City Council Agenda Packet 08-09-2004 . . . AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 9, 2004 WORKSHOP MEETINGS Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf CSAH 18/1-94 INTERCHANGE - 5 P.M. TO 6 P.M. City staff will provide information on costs and other related issues at the meeting. LIBRARY EXPANSION - 6 P.M. TO 7 P.M. The architect for thc library wiJl provide agenda and other information for this portion of the workshop. ::.:tiL':.i.~", "~,~ - . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 9, 2004 - 7 p.m. WORKSHOP-CSAH 18 INTERCHANGE 5-6:00 PM WORKSHOP - LIBRARY 6-7:00 PM Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of July 26, 2004 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. Y Consent agenda. A. B. . C. D. E. . Consideration of ratify new hires and departures for Liquor store and Public Works Consideration of adoption of joint resolution for annexation of proposed Hunters Crossing Development. Consideration of preliminary plat for Hunters Crossing REMOVED FROM AGENDA Consideration of amendment to final plat and development agreement - Parks;de at Meadow Oaks 2nd Addition. F. Consideration of final plat and development Cottage Charm development. G. Consideration of authorizing geotechnicatand survey work and consideration of ordering appraisals relating to acquisition ofright-of-way necessary to support development of the road system. H. Consideration of ordering feasibility report and plans and specifications for School Boulevard and sidewalk improvements - Wal-Mart. I. REMOVED FROM AGENDA J. REMOVED FROM AGENDA K. REMOVED FROM AGENDA . (It 'lJe ~~ . . Agenda Monticello City Council August 9, 2004 Page 2 c9 Review of 2004 annual sidewalk inspection report. M. Consideration of approving temporary charitable gambling license - Monticello Women of Today. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Continued public hearing - Block 35 improvements 8. REMOVED FROM AGENDA ~ (Uc/e ~ee... P.I1. .- Rr'1V rr.btf /b YJh,Y 1M. \' u- 9. Public Hearing on consideration of request for a conditional use permit and simple subdivision to create two single family residential lots in the CCD. Applicant: Dennis James Custom Bldrs 10. Public Ilearing on consideration of preliminary plat approval for residential plat of Nathan 's Court. Applicant: Quality Builders 11. Consideration of plans and specifications for surfacing Block 35, Groveland Park and Pioneer Park parking lots. 12. Consideration of offer to purchase property - Applebee's 13. Consideration of Requests for Proposals Documents for Engineering Services for new Water Tower, Project No. 2004-30C. 14. Consideration of adopting a resolution approving Mmlticello Heartland Express 2005 Budget and Transit Assistance Application. 15. Consideration of setting a date for initiating a Visioning and Strategic Planning Process. 16. Approve payment of bills for August 17. Adjourn. MINUTES REGtJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, .July 26, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen . Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledg:e of Allegiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Consideration of approving: the minutes of the July 12.2004 reg:ular Council meeting. Brian Stumpf noted the addition to the minutes on Page 5 by the City Attorney that clarified the vote on the rezoning question required a simple majority while the vote on the amendment to the comprehensive plan required a 4/5's vote. Brian Stumpfrequested this item be discussed at the end of the meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 12,2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin~ items to the agenda. . Items added to the agenda included setting a workshop meeting for the CR 18 interchange finance plan and review of preliminary architectural plans for the library expansion; development plans for the Holiday/Shingobee/Mielke property and the selling price of land in the plat of Jefferson Commons. Brian Stumpf asked about special meetings relating to the budget. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the department heads are working on their individual budgets and that a preliminary budget should be ready later in August so a workshop could be scheduled prior to the second Council meeting in August. 4. Citizen comments/petitions. requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comments portion of the meeting. There was no one present who spoke under citizen comments. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires and terminations for the MCC and Public Works. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring and termination of employees as identified. B. Consideration of appointment of the election judges to serve for the 2004 election. Recommendation: Appoint the following to serve as election judges: Adair Alexander, fred Anderson,Gregory Ashfeld, Joan Brandon, Donna Brauch, Ron Broekemeier, .Tanet Bromberg, David Carlson, Lucille Clausen, Edith Custer, Rosemary Dahl, Mary Daniels, Kristi DeMarais, Jan Doucette, Kay Gauthier, Jeanette Holt, Lynnea Gillham, .Tan Irvine, Lori Kraemer, Wanda Kraemer, Arlene Mcintire, Judy Moody, Robert Nelson, Merri.To . 2 . . . Council Minutes A 7/26/04 Nesland, Richard Quick, Randy Smith, Rita Soltau, Patricia Sonju- Thielman, Opal Stokes, Sandy Suchy, Diane Wefel and Lorraine Wolff. c. Consideration of approving a temporary 3/2 beer license for the St. lIenry's Fall Festival on September 18-19, 2004. Recommendation: Approve 3/2 beer license for St.Henry' s Catholic Church for September 18-19, 2004. D. Approve appointment to Monticello Library Board to complete the term of Eric Anderson. Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Dawn Fitzgerald to the Library Board to complete the term of Eric Anderson which expires December 31,2004. E. Consideration of a resolution revising the parking restrictions on Elm Street from County Road 75 to 7th Street. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution lifting the parking ban on the east side of Elm Street between County Road 39 and 7th Street and placing the parking ban on the west side of the street. Resolution #2004-51. F. Consideration of approving a request for a temporary charitable gambling license for St. I Ienry's Catholic Church. Recommendation: Approve request for temporary charitable gambling license for St. Henry's Church. Resolution #2004-50. G. Consideration of a settlement agreement - Mielke Assessment appeal. Recommendation: Approve and sign the settlement agreement. H. Consideration of accepting a Wetland Exemption application as part of the Hunters Crossing Development (City of Monticello Planning Project No. 2003-008). Recommendation: Accept the wetland exemption for part of the Hunters Crossing development. I. Consideration of approving final plat of Jefferson Commons. Recommendation: Approve the final plat of Jefferson Commons. Resolution #2004-52. J. Consideration of authorizing preparation of feasibility study for 2005 Core Street Reconstruction Program. Recommendation: Approve authorizing preparation of a feasibility study for the 2005 Core Street Reconstruction Program. Brian Stumpf requested that item #5G be removed from the consent agenda for discussion and Glen Posusta asked that item #51 be removed from the consent agenda. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOV AL OF IT'EMS 5G AND 51. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent ae:enda for discussion, Item 5G Mielke Agreement: Brian Stumpf stated his concern about delaying when the City receives payment of the assessment and also that the assessment amount was reduced. He requested removal of this item from the consent agenda so he could vote in opposition to it. 2 7.. Council Minutes - 7/26/04 . Glen Posusta stated that the parties had agreed to the settlement under duress. lIe felt the settlement was agreed to because of the projects that have been held up. He noted that it was his concern when the assessment dispute carne up that the dispute should not hinder development activity on the site. Brian Stumpf felt the City was setting a precedent by reducing the assessments. Bruce Thielen added that the City didn't want to hold up development on the site either and had Dan Mielke approved arbitration nothing would have been held up. Glen Posusta responded that a letter he had received on July 12,2004 from the City Attorney seemed to indicate that the assessment dispute was indeed delaying things. Robbie Smith stated he had received a telephone call from Mr. Mielke in which Mr. Mielke stated he felt like he was being held hostage but then the next day he received a letter from Mr. Mielke urging him to support approval of the agreement. Robbie Smith felt Mr. Mielke was sending mixed signals. Rick Wolh;teller stated that the City Attorney originally stated that if the Mielke parties would agree to arbitration nothing would be held up. Since that didn't happen the City needed a deposit or an approved agreement. There were a number of other options that Mr. Mielke could have selected from he was not under duress to agree to this settlement. . Joel Jamnik, legal counsel, stated there is a signed agreement from the parties and if the Council approves the agreement at this meeting the matter is done regardless of other comments made by the property owners. The feeling of the Council was that they would like to get this matter over with. Rick Wolfsteller did point out that there was nothing in the settlement agreement that specifics when the payment is to be made. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE MONTICELLO TRAVEL CENTER PLAT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Item 51 Jefferson Commons: Glen Posusta questioned how the City came up with the sale price for the land within the JeiTerson Commons plat. He wanted to know if there was a uniform price per foot or per acre that everyone was charged. Rick Wolfsteller stated that it was not one set price but rather it depended on where the land was located within the plat noting for example that the property along 1'1 I 25 would have a higher land value than the property without TH 25 frontage. In addition he took into consideration the selling price of other properties in the area. The goal was to come up with a price that was competitive but did not undercut others who are in the market. He noted that the opinion of the value of the land depended on whether you were buying or selling as people who are buying land always feel they had to pay too much and those selling the land didn't get enough for it. . Glen Posllsta asked if an individual could corne in and buy any parcel without specifying any development plans for the property. Rick Wolfstcller stated they are not trying to sell the land based on speculation about what might go in. 3 z.. Council Minutes - 7/26/04 . Bruce Thielen suggested that the Council get together and come up with a master plan for how they see the property developing. Bruce Thielen also suggested if Glen Posusta had concerns about the price of the property, the City should hire an appraiser. Glen Posusta questioned the price of the land that was sold and state he wished there was some expertise shown in the sale of the property and not off the cuff work. Bruce Thielen responded that he felt the City Administrator was doing ffil excellent job in this area but if Glen Posusta had concerns, then the Council should prepare a master plan for the area and hire an appraiser. Although the Mayor and others on the Council expressed their confidence in the ability of the City Administrator, Glen Psusta stated that this was not fair to the taxpayers of the city. In light ofMr. Posusta's concern Mayor Thielen directed the City Administrator to set up a meeting to work on a development plan for the area and to check into the hiring of ffil appraiser. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE TIlE FINAL PLAT OF THE JEFFERSON COMMONS SUBDIVISION, SET UP A MEETING TO DEVELOP A PLAN FOR TIlE AREA AND TO HIRE AN APPRAISER. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearing on installation of traffic shmal for TH 25/School Boulevard. Citv Project No. 2004-19C and consideration of orderine improvement. . City Engineer, Bret Weiss provided background information on the signal project for the intersection ofTH 25 and School Boulevard. The public hearing is required since a portion of the signal cost is proposed to be assessed. This is the first assessment of this type for the City. Bret Weiss indicated they have met with the property owners regarding the proposed assessment. Properties identified has deriving benetit from the signal inelude the plat of Jefferson Commons, the Wal-Mart site and other undeveloped properties. The assessment is proposed to be based on trips generated. Bret Weiss stated that the City had authorized pre-ordering some of the signal parts in an effort to try and meet the proposed opening date for the Muller Theater. Bret Weiss presented two assessment options. One option was based on MnDOT contributing 50% of the signal cost and MnDOT has not indicated otherwise. Under this option MnDOT would pick up $122,000 and $190,000 would be picked up by the City or assessed. The second option was based on no contribution by MnDOT which would mean that $293,000 would be picked up by the City or assessed. Bret Weiss will be continuing to work with MnDOT to secure the 50% cost participation. Glen Posusta asked how far away from the intersection would properties be assessed. Bret Weiss stated that residential properties would not be assessed. The properties proposed to be assessed are those properties from Dundas Road to Edmonson A venue, Prairie Ponds development and the City owned property comprisi ng Jefferson Commons.. Glen Posusta asked about the light at Cedar Street and School Boulevard. Bret Weiss indicated that Wal-Mart would be picking up approximately 50% of that signal. Bret Weiss stated that the assessment for the signal would not to be determined at this meeting but at the assessment hearing. However, the proposed assessment method was being brought up so that property . owners were aware of what was being proposed. Mayor Thielen opened the publie hearing on the proposed signal for the intersection ofTH 25 4 2- . . . Council Minutes - 7/26/04 and School Boulevard. Charlie Pfeffer, representing Ocello spoke noting they were in favor of the project and allocation of the cost. He wanted the City to maximize effort to get the funding from MnDOT for the signal. He noted it is a safety issue that needs to be addressed. He stated that they had only seen a portion of the study and indicated that there needs to be some reconciliation of the acreages but he urged to City to go forward with the project. John Lundsten, owner of parcel 155-500-142400 spoke stating the parcel is currently being farmed and has been primarily used as farmland. I Ie is opposed to having any part of the assessment for the signal placed against his parcel. He feels that those who requested the signal should pay for it. He stated he could not understand how a piece of bare ground could be assigned 50% factor. Bret Weiss stated the assessment was based on trips generated. John Lundsten stated he had di111cuity understanding the process that was used to come up with the assessment. He felt since this was benefitting just a few properties, they should pay for it. Bret Weiss responded that the philosophy used for assessing signals may be new to Monticello but it is common. lIe indicated that the since the assessment was based on trip generation and it was estimated that the Lundsten property when developed would generate 1/4 of the trips generated by Wal-Mart the assessment would be approximately 1/4 that ofWal-Mart. John Lundsten stated that it would be dif11cult to back away from this method of assessment once it was established so he is assuming future signals would be handled in the same manner. Glen Posusta questioned why the school was not included since much of the traffic they generate would go through that intersection. Bret Weiss stated the school has other routes for their traf11c to travel on. Bret Weiss stated that WSB will continue to work with stall on the assessment for this project. Brian Stumpf asked if it was typical to deter assessments on individual parcels. Bret Weiss responded that it has been done and could be considered as an option. John Lundsten reiterated his opposition stating he is against this method of assessment for a very general public improvement and very specitlc private improvement. It galls him, he said to pay for any portion of the Wal-Mart bill. Bret Weiss stated the city as the opportunity to specify how future signals will be paid for. Mayor Thielen closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY STUDY, ORDER THE PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIfICATIONS FOR THE SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION AT TH 25/SCHOOL ROULEV ARD. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Upon further discussion, Roger Carlson asked if the intersection met warrants for a signal even without the Wal-Mart development. Bret Weiss indicated it did. 8. Public "carine on imnrovements for Block 35 and consideration of ordering improvement. Economic Development Director, Ollie Koropchak provided background information noting the 5 L Council Minutes - 7/26/04 . public hearing was required as part of the 429 process since a portion of the project may be assessed. She stated the EDA requested the public hearing to allow the property owners an option to be assessed for the portion of the project covering the drainage from the roof. There were seven property owners and ten parcels of land involved in the proposed improvement. She noted two ]ettcrs from afTeetcd property owners were received rejecting the use of public funds for private improvements. The EDA is holding a special meeting on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 to address whether they want to proceed with thc project. Olllie Koropehak recommended opening the pub]ie hearing, taking comments from those present and then continuing the public hearing until the next meeting. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. Da]e Aschenwitz from the Masonic Lodge at 150 West Broadway stated they are against the improvements for Block 35 as presented at the last meeting. He noted they would loose some parking spaces. lie has no objection to the store front improvements but does object to the rest ofthc project. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR BLOCK 35 TO TIlE AUGUST 9, 2004 MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. In further discussion, Glen Posusta asked if the City can fix the issues with the alley without making the private improvements. There was discussion on if the City owned the alley. Joel Jamnik stated that the alley was not part of a plat, if it was the City would have interest in it but it is not and the City has only limited rights. Ollie Koropchak also made a clarification on the public parking/private property issue . Rick Wolfsteller stated this project started with the EDA. The Council is holding the public hearing only because if any portion of the project is assessed, a public hearing must be held. Ollie Koropchak stated the decision to move forward or not is the EDA's. Glen Posusta felt that since this project may not go through, the property owners should be assessed for any improvements made to the parking lot. Ollie Koropchak stated that improvements to the parking lot is a separate project from the Block 35 improvements. John Simola statcd that the City has deferrcd making improvements to the parking lot for 2-3 years hoping the Block 35 improvements would occur. The plan was to combine the parking lot improvements for this lot along with the parking lot at Pioneer park for bidding purposes but they are separate from the Block 35 improvements. lIe is proposing at the next meeting to have the information ready so that the Council can authorize proceeding with the parking lot im provements. 