Planning Commission Minutes 02-05-2013MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 5, 2013 - 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Chairman William Spartz, Sam Burvee, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Grant Sala Council Liaison Present: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman-NAC 1. Call to order Commissioner Spartz called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes a) Regular Meeting of December 4th, 2012 BRAD FYLE MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 2012. SAM BURVEE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. b) Regular Meeting of January 8`h, 2013 - The minutes were not available at this time. 3. Citizen Comments None 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 5. Consideration of a request for amendment to the Official Zoning Map of the City of Monticello for rezoning from a B -3 (Highway Business) District to a B -4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Mickle, Bill Planning Case Number: 2013 -002 Applicant Bill Mickle requested that the property located at 1260 Cedar Street be rezoned from a B -3, Highway Business District to a B -4, Regional Business District to allow for office and clinic uses. He would like to establish a chiropractic clinic in the existing 13,800 square foot building. The property previously housed a pet hospital and is currently unoccupied. Office uses are conditional under the B -3 District and clinic uses are not permitted. Nearby businesses to the east are designated as B -4. The land use designation is "Places to Shop" which may include offices including clinics for service businesses. This request meets two of the approval criteria cited in Chapter 2.4 B (5) as required for zoning amendments. The proposed amendment addresses needs arising from a changing condition, trend, or fact affecting the subject property and surrounding area in that rezoning would respond to the expected redevelopment of existing businesses and changing traffic patterns in the corridor. The proposed amendment is also consistent with achieving the goals and objectives outlined in the Comprehensive Plan in that rezoning Planning Commission Minutes — 2/05/13 would encourage the development of a retail and professional business corridor. The City had considered rezoning much of the B -3 zoned properties south of Chelsea Road to B -4 designations as part of the comprehensive revision of the zoning ordinance and map in 2010 due to the changing nature of commercial development along the corridor but opted instead to allow property owners to make requests individually. Charlotte Gabler asked if parking conditions would remain the same. Staff replied that there is adequate parking and no proposed site changes. Bill Spartz opened the public hearing. Applicant Dr. Bill Mickle pointed out that the property had allowed for an animal clinic and is proposed to be rezoned to allow for a human clinic. He said that he plans to have a tenant occupy the rear portion of the building in the future. As there were no public comments, the public hearing was closed. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2013 -004 RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM B -3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS TO B -4, REGIONAL BUSINESS BASED ON FINDINGS OF FACT IN SAID RESOLUTION. BRAD FYLE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. As a result of the unanimous vote of the Planning Commission this resolution will move forward to be considered by the City Council as part of the consent agenda on Monday, February 11th. 6. Consideration of a request for a rezoning of the former Monticello Dodge property from B -3, Highway Business to B -4, Regional Business. Applicant: Northern States Power Co. Planning Case Number: 2013 -004 Applicant NSP /Xcel Energy requested that the fully developed parcel, located at 3801 Chelsea Road, be rezoned from a B -3 to a B -4 District. The parcel includes a 40,000+ square foot building previously utilized as an automobile dealership. The property is served by more than 400 parking spaces in the existing parking lot and what was formerly automobile vehicle display. Xcel has been utilizing the building under a temporary permit which expired in 2012. The property is proposed to be used for office space, including conference rooms, training space, and computer lab. Office use of this sort is a permitted use in the B -4 zoning district. This request meets two of the approval criteria cited in Chapter 2.4 B (5) as required for zoning amendments. The proposed amendment addresses needs arising from a changing condition, trend, or fact affecting the subject property and surrounding area in that economic factors over the past several years that have led to diminished market for Planning Commission Minutes — 2/05/13 automobile dealerships and automobile - related commercial development. The proposed amendment is also consistent with achieving the goals and objectives outlined in the Comprehensive Plan in that the land use designation would continue to be commercial in nature. Bill Spartz opened the public hearing. Lynn Patzner, representing Xcel Energy on behalf of NSP, stated that they plan to use the site as a large office and conference space for training purposes. As there were no further public comments, the public hearing was closed. Bill Spartz questioned whether the property would have to be rezoned back to a B -3 District if it were later purchased for use as a car dealership. Staff indicated that would need to be confirmed. Brad Fyle asked about the temporary approval. Staff replied that the applicant had occupied the site under the previous zoning code. Fyle wondered if it would be practical to give long term temporary approval considering that the site may eventually return to original use. Staff pointed out that rezoning would not usually be handled on a temporary basis as it