City Council Agenda Packet 07-12-2004 . Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 12,2004 - 7 p.m. Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of June 28, 2004 regular Council meetingi/ /' 3. Consideratjfm of adding itemyo the agenda. 1{!lJIA. {.#d , I ~ /- 1/lJ.JA v 5r~ e.'t-fLl CV~~ 51'-,(f tlrO(IS 4. Citizen comments, petitions, reqLests and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. L ~~ (0 . - C. \ \/@ . A. Consideration ofratify new hires and departures for the MCC, Liquor Store, Water, Streets, Public Works and Parks. 6$ Consideration of awarding contract for 2004 Sealcoating, Project No. 2004-24C (p~ Consideration of preliminary plat approval for Jefferson Commons, a commercial development in a 8-4 District. Applicant: City of Monticello. D. Consideration of calling for public hearing on TH 25/Sehool Boulevard signal, City Project No. 2004-19C. E. Consideration of a conditional use permit for concept and development stage Planned Unit Development. Applicant: Muller Theatres and the City of Monticello. F. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing for a convenience food establishment in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Culver's of Monticello. Consideration of a request for a zoning map and comprehensive plan amendment to accommodate a change inland use from Light Industrial (I I-A) to a Commercial Industrial PUD. Applicant: Otter Creek LLC 11. Consideration of amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regarding minimum fence setbacks and maximum fence heights on parcels with multiple street frontages. Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Commission. I. Consideration of reviewing quotes for parking improvements to the Dan Olson property and authorizing award of contract. Project No. 2004-15C. J. Consideration of final plat and development agreement Wal-Mart. City of Monticello Council Agenda July] 2,2004 Page 2 ~t~ . 6. 7. 8. ~\'J\ 9. (;,,.l. 10. ]1. . . Consideration of request for a comprehensive plan amendment and zoning map amendment to accommodate a change in land use from Light Industrial (II-A) to Regional Business (B-4). Applicant: Ocello, LLC Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Consideration of transportation system design and operation for 2005. Consideration of concrete sidewalk rejection on the Cedar Street, City Project No. 2002-06C. Consideration of approving purchase agreement Culver's Restaurants. Approve payment of bills for July. Adjourn. . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 28, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Bruce '['hielen. Members Absent: Robbie Smith 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Alleeiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p,m. and declared a quorum present The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of the .June 14,2004 rel!ular Council meeting. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 14,2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. 2B. Approve minutes of the June 21. 2004 special Council meetinl!. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 2004 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addine items to the agenda. Brian Stumpf asked about the triangular piece of land at the River Street/Prairie Road/CSAH 75 intersection and who was responsible for maintaining that. He asked that staff determine responsibility for maintenance and report back to the Council. John Simola indicated that for the time being the City would maintain it. Glen Posusta asked that the City's policy on noxious weeds be added to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions. requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comment portion of the agenda. Gary Anderson from the Monticello Lions Club was present to report to the Council on the success of the Support Our Soldiers project and to thank the Council for the their support of the project as well as allowing the use of the MCC facility for packaging the boxes that were sent to the troops. I-Ie indicated that a scrapbook on the project would be available for viewing at City Hall. 5. Consent Agenda. A, Consideration of ratifying new hires and terminations tl1r the Liquor Store, Streets and 2 Council Minutes - 6/28/04 Parks. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and terminations as identified. . Consideration of final plat and development agreement Sunset Ponds Phase I L Recommendation: Approve the final plat of Sunset Ponds 2nd Addition subject to completion and execution of the development agreement. B. C. REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. D. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing for drive-up retail sales; motor fuel dispensing; light automobile service, including tires and batteries; open and outdoor sales; convenience foods; joint parking and drives; sign plan; and a request for a preliminary plat for a commercial development in a B-3 district. Applicant: Wal-Mart. Recommendation: l) Approve the preliminary plat for Monticello business Center 3rd Addition based on a finding that the land use pattern is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan subject to conditions notcd by the Planning Commission on June l, 2004 as follows: 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . The applicant is to submit revised plans showing the sidewalk along Cedar Street to be five feet in width and both ofthe sidewalks along Cedar Street and the sidewalk along School Boulevard to be one foot off of the property line. The sidewalk along School Boulevard is to be extended to the east for the length of the plat. An escrow for future street, sidewalk, lighting and utility extension along Cedar Street the length of the plat is to be submitted to the City prior to building permit approval. Color, detail or additional landscape screening is to be added to the rear and School Boulevard facade. Xcel Energy must review all landscaping within the overhead powerline easement. The landscape plan must be revised as necessary. The photometric plan is to be revised to show any lighting within the canopy area. Lighting within the canopy area shall consist of canister spotlights with no portion ofthe light source or future extending below the bottom face of the canopy. The site plan is to be revised to identify a trash enclosure constructed of similar building material as the principal structure, screened from view of neighboring properties, with adequate access for garbage trucks. An interior or attached trash room is the preferred design. The site plan is to be revised to reduce the number of access points onto School Aoulevard and Cedar Street from the site from three to two. The submitted grading plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Additional comments from staff 2) Approvc the CUP requests based on the finding that they are consistent with the criteria for CUP approval as described in the ordinance subject to conditions identified by the Planning Commission at the J unc 1, 2004 meeting (approved engincer plans and tinal architectural standards are the only conditions that have not been met with the latest plan submittal). A commitment has been made to adjust architectural detail as requested including adding landscaped island delineators. Approval includes the condition that the architectural plan for the structure include enhancements as requested by the City Planner. 2 '2- . . . Council Minutes - 6/28/04 E. Consideration of accepting feasibility report for Meadow Oak Sewer Bypass Project No. 2003-02C. Recommendation: Accept the feasibility report and order preparation of plans and specifications for the entire project as proposed. F. Consideration of a request for a preliminary plat and conditional use permit for a planned unit development for an 11 townhouse project in the CCD District. - Landmark Square 11. Recommendation: Approve the preliminary plat and development stage planned unit development for Landmark Square II. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearing on consideration of a reauest to vacate a portion of a drainage and utility easement running alone the rear portion of Lot 9. Block 10. Groveland Second Addition. Public Works Director, John Simola, explained that the request was to vacate a triangular piece of the drainage easement. This would allow the property owner to build a retaining wall without encroaching into the easement area and yet not adversely impact the easement area. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed easement vacation. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. 8. Review of 2003 Audit Report. Rick Borden from Larson Allen was present to review with the Council the audit report for the year ending December 31, 2003. Mr. Borden stated that this audit report was the first that implemented the GASI3 34 regulations which made significant changes in the way the City shows its financial statements. The primary area of change was in the fixed asset account. Mr. Borden indicated that the report was not the final report as a couple of items remained to be completed one being adding the MD&A (Management Discussion & Analysis) to the report and the other being to reconcile the difference in the fix asset account as shown in the previous years audit with that of the 2003 audit. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller noted that the MD & A had been sent to their office earlier so that should havc been included in the report. That would leave the reconciling of the fixed asset account as the only item remaining. Rick I30rden noted that the report broke the financial activities down into two types; government and business type activities. The business type activities included water, liquor cemctery, etc. The business type activities had revenue in excess of expenditures while the government activities generally did not. Glen Posusta questioned the amount the City had available in cash/investments. 3 L~ . . . Council Minutes - 6/28/04 Rick Borden then compared the old balance sheet format with the new adding that the old format did not show long term receivables. Mr. Borden noted that information on the Firemen's Relief Association was not included in the report. Brian Stumpf questioned the accuracy of the statement in the audit report that the City contributed to the relief association. Rick Wolfsteller explained that the City receives funds form the state which the City gives to the relief association and that was the contribution being referenced. Items mentioned by Mr. Borden included an instance where there was not sufficient collateral coverage for the funds on hand, lack of personnel files to correspond with payroll records and segregation of duties for financial duties with the concern being that the person who generates the bill should not also be the same person who receives payment for the bill and deposits the money. He noted that with smaller statT achieving segregation of duties was more difficult but it was important that control was not concentrated in the just one person. Another item was journal entries and how they were reviewed. He also pointed out that outstanding checks need to be turned over to the state as unclaimed property after three years. Another area the audition questioned was the open accounts and who was authorized to use them. There was some discussion on internal controls to cover these items. Mr. Borden stated that when the final report has been prepared he would be back to review it with the Council but he wanted the Council to have the preliminary report so they could study the changes that were made because of GASB 34. Bruce Thielen suggested that the final audit review he done in a workshop where they could spend more time on the report. Rick Borden indicated that they will be contacting the State Auditor's Office to inform them of the delay in getting the audit report turned int. 9. REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. 10. rou for sale of land. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provided background information on the item. The purchase agreement shows a slight increase in the amount of land to he purchased from 10.2 acres to 10.87 acres with the resulting purchase price heing $835,263. The Muller group is anxious to get their project started and as soon as the purchase agreement is approved they would being site grading. Rick Wolfsteller point out that there are certain items that require Planning Commission and/or Council approval and that approving the purchase agreement was no guarantee of the other approvals that are required. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE BASIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TlIE PURCHASE AGREEMENT AS OUTLINED, CONTINGENT UPON APPROVAL OF V ARIOUS UTILITY PLANS, GRADING PLANS AND OTHER SITE PLANS BY CONSULTANTS AND CONTINGENT UPON PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW OF APPROPRIATE V ARIANCES OR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 '2.. 