City Council Agenda Packet 03-22-1999 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEI<:TING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 22,1999 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. A. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held March 8, 1999. B. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held March 8, 1999. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 1 ~11Jl fl. c. ct V<tJ 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of resolution authorizing the issuance of a gambling license-Ducks Unlimited B,mquet. B. Consideration of resolutions authorizing the issuance of gambling licenses for the Silver Fox Motel and Days Inn Motel - Knights of Columbus. C. Consideration of resolution establishing various fees and charges. D. Consideration of approving installation of decorative awning at Deputy Registrar Building. E. Consideration of resolution authorizing the release of Community Center Bond Proceeds. F. Consideration of approving job description for the position of Community Center Director and authorize position opening. G. Consideration of authorizing Walnut Street/Community Center Plaza Planning. . . . City Council Agenda 3/22/99 Page 2 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of resolution advertising submittal of Outdoor Recreation Grant Program Application for assistance in development of River Mill Park. 8. Consideration of resolution supporting a compromise land use plan proposal Lor submittal to the MOAA. 9. Consideration of adopting resolution accepting feasibility study and calling for a public hearing on CSAH 75 improvement project. ( 11t.f-e.f 10. Consideration of bills for the last half of March 1999. 11. ) Adjournment. _ ,..-- fJM. f~ Tf.- (f)Cf( _ L.ctf~ ---11'1 pI. { -rtJ\htl\. ~9 it, is J lA ( . Ii- r vA. ? ~.tt ; ~5t{( ~ l.\v..e e c S-\<<~'rSI ~ t ~,I\. ~\s(l/l ( O",p, ~~ oil ~ ()-:it (~c.;ir) { 1 t- rRh - $' <W>lA. ,j-uJ "'*~ fV- f J~. err- c&; (:) 'b rJ c.:. md ~ 'i.,,,v . MINUTRS SPECIAL .JOINT MERTING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, March 8, 1999 - 5:30 p.m. Council Present: Roger 13elsaas, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Council Absent: Clint Herbst Planning Commission Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Robbie Smith, Roy Popilek Planning Commission Absent: None 2. Discussion ofprooosed MOAA Land Use Plan. . City Council and Planning Commission met to continue discussion of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the proposed MOAA Land Use Plan. After reviewing the proposed plan, the Industrial Development Committee recommended that the Gold Nugget Development area remain residential with commercial along Highway 25, the Chadwick property bc designated as industrial, and the area between the golf courses be designated as industrial along the frecway and residential along the golf coursc. The Planning Commission also recommended that the Gold Nugget Development area rcmain as residential and had forwarded a recommendation to Council for approval of thc Pine Meadows preliminary plat. The City Council and Planning Commission discussed the 220-acre area currently being developed by Gold Nugget Development. It was noted that designating this entire area as industrial as proposed by the MOAA Board would be more than needed. The group discussed creating a commercial strip along Highway 25 as well as a frontage road, possibly the extension of Cedar Street. It was estimated that a depth of 400 ft of commercial area would encompass approximately 25 acres of the total 220. Mr. Shawn Weinand noted that the development as currently proposed would lose some amenities and would have to be redesigned if 25 acres was designated for commercial. He suggested that the COlmci I consider increasing the 5 acres on the corner of the property to 15 acres for commercial rather than the entire length of the property along Highway 25. . AFTER FURTHER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO RECOMMEND THAT THE 220-ACRE GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY REMAIN RESIDENTIAL WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A 400-FT STRIP OF COMMERCIAL AREA ALONG HIGHWAY 25, THE CHADWICK PROPERTY REMAIN AS INDUSTRIAL, AND THE ENTIRE PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN THE TWO GOLF COURSES BE DESIGNATED AS RESIDENTIAL. Motion carried unanimously. Page 1 . . . Special Joint Council/Planning Commission Minutes - 3/R/99 Bruce Thielen mentioned that it should be the intent of the representatives to bring the compromise to the MOAA Board. Changes to the City compromise should be brought back to the City Council prior to action. Representative Roger Belsaas and the other Council Members concurred. Mr. Ted Bolker, Monticello Township Board, noted that there would be opposition on the MOAA Board to the recommendation that the 220-acre Gold Nugget property be designated as residential. It was his view that the area should be designated as industrial since residential development alone does not pay for city services. The Council also discussed the strip ofJand located east of town between 1-94 and County Road 75, which was designated as green space on the MOAA Land Use Plan due to its limited ability for development. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that this area remain designated as green space as proposed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 2 ./ . MINUTES REGlJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 8, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Brian Stumpf~ Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Clint Herbst 2. A. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held Februarv 22, ] 999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRlAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 22, ] 999, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried lmanimously. B. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held Februarv 22, 1999. A MOTrON WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 22,1999, AS WRlTTEN. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. .- A. City Administrator Rick WolfstelIer reported that there has been some interest in the purchase and development of some City-owned parcels, and he requested that Council authorize City staff to obtain current appraisals on these parcels. - A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO OBTAIN APPRAISAL"S ON THE CITY-OWNED PARCELS. Motion carried unanimously. B. Mayor Roger Belsaas suggested that item #9 relating to Gold Nugget Development be tabled pending review of the City's recommended land use by the MOAA Board. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO TABLE ITEM #9 UNTIL A CONSENSUS REGARDING THE LAND USE HAS BEEN REACHED WITH THE MOAA BOARD. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. A. Hilary Hoglund requested that the Council remove the requirement that the Riverview Square property must be platted at the same time as the remnant land Page 1 --- Council Minutes - 3/8/99 . being dedicated to the City. In addition, she noted that item #10 ofthc agenda proposed right-of-way acquisition for the cxtension of II art Boulevard, which may affect Gladys Hoglund's propcliy. Dcputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill noted that stafTwould not be opposed to platting the two parccls separately; however, he noted that Mrs. Hoglund mLlst first provide the required $1,000 and quit claim deed for the platting process. City Engineer Bret Weiss offered to meet with Ms. Hoglund to explain the proposed right-of-way acquisitions for Hart Boulevard. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO WAIVE THE REQUIREMENT THAT THE RIVERVIEW SQUARE PLAT AND THE REMNANT PARCEL BE PLATTED SIMULTANEOUSLY. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of a request for an amendment to the zoning ordinance to establish a zero lot line subdivision for twin home development. Applicant, Citv of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve the zoning ordinance amendment based on a finding that it will facilitate owner-occupied twin home development. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 320. . B. Consideration of reviewing- and accepting the year-end EDA Financial Statements, Activitv Report, and 1999 Proposed Budget. Recommendation: Accept the EDA Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance; 1999 Cash Flow Projections; and the Annual Activity Reports as presented. C. Consideration of modifying the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Guidelines. Recommendation: Approve the modification to the GMEF Guidelines as recommended by the EDA. D. Consideration of modifying the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF) Guidelines. Recommendation: Approve the first and second recommendation to modify the DMRF Guidelines as recommended by the EDA. E. Consideration of reviewing Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan No. 015 (Mainline Distribution Properties, LLC) for compliance with the GMEF Guidelines. Recommendation: Support the EDA approval of GMEF Loan No. 015 for Mainline Distribution Properties, LLC, based on the finding that the loan was approved without violation of the GMEF Guidelines. Page 2 Council Minutes - 3/8/99 . F. Consideration of resolution designating individuals authorized to sign checks. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution indicating individuals authorized to sign checks on behalf of the City. SEE RESOLUTION 99-5. G. Consideration of quotes for telephone and computer cabling, network electronics and fiber optic cabling, security and closed circuit television, and paging system ft.)!' the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Accept quotes for the low voltage systems for the community center and authorize staff to enter into contracts in the amounts specified with TDS Telecom. H. Consideration of waiving statutorv liability limits for Citv insurance renewals. Recommendation: Do not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04. l. Consideration of establishing relocation benefits for bulk tank facilities displaced by community center. Recommendation: Provide relocation benefits to JM Oil in the amount of $34,263 (fixtures + $5,000 legal settlement + estimated relocation cost of $25,000 for a total of $59,263), and to Riverside Oil in the amount of $40,959 (fixtures + $5,000 legal settlement + estimated cost of $25,000 for a total of $60,595). In addition, provide additional supplemental assistance by providing a redevelopment grant in an amount equal to the cost of constructing the protective diking system at a cost not to exceed $17,000 contingent upon the following: . 1. Both facilities are relocated. 2. The bulk oil dealers enter into a signed agreement accepting the relocation benefits offered 30 days prior to their relocation date. 3. Relocation be completed by June 18, ]999. 4. If relocation does not occur, the funding program would consist of the City paying relocation benefits minus the cost of demolition only. ^ MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE CONSEN'r AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. . Page 3 . . . Council Minutes - 3/8/99 7. Review results of community survey and consideration of ordering completion of recreation components of community center, including aquatics. child play area. wheel park. and climbing wall. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that recreation components ofthe community center were placed on hold pending completion ofa community survey. The survey data showed a majority supporting the recreation components of the community center. Councilmember Brian Stumpf stated that although he had previously agreed to base his vote on the outcome of the survey, it was his view that more than 400 residents should have been contacted. Therefore, he remained opposed to the community center. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO REINSTATE THE RECREATION COMPONENTS OF THE COMMUNITY CENTER AND MOVE AHEAD WITH THE PROJECT. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Roger Belsaas. Opposed: Brian Stumpf. Abscnt: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. 8. Consideration of a request for a zoning district amendment from AO to R-4 to allow the expansion of KicIlbergs West Mobile Horne Park. Applicant: KieIlbergs, Inc. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the Planning Commission reviewed the request for rezoning from AO to R-4 to allow expansion of Kjellbergs West Mobile Home Park and took action to deny the request based on a finding that the land use was inconsistent with the comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan calls for this area to be medium to high density housing, while the plan submitted by KjeIIbergs would be considered low density at 3 units per acre. Council discussed the density of the proposal being less than noted in the comprehensive plan and the need for higher-end housing in Monticello. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTTON WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR REZONING FROM AO TO R-4 BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE PROPOSAL WAS INCONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Roger Belsaas. Absent: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. 9. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit PUD and preliminarv plat. Applicant: Gold Nugget Development. Inc. This item was tabled (see item 3B above). Page 4 Council Minutes - 3/8/99 . IDA. Consideration of concept lavout approval of Countv State Aid Highway No. 75 improvements from Hennepin Street to Countv State Aid Highwav No. 18 and approval to proceed with right-or-wav aCllllisition for the extension of Hart Boulevard. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that the plan as proposed for improvements to CSAH 75 from Hennepin Street to CSAH 18 would stop construction prior to CSAH 18 pending further review of that portion by the County Engineer. In addition, approximately 0.5 acres is required from two parcels to accommodate the extension of Hart Boulevard. Council was asked to approve the concept layout and right-of-way acquisition to allow the City Engineer to move forward with design. Public Works Director John Simola indicated he did not object to the City Engincer starting the basic plan layouts. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE CSAH 75 CONCEPT LAYOUT AND AUTHORIZE WILSON DEVELOPMENT TO PROCEED WITH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION PROCESS FOR THE EXTENSION OF HART BOULEVARD. APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FURTHER AMENDMENTS BY THE CITY COUNCIL AFTER REVIEW OF THE FEASIBILITY REPORT. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 99-6. . I DB. Consideration to order WSB & Associates. Inc.. to proceed with construction plans and specifications for the proposed County State Aid Highway No. 75 improvements from Hennepin Street to County State Aid Hillhway No. 18. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that the feasibility report would be forwarded to the Council for discussion at the March 22 meeting, at which time project cost and assessments would be reviewed and a public hearing scheduled. It was noted that items still in question were not proposed for design at this time; however, authorizing the City Engineer to proceed with plans and specifications would indicate the City's intent to move forward with the project. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller added that the City should have the final agreement with the l-Iospital District regarding the new entrance and signal system in place prior to the assessments and feasibility report being done. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ORDER WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC., TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENTS FROM HENNEPIN STREET TO CSAH 18. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 99-7. 11. Consideration of a resolution approvinQ: construction plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Trunk Highwav 25. Proiect 96-04C. . City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that plans and specifications for Highway 25 improvements were ordered by the Council on December 14, 1998, following completion Page 5 . . . Council Minutes - 3/8/99 of the public hearing. The necessary right-of-way has been acquired with the exception or one parcel, which is currently under eminent domain proceedings, and Council was asked to approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids to allow the project to move forward. Public Works Director John Simola noted his concerns regarding responsibility for maintenance of the great number of catch basins on Highway 25 and the Oakwood Drive signal system, as this signal is in a heavily-traveled location, and the State owns three of the legs it serves. He requested that Council consider making their motion contingent upon the State of Minnesota being responsible for maintenance of the catch basins on Highway 25 and the signal system at Oakwood Drive. The City Engineer responded that the City would not be obligated to anything until bids have been approved and the contract has been awarded. He also noted that MN/DOT has a policy regarding maintenance items and that there will be a cost participation agreement between the City and MN/DOT for the project. In the meantime, discussions will continue with MN/DOT regarding maintenance issues. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE TRUNK HIGHWAY 25 IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION IN THE SUMMER OF 1999. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 99-8. l1A. Discussion of SuperAmerica Median Access. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that SuperAmerica and McDonalds have requested that this item be continued pending further review of a compromise that has been reached to allow an opening in the median for an undefined period of time to allow access to McDonalds. Criteria for closing ofthe median in the future will be more clearly defined by the traffic engineers and brought to Council for approval in the near future. No action was required by Council at this time. 12. Consideration of a request for a simple subdivision in the industrial park to allow the relocation of a lot line. Applicant: Greg Ebert Construction. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that the original simple subdivision request created a new lot line which jogged around a non-conforming encroachment at several points and required a variance to the side yard setback area. After review by the Planning Commission, the applicant realigned the proposal which meets the setback requirement, but a number of jogs in the lot line remained. Planning Commission recommended approval of the lot split but only with a straight lot line. Council was asked to approve a subdivision as proposed by City staff with one single jog in the lot line. Page 6 Council Minutes - 3/8/99 . A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE SIMPLE SUBDIVISION WITH THE LOT LINE AS PROPOSED BY CITY STAFF BASED ON THE FINDlNG THAT THERE WOULD BE ADEQUATE LAND ON THE REMAINING PARCEL TO ACCOMMODATE ADDlTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IF NECESSARY, THE MULTIPLE JOGS IN THE PROPOSED LOT LINE WOULD LEAD TO CONFUSION IN THE FUTURE AND PROBABLE PROPER'fY LINE DISPUTES, AND THE NEED FOR THE RESUBDlVISION WAS AN ENCROACHMENT BY THE CURRENT OWNER WHICH SHOULD NOT BE CORRECTED BY AN IMPROPERLY DESIGNED SUBDIVISION. Voting in favor: Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Roger Belsaas. Opposed: Roger Carlson. Absent: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. 13. Sewer and Water S stem Trunk Fee Anal sis. City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that the Sanitary Sewer and Water System Trunk Fee Analysis was prepared to examine trunk improvements to accommodate the proposed growth over the next 40 years; however, he suggested that Council table acceptance ofthe report in order to notify groups affected by the fee analysis, with the exception of the storm water fee, which should be increased immediately. --- AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO TABLE ACCEPTANCE OF THE SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SYSTEM TRUNK FEE ANALYSIS; AND DIRECT STAFF TO SEND THE REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONS FOR REVIEW, SET A WORKSHOP DATE, AND ESTABLISH THE FEES AS PROPOSED ON A PRELIMINARY BASIS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING INFORMATION TO DEVELOPERS, WITH FINAL FEES TO BE ENACTED BY MAY I, 1999. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consideration of bills for the first half of Mareh 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF MARCH AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 15. Other matters. A. Deputy City Administrator] eff 0' Neill reported that the Offiee of the State Auditor has completed its report ofthe community center project, copies of which were distributed to City Council and are available for review by the public. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. .---.. -,~,~.~._..,~-'_._.~- Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Page 7 . . . SA. Council Agenda - 3/22/99 Consideration of resolution authorizing the issuance of a gambling license-Ducks Unlimited Banquet. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Chapter of Ducks Unlimited will again be holding their annual banquet at the Monticello Roller Rink on May 10, 1999. Ducks Unlimited will be applying to the State Gambling Control Board for issuance of a gambling license to conduct a raffle for the event. Before a license can be issued by the State Ganlbling Control Board, a resolution needs to be passed by the City either supporting or denying the applicant's request. The local Ducks Unlimited Chapter has received a gambling license for this event for a number of years, and we are not aware of any problems with this license being issued. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a gambling license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the resolution be adopted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application; Copy of resol uti on. -1- Local Unit of Government Jurisdiction I... . s gambling premises located within city limits? f Yes, write the n~me of the C~ Jf' II CIty Name f), c.~ 0 Yes DNo If No, write the name of the County and the Township: County Name Township Name Check the appropriate status of the Township: Dnganized Dmorganized Local Unit Of Governrnent Acknowledgl11ent I. TIle city must sign this application if the gambling premises is within city limits. 2. TIle county and township must sign this applica- tion if the gambling premises is not within city limits. 3. DO NOT submit this application to the Gambling Control Board if it is denied by the local unit of government. 4. NOTE: A Township may not deny an application. Township Acknowledgment of Awareness of Application Signature of person acknowledging application Date Signed: Title of person acknowledging application Date: 3/ It / '7 ( Su mit the plication at least 45 days prior to your scheduled date of activity. Be sure to attach the $25 application fee and a copy of your proof of nonprofit status. Mail the complete application and attachments to: Gambling Control Board 1711 W. County Rd B Suite 3005 Roseville, MN 55113 This publication will be made available in alternative fonnat (Le. large print, braille) upon request. Questions on this form should be directed to the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at (612)639-4000. . Hearing impaired individuals using a TOO may call the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 in the Greater Minnesota Area or 297-5353 in the Metro Area. The information requested on this form will be used by the Gambling Control Board (GCB) to determine your \ compliance with Minnesota Statues and rules governing lawful gambling activities. All of the information ,/ that you supply on this form wHl become public infonnalion when received by the GeB. .5 f'. ~220 W6/95 org~/Ui~t{~i1J!lf()rll1ation ., ,. : '" ';' .> .... I .'; <:'!:::~.,~.i!h (::::/(::c~,::' :~.": ',. .,". :: :". ,:. .... . . For Board Use Only Fee Paid Check # Initals Date Reed Minnesota Lawful Gambling Application for Authorization for an Exelnptiol1 froln Lawful Galllbling License 3 tJ'S" City /J1tJA)'!ie-ec..Lo Name of Chief Executive Officer of organization (CEO) First Name Last Name l6(e--N ~ G \OvtZJY/CLl e r' Previous lawful gambling exemption number "I, 960/2-- 9 c;- 00 I S ate Zip Code County m t\J 6"3 3tOZ- l{~aHr- Daytime Phone number of CEO (01~ if 17 - 3 71 () reasurer Last Name 1U ;,1/ ilm -I . C f11 (3 E {!j0iJ sr2 ( Daytime Phone Number of Treasurer (/;'(lj ;29S- - 2-- 7 9 ~ ,:'::.:,'::, -::,,'," Type of~ql,~pr~fit Organization "';'1"'" eck the box below which best describes ur organization Check the box that indicates the type of proof attached to this application by your organization: D IRS letter indicating income tax exempt status Gertificate of good standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State's office [ElA charter showing you're an affiliate of a parent nonprofit organization Droof previously submitted and on file with the Gambling Control Board D Fraternal D Veterans D Religious ~ Other nonprofit "I';::.'::h,C';" : GalllblingPrell1ises Infonnation :' ':',,:'~: ':.,: 1'.;1: :':)',r;I!:( :~>r'.::: '.~/<:'.:'<: : ,:,,' ':": ~,:":: .> .'~ "!:,"::-: "" :~': ,: Street h;re gaF?~ll~~vi~~i~ conducted M~l~;tt 0 Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) met to lqqq Check the box or oxes which indicate the type of gambling activity your organization will be conducting D Bingo Qg Raffles D Paddlewheels D Pull-tabs D Tipboards Zip Code uJ /O~t N. Be sure the Local Unit of Government and the CEO of your organization sign the reverse side of this application. For Board Use Only Date & Initials of Specialist L L (A . .0::: u~ @~ t::::::c: ~u · 2 0::: :J~ U)~ ~~ ~~ o::::c: U . ~ <l.l ~-5 l-< l-< 9<<l.l ~~ I~ aU C::""d .SS ~ -e ~ :J ..... - ~ o 0 U U 4-< <l.l o l-< u~ 'c ~ ~ ..... rJ) U ..... ~ ~ 0 - ::>. '..0 U <l.l Z l-< - <l.l ~~ a ~ ~ 1-1 0 ~] ~ ~ ~ Cl u 8- ;:J 0 a U 't... ~ ~~ 'c3~ ~~ ~ ~ c1 ~ ~ 0~~ ~ ~ '-~~ .-.. ~ g c:: o <l.l '0 ..s C\S l-< ~ 8- gf8 ..9~ ~4-< l-< 0 ~~~ u:U :J ~~~~ ....-IbJ:JbJ:J_ '-' c:: c:: ""d ~ '0 ';:1 ~ rJ) C\S ..... 2:l 'x !G 8 I-; <l.l 0...:::: ~""dOc:: c:: ~ <l.l;:::J '~ C .g ~ '-1 <l.l c:: .-\ ~ I-; ....... ,.J 8 l-< ...c; a <l.l:J t4-< l-< U 0 0 - c:: ~ _ ~ <l.l ~ rJ) ...c: _c <l.l c: rJ) -.:J rJ) . sa l-< <l.l rJ) ~ ~ ..g ,~ -a ~ ..s .:::: a:f 6 .~ ~ 0::: t::_""d ~ -a g ~ 8 ..... rJ) u ~ <l.l .... 0 I-; c:: ...... U ~,...... - \V _ - ""d 0.. <l.l 13~o:g ~ ~ :J ...... ::>. rJ) r '"' 8..0 C:v .:::: <l.l 0 I-; c:: ""d 'E ~ ;:::J ..... ~ 0.. ~ :J C\S 12 _ bJ:J ~ U ~ ~ U :J ...c: ......... ""d a rJ) l.l-< c:: l.l-< l-< 0 C\S o i!d <l.l l-< 0.. ""d <l.l Cl:l 0 ~6 U ...c:""d u <l.l ~ c: ...... 0 U ...... ~ c: o <l.l ~ ~ l-< ~~ '.. ., 5 ~ 4 ~ :g ~ a ~ u f.t.l I-; I-c ~ j:l.. <l.l 1-1 ~- a 0\ ~ ~ c'i l"""'4 ~ f.t.l..c:: Z g: U ::> 3~ ""d II 1-1~ 8 ~~ ""d l.l-< o ~ 0 ~ g ~ ~ U ""d ~ ~ c'i CJ'"J...c: CJ') . ~ u z ..s t _ ~""2 ....... z ..... 1-1 8 ..... -a :::> rJ'J ~ rJ) U ...... :J..g Cl c: '0 0 . "~ ,I ~ "," _ . " .-... \ CJ'"J ::.G U ::> Cl >. P=l ~I(\] . . . RESOLUTION 99- RESOLtJTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Wright County Ducks Unlimited Chapter 039 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling I icense to conduct gambling at a banquet to be held at the Monticello Roller Rink located in Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the Wright County Ducks Unlimited application for license issuance listed above is hereby approved, and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 1999. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator ~ f0/~ . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/99 5B. Consideration of resolutions authorizing the issuance of gamblinl! licenses for the Silver Fox Motel and Davs Inn Motel- Knil!hts of Columbus. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Knights of Columbus #6825 has submitted an application requesting City Council approval ofthe State Gambling Control Board issuing a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at the Silver Fox Motel and Days Inn Motel. The Knights of Columbus organization would actually have two separate gambling licenses, one for each establishment, that will be submitted to the State for approval. Prior to submittal, the City Council needs to consider a resolution either supporting or denying the applicant's request before the State Gambling Control Board will issue a license. In the past, the City Council has not opposed the issuance of a gambling license to a local organization. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolutions authorizing the Knights of Columbus to apply for gambling licenses at the Silver Fox Motel and also at the Days Inn Motel. 2. Do not approve the resolutions supporting license application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It has been the past practice of the City Council to not oppose a local organization's request for a pull-tab gambling license, and as such, it is recommended the Council adopt alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of gambling application; Copy of resolutions. -2- . Minnesota Lawful Gambling Premises Permit Application.. LG214 Class of Permit Check one: D Class A ($400) . pull-tabs, lipboards, paddlewheels, raffles, bingo Base # FOR BOARD USE ONLY Check # pp # Initials Date Fee ~ Class B ($250) - pull-tabs, tipboards, paddlewheels, raffles Organization Informati.on D Class C ($200) - bingo or bingo and pull-tabs when total gross receipts do not exceed $50,000 per year o Class D ($150). raffles only Organization name (as it appears on documentation filed with Minnesota Secretary of State or Internal Revenue Service) o ation . street or P.O. box (do not use the address of your gambling manager) City StatelZip County Daytime phone number 1'1 ( 6/ J. );l 0" - Daytime phone number _eI /,.v, v f' Gambling Premises Information Name of establishment where gambling will be conducted ~ Is the premises located within city limits? ~ Yes 0 No Does your organization own the building where the gambling will be conducted? DYes D No If no, attach the following: · a copy of the lease(s), and · a copy of a sketch of the floor plan with dimensions, showing what portion is being leased. A lease and sketch are not required for class 0 applications. Name and address of legal owner of premises City StatelZip code . ~' a ~ Address{es) of Storage Space of Gambling Equipment List all locations where played and unplayed product is stored. Do not use a P.O. box number. (Attach an additional sheet if necessary.) Address StatelZip code Bingo Occasions If applying for a class A or C permit, enter days and beginning/ending hours of bingo occasions (indicate A.M. or P.M.). No more than ten bingo occasions may be conducted per week. An occasion must be at least one and one-half hours, not to exceed four hours. Q.ay 8eginnina/Endina Hours Q.ay Beainning/Endina Hours Q.ay Beginning/Endina Hours to to to . to to to to to__ If bingo will not be conducted, check here D to to ..-::- ~g-,l Premises Permit Application - LG214 Gambling Bank Account Information . Bank name Page 2 of 2 3/98 Bank account number- City State/Zip code c.- Lo (; .?- - If you obtain an account number after the premises permit has been issued, the account number must be submitted to the Gambling Control Board within ten days of receipt of the premises permit. Name, address, and title of membem authorized to sign checks from the gambling account Organization's treasuritdnay'not han(Jle gaiTJl3l1ng'ftinas: ,,' ,<,n;",";':'':';,;'" , ' '," " ,~: ',' u'.". '. . '." ",'''''.'. ..,'. .'. ,. ,. - " ',' "', ...', " Name Address Title r ;L Gambling site authorization I hereby consent that local law enforcement officers, the board or agents of the board, or the commissioner of revenue or public safety or agents of the commissioners, may enter the premises to enforce the law. Bank records information The board is authorized to inspect the bank records of the gambling account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. Oath I declare that: 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the board is true, accurate, and complete: 2. all other required information has been fully disclosed; 3. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 4. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; 5. I will familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments to them; 6. any changes in application information will be submitted to the board and local unit of government within ten days of the change; and 7, I understand that failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. / Date Local Unit of Government Acknowledgment and Approval If the, gan1bll,n,~.' premls~s',IS~,lt~,I~<cl~I,lml~~th~plty;mU#t~lgn thlsapplic~t!o~;;/:,', On behalf of the city, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the city's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2). F . On behalf of the county. I hereby ac nowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the county's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. Print name of township Signature of township official acknowledging application Title Date Print name of county Signature of county personnel receiving application T~e Da~ Questions? Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at (612) 639-4000, If you use a TTY, you can call the Board by using the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 and ask to place a call to (612) 639-4000. This form will be made available in alternative format (La, large print, Braille) upon request. The information requested on this form will become public information when received by the Board, and will be used to determine your compliance with Minnesota statutes and rules governing lawful gambling activities, ~J-;L . Minnesota Lawful Gambling Premises Permit Application - LG214 Class of Permit Check one: D Class A ($400) . pull-tabs. tipboards, paddlewheels, raffles, bingo Base # FOR BOARD USE ONLY Check # pp # Initials Fee Date ~ Class B ($250) - pull-tabs, tipboards, paddlewheels. raffles Organization Information o Class C ($200) . bingo or bingo and pull-tabs when total gross receipts do not exceed $50,000 per year D Class 0 ($150) - raffles only Organization name (as it appears on documentation filed with Minnesota Secretary of State or Internal Revenue Service) u nization - street or P.O. box (do not use the address of your gambling manager) StatelZip County Daytime phone number Gambling Premises Information Name of establishment where gambling will be conducted Street address (do not use a P.O. box number) City & county where gambling premises is located-OR- Township & county where gambling premsies is located if outside city limits. . i Is the premises located within city limits? D No Does your organization own the building where the gambling will be conducted? D Ves I2SJ No If no, attach the following: · a copy of the lease(s). and · a copy of a sketch of the floor plan with dimensions, showing what portion is being leased. A lease and sketch are not required for class 0 applications. Name and address of legal owner of premises City StatelZip code Sf) Address(es) of Storage Space of Gambling Equipment List all locations where played and unplayed product is stored. Do not use a P.O. box number. (Attach an additional sheet if necessary.) Address StatelZip code Bingo Occasions If applying for a class A or C permit, enter days and beginning/ending hours of bingo occasions (indicate A.M. or P.M.). No more than ten bingo occasions may be conducted per week. An occasion must be at least one and one-half hours, not to exceed four hours. Qgy Beainnina/Endina Hours Qay Beainning/Endina Hours ~ Beginning/Ending Hours to to to ~ to to to to to If bingo will not be conducted, check here 0 to to Page 1 of 2 jg.3 Premises Permit Application ~ LG214 Gambling Bank Account Information Bank name -,or T Bank address City State/Zip code () . II a -Ii (.c. LiD '5 " If you obtain an account number after the premises permit has been issued, the account number must be submitted to the Gambling Control Board within ten days of receipt of the premises permit. Name, address, and title of members authorized to sign checks from the gambling account Organization's treasurer may 'not hanale gambling (unCls.' .; ; . " -:. :': ' ' , ,'.,...' '-' . y > , . ~ .. . ~. Name Address Title ,): Page 2 of 2 3/98 Bank account number" 1;)--/ Si nature of chief executive officer Desi nee may not si n) Local Unit of Government Acknowledgment and Approval If the gambling, premlses'.Is,wlthln;cltyJlrrilts;:the\clty;miJstslgn this' applicatlon~'.&i,/. -;: , .y'.':, ":"'. , " ' ,;,;,~'~.>:~'~:""':.' ,0" ~':.l-" <';"'I,:":-;'~""~' ~ ~,':;'.....J.:.:.,\"" >.:. ,~~! ~:':,,::...,.-,<f. "''''h): ,.i, .,.: f.~":~'.' '>'."~~,~'~~i. :':'.: ' :'. .;.,' '~. . ..I.:, ',:,'; .::...:( ,"" ,. On behalf of the city, I hereby acknowledge this application II for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within .c:. t.~ the city's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically Int n rpe of Clt~ approving or denying the application will be forwarded to ,uK , / the applying organization. Signat'jJ1 of city p s~rel receiving application Title L.1 ; qz..... I ~ tJ".J)t',..n<loirre 3/ I? I c; If the gambling premises Is located In a townshlp~.both the county and township must sign this application. For the townshio: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying to conduct lawful gambling activity within the township limits. Print name of township Acknowledgment Gambling site authorization I hereby consent that local law enforcement officers, the board or agents of the board, or the commissioner of revenue or public safety or agents of the commissioners, may enter the premises to enforce the law, Bank records infonnation The board is authorized to inspect the bank records of the gambling account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. Oath I declare that: 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the board is true, accurate, and complete; A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2). For the county: On behalf of the county, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the county's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. 2. all other required information has been fully disclosed; 3. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 4. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; 5. I wiil familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments to them; 6. any changes in application information will be submitted to the board and local unit of government within ten days of the change: and 7. I understand that failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. / Date Signature of township official acknowledging application Title Date Print name of county Signature of county personnel receiving application Title Date Questions? Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at (612) 639-4000. If you use a TTY. you can call the Board by using the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 and ask to place a call to (612) 639-4000. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. The information requested on this form will become pUblic information when received by the Board, and will be used to determine your compliance with Minnesota statutes and rules governing lawful gambling activities. 6J3~i . . . RESOLUTION 99- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello Knights of Columbus #6825 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at the Silver Fox Motcllocated in Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the Monticello Knights of Columbus #6825 application for license issuance listed above is hereby approved, and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 1999. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator hJ5$ . . . RESOLUTION 99- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello Knights of Columbus #6825 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at theDays Inn Motel located in Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the Monticello Knights of Columbus #6825 application fl)\' license issuance listed above is hereby approved, and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 1999. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator SE-~ . . . sc. Consideration of a City Council resolution establishing various fees and char~es. (F.