City Council Agenda Packet 12-09-2002 AGENDA RF.GULAll MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COlJNCIL Monday December 9, 2002 - 7 p.m. . Mayor: Roger Bclsaas Council Members: Clint} lerbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order and pledge of Allegiance ,., -, . Consideration or adding items to the agenda. A. ?-I Ft :P~S Lc ~ fl. B /J{69 . f'f'.~ e. ? 1!,r.S..... J'tc- rQA., f -1"1 rYd .I~v ~~ -J W o~ l.A B. ^pprove minutes of November 25, 2002 regular Council meeting. ^pprove minutes of December 4, 2002 special Council meeting. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. Consideration of resolution extending term ofthe cable franchise held by Charter Communications. A. . H. Consideration of request for preliminary and tinal plat approval for the Monticello Marketplace Commercial Subdivision and considcration of conditional usc permits allnwing a convenience store, car wasb and joint parking in a B-3 District. Applicant: Richard Brcndsel, Brendsel Properties. C. Consideration of Fund Transfers for 2002. D. Cons iderati on to adnp t the C it y of Monti cello M inneso ta Investment Fund Revo I vi n g Loan Fund Policy. E. Co nsi derati on of traus fer of Ii q unr license - Days Inn - 200 Oak wond D ri vc F. Consideration of approving appointment of new members for the Community Center Advisory Board. G. Consi derati 0 n of appro vin g 2003 liquor pro vi dcrs at the banquet ball at tbe M on ti cello Community Center. C onsi derati au of acceptance of impro vements lor tbe Wi I dwood Ridge Su bdi vi si on Project No. 98-20P. . H. J. Consideration of ratifying new hire for liquor store. 6. Cons i derati on of items removed from the consent agenda for d i scussi 0 n. ~'_.....'~-- . . . I\gen(1a Monticello City Council December 9, 2002 Page 2 7. Public I-Iearing on granting a business subsidy - Authorization to enter into the Agreement Jar Loan or Minnesota Investment fund between the City of Monticello and Terrance and Mary Tomann Limited Family Partnership. 8. Approve adoption of 2003 hudget and tax levy. 9. Consideration of salary schedule adjustments liJr 2003. 10. Approve payment of bills for Deeemher. 11. Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Novcmher 25,2002 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger I3elsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Hcrbst Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Melllbers Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Plcdgc of Allegiance. Mayor r3elsaas called the llleeting to order at 7 p.ll1. and declared a quorun1 present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. ApPI'ove minutcs of specialmceting to canvass election rcsults. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINlJTES OF TIlE SPECIAL MEETING TO ('ANV ASS ELECTION RESULTS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Approve minutes of specialmceting for 2003 hud{!et workshop ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TI IE SPECIAL MEETING FOR THE 2003 BUDGET WORKSIIOP. CLINT HERBST SECONDED Tl-H.: MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. Appro\"(' minutes of Novcmber 12.2002 re!:wlar Council mectin!:!. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO APPROVE TIIF MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 12.2002 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin{! itcms to thc af!enda. Bruce -rhielen added discussion of the proposed mediated settlemcnt on the WWTP litigation to the agenda and Clint Herbst added discussion of the sidewalks. 4. Citizen comments/Iletitions. requcsts and complaints. None. ZA . . . Council Minutes - 11/25/02 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying new hires as identified. Recommendation: Ratify new hires few the Community Center as identified. B. Consideration of approving personnel poliey langiJage revisions for siek leave severance benefits. Recommendation: Approve the personnel policy revisions that would require any sick leave benefits paid upon severance of eity employment be contributed to the MSRS in the employee's name. C. Consideration of accepting yd quarter liquor store report. Recommendation: Accept the financial report as presented for the first nine months of 2002. D. This item was pulled from the agenda. E. Consideration of authorizing expenditure for future fireworks displays at River Fest. Recommendation: Authorize an expenditure for 2003 in accordance with the budget for $8,000 for the River Fest l~reworks and approve a conunitment for two additional years at the same amount. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADD A(iENDA ITEM #7, CONSIDERAflON OF APPROV AL OF WINE/STRONG BEER LICENSE FOR CROSTINI GRILLE & PIZZER.IA AND AGENDA ITEM 1/10, CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTS FOR PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE AT CSAH 18, PROJECT NO. 98-02C TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. BRUCE TIIlELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT ACJENDA AS AMENDED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRI].:D UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of approval of wine/strong beer license for Crostini Grille & Pizzeria. Approved with consent agenda. 8. ReIJort on MOAA liti!:mtion and review and confirmation of ~mnexation nrocedures. Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill reported on the court ruling relating to the validity of the City's orderly annexation agreement with the township. He summarized the court's findings and 2 ;),/\ . . . Council Minutes - 11/25/02 noted that if the township did not appeal the ruling would go into dIect within 30 days. The City has received a number of annexation requests and the Council is being asked to review the procedures for handling the annexation petitions. The Council can consider diilerent options. The annexation request should be compared to the City's policy for properties for annexation and then annexed according to state statutes. Another option would be to take those areas adjacent to the City requesting annexation and present them to the township. These would be properties that would have been in the original orderly annexation agreement. The City would also establish a task force to discuss formulation of a new orderly annexation agreement with the township. Brian Stumpf asked how an appeal of the court ruling by the township would affect any future annexations. Ifthe township appeals it wendd unlikely that the State Planning Board would consider any annexations until the appeal has been decided and any actions taken by the C~ouneil at this meeting would not go into effect until after the 30 day period. Jc1fO'Neill reviewed the criteria for annexation which includes the use of the property being consistent with the City's comprehensive plan, availability of utilities to the property and son1e progress having been made on a preliminary plat. Based on these criteria, Jc1TO'Neill reviewed the sixteen properties that had submitted requests for annexation and split them into properties that were ready for annexation and those that would be future candidates for annexation. BRUCE THIFLEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PETITIONS FOR PARCELS #2.#],#4. If5. #6, #12, illS AND #16 AS BEING RI.:ADY FOR IMMEDIATE ANNEXATION AND AUTHORIZE STAFf TO CONTACT TIlE T'C)WNSI-IIP REGARDING A SIMPLE ORDERLY ANNEXATION AGREEMENT GOVERNING THOSE PARCELS TI IE CITY CONSIDERS READY FOR IMMEDIATE ANNEXATION. THIS MOTION REPRESENTS APPROVAL OF TJIE JOINT RESOLUTION SUPPORTING ANNEXATION OF THE PARCELS IDENTIFIED ABOVE. ROGER CARL,SON SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. Roger Carlson asked who would be bringing this to the township. The staJT will prepare the agreement FiJI' orderly annexation but representatives 1'1:om the Council would bring the matter to the township. Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen indicated they would be willing to take this to the township. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO SET UP A TASK FORCE CONSISTING OF BRIAN STUMPF, I3RlJCE TJ IIELEN AND Crry STAFF TO MEET WITH THE TOWNSHIP REGARDING ANNEXAflON ISSUES. BRUCE TI IIELI~N SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. <) .J JA Council Minutes - 11/25/02 . 9. Consideration of aeee ,tin rovisions allow in · for sanitar s.wer eonnectioo - K .lIber 's Wcst }Jark. City Engineer, Bret Weiss updated the council on a recent meeting with representatives lrom the Department of Health, the PCA, the City and Kjellberg's Inc, Kjellbergs are asking that the City allow them to till pOltions ofthe sanitary sewer pipe with concrete ratber tban remove tbe pipe in its entirety. Bret Weiss noted that be bad just received the plans today trom Kjellberg's engineer and bad not yet reviewed tbem. Bret Weiss will contact Kjellberg and review tbe site and then make a determ i nati on as to wbat porti on of pi pc sboul d be fi II ed. B ri an S tum pf ask ed wbether it wo old be easier for Kjellberg's to remove tbe pipe or fill it. Bret Weiss poioted out tbat there are otber otility lines in place in tbat area and if you removed tbe pipe you would bave to work around those lines Clint Herbst asked about the amount of pipe that was proposed to be tilled. General discussion followed as to how much pipe would need to be fll\ed to ensure that the line is not used for connection to tbe sewer system. Bret Weiss felt tbat tilling a random number of segments with concrete would be sunieient to keep the line from being connected. Brian Stumpf stated that be would prefer having the pipe removed because it would provide greater assurance that the pipe would not he used. Clint Herhst concurred. Bruce Thielen stated a pollution problem exists because the sanitary sewer system is inadequate. Bret Weiss estimated there is approximately 2500 feet of 6" pipe that is in place. It was noted that the cost of filling tbe pipe with concrete would be borne by Kjel1bergs. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ALLOW AN AMENDMENT TO THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ALLOWING THE EXISTING PIPE TO BE CAPPED AND FILLED WITH CONCRETE AT RANDOM POINTS AS DETERMINED BY '1'\110 CITY ENGINEER IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO RENDER IT USELESS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Addcd Itcms: Settlement WWTP _ Bruce Thielen stated that the City Council had met in a closed session on November 25. 2 002 fro m 6: I 5 to approxi mate I y 6:45 to discuss a mediated settlement on Ii ti gati on in vol ving the inproheat system for the wastewater treatment plant. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MEDIATED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WHICH PROVIDES FOR $723.000 COMING BACK TO THE CITY, VERIFICATION OF CERTIFICATE OF RETAINAGE FOR $100,000 AND ADOLFSON AND PETERSON TRANSFERRING ANY WARRANTY RIGHTS TO THE GRIT WASHER AND GRIT REMOVER. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TIll': MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 1\ was noted that this settlement would finalize the pOltion of the lawsuit relating to Class A sludge production. . 4 dA . . . Council Minutes - 11/25/02 Sidewalks _ Clint Hcrbst asked about thc sidewalks segments that had been removed and were now being replaced with bituminous. John Simola, Public Works Director, stated that Minnegasco had renlOved the sidewalk and stated they were not aware that it was their responsibility to replace then1. They are in the process of doing so now, but because they wi II have further work to do in the spring they arefi lIing it with bituminous rather than concrete. When the work is completed the bituminous sidewalk sections will be replaced with concrete. 10. Consideration of a Project No. 98-02C. Apl1rOved with consent agenda. 11. Approve payment of bills for November. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR NOVEMBER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Adjourn. BRUCr-: THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:40 P.M. CLINT I lERBST SECONDED THh MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ..,--,.,'_.,_.._""-,._.,-'_.~_._"'.- Recording Secretary 5 dA . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICI~LLO CITY COlJNCIL Wednesday December 4, 2002 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint IIerbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of awarding sale of 2002 GO Improvement Bonds. Mark Ru/'/' from Ehlers & Associates. was present to provide in/'ormation on the proposed sale of 2002 general obligation bonds in the amount of $2,420,000. A total of 7 bids were received with United Bankers Bank of I3Iooming being the low bidder with 3.362% true interest rate. The proceeds of the bonds will go to rei 111 burse the City for costs of improvements for Walnut S treeL 7th Street l':ast. CSAII 75 and Cedar Street. lie added that Moody's Investor Services had given the City a bond rating of ^3 and the City's ability to maintain good cash balance reserves was one [Idor in determining the rating. There are four major factors in determining the rating: I) City finances; 2) Social and econOlnic b1ctors; 3) Management; and 4) How growth is managed. Ilc notcd that Monticello had diversity in thcir tax base which hc also felt was important. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AWARDING TIlE SALE OF TilE 2002 GO IMPROVEMENT BONDS TO UNITED BANKERS BANK OF BLOOMINGTON AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY'S FINANCIAL CONSULTANT, EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Public Hearing on adoption of the 2003 budget and tax levv. City Administrator, Rick Wolfstellcr. provided background information on the 2003 budget and tax levy noting that the City's increase in tax dollars collected over last ($283,939) is approximately 4%. There were no major changes fr01n the preliminary budget that was adopted and the final proposed tax levy is set at $6,782,018.00. The budget covers funding for the street reconstruction project increased police protection and debt service. Rick Woll'steller stated that the market value increases due to innation and new residential and commercial construction has allowed the City's tax base to increase at a higher percentage rate than the City's levy increase. Clint Herbst commented on Xcel Energy's portion of the City's market value and how that has changed in the past few years. 2E . . . Special Council Meeting - 12/4/02 Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing fl.Jr Truth in Taxation. Mr. Lawrence Clausen stated that his Truth in Taxation notice from the County indicated a 30% increase which he felt was excessive. lie pointed out that an article in the Minneapolis papers stated that apartment units could expect to see about a 4% so he questioned why he was seeing a 3 o (Yo increase. It was pointed out that the valuation of his property had increased by about 10(% (increased by $72(0) and the City's share of the taxes increased fronl $315 to $380. The Council discussed the notice but was unable to account fl.x the 30% increase and suggested that Mr. Clausen contact the Wright County Auditor. It was noted that another resident had appeared before the start of the meeting and her notice indicated a 50(Yt) increase in taxes for her single bmily residence. There was no one else present who spoke on the proposed 2003 budget and tax levy. Mayor 13elsaas then closed the public hearing. 4. Adjourn. CLlN'r HERBST MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:30 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. Recording Secretary 2 ~B . . . Council Agenda - 12/9/02 SA. Consideration of resolution extendin the term of the cable franchise held b Charter Communications. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The cable franchise agreement the Sherburne/Wright Cable Commission has with Charter Communications is about to expire on December 31,2002. The City of Monticello is one often cities that formed the Sherburne/Wright Cable Commission years ago. The Commission has been reviewing the franchise agreement and is in the process of making some changes to the franchise agreement before it is renewed, including provisions that would require the cable company to provide various pieces of equipment for our cable access programming. Because a new franchise agreement will not be available prior to December 31, the Commission is asking each city to adopt a resolution extending the term of the present franchise for another six months until June 30,2003. This will allow the Commission suHicient time to negotiate and recommend a new franchise agreelnent for approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution agreeing to extend the term of the cable franchise with Charter Communications for another six months until June 30, 2003. 2. Do not adopt the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Sherburne/Wright Cable Commission members that each city adopt the resolution agreeing to the extend the current franchise for another six months. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO Resolution No. A RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE TERM OF THE CABLE FRANCHISE HELD BY CC VIII OPERATING COMPANY, LLC D/B/A CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (the "Authority") granted a nonexclusive cable television a franchise (the "Franchise") to CC VIII Operating Company, LLC d/b/a Charter Communications ("Charter"); and WHEREAS, Charter has requested renewal of the Franchise, and WHEREAS, the Authority and Charter are currently negotiating the terms of renewal of the Franchise pursuant to the informal renewal process set forth in Section 626(h) of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended, 47 U.S.C. S 546(h); and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to extend the term of the Franchise until June 30, 2003, so that negotiations may continue; and WHEREAS, Chatier has consented and agreed to the terms of this extension. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that: 1. The term of the Franchise shall be extended until June 30, 2003, unless sooner revoked, cancelled or terminated. 2. All terms and conditions of the Franchise, as may be amended from time to time, shall remain in effect during the term of the extension. 3. This extension shall not constitute a waiver of any rights the Authority or Charter may have under (i) the Franchise, as it may be amended from time to time; (ii) the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended by the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 and the Telecommunications Act of 1996; (iii) Chapter 238 of the Minnesota Statutes, Minn. Stat. S 238.01, et. seq.; or (iv) any other law or regulation. 4. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to give Charter additional rights or oppoI1Llllities to trigger the provisions of 47 U.S.c. S 546(a)-(g), or to require the Sherburne/Wright Counties Cable Communication Commission to conduct or reconduct hearings or other actions properly taken in conjunction with any renewal proceedings under the CUtTent Franchise. 5. No claim that either party may have against the other shall be released or otherwise affected by this extension. 5~ . . . \jS PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Monticello this _ day of ,2002. Accepted by Charter this __ day of ,2002: By Title By Title I I . City Council Agenda- 12/09/02 5b. Consideration of a re uest for reliminar and tinal lat a) roval of the Montieello Market laee Commereial Suhdivision and consideration of conditional use nermits allow in a convenience store a carwash and . oint arkin in the B-3 District. Applicant: Richard Brendsel (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: M r. B rendse I has applied for prel imi nary and Ii nal plat approval for Lot 1, Block 1 of the Monticello Marketplace Commercial Sobdivision. The property, located at the corncr of Highway 25 and School Bon\cvard. is zoned B-3, Highway Business District. and is guided for commercial ose in the Comprehensive Plan. The reqoes' includes consideration of a conditional use permit for a convenience store, a car wash, and joint parking. The Planning Commission reviewed the requests and recommended approval witb conditions noted in Exhibit z.. Following is the planning report provided to the Planning Commission. Please note tbat the developer has already provided an updated plan addrcssing some oIlhe items ooted io thc report. Items not completed will be addrcssed in plan set information submitted at building permit. The zoning ordinance describes a numher of conditions for the allowance of the proposed uscs. The folio win g is an anal ys is of some general issues (i.e. parki ng, landscap ing. site layout) followed by a list of reqoirements and staff comments pertinent to the proposed uses. . Land Use: The 1.61 aere parcel is zoned B-3, Highway Business District, and does allow, with conditional use permit, the proposed uses. The site is currently surrounded by vacant land zoned for similar commercial use. Landscapi n~ The zo n i ng ordinance sets out spec i fi c requirements for landscaping in Section 3 -2 [G J. For commcrci al use, tbe ordinance requires I overstory tree per 50 lineal feet of si te peri meter. The overstory trees need to be 2.5 inches in diameter (Deciduous) or at least 6 feet in height (Coni ferous). The applicant has provided a landscaping plan, however the plan will nced to be revised to meet the minimum ordinance requirements. Tbe plan provi des for I 4 overstory trecs wbere a minimum 0[23 are required. Staff would like to sce an increased amount oflandscaping along thc perimctcr of the enti re parcel. speci ficall y along School Blvd. and Hi ghwa y 25. There should also be an increased amount of landscaping within fue open greenspace of the parking lot. The developcr has noted that he will adjust the plan accordingly. 1 . . City Council Agencla- 12/09/02 Parking: The zoning ordinance sets specific parking requirements for each use as follows: -------------- ---------------------- --------------------- Use Rec uirement Rec uired Carwash Min. 10 spaces, I per 0 employee on maximum shift (minus stackin ) . Deli I per 80 kitchen 22 1 per 40 restaurant/dining (avo. 1 Jer 60) Convenient Store 1 er 200 15 TOTAL: 37 ------------- ----------------- ------------------ . The plan provides for 36 parking stalls, I short of the requirement Cor such uses. The parking requirements may change when the applicant provides building layout plans. The applicant should be held to the parking standards. which may be accomplished by squeezing the site plan, to provide an additional parking stall, moving the lot line to the north to provide more room for an additional stall. or creating the additional parking sta\1 on the adjacent lot if the joint parking Conditional Use Permit is granted. The developer has made adjustrnents to the site resulting in the addition of another stal I. Location and Screenin2: of dumpster: In the original plans, a location for a dumpster was not specitlcally defined on the site plan. The ordinance requires that exterior storage be fully screened so as not to be visible from adjoining properties. Staff prefers such dumpsters to be internal or attached and not separate from the building. According to the developer, the site plan will be revised to meet these requirements. Glar~: The zoning ordinance, Section 3~2rll1, requires that any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking, sign, or other structures, be arranged as to deflect light away from any adjoining residential zone or from public streets. Staff supports locating the parking to the east of the building thus blocking the glare from Highway 25. A more specific lighting plan needs to be submitted, reviewed, and approved by City staff. Conditional Use Permit: Drive in and convenience food establishment: . . The architectural appearance and functional plan ofthe huilding and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or cause impairment to the property values around the site. Detailed building plans need to be submitted and reviewed by City staff. 2 . City Council Agcnda - 12/09/02 . Parking areas and drivcways should bc curbed with continuous curb not less than six inches high above the parking to or driveway grade. Paving plans will need to be submitted and approved by the City Engineer prior to fi nal plat. . Access points shall be limited, create lninimum conflict with through traffic movements, comply with Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Ordinance and bc subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Tramc Circulation doesn't appear to be an issue. The City Engineer has requested that the access at Cedar be moved as far north on the C:-Store property as possible to allow for additional stacking room for vehicles turning left into the site. 'fhis site adjustment will also provide additional stacking room for vehicles turning left onto School Boulevard off of Cedar. Bret Weiss has also noted that future traffic levels on Cedar Street could eventually result in the need to install a median at the location of the current access and consolidate site access to an entrance approximate 200' south of the initial access point. 'fhis is a future possibility that could be identified in the development agreement. . All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 31HJ of this Ordinance. The applicant needs to submit a lighting plan. . . Drainage is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. The engineer is reviewing the drainage plan. . Signs are consistent with the City's sign regulations. A complete sign plan is not yet available. The Ordinance specifies that any portion of any sign exceeding two (2) square feet shall be set back a distance equal to fifty percent (50%) of the required building setback for that district. The pylon/monument sign at the southwest corner of the parcel needs to he 15 feet from both Highway 25 and School Boulevard. Carwash: . The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or cause impairment to the property values around the site. Detailed building plans need to be submitted and reviewed by City staff. . Stacking space is constructed to accOlnmodate the number of vehicles which can be washed during a tnaximum thirty (30) minute period and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. There appears to be a sufficient amount of stacking space provided. . . Drainage is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. The engineer is reviewing the drainage plan. 3 . . . . . . City COllncil Agenda- 12/09/02 · Access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conilict with through traffic movement, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Access and circulation appear to be adequate. · AIl signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of the Ordinance. A complete sign plan is not yet available. The Ordinance specifics that any portion of any sign exceeding two (2) square leet shall be set back a distance equal to iiay percent (50%) of the required building setback for that district. The pylon/monument sign at the southwest corner of the parcel needs to be 15 feet from both 11 ighway 25 and School Boulevard. · Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. Staff docs not see this as issue being as the carwash is not located near residential use. Joint Parkin::: The zoning ordinance requires that the perimeter curb barrier f()r parking lots be a minimum orfive (5) feet from all lot lines. This is so that there is always a ten (10) foot strip between parking lots on separate parcels. The applicant's parcel \viIl eventually be connected to the parcel to the north, so the applicant has provided two access points, one to the east and onc to the west of the parcel, connecting to the future developmcnt to the north. Stall encourages internal circulation between the parcels, however this provides for only a three (J) f(Jot strip along the northern property line, which violates code. The lot line should be shifted to the north approximately two (2) Jeet in order to provide for the required green space. B. At,TERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Preliminary and Final Plat 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat, subject to conditions listed in L~xhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Prelin1inary and [7inal Plat, based on iindings discussed at the City Councilmeeling. 3. Motion to table action on the Preliminary and Final Plat, subject to additional infcJrmation. Decision 2: ConditionallJse Permit allowing a Convenience Store in the B-3 District. I. Motion to approve the CUP for a Convenience Store, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit 7, based on the finding that the use is appropriate for the zoning district and the proposed site. 4 . City Coullcil Agenda - ] 2/09/02 2. Motion to dcny the CUP for a Convenience Storc, based on the findings discussed at the City Council meeting. 3. Motion to table action on thc CUP for a Conveniencc Store, subject to additional intl)rmation. Decision 3: Conditional Use Permit allowing a carwash in the B-3 District. I. Motion to approvc the CUP f(x a cat'wash, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z, based on the finding that the use is appropriate for the zoning district and the proposed site. 2. Motion to deny the CUP for a carwash, based on the findings discussed at the City Council meeting. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP for a carwash, subject to additional information. Decision 4: Conditional Use Permit allowin!! ioint parldng. . 1. Motion to approve thc CUP for joint parking, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z, hased on the finding that the two access points connecting the parcel to the north will improve circulation between thc two parcels. 2, Motion to deny the CUP for joint parking, based on the findings discussed at the City Councilmceting. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP for joint parking, subject to additional information. Decision 5: 1. Motion to approve the final plat subject to conditions listed in Exhibit "/ and subject to execution of a dcvelopment agreelllent. Dcvelopment agreement to include asscssment terms associated with funding of Cedar Street road and utility improvements and will identify the potential of construction of a median on Cedar Street at some point in thc future as traffic level demands. 2. Motion to deny approval of final plat. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS . Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of the Preliminary ancl Final Plat for the Monticello Marketplace Subdivision and the proposed conditional use permits. The site is zoned appropriately for the proposed uses. The plans submitted, with adherence to the 5 . City Council Agenda - 12/09/02 conditions listed in Exhibit Z, comply ,"vith the City's requirements outlined in the zoning ordinance. D. SlJPPOR'rING DATA Exhibit A - Site Location Map Exhibit B - Site Plan (Revised) Exhibit C - Landscape Plan Exhibit 7 - Conditions of Approval . . 6 OUlil(D4S -._, I - I ! I J . ~ '\\ ' ~h ~ !'. ~ S '. ~ ~~ i; i ! \\ I . . I 1 I i I \\ I ~ ... ~ =.:..- .-., . .~ ,: _. . .-.",. .'" ~ \ _. ~ ~--q";]1~~tTR-: .' I VI I ~...::., ~j:\\W)'~. ' I ~ 1 51':;~~ ;"';\2::' ~~"~" \~;fFl l3'-" J' f-A:::' . \ ",,,'. :~W!l~~ ~r::t- I r~rLJ .' .,,' '\\' _ ..' Little M .2 I ~. ~~,,;, ;' -', Elementa 'j J t-::!... . ~ _ ~.;._.". ~ -'" . 1\1 ----- _Yt ~ ~ .... ..... i ~. . ..~-';i.n I " It..... ' ~ " ~~ ~ c~~ I, ;~~~ ~'~~I'.o c~~ farOlS 1h'''~/o'.v6 t,~i:!.~!,:J~.i ~, E Klein T ~ve'--/",......r r':::;:';;,'~; . z ~ .~~~' is . #' 0 ....ITS ~""f ... "', o I ~~.<::-. . ~ v ~ PR..q;>""~eJ> 4 ou..s , '-:l Gr'1 I ~ ,#~(q b~~~:lA~~~ Ilr. J ,(\,t,+ .tlj ~ I ~ I ~', O~I .':1 ,: .,~ I :, Iii ! II ""~ ..". -1---..----+---./--_ '-----_ . ! ; II .. I 'I ' ~i ~---,--~----il----,-, , , l, I I r B.hib)+ A .. IE 0 ~ ~ .. 0 DUNDAS ROAD " e... 0" .:l-.. - S \... !'t'arketplace "', ......... "~" , ' ... ....,. " ' , ,. ... .,.. .. '\,.... , , . ""CI1"'-.c ',: ... " '" '..... ...<.':...... ".>-- , - -- o 1lO. ....... ~, ~"3.... / . ...~Q ., DUNDAS ROAD OD "'<2>2>('IL~ ((9L) ;JNOl-ld313I .3N ;JnN3A'V HILL' 01Z -- Jn~:USNO::) ON'V N91S30 ~;=- f.!of . . . ~ =..... ~ n~ ,~'" I ~~ ~ ~l. -- J~~ ~ )(~f ;:!;i~ t. !] ] -p jJ~ i ~ ~~ . ~~ II Uo g ~-, ~ ~ ' f!.. K~~ f' !IF8 ' 1 ,0 I ~ "hf J~~ ~ r ;1'" G ! '~p ~ h:;- ]'!;, lii tIll !I !I " roo i i I - , ~I ." :'1 I, ! 1- I l' : ! ~! 10' ~I ~: 9! ;ij ~: ! of- ~ ~ ..~ ~~ L, lii ll~ .. 20- ~ i gi ill ~ i~ It:: 2 L~ ,9-,'1" -:0=~' . "'! j i i 'V 10;3NNIW 'Oll3:::>IlNOW ~~~ ~~. '~~\1~~~~~ l3~'VJ....l Oll3~Il.NOJ....l '1!!JO:l H;'1m 1!!J'1:::> . 31!!JOI; 3:JN31N3N.JO? m3N -,.-----~ -==V"~~ 'ON ."""" ,".0 o IU lI' ~~ >-~~ a~", tl-l-l ",<t-l .. <I >-;:! :0"'<0 ~~~- ~ ~~~ <iD-~ >-.... ~ .G:t-."'" .c;J-,tI'Z 1 33C::11S -- ~::: ...d -<( f- a -....J f- =:J o W f- IS) t-- Z <( ~ =:J <( u: :J}f-Uf- WI.L........I.L lY: (}::t () ........IS)IS)IS) <( ....J't3'i" <t Q- <Jl ,~ \'.l {k' <Jl W '1-' <( 01 lY: C'l U ~ W f- IS) W OL o f- (".-) ( .0,..1 0'") I c..:> U..J = !!! ~ ~ 51 ill z ~2;').. It:: ~ "'~.. ." III o OJ tjli:!lg ~ 2 I- It:: ~5I'~ ~~ ~ II? 5 ~3lbll ~ . ' ~ u () 2!::~"< ~~~ II " UJ :;~~hr;: i'; :r It:: ~i13!: "'If~ 0 \J) \'J ~~-~ ;l."", ~ -<{ z :...iilili'::l::l ~ 3 -- ..JmQQ;'J;:!;.! ; It:: ~ ~ ~~UH ~ -<{ -<{ l!~~o-!lU '.i U lL Fi:I~!1 un :;; III o (j) >- () -1_ lY.2 ~~ ~f I ~ll . City COLlncil ^gencla- 12/09/02 Exhibit Z: Preliminary and Final Plat/CUP Conditions of Approval- Monticello Marketplace 1. A revised landscape plan, providing an additional 9 overstory trees and additional landscaping along the site perimeter, should be submitted and approved by the City Staff prior to submittal of the final plat. 2. Landscaping of the parcel per revised landscape plan prior to issuance of a building permit or via a landscape bond. 3. The final plat site plan should be revised to show location and screening of dumpster as required in the zoning ordinance. 4. ^ lighting plan meeting the requirements of the zoning ordinance, Section 3-2111], is submitted and approved by City StaH prior to Final Plat. 5. The northern lot line is to be moved two (2) feet north as needed to provide the required five (5) foot green space separation from a1l10t lines. 6. Detailed building plans are to be submitted and reviewed by City Stafe as required by the . zoning ordinance, prior to Final Plat approval. 7. Paving plan is to be submitted and reviewed by City Staff, as required by the zoning ordinance. prior to Final Plat approval. 8. An in depth sign plan is to be submitted and reviewed by City Staff, as required by the zoning ordinance, prior to Final Plat approval. 9. The required al110unt of parking stalls, as determined by the zoning ordinance, arc achieved. 10. Recommendation of other City Staff, including the City Engineer. 11. A 12 foot uti Ii ty casement around the perimeter of the property be provided, except along the interior lot line where a 6' casement is acceptable as long as a 6' easement area is provided alongside on the adjacent lot. 12. Cross easements j~Jr parking be provided by the applicant. EXHIBIT Z . . . . B. Council Agenda - 12/9/02 sc. Consideration of Fund Transfers for 2002. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to approve various fund transfers ll.)r the year 2002 to cover deliciencies in various construction funds. transfer of balances remaining ii'om various construction funds to debt service funds that finance projects, along with miscellaneous transfers to correspond with our budget for the year 2002. Most of the transfers are self-explanatory and are necessary to eliminate deficiencies in various construction funds or temporarily provide financing until a future general obligation bond or revenue source can be arranged. Other major transfers fronl sewer access funds or water access funds are to cover the City's share of various projects that we had planned on paying for by using of these trunk fees. A listing of the individual transfers recommended for approval is included with the agenda that outlines each proposed transfer. dollar amount, and the purpose of the transfer. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the transfers as recommended. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that for accounting purposes, the transfers be approved prior to the end of 2002. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of proposed transfers. . 2002 RECOMMENDED FUND TRANSFERS . FROM TO AMOUNT PURPOSE .- HRA Various debt service funds $71,000_00 Annual TIF Transfers Comm Ctr #226 2000A GO Bonds #365 $525,000,00 Per budget - Comm Ctr debt payment Sewer Access Fund #262 WNTP Note #358 $500,000,00 Partial Payment Debt WVl/TP Note Liquor #609 Comm Ctr Fund #226 $200,000,00 Annual contribution to operations HRA #213 2000A GO Bonds #365 $11,250,00 Annual contribution Consolidate Bond To close out cash deficit in bond fund that #357 77-1 GO Bond #314 $9718 was eliminated in 2001, Capital Outlay 98-02C Ped Bridge Per 2002 Budget - Partial local funds for #240 Construction Fund #460 $87,50000 pedestrian bridge Park/Pathway To cover additional deficit on local share of Dedication Fund 98-02C Pedestrian Bridge pedestrian bridge (Total to date: #229 #460 $32,750,00 $376,142,00) 99-10C Meth Church watermain 2000-03C Tower To close out construction fund to similar #472 Drive/Watermain #475 $892,74 construction fund with a deficit Water Access 2000-03C Tower Dr/Water To cover remaining construction fund deficit Fund #265 main #475 $31885 and close out fund To close out completed const fund & tranfer 98-25C Chelsea remaining funds to debt service bond that Road West #476 2000B GO Bonds #366 $206,30862 financed project Sewer Access 2001-03C Sludge Thickener j 51,1(( /Iy- To cover deficit and close out completed Fund #262 Proj, - WVl/TP #480 $91',711,98 construction fund, . City Council Agenda - 12/9/02 . Consideration to ado t the City of Monticello Minnesota lnvestment Fund Revolvint! Loan Fund Policv. (O.K.) Sd. A. Reference and background. The City Council is asked to adopt the City of Montieel\o Minnesota lnvestment rund Revolving Loan Fund Policy as prepared by Attorney Dan Greensweig, Kennedy & CJraven, ^ city must establish guidelines pertaining to those funds received through the repayment of a loan whieb was generated from the Minnesota lnvesunent Fund (M1F) or Economic Recovery rund programs administered through the Department ofTrade and Economic Development. The recipient of a Minnesota lnvestment Fund grant is authorized to keep the 11rst $100,000 of principal repayments and all interest accrued on the total loan amount The municipality must establish policies and procedures for the reuse of these funds. These guidelines must be submitted to and approved by the city's DTED Senior Loan Officer. The municipality'S RLF policies and procedures must adhere to the same requirements that arc imposed on the state's Minnesota Investment Fund progranl (MS. 116J.8732). It is proposed that any person desiring to apply for a loan from the Fund contact the City's Economic Development Director and that the EDA will review and forward the application materials to the City Council for its consideration and decision . B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adupt the City of Monticello Minnesota Investment Fund Revolving Loan Fund Policy, 2. ^ motion to deny adoption of the City ofMontieel\o Minnesota lnvestment rund Revolving Loan Fund Policy, 3. ^ motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. I, The policy prepared is general in nature and more or less a housekeeping item, . . D. Supportin1! Data: Copy or the policy for adoption. . . City Council Agenda - 12/9/02 2 . City of Monticello Minnesota Investment .'und Revolving Loan Fund Policy (This P o/icy dues not ereut e or grant any rights in Ihe Fund or any parI I here oj) The criteria set forth in lhis Policy arc intended to provide guidelines for the City to evaluate applicatioos for loaos of funds from its Minnesota Investment Fund (Fund). The City recognizes that every project is unique and that there will be projects that satisfy the enteria in this Policy but will not receive a loan from the rund. At the same time, there may be projects that do not meet all of these criteria, but tbat may still receive a loan, to the extent permitted by state and federal guidelines. Thus, each application will be evaluated on its own merits. In all cases, however, applicants should consult all other City policies applicable to their projects, including but not limited to the City's tax increment po I icy, its business subsidy policy, and other similar po Ii ei es, none 0 f . which are waived or amended by tbis Policy. 1. !)J:I!J!Q!~ The purpose of the rund is to facilitate job creation and retention through husiness start-ups, expansions, and retentions. This will be accomplished by using the Fund to: A. create or retain permanent private sector jobs in order to create above average economic growth; Il. stimulate or leverage private investment to ensure economIC renewal and competitiveness; C. increase the City's tax base; D. improve employment and economic opportunities and create a reasonable standard ofliving in the City; and . D.I(j.22/H)14vl MNl')()-l()1 \:: \; ~) ..J . E. stimulate the growth of productivity through improved manufacturing or new technologies. II. ~!ig!~~~!I!-en !!il'-!!~~ The Fund will be used to provide assistance for infrastructure, loans, loan guarantees, interest buy- downs, and other forms of participation with private tinaneing. The Fond will not be the source of more than one-half of the cost of any project. n I.E IlgjJl!~~t:Q~~~ The to II 0 wi ng cri teria will be used to determine whether to make a loan trom the Fund: A. B. C . D. whether the project will create or retain jobs; whether the project will increase the tax base; whether the loan will induce the investment of private funds; whether the project can demonstrate excessive public infrastructure or inlprovement costs that are otherwise beyond the means of the City and the applicant; E. wbether the project provides higher wage levels or adds value to existing workforce skills; f. whether the assistance is necessary to retain existing bosiness or attract business from outs~1ncsota, provided that this criteria is not by itself sumcient to justify use of the Fund. I V . f'digilile Ac!!yJ!!~~ The Fund will be used only to make loans for: A. acquisition of land; construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of commercial or industrial B. . buildings; 2 ~) \) D.lG-2240\4vl MNIl)O.\OI . c. site improvements; D. util ities or infrastructure; E. machinery and equipment; F. workforce development includingjob training and placement; and G. housing development V. !lleligili~~c!!~!i~ The Fund will not be used to provide loans for: A. operation or expansion of a casino; B. for a project related to a building that has a professional sports team as a principal tenant: or c. 0 perat ion or expansi on 0 f a store whi eh is used so Icly or pri nci pall y for retai I sales. . VI. r~ol~i~Q:"l"-.ll~!! Jin~'!!!~t!L~~fl!ll!~!!l~!!t~ The following underwriting criteria along with any other information deemed relevant hy the City. will be used to detennine whether to make a loan from the Fund: A. Breakdown of project costs will be analyzed, including all activities involved in the project; B. Letters of commitment from all funding sources; C. The applicant must review the sales, expenses, debt service, and returnS on equity investments of the project. The extent ofthis review will be appropriatefor tbe size and eumplexity of the project and should use industry standards for similar projects. taking into account factors such as risk and location. The review will also include whether or not the amount of equity participatioo is reasonable given general i nd ustry staodards for rates 0 f return on eq ui t y for si mil ar proj eets wi th si m ilar ri sks . 3 D,\G-224014vl MNI<.JO-Iot r==) \ . and gIven the financial capacity of the applicant to make additional financial investments. l). ^ n evaluation ofthe project's market share, sales Icve I, growth potential, proj ections of revenue, project expenses and debt service to determine if they are realistic and will meet the proj ect' s break-even point. E. ^n evaluation will also be made of the experience and capacity of the business owners to mange the business to achieve the projections. The applicant must identify those clements, if any, that pose the greatest risks contributing to tbe project's lack of financial feasibility. F. ^n evaluation of tbe owner's return on investment, to ensure that the owner is receiving neither too large nor too small return on the applicant's investment. The . amount, type and terms of the assistance from the fund may be adjusted to allow the owner a reasonable return on his/her investment given industry rates of return for that investment, local conditions, and the risk of the project. G. l."tmd proceeds will be disbursed on a pro rata basis with other funding sources. These proceeds must not be placed at greater risk than non~federal funds. VII. Public Benefit __J"_'_.'- The Fund will only be used if the project can demonstrate that it complies with the City's business subsidy criteria. VIII. W~e R~uirements Any recipient of a loan from the fund must pay each employee total compensation, including benefits not mandated by law, that on an annualized basis is equal to at least 110% of the federal . poverty level for a family of four. I).IG-2240 14v I MN190-101 4 '\,_..~ \ .j ..~..j . . ...... ..., x. IX. Other I~~iremcnt~ The Fund will be managed in compliance with all applicahle law, including but not limited to the folJowing: ] . Conflict of interest statutes set lcmh in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 47] .87-.88 2. Business Subsidy Act set f(xth in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 1 16.1.993-.995 3. First Source Agreement statute set {(Jrth in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 268.66 4. Construction surety statute set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 290.9705 5. Prevailing wage statute set lclrth in Minnesota Statutes, Sections] 16.1.871 6. Data Practices Act set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter] 3 Nothing sha]] prevent the City from applying any other restrictions it deems appropriate in its sole discretion. AllJ!Ji ca tio n~rocc~urcs Any person desiring to apply {()r a loan from the fund should contact _______. After ensuring that all necessary inflmnation has been reccived and, if appropriate meeting with the applicant to discuss the project, the______ wiIJ forward the application materials to the City Councill()r its consideration and decision. D.I(i-22401-1v/ MNI90.IO/ 5 \".."." ,\ -._--' . . . SE. A. Council Agenda ~ 12/9/02 Consideration of tnmsfer of on-sale li( uor license for Da sInn. (R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In June of 2002, the City Council approved the annual renewal of an On-Sale liquor license for the Days Inn at 200 Oakwood Drive. The husiness is being sold and the new owner is requesting a transfer of the liquor license. The property is being acquired hy Daylight Enterprises, Inc. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the transfer of the On-Sale liquor license for Days Inn at 200 Oakwood Drive to Daylight Enterprises, Inc. contingent upon submittal of revised certiticate of Insurance. 2. Do not approve the transfer of the license. c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the license be transferred to Daylight Enterprises, Inc. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Application Certitication of an On Sale and/or Sunday Liquor License Page 1 01'2 ~'~":,li'9i~""'" .- , ,t \;, I' \ , , ~ ~ , ' ." ," :....1 .:,t' .. . '. . ..............",,,,,. Minnesota Department Of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT 444 Cedar Street - Suite 133 St. Paul, MN 5510 1-5133 (651)296-6439 TDD (651)282-6555 ..~,. ~~."..".'1~~"'~ 'ii'M'~' .;1rJ . .. ~... "l." -~. . r~ ~ . ....: 1 ~~::1' .I..i":'. ~ ~i;;A\.." I~;:~~ . CERTIFICATION OF AN ON SALE AND/OR SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE No license will be approved or released until the $20 Retailer ill ard fee is received by Alcohol Gambling Enforcement Workers Compensation Insurance Company _fqo me r.s LICENSEE'S SALES & USE TAX 10# 657-3777 bIll, S q 2> 2.\ Policy# N 22150233 To apply for sales tax number, call 296-6181 or 1-800- ISSUING AUTHORITY .. . COUNTY WRIGHT CITY OF: MONTICELLO OF: . lcensee Name (CorporatIon, PannershlP, DG\ '1li~ h~idua~r'\-t~r Pc DOB Trade Name or DBA Se. "?3 \ 2f. 102.. ~'tS :1nf)- men +\ ceU.(!). :1~. Business Address enter p..-jse .:x. f) c. . r~a t<.da. Ie. IZiP~ ~'f'iC3he -s~,'Z~ ~se Type (Check one or b~ [License Period County . _ n Sale Sunday From To wrl'3ht [] On Sale License Number Fee Sunday License Number Sunday Fee Business Phone 1b3-2-QS H a partnenhlp. state the name and address of each partner; If a corporation, state the name and address of each officer. Panner/Ollicer Name (First, middle and last) IOOB OCt. ' 4-' (; 8 I T;"pre 5" den t:: Address ~o::le.ep. 5. PQ le..( 15l4/ G,{tf nq oct t-<alq I~ M tV Panner/Ollicer Name (First. middle and last) \;411 r~'ice Address 5o~ I. S. s:q le.I 1 ':t3 Pres ide" t:: SQme Q q bO "'€.- Partner/Officer Name (First, middle and last) OOB Title A60~ WQSh;1\ Niles h. \I . Bes~ Tre.S4aor TC ea '5'-' ,e.r Chester ta> oct I Z&' 6'5 m f\ - .2.1 f>2..0 -lll) ~ }r:\le... N" 11/ 'SSlZ.~ 5 ~tol) ^,Vt tot) . The Licensee must have one f the following: FORM) (ATTACH CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO TillS Check One: hE. ~.- http://www.dps.state.mn.us/alcgamb/alcenflforms/sundayliq.htm 8/19/2002 Certitication of an On Sale and/or Sunday Liquor License Page 2 of2 . -/ A. Liquor Liability Insurance (Dram Shop) - $50,000 per person; $100,000 more than on person; $10,000 Property Destruction. $50,000 and $100,000 for loss of means of support. B. A bond of a surety company with minimum coverage as specified above in A. C. A certificate from the State Treasurer that the licensee has deposited with the State, Trust Funds having a market value of $100,000 in cash or securities. Yes ~ During the past license year has a summons been issued under the Liquor Civil Liability Law (Dram Shop)? If yes, allach a copy of the summons. . [Check those Items that apply ICircle one iransactionType'----y;;.jiW"" - Revoke/Cancel Suspend1Revoke / Cancelled \Crransfer -'- Suspension From To rrranSler Of ownership from (Name and Address) Sunrise Lodging & Mgmt Inc. . PO Box 1562 200 East Oakwood Drive. Monticello. MN 55362 I certify that this license was approved in an official meeting by the governing body of the city or county. December 9, 2002 City Clerk's Signature Date IMPORiA.. "v"CE All retail liquor licensees must have a current Federal Special Occupational Stamp. ThiS stamp is Issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. For information, call (612) 290-3496 PS9011 .94 Return to Alcohol Enforcement Home Page Return to Public Safety Home Page . SF~ http://WWW.dps.state.rnn.us/alCgamb/alcenflforms/sundayliq.htm 8119/2002 -~ _ DES:-05-2002 _10: 07 . RMERICRN RGENCY INC 952 591 2750 P.01 _ AC;UI-tUTM l;t:K 11"I\.iA leur LIAt:)IL.11 , IN~UI'U\I""'1; 11/27/2002 _ puteR (952)545-1230 FAX {95Z)593-&733 THISCIiRTIFICA ISSUEDASA MATTER OF INFORMATION r; can Agency Ine ONL V AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERrlFICA TE HOLDER. ntlS C~RTIFICA TE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR 1 cedar Lake Road ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BV THE POLICIES BELOW. Box 16527 Minneapolis, MN 55416-0527 INSURiO Day 1 9 t nt.erprues, Inc. DBA: Days Inn Mon~ic.llo 200 Oakwood Drive East Monticello, MN 55362 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSUIU:Fl A: Prohost USA Ine INSURER B: IN$URI!R ~ INSURIiiR D: INSURER e: THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE liSTED 8!LOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED AIOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED. NOlWlTHSTANDlNG ANf REQUIREMENT, TElW OR CONDITION OF ANY coNTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO V\It1ICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY SE ISSUED OR MAY peRTAIN, THE INSURANCE APFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HER!IN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAW BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. It'f: TYl'I!.Ol'INSUAANCI I'OUCY NUIIBl!R ~ "}:~ ,~~ ,!!NERAL UABlUTY COMMERCIAL GENERAl. LIA8IUTT 1 CLAIMS MACE 0 OCCUR COVERAGES UMITS eACH OCCURRENCE s l'IRE DAMAGE (Any ana fire) 5 MeD EXP (My aM pv.;an) S PERSONAL & NJV INJURY S GEN&RAL AGGREGI'.TE S PRODUCTS. COMPIOP AGO $ GEN'L AGGRE!GATE LIMIT AP. nPllES~ PER: 1---1 nPRO. I I POLlCT JECT LOC ~TOIIOIIILE UA8ILl1V _ IN'( AUTO _ AU. ~ AlITa! SCHEDULfD AUTOS - -...- HIRED AUTOS .t: NO~ED AUTOS COMBINED SINGlE LIMIT 5 (E.IICCicl....I) BOD!L Y INJURY S (Per Pll/SOIl) IlODIL Y INJURY S (p.,.llC<idltll) PROPERTY DAMAGE S (PI' ..o:idanl) ~RAG& UA8lU1Y 11 AMY AUTO EXCeSS UA81UTY W~OCGIJR 0 CLAIMS MADE ROEDUCTI8LE RETeNTION S WORKERS COMPEH&ATlON ANP EMPLOYEM' UABIUlY AlITa ONLY - EA ACCIDENT S Ell> ACC S ontER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH OCCURRENCE AGG S $ $ S S $ I TORY liMITS I W S.L EACH ACCID!NT S E.L, DISEASe. EA EMI"LOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE. POLlCY LIMIT I AGGREGATE ~i~~r Liability A ...LOOO261l 12/05/2002 06/30/2003 pli'5CltIl"T\ON OF OPERATlONlIILOCATlONSNEHICLUllXCLUSlONS APPED BY &NDORSl!IIENTISPEClAL PROVISIONS .1,000,000 Bodily Inj~ry each person/S1,OOO,ooo Bodily Injury each common cause/Sl,OOO,OOO Property bamage each common eause/S1,OOO,000 Loss Means of Support each person/Sl,OOO,OOO Loss Means of Support each common cause/S1,OOO,OOO General Aggregate CERTIFICATE HOLDER . T I ADOITtONAL INSUIWJ: INSURl!I' LETTER~ CANCI!LLA nON 'HOULD AKf 01 'niB AIIOVI. DElICIUBEO POLICIES BE caNCELLED BiFOM TIll EXPIRATION DATE THEItIOF, TMi ISSUING COMI'ANYWlUENOEAVCR 10 MAIL .l.2- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO TME CERTlFlCA~ HOUlER NAIlED TO THI! LEFT. lWT 'A1LURI '10 MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE. NO OSUGA 110N OR UAIIUTY l)tI ANY KINO UPON THE COMI'ANY,ITlI AG!NTS OR RIOPftE.SeNTATlV&S. AUTHOIUZIDIllPRUEIITATlVIi ...fJ' ~ Vicki ThelenNRT V~ ~ ~ ~CORD CORPORATION 1Qaa C;ty of Mon~icello Attn; Dawn 50S Walnut Str..t su;te 1 "onticello, MN 55362 ACORD 25-$ (7la7) FAX: (763)215-4404 i:="\ ~I_: (J -- . SF. Consideration of approvine appointment of new members for the Community Center Advisory Board. KB A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Community Center Advisory Board has reluctantly accepted the resignation of Idella Ziegler from the Advisory Board effective immediately. Idella's reasons for resigning are personal. The Board is very sad to lose a valuable member of the Board and offer their heartfelt thanks for her commitment over the past two years. The position held by Wanda Kraemer is up for renewal at the end of this year and she has expressed her regret at being unable to continue on the Board. Wanda has recently accepted a new job that will consume more of her time and offer less flexibility in her early evening schedule. Wanda has also been a valuable board member whose absence will be sorely felt. We advertised for new Board Members and had interest from some terrific individuals. The Advisory Board met and interviewed the interested applicants and are recommending two for approval by the City Council. Our first candidate is Tom Neumann. Tom is a stay at home dad oftwo preschool age children. His family are pass holders at the community center and have been for at least two years. They have used the facility extensively and are well known and liked by the staff and other patrons. His background is event and conference planning and hospitality. Tom will be a tremendous resource in all facets of the community . center operation. Our second candidate is Richard Quick. Richard is retired from the department of corrections, the Sauk Center youth facility where he was employed for 35 years. He has enjoyed many areas of the community center including the meeting rooms, walking track, senior center and the pool. He has an extensive background in dealing with teens and related issues and will be a tremendous resource in this area as well as others. One of our candidates will fill the two year balance of Idella's term and the other will fill the three year term vacated by Wanda. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the appointment of Torn Neumann and Richard Quick to the Community Center Advisory Board 2. To not approve the appointments of Tom Neumann and Richard Quick to the Community Center Advisory Board C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: . The candidates selected were voted on by the current Advisory Board and the City Administrator recommends alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None 5G. . A. Consideration of a Center. KB REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Each year we require that our liquor providers renew their approved status to be alcohol providers for events in the Mississippi Room at the Community Center. State statute requires that our providers hold retail on- sale liquor licenses within our community or adjacent communities and be approved by our City Council to sell alcohol on our premises. The Community Center requires that City of Monticello, the Community Center is named on their insurance and we charge them a nominal fee to produce a provider brochure that is handed out to our renters. Our Event Coordinator maintains the copies of insurance and collects the fees from our approved providers. All but one of the businesses requesting to be included as Liquor Providers for 2003 are renewing their approved status. The exception would be RJ.'s Sports Bar & Grill. This will be the first year for them on our provider list. We have an excellent relationship with each of the businesses and all of our providers are extremely professional. Our Event Coordinator has an orientation time with each new business and maintains good communication with each of our providers. At this time the businesses that have requested to be included as Liquor Providers are: 1. .2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. American Lellion Post #206 Chin Yuen Restaurant* Georlle's Steakhouse* Monticello Country Club Nature's Hideawav* Reichel's Caterinll Service* RJ.'s Sports Bar & Grill Silver Springs Golf Course* 304 Elm St., Monticello 1114 Cedar St., Monticello 905 S. Hwy 25, Buffalo PO Box 651, Monticello 21431 . 14pt Ave N, Rogers 725 Norway Dr., Annandale 12600 Fremont Ave, Zimmerman 1854 Co. Rd. 39 NE, Monticello Contact-Laurie Coughlin Contact-Marianna Khauv Contact-George Bissonnette Contact-Claire McGillis Contact-Deb Teague Contact-Robin Reichel Contact-Steve Kranzler Contact-Pam Dane Of these eight liquor providers, the five that are marked with an asterisk are also listed as caterers for the banquet hall. We currently have approved ten caterers on our provider list. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the list of Liquor Providers for 2003 with no change 2. To approve a partial list of Liquor Providers for the 2003 3. To not approve the list of Liquor Providers C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative number one. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . Council Agenda - J 2/9/02 5 H. Conside ration of acce tance of i m rov emen ts for theW iJdw ood Rid e S u bdivisio n J' ro' ect No. 98-20P.!- (WSB, Inc.) A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROUND: Thc City is being requested to accept tbe improvements for the Wildwood Ridge subdivision constructed under the development agreement with Shadow Creek Corporation. The development agreement covered grading work and the installation of storm sewer, sanitary seWcr, walcrmain and street construction. The work has been inspected by the City's Engineer and found tn bc in conformancc with tbe plans and specifications for the improvcments. Acceptance is contingent upon receipt of as-built drawings for the project.. B. ~LTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Acccpt the imprnvements for thc Wildwood Ridge Subdivision as recommended by the City Engincer. Acceptance is contingent upon submittal of as-built drawings for the project. 2. Do not accept the improvements at this time. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is thc recommendation of the City Engineer that the City accept the work constructed as part of the Wildwood Ridge Subdivision with the contingency notcd above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from City Engineer. . WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. ?b..:5<:::l:lIf.l.(1!.I I .~.....r__ DEC-04-2002 10:34 ... WSB ~ December 4, 2002 Or',' . '~ :i: "j '., ....,.,. ':":~",: . '\ )i)l}..l,.\~,l:f: ,":;. "':;f?; ;'," .,' , . I,:. . " ,:li;;l~:, ,': ,,+,l!,'" '., I 1;;;\~; : ',':\("" .n} ;;:,:".,':' ," f' ",,~ .:: ~I' 'I ,': ; , :. ';':;;: ' . : 415Q'OI5l;ln:; ; :.~,~, II 'J :," .,:;.j' , MemG~,~ipway '!' SE' '~i~:;J~~'::' Jl "Il,.'.:.'" :l~"~1'^ :::"'i~[;,: ' ~ ;;~> ::r:\t;'.:,:"" ::: :~in"'Pt:t..;: :~ ,~ :'~:: ,."j',:/ ' : 5~42~,~' (~f.',"::> ,:, 7Ei3.~~~~'::' ~ ;' ; ;~'h~~f; f:' ,;~;, .;, 763.54.1'~OOJ:AX 'f :'~~ '.:!~: ~~~;~:\: '. ' Honorable Mayor and City Co'unci! City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 ~onticello,~ 55362 Re: Final Project Acceptance Wildwood Ridge SUbdivision City of Monticello Project No. 98-20P WSB Project No. 1010-75 Dear Mayor and Council Members: ConstrUction on the above-referenced project has been completed and a final inspection was conducted in November 2002. I find that the project was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and hereby recommend that the City of Monticello accept this project subject to receipt of the project as-built drawings. Please contact me at (763) 287-7190 if you have any questions or comments regarding the above infonnation. Sincerely, WSB & A.ssociates, Inc. 6~A.W~ Bret A. Weiss, P .E. City Engineer cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello John Simola, City of MonticeUo C.W. Houle, Inc. Lucinda Gardner, Darrel Farr Development .. ..... . ... IE IF" 5~ ."- .... sb MinneapoliS' St. Cloud. Equal opportunity Employer F:\WPW1MIDID-1j~p,'(IU"P"',",cl".- TOTAL P.02 . . Council Agenda - 12/9/02 51. Consideration of a new hires and de artures for Li uor Store. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is askcd to ratify the hiring of a new employee tbat has occurred rccently at the liquor storc. As you recall, it is recommcnded tbat the Council officially ratify the hiring of all ncw employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify thc hiring of the part-time employee for the liquor store as identified on the attachcd list. C. SUPPORTING HAT A: Lists of new employees. . . Name Ritter, Cory R. Title Clerk-stock NEW EMPLOYEES Department Liquor store Hire Date 11/16/02 Class part-time ~ . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class . 51-, employee council list: 12/5/02 . . . City Council Agenda - 12/9/02 7. Public l-learin1! on l!rantin1! a business subsidv - Authorization to enter into the A 'recmcnt for Loan of Minnesota Investment Fund between the Cit of Monticello and Terrance and Mar Tomann Limited Famil Partnershi . (O.K.) A. Reference and backl!round: PUBLIC HEARING Before granting a business subsidy that exceeds $100,000 for a local government grantor, the grantor must provide public notice and hold a hearing on the subsidy per Minn. Stat. 116.1.993 to 116.1.995. The public notice for the proposed $290,000 business subsidy ii'om tbe City of Monticello to Terrance and Mary T0111ann Limited Family Partnership dba Ultra Machining Company (UMC) appeared in the Monticello Times on Novemher 2R and December 5, 2002. Previously on September 13, 1999, the City Council held a public bearing and adopted the City of Monticello, Minnesota, Business Suhsidy Criteria. Please open and close the public hearing. All interested persons may appear and be heard orally and in writing. AGREEMENT FOR LOAN The Agreement for Loan of Minnesota Investment Fund was prepared by Attorney Dan Greensweig, Kennedy & Graven. per the Grant Agreement between the City and Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development (DTED). The agreement for loan outlines the terms and conditions of the $290,000 construction loan from the City to the Terrance and Mary Tomann Limited Family Partnership. The interest rate of the loan is 2.7YY;), term flve years, amortized over 20 years. The City Loan and the EDA- CiMEr Loan of $200,000 will share a second-position behind the lender. The entire EDA dollars are disbursed first followed by the City dollars dishursed at a 9% (City) to 91 Olr) (Lender) ratio. The Business Subsidy Agreement lies within the Agreement for Loan of Minnesota Investment Fund on page 8. Although about a month behind schedule, the project is under construction at 500 Chelsea Road. The Agreement for Loan was e-mailed to UMC for review and comments. Following the public hearing, please consider the alternative action. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to authorize entering into the Agreement for Loan of Minnesota Investment Fund between tbe City of Monticello and Terrance and Mary Tomann . City Council Agenda - 12/9/02 Limited Family Partnership. 2. ^ motion to deny authorization to enter into the Agreement for Loan of Minnesota Investment Fund between the City of Monticello and Terrance and Mary Tomann Limited Family Partnership. 3. ^ motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. 1. A couple of months ago the City Council entered into a Grant Agreement with MN Dept of TED for the lJMC project. D. Supportin1! Data: Copy of the Agreement f()r Loan and public hearing notice. . . 2 - <- . . t · y, Annie Erikson, 'Matthew Erlandson, S proJe Daniel Fyle, Mark Geyen, Stacy Good- , in, "Todd Goudy, "Katie Goulet, Joshua enningson, Nathan Hoff, Bethanne John HQllor olthaus, Andrew Humann, Yoshiko \< tl W I (' oue, Kari Johnson, "Ashley Jude, Corey lcr ',lis year, rig lt <Oll arkhoff, "Juleen Kaspe,r, "Ruth Kooiker, Is dccided that, in light icole Lang,Brittany Lange, Anthony Lar- financing, the county on,"Heeyeon Lee, "Melinda Marty, n save considerahle 010 ~me~a Mullen, Jamie ~iklaus: Ashley 'ent bondin" debt 'llld ,livenus, A~ber Olso.n, Melante Opay, . ,,' ,;,.' pe Sally Paustian, David Pearson, "Amy Issues, The sIze of the s eterson Kristine Peterson "Stephen 1 c01l11house and jail bo orter, KrongKwan Rangsiyanon, Heidi county officials to say enner, Kendra Re~strom, Alice Rigatti, NOTICE OF SALE OF of the, remodelino pr . elly RO,bideau, Justin Samuelson, Aaron PERSONAL PROPERTY TO o OJ cherblng, "Samantha Sell, Megan SATISFY LIEN THEREON for 2003 was covered, wanson,' Jacklyn Tamble, Allyson The- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the personal property described as follows, question now being as n, Melanie Thomas, R~~h Torres, to wit, ' ueh will actu'lIly be I Rebecca Wagner, 'Amy Williams, Kaz- 1979 14x65 Marshfield Serial # WIS020769 b d"" '0" ') A er Zerfoss Will be sold a public auction by the Sheriff of Wright County on the 11 th day of Dec, e Ol~ sa\.lIles., t t "B"-Vanjon Arvidson, Michael Baker, 2002, at 9 a.m. at Kjellberg's Inc, 1000 Kjellberg's Park, Monticello, MN 55362 in cell ng of the COUl mber Banyai, David Berning, Christina the sum of $2,885, (Two thousand eight hundred eighty five ,dollar:; and zero cents, cerns al so arose t lake, Heather Boedigheimer, Eric Braca- computed to the day of said sale, Exclusive of the expenses of said ~~Ie and of the mping much more onte, Kimberly Brager, Matthew Brower, advertising thereon, togetherwith the ne~es~ary expenses of adve~lslng and mak- ojected ortney Bruemmer, Sean Burch, Jeffrey ing said sale, and that the grounds of said hen are as follows, to WIt: .' annon, Lindsay Carter, Katie Cellette, Storage fees with interest $1,330.00 sioner Pat Sawatz manda Christensen, Tracy Cloutier, Kait- Moving fees with interest $1,555,00 asked about one of t' n Crowe" ~mber Da,yon, Patrick Total due Kjellberg's Inc. $2,885.00 anenda-a request fr . meules, Enn Denne, Bndget Donn~lIy, Dated: Nov. 8, 2002 ,:" ,'" " , .' eghan Doran, Justen Doty, Angelica -Thad Yuker, Kjellberg's Inc., 1000 Kjellberg's Park, Monticello, MN, 55362 o sfe slsoClates,~ the a;Chblt rager, Kaylene Eccless, Enk Eller~as, (Nov. 14, 21, 28, 2002) ,,/08S I '/'I e 109, to !lave lts obert Elliott, Jordan Erickson, Tabitha ,'O\\a~\\Uo S,<l ction increased fr aber, Jenna Faltersack, Bethany Fe~or, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' _ s"u~W\ oty Filip, Rachel Forsberg, Jacqueline Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of ~onti- \1'>1'<15 rederick, Michael Garberich, Lacey Gill- cello Planning Commission at a special meeting Dec, 3, 2002 at 7 p.m., In the 'd lim, Benjamin Goodwin, Temsiri Green, Monticello City Hall to consider the following matter: U egan Gullickson, Nicole Gustafson, Eliz- PUBLIC' HEARING: Consideration of a request for preliminary plat of the beth Hand, Kathryn Hansen, Tina Har- Monticello Marketplace Commercial Subdivision and consideration of conditional ..11:1.0:) n, Samuel Harriman, Joey Harris, Peter use permits allowing a convenience store, car wash and joint parking in a B-3 ,-a \.V' ayes, Mark Henry, Diana Hermosillo, District. . atthew Hoff, Amanda Holker, Gregory Location: Outlot A, Monticello Business Center olker, Mark Holker, Tamitha Holmgren, PID# 155-098-000-020 ~'<I1'C shley Holthaus, Angela Holton, Amanda Applicant: Richard Brendsel, Brendsel Properties, Inc. 11\<';(1'\ \ S eet the two crite ouselog, Rodney. Howell, Shawn Hunt, Written and oral testimony will be accepted on above subjects, and all persons ~:\O\ '1', s.. . ose James, Jennifer Jewett, Glen John- desiring to be heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting. ~ nary plat 1Il pla on, Keith Johnson, Katie Jones, Jessie Note: Decisions of the Planning Commission will be subject to the approval or I'10<';\'\00S <.; ~:m land able to oramo, Step~anie Jungmant;', Stephanie denial of the City Council and will be considered Monday, Dec. 9, 2002 at 7 p.m., , \'lor.., es. ehoe, Jessica Kelly, Melissa Kibler, at the Monticello City Hall. ' 'r~:\ ''<I~~ I' d ndrew Kile, Aaron Kjellberg, Heidi Klatt, -Fred Patch, Zoning Official \t \\'1',:\ 0 seemed rea aron Koch, Jennifer Koepp, Justin (Nov. 21, 28, 2002) 'CuOS1'<l 1I1cluded throwalzek, Matthew LaPI.ant, Daniel NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ~, 0:\\'<1..... acres along tangera~,Ryan. Larson, Nlc~olas Lee, .::YL CITY OF MONTICEllO MINNESOTA ~f, \\\ <.;S'<I ned ~y Jimer~~: ir~~~r' ~~gk~K.~~~IM~~:~, ~e~?~ f\, NOTICE I~ HEREBY G~VEN t~at the City 'Council of the City of Mont!cello, ~ acre Sherme arkling, Amanda Maskowski, Eric Mlnne~ota, Will hold a public heanng on MO~day, D~c. 9, 2002, 7 p..m., In the \" . st of Mead . cGuire, Jessica Mcintosh, Joseph Meal- Council C~ambers, ~05 Walnut Street, Montl~ello, Mlnn~sota, regarding a,p.ro- l '<I:\\'reel ow edouse, David Michaelis, Erica Moon, posed business ~ubs~dy to ,be granted?y the City of Monticello ~o Ultra Machining \0\\ . n '., ichael Moore, Michael Mork, Stephanie Company (the ReclPlenf) ~nd.er Minnesota. Statutes, Sectl~:ms 116J.~93 to ~.,\I'> 1'<1 Co, Rd, 18, e eth Andrew Niichel Nina Noethling 116J.994. The proposed subSidy Involves a low Interest.loan a~:;lstance to f1~a~ce \~o"'" 'Q Gold Nuge~sa 'Norton Jake Olinger, Breann ~onstru<?tion as part of the development of a manufactunng facility by the ReCipient ~{..}\ o~ ~ouJev .Ison, Anna o'ravetz, Steven Parnell, In t~~f~~~tion about the proposed business subsidy and a copy of the draft busi- ~,\<';\'I'\ ?ll1fOn to t~~~o~ PN~~~d~:~s~':tI6a~fJ~'e~~:;: nes:; subsidy agreement are available for inspection at City Hall during regular .,' 0 '<I st 0 Hwy. "h I'P h H II P II k C n bUSiness hours. ' ~~ \)\,\10 ard extensi ~Sk~eChri~~phero Jed~r, J~sep~m~[~y, AII.interested persot;'s may .appear and be heard orally and in writing. ~ d the 60-ac teven Roessler Brian Rolfe Amolia -\:lIck Wolfsteller, City Administrator ~'I'. 'Q west of ossberg, Angela SCheef, Eric Schreifels, (Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 2002) \,\'\ slated f radford Schroeder, Sam Schroeder, MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE ~" 0\\' oshua Simpson, Matthew Simpson, Hay- CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME ''<1 ey. Sodren, 9asey Soland, Anth?ny Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333. .' \\ wltala, Katie Tackaberry,. Jennifer The filing of an assumed name does not provide a ~ser.wlth exclUSive nghts to \ homas, Darren Tomf.ord, '(alene Vaughn, that name. The filing is required for consumer protection In order to enable con- " . randon Veches, Billy Vickers, Shaun sumers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. " IIlaverde, Meghan Wa.bner, Amy.Wal- 1. State the exact assumed name under which the busjn~ss is or will be con- ton, Adam vyarwas, Michelle ~elm~n, dUGted (one business name per application): Days Inn Monticello. atthew Weimer, Angela WeiSS, Kim 2, State the address of the principal place of business. A complete street address haley, Julie Zaruba . or rural route and rural route box number is required; the address cannot be a P.O, .Denotes straIght "A" Box: 200 East Oakwood Drive, Monticello, MN 55362. " 3. list the name and complete street address of all pers~ns conductJr:'9 buStnE:sS under the above Assumed.Name or if the business owner IS a corporatl,?n, prOVide the legal corporate name and registered office address of the corporation. Attach Additional sheet(s) if necessary. Daylight Enterprises, Inc., 200 East Oakwood Drive, Monticello, MN 55362 '. 4. I certify that I am authorized to. sign this certifi?ate and I furthe~ certify th.at I understand that by signing this certificate, I am subl~ct to the.penaltl~s of p.e,rjury as set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 609.48 as If I had Signed thiS certificate under oath: ' Ollt"'~ 1 n_?R.n? Monticello (Minn.) Times-Thursday, Nov. 28, 2002-Page 13 Area Public Notices . 'G\.\' \ Casey Pennington, Nickole Phipps, Christine Pogatchnik, Andrea Potter, esslca Potter, Amber Prairie, Hannah !~n_e.; ~M)f~!,~~~c~~t~. ~~~~~t ~h~.e_h~~~ '1 . AGREEMENT FOR LOAN OF MINNESOT A INVESTMENT FUND THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as the ___ day of -.--,-...-.---.- 200 ___' by and bet ween the City of Monti ce 110, Minnesota (the "City") and Terrance & Mary Tomann Family Limited Partnership (the "Developer"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has applied to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development for a Minnesota Investment Fund Grant (the "MIF Grant") pursuant to an application (the "Grant Application") and received approval lor the Mlf Grant; and WHEREAS, Grant Agreement Number CDAP-02-0135-J1-FY03 (the "Grant Agreement") between the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development and the City has been executed and requires that the Developer provide sufticient londs to complete financing and agree to loan terms with the City regarding the MIF (hant; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree to incorporate into this Agreement by reference said . Grant Appl ication and Grant Agreement as if fully set forth herein word for word; NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: . [)J(j-223980v2 MN 190-106 -, . ARTICLE t Definitions Section 1.1. .!)efinitions. In this Agreement, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: "Henetit Date" means the earliest of the date that the Developer: (i) occupies the Facility: or (ii) receives a certificate of occupancy for the Faci lity. "City" means the City of Monticello, Minnesota. "Construction Costs" means costs incurred by the Developer in constructing the Facility. "Developer" means Terrance & Mary 10mann Family Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership. "Development Property" means the real property described at Exhibit ^ hereto. . "Facility" means an approximately 60,000 square fl)Ot a high complexity precision machine shop located on the Development Property. "Guaranty" means the guaranty of Terrance and Mary 10mann 111 substantially the form set forth at Exhibit B hereto. "Grant Agreement" means Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development Grant Agreement II CDAP-02-0 J 35-II-FY03. "Grantor Agency" means the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development. "Initial Disbursement Date" means the date of the first disbursement of any Loan Proceeds by the City to the Developer. "Leveraged Funds" means the funds described in Section 2.2. of this Agreement. "Loan" means the funds loaned by the City to the Developer pursuant to this Agreement. "Loan Proceeds" means the funds disbursed to the Developer pursuant to this Agreement and any proceeds thereof. . "MIF" means the Minnesota Investment Fund. PH i-221,-)XOv2 MNI90-IO(i 2 ----j . "MIF Grant" means the grant oftimds by the Grantor Agency to the City pursuant to the Grant ^greement. "Mort~age" means the mortgage delivered by tbe Developer to the City in substantiaJly the 1'orm set forth at Exhibit 0 hereto. "Project" means the Developer's cons truc ti on of the F aei I i ty with the assistance of the Loan "State" means the state of Minnesota. "Termimltion Date" means the date the Developer has repaid the Loan in full. ARTICLE 2 FiB~ne~~ for ~n!.i~! . Section 2.t. r!".i<'<:tl'jni'tl(;it1g. The Developer has secured a commitment for the tinaneing necessary to complete tbe Project, in a form and under conditions satisfactory to the Developer. Prior to the Initial Dishursement Date, tbe Developer shall provide to the City and sball receive approval Irom the City of: (a) a construction contract for construction of the Facilities; (b) an executed agreemeot between the Developer and the Monticello Economic Devc\opment Authority for tbe loan of $200.000 for costs related to the Developmcnt Property; (e) evideoce tliat tbe Developer has cummitted to the equity iinancing described in Sectioo 2.2; and (d) evidence that Twin City Federal has committed to providing fmancing adequate tu complete the Project. Section 2.2. Deve1cJJl<'!'sJ'.