11. . . . Council Minutes - 6/28/04 Consideration to review and accept feasibility study for Block 35 AlIev and Plaza Improvements, authorize desie:n and preparation of plans and specs, authorize e:oine out for bids and calline: for a public hearing. Bret Weiss and Bruce Cochran review the improvements proposed for the Block 35 area. A petition had been submitted by some of the property owners voicing their opposition to establishment of a service district. Bret Weiss indicated in talking to the property owners they had concerns about setting up a service district then the cost of the project is not know. Another individual indicated that the proposal to have the parking stalls for public parking was not possible for him as he has designated them for his tenant's use. It was felt that the property owners would be more committed to the project if they knew what their costs would be. The property owners would be prefer to see the project designed and bid so they know what they are getting into before a service district agreement is set up. The engineer's estimate of the project costs varied from $195,000 to $230,000 depending on whether bituminous surfacing was installed or some other material like concrete or pavers. Other improvements include planters and trash enclosures. AI Loch spoke stating that there are 8 property owners that are impacted by the improvement project. These property owners have met with the EDA to try to work out an agreement for project costs. Al Loch noted an agreement has been reached for maintenance and snow removal and he felt with time an agreement could be reached among the property owners relating to the other improvements. The Council discussed whether the project should be tabled until the property owners reached an agreement. The project was to include improvements to the public parking lot. The parking lot improvements had been put off a couple of years while the EDA tried to come up with a plan for the 'improvements to the area. Bret Weiss stated that there are some economies of scale when you arc able to combine projects but if the property owners could not agree on the other improvements, the work on the parking lot could still proceed. The question is whether the Council wants to pay for preparation of plans and specifications on a project that may not go through. Doug Schneider, the property owner who submitted the petition against the service district, stated the primary concern was agreeing to something they did not know the cost of but there were other concerns as well. He felt there were just too many unknowns for them to commit to this project. lie also stated that not all of the property owners had seen the report for the proposed improvements. Rick Wolfsteller stated it is a complicated issue because some of the work under the project would be done on private property. The intent of the EDA was to make storm sewer and drainage improvements in exchange for the property owners making improvements to the back of their buildings. The EDA would not be willing to expend public funds if the property owners do not commit to the project. The EDA was proposing funding in the amount of $145,000. Property owners need to finalize what facade improvement costs are as well as 5 L- Council Minutes - 6/28/04 project costs. . It was suggested that by tabling action on this request for another two weeks, it would give time for the property owners to come to an agreement. If no agreement is reached, the Counci I could then make a determination on whether to proceed with the parking lot improvements. Glen posusta questioned whether business owners would be assessed for the parking lot improvements. John Simola indicated they would not. Glen posusta felt this was similar to the Core Street Project where even though the property owners were assessed for the original construction of the road they also paid a portion of the cost when the road was reconstructed. If the property owners were not being charged for the parking lot improvements that should provide incentive for the property owners to come to an agreement on the other improvements. Rick Wolfsteller stated that this was not set up to be a 429 project as it was going to be funded by the EDA. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE THIS n'EM UNTIL THE JUL Y 12,2004 COUNCIL MEETING. There was no second to the motion. . GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY STUDY, AUTHORIZE WSB & ASSOCIATES TO DESIGN AND PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BLOCK 35 ALLEY AND PLAZA IMPROVEMENTS CONSISTING OF A BITUMINOUS PA VEMENT ALLEY AND PARKING AREA AND PLAIN FOUR INCII CONCRETE PLAZA WITH AN ALTERNATE BID FOR EXPOSED AGGREGATE CONCRE"rE PLAZA, AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS AND TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 26, 2004. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Brian Stumpf asked if the EDA was going to fund the cost of the plans and specifications. Bruce Thielen suggested that when the plans are prepared the engineer should break out the City portion of the project. Added Items: Glen Posllsta asked what the City's procedure was on weeds on a property. John Simola stated that on city property and right-of-way, the City takes care of mowing the weeds. On private property, the owner is given a blight notice and if it is not mowed within then days, a private contractor comes into mow and the cost is charged back to the property owner. It was pointed out that the City ordinance states any weeds or grass in excess of six inches within 100 feet of another building is considered a violation of the ordinance. Fred Patch updated the Council on the status of moving the Methodist Church Building. . Representatives lrom the Swan River Montessori Charter School were present to npdate the Council on 6 .!- . . Council Minutes - 6/28/04 the status of their charter. They also requested that a letter of support from the City be sent to the Department of Education. It is hoped that the building will be moved to its site on MCC property within the next two weeks. The National Guard vehicle storage area is being relocated to the west side of Linn Street. 12. Approve payment of bills for June. Glen posusta had questions on bills for equipment, mowing and batteries. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF I3lLLS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Adiourn. BRIAN ST'UMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -"-~-,-,,,--- Recording Secretary . 7 'L, . . Counci I Agenda - 7/12/04 SA. Consideration of approving: new hires and departures for MCC. Liquor Store. Water Public Works. Streets and Parks. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC , Liquor Store, Water, Public Works, Streets and Parks Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council oiIicially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SlJPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Dunnigan, Michael W & S asst Water 6/21/2004 temporary Ewert, Shandee Slide attendant MCC 6/10/2004 part-time Hindermann, Ed Custodian MCC 6/20/2004 part-time Jude, Jason Slide attendant MCC 6/15/2004 part-time McAlpine, Amanda GS II MCC 5/31/2004 part-time Yackley, Cameron PW asst Parks 6/9/2004 temporary Hoglund, Julie PW Clerical PW 7/6/2004 part-time Foshaug, Ryan Streets Streets 7/12/2004 full-time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Calhoun, Amy involuntary Liquor 6/11/2004 part-time Ritter, Cory voluntary Liquor 5/31/2004 part-time . . employee councillist.xls: 6/30/2004 5~ . . . Council Agenda - 7/12/04 5B. Consideration of awardine contract for 2004 Sealcoatine Project No. 2004-24C. (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On Thursday, July 8, 2004 the City opened bids for the 2004 Sea\coat, Project No.2004-24C. The sealcoat work involves portions of the Oroveland development as shown on the attached drawing totaling 88,097 square yards. A total of four bids were received with prices ranging from $54,620.14 to $74,001.48 with the low bid being submitted by Pearson Bros. Ine. out of Loretto. The City has budgeted $35,000 in the general fund to cover this work. The last sea1coat project the City bid was in 2001. Contract price for the 2001 project was $0.719 a square yard. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to award the project to Pearson Bros., Inc.based upon their bid of $.62 per square yard for a total bid of $54,620.14. 2. The second alternative would be not to award the project. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent that the City Council authorize the award 1'0 the contract to Pearson Bros., lnc.based upon their low bid of $54,620.14 as outlined in Alternative # 1 above. The completion date of the project is August 16,2004. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Drawing Council Agenda - 7/12/04 sc. Consideration of a request for a Preliminary Plat for Jefferson Commons, a commercial development in a B-4 zonin!! district. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. The Planning Commission was asked to review a request for a preliminary plat for the parcel formerly known as the "Remmele Property", proposed by the City of Monticello. The Planning Commission heard testimony from neighboring property owners who were concerned about commercial uses close to their property. Planning staff noted the significant buffer yard requirement standards that would apply to the plat in the case of subsequent development requests. The Commission also indicated that at the point other development proposals came forward on the plat, the residents would receive a notice and could again address Commission on the matter. Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat for Jefferson Square, alternative 1 in the report provided to the Planning Commission below. The City is requesting approval of a preliminary plat for Jefferson Commons, commonly referred to as the "Remmele Property" along the west side of Trunk Highway 25 at the intersection with School Boulevard. The property would include the extension of School Boulevard right of way to the property's west boundary, and the platting of approximately 55 acres of commercial land. The plat will create three development parcels at this time. The corner of School Boulevard and the frontage road (called "Deegan Avenue NE) will be the site of the proposed Culver's Restaurant, for which a CUP request is also on this Planning Commission agenda. This parcel is approximately 1.5 acres in area. The second parcel is a lot of more than 8 acres, planned for the Monticello Muller Theatre project, also on this agenda. The third lot will consist of the relocated commuter parking lot, owned by the City. The commuter parking lot will be moved to the Highway 25 frontage under the Xcel power line casement, and will serve the joint purpose of commuter parking and overi1ow parking for new businesses in the area. The remainder of the property will be reserved for future commercial use, with the exception of required ponding and the potential reservation of space for a future fire station location. All lots meet the zoning standards, and will require more substantial review as part of the specific commercial development process. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat, based on a Finding that the application meets the City's requirements for subdivision in a B-4 zoning district, and is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. ~ 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Preliminary Plat, based on findings presented at the puhlic hearing. -- ------- -- ~- ------- ---- --- - Council Agenda - 7/12/04 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION '. StalTrecommends approval of the plat as discussed in Alternative 1. The property is guided for commercial use, and the proposed plat meets the requirements of the B-4 zoning district. Additional parcels will be subdivided as users are identified and specific property dimensions can be determined. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image B. Site Location/Title Sheet C. Existing Conditions D. Preliminary Plat E. Grading Plan f. Utility Plan G. Erosion Control and Landscape Plan . . 2 1111 ~~ )Ii ~ 0 3 I s '" iii ~i ~ "'0 c> 0 ~ili ** '" g<> r. >-", z ..~ oJ'" :J '" lIt* >-", W 1= >-w 8 ::: '" 13e; LL N ----- -0 ** w ~ l'5 "'c> LL 5 '" ~~ 0- >- ::> l:: ** .J "'''' -------- w- CD :> ",>< P' a:'" 0 ....w ~--\b\ ,'" . W ",w>- "'H W ~o.-I ,or ,Ol . e; w ~~8b cr: z wuz. I- ..----'- I ~ -.,..-- I, .@ 4 ,/ I ,., . ..~~~ -----..:.~""""""""- " '\ - ~~._~ I! ~" J- \ ~ ~I ~/./' tM ~ -W ~ r~" ij " ;0' "'. In', ~ ::,' o z '" .. ~. ~ z I i VI - , ~ .', '~~, Iv '. 96' V)~ ., : I. ',,~ '..! . g~r , j r . 'v ;;I .' ,~~ : /. f " ~~{: . - " ~,i" z ~ ",iT ;-=-= :':':"="-<~;..:::s:.! ~~ ~~~5 ~q ~c:. "'", ~~ ~ H~ i:ti ~g ;;I ~- "'~ .". -< I :t>- ..0- g I (5. l-lZ '" '" C lro.. lro.. t lro.. 't.., lro.. ~ -~ " .:....~.r.~'- t t lro.. lro... t \r,;". t IS !~Q , ~~~ K,~~l. . .,........ .... '. " " ,. ----c ~ t- I / - -'1 e . _J>>-~-- . / n 1 A ~ " ~ --------- o o N o ~ " " / I I " " ..'........... s;: .. "'J& , .. <.. 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OJ '" L r I L I I L " / / / / / -~ I / ~ / ---------- / ---J --- ~. g . :o! tl2 ~ " ~ 11 ...... ,e, ~~.- .. '" '-' ~- ~ I ; _J , ""'f , I , -.1 .; 7 , / ., ~ ., 'I .~ "'""1 " ~J ~l ~J ~l .,.JJ ~J ! '::>. l 8 Ii! ~J .. ~ ,.. ~l ~ --,1 J ~- ., , / < \ \ "'" \ ( ( ( /"" ( -,/( ( ( ( -- "- \. \ \. ............ --- -, _.r- r--' I ,-. I I council Agenda - 7/12104 . 5D. Trunk Hi hwa 25 at School Boulevard Traffic Si nal: Order Public Hearin . (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A traffic signal is proposed at the intersection ofTrunk Highway 25 with School Boulevard. The Sib",al Justification Report and Preliminary Construction Plans havc bcen submitted to MnlDOT for their review and approval. The timeframe associated with installation of this signal is pertinent due to surrounding proposed development. The plan is to assess the project to the benefited property owners using estimated trip generation of the proposed and anticipated development. To facilitate possible installation of the signal system this year, the City Council authorized tbe expenditure of city funds to pre-order tbe necessary equipment, subject to MnlDOT plan and funding approvals at the June 14, 2004 council meeting. WSB would like authorization from the City Council to order the public hearing to be held on July 26, 2004. The has!bility Report and proposed assessments will be available at the Public Hearing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONs..:. . 1. Order public hearing for July 26, 2004. 2. Deny public hearing notice. C. ST AFF RECOMMENOATION: It is the recommendat! on of the City Engineer that the City Council proceed with ordering the public hearing for July 26, 2004. . C\DO('\\Mf-IID.\\VN. I GROILOCAI.S IITf\\P\\\ONTICU.IJl ('Nell ,\(;ENllA I . . Counci 1 Agenda .