Planning Commission Minutes 09-20-2011 (Special Meeting)MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - Tuesday, September 20, 2011- 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: William Spartz, Charlotte Gabler, Barry Voight Commissioners Absent: Rod Dragsten, Brad Fyle Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman-NAC City Council Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault 1. Call to order Commissioner Spartz called the special meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Citizen Comments None Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for the West Metro Auto Dealership. The applicant is seeking an amendment to the existing Planned Unit Development for the 1.21 acre West Metro Auto dealership site which would accommodate the addition of a private accessory car wash facility on the westernmost parcel of the PUD. The property is located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection area of I -94 and State Highway 25 at 103 Sandberg Road (Lot 1, Block 2, of the Carcone Addition). The car wash facility is proposed at approximately 1570 square feet. It will be developed along the west - facing elevation of the current building. It would be utilized only for servicing vehicles being serviced or sold at the West Metro dealership. An existing sidewalk along the west elevation is proposed for removal and the site plan does not illustrate its replacement. The drive aisle for the entrance and exit to the car wash is proposed adjacent to an existing drive aisle separating the building from the car inventory parked along the west edge of the property. Materials and colors of the proposed addition are consistent with the existing structure. The applicant is proposing no changes to the site landscaping, lighting, or signage with this application. Standards that are applicable to this accessory are noted below: • All lighting shall be in compliance with Section 4.4 of this ordinance. photometric plan required at buildingpermit. Planning Commission Minutes — 09/20/11 • The entire area other than occupied by the buildings or plantings shall be surfaced with material which will control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. Entire area is paved to control dust • The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. Grading and drainage plan are required to be submitted at building permit • Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, and shall be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. Access points to the car wash area have been previously set • Car wash facility shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. Compliant • Intermittent sounds produced by car wash operation such as the sound of a vacuum or warning signal shall not be audible to adjoining residential. Assigned as a conditional of approval. The proposed accessory car wash use is consistent with the intent of the B -3 Highway Business zoning district, and consistent with the uses in the exiting Planned Unit Development. The accessory use is also compliant with the applicable conditions assigned by the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for such accessory uses. The public hearing was opened. Hearing no public comment the public hearing was closed. BARRY VOIGHT MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2011 -87 RECOMMENDING THE AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BASED ON FINDINGS OF FACT AS STATED IN SAID RESOLUTION. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CHARLOTTE GABLER. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. 5. Planned Unit Development Ordinance Workshop Chairman Rod Dragsten, Mayor Clint Herbst and Councilmember Tom Perrault joined this part of the meeting. The workshop format provided an opportunity for the Planning Commission and City Council to review and discuss the new Planned Unit Development ordinance, requirements, and process. Staff provided an overview of the ordinance process including: • Goals/Expectations of the PUD Process • PUD Areas of Flexibility • Application Requirements • Amendment Process Planning Commission Minutes — 09/20/11 Development of an Application Timeline Scenario Staff outlined how the new ordinance departs from the previous code requirements in a variety of substantial ways including: • Rezoning Action • Collaborative Application • Collaborative Team • Neighborhood Meeting Requirement • Joint Work sessions • Platting The approval of a rezoning to Planned Unit Development is a now four -step application process: Step 1: Collaborative Application Step 2: Concept Plan Application Step 3: Development Plan Application Step 4: Final Plan Stage There were questions and considerable discussion about the each of the steps in the application process. The process underlines the importance of a clear understanding of a project, its scope and public value from the earliest stages. This revised design offers flexibility to the developer in exchange for a more creative, better developed, project. Staff indicated that the biggest procedural change is that PUDs are now established through a rezoning action instead of through a Conditional Use Permit. The zoning designation changes to a PUD with allowed uses identified and the PUD is reflected on the zoning map. The workshop resulted in a list of items requiring additional clarification within the new ordinance, as well as process details to be amended. Listed below is a bullet point listing of these items. • Minimum PUD Size - 2.4(P)(5) o Size of PUD - currently requires 8 acres • PUD Values - 2.4(P)(7) o Clarify item 0) which requires that PUDs provide a complementary mix of housing to flexibility to provide such housing for the broader neighborhood and community, not just within the PUD • Areas of Flexibility - 2.4(P)(8) • Create additional language allowing for flexibility in general performance standards • Create additional language allowing for flexibility in accommodations for mixed use, additional uses not outlined by ordinance • Collaborative Step - 2.4(P)(9)(a) Planning Commission Minutes — 09/20/11 • Establish two collaborative teams, one for residential and one for commercial /industrial as follows • Residential — 2 PC, 2 CC, 1 Parks • C/I — 2 PC, 2 CC, 1 EDA • Add language requiring a baseline concept plan developed according to ordinance as a reference point for team • Collaborative team will determine whether a neighborhood meeting is necessary, eliminate mandatory step • Concept Stage — 2.4(P)(9)(b) o Clarify that a public hearing is required • Development Stage — 2.4(P)(c) o Specify additional plan requirements consistent with previous development stage application (if not already covered in concept stage) • Signs • Lighting • Elevations /Architecture • Landscaping • Amendments -2.4(P)(10) o Under "Administrative Amendments ", move the statement "other circumstances not foreseen at the time of the PUD Final Plan was approved" to the actual "PUD Amendment' area. The Planning Commission will be asked to recommend moving forward with a formal amendment process for those items desired for adjustment within the PUD ordinance at their October meeting. 6. Adiourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri 1% Approved: October 4, 2011 Attest: h 7 Angela Schu n, mmunity Development Director 14 4 id