the option to accept the offer, negotiate further with Applebee's or delay any action until a development plan and appraisal for Jefferson Commons has been completed. Bruce Thielen asked if Applebee's would be willing to extend the otler. Steve Canada representing Applebee's indicated they would be willing to extend the offer but not for an unlimited period of time. Bruce Thielen asked if they could extend it the 30-60 days needed to complete the appraisal. Steve Canada indicated the 60 days would be a concern but he would be willing to work on it. . Steve Canada said not all the deals out there can be compared on apples to apples basis. Robbie Smith asked what size restaurant would they be constructing. Steve Canada stated they are looking at a mid-size restaurant, seating 164-] 69 which is comparable to other Applebee restaurants in the Metro area. The Applebee's locatcd in Buffalo is a smaller site seating approximately 145. Glen Posusta stated that he felt an any appraisal of this property should be looking at 7 ~f.\ . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 comparable sites in neighboring communities such as Elk River, Buffalo, etc. and not look solely at sales activity in Monticello. Brian Stumpf stated his concern about the provision that would restrict certain other restaurants from locating in the area of the proposed Applebee's. Steve Canada noted the restriction was only against specifically named restaurants in the same class as Applebee's and the restriction was only in siting those restaurants in the same area as the Applebee's. Brian Stumpf and Glen Posusta expressed their reservation about the provision restricting other specific restaurants in the area. Bruce Thielen noted there are areas such as Riverdale in Coon Rapids where there are a number of restaurants in close proximity to each other. City Attorney, Matt Brokl stated that this is a fairly standard provision in contracts and the restriction lists six specific restaurants from being located in the same subdivision. It docs not restrict these restaurants from locating anywhere else in the city. . ROBBlE SMITII MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE OFFER FROM APPLEBEE'S TO PURCHASE LAND IN THE JEFFERSON COMMONS DEVELOPMENT UNTIL A DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND AN APPRAISAL BY PATCH AND M ESSNER HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of ReQuests for Proposals Documents for Engineerine Services for new Water Tower. Project No. 2004-30C. John Simola, Public Works Director, stated that if the Council approves the request for proposals, they would be sent out to five fIrms. Staff would review the proposals and narrow it down to three firms. Interviews with the firms would be scheduled at a special meeting of the Council held on September 13,2004 at 5:30 p.m. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS AS DRAFTED AND AUTHORIZE THE DISTRIBUTION TO FIVE ENGINEER FIRMS WITH INTERVIEWS AND SELECTION OF AN ENGINEER TO BE DONE ON SEPTEMBER 13,2004. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. M(Yl'ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Consideration of adootine a resolution aporovine Monticello Heartland Express 2005 Budget and Transit Assistance A1lolication. . Jeff O'Neill provided the background information on this item noting the input the City received in making the decision to continue with the Monticello Heartland Express. The 2005 Budget and Transit Assistance Application has been prepared. MnDOT has indicated that they will require the City to have a full time employee to handle the transit program which would also include dispatching work. leffO'Neill stated that the 8 ~Ji . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 cost of the employee would not be funded by the state in 2005 but there may be funding available in future years. He also noted other areas of increase as well. Since the state has capped its grant funding level, any increase ovcr the state cap would be paid by the City. The proposed budget for 2005 is $107,170.00 with the state funding approximately $48,000. This would leave $59,170.00 as the City's share. Initially the City thought the employee required for the transit system program would have time to handle other city duties. However, with dispatching duties included in this position it would limit how many other duties, if any, this individual could perform in addition to the transit operation. Glen Posusta noted there was an article about commuter rail coming to Big Lake. He found it ironic that an individual couldn't get on a bus to get to Big Lake to use the commuter rail system as the Heartland Express does not go outside the city limits. For that reason he felt the City should consider the River Rider system. He also had concerns about increased cost of adding another employee. JefT O'Neill stated the current system doesn't allow it but the City could request permission to amend the plan to allow some travel outside the city limits, such as to Big Lake. . Robbie Smith stated that the reason he supported Heartland Express is if the system is discontinued by the City there will not be an opportunity to get it reinstated. Roger Carlson added that even though River Rider docs go outside the city limits, they had specific times for these trips so it was not always easy to get the ride when you needed it. Brian Stumpf was not enthused about the City having to hire another employee as a requirement of this program. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOP'r A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MONTICELLO HEARTLAND EXPRESS 2005 BUDGE'f AND TRANSIT ASSISTANCE APPLICATION AND TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREPARE A .JOB DESCRIPTION AND SEEK APPLICANTS FOR A PLANNING POSITION WITH A STRONG FOCUS ON TRANSIT AND TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREPARE A BID SPECIFICATION FOR THE 2005 SERVICE YEAR BASED ON THE MANAGEMENT PLAN. ROBBlE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Consideration of setting a date for initiating a Visionine and Strategic Planning Process. 15. . Bruce Thielen talked about initiating a Visioning and Strategic Planning process noting that the last time the City had done this kind of activity was in 1997. With the annexation issue resolved, the City should look at where it wants to be in the next 15 or 20 years. The City would be looking at two tracks: 1) Planning and 2) Organizational. Part of the planning process would include a survey of residents in order to get their 9 d-A . . . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 input. Robbie Smith felt that perhaps business owners and developers should be surveyed as well for their input. Brian Stumpf felt that at some point, especially with the planning track it would be good to get the township officials involved especially since there will be a joint planning board created as a result of the annexation agreement. Bruce Thielen stated those would all be considered but he felt the first meeting should be with City Council and stall. William Joynes and Sharon Klump from Springsted would be working with the City on the Visioning and Strategic planning process. The first meeting is scheduled for September 27,2004 at 5:30 p.m. 16. Approve payment of bills for AU2:ust. Glen Posusta had questions on the bill from Elk River Bituminous for AC fines, a bill received relating to mediation services and a bill from Steve's Nursery in Elk River. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Added Items: Si2:nal: City Engineer, Bret Weiss, informed the Council that MnDOT had agreed to pay 50% of the signal cost for the signal at TH 25 and School Boulevard with the stipulation that the City adopt a resolution stating the City will enter into a signal agreement with the State of Minnesota. Mayor Thielen read the resolution relating to the tratIic signal. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A SIGNAL AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR THE SIGNAL INSTALLATION AI' TH 25 AND SCHOOL BOUI ,EY ARD. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA YOT'TNG IN OPPOSITION. Bills: Glen Posusta questioned a number of bills that were approved at the last Council meeting. He questioned the bill for a storage trailer. John Simola informed him that the storage trailer was for furniture, etc. that was moved from the old library that may be used in the remodeling of the public works oflice. A couple of months ago the City discontinued the storage trailer rental and the material is stored on city owned property. Glen Posusta suggested that rather than storing this material, perhaps the City should dispose of it. Glen Posusta also questioned the unemployment compensation that the City was paying to a former intern. Rick Wolfsteller stated that unless it was a true intern as defined by law, an individual who left. the City would collect unemployment compensation. Glen Posusta also asked about a magazine subscription and who received it. Glen Posusta questioned why the City did not purchase locally. 10 d-P\ . . . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 Bud!!:et Workshop: The Council discussed scheduling of a budget workshop. The first budget workshop will be on August 23, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. t 7. Adjourn. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:40 P.M. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 11 dH . . . -----.- MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL CSAH 18/1-94 INTERCHANGE Monday, August 9, 2004 - 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Robbie Smith. 1. Call to Order. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. Also present at the meeting were Bret Weiss and Doug Weiszhaar from WSB and Associates. 2. Review of CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project. JefT O'Neill stated that the City is at the point where they need to authorize certain actions to keep this project schedule going. These actions include authorizing plans and specifications, authorizing appraisals, determining assessments and costs, and authorize land acquisition. Bret Weiss identified a number ofprojeets that would be done as part of the overall interchange project. These include: 1) The South Frontage Road; 2) Chelsea Road Reconstruction; 3) Fallon A venue Overpass; 4) Th Street Extension; 5) Construction of the north/south road between 7th Street and CSAH 75. A north frontage road is also proposed but is not included in the cost estimates for this project. This project came about because MnDOT started talking about changing their bridges. MnDOT switched engineers and is no longer looking at changing their bridges. The City has urged MnDOT to continue with the interchange project. Bret Weiss noted that a developer has an interest in the Bondhus/Dahlheimer property so there is development proposed in the area of the interchange. Bruce Thielen noted that the City owns a piece of the property in thc area for a trail and that could be utilized in the north frontage road project. Glen Posusta asked if the residents in the area were aware of the north frontage road that was being proposed. Bret Weiss noted that this is just a schematic drawing and has not been designed out. Brian Stumpf asked about the bridge overpass and if it would affect the new pathway bridge. Bret Weiss indicated that the pathway bridge would not be affected. Bret Weiss reviewed the component projects. The South Frontage Road would be designed this year and constructed in 2005. 7th Street and the North/South Street would be designed over the winter with a spring plan approval and construction in 2005. Some trunk sanitary sewer that is necessary would be bid in late fall with construction completed by June 2005. The design work for the CSAH 18 interchange would begin this fall with the contract awarded in late summer of 2005 and construction to take place from September 2005 through ~B . Council Special Mccting Minutcs ~ 8/9/04 September 2006. The time frame for the Chelsea Road improvement and the Fallon Avenue Overpass called for design work being done in 2005 and construction in 2007. Brian Stumpf asked with the CSAII 18 interchange completed how important was the construction of the Pallon Avenue overpass. Bret Weiss indicated that the federal highway is looking for a commitment form the City to build the Fallon Avenue overpass and the north/south road. If these are not built, then MnDOT will not build the interchange. Doug Weiszhaar stated that MnDOT is not requiring a specifIC date that these road wills be built but they want to know that they are in the City's plan. This is required as part of the interchange approval. . John Simola asked if any progress had been made in getting the casements needed f()r the sanitary sewer line. John Simola also asked about access from the St. Benedict's site. St. Benedict's stated they did not want to share an access with heavy truck traf11c. Brian Stumpf felt the 7th Street extension is very important especially where ]lh Street and Minnesota street meet. The 7th Street extension would be $500,000-$750,000. With Chelsea Road you have link on the south side of the freeway and with 7\h Street you have a link on the north side. Bret Weiss stated that if these streets are done when development is taking place, a higher percentage of the improvement cost can be assessed against the developer. Glen Posusta felt getting the access across the railroad track was important and wanted to know the status of that. City Attorney, Matt Brokl updated the Council on the current status. The railroad company has sent a letter saying that if one access is closed they will agree to another. Doug Weiszhaar also brought up Freeway Fields. The slopes of the ramp would extending 10' to 20' feet into the ballfields. There arc two ways MnDOT could proceed 1) acquire the property from the City; or 2) temporary easement for construction. Doug Weiszhaar said the problem with MnDO'!' acquiring the land is because the area is used for recreation, a special procedure needs to be followed. He felt the hest thing to do would be to allow MnDOT to proceed on a temporary construction easement. Brian Stumpf asked the Council's opinion on the extension of 7\h Street on the west end. Bruce Thielen suggested that perhaps some of the funds from the sale of the Remmele property could be utilized for the 7th Street extension. Brian Stumpf felt the Council should direct Rick Wolfsteller to get cost estimates for the extension and look at funding options. Glen Posusta said he felt if the City is pushing for it they should pay for it. Bruce Thielen stated that for some of the improvements proposed there is not development taking place that is looking for these improvements. Brian Stumpf stated it was a transportation issue. John Simola asked about the demolition of the Kramer house and if the 71h Street extension should be included as part of this project cost. . Construction of the interchange project is to start September 2005 and be completed in 2006. The purpose of the South Frontage road would be as bypass route for roughly 6-8 months. Ryan Companies development would be opening approximately October of 2006. John Simola asked what assurances the City would get from Ryan Companies that they would 2 ;<g . Council Special Meeting Minutes - 8/9/04 commit to construction. Matt Brokl indicated the City would get agreements from the developers. Rick Wolfsteller questioned whether the waivers should be obtained befiJre the project proceeds further. John Simola asked if the developer was uprooting any of the cost. Bret Weiss said this has not been discussed yet in any detail. Property acquisition will proceed once the appraisal work is completed. John Simola asked whose parcels were needed. Bret Weiss indicated land would have to acquired from Resurrection Lutheran Church, Shawn Weinand, the School District, Liberty Bank and A VR. All property acquisitions would need to be acquired by April 2005. Appraisals would need to be back by December so that the quick take process can be initiated Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the cost for doing the Fallon Avenue Overpass would have to be included in the money borrowed for the rest of the project because by itself there is not 20% of assessment. Matt Brokl indicated that the Church was not in favor of the overpass. Rick Wolfsteller covered some financial concerns. Based on the City's share of the project being approximately 13.8 million plus uprooting the cost for the County's share of the project as well uprooting MnDOT's share for a number of years until the City is reimbursed would make it necessary to bond for 23.7 million. About 7.5 million would have to come from taxes if23 million is