9. Public Hearin2 on delinquent utility accounts for 1st quarter 2004 and certifying assessment roll for delinuuent utilitv accounts to the county. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provided the background information on the delinqucnt utility assessment. . Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing on the assessment of the delinquent utility accounts. No one was present to speak for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor 'Thielcn then closed the public hcaring. 6 2- . 10. . . Council Minutes - 7/26/04 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of acceptill1! comprehensive water report. Nancy Ziegler from WSB provided the background information. She notcd the comprchensive water report is a planning tool to be used to plan for existing demand as well as future demands. As part of the comprehensivc water report, a 20 CIP program was set up in order to budget for improvements needed to the water system. Nancy Ziegler reviewed the capacity of the existing watcr system and pointcd out that there is one booster station in the system. The average flow is 1,580,000 gallons per day and the peak flow is 4,750,000 gallons per day. In coming up with the long term recommendations the annexation area was included and was broken down into how much would come into the City within 20 years and how much after 20 years. The 20 year CIP was reviewed as far as improvements and estimated cost. Within the first five ycars of the elP a 1,000,000 elevated water tower would be constructed, reservoir expansion would be planned, well #6 would be constructed, expansion to the booster station and construction of various trunk lines would also take place. In years 6-10 of the program additional watcr storage would be added, wells #7 and #8 would be constructed and additional trunks lines would be constructed. In years 11-20 reservoir #2 would be expanded, booster station #2 and wells #9 and # 1 0 would be constructed as wcll as construction of additional trunk lincs. Bruce Thielen asked what the City's current water rates were and will those ratcs will be suHicient to generate revenue for these improvements. John Simola stated the current rate is $.50/Cll. ft.. He added that most of the improvements will be funded by trunk charges and it is proposed to look at the trunk rates being charged and evaluate whether a rate change will be needed. The Council discussed some of the specific improvements being proposed. ROBI3IE SMITH MOVED TO ACCEPT en-IE COMPREHENSIVE WATER REPORT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of authorizine design for water tower site. Public Works Director, John Simola stated that since the comprehensive report emphasized the need for additional watcr storage, the City should consider moving ahead with the planning for the water tower. lIe reviewed three options which included having WSB prepare a proposal for the design of the tower; having staff prepare requests for proposals to have the design work done including bidding, construction management and inspection; or to have City Engineer and staiT prepare a request for proposal for a design build project and solicit proposals for the construction of the tower. John Simola indicated that the design/build method was used in construction of the gravity belt thickener with good results. Bruce Thielen felt that design/build might be overkill for this project since it is a standard water tower. John Simola stated his 7 L . . . 12. Council Minutes - 7/26/04 recommendation was to have WSB prepare a proposal for the project which the Council could review at the next meeting. John Simola also reviewed the proposed location of the water tower which be in the northerly portion of the Jefferson Commons plat in the area of the sanitary sewer easement. He noted the City owns the site and the watermain is only a short distance away. For these reasons this is the site they would like to pursue further. Brian Stumpf stated he was not sure he was in favor of having WSB prepare a proposal for the design and felt the City should open this up to other firms. John Simola state the reason why he felt WSB could do this is because it was a straight forward project with no design problems. He felt WSB should at least bring in a design proposal for them to look at. Brian Stumpf responded that because they are looking at a $2,000,000 cost he would like to see this opened up to others. John Simola stated this would add 4-6 weeks to the process. They would like to start on this project as soon as possible with the hope that construction could take place in the spring. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO HAVE CITY STAFF DEVELOP A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TIrE DESIGN, BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INCLUDING INSPECTION FOR n IE 1,000,000 GALLON HYDROPILLAR AND SITE WORK. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta asked if a public hearing was necessary to site the tower. Bret Weiss responded that a public hearing was not required as public facilities are allowed in most zoning districts, however he felt that sending out information to the adjacent property owners on the proposal would be useful. Consideration of accepting plans and specifications and authorizinl! advertisement for bids for Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet. Project No. 2004-18C. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR KLEIN FARMS STORM SEWER OUfLET, CITY PROJECT NO. 2004-18C AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of aopointing a Councilmember to serve on the wellhead protection committee. 14. The Council discussed having a representative from the Council serve on the wellhead protection committee. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPOINT ROBBIE SMITH TO SERVE ON THE WELLHEAD PROTECI'ION COMMITTEE. GI,EN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Approve payment of bills for July. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED T'O APPROVE PA YMENT OF THE BILLS FOR JULY. ROGER s L Council Minutes - 7/26/04 CARLSON SECONDED nIE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . Added Items: Item 5G from the July 12,2004 meeting was brought up by Brian Stumpf. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REQUEST THE COUNCIL TO RECONSIDER ACTION 'fHA T WAS TAKEN ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR OTTER CREEK LLC ON JULY 12,204. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Bruce Thielcn noted that the rezoning request did not requirc a 4/5's vote but the comp plan amendment did. At the present time the comp plan is inconsistent with the zoning that was approved. BRIAN STUMP MOVED TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO REFLECT THE ZONING APPROVED FOR OTTER CREEK LLC FROM I-IA TO B-4. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Special Meeting - The Council discussed setting a special workshop meeting on the County Road 18 interchange for August 9, 2004 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and also set a special mceting with the library board from for August 9th from 6:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. Glen Posusta statcd the concern is whether the library board will be getting the 3,000 sq. 1'1. expansion that was budgeted for. Rick Wolfsteller noted the library board is looking at various options. The question is whether thc council wants additional input at this stage of the planning process. . Development: Glen Posusta stated heard that the Shingobee/Mielke development was not ablc to get on thc Planning Commission mceting. JcffO'Neill stated that this mattcr would bc going before the Planning Commission. 15. Adjourn BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9 P.M. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . 9 L . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 SA. Consideration of approvine new hires and departures for Liquor Store and Publie Works. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the Liquor Store and Public Works. As you recall, it is recommended that thc Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Foshaug, Ryan Oper/Mech W&S 7/12/2004 full-time Weinzirl, Jennifer Cashier/Stock Liquor 7/13/2004 part-time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason voluntary Department Liquor Last Day Class 7/10/2004 part-time Aim, Mary . . employee councillist.xls: 7/28/2004 SA . . . Council Agenda 8/9/04 58. Consideration of adoption of ioint resolution for annexation of the property eompromisine: the Hunters Crossin!! Development. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received petitions from Bison Development Company and Sylvia Development Company requesting annexation into the City of Monticello. The property owned by these entities comprise the proposed plat of Ilunter's Crossing which will be coming up later in the agenda for preliminary plat approval for a residential development. The receipt of a petition requesting annexation from 100% of the property owners of a parcel of land that is contiguous or abutting the City is a triggering event for annexation. These are the first annexation requests that are being processed since the City and Monticello Township approved an annexation agreement. The property in question does lie within the annexation area agreed to by the City and the Township. Chris Hood, the City's legal counsel on annexation issues has prepared the resolutions that need to be approved by the Council and a letter has been sent to the Township noting that the City is processing this annexation request per the terms of the recent agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the resolutions annexing that property comprising the Hunters Crossing development. These requests meet the criteria set forth in the annexation agreement between the City and the Township. Should the Council approve the annexation requests the resolutions prepared by the attorney will be forwarded to the state who may review and comment on the annexation but is required to order the annexation within 30 days of the receipt of the resolution. 2. Do not approve the annexation requests. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and staff that these annexation petitions be approved and the resolutions forwarded to the state. The property owners have been working with the City in laying out the development of the property and annexation of the property is the logical step in proceeding. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Petitions JUL-28-2004 THU 03:15 PM HOKANSON PLUMBING FAX NO, 763 784 9136 P. 02 . RISON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. 9174 lsanli Street NE Blaine, MN 55449 Ph. 763-786-6177/ [ax 763-784-9136 TO; Monticello City Council U.E: Annexation Request DA TE: July 29. 2004 . Bison Dcvulopmollt CmnpallY, owner of38.17 acres of land legally described in the attHched "Exhibit A", hereby requests the annexation of OUT property into the City of Monticello so that we may develop and subdivid~ the properly in accordance with City zoning slrmdards. The property is contiguous to the City along the entire north boundary. '.\"hcn:: is an exisling single family home on the property; however. the homo is not OCCllpicd. Tho properly will be developed as a portion onhe Hunters Crossing dovc1opme,nt. We rcqucsllh<1t the annexation be considered at the City Council meeting of August 9, 2004. Th~LJ1k you. Sinccrdy, g~~P-_tJ/P2,o~ Ro,,,; ';1' llokansoll HJ~ n Dcvc.:lopmcnt Company, Tnc. . 5B . SYLVIA DEVELOPMENT, LLP 8525 Edinbrook Crossing Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 Ph. 763-424-8525 TO: Monticello City Council RE: Annexation Request DATE: July 29, 2004 Sylvia Development, UP, owner of 56.45 acres ofland legally described in the attached "Exhibit A", bereby requests the annexation of our property into the City of Monticello so that we may develop and subdivide the property in accordance with City zoning standards. The property is contiguous to the City along the entire north bounda!y, and a portion of the eastern boundary. There are no homes or structures on the property. . The property will be developed 85 a portion of the Humers Crossing development. We request that the annexation be considered at the City Council meeting of August 9, 2004. Thank you. . . . . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 5C. Consideration of a reauest for Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat for Hunter's Crossing. Applicant: Svlvia Development/Bison Development. Inc. (NAC) A. Reference and Background. Sylvia Development and Bison Development, Inc. have requested Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat approval of a 253 unit residential development located south of Cobblestone Court and east of County Road 117. The development consists of 170 single family lots and 83 town home units upon a site measuring 94.6 acres in size. In August of 2003, the Planning Commission considered a request for a rezoning and Concept Stage PUD. In February of 2004, the applicant appeared before the Planning Commission with a Preliminary Plat, reducing the concept plan unit count from 284 to 257. As noted above, the revised count is now 253, after the applicant's work to comply with Planning Commission and staff recommendations. In consideration of the preceding development requests, the Commission concluded that the proposal was consistent with the City's planning objectives for the area and recommended approval of the rezoning and concept stage PUD (subject to various conditions). No action on the sketch plan was required. Density. The development proposal calls for a total of 253 dwelling units upon 94.6 acres of land. This results in an overall development density of 2.7 units per gross acre. In previous concept plan consideration, the City Council determined the proposed number of dwelling units (and resulting development density) was acceptable. It should be noted that the vast majority of the open space in the project is within the Xcel Energy transmission line easement - more than 18 acres. Based only on the buildable acreage in the plat, the density is approximately 3.4 units per acre, still within the City's definition of low density. Streets. The proposed development includes both public and private streets. Public streets are proposed throughout single family residential areas and as a primary roadway through the town home area. A private street system has been proposed within the interior of the townhome area to provide access to the individual townhome units. Generally speaking, the proposed street configuration is considered positive and provides desirable access locations and functional circulation pattern. Appropriately, 60 foot right- of-way widths have been proposed within the single family residential area of the site while a 52 foot wide right of way (Ivy Ridge Lane) has been proposed within the townhome area of the site. Staff had requested two changes to the previous plat design: (1) Realignment of the street now called 89th Street NE to match intersection locations, and (2) creation of an City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 . over-sized cul-de-sac for "Egan Court" in the northwest corner of the plat. Both recommendations have been complied with in this submission. Lots. Staff had noted the following issues with the plat proposal submitted to Planning Commission: 1. The lot width averaging requirement of the R-1 District had not been complied with. 2. Some of the side lot lines were not perpendicular to the street. Both issues have been resolved with the current proposed plat. Typical of most townhome developments, a base lot/unit lot platting configuration has been proposed for the town home area of the development. The unit lots correspond to the generalized footprints of the dwelling units while the base lots overlay remaining common areas. The processing of the PUD is necessary to accommodate the creation of lots without public street frontage. . Townhomes. As shown on the submitted preliminary plat, the townhome area is comprised of two-unit, three unit, and four unit buildings. The six unit "back to back" style multiple family structures have been eliminated from the proposal. With regard to architecture in the townhouse areas, the original drawings illustrate a combination of brick and vinyl lap siding on the fronts. The side and rear walls have vinyl siding only, with no ornamentation. Several of the buildings with have rear-wall exposure to the streets in or around the project. Planning staff would recommend the addition of other building materials to these walls, as well as variation in the line of the rear wall. As designed, the buildings are essentially a single long vinyl wall with a patio door and a few windows. A cantilevered window is included on the upper floor of each unit - this area could serve as an opportunity to vary the line of the entire wall, rather than just a small window area. The applicant had indicated an intent to work with the City on this item. The current submission does not address the architecture of the townhomes. To be noted is that planned unit development is intended to result in a superior design (which justifies the flexibility granted by the PUD). In this regard, high quality building design and use of finish materials may contribute to such PUD intention. As part of the City's building plan review, this should be recognized. Setbacks. All proposed single family lots demonstrate an ability to meet applicable R-1 District setback requirements. A limited amount of setback averaging is proposed, consistent with the City's R-1 standards. . For the townhome area, setbacks of 30 feet have been proposed along public streets while 22 feet setbacks have been proposed along private streets. Such setbacks result in a 96 foot "face to face" building separation along the public street ((89th Street NE) and a "face to face" separation of 80 to 90+ foot along the proposed private streets. The public City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 . street setbacks meet the City's standards, and the private street separation has been increased to meet the City's recommendations for these conditions. Staff's recommendation (now met by this proposal) is a minimum face-to-face building separation of 80 feet. This essentially requires a 25 foot driveway on each side, with a 28 foot wide private street and two, one-foot curbs. This design allows for on-street visitor parking, as well as private vehicle parking in the driveways and landscaping in the front yard areas. Other designs used in the community have had difficulty with parking areas, turning movements, and a higher degree of impervious surface. It should be noted that the plans differ in the treatment of the driveways for attached units. Driveways for adjacent units are required to be separated by a six foot wide landscaped area. Property Owner's Association. As a condition of final stage PUD approval, a property owner's association should be created for the townhome area of the plat addressing maintenance responsibilities for common areas, covenants etc. The by-laws for such association should be subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. . Park Dedication. As shown on the preliminary plat, a 5.0 acre park has been proposed in the southeast corner of the site. The dedication of such park responds to a recommendation of the Parks Commission to include a 5 acre park for neighborhood play and tot-lot space. Because the park land dedication requirement for the plat is approximately 9.4 acres, the additional dedication not taken in land will be captured as fees. As a part of the City's pathway system, a pathway is planned along the northern boundary of the plat, coordinated with the Klein Farms subdivision. The applicant has provided an outlot over only a portion of this area. The City Engineer has specific recommendations in this regard. The plat shows sidewalk along some of the streets in the project. Staff would recommend the addition of sidewalk along Ehler Lane, the only street (with the exception of the cul-de- sacs) that has not been provided with a sidewalk on the plans. One final item relating to pedestrian routes would be the potential for a pathway that meanders along the Xcel powerline easement area. This area will be used for a long, interconnected pond and would be an attractive location for a connecting pathway between Edmonson and Fallon Avenues. The plat varies in its treatment of this area with regard to the potential extension of private lot lines into the easement, based on concern over ownership and maintenance responsibilities raised by the Public Works Department. . Both the overhead power lines and maintenance issues are obviously a concern, however, this corridor of more than 300 feet in width, coupled with the ponding design, could provide a unique public space that can not be replicated in other areas. Moreover, private ownership of the space would not resolve the problem. The City will continue to . . . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 own easements or fee title over the ponds themselves, and the public will likely use this large, unoccupied space for walking, unintentionally trespassing on private property if it is not deeded to the City. Finally, private ownership may encourage the illegal placement of sheds, fences, and other structures that would clutter the site visually, and encroach on both the utility's needs and the City's stormwater management efforts. To date, the applicant has complied with staff direction on the location of lot lines, however, creation of a public-owned outlot over the power line easement would not impact the private lots in this area. It is suggested that the final plat and associated easement be designed to allow the public to pass through the area with creating a significant maintenance item for the public works department. LandscapinQ. The applicant had submitted a landscaping plan for the proposed town home project. The use of the PUD technique presumes that projects have higher levels of amenities and open space. In planning staff's view, a significantly enhanced landscaping plan should be prepared that focuses on creating both "naturalized" and "cultured" landscape areas throughout the project area. The landscaping for the town home PUD has not been updated with this set of plans. A landscaping plan has been submitted showing landscape treatment of the ponding areas and the cul-de-sac islands. The plan is non-specific, showing a suggested plant list, but does not detail the plants in each area. A series of naturalized shrub plantings is shown in the common areas, and should provide for an attractive pattern. Within the cul- de-sac islands, trees or shrubs are shown, with sod covering the bulk of the islands. The homeowners around each island are required to maintain the plantings in these islands. It may be prudent to consider a ground-cover planting that does not require regular mowing. Gradinq, Drainaqe and Utilities. Issues related to site grading, drainage and utilities should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Development Aqreement. As a condition of PUD and final plat approval, the applicant should enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it. B. Alternative Actions. Decision 1: Development Stage PUD for Hunter's Crossing: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Development Stage PUD for Hunter's Crossing, based on the comments from the staff report for the February 3, 2004 Planning Commission meeting and the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Development Stage PUD for Hunter's Crossing based on a finding that the submission of additional plans is necessary to comply with the requirements of the City. . . . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 3. Motion to table action on the Development Stage PUD for Hunter's Crossing, subject to submission of revised plans consistent with approved conditions. Decision 2: Preliminary Plat for Hunter's Crossing: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat for Hunter's Crossing, based on the comments from the staff report for the February 3, 2004 Planning Commission meeting and the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Preliminary Plat for Hunter's Crossing based on a finding that the plans will require some revisions to comply with the requirements of the City. 3. Motion to table action on the Preliminary Plat for Hunter's Crossing, subject to submission of revised plans consistent with approved conditions. c. Staff Recommendation. The plat has been amended to meet the planning requirements established by the Planning Commission's action in February, and staff's issues raised during that review. Planning staff would recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat consistent with the items in Exhibit Z, per Decision 1, Alternative 1. The Development Stage PUD is required for the townhome area only. The layout of the town home area has been revised to meet most of the general recommendations of staff. However, there remain a number of outstanding detail issues, including final landscaping plans and building design enhancements, that should be reviewed more thoroughly by both Staff and the City Council. As such, planning staff would recommend tabling action on the Development Stage PUD pending the submission of those items. D. Supportinq Data 1. Site Plan 2. Preliminary Plat 3. Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan 4. Utility Plan 5. Exhibit Z Conditions "::"'.,'''':ii:.;... . City Council Agenda - 08/09/04 EXHIBIT Z Hunter's Crossing Preliminary Plat/PUD Conditions: 1. The applicant identify pathway locations consistent with the recommendations of the City Engineer and this report. 2. Sidewalks should be added to the north side of Ehler Lane. 3. For PUD consideration in the townhome area, building materials should be changed by adding contrasting materials and articulation to the rear building walls on the town homes. 4. A property owner's association be created for the townhome area of the project addressing maintenance responsibilities for common areas, covenants etc. The by-laws for such association shall be subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. . 5. A landscape plan for the town home area should be revised to add a significant number of trees, and include both cultured and naturalized landscape areas. 6. The landscape plan for the common ponding areas and cul-de-sacs should be revised to add detail, subject to staff review. 7. The City Engineer provide comment regarding grading, drainage and utility issues. 8. The applicant enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it. 9. A phasing plan is submitted for review, and subject to staff recommendations on access and utility extensions. 10. Annexation approval of the project area into the City of Monticello. 11. Identification at final plat of a lot line outlot and/or easement configuration that would enable public use of the corridor without creating a maintenance problem for Public Works. - ._- ~.'~-~-:wr- '\ I.d lWI G 1~" I -" -- / / / ""~~ / II" eo o -~ _' /1\" L " 11 ,/,,1 ~,)) . -~- / - '=- ~ ~ d~, ~\;r~~ @ '~ '4) - ~ ----.J -- -J "~- . - ~ 'B 7 ~~~ J, '" ~, . ,. ---- H ';I I. ,,. _ "'~ _ I "'-." "" "- ~ ~"3rW ~~ .,-....... Z ~-.....IS1-~-...-.._--- - --- UI----l Wf-- /J<[ /l!l In DU D:::D o...~ ,~.'..-""iiIl;'.;;.:..fi-'..-'.h.f'~",. ----------. I.. I'" ,w,~/~---.-/~ '" '~~ -"---- >/\" ; "'-"'-!\il" ~,,~ ~. ffi .._.._.._.._.._.._.. '8 " "'>l 2 w 5 / V1 "-'.-.. 11I1 ~ S~ <0 9~ -,. . . 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I{\\I~ '".'J' . .~ "I: ,'fi , \ .'-'/' 11'r. , . ," ". t; l It., h, ~' h .,. t, !fUJ . . . SE. Council Agenda ~ 8/9/04 Consideration of amendment to tinal plan for the Parkside at Meadow Oaks 2nd Addition. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider approving an amendment to the Parks ide at Meadow Oaks 2nd Addition final plat. The need for the amendment stems from the discovery of a conflict between building pads and a gasline easement. In order to correct the problem, thc developer needs to move a few lot lines. The lots affected are located along the eastern boundary of the plat. The developer discovered this problem after the plat was approved by the City but before the plat was recorded therefore thc change is easy to implement. The lots that are created meet city standards and the developer is installing new service connections at acceptable locations in front of the lots that are created with the new alignment. City staff therefore recommends approval of the amendment to thc final plat. The development agreement pcrtaining to the initial plat will be required to apply to the amendcd plat. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I 1. Motion to approve an amcndment to the final plat of the Parkside at Mcadow Oaks 2nd Subdivision. Approval subjectto final review by the City Engineer and subject to adjustments madc to the development agreement reflecting changes to the plat. 2. Motion to deny approval of an amendment to the final plat of the Parksic;\~ at Meadow Oaks 2nd Subdivision. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator Recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of revised plat. .._..'._' __ n_.. .___..-..'_ .-..-.--..-...-----.-- -.--.-.-..-....-..,-..-.. - -.--.--'-. . ~g-5~~~ 0 ""..-; OUl ;u ....- OJ>:I: UlO;::..-; ~ 0,", ~ g~ 0-1 0 0::1 ::!. CI c o :::J _.:::r ;4:;f Z l.OU'J < U)rr1:r c:J> -< ,," < 0'" c: ::I 0 "::I 0 i ~. 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Ng o 00 l-o ~ o ~ o o c: ~ ':.< 1$ 5l ;:; "]' :> CD .... :T <I> '< .... ;: . 16"W 165.00 -'45.00 I I~ 18 NOO~2'\S"w_ ~ I I~ 18 I , \ , I , I , \ , I , .!!22'12'IS.W_ ---..J I 145.00 - -'I ' I~ fTl\ ~ 18 )>' NOO~2'16"W ---..J U1 I --- -1' I , I , Iz 145:00 - I O'~ I" )> \: 18 ^ '1M NOO~2'1S"W_ ---..J ~ 145.00 l\) .!!22~2"6"W._ ---..J 14.5.00 C.J 145:00 -- I 01 NOO~2"S"W_ ---..J 0> '4~.OO I\)"-J NOO"2'1S"W_ ~ 145.00 Q) NOO~2'IS"W_ ~ 145.00 co !!.2.Q"2'16"W_~ I \~ 18 I NOO~2'IS"W ~ l--~- I -'45.00 - I I I~ I :::l: 18 1_ !!.2.Q~2',s"w_. ~ t- 14500 - I~ : N ~t I : Ifl4,J' cl_ _~,;. 145.00 6 I I~ \8 I I~ 12 Ie: 18 , l~ , I 0' All 1 <, \~ fTl I 18 , I , \ , I , I , I , I , I , \ , I , .'OJ_'O ", ~/'^ I Ij:: 18 g:\ 81 L g:1 8\ L L- 1-- ~I 8\ L ,"- - ,,1 ~\ L NOO~ 2" S"W I\) 0> "'.SI NOO0f2'16"W ~ _~.8~__ ~lJ~-~ Ir-'ir lIt:: t--< /gi NOQD12'16"W l\) Q) I I I I I I I I 263.7.7 '" "Y/, t~~~ ~ I I / / / / I / / I / / / ~~ ~~-< ~ ~~(Il ~~ ~ ,," " ~ ~ . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 SF. Consideration of the Final Plat of the Cottae;e Charm residential subdivision (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider granting final plat approval of the "Cottage Charm" residential subdivision. As you may know, the developer of the town home development at the corner of 4th and Maple has obtained concept and development stage PUD approval late last year. Completion of the final plat process has been delayed pending resolution of minor title problems that the developer has been working to resolve. Now that the title problems have been corrected, it is appropriate to consider approving the final plat. Please note that to expedite the project, the developer was allowed to proceed with construction of a structure prior to completion of the final plat process. In order to obtain a building permit prior to final plat, the developer provided the standard securities guaranteeing proper completion and installation of sewer and water serving the site. Now that the buildings are complete, the plat needs to be approved and recorded so that homes can be sold. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to approve final plat for the Cottage Charm Residential Subdivision 2. Motion to deny final plat approval for the Cottage Charm Residential Subdivision. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of final plat. , .. ~ .~ l' ~ ~ " ........................... ~ ~, S'<>.. O/~/.... ,., '\l ~<'.>. 0.....>/.. ~~~ ,., (D.I>..., ~.q" "''''ct of. Ul"JI./ 'r ""''' ""''''' ,"~:~-=:.; r I ~,l. ".'/ ' ~~ 4..::-' ~ ~ Ii ... ~ i ~ ." j e "" 0 ~ [ ~ ~ [ 5 ~ l ~ ~ s ~ I ,~ I " t l ~ ..../1 "$'o.;.,t-1 ~oS't~"1,J.-/.. ". l t 1"-....... 10 -? .S ..::0'......0 O/~/" ". , ~.\ ',',', ~ ~~~_.- ......................+..::0',;... O/:?/" " ,:. :"''''' "r~-'- -~............. 'cP $...?..>- 0/:::0/" I;- .>~~ . ,~ c:a >..:~ , ' , ~ ,...,....\,.... , A ' (....- A."...... ot. 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J; ~_ .~~~ '" .......>.,.,.. ~; ~ ~ {> <r' \,' " io' <iF ..3'..,.-..;-. C/~I'''' ,., ,)"R,~ ~ " ,; 1 ! j ~ ,5 -? ,"" '.. l " 4- ' ....~, r' ~.... >i. ~ , " > ' ^ , ) I....)"""" '" / t ~ ~} / .... ........1 r' / /'" ~ 1 ') / r-' ,"')"""" , r ' , ) , ..../ / / / / / ~ 0, 4' <'>b/. <'(0 <- '. '><96' S.;>? .~ _, ~ I ---I ~ ," , . ," $..:";>. 0/.;:>/.. ". ,..-' ," ..' '>..:::'98 0) ~o " . o (", 3 Q, <>'!1 P ""~ U'" g~ erO ." ""'" 'l1~ h "'[:I ~"C ~i!l h sa () o ~ f41 ~ ~ ~ . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 SG. Consideration of authorizine: Geotechnical and Survey work and consideration of orderine: appraisals relatine; to aCQuisition of rie:ht of way necessary to support development of the road system. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to authorize project planning related to future development of plans and specifications relating to geotechnical work and surveying. The total cost of the work is included in the plans and specifications and requested as an interim step with full authorization to proceed to development of plans and specifications to occur at an upcoming meeting. Council is also asked to authorize preparation of appraisals necessary to acquire a number of small areas adjacent to the existing road system necessary to support widening and turn lanes. Council is asked for authorization to proceed with this aspect of the preparation of plans and specifications so that time-lines can be maintained. -rhe cost of the geotechnical work is estimated at $35,000 and the cost of surveying work is estimated at $25,000. At the workshop staff will be providing a complete summary of the preliminary finance plan along with a project schedule. It is presumed at this point that the Council will remain in support of the project and if so, it is appropriate to order this work accordingly. It should be noted that there is some risk associated with ordering the work at this point because private commitments toward sharing cost of the funding of the project though strong, have not been finalized. The City will need to have these commitments in place prior to ordering plans and specifications. More detailed information regarding the location and need for land to be purchased for right of way will also be discussed at the meeting. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize geotechnical and survey work associated with planning for the 194/CSAH 18 interchange. Motion to include authorization to obtain appraisals on land to he acquired in conjunction with development of the road system. 2. Motion to deny authorization to proceed with geotechnical and survey work associated with planning for the 194/CSAH 18 interchange. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: None. . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 5H. Consideration of orderine a feasibility rcport and plans and spccifications for School Boulevard, Cedar Street and Dceean Avenue improvcments. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you know, the Wal-mart, Culvers and Muller Theater development areas though served with streets and utilities will need additional public improvements to support their respective development areas. The improvements include development of medians for turn lanes, sidewalk, street lighting, and tree planting. These improvements will affect School Boulevard, Cedar Street and Deegan Avenue. The deposit requircd to complete the plans for the Wal-mart store portion is $35,000. The cost associated with Culvers and the Muller Theater is covered through proceeds from the land sale as the land sale price included the cost for public improvements. I. Motion to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for School Boulevard, Cedar Street and Dcegan A venue improvements. Motion contingent on completion of a petition for public improvements by affcctcd property owners and contingent on Wal-mart providing a $35,000 deposit. In the event that Wal-Mart does not provide the deposit, the scope of the project would be reduccd to include the Culvers/Theatcr area only. 2. Motion to deny authorization to prepare of plans and specifications for School Boulevard, Cedar Strect and Deegan ^ venue improvements. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: StafY recommends alternative I. The improvements listed are important to the operation of the area and need to be ready in time for business openings. Ordering the work at this time gives the City a good chance that the improvements will get done in time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda - 08/09/2004 . 5L. Review of 2004 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report. (lS.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Each year the city inspects the condition of boulevard sidewalks throughout the community and those sidewalks located on our own public property. This is usually done in the summer months so adequate time is made avai I able for the city and/or property owners to take care ofthe needed repair of the sidewalks. The city will repair or replace up to two panels per property for any sidewalk on the grid system. This sidewalk is recognized as serving an area more than just the local neighborhood. Many ofthe sidewalks on the grid were constructed using seventy-five percent city money and twenty~fivc percent assessment to the property owner. If any sections of sidewalk are in need of total replacement and they are on the grid system the city would again share in the cost of rcplacement ofthose sidewalks. One such sidewalk is the area in front ofJade Patrick on the west side of Walnut Street between River Street and Broadway. Another such area is the area in front of the Olson Insurance Agency on the west side of Walnut just north onrd Street. This area is slated for head-in parking off Walnut Street and all of the sidewalk will get replaced this year. . There are eleven other areas in which panels need replacement or repair. One of the eleven, item number seventeen, is a warranty item on the sidewalk replacement that was done last year. All of these eleven spots will be taken care of by the city this year through our own forces or contract forces. City staff will be setting up a meeting with Pat Sawatzke, the owner of Jade Patrick Salon on the west side of Walnut Street between Broadway and River Street to determine a timetable for the replacement of his sidewalk. l-le has been reluctant to pay money towards repairing the sidewalk as he is proposing to redevelop the area. We have been trying to patch up this sidewalk but the patches barely make it through a season and the sidewalk needs to be replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The tirst alternative is to accept and approve the 2004 Annual Sidewalk Inspection report. City staff will be meeting with Pat Sawatzke to determine the schedule for replacement of sidewalk in front of Jade Patrick Salon. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the 2004 Annual Sidewalk Inspection report or to make adjustments to it. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ,- It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the city council accept and approve the Annual Sidewalk Report for 2004 at outlined in alternative number one and we will report back to the council the outcome of the discussions with Mr. Pat Sawatzke also as outlined in alternative number one. --'..'.-" ,._.,.".~,~~".,_.- .-, . MONTICELLO . . 2004 ANNUAL SIDEWALK . INSPECTION REPORT . Completed: August 3, 2004 By: Paul Diamond 2004 ANNUAL SIDEWALK INSPECTION REPORT . TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE Sidewalk Inspection Criteria .