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City ordinances provide that various fees and charges may be established by City Council Resolution. Those fees and charges are considered "user fees" and are to reneet the actual costs incurred by the City in providing services to the public. Several city ordinances reference permit fees and charges that must be determined by City Council resolution: Ordinance Section Current Fee Schedule New Fee Schedule Seasonal Outdoor Sales License None Established $ ] 50.00 per 60 day license per Ordinance Section 3-] 1 CCD Zonin!! District Parkin!! None Established $],000.00 per Parking Stall Fund Char!!e Per Parkin!! Stall per Ordinance Chapter 14B, Section 14B-6 (GI Gradin!! Permit Fee and None E5tablished $]50.00 per permit plus an Restoration Bond -- Land escrow of $150.00 to pay for Reclamation and Mining per costs of City Engineer if any Ordinance Chapter 3, Section 3- 7 and 3-8: Plumbin!! Permit Fee: Commercial Plumbing Permit Commercial Plumbing Permit Fee $40.00 + $2.00Ifixture Fee $50.00 + $5.00Ifixture Residential Plumbing Permit Residential Plumbing Permit Fee $20.00 + $2.00/fixture Fee $30.00 + $5.00Ifixture Mechanical Permit Fee: Commercial Mechanical Permit Commercial Mechanical Permit Fee $50.00 + $2.00Ifixture Fee $50.00 + $5.00Ifixture Residential Mechanical Permit Residential Mechanical Permit Fee $30.00 + $2.00Ifixture Fee $30.00 + $5.00Ifixture Staff is suggesting that fees be determined by City Council in accordance with the new fee schedule as provided in the chart above. The amounts suggested are consistent with the actual costs incurred by the City in providing the associated services. A Zoning Code amendment relating to Land Reclamation and Mining is also being proposed. The City Zoning Code provides that a conditional use permit is required for Land Reclamation and Mining operations. The conditional use permit process for dealing with grading permits for Land Reclamation and Mining is extraordinarily burdensome and would be better considered by the City Engineer. The proposed amendment would -3- . provide for grading permits to be issued by the City Engineer, establish a grading permit fee by Council resolution and require a land restoration surety at the option of the City Engineer. That Zoning Code amendment will be brought before the Planning Commission at its next regular meeting and thereatler will come before the City Council for adoption. A copy has been attached for your early review and coordination with the attached resolution establishing fees. B. AL TERNAfIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the attached City Council Resolution establishing various fees and charges. 2. Motion to deny the attached City Council Resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council move to adopt Alternative 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA . City Council Resolution establishing various fees. Copy of proposed Zoning Code amendment scheduled for Public Hearing at Planning Commission and relating to Land Reclamation and Mining. . -4- . . . Resolution No. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING VARIOUS FEES AND CHARGES AS PROVIDED FOR BY CITY ZONING CODE AND CITY ORDINANCES WHEREAS, the City Zoning Code and City Ordinances provide authority to the City Council of the City of Monticello to establish various fees and charges for licenses and permits issued by the City; and, WHEREAS, the City of Monticello intends to charge fees to the public in order to cover its costs in providing various goods and services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The following fees are hereby established: Seasonal Outdoor Sales $ 150.00 per 60 day license License per Ordinance Section 3-11 CCD Zonin!! District Parkine: $1,000.00 per Parking Stall Fund Char!!e Per Parkin!! Stall per Ordinance Chapter 148, Section 148-6 [G] Gradine: Permit Fee and $150.00 per permit plus an escrow of $150.00 to pay for costs of City Restoration Bond -- Land Engineer(if any) Reclamation and Mining per Ordinance Chapter 3, Section 3-7 and 3-8: Plumbin!! Permit Fee: Commercial Plumbing Permit Fee $50.00 + $5.00/fixture Residential Plumbing Permit Fee $30.00 + $5.00/fixture Mechanical Permit Fee: Commercial Mechanical Permit Fee $50.00 + $5.00/fixture Residential Mechanical Permit Fee $30.00 + $5.00/fixture Adopted this day of March, 1999. Mayor City Administrator (}/\ . . . ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 3-7 AND 3-8 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE BY ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR LAND RECLAMATION AND MINING. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Title 10, Chapter 3, Sections 3-7 and 3-8 are hereby amended to read as follows: 3-7 LAND RECLAMATION: Under this ordinance, land reclamation is the reclaiming of land by depositing of materials so as to elevate the grade. Land reclamation shall be allowed permitted only by condition.al mc the issuance of a grading permit by the City Engineer in all districts. Any lot or parcel upon which four hundred (400) cubic yards or more of fill is to be deposited shall come under the controls of land reclamation. The permit shall include as a condition thereof a finished grade plan whieh will not adversely affect the adjacent land, and as conditions thereof shall regulate the type of fill permitted, program for rodent control, plan for fire control and general maintenance of the site, controls for vehicular ingress and egress, and for control of material disbursed from wind or hauling of material to or from the site. Prior to issuing a grading permit for land reclamation. the Citv Engineer mav require the submission of a surety bv the applicant in the amount of 100 % ofthe value ofthe cost of restoring land whereupon reclamation has occurred. Upon application for a grading permit a permit fee shall be paid to the City bv the applicant. The fee for a grading permit shall be as determined by Citv Council resolution. 3-8: MINING: The extraction of sand, gravel, or other material from the land in the amount of four hundred (400) cubic yards or more and removal thereof from the site without processing shall be defined as mining. In all districts, the conduct of mining shall be allowed pcrmittcd only by the ttptffl issuance of a grading conditional usc permit by the Citv Engineer in all districts. Such permit shall include as a condition thereof a plan for a finished grade which will not adversely affect the surrounding land or the development of the site on which the mining is being conducted, and route of trucks moving to and from the site. Prior to issuing a grading permit for minim!:. the City Engineer may require the submission of a surety by the applicant in the amount of 100 % of the value of the cost of restoring land whereupon mining has occurred. Upon application for a grading permit. a permit fee shall be paid to the City by the applicant. The fee for a grading permit shall be as determined by City Council resolution. 5((/'d-' . . . 5D. Council Agenda - 3/22/99 Consideration of aoorovine: installation of a decorative awnine at the Deputv Reeistrar buildine. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Even though the Deputy Registrar's operation has been located on the west side of the former City Hall - Fire Hall building a number of years now, the Deputy Registrar staff and myself have heard comments from individuals that they were not aware of where the license bureau was located; or that we even had one available in Monticello. As our population growth confirms, many new people are moving into the area each year and it is likely that some ofthese new residents may not be aware they can obtain there car and truck licenses along with snowmobile and boat licenses in Monticello. With the Deputy Registrar's office only being one block east of Highway 25, this business should be known to most residents of the area, but additional signage may be necessary to draw attention to our location.. The Deputy Registrar's staff had suggested that the idea of having an awning placed over our sidewalk, by the front entrance, in a color that would coordinate with our City logo that could be used to also advertise the business name. With our present sign being earthtone in color, it is easy to miss the sign and not even realize that Motor Vehicle Services are available in Monticello. Three quotations for installation of the half-barrel canopy were obtained from various companies by Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent. The cost of installation ranged from a low of$2, 898 to $4, 940 for a canvas material canopy. Cost would increase to $3,630 to $5,290 if the canopy was made of vinyl material. Although this improvement was not specifically budgeted for in 1999, the Deputy Registrar's operation does generate sufficient revenue for the City to support the cost of this improvement. I believe the addition of this entrance canopy with a teal or green colored canvas and white lettering would amply identify the location of our motor vehicle business. The price quoted by G.J. Awning and Canvas of Sauk Rapids for $2,897.80 is recommended. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could authorize the purchase of the canopy awning proposal from G.J. Awning and Canvas in the amount of$2,897.80. 2. Do not approve the purchase of the canopy awning at this time. -5- Council Agenda - 3/22/99 . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Deputy Registrar's staff and the City Administrator that this awning improvement be authorized. We believe that the teal/green color awning with the appropriate white lettering will provide the needed identification of the motor vehicle business and should up-date the building to correspond with recent trends by area businesses in installing various types of canopy and awnings. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Quotations and design drawings of awnings. . . -6- . . . D9C-OB-9B 00:46 g j awning & canvas 13202551733 P.Ol This Important Fax Comes To You From: !rJ J1 ~/NJUlNrG WJI ({J!J.!MW!J.~ Mike Thull Dept. : Southem Region Project MSr:'sger Fax Consists Of (. Pages Including This Page To: ~;.- [;Jltl" At: /'1~/II'fi'( ~tu It/kIt:, (fillJl-Kf Dept.: Date: Fax # Sending To: 6/'c. 'l?/ -- 57 ?'~ Comments: 5v('-iB'r:r..L,.tfd CA,v'I/# f ,j 2. ,~c;7, eo JR{IV'J>i II. lVI/a t/fNY? I '.5' I ~ 'Z'1. 70 /rJCL.viJs 1 ~1/T7'AI6" !I..) ('"V( i'( 1-"'f.. ~?()(' L> ,,-wl" t> 6'(&1""'" h ...... P?DvrDiJ) f fop 1-//I"'~'1 (:.fr r/J I /':-'-:'0 , Wf.. L,Vo.....tb ?(/t ,4 Tr~potAp '1 if!"!'; l../ .j '('lT1lY,'.J it.! rpe"....,. '">';) .; "J<; -,,"J ("'J,vC~)r'I'{' ~,"",:' 'l" f. 50/\ Mar-16-99 07.29 9 j a~n1ng & eanvas . __u ,____ -~- ._" 13202551733 -.. ,.- - -. --- --' -- - -- . c:> .., _. \ _onj g ~ c -....; Q:; t"':i ;..... :: ~ ;-.....-- V :::-':; ~ ~~ '-- ---- ~....... ., ~/- - ~ ~ .,I'!. . . tl ~ ... .... I W ...l i ~ i I ~ ffi t- ::i ~ I! .... ~ Ie i ~ i w - ~ l III f ~ ~ P_02 ~ ... a at I .... ... 1i a: j :I c w z g ~ ~~ ~ eft ~~ I e ~~ ~ i ~~ 00lIl' ~ ~ ~ ::Iiti ~~ MP.'. III . co a: f7~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~otn 11)0... IlIICOOO::; ~J.Di t:t oS lD $I g :: .s::. N A. _ (\~ ~V II .1 v ..-- PROPOSAL AWNINtiS 3206 BLOOMINGTON AVE. . MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55407 . PHONE 722-2731 . FAX 722.2930 Proposal Submitted To Work To Be Performed At Name C'\~~ fY'o", +\CL~ ~~;~et ~ ~~~ ~r-s~ (.(~ State f'Y\ r-... ~ :s::a' d. Telephone Number ~7/-3~~ ~.X 'd..7j-'3OL::t).. Street City E_ 3fW 5~ State G~j3 ~ ~ We hereby propose to furnish the materials and perform the labor necessary for the completion of ~f ld,,,-- WelW ~rNl- ~~ (j) ;;20 x~gx 1&- & lr4...\ ~ 4 C/f 3 P-er-$ ~ ~ Gf'e..~,\ ~ C-"'- \ \., p tJ A.\"",---.C:"_ ~ # "AI~\ ~l:'c-5 - 'DE-PUTY RE &, ISJ7<,/t-~ oJl2 J4D r ' . 0, . {?,,,-th. s ,As d,.., tP<. \.v.-. <Z I o pi:.\ ev.....\ 6rn.c.~ ~o..ff v;j5 + f ~-k:5 cJlcR 350 CJ2L 'r0! 1 -.!-f3310~ All material is guaranteed to be as specified. and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and completed In a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum~f /1 . \ b . n () () rDollars ($ 3<000- ). with payments to be made as follows: I;)... ---n:, . L P" I oz. c)l" ~ O'Y\ or#-f. 0 0 ( ~~"-'L. ~ ~ ~fkJ;~ Re,peetlu"y,ubmllted c.. V'---C-1Iw-n " fN --5 Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements con. tingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary Insurance upon above work. Workmen's Compensation and Public liability Insurance on above work to be taken out by Per by us if not accepted within days ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL e above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as .pecifled. Payment will be made as outlined above. Signature Date Signature 6D~3 . o ~ :::c III III ~ I CI) CI) ~5 ;:l;:l ~ <tl ~. r.<<~ CI) III t: !:;j ~""" CO O(l """"' - =' P"""'f...... ::::J '-'tn <tl <tl ~ ~ O(l"'O"'O CI) -f'< N33N !Xl...; ..... 0.0..... ~'-' l..l.._ ~::i ~==~ tn....... ,_>< ~~= ~~ <-UO)....N ~ .. :Z:. tn ~ ...i :z: g'j 2 ~ g .. '-' 8~t3 ~ ~ tn:::>...... ~ ~G3~;;:j tn ~E;;;~..-) :;2.. G...l8 < E-<tn :::>0... ~ z~ ~2o ~ ..~'-' V) !3 ~ 1-1 tn 1-1 ~ ...l~~ ~~~o... ...l...l ::t:iiS::t:=> <1.<< . >< 0... o :z: < u ... ...l < ~ o 1-1 tn '- f ~ ~~ ~'\ . :-----. ~ 0'~ ~ DEMARS SIGNS INC 7865520 12/09 198 11:36 NO.a72 02/02 D~e: D~~~m~~r 9, ]998 Nam~ Monticello Public wor!i:s Add~8S 909 Golf Course Road Clty/StatelZlp ,., 0 ri tie e 11 0 , M N 5 5 36 2 Phon~ 2 7 1 : 3 2 7 6 p'o.Attn: Greg Engle Com~nts: ~~~ ..D~ ,. INC. ESTIMATE SHOP ADDRESS: 41Q-93rd Ave. NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 (612)786-5645 FAA (612)786~5520 -TERRY SEMO QUANTITV D!;scn IPTI ON AMOUNT , 1 31 high X 61 wide X 16' long,Non-lighted ~wning: $4,940.00 1 . 1 " X 1" squ~re aluminum frame. , 2. Material to he Persian Green Sunbrelja(canvas) $350.00 additional for CobleYbr1te(v~nyl)material. 3. 6" vala"ce to htlng from bottom portidn of awning. 4. "DEPUTY REGISTER" to !;l~ painted on 1~ ' portion of valance. ; 5 . Awning to be iF1stal1ed over door and :s1dewalk, with - 2 poles at end for extra supp~rt. , .. . ; 6. . CHy permit fee ~i " he ad11t1onill as charged. ; . ; * "ITY P&RMIT 1=&1 Wl.LBE ADOmoNAL I BID PRICI! $4.940.00 I * GUiCTAICAL CONNEC'1'1ON TO PFlIMAAY S&FIYlCIIS FlUPON$l8llITV OF ct.1EN NOTlCE REGARDING MECHANIC'S LIENS! (A) Any pGl'Son or comp""y $Upp/ying lebor ~ mMerfllll for this Improvement to your proptl1y may file a Iiefi against your OfOPMy if \hat person or company 1$ I'lCIt peid for 1M COI"IttibUIiOl1$. .. ; (l3).under Mlnnesole Law. you have the tlghl to ,*y pgllXJN: who $UPOlioXl1$bor or m~erl8llOl' th15lmpI'OVEll\'1Qnl cIll'e\ltty end dedud IhIII11T1OUr1t from our eo~ price. Qr wlll\rlOld t/'Ie emol,/l'llS dve thMtl from us vn\ll1to ~ alter OOIl'II)loWiOtl of tI'le .mp~ v~ w., ~'YO\I1lI1IOn wlliYor algned by pe...- who $l,IppIlol:l ,"y Ieb...