- 7/12/04 5E. licant: Muller Theatres. (NAC) A. ~EFERENCEANDBACKGROUNQ Tbe Planning Commission was asked to review a reqnest from Muller Family Tbeatres tbat would allow tbe developmeot of aO 18 sereeo tbeatre eomplex under a Planoed Uoit Development designation 00 tbe previously approved Jefferson Commons plat. Below is tbe staff report provided to Planniog Commission related to tbe request. After a brief discossioo on tbe building fa~ade and tbe moviog and recoostruction of tbe City's Park and Ride facility, tbe Plaoniog Commission recommended approval uoder alteroative I beloW. Muller Tbeatres is seeking approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a pUD that would aHow the development of an 8+ acre parcel, part of the" Remmele Property" - noW being plarted as "J efferson Commons". Tbe intent of the PU D is, essentially. to aHow the applicants to create a freestanding sign pad on a separate parcel along Higbway 25. Except for limited PUD applications, off-site signs are not pennittcd. The PUD also accommodates the applicant's intent to provide parking at a slightly lower rate than the hasic zoning standard, relying on overflow use of the City's commuter parking lot during peak peri ods. F inaHy, the PU D aHows for the use of a common service aHey along the north (back) side of the building that wiH be shared with future commercial development. The conunon service aHey and the shared parking both serve to signiflcantly reduce the amount of land necessary to accommodate the project. The proposed sign is 22 feet in height, and consists oflhree separate message panels. The larger. upper panel identifles the name of the facility. The middle panel consists of an electronic message board. The lower panel identifles the site as the Park and Ride Lot. The project itself is proposed to consist of a 14 screen theatre complex, with a sheH building construeted that would aHow an expansion for 4 additional screens. During the interim period, the applicants propose to rent the future theatre space for retail uses. The use of P UD is intended to aHow for fl exi bili ty in the application of zonin g standards where the fl exi bility resol ts in a project of superior quality. p UD is expressly not intended merely to get around the basic zoning requirements. In this case, s\affhas Suggested to the applicants that enhanced landscaping and building detail could be provided in exchange for the relaxation of the setback, parking supply, and off-site signage allowances. The applicants had originally provided plans showing a basic tip-uP concrete panel structure with signiflcant features over the main entrance. Staff has asked the applicants to add some architectural features to the roofline, such as decorative cornice, and additional detailing at some of the building comers to emphasize the articulation in the building wall. The architects have been working on tbe plaoS and have provided additional infonoation within the past few dayS. Architecturally, the building design relies on an extensive entry treatment as the focuS of the building's detailing. The remainder of the structure is a "rakcd" finish concrete panel, with colored cornice cap, and an alternative horizontal striping pattern. Additional colored diamond-shaped elements have been added to a few of the front wan panels . . . Council Agenda - 7/1 L./V"'f The landscape plan appears to addresS the green space and planting requirements of the zoning ordinance reasonably well, given the limitations of the Xcel power line along the south boundary of the site. [t is noted that the front planting beds provide for shrub massing and omaroental (crabapple) trees. Due to tbe height of the building, planning staff would recommend a larger tree selection in these beds to belp soften the series of flat surfaces ofthe building. Oak or a larger evergreen tree would be recommended. The following additional issues will need to be resolved as part of the fma[ plan approval for the project: I. Parking lot constrUction. The plans appear to envision that no curb line is constructed delineating tbe soutb edge to the parking area. The zoning ordinance requires that aI[ parking lots are surrounded by a continuoUS concrete curb barrier to control traffic and drainage. The existing curb surrounds the current commuter parking, and must be modilied to meet tbe requirements of tbe zoning ordinance. 2. Parking lot construction. The west boundary of the parking lot anticipateS future expansion of the lot to the west. \n such cases where future expansion is planned, the City bas permitted a temporary asphalt curb or other measures that control drainage as interim improvements pending the permanent expansion. It is noted that while the theatre is not occupying the entire building, the space will be used by retail tenants. As such, the City sbould reserve the right to require full parking lot construction prior to tbe theatre expansion in the event that overfloW parking conflicts become a problem for eitber the street or tbe commuter parking lot. 3. South boundary buffer yard. The zoning ordinance requires a buller yard between commercial and residential uses. The applicant is required to install one-half ofthe bnffer yard requirements due to tbe mature landscapiug in place along the residential boundary. This would require a buffer yard widtb of IS fcet and 60 "plant units" per I 00 linear feet of common boundary . Essentially, this will rcq nire an open planting of evergreen trees, or preferably, a continuOUS screen planting of larger evergreen shrubs such as junipers. 4. Landscape materials sizes. The zoning ordinance requires that 15% of all trees are planted with a caliper size 0\3.5 inches. There are 66 proposcd deciduoUS trees on the plan, I 0 of which should be identi fled for 3.5 caliper inches in size. 5. pylon signage for the tbeatre site is limited to a single sign as proposed, not including directional signs. B. ~L TERNA TIVE ACTION1i Concept and Developmcnt Stage planned Unit Developmcnt for Muller Theatre . \. Motion to recommend approval of the pun, based on a linding that tbe use' pun results in superior land use and efficiencY of site design and usage. Th' pun accommodates an off-site freestanding sign, sbared parking witb tbe City's commuter parldng lot, and setback flexibility accommodating a com. 2 . c. Council Agenda - 7/12/04 service drive along the north side of the building. This recommendation should be based on conditions that include enhanced architectural detailing and compliance with the zoning ordinance standards, including those listed above. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the PUD, based on a finding that the plans do not justify the use of PU D in the proposed manner. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the pun with the listed conditions, pending final review of the building plans. Allowing an off-site freestanding sign should be an accommodation only permitted with tangible improvements to the site and/or building plans. With the architectural detailing suggested by staff, we believe that the City can make this finding, and distinguish this proposal from other applications that may come forward. Too often, PUD is used to circumvent ordinance requirements without a commensurate exchange ofbencfits. When this happens, the City's zoning regulations become useless, rather than important expressions ofthe City's land use goals. . . D. SUPPORTING DATA A. B. c. D. E. r. Site Plan/Sign Plan Landscape Plan Lighting Plan Grading and Drainage Plans Utility Plan Building Elevation Plan ., -, I / / I / t / I ,/ / I r / / t / , t / I / ,- I I ~ ~ '" " 0- ~ Q. ~~ _Vl 1;~ <0", ,.0 ~~ Vl< ~'" .... ~111 "'- '" "'''1 -.I>- 0 "'''' Ol11 ~ .... ".~ O() 0", " ~I;;! 111'" 7- . '" ,,, .~z " ~II Vl '" :t .... ~ ~ i" r" U, '" 111 '" ,,, ... 111 "l Jje"", -:0 iJ< )> ~ N '" ~ _ ~-:o-.fI! , \ f .._'~'---------~~~~~-"_.._"._--,._..._-,._.,-~_.,_._~_..--~- _.".,-,._,.,-'-.,_.,-,-,.,-'''_.,-,._,._,~--, ._-. . ~ ~ g ',r 't .lOS3NNIV'4 'OTl30UN0V'4 I " , ~ ;J*' j J In:, ~ ,'till I 38.1 'v'3H.1 ^ "l1V\J'v':::I 83"l"lnV\J (5 kt'l r I '" iiil h'i'I' ~ 'lillil t /I .1 ..1,1 1 1 l 1'1111111' <0 ~ I!; <<J<l1<El<<J<El<El<El<El<El~ 8 ,'I 't:/Q:J A.lrlIOV:::I NaN I .--T.--.-- I I I I I I I I I c > - w U LU a:: .- - - ~~~- - - -- --,.~- - - - .".-".'--'....- .', .................. I Y ~s il ~ . ,. ---- I I 'II.' I fl:: III I I I I I I I I I I I IJ d' III I'! I ! 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Ii;; ~ I! ! ~ ~ !~. ~ i I I" ~~ ~ ~ ~ ' , , , ~ I ~~ ~~:~~ ~ " '- ~ ~@@c;J@e ~ ~ ~ ~i ~i I ~ ~ ~ Ii i~ i ~ ~ . S sl1 i ~ ~ i ~ . ~ ~ I" ' lii~! ~ ! I ~ ~ @ 000000 - ~ E- . --;c --~ ---- ,~ (:::) - --- ~='(:) ~. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~t ~e I ~ Q i .@ '..---''A. (,:;) ---I~ -e Ij.o - --~@ - --() C\ " -----j- ~o -" -~ ---~,~- M ~ i ( 0-- .r.~- (Q G . . . 5V. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit CUP application for a Culver's Restaurant. Applicant: Culver's of Monticello. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Planning Commission reviewed a request from Culver's of Monticello for a COP allowing a convenience food establishment in a B-4 district. Planning Commission received the staff report below. The City Planner noted that the applicant had already acted to include the requests outlined within the conditions of approval or had indicated a willingness to meet the conditions. Planning Commission and City staff complimented the applicant on the thoroughness of their application materials and their cooperative approach to the planning process. Planning Commission recommended approval of the CUP under alternative 1 below. Culver's of Monticello has requested a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a Culver's restaurant on a 1.38 acre site located at the southwest intersection of State Highway 25 and School Blvd. The site location is Lot 1, Block of the proposed "Jefferson Commons" plat. The subject site is zoned B-4, Regional Business. Access. Access to the site is proposed from a single point on Deegan A venue NE that runs parallel to Highway 25. Deegan A venue NE intersects School Blvd west of Highway 25. Issues related to site access and curb cut width should be subject to additional comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Circulation. The proposed development includes a sit down restaurant and a drive through facility. Traffic for each of these functions is well separated to minimize conilict and congestion. The plan shows a 34 foot wide entry drive providing access to a parking lot and the drive through facility. The drive through aisle wraps around the building on the side opposite the parking lot and exits on the north side of the lot. A 24 foot drive wraps around the perimeter of the parking lot and connects drive through traffic back to the main entry drive at the site's exit. Planning statI would recommend that an aisle be striped along the south curb line for traffic that is waiting in line for the order board to avoid circulation cont1icts with parking lot traffic. There is adequate room to accommodate a 9 or 10 foot wide aisle and two-way traffic for the parking lot. In regard to site circulation, the following concern exists: Pedestrian Access to Site. Sidewalks arc included per city requirements along the frontage of both School Blvd and the Access road; however, there is no connection of these sidewalks to the restaurant other than at the vehicle entrance. A sidewalk connection from the sidewalk on school Blvd to the patio dining area would provide adequate pedestrian access and is recommended. . . . Restaurant Stacking Space. The ordinance does not provide any specific stacking space requirements for drive-through facilities. Approximately 180 feet of stacking space has been proposed for the restaurant drive-througb order board. In addition, space exists betweeo the board and the drive-through window, and five spaces are provided for drive-through customers waiting for food delivery. This design provides service space for as many as 15 vehicles, adequate for the nature ofthis use. Setbacks. The design meets an applicable setback requirements. Off-street Parking. The site plan identifies 70 parking spaces; the requirement is for 68 spaces. Landscaping. ^ landscape plan as been submitted providing details of the type and size of plant material being proposed. The plan providcs for adequate screening of tbe drive- througb facility from Highway 25. The outdoor paved patio surface and public sidewalks should match that ofthe City's Plaza concept for School Blvd. Signage. All site signage appears to comply with the applicable requirements ofthe Sign Ordinance. Lighting. A photometric lighting plan identifying illumination levels on the subject site shows the source oflights to be hooded and controlled so as not to illuminate adjacent properties or public rights-of-way. The lighting plan does not show street lighting within the public right-of-way. The plan should be reviewed to show such lighting for conformance with city plans for School Blvd. Grading Drainage and Utilities- A grading and drainage plan has been submitted. Such plans win be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS \. Motion to recommend approval ofthe Conditional Use Permit based on a finding that the project is consistent with the goals of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Concept Stage PUD based on a fmding that the project is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2 . . . c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the preceding review, the applicant's proposal meets the requirements for a conditional nse permit for the Highway Business District B-3. Staff recommends approval subject to: 1. Adding a pedestrian sidewalk connection to the restaurant from the sidewalk on School Blvd. 2. Work with the City to ensure that street lighting win be in conformance with city plans for School Blvd. 3. Plans showing the proposed paving design for the outdoor patio and public sidewalks as coordinating witb the paving design for the City's plaza concept for School Blvd. City staff is currently developing this design, and will work with the applicant on this project. 4. Review and approval of grading, drainage and utility plans by the City Engineer. U. SUPPORTING DATA A. B. e. D. E. F. G. H. Site Location Map Site and Signage Plan Utilities Plan Grading Plan Landscaping Plan Building Elevations/Plans photometric Lighting Plan Signage Illustrations 3 / 150 --./ / C RAPHIC I~~ I ( IN FE!:'I" ) L.... I ino" cloD It. / ............................ / SC/-.j ......... L DD( .... r _ 80V((:1,< .... / ................ '4J?D / .................. I ........ 