<Jll& The Developer sball commit not less than $573,000 of equity (exclusive of the Loan) to be llsed for the completion of the Project. Section 2.3. lvll~10aI1l.9.I.al't. The M1F Grant will he used by the City to make a loan to the Developer of not morc than $290,000 for tbe cost to the Developer for Construction Costs. The C it y' sob Ii gati ons under this Agreement are expressly contingent on the City's receipt of fund s from the Cirantor Agency in an amount adequate to make the Loan. ARTICLE 3 MIF Loan Terms and Conditions ----,-.--,--.--,-.-----.-.-."-.-"- . Section 3.t. !lasic 1""l\Il~!ll1oS. Tbe principal amount of the Luan shall not exceed $290,000. Tlie Loan shall bear interest at a rate of2.75% per annum. The Loan terms may not be modified wi th out prior "Titten approv al from the Grantor Agency. The Loan shall be used cxcl osi ve I y to pay Construction Costs. The term of the Loan is set forth in Section 5.4 of this Agreement 3 p.l( i_nY1Wv2 MNI')()-I()(, -1 . Scctio n 3.2. I'r,,!,"1' 11,,:11\. Prepa ymcot of thc Loan may occur at any lime without pcna It y. Section 3.3. ""ssigl1'1\eI1!' I r, prior 10 the Term i nali 0 n Date, the Dcvel opcr se II s, conveys, transfers, further mortgages or encumbers, or disposcs of the Development Property, or any part Ihcrcof or interest therein, or enters into an agreement to do any of thc foregoing, Ihe Developer shall immediately rcpay all amounts Ihen ootstanding on the Loan. This shall be in addition to any other remedies at law or equity available to the City. . Section 3.4. r"'l11iniltiol'. This Agreement shall automatically tcrminate without any notice to Devel opere (1) if no Loan proceeds have been disbursed to the Developer prior to J unc 30, 2004: or (2) if: (a) the Developer has not received any dishursement of Loan Proeceds from the City: and (b) the Developer fails to pay its debts as they become due, makes an a"ignment for the benetit of its creditors, admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they become due, liles a petition onder any chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code or any similar law, state or federal. now or hereafter existing, becomes "insolvent" as that term is generally defined under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, fIles an auswer admitting insolvency or inability to pay its debts as they become due in any involuntary bankruptcy case commenced against it, or lails to obtain a dismissal of such case within sixty (60) days alter its commencement or convert the case from one chapter of thc Fedcral Bankruptcy Code to another chapter, or is the subjcct of an order for relief in such bankruptcy case, or is adjudged a banknlpt or insolvent. or has a custodian, trustee, or receiver appointed for it, or has any court lake jurisdiction of its property. or any part thereof. in any procceding fur the purpose of reorganization, an'angemen!' dissolution. or liquidation. and such custodian. trustee. or rcceiver is not discharged. or such jurisdiction is not relinquished. vacated, or stayed within sixty (60) days of the appointment. Section 3.5. P"ocniSS()fYl!21<:. Before any disbursement of Loan Procceds by the Cily to the Developer. the Developer shall execute and deliver to the City a promissory nole in substantially tbe form set forth at Exhibit C (the "Note"). ARTICLE 4 Default and Collateral --------.-.-.--..--- Section 4.1. Del'atl1l. The Developer shall be in default under this Agreement upon the happeni ng of anyone or more 0 r the 1'01 lowing events: (a) the Developer fails to pay when dlle any amount payable on the Loan and sllch nonpayment is not remedied within ten (10) business days after wrillen notice thereof to the Developer by the City; (b) the Developer is in breach of any material respect of any obligation or agreement under Ihis Agreement or the Note (other than nonpayment of any amount payable on the Loan, for which no period to cure shall be permitted) and remains in breach in any material respect for . 4 D.lG-223980v2 MN \90-1 06 . . . thirty (30) business days aft.er written notice thereof to the Developer by t.he City; provided, however, that if such breach shall reasonably be incapable of being cured within such thirty (30) business days after notice, and if the Developer commences and diligently prosecutes the appropriate steps to cure such breach, no dcf'ault shall exist so long as the Developer is proceeding to cure such breach; (c) if any material covenant, warranty, or representat.ion of the Developer shall prove to be untrue in any material respect, provided such covenant, warranty or representation of the Developer remains untrue in any Inaterial respect for thirty (30) business days after written notice thereof to the Developer by the City; provided, however, that if sueh untruth shall reasonably be incapable of being corrected within such thirty (30) business days after notice, and if the Developer commences and diligently prosecutes the appropriat.e steps to correct such untruth, no default shall exist so long as the Developer is so proceeding to correct such untruth; (d) the Developer, on or after the Init.ial Disbursement Date, fails to pay its debts as they become due, makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, admits in writ.ing its inahility to pay its debts as they become due, Jiles a petit.ion under any chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code or any silnilar law, state or federal, now or hereafter existing, becomes "insolvcnt" as that term is generally defined under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, files an answer adnlitting insolvency or inability to pay its debts as they become due in any involuntary bankruptcy case commenced against it, or fails to obtain a dismissal of such case within sixty (60) days alter its commencement or convert the case from one chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code to anothcr chapter, or be the subject of an order for relief in such bankruptcy case, or be adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, or has a custodian, trustee, or receiver appointed for it, or has any court take jurisdiction of its property, or any part thereof, in any proceeding for the purpose of reorganization, arrangement, dissolution, or liquidat.ion, and such custodian, trustee, or receiver is not discharged, or such jurisdiction is not relinquished, vacated, or stayed within sixty (60) days of the appointment; (e) a linal judgmcnt is entered against the Developer that the City reasonably deems will have a materiaL adverse impact on the Devcloper's ability to comply with the Developer's obligations under this Agreement; (t) the Developer sells, conveys, transfers, encumbers, or otherwise disposes of all or any part of Facilities or the Development Property without the prior written approval of the City (except a lease of the Facilities and the Development Property to Ultra Machining Company, which is hereby consented to by the City); (g) the Developer merges or consolidates with any other entity without the pnor written approval of the City; (11) thcre is a loss, substantial damage, or destruction of all or any part of the Facilities that is not remedied to the City's satisfaction within sixty (60) business days after written notice thereof by the City to the Developer; or D.lG-2239X0v2 MN 190-101> 5 ~-} . . . (i) there is a dehlult by the Developer on any other agreement between the Developer, and the City, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, or the Monticello Economic DevelopnlentAuthority Section 4.2. B-emedie~ Upon Default. (a) In the event of a default, the City shall have thc right as its option and without demand or notice, to declarc all or any part of the Loan immediately due and payahle, and in addition to the rights and remedies granted hereby, the City shall have all of the rights and remedies available under the Uniform Commercial Code and any other applicable law. (b) The Developer agrees in the event of a def~1Lllt to permit and assist the City in exercising the City's rights under the Mortgage and the Guaranty. The Developer agrees to pay the costs and expenses incurred by the City in enforcing its rights under this Agreement, tbc Mortgage, and the Guaranty, including but not limited to the City's attorneys fees. If any notice of sale, disposition or other intended action hy the City is required by law to be given to the Developer, such notice shall be deemed reasonably and properly given if mailed to the Developer at the Development Property or at such other address of the Developer as may he shown herein, at least fifteen (15) days bcf()re such sale, disposition or other intended action. Section 4.3. Quaranty: Mortg_a~. On or before the Initial Disbursement Date, the Developer shall: (a) execute and deliver the Mortgage to the City: and (b) cause Terrancc and Mary Tomann to execute and deliver the Ciuaranty to the City. Section 4.4. Default on Business Subsidy Act Requirements.. (a) In the event of an Event of _n"..___"___.""_".'_."'. ,'- Default arising from a breach by the Developer of any provision of Section 7.1 of this Agreement, if the implicit price deflator as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 116J.994. Subdivision 6 exceeds 2.7Y!(l on the date of the earliest such Event of Default. the Developer shall, in addition to any other payment required hereunder, pay to the City the difference between the present value of the interest actually paid and accrued on the Loan as of the date of the payment required hy this Section 4.4 and the amount of interest that would have been paid and accrued on the Loan if the interest rate on the Loan at all times had been equal to the implicit price deflator on the date of the earliest Event of Default. (b) Nothing in this Section 4.4 shall be construed to limit the City's rights or remedies under any other provision of this Agreement. and the provisions of Section 4.4(a) are in addition to any other such right or remedy the City may have available. I ),1Ci-223980v2 ivINI9()-I()(i 6 --I . . . ARTICLl<: 5 Loan Disbursement Provisions -.,.-..-...-..-...-.-..-.'..-- Section 5.1. mmc~lt Re~isiti()1Ll)oCl~mentation anclJ.~grnu~!. Loan disbursements shall be for Construction Costs and shall not exceed $290,000. The Loan shall be disbursed to the Developer Borrower in one or more monthly installments, only after the City has received from the Developer an invoice or invoices for Construction Costs. Upon receipt of such invoice or invoices. the City will disburse an amount equal to 91% of amount of the invoice or invoices, up to a total disbursement amount of $290,000. No disbursements of the Loan will be made until the Developer has received $200,000 in loan disbursements from the Monticello Economic Development Authority pursuant to a loan agreement between the Developer and the Monticello EconOlnic Development Authority dated as of _____ ___,200-_. Section 5.2. Proyisj~)!llQ!:..J~vidcnti<!'!:yMaterials. No disbursements of Loan funds shall be made until all evidentiary materials required by the Grantor Agency have been submitted and approved by the Cirantor Agency. These evidentiary materials shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the materials described in Articles 2 and 6 of this Agreement and the invoices described in Section 5.1. Section 5.3. Projef.Ll"imeli:ame. The time frame outlined in the Grant Application pertaining to the Project shall be met by the Developer. Section 5.4. !,oanTerms. The term or the Loan shall be 60 months, cornmencing as of the Initial Disbursement Date. The Loan shall bear interest at a rate 01'2.75<1() per annum and interest shall accrue on the amount of Loan proceeds disbursed to the Developer !i'om the date or dates of sLlch one or more disbursements until the Loan is repaid in full. Repayment of any outstanding balance of the Loan will be amortized over 20 years with a balloon payment due at the end of the 60th month. Section 5.5. Loan R~~ents SCl1edule. Payments of principal and interest shall commence on the first day of the lirst month immediately following the Initial Disbursement Date. and shall continue on the first day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Section 5.6. Levera~hmds. The Leveraged funds must be used Ii)r the same purposes and under the same terms, rates, and conditions as specified in the Grant Application unless prior written consent is received from the Grantor Agency. ARTICLE 6 f.rovision of Evidenti~Ma_terial Requirement 1).IG-223')XOv2 MN 190-1 06 7 . . . Section 6.1. Provision _()f Evidentiary Materials. In addition to those materials described in Section 5.2 of this Agreement, the Developer shall provide the City with all evidentiary materials according to the format and tilnetable cited in the (irant Agreement. The City will forward these materials to the Grantor Agency and assist in expediting reviews leading to a release of the Loan. Section 6.2. Documentation of Use of Funds. The Developer Inust provide the City with _.__. -.,.-.,,--.._.,_0""'- necessary documentation that the J ,oan and the l,everaged Funds have been used for the items and purposes stated in the Grant Application prior to submitting the final progress report and requesting grant closeout from the Grantor Agency. ARTICLE 7 Provision of New Permanent Jobs -",--...-..-.,..-., -'-- Section 7.1. Busjness Subsl.Q..LAgreemen!. The proVIsions of this Section constitute the .'business subsidy agreement" l'or purposes of the Minnesota Business Subsidy Act. (a) The parties agree and represent to each other as follows: (1 ) The subsidy provided to the Developer ineludes the Loan. (2) The public purposes and goals of the subsidy are to increase net jobs in the City and continue operation of the Development Property for at least five years following the Benefit Date. (3) If the goals described in clause (2) are not met. the Developer must make the payments to the City described in Section 4.4. (4) The subsidy is needed because Construction Costs make the Project economically infeasible without the Loan. (5) The Developer docs not have a parent corporation. (6) The Developer has received or expects to receive the following financial assistance from other "grantors" as defined in the Business Subsidy Act: tax increment financing assistance from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello; waiver of sewer and water trunk fees from the City of Monticello; and a revolving loan fund loan from the Monticello Economic Development Authority. (b) Hy no later than April 30, 2005 (the "Compliance Date") and continuing through at least the Compliance Date, the Developer shall create at least 29 new full-time equivalent jobs (the "New Jobs") on the Development Property. The New Jobs must each pay a wage of at least $12.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits. In addition to the foregoing, the Developer shall, within 6 DJ( ;-n3'!XOv 2 MNI90-IO(, 8 -, . months or receiving a certificate of occupancy 1'01' the Facilities, cause to be transferred to the Development Property 70 jobs that exist as of the date of this agreement at the Developer's current facility in Corcoran, Minnesota (the "Existing Jobs"), shall cause the Existing Jobs to be maintained at the Development Property at least through the Compliance Date, and shall cause the wages for the Existing Jobs at all times through the Cornpliance Date to be as f()l1ows: (i) at least 2 Existing .lobs shall pay no less than $10.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits; (ii) at least 5 Existing .lobs shall pay no less than $12.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits; (i i i) at least 6 Existing Jobs shall pay no less than $14.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits; (i v) at least] 2 Existing .lobs shall pay no less than $ ] 6.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits; (v) at least X Existing .lobs shall pay no less than $ ] R.OO per hour, exclusive of benefits; (vi) at least 17 Existing Jobs shall pay no less than $20.