involves changing the official zoning map. The B -4 designation would not eliminate auto uses but rather make them conditional. The zoning may be most appropriate for the site considering the long term development pattern for the broader surrounding commercial area. Bill Spartz pointed out that if the applicant chose to expand at that site it would be a benefit to the community as well. SAM BURVEE MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2013 -005 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE THAT WILL REZONE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM B -3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS TO B -4, REGIONAL BUSINESS. GRANT SALA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. As a result of the unanimous vote of the Planning Commission this resolution will move forward to be considered by the City Council as part of the consent agenda on Monday, February 11th. Consideration to approve a request for Conditional Use Permits for cross-parkin¢ and cross - access for a retail use in a B -4 (Regional Business) District Applicant: Monticello Development Group Planning Case Number: 2013 -002 The Monticello Development Group, LLC, requested conditional use permits necessary to provide required cross- parking and cross - access for the development of a Dollar Tree retail store on a .76 acre lot located east of Cedar Street and south of School Boulevard Planning Commission Minutes — 2/05/13 directly adjacent to the Walmart Supercenter site. The site is zoned B -4, Regional Business and guided as "Places to Shop." The entire development site, including both the Walmart lot and the subject lot, was originally platted as one lot with the Monticello Business Center 3'd Addition. The property owner later platted this area as a separate development parcel under the plat of Monticello Business Center 4th Addition. The parcel had been intended to share an access point with the original development. The development of Lot 1, Block 1 of the 4th Addition and therefore requires a conditional use permit to allow for the cross access implementation. In addition to the cross access, the site plans submitted by the applicant illustrate a 40 stall parking requirement based on an 8,000 square foot building. The zoning ordinance allows parking calculations to be based on an interior floor dimension, with restrooms, office and storage areas calculated at a reduced requirement. Therefore, it is unlikely that the full 40 stalls will be required at build -out. The site plan accommodates 34 of the required spaces on site and utilizes 6 additional stalls on the Walmart property to meet code requirements. Thus, the development of the site as proposed requires a conditional use permit for cross parking. The stalls the applicant is seeking to utilize for cross parking are in a location most suited to potential customer use for the Dollar Tree site (beyond those on its own site). However, due to the applicant site's deficiencies in landscaping requirements, staff recommended that two stalls be removed to increase the area available for landscaping at the northwestern corner of the site and meet code requirement for a 6' perimeter vehicular buffer. This will also lessen the encroachment into the drainage and utility easement area along the west property line. The ornamental trees provided on the site can be used to offset the need for one of the two additional canopy trees required on the site. Staff also recommended the addition of green space area at the northeast comer of the siteibuilding to allow for a taller ornamental or evergreen planting to break up the appearance of the uninterrupted wall on the north building face, visible from School Boulevard. At the rear of the building, the applicant proposes to install a curbline closing the current access entry from the Walmart parking field. To eliminate the appearance of a "dead - end" access point, staff recommended that the applicant work with the adjacent property owner to develop an alternative design, either through curb modifications and/or landscaping. The request for conditional use permits for shared parking and access meets all of the CUP criteria identified in the zoning ordinance with the inclusion of specific additional requirements cited in Exhibit Z — Conditions of Approval. Exhibit Z — Conditions of Approval Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Business Center 4th Addition Planning Commission Minutes — 2/05/13 Conditional Use Permits — Cross Access and Parking 1. Applicant shall revise site plan to include the following modifications: a. Reconfigure curb line on east side of property line, eliminating "dead -end" access. Final design shall provide for adequate drainage from Walmart's parking lot to catch basin in northeast corner of site. b. Provide sidewalk connection from development site to Cedar Street, including ADA compliant curb ramp. c. Provide ADA compliant ramp at front entrance area. d. Widen sidewalk at front of building to 8'. e. Front sidewalk shall be per "Sidewalk Curb South Detail'; eliminate parking bumpers. f. Eliminate two parking stalls in westernmost parking magazine to provide for required 6' perimeter vehicular buffer. 2. Applicant shall revise landscaping plan to accommodate the following: a. Additional green space at rear of building. b. Specify proposed ground cover for all landscaped areas. c. Increase number of shrub plantings and overstory trees to meet code requirements. 3. Aggregate tracking pads must comply with City standard plate #5015. 4. Concrete flume design will result in erosion issues. Downstream energy dissipation measures must be employed. 5. The applicant shall provide a recorded cross - easement agreement between Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Business Center 3d Addition and Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Business Center 4th Addition. 