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If necessary, the applicants are also seeking approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to facilitate the zoning change. It is understood that the land deal resulting in City acquisition of industrial land and associated assessment agreement governing finance of Chelsea Road was predicated on allowing some commercial uses. The City Conncil is not compelled to rezone the property to B-4 due to vague terms. The economic merit of the associated "deal" is not a valid criteria for rezoning. Rather, the decision to amend the comprehensive plan and the associated rezoning should be justified on land nse considerations and the overall benefit of the change to the City. After reviewing this point with the Planning Commission it was their view that the change from AO to B-4 was appropriate regardless of the land deal in the background. Following is information provided to the Planning Commission. Information in bold has been added for City Council review. In 2002, the City granted the applicants a tiered land use approval for this area, accommodating industrial uses to the southwest, with a mix of indostrial and some commercial uses between Chelsea Boulevard and Interstate 94. The range of commercial uses was limited for a number of reasons, summarized as fonows: \. The City's commercial zoning districts support a broad range of uses that were not well suited to a parcel that has high freeway exposure hut only distant freeway accesS. 2. Second, the City has planned for a concentration of its commercial uses along Highway 25, both north and sonth ofthe freeway, and intensive commercial use ofthis land would compete with the planned commercial districts [we are currently seeing the commercial districts begin to develop intensi ve1y]. 3. Third, the City has had a long -standing policy of preserving and promoting its industrial development. Because there has beeu so much demand for the conversion of industrial- zoned land tu other uses, the long-term supply of well-situated industrial land continues to be an issue. . . Staff recommendations for the addition of commercial uses to Tier A of the applicants' property included limiting the types and number of commercial uses to just a few, increasing the building materials standards, and eliminating outdoor storage as an allowed use in this tier. These recommendations were made as a part of a proposed concept plan l'lf a PUD, and were addressed in the form of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan 1 Council Agenda - 7/12/04 In order to put the property to this use, the property must be rezoned to refleCt the approved plans. Planning staff recommended to the Planning Commission that a PUD zoning district be established that provides for the specific uses and performance standards applicable to the new district. Thus, instead of choosing an industrial or commercial district, the zoning map would reflect a PUD, and the City would adopt an ordinance describing the appropriate zoning regulations speciflc to this site. Also important to note is that the City is currently negotiating with the applicants to purchase the remaining land for a City-developed industrial park. This purchase excludes the southwestern-most portion of the site, which the applicants have reserved for future development. While the plat submitted by the applicants label this portion "Residential", its future land use has not been finally determined. The developers have stated in correspondence that they are expecting a particular mix of commercial and industrial use in the subject area. It appears that this mix (70% commercial, 30% industrial) is a product of the concept PUD application in which there were more industrial uses allowed than commercial uses. It is staff's position that this mix would be the result of the marketing of the property, and that the list of uses merely serves as the potential range of uses without strictly limiting the actual mix. (During discussion at the Planning Commission the applicant stated that he preferred B-4 zoning and prefers the option of development via PUD on a case by case basis.) If the City Council prefers a pun ordinance it could be written as follows: PUD Zoning District, Otter Creek The intent of this district is to permit a mix of specific commercial and industrial uses along Interstate 94 and Chelsea Road, subject to higher site and building design standards. The use of Planned Unit Development in this district is for the purpose of providing for a mix ofland uses, rather than vary from other standards of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. A. Provisional PUD Uses 1. All permitted uses as allowed in the I-I A zoning district. 2. The following commercial uses, as allowed in the B-3 or B-4 zoning districts, as applicable: a. Enclosed Boat, Marine, and Recreational Equipment Sales b. Books, office supplies, stationery stores and copy services c. Furniture, carpet, rug, tile, glass, paint, wallpaper, hardware and electrical appliance stores d. Motor fuel station, car wash, auto body shop, tire and battery stores and service e. Machinery sales, indoors f. New and used automobile/light truck sales and outdoor display g. Day care centers 2 Council Agenda - 7/12/04 B. Prohibited Uses 1. Open and/or Outdoor Storage C. Accessory Uses 1. All accessory uses as allowed in the B-4 zoning district. D. Minimum lot dimensions and standards ]. Lot Area - 60,000 square feet 2. Lot Width - 150 feet 3. Chelsea Road Setback - 50 feet 4. Side Setback - 20 feet 5. Interstate 94 Setback - 50 feet 6. Parking Lot and Driveway Setback - 20 feet 7. Minimum Green Space - 20% of Net Lot Area* 8. Minimum building coverage - 20% of Net Lot Area* *Net Lot Area == Gross Lot Area less wetlands and stormwater treatment ponding areas. E. Building design and materials standards ]. Buildings shall be constructed of 100% masonry and glass exterior. EIFS may be used up to a maximum of 15% of total exterior wall. No metal siding may be used. 2. Buildings shall provide for decorative features including cornices, pilasters, parapet walls, or other similar treatments. Prefabricated concrete panel walls may be allowed but shall include additional ornamental features enhancing the architectural appearance. 3. Mechanical equipment shall be screened from view of all adjoining roadways. F. Site design standards 1. Landscaped areas of at least IS feet shall separate the building from the parking lot and all driveway areas, with the exception of loading docks. 2. Loading docks shall be screened from view of all adjoining roadways, and no loading zones shall be located within any required building setback area. G. General zoning regulations apply. I. Except where specifically listed in this ordinance, all other regulations applicable to development in the 8.4, General Business District, as may be amended, shall apply. H. Processing. I. Unless otherwise determined by the Zoning Administrator, all development within this PUD District shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning 3 Council Agenda - 7/12/04 Commission and City Council, and shall be processed according to the Conditonal Use Permit provisions of Chapter 22 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Administrator may determine that due to the complexity of the proposal, the PUD processing requirements of Chapter 21 shall be followed. 2. It is not the intent of this PUD District to provide for flexibility in lot dimensions or other dimensional standards listed in this ordinance. Developers wishing to vary from the dimensional standards applicable to this district shall pursue separate variance of PUD applications, and shall be subject to the procedural requirements applying to all such applications. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Rezoning from A-O, Agricultural-Open Space to PUD, Planned Unit Development for Otter Crcek. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning to PUD, subject to adoption of an ordinance dctailing uses, standards, and procedures as detailed in this report, based on a finding that the use of PUD zoning will result in a higher standard of development and take best advantage of the visual exposure and transportation accessibility of this site; and based on the finding that the rezoning is consistent with the comprehcnsive plan. Under this option the Planning Commission formalizes the standards approved in the concept somc time ago. 2. Motion to recommend an amendment to the comprehensive plan resulting in an increase in the level of commercial use and to recommend rezoning the site to B-4 (Regional Business). This alternative should be selected if the Planning Commission believes that the subject area should include more commercial uses or a higher intensity of commercial uses than identified under Option # 1. 'rhis is the alternative requested by the applicant. 3. Motion to recommend denial of the rezoning, based on a finding that the site should be zoned industrial due to the need for the City to preserve its industrial development land supply. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After considerable discussion it was the view of the Planning Commission that B-4 uses are approprhlte in this area and that a commercial PUD is not necessary. They also believed that the need to preserve land for industrial use along the freeway at this location was not paramount. Staff defers to the Planning Commission recommendation #2 as the consent agenda recommendation. However, the following was the recommendation to the Planning Commission. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning as noted under Alternative I, under the guidance of the rezoning ordinance provided in this report. A zoning district that provides for a mix of industrial and commercial uses requires a PUD approach. Because the City must rezone by the adoption of an ordinance, we have prepared an ordinance which would spell out 4 Council Agenda - 7/12/04 the allowable uses and standards applicable to future development in this district. The uses have all been made subject to the processing of a Conditional Use Permit to allow City officials to determine that the intent of the PUD district is being met. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image B. Preliminary Parcel Sketch C. Long Range Land Use Plan D. Letter from the Industrial Development Committee 5 f :i i::,I!il'lll~ii!!:!j!!' ill:!l; ill "lji~ ,11'!IJI:!:)!!j') ~ ~ ;, J:~J!lil!~:ffJji~IJjJIljiJ!!!lilji; J)I, ~~:J~I!! 1IIIiillll!l!I:'I~; r 'i ,I',. ',.J, 1"1' .j. 1"/,,,; I 1" I 1"h"II.y" j ! ,,!~,!,! Ililijj,I~,II!!!,llIJi!I!,!i!!l11!IJI. iJi'~ 11m!! Illjf1lflllIIMlll!) 1 IJllfl;!) ~~H 11 !inHojfJ!"~i~. I x '~IJljl I J~ j ~ ilJVo! ,! t!f hiI!!i!!fiI'illilW!Jfl'lIlll :fi llji'!; :fl!fjl~J~HfinUi! 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DOnl\lty RosldontlallR-'l i Future Land Use Objectives: Low Demllty Residential IR-1A, Uroan MlXeo.LJ!;(' 1< Allow for a mix of land uses Preserve and protect natural resources provide road system to support growth Retain rural character and a small town feel Use existing amenities (i.e. views, lakes, trees) to enhance development Prevent sprawl by encouraging compact development pattern .. Medium Density (attacheej hlig , "' . ~, ~1! .. E@I,\;) lBwrll;1:i InehlStria I Commercial Open S pne.. Mohilr~ HOrT1C Par~ SG . RECOMMENDA TION FROM THE IDC TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION July 6, 2004 Planning Agenda Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a zoning map and comprehensive plan amendment to accommodate a change in land use from Light Industrial (IlA) to a Commercial/Industrial PUD. Applicant: Otter Creek, LLC At the IDC meeting of June 1, 2004, the members approved the following motion of recommendation. "Recommends the 47! acres of Otter Creek Crossing located to south and adjacent to 1-94 and to the north of the proposed Chelsea Road West be re-zoned from Industrial to Commercial. Although the IDC recognized the recommendation decreases the amount of land zoned industrial, they supported the use of commercial as a better use maximizing the exposure and visibility of the freeway." The recommendation does not identify the use or type of commercial nor a percentage of commercial within a PUD. Respectfully submitted by . \~ L~~~ Tem Lin.~uist 2..4 IIC Chair TUok ~ . . . . Council Agenda - 7/12/04 5H. Consideration of an ordinance amendin2 Chapter 3. Section 2 Item IFI of the Monticello Zonin!! Ordinance. establishin2 re2ulations for the installation of fences. (FP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Plannin~ Commission received the staff report below for a request to amend the zoning ordinance regulating installation of fences. The proposed ordinance amendment deals specifically with corner and douhle fronting lots and is intended to allow more usable space on these lots. The Planning Commission discussed visibility issues related to the amendment, as well as the proposed landscape requirement outside fencelincs. Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendment under alternative 1 below. for corner and double fronting lots, the current fence ordinance appears to unreasonably limit usable yard area by imposing a 15 foot street side setback on all sides abutting a property line f()r fences exceeding 36 inches in height. The 15 foot setback for tall front yard fences is intended to improve front yard aesthetics and provide for public safety by prohibiting obstructions to sight lines adjacent to driveways. The suggested changes to the fence ordinance will provide a reduced setback (6') for tall fences on yards other than the front yard. This will add 9 feet to the useable yard area inside a fencc on a corner or double fronting lot, while providing a 6 foot landscaped yard on the outside of the fence to buffer the fence from the public street. Along the double fronting lots on School Boulevard and elsewhere around town, there are many existing fences constructed along the rear and side property lines abutting public streets. Those fences have not been observed to be obtrusive or blighting; however, they do not provide for a setback area that will allow landscaping to soften the appearance toward the public street. It is suggested that Commission Members observe School Boulevard fences between Edmunson A venue and Fallon A venue. Over the past several years many homeowners with double fronting lots have chosen to build tall fences toward School Boulevard. The fences are varied and generally attractive. In addition, they appear to be logical, and belonging in the landscape due to the large width of the boulevards. The suggested ordinance change will provide a landscaped area toward the public street to help reduce the wall dlect created by connected tall fences along the street, providing for safer and more aesthetically pleasing fence installations. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: 1. Motion to recommend to the City Council that this Ordinance amending Chapter 3, Section 2, Item IF) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, establishing regulations for the installation of fences be approved. . . . Council Agenda - 7/12/04 2. Motion recommend to the City Council that this Ordinance amending Chapter 3, Section 2 Item [F] of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, establishing regulations for the installation of fences be denied. c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend Alternate I above. D. SUPPORTING DATA A Copy of proposed Ordinance with strike-out and underlining to show amendments. B. Copy of Chapter 3, Section 2, [F] of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as it will appear if this Ordinance is adopted. C. Photographs of various fence installations in the City. 2 [F] FENCING: . . . 5,\-\ 1. A building permit is required for the construction of a fence or wall that will be more than six (6) feet in height above grade, or for construction of a retaining wall that is more than four (4) feet in height from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall. Fence and wall heights are to be measured from the adjoining average grade. In the case of grade separation such as the division of properties by a retaining wall, the height shall be determined on the basis of measurement from the average point between the highest and lowest grade. 2. No fence or wall shall exceed 8 feet 6 inches in height except as approved for commercial and industrial properties, and tennis courts which may have chain link fences not exceeding 10 feet in height. 3. Fences and walls may be constructed anywhere on private property except as provided below: a. Front Yard Fences: In front yards, fences f"'lKC5 and walls exceeding 36 inches in height must be set back at least 15 feet from the front propertv line. 15 kct of allY p101lcrty lilIc f.lOntill~ (Ill a public 511c,,1. b. Corner Lots and Double Fronting Lots: In yards other than the front yard which abut a public street, fences and walls exceeding 36 inches in height must be setback at least six (6) feet from property lines. Such setback area is to be landscaped on the street side with trees, shrubs and other permanent landscaping materials. ~ Clear View Triang:le: On corner lots Ot \Ill douLk [.lOtltAg" lots, fences and walls must not encroach on the 25-foot clear view triangle area at a public street intersection or within the corner visibility area of any corner formed by property lines intersecting with a railway right-of- way. (The clear view visibility triangle area referred to above shall be in the form of a triangle, with two sides formed by the property lines forming the corner, or straight line extensions of the property lines forming the corner, and the third side formed by a straight line connecting the two twenty-five (25) foot points on both sides of the corner as measured from the intersection of the property lines forming the corner.) [n no case shal I a fence be constructed in such a manner as to obstruct traffic visibility. 4. Fences and walls must not be constructed on the public right-of-way except for retaining walls as approved by the City Engineer. Fences and walls placed upon utility casements are subject to removal if required for the maintenance or improvement of the utility. 5. A Certificate of Survey may be required by the Zoning Administrator to determine the location of fences and walls on a property. 6. If the material used in the fence or wall construction is not finished on both . sides, the finished side of the material must be on the outside, facing the abutting or adjoining properties. All posts or structures supporting the fence or wall must be on the inside of the fence or wall. All fences and walls must be constructed of durable, weather~resistant materials and properly anchored. Every fence or wall must be maintained in a condition of reasonable repair and shall not be allowed to become and remain in a condition of disrepair or danger or constitute a nuisance. Fences or walls in a state of disrepair may be removed by the City as provided by Minnesota Statutes. The cost of removing fences may be levied against the property as a special assessment. 7. Where any fence or wall connects to a building used as a dwelling, at least one gate not less than 2 feet 6 inches in width shall be required to allow access around the building. 8. All chain link fences must have a top rail, barbed ends must be placed at the bottom of the fence. 9. Electrified wires, barbed wire, razor ribbon, and the like arc prohibited on fenccs. . 10. All swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, and other water tanks exceeding 24 inches in depth must be completely fenced in. a. Residential swimming pool fences shall be constructed as follows: 1. Residential swimming pool fences must be at least 48 inches in height. The fence must not permit the passage of a 4-inch sphere through openings in the fence. Fences must be constructed of durable, corrosion- and decay- resistive materials. Openings below the fence to grade must not exceed 4 inches. 11. Where an above-ground pool structure has walls that are at least 4 feet in height, the pool wall may serve to meet the fencing requirements; however, the access to the pool must provide equivalent protection to prevent unauthorized entry. . [F] . . . FENCING: S' \--\ 1. A building permit is required for the construction of a fence or wall that will be more than six (6) feet in height above grade, or for construction of a retaining wall that is more than four (4) feet in height from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall. Fence and wall heights arc to be measured from the adjoining average grade. In the case of grade separation such as the division of properties by a retaining wall, the height shall be determined on the basis of measurement from the average point between the highest and lowest grade. 2. No fence or wall shall exceed 8 feet 6 inches in height except as approved for commercial and industrial properties, and tennis courts which may have chain link fences not exceeding 10 feet in height. 3. Fences and walls may be constructed anywhere on private property except as provided below: a. Front Yard Fences: In front yards, fences and walls exceeding 36 inches in height must be set back at least 15 feet from the front property line. b. Corner Lots and Double Fronting Lots: In yards other than the [ront yard which abut a public street, fences and walls exceeding 36 inches in height must be setback at least six (6) feet from property lines. Such setback area is to be landscaped on the street side with trees, shrubs and other permanent landscaping materials. c. Clear View Triangle: On corner lots, fences and walls must not encroach on the 25-foot clear view triangle area at a public street intersection or within the corner visibility area of any corner formed by property lines intersecting with a railway right-of-way. (The clear view visibility triangle area referred to above shall be in the form of a triangle, with two sides fanned by the property lines forming the corner, or straight line extensions of the property lines forming the corner, and the third side formed by a straight line connecting the two twenty-five (25) foot points on both sides of the corner as measured from the intersection of the property lines forming the corner.) In no case shall a fence be constructed in such a manner as to obstruct traffic visibility. 4. Fences and walls must not be constructed on the public right-of-way except for retaining walls as approved by the City Engineer. Fences and walls placed upon utility easements are subject to removal ifrequired for the maintenance or improvement of the utility. 5. A Certificate of Survey may be required by the Zoning Administrator to determine the location offences and walls on a property. 6. If the material used in the fence or wall construction is not finished on both . sides, the finished side of the material must be on the outside, tacing the abutting or adjoining properties. All posts or structures supporting the fence or wall must be on the inside of the fence or wall. All fences and walls must be constructed of durable, weather-resistant materials and properly anchored. Every fence or wall must be maintained in a condition of reasonable repair and shall not be allowed to become and remain in a condition of disrepair or danger or constitute a nuisance. Fences or walls in a state of disrepair may be removed by the City as provided by Minnesota Statutes. The cost of removing fences may be levied against the property as a special assessment. 7. Where any fence or wall connects to a building used as a dwelling, at least one gate not less than 2 feet 6 inches in width shall be required to allow access around the building. 8. All chain link fences must have a top rail, barbed ends must be placed at the bottom of the fence. 9. Electrified wires, barbed wire, razor ribbon, and the like are prohibited on fences. . 10. All swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, and other water tanks exceeding 24 inches in depth must be completely fenced in. a. Residential swimming pool fences shall be constructed as follows: 1. Residential swimming pool fences must be at least 48 inches in height. The fence must not permit the passage of a 4-ineh sphere through openings in the fence. Fences must be constructed of durable, corrosion- and decay- resistive materials. Openings below the fence to grade must not exceed 4 inches. 11. Where an above-ground pool structure has walls that are at least 4 feet in height, the pool wall may serve to meet the fencing requirements; however, the access to the pool must provide equivalent protection to prevent unauthorized entry. . . . . S~ 7\: w 5.- Sf' ~ 'V\ (1\ (\ )-' 0- \) C::A> ( 50 . ~ n 6 ~ !" :g. . rn -I> o >< .... ex> o ~ 0- '0. CD S . . . . 54-t Se- . . . . . . GI1 ...L. sc.. . a; .... o ~ '" o 1;:, .... 0- ! . . .~ . . . 51. Council Agenda - 7/12/04 Consideration of reviewine: quotes for parking irnvrovernents to the Dan Olson property and authorize award of work. City Project No. 2004-1SC. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On April 12, 2004, the City Council authorized city stafT to prepare cost estimates for street and boulevard improvements on Walnut Street adjacent to the Dan Olson property, 207 West Third Street and to obtain quotes for the work. The City received one quote which came in just slightly higher than the estimate. Mr. Olson has reviewed the quote and has determined to proceed with the improvements. The City is preparing and petition and assessment waiver for Mr. Olson covering this work. In order to keep the project in motion, staff is requesting authorization to award the work based on the quote received contingent upon the City receiving the signed agreement from Mr. Olson. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS I. Authorize staff to award the work on the parking and boulevard improvements contingent upon the City receiving a signed petition and waiver from Dan Olson. 2. Do not award the work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The property owner would like to see these improvements made which the staff feels are consistent with the Downtown Revitalization Plan. The City staff recommends authorizing the work contingent upon receipt of a signed petition and waiver form from Dan Olson. Council Agenda -7/12/04 . 5.1. Consideration of a request to approve the final plat for Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to grant final plat approval to Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition, contingent on completion of the development agreement. The final plat is consistent with the preliminary plat approval granted at the previous meeting. It appears that required easements are in place and that the plat is ready for signature. Attached you will find a table outlining funding terms associated with various improvements relating to the plat and site development. As you will note, the agreement includes a City commitment to install turn lanes and median on School Boulevard, install sidewalks and street lighting. All of these costs will be paid by the benefiting property owners. Please note that the final agreement supporting the finance plan and identifying other commitments is in process. Council is asked to consider approving the plat subject to final review by the City Engineer and the City Attorney's approval of a final development agreement document. Signatures on the plat as well as the building permit will be allowed only after the City Attorney has approved the development agreement and after the agreement has been executed. . B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the final plat of Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition. Motion contingent on final review by the City Engineer and completion/execution of the development agreement incorporating terms identified in the attached spreadsheet and other terms as required by the City Attorney. This includes provision of financial securities. 2. Motion to deny the final plat of Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition based on the fInding to be determined by the Council. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 with the conditions as noted. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Copy of spreadsheet 13. Copy of final plat . SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER 3rd ADDTION 8-Jul-04 .otal Acres in Development 'fieaCharge~..,..~ 27.8 Gross Cost Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer (net acres) Cedar Street Traffic Signal Highway 25/School Blvd. Traffic Signal Cedar Street Lighting School Boulevard Lighting School Boulevard Street Construction and Median Future Cedar Street Construction School Boulevard Sidewalk Cedar Street Sidewalk Iron Monuments Total Area Charges and Special Fefis City Fee ( General overhead and Admin) Legal and planning Engineering and Inspection otalClty Fees l'bliililii.iiii:'.I':"ii~I~'qiii:'~~ii'ij'irements Area Charges and Special Fees City Feesl Deposits Total Cash Required Acreage Charge 2,142 1,685 6,869 27,8 27.8 27.8 ,".Iiil Permit Building Permit Fee Plan Check Fee State Surcharge SAC WAC Waler & Sewer Water Meters Utility Locate Fee Assessment Fee (If applicable) Total Permit Fees L.elllii~iii:.fCredililiiiiiiilialculations Landscaping Gradin IErosion Control . 26.773,60 17,402.84 1,62591 239,020.00 68 SAC units X $3515 4,37500 100.00 1.11625 50.00 100.00 290,565.60 3000 27,8 DRAFT $59,548 $46,843 $190,958 $37,262 $128,000 $15,228 $28,460 $415,870 $41,530 $25,600 $15,360 $300 $1,004,959 Flat rate; no reconciliation at $7,500.00 project completion Based on estimated costs to $10,000.00 date, reconcilable Based on estimated costs to $25,000.00 date, reconcilable $42,500 $1,004,959 $42,500 $1,047,459 ? $83.400,00 .s=? :;,;,',,'.:.::'!;:i.;::\":;:::~~',::"I'!!I'!IIW:~~.'P~~~~J.:>Ml.\'j'.i~""~Y!I~~,*,ll~'f':I",.~liWi~wili~i'ilii,!<~'i\iinYWIll'.all'ilil~I\ifi4~iWi:I1;'~""~;tw",.~~~~j""'~'~ _~_..~l-. j Xi ::Ii [- i I .!- ~ ~ .~ "'6 8: i~ i " .~ I~ ~i ~I ! t I H--U-J. i" "j~; n: I~~" 11 of ~6 ;! ;1 ~;~ t!. 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J I I ,'t--, I..,.~(.... I / 5L. . . . Counci I Agenda - 7/12/04 Consideration of a re uest for a Com rehensive Plan Amendment and Rezonin for Outlot C of Monticello Business Center, from Industrial to 8-4, Commercial Business. Applicant: Ocello, LLC. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission held a public hearing related to a request by Ocello, LLC to rezone Outlot C of Monticello Business Center, which is an approximately 32 acre parcel. The Commission hcard testimony from neighboring property owners concerned about truck traffic along 117. The Commission and staff indicated that while restricting truck traffic on one of the City's designated collector routes would be undesirable, the Commission could address other alternatives at the point that a specific development proposal comes forward. The Commission informed residents that they would receive another notice at that time and could again address the Commission on the matter. Planning staff did note that in making future land use decisions in undeveloped areas, the Commission may ~ant to consider the replacement of industrial land zoning designations to balance the loss of recently re-zoned areas to commercial uses. Planning Commission received the staff report below and recommended approval under alternative 1. Ocello, LLC, is seeking approval of an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan and a rezoning that would accommodate a proposed change in future land use from industrial to commercial. Outlot C is an unplatted parcel north of School Boulevard between Cedar Street and Fenning Avenue NE. The parcel is currently guided for Industrial land uses and zoned 1-1, Light Industrial. The applicant proposes a commercial land use designation and a zoning of B- 4, General Business. The area is subject to significant levels of commercial development pressure at the current time. To the west of Cedar Street adjacent to Highway 24, two new commercial projects have recently been constructed and a second phases of both are currently under way. Wal-Mart is processing approvals for a SuperCenter south of School Boulevard from the subject property, and Outlot A, adjacent to the west boundary of this site, is zoned commercial and has been identiiied as a potential site for other "big-box" retailers. From a land use compatibility standpoint, the commercial use would fit well on this site, and would be consistent with the other development activity in the area. The primary issue would relate to the City's inventory of industrial land, and the relocation of future industrial development in this area to other areas of the community. In concept, planning staff believes that the re-designation to commercial is positive, and represents the true highest and best use of this land. For some time, we have had concerns over the continued emphasis on industrial in the II ighway 25 corridor and/or the attraction of the coming CSAH IS-Interstate 94 interchange for industrial tratIic. . . . Council Agenda ~ 7!l2/04 However, as a part of this amendment, the City should continue to focus its attention on the identification of future industrial development. The Comprehensive Plan calls for the bulk of the City's future industrial area to be located west of the community. This location emphasizes the need to plan and actively work toward the development of a third interchange in the Orchard Road area to handle future industrial traffic. In recent years, the City has removed the land north ofI-94 along ih Street from its industrial land inventory, and will likely be asked to consider additional commercial land around the 18/94 interchange. Planning staff notes that these changes are appropriate, given the long term view of the City's development. However, these changes accelerate the need to find replacement developable industrial land soon, and also emphasize the need to begin active attention to the Orchard Road project to ensure that this territory comes on line in a timely manner. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Industrial to Commercial, and Rezoning from I-I to B- 4 for Outlot C, Monticello Business Center. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning, based on findings that commercial land use is the most appropriate and compatible use for this site, and that the City's long-range development best supports the concentration of commercial uses in this area. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment and rezoning, based on a finding that the City's land use policy discourages conversion of industrial land to other uses. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the amendments, consistent with Alternative 1. It is noted, however, that due to significant costs and obstacles in the development of future industrial land, implementation steps should be taken immediately toward planning for additional future industrial development locations. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image B. Long Range Land Use Map C. Letter from the Industrial Development Committee 2 SL .1.................'.'...\............ ~~\\ L~", .\ '~_. " I"~ ",. ...',...-.~"'.,. , I , !r"~ f't' , f 1 I .- -Ii:' -,J I _Ie_it I "-.t.- ~ ~ . , I :- : j . I-l.. '~_i_._:+i. 'l'!" __'-Pfl__~, ''-1' ~~ ,ft~,.,_ '" "" ,,_ 'I, I'! .....'.-1...._(.. ""I. ill . : ...... ,TiT-H. . ;. \ r }--r '-l\o.) ~l ' ) I , 1 'I ", I MONTICELLO LONG RANGEUND USE N w.. ~ !J:nYI IJ : ... .. LOW Den.lty ReSidential fx palllJion Am Low Oenalty Reeidontllll (R- i) Futu... Land U.. objec:ltWe: Low O.nelty Re.identlel (R.1A) IIIIl Medium OeneltV (lIItt..:;hed MQ. ) Urban MIxH-U" . .. Commercll;l .. InduatrMI .. Open Space Mobile Home Pari< · Allow tor. milt tIIlMd -- · PIweIW .,., IMlA'." ".""., ......... · PI'<i~,* I'fIfIfI.,JUm fD IIIHf'WC"Olie · ReIaItt ""'" .,.....r....__IItII · u.. IDIIJ" ...JI(I'J (.,.. ............., to ..... ". .r."... · Pnwwd"'" .. ......_.... ,'JJqII.,f dfweIo(IIn- pJ". m' . . . 5L. FROM IDe TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION July 6, 2004 Planning Agenda Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a comprehensive plan amendment and zoning map amendment to accommodate a change in land-use from Light Industrial (Il-A) to Regional Business (B-4). Applicant: Ocello, LLC At the IDC meeting of June 1,2004, the members were unaware of this request coming forward. Therefore, since the IDC does not meet in July, no recommendation from the IDC is brought forward. -::=: As Economic Development Director, I believe I'm correct in saying that it was the assumption of the IDC that this parcel would be re-zoned in the future resulting in a reduction of industrial land for sale within the City and attributed to the IDC and HRA continued request for support to encourage the City to acquire land for industrial development. Respectfully submitted by O~ ~d)~9~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director to the HRA and IDC Council Agenda 7/12/04 . 7. Consideration of a Resolution to MNDOT Supportinl! Replacement of the Heartland Express with River Rider for providine local dial a ride transportation. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider supporting elimination of the Heartland Express and replacement with the River Rider system serving Wright and Sherburne counties. As you recall at a previous meeting of the City Council, Council directed staff to complete additional research on the suhject and to meet with citizens and organizations that regularly use the transportation service. In response to this directive staff conducted two public forums. Attendance and a summary of concerns and questions discussed at the forums can be f()l.md in the attached information. The forums were well attended with approximately 25 citizens and representatives from River Rider and MNDOT in attendance. Following is a summary of the problem/opportunity along with possible alternatives. . The current users of the transportation have come to appreciate and enjoy good service via the current method which involves the City providing the service via a third party contract. The folks present at the meeting expressed their appreciation for the service they currently enjoy and voiced concern regarding potential for change either to service, convenience or cost. The group was informed that in order to maintain the same level of service, changes would be needed to he made to the administration of the city program or the service would need to be adopted by another transit provider (River Rider). This is because the level of regulation and bureaucracy associated with operating the system within the rules of the state and federal government now exceed the capacity of available city staff. System reporting requirements, drug and alcohol testing protocols and homeland security standards have been added or arc increasing in complexity. The state is under increasing pressure from the federal government to make sure that all transit systems receiving federal funds arc operating within the rules. Understaffed programs such as ours that have had trouble keeping up with the regulations can create potential problems for the state in obtaining future funding. In light of the increasing demand for administrative oversight of the system, our Program Director from the State of Minnesota has req ui red that the City either add a staff person full time to operate the system or that we request aid currently going to the Monticello Heartland Express be shifted to the River Rider system, thus River Rider would essentially replace the Heartland Express. Cost to the City - Keeping Heartland Express is more expensive. . Transportation service via River Rider would be less expensive for the City. According to our Project Manager. In order to keep our current system, we will need to hire an employee. The cost of a full-time employee including benefits is estimated at $40,000 per year. This amount does not include the cost of equipping a new employee with ot1ice, desk computer etc. Part of this cost could he recovered by an increase in the fare. It is likely that time would be available ft1r the new employee to assist with other duties at City Hall but primarily the function would he to operate and develop the City's transportation system. Space is available at City Ilall for a person filling this role. Council Agenda 7/12/04 . The cost of the City for basic service via River Rider would equal any difference between projected and actual fare revenue. History has shown that fare revenue deficits are quite small in the range of $1 ,000 - $3,000 annually. The City, working with the River Rider Board of Directors could obtain additional service such as Saturday service but the cost for such service would need to be funded entirely by the City. The City could also elect to assist in funding or subsidizing a portion of the fare if it so desires. For instance, Council could elect to soften the impact of the price increase by paying for a portion of the increase. The Cost to Riders - The cost is likely to be similar in the short and long run. Under the current program riders are charged $1 per ride. However, a rider can get 40 rides for $25 which equals $.63 per ride. Under the River Rider, riders are charged $1 if they call a day or more in advance. Same day calls are charged at $1.5 per ride. It might turn out that when it all washes out the cost could end up being the same. This is because the Heartland Express fare is due for an increase and Council could elect to underwrite a portion or all of the increase to help riders ease into the system. Operations and Convenience -- Very similar service levels expected. . The level of service provided by River Rider would be very close to the current level, but there will be difTerences. For instance, River Rider encourages riders to call a day in advance for a ride by charging a higher rate for same day call service. River Rider being funded by the state will provide service with one bus to riders outside the city limits which could affect response times. It appears from testimony from users of the River Rider system that River Rider would provide the same level of service such as concern for timeliness, safetyetc that Monticello residents currently enjoy. Future Development - Both options hold promise. It is important that the City Council think about the future transportation needs of the City because we are not likely to get state funding back once it is gone. Switching to River Rider could eliminate future opportunities. If the City kept the Heartland Express it is likely that the new Administrator would promote and develop the system. As the City grows, there could be an increase in the need to coordinate transportation service in the city ranging from development of sidewalks and pathways to establishment of commuter service. It is also possible that the City would eventually operate the system without the aid of a third party contact. This means that the City would buy bus (es) via federal funding program, hire drivers and run the system accordingly. . Under the River Rider system, there would not be as much effort on development of a loeal system for a growing City but the residents would have future access to a larger well coordinated system serving a larger area thus providing transportation options that a local systcm could not provide. Perhaps his/her duties would involve not only the bus but pathway and park planning. Citizcn Input . B. ~. O~S c. . D. . Council Agenda 7/12/04 Attached you will find comments and questions from the public on this matter. I think it is clear that the folks that visited with us are comfortable that the River Rider system will provide them with a level of service that is equal to the current level. There was some concern regarding increases in fees as a result of the transition. If Council so desires, a mechanism can be put in place to off~set this increase using a contribution from the City. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to authorize a resolution requesting that current state funding provided to operate the Heartland Express be diverted to River Rider for 2005 service and beyond. Please note that under this option it is highly unlikely that the City could get funding returned and River Rider reinstated. 2. Motion to re~confinn operation of the Heartland Express and direct staff to begin the process of preparing a job description for the position of transportation system administrator. This person to be hired as soon as possible. CJ>il.w- Sf,..fF TO (~t...c..t: i--!"I1.L"-tw.:t 17ft uf rDn..J..,;;J /S YT.I...I.J.uR STAFF RECOMMENDATION jI-1 No recommendation is being provided on this one as pro's and con's seem to balance. Although the concept of hiring a full time employee to develop and promote transportation system development in the City is desirable, it is hard to justify the additional cost based on the need for one bus today. from a "good government" standpoint it would appear to be more responsible to throw our weight behind River Rider because of efficiency/cost and the service level is fine. On the other hand, adding an employee may be inefficient but keeping the system provides our growing City with local control allowing development of a program that responds quickly to the needs of the public. There are also other transportation issues and opportunities that wil1likely need to be addressed as the City grows in terms ofland area and traffic volume. Having our own transportation system and the expertise to support it may prove quite beneticial in the long run. SlJPPORTING DATA Information from public meetings. . . . Counci I Agenda - 7/12/04 8. Consideration of Concrete Sidewalk Reiection on the Cedar Street Improvement Proiect (Citv Proiect No. 2002-06C). (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Staff has directed the Contractor on the Cedar Street Improvement project to remove and replace concrete sidewalk along the west side of the street. The sidewalk in question was initially constructed during the 2003 season as part of the improvement project. Included in the packet is background and supporting documentation for the basis of the sidewalk rejection. The subcontractor is requesting that the City accept a deduct in lieu of removing and replacing the sidewalk. We have rejected that offer and want the sidewalk removed and replaced. Mark Landwehr of Landmark Construction, a sub- contractor on the project, has requested to be on the agenda to appeal to the Council. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Reject the sidewalk and demand replacement as directed by City Staff. 2. Accept 25% deduct as proposed by Contractor 3. Accept the sidewalk as is. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and Public Works Director that the Council reject the sidewalk as identified in the background documentation. Acceptance of the sidewalk as it is could present a hazardous condition to pedestrians using the facility, which could potentially open the City to the liability associated with the walk. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Correspondence (':"J)()( 'f ,'.-' IF.. f'11.J..IW.V, 1.( i!<O',f.()( '..'115 ,.{lhJIJ/,)I()-/~II-I J'<:l'mlu J/efll,do( .. WSB & Associates, Inc. . To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E. Date: July 8, 2004 Re: Cedar Street Improvements, Sidewalk Status City Project No. 2002-06C WSB Project No. 1338-07 . This memorandum is intended to provide the City Council with background information regarding the sidewalk construction on the west side of Cedar Street between Dundas Road and the Kjellberg Trailer Court. Some of the sidewalk on the project was constructed used fixed form and the remainder of the work was slip-formed, or machine placed. Based on our review of the work for quality and acceptability, we have notified the Contractor the sidewalk does not meet the requirements of the specifications and that the machine placed sidewalk is to be removed and replaced. Attached to this memo are excerpts from the MnlDOT specifications, which govern the work on this project, relating to joint widths as well as surface and edge requirements. In summary, the specifications for fixed form construction state: . "The surface shall not vary more than 5 mm (3/16 inch) from a 3 m (10 foot) straight edge. . . " . "Joints shall be vertical and straight, and be parallel with or at right angles to the walk centerline..." . "Contraction joints shall extend to at least 30 percent of the walk thickness and shall be approximately 3 mm (1/8 inch) wide." In Section 2521.3F of the Mn/DOT specification, it states that machine placed sidewalk shall be constructed according to the same requirements for fixed form construction. Also attached are two letters of correspondence to the Prime Contractor, R.I ,. Larson identifying that the sidewalk does not meet the specified requirements and ordering the sidewalk to be removed and replaced. The Sub-Contractor, Landmark Concrete, has offered a deduction in the amount of 25% of the price to leave the sidewalk in place. According to the specifications, this is an option to the Contractor providing a written order to remove and replace has not been provided. A copy of that letter is also attached. . We have verified the condition of the sidewalk again this spring to confirm the non- conformance of the sidewalk. Copies of pictures taken as verification have also been attached to this memorandum for your information. ('.',1 J()( '{!,~ 11,.'- j',J.l.-1H';\'- j,( ilU ) I/.( )( '.-1/..\- J',li:IIIJ;",O."{I-O-l- nl/III(:illl/C'II/O,(fflL" <6 . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council July 8, 2004 Page 2 The sloughing of the sidewalk edges poses the greatest eoneern to City Staff. When sod is placed along the edges of the walk, there is potential for water to get trapped along the sidewalk edge and freeze, which could result in a safety hazard situation. In addition, American Disability Act requirements do not allow transverse slopes greater than 2.0%. Based on the attached pictures, the edges are at a slope greater than the allowable slope. The position of the City Engineer and City Stall has been removal and replacement of the sidewalk that was constructed with slip forms (machine placed). Areas of sidewalk to be removed have been located on the project and we have notified the Contractor to proceed with the work as ordered in the project correspondence. It is recommended to the Council that sidewalk does not meet the specifications and should be replaced as directed. If you have any questions concerning the information contained in this memorandum, please feel free to contact either Bret Weiss or Kevin Kawlewski at 763~54l-4800. )s (':I/)()( '/ /A II,: !',n..) IV;\,. I.(;M )\/D( ',..JI..\'. I', 1i.'IIIJI\IJ-O-O 1- c/.!/IIIi'illllt'm(),d()( '6 WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. 7632877170 P.03/04 JUL-08-2004 09:08 '~~:':" A. t,'WsB .~'~ :.~ ~ ;.. . .,~~~.. ~.. 3, ;:It~~~~ Ie;'" ~\ ". '\ " ~;......'~ .. .' . .t. "; ~ '11. 'fJ,i. ~: . .~ ~ ~. ;,:' f'v; , '; ;;:" . =:,' '*~t, ,0 i~ .' ~' II" ~ ~ .~ ." 7$3.$41.4BOO November 13. 2003 Mr. Greg Philippi Project Manager It. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. 2255 _12th Street SE St. ClouA. MN 56304 Re: Sidewalk Constnlction Cedar Street Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, W s.teIII13in. and Appurtenant Work City ofMonticello~' 2002-06C WSB Project No. ' Dear Mr. P~lippi: I am writing with regard to the sidewalk constrUction for the above referenced project. As you are aware, we expressed concem immediately with the quality of the sidewalk construction. We decided to review the sidewalk a1ter it was complete for consistency with the specifications. AfJ;.e:r field reviewing the: sidewalk coIlitrllCted as part of the above referenced project, we have decided to reject the sidewalk that was coDStructed with the slip form paver. The sidewalk that was coostrUcted with fonns appears to be within tolerance and may remain in place. During the construction, the concrete subcontractor was wormed that the sidewalk construction was not conforming to specifications fOI line and grade. Specifically, variations in the sidewalk were in excess of 1/4"; the lDnjmum allowable surface variation is 3/16". The specifications also state that contraction joints in the sidewalk shall extend 30% of the sidewalk thiclco.ess and shall be approxiniatelY lIS" wide. The joints measured in the field are approximately 112" wide in all instanCes measured. Joints also need to be at right angles to the walk centerline. The m&jority of the joints construCted do not meet this criteria. The contractor was also in!onned du:rini the construction that the paver was constructing a non-unifOml edge. This is apparent over the entire length of the sidewalk that was construCted with the slip fOIm. Closer inspection reveals the edges have slumped out of tolerance wbich resulted in the waviness along the edges. This is an indication that the mix was too wet at the time of initial construction. <6 . ,---, JUL-08-2004 09:08 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.04/04 . W: Oreg Philippi November 131 2003 Page 2 All sidewalk constructed with the paver will need to be removed and reconstrUcted along the west side of Cedar Street from the south end of the project to Station 28+70 on the north side of School Boulevard. No sidewalk will be constructed beyond that point We would like to discuss a schedule fot completion of this work in the spring of2004. Please give me a. call at (763) 287-7193 if you have any questions regarding this letter and to discuss an acceptable schedule. Sincerely, j[~~lLl K.evinB. Kawlewski, P.E. St. Project Manager . cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello John Simab, City of Monticello Paul Diamond, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB &. Associates, Inc sblkk """ . ...._ '6 TOTAL P. 04 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.02/04 I i)Vv . JUL-08-2004 09:08 ,.\ ',A ~:'WSB cI: A.s.srxitJtu, In~_ . f' ~ \',I'~ :~,:' ,,' , " ",~:~:~( "~~': "",~, ,~ '" . . , .. ,: ,~ l'.!~:' ." 1f-', , .' '. "~',1;!:I~:' ," :. ,;.~.,{/:;;:, ,I .... '," ~ .e ., ".: ;. :'~ ..~&'1 "': ~'.. '. ' ~,:,,'J~;:~,:;':,'! '~~:::~~{i7 ',,~, ~~l..,~tl " t f]~~r ' . ':;)~ " ''l~ ...' '" /'1"'<'> ~~,:: ~~. '. .\ ' '\ ' "I~ . ~ \ , ,,' ',,1,:. ,)\" ~~~ ;- ":'.' . '; ';~i(~~';' ~~~ ~>>r,~~#~. ~ ;7:,'- ': I~... <(~~ " ~'" i"f.!:( ,'. , .' ;' ~ ' i1or-)~," ~.~~. ".,\~ ~!l~' ~ r~;.', ~~" 4159'.QI~,<" ~~I ="i~r:':~";;~~;.':'. .1,,' Memorl~~~~Way }';"'. Suite- 3IX),:~ ':--: If@;"'" ~p.....,' " >~:.'::~~.:~, Zi~C1I!r.r'~~' ~~ 'nesota" ',I;:, ' -/, , ,~. " Coo'e.~ May 11. 2004 Mr. Greg Philippi' Project Manager R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. 2255 - 12'" Street SE St. Cloud, MN 56304 Re: Sidewalk: Construction Cedar Street Storm Sewer. SanitaIy Sewer. Watennain and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2002M06C WSB Project No. 1338..07 Dear Mr. Philippi: In a letter dated April 30, 2004, Mr. Landwehr ofI.2Vdtnlllrk Construction has proposed a 25% deduction in the sidewalk in accordance with the MnlDOT Specification 2S31.4. The third paragraph under 2531.3 K states: "Unacceptable work shall be removed and replaced with acceptable work as ordered by the Engineer. In the absence of an order to remove and replace, the Contractor shall have the option of so doing or may elect to leave the unacceptable work in place and accept the following price reduction:" A written order to remove and replace the sidewalk was issued on November 13, 2003. In this case, the City will not accept the proposed unit price deduction on the sidewalk and is requiring the replacement of the sidewalk as stated in the November 13, 2003 correspondence. Please submit a schedule for the removal and replacement of the sidewalk as previously stated.. Please feel free to iive me a call at (763) 287M7193 if,you have any questions regarding this letter. Sincerely. WSB &; AssociaUsJ [lie. 6~-+~~~ Kevin B. Kawlewski, P .E. Sr. Project Manager ee: Rick Wo1f5teller, City of Monticello John Simola, City of Monticello Paul Diamond,' City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, me ~ ';;.1 55422 .- . '"Erl ' '\, .'~~l!. , . . . 763.54;..~ci6')" '. .~-- Sblkk . , 7';.S41,c11700:FAX "1""II1MIIJl..D7Wt to>' " .....-,..,.....,.,. Minneapglit. Sl dDU~.. Equal oppDrtunlty Employer __:~, " ""6 1S Q ~ ~ . '1.:""- ..' ' '. ~ . o . . . % ntlO o - '" '" n '" ... ;I:' ~ .. > "-l n n n "-l ~sgg ~ ....C"C(~~.. i-> ~ 3 2 ::r ... '" _. ~ _.!4. tn "C:l n n := ",-Q 0':<; 0 ri 0 0 >~::E='S; t"l :;> ~ ~..., _. _.:><, [fJ ... ri ri t"l g&='", ~ 3 ;t;t::tltTl.....~S- g, ;.. ;.. ;;: ::,;f n :::: ::l c..... __ ~ e- cr.3. _ Q n ~ o l:<' l:<' [fJ ~ S' g- 0 0 ! z z ~ ~ ~ ~. Z ~?? '~0>:4 to ~ ~ 5. :5. 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OQ ..., 0 ""'I. rJ) v;l 0- '< 5'- '" == $'";r ::I = ;0:";0>;' N t)l \.o.l .... ..... t.l t)l \.o.l .... .... Council Agenda - 7/12/04 9. Consideration of approving final purchase agreement - Culver's. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In May, 2004, the City Council approved a letter of intent for the sale of approximately 1.5 acres of the Remmele site to Culver's Restaurants. A final purchase agreement has been prepared and reviewed by our City Attorney that formalizes the letter of intent into a final purchase agreement with the same terms and conditions that the Council previously approved. In summary, Culver's would be acquiring 1.5 acres at a cost 0[$473,233. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the purchase agreement between the City and Culver's for the sale of 1.5 acres. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and City Attorney that the final purchase agreement be approved as outline. The actual closing on the property will not likely occur until the latter part of July in conjunction with the City's recording the final plat for this property to be known as Jefferson Commons. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of purchase agreement. t CAMBRIDGE Commercial Realty 4530 w: 77th Street, Suite 250 Edina MN 55435 June 18, 2004 Mr. Rick Wolfstellar City Administrator 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Purchase Agreement Dear Rick: Pursuant to my fax message, enclosed is the final draft of the purchase agreement for Culver's Restaurant. If you have any questions or comments, always feel free to contact me. Thank you for your review and consideration. :;~~ Peter M. Granes Cambridge Commercial Realty Enclosures Phone 952.933.0042 Fax 952.835.3117 www.cambridge-commercial.comadmin@cambridge-commercial.com C\ {CAMBRIDGE Commercial Realty 4530 W 77th Street, Suite 250 Edina MN 55435 LAND PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and concluded by and between BORICH, L.L.C., a Minnesota limited liability company or it's assigned entity name, hereinafter called "BUYER," and, The City Of MonticeJIo Minnesota, hereinafter called "SELLER," WIT N E SSE T H: In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants of the parties hereinafter stipulated to be paid and performed, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. PREMISES. BUYER hereby offers and agrees to buy from SELLER and SELLER hereby offers and agrees to sell to BUYER property located in Monticello, Minnesota and described as follows: See Exhibit "A" The legal description may be corrected by BUYER, if required, to properly describe the subject property as identified herein and to conform with the survey of subject property to be made by a registered land surveyor hired by SELLER as hereinafter authorized. 2. PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price for said premises shall be the sum of four hundred seventy three thousand two hundred thirty three dollars ($473,233.00). BUYER herewith deposits ten thousanu Dollars ($10,000.00) as "earnest money" to be lick': by Cambridge Commercial Realty and to apply on said purchase price. The balance of four hundred sixty three thousand two hundred thirty three dollars ($463,233.00) shall be paid to SELLER by BUYER at closing. 3. EVIDENCE OF TITLE. BUYER shall immediately make application for a commitment for an owner's policy of title insurance covering the premises and indicating the willingness of the title company to issue to BUYER at closing an owner's title policy in the amount of the purchase price. BUYER shall pay for the title insurance. BUYER shall have ten (10) business days after receipt of the title commitment to review and render any objections as to matters of title in writing to SELLER. Any such matters of title not timely objected to by BUYER shall be deemed waived and shall constitute additional permitted exceptions thereunder. In the event title is not determined to be good and merchantable or is otherwise not acceptable to BUYER, SELLER shall be so notified and shall then take such action as may be necessary to cure title defects (including plat and deed restrictions) as soon as possible, at SELLER'S expense, and notify BUYER when such is completed. SELLER shall, at its expense, prepare, obtain all necessary approval of, and record any plat of division or subdivision required by law or ordinance. Phone 952.933.0042 Fax 952.835.3117 www.cambridge-commercial.comadmin@cambridge-commercial.com C\ 4. ZONING AND PERMITS. BUYER contemplates using said premises as a restaurant. By the execution of this Agreement, SELLER hereby authorizes BUYER, at BUYER'S expense, to immediately apply for and attempt to secure such zoning classification of the property or special use permit for the property which will permit BUYER to construct and operate upon the premises buildings and facilities for the above-stated use. SELLER authorizes BUYER, at BUYER'S expense, to apply for and attempt to secure sign permits, consents of property owners, curb cut permits, sewer or septic permits, and such building and other governmental permits as may be necessary to permit BUYER to construct and operate upon the premises buildings, together with all equipment, signs, appurtenances and driveways in accordance with such design and specifications as BUYER shall in its sole discretion determine to be desirable for its use. Such applications may be made in BUYER'S name or SELLER'S name, or both, as may be appropriate, and SELLER agrees to cooperate fully and in good faith in this regard. In the event said permits, zoning classification, or special use permit are not forthcoming to BUYER'S satisfaction or are denied by the persons or agencies having control thereof, then BUYER shall have the right but not the obligation, to take such further action to secure said permits, zoning classification, or special use permits as it may elect; provided only that at every stage thereof BUYER shall act promptly and proceed with reasonable diligence. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect throughout the actions and proceedings described above; but unless said permits, zoning classification, or special use permit are obtained and are effective, valid and subsisting as of the date of closing, BUYER shall not be obliged to close this purchase and shall have the right to cancel this Agreement. 5 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS AND ASSESMENTS. SELLER also authorizes BUYER to enter upon the premises at any time for the purpose of BUYER'S testing the same. BUYER shall pay all costs and expenses of such investigation and testing and shall hold SELLER harmless from all costs and liabilities relating to BUYER'S activities. BUYER shall further repair and restore any damage to the premises caused by or occurring during BUYER'S testing and return the premises to substantially the same condition as existed prior to such entry. If BUYER orders a "Phase I" environmental review of the premises, BUYER shall provide a copy thereof to SELLER when such "Phase I" report is complete. BUYER shall have ten (10) business days after BUYER'S receipt of the environmental report to accept the conditions of the premises. BUYER has right to assume the total assessment of the property estimated at $45,733.00 to be paid over a ten-year period at 5.25 % interest starting at the closing date on referenced property. For example if total price of parcel is four hundred seventy three thousand two hundred thirty three dollars ($473,233.00) for referenced property free and clear of assessments. Buyer has the right to exercise option to payoff assessments estimated at forty five thousand seven hundred thirty three dolIars ($45,733.00) over a 10 year period at 5.25% yearly interest rate. The final sale price of referenced property would be four hundred twenty seven thousand five hundred dollars ($427,500.00). The itemized assessments are defined per Exhibit "C". C\ 6. OBLIGATION TO COMPLETE TRANSACTION. BUYER shall be obligated to complete this transaction only in the event each of the following items occur, and if so, then this purchase shall be closed within thirty (30) days after whichever of the following occurs last in point of time: (a) title is determined to be good and merchantable or otherwise acceptable to BUYER (b) the survey and environmental review of the premises described above are to BUYER'S satisfaction; provided, however, that BUYER may waive any of the foregoing conditions and proceed to complete and close the purchase accordingly. If any of the foregoing conditions is not met and is not waived by BUYER, BUYER shall have the right to cancel this Agreement and the earnest money shall thereupon be returned to BUYER. 7. ESCROW AND EXCHANGE. (a) It is contemplated that this transaction, at the option of either party, may be concluded through an escrow agent and, in such event, all funds and documents pertaining to this transaction shall be placed in escrow on or before the closing date, with each party sharing the escrow fee equally. (b) BUYER and SELLER acknowledge and agree that either of them may engage in a deferred exchange of like~kind property utilizing a qualified intermediary pursuant to Section 1031 of the Code. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, in the event either party elects to engage in a deferred like-kind exchange, the other party agrees to consent to the assignment of such party's rights under this Agreement to a qualified intermediary in order to facilitate the deferred like-kind exchange. The parties agree to execute any and all documents necessary to consummate the purposes of this section. Any actions taken by BUYER and SELLER in conformance with this section shall be at the cost of the party electing such exchange, and such documents shall not relieve the electing party of any of its obligations or liabilities under this Offer. 8. REAL EST A TE BROKERS AND BROKERAGE COMMISSION: A real estate commission of five percent (5 %) of sale price ($427,500.00 sale price minus assessments) to be paid by Buyer to Cambridge Commercial Realty at closing of referenced property. Each of the parties represents and warrants to the other that such party has not dealt with any real estate broker, real estate agent or finder in connection with this transaction, other than Cambridge Commercial Realty and each of the parties hereto agrees to indemnify and save the other party harmless from any and all loss, cost and expense incurred in condition with any claim for any real estate commission or fee which arises by reason of the actions of such party. 9. CLOSING. At the time of closing, BUYER shall pay to SELLER the balance of purchase price due, and SELLER shall then: (a) Deliver to BUYER a general warranty deed, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and restrictions whatsoever, including assessments; (b) Furnish BUYER assurance that all taxes which are a lien against said premises are paid, prorated to the date of transfer of title to BUYER, calculated upon reasonable and equitable estimates where necessary; (c) Execute an affidavit to be supplied by SELLER that there are no liens upon the premises nor outstanding orders or unpaid bills for goods, labor or materials, which may become a lien upon the premises; (d) Deliver to BUYER any federal and state title conveyance fee and any other transfer taxes or other taxes on the conveyance; '\ (e) Execute and deliver to BUYER an affidavit or other document required by law to entitle the deed to BUYER to be recorded; (f) Execute and deliver to BUYER a Certification pursuant to Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code that SELLER is not a foreign corporation, foreign partnership, foreign trust, or foreign estate; and (g) Execute and deliver to BUYER any other document required to effect the transfer of legal title to BUYER pursuant to the terms of this contract. (h) Closing shall take place at Tri-County Abstract & Title 921 1st St N # 200, St Cloud, MN 56303 9. POSSESSION. Possession of said premises shall be delivered to BUYER on date of closing. 10. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. To induce BUYER to purchase the Real Estate, SELLER hereby covenants, represents, and warrants to BUYER that, the best of SELLER'S knowledge: (i) the Real Estate is not contaminated with any hazardous substance; (ii) SELLER has not caused and will not cause, and to the best of SELLER'S knowledge, after diligent investigation and inquiry, there never has occurred, the release of any hazardous substance on the Real Estate; (iii) the Real Estate is not subject to any federal, state, or local "superfund" lien, proceedings, claim, liability, or action, or the threat of likelihood thereof, for the clean-up, removal, or remediation of any such hazardous substance from the Real Estate or from any other real property owned or controlled by SELLER, or in which SELLER has any interest, legal or equitable; (iv) there is not asbestos on the Real Estate; (v) there is no underground storage tank on the Real Estate; (vi) by acquiring the Real Estate, BUYER will not incur or be subjected to any "superfund" liability for the clean-up, removal, or remediation of any hazardous substance from the Real Estate or any liability, cost, or expense for the removal of any asbestos or underground storage tank from the Real Estate; and (vii) SELLER will indemnify, defend, and hold BUYER harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, suits, actions, judgments, fines, penalties, loss, cost, and expense (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees) arising or resulting from, or suffered, sustained, or incurred by BUYER as a result (direct or indirect) of the untruth or inaccuracy of any of the foregoing matters represented and warranted by SELLER to BUYER or the breach of any of the foregoing covenants and warranties of SELLER, which indemnity shall survive the closing hereunder. All of the foregoing covenants, representations, and warranties shall be confirmed in writing by SELLER and be true and correct at the time of execution of this Agreement and at closing hereunder and shall survive such closing. 11. ALIENATION, ETC. During the term of this Agreement and after execution thereof by BUYER, SELLER agrees that it will not in any manner sell, alienate, mortgage, or encumber the premises as described on Page 1 of this Agreement nor file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy prior to the date possession of said premises is surrendered and delivered to BUYER. SELLER further agrees that it will not take any action to request or effect annexation of the premises to any municipality or to request or petition for any change of the zoning classification of the premises, which existed at the date hereof unless BUYER gives prior written consent to such action. 12. GENERAL. The parties hereto agree that all notices which may be required pursuant to this Agreement shall be made by Registered or Certified Mail to SELLER at 505 C\ Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello. MinneSota 55362 atm: Mr. Rick Wolfstcllar and 10 BUYER at 19436 Elgin Court. Elk River. Minnesota 55330 attn: Mr. Richard VanRoutllD. This Agreement represents me sole agreement existing and aU matters of negotiation relating to this purchase and sale are merged into Ibis Agreement This Agreement shaU SUtvive all documents of closing aDd is enforceable d.espire the exchange of deed and other documents of title as called for herein. 13. 13. ADDITIONAL CONTINGENCIES. (a) BUYER has right to change the name of the Limited Liability Company before or at closinS (b) Property must have final approveI from Culver's Franchise System Incorporated. (c) All final approvals of signage as described in Exhibit B IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement on the day and year set forth below. BUYER: SELLER: Borich. L.L.C. city Of Monticello B#~~ 1"7- k Date::?'" J<{'" D tf By Its: Date: '. ~ . 0.... .... N ,., .. 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