borrowed. This means $725,00 per year would have to be levied in taxes. T Ie noted a development like the one proposed by Streeter/Ryan Companies would generate $150,000 a year in eity taxes to offset the $725,000 needed each year. . Bret Weiss stated that Fenning Avenue was the area that was getting the best houses and he felt the interchange would increase their property values. Bret Weiss didn't want people to thing that the interchange was being done for the Streeter development alone. Glen Posusta asked if Hawk's or Liberty Bank were going to derive any benefit from the interchange improvement. Glen Posusta questioned the fairness of the amount being assessed. Glen Posusta felt the developer should be paying more. Glen Posusta stated the City didn't kick in any money for improvements on this side of the freeway. Bret Weiss noted that the City picked up 3-4 million on cost for the TH 25 improvements. Glen Posusta was also concerned that this would add a lot to the City's taxes and the City's tax rate would remain high. Aret Weiss pointed out that there are advantages in doing the interchange at this time rather than doing it in the future, primarily because there is development ready to take place that can pick up some of the cost. Brian Stumpf asked about 30 million in bonded debt. Rick Wolfsteller noted that within 10 years the majority of the debt would be paid off. Brian Stumpf asked about the Orchard Road interchange and where that fits into place. Bret Weiss indicated that until development steps up to pay f()r the Orchard Road interchange not much would happen there. Development could be ten years out or as much as twenty years out. Matt Brokl stated that one of the risks of not doing the interchange project now is that property will develop and no undeveloped property will be left at the time the interchange goes in. . Bret Weiss stated the Council is being asked to authorize surveying and geotechnical work 3 ;)b . . . Council Special Meeting Minutes - 8/9/04 and go out for appraisals. At the next meeting the Council would be asked to authorize plans and specifications. Rick Wolfsteller asked about getting an agreement from the property owners. MnDOT has an agreement in writing to fund certain components of the project. Whatever the cost is for those components that is what the state will pay. Bret Weiss indicated that Patch and Messner would be the appraisal firm. Out of a total estimated project cost of $28,819,041, approximately $4,300,000 could be assessed. MnDOT would pick up $3,601,576; the County's share would be $1,857,427; sewer trunk charges would fund $2,970,000 and the City would pick up $13,857,909. Bruce Thielen queried the Council on their reaction to the interchange proposal. Roger Carlson questioned the debt amount and whether Moody's had standard amounts for debt for communities the size of Monticello. Rick Wolfsteller noted that while the City is bonding for 20 million 6-7 million would have to come from taxes. Bruce Thielen suggcstcd going back to look at what dollars are being generated by development taking place. Glen Posusta said on one hand he would like to see developmcnt take place but it bothers him the taxpayers have to pay for this to happen. Bruce Thielen stated that procccding with this project is a certain leap of faith bccause you don't know what the spinoff will be. Brian Stumpf said the City has gone too far to back out now. Matt Brokl said the biggest risk will corne two weeks from tonight when the Council authorizes plans and specifications. The workshop closed at 6: 15 p.m. Rccording Secretary 4 d~ . MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING- MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL LIBRARY EXPANSION Monday, August 9, 2004 - 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. (Robbie Smith arrived late) Members Absent: Nonc 1. Call to Order. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 6: 15 p.m. Also present at the meeting were Ed Kodet Jr. from Kodet Architectural Group Ltd., Jacque Gordon and Sandra Foster from the Monticello Library Board and Margo Askin, librarian. 2. Review and discussion of oroposed exoansion plans. . Ed Kodet. reviewed some of the planning work that has been done to date and noted the key statement in this project is "how the library works." " How the library works" is part of the total master plan. Mr. Kodet stated that the original RFP was for a 3,000 sq. f1. expansion and what they are proposing is a little less than that in footage but is more ellieiently laid out. Mr. Kodet noted that a public library looks, feels and works differently than a bank. Ed Kodet statcd that one person should be able to manage the entire building. For this rcason they are proposi ng to change thc entrance of the building. It is also suggested that the alTice/work area be moved to the area of the building adjacent to where the drive through for the book drop-off is located. He noted that there is an area that is proposed for program space but this space could also be leased for a coffee shop. The expansion covers a number of additions and some remodelling. One expansion would be 1,000 sq. ft. to the west; another addition would be to the south where the courtyard is now and one small expansion area of 166 sq. f1. This would come to approximately 2,800 sq. ft. Expanding further to the west which could add 3,800 sq. f1. would be in the next expansion phase. Bruce Thielen asked if the canopy would have to come ofT. Ed Kodet stated that there is nothing that they have seen that indicates whether the canopy is insulated. Ed Kodet felt that in Phase II the canopy would be removed. Ed Kodet said when you go to Phase II you would need to sprinkle the whole building and then the clearance in the canopy area would create some problems as far as duct work. Ed Kodet said the most important aspects of the expansion was the work space along the drive through area. . Ed Kodet presented a budget analysis and noted that once a design has been approved more detailed cost estimates can be arrived at. The existing building as 5,900 sq. ft. The additionlremodeling estimates range from $494,200 to $610,210.00. This is based on the assumption that with the expansion they could still use the existing mechanical system. Ed Kodet noted that Phase II expansion could be done as a shell. It is estimatcd that removing the canopy would run bctween $10,000-$15,000. ~c..., . Bruce Thielen asked how construction costs are coming in and if their firm felt confident in their cost estimates. Ed Kodet noted that concrete is being rationed in some states so factors like that could influence pricing. Bruce Thielen asked ifthe architect could get alternate bids so the Council could chose which items they want done. Brian Stumpf asked how long the Phase I project expansion would last before thc City would need to look at their next expansion. Jacque Gordon, Monticello Library Board, indicated that from discussions with staff and other board members it was felt that they would be looking at Phase II expansion after five years and that the City Council might feel it would be reasonable to look at doing the shell. Margo Askin stated that the expansion would make better use of the existing space even i[the added space was not the full 3,000 sq. ft. originally proposed. Sandra foster said this plan would set the foundation for future expansion. Rick WolfsteJ1er noted that furniture, equipment and architect fees are in addition to the $500,000 budgeted. . Glen Posusta stated he is not sure about tearing the canopy down and he expressed his concern about constructing a shell because then the City is committed to that layout and there is the possibility that something could change. Bruce Thielen stated he was on the Library Board when discussion were held on remodeling the old library building. He noted a considerable amount of money would have had to be spent just to keep the mold out and the building would have had required substantial repairs. While he was somewhat disappointed that the canopy couldn't be used, he felt the if the expansion better utilized the space and met the needs of the library that should be the emphasis. John Simola asked if there was expansion to the west, could the existing mechanical system handle the expansion. Ed Kodet thought they would need another system although there might some capacity in the existing system as far as the boiler but not for the air conditioning. Bruce Thielen asked what the City was being asked to do tonight. Ed Kodet stated that the Library Board felt comfortable with the Phase I work. The question is on Phase II. Ed Kodet said the existing building is a good building but he did question the use of the canopy area partly because of the perimeter drains. The question is whether the City can get by without their plan of using the canopy area. Bruce Thielen didn't have a problem if they had to remove the canopy. Fred Patch stated that if budget was not a consideration he would like to proceed with all phases as planned Bruce Thielen asked if they should approve plans and specs for the shell as an alternative. In either case it is likely the canopy wiII be gone. Ked Kodet said estimates will be provided along the way. Consensus was to proceed with this plan with the canopy being removed and the shell being constructed and come back to a future council meeting to ask for approval of the plans and specifications. Workshop closed at 7:00 p.m. . Recording Secretary de . . . Council Agenda - 8/23/04 5C. Trunk Hiehwav 25 at School Boulevard Traffic Sienal: Approve Plans and Spccifications and Authorize the Ad for Bid. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A traffic signal is proposed at the intersection of Tnmk llighway 25 with School Boulevard. The Signal Justification Report, Preliminary Construction Plans, Specifications and City Resolution stating the City's willingness to enter into a signal maintenance agreement have been submitted to Mn/DOT for their review and approvaL The timeframe associated with installation of this signal is pertinent due to surrounding proposed development. The plan is to assess the project to the benefited property owners using estimated trip generation of the proposed and anticipated development. To facilitate possible installation of the signal system this year, the City Council authorized the expenditure of city funds to preporder the necessary equipment, subject to Mn/DOT plan and funding approvals at the June 14, 2004 council meeting. The City Council then passed a resolution stating their willingness to enter into a signal agreement with Mn/DOT at their A 9th . ugust. meetmg. City staffwould like construction plan and specifications approvallrom the City Council and authorization from the City Council to place the advertisement for bids. The proposed project cannot be advertised until Mn/DOT approves the plans and a signal agreement is signed by both Mn/DOT and the City of Monticello. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve plan and specifications. Authorize advertisement for bid, contingent on Mn/DOT requirements. 2. Approve plans and specifications with requested changes. Authorize advertisement for bid, contingent on Mn/DOT requirements. 3. Deny approval of plans and specifications. Deny placement of advertisement for bids. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer, Public Works Director and City Administrator that the City Council proceed with approval of the plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids, contingent on Mn/DOT approvals. F:\dawng\ wordproc\^ GEN D^S\TH2 5 S ignall'lans .doc . . . 4A Council Agenda - 8/23/04 Presentation by Neighborhood Watch Group Association. Mike Holker requested to come before the Council so that he and/or representatives of a neighborhood watch group for the East River Street/East Broadway area could present to the Council some issues of concern to the watch group. The group realizes that these issue will not be addressed at this meeting and may require further study. However they did want adequate time to present these issuec A list of the groups concerns is attached. . . 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6. 7. 8 . 9. . Neighborhood Watch Program Meeting August 5, 2004 Meeting Present: Wright County Sheriffs Department Deputy Eric Leander 15 neighborhood Families Block Coordinators Jerry Wells, Mike Holker, Dave Wilhelm Mayor & Council Members: We want to inform you of our neighborhood watch Program organization on issues and concerns. We are very proud of each and everyone of the families that attended our meeting and voiced their concerns. We have seen our neighborhood go through some drastic changes and we are in need of your help. We as tax payers and citizens of this community stand united. Not only for our personal real estate investments into our community but also stand united before you for the safety of our community and neighborhood. The following are our concerns and issues: Broadway - Excessive speeders Broadway - Blocked view because of shrubs and trees on Blvd. East River Street - Excessive speeders Non used vehicles on lots. Non licensed vehicles on lots. Vehicles parked on grass lots. Single family homes vs. multi families in single family units Vandalism. Some yards - debris, Leaf & grass compose piles, old landscape materials, misc junk, fallen trees and stumps. Dog ordinances. leashes, how many per home, dog waste. Drugs. Thank you for listening to our concerns and for your time, and we are looking forward to our meeting on August 23, 2004 at 7:15 PM ~~ Council Agenda - 8/23/04 . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Engineer that the Council authorize plans and specifications as outlined in Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans and specifications arc available for review. . . F: IdmI'ngI IlIordproc iii (; LN DA S\()82 304- MeaOlbllOaksSlOrm, doc . <:> <:> <:> 8 <:> <:> 8 <:> <:> <:> <:> ~ <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> '-0 -g S .,,; .,,; g g .,,; .,,; .,,; ~ .,,; '" '" <:> <:> <:> <:> '" '" "'" '-0 00 00 00 <:> r- <:> '" '-0 00 V) ,.., ~ ~ 0" V)" ,..," V)" ,.; 00" 0" ..,,: 00" :::f E C "'" '" 00 "'" "'" '-0 ';: U '" ,.., :r: 0::"'1- ~ "" ...J 1-0 co UO "" ;":";":"0 .0 .0 -. 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DIVISION 55 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that these specifications were prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. & -&if " ~-<<- 7: >.i Rebecca Hay on, P.E., P.T.O.E. Date: August 12, 2004 Reg. No. 41236 TRUNK HIGHWAY 25fSCHOOl BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P.8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488.78 CERTIFICATION DIVISION SS . . . 55-1 55-2 55-3 DIVISION SS ( 1802) QUALIFICATION OF WORKERS ....... .... .................. ................ ........................... ...... ........1 (2565) TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS ................ ........ ................................ .................................2 (2565) TRAFFIC CONTROL INTERCONNECTION ....................................................................13 TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488.78 DIVISION 55 . . . DIVISION 55 55-1 (1802) QUALIFICATION OF WORKERS The provisions of MnlDOT Specification 1802 are hereby supplemented with the following: Signal and Lighting Certification will be required for all Contractors, Supervisors or Foremen involved in the field installation of the Traffic Signal and/or Lighting portion of this Project. Signal and Lighting Certification, Level II, is available through the Mn/DOT Technical Certification Program. Questions regarding certification or past certification may be directed to the Technical Certification Specialist at telephone (651) 297-7195. TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004.19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488.78 DIVISION SS Page 1 . 55-2 (2565) TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS . . This work shall consist of furnishing and installing materials and electrical equipment; and installing Department furnished materials as specified herein, all to provide one (1) complete operating new hardwire interconnected coordinated full-traffic-actuated traffic control signal systems at the intersection of Trunk Highway 25 (TH 25) and School Boulevard in Monticello, Wright County, in accordance with the applicable provisions of MnlDOT 2565; with the current edition of the National Electrical Code; with the Plans; and as follows: SS-2.1 GENERAL A. Warranty of Signal System The Contractor shall warrant and guarantee satisfactory in-service operation of all materials and electrical equipment in accordance with Mn/DOT 2565.2A5, except that the period of in-service warranty shall be one (1) year beginning with the "turn-on" of the traffic control signal system. B. The Department will furnish to the Contractor (at no expense to the Contractor) the following materials and electrical equipment for the Contractor to install: 1. One (1) traffic signal cabinet each complete with actuated controller unit and all required signal control equipment. 