City Council Minutes 10-13-1997 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 13, 1997 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. Aunroval of minutes of the regular meeting held Sept. en1~~1Qx..~2.,~~ special m~eti held September 29, 1997. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 22 AND THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 29, 1997, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 1 4. Ci , . ns n m n .a/p .itions r~gnPSts. and comnlaints. None. 5. Consent agenda. A. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 7 as proposed for a total of $39,982. B. ~~ John Johnson. Recommendation: Apprave the conditional use permit to allow an auto body repair shop and accessory outdoor storage area within a B-3 zone and approve a planned unit development conditional use permit to allow shared use of an outdoor storage area with adjacent auto body shop per the site plan shown as Exhibit C in the Planner's report, with the following conditions: Page 1 Council Minutes - 10/13/97 1. The submitted site plan is modified to comply with applicable off-street parking requirements (11 spaces required). 2. Consideration is given to consolidating the parking lots of the subject site and adjacent northerly site in a manner similar to that illustrated in Exhibit C of the Planner's report. 3. The City Attorney provide comment and recommendation in regard to issues associated with possible future sale of the subject site or adjacent northerly property. 4. The outdoor storage area is reduced in size to not more than 50% of the area of the principal building. 5. The outdoor vehicle storage area is minimally screened by a 6-ft high, 100°Ia opaque fence which is designed to blend with the auto body shop and which is constructed of materials treated to resist discoloration. 6. The outdoor vehicle storage area is surfaced in asphalt or concrete. 7. Exterior finish materials of the body shop comply with applicable ordinance requirements. 8. All exterior lighting is hooded and directed such that the light source is not visible from public rights-of--way or neighboring residences. 9. All site signage complies with applicable provisions of the ordinance. 10. The site plan is modified to illustrate an off-street loading space. 11. Damaged screening fences must be reinstated along the Marvin Road side of the auto body shop. The recommendation is based on the finding that the proposed project is consistent with the spirit and intent of the comprehensive plan goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the zoning ordinance, will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use permit section of the zoning ordinance, and shall not impose any undue burden upon public facilities and services. Page 2 Council Minutes - 1p/13/97 C. Monticello RV Center' Inc. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit to allow open/outdoor storage, sales and service, and minor automobile (recreational vehicle) repair within a B-3 zone with the following conditions: 1. All outdoor storage and sales areas are screened from view of abutting residential zoning districts and public rights-of--way in accordance with applicable City screening requirements, including a 20-ft landscape yard along the site's northern boundary. 2. A landscape plan is submitted which identifies the location, type, and size of all site plantings. 3. The crushed rock surfacing of the outdoor sales area is contained by curbing, edging, or an elevational change (lower) from the bordering off-street parking areas as deemed appropriate by the City Building Official. 4. All exterior lighting is hooded and directed such that the light source is not visible from public rights-of--way or neighboring residences. 5. The site plan is revised to illustrate individual parking stalls (including those devoted to the handicapped). 6. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise associated with the proposed recreational vehicle repair activities. 7. The City Engineer provide comment and recommendation regarding drainage issues. 8. The site's principal building complies with applicable height and building material requirements. 9. All site signage complies with applicable provisions of the ordinance. Page 3 Council Minutes - 10/13/97 10. The site plan is modified to illustrate an off-street loading space. 11. The Building OfI`icial is authorized to enforce staged compliance with conditional use permit conditions. The recommendation is based on the finding that the proposed project is consistent with the spirit and intent of the comprehensive goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the zoning ordinance, will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use section of the zoning ordinance, and shall not impose any undue burden upon public facilities and services. The variance request was denied by the Planning Commission and no appeal was filed; therefore, no Council action was required. D. district designation from AO,~gricultural Ope~~i ~~~CQ,~j B~3. Chevrolet. This item was removed from the consent agenda for discussion. E. ~,urns/Little Mountain Feed. Recommendation: Approve rezoning the Little Mountain Feed site from I-2 to planned unit development based on the finding that the PUD zoning district will allow the City to best manage the impacts of the proposed use in conformance with the comprehensive plan, the proposed uses are appropriate in the City's efforts to redevelop its downtown area as identified in the MCP Plan, and the proposed zoning will not have adverse impacts on the neighboring land uses. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT N0.297. Approve the issuance of a PUD permit to Little Mountain Feed to allow the expansion of the loading dock without concurrent site improvements based on the finding that expansion of the business is appropriate given the proximity to Sunny Fresh Foods, and the addition of the loading dock is an insignificant expansion and should not key the need to provide other site improvements at this time. Page 4 Council Minutes - 10/13/97 The variance request was approved by the Planning Commission, and no appeal was filed; therefore, na Council action was required. F. Consideration of text antl-mau amendments renaming BC (busin~~s carnp~) zoning district to I-lA (~.~,1~ industrial district A~; and considerati_op~f text amendments t in cam us di trict re ulations inatin the reen s ace re i f the standard setback re A licant Monticello Planning Commission. Recommendation: Approve ordinance amendments renaming the BC (business campus) district to I-lA and eliminating the percentage landscape area from the BC/I-lA district. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS NO. 298 AND 298A. G. Consideration of urchasin RV r ert Recommendation: Accept the terms of the purchase agreement to purchase the RV Center property from Ralph and Naomi Hermes for $85,423.18. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED, WITH ITEM SD REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION. Mation carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed m he consent a enda for disc i 5D. Co sid 1 z nin ordinance ma m nt chan in the district desi nation fro A ricultural O en S ace t - hi hwa business• 2 a planned unit development conditional use permit to allow o;tl~oor sales, outdoor r a t motive bod re air ' nin district• and 3 fr m h it 's off-street arkin r uirements. A lic 1 Brothers Chevrolet. City Planner Steve Grittman reported that the applicant requested a change to the parking lot layout as proposed in the Planner's report by eliminating the parking island. The applicant proposed instead to establish striping for parking around the rear of the building. Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that the site plan could be amended to eliminate the proposed parking island provided that the site plan shows the minimum number of parking spaces required. Page 5 Council Minutes - 10/13/97 ~~ AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE REZONING THE GOULD BROTHERS CHEVROLET PROPERTY FROM AO TO B-3, TO APPROVE THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW SALES, OUTDOOR STORAGE, AND AUTOMOTIVE BODY REPAIR IN A B-3 ZONE, AND TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN REGARDING PARKING LAYOUT. MOTION IS CONTINGENT ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: THE OUTDOOR VEHICLE STORAGE AREA SHALL NOT EXCEED 50%a OF THE AREA OF THE AUTOMOBILE SHOP. 2. THE OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA IS SCREENED VIA A 6-FT HIGH, lpp% OPAQUE FENCE DESIGNED TO BLEND WITH THE PRINCIPAL BUILDING AND TREATED TO RESIST DISCOLORATION. 3. THE OUTDOOR VEHICLE STORAGE AREA IS SURFACED IN ASPHALT OR CONCRETE PAVING. 4. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT INFORMATION NECESSARY TO DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIRED OF THE USE. 5. THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO ILLUSTRATE INDIVIDUAL OFF- STREET PARKING STALLS QN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS) AND VEHICLE DRIVE LANES. 6. OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES INTENDED FOR CUSTOMER PARKING ARE DELINEATED VIA STRIPING AND PERIMETER CURBING. 7. BUILDING ELEVATIONS ARE SUBMITTED WHICH ILLUSTRATE THE DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE ADDITIONS AND SPECIFY FINISH MATERIALS (IN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS). 8. THE SITE'S ADVERTISING SIGN (BILLBOARD) IS REMOVED WITHIN FIVE YEARS OF THE DATE OF PUD/CUP APPROVAL. 9. THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO IDENTIFY THE PROPOSED LOCATION OF THE "RELOCATED" GAS TANK. lp. ALL SITE SIGNAGE COMPLIES WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE. 11. THE SITE PLAN IS REVISED TO ILLUSTRATE AN OFF-STREET LOADING SPACE. Page 6 Council Minutes - 10/13/97 12. THE CITY ENGINEER PROVIDE COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATION IN REGARD TO DRAINAGE ISSUES. 13. CURS TO BE INSTALLED AT SETBACK LOCATIONS WITH PHASE I OF DEVELOPMENT AS NOTED ON EXHIBIT C OF THE PLANNER'S REPORT. Motion is based on the finding that the proposed project is consistent with the spirit and intent of the comprehensive plan goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the zoning ordinance, will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use permit section of the zoning ordinance, shall provide adequate parking and loading as outlined, and shall not impose any undue burden upon public facilities and services. Motion carried unanimously. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 296. The variance request was denied by the Planning Commission, and no appeal was filed; therefore, no Council action was required. 7. - - Countrv Club. City Planner Steve Grittman reported that the Monticello Country Club requested rezoning of a portion of their property from R-1 to R-2, which would allow a 12-unit townhouse project along a private drive adjacent to the golf course. The original request proposed a 16-unit project; however, 4 units were deleted from the plan near the single family homes during Planning Commission review. The site proposed is adjacent to the club house entrance drive and would require relocation of an existing maintenance shed. The neighborhood adjacent to the area includes an 8-unit townhouse project and a series of single family parcels known as Club View Terrace. One of the concerns noted with the original proposal was the impact on area property values since the existing single family homes and townhomes rely significantly on the view to the northeast of the golf course; however, the City Planner noted that with the modified plan, the homes would continue to have anorth/northeast view of the golf course. It was also noted that the proposed townhouse project would be of a higher density than the surrounding neighborhood at about 7.0 units per acre. Page 7 Council Minutes _ 10/].3/97 Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the Planning Commission discussed loss of value, additional traffic, and sight lines during the public hearing. It was their view that with the removal of the four units east and north of the R-1 area, the sight lines were essentially preserved. In addition, it was estimated that 12 units would create 120 vehicle trips per day. Given the amount of traffic already in the area from golf course use, it was felt the increase in traffic would not impact the value of the nearby R-1 properties. Therefore, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning request. Mayor Fair noted that letters opposing the rezoning had been received from the fallowing residents: Matt and Dean Stroemer, Harry Walsh, Alan and Susie Wojchouski, Gene and Ann Fair, Floyd Markling, and Alois and Alice Stangler. Councilmember Clint Herbst noted his concern regarding depreciation of the present homes in the neighborhood if the area was rezoned to R-2. In addition, he noted that the comprehensive plan suggests lower density along the river, golf courses, etc., and it was his view that rezoning this area to R-2 would be a contradiction of the comprehensive plan. Public Works Director John Simola noted his concern that the layout would make it difficult far city services such as garbage and recycling pickup to be performed due to the density. Attorney Brad Larson, representing Floyd Markling, requested permission to read a letter to the Council since he was unable to forward his comments to the Council prior to the meeting. His letter noted concerns of density, traffic, driveway relocation, road size, design standards, townhome parking, market values, and setbacks as they would relate to the existing townhomes. Mayor Fair noted that many of the comments being made pertained more to specific site development standards and suggested that the discussion concentrate on the rezoning request at this time. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO DENY THE REZONING REQUEST BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE LOCATION OF THE REZONING WOULD TEND TO DEPRECIATE VALUES OF THE NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES SINCE IT WOULD INTERFERE WITH THE VIEW, WHICH IS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF THOSE VALUES, AND THE REZONING COULD RESULT IN A DEVELOPMENT WHICH IS MORE DENSE THAN THAT ENCOURAGED BY THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Vating in favor: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf. Opposed: Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair, Roger Carlson. Motion failed. Page S Council Minutes - 10/13/97 A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE REZONING FROM R-1 TO R-2 TO ACCOMMODATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A TOWNHOUSE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AS PROPOSED BY THE MONTICELLO COUNTRY CLUB BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH LAND USES IN THE AREA, IT WOULD RESULT IN DEVELOPMENT WHICH IS NEEDED IN THE COMMUNITY, AND WOULD NOT LIKELY DEPRECIATE THE AREA IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst, Brian Suump£ Motion failed, as a 4/5 vote is required for rezoning approval. The property remains R-1. 8. Consideration of nnmhaainw 'ntnrn w b i a N1CPF. Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the City recently received two proposals for internet web site service, one from the Monticello Times, and the other from Cloud Communications, Inc., operated by Steve Andrews. He suggested that the Council may want to recommend that City staff prepare and distribute an RFP prior to selecting a web site service. Don Smith and Sherri White, representing the Monticello Times, presented a sample city web site and explained what information could be included. Mr. Smith noted that they have been online for approximately 1 ~~z years and could easily help the City establish their web site. Steve Andrews of Cloud Communications stated that he has been working with the internet since 1991 and that he could provide web site services mare cost effectively. He explained that the $6,000 fee in the proposal would not be an annual fee but fox development of the site. Maintenance of the site was estimated at $22$ per month. It was the consensus of Council to table discussion of purchasing internet web site services until after the 1998 budget workshop. 9. Consideration of an offer tQ„p~arrhaar vacant y~cel adia a . ~ mat of_~c-. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that Mr. Charles Ehlen of Cinco Corporation, owner of the post office facility, submitted an offer of $24,000 far the purchase of the City-owned vacant parcel adjacent tQ the post office; however, the purchase price was subject to the City removing all of the trees and stumps from the property and bringing in the appropriate fill to establish a grade for construction of a parking lot. In addition, Mr. Ehlen requested that the City-owned 12-ft strip of land established for driveway access off of Locust Street also be deeded to Cinco Corporation. Page 9 Council Minutes - 10/13/97 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ACCEPT $24,000 FOR PURCHASE OF THE VACANT PARCEL AS IS, INCLUDING THE 12-FT STRIP OF LAND ADJACENT TO LOCUST STREET, WITH THE BUYER RESPONSIBLE FOR EXPENSES TO TRANSFER THE PROPERTY. Motion carried unanimously. lo. recommendation for School Boulevar__d. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the Monticello Police Commission previously discussed a letter from the previous School Superintendent, Sheldon Johnson, requesting establishment of a four-way stop sign at the intersection of School Boulevard and Fallon Avenue near the Little Mountain Elementary School. At that time, the majority of the Police Commission members also supported the installation of a four-way stop sign. Wolfsteller noted that School Boulevard was planned to be a collector street, continuous from Highway 25 to County Road 118, with stop signs placed on Fallon Avenue at School Boulevard. After reviewing a traffic report in 1996 prepared by the Wright County Sheriffs Department, the Council agreed with the recommendation to post the speed limit on School Boulevard from Fallon Avenue to County Road 118 at 30 mph when children were present but did not recommend installation of a four-way stop sign. The Police Commission recently discussed the intersection due to the increasing residential housing development that's occurring in the area, including the future phases of HIein Farms 3rd and 4th Additions, and again recommended that the City Council consider installing afour-way stop sign at the School Boulevard/Fallon Avenue intersection. It was their view that the stop signs were necessary to enable children to safely cross School Boulevard to reach the elementary and other schools in the area. In a preliminary pedestrian circulation plan for the area, City Planner Steve Grittman also recommended that a stop sign maybe needed on School Boulevard to provide safe crossing far pedestrian traffic. However, the City Administrator suggested that the Cauncil consider authorizing a traffic engineer to study the area prior to installing additional stop signs. The Council discussed the amount and speed of traffic in the area, as well as the traffic concerns at the County Road 117/Schaol Boulevard intersection. Enforcement of the posted speed limit and stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks were also discussed, along with the pathway system proposed for the HIein Farms 3rd and 4th Additions. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN TO AUTHORIZE REVIEW OF THE SCHOOL BOULEVARD/FALLON AVENUE INTERSECTION BY A TRAFFIC ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC DEVICES. Motion died for lack of a second. Page 10 Council Minutes - la/13/97 City Engineer Bret Weiss recommended that the intersection remain as is with stop signs on Fallon Avenue because School Boulevard was designed to be a through street; however, he did agree that there were traffic problems at the County Road 117/School Boulevard intersection that may need to be addressed in the future. Mayor Fair stated that he felt that the design of School Boulevard encouraged excessive speed, and stop signs would make motorists cognizant of the speed zone and pedestrians in the area. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO INSTRUCT CITY STAFF TO INSTALL AFOUR-WAY STOP SIGN AT THE INTERSECTION OF SCHOOL BOULEVARD AND FALCON AVENUE. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf. Opposed: Clint Herbst, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Motion failed. Councilmember Bruce Thielen stated that any changes made to traffic patterns should be based on solid information, which should include a traffic study now and in the future for comparison. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO AUTHORIZE A TRAFFIC STUDY TO BE COMPLETED BY A TRAFFIC ENGINEER FOR SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM HIGHWAY 25 TO COUNTY ROAD 11$ BY A TRAFFIC ENGINEER. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Public Works Director John Simola reported that City staff met with the Parks Commission to discuss snow removal from the pathways, and it was concluded that clearing of the pathways for the first year should be limited to the pathway along County Raad 75 from West River Street near the NSP Training Center to the east side of Pinewood Elementary School, from the east side of the Monticello High School to Meadow yak Avenue, and along the north side of School Boulevard between County Road 118 and County Road 117. After surveying 12 communities regarding pathway clearing, it was found that all of the cities cleared pathways using their own employees or did not clear pathways at all. None of the cities contracted for pathway clearing; however, proposals were obtained for contracting snow removal from the skating rinks and sections of the pathway based an an estimated number of occurrences. Two bids were received, with the low bid at $21,150. Page 11 Council Minutes - 10/13/97 Bids were also received For purchase of an MT Trackless and Holder, which were both demonstrated for the public works department in 1996. Anew Holder was priced at $73,908.09, and a new MT Trackless at $58,817.83. Used equipment ranged from $28,755 to $66,722.50. A state bid was also obtained on a skid steer loader with a hydraulically driven snow blower for $33,797.78. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CUNT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO PURCHASE THE STATE BID JOHN DEERE SKID STEER LOADER WITH SNOW BLOWER AND ANGLE PLOW OPTION AT A COST OF $33,797.78 FOR CLEANING THE SKATING RINKS AND PATHWAYS WITH CITY FORCES, AND TO CONTINUE LOOKING FOR A SANDER ATTACHMENT IN THE $3,000 TO $4,500 RANGE. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. 12. Public Works Director John Simola reported that the City Council recently discussed the possibility of an additional brush pickup prompted by a letter from the owners of the Rand House Bed & Breakfast. After reviewing the amount of brush that was hauled by the City and various groups and volunteers, it was recommended that the City charge far additional pickups or allow residents to enter into an agreement with the City for assessing the cost of the brush pickup. In addition, Simola also suggested that the Council consider the possibility of burning the brush in the parking lot near the Rand House if the residents within 600 ft of the burn site agree. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THTELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO AUTHORIZE BY CONTRACT AN ADDITIONAL BRUSH PICKUP FOR THOSE TNDTVIDUALS OWNING LARGE PROPERTIES STILL REQUIRING CLEANUP FROM THE STORM, WITH THE FROPERTY OWNER PAYING THE EXPENSE EITHER UP FRONT OR THROUGH AN ASSESSMENT, OR RESIDENTS COULD PAY FOR THE COST OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND ASH DISPOSAL TO BURN THE BRUSH. Motion carried unanimously. 13. ('onaid ration of n w wa pr ra n s reture. Public Works Director Jahn Simola reported that the DNR has requested that the City implement water demand reduction measures, which would include a public education program and an evaluation of the current water rate structure and its impact on conservation. The City currently uses a declining block rate structure where the cost of water is cheaper the more you use, which does not encourage water conservation. Tt was proposed that the City implement a uniform rate throughout the community as of January 1, 1998. Page 12 Council Minutes - 10/13/97 [] A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE UNIFORM RATE STRUCTURE OF $10 FOR THE FIRST 500 CU FT, MINIMUM QUARTERLY BILLING, AND $0.45 PER 100 CU FT THEREAFTER PER QUARTER, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1998. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Monticello Chamber of Commerce President Grace Pederson requested that the Council consider forgiving the 1997 reimbursement payment totaling $1,600 for their office remodeling at the information center She noted that the Chamber anticipated a net income of $1,550 From the 1997 Riverfest celebration; however, because the celebration was delayed due to the July 1 storm, they actually incurred a net loss of $1,214. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO FORGIVE THE REIMBURSEMENT AMOUNT FOR 1997 TOTALING $1,600. Motion carried unanimously. 15. Su~rior Services. Mr. Deruyter requested that his presentation be rescheduled for another meeting. 16. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF OCTOBER AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 17. Other matters. A. Public Works Director John Simola requested authorization from the Council to place their names on a plaque for the new wastewater treatment plant. It was the consensus of Council to allow their names to be placed on the plaque. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. - ~ - Karen Doty Office Manager Page 13