- or rne~1a for !he Imp~Gnt and who gave you tifMly ~. : . I agree to pay 8!1 requil"Gd by your t.rm$ until the Bal8nctt heB ~n ","~y paid. I 8~ree thllt Iltle 10 end right at the poHHSIon of Ihe ~rchandlse tdMlII remeln '" you, that I wiD not tell, ren'love, or encumber the Hme wfthout your wrftten con$ent \hat , assume and eM11 be responsible 101' .-J11oQ or d$~ to eald goods, and thai upon defmllt of a~ p8yn'l$nt or peymen~ you may, 8t your option lake back the m$~ndf8e or affirm the Slles and hold mt' liable for the tun unpa!d balance, and If Buyer falls of the terms of this cont~ Buyer will pay coQectlon fM$ .. Nt by a commercial agency and I'M$On8tile attorney fees Incurred In pr~ion of suit. BAI.LAST AND TFlANSFORMEAS CONTAINED IN SlGNAGE CARRY A ONE VEAFl WAAFlANTY FFlOM MANUFACTUFlEFlS STAMPED DATE. LABOR FOR A~J;>A1A AND INSTAlLATlON OF iHESf BALlASTS AND TRANSFORMERS IS NOT:INCl.UOEO IN THIS WARRANTY. . PrIces subfect to revision wflen unfo........ ob4tructlons such .. ex~ rock, atwI, CMMnt, utilities. . or other unforH""ble toufldetlon or WIlli conditions er;e encountwlKl. . F.o~e. MlNHfiAPOl.IS, MN BUVEt=t ~9; .6-~.. . . . 5E. Council Agenda - 3/22/99 Consideration of a resolution authorizin!! the release community center bond proceeds. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In December of 1998, the City Council adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of Temporary Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 1998, in the amount of $7,385,000 for the new community center project. As part of the terms for the sale of these temporary construction bonds was a requirement that the proceeds for these bonds would not be disbursed to the City unless the City Council adopted a resolution after January 1, 1999, that declared the Council's intent to: A. Complete the construction of the community center project. B. Appropriate funds for fiscal year 2000 to pay interest due on the bonds "or any bonds" issued to fund the issue 1998 bonds on August I, 2000 and February 1, 2001 and; C. Refund the Series 1998 bonds with a long term financing on or before February 1, 2001. The reason the above contingency was made part of the bond sale was to assure the purchaser of the bonds that the funds would be used to construct a community center and not used for some other purpose. At the time the bonds were sold, the City had disclosed to the potential purchaser that there were still concerns over constructing the project, including various recreational components of the facility. Now that the Council has confirmed that the project will be completed and also has reinstated all the recreational features as part of the project such as the aquatics center, child's play structure, climbing wall and wheel park, a resolution should be adopted so the bonds proceeds can be released to the City for use in payment for the construction. All expenditures to date, relating to the construction project have been taken from various sources including reserves in addition to utilizing the proceeds that were initially obtained from the National Guard totaling 1.5 million dollars. As the project costs continue to be incurred, it will soon be important to have the funds released so that we have ample money to pay the contractor. Rusty Fifield of Ehlers and Associates, our financial advisor for this project, along with representatives of our bond counsel, Kennedy & Graven, have been in contact with the trustee, Firstar Bank, to develop the appropriate resolution that will need to be adopted by the Council to satisfy any concerns that the bond purchaser has before releasing the funds. With the Council decision recently to add the recreational features back into the project, I believe that this will satisfy the bond purchaser that the construction project will be completed as designed. -7- Council Agenda - 3/22/99 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution authorizing the release the community center bond proceeds. 2. Do not adopt the resolution authorizing the release of the community center bond proceeds at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the resolution prepared by our financial advisor and bond counsel be adopted to enable the bond proceeds to be released from the trustee. With the Council's decision to continue with the community center project and to also add the various recreational features into the project, without the release of the bond proceeds we will be unable to continue making our payments to the contractor. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed resolution. . . -8- . . . Resolution No. Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Complying With Criteria and Requesting the Disbursement of Proceeds Monticello HRA Temporary Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. has adopted Resolution No. 98-53 (the "Resolution") authorizing the issuance of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority's Temporary Public Project Revenue Bonds. Series 1998 (the "Bonds") to provide funding for the construction of a community center (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, Section 4 of the Resolution sets forth criteria for the disbursement of the proceeds of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, the construction of the Project commenced in November, 1998 and the bond proceeds are needed to complete the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Monticello. Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City Council declares its intent to complete construction of the Community Center project. 2. The City Council declares its intent to appropriate funds for fiscal year 2000 to pay the interest due on the Bonds (or any bonds issued to refund the Bonds) on August 1.2000 and February 1, 2001. 3. The City Council declares its intent to refund the Bonds with a long-term financing on or before February 1. 200 1. 4. Having made thc declarations required by the Resolution, the City Council requests that Firstar Trust Company, acting as tbe Trustce, authori7.e the disbursement of bond proceeds pursuant to the Trust Indenture. The City Administrator is authorized and directed to furnish the Trustee with the information required by the Trust Indenture to allow the disbursement of funds. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the foIlowini voted against tbe same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this _ day of March, 1999. City Clerk ~~/\ . . . SF. Council Agenda - 3/22/99 Consideration of approvin2: iob description for the position of Communitv Center Director and authorize position opening. (.J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached you will find a draft of the job description for the Community Center Director as reviewed and approved by the Community Center Small Group. Staff requests that Council review the description and consider authorizing the position opening. It is recommended that the position be filled as soon as possible which will help to assure a smooth start-up process. The pay scale is under study by the City Administrator. It is likely that the position will fall into Step 12 or 13 which results in a range of pay from $36,727 to $48,663. Please note that the pay scale employed by the City results in a pay range that is 25% to 30% lower than pay provided for this position in median sized cities according to a recent study done by the City of Maple Grove. The previous director at Becker started at $42,000 and the new director who was hired from an assistant position makes $35,000. Finally, the job description includes the major elements/responsibilities for the position. It will need to be adjusted slightly to follow the City of Monticello format. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Motion to approve job description for the position of Community Center Director and authorize position opening. Direct City administrator to select Step 12 or 13 as he sees fit given the demands of the position. Under this alternative staff will have the vacancy notice published. The goal will be to have a person on board by June 1, 1999. 2. Motion to deny approval of job description for the position of Community Center Director and authorize position opening. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative 1 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Job Description -9- . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO 1999 POSITION OBJECTIVE To plan, develop, organize, evaluate and perform administrative tasks relevant to the management of the Monticello Community Center under the direction of the City Administrator. This is a 78,000 square foot facility with a gym, fitness center, teen and senior center, children's play area leisure pool and community meeting rooms. It also includes offices ofthe City of Monticello and National Guard. EXAMPLES OF WORK PERFORMED * Assists with the development and implementation of a customer relations program for the community center. * Recruit, supervise and motivate all community center staff, including full-time, part-time, seasonal employees and volunteers. * Prepare, implement and monitor operational and capital budgets for submission to the City Administrator. (Assures that revenue and expenditure projections are met.) * Develop, implement and monitor a user fee system for all facility components. * Promote and market the various components ofthe community center. Develop an on-going public relations program. * Maintain a strong relationship with the public, civic groups and local businesses. * Coordinate scheduling and contract negotiations of community center facilities and activities with the public, other departments, community groups and schools. * Conduct employee reviews and provide direction for goal setting. * Coordinate training, safety and risk management efforts relating to the community center and its staff. * Responsible for maintenance and general condition of the community center to provide a safe, clean and efficient operation. * Keep informed of new trends, techniques or practices in the field of community center management. * Attend Community Center Board/Parks and Recreation Board and Council meetings as necessary. ~ Attend conferences, seminars and training as apparent or assigned. _ Perform related duties as apparent or assigned. * Essential Job Functions -1- j'f) . . . KNOWLEDGE. SKILLS AND ABILITIES _ Considerable knowledge of center management, administrative practices, operation and customer relations. - Skill in personnel practices. _ Work related experience in setting priorities, directing, training, supervising and evaluating other. _ Ability to communicate clearly and effectively orally and in writing. _ Knowledge or the development and implementation of a customer relations program. _ Knowledge of publicity, promotion and advertisement of community center services. ~ Possession or the ability to possess a Minnesota drivers license. _ Ability to develop and maintain positive working relationships with all public and private agencies affiliated with the facility. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS _ A Bachelor's Degree in Parks and Recreation Administration, Business, Public Administration, or closely related field. _ Three years related experience directing or assisting in the operation of a community center, YMCA, health club or similar facility or an equivalent combination. DESIRABLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE - Work in municipal setting _ Considerable experience in public relations _ Work or volunteer experience in the recreation and leisure industry EXTENT OF SUPERVISION OR GUIDANCE PROVIDED _ Work is performed under general direction of the Deputy City Admnistrator/Community Development Director. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PUBLIC CONTACT _ Extensive public contact. Responsible to establish and maintain an effective working relationship with contractors, public officials, staff and the public. SUPERVISION OF OTHERS - Supervises community center staff. -2- ty ~ d-- . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/99 5G. Consideration of authorizing Walnut Street/Community Center Plaza Planning. (.J.D.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider authorizing the initiation of planning (feasibility study) for the design of the Community Center plaza/sidewalk as well as development of a plan for reconstruction of Walnut Street between the railroad tracks and the intersection at sixth street. A general goal of the planning effort is to develop a design theme for long term redevelopment of Walnut Street (as a new Main Street) from the North Anchor to the river. This is a long term goal of the redevelopment plan. A specific goal is to develop detailed plans and cost estimates for the immediate reconstruction of Walnut Street adjacent to the community center and to link street reconstruction with the Community Center parking and plaza design. Street lighting, landscaping, paving materials will be considered in the plan. The cost is likely to be funded through a combination of sources including the Community Center Landscaping fund ($30,000), revenue from the sale of Ferrell Gas site, TIF dollars generated by nearby projects (Marquette Bank, Future Ferrell Gas, other), State Aid to Street Funds, Community Center Contingency Funds, and special assessments (Marquette Bank and perhaps Edina Realty). It is hoped that general taxes will not be needed to fund a portion of the project, however such funds may also be an option. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the City Planner to work with WSB to develop a Walnut Street design them and a specific plan for reconstruction of Walnut Street and development of the Community Center parking plaza. Under this alternative the Planner and City engineer will work with the Design Advisory Team and the Community Center Small Group (Belsaas, Murray, Cambell) to develop the plan and cost estimates for presentation to Council at an upcoming meeting. 