2. Four (4) sets of anchor rods, nuts, and washers to mount the Department furnished traffic signal cabinet (one set = 1 anchor rod, nut, and washer). 3. One (1) 4-section rubber gasket to be installed by the Contractor between the bottom of the traffic signal cabinet and the concrete foundation. C. The Contractor shall install the Department furnished traffic signal cabinet complete with actuated controller unit and all required signal control equipment described in (B) above; shall furnish and install all additional materials and electrical equipment to provide a complete operating traffic signal cabinet installation (which includes, but is not limited to: a cabinet concrete foundation as part of the equipment pad concrete foundation using Department furnished anchor rods, nuts, and washers; bonding and grounding materials and connections; etc.); and shall make all field lead connections in each traffic signal cabinet as directed by the Engineer to make each traffic control signal system operational. D. ;t;.~it~i~llili{ill~L~!&~~I~'~~l~lt.li.J~~r~~~hr~'rffiri~iIBaBfilli~I~:E~i'~!.I~lactor ~~IIIJ~> The Contractor shall request from the Inventory Center the materials and electrical equipment listed in (C) above. The Contractor shall direct the Inventory Center to refer to T.E. Request No. 3759. The Contractor shall request these Department furnished materials at least thirty (30) normal working days in advance of the time the Contractor needs them on the project. The Contractor shall further notify Mr. Dan Berg of Mn/DOT Central Electrical Inventory Center (Telephone 612-725-2748) at least three (3) normal working days in advance of each time the Contractor intends to pick up materials and electrical equipment. The Contractor shall pick up the Department furnished materials and electrical equipment at the above specified location and hauls them to the job site. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE OF NOTIFICATION TO MR. BERG. DIVISION SS TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOl BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488.78 Page 2 . . . The cabinet shall be secured in an upriQht position when transportina to the iob site to insure that the cabinets will not tip and be damaqed. E. A Minnesota Transportation Department Traffic Control Signal Agreement will be executed for the work under this Contract. Mn/DOT approval of any and all changes, supplements to the Contract, and/or change orders to this Contract which will affect cost participation in the signal construction shall be contingent upon the execution of appropriate procedures necessary to satisfy the terms and conditions of said agreement. F. Non-metallic ornamental caps shall not be used to plug unused openings in signal bracket pipe fittings, signal indication housings, and pedestal slipfitter collars. Aluminum ornamental caps are acceptable. SS~2.2 MATERIALS A. Mast Arm Pole Standards and Luminaires All mast arm pole standards and luminaires shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3831, except as follows: 1. Seal Pole and Mast Arm Handhole Covers The Contractor shall seal all 76 mm x 127 mm (3 inch by 5 inch) pole and mast arm handholes with a clear silicone caulk to ensure a moisture free seal between the handhole cover and the hand hole opening. 2. Luminaire Wiring The wires connecting the luminaire to the underground cable in the signal pole transformer base shall be a 14.2 UF cable with ground and a 6A cartridge type fuse. The 14-2 UF with ground cable shall be UL Listed. The fuse shall be mounted in an in line molded watertight fuse connector/holder with casing located at the level of the transformer base handhole. The fuse holder shall be a non-breakaway Bussman (Catalog. No. HEB~AW-RLC-A), Littlefuse (Catalog No. LEB-AA-WPB1), or approved equal. Sufficient excess conductor length shall be provided to allow withdrawal of the connected fuse holder. The neutral and grounding wires shall not be fused. The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for the proposed fuse holder. The shop drawings shall be submitted and approved prior to procurement of the proposed fuse holder. The Contractor shall furnish and install a wire holder that supports the luminaire cable/conductors within the end of the luminaire slipfitter near the connection point of the luminaire. The wire holder shall be approved by the Engineer before installation. 3. All luminaires shall be "cobrahead" and manufactured by one of the following approved Manufacturer's: American Electric Cat. No. 12525SCAMT1 R2SGULNROPSS General Electric, Cat. No. MSCA25S0A 12GMC2U Lumec-Schreder Helios, Cat No. HBM250HPSMS2QTA120CWAGLS All luminaires shall be "cobrahead style" with photoelectric control and be Manufactured by TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P.8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-78 DIVisiON SS Page 3 . . . one of the following approved Manufacturer's: American Electric Cat. No. 12525SCAMT1 R2SGULOPSS General Electric Cat. No. MSCA25S0A22GMC2U Lumec-Schreder Helios Cat. No. H8M250HPSMS2QTA120CWAGLS(PH8) 4. All luminaires shall have a minimum 5 year Manufacturer's warranty period. All luminaires shall have the date of installation (month and year) marked with a permanent marker inside the luminaire housing. All lamps supplied shall have the date of installation (month and year) etched or marked with permanent marker on the lamp socket base. 5. Painting Painting shall be as specified elsewhere in these Special Provisions. B. Reduced Diameter Signal Control Cable Cables from terminal blocks in mast arm pole transformer bases and pedestal bases to the terminal blocks in vehicle signal faces, pedestrian signal faces, flashing beacons, and emergency vehicle preemption (EVP) indicator lights shall be a reduced diameter control cable, 14 AWG, 600 volt, multiple XLPE insulated conductors in accordance the applicable provisions of MnlDOT 3815 and the following: Conductor: Class B (seven stranded) soft-drawn bare or tinned copper per ASTM 83, ASTM 88, or ASTM 833. Insulation: Reduce thickness crosslinked (XLPEJ that meets ICEA 8-73-532 (NEMA WC 57) and UL 44 acceptable for 90 C wet and dry locations. Circuit Identification: Conductors are color coded per ICEA S-73-532 (NEMA WC 57) Appendix E, Method 1, Table E1. Assembly: Individual conductors are cabled with non-hyposcopic fillers where necessary to form a round compact core and wrapped with a binder of polyester tape. Jacket: Reduced wall thickness, sunlight resistant, flame retardant, and crosslinked polyolefin (XLPO) jacket that meets UL 1277. Maximum outside cable diameter shall be as follows: 2/c #14 - 7.9 mm (0.310 in.) 4/c#14-9.1 mm (0.360 in.) 5/c #14.10.0 mm (0.395 in.) 7/c #14 - 10.9 mm (0.430 in) Surface Marking: The jacket surface shall be ink printed or indented. The jacket shall have the following information: TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-78 DIVISION SS Page 4 . . . Maximum Rated Voltage Type of Cable Size and Number of Conductors UL Label Manufacturer's Name c. Terminal Blocks Terminal blocks shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2565.3J5, except_ that the terminal blocks shall be covered with one of the following electrical insulating coatings: 1. Glyptal . "1201 Red Alkyd" 2. 3M - "1602 Red Insulating Sealer" 3. An approved equal The Contractor shall remove the "white plastic markinq strip" before application of the electrical insulating coating and reinstall the white plastic marking strip after the coating of the terminal block is completed; The coatin~ of the terminal block shall include spravinQ the terminal connections and the exposed wire ends where crimped to the spade connector. The coating of each terminal block shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Terminal blocks shall be installed in bases in accordance with the provisions of 2565.3J5, or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. D. Pedestrian Push Buttons The Contractor shall furnish and install the following approved pedestrian push button: TeecoType Model 300HC-2-ADA (T-1265STD - Green Ribbed Back) as manufactured by Teeco Safety, Inc., with the following features: 1. ADA Compliant (2 inch diameter actuator button) 2. Ribbed Back 3. Button shall be a contrasting color to the housing No other pedestrian push buttons have been approved at this time. E. Equipment Pads At each System, the Contractor shall furnish and install an equipment pad as detailed in the Plans and specified in these Special Provisions. Each equipment pad shall contain the following: Traffic signal cabinet and control equipment. (CABINET AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT TO BE FURNISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT AND INSTALLED BYTHE CONTRACTOR.) Signal Service Cabinet. (SIGNAL SERVICE CABINET TO BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR) TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOl BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004.19C S.P.8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-78 DIVISION SS Page 5 . . . F. Blank G. Signal Service Cabinets At each System, the Contractor shall furnish and install a signal service cabinet as detailed in the Plans. The photoelectric control receptacle supplied shall have the date of installation (month and year) etched or marked with permanent marker, or other approved method, on the bottom of the receptacle. The Contractor shall provide to the Engineer, for approval, six sets of manufacturer's drawings in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3837.3. H. Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP) Equipment Emergency vehicle preemption (EVP) equipment shall be in accordance with the provisions of MnlDOT 3814(or shall be an approved equal)and as follows: 1. MnlDOT 3814.2A6 is hereby deleted and replaced with the term "weatherproof'. 2. The Contractor shall furnish EVP detectors which are: One way - one channel, two way - one channel, or two way - two channel as required by the Plans. 3. To have a center frequency and tolerance as follows: Preemption: 14.035 Hz. +/-0.05 Hz. Priority: 9.639 Hz. +/-0.03 Hz. 4. The detector must be responsive to optical energy impulses generated from a distance of 550 m (1800 feet) by a pulsed Xenon source emitting a total energy flash of .75 - .85 joules, with a rise time less than one microsecond, and a half power point pulse width of between .3 and 30 microseconds. 5. The Contractor shall furnish rack mounted EVP phase selectors (or other approved equal EVP equipment to be installed in the traffic signal cabinet) to be installed in the Department furnished cabinet by Mn/DOT personnel. Each phase selector shall be a card rack mounted unit and shall be compatible with the detector card rack within the Department furnished traffic signal cabinet. The detection range, and the programming of the preemption and priority shall be adjustable from within the traffic signal cabinet. Each channel output shall deliver a constant signal for preemption activation and a pulsed output for priority activation. Each phase selector, however, shall be programmed for preemption only. Each phase selector shall include the control timer "MAX CALL TIME" that will limit or modify the duration of a preemption control condition and can be either proarammed from a PC-type computer. or mechanicallv selectable. The default settina shall be 120 seconds. Each EVP phase selector shall be manufactured by the same manufacturer as the EVP detectors. ALL EVP PHASE SELECTORS (OR OTHER APPROVED EQUAL EVP EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED IN THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL CABINET) SHALL BE DELIVERED TO TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOl BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488.78 DIVISION SS Page 6 . THE DEPARTMENT AT THE MN/DOT ELECTRICAL SERVICES SECTION (FOR APPROVAL, AND FOR INSTAllATION INTO THE DEPARTMENT FURNISHED TRAFFIC SIGNAL CABINET) AT lEAST THIRTY (30) NORMAL WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE OF WHEN THE DEPARTMENT FURNISHED TRAFFIC SIGNAL CABINET IS REQUIRED ON THE JOB SITE. I. Type D Signs The Contractor shall fabricate Type 0 sign panels, with Type Overlays, on traffic signal truss-type mast arms in accordance with MnlDOT 2564, and as detailed in the Plans. The sign base material, sign face material, sign legend material, and fabrication stickers shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of Mn/DOT 2564 and as follows: Sign legend material for Type D sign panels shall be Direct Applied Wide Angle Prismatic Retroreflective Sheeting for Visual Impact Performance (VIP) manufactured by 3M Company, except that black legend shall be as specified in Mn/DOT 2564. J. 'ilimlg't'llii'I~Jlg! . ~to!J_lllla1irK"i~'!!!:.nllll"'II'IIII'17Ijm!~~~~m:r.;'71:111:I~flllimiar.'nHiI'!'r.m:r~"11!7wl''S!talledll''sl:sl'i1!'clnetl~.". ~. ................ , ,.. ,....",..........,...,.,.ll)l:lil... ". .' ..,',."".....,,,.....~...!iil:l!i!,.,',.,,.ll!!;S':!<!iBliY1I!\,...I!!lil1i1.,,..,..t!I,,....."........,.,.........~L,..g1f..,..j' l.".. ."" ...,.'" ".,....,.",...Jjlll....................".............,;s=....."".Q............................ . TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004.19C S,P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488.78 DIVISION SS Page 7 . K. Roadway Loop Detector Conductors Roadway loop detector conductors shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3815.282. L. Blank M. Loop Detector Sealant Material The following loop detector sealants have been tested and approved: 1. 3M "Detector Loop Sealant". 2. ChemRex, Inc. "Thoroc Gold Label Flex 1 P". 3. Chemque, Inc. "Q-Seal 290, Polyurethane Detector Loop Sealant", 4. Dow Corning "890-SL Silicone Joint Sealant". No other loop detector sealants have been approved at this time. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SEALANT MATERIAL ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. N. Loop Detector Splices . The Contractor shall furnish and install the following approved loop detector splice kit (or approved equal): 82-A Series Scotchcast Inline Splice Kit Product Number: 82.A UPC Number: 25016 . No other loop detector splices have been approved at this time. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL LOOP DETECTOR SPLICES ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND AS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE IN THESE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SS-2.