Planning Commission Minutes 03-02-2010MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 2, 2010 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: William Spartz, Barry Voight, Lloyd Hilgart, and Charlotte Gabler Council Liaison: Susie Wojchouski Staff: Angela Schumann 1. Call to order. WA Chairman Spartz called the meeting to order noting the absence of Commissioner Dragsten and the presence of Council Liaison Wojchouski. The minutes for these meetings have not yet been submitted for consideration. 3. Citizens Comments: None 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda: None 5. Public Hearing - Consideration to recommend adoption of the 2010 City of Monticello Zoning Map. Community Development Director Angela Schumann stated that each year the City is asked to formally adopt an official zoning map. She presented the 2010 City of Monticello Zoning Map as was included in the Planning Commission's packet. She specified that the Schluender property was annexed to the city and has been added to the zoning map. This property was automatically zoned as agricultural open space, and when platted, will be processed as a rezone request. She also indicated that the City discovered that the base map requires some updating in relationship to the interchange in 7b Street so they will be making some changes to the base map make sure that the alignments are correct. Schumann also noted that zoning is current on this map but that it will be updated later in the year as a result of the zoning code revision currently underway. The Planning Commission Minutes - 3/2/2010 City's consultant, MFRA, is also completing an individual parcel by parcel GIS map of the city's zoning as a benefit of the zoning ordinance rewrite. Schumann was asked if the middle school area was zoned appropriately. She stated that the current zoning at the middle school is a hold over from previous actions. Properties were never rezoned. Zoning is accurate based on the records that the City has. Commissioner Spartz then opened the meeting to hear any public comments. As there were no comments, the public hearing was closed. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND THE ADOPTION OF THE 2010 ZONING MAP. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HILGART. MOTION CARRIED, 4 -0. Consideration to review Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Sales as related to an Outdoor Volleyball Facility at River City Extreme. Schumann stated that, in March 2009, the Planning Commission and Council reviewed a request for the Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Sales as related to an Outdoor Volleyball Facility at River City Extreme. City Council approved the CUP request and assigned seven conditions. One condition was that the Commission complete a review of the CUP in November 2009. The review was identified as a need in order to determine proper compliance with the approved conditions. In staffs initial review, the applicant has complied with conditions three, four and five. The applicant is in attendance to talk about conditions one, two and six. Condition one requires that all outdoor service activity is to occur within an enclosed or fenced area. Condition two required that the applicant consider netting in addition to a vinyl coated chain link fence around the perimeter of the court area. The fence was proposed by the applicant but not required by the commission. Condition six requires applicant comply with the balance of conditions in the report of March 10, 2009. Schumann referred the Commission to a copy of the site plan and some images illustrating the conditions at the facility. She stated that the court perimeter does conform to the site plan as submitted. She noted that the site inspection shows that a chain link fence has not been installed, but that there is netting in place and it is secured. Planning Commission, in previous minutes and discussion, had expressed some concern about how access is controlled from the site. It was intended that all access would come into the court area from the doors from the facility and that there would be no movement of patrons in and out of court area to the exterior perimeter of the site. There is a gap in the netting that could technically allow some of that movement but Schumann suggested that the applicant would clarify how access is controlled. 2 Planning Commission Minutes- 3/2/2010 Schumann stated that there is no action needed by the Planning Commission but that, at this time, the applicant is looking for feedback and direction on conditions. She pointed out that this is not an interim use permit. It is rather a Conditional Use Permit that was granted and runs with the land unless the planning commission finds serious fault and choose to begin revocation procedures. Commission had no initial questions for Schumann. Applicant Craig Walter, partner at River City Extreme spoke to address conditions one, two and six and future plans of the facility. Walter said that the facility opted to use mesh netting instead of chain link fence in an effort to see how it would work since they were offering volleyball for the first time. River City Extreme didn't want to have the expense of the fence in case volleyball didn't work out for the facility. Commissioner Voight asked how an enclosed area is defined and if mesh counts as a fence. Schumann responded that it is enclosed area and pointed out that the primary issue is how the facility is controlling access. The mesh netting goes from building edge to building edge with the exception of a small gap on the southwest corner. The garbage enclosure is placed there throughout the season so that patrons cannot move in and out of that area. The area is also staffed when volleyball is offered. The netting does not provide screening. Walter explained that the netting is there to control the flow of people to volleyball area and to hold in volleyballs. The mesh has served its purpose. River City Extreme plans to continue to offer volleyball this season. Walter pointed out that volleyball participation was light most of the season so there wasn't an issue with getting patrons out of the enclosure before it got dark. Commissioner Spartz asked about future expansion plans. Walters stated that the volleyball area was originally planned to be a banquet facility and, although that plan is still in the works, it is not underway at this time. Walters pointed out that he isn't the chain link fence but the facility just doesn't see a need for it. From a business standpoint, Walters said there had been no complaints from neighbors. Schumann pointed out that while the City had a request for further documentation about the use of the facility, it has not received any formal complaints regarding the volleyball facility related to this CUP. When City approves the CUP they send a record of proceedings to the County that is recorded against the property. In this record, condition two stands and is subject to a compliance check. Angela recommends that the Commission either require a subsequent review or check in point with the applicant to determine if condition two need be met at a later date or that the applicant request a formal amendment to the CUP which would require a public hearing. The Commission might also decide to strike that condition completely. Planning Commission Minutes — 3/2/2010 Commissioner Voight pointed out that the netting seems to have served the purpose and may be a better option than a chain link fence. Commissioner Voight clarified that the vinyl coated chain link was originally applicant's idea and that the Commission's condition, that there be a net in place, has been met. Schumann suggested that the Commission may be able to make the case that the condition relates more to the netting than the fence. She suggested a consult with the City Attorney to see if they could procedurally amend the CUP without requiring a public hearing. Commissioner Spartz recommended that Schumann look into that option. Commissioner Voight said that it seems like a technicality and thinks the Commission should sign off on it. Commissioner Spartz stated that he hoped that they could get more volleyball teams involved and make it a success. Community Development Director's Report. Schumann pointed out that a State of the City address was presented to the Chamber of Commerce and that all businesses in Monticello were invited to attend. The State of the City address was tailored to business and property owners and was well - received. City staff plans to present this update again before the City Council meeting on March 8, 2010 and the Planning Commission is invited to attend. It will also be shown live and rebroadcast on cable access channel 12. This presentation will focus more on items of interest to the general residents such as public works projects and information about the Monticello Community Center, Schumann stated that the Commission has information in their packets about building activity. She said that there have been a lot of phone calls related to commercial and industrial expansion and development both for small scale tenant occupancies and actual development projects. There are no formal plans yet, just conceptual at this point, but good news for the City. Things are fairly positive in the community. There is not a great deal of vacancy in strip retail with the exception of the downtown area. The EDA authorized moving forward with a RFP for a downtown planning effort. EDA has the funding source to lead the charge with this plan but it will be a cooperative effort with the City. The four components of the RFP are: Land use, Transportation, Market Analysis, the Financial Implementation of those strategies. Planning Commission will be kept in the loop and be actively involved in the process as it moves along. The City is in now in the initial stages of drafting the RFP for Downtown Redevelopment. The draft RFP will go to the EDA the week of March 8`h. The next steering committee for the zoning ordinance revision will be March The consultant will be sending out an email with an updated draft for the Commission's review. 0 Planning Commission Minutes — 3/2/2010 City Council eliminated Junk Amnesty Day for 2010 due, in part, to budget constraints. A list of alternative options is included in the Commission packets and is also available on the web site. The All City Garage Sale is May 15a'. The Walk N' Roll is scheduled for early June. Events will be posted on the City's online event calendar. Schumann has provided a copy of an American Planning Association (APA) publication on townhouse standards for the Commission to use as a resource as they start to review the zoning code and consider residential housing standards. Schumann provided a brochure for planning workshops sponsored by Government Training Services which may be of interest to Commission members. The City Attorney is leading a couple of those sessions. Adiourn. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED, 4 -0. Recorder: Kerr T. Burri Approved: April 6, 201^ Development Director