EDA Minutes 09-10-2014u 11'i -Nli 1 REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 10, 2014, Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Rod Dragsten, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Absent: Matt Frie Others: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, John Uphoff (WSB), Eric Stommes (Initiative Foundation) 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 13TH, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Angela Schumann provided information in response to a question about an invoice at the August 5t' EDA meeting. She clarified that the $80 cost of recording the July 141'' City Council meeting had been miscoded to the EDA budget. Staff have corrected the coding to reflect a City Council expense. Schumann also pointed out that there are times when invoices are paid prior to EDA approval due to varied billing cycles. She indicated that any questions related to billing will be reviewed to ensure accuracy. Bill Tapper confirmed that the Kennedy and Graven bills reflect costs involved in establishing a TIF District for an industry which may potentially locate in Monticello. Tom Perrault asked about the WSB Market Matching invoices which appeared to show a duplicate payment for one month. Schumann agreed to look into the matter. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILKS THROUGH AUGUST 2014. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 5. Consideration to approve funding for 2015 Initiative Foundation Membership Eric Stommes explained that the mission of the Initiative Foundation is to unlock the potential of the people of Central Minnesota to build and sustain thriving communities. EDA Agenda: 09/10/14 The Foundation provides financial assistance to the region's communities, businesses and non - profits through endowments and designated support. Stommes noted that the $2,250 contribution requested of the EDA would provide a $19,957 return on investment. He pointed out that the Foundation has awarded 235 grants totaling $1.2 million, secured 61 business financing loans totaling $3.7 million and 1,002 quality jobs and leveraged $23.4 million in private financing within Wright County alone. He also indicated that the Foundation had provided grant assistance for the ReSTOREing Downtown effort as well as for a number of Monticello businesses. Jeff O'Neill said that he found the Initiative Foundation quarterly publication to be quite useful. Stommes agreed to add the EDA members to the mailing list. Bill Demueles said that the presentation was very informative and thanked Stommes for taking the time to meet with the EDA. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE CONTRIBUTING $2,250 OF THE 2015 EDA GENERAL FUND TO THE INITIATIVE FOUNDATION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Tom Perrault pointed out that if the EDA's contribution had not been matched by the McKnight Foundation he would riot have voted in support of it. 6. Consideration of the Market Matchiniz Report John Uphoff provided an update related to WSB's Market Matching efforts. He noted that Monticello had the opportunity to showcase Suburban Manufacturing and host the state site selector at a luncheon during the recent familiarization tour. Rod Dragsten asked how the site selector had been selected. Uphoff said that different groups of site selectors involved in the familiarization tour each year and that they are assigned by the state. Although this year's site selector was Minneapolis- based, Uphoff suggested that varying the site selection assignments broadens the reach. WSB has begun lobbying to establish a site selector guild in an effort to have some input into the process. Uphoff also pointed out that Monticello's fiber and internet capabilities were noted during a recent Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) interview related to state broadband services. He indicated that he'd provided that sound bite to staff. He explained that the technology is an asset embedded in community which makes Monticello marketable. Tracy Hinz asked Uphoff his opinion on how Market Matching is going in terms of tangible results. Uphoff pointed out that the state's business representative had called him directly, in anticipation of responding to a request for information, to ask about available property. He suggested that Monticello is on the state's radar due to the activities, especially now that there is development along I -94 corridor. Hinz asked if there had been any EDA Minutes: 09/10/14 unanticipated barriers. Uphoff indicated that the size of industrial development areas available has been an issue. Staff have been looking at larger plats which are guided as industrial to potentially address some of these site constraints. Bill Tapper asked if there has been a common denominator in terms of property requests. Uphoff noted that requests vary but often involve parcels suitable for heavy industrial uses to those appropriate for distribution centers and range in size from 50 to 120 acres. Brian Stumpf indicated that he appreciates WSB's hard work and acknowledged that it serves an important staff support role. 7. Consideration of the D'irector's Report Block 34 Update - Staff met with WSB environmental analysis staff and structural analysis firms to tour the Block 34 buildings. Consultants will put together an RFP for hazmat, Phase 1 and structural analysis studies and present proposals and request authorization to proceed at the October 8th EDA meeting. WSB's environmental team will estimate demolition costs and put together bid documents based on the results of the environmental analysis. Tracy Hinz and Tom Perrault will represent the EDA on the Block 34 RFP development committee. Lloyd Hilgart was appointed as City Council representative. Staff have asked for representation from reSTOREing Downtown as well. Xcel Energy Substation Update - Xcel Energy has shifted its focus to a parcel of land outside of the current City limits. The City will continue to work with Xcel Energy as needed as they develop plans for this substation. TAC /Transportation Update The TAC will meet on September 1lth to discuss design concepts for the TH 25 /CSAH 75 intersection. Recommendations will be forwarded to the Wright County Transportation Advisory Committee. Attendance - Tom Perrault asked about Matt Frie's absence from a number of recent EDA meetings. Schumann indicated that she'd contacted Frie but thus far had no response. She said that she would try again to reach Frie. She also said that she would review the EDA bylaws and ordinances related to attendance. 9. Adiournment BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:37 P.M. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burriāœ“ Approved: October 8, 0 4 Attest: EDA e s tative