City Council Minutes 11-17-1997 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 17, 1997 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None A special City Council meeting was held for the purpose of reviewing 1998 budget revisions. Based an direction from the first budget workshop, City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller presented a revised budget which reduced the preliminary non-debt levy increase from $329,348 (11%) to $99,549 (3.25%). He noted that after receiving additional information from Wright County, it appeared that the School District was proposing a decrease in their tax capacity rate, which would help offset the City's increase due to the wastewater treatment plant bond issue. Overall, it was estimated that some residents could see a 5% to 6% increase in their 1998 taxes. Wolfsteller then summarized the proposed changes in the 1998 budget. In order to reduce the levy, it was proposed that $229,799 of the liquor stare reserve be used; however, rather than simply indicating that expenditures be paid by liquor store fiends, Wolfsteller recommended that the City transfer the liquor funds to various debt service funds and reduce the debt levy by an equal amount rather than reducing the non-debt levy. This would allow the City to retain the ability to utilize a higher levy limit next year, if needed. In discussing the summary of changes for the 1998 budget, the Public Works Director requested that Council consider purchasing the telephone company property located on West County Road 39, which could be paid for with water access fund reserves and would not affect the 19981evy. The property consists of 1.25 acres and includes a pole barn which would be used for cold storage of water department equipment. The price of the property was listed at $59,000, but TDS has offered the property to the City at a price of $48,500. It was the consensus of the City Council to authorize the Public Works Director to place the purchase of the telephone company property on the consent agenda for the next regular City Council meeting. Mayor Fair noted his concern that if fund reserves were reduced too much, it may lower the City's bond rating. In addition, non-budgeted projects may come up during the year that the Council could complete using reserves. Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 11/17/97 Councilmember Herbst stated that the bond rating is also judged by existing debt which, if increased too much, could also lower the City's bond rating. He suggested that some projects be delayed such as the Hillside Cemetery fence. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to reduce the Hillside Cemetery fence budget to $10,000 for 1998 and budget the remaining $19,000 in ].999. Discussion then focused on the $1Fi4,799 amount budgeted for phase I architectural design fees for the community center. It was noted that the cost would mare than likely be Glaser to $70,000, which could be taken from liquor store reserves and deleted from the 19981evy. After discussion, it was the cansensus of Council to reduce the proposed non-debt levy increase by a total of $134,000, which would amount to a 6.5% non~debt levy increase for 1998. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ar Doty Office Manager G Page 2