2. Motion to deny authorization to develop plan for Walnut Street and Community Center Plaza. 10 . Council Agenda - 3/22/99 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Excerpt from the Comprehensive Plan. . . 11 that downtown visitors will look for first, the aesthetics of the environ- ment will encourage them to linger, to walk over to a nearby shop, or . to tell others about a place they enjoy. Building and business owners must recognize the role they play in these improvements. They can address issues related to the buildings, creating interesting and viable spaces to walk past and into. Without this, no degree of streetscaping can create a meaningful environment for pedestrians. In this plan, Walnut Street, River Street and Broadway are the streets that must maintain a strong edge - a streetwall that is at least 75% continuous. Breaks in the streetwall that are occupied by parks, plazas or pedestri- an pass-throughs should not be included when calculating streetwall percentage. Streetwall - 25% to 75% . Even when parking occupies that portion of a site that meets the side- walk, a sense of edge can still be achieved (although it will never be as strong as what can be accomplished with buildings). In these cases, a consistent and rather tightly-spaced row of trees with hedges or orna- mental railings can create the streetwal1. In no case, however, should an entire block of downtown have less than 25% streetwall. The way that streets are developed will be an important factor in establishing reasonable movement patterns in downtown. If we see a traffic problem in Monticello today, we must know that we can never solve it. Solving the prob- lem would entail more lanes, higher speeds and fewer contlict points (crossing movements) along with more asphalt, fewer pedestrians and less local charac- ter. The best we can do is manage traffic to fit Monticello, which involves allowing for more crossing points, placement of signals to aid in vehicle and pedestrian crossings of Pine Street and Broadway, striving for lower speeds and encouraging other modes of movement. The key street is Walnut Street and in this plan, it becomes a new "main street" for Monticello. It lies at the heart of an expanded downtown - a downtown reaching from the Mississippi River to Interstate 94. Many people already use Walnut Street as a way of moving through town without having to deal with Pine Street traffic. It parallels the main route through Monticello's downtown, and is close enough for drivers on Pine Street to see development that might occur there. It should be a pedestrian-oriented street, with on-street diagonal parking, buildings close to the street, wide sidewalks, trees and pedestrian- scale streetlights. Drive lanes should be limited to one in each direction, with each lane being no more than 14 feet wide. It should be designed to encourage .c at speeds of 15 miles per hour, a speed that allows drivers to accommo- .~ pedestrians crossing streets. At this speed, traffic will flow because the vehicles have no stops between Seventh Street and Broadway. Traffic Revltallllllg Monllcella's Down/oWl! and Riverfront .,.,;;=:.;a Page 3:21 L.i-- -.. - - -- -- , .!;" =: - IlK' -- ; - -= I: ~ ~ ,~ ...- ~. . -, ~. .'l I . . ~. I ~ I I . I" .. ~- ,~ p '- II II ., .. Ii ;- , ii ~ -- ii ,= I .......- r i I ......~-~- :..-....... i I i- i~ ! ....'.". t 1..... !Ht.....1 ",,'.,' ~1'iIII' \, 'I.tII.... := ..~~,-, ---. "j .~ ~- Q""""'" -"'110"I ---- ~ ~1Ir "'" ~~. - ,~ I- I! .- r. i WalnUl Street utilizes diagonal par1dng and an enhanced streelSCilpe to create a new "main street" for downtown. ill Pine Street is a state highway and should be the main route for vehicles pass- ing through Monticello. Although this street will always be oriented more to cars that people, the development of some pedestrian facilities (walks. street trees and pedestrian~scale streetlights) will help to keep traffic at speeds that are appropriate for a downtown environment. The roadway itself will need to meet standards set by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, but improvements outside of the curb can do a great deal to make this more a com- munity street. Signage along Pine Street should be used to direct people to Walnut Street and to parking areas located off the cross streets. ... 1=== . '- I ii b >- m I' I ! i I. I . ,"",,"_I III LJII'. \4..... 1;,,'-.1 ,/ . i- '.1:.-_ \' I i . i.!' '~ I:! ," ' "}-.-- _._~-+-- ~ I t II :II = " '!: i I' ,!! ~, ~...... -~"k ~ :: :,=~.::.= .~=:~.~ =""'::" """'" ,,""'-" -" ."~ ="~'...." .......... .~..,," ~ ' .' d- _Plge 3:21 \j II ~~~ ~'J:t""f":"r1""'''''''''' ~- '" 1= ii, . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/99 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a resolution advertising submittal of an outdoor Recreation Grant Program Aoplication for assistance in development of River Mill Park. (G.E.. W.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The River Mill Park is a seven acre neighborhood park located on the east side of Monticello. The park is the gateway to the community from the 194 off ramp. The construction of this park has been targeted by the Parks Commission to begin in 1999. There was a preliminary site plan prepared, followed by a meeting with the neighborhood residents to discuss the park and components of the park. The meeting was very well attended and Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, combined the ideas of the Parks Commission and the residents' input to complete the final park plan. The park construction is being phased over three years and depending on the demands of the park budget, this could bc extended longer than three years. By applying for the Outdoor Recreation Grant, there is an opportunity to complete the park within the three year time span and not tax the park budget for one area. The grant is through the Minnesota Department of Natural resources - Local Grant Program which requires a 50/50 match and the park improvements to be completed in three years. The total cost of the park and trail system is $235,800. The City share will be $127,900. The Parks commission has budgeted $65,000 in the 1999 budget. The grant does not fund irrigation so that is why the amounts are not exactly 50/50. The amount applied for in the grant will be approximately $107,900. The park will include a sliding hill, sports complex and sand volleyball area, basketball court, ball field for pick up games, tot lot for ages infant to five years, playground for ages six to twelve years, skating rink, picnic tables, three open air shelters, grills, pathway and lighting. The parks Commission has reviewed and approved the playground equipment. The Park Superintendent has stated ADA requirements have been followed. The playground will have 12" wood fiber material under the equipment, handicap accessible swings, picnic table with extended table for wheel chairs, ramps from the pathway to areas such as basketball court, portable restrooms also meet ADA requirements. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1 . Motion to approve the application to the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program. 2. Motion to deny. -12- . Council Agenda - 3/22/99 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends application to the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program because this area is in the Comprehensive Park Plan to start construction in 1999 and will be a very visual area to the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the park site plan. Copy of the budget. . . -13- : I --... ~----.~ I I ~ - I ------ I '., c. ------ - -------- , e:" '"7~;_J. - ---- I / -1_ ~_~p~_ .I -~%.~~{' ; -T I / tI r t''I/iII\' ~ / ' I =~~MN) . ....'.t1:. ...,' (;o'""!< ,I \. ..~ 1- - ~ I I ,.,.....VtiROtlHD I .'~. .... >,'~",: '~"""" ~:' k:;:~S\<Xf1NGrRl~/I<1I / (OL-t>~-R.CJtIL-I>Re:N) f. " '1' '_... .....,...,..'.,.:.':I:i,li\ ."?: II 'P/-IH F/f:\.-J) { / . '."'" f;K''--. <",:,,<. jj'\ ::r ~ ..(.' ~ / t 11\"......" :,~.: .'.....:,...:...'~',r..:':,..'.:,,'....~ i~".).' -1i" g ?/CIIIIc..SHe"I-'$f(. '\ '\ y' ___ _ _____ /' '; ,w ._::,~ ,~: I ~ rr.:=~/lJ)l'IiN) , ~ \ \, ____ _ . · r ..: ~ RfWNIN6, W^,,"S I \ 1 /' "..' ~~~~.! ". 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PtJrIN SHELTERS (2) .................................................. $8,000.00 C. PUTIN Tur Lur PLA YGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000.00 D. PUTIN PLAYGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,000.00 E. PUT IN PARTIAL LANDSCN)ING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000.00 F. SIGNAGE/PLAZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,400.00 G. BUILDING MATERIALS (CEMENT, LANDSCAPE TIMBERS, SAND, PEA ROCK, MULCH, LANDSCN)EMATERIAL, ETC.) . ... ......... ...... ........... . .... .. . . . . . $14.000.00 $W!llLOQ r--~" . I . ----J 2000 PHASE II: A. PARKING Lur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000.00 B. PATHWAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000.00 C. LANDSCAPING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000.00 D. LIGHTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000.00 E. BUILDING MATERIALS ................................................. $7.500.00 $128J.SOO&Q I -J 2001 PHASE Ill: . A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. PICNIC TABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,800.00 SHELTER (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000.00 BASKETI3ALLCOUIU .................................................. $3,700.00 VOLLEYI3ALL COURT .................................................. $2,000.00 SOFfI3ALL BACKSTOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000.00 IImIGATION ........................................................ $20,000.00 PAlU<. GRILLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $900.00 BUILDING MATERIALS ................................................. $7.500.00 $41.900.00 ~ 'PAGE1'~ C;\OFFICElPARKSIFORMS\RIVMlllP.PRJ: 10/29/1998 . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/99 8. Consideration of resolution supporting a compromise land use plan proposal for submittal to the MOAA. (.1.0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: To assist in clarification of the discussion at the previous meeting, a resolution has been prepared which outlines points supporting the compromise land use plan discussed at the previous Council meeting supported by the Planning Commission and approved on a 4-0 vote The purpose of the agenda item is to review and clarify the action and to provide Council member and MOAA envoy Herbst with detail regarding the City position. Please note the section at the end of the resolution that notes that the exhibit c of the city/township plan does not change unless the compromise is accepted. This particular point was not discussed at the Council meeting. This stance provides additional motivation for the MOAA to accept the compromise, otherwise the Bohanon Property will remain industrial which the MOAA does not support. B. ALT'ERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt or modify and adopt resolution supporting a compromise land use plan proposal. Under this alternative, the City representatives will present the resolution and stated and return the matter to the City in the Event the MOAA Board does not support the compromise. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution supporting a compromise land use plan proposal. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends discussion and adoption of Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution, copy of Compromise Land Use Plan. -14- . RESOLUTION 99 - CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION ADOPTING A RECOMMENDED COMPROMISE LAND USE PLAN TO HE PRESENTED TO MOAA WHEREAS, The City adopted comprehensive plan in 1996 guiding land use changes from agricultural to urban land uses at the time of annexation. Public input and a public hearing process was f()Uowed in development of the plan which included input from Township and MOAA officials. Prior to adoption, the plan was reviewed and supported by the Township and MOAA. The plan was adopted on a unanimous vote of the City Council in 1996 and has guided city and developer decision making since then; and WHEREAS, it is not the intent of the agreement between the City and Township to grant a blank slate for the MOAA to have the latitude to establish a land use plan at great variance from the city's comprehensive plan, however in the spirit of coopcration there is some latitude to make adjustments to the City's comprehensive plan in light of Township and MOAA concerns and input even though these concerns were not expressed prior to City adoption of its comprehensive plan; and . WHEREAS, the City Council has previously voted unanimously to support residential development at the Gold Nugget site when the following action was taken: 1. Adopted Comprehensive plan in 1996 establishing the Gold Nugget site as a residential area. 2. Approved Klein Farms agreement governing extension of utilities to Gold Nugget for residential development. 3. Approved a concept plan PUD for residential development. 