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A. Mast Arm Pole Standard Concrete Foundations The anchor rods for the mast arm pole standard concrete foundations shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3385 utilizing Type C High Strength Anchor Rods. B. Equipment Pad Concrete Foundations Each equipment pad concrete foundation shall be installed at the location staked by the Engineer and shall be constructed as detailed in the Plans. Each cabinet concrete foundation for the Department furnished traffic signal cabinet and control equipment shall be installed as part of the equipment pad concrete foundation using Department furnished anchor rods, nuts, and washers to mount the cabinet. The anchor rod pattern for the Department furnished cabinet is 1035 mm (40-3/4 inches) by 470 mm (18-1/2 inches) rectangular, measured from the TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOl BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004.19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-78 DIVISION SS Page 8 . . . anchor rod centers. The anchor rods shall project above the concrete foundation to accommodate the 13 mm (1/2 inch) thick gasket. The Contractor shall install the Department furnished rubber gasket sections between the bottom of each cabinet base and the concrete foundation. The Contractor shall leave one 13 mm (1/2 inch) gap in the gasket to ensure proper water drainage. C. Loop Detector Installation 1. NMC Conduit The Contractor shall install loop detectors in accordance with the "PREFORMED NON~METALLlC CONDUIT (NMC) LOOP DETECTOR DETAILS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM" included in the Plans; as marked by the Engineer; and with the applicable provisions of Mn/DOT 2565.3G. The loop detector roadway conductors and the loop detector lead~in cable conductors shall be properly prepared and cleaned before splicing. Prior to installing the approved loop detector splice kit, the Contractor shall solder the ends of the loop detector lead-in conductors to the roadway loop detector conductors, and shall furnish and install an appropriate sized wire nut to the soldered ends prior to installation of the splice kit. Splice kits shall be installed in hand holes in such a manner as to ensure that each splice kit is suspended and/or secured near the top of the hand hole to the satisfaction of the Engineer (placing splice kits on top of the electrical cables and conductors is NOT acceptable). D. Wiring Installation of electrical cables and conductors and all electrical wiring shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of Mn/DOT 2565.3J, and as follows: The Contractor shall pull cables and conductors through non~metallic conduit (NMC) with a pull rope, in such a manner, as to not split or otherwise damage the NMC conduit due to "pull rope abrasion". If the Contractor damages the NMC conduit the Contractor shall replace the damaged portion of the NMC conduit to the satisfaction of the Engineer. E. Mast Arm Mounted Sign Installation The Contractor shall install the mast arm mounted signs at the locations indicated in the Plans; to the satisfaction of the Engineer; and as follows: The structural details for signal mast arm mounted signs shall be installed in accordance with the Mn/DOT Standards Signs Manual, Page 105A (Date of Revision: 1/1/2003). Each mast arm mounted sign panel shall be provided with the Ultra~Lok Mounting Bracket System by Band~lt~ Idex, or approved equal. Approval shall be obtained by submitting product specifications and strength calculations, demonstrating compliance with the 2001 Edition of the "MSHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals". Submittals shall be made to: Fabrication Methods Engineer Mn/DOT Office of Bridges and Structures Mailstop 610 3485 Hadley Ave. N. TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488.78 DIVISION SS Page 9 . . . Oakdale, MN 55128 F. Painting Mn/DOT 2565.3T(1), (2), (3), and (4) shall be modified as follows: 1. Green finish coat paint shall be Dark Green Acrolon 218 or approved equivalent polyurethane finish coat matching Color Number 14062 of the Federal Standard 5958. Paint shall be free of toxic metals and shall meet latest Federal VOC regulations. 2. Yellow finish coat paint shall be Yellow Acrolon 218 or approved equivalent polyurethane finish coat matching Color Number 13538 of the Federal Standard Color 5958. Paint shall be free of toxic metals and shall meet latest Federal VOC regulations. 3. Aluminum finish coat paint shall be Corothane 1 Mio Aluminum Paint or approved equivalent moisture-cured polyurethane finish coat. Paint shall be free of toxic metals and shall meet latest Federal VOC regulations. 4. Dull non-reflective black paint on visors, directional louvers, background shields, and vehicle and pedestrian signal indication housing doors (inside and outside). Mast arm pole standards (includes vertical pole, mast arm, transformer base, and luminaire extension) shall be painted at the manufacturer. Any protective wrap provided by the manufacturer during shipping shall be removed immediately after receipt of the shipment on the project. The Contractor shall make every effort during erection of a painted mast arm pole standard to protect the factory applied finish. The collar used for handling the pole shall be of a material that will ensure protection of the painted finish of the pole. Field painting of mast arm pole standards, other than touch up painting, shall not be permitted. Any nicks, scratches, paint chips or other damage to the finish shall be repaired and restored using the touch up paint provided by the Manufacturer. All touch up painting shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If an equivalent manufacturer's shop coat paint is accepted by the Engineer for other signal System components, the Contractor shall make every effort during installation to protect the Factory applied finish. Any nicks, scratches, paint chips or other damage to the finish shall be repaired and restored to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Department furnished traffic signal cabinets shall not be field painted. The signal service cabinets shall not be field painted. G. Vehicle and Pedestrian Signal Face Installation All vehicle signal faces and pedestrian signal faces shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2565.3L, and as follows: All bagging material shall be "gunnysacks", or other material as approved by the Engineer. H. Blank ,"WJ...,.g'ficfill:I~~~'Hi'Rs ""__S!',,, .""""",._li.!i!!it"""" TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOl BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-78 DIVISION SS Page 10 . J. Pedestrian Curb Ramps o . K. "As Built Plans" The Contractor shall furnish "as built Plans" that contain any changes in the following: . conduit type and sizes number of handholes types of foundations length of mast arms signal bracketing or signal mounts TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488.78 DIVISION SS Page 11 . . . wiring size of detection type of detection interconnect cable path The "as built Plans" shall be in a form that is satisfactory to the Engineer. SS-2.4 MEASUREMENTS AND PAYMENTS Removing and salvaging, or disposing of each existing traffic control signal system; furnishing and installing materials and electrical equipment; and installing Department furnished materials as specified herein, all to provide a complete operating new full-traffic-actuated traffic control signal system at the intersection of TH 25 and School Boulevard in Monticello, Wright County, as contained in these Special Provisions and in the Plans will each be measured and paid for separately as specified in Mn/DOT 2565.5 for Item No. 2565.511 (FULL-TRAFFIC-ACTUATED TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM). TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-78 DIVISION SS Page 12 . 55-3 (2565) TRAFFIC CONTROL INTERCONNECTION . . This work shall consist of furnishing and installing interconnect cable for traffic control interconnection on TH 25, at the locations indicated in the Plans, all in accordance with the applicable provisions of Mn/DOT 2565; with the current edition of the National Electrical Code; with the Plans; and as follows: SS-3.1 GENERAL The master controller unit and all required master control equipment to operate the hardwire interconnected coordinated traffic control signal systems on TH 25 is in place and located at the intersection of All interconnect cable connections in each intersection traffic signal cabinet will be made by Mn/DOT personnel to make the hardwire interconnected coordinated traffic control signal system operational. SS-3.2 MATERIALS Interconnect Cable Interconnect cable (6 PAIR # 19 indicated in the Plans) shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT 3815.2C6c. SS~3.3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Interconnect Cable Installation Interconnect cable not placed in conduit shall be placed direct buried by the trenching method or plowing method to a minimum depth of 915 mm (36 inches), except where required to enter a hand hole. Interconnect cable entering a handhole shall be installed in the side of the hand hole 150 ~ 200 mm (6 - 8 inches) above the bottom of the hand hole [the interconnect cable minimum depth requirement of 915 mm (36 inches) shall be maintained to within 600 - 915 mm (2 ~ 3 feet) of the hand hole]. A 75 mm (3 inch) wide, permanent orange, stretchable, non-biodegradable, plastic warning tape shall be placed a minimum of 460 mm (18 inches) above the interconnect cable (or conduit containing the interconnect cable) and at least 300 mm (12 inches) below the surface. The tape shall be imprinted with the inscription: CAUTION - Mn/DOT COMMUNICATION CABLE BELOW. All excavations shall be backfilled and the backfilling shall be like in kind to the adjacent materials and compacted to approximately the same density as the adjacent soils. Sod, curb and gutters, sidewalks, etc., removed by construction operations shall be restored to approximately its original condition by the Contractor at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Interconnect cable between cabinets shall be continuous without splices and shall be run in as straight a line as possible with a minimum number of bends in the cable run. The Contractor shall provide 1.8 m (6 feet) of interconnect cable in each cabinet. The Contractor shall prepare the interconnect cable by removing 610 mm (2 feet) of the cable sheath and completely removing any grease from a grease filled cable. TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P.8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488.78 DIVISION SS Page 13 . . . SS-3.4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Furnishing and installing conduit, hand holes, interconnect cable, and system loop detectors for traffic control interconnection on TH 25, at the locations indicated in the Plans, as contained in these Special Provisions and in the Plans will be measured as an integral unit complete in place and operating and will be paid for under Item No. 2565.601 (TRAFFIC CONTROL INTERCONNECTION) at the Contract price per LUMP SUM, which price shall be compensation in full for all costs incidental thereto. TRUNK HIGHWAY 251SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004.19C S.P. 8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-78 DIVISION SS Page 14 . . . Contractor Certification of Disposal Project No.: Location: We, , hereby certify that the mast arm pole standards (Name of Contractor) were rendered unusable, and the mast arm pole standards, and if applicable, pedestal shafts and bases were transported and disposed of in accordance with all requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) for the removal, transporting, and disposal of waste. SIGNATURE DATE After signed and dated, the Contractor shall submit this form to the Mn/DOT project Engineer. The Contractor shall also submit to the Engineer a copy of the ''Tipping Receipt" that the Contractor receives from the scrap yard or recycler.- TRUNK HIGHWAY 25/SCHOOL BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO, WRIGHT COUNTY CITY PROJECT 2004-19C S.P.8605-47 WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-78 DIVISION SS Page 15 ;O\signof\ 1488spOO_dgn 1:) ;z: o fT1 X L> 3: 1> "'Q en ~ r- ill 0 m ~~ en L I : o o 'c. -; ":. ~ AVE. ,,~. ~ .. OF AVE. N.E. '" ;' C/)-fcn-f O;U-;:u ::CCG.l):o OZZ." OAF=::!:! r-::cC/)O OJG5-<O O::ccno ~~rri~ m---,,~;:U <--.. 0 5;~ r- CJ '" ;' AVE. N.E. z I" f"I !" ~ (> r- r- C) 0 0 :z: n n V1 :r> :r> ---t -----j ---< :::0 f"T1 f"T1 = 0 = n Cl Cl ---t Z Z C> :z: ---t ---t ::r:: = -U r- I'..l I'..l)o- V1 V1 :z: ..,.., 0 :::0 ..,.., = r- r- ---t :::0 )> ..,.., ..., :r> ..,.., ::0 -----j D r;. 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I r ....:=:~::~::~:.--~::::::=::=.:::_::--.-.-:.:......_..I--..__. ~ _. ." .... -~::.:...""._-- ..:~::~~~=; :~_~~~'S-;-?r.' ~ '-" ~. ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~ ----.-~-~ -- . I -. ... -~. - . __.... . I _ . -.- ~ .---:--=. :: .: ._~::=~_-'::"'I_ . "'--... - "-"""'1~ L ar:!i~ Cl;:r . "e........._.__ -...............,. -.1NIHril <:I1;l"oJvt.- .'1 I -~i I OJ ~ I I --I I CO C ::(J r' laJ I I .---.-- (/ ~- ..+-+,.-.--_._,_....--:!-~. ~I'-~'--"- _. -..~..,- . . . B. Council Agenda - 8/23/04 5B. Consideration of Approvin!:! Plans and Specifications and Authorizin!:! the Advertisement for Bids for the Sunset Ponds/Interstate 94 Trunk Watermain Crossin!:! Proiect (Citv Proiect No. 2004-10C). (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Thc City Council is asked to approve plans and specifications and authorize the Advertisement for Bids supporting the extension of trunk watermain across Interstate 94 from the Meadow Oaks development to the Sunset development to complete a looped watermain system. The connection is ncccssary to provide improved fire capahilities and adequate system pressures to the Sunset Ponds development and surrounding areas. A segment of the trunk watermain extension through Meadow Park and Meadow Oak Drive extending across the on ramp to 1-94, is currently being construetcd with the "Area 2 Street Rcconstruction Project". This project would include extending the watermain from north of the on ramp to 1-94 to the Sunset Ponds development. An easement through the Shermer property is necessary to complete the improvement. We are currently in the process of obtaining the easement and anticipate the project to be constructed as scheduled. A permit from Mn/DOT will be obtaincd to construct utilities within their right-of-way. The City has reached agreement to purchase an easement through the Shermer property and is processing the paperwork at this time. The project is proposed to be funded through the City's trunk watermain fund. The project plans and specifications will be combined with the Mcadow Park Storm Sewer Outlet project (City Project 2004-09C). The project is proposed to be bid on September 17,2004 and awarded on September 27,2004. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt a rcsolution approving plans and specifications, and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Sunset Ponds/Interstate 94 'rrunk Watermain Crossing Project. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution approving plans and speciflcations and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Sunset Ponds/Interstate 94 Trunk Watermain Crossing Project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. 11 is the recommcndation of the Public Works Director and City Engineer that the Council authorize plans and specifications as outlined in Alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans and specifications are available for review. (':\/)()( 'r IAlF.-/\J)A WN-. I. ( ;/<(J\U)( '/Jrs. 11 f(..'tlljlW82.:W/.AgeJ/(.h, Item. dOt . . . 5C. Council Agenda - 8/23/04 Trunk Hiehwav 25 at School Boulevard Traffic Sienal: ApprovcPlans and Specifications and Authorize the Ad for Bid. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A traffic signal is proposed at the intersection of Trunk Highway 25 with School Boulevard. The Signal Justification Report, Preliminary Construction Plans, Specifications and City Resolution stating the City's willingness to enter into a signal maintenance agreement have been submitted to Mn/DOT for their review and approval. The timcframe associated with installation of this signal is pertinent due to surrounding proposed development. The plan is to assess the project to the benefited property owners using estimated trip generation of the proposed and anticipated development. To facilitate possible installation of the signal system this year, the City Council authorized the expenditure of city funds to pre-order the necessary equipment, subject to MnlDOT plan and funding approvals at the June 14,2004 council meeting. The City Council then passed a resolution stating their willingness to enter into a signal agreement with Mn/DOT at their August 9th meeting. City statfwould like construction plan and specifications approval from the City Council and authorization from the City Council to place the advertisement for bids. The proposed project cannot be advertised until Mn/DOT approves the plans and a signal agreement is signed by both Mn/DOT and the City of Monticello. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve plan and specifications. Authorize advertisement for bid, contingent on Mn/DOT requirements. 2. Approve plans and specifications with requested changes. Authorize advertisement for bid, contingent on Mn/DOT requirements. 3. Deny approval of plans and specifications. Deny placement of advertisement for bids. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Engineer, Public Works Director and City Administrator that the City Council proceed with approval of the plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids, contingent on Mn/DOT approvals. 1'":ldawngl wnrdproclAGEN 0 ASITH25 S ignall'lans. doc . . . Counci I Agenda 8/23/04 5D. Consideration of adoption of ioint resolution for annexation of the property known as the Otter Creek Development. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a petition from John Chadwick requesting annexation of the balance of his property into the City of Monticello. A portion of the Otter Creek property was annexed into the City in 2003. The receipt of a petition requesting annexation from 100% of the property owners of a parcel of land that is contiguous or abutting the City is a triggering event for annexation. This annexation request is being processed in accordance with the provisions of the approved annexation agreement between the City and Monticello Township. The property in question does lie within the annexation area agreed to by the City and the Township. A resolution has been prepared that need to be approved by the Council and a letter has been sent to the Township noting that the City is processing this annexation request per the terms of the recent agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the resolution annexing the balance of the Otter Creek property lying in Section 10, Township 121, Range 25. These requests meet the criteria set forth in the annexation agreement between the City and the Township. Should the Council approve the annexation requests the resolution will be forwarded to the state who may review and comment on the annexation but is required to order the annexation within 30 days of the receipt of the resolution. 2. Do not approve the annexation request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and stafTthat ths annexation petition be approved and the resolution forwarded to the state. The property owners have been working with the City in laying out the development of the property and annexation of the property is the logical step in proceeding. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Petition . . . "-.... _..~----..,. :::: ',- J. EDWIN CHADWICK, LLC Land and Farms 11430 Zion Circle Bloomingwn, Minne,ora 55437 Office (952) 853-2473 FAX (952) 886"0492 August 17, 2004 Ms. Dawn Grossinger City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Dear Dawn: We would like to make a formal request for annexation at this time for the property as legally described on the attached letter. We own the attached two parcels. These parcels are adjacent to Interstate 94. We have annexed some of the farm in the past. We seek to annex the balance. Most of this land is under contract to be sold to the City of Monticello. The gravel operation will cease on or about November 30,2005 in accordance with the terms of that purchase agreement. Please let me know of any further information you may require to process our annexation request. Thank you for your kind consideration of this matter. SicrJ J~~.~~ Enclosures 5D Aug 17, 2004 10: 410m G; \Ott..- er..-\2003-204-l \dwg\700\O,)-Z04-ANNEX-1JO..,*O --=-- . I b q/ / 1 ~ '~~! ~I. :i ~ ,. ~ ~ ;1 I ", I ~ "" , I -. , _D ~j / ~ l_rAIT _ = a;1IC:1 -sw f Z ... '0 T.",,, ..,4 ~ ~ ,~ ,,, ~ r J! ~ ,~ ~l" "" 0 N ..\ N ~ ~:i :~I ""- III / ' Ii '"'l 1/ - ~;:! i9 ) '" .. (/) ~~ / ~ -;; ~, -I' / \ fT1 /!/ . '" '~ r') ~ ~ '\ .. / I), .. "" V) .po. " i I~ !(~) '. ~~~~~~~s:~s:~go~3'~~~~~O~~O~~~~Q.OO ~Q!go~l!g..~~~~..~ g;l~a~;!nf~g~~ g~ S:3Q nS:~""~"o..3S:~ : ! ~2~_~~3 n~z~saiGft G~mG~m~~~g~g i_~VN ~ft mWQ..mc :::!.. uto~Cb "c:c-.~ (li :lS.o.ct g::1j o~~~~~Of~S:N-~~rNi~ms:as:;~,,~sf"~a ~ ~ 2. 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J A-ert-t-> b 8 r VO "/A- ~ 0 /' "/A- ~<& r Joq SCALE IN FEET I I \__ N(lA1H UNI: Ic.";D-t 1\T l. PRoPOSFD ANNEXA liON DESCRIPTION Th. Norlk....1 Quarter af Ih. SOllll>w..1 Quarter. 0.. Saulh Half of 11>. Naro.....1 Quorter all In Swellon 10. Ta..nol>lp 121, Rang. 2:1, Wrlgl>l Counly. Mlnn..ola, I~ng .ouo..r1y and w..lorly of Inler.lal. No. 94 r1gl>l of ..ay ..c.pl 11>. fallowing d..crlb.d Iracl. of land: 1.) Th. Ea.t 50 rod. of .ald Salllk Half of Ih. Norlkw..1 Quartor. 2.) B.glnnlng 01 0.. norlhw..1 com... of .ald Soull> Half of 0.. Norlk....1 Quartwr: tk.nc. .oulh olonll II>. w..1 11n. of .ald Saull> Half of 11>. Narlhw..1 Quarler. a dl.lonc. of 1132.70 f..I: II>.nc. .0.1 d.noetlng gO d.g".' 19 ..Inul.. 1.11 along on ald f.nc. 11n., 0 dl.lanc. of :518.32 f..I: Ik.nc. nartl> parollel with .ald ....1 IIn. of tk. South Half a' 0.. Nortkw..1 Quarler, a dl.lonc. 0' 56 ,..t more or I... 10 tk. II>"ad 0' Oil.. er..k, 10 Ih. narlh IIn. of .ald Soulh Half of Ih. NartI>w..1 Quort.r: Ih.nc. w..1 oIong .ald norlh IIn. a dlolanc. of 630.00 f..1 to II>. palnl 0' beginning. . J.) \.,Gnd lying norll>.a.torly of tk. fallowing d..crib.d IInw: Carn..enclnll 01 11>. nortk....1 corner of oold Soulh Half of tk. Narlh..eol Quarter; tkence Soutl> 89 d.groe. 00 ..lnul.. 10 ..condo E..I, ao",..ed bearlnll, alonll tk. north IIno of .ald Soutk Hal' of tko Narlhwo.t Quorter, a dl.tanco af 730.01 feet 10 tk. palnl af bOlllnnlnll of tke 11n. to bo d.....lbed: thenc. Soutl> 00 d.gree. OJ ..lnut.. 10 ..cond. W.ol. a dl.lance of 117.71 feel: thenc. 22:5.13 f..t ooutlloa.lorly along. langentlal cu..... cancOve to 11>0 ...t, ha'llnll 0 radlu. of 4'10.00 f..1 and 0 centrol angl. of 29 d.g,," 18 ..lnut.. 59 ..cand.; tkenc. Soutk 29 degr... 15 ..lnut.. 50 ..cond. EO.I. a dl.tanco of 215.34 feet: tkenc. 317.8B f..t ....tkwo.torly along a tangential curve, concave ta tk. norll>.a.t. I>alllng a radlu. of <<0.00 fe.t and a central angl. af 41 deg.... 23 ..Inut.. 38 ..cond.: thence Sautk 70 d.gr.... 39 mlnut.. 27 _and. E..t, 0 dl.tonco of 542.55 fo.t: tkenco 188.36 ,..t .outhea.terly oIong a lonllenllol curv... concave 10 tke _Ih....t. having 0 radlu. of 360.00 f..t and a central ongl. of 29 degr... 39 mlnut.. J5 ...ando; thonc. South 40 dlllr... 59 mlnut.. 52 ...ond. Ea.t, 0 dl.tane. of 81.81 f..t. to tk. ....t nn. a' .ald ....t 825.00 '.ot and .ald IIn.. thoro termlnotln9. Subject to ""19h1 County HI9hway RI9ht-of-Way Plot No.3. '-'110 17, 2004 10: 4hm C: \Ottll!lr' CfII.II;\2003- 204-1. \dwG\7OD\03-204-ANNE)(- 730-I.dIill'O sD . . . B. SE. Consideration of Project Award for Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet (City of Monticello Project No. 2004-18C (City/WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the July 26.2004 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement for bids for the Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet Improvement Project. 'fhe proposed project consists of constructing a trunk storm sewer outlet pipe, which will connect the Klein Farms watershed with City storm sewer scrvicc along Trunk I Iighway 25. Bids were received on Friday, August 20, 2004 at the Monticello Community Ccnter. The bid opening was conducted after preparation of this agcnda item. Tn an effort to expedite the construction of this project, we anticipate a successful bidder and will present the recommendation at this City Council meeting. The City Engineer will present the bid results prior to the City council meeting. The Engineer's Estimate for the project was $236,179.74. The Feasibility Report for this project had assumed a $ 205,356 construction cost. However, during the design phase additional storm sewer manholes were addcd to accommodate the future Wal-Mart building site and Xcel encrgy construction requirements. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Considcr award of the project as recommended by the City Engineer. 2. Do not award the project at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the contract is awarded, in its entirety, as identified in Alternative Action 1. The project can be substtmtially completed in 2004 as is proposed and in coordination with future construction in the area. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The Letter of Recommendation and Bid Tabulation will be available at the City Council meeting. ('. 'I/X)( '(/!o,..JI.~.. J II >A WN., /, (;RO\/..()( 'A!.S - JI, 1i..'ml'\I)813()-I-j!1"I~ii.'d II word A;:i.'mlu h....m. dm ~ociale.\', Inc. Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer Date: August 23, 2004 Re: Project A ward Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2004-18C WSB Project No. 1488-62 This memo is a supplement to the agenda item for the Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet Item 5E. The agenda item provided for the Council meeting incorrectly identified the Feasibility Report cost as a $205,356 construction cost. This should have been noted as the project cost, which includes all indirect costs. The actual construction cost was estimated at $160,000. Additional items were added during the design phase to accommodate Xcel Energy construction requirements and the proposed Wal-Mart building. In addition, the construction costs identified in the Feasibility Report did not take into account the length of pipe necessary to access the Hunters Crossing site. The figures had been changed to identify that additional length of pipe; however, the construction costs still identified connection to the Featherstone development. Consequently, the Engineer's Estimate for the project was increased from $160,000 to $236,179.74, with a low bid of $222,831.77 provided by Northwest Asphalt, Inc. As per our agreement with Wal-Mart, we have offered them the opportunity to install a portion of this pipe in the area of their building. I spoke with a representative from Wal- Mart this morning who informed me that they would not be interested in completing the construction. The City still needs to acquire the utility easement as a part of the final plat of the Wal- Mart project and possibly prior to the final plat in order to complete the installation of this pipe. It is our recommendation that the contract be awarded to Northwest Asphalt, Inc., subject to receipt of the easement from Wal-Mart or Shawn Weinand. srb Minneapolis, St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer IF... ....- ... .... .... It::. - .. .". F ... ." .... ~ .... ... ... F ~ . .. ~ ....- . IF... It::. ....- .' .... ~ ~WSB ssociales, lnc. . Memorial Highway ...........~:a::I[s.... Minnesota 55422 763.541,4800 763.541..1706 FAX August 23, 2004 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Re: Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2004-18C WSB Project No. 1488-62 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced project on Friday, August 20, 2004, and were opened and read aloud. A total of eight bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The Engineer's Estimate was $236,179.74. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Northwest Asphalt, Inc., Shakopee, Minnesota, in the amount of $222,831.77. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to Northwest Asphalt, Inc., based on the results of the bids received. Sincerely, ,.J>' ~.- WSB & Associates, Inc. e;J- ,4, WJMA Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Enclosure cc: Northwest Asphalt, Inc. js/srb Minneapolis. st. Cioud . Equal Opportunity Employer - J .F:\WPWIM/488.6Z1recmmdln Ilr.doc ;~~ '. . PROJECT: Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2004-18C LOCATION: Monticello, MN WSB PROJECT NO.: 1488-62 Bids Opened: Friday, August 20,2004 at 10:00 a.m. Addendums Rec'd. Contractor (1 and 2) Bid Security 1 Northwest Asphalt, Inc. X X 2 J. R. Ferche, Inc. X X 3 Veit and Company, Inc. X X 4 Barbarossa and Sons. Inc. X X 5 Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc. X X . 6 LaTour Construction, Inc. X X 7 Redstone Construction Company, Inc. X X 8 G.L. Contracting, Inc. X X Total Bid $273,068.27 $284,477.95 $308,862.20 $344,456.21 " .':~13~~;~~t!;~4 Engineer's Opinion of Cost $236,179.74 u"." I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on August 20, 2004. WA~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer DENOTES CORRECTED FIGURE . F;\WPWINl14BB-62IExce/114BB-62 Bid Tabulatlon.xls oJ .s ,;; i '" '" E cI 0 (,l 'ti z ... '1 Ii " .. ... .. ... (.) iii := co ~ ~ .Q 0 'C C\l ~ .~ a: ~ oJ 0 n; .s ~ 5- Q) ... ti ~ ,E cI ~ z OJ i3 c: i :. co III W '<t ~ Ii .... iii -; 0 c:: (3 Z III 1:) .!{! ui Ul Q) .!{! 'ijj 2 ;:; 3: a.. ~ <C oJ al .s en ~ ~ :! 3: " al .c: ci ~ .. f z f iiJ cI 1i ~ Q) z c: j I "2' ';:;, ! .c: c: a.. w III 10 0 (,l '6 g C '<l' 'S. 0 0 0 Qi C\l -''' :;::l ci il ;:l 0 C\l " I 'lii '0 " ;:l w Z ;:l en :: <( E !i III 0 Qi :2 Ci5 .~ It '" 1: E 0 E III :: o:i u. '0 c: 8 '(jj 0 52 (3 .... 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II: ....J. -' Q:1 II: l=<i 1I:<i :1!! :J ~ UJ C'l<J) :i1 ~ ~ z ffi tii z ~ 0 II: UJII: 0 ~ ~ OUJ Z 0 ~Hl tii..,. c iii ~ UJ (!) UJ 0..::> F II: II: 0 Z Q:1 ~ ~~ ZO ~ -' 0.. .Z o~ w UJ ~ UJ (!) ~ ~8 1il g 1il 0 00.. VI II: en en < iii [OJ::> Z Z 0 II: 0... oen OCII ~ 0 D.. ~ '" ci 0 0 ~ 1)j rJ ~ 0 g !i!, ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ g g gj !i! z ct III "1 In "1 Iii CD ;;; II> .. 0.. gj g ~ g g S l:i ~ ,..: 8 ~ 8 co; 8 co; 8 ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ , ~ ~ &1 g ~ <( N ;;:; N C\i ;;:; :!3 :!3 :!3 III t!J w "" "" "" "" "" "" "" I-- ..J ci ::> ~ Q W ,... "" C'l .... II> <0 ... .. Ol !;: :: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::: \!< ~ 0 N '" E :r '" "" ! 0 VI .!!.! .. t! ~ ~ .Q ~ :sa III ; ! ; i ~ it CD "0 II> . 0.. . . . SF. Council Agenda - 8/23/04 Consideration of amendments to subdivision ordinance relating to park dedication, toool!raohic survev and time limit for recording final plat. - City of Monticello. (.TO) Although the Planning Commission recommended approving Alternate #1 there was discussion by the Planning Commission on the tree survey requirement, which the Council may wish to review. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: 'fhe City has been considering various changes to its Subdivision Ordinance. The attached ordinance combines the items into a single ordinance that would make each of the changes contemplated by staff: the Planing Commission and the Parks Commission. The changes include the following: 1. Language establishing a deadline for the filing of a final plat after the approval of the preliminary plat. 2. Language amending the method for calculating the required park dedication f(J[ a new subdivision. This section proposes a new formula for the amount of land required. In addition, an alternative method is offered that is based on the estimated population of the subdivision rather than the acreage. In this way, subdivisions with townhouses (and thus, higher densities) would be required to dedicate additional land. 3. Codifies the method for determining the value ofland when a fee is required in lieu of land dedication. 4. Established specific limitations on acceptance of marginal land for park use. 5. Codifies the pathway surcharge per unit for all subdivisions, whether land or cash is required. 6. Codifies the timing ofland dedication and establishes the requirement lor rough grading of park land by the developer. 7. Establishes a requirement that entrance monuments, if approved, arc al lowed only under specific conditions, and not within the street right-of-way. 8. Establishes a requirement for tree surveys as a part of the required information for new plats. 9. Establishes a requirement f()r topographic information outside of the boundaries for new plats, to ensure that drainage around a subdivision is heing accounted for by new development. . . . Council Agenda - 8/23104 B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment based on a finding that new subdivisions needs to be able to demonstrate compliance with the City's zoning regulations and Comprehensive Plan and that the proposed amendments support this objective. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment based on a finding that the existing Subdivision Ordinance language is adequate. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the amendment. The ordinance is the summary of a number of comments and observations that have been made over the past several months based on experience with recent development proposals. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed ordinance amendment. . . . City of Monticello, Minnesota Wright County Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 11 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, BY PROVIDING FOR CHANGES TO STANDARDS AND PROCESSING RELATED TO PARK DEDICATION, FINAL PLAT FILING, AND SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. The City Council of the City of Monticello hereby ordains: Section 1. Section 11-3-3 is hereby amended by adding the following subsections: 11-3-3: (C) RECORDING FINAL PLAT: If the final plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the County Recorder within one hundred (100) days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to s~ record the final plat, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the one hundred (100) day period. The subdivider shall, immediately upon recording, furnish the City Clerk with a print and reproducible tracing of the final plat showing evidence of recording. No building permits shall be let for construction of any structure on any lot in said plat until the City has received evidence of the plat being recorded by the County. (D) RECORDING OF MULTIPLE-PHASED PLATS: If a preliminary plat is final platted in stages, unless otherwise provided for in the development contract, all stages must be final platted into lots and blocks (not outlots), within three (3) years after the preliminary plat has been approved by the City Council. If the final plats are not approved and recorded in accordance with this time frame, the preliminary plat approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and . . . approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the three (3) year period. Section 2. Section 11-6-1 (A) is hereby amended to read as follows: 11-6-1 (A) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.358, Subdivision 2, the City Council of Monticello shall require all developers requesting platting or replatting of land in the City of Monticello to contribute an amount of land for public park and trail purposes. The location of said land shall be at the discretion of the City Council. The amount 0f. said land shall be reasonably commensurate with the demand that the platting or replatting places on the City park system, as described in the Comprehensive Plan. For purposes of this Section, an amount of land equal to ten percent (lO%)of the total gross land area of the plat shall be presumptively defined as ~reasonably commensurate". In the event that the subdivider objects to the ten percent (10%) standard, the City- shall, at the developer's request and expense, conduct a specific dedication study of the park system and the demand Elaced on the system by the proposed plat. fAlt: For purposes of this Section, an amount of land equal to one (1) acre for each 75 persons in the subdivision shall by presumptively defined as ~reasonably commensurateH. To estimate the population of the subdivision, a household size of 3.5 persons per unit for single family homes, and 2.5 persons per unit for attached housing shall be used.] Prior to conducting the study, the City shall obtain a waiver of statutory time lines for plat approval during the conduct of the study. No approval of final plats, nor construction of any improvements, shall occur until the park dedication study is completed. In lieu of lan~ dedication, the City Council may require a cash contribution in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, or a combination of both. The City Cou~cil's decision on land ~nd/or cash shall be made following recommendations from the City's Park Commission and staff, in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan ten percent (10~) of tho fin~l plat gross ~re~ to be dedicated for use ~c either parks, playgrounds, public open space, or linear pJrk and trail . . . systeme or to contribute an equivalent amount of cash based on the conditions outlined below. The form of contribution (caeh or land, or :.my combination thereof) ~nd the specific ~rc~ in caeed of land contribution ehall be decided by the City Council baeed upon need and conformance with approved City plane. Section 3. Section 11-6-1 (B) is hereby amended to read as follows: (B) In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, where the City Council determines that the park dedication requirement shall be paid in a cash contribution, the amount of said contribution shall be based on the market value of the land no later than at the time of final plat. The City may require that the subdivider provide an appraisal to determine the market value. In the alternative, the City may, by Ordinance, establish a fee per residential uni~ that will meet the cash dedication requirement. The determination of the appropriate fee calc~~ation shall be made by the City Council. Section 4. Section 11-6-1 (C) is hereby amended to read as follows: (C) The City Council shall not accept for credit against a subdivider's park dedication requirement any of the followinq: 1. Delineated wetlands. 2. Land within a designated floodplain. 3. Land encumbered by a utility easement such as a petroleum or electric power transmi~sion line (except where such easement is a standard platting requirement of the City of Monticello pursuant to Section 11-5-4 of this Chapter, and where the City determines ..~.hat. the land within the easement wil~ be usable for park, trail, or open space purposes) . 4. Land within a drainage easement, or other land required for stormwater treatment. . . . The City may, at its discretion, accept lands in the above categories for park dedication purposes if it deems the dedication to be of public benefit. No credit shall be given against the subdivider's park dedication requirement, however, unless the City determines that the land will be used for a specific public park, trail, or open space purpose. Section 5. Section 11-6-1 is hereby amended to add the following subsection: (F) In addition to the park dedication requirements listed above, each newly subdivided lot shall pay a surcharge for park and trail development purposes. The surcharge will be at a prevailing rate as determined by the City Council. Section 6. Section 11-6-1 (E) is hereby amended to read as follows: (D) Land dedicated for park purposes shall be transferred to the City of Monticello by warranty deed. The transfer of said land shall occur at the time of recording of the final plat. For multiple-phased developments, all of the park dedication land shown on the approved Preliminar1 Plat shall be transferred to the City upon the recording of the first final plat, in the form of Outlot(s) and shall not be shown as "Park" on the plat. The Development Agreement may permit the phasing of said land transfer. In addition, the Development Agreement shall grant the subdivider a license to enter the park dedication land for the purposes of required grad~ seeding, or other work approved by the City Council. Section 7. Section 11-5-3 is hereby amended to add the following: (M) SUBDIVISION ENTRANCE MONUMENTS: Subdivision Entrance Monuments shall only be allowed in conformance with Title . . . 10, Section 10-3 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, and shall be required to meet the following standards: 1. No such Entrance Monument may be located within the public right of way of any street. 2. Entrance Monuments shall be permitted only where an association of homeowners has been established with the legal and financial responsibility for maintenance of the monument. 3. In the event that the monument becomes a nuisance, either through lack of maintenance or other event, or becomes a hazard to traffic, the City may remove said monument at the expense of the property owner on whose property the monument is located, or at the expense of the association if appropriate, or both. Section 8. Section 11-4-1 (B) lS hereby amended to add the following: 12. A survey of all trees on the property, including location, size, and species. Deciduous trees that are less than six (6) inches is diameter at a point five (5) feet above the natural grade, or trees that are of undesirable species, includinq poplar, Boxelder, or Elm, may be exempted from this survey. Section 9. Section 11-4-1 (B) 11. lS hereby amended to read as follows; 11. A proposed grading plan showing the present and existing contours at a two (2) foot contour intervalL together with off-site existing contours within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed subdivision. If determined to be necessary by the ~ity Engineer, one (1) foot contours may be required for proposed grading plans in order to ensure proper dra~nage. The proposed qrading plan shall demonstrate a design for the subdivision that respects the natural topography, . . . and preserves existing trees, wetlands, and other natural features. Section 10. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Dawn Grossinger, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: . . . SG. A. Council Agenda - 8/23/04 Approve Chanl!e Order No.1 for Area 2 Street Reconstruction - Citv Proieet No. 2004-06C (WSB) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The construction ofthc microsurbce wearing course has been placed on the two driving lanes on School Boulevard. These areas were demonstrating rutting and raveling around the joint in the center of the driving lane. The plans had called for microsurfacing the entire width of School Boulevard. During the construction it was determined that the new surface should be placed on the driving lanes only so the joint on the new surface would not fall in the same location in the center of the driving lanes. This represents about a $6,000 decrease in the contract due to decreased contract quantities. However, a fog seal is recommended to seal the shoulders and parking areas outside of the driving lanes at a cost of $1 ,500. With the fog sealing, the City will be realizing about $4,500 in savings due to decreased contract quantities. In addition, a bituminous overlay is needed on the bituminous trail along the north side of School Boulevard between CSAH 18 and Fallon Avenue. The attached change order represents a quote from Buffalo Bituminous to complete the work as part of the contract. The total increase of Change Order No.1 is $14,971.55. The net increase after subtracting the $4,500 microsurfacing savings is $10,471.55. " ./ B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The City Council approves Change Order No.1 as proposed to complete the additional work. 2. The Council does not approve Change Order No.1 with no work addcd to the contract. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Street Superintendent and the City Engineer that the City Council approve Change Order No. 1 as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposed Change Order No.1 for the Area 2 Street Reconstruction Program as prepared by WSB & Associates, Ine. C:IDOCUME,-I IDA WN-I ,GRO\lnCAI X-I ITcmplOR2304 COllncil Agcnda Item,doc CHANGE ORDER NO.1 EA 2 STREET RECONSTRUCTION STREET, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2004-06C WSB PROJECT NO. 1494-03 AUGUST 18, 2004 OWNER: CONTRACTOR: CITY OF MONTICEllO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. P.O. BOX 337 BUFFALO, MN 55313 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOllOWING CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION CONTRACT QUANTITIES ARE MODIFIED AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED DETAIL. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDES ALL ADDITIONAL COSTS AND TIME EXTENSIONS WHICH ARE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK ELEMENTS DESCRIBED ABOVE. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: N/A _TRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER INCREASE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: $946,306.50 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME (SUBSTANTIAL): 10/1/2004 $000 NET CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS NONE $946,306.50 CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER 10/1/2004 $14,791.55 NET INCREASE OF CHANGE ORDER NONE $961,098.05 CONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS 10/1/2004 RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED BY: CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE KEVIN B. KAWLEWSKI, P.E., PROJECT MANAGER WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC ENGINEER BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. CONTRACTOR APPROVED BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY ENGINEER DATE DATE . SG:, CO 1.xlsCO.1 . . . Change Order No.1 Detail AREA 2 STREET RECONSTRUCTION STREET, STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2004-06C WSB PROJECT NO. 1494-03 AUGUST 18, 2004 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Description Qty Unit Price Extended Amount 142 FOG SEALING 770 GAL $200 $377 143 OVERLAY BITUMINOUS PATH 3,515 L1N FT $1,540.00 $13,251.55 TOTAL INCREASE CHANGE ORDER NO.1 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT Page 1 $14,791.55 $14,791.55 SG co 1.xfsCQ1 Detaif . . . Council Agenda - 8/23/04 5H. Consideration of Addine: Installation of Street Lie:hting to Walnut Street Parking/Dan Olson Project. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: When the original plan was established for installing parking spaces on Walnut in front of Dan Olson's insurance agency, the full cost of the parking installation was to be funded by Olson. Council approved the parking subject to Dan Olson paying the cost via assessment. It was found that ornamental street lighting was not in the original plan and it has been the history of the City to fund 80% of ornamental street lighting costs on Walnut Street. Council is asked if it would like to proceed with ordering the street lighting to be installed in addition to the sidewalk project with the City funding a major portion of installation of lighting. Dan Olson has indicated that he is acceptable to the 20% assessment for the lighting cost. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve installation oflights at an estimated cost of $] 2,000 with 80% of the cost to be funded by the City and the balance by the property owner. Motion contingent on property owner signing a waiver ofpub]ic hearing on the proposed assessment. This would be the option to select if Council wishes to follow the funding program associated with the recently completed Walnut Street sidewalk and lighting project. 2. Motion to approve the installation of lights at and estimated cost of $12,000 with the city share to be established. Motion contingent on property owner signing a waiver of public hearing on the proposed assessment. This would be the option to select if Council wishes to select an alternative formula for paying for the lighting. ft is not know if Olsen supports paying a share different that what others paid on Walnut for redevelopment lighting. 3. Motion deny authorization to install lighting and utilize existing light in the area. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that the Council maintain the policy for funding lights in the Walnut Street Corridor. It has been the policy of the City to require new development areas to pay the full cost of street lights. In the Walnut Street corridor the formula is 80% City, 20% property owner. It seems fair to follow the existing precedent and Dan Olson is paying the full cost of the parking without a City contribution. n. SUPPORTING DATA:. None . . . 51. Council Agenda - 8/23/04 Approve Chanl!e Order No.1 for the Briar Oakcs Storm Pond Restoration Project (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2003-11C (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During construction of the Briar Oakes Storm Pond Restoration project, it was discovered that portions of the adjoining trail were being compromised by adjacent sumac growth. Several cracks and breaks in the bituminous trail were forming due to the sumac growing through the trail. As a result, the scope of the trail reconstruction was changed to have the contractor also remove the Class 5 base so that City crews could install an herbicide treated fabric to prevent future problems. The change order also covers additional trucking costs associated with this repair work. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of $2,091.00 for Sunram Construction, Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that Change Order No.1 in the amount of $2,091 .00 be approved for payment. D. SUPPORTING OAT A: 1. Copy of Change Order No. 1 2. Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. (':\J)()('(/A.W-I\J)AWN . I.(;W)\U)(';JU.,'.-IIl'elJlj)W8130./ ('() I Agendo !fl.'m.dolo. .Ci/lIU' "Ie. 'p:; 't':'., . ~ ~ . - ~;, -I' \",":', ::-U:~::";l, . I ': .~ , : ~~'I : :/r. , '.'1 I, . ': ~;~\,,~,;: 1':~::".:r ".'o!.' . ~:!:~~i::: 1~~' 1 'I~f ~::~I.J 'I~'>I:. . -, 'I: ',,' ",.1., , " " ,,:, '':~ J;,: ':, .':. :i: :~. '::: 4159 ~I~~~ ' ~: Me~~J~~ay 'I:.!~."'~"" ",...~,:;~i,;,:~:." \ I'. .oJ.WW, ,~. ' , ~: , i.~t:i~f ,:'; ~' .11&".',; ".. , . ,::1'.,. ," :1" \, ::" .','.", ;,.,;,'~jn~a;:', ' lr. ~4~r:::,,':! '.") :'" , ~~:" 763 54 .0:-: ,... ;~:' 763.5' i:':,' :i:' ::~.~. ,'If:~""Io.l, , 11:41 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.02/07 August 19, 2004 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street. Suite 1 Monticello.MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger. Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No. 1 Briar Oakes Storm Pond Restoration City of Monticello Project No. 2003-11C WSB Project No. 1488..22 Dear Mr. W olfsteller: Please find enclosed Change Order No. 1 for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The increase to the original contract amount is 52,091.00, resulting in a new contract total of $40,936.25. This change order amount will be included with the next construction pay voucher processed. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. 1 for Sunram Construction, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763- 287-8313. Sincerely, $ta Mi]:"' Inc. Phillip A. Elkin, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Lee Sunram, Sunram Consuuction, Inc. sb ~y MinneapoliS, St. Ocud . equill Opportunity Employer F.'IWPW1MJ4IlB.J.N:O I ",. 