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits; and (vii) at least 20 Existing .lobs shall pay no less than $22.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits. Section 7.2. l~lnployment l?ocumenta~i(?.!:!. The Developer shall annually complete and provide to the City notification of elnployment of hiring eaeh new employee. This notification requirement shall terminate on the Compliance Date if the Developer is not then in breach of Section 7.1. Section 7.3. }ob__~;reation D()cumentation. Until the Compliance Date, the Developer shall submit to the City a written report by January 25 of eaeh year in sufficient detail to enable the City to determine compliance with this Artiele 7. That information shall be provided by the . Developer and must include at a minimum: (a) filled; and the number or New .lobs created and the dates on which each were created and (b) the job title, wages, and benefits and hourly value of such benefits lor each New Job. Section 7.4. tlrst5)ource Employment R_eferral AgreemelJt. The Developer shall list any vacant or new positions with the jobs services of the Minnesota Commissioner of Job Services or a local service unit operated by a eounty or counties operating under a joint powers agreement, one or more cities 0 f the first class operating under a joint powers agreement, or a city of the first class. In addition to the foregoing, Developer mLlst enter into a First Source Elnployment Referral Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Economic Security in a forln prescribed by that department. ARTICLE 8 Provisionof Monitor!ng InfOl'mation Related Tl) ProjectProgress . l)J(i-223<)XOv2 MNI<)().1()6 9 -\ . Section 8.1. Provision. or PI:ogress Inforn}ation. The Developer shall provide to the City ., ' , , " ,. information fl.)!' incorporation into progress reports, as required by the Grantor Agency and as needed by the City, to monitor project implementation for cOlnpliance with Grantor and local guidelines. ARTICLE 9 ~ondiscrimination;Wit~holdin~; Prevailin~ Wages Section 9.1. NQIldiseril}1inatiOl}. The provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 181.59, which relate to civil rights and discrimination, shall be considered a part or this Agreement as though wholly set forth herein and the Developer shall comply with each such provision throughout the term of this Agreement. . Section 9.2. WithJ:lolding. The Developer shall comply with Minnesota Statues, Section 290.9705 (the "Withholding Act") by deducting and withholding eight percent of every payment to nonresident persons or tl.)reign corporations (as defined hy the Withholding Act) if the construction contract with such person or f(lreign corporation exceeds or can reasonably he expected to exceed $100,000; provided that the Developer shall not be required to undertake such withholding if, pursuant to the Withholding Act, the Developer receives an exemption from doing so from the Minnesota Department of Revenue. Section 9.3. Pre'v:ailingWages. In addition to. and without limitation of any other provision of this Agreement. the Developer shall eOlnply with the wage and reporti ng requirements of Minnesota Statues, Section 116.1.871, which shall be considered a part of this Agreement as though wholly set fl.)rth herein. ARTICLE 10 _D~vcloper's A(:kno'Ylcdgmcnt~ Repr_escnt~ltion,_~lI1d Warrants Section 10.1. Aclsnowle'dgmcn!.~. (a) The Developer acknowledges that the City, in order to obtain funds f()l' part of the City's activities in connection with the Project has applied for the MIF Grant to the Grantor Agency under the Minnesota I nvestment Fund Program, Business and Community Development Division, and that the City has entered into the Grant Agreement with the Grantor Agency, setting fl.)rth the terms, conditions, and requirements of the MIF Grant. The Developer further acknowledges that it has made certain representations and statements in the (Trant Application concerning its activities relating to the Project and that the Developer is designated and identifIed under the Grant Agreement. . (b) A copy of the (irant Agreement shall he on tile in the offlces of the City. In the event any provision of this Agreement relating to the Developer's obligations hereunder is 1),1( ;-2139XOv2 MN 1911-1 Oil 10 '-1 . inconsistent with the provisions of the Grant Agreelnent relating to the Developer's activities thereunder, the provisions orthe CJrant Agreement shall prevail. (c) The Developer acknowledges that nothing contained in the Grant Agreement or this Agreement nor any act of the Grantor Agency or the City, shall be deemed or construed to create between the Grantor Agency and the Developer any relationship (except as borrower and lender between the City and the Developer), including but not limited to that of third-party beneficiary, principal and agent, limited or general partnership, or joint venture. Section 10.2. Reprs:~entati()ns and _W arrallties. The Developer warrants and represents, III connection with the MIF Grant and for the benefit of the Grantor Agency and the City, that: (a) Representations. statements, and other Inallers provided by the Developer relating to those activities of the Project to be cOlnpleted by the Developer, which were contained in the Grant Application, were true and complete in all material respects as of the date of submission to the City and that such representations, statements, and other !nallers are true as of the date of this Agreement and that there are no adverse material changes in the financial condition of the Developer's business. . (b) To the best of the Developer's knowledge, no member, oHicer, of employee of the City, or its officers. employees, designees. or agents, no consultant, member of the governing body of the City, and no other public ofTieial of the City, who exercises or has exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to the Project during his or her tenure shall have any interest, direct or indirect in any contract or subcontract or the proceeds thereof, f()r work to be performed in connection with the Project or in any activity, or benefit therehom, which is part of the Project. (e) The Developer acknowledges that the Grantor Agency, in selecting the City as recipient of the Grant, relied in material part upon the assured completion of the Project to be carried out by the Developer. and the Developer warrants that the Project will be carried out by the Developer. (d) The Developer warrants that to the best of its knowledge, it has obtained all federal. state, and local governmental approvals, reviews, and permits required by law to be obtained in connection with the Project and has undertaken and completed all actions necessary for it to lawfully execute this Agreement as binding upon it. . (e) -rhe Developer warrants that it shall keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the Leveraged Funds, and that any duly authorized representative of the Grantor Agency shal L at all reasonable times. have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit and examine all such books, records, and other documents of the Developer until such time that the City and the Grantor Agency have both determined that all issues, requirements, and close-out procedures relating to or arising out of the Mlf Grant have been settled and completed. f)J(;.223')gOv2 iv!N!()O-IO() II 1 . . . (t) The Developer warrants that no transfer of any or all of the Loan Proceeds by the City to the Dcveloper shall be or be deemed an assigrHnent of Loan Proceeds, and the Developer shall neither succeed to any rights, benefits, or advantagcs of the City under the Grant Agreement, nor attain any right, privileges, authorities, or interest in or under the Grant Agreement. (g) The Developer warrants that it has fully complied with all applicable locaL state, and federal laws pertaining to its business and will continue such compliance throughout the terms of this Agreement. If at any time notice of noncompliance is received by the Developer. the Dcveloper agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the local, state, or federal law in qucstion. ARTICLE 11 Other Special Conditions Section 11, I. 6ntitnls!. The Developer hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and services provided in connection with this Agreement resulting fi'om antitrust violations that arise under thc antitrust laws of the lJ nited States or the antitrust laws of the State. Section 11.2. Workers ConlpensatiolLl!lsurance. The Developer has obtained workers compensation insurance as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 176.181, subd. 2. The Developer's workers compensation insurance information is as follows: (a) Company Name: -...-.--.-...-...---. -...-.,.--.,.-....-.--..".-..,..- (b) Policy Number: -..-.--..-...,.-..-- -..-.,-.".-..-..'.-.-"-."- (c) Local Agent: _______________________ Section 11.3. Business~iththe State_of l\I1innesotil/State Tax Laws. The Developer is required by Minnesota Law to provide its Minnesota tax identification nUlnber if it does business with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of Federal and State tax laws. Supplying these numbers could result in an action to require thc Developer to tile State tax returns and pay delinquent Statc tax liabilities. This Agreement will not be approved unless these numbers are provided. These numbers will be available to Federal and State tax authorities and State personnel involved in the payment of State obligations. Minnesota Tax ID: -...-.--,,-..-'- Federal Employer II): ____ _____ [)J(j,223'JXOv2 MNI90-IOh 11 -1 . Section 11.4. Gr<:!nt Closeout. The Developcr shall, prior to grant closeout from the Grantor Agcncy. provide the City with all documcntation necessary to dcmonstrate that the Loan has been used for the items and purposes set forth in the Grant Application. such documcntation to be in the fonn required by the Grantor Agency in its sole discretion. Section 11.5. Review (2LDocUll1ent~ The Developer shall not be entitled to any disbursement of l,oan Proceeds until the City's legal counsel and the Grantor Agency have reviewed and approved this Agreement and the exhibits attached hereto. Section 11.6. Effect c21L.Qther Agreement~ Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to modify any term of any other agreement to which the City and the Developer are parties. Section 11.7. Release an(L!.!ldemnificati(~Covenants. Except for any breach of the representations and warranties of the City or the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of the following named parties. the Developer agrees to protect and defend the City and the governing body members. officers, agents. servants. and employees thereof now and forever. and furtller agrees to hold the aforesaid harmless from any claim, demand, suit, action, or other proceeding whatsoever by any person or entity whatsoever arising or purportedly arising from the acquisition, construction. installation, ownership. maintenance, and operation oflhe Facilities and the Developer's activities on the Development Property. . Section 11.8. Modifications. ._..,._.'_n amendments hereto executed by Agency. This Agreement rnay be modified solely through written the Developer and the City and approved by the Grantor Section 11.9. Notices and Dernands. Any notice, demand, or other communication under this -" -.. -,._.,--- Agreement by either party to the other shall be sufficiently given or delivered only if it is dispatched by registcred or certified maiL postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered personally: (a) as to the City: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Adrninistrator (b) as to the Developer: Terrancc & Mary Tomann Family Limited Partnership 22510 Highway 55 llamcl, MN 55340 Attn: Mr. Dick Salonek . with a copy to: Courey, Kosanda & Zimmer. P A 850 I Golden Valley Road, Suite 125 Golden Valley, MN 55427 Attn: Mr. Sam Courey DJ(i-223')XO\2 MNI90-10(' 13 '-, . or at such other address with respect to any party as that party may, from time to time, designate in writing and forward to the others as provided in this Section 11.9. Section 11.10. Conllicl.J:)Llnterests~~esentative~Not1Ddividually~jab~. No officer or ernployee of the City rnay acquire any financial interest. direct or indirect, in this Agreernent, the facilities or the Development Property or in any contract related thereto. No officer, agent. or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Developer or any successor in interest in the event of any default or breach by the City or t()f any amount that may become due to the Developer or on any obligation or term of this Agreement. Section 11.11. !}indi~Effect. The covenants and agreements in this Agreement shall bind and bendit the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. Section 11.12. Provisions No~erged Wi~Deei!. None of the provisions of this Agreement arc intended to or shall be merged by reason of any deed transferring any interest in the Development Property and any such deed shall not be deemed to aflect or impair the provisions and covenants of this Agreement. Section 11.13. Titles (2LArticles a1lS::LSectior~. Any titles of the several parts, Articles, and Sections of this Agreement arc inserted only for convenience of reference and shall be . disregarded in construing or interpreting any of its provisions. Section 11.14. ~:ounter\'2art!i. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts. each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 11 .15. ~hoice oL1aw andYenu~. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Minnesota without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. Any disputes. controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts. whether based on convenience or otherwise. Section 11. 1 6. Waiver The 1~1i lure or delay of any party to take any action or assert any right or remedy, or the partial exercise by any party of any right or remedy shall not be deerned to be a waiver of such action, right. or remedy if the circumstances creating such action, right, or remedy continue or repeat. Section tl. 17. E\1tire~~ement. This Agreement. with the exhibits hereto, constitutes the entire agreement hetween the parties pertaining to its subject matter and it supercedes all prior contemporaneous agreements, representations, and understandings of the parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement. . Section 11.18. ~e~rabilitv. Wherever possible, each provIsron of this Agreement and each related document shall he interpreted so that it is valid under applicable law. If any provision of this Agreement or any related document is to any extent found invalid by a court or other I l.!( i.22,9XOv2 [VINI'IO-IO(' 14 I . . . governmental entity of competent jurisdiction, that provIsion shall be indlective only to the extent or such invalidity. without invalidating thc remainder of sllch provision or the remaining provisions or this Agreement or any other related document. Section 11.19. !.!nmul:!!!Y. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver by the City or any immunities, defenses, or other limitations on liability to which the City is entitled by law, including but not limited to the maximum monetary limits on liability established by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. [Rl.:ST OF PAGE INTENTION ALL Y I3LANKl l)J( i-22J9Xlh 2 MN191l-11l6 15 ~"l . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this Agrccment to be duly cxecuted in its namc and bchalf and the Developer has caused this Agrcement to be duly executed in its name and behalf as of thc datc lirst above writtcn. CITY OF MONTICELLO By ___ ______ Its -"-"-"._"'-"-'-"- By_______ Its -. -.'