4. Made a declaration of negative impact in processing an Environmental Assessment Worksheet. WHEREAS, utility infrastructure design has been based on the comprehensive plan. An additional expenditure of over $200,000 is necessary to make Gold Nugget site fully developable for industrial use rather than residential. tconverting Gold Nugget to industrial wiUlikely require city repayment of developer ~d~-r~ investments of over $100,000 for oversizing util ities for residential uses at the Gold Nugget site; __ and . -1- ~/\ . . . WHEREAS, the caliber and value of the housing proposed at the Gold Nugget site exceeds the current estimated median home value in Monticello and will range from $130,000 to 190,000 as designated in the proposed restrictive covenants; and WHEREAS, moderating residential growth at the Gold Nugget site will be accomplished by the developers agreements to restrict housing to 50 per year. This will result in 10 year build out of the site. 50 homes represents less than one half of the annual new home construction projected to support City wastewater treatment funding plan. The City needs sanitary sewer hook-up fees to help repay wastewater treatment plant debt. The Gold Nugget site will generate fees at a rate of $3,000/home (adjust 4%/yr) at 50 homes per year for 1 () years. This will result in the collection of $1 ,800,916 which represents 17% of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Debt of$1O,800,000. Trunk sanitary sewcr and water funds are needed to pay for oversizing expenses already funded by the city. Potential sanitary sewer trunk fees from Gold Nugget development over 10 years is $487,000. Water is $247,000 for a total of $734,000; and WHEREAS, a supply of land for residential growth is needed to help support recent church, school, hospital district and city debt Based on current and projected trends, sufficient industrial land is identified on the city compromise; and WHEREAS, school facilities are poised to handle additional school population. Surplus school capacity exists due to the recent school expansion. The Planning Commission supports the compromise plan. The IDC supports residential development and commercial development and the Gold Nugget site. The site terrain of the gold nugget site is not suited for industrial development due to difficulty in developing loading bays. Industrial and commercial development benefits from the employee and market base resulting trom new housing at the Gold Nugget site; and WHEREAS, a significant share of traffic from Gold Nugget area will utilize School Boulevard in passing through residential neighborhoods on the way to and from the freeway. Industrial traffic per acres exceed residential traffic and the nature of the traffic will negatively impact the Klein Farms, Cardinal Hills and School Campus areas. Industrial areas identified on the city's compromise are served by roads that pass through commercial or on roads that are on the edge of residential areas; and -2- ~/d- ., . . WHEREAS, the City compromise plan agrees with the MOAA in designating residential land uses between the freeway and Silver Springs golf course; and WHEREAS, designation of the Gold Nugget area for industrial uses will result in expensive legal aetion against the MOAA whieh is funded largely by the City of Monticello; and WHEREAS, this is a critical negotiation where it is vital that the MOAA plan be consistent with the City Plan. Disparate land use designations will render such areas undevelopable for at least ten years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: City representatives are directed to represent the will of the majority of the Council in the land use designation planning for the MOAA. The City representatives shall present the City compromise plan (attached as exhibit A) to the MOAA and take no action except to vote for the plan as presented. Any plan different than the city compromise plan must come back to the City Council for ratification. The Southwest area plan (exhibit C of City/Township agreement) shall remain in place unless the City response to the MOAA plan is adopted. -3- ~~J .-. I. ','," .. ;. ..... :n m en ~~ :c- o)> '1lr 0> (J):IJ mQ:l 0'- C):> - r 2:0 02 mG) :n s::8 ~~ "1)0 s;:2? 2:,[0. ,f) jm I I " ,', . ",,' .",,',', :.','" ..... . .... . - ........ ......'.. .... ,.,.,.,",- at" ll/lllololl" ~ ... ~ "' Wf-' - .n-,-_-,j-,--~-~- ,~ IJ 3:: 0 ::J .--<- -, t (') CO r - - " )> ~ 0 '11mlC i ~ z ., 0 0 ~ .., I I r ! I 11-1 Q 0 0.. -I C 0 CD 'S, } a:: .., . I l I en " ~ .. ... i I I m )>. ~ ~ i:: f"(] - :J '" t ~ .- .. :J . I )> .. CD t .. 0 >< z .. I .. S>> ....... -. n -- ~ . . Council Agenda - 3/22/99 9. Consideration of adoptin!! resolution accepting: feasibility study and callin!! for a public hearing: on the CSAH 75 improvement project. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider accepting the attached feasibility study and authorize a public hearing on the CSAH 75 project. As you will note in the report, it is expected that a portion of the city share of the cost is intended to come from benefitting property owners through the assessment process. A public hearing must be conducted as part of the assessment process. The Task Force has met on numerous occasions regarding design. Please note that their discussions did not include a review of assessments or the financing plan. In a related matter, the agreement between the City and the Hospital district regarding the construction and maintenance ofthe stop lights including terms governing development ofthe site under the Planned Unit Development will be presented to the Council for approval in conjunction with the future public hearing and associated action to order the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to a adopt resolution accepting feasibility study and authorize public hearing to be conducted on April 12, 1999. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution accepting feasibility study and deny authorization to conduct public hearing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of feasibi lity study. -15- 3RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ./1999 12:41:10 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL540R Reoort Selection: RUN GROUP... 00311 COMMENT... 3/11 CKS OATA-JE-IO DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ . 0-03111999-784 3/11 CKS Run Instructions: jobo Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines cpr J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . , BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 131/1999 12:41:14 OOR NAME DESCRIPTION CENTRAL MN REFRIGERATION *FY* CH-HEATER REPAIR *FY* CH-HEATER REPAIR . CH-HEATER REPAIR CH-HEATER REPAIR CULLIGAN RENT AL HOUSE DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING I ~' <~,~~) :,.: ;':(~~D -MER STREETS DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT C .INSP J' .-:~'!U'L~:~G COMPANY DEHN TREE CO SHADE;R~E :'." SCIIUTIONS, INC 1W INSP'~AU-: ~.~O JOUBLE D ELECTRIC PARKS PARKS DYNA SYSTEMS SHOP SHOP EARL F ANDERSON & ASSOCI STREET FIRE DEPT SIGN tlRGENCY APPARATUS MAIN '.l7 FIRE DEPT Schedule of Bills AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT 180.00 180.00 162.00 180.00 702.00 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 101.41940.4044 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.41940.4044 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.41940.4044 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.41940.4044 *YENDOR TOTAL 23.67 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 0.20CR BEER 609.49750.2520 (jJg 4~7iO.2S20 609.49150.2520 '!,jQ6,10 8~ER . 1U.00 BEER h ' ~ 2.929.15 *YENDOR TOTAL 79.95 YEHICLE REPAIR PA~TS ~" .,~.J ~ 2~ ?<? 97.89 MISC REPAI~ & ~lC SUPPL " .i _ ')'j(1 981 .65 BEER S09.d9150.2520 ',n9.DO .v;,.3C ,'ROFCSSIONAl. SERVIC 'm..ts ";1:) __~ , . .~ 3 'i) ."\'J~;.~;I 301" -1j~R~/D'\GR ~~- :~ ) '~: 1.462.10 BUILDINGS 265.49201.5201 350.00 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 225.45201.4010 1.812.10 *YENDOR TOTAL 591.97 206.87 198.84 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 *VENDOR TOTAL 517:89 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 156.26 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.42201.2030 674.15 *VENDOR TOTAL 89.38 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 CLAIM INYOICE 058455 058874 059234 059250 39963 41779 41809 th. 55055 4022-1 4030 10023126 10032334 15384 15385 12149 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-Y06.00 PAGE 2 POI F/P 10 LINE 184 00061 784 00060 784 00063 784 00062 784 00064 184 00009 784 00006 184 oon0'1 ::;14 ~ '3 ,~ 's 5 184 ' .1~) ~ I),' 'J ,~ It 784 00072 784 00071 184 00073 784 00074 184 00076 784 00075 784 00079 ~ ".';'.'_'-':=-_.,._" "."~'._~':_'--' BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO ~11/1999 12:41:14 Schedule of Bills 6L540R-V06.00 PAGE 6 "mOOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO; F /P 10 LINE MN POLLUTION CONTROL AGE WWT- 1.140.00 LICENSES & PERMITS 602.49201.4370 1000600-99 784 00132 NASASP Pl'l ADM 35.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP <<SUBSC 101.43110.4330 784 00136 OLSON << SONS ELECTRIC. I LIQUOR STORE 109.69 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 609.49754.4044 16527 784 00137 SR CENTER 108.80 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.45175.4399 16765 784 00138 218.49 *VENDOR TOTAL ONE CALL CONCEPTS. INC. LOCATES 60.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 9020495 784 00139 PETROL PUMPER FI RE DEPT 11.05 MOTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 784 00140 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS o . 14CR FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 3191263 784 00012 15.62CR LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 3191263 784 00013 28.90 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 474427 784 00014 . 2.356.20 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 474427 784 00015 21.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 474428 784 00010 904.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 474428 784 00011 3,294.59 *VENDOR TOTAL QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS C 1.116.44 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 690504-00 784 00024 359.01 WINE 609.49750.2530 690504-00 784 00025 1,475.45 *VENDOR TOTAL RELIABLE CORPORATION/THE CH 71. 69 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41990.2099 NFG53oo0 784 00149 CH 76.31 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 NQM73000 784 00146 CH 2.55 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41990.2099 YN479oo0 784 00148 CH 53.45 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 lF992800 784 00147 204.00 *VENDOR TOTAL RELIANCE DATA CORPORATIO *FY* COMPUTER SERVICE 1.096.75 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESS I 101.41920.3090 21212 784 00141 *FY* COMPUTER SERVICE 1.150.95 PROF SRV - OATA PROCESS I 101.41920.3090 23184 784 00142 2.247.70 *VENDOR TOTAL RIVER BEND INDUSTRIES. I STREETS 217. 19 OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.43120.5801 055321 784 00143 A ? iMALL TQ9L8 ~ EQYIPMEKf IU 1.431ZU.l410 1QQ1 '~A ~OQ.&5 ,.7 . - aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/11/1999 12:41:14 VENDOR NAME OESC R I PTI ON REPORT TOTALS: AMOUNT 161.561.52 Schedule of Bills ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT RECORDS PRINTED - 000185 CITY OF MONTICELL GL540R-V06.00 PAGE . CLAIM INVOICE POI F/P ID LINE . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO jUll/1999 12 :41: 18 Schedule of Bills GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R "... FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS ---------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 36,348.15 211 LI BRARY FUND 614.94 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 2.000.00 224 SHADE TREE FUND 1.279.00 225 PARK FUND 1.643.47 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 23.67 265 WATER ACCESS FUND 2.410.04 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 67.825.22 601 WATER FUND 3.346.38 602 SEWER FUND 11.373.31 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 34.597.34 610 TRANSPORTATION FUND 100.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 161.561.52 .K RECAP: ~K NAME DISBURSEMENTS -----.---------------------- GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 126.964.18 34.597.34 TOTAL ALL BANKS 161.561.52 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE .. . .. .. . . . .. APPROVED BY . . . . ~ '" '" . . . . . .. '" . . . . . '" ~ . . . .. . ;. ... ... '" . . . ..................................... .............'......................... . aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/18/1999 10:37:47 .. Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GLOSOS-V06.00 COVERPAGE GLS40R ...... Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 0318 COMMENT... 3/18 CKS OATA-JE-lD DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ 0-03181999-786 3/18 CKS Run Instructions: Joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 Y S 6 066 10 . , ..-- . ' ~~"~--- ..-.........-., ,,':""':"'- ---,..,._,:......:----_,'.~.'.,.:."~......-'. .-. .'-~."-~""._-'.'._--- -- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICElI 03/18/1999 10:37:48 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE VENDOR NAME . DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POI F/P 10 LINF KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTE BULK TANK REMOVAL 237.30 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41910.3040 28867 786 0006 COMM CENTER 619.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 461.49201.3040 28869 786 0006 4,117.03 *VENDOR TOTAL KOLLES SAND & GRAVEL STREETS 869.00 SAND 101.43125.2170 786 00071 L 'N' R SERVICES - LOCKS PW IMP 363.86 BUILDINGS 265.49201.5201 7181 786 00071 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC. PARKS 62.93 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 225.45201.2410 A0438340 786 00074 PARKS 102.40CR MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 44843 786 00078 PARKS 158.89 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2111 98511470 786 00072 PARKS 34.01 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2111 98514090 786 00073 PARKS 69.35 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 225.45201.2410 99932150 786 00075 PARKS 16.01 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 99932150 786 00076 PARKS 417. 65 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 225.45201. 