6. Parking area encroachment into drainage and utility easements requires execution of an encroachment agreement. 7. Applicant shall provide a photometric plan for building lighting with building permit application. 8. Final signage package subject to submission and approval of a separate sign permit. 9. Required drainage and utility easements shall be per the recommendation of the City Engineer. 10. Contractor must contact Public Works at 763 - 295 -3170 to obtain utility excavation permits prior to connecting to public utilities. 11. Contractor must contact City Hall at 763 - 295 -2711 to obtain a right -of -way permit prior to working in City -owned right -of -ways. Sam Burvee asked for clarification about how the Conditional Use Permit for cross parking related to landscaping and signage on the site. Staff replied that a proposed CUP Planning Commission Minutes — 2/05/13 would encompass and impact the entire site. In this case the applicant relied on the adjacent property owner to provide parking stalls in order to comply with the parking stall requirement for its site, and reduced compliance with landscaping standards in order to maximize on site parking. As such, the majority of conditions relate to site plan changes intended to increase compliance with landscaping requirements. Charlotte Gabler asked if the native grass landscaping surrounding the pond to the north of the site had been designed for safety. Staff replied that the fence meets Walmart's safety and landscaping guidelines as well as the City's requirements for stormwater ponds. Gabler also asked if the City had reviewed the four way stop at the northerly access for traffic impacts into the parking lot. Staff stated that traffic patterns had been one of the considerations when the Walmart site was initially developed. Lloyd Hilgart pointed out a discrepancy in the elevation drawing. He noted that the front door of the proposed building would actually face Cedar Street and be considered the west elevation rather than the south elevation as indicated. Staff said that the south elevation includes an access door used for loading and unloading. The elevation drawing will be corrected. Bill Spartz asked questions about curb reconfiguration, sidewalk width and landscaping. Staff indicated that since many people ignore curbs it is recommended that the curb be reconfigured or landscaped to further deter access into the back of the building. It was also recommended that the sidewalk be two feet wider for accessibility when pulling up adjacent to the structure rather than using less durable curb parking bumpers. Staff stated that landscape deficiencies on the Dollar Tree site resulting from tree and parking stall removal would be addressed by adding green space to the plan. Walmart would be required to meet its own code requirements for landscaping. Bill Spartz opened the public hearing. Jason Tadych, of 3032 Autumn Leaf Circle in Green Bay, Wisconsin, one of principals of the Monticello Development Group, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He stated that both Dollar Tree and Walmart had agreed to comply with all conditions proposed. As there were no further public comments, the public hearing was closed. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2013 -006, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR CROSS PARKING AND ACCESS FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MONTICELLO BUSINESS CENTER 4TH ADDITION, BASED ON FINDINGS IN RESOLUTION 2013 -004 AND THE CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z. SAM BURVEE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. As a result of the unanimous vote of the Planning Commission this resolution will move forward to be considered by the City Council as part of the consent agenda on Monday, February 11th. Planning Commission Minutes - 2/05/13 8. Public Hearine - Consideration to recommend for the adoption the 2013 City of Monticello Official Zoning Map Applicant: City of Monticello The Planning Commission was asked to review the proposed 2013 City of Monticello Official Zoning Map and recommend the map for adoption by the City Council. The draft represents an accurate picture of Monticello's zoning based on a review of all available records. The map includes all 2012 rezoning actions, including: Ordinance #544 — Map Amendment for Rezoning from R -1 to I -1 for Lots 3, 6 and 13, Auditor's Subdivision #1 (corrective map action on Bondhus Tool property) Ordinance #553 - Map Amendment for Rezoning from I -1 to B -2 for Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park (Quarry Church site) Ordinance #563 — Map Amendment for Mississippi Wild Scenic & Recreational and Shoreland Overlay Districts Staff noted that the map would require further updating now that two additional rezonings had just been approved by the Planning Commission. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO CONTINUE ADOPTION OF THE 2013 CITY OF MONTICELLO OFFICIAL ZONING MAP UNTIL THE NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. BRAD FYLE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 9. Community Development Director Report Economic Development Chapter —Comp Plan - HKGi will present the data for updating Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan and discuss its relationship to the Economic Development Chapter with the small group of EDA, IEDC and Planning Commission members on Thursday, February 14th. Brad Fyle and Charlotte Gabler are the Planning Commission representatives. Economic Development Position — The Economic Development position is proposed to be re- focused to have a strong emphasis on lead development and prospecting outside the community with the intent of attracting business and jobs to Monticello. 10. Adjourn BRAD FYLE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:52 P.M. CHARLOTTE GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri Approved: Marcia 5, 2013 Attest: I / Director