0,'- RUG-19-2004 11:41 WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. 7632877170 P.03/07 ... ' .' oi!. . . ~ AUGUST 4, 2004 OAKES $TORM, POND RESTORA'nON CIT1 OF MON'T1CEU.o PROJECT NO. 21103-11C WSD PROJECT NO. 1411S4.2 - OWNER; CONTRACTOR: CITY OF MONTlCIU.O 50s WALI\IlJT $TFIEE'I', SUITE 1 MONT1QELLO, MN lA621 SUNAAM CONSTRUCTION, INC. 20010 -lS'rH AWNUE NOFITH CORCORAN, MN 5A4D YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAD 'THE FOLLOWING CHANaES IN THE CONTAACT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: coNTAAaT QUAN11TIES ARE MODIFIED AS SHOWN oN THE A1TACHED DETAIL IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDES AU. AOOmONAL coSTS AND TIME EXTENSIONS WHICH ARE IN N:tf WAY. StiAPEi. OR FORM ASSOCIATED WITH 'hiE WORK lLSMENT$ DESCRIBED ABOVE. .- CHANGE IN coNTRAC'l"T1ME: CHANGE 1M CONTRAC!'! 'RICE: OR1~IN~ Cf;)NTRACT PRIce: .rMOVS CHANGE ORDEN: NlA _NTMCT PRICS PRiOR TO TH1S CHANGE ORDER: NET,INCREASE OF:J1'l1S CHANGE OADiR:. . ' CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL APPROVED QiANGE oHOERS: $38.16S.25 $0.00 $38,8'5.26 52.091.00 S40,936.2S ORIGINAL CONTRACT nME: NET CHANGE FROM PRWIOUS CHANGE OADERS: CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORPER: , ,. NET INC~EASE OF C~GE ORDER: CONTRACT nME WITH APPROVEO CHANGE QR'JERS 1Q12&'03 NONE 10/28103 NONE 101281113 APPROVeo BY: RECOMMENDED BY: ~~- ...... \..a ~ ~lt~ AACTO SlGNATUR WSB . ASSOCIATES. IJIIC. $GINEER SUNAAM CON$'11\1JCT10N, INO. CONTRACTOR - APPAOVIP~~ A. WI.I01 - ".' CITY ENQINEEA .; MAVOR ." . ".. g~ . - 5). ~'W"wrN\1..1H2l1""..J:J V.udI.......\CC.' . . . AUG-19-2004 11:41 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. , .... '.11 7632877170 P.04/07 , , L_ - ~. . _ l .r ~ ., I. _ ' . ~-. 'I )"1 ~ _I, I '., I' .": ,- .. 1'~ \ I.~ h : " " c,' . '. - ',' , .., -i:t'-I''';l<J,>:::-,;,,(.,~,j-~;'1,--I.r~rtV1i-r.'.,. ':' '...... ' ,,,,',,. /' :-.,--:. ":~ ....::...~_ __._ _ _~ ,j ~_ ~ ~_ _ ~ ~___~.l. oJ.. __ .~_. _ _ l_........:l_:.L ....1.___ '_~~_"!:...._,~--~ _~...L.=~---................~_ ~ -_~.-.......;...;.........._,:.~.:.;..l~ BRIAR OAKES STORM PONI) RESTORATION CITY 0' LtONTlCELLO pRQ,IECT NO. 2DG3-o11C was ,AOJSCT NO. 148M2 AUGUST 4. 2004 ADOED ITEMS Item NG. DelcrlpUan 1 REMOVECL.ASSV Qfy Unit Price 1 'LUMP SUtl4 WMP SUM 51.660.00 $441.00 2 ADOmONAL. CLASS V 1 EX1tndtd Amount $1.850.00 $441.00 TOTAL. INCRElASEi cHANG ORDER NO. 1 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL coNTRACT AMOUNT .- -.... ~ 12.081.00 $2,081.00 51 F:1WPWIM1.....22ISXCELll1......w2 VOllch......'CD1 DeIIIII . . . 5.1. Council Agenda - 8/23/04 Consideration of Aoorovine: Final Payment to Sunram Construction. Inc. for the Briar Oakes Storm Pond Restoration Proicct (City of MonticelloProiect No. 2003- lIC (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Briar Oakes Storm Pond Restoration Project was completed to provide safe and stable slopes to the neighborhood storm water pond. The original construction contract amount was $38.845.25 and the as constructed total was $41,779.45. The project is now complete and final payment can be made to Sunram Construction in the amount of $18,219.69 subject to receipt of the final paperwork including: . Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. . Evidence in the form of an aflidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. . Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. . Two-year maintenance bond. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize final payment in the amount of $18,219.69 to Sunram Construction, Inc. for the Briar Oakes Storm Pond Restoration Project, City Project No. 2003- 11 C subject to receipt of the final paperwork noted in Item A above. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Administrator that the final payment be authorized and that the improvement be accepted by the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No.2 (Final) 2. Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. (';\f)()('f/MJ-.'-./I/)AWN-.U;}a,)\f/)('AI.S- II J'elllf!\ 08130..f. FiII(II Fml A}:emla f/elll.d(){ AUG-19-2004 11:42 " .& :!, , ,:',WSB .C'iofe&' InC'. ~' i ~ ~ ' .! :, 'i.:,,',: ; " : .',.- '. ~:. .. ,. " !. ,:1: }'~lK, i~':!:,~~,' : ''',:?' ".11, , r~i . . ... . " . I";;.' '; ~: 4150,C?i~~ , . . ',::1, Mernoria!:f,:Ii,hway :~:;i,:,.3';;~,;:::,:,.: ~,:'1J.,,, e&AA~.:;"" ~~;{1, '.. '~ji'i~ 'I,n., :!: ::~in~: :':~."', " 5542.2, '" I :,:", 763-5~1'~~: I , " " ' " ::, :1, ~,,:: ,:! ',: I \; 763-541;:m~,LI;AX " " ,M' "\""""\ I :i' '~,:,]J.J~;;': ',il~', i WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.05/07 ..~ F" .u August 19, 2004 ~ ~- III::. Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello,MN 55362 - .' Re: Construction Pay Voucher No.2 (Final) Briar Oakes Storm Pond Restoration City of Monticello Project No. 2003-11C WSB Project No, 1488-22 ...-~ ....- Dear Mayor and Council Members: ... .11 Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No, 2 for the above-referenced project in the amount of $18,219.69. Pay Voucher No.2 does include payment for Change Order No.1 at this time. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: r .. 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. ~ .11 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety, .JI 4. Two-year maintenance bond. F Please make payment in this amount to Sunram ConstnlCtion, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank yau. ... .- Sincerely, ... 7iJ rj::" I~. Phillip A. Elkin, P.E. Project Manager ... ....- . ...-"'- II'[ Enclosures ~ cc: Rick Wolfsteller. City of Monticello Lee Sunram, Sunram Construction. Inc, Sj ~- ... MinO(!apolis . Sl cloud. Eql,lill Opportunity Employer FI\'Nt'WIN\J48IJ-ZZwo l.JIII /uay._ AUG-19-2004 11:42 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.06/07 ';.... ','.' __.,' , "";\.; . _'<l'.- J~'\r:'#' ".rly,,~;.:,~';._,' "-'.-'," '.- ,",".- -;'\-'1 .1',~- -'_' r ' t'j~J1i:}!^,[[.~jt:Jrr".-~!'~A~[iJ",;i,11-j(..,.. '.' " . . . ,",, .. 2 end Final pate: PerIod ErlC:llng: 8RIAR OAKES STO.... POND RI!STORATlON CITY OF MOtlf'lCELLO PROJECT NO. 2003-11 C WI. PRo.JECT NO. 1481-22 August 4. 2OD4 June 29. 20M .OUOh.' ND. proJect: controator: Sun,am ConItI'Uctlon" Inc. 20010 75th Aven.... North oorceran.IIN 55340 Work Started. Work Campletec:l: Convact D1at.: . ~pl.tlon Dare: $38,845.25 $2.091.00 $0.00 SoC4.9S8.2S - Original COntract Amount TDla! Additions . Total DeductiOns T ClIIaI Funds Encumbered Total Work ClrtIfIed to Date Lass Ratained Percentage .... Previous Payments Total Payment. IteI. 11\is voucher Ballncs CIrriId Forward Approved far ~Int 1l\lI Vouehtr 0.00% 141.779.45 $0.00 $23,559.7$ S41,m.4S ($843.20) 518.21 !US ADaroVllla . we. "'~I_'" ~nc.. :.' . In accordance. field 0bIIIVI.tIclr\ 18 perfOnMd in IttQrdlnoe wllh IndustrY standards. and based on our professional opinion, the m.t.r'Ia1s installed are saUSfadoty and the work praperly performed In aceordance WIth the planS II1d speC!fications. Tl'II tClIaJ work estlmawd 10 be complt11C1 u of June 2a, 2004 Ie uJftdicatod herein and w. Mreby l'ICOmm.M payment [ of thiS vouch". - 100% ~: Signed; Signect. f1.d~ Prqod_~UE~ CGnstruetlon ObServer Contractor This is to ;efIIfY NI to the beat at my knOwledge. lrdonnatiOra, and belief, tl\e quantilicls and valUOI of won: certified herein II a fair appt'O.ldmate utImlle for the period CO"M by this voucher. ContreCtor: Signed: \t!!l.. _ LA..' ~ .........""D.f"'Y'l Till':~1'\.'-' " L~" - \r ....: DI~ City CheClked by. . Dale: Approv8dforP~.nt AuthOrized Rep.....ntative Date: 5:; F:IWPWfMJ....a\a4:E4\f..... VOUQ/I.,.....VM-c..,,1M, . --I ! . "0 .. .. ~i .- · f -J - .- ctS .. ..... it! . ... (I) r. 0 ::1 0 > .~ f AUG-19-2004 11:42 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. J' .. ... ., .. us . ... . . ! ... .. : ....:1 .. 9'" 'i >> Ii l!i! B! ! ! ; II ';1 .- ! ! A! -- ri I; .. :. . . :l. "i_ II , ; ; ;; !i I '- ..~ ! 1 ! ;!,: .. I . 1 .. ~ .. .. i ., .. 0 i i ; I lil '" i! I ~ I I 1 111;1 i. I<< Ii a I . a ! "" 0"1 t!' , :1'1 .. .. ~~ ii I - I ! ; ! ~ ~ ! 1 1 ! . ! ~ ~ , 0 I E I ~ ... .. ! ; ~ x ~ ; 1 ~ ~ "': '" .. Ii ! ! I I I III I !' :l .. ! .- .r " .. I I-- I ~ ... eo ! & i I I ! . a I"l. 'lilt a i I a ;: ! .. .. ;; .. I I - .. Ii. f ; c ! ; I I !. a lil l ! ! i 0 '1 I . - .. .. l:I .. - .. - ::I! ~ II III Z t: ~ ~ t GO ~ >- )0 CD I lD ~ ti ;;;l II ~ Q Q !! 2 iI S -' 3 3 .. fq . . a i III a:: Bl i :;I llII i = ! j i ~ ffi . i w ll. ; ! II ! ~ . R ..... :::l .. ~ J .... "" z B a ~ I ! ~ Si! l I I i i ~ ~ ~ 0 o ~ Ii a II: I ~ LII i II ~ I 1 z: :;I I ~ ~ 1= fa :I: ~ ~ 5 I 11'I i i~ ~ ~ i ! i5 ! ::I! i i i t 110 Cl I m II ~ ~ ~ c i 6 w :: 2 IE: Cl III . I) I ! ;; a ; :; ; I II I i ; ; II i i ~ i ... i I I ! I I c .. .. .!! =0 ~.. 1 0 .. !! ,. ~ ! .. .. .. .. ., . ... . . .. ... .. 'I .... :I II. i 1M I z $I i o ! ~ u ~ 19=: = I ~ ~ :Sii~ .a * 2! Ir:a: lIluf~ - - .. III a ~ ~' ... i. .. ! .. D .- ~ ~ .. - ~ ~ <;!, i i i llI. ... ... ~ ~ .,.. .. CI .. .. ;. i 3. . C i ~ l i ... ~ ~ .... .. '5' "I i i ~ :::l ~ .:. - > > ~ ! 0 .... ~ ~ g ~ w i ~ .s. .;:.:1 - ~ ! & i5 I z Z I . 6 ill - c.. i l- ti 7632877170 P.07/07 ~ ~ .. .. .. I ~ i ! '- f a . o . ;l! II: I II o J ] ~ 5~ TOTAL P.07 . C;'f-I . . Council Agenda - 8/23/04 Consideration of Authorizin2 an Aereement with Trinitv Lutheran Church with Re2ard to Storm Sewer and Parkin2 Lot Improvements (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Trinity Lutheran Church has been planning the expansion of their parking lot for some time; however, due to financial constraints, has been unable to complete it at this time. One of the expensive portions of the project is the connection of the storm sewer to the City system. At this time, without that storm sewer connection in place, it is difficult to allow them to construct their parking lot due to drainage concerns. The Church would like to install the parking lot area to a gravel surface and leave it in that shape until 2006 when the City completes the reconstruction of West River Street. In an effort to assist the Church with this endeavor and provide additional parking at their facility not on a grass surface, we are proposing that the City install the storm sewer ..as a part of our existing reconstruction project and assess it to the Church over a lO-year period. The Church would be given a 2-year window to complete the paving operations of the proposed parking lot in 2006. It this is acceptable to the Council, City staff will move forward with preparation of a plan to complete these improvements and will secure quotes from contractors to get the work completed. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize City staff to enter into an agreement with Trinity Lutheran Church to construct the storm sewer to West River Street and allow for a gravel parking surface until 2006. g-' 2. Do not authorize the agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer, Public Works Director, Deputy City Administrator, and City Administrator to approve Alternative Action No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None F:\WPWJ.'AI160-861Agenda lIemNi82JQ4- Trinity Lutheran Agenda ltem.dac Council Agenda - 8/23/04 . 7. Continued Public "earine on Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a commercial Concept Staee Planned Unit Development in the B-3 zonine district. Applicant: Shineobee Builders/UBO Properties. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item and recommends approval subject to resolution of access issues at Oakwood Drive. The Planning Commission directed the City Engineer and developer to work together to come up with an acceptable plan. Shingobee Builders and UBD Properties are seeking approval of a concept PUD plan that would accommodate a commercial development on the block bounded by Highway 25, Oakwood Drive, Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. The block is currently occupied by the BP/Tom Thumb store, Subway Restaurant, Ultra Lube, and a residential structure. Only the Subway would remain following the redevelopment of the block. It should be noted that the project is a coordinated effort, as all current property owners represented on the plat have signed the application request. . The project consists of six commercial buildings, including a Holiday convenience gas station in the location ofthe current BP/Tom Thumb building. Attached to the Holiday would be an automated car wash, and the relocated Ultra Lube facility. On the northeast corner of the block, a Wendy's Restaurant would be developed. To the east of the existing Subway, a space for a new fast-food restaurant is shown. On the south end ofthc project, a full-service restaurant and a small retail facility would complete the project. In previous versions of planning for this block, the south and north portions of the property were treated separately, and a number of circulation issues were apparent due to the difficult access to the site. Highway 25 is an arterial, both Chelsea Road and Cedar Street are collectors, and Oakwood Drive has access issues related to the signal at 25 and MnDOT's requirements for stacking traffic and the need for a median. As a result, Cedar Street is the only access point where unrestricted full access is certain. Chelsea Road already includes a median, and Oakwood Drive includes a partial median with plans for extension, as well as closure of existing median openings. The proposed plan attempts to resolve those issues in the following manner: 1. A central north~south drive is shown that would provide primary access to the entire project, connecting Chelsea and Oakwood. Crossing of this central drive are reasonably well coordinated, given the ditTering uses. The few conmct points would appear to be internal, and should not affect traffic on the public streets. 2. Access to Chelsea is right-in, right-out due to the existing median, but no access is proposed to Cedar Street near the intersection, casing previous concernS over congestion at the corner with turning tramc. . . 3. . . Council Agenda - 8/23/04 Thc addition of pull-through angled parking between fast-food restaurant No.2 (Wendy's) and No.4 should facilitate trailer and truck access from the Cedar Street driveway. 4. Circulation around the Subway appears to be adequate, and parking has been added to the south of the building where the primary entrance is located. Staff would encourage the applicant to review the plan to minimized paved areas, while maintaining parking supply, if possible. One option to consider may be to encourage a one-way circulation in the parking lot and add angled parking to both the east and north boundary of the Subway portion of the site A few issues will still require amendment or further study. These include the following: I. The westernmost access drive into the Holiday site could be a concern, in that it permits exiting traf11c to Oakwood. Stafrs concern in this area is that the median will be closed due to previous MnDOT requirements, and right-turn-out traffic will proceed to the east, then lJ-turn in the street or the intersection with Cedar Street, wherever the median ultimately ends. Large numbers ofU-turning vehicles creates an unsafe condition in heavily traveled areas. Instead, staff has discussed permitting the median to end where traffic could leave this site from the central drive and turn left onto Oakwood. Eastbound traffic on Oakwood would still be able to turn left into the SuperAmerica at this location as well. This issue is still under study by the developer, City Planner and City's engineering consultant. It appears that the access conflicts are resolvable. However a final driveway access alignment has not been completed at this time. It is hoped that by meeting time, a design that is safe for street traffic along with meeting the needs of Holiday and Wendy's will be available. 2. Staff believes that the sidewalk along the full length of the ccntral drive is a significant advantage to this design, facilitating pedestrian trips between facilities, rather than encouraging multiple-stop vehicle trips. It will be important to enhance this connection with a unified tree-planting and lighting plan that emphasizes the central drive as the primary boulevard access for the project. The architect for the design has noted support for making such modifications. 3. Parking on the project appears to the close to the requirements listed in the zoning ordinance, based on some assumptions about the nature and size of the restaurants. If significant changes in these assumptions are required due to building plans that increase parking demands, further plan changes may be necessary. 4. The drive-through accesses for the three fast-food restaurants appear to have adequate stacking space to avoid conflicts with both the internal circulation and public street access points. Because tenants for the project are not fully identified, continued monitoring of this issue will be necessary. 