241 0 99932151 786 00077 656.44 *VENDOR TOTAL LANDS' END CORPORATE SAL PARKS 72.95 UNIFORM RENTAL 225.45201.4170 0668686 78.79 LARSON'S ACE HARDWARE PW REMODELING 247.71 BUILDINGS 265.49201.5201 786 00080 PW INSP 27.23 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 786 00081 FIRE DEPT 96.88 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 786 00082 WATER 8.07 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2199 786 00083 STREETS 7.23 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 786 00084 LIQUOR STORE 23.91 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 786 00085 SHOP 13.30 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.43127.2410 786 00086 PARKS 153.83 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 225.45201.2410 786 00087 PARKS 388.01 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 786 00088 SNOW & ICE 8.05 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43125.2210 786 00089 SHOP 365.51 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 786 00090 WWTP 10.11 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 602.49480.2199 786 00091 LI BRARY 113.59 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 786 00092 WATER 9.57 UTILITY SYSTEM MTCE SUPP 601.49440.2270 786 00093 LIO STORE 23.91 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 786 00205 1,496.91 *VENDOR TOTAL LASER SHARP, INC. CH 47.93 DUPLICATING & COpy SUPPL 101.41301.2020 25265 786 00094 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITI RICK 50.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41301.3320 186"5 MCDOWALL COMPANY CH 406.87 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQ 101.41301.4044 003573 786 00096 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/18/1999 10:37:48 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 4 ...... ......,WOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE MCDOWALL COMPANY CH 106.00 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 101.41301.4044 003758 786 00097 512.87 *VENDOR TOTAL MCLEOD USA PUBLISHING CO LIQ STORE 216.00 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 786 00099 MED-COMPASS, INC. FIRE DEPT 1,444.76 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42201.3199 7692 786 00098 MINNEGASCO AN SHELTER 79.02 GAS 101.42701.3830 786 00100 MN SAFETY COUNCIL PW ADM 185.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.43110.4330 014432 786 00102 MN STATE TREASURER-BLOG GARY A 30.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42401.3320 786 00101 MONTICELLO PRINTING PLANNING 42.60 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41910.2030 786 00105 CH 1.577 .10 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41301.2030 786 00106 eN SHELTER 42.60 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101. 4191 0.2030 786 00107 IRE OEPT 107.09 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101. 4220 1. 2030 786 00108 WATER 40.04 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 601.49440.2030 786 00109 1.809.43 *VENOOR TOTAL MONTICELLO SENIOR CITIZE MONTHLY CONTRACT 2,833.33 SENIOR CENTER CONTRIBUTI 101.45175.3136 APRIL. 1999 786 00110 MONTICELLO TIMES LIOUOR STORE 128.78 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 786 00111 LIQUOR STORE 247.13 AOVERTISING 609.49154.3499 786 00112 LEGAL 3 , 044 . 77 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41601.3510 186 00113 CONSTR INSP/SNOW PLOWING 138.44 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.43110.3520 186 00114 aLOG PERMIT/SNOWMOBILE 221.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.42401.3520 186 00115 OEP REG 52.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41990.3520 786 00116 TREE P IU 91.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.43230.3520 786 00111 PW 252.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.43110.3520 786 00118 WEB SITE 350.00 PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 101.41920.3092 186 00119 4,525.12 *VENOOR TOTAL MONTICELLO VACUUM CENTER CH 6.37 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2110 22513 786 00120 PW 133.13 OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.43110.5801 22520 786 00121 PH 4.87 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2110 22520 786 00122 144.37 .*VENOOR TOTAL ~NTICELLO-BIG LAKE HOSP - PARKS 75.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 225.45201.3320 786 00104 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICElI 03/18/1999 10:37:48 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE VENDOR NAME . DESCRIPTIDN AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO; F/P ID LINF NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & STREETS 69.84 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 786 0012 STREETS 539.05 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 786 0012 SHOP 81.30 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 786 0012 SHOP 22.89 SMALL TOOLS & EOUIPMENT 101.43127.2410 786 0012 PW INSP 14 .30 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 786 0012 PARKS 6.63 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2210 786 0012 PARKS 50.86 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 225.45201.2410 786 0012 PARKS 15.34 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2211 786 0013 FIRE 4.46 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2199 786 0013 SEWER 217.86 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 602.49490.2211 786 0013 SNOW & ICE 24.83 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43125.2210 786 0013 1,047.36 *VENDOR TOTAL NETSOURCE PW 485.41 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 010267-00 786 0013 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS MATT 71.76 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 786 0013 TOM B 71.76 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 786 0013 143.52 *VENDOR TOTAL NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMEN 78.3 STREETS 5,814.30 IMPROVEMENTS 101.43120.5301 523093623 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTA GENERAL 453.41 MISC PROFESSIONALSERVIC 101.41910.3199 4565 786 0013 OAA PLAN 1,750.22 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 4565 786 0014 JAN MEETINGS 750.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 8467 786 0013 2,953.63 *VENDOR TOTAL OLSON, USSET & WEINGARDE HWY 25 IMP 1,675.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 450.49201.3040 10 786 0015 COMM CENTER 1,742.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 461.49201. 3040 10 786 0015 SWANSON PROP 63.75 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 8 786 0014 COMM CENTER 323.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 461.49201.3040 9 786 0014 HWY 25 IMP 914.75 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 450.49201. 3040 9 786 0014 GEN 446.25 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 96 786 0014 KJ ELL BERG 391.00 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 96 786 0014 GENER 926.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 97 786'0014 KJ ELLBERG 25.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 97 786 0014 COMM CENTER 191.25 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 461.49201.3040 97 786 0014 6,699.50 *VENDOR TOTAL PERSIAN'S BUSINESS EQUIP LIO STORE 70.29 DUPLICATING & COPY SUPPL 609.49754.2020 6403 786 0015 LIQ STORE 9.50 DUPLICATING & COpy SUPPL 609.49754.2020 6409 786 0015 79.79 *VENDOR TOTAL . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/18/1999 10:37:48 Schedule of Bills GL540R-Y06.00 PAGE 6 ~cNDOR NAME - DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INYOICE PO# FIP 10 LINE PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 0.14 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 476277 786 00035 20.37 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 476277 786 00036 48.09 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 476278 786 00032 1,609.07 WINE 609.49750.2530 476278 786 00033 14,772.50 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 476635 786 00034 16,450.17 *YENDOR TOTAL PHOTO I WWTP 30.47 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERYIC 602.49480.3199 786 00154 WILDWOOD RIDGE 9.16 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERYIC 101.41910.3199 786 00155 39.63 *YENDOR TOTAL PINEWDOD ELEMENTARY SCHO *FY* MAGIC KINGDON PLYGR 1.000.00 IMPROYEMENTS 101.45201.5301 786 00158 PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC. SHOP 33.76 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 S1327003.001 785 00157 PW INSP 13.23 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 S1328004.001 785 00156 46.99 *YENDOR TOTAL PREUSSE/JAMES L .~p REG 120.00 PROF SRY - CUSTODIAL 101.41990.3110 MARCH 786 00159 150.00 PROF SRY - CUSTODIAL 101.43110.3110 MARCH 786 00160 270.00 *YENDOR TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GR RECONCILIATION FOR 1/99 5.094.38 PROF SRY - PSG. INC 602.49480.3080 57750 786 00161 PURCELL'S PLUMBERY RENTAL HOUSE 10.64 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 004440-1578 786 00156 RENTAL HOUSE 21. 03 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 004449-1685 786 00164 RENT AL HOUSE 50.04 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 004454-1685 786 00163 RENTAL HOUSE 75.00 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 015580 786 00165 RENTAL HOUSE 65.31 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4381 016000 786 00162 232.02 *YENDOR TOTAL QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS C 12.75CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 693470-00 786 00018 278.65 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 693583-00 786 00017 265.90 *YENDOR TOTAL R & 0 SALES, INC. PARKS 39.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2111 15823 786 00167 R J THOMAS MFG CO, INC PARKS 239.46 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 00058021 786 00158 ~IANCE DATA CORPORATIO _SHOP 1.781.28 PROF SRY - DATA PROCESSI 101.41920.3090 23397 786 00169 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEU 03/18/1999 10:37:48 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE VENDOR NAME F/P IDtE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA AN CONTROL CONTRACT 1.197.49 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL 0 101.42701.3120 3/31/99 786 0010 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION *FY* WATER 360.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601.49440.3199 3364 786 0017 SIGN eITY CEMETARY SIGN 207.67 MISe OTHER EXPENSE 651.49010.4399 786 0017 SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY STREETS 29.71 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 786 0017 PARKS 662.09 MIse OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 786 0017 PW REMODELING 24.80 BUILDINGS 265.49201.5201 786 0017- WWTP 22.08 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 602.49480.2199 786 0017, PARKS 170.54 IMPROVEMENTS 225.45201.5301 786 0017; 909.22 *VENDOR TOTAL ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP 31. 00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 786 OOOO~ 274.60 MISC NON TAXABLE 609.49750.2550 441153 786 OOOO~ 305.60 *VENDOR TOTAL SUBURBAN MANUFACTURING 7.77 FIRE DEPT 1,415.58 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.42201.4010 020997 TAB PRODUCTS CO. CH 22.13 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301.2099 747159 SO 000 786 00188 TDS TELECOM PARKS 105.21 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 786 00178 CH 1,712.19 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 786 00179 FIRE STATION 49.43 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 786 00180 AN SHELTER 35.28 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 786 00181 WATER 20.77 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 786 00182 PW 522.11 TELEPHONE . 101.43110.3210 786 00183 DEP REG 120.07 TELEPHONE 101.41990.3210 786 00184 COMPUTER 6.77 TELEPHONE 101.41920.3210 786 00185 LI QUOR 100.60 TELEPHONE 609.49754.3210 786 00186 WWTP 192:54 TELEPHONE 602.49480.3210 786 00187 2.864.97 *VENDOR TOTAL TERRAeON COMM CENTER 904.80 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 4182127 786 00189 THEISEN/MATT 10.06 TRAVEL EXPENSE 601.49440.3310 786 00190 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP 7.009 51.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 031299 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM Q3/18/1999 10:37:48. VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME 719,271.51 RECORDS PRINTED - 000202 Schedule of Bills FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELI GL540R-V06.00 PAGE .:a.. PO# F/P ID~ . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/18/1999 10:37:52 Schedule of Bills GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE ..... GL540R -FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS ---------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 61.773.14 211 LIBRARY FUND 438.61 225 PARK FUND 4.633.B4 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 2BB.07 265 WATER ACCESS FUND 636.37 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 5.247.63 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 595.155.75 462 98-12C 7TH STREET EXTENSION 567.03 464 9B-24C BOOSTER PUMP/WW RIDGE 100.B4 465 98-23C UTIL/CR11B-WILDWOOD 66.13 601 WATER FUND 544.36 602 SEWER FUND 7.98B.B1 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 41.623.26 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 207.67 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . 719.271.51 eNK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 677.64B.25 41.623.26 TOTAL ALL BANKS 719.271.51 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY , .. ~ . . COUNCIL UPDATE PARK EMPLOYEE REPLACEMENT FROM: John Simola, Public Works Director This is to inform you that Mr. Jeff Gustafson, who has been employed in the Parks Department since January of 1998, has accepted a supervisory position with the City of Hazen, North Dakota. He will be leaving the 16th of ApriL We have advertised and posted intemally for a replacement for Mr. Gustafson. Applications close April 1 st, and we expect to have a replacement sometime in ApriL