EDA Minutes 11-12-2014MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, November 12, 2014, Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Absent: Matt Frie Others: Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg, John Uphoff (WSB) 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 8, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION X13111C11:3OM 1 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None 4. Consideration of approving payment of bills Angela Schuman provided information related to questions about invoices submitted as part of the previous month's agenda packet. Schumann indicated that a tax abatement expense included on a Kennedy & Graven invoice had been recoded from the EDA to the City. She also noted that expenses included as part of the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust invoice relate to buildings that the EDA owns and insures. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH OCTOBER 2014. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 5. Consideration of Market Matching Report Angela Schumann introduced WSB's John Uphoff who was in attendance to present an update on Market Matching efforts and activities completed during the month of November. Schumann invited the EDA to view the October Market Matching report presented to the City Council on the City's website. She pointed out that the December report would also be available to view online when completed. Uphoff indicated that his team had spent a significant amount of time in October working to identify the value of the properties on Block 34 and determine which EDA and City - owned properties to actively market. Uphoff provided preliminary images of signs proposed to market the Fred's Auto site and properties on north Cedar and Otter Creek Industrial Park for EDA review and asked for clarification about including the price on the signs. Uphoff also noted that the Market Matching team uses the GreaterMSP SalesForce CRM product for new projects, business retention and expansion efforts and property tracking. He pointed out that 99% of local businesses are already listed in the database. He said that his team had also been partnering with Duane Northagen, of Wright County Economic Development Partnership, to create an inventory of all of the industrial land available within the city to include as part of a county -wide community profile. Brian Stumpf asked if provisions related to having development occur within a certain amount of time would be handled after contact is made. Schumann noted that these properties would be marketed for sale for development. She also pointed out that Martha Ingram of Kennedy & Graven had indicated that purchase agreements related to these properties would actually be contained within the preliminary development agreement in order to create parameters under which the site would be developed. Tracy Hinz asked for clarification about columns related to site characteristics within the report. Uphoff indicated that the data refers to the number of people within drive time radius of the site. He said that he'd update the key for that table to make that clear. Bill Demeules asked if this information would be posted on the economic development website. Uphoff said that his team would continue to work with staff to improve the online interface and streamline the process of adding information to the website. Bill Tapper asked if the EDA would have the addresses of the properties for sale. Uphoff agreed to add addresses and prices to the report. Uphoff also agreed to review the copy language for accuracy and clarity as it relates to property located on Cedar Street and access to Trunk Highway 25. Schumann also noted that staff would verify that fiber service is available to each of these properties. 6. Consideration of an update and EDA direction regarding EDA vacancies Schumann noted that staff had posted the vacant EDA position previously held by Rod Dragsten. She indicated that the City Council would be invited to attend applicant interviews and consider the EDA's recommendation prior to making the appointment. Schuman will provide an update related to this process at the December EDA meeting. Schumann also reported that, earlier that day by U.S. mail, she'd received a resignation letter from Matt Frie. Copies of the letter were made available to EDA members during the meeting. Schumann asked that the EDA accept the resignation and provide direction in regard to posting a second vacant EDA position. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ACCEPT MATT FRIE'S RESIGNATION FROM THE EDA. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Tracy Hinz asked about the provision related to the minimum number of EDA commissioners. Schumann explained that the EDA is made up of seven members, two of which are City Council members. The bylaws refer to the enabling resolution as it relates to appointment terms, vacancies and removal. The enabling resolution specifies that all commissioners who are not members of the City Council must be either residents or own businesses or property within the city. Bill Demeules asked about the procedure for removing the contact info from the website. Schumann said that staff would take care of that. Brian Stumpf noted the importance of ensuring that the City Council representative terms on the EDA remain staggered and said that he probably would not be returning as an EDA member next year. 7. Consideration of the Director's Report Block 34 Follow -Up - WSB completed the hazardous materials reports related to the four buildings on Block 34 (Montgomery Farms, Zoo, BL Bikes and the DMV) and expect to complete the Phase 1 report soon. Staff plan to suminarize the consultant reports for EDA consideration at an upcoming workshop. TH 25 /CSAH 75 Intersection Improvement — Schumann noted that the City Council approved the conceptual layout for TH 25 /CSAH 75 improvements and encouraged the EDA to review the plans online. Staff will continue to look at pedestrian improvements and parking considerations related to Block 34 as part of the final intersection concept plan. The Transportation Advisory Committee will also provide input. Rod Dragsten - Schumann presented a brief tribute honoring Dragster's service on the Planning Commission and the EDA. Schumann shared a lengthy list of projects which clearly documented the extent to which Dragsten's efforts had shaped local development. 8. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:24 PM. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Kerry B�urri �!� 2 Approved: 'De' / / /�.C"�i %(�/�G4 Attest: