Planning Commission Minutes 05-17-2011 (Special Meeting)Special Planning Commission Minutes — 05/17/11 MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION — SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 17, 2011 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Rod Dragsten, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Barry Voight, and William Spartz Council Liaison Absent: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman-NAC 1. Call to order Commissioner Rod Dragsten called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. noting the full complement of the Planning Commission and the absence of the Council Liaison. The order of the items for consideration was reversed. 2. Citizen Comments None 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 4. Consideration of Final Stage PUD for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for Quad Development The Planning Commission had recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Veterinary Facility and an amendment to Planned Unit Development for Quad Development during its regular May meeting, contingent on a final stage review of this plan. The applicant provided the final building elevation plan for the proposed Monticello -Big Lake Pet Hospital for Commission review. Applicant Linda Jacobson provided color drawings of all faces of the building, a materials listing and materials samples. Staff noted that the materials are compatible with code requirements. Chairman Rod Dragsten opened the public hearing. The applicant answered questions about the color scheme, materials and signage on the existing freestanding monument. Hearing no public comment, the public hearing was closed. Special Planning Commission Minutes — 05/17/11 BILL SPARTZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE BUILDING ELEVATIONS AS PART OF A FINAL STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR QUAD DEVELOPMENT. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 5. Consideration to adopt 2011 -2012 Planning Commission Goals & Obiectives Workplan Staff asked that the Commission provide feedback, prioritization and estimate timeframe involved for the Goals & Objectives for 2011 -2012 previously presented. The 2010 Census data reported Monticello population is roughly 12,800. The largest segment of the population is in the 0 -5 years of age range. This information will guide the Planning Commission in determining the need for move up housing for growing families. Further Census details will be provided to the Commission next month and the Housing Report will be updated. Staff briefly described the various goals within the workplan. The Planning Commission identified several top priorities as part of Land Use Planning: a PUD Workshop, the Subdivision Ordinance, and the Transportation Plan. Planned United Development (PUD) Workshop Staff plan to complete a joint Planning Commission and City Council workshop aimed at developing a full understanding of the practical application of the new PUD Ordinance focusing on the collaborative components of the new code. Subdivision Ordinance The Planning Commission will complete a review and amendment of the Subdivision Ordinance in partnership with Engineering Department. Staff recommended tackling the Subdivision Ordinance in August of this year. This will allow time for the Commission to take a look at the Census data. The Planning Commission will provide input to the City Plans & Specs engineering update for 2012. Transportation Interchange Planning Staff pointed to the importance of defining a process for study and recommendations related to the Interchange Planning Area. The Commission was asked to consider it a priority to go through the review process as land uses and development options at Silver Springs have likely changed. Much of this planning will depend upon the priorities arising within the recently approved Transportation Plan. Staff expect a planning process to be determined by late summer and will provide reference documents related to an interchange planning area over next 4 -6 months. Staff indicated that the Fallon Avenue overpass must to be completed before city gets approval for a new western interchange. The Federal Highway Administration prefers the Special Planning Commission Minutes — 05/17/11 spacing of one mile or greater intervals for establishing an interchange Rod Dragsten represents the Planning Commission on the Transportation Advisory Council (TAC). Staff will attach TAC minutes to Community Development Report to keep the Commission up to date. TAC studies will be brought before the Commission as available. Staff pointed out that a number of the goals cited can't necessarily be prioritized but will be brought forward as appropriate. These goals were also outlined. Zoning Ordinance Interim Ordinances The Planning Commission will continue to monitor the impacts of the adopted Interim Ordinance for Temporary Signage and complete a year -end analysis for the purpose of provide final Sign Ordinance amendment recommendations. Zoning Ordinance Workshops In addition to the high priority PUD Workshop, the Commission will work with Performance Zone Overlay scenarios. DNR Overlav Amendments Staff noted that the City Engineer will be reviewing the Wild & Scenic and Shoreland Overlay District amendments prior to final review by the DNR. In addition, the Commission will adopt an amendment to the Floodplain Overlay District that provides consistency with State regulations and provides ordinances for future lakeshore development. The State collapsed three flood districts into two. Staff will get a first look at the revised maps soon. The DNR has requested a joint meeting with Community Development, Engineering and Emergency Management staff to review a draft ordinance. Code Trackin The Planning Commission will continue to monitor issues resulting from the adoption of the comprehensive amendment of the Zoning Ordinance and propose amendments as necessary. Already identified are Original Plat/Lower Monticello Standards and M -H/R -4 Revisions. There was also discussion about locating telecom towers and wind turbines. Special Planning Commission Minutes — 05/17/11 Embracing Downtown The Planning Commission will be asked to provide zoning code and TIF District input to the Embracing Downtown Plan. The consultants are in the process of revising the concept plans. Park & Trail Plan Staff noted that the Planning Commission will be kept apprised of the Park & Trail Plan and review draft plan documentation as it is available. The Commission will actively support and provide formal recommendations regarding implementation of Park & Trail Plan goals as part of land use initiatives. Public input will be included through workshops and hearings. Bertram Chain of Lakes The Planning Commission will be kept apprised of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Master Planning effort and review documents as they become available. The final concept plan for the Park may be impacted by the potential on -site involvement of the MN Youth Soccer Association. The concept plan for the passive area of the park will be available for public viewing at Family Fun Day at the park on June 11th. BARRY VOIGHT MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2011 -2012 PLANNING COMMISSION GOALS & OBJECTIVES WORKPLAN AS DISCUSSED. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BILL SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Staff agreed to reorder the priorities of the 2011 -2012 Workplan based on Commission discussion. There were also some questions about extending utilities to serve different portions of the City. Staff agreed to obtain information about the City's sewer capacity and suggested that it might be useful to ask both the Water and Street Departments to provide reports to the Commission in the future. 6) Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 pm. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: June 7, 2011 Attest: Development Director El