-"'-..-'-."-- DJei-2239ROv2 rvINI00-1()() 10 -'j . . . PH ;.n.,l)XO, 2 ~IN 190.IO(l TEI{RANCE & MARY TOMANN FAMILY LIMITED PARTNI'~RSHIP By Its By Its 17 . . . I~XHIBIT A LEGAL DKSCRIPTIONS That property locatcd within thc city of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota and legally described as follows: Lot I, Block I, Monticello Commerce Sixth Addition D.lCi-223')XOv2 MNI90-IO() A-I . . . s~ -- 2. Consideration of acccptin1! terms for property exchange of library for Marquette Bank build in 2. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is askcd to considcr approving a lettcr of intcnt whereby the City would exchange the library building for the Marq uette Bank property under the terms outlined in my lettcr of Dcccm bcr 3,2002 to Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo representative, Harold Ritchey, has indicated that Wells Fargo will accept thc tcrms outlined in the Ictter and I am rcqucsting Council approval to continue with this process in an attempt to cxccutc an cxchangc of buildings as soon as possible. WeBs Fargo will be vacating the Marquette Bank property in a week or so, which makes an exchangc and relocation feasible in the very near future. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Authorize the property exchange to proceed under the terms outlined in the letter of intent dated December 3,2002. 2. Do not authorize proceeding with a property exchange. c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is nlY recommendation that we continue preparing the final purchase agreement documents to exchange the properties as outlined. Although the cost to the City is a little lllore than we had originally anticipated ($150,000) in the long run, I feel relocation of the library and providing additional land for WeBs Fargo to expand on will be beneficial to both parties. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter of intent. . . . S'S 1. Consideration of authorization to change insurance eovera2:e for employees life insurance covera2:es. (RW) A. RI,:FERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the recent approval by the city council in setting up a flexible spending account to allow employees to be reimbursed for various tTledieal and/or dependent care expenses on a pre-tax basis, staff has reviewed a number of vendors and has selected the AT Group to set up the program and adtTlinister the plan starting January 1,2003. 'This vendor was the lowest cost for the initial set up and also had the most reasonable cost on a monthly basis per employee participant. The plan administrator has also offered another option for the city to consider which would allow the l1exible spending plan to be adopted without any cost to the city f()f administration provided they also provide the life insurance coverage for all our eligible employees. The city eurrently has life insttrance and accidental death and dismemberment coverage through Principal financial Group, our main health insurance carrier, but the ^ T Group would provide the same benefits at the same cost (within $.02 per month) and provide the flexible spending account management and administration without any cost to the city. In other words, if we switch our life insurance carrier from Principal to I -incoln Mutual Life & Casualty Insurance, the city will save hundreds of dollars per year by avoiding social security taxes and have the f1exible spending plan without any additional cost to the city. At this time we arc in the process of completing employee meetings to inform them of this new program and would like to get council authorization to switch life insurance carriers if staff is assured that the cost and benefits remain the same as we currently have. The city is allowed to drop the life insurance coverage from Principal without affecting any other benefits we currently have through them. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. D. 1. Authorize the city administrator to change insurance carriers f(H" the life insurance coverage provided the cost and benefits remain the same as they currently are. 2. Do not allow the change at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Provided the insurance coverages remain the satTle as we currently have. it would be my recommendation to make the change as it will eliminate an estimated $500-$1,000 per year in administration cost for the flexible spending program the council previously authorized. The council would not be increasing any of the benefits, simply reducing the city's out ofpoeket cost for this benefit. SUPPORTING DATA: None. ~ 3. Consideration of settin a s ecial meetin closed session to discuss settlement ro osal . for Community Center desh!n fees. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJNO: Fred Patch and myself met in an all day mediation sesslon on Friday, December 6th with our legal counsel, Kim Kozar of Hoff Barry & Kuderer and representatives of AKA, the architect on the Community Center facility. ^ settlement proposal was arrived at during the mediation session that should be reviewed by the City Council for acceptance. Our legal counsel has suggested that a brief special meeting be held as soon as possible to go over the settlement proposal. . . . . . Council Agenda - 12/9/02 8. Consideration of adoption of final 2003 bud!!et and hlX levy. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the completion of the Truth in Taxation hearing last Wednesday night, the final action needed by the Council is to formally adopt the 2003 budget and resulting tax levy. The Council was not allowed f(mnally adopt the final budget during the Truth in Taxation hearing but could only do so at a subsequent meeting. As noted at the Truth in Taxation hearing, the total levy needed to fund next years budget would be $6,7R2,0 U~. While this is an increase of $284.000 over last years levy, the action will result in a decrease in our tax capacity rate which is expected to drop from 67.6 to 64.5, a 3% decrease. This will be final opportunity for the Council to make any changes or adjustments to the final 2003 budget and/or resulting tax levy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the resolution adopting the 2003 budget and the resulting tax levy of$6,7R2,018. 2. Adopt an amended budget and tax levy for 2003. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is my recommendation that the proposed budget and tax levy be adopted as presented. This budget and tax levy allows us to add to our street reconstruction fund for the second year, provides for increases in police protection services, covers debt payment obligations and provides for all of the other services we provide while still decreasing the tax capacity rate. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution Budget Worksheet Summary documents (Refer to 12/4/02 agenda packet) RESOLUTION NO. 2002-73 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2003 BUDGET AND SETTING THE TAX LEVY - WHERI.:AS, the City Administrator has prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Monticello for all operation and the debt service for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2003; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the same and has made such changes therein as appear to he in the hest interest of the City of Monticello; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED I3Y THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of MONTICELLO that the budget so subtnitted by the City Administrator, together with the changes made therein hy the City Council, he and same hereby is adopted as a budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2003; and HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Monticello that there he and hereby is levied for th( fiscal year commencing January 1,2003, the following sums for the respective purposes indicated therein upon tll taxable property of the City of Monticello, to wit: - REVENUE Nt<:T CERTIFIED LEVY General $3,167,330 Conlll1unity Center $1\94,945 Parks $70'),525 l~ibrary $33,790 Shade Trec $28.7115 HRA $20.820 DEBT RETIREMENT Dl.:bt Servicl.: Fund $1,268,813 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Capital Ill1provernent Revolving $123,0 I 0 Street Rcconstruction Fund $535,000 TOTAL TAX LEVY $6,782,0 18 The above resolution was introduced by Councilmember_.__, was duly seconded by Council- memher____ with the following voting in favor thereof: Bclsaas, Carlson, Herhst, Stumpf and Thielen. The following voted in opposition: None The City Administrator is herehy instructed to transtnit a certified copy oCthis resolution to the County Auditor of Wright County, Minnesota. -Adopted this 9th day oC December, 2002 --,~-",'-_.,.,-".._,._"_. ATTEST: Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator c . . . Council Agenda - 12/9/02 9. Consideration of salary schedule adjustments for 2003. (R W) A. RI'~FERENCE AND BACKGROUND: 'rhe Council is askcd to consider an adjustment to the salary schedule for all non-union employees for the year 2003 to reflect changes in the consumer price index (CPI). The Council has annually reviewed the salary schedule and made adjustments in order to help retain the City's pay relationship to market and with Monday nights meeting being the last meeting scheduled for this year, an increase should be approved at this meeting to allow for implementation of a new schedule by the first payroll period in January. As part of the 2003 budget, I had included an additional 5% in the salary categories for each department to allow for potential cost of living adjustments, step increases and to allow additional salary adjustments to our pay system to keep us competitive with other communities. What the Council is being asked to consider tonight concerns the hasic adjustment ofthe dollar schedule to reflect current increases in the CPJ for our area. In the past, the Council has used the consumer price index as a lneasurement of the ini1ationary rate. Minnesota Department of Economic Security provides intl)rmation on the consumer price index f(ll" hoth the US and the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Normally, the CPJ for either are very similar percentage wise, hut occasionally there can be differences between the two percentages because the Minneapolis-St. Paul index is only calculated twice a year on a June and December basis while the LiS CPJ is updated on a monthly basis. The latestinfonnation that I could obtain indicates that the consumer price index for the US on a October to October basis shows an increase of 2.0%. cr'he CPI for the Minneapolis-St. Paul area through June, 2002 (June 2001-June 2002) shows a 2.3% in the cost ofliving. As you can see, there is some difference hetween the US average and the Minneapolis-SL Paul index because of the diiTerent time frames used to compile the statistics. In comparing the percentages to last year, the Minneapolis-St. Paul index was also 4.2% while the US CPI was only 2.1 (Yo. As you can see, the Minneapolis-SL Paul area has seemed to be higher than the index for the entire US on an annual basis. In addition to the cpr inf(Hlnation, we have also conducted a brief survey again of various surrounding communities including the cities of I3ig Lake, Buffalo, Elk River, Maple Grove, I3ecker and Plymouth tc determine what increases they had granted last year and are proposing or have approved for next year. Using the same communities we have surveyed in the past and this information can be helpful for the Council to see what is happening in other communities around us. Finally, I have also enclosed a brief history of recent years salary adjustments adopted by the Council compared to the reported CPI increases for those particular years. Any adjustments to the current salary schedule adopted by the Council will only affect non-union employees as of 1-1-2003. The union contract will be up for renewal on April 1, 2003, and their wage adjustlnent is usually very similar to what has been approved by the Council for non-union employees. The only differences in our last union contract for was for a slightly lower percentage increase for newer . . . D. Council Agenda - 12/9/02 employees as a trade off for a decrease in the time it took to move between a couplc of steps in thc pay scale. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could establish a cost ofliving adjustmcnt for the wage scalcs that would apply for non- union employees that is comparable to the salary adjustments being proposed by survcyed communities ~ S ~ e 1 ..Jt.!0 Although there are some differences in the amounts proposed hy our neighhoring communities, again the percentage increase seems to be around 3% to 3 ~%. - - 2. The Council could establish a cost of living adjustment for 2003 wages that is in line with the Mpls-Sl. Paul CPI index, which is currently around 2.3%. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since one of the prime reasons lor cost living adjustments is to help keep our pay relationship in line with market conditions surrounding us, I would recommend that 2003 salary adjustmcnts be in line with those increases being proposed by the surveyed communities. This proposed increase around 3% annually while they are in excess of Minneapolis-St. Paul CPI increase which was originally 2.3%, it was actually 4.2% last year in the same time frame. I helieve it is a good indicator of the cost ofliving increase in our area, an increase in the 3% range would still seem appropriate. SUPPORTING DATA: Salary survey of surrounding communitics. Prior years salary schedule adjustments. . SlJRVEY OF SlJRROlJNDING CITIES 2003 PROPOSED SALARY AIlJlJSTMENTS Big Lake 2000: 3(1'0 2001: 3.5% 2002: 3.5% 2003: 4% (Actual likely to be Jess) BufTalo 2000: 4.7% 2001 : 3.5% 2002: 2003: '? Elk River 2000: 3% - May increase benefits 2001 : 3% - Increase health insurance . 2002: 3% 2003: 3% Maple Grove 2000: 3% 2001: 3% 2002: 3% 2003: 3% Plymouth 2000: 3% 2001: 3% 2002: 3% 2003: 3.5% Becker: 3%. 2003: 3%-3,510) proposed 3 '1;_ J 0 ()C{ . WORDIDA WN/SALAR Y .SUR: 12/4/02 q . . . PREVIOUS YEARS' SALARY SCHEDULE ADJlJSTMENTS For Year: Reported CPI Increase Council Adjustments 1993 3.2O;{) 2SYo 1994 3.7 to 3.8% 3.5% 1995 2.9 to 3. 1 % 2.5% 1996 2.7% 2.7% 1997 3.1 to 3.3% 3.1% 1998 2.7% 3% 1999 1.5% 2.5% 2000 2.6% to 2.7% 3.0% 2001 3.4% to 4.2% 3.0% 2002 2.1 % to 4.2(Ycl 3.5% 2003 2.0% to 2.3% ') DAWNIWORD\RICKIPRIORYRADJ: 1246102 C\ . . 0'" ..:1'-' ..:I": ",,,, u'" H'" b> zo oU :>: 0 "'.". 0 \0 :><0 >-<> H , UClJe< HO 00 "'H If)'''' U Olf) ..:I..:i tIl '-''-' 0)\0 <:1\0 '" .... 0 0 ..:i "- " '" H 0) "- "'\0 r< r< ..:i '" H <ll >. '" OJ '" :<: u '" U <ll'" '" I>< tIl II: '" ..... U r< '" .... '" ..... 01 ";;: 0:<: II: .... 0 N ... 0 OJ 0) "- .... r< " <:I :;l '"' N .... '0 ffi "- ... 0) .... '" .<: :0: '"' .... u :i: Ei g '" 0 CIJ ... U ~ :<: 0 U '" 0 '" U II: tIl '" U 0) "'''' 0 <( .... H "'.". " E-< '" 0.0 01 .. N .;: "- 0 <(H H Cl .;: .. U . :><If) <:: H III <( .. 0 0 <:I "'''' .... '" 0 0 .... H .... ... 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From: Sent: To: Subject: Carol Pressley-Olson [CaroIPressley@state.mn.lIs] Monday, December 09, 2002 9:49 AM Ollie Koropchak; dgreensweig@Kennedy-Graven.com; dicksalonek@lIltramc.com Re: Monticello/UMC agreements Dan: I have reviewed the Loan Agreement: and attachments for the OJVlC loan and have a few minor comments. 1. Section 1.1--"Compliance Date": definition is not included. The definition is "means the date which is two years after the benefit date." 2. Section 7.2. The yearly progress report is due in the DTED office by January 25, therefore, the company should have the job report to the city by January 15 (or earliel- if the city wishes) . Any questions, feel free to call me at 651-296-3898. Thanks, Dan!! Carol