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sununary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Repair and! or Maintenance Items ..................................... 6 2004 Sidewalk Reports ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . C'IllIml\WORDPROCIPAUL D,\SIDEWAlK-INllPECI1ON-2(104,WPD: 080301:l004 . PAGE 2 OF 14- . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO SIDEWALK INSPECTION CRITERIA I. DEFINITION A pedestrian walkway (either bituminous or concrete) is a smooth, continuous, horizontal plane generally 4' to 5' wide, parallel to curb or street driving surface in both boulevard width and vertical height with a cross-slope of2% to 4% to promote water drainage. It should be free of hazards to pedestrians, bicyclists, and snow removal equipment such as, but not limited to, cracks, settlements, protrusions, both horizontal and vertical, such as heaved panels (whole or partial), tree limbs, and overhangs. There should be pedestrian ramps where sidewalk meets curb on all new and major restoration construction. n. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND CRITERIA FOR REPAlR OR REPLACEMENT A. Recommendations for Maintenance 1. Drainage Property owners will be encouraged to maintain drainage from the sidewalk areas and will be notified when poor drainage is observed during the annual inspections. 2. Small Cracks and Holes Such defects larger than 1/4" but less than 3/4" will be recommended to be sealed or patched using approved materials. This will increase the longevity of the sidewalk. 3. Overhangs and Hazards Property owners will be asked to correct any temporary hazards such as signs, mail boxes, tree branches, or rocks or debris on the sidewalk or in the path of a pedestrian which could cause a trip, fall, or head injury. B. Cause for Repair or Replacement 1. Any vertical sharp rise in a sidewalk panel over 1/4" in height which could cause a person to trip or could catch maintenance equipment shall be cause for replacement of the panel. C:\BlITH\WORDPROC\PAUL D. \SIOEw ALK-INSPECTION-2004.WPD: 0803012004 -PAGE 3 OF 14- 2. Any section of a sidewalk which has settled so as to collect water shall be replaced or repaired by jacking (when feasible). 3. Any holes exceeding 3/4" in diameter and any cracks exceeding 3/4" in width and more than 1/4" deep shall be repaired using approved materials. 4. Any sidewalk panel having a series of wide cracks and holes so as to make repairs not practical shall be replaced. 5. Any sidewalk panels with sharp crowns or heaving which could cause a trip or fall when the sidewalk is wet or slippery shall be replaced. 6. Any sidewalk panel that is peeling or spauling so that loose material is consistently found on the surface shall be replaced. C. Replacement of Sidewalk 1. Any sidewalk replaced shall conform to standard specifications for sidewalk construction as recommended by the City Engineer. C,\BEJlj\WORDPROCIPAUL D,'SIDBW AlK.INSPIlCTION.2004,Wl'D' 08030/2004 -PAGE40F 14- . . . . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO SIDEWALK REPORT 2004 SUMMARY The 2004 Walk-through inspection of the on-grid and off-grid sidewalks was completed on July 29 - August 3, 2004 by Paul Diamond. In summary, there are ten panels to remove and replace. There is one pedestrian ramp that needs to be removed and replaced, and forty-nine locations to be monitored for future movement or continued disintegration. There is some warranty work to be added to punch lists for both the CSAH 75 and Core City projects. The hazardous sidewalk near Jade Patrick continues to be a problem. Council action is needed to rectifY this situation. A meeting with the property owner may be beneficial. C,IllElH\WDllDPRDClPAUL D.\SIDEWAlJ{-INSPEC'J1ON-2004.WPD: 0803012004 - PAGE 5 OF 14- INDEX 2004 REPAIR/MAINTENANCE REPORTS R X M ACTION CODE KEY '" REPAIRS NEEDED '" REPLACEMENT NEEDED '" MONITOR ITEM ITEM PAGE REPAIRS ANDIOR ACTION NO. SIDEWALK SECTION NO. MAINTENANCE ITEMS COD 4. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 Monitor panels In front of 424 E. Broadway M WRIGHT - NEW 6. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 Remove and replace two panesls east of Red's X PALM - CEDAR (panels 5&6 east of Red's driveway). M Monitor lip fourteen panesl east of Red's Monitor lip sixth panel west of Palm. 11. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 806 W. Broadway - monitor lip by driveway. M ELM - CHESTNUT 12. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 906 W. Broadway - monitor crack by driveway. M CHESTNUT - PINEWOOD BK PATH 13. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 726 W. Broadway - monitor lip east of house at M ELM - VINE new walk. 718 W. Broadway - monitor spauling by driveway. 14. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 636 W. Broadway - monitor two settled panels. M VINE - MINNESOTA 15. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 Monitor cracked panel west of 530 W. Broadway M MINNESOTA - MAPLE 16. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 324 W. Broadway - monitor lip at east edge of M MAPLE - LINN driveway 17. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 Lip at east edge of the driveway at 324 W Broadway M LINN - LOCUST needs to be monitored. R Monitor 1/4"lip in front of 324 W. Broadway Pedestrian ramp at Linn and Broadway at the X southeast comer of the intersection is in poor repair - replace under warranty? 18. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 9 Have cracked panel In front of 212 W. Broadway X LOCUST - WALNUT replaced under warranty. 21. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 10 Monitor crack at 243 W. Broadway. M WALNUT - LOCUST Monitor crack in front of 225 W. Broadway 22. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 10 Monitor cracks east of entrance to Metcalf & M LOCUST - LINN Larson. 23. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 10 Monitor spauled walk by Trinity Lutheran M LINN - MAPLE Remove and replace one panel west of driveway ta X Trinity Lutheran. 24. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 10 Repair needed two panels east of Minnesota St., R MAPLE. MINNESOTA broken comer. M 549 W. Broadway - monitor lip where new sidewalk meets old. Large holes need patching in front of 549 W. Broadway. Monitor cracked panels in front of 549 W. Broadway. 531 W. Broadway - monitor lip at new sidewalk, and monitor spauled panels. 519 W. Broadway - monitor holes at new walk and the 114" lip. 27. MINNESOTA STREET (EAST SIDE) 10 Comer of Minnesota and 6'" . southeast comer R 6TH _7TH (VACATED ROW) damaged by Charter - have them fix. M Lip by hydrant to be monitored. C:\BIml\WORDPROC\PAUL D.lSIDllWiIlK.INSl'BCllON.2004.Wl'Do 0803(lJ2004 -PAGE 6 OF 14- . . . . . . ITEM PAGE REPAIRSAND/OR ACTION NO. SIDEWALK SECTION NO. MAINTENANCE ITEMS COD 30. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 10 Monitor lip south of first driveway south of 3m M 3RD _ 41ll Street. 33. LOCUST STREET (EAST SIDE) 10 Monitor crack fifteen panels north of BroadWay. M BROADWAY WEST -MID BLOCK 34. LOCUST STREET (WEST SIDE) 10 Monitor crack fifteen panels north of Broadway. M MID BLOCK NORTH OF BROADWAY - BROADWAY WEST 38. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 10 Monitor lip half way to Snyder from 3m Street. M 3RD _ 41ll Remove and replace panel by tree, intersection of X Walnut and 4111 St. Remove and replace g" panel south of ped ramp at3rd SI.. 39. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 10 Monitor crack at the southwest comer of the M BROADWAYW. - COMMUTER LOT vacated building north of carpet shop. Monitor hole in l' strip of concrete at Monticello Carpet. 40. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 10 Jade Patrick in need of major sidewalk reparL R RIVER - BROADWAY 41. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 11 Monitor cracks near Dino's Deli south west corner M BROADWAY WEST _ 3RD (caulk?). y," lip seven panels north of Dino's driveway to be monitored. 11," lip ten panels north of 3m to be monitored. 42. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 11 1/4" lip at intersection of Walnut and 3m to be M 3RD _ BROADWAY WEST monitored. 1/4" lip at Dan Olson walk. monitor 45. PINE STREET (TH. 25) WEST SIDE 11 Monitor the cracks in front of the alley between M BROADWAY _ 3RD Flicker's and Primerica. 48. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 11 Remove and replace south ped ramp at entrance to X 51ll _ 61ll Town Centre off Hwy 25. 49. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 11 Monitor crack in walk at comer of 7'" and Pine. M 61ll_7'" 53. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 11 Monitor pedestrian ramp at the northeast quadrant M 1-94 BRIDGE _ 7'" of 25 and 7th 54. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 11 Pedestrian ramp at the northeast quadrant of 25 M 71ll_ 6'" and 7'h needs to be monitored. 56. PINE STREET (I.H. 25) EAST SIDE 11 Monitor 1" lip on the south side of the 1 ST Mortgage M RR TRACKS _ 4'" driveway. 62. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 11 1/4" lip at the south side of the driveway for the M 4'" - RR TRACKS apartments to be monitored. Monitor Two panels settled 11," to 314" north of apartment's driveway third and fourth panel. 13'h and 1~ panel north of apartment's driveway, monitor cracked panel. 21 st panel north of apartment's driveway, monitor 1/4" lip. 63. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 11 Monitor 24 panels south of North approach in front M RR TRACKS - 61ll of Photo OnelSunllfe Express. Monitor 11," lip nine panels south of said approach. 64. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 6'" _ 711-1 12 Remove and replace panel twenty panels north of X 7'h St. . 69. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 12 Panel in front of 810 is cracked and needs repair. R PINEWOOD - ELM C,IBlmI\WORDPlWClPAUL D.\SIDEWAl.K.INSPECIlON-2004.WPD: 0803012004 - PAGE 7 OF J 4 - ITEM PAGE REPAlRSAND/OR ACTION NO. SIDEWALK SECTION NO. MAINTENANCE ITEMS COD 70. PINEWOOD SCHOOL PROPERTY 12 Monitor cracks. M 3RD _ BROADWAY 72. 4TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 12 118 4'" St E - monitor crack M Pine (T.H. 25) - CEDAR Monitor lip at west side of driveway for bank. Monitor 5/8" lip at SE comer of 25 and 4'" S1. 75. 7TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 12 Monitor 18 panels spauling at the southeast comer M CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) of the cemetery. 102. 7TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 13 Remove and replace settled panel behind X CEDAR - PINE (T. H. 25) Community Center at employee entrance to City Hall. Remove and replace settled panel next to sanitary man hole in front of City Hall. Remove and replace spauledlbroken panel between crosswalk and Community center entrance one panel west of ped ramp. 104. 6TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 13 Monitor panels at Library doors. M WALNUT - WEST TO LIBRARY PROPERTY LINE 105. 6TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 13 remove and replace broken panel at the NW comer X WALNUT - FIRE STATION of 6'" S1. and Walnut. 4'" panel west of ped rampl 111. 6TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 14 At intersection of Walnut and 6'h - Xcel damaged R WALNUT - PINE walk east of hydrant C,\llEIH\WOlUlI'ROC\l'''UL D.'IlIDEWI>lK.INSPECTlON.~004.WPD, 0803012004 - PAGE 8 OF 14- . . . 2004 REPORTS INSPECTION SIDEWALK LOCATION DATE SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION 1. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 07129-08/03 . OK WASHINGTON . HENNEPIN 2. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 07129-08/03 . OK HENNEPIN. RAMSEY 3. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 07129-08/03 . OK RAMSEY. WRIGHT 4. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08103 . Monitor panels in front of 424 E. Broadway.. WRIGHT. NEW 5. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 071Zg...o8/03 . OK NEW. PALM 6_ BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 07/2g...oa/03 . Remove and replace two panels east of Red's (panels 5&6 eeast of Red's PALM. CEDAR driveway). . Monitor lip fourteen panels east of Red's. . Monitor lip six panels west of Palm. 7. BROADWAY EAST (SOUTH SIDE) 07/2g...o8l03 . OK CEDAR. PINE (T.H. 25) 8. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 07/2g...oS/03 - OK PINE (T.H. 25) . CEDAR 9. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08103 . OK CEDAR. PALM 10. BROADWAY EAST (NORTH SIDE) 07/2g...o8/03 OK PALM. NEW 11. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 07/2g...()S/03 .806 W. Broadway. monitor lip by driveway. ELM. CHESTNUT 12. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 07/2g...oS/03 -906 W. Broadway. monitor crack by driveway. CHESTNUT. PINEWOOD BK PATH 13. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 07/2g...o8/03 -726 W. Broadway. monitor lip east of house at new walk. ELM. VINE . 71S W. Broadway - monitor spauling by driveway. 14. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 07129-08/03 -636 W. Broadway. monitor two settled panels. VINE - MINNESOTA 15. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 07129-08/03 . Monitor cracked panel west of 530 W. Broadway_ MINNESOTA. MAPLE 16. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 07/2g...o8/03 -324 W. Broadway. monitor lip at east edge of driveway MAPLE. LINN 17. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 07 f2g...()8/03 . Lip at east edge of the driveway at 324 W Broadway needs to be monitored_ LINN. LOCUST . Monitor 1/4" lip in front of 324 W. Broadway . Pedestrian ramp at Linn and Broadway at the southeast comer of the intersection is in poor repair. replace under warranty? 18_ BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Have cracked panel in front of 212 W. Broadway replaced under warranty_ LOCUST. WALNUT 19. BROADWAY WEST (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 . OK WALNUT. PINE (T.H. 25) o. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 . OK PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT C:\BEIH\WORDPROC\PA\lI.- D. \SIDIlWAU(..INSPECnON.~OO4.WPD: 0803012004 .PAGE90F 14- INSPECTION SIDEWALK LOCATION DATE SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION 21. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 07/2g...Q8/03 - Monitor crack in front of 225 W. Broadway. WALNUT - LOCUST - Monitor crack at 243 W. Broadway.. 22. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Monitor crracks east of entrance to Metcalf & Larson. LOCUST - LINN 23. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 07/2g...Q8/03 - Monitor spauled walk by Trinity Lutheran. LINN - MAPLE . Remove and replace one panel west of driveway at Trinity Lutheran. 24. BROADWAY WEST (NORTH SIDE) 07129-08/03 - Repair needed two panels east of Minnesota St., broken comer.? MAPLE - MINNESOTA - 549 W. Broadway - monitor lip where new sidewalk meets old. - Large holes need patching in front of 549 W. Broadway. - Monitor cracked panels in front of 549 W. Broadway. - 531 W. Broadway - monitor lip at new sidewalk, and monitor spauled panels. - 519 W. Broadway - monitor holes at new walk and the 1/4" lip. 25. ELM STREET (WEST SIDEJ 07/29-08/03 -OK GOLF COURSE ROAD - 3R STREET 26. ELM STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08103 -OK 3RD _ BROADWAY WEST 27. MINNESOTA STREET (EAST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Comer of Minnesota and 6th - southeast comer damaged by Charter - have 6lli _ 7lli (VACATED ROW) them fix. . Lip by hydrant to be monitored. 28. MINNESOTA STREET (EAST SIDE) 07129-08103 -OK 7lli (PLATTED) _7lli (AS PAVED) 29. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - OK BROADWAY WEST _ 3RD 30. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Monitor lip south of first driveway south of 3rd Street. 3RD _ 4lli 31. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/2g...Q8/03 - O.K. 4lli _ RR TRACKS 32. MAPLE STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/2g...Q8/03 -OK RR TRACKS - 6lli 33. LOCUST STREET (EAST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Monitor crack fifteen panels north of Broadway. BROADWAY WEST - MID BLOCK 34. LOCUST STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08103 - Monitor crack fifteen panels north of Broadway. MID BLOCK NORTH OF BROADWAY - BROADWAY WEST 35. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 07/2g...QS/03 -OK 7lli _ 6lli 36. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 07/2g...Q8/03 - O.K. 5lli _ RR TRACKS 37. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 07 f2g...()8/03 -OK RR TRACKS - 4lli (PAST LIBRARY) 38. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 0712g...Q8/03 - Monitor lip half way to Snyder from 3rd Street. 3RD _ 4lli - Remove and replace panel by tree, intersection of Walnut and 4"' St. - Remove and replace gtt> panel south of pad ramp at 3rd St. 39. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Monitor crack at the southwest comer of the vacated building north of carpet BROADWAY W. - COMMUTER LOT shop. - Monitor hole in l' strip of concrete at Monticello Carpet. 40. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Jade Patrick in need of major sidewalk repair. RIVER - BROADWAY Co\llEllJ\WORDl'ROC"IPAUL D,WDEWAIX.INSPIlCl1ON.201l4,WPD: 01103012004 -PAGE 10 OF 14- INSPECTION SIDEWALK LOCATION DATE SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION 41. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Monitor cracks near Dino's Deli south west comer (caulk?). BROADWAY WEST _ 3Rn - 11," lip seven panels north of Dino's driveway to be monitored. - y," lip ten panels north of 3'd to be monitored. 42. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 07129-08/03 - 1/4" lip at intersection of Walnut and 3'" to be monitored. 3Rn - BROADWAY WEST - 1/4" lip at Dan Olson walk - monitor 43. PINE STREET (T.H.25) WEST SIDE 10/23 - 10/28 - OK RIVER BRIDGE - RIVER STREET 44. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - O.K. RIVER - BROADWAY 45. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 07129-08/03 - Monitor the cracks in fmnt of the alley between Flicker's and Primerica. BROADWAY _ 3Rn 46. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - O.K. 3Rn _ 4ni 47. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - OK 4 _ 5ni 48. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - Remove and replace south ped ramp at entrance to Town Centre off Hwy 25. 5n< _ ani 49. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - Monitor crack in walk at comer of 7'" and Pine. 6n< _ 7ni 50. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 07129-08/03 - OK 7n< - 1-94 BRIDGE 5" PINE STREET (T.H. 25) WEST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - OK 1-94 BRIDGE - OAKWOOD DRIVE 52. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 07/29-08103 - OK OAKWOOD DRIVE - 1-94 BRIDGE 53. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 07129-08103 - Monitor pedestrian ramp at the northeast quadrant of 25 and 7th 1-94 BRIDGE - 7ni 54. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - Pedestrian ramp at the northeast quadrant of 25 and 1" needs to be 7n< _ 6ni monitored. 55. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - OK 6n< - RR TRACKS 56. PINE STREET (TH 25) EAST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - Monitor 1" lip on the south side of the 1ST Mortgage driveway. RR TRACKS ~ 4lH 57. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - OK 4n< _ 3Rn 58. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - OK 3RO_ BROADWAY 59. PINE STREET (T.H. 25) EAST SIDE 07/29-08/03 - OK BROADWAY - RIVER 60. CEDAR STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - OK BROADWAY E.. 3Rn 61. CEDAR STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - OK 3RO _ 4ni . C:IIlEIH\WORDPROCIPAUL D.lSlDBWAIK.INSPECIlON.)0Q4.WPD: 0803012004 . PAGE 11 OF 14- INSPECTION SIDEWALK LOCATION DATE SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION 62. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 07 f29..08/03 - 1/4" lip at the south side ofthe driveway for the apartments to be monitored. 4TH - RR TRACKS _ Monitor Two panels settled %" to 3/4" north of apartment's driveway third and fourth panel. - 1311l and 16'" panel north of apartment's driveway, monitor cracked panel. - 2101 panel north of apartment's driveway, monitor 1/4" lip. 63. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Monitor 24 panels south of North approach in front of Photo One/Sunlife RR TRACKS - 6TH Express. - Monitor W' lip nine panels south of said approach. - Three panels north of said approach remove/replace one panel. 64. CEDAR STREET (EAST SIDE) 07 J2g..{)8/03 - Remove and replace panel twenty panels north of -rr- St. 6TH . 7TH 65. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 -OK PINE (T.H. 25) - CEDAR 66. 3RD STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - O.K. CEDAR - PINE (T. H. 25) 67. 3RO STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - OK. PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT 68. 3RD STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08103 -OK WALNUT - PINE (T.H. 25) 69. 3RD STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Panel in front of 810 is cracked and needs repair. PINEWOOD - ELM 70. PINEWOOD SCHOOL PROPERTY 07129-08103 - Monitor cracks. 3RD _ BROADWAY 71. 4TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - O.K. WALNUT - PINE (T.H. 25) 72. 4TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Monitor crack 118 4th St. E. Pine (T.H. 25) - CEDAR - Monitor lip at west side of driveway for bank. - Monitor lip at SE comer of Hwy 25 and 411l St 73. 4TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - O.K. CEDAR - PINE (T.H. 25) 74. 6TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07129-08/03 - O.K. MAPLE - MINNESOTA 75. 7TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Monitor 18 panels spauling at the southeast comer of the cemetery. CEDAR. PINE (T.H. 25) 76. 7TH STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - O.K. PINE (T.H. 25) - WALNUT 77. 7TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 -OK E. KMART DRIVE - WALNUT 78. 7TH STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - O.K. CENTER KMART DRIVE - LOCUST 79. RIVER STREET E. (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - O.K. RAMSEY. WRIGHT 80. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - O.K. C.R. 39 EAST - PLAT LINE 81. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 -OK PLAT LINE - MILL RUN RD . C,IBElHIWORDPROC\PAm. D.I8lDEwAlliANSPECTlON-2004.WPD: 0803012004 . PAGE 12 OF 14- INSPECTION SIDEWALK LOCATION DATE SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION .82. HART BOULEVARD (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - OK MILL RUN RD - C.R 75 83. COUNTRY AVENUE (WEST SIDE) 07 f29..08/03 - OK SCHOOL BLVD - FIELDCREST CIR 84. COUNTRY AVENUE (WEST SIDE) 07 f29..08!03 - OK FIELDCREST CIR - FIELDCREST CT 85. COUNTRY AVENUE (WEST SIDE) 07 f29..08/03 - OK FIELDCREST CIR - PLAT LINE 86. FARMSTEAD AVENUE (EAST SIDE) 07 f29..{)8/03 - OK SCHOOL BLVD - PEBBLE BROOK DR 87. FARMSTEAD AVENUE (EAST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - OK PEBBLEBROOK DR - PLAT LINE 86. FARMSTEAD AVENUE (EAST SIDE) 10/23 - 10/28 - OK PLAT LINE - FALLON AVE 89. WILDWOOD BLVD (EAST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 . OK JASON (CR. 18) , TROY MARQ. DR. 90. TROY MARQUETTE DR (WEST SIDE) 07129-08103 - OK WILDWOOD WAY - BAKKEN ST 91. BAKKEN STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07 f29..{)8/03 - OK TROY MARQUETTE DR - DEER ST 92. BAKKEN STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07/29--08/03 - OK DEER ST - BEAR ST 93. INNSBROOK DRIVE (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08103 - OK CHELSEA RD - PARK PLACE DR 94. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 07129-08103 - OK CHELSEA RD - BRENTWOOD CIR 95. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 07129-08/03 - OK BRENTWOOD CIR - SOMERSET LN 96. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - OK SOMERSET LN - INNSBROOK DR 91, PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - OK INNSBROOK DR - SAVANNAH AVE 98. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 07129-08/03 - OK SAVANNAH AVE - WINDEMERE CT 99. PARK PLACE DRIVE (WEST SIDE) 07129-08/03 - OK WINDEMERE CT - PLAT LINE 100. CHELSEA ROAD (SOUTH SIDE) 07 f29..08/03 - OK T.H. 25. SANDBERG RD 101. WALNUT STREET (EAST SIDE) 07129-08/03 - OK RIVER - FRONT 102. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Remove and replace settled panel behind Community Center at employee 5ni _6ni .. entrance to City Hall. - Remove and replace settled panel next to sanitary man hole in front of City Hall. - Remove and replace spauled/broken panel between crosswalk and Community Center entrance one panel west of ped ramp. . ColBlml\WOROPROCIPAUL D.WDEWAUI:.lNSPECI1ON.2004.WPDo 0803012004 - PAGE 13 OF 14- INSPECTION SIDEWALK LOCATION DATE SIDEWALK CONDITION DESCRIPTION 103. WALNUT STREET (WEST SIDE) 07 f29..08/03 -OK 61ll - SOUTH TO MARQUETTE BANK PROPERTY LINE 104. 61ll STREET (SOUTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 - Monitor panels at library doors. WALNUT - WEST TO MARQUETTE BANK PROPERTY LINE 105. 61ll STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08/03 _ Remove and replace broken panel at the NW comer of 6'" St and Walnut. 4th WALNUT - FIRE STATION panel west of ped ramp. 106. LOCUST STREET (EAST SIDE) 07129-08/03 -OK 61ll _ NORTH SIDE OF COMMUNITY CENTER 107. WASHINGTON STREET (EAST SIDE) 07129-08/03 -OK 71H _ 51H 108. WASHINGTON STREET (EAST SIDE) 07/29-08/03 -OK 51H _ 4lJi 109. WASHINGTON STREET (EAST SIDE) 07 f29-08/03 -OK 41H _ 3RD 110. WASHINGTON STREET (EAST SIDE) 07129-08/03 -OK 3RD. BROADWAY 111. 61ll STREET (NORTH SIDE) 07/29-08103 - At intersection of Walnut and 6th - Xcel damaged walk east of hydrant WALNUT - PINE . . C:\BETH\WORDPROC\P,AUL D,\w)EWAlK.IN8PECTION~2004.WPD: 0803onOO4 - PAGE 14 OF 14- n D JJ . ., MINNES01A - : . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... ~ . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 SM. Consideration of approving request for temporary charitable gamblin2 license Monticello Women of Todav. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Women of Today havc applied [or a permit for a temporary charitable gambling license for a raffle at their state convention on November 21, 2004. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to the Monticello Women of Today for a rame at their state convention on November 21,2004. 2. Adopt a resolution denying the gambling license application request. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Resolution approving gambling license. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION 2004-56 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISStJANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello Women of Today have submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling activities at their state convention on November 21, 2004, and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BA' IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCn that the application of the Monticello Women of Today for a temporary charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 8th day of August, 2004. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 'S'fV\ mneso a a u am mg For Board Use Only LG220 Application for Exempt Permit Fee $50 Fee Paid Organization Information Check No. Organization name Previous lawful gambling exemption number Monticello Women of Today (unk) Street City State/Zip Code County PO Box 1202 Monticello MN 55362 Wright Name of chief executive officer (CEO) Daytime phone number of CEO First name Last name Arlis Thielke 763-295-0058 Name of treasurer Contact: Daytime phone number of First name Last name ~ contact: Carev Dehmer Cathy Shuman 763-295-5690 or 271-3204 Type of Nonprofit Organization Check the box that best describes your organization: o Fraternal 0 Religious o Veteran ~ Other nonprofit organization Check the box that indicates the type of proof your organization attached to this application: 0 IRS letter indicating income tax exempt status fgJ Certificate of Good Standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office (tn'\ fi (e. ) 0 A charter showing you are an affiliate of a parent nonprofit organization 0 Proof previously submitted and on file with the Gambling Control Board Gambling Premises Information Name of premises where gambling activity will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place) Holiday Inn (in conjunction with state convention Nov 19-21, 2004) Address (do not use PO box) City State/Zip Code County 37th Av & W Division St Cloud MN 56303 Stearns Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) November 21, 2004 drawing Check the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambling activity your organization will be conducting: D *Bingo g] Raffles (cash prizes may not exceed $12,000) D *Paddlewheels D *Pull-Tabs D *Tipboards 'Gambling equipment for pull-tabs, tipboards, paddlewheels, and bingo (bingo paper, hard cards, and bingo ball selection device) must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Gambling Control Board. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.gcb.state.mn.us and click on List of Licensed Distributors. Or call 651-6394000. M' t L wfllG bf . . . This form will be made available in altemative format (Le. large print, Braille) upon request. The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a permit. If 'you supply the information requested, the Board will be able to process your application. Page 1 of 2 (web) 12/03 Your name and and your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All the other information that you provide will be private data about you until the Board issues your permit. When the Board issues your permit, all of the information that you have provided to the Board in the process of applying for your permit will become public. If the Board does not issue you a permit. all the information you have provided in the process of applying for a permit remains private, with the exception of your name and your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about you are available only to the following: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was given; and anyone with your consent. Sir . LG220 Application for Exempt Permit Organization Name Monticello Women of Today Local Unit of Government Acknowledgment Page 2 of 2 12/03 . If the gambling premises Is within city limits, the If the gambling premises is located in a township, both city must sign this application. the county and township must sign this application. On behalf of the city, I acknowledge this application. On behalf of the county, I acknowledge this application. Check the action that Check the action that the city is taking on this application. the county is taking on this application. o The city approves the application with no o The county approves the application with no waiting period. waiting period. o The city approves the application with a 30 day o The county approves the application with a 30 day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a first class permit after 30 days. city). o The city denies the application. o The county denies the application. Print name of city Monticello Print name of county (Signature of city personnel receiving application) (Signature of county personnel receiving application) City Administrator Title Title Date--------.J~/~ Date__~_L_2.c_J~ TOWNSHIP: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. [A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minnesota Statute 349.213, subd. 2).] Print name of township (Signature of townShip official acknowledging application) Title Date / / Chief Executive Officer's Signature The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Chief executive officer's signature ~ r1~h~ Name (please print) Arlis Thielke Date 8/5) 04 / Mail Application and Attachments At least 45 days prior to your scheduled activity date send: . the completed application, If your application has not . a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and been acknowledged by the . a $50 application fee (make check payable to "State of Minnesota"). local unit of government or Application fees are not prorated, refundable, or transferable. has been denied, do not Send to: Gambling Control Board send the application to the 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South Gambling Control Board. Roseville, MN 55113 . SV\r) . . . Council Agenda - 08/09/04 7. Continuation of Public Hearine: - for proposed imorovements to Block 35 pursuant of Minnesota Statues 429.011 to 429.11. (O.K.) A. Reference and background. At the July 26, 2004, City Council meeting, thc council members approved a motion to continue the said public hearing until August 9, 2004. This would allow the EDA commissioncrs at a special meeting of July 27 to determine the future of the proposed Block 35 improvement project. At the June 22, 2004, EDA meeting, the commissioners, property owners, staff: and consultants all agreed to move forward with bids and specs and advertising of bids and calling for a public hearing for a 429 improvement project. Everyone agreed that prior to a final decision whether to move forward with the Block 35 improvement, the low bid was necessary. On July 22, 2004, a written notice declining the EDA funding, declining to take part in the Block 35 improvements including a Special Service District, and declining to grant access to their properties was received from two of the scven property owners which affectcd four of the ten parcels. Givcn the proposed Block 35 improvement plan included a plaza with curb and thc parking/alley area lowered and sloped for drainage to two new catch basins and without 100% participation, the improvements would be non-contiguous rcsulting in an inconsistent and unacceptable sloping elevations. Therefore, on July 27,2004, the EDA commissioners approved a motion to cancel preparation of the bids and specs and advertising for bids, and to request Council cancel the 429 public hearing on August 9, 2004. The EDA acknowledged thc work and efforts of Al Loch, propcrty owner. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to cancel the preparation of bids and specs and advertising for bids, and to cancel the public hearing for proposed improvements to Block 35 pursuant of Minncsota Statutes 429.011 to 429.11. Reasons: Without 100% participation of the property owners, the proposed Block 35 improvemcnts would be non-contiguous causing an inconsistent and unacceptable sloping elevation. Also, is consistent with the EDA motion and recommendation. 1 . Council Agenda - 08/09/04 2. A motion to continuc the public hearing until August 23,2004, for the proposcd improvements to Block 35 pursuant of Minnesota Statutes 429.001 to 429.11, and to authorize WSB, Inc. to continue preparation of the bids and specs and advertise for bids. 3. A motion of other. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No.1 supporting the reasons for cancellation as statcd above. D. Supporting Data: Copy of Notice of Declination from two property owners. . . 2 \\\\ Q. \. \'\ \'1'\ ,'~ Ii\ -..t 'f1 July 21, 2004 . Monticello, City of 505 Walnut St. Monitcello, MN 55362 Attn: Economic Development Re: Block 35 Improvements I1We the undersigned property owners do hereby decline your request for the use of public funding on our private properties. I1We also decline to take part in the Block 35 Improvement project, which may include a "Special Service District". Although we may continue to improve our private property with our own funds, this should in no way be construed as part of the EDA's project. You may however, continue the project with the . rest of the owners but we are unable to grant you access to our properties(in any way) for the Block 35 Improvement project. Property Address Owners / f Z -r J JIl UJ" B1G0l"rbu-J4Y J 3? w. BiZ-Cv-lbAY CUALA.J T I t-C> T ) '-/ if ?U , .B 12.0 r+ '[::)(J-J I-l ( Thank you for your time in this matter . -, . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 9. Public Hearine; -Consideration of a request for a Subdivision and Conditional Use Permit to create Two Ground Floor Residential Units in the CCD Distrct. Applicant: Dennis James Custom Builders. (NAC) lJnder regular circumstances, this item would be placed on the consent agenda as The Planning Commission has recommended approval under Alternative #1 below. However, this item can not be considered as a consent item because a public hearing needs to he held. As you know, under our standard procedure, the Planning Commission conducts the public hearing on each planning case. However the Planning Commission could not conduct a formal public hearing because the notice requirements for a Planning Commission hearing were not met. When it was discovered that the notice requirements were not met for conducting the public hearing the, City Attorney advised stan'that the City Council could conduct the public hearing instead and thus the City would meet the standards for public review of the of the planning case. Allowing the City Council to conduct the hearing would also aid in keeping project timelines for the applicant, otherwise the applications would have to wait until the September planning cycle. Council is there1()fe simply asked to open the public hearing, ask for comments, then Close the hearing. Council is free to take action after the public hearing is closed. Staff is available to make a presentation on each item if the Council so desires. A. REF~=RENCE AND BACKGROUND: The applicant is seeing approval of a subdivision to create two single family residential lots in the ceo zoning district. In addition, a ConditionallJse Permit is required to allow for ground noor residential units in this district. A variance has also been listed in the application materials due to concern over lot width. However, the CCD does not have minimum lot standards as do other residential districts. Therefore, no variance will be needed. The CCD language in the zoning ordinance lists the following requirements for ground floor residential units: 1. The proposed site for residential use is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Downtown Revitalization Plan. 2. The proposed site does not interrupt the flow of commercial pedestrian traffic in the "CCD" district. 3. Density for ground noor residential units shall not exceed one unit per 9,000 square feet oflot area, exclusive ofland area utilized by, or required for, permitted uses on the property. The Revitalization Plan calls for a mix of uses in the downtown core, including all types of residential use. In this neighborhood, other residential uses can be found, including ground noor multiple family units and single family homes. Staff worked with the developer in attempting to Council Agenda - 8/9/04 ~, develop alternative plans for attached housing, but could arrive at a plan that accommodated the applicant's unit design, reasonable setbacks, and minimize impervious lot coverage. The applicant's proposal is to create two single family lots, each with 66 feet orIot width. These lots would be consistent with the original plat lot size, and would accommodate single family homes. The submitted site plan is an illustration of two building pads with 30 f(Jot front yard setbacks and 10 foot side yard setbacks. The lots would exceed the R~] standard for lot area. It is noted that within the original plat, the City has allowed for side yard setbacks of 6 feet to accommodate garage expansion on the narrower lots. Planning staff would recommend that these lots utilize a 6 f(Jot side yard setback, and apply a house design that avoids the garage- forward layout to de-emphasize automobile parking and visibility. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 under decision #1 and #2 below. Decision 1: Subdivision to create 2 lots in the eCD District. 1. Motion to recomll1end approval of the subdivision, based on a finding that the proposed lots are consistcnt with other original plat lots, and that the downtown planning documents support mixed (including single family) uses. ~ 2. Motion to recommend denial of the subdivision, based on a linding that the CCD should encourage attached housing in this area. Decision: Conditional Use Pcrmit for Ground Floor Residential Units in the CCD. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, based on a finding that the proposed housing meets the requirements of the CUP regulations in the CCD section of the zoning ordinance. crhis motion should include a recommendation on the housing style, including a recommendation that the applicant not use garage-forward house design, and that the applicant be permitted to construct the building to 6 foot side yard setbacks. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on a finding that the CCD area should be reserved fen attached housing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the subdivision and the CUP. 'rhe neighborhood in which the site is located includes a mix of housing, including single f~lmily. Hy applying the narrower side setbacks, the applicant should be able to develop housing that avoids the garage-forward design and minimize exposure of the garage to the public. ~. 2 . ..~., 11) I 11) I, I I~) . . <: , ( ~ . ~ .. ~~ t; w ,. l. OJ i ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~,: Q) ; ~ ;: ~r" ~ i ~J ....: P I"', ~ II II ~ ...... ,/< ~ l" '" ,- ~ i .r" :1 ~ g; "'-l , ),4 ,~ " ,~ '" ., '" <- ~J 0) /. , ( .'.l "1'i) ......1 .... '-I( . I ~ l' '", 1t} 1 j .:-. -, CJ 1 ' I I I I I I I I 1 Ol * " LJ :J., ...... -..t' oj" ~) '-'"' o '" ~O ,';>-, ....... ....., I . . .... ,/ " ~ ~ I "' f 1/',,", V 1\'" ~80' '~ ~, ~ ~)~'---"I " '.; / ;' ! d."' ! / ~ ,.... t:J '"' ~ () 6 - [">0.--, ~ U1 <, ~ ~r' C":} ~ -4 ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ -4 ~ ~~ ~ ~ - -4 S v\ "'" :< -~ ~-( '" ,..... lJ) " '- l. ";:;:? C) l:l I"h :""i ...... .... J; ~ JUL-27-04 04'06 ~c lJI:o.NN~::O; L-~'-'-~Hr<:.LJ~ .....,. r l'OIlg {-< , ~14 1"- ~ '~ -"~ ....r~ , tt'~ ,,~ ~'_.,- 1"/~ I) (- , I -' j //.. ( I i . J i f" " ..,..' - --..J ~ , .._.m_'- .....-......--.. ,--' ...-.... ...... - - +.. " ,. '''.'\ ., .......... ..--.........,.. !L', I..." :...... '........ j " I I ~., (" j \~ f -7' fUr- ,It!'" l'6rf ,'--."-- i! tOO' , \ ~y_J -,---- I.... <( ~ f" ~ ~ -, '..1. .\ I '_~, --'--- "" G f.r, ...f.r' l 1---- I.,b" ...-.---... Council Agenda - OS/9/04 . 10. Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat for Nathan's Court. Applicant: Qualify Builders, Inc. (NAC) Under regular circumstances, this item would be placed on the consent agenda as the Planning Commission has recommended approval under Alternative #1 below. However, this item can not be considered as a consent item because a public hearing needs to be held. As you know, under our standard procedure, the Planning Commission conducts the public hearing on each planning case. However the Planning Commission could not conduct a formal public hearing because the newspaper publication requirement for a Planning Commission hearing was missed. When it was discovered that the notice requirements were not met for conducting the public hearing the, City Attorney advised stall that the City Council could conduct the public hearing instead and thus the City would meet the standards for public review of the of the planning case. Allowing the City Council to conduct the hearing would also aid in keeping project timelines for the applicant, otherwise the applications would have to wait until the September planning cycle. Council is therefore simply asked to open the public hearing, ask for comments, then close the hearing. Council is free to take action after the public hearing is closed. StaiIis available to make a presentation on each item if the Council so desires. . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Quality Builders, Inc. has requested Preliminary Plat approval of an S lot single family residential subdivision located south of Farmstead Drive and west of Fallon Avenue NE. The subject site measures 11.07 acres in size, more than half of which (7.3 acres) overlays a selment of an NSP powerline casement. The subject site is zoned R-1, Single family Residential. Streets. The subject site is accessed from the south via a northerly extension of Fairhill Lane which terminates in a cul-de-sac. While the general street configuration is considered acceptable, two concerns exist. First, the cul-de-sac measures approximately 600 feet in length from the center of the cul-de- sac to the intersection with sih Street NE. To accommodate this condition, the processing of a variance is necessary. To be noted in this regard is that the triangular shape of the parcel and surrounding access limitations limit street configuration alternatives. In this regard, it is felt that some justification for such variance does exist. A variance hearing could be scheduled to coincide with the consideration of the Final Plat. . Council Agcnda - 08/9/04 . The second concern relates to the encroachment of a portion of the Fairhill Lane right-of-way within the adjacent NSP powerline easement. As shown on the submitted preliminary plat, approximately 10 feet of the right-of-way encroaches the easement. While it is understood that the street itself is not proposed to be constructed within the easement, a southerly shift of the right-of-way is recommended to avoid potential future con11icts relating to future street maintenance. Considering that all lots significantly exceed the minimum area requirements of the district, it is not expected that this change will result in the loss of any lots. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. Density. The development proposal calls for a total of 8 dwelling units upon 11.07 acres of land. This results in an overall development density of 0.72 units per gross acre. Subtracting the 7.3 acres devoted to Outlot A however, a density of2.13 units per acre results. Lots. Within the R-1 District, an average lot area of 12,000 square feet and an average lot width of 80 feet must be provided. District provisions further state that not less than 40 percent of the lots in a subdivision may be less than 12,000 square feet in size and 80 feet in width. Additionally, no lot may be less than 10,000 square feet in size or 70 feet in width. . The lots within the subdivision have been found to average 15,832 square feet in size and 87.8 feet in width. Documentation has been provided that at least 40 percent of the proposed single family lots exceed the average area and width requirements. Outlot A. As shown on the submitted preliminary plat, Outlot A overlays the NSP powerline easement. Within the easement a stromwater detention basin and corresponding drainage and utility easement have been proposed. The basin is an expansion of an existing basin located in the northwest corner of the site. The acceptability of such detention basin should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer and NSP. Setbacks. All proposed single family lots demonstrate an ability to meet applicable R-1 District setback requirements. Landscaping. A landscape plan has been submitted for review. The plan calls for the planting of one tree per lot. Proposed trees include Green Mountain Sugar Maples and White Ash. l'he zoning ordinance requires two trees per street frontage for each lot. . The landscape plan also calls for some landscaping (sod) along Fairhill Drive and within the NSP powerline easement. As previously noted, it is recommended that the Fairhill Drive right- of ..way be shifted southward such that it does not encroach upon the powerline easement. . 2 . Council Agenda - 08/9/04 Park Dedication/Pathways. No park land dedication has been included in the subdivision. As a condition of preliminary plat approval, park relatcd issues should be subject to comment and recommendation by the Parks Commission. It should bc noted that a pathway corridor will bc preservcd running from the northwest to the southeast in the drainage and utility easement arca along Outlot A and Fairhill Court. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. Issues related to site grading, drainage and utilities should be subject to comment and rccommendation by the City Engineer. Development Agreement. As a condition of final plat approval, the applicant should enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS . C. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat for Nathan's Court, bascd on the comments from thc staff report for the August 3, 2004 Planning Commission meeting. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Preliminary Plat for Nathan's Court based on a finding that the plans will require some revisions to comply with the requircments of the City. 3. Motion to table action on the Preliminary Plat for Nathan's Court, subject to submission of revised plans consistent with approved conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the preceding review, StafTrecommends approval of the Preliminary Plat subjcct to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. . D. SUPPORTING DATA A B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. Z. Site Location/Cover Shect Site Survey Existing Conditions Preliminary Plat Grading & Erosion Control Plan Utility Plan Landscape Plan Engineer's Comments Ilunter's Crossing Preliminary Plat Conditions of Approval 3 Council Agenda - 08/9/04 . EXHIBIT Z Conditions: 1. The City approve a variance to accommodate the proposed 600 foot cul-de-sac length. 2. Fairhill Lane be shifted to the south to avoid encroachment into the NSP powerline easement. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. 3. The location ofthe proposed stonnwater detention basin is found to be acceptable by NSP. Documentation of such determination shall be provided to the City. 4. The landscaping plan is revised to comply with zoning and subdivision ordinance requirements and final staff review. 5. Subject to the comments of the City Engineer regarding grading, drainage and utility issues. . 6. The subdivision is subject to review and recommendation by the Parks Commission. 7. The applicant enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it. . 4 fO "' 0 ~ .,g 8 z ~ -- ;3 '" 0 '" t', ;:1 '" ~ 0 0 ~ ""U ~ I / .~ .. ... .. 1Ii" .. .. .. ,t (/f'() -4\ [,i"- I':Q PI~ (~ .,..tj'n9i-- 7":'~~ . J 't''- ',/,~b I ~ '--, ---- i "'''( . - '" '/ ~__~---El9"~IH\VliNU"- _ ~~ 11.. \\' ~ ~-r"~) '" .. 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'" F-I~ -1l= ~ i:i ~~~ fnn::;; ~~~ B~ ~H<;J o ,. ;;i '" i..n, o '; .~ '" 0. ~ '" cn ~5 .. 0;0 ~ 0 BB ill ~ ........ :; ;0 '" " "'''' C 0 ",M ;;;; '" !J.'I~ '" -< " Oil Oil ::1 a ;l\ ~ ;u '" ~ '" '" 1 '<,I I !~ / ! b' ! ' / /7': ~,/ :' /'1' ~'~~~. e- T ..- 1//,' 'Y-,/.. " I / /' '..... ' ''.,' 9~6 / . Ul C C> G) I'T1 ~ 8 -0 s;: ~ Ul ('1 :r 8 c (:;; ~ '1 :r> ~ . ~ 0 Ul CJ ~ i I ;;0 .... "'R- -<--- I'T1 01 ~ ::>J I I fTl 8 "I C ::;; Schoel! & Madson, Inc. NA THANS COURT PROJECT NARRATIVE Quality Builders, Inc. is proposing an eight-lot single family subdivision of Outlot A of Klein Farms Sixth Addition. This is located north of the east portion of the proposed Hunters Crossing development. The site plan is essentially the same as suggested in concept sketches submitted to the City in conjunction with the Hunters Crossing site planning. The proposed lots average 15,832 square feet in area and 87.78 feet in width, both in excess of the minimum City standards. The proposed site grading and drainage is consistent with the Hunters Crossing project. The Nathans Court development area was included in the watershed area for the drainage calculations submitted with the Hunters Crossing project. Therefore, the stormwater ponds are sized to accommodate the Nathans Court development. The street runoff drains to proposed Hunters Crossing storm sewer. The street, sanitary sewer and watermain is shown extended from facilities proposed under the Hunters Crossing project. The watermain is looped west to proposed 89th Court. F:\CAROLEJ\word\Ken04\Nathans Court Project Narrative.614.doc JO ~ 1/SB -. -.. 4.ssociales, Inc. 55422,',; :/y;" 763.541.4800 " 763.511)1700 FAX j. ",',: " "". ~ ," , ., July 26, 2004 Mr. Ken Adolf Schoell & Madson, Inc. 10580 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 1 Minnetonka, MN 55305-1525 Re: Preliminary Plat Review Nathans Court Quality Builders, Inc. City of Monticello Project No. 2004-28P WSB Project No. 1488-82 Dear Mr. Adolf: We have reviewed the preliminary plat documents dated June 14,2004, and offer the following comments: Boundarv Survey 1. Show existing contours with a dashed line type. Existine Conditions 1. Remove the proposed Hunters Crossing development plan from the existing conditions. 2. Existing contours should be shown with a dashed line type. Preliminary Plat 1. The cul-de-sac should have a 50-foot radius to back of curb. 2. Show the future building pads for adjacent lots in Hunters Crossing. Gradine. Drainaee. and Erosion Control Plan 1. All backyard drainage and swales should have a minimum 2% slope. Slopes are less than 2%. 2. The plans should show the revised storm sewer and ponding configurations under the power lines. F:\WPW1Ml488.BNJ72604-ka.doc Minneapolis. st. Cloud. Equal opportunity Employer lO Mr. Ken Adolf July 26, 2004 Page 2 3. A different line type indicating future contours for Hunters Crossing should be used. 4. The typical section should not include sidewalk if it is not being proposed. 5. Boulevard grades should be at a 4% slope. The City's standard is 4:1 maximum slopes beyond the boulevards. The typical section should be revised to indicate this. 6. Proposed contours should be solid, not dashed. Utility Plan 1. The location of the storm sewer to the pond should be revised to the new ponding plan. 2. MH5 should be deeper to avoid service conflicts with crossing the watermain. 3. The sanitary sewer alignment should be kept on centerline. Additional manholes should be added to accomplish this. Please give me a call at 763-287-7162 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~.~ Shibani Bisson, P.E. Project Manager Attachment cc: lh/srb F:\WPWIMl488.8:NJ72604.kn.doc l 0 - . ,., , I I / fII fill I L., - " - r-..-...... ( III IX / - , , -:;;:: , ~-::::- ' ~ : ' . .. '".1. '----'-"=-,..!~ ..~, . . . . . I Ii;; I/I! / I" - " - -- - -- - --"";=-.. - '. , " '.. . --+ " - . ./+';/11-/11/... . ~ :: ~tt" .rI:-~~'='"~..~~!l~.':. ~ i" ;;1. - d/I/J. t . I ". , . - . :mk.n:. , - f /t. 4 -1 I C!' ~~j~~.. ... '~J~ /~' :"-1 I I I_ ~ W \\.\. "/"/.1 ~~' ./~ !1r -~ ~r' I Ie" .. \\ I, ;;J~ / 1 II--- ~ ~ - ,\1 . /, .. '): "'~. l~ 1 I I ~ ~ ~ . -, · · OJ;) ~ - " ~ ~ i -;- . .. I . /'tfJ/ r; r ~ L'--:.r I I I I - C)~- I . / II; $/.~ .---.c.. I. .1 '-Ai' T n f---- ,d ;:; ,N \ "------- II I . . _ .. _ ~. /)'1/ //[/-f'1 t.. /! "\ I.'" : . - { d - ". ~ I . I / . . I / _' I ! ,f"I' -I. -If-]- .\"\. " .. ((~ ~ )~~> . ~ ~7 ,I / J1Ff 11 _.......J/ '" I ~ ~/r;) ~ 1/ ~ /7 I I ~~' 'r. T J II . -=-fr,. ~ :: ~'jJ iji,;, (. ~. \/ 1---':f1I~__1 I. U I'! Ii ~'G ""1. ~l"'" . . ~~7 ~.f;;,'/ /;/1; "" I IIlllr-----,.J: I . I... II " · t--::---- ~ 1,7! /11 I> ~._"; I,: 'I~ilf--' " "' ~" \ L_ - ~(/I. 01;!r>li I. W 1 I 'l' :~:l. I \ ~~.... - x-;._.~//jlj!2'/~; ",/ ^, I ' 'lL ....~ % N '/, .'o(;/'; '----- i '" I J. ,- i . /%1& / ~' , :lAl:l ! : /-- - - - -~ --\---\-; . ,~I . /1/ /'k h Y; i l l~ · . · . . \( .~- · ----=- ['01 ~. . / I'~ ~ i ~ , . ,J - \ .~_ _ ~ . . \.:. /'" ~. !, :;zf/ / - I --- ~ ~ I i ! ~~~'T' '-'iL . ~!!J hSJ] )~ I l: L' = D(-'ll~)\'. . - ;\~i' ~ ~-i'~~~~I>< ' 8 l-- ~ .. + "/-. '1/// II I l>>1 ~- ---" - . -' ." :.';: ~', .. --=', I; ..J . - .. j I t; 1 ., -\V --_" ~~'~--=-.,--: .....:-..' -." '''''-10/,9:: 1--- ....- " .. -.. -.. "_. ~. _ -~i-,. .. .,t',.,..........,.; A ~ ,~_ 'J/j "- '-"-"-. ~ '-"-"-"-"l'f"- il .. ~ -=-t";:~' k~l. ~ ~ ;,."1: ~ -:;'7 ., ~ ~~,..t ;- ~-t~ n 0 ul r J>L/ -lrrl :,~//-/.~ ~ I \ 1"/ -',---,,-/e. ~ ../"'_______~~--.......---/~ 111 ~ ,f- Ii!I ~ 'U I , . . . Council Agenda - 8 /9/2004 11. Consideration of resurfacine for the oarkin!! lot in Block 35 and construction of parkin!! lots for Pioneer Park and Groveland Park. (./.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: If the Block 35 project fails to move forward city staff would like authorization to proceed with resurfacing of the block 35 parking lot. We are anticipating removal of the existing surface and some regrading. Forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000.00) has been set aside in the budgets from 2000 to 2003. Additionally, for this year we had placed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) in the budget for landscaping materials to beautify the area along Walnut and along 3rd Street. Additionally we would like to proceed with construction of the parking lots in Groveland and Pioneer Parks. Both parking lots have been graded but arc not to final grade. Parking lot size and confIguration would follow city ordinance and requirements in both these areas. Sufficient funds have been set aside in the 2004 budget for the construction of both of these parking lots. Thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) was used for Pioneer Park and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for Groveland Park parking lot. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: The first alternative would be to authorize WSB to prepare plans and specifications for the Block 35 parking,~ot, ~ione~r Park parking lot and Groveland Park parking lot wi~the plans to come before CIty Council for approval when they are completed. '{ZS G- ~ 2. The second alternative would be to delete one or more of the parking lots from the project. 1. 3. The third alternative would be to delay the parking lot projects until 2005. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and the Parks Superintendent that the City Council move forward as outlined in alternative number one. Once the plans are completed and reviewed by the City Council we can determine at that date if there is sufticient time left to go out for bids and to complete the project before cold weather sets in. K SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of budgets. I I. I - ~ ~ ~ ~ I . . - GENERAL FUND 2003 Budget PW/Parking Lots Services & Charges MISC OPERATING EXPENSE 10143140.2199 $500 ELECTRIC: 101.431403810 $2,100 MISC OTHER EXPENSE: 101.431404399 $1,000 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $3,600 Capital Outlay IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 101.431405301 $15,000 $15,000 $18,6001 ITOTAL PARKING LOTS Improvements Balance of Overlay of 3rd St Parking Lot ($30,000 budgeted in 2000 & 2002) $15,000 l\ I I. I II - - II II II GENERAL FUND 2002 Budget PW/Parking Lots MISC OPERATING EXPENSE 101431402199 $500 ELECTRIC 101431403810 $1,800 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101431404399 $1,000 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $3,300 Services & Charges Capital Outlay IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 101431405301 $10,000 $10,000 $13.3001 I I ITOTAL PARKING LOTS Improvements (1/3) Overlay of 3rd St Parking Lot ($20,000 budgeted in 2000) $10,000 2002 BUDGETXLSGen Fund-PW Parking Lots4/4/2002 70 \\ ~ -- I I I I I I I ~ . II II . . . -- -- I ~Ii GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Streets & Alleys DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS) 101431203240 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.431203310 $0 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43120,3320 $500 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.431203520 $0 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 101.43120.4044 $1,500 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 10143120.4050 $1,500 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 101.43120.4099 $0 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 101.43120.4150 $750 MACHINERY RENTAL 101.43120.4160 $0 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43120.4170 $3,000 LICENSES & PERMITS 10143120.4370 $300 Mise OTHER EXPENSE 101431204399 $1,500 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $22,350 Capital Outlay IMPROVEMENTS 101.43120,5301 $20,000 MOTOR VEHICLES 101.43120,5501 $0 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101.431205701 $0 OTHER EQUIPMENT 10143120,5801 $8,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $28,000 ITOTAL PW/STREETS & ALLEYS $291,420 I COMMENTS: s'i;!laries 80% Roger, 87% Tom M, Jim E, Todd B" 90% of new position for (1/3) of year Misc Profes5jonal_Servic~ Includes Striping - $8,000 Improvements 3rd St Parking Lot Overlay $20,000 Other Equiprmmt: New Crack Router $8,000 \\ 64 2000BUDGETXLSGen Fund-PW Streets & Alley4/12/00 I I .- II I I I II III lie II II II II II II . rI . GENERAL FUND 2004 Budget PW/Parking Lots Supplies MISC OPERATING EXPENSE: LANDSCAPING MATERIALS Small Tools and Equi ment SMALL TOOLS/MISC T&E/MACHINERY T&E/FURNITURE T&E/OFFICE EQUIPMENT T&E/COMPUTER EQUIPMENT T&E/OTHER 101.43140.2410 101.43140.2440 101.43140.2460 101.43140.2471 101.43140.2472 101.43140.2499 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Services and Char es ELECTRIC MISC. OTHER EXPENSE COMMENTS: Landscapinq Materials: Blvd restoration and trees 3rd Street Lot 2004 BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-PW Parking Lots:1/5/2004 l' 60 . . .I . . . III III III .. . III . . . . . rI . SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2004 Budget Park Fund COMMENTS: Salaries-100% Adam H., 90% Tom G., Tom P., Mike R., Leo S. 85% John L. Salaries Temp.: Summer (Seasonal Help) Motor Vehicle: Replacement for '83 van Other Equipment: Toro 325 Replacement Mower Truckster for ballfields/cemetery 48" walk behind mower Improvements: ADA Structure West Bridge Park Improvements Pioneer Park Groveland Park T owverNalley View Park Ballfield Improvements: Fencing, paving parking lot, concrete under bleachers Ballfields Other Eauipment: Ballfield Grader 2004 BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Parks:1/12/2004 $30,000 $27,500 $14,000 $5.000 $10,000 $15,000 $30,000 $65,000 $10,000 $8,500 tJIll.--" (S'O,OOC t'f\ l.r) .l,- :t;- ~'jPrL - ~ (), ()O-() l \ 90 Council Agenda - 8/9/04 . 12. Consideration of offer to purchase prooerty - Apolebee's. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous Council meeting, Council authorized statTto begin preparations of a development plan for the City owned JelIerson Commons property and to also look into obtaining an appraisal to help with establishing a pricing concept for the property. Our City Planner, Northwest Consultants, is working with staff on preparing a development plan that can be presented to the Council in the near future and the City also contacted the appraisal firm of Patch and Messner to review the pricing information the City had been using and to seek their input on doing an appraisal on the property. Prior to any actual work being completed on an appraisal, the City received a letter of intent from Applebee's Inc. seeking to purchase an approximately 63,598 sq. ft. site adjacent to the Culver's property for an amount equal to $9/sq. ft. Applebee representatives noted that their otTer to purchase through the letter of intent was to expire on August 13,2004, and requested that this proposal be brought to the Council for their consideration before that date. . Since the offer was received, I have had a couple of conversations with Jason Messner of the appraisal firm for the purpose of providing them with information the City had available regarding recent land sales that have occurred and also providing them a copy of the plat and the pricing information that the City had been using to provide quotes to interested parties. According to Mr. Messner, a formal appraisal would likely take one or two months to complete ifhe was to analyze similar properties in other communities in an effort to establish a recommended marketing price for our property. Based on the information we had supplied, Mr. Messner did not feel the otTer proposed by Applebee's would be unreasonable in todays market and he was not aware of any other details that would have him recommend not accepting an ofTer in this range. In reviewing the letter of intent from Applebee's, there are a couple of concerns I would have that I would suggest the City Council include or revise in an actual purchase agreement if the Council is considering accepting this offer. First of all, some type of provision should be included in an agreement that would require Applebee's to build a restaurant within a certain time frame or the property would have to be resold back to the City for the selling price paid by Applebee's. This would insure that the property is not purchased for pure speculation and that the City receives the improvement and resulting tax base as proposed. . The second provision that has been requested by Applebee's relates to a provision that would not allow the City to sell any of the Jefferson Commons property to another restaurant such as TJ.I. Fridays, Ruby Tuesdays, Chili's, Bennigans and a couple of other competing restaurants. Considering the City would have 30-40 acres of land to sell in the future, I would not recommend accepting this restriction as a condition of a sale. From a competition standpoint, there would actually be plenty of land available surrounding this location that could ultimately provide sites for future restaurants and to limit the City's ability to market any restaurant use would seem unnecessary. . . . B. Council Agenda - 8/9/04 AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could accept the letter of intent for purchase of a I 'is acrc site subject to a provision requiring a restaurant to be built within a certain timc frame and exeluding any restrictions on sales of property to other restaurant competitors. Under this alternative staff would have legal counsel begin preparation of a purchase agreement to bring back to the Council for final approval. c. 2. Council could table any action on a sale until a development plan and appraisal is completed by Patch and Messner. Under this action, it would likely take~60 days before an appraisal is completed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 's. '0;71> ~~.e. Based on conversations I have had with the appraiser, it is my opinion that an actual appraisal will support the valuations we have been quoting propcrty owners recently. Unfortunately, with the appraiser being out of town this past week and the normal time frame for completing an appraisal, a written report would unlikely be available for up to 60 days. If the Council wants to proceed with a sale at this time, I would recommend not granting an exclusive covenant to restrict other users from our property and to require a building permit be issued within a certain time frame. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of Ictter of intent. . . . July 28, 2004 City of Monticello, MN. C/O Mr. Rick W olfstellar 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN. 55446 RE: Proposed Purchase Agreement "Agreement" by and between Apple American Limited Partnership of Minnesota ("Buyer") and the City of Monticello, MN". ("Seller"). A tract oEland identified as being the same property as outlined on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Dear Mr. Wolfstellar: This letter ("Letter"), when you have signed and returned to us the copy provided for said purposes, will evidence our mutual good faith intent to formalize and execute an Agreement pursuant to which we will purchase from you the Property, further described in Exhibit A hereto. While this Letter is intended to resolve at the outset many issues affecting the Agreement, there are other issues, which remain to be negotiated. Accordingly, it is not the intent of this Letter to create, and this Letter shall not create any binding obligations on the part of the Seller or Buyer. The parties shall only be bound if and when the formal Agreement is mutually executed and delivered by the parties, and such Agreement will entirely supersede anything set forth in this Letter. Neither Seller nor Buyer shall be under any obligation or duty to continue to negotiate the Agreement and either of them may terminate negotiations at any time without the liability to the other. It is our intention that the terms and provision set forth in this Letter may be further clarified or amplified in said Agreement, that the language used in this Letter is not necessarily to be incorporated verbatim in said Agreement, and that terms and provisions, not set forth herein, may be added as mutually agreed upon by the parties to said Agreement and as our respective counsel shall deem appropriate in the circumstances. The general terms and conditions upon which Buyer proposes to purchase the Property are as follows: Purchase Price: Land Area: Escrow Deposit: Seller Obligations: $572,380.00 Approximately 63,598 Sq. Ft. $20,000 (a) Gas, Water, Electric, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer to be available at the property line with the size and capacity as set out in Exhibit "B". (b) The Property is to be free and clear of all environmental, hazardous or toxic waste and materials, or is to be so at Seller's expense. (c) Seller to cause title to the Property to be satisfactory to Buyer and to provide Buyer an Owner's title policy. \~ . ( .zl ~~;)~1 Vl fiJ ~ (d) If the Property is part of a larger tract, Seller is to take all action necessary to create a legally subdivided and conveyable parcel. (e) Buyer shall grant and record an Exclusive Use Covenant to Buyer for any property owned directly or indirectly by Seller within the subdivision of the subject property for a period of ten(lO) years from the date of closing. This Exclusive Use shall restrict the following users: TGI Friday's, Ruby Tuesday's, Red Robin, Chili's, Bennigan's and O'Charley's. Buyer Obligations: (a) One hundred fifty (150) day contingency period. (b) All governmental permits (including liquor license) necessary to construct and operate an Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar. (c) Approval of the transaction by Buyer's Site Review Committee. (d) Such other conditions to be mutually agreed upon by the parties and set forth in the Agreement. Closing Costs: To be paid by each party, in accordance with local customs. Closing: Ten (10) days after all Conditions (set out in the Agreement) have been satisfied. . Document Deliveries: Within ten (10) days after execution of this Letter, Seller shall deliver to Buyer copies of all documents which pertain to restrictive covenants, plans, plats, surveys, reports, tests, studies, tide materials (including copies of exception documents referenced in the title policy), environmental information, appraisals, and other materials related to the Property that are in Seller's possession. Entry: From and after the date hereof, Buyer and its agents and consultants shall be permitted to enter the Property and do all acts necessary to complete Buyer's due diligence. Upon acceptance and ratification of this Letter by all parties, Buyer shall have its legal staff draft the Agreement and submit it for the Seller's approval within ten (10) business days after approval by Buyer's Site Review Committee. It is understood by both Seller and Buyer that Cambridge Commercial Realty (Tom Martin) represents the Buyer in this transaction. Buyer will compensate Tom Martin and the City of Monticello will have no liability to compensate Mr. Martin. . \). . . . If the aforementioned is acceptable, please indicate your approval in the space provided below and return one (1) executed copy to me. This Letter shall be deemed null and void unless Buyer receives an executed copy by August 13, 2004. Sincerely, SteveCanada Real Estate Manager APPLE AMERICAN LIMITED P AR1NERSHIP OF MINNESOTA Date: July 28,2004. AGREED AND ACKNOWLEDGED: City of Monticello. MN. Date: \-;)- EXHIBIT "B" . Buver's Utilitv Requirements Utility Requirements . Domestic Water Minimum piping size 2" copper . Fire Protection Minimum piping size 6" OJ Minimum pressure 50 PSI . Sanitary Minimum piping size 6" . Natural Gas 2241 mbh (dh) TOTAL . . Electrical -voltage 208V I 120V, 3 phase, 4 wire Amperage 800 Amps Calculated demand 24.4 KW @ 208V . Cable Television 4" PVC conduit wi pull string . Telephone 4" PVC conduit wi pull string . Landscaping 4" PVC conduit wi pull string . \~ -:;; })o =:)c })--j Dr- o f) --j ) )> --t-, -+ fJl, /y' 191") Wo :Y tv o. <5 " - ........ ........ "- ",. ., / '~;:: ':~, \:~ .~.~~~~~:::~ 1'''. ':: '.<7J/,-.......::',; ..... . --, ~., f' '. ;_., r ."""""",_"-:~,> ", ''', __::::: '''''''. . . .J". \ ..... / ----I " >\ <::~;E: \" I OJe ~O . N LNOJ CXJ()l \ o (J) ~-D ,.............-.. -"--- ('!)"- UJ --+-, ,-t- a I c: (' 7 <.5 Os 00fJLJ 0efJt ed \ " '",- " \ \ -:........... \ ........ ........ \ ................ '....~,_.~ ........ '- \~ . . . Council Agenda - 08109/2004 13. Review of Request for Proposal Documents for EDl!ineering Services for the New Water Tower. City Project 2004-30C. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous city council meeting thc council requested stafT prepare a Request for Proposal for engineering services for the new water tower. The document has been drafted and is included under supporting data. The request proposal states the purpose of the work, the background or the City's need for a new water tower, instructions to the consultants, scope of work, proposal criteria and the criteria to be used for sclection of an engineer. Also included is a proposed schedule as follows. August 9, 2004 Approval of RFP by City Council. August 10,2004 Distribute RFP's to 5 firms August 25, 2004 Proposals due - 4:00 p.m. August 26,2004 thru September 6, 2004 Review of proposals amI engineering construction estimates by city staff. Request and receive additional information and clarifications, select middle three firms rated on price for interviews by Council. September 7, 2004 Forward proposals and interview schedule to Council. September 13, 2004 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. -Interview three engineering firms. 6:30 p.m. - 6:50 p.m. - Review interview results September 13, 2004 7:00 p.m. City Council meeting - Selection of firm for water tower project The ahove schedule allows approximately two weeks for the engineering teams to prepare their proposals; six days for the city staff to review those proposals, request or receive missing or additional information or clarification and reduce the numher to three iirms for the city council to interview. Interviews are expected to take place on September 13 prior to the normal council meeting with the actual selection action to select a firm to take place at the meeting. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to accept the request for proposals as drafted and authorize the distribution to five engineering firms. follow the proposed schedule for interviewing three firms on September 13 and final selection at the normal council meeting on Septemher 13. . . . Council Agenda - 08/09/2004 2. The second alternative would be to make changes to the request for proposal documents before the schedule as outlined by the city council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Water Superintendent that the City Council move forward with the request ftH proposals as outlined in alternative number one above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Request for Proposal Document ~~ . , J L . CiJl+;.J It>>IiJ II _ _ . .___.. _ _, MONTICELLO REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL WATER TOWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #2004..30C As Approved by the Monticello City Council August 9, 2004 City of Monticello Monticello, MN Proposals Due: 4:00 p.m., Wednesday August 25,2004 Location: City of Monticello, Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 . . . I. Purpose The City of Monticello is seeking proposals for engineering services associated with planning and constructing a new one million gallon water tower in Monticello, Minnesota. Due to residential and commercial growth, the City needs to expand its storage capacity and continue to provide adequate water pressure and flows for our community. II. Background The City of Monticello currently has one above ground water tank on a high hill and one underground storage reservoir serving the City. Enclosed for your information is the City's Water Supply Map and a proposcd site plan ten the location of the new tower. III. Instructions to Consultant 1. Questions and related correspondence should be directed to John Simola, Public Works Director for the City of Monticello. John Simola Public Works Director City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: (763) 271-3271 Fax: (763) 271-3272 2. Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 25,2004. Twelve copies of the Proposal must be delivered to the Office of Public Works at the address noted. 3. The City will promptly review the Proposals and notify Engineering Companies of any additional action or requirements, if any. 4. At a minimum, the Proposal shall include: a. Letter of Transmittal b, Project Understanding (Statement of one page or less) c, Approach/Work Plan/Level of effort/Fee d, Schedule e. Personnel Resumes/Organizational Chart f. Related Experience, Also include concrete hydro pillar projects if available, g. Summary . IV. SCOPE OF WORK I . The Scopc of Work includes completing cost estimates, engineering, and inspection associated with the construction of a new water tower, site development, related connection and amenities in Monticello, Minnesota. 2. The Consultant will review the existing model of the function of the city water storage systcm and proposed new tower prepared by WSB & Associates. The City will provide the Consultant with an electronic copy of WSB & Associates model for this work. The Consultant shall summarize the data in regard to functionality ofthc ncw towcr and old above ground tank together in a brief report and provide three copies to the City for review and approval. 3. Preliminary Design elements suggested include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. . f. Confirm desired size of the hydro pillar water tower and construction type, steel pillar vs. concrete pillar. Confirm the water tower site suitability. Confirm operation of new tower with existing storage system. Do site survey and prepare a site topographic map, sitc plan and grading plan for this project encompassing the 2.3 acre site. Determine the pipe, valves and other appurtenances necessary to connect the new water tower to the City's 16 inch DIP watcr stub at thc south property line. Obtain soils data, using Braun Intertec of St. Cloud. Engineer is responsible for coordination. The costs associated with geotechnical analysis by Braun Intertec will be paid dircctly by the City. g. Identify the equipment requirement in water tower monitoring, alarm and control systems for the proposcd watcr towcr including cathodic protection security and both stored watcr temperature and storage room temperature monitoring equipment. h. Complete schematic design of total project. 1. Review and recommend "State of the Art" coatings which are cost effective and offer long life. Also review the pros and cons of a white blast and prime in the field vs. shop prime. J. Complete the preliminary construction cost estimate. 4. Complete Final Design . a. Drawings b. Specifications c. Update construction cost estimate (Engineers' Opinion of Cost) d. Submit drawings and specifications for review by regulatory agencies. 2 5. Assist City with Bidding Phase . a. b. Bid documents Advertisement for Bids Answer construction contractor's questions Attend pre-bid conference Attend bid opening; help evaluate bids Recommend an award of contract c. d. c. f. 6. Project Acceptance a. Generate maps, sketches, diagrams, and pictures necessary to dcpict the nature and scope of the project if needed for public acceptance. b. Hclp City identify and obtain needed regulatory permits and approvals (DNR, DOH, FAA). 