City Council Agenda Packet 02-08-1999 Special . . . AGENDA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, February 8,1999 - 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Bri,ill Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Planning Commission Members: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Robbie Smith, Roy Popilek 1. Call to order. 2. Discussion of proposed MOAA Land Use Plan. 3. Adj oumment. -. --- .. .~ , Special Joint Council/Planning Commission Agenda - 2/8/99 2. Discussion of proposed MOAA Land Use Plan. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the joint meeting ofthe MOAA Board, City Council, and Township, it was determined that each jurisdiction would examine the MOAA plan and bring a recommendation back to the MOAA at the regular meeting in March. Accordingly, a special meeting has been called for Monday, February 8, 1999, for the purpose of reviewing the plan in some detail. The Planning Commission has been invited to this meeting because the MOAA plan is not consistent with the City's comprehensive plan adopted by the City in 1996 and updated with the Southwest Area Plan. In addition, the Planning Commission's recommendation on a preliminary plat request by Gold Nugget is pending and waiting for additional input by the MOAA. At the meeting on Monday, City Council is asked to review the plan for consistency with the City's comprehensive plan and detem1ine which areas with the City's plan should potentially change. It is important to note that any discussion regarding the City's comprehensive plan and possible amendments must include the caveat that the City's plan cannot be amended without a public hearing. Perhaps the Planning Commission and City Council would prefer to conduct a public hearing on changes to the comprehensive plan prior to finalization of the MOAA plan. Otherwise, there will be a potential of inconsistent land use designation between plans. Additional information regarding the two plans will be provided at the meeting. Included in your agenda packet is a copy of an Amendment to Joint Resolution revising the language to extend the deadline specified in the City/Township agreement for a period of four months; however, the revision also included deletion of the Southwest Area Plan from the agreement (the last sentence of the document). It was staffs understanding from discussions at the joint MOAA meeting, and according to the minutes recorded by the Deputy City Clerk, that the amendment to the agreement at this time would extend the deadline four months, and the City Council would discuss the Southwest Area Plan and MOAA Land Use Plan at its special meeting on February 8. A second copy of the Amendment to Joint Resolution with the Southwest Area Plan language remaining in the agreement is also included for your review. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Review and discuss land use designations identified in proposed MOAA plan and approve an amendment to the Joint City/Township Resolution extending the deadline for plan approval to July 8, 1999. 2. Review and discuss land use designations identified in proposed MOAA plan and deny approval of an amendment to the Joint City/Township Resolution extending the deadline. 1 Special Joint Council/Plmming Commission Agenda - 2/8/99 . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DAT'A: Copies of Amendment to Joint Resolution. City Council - refer to agenda/maps for the joint City/Township meeting held 1/27/99. Planning Commission - refer to previous agenda. . . 2 . . OR} G, ResoLU170N Alucndlucnt to Joint n.csolution KECJ::/ Vf:: D of thc City of Monticcllo and thc Township of Monticello as to the Orderly Anncxation of Propcrty WHEREAS, the City of Monticello ("City") and the Township of Monticello ("Township") have entered into a Joint Resolution as to the Orderly Annexation of Property, adopted by the City on March 2, 1998 and by the Township on March 5, 1998; and, WHEREAS, said joint agreement specified that certain actions mllst occur "within one year of the date of this agreement"; and, WHEREAS, both the City and the Township desire to extend the deadline date specified in the agreement for a period of four months; NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED by the City of Monticello and the Township of Monticello that paragraph fl-J of the Joint Resolution be amcnded as follows: (Proposed delcted sections are in stri-keottt type, additions are in