5. The plan shows the need for the City to grant a portion of the Cedar Street right of way to the project. The City and the developer will need to come to an agreement as to process and compensation for this grant in order to accommodate the project as 2 . . . Council Agenda - 8/23/04 proposed. Rick Wolfsteller is preparing a separate agenda item addressing this topic for specific review by the City Council. 6. The southeast building at the corner of Chelsea Road and Cedar Street shows a service drive facing Cedar. Issues throughout the project related to trash handling, deliveries, and similar service functions can have a great impact on the aesthetic and functional success of the project. Planning staff would encourage internalized trash-handling locations to avoid a series of external, remote dumpster enclosures. 7. Signage is not identified at the concept stage. Planning statlwould encourage a unified approach to signage for the project. The Planning Commission may wish to discuss the pros and cons of signage trade-offs, including taller pylon signage in exchange for total number of individual signs, or additional signage area if monument-style signs are used. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for Shingobee/UBD Properties The Planning Commission recommends approval subject to resolution of the access issues at Oakwood Drive, 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Concept Stage PUD, based on a finding that the project appears to present the potential for a superior project design due to the shared access and central drive concept, as well as coordinated pedestrian circulation, building design, parking, landscaping, and other site planning elements. Motion contingent on resolution of access issues to the satisfaction of the City's traffic engineer. It is hoped that an acceptable design to all parties will be available to review at the meeting. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Concept Stage PUD, based on a finding that the project amenities are not in keeping with the intent of the PUD section of the zoning ordinance. C STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approval of the Concept Stage, with the comments made in this report as well as comments and recommendations from the City Engineer. The plan incorporates a high level of activity onto the site, but manages to handle both vehicle and pedestrian traffic reasonably well. As discussed above, several items will require additional study, however, the project appears to meet the City's standard for PUD consideration, which is a tangibly superior design which could not be achieved without the use of the PUD flexibility. D, SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location/Cover Sheet B. Latest site plan submittal C. City Engineer's Comments 3 h7 c.1J C!. "C>t( of '5 . . Ii ---7;-_ ~ ~~~: , _~:::::::i '-ii!: ::::JI. . SA. C' :..: d' r ) J\.,... ('\ 1\ a.. p IQ vl -..l,. 1 4._ WSB - " ."'WWitllc"""'" . ~ 150 Olsol1 Memorial Highway ~,,"tl" 300 '.POliS NIIIllles01 a 55~22 76:15~ 1.4800 763,541-1700 FAX l Memorandum To: Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello From: Bret Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Chuck Rickart, P.E., P. T. a.E. Transportation Engineer Date: July 27, 2004 Reo' Shingobee Builders - UBD Properties Site Plan Review City of Monticello Planning Project No. 2004-038 WSB Project No. 1488-69 As you requested, we have reviewed the proposed site layout for the UBD Properties development located south of Oakwood Drive between TH 25 and Cedar Street in the City of Monticello. Based on our review of the proposed site layout, we offer the following comments: 1. The layout shows two access points from Oakwood Drive. The first access point east of TH 25 will, at some point in the future, be reduced to a right- in/right-out with the existing median opening being closed. The second access point further to the east is proposed to be a full-movement access. However, based on review of the existing median configuration, it appears that this driveway is not lined up with the driveway into the Super AmclicalMcDonald's on the north side of Oakwood Drive. It is located within the existing median section. This dIiveway location should be veIified and shifted to the east, if necessary, to line up with the driveway on the nOl1h side of Oakwood Drive. With a full~movement access point at this location, the other access location should be eliminated. One full-movement access would be acceptable to be located at Oakwood Drive. 2. The access dIiveway from Chelsea Road into the site will be a right-in/right-out access. An existing median is in placc between TH 25 and Cedar Street on Chelsea Road. This median will not be modified to allow full access at this location. 3. All access driveways to the site are shown as 24-feet in width. Although, this is the City's minimum standard for driveways, each should be analyzed with respect trucks turning movements. Typically, a 16-foot to I8-foot inbound lane and 12-foot outbound lane should be adequate to accommodate tuming trucks. In addition, the radii of the driveway should bc reviewed to ensurc trucks do not jump the curb when tuming into the dliveways. A truck circulation plan should be evaluated to ensure that trucks tuming throughout the development are adequately accommodated. 1VI1I1IlC'ill'ol" ',j C loud I: qu,11 OI'Porj ullII V ClllploVel F:\WPWJMJ488.6WJ72704111r-t,wjIJ.(/O," - ~ "T.L ~ - ~I;i - - - ~ - lii . Jeff O'Neill July 27,2004 Page 2 Previous comments at the meeting with regard to sidewalk installation, drive lane width, and access locations will be further addressed by the City Planner. If you have any questions or require additional information on these comments, please contact us at 763-541-4800. cc: John Simola, City of Monticello Steve Grittman, NAC srb . . F;\\VPW/MI488-6'A072704l11elllojo.r!oc Council Agenda - 8/23/04 . 7A. Consideration of sale of right-of-way - Shine:obee Builders/UBD Pro{>ertics. (R W) i\l /' I'{'> ~ I \,., A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Assuming that the concept stage planned unit development for the Shingobee Builders/UBD Properties is approved, the Council will need to deal with the issue ofthe sale of excess Cedar Street right-of-way that the developers have included in their site plan. As presented, the site plan proposed by the developers would utilize over 6,000 sq. ft. of right-of-way adjacent to Cedar Street and Oakwood Drive. This area is considered excess right-of-way owned by the City that could be included with the development without affecting future right-or-way needs. What has not been determined at this point is what should be the fair value of the property if the Council agrees to sell it. . As you are aware, it has been the Council's past policy to sell unnecessary right-of-way to adjoining property owners at a reasonable fair value. While an appraisal has not been obtained on this specific remnant parcel, it is obvious that a 6,000 sq. ft. parcel does have a considerable value when it is attached to adjoining property that would allow for a larger development. Whether that value is a couple of dollars a square foot or substantially more, is a Council decision. When the City has to acquire right-of-way for public purpose, the City is expected to pay fair market value which is currently the case with the extension of Chelsea Road near Denny Hecker's Dodge dealership, which will cost the taxpayers over $8/sq. ft. The property in question along Cedar Street is a similar distance from 1-94 which would seem to indicate the property does have a high value. As an added note, Council should be aware that if the f(xmcr Tom Thumb site had owned this property when the TH 25 project was completed a few years ago, it would have received an assessment for the improvements at this location valued at over $7,900. Even if there was no value attached to the 6,000 sq. ft. ofland area, the City did pick up $7,900 in improvement costs that were paid by the taxpayers. Although I think an appraisal would support a higher value because of this location, recent sales of city right-of-way to adjoining property owners south of this area have been in the area of $3.50/sq. ft. When you consider that the City is required to spend two or three times this to acquire right-of-way, the City should expect a fair return for its property when it is sold. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ~s ~ 1. ~(~~.~~ ,/ ~r~u Council could authorize an appraisal to be obtained to establish a fair market value for the property to be transferred. . Council could negotiate a price with the developer without obtaining an appraisal. 6~4>1 1\ .J G, ~ ~rfl ( ..~ % . . . Council Agenda - 8/23/04 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the Council follow its past policy of selling excess right-of-way to adjoining property owners at a fair market value. It is recommended that a price be negotiated with the developer of the property that provides a reasonable benefit to the City for the property being received. It would seem reasonable to establish that value similar to values recently applied to other sales in this area which were in the $3.50/sq. ft. range. This would place the value in the low $20,000 range, and when you consider the fact that the property was improved by almost $8,000 worth of street improvements, it seems to be a fair compromise. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . . . Council Agenda - 8/23/04 8. Public Hearing to consider vacation of Nicholas Circle as it appears in thc plat of the Brothers. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The proposed plat of the Timber Ridge Addition 3'd Addition encompasses lots that are currently contained in the plat of the Brothers Addition. In the course of the platting process the alignment of Nicholas Circle was changed somewhat trom its present alignment. Tn order to record the plat, the Nicholas Circle right-of-way as it appears in the plat of the Brothers needs to be vacated. Upon vacation of the old right- of-way the County will allow the recording of the Timber Ridge 3'd Addition plat with the new alignment of Nicholas Circle. In addition the developer is requesting that drainage and utility easements dedicated in the plat of The Brothers Addition as well as those affecting Lots 5-8, Block 2 in the plat of The Meadows be vacated as drainage and utility easements along the newly created lot lines of the development will be dedicated as part of the plat of Timber Ridge 3,d Addition. Mailed and published notice of the proposed street and casement vacation has been given as required by law. The purpose of the vacation hearing is to clear the property that is being replatted of easements and right-of-way that was laid out in the original plat and will be replaced by casements and street right-of-way that is part of the Timber Ridge 3'd Addition plat. R. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After the public hearing, the Council can adopt the resolution vacating the right-of-way of Nicholas Circle as it appears in the plat of The Brothers as well as drainage and utility easements contained within the plat of The Brothers and drainage and utility easements affecting Lots 5-8, Block 2, The Meadows. Easements and right-of-way vacated by this Council action will be replaced with the recording ofthe Timber Ridge 3,d Addition plat. 2. Do not approve the vacation oUhe right-of-way and drainage and utility easements. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to approve Alternative # 1 as easements and street right-of-way that is needed will be dedicated with the plat of Timber Ridge 3,d Addition. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map showing right-of-way and easements to be vacated. .. . 520' "- \j ... ": "'- iF 00' ... 041100 ~ "'" t '" ... (\J:! "- 100' "- i~ C) ~ 04110 III 041104 \ ...... - ... ~ "t" ~ C) C) ~ ~ <Il ~ \ ... ! '" 262' 70' 00' 100' ~ --.......-- RIVER STREET WEST '" 11086' ~OOO' ~O.OO' 90,00' 90,00' ~O,OO' ... C' a 2 ~ ~'J' ~ 6 . '-1 ~ ... 'I-,: '" 90.00' 90.00' ... '" 180,00' ... '" 1'Q ... '" ... "'- ... " 5 110.00' as,oo' 8~.OO' g ~ 8 ~ 23 nl 21 ~ 20 ~ 19 :!: 80.00 00 8~,00' 85,00' 8~.00' ",\38,69' . it- ~ 1 ~ 1; _ ~ 1 135,00- 140,00' ~ b 8 25~ 15 ~ d '" '" 140,00' 135.00' 100.00' 100.00' 18 ~ 17 ~ g ~ ~ 16 ~ ~ 3 ~ R b Ii \!l PARK 26: 90,00' 1'! 1 ~ <Il :'!; 90,00' I - ..- 1."'44' .- 09 0 c:i ~ 1~<::J 1<5.1 cr "'110 -~.l ~ i:l 85.00' ~.OO' 100,00' 3l.Y'31) 100,00' __:=r=_ PRAIRIE ROAD 256,64' o4.i'i J-,y I ~ I'"'' qs 85 85 '0'" '" 0- 0 ,!j ill .J 2 ~ 2 iii v' </I ~ 3 ! 4 '" 0 -s " ... '1.'\44 City Council Agenda - 8/23/04 . 9. Consideration of acceptinQ development plan for Jefferson Commons. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) A. Reference and BackQround. The City Council directed staff to prepare a conceptual development plan for the Jefferson Commons property. A plan has been prepared that identifies the following items: 1. Building location, and approximate square footage 2. Building usage, such as restaurant, retail, or retail/office 3. Location for water tower and fire station 4. Curb cut locations for School Boulevard 5. Buffer yard locations along north and south boundary 6. Integration of Monticello Theater and Culver's site plans 7. Integration of Jefferson Commons street and grading layouts The plan illustrates approximately 250,000 square feet of new commercial space, in addition to the planned theater and Culver's restaurant. The plan anticipates a focus on restaurant or higher-end retail along the TH 25/School Boulevard frontage, and includes restaurant space at the corner of School and Deegan. As the site is developed to the west, transitions would be made to more retail, and eventually to more office. . A large office building site is shown in the southwest corner of the property, based on limited visibility from the highway, but a potentially attractive site along the proposed pond. It is planning staff's anticipation that the City could take the opportunity to establish this pond as an example of an amenity for the significant amount of new development that is required to construct stormwater ponding. The site incorporates a limited amount of shared parking concepts. Depending upon actual development proposals, more use of this technique could occur, limiting the amount of unoccupied parking lot pavement, and increasing the intensity (and therefore value) of the land for development. The design also incorporates the shared service driveway between the back walls of the theater and future retail building. Finally, building placement is conceptual. We have attempted to located buildings in a manner that would facilitate exposure to major roadways, but may require care in providing for service activities such as loading and trash. We would recommend the following development requirements for new retail construction in Jefferson Commons: . a. Enclosed, attached trash storage rooms - no remote trash enclosures. b. Building materials of brick, stone, and glass, with relatively limited applications of concrete block. c. Requirements for front yard landscaping along the School Boulevard corridor to complement City boulevard planting. d. Prohibition of outdoor storage or overnight truck parking. . . . City Council Agenda - 8/23/04 B. Alternative Actions. 1. Motion to adopt the Development plan for Jefferson Commons as presented. 2. Motion to not adopt the Development plan for Jefferson Commons, subject to changes or future amendments. c. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends Alternative 1, with amendments to be made where directed. D. Supportinq Data 1. Draft Development Plan . . . / 1/ / /.'/ / // "./ /// /i / "" / ";// ...._... ,,/ ,I /~---:t..j / ' / $~ / ~ --. /" 'il~""", ~nlj I ',-,,,, .'. ,4 "-~~ ,/'/ 'i -''><, ., '\:7>"'" 1"% .;/./ ,\. 1/ i --- /'. ~I"'." .......... /:: . .,x, 1 ,.-" '" fJ)'",.' \ / . ,,' ,.' ,41: ,;( )'/:." ""'. ~ ! . ./. / ..1'..' I"~'/' h L. /{ toj //{ )/ ~ ~'~~.,.. // i/{.l/' ,<."'\ / ,,{ .''' 'f"!t1 ' ~>;//;1'~~ /' / '" -'.j- ~~"... -:-,;;;:-'-, "~L ,''.' ' ,,/ ~ ..I. / ,( '.:.1 . ;, b /'\-. I..'~ ~/IF'll ~ I "Ce-I . ~ '-J ,'.....,,_.'~-J \:3"'/ i. L ~..../ ;/ ',':_c, I ~. ;1 ~/::t ' flOl ,)S)::\ ~\\.. ~, ~ ~li~ ~,3 ~ / / , --....... " / / / I / / 1..---.., -".... ~.......,............... ". '., ., " ".... ...... " ...." ...." ...."" "....................... , ^_ i ......"'. i -'\-,- '- ................... -....- _.~ -- ". " -"'...,,,,, ", .......,....,.......... ~J:j ..........--:-. ...".... ..... ~:)~ ..8......". "" . ..( .0'.. / "..J .- Q / . 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