7. Construction Services a. b. c. d. e. . f. J. . Attcnd and conduct preconstruct ion conference. Review all shop drawings. Confer with and act as the City's representative in all matters between the Contractor and the City. Perform construction staking. Schedule and call for construction meetings periodically and keep minutes of such meetings. Provide periodic inspection throughout the course of construction and onsite continuous inspection during critical construction (e.g. major concrete pours, installation of underground piping). Inspector to maintain a log/diary recording all pertinent information and report the information regularly to City staff. Prepare and maintain all necessary documentation. Inspect materials used, rcview progress, and confer with Contractors regarding problems, etc. g. Prepare Contractor pay estimates. h. Prepare, review and recommend action for proposed change orders. Review cost estimate for proposed change orders. I. Perform specific review and erection construction inspection by an A WS certified welding inspector with a minimum of 5 years of experience in the construction of steel elevated water towers (A WW AD-l 00-96 standards), including but not limited to: · X~ray testing of welds on elevated water tow locations and number of tests. · Construction details for conformance to as built drawings. · Welding detai Is in conformance to A WW AD-I 00-96. · Visual examination of welding and field inspection. · Clean up after erection and cleaning of welds. Pcrform full time coating inspections by an NACE certified coating inspector with a minimum of 5 years of experience in coating inspection on steel elevated water towers, including but not limited to: · Inspection of shop surface preparation and applied coatings, (in the case of shop applied primer). · Inspcction of field surface preparation application of coatings. 3 . . . v. 1. k. . Construction schedule. · Role of the inspector during construction, cooperation between inspector and contractor, inspection reports, and inspection "hold points." . Temperature and humidity monitoring. Perform final inspection of construction, review and recommend final acceptance by the City. Assure all contractors have been paid, obtain necessary releases, and assure that lien waivers have been acquired. Start up and place new facilities on line. Provide operator training as needed. Assemble and provide 2 sets of operation, maintenance and equipment manuals. Provide both digital and paper as-built drawings. Establish and maintain a library of the following records: I. m. n. . Permits and applications. . Contract documents. . Addenda. · Copies of referenced standard specifications. . Project schedules. · Shop drawings and submittals. . Applicable correspondence. . Records of pertinent telephone conversations. . File memoranda and directives. Change orders. . Requests and recommendations for payment. · Project budget and cost information. . Diaries and logs. · Field test results. . Materials testing reports. . Survey data. . Record drawings. . Project photographs. · Project studies and reports. . Start-up instructions and problems report. . l:quipment manuals. Turn the library over to the City upon project completion. PROPOSAL CRITERIA Proposals should be presented in the following order, showing the following details as a m 1111111Um: a. Firm name, address, phone, fax, primary contact person, e-mail address and date of proposal. Profile of the firm, including history, experience and client references. Work plan showing tasks to be completed and budgeted person hours demonstrating firm's understanding of the project and ahility to complete it within the desire time frame. Experience of personnel to be assigned to the project, including their specific assignment and skills. (Organization Chart) Include back up personnel experience in the event of absence of prime personnel. h. c. d. 4 . . . e. f. A schedule indicating key milestones and completion dates. Statement of fees, refined to a not-to exceed amount for the entire project, based on and broken down on a schedule at the firm's standard hourly billing rates, along with a schedule of direct expenses. Fees shall be reported in two components relating to the scope of services components of design and construction. (Fee proposal should be in as much detail as possible.) Terms and conditions for payment of engineering fees. Any additional information that will be relevant to the City's selection of a qualified firm to perform the professional services required. Understanding of the project (one page or less statement) as it applies to the service requirements. Specialized experience, qualifications, accessibility, and credentials of the proposed Project manager and welding/ tower coating inspectors assigned to the team. List those services performed by subcontractors (not in house). List the firms to be used, their experience by key personnel and type of work performed. g. h. 1. J. k. l. VI. SELECTION CRITERIA I. Successful experience in the design, administration, and construction of municipal water system projects including at lease one 1 million gallon water tower. (25%) 2. Experience of assigned personnel and back up personnel in design of water supply projects including experience in operations, selection and experience of subconsultants in inspection of elevated storage construction and coating systems. Registered Structural Engineers in the State of Minnesota with a minimum of five (5) ycars experience in structural design on A WW A-D- 100-96 Steel Potable Water Tanks. Certification offield inspectors i.e. American Welding Society Certified Welding Inspector and National Association of Corrosion Engineers Certificated Coating Inspector. (40%) 3. Clear and concise work plan that demonstrates an understanding of the project and ability to successfully complete with the expected time limits. Ability of firm during the intervicw to present their approach in a professional manner which is easily understood by the Council, staff and general public. (2Y%) 4. References from similar projects. (10%) 5 August 9, 2004 August 10, 2004 August 25, 2004 TENT A TIVE SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION OF ENGINEERING FIRM FOR WATER TOWER PROJECT Approval of RFP by City Council. Distribute RFP's to 5 firms Proposals due - 4:00 p.m. August 26, 2004 thru September 6, 2004 September 7, 2004 September 13,2004 September 13,2004 Review of proposals and engineering construction estimates by city staff. Request and receive additional information and clarifications, select middle three firms rated on price for interviews by Council. Forward proposals and interview schedule to Council. 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. -Interview three engineering firms. 6:30 p.m. - 6:50 p.m. - Review interview results 7:00 p.m. City Council meeting - Selection of firm for water tower Project. . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 14. Consideration of adoptilllz a resolution approvinl! Monticello Heartland Express 2005 Budl!et and Transit Assistance Application and associated actions supportinl! actions needed for continued service in 2005. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As you recall at a recent meeting of the City Council, Council directed staff to keep the service local and not merge with River Rider. This direction was given knowing that MNDOT would be requiring that the City dedicate more personnel to the administration of the program. At Council direction, staff has prepared an updated management plan along with a proposed 2005 budget with the assistance of Sue Siemers - MNDOT project coordinator. Due to the project coordinator's assistance with the management plan, it is our belief that MNDOT will accept the application. You will note that the budget includes 75% of a new position dedicated to transit. It is expected that the person appointed to this position will enter the organization as an entry level planner making $34,000/yr. This position would be assigned other duties as needed potentially in the areas of shade tree programs, planning, Parks Commission and code enforcement. Please note that the budget includes an increase associated with the establishment of a new contract for transit services in 2005. This is an estimate based on the expected potential f()r a contract rate increase. For the past two years, the City has been working under extensions to a contract awarded a few years ago. This contract was limited to cost of living increases only. It could occur that the winning bid might include a contract rate that significantly exceeds the current rate. This is not a forgone conclusion, but it could happen. As such, we are including a 12% increase in the rate. Unfortunately, the State has capped its grant funding level, so any rate increase over the State cap must be paid by the City. Please see the Management Plan Summary for additional detail regarding the budget. Finally, the Management Plan calls for a level of service identical to the service currently provided and therefore the bid specification will be developed accordingly. B. ALTERNATIVES I. Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Monticello lleartland Express 2005 Budget and Transit Assistance Application, and to authorize staff to prepare ajob description and seek applicants for a planning position with a strong focus on transit, and to authorize staff to prepare a bid specification for the 2005 service year based on the management plan. 2. Motion to deny adoption of a resolution approving the Monticello Heartland Express 2005 Budget and Transit Assistance Application, and to authorize staff to prepare job description and seck applicants tor planning position with a strong focus on transit . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 and to authorize staff to prepare a bid specification for the 2005 service year based on the management plan. c. RECOMMENDA TION Based on previous Council direction, staff recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA Heartland Express: 2005 Management Plan Summary 2 . . . Heartland Express: 2005 Management Plan Summary OPERA TING EXPENSES Personnel Transit Coordinator Senior Finance Assistant Community Development Assistant Receptionist Fringe Benefits Contract Serviees* Percentage increase for two years Dispatch Transportation Conferences/Subscriptions Transportation Coordinator Supplies/Software Advertising/Marketi ng Fuel CAPITAL EXPENSES Transit Coordinator Computer Radio/Dispatch** Subtotal Subtract 2005 Budgeted Fare Revenue TOTAL SYSTEM EXPENDITURES 1560 hrs (75% time) $15.89 = 25 hrs. @ $23.75 = 50 hrs. (q) $15.89 = 80 hrs. Ci!) $11.60 = 20% oftotal wages above = 2300 hrs. x $30.28 = (6% estimated) (6% estimated) $ 24,788.40 593.75 794.50 928.00 5,420.93 69,644.00 600.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 6,325.00 $ 2,500.00 5,000.00 $ 119,595.00 (12,425.00) 107,170.00 Maximum Grant from State in 2005 (not guaranteed) (48,000.00) TOTAL LOCAL SHARE FOR 2005 Bm>GETING 09,170.90 For reference, lotal projected expensesfor 2004 are $68.361.06, with granlfimding o.f$48, 000. 00 and profectedfare revenues of 9, 625. 08. * The City's contracted hourly rate with Hoglund Transportation has not increased since 2003. The current hourly rate is $27.04. The City must go through a formal bid process for 3rd party transportation contact services in 2005. City staff has estimated 2005 contract costs at $30.28, accounting for a 6% increase in basic hourly contract rates, as well as a 6% increase for required dispatching services. ** Radio and dispatch equipment have been included as a contingency to calculate for total costs. Actual equipment may be supplied via contract with the 3rd party contractor. REVENUE INFORMATION Fares may need to increase to oft~<;et the increased costs for operating and capital expenses. Currently, the rate is $1.00 per ride, or a punch book pass that includes 40 rides for $25.00. The budgeted fare revenue for 2005 at $12,425.00, accounts for increased ridership due to system improvements an'd marketing efforts by Transit Coordinator. The coordinator will be able to create and inlplement revenue source streams, including on-bus advertising opportunities. \4 . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 15. Consideration of Settinl! a Date for Initiatinl! a Visioninl! and Stratel!ic Planninl! Process. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider establishing a workshop date for the purpose of starting a visioning/strategic planning process. As you know, the effort toward establishment of project priorities and definition of resources needed to meet objectives has been delayed. Now that the annexation issue has been resolved and as the busy planning/construction season is slowing down, the time is right for starting the process. To get the ball rolling, at the meeting on Monday, Mayor Thielen will be introducing the topic and will be providing some broad goals for the effort. In his presentation he will propose inviting BilI Joynes and Sharon Klumpp to the workshop. Joynes and Klumpp are consultants working for Springsted Inc are well known in local government circles. At the workshop, Joynes and Klumpp would assist the Council in defining the need/scope of the project and then identify and discuss a potential process for completing the project. Based on the feedback from Council at the workshop, the consultants would put together a detailed process and budget supporting the visioning effort. This proposal would then be considered by Council at a following meeting. Why is a strategic planning/visioning process appropriate at this time? Here are a few reasons that Brucc may discuss. I. What does Monticello want to look like in 2020 and beyond? The consultant will help us dcfine a vision for the community and help us position resources necessary to get there. 2. It has been 15 years since we did a community wide survey except for specific surveys relating to park/community recreation facilities. The consultant will provide ideas on how City Council can determine community needs and priorities relating to city services. This information will help guide prioritization of projects, establishmcnt of service levels, and associated budget decisions. 3. City is facing significant growth in scrvice demand in all areas of municipal service. At the same time, a number of experienced stall are reaching retirement age. What steps should be taken and how can the organization be structured to handle the impending personnel changes? 4. Annexation issue is resolved. Now it is time to do some serious and exciting land use planning in the growth areas. The consultant would provide ideas on integrating the visioning process with thc land-use planning process that needs to gct underway soon. Land use/comprehensive planning process will be one of the tools used to make the vision a reality. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to call fiJr a Council Workshop on a date as sclected. 2. Motion to deny rcquest to call for a workshop. . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/04 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Visioning/Strategic Planning Process - Suggested Flow Chart and Major Tasks submitted by Springsted. . . . ~ ~ SPRINGSTED Adtlisors to tlte Public Sector 4 ",I,.. fey1f )- :l-c>ot ;3 0 ~ f\ CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA VISIONING I STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS SUGGESTED FLOW CHART AND MAJOR TASKS JulV 2004 Process Initiation >- Present objectives for the visioning / strategic planning process Y Establish steering committee >- Identify stakeholders >- Agree on process and content + Mapping >- Define baseline for Monticello 2004 >- Probabilities and time frame of growth and annexation "'" >- Survey of community services and needs - ~ S ~ >- General agreement on priorities and issues De.-u Community involvement >- What do we want Monticello to look like in 2010 /2015? + Implications >- Land use decisions >- Infrastructure capacities >- Funding and tax implications + Decisions >- Select scope and priority of projects >- Analyze staffing and skill requirements >- Resource allocation decisions + Community Feedback and Dialogue >- Progress measurements and community feedback '$ ~~!!~r-:i~U~J!~c~ . MEET OUR ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES TEAM ._.,-~~,,-.~-, NICHOLAS R. DRAGISIC,H, EXECUTIVE VICE PRE$IDENt . Team leader: Springs/ed:I- Management COJ/sulting Sel'Jlice.I' 1l!am . Directs mllllllge/ltlmt studies, alla~vzillg sCl"l'ice deliJleJ)' .Iystems, determining financial fmsihility and proJliding capital imp/'{JJlellwnt programming . Oper 18 years of 1I1lllUJgement experieJlC(! . Former ci~v administrator and city enginea -#: W.ILLlA"1 S. JOYNES, CONSULTANT . PrOJlides organizational mangement studies, human re,I'OUrces serpices aJ/d eXN'util'l! searches . Dean and Associllte Pn!/es,w)/; Graduate School (~l Public Adl/lilli~tratioll and Management, IJamline UniJleJ:,-i(p, Sf. Paul, Alinnesotll . Former city manager ~.' ~....'..'..'.'."i1...''''.'' ~;, .~ SHARON G. KLUMPP, VICE PRESIDENI . Conducts organization management studies and helps organizations implemel11 c/ulIlge . PnJl'ides human reSOurces serJlices and meeting facilitations . Former Associate Executire Director, League l~l Minnesota Cities, Metropolitan Councii ExecutiJle Director and ci(y administrator JOHN T. MAXWELL, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT . Directs organizational managnnel11 reviews, class(lication and Compenstation studies and human resources study acth'ities with clients . Recruits and assesses cxccuth'e search candidates . Former city managCl; finance directoraJ/d humaJ/ resources director .,~'.~--.~ CAROLYN S. HOLMSTEN, VICE PR!;SIDENT . Spfxializes in operational ,Iysteflls anaZl',I'is · Forma school district business manageJ; school board member and - a Certified Public Accountant, with p;'iJlate sector business experience ~-l NEIL E. CHRISTENSON, PH.D" CONSULTANT ~ , '.' . IAlalil- and facilitates studies and projects !l.,':~.,", ~.~, in m"gl.l.l.liz.a t...ion.. al de'.I'ig. n. ,financial p.lanning lffi,~; I and alternath-e serpice delh'el)' systems .j - I. Former college president and I lInh'ersi(V seniorfe/loJj' . Former il11erim CFOfor a major ci(p ROGER M. SCOTT, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT . Directs execufipe searches, organizational manageme11l studies and classification and compensation studies · ProJliding municipal management consulting sen'ices for oJler 35 years . Former assistant planning engbleel; assistant ci()' manager and city manager PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES DEDICATED TO SERVING THE PUBLIC SECTOR AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS . Providing the complete range (~f.\'l?r"ices for: ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES L-' ORGANIZATIONAL IMPROVEMENT STUDIES L1 STAFFING ANALYSIS/FORECASTING L~ ALTERNATIVE SERVICE DELIVERY STUDIES L1 POLICY WORKSHOP FACILITATIONS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES L"'"" POSITION CLASSIFICATION STUDIES L-" COMPENSATION STUDIES L1 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEMS L1 EXECUTIVE SEARCH SERVICES Our Organizational Management and Human Resources Services Team is complemented by the overall reSOurce base of operational and capital financial expertise within our finn. Contact Springsted through your Springsted Client Representative, Of our Web site: 11'H'lv..I'pr;ng,I'!cd.coll1 O..-i ..-i0l(",) <l'U)ID r-- co 0\ 0 r-l0l(",)<l'lf1ID ror-- 00\ rl0l("')<l'lf1\D ...:i Cil 000 000 0 0 0 r-l r-lr-l..-i..-lr-l..-i ..-i..-i 01r-l 010101010101 ...:i Z 000 000 0 0 0 0 000000 00 00 000000 Cil H 000 000 0 0 0 0 000000 00 00 000000 U ...:i 000 000 0 0 0 0 000000 00 00 000000 Hr>:J E-<c.'J Cl 01NN NNN 01 N 01 N 01N0I0INN 01N NN NNNNNN Z<I; H r--r--r-- r--r--r-- r-- r-- r-- r-- r--r-r-r-r--r-- r--r-- r--r-- r--r--r--r--r--r-- 00. 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