italics.) The Planning Board shall adopt a land use plan, ftn:tl-roni-ft~tlbdivi3ion-erdiftftflees-wi-thi-n onc year of-the-dat~greement-,ttn~-aetieftblc shall placc a mOl'tlte-fttUl'ti:m--+) subdi ...isi OllS-t}-f-!ess-thttn-4B-aercs, 2) rezemng-and-vttrianee-reqtlest'S;"'tlnfr.3.teond-i-ti-e-ual--u3e rcqucsts v/ith said-mO'l'ftwri-ulUs-w-be-term-intttecl-ttp{)l't-thN1dol'tion by thc P-lftnmng-Btlartl---eHaid -land usc plttn;-wni-ng-and-subd-ivisit)ft--t}rdinttn~ by July 8, 1999. If the Planning Board fails to adopt a land use plan withi-n-one-year-o.f-the-dttte-of this agrecmcnt by July 8, 1999, this agreement shall bc null and void. The existing land use plan, zoning and subdivision controls within the OAA shall rcmain in force f-or-a-per-i0tl--ef--t)nc ycar after-the--dttte--6f#1i-s-ttgreenlCllt-ol' until the adoption of a new land use plan, zoning and subdivision controls.,whiehcvcr oeeUI'S :first:. During said one-yettf period, but prior to the time a new land use plan is adopted, annexations of land pursuant to this agrecment may occur according to the terms of this agreement, except that the requirement of paragraph 'l(B) that the proposed use of lands annexed be consistent with the Planning Board's land use plan shall apply only to property shown on the City's Southwest Area Concept Plan until the Planning Board adopts the new land use plan required by this paragraph, at which time all property annexed must then be consistent with the new land use plan. q:J1e-htnd--use-plan-wHl-iflet}rpt}rnte-the-€-i-tf-s-8outhwcst Arca COfleel't-P-ltlll: attachcd as Exhibit-€:- ADOPTED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, THIS DAY OF , 1999. MAYOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR ADOPTED BY THE MONTICELLO TOWNSHll' BOARD, THIS . . , 1999. DAY OF ~,l CHAIRMAN CLERK . .-.- . - .- "Kellis:. E.b tJ(.6S0t.1IT(o,J Amendmcnt to Joint Rcsolution L C!WI NG L/f5;.T of the City of Monticello and thc Township of Monticello S{;NTEtJU as to the O.'dcrly Anncxation of Property I ~ fl-G~ WHEREAS, the City of Monticello ("City") and the Township of Monticello (wI'ownship") have entered into a Joint Resolution as to the Orderly Annexation of Property, adopted by the City on March 2, 1998, and by the Township on March 5, 1998; and WHEREAS, said joint agreement specified that certain actions must occur "within one year of the date of this agrecment"; and WHEREAS, both thc City and the Township desire to extend the deadline date specified in the agreement for a period of four months; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Monticello and the Township of Monticcllo that paragraph #3 of the Joint Resolution be amended as follows: (Proposed deletcd sections are in strikeout lype, additions are in italics.) . The Plmming Board shall adopt a land use plan, and zoning and subdivision ordinances within one year of the date of this agreement, and, as soon a3 practicable shall place a moratorium on-l--:)-subdivisions of less than 40 acres, 2) rezoning and variance requests, and J) conditional use reque:lts "vvith said moratoriums to be terminated upon the adoption by the Plfillning Board of said land use plan, zoning and subdivision ordinances. by July 8, 1999. If the Planning Board fails to adopt a land use plan within one year of the date of this agreement by July 8, 1999, this agreement shall be null and void. The existing land use plan, zoning and subdivision controls within the OAA shall remain in flxce for a period of one year after the date of this agreement or until the adoption of a new land use plan, zoning and subdivision controls., whichcv'er oeetin fir3t. During said 6nc year period, but prior to the time a new land use plan is adopted, annexations of land pursuant to this agreement may occur according to the tcrms of this agreement, except that thc requirement of paragraph 7(B) that the proposed use of lands annexed be consistent with the Planning Board's land use plan shall apply only to property shown on the City's Southwest Area Concept Plan until the Planning Board adopts the new land use plan required by this paragraph, at which time all property annexed must then be consistent with lhe new land use plan. The land use plan will incorporate the City's Southwest Area Concept Plan attached as Exhibit C. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, TIllS DA Y OF ,1999. Mayor City Administrator . ADOPTED BY THE MONTICELLO TO\-VNSHIP BOARD, THIS ,1999. DAY OF Clerk Chairman ~,OL