City Council Agenda Packet 02-26-2001 . Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 26,2001 - 7 p.m. Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Ilerbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen NOTE: CLOSED MEETING - 5:30 P.M. - LITIGATION 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of February 12,2001 regular Council meeting. .., .) . 4. 5. A. B. . C. D. E. 6. 7. 8. 9. J~ ~~ .; c,r0J Consideration of adding items to the agenda. \hV~ ~ Wo.V,~,j .. .--. . CItizen conUl1ents/petltlOns, request and compla1l1ts. -- 5 if'7/€- ~ow ~ I/wt 1(" )v. TT> 4/1ay.- C P,H 7 ?1,A/<(PHC;t- ') l:onsent agenda. -/~$' ~ t-~ Consideration of approving new hires and departures f(Jr the Community Center. Consideration of resolution opposing the sale of wine f()r off premise consumption at any outlet other than authorized off-sale liquor stores. Consideration of approving renewal of Men's Softball Association Beer License. Consideration of waiving statutory liability limits for City insurance renewals. Consideration of approving renewal of gambling license for Knights of Columbus at Chin Yuen (Silver Fox Motel) and Tree I louse Lounge (Days Inn Motel). F. Consideration of resolution accepting Parkside at Meadow Oaks public improvements. & . ~U.N ..\~c.. 5 e..~'q, w.~\- ~ ~,^a.,...~ Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda f()r discussion. 11. 12. Consideration of resolution accepting design build plans and specillcations for gravity belt thickener and authorize advertisement t()[ bids. Consider of adoption of resolution authorizing condemnation of property for trail system. Consideration of amending purchase agreement for the sale of the f()I'mer Senior Citizens Building. Consideration of adopting corrections to the joint resolution of the City of Monticello and the Township of Monticello as to the orderly annexation of property. A pprove payment of hi lis f()r February. Adjourn. . . . MINUTES REGlJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COlJNCIL Monday, February 12,2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson. Clint Herbst. Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Roger Belsaas 1. Call to Order Acting Mayor Clint Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. It was noted Mayor Belsaas was absent from the meeting as he was on vacation. 2. Approve minutes of January 22, 2001 rel!ular Council mectin!!. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 22.2001 REGULAR COUNCIL Mi':ETING AS PRESENTED. BRUCE TI I1ELEN SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl! items to the al!enda. Brian Stumpf had a personnel issue he wanted brought up. Roger Carlson wanted a discussion oCChelsea Road West added to the agenda and JcIT(YNeill had an update on his Chalnber of COlnmerce presentation. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, reQuests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures Cor the Community Center and Liquor Store. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees for the Community Center and Liquor Store as identified. B. Consideration ofa development stage PUD and preliminary plat to permit the expansion of a bus service and sales bcility. Applicant: Iloglund Bus Company. Recommendation: Approve the PUD development state plan subject to compliance with the following requirements: I. I\ddilionallr~~ planlings r~((lImn~illkd IhronglHlullh~ prop~rlv. ') R~<,:ollll1l~ndalionlhallh~ parking ar~as b~ supplicd Ilith l1Io\abk UHlCIUC <.:urb SlOpS 10 h~lp dclincate purking spa<.:cs and avoid conw<.:l bCl\\l'~n v<.:hicks ,1Ild building:; Staff also rc<,:ollllllcnds conslru<.:lion of curb at Oak\\ood Drivc a<.:<.:<.::;> pOilllS, Thc curb :;hould ~~knd frolll Oak\\ood Driv~ righl-of-\\ay linc to a distan~~ of 3()' 3 Providc a drainagc plan to thl' City I:ngin~<.:r for ITvi~\\ und COllllllcnl. . . . Council Minutes - 2/12/01 l. Th~ larg.~ an::a shoml as blls parkillg Ilhich is Cllrr~lltly co,,::n:d II ith g.ntSS should b~ Illolled Oil a regular hasis. C. Consideration of approving the date f(x annual Board of Review. Recommendation: Approve setting Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2001 Board of Review. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of a reuuest for modification of deferred ~lssessment - Edl!ar Klucas propertv. City Administrator. Rick Wolfsteller. provided background information on the assessment of the Edgar Klucas property located on West River Street. A 1981 project provided sanitary sewer. water and street improvements for the property. At the time the project was assessed the Council. at the request of the property owner. delCrred the assessment until such time as the property was sold or developed. In 1989 a portion of the property was sold and at that time upon the recommendation of the City's attorney the remaining amount was levied as a deferred assessment with an interest rate of 13%. Mr. Klucas is in process of selling is property which means the detCrred assessment amount is due. Mr. Klucas is requesting that the Council consider a reduction in the amount of interest that is heing charged on the deferred assessment. The Council discussed a number of options. Ifno change was made in the interest rate the amount of the deferred assessments against the property would he approximately $84,209 (as of February 1.200 I). Another option was to charge the 1 YYo interest on the deferred assessment from the tinle it was levied until the time the bonds were paid off (1989~ 19(2) and then charge a reduced interest rate. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the county charges 10% on unpaid amounts and this could be the interest rate uscd hy the City for the period after the bonds were paid off. If the City chose this option the amount of the deferred assessment as of F ebrumy I, 2001 would be $75,833.97. .Tom Moores representing Edgar Klucas stated that the interest rate heing charged was too high. He stated that City had considered the Klucas property a blight area and that Mr. Klucas had made an dTort to get the property cleaned up. I Ie felt 8% would be a (110re appropriate interest rate. I t was noted that from 1981 to 1989 there was no interest charged on the deferred assessment amount. The property went 7 Y2 years without incurring interest costs while those property owners who were assessed were paying 131!ll. The Counci I was cautioned that there arc other ') Council Minutes - 2/12/01 . properties in the City with deferred assessments and their action on this request could set a precedent. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJUST THE INTEREST RATE FOR TIlE DEFL':RRED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT ON TIlE EDGAR KLUCAS PROPERTY BY CHARGING 13% INTEREST FROM 1989-1992 AND 911(l INTEREST FROM 1992 TO THE TIME PROPERTY IS SOLD OR DL,:VELOPED (ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS AS OF 2/1/01 WOULD Bl': $73.041.(0). ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRII':D UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of llS Filter (pSG) contract for openltion of wastewater treatment plant. John Simola, Public Works Director briefly reviewed the revised contract with the Council. The contract amount had been approved previously and the only other significant change was that PSG would provide a performance bond equal to the value of their annual fee. ROUER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE TIlE CONTRACT WITII PSG WITH THE ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE REQUIRING A CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BOND. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 9. Considenltion of appointment to Cemcterv Committee. John Simola reported that three citi/.ens. Arlene Mcintire, Karen DeBoer and .10 Havel, had expressed interest in serving on the Cemetery Committee as a volunteer. The other committee members include Roger Carlson. John Simola. Gregg Engle. Rick Traver and Scott Hill. It is anticipated that it will take six months to a year for the cornmittee to complete their work on setting policies and regulations for the cemetery. The iirst meeting of the committee is tentatively set for Wednesday, February 21 at 3 p.m. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO INVITE ALL THREE OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAD EXPRESSED AN INTEREST TO SERVE ON THE COMMITTEE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Items add to the a1!enda: Personnel: Brian Stumpf stated that he had received comments about a city employee who was also working f()r another community and asked that the Personnel Committee look at this issue at their next meeting and report back to the Council. The Personnel Committee will try to meet before the next Council meeting if possible. . Chelsea Road West: Roger Carlson indicated that hc had been contacted by several people about the stop sign at Chelsea Road West. He questioned whether the four way stop is temporary or permanent. John Simola. Public Works Director. responded that in the spring the city would be looking at the tramc counts in the area and then make a detennination. It was noted that it is somewhat hazardous in " _1 . . . Council Minutes - 2/12/01 that vehiclcs approaching the intersection watch the lights at Chelsea Road and Tll 25 and fail to notice the stop sign. The Council also discussed the right turn lane at TH 25 and County Road 75. The Council directed the stall to proceed with traffic study of the Chelsea Road West intersection at this time. Ch~lmber of Commercc Presentation: Jeff O'Neill informed the Council that he will be making a presentation to the Chamber of COll1merCe on February 1 yh relating to developments within the City. growth trends and annexation and invited the Council to attend. Acoustics: Fred Patch reported that representatives li'om the 80se Company will be here on friday_ February 16th to work on solutions to the acoustic problems of the building. I-Ie requested that a member of the Council attend. Roger Carlson indicated that he will try to be in attendance. to. Approve pavment of hills for Fehruary. BRlJCr~ THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR FEBRUARY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANlMOlJSL Y. 11. Adjourn. Acting Mayor Clint I lerbst adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. -....---..---..-"--,,.-.,.- --'-- Recording Secretary 4 . . - - SA. Council Agenda - 2/26/0 I Consideration of anprovinl! new hires and denartures for the Community Center (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently at the Monticello Community Center. As you recall. it is recommended that the Council olficially ratify the hiring of all ncw employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time and seasonal employees I(Jr the Community Center identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Andrew Farm-Franks Lifeguard MCC 2/10/01 PT Elizabeth Dingmann Lifeguard MCC 2/8/01 PT Taylor J Van Dorp Lifeguard MCC 2/5/01 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Kathryn Shaffer Reason involuntary Department MCC Last Day 1/26/01 Class PT . - - employee councillist.xls: 02/13/2001 5-1\ . . .-.. .,., Council Agenda - 2/26/0 I SB. Consideration of resolution opposin2 the sale of wine, for off premise consumption, at any outlet other than authorized off-sale liQuor stores. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Minnesota Grocers Association is pushing legislation that would allow grocery stores in the seven county metro area to sell wine. The Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association along with the League of Minnesota Cities has been opposing this legislation as they feel it would open up the possibility that wine sales could be allowed throughout Minnesota rather than just in the metropolitan area in the future and also that if wine is allowed in grocery stores, strong beer will likely be next. The potential for wine. and possibly beer in the future, to be sold at grocery stores would be devastating to off-sale liquor stores, including municipals like ours. The Municipal Beverage Association is asking city councils with municipal liquor stores to adopt a resolution opposing any legislative changes that would allow grocery stores to sell wine, and to forward a copy of the resolution to the Association so that it can be distributed to legislators. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution opposing the concept of allowing wine to be sold for otI premise consLllnption at any outlet other than an authorized off-sale liquor store. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Liquor Store Manager, Joe IJartman, and the City Administrator that the resolution be adopted opposing this legislation. In addition to the economic impact this type of legislation would have on our own off-sale store, allowing wine sales in grocery stores would open up the possibility of beer being added later and also provides another avenue for under age individuals to acquire alcohol. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed resolution. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. lOOt-Os A RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE CONCEPT OF ALLOWING FURTHER PROLIFERATION OF LIQUOR SALES FROM DISPENSARn~S OTHER THAN DULY AUTHORIZED OFF-SALI( LIQUOR STORES WHEREAS, the sale of 3.2 heer by convenience stores, grocery stores, gas stations, and other associated retail outlets for off premise consumption is currently allowed under Minnesota law, and WHEREAS, the check out clerks at the afl1rementioned types of retail outlets are not generally fully trained to recognize fake identification or in other alcohol management techniques normally required for the employees of duly authorized off-sale liquor dispensaries, and WHEREAS, there is a proposal befiJre the Minnesota Legislature that. ifadopted and made law, would allow convenience stores. grocery stores, gas stations and other similar retail outlets to sell wine including sweet "pop" wines, wine coolers and associated products for off premise consumption, and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is endeavoring to curtail youth access to alcohol and tohaceo products, and WHEREAS, the proliferation ofthc types of outlets where the sale of alcohol provides additional opportunities for youth to have access to alcohol, and WHEREAS, the sale of wine in any (City) business outlet, Jar off-premise consumption, other than the City's Municipal Liquor Store would be detrimental to the linancial condition of the City and potentially raise a need for increasing property taxes, NOW THElU~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that they hereby oppose the concept of allowing the further proli1eration of liquor sales from dispensaries other than duly authorized off-sale liquor stores. Adopted hy the Monticello City Council this 26th day of february, 200 I. Roger l3elsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolf<;telleL City Administrator 5~ Council Agenda - 2/26/0] . sc. Consideration of apnroving renewal of Men's Softball Association Beer License (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Softball Association is requesting approval of their annual beer license to sell at the NSP softball field concession stand. The Association will be required to obtain dram shop liquor liability insurance upon approval of the City issuing the licensc and the Council can approvc the issuance contingent upon receipt of a certificate of insurance for liquor liability and the appropriate fec of $137.50. Also cnclosed for Council's review is a copy of the 2000 Softball Association's incomc statcment summarizing their incomc and expenditures including concession stand revenues and expenses. The Association has again paid all their fees to date tl1r 2000, including the annual $500 contribution for installation of the lighting at thc softball field complex and also the electrical cost for the lighting during the softball season. . In the past, the Council has requested an incomc report to determine the revenues and expenditures and whether the association should be charged any additional fees to heIp defray the cost of the lighting and maintcnance at the ballfields. As you can see from the report. a net income of$2.497 seems tobe available after all their expenses have been paid. The Parks Department recently completed thc installation of additional lighting at the softball complex that allows the association to have additional teams join the league. When the original lighting was installcd. the softball association agreed to provide $500 per year funding for ten years to help defray part of the cost of the lighting and the baseball association agreed to contribute $1,000 per year Jl.)f ten years. Last spring, the baseball association. softball association and Polecats agreed to new funding commitments to again help pay tl1r part of the new ballfield lighting that the City completed. The softball association will now be contributing $1.000 a year over ten years; the baseball association will reduce their contribution from $1,000 down to $500 per year over the next five years and the amateur baseball team, the Polecats will commit $1,000 a year over the next five years. In the past. the softball association contributed $500 annually towards the ballfield lighting, and now with the second set of lights being installed, there contribution will increase to $1 'cWO. It appears that the beer license is essential Jl.)r the softball association to have to make enough revenue to contribute their share of the lighting cost. In addition to concession revenue, the softball association may have to also increase their team fees. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Grant the license contingent upon receipt of the necessary insurance documents and appropriate Jces. 2. Deny the license. . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the staff that the license bc granted contingcnt upon proper insurance bcing . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/00 provided. The City is not aware of any prohlems with this license in the past and can see no reason why the association should not be granted a license for the 2001 season. D. SIJPPORTING DATA: Copy 01'2000 Sonball Financial Report . . . 2000 MONTICELLO MENS SLOWPITCH INCOME REPORT INCOME League Entry Fees 28 Teams ~ $450 Early Bird Tournament Men's Class C Districts State D Co-Rec North Girls State 18,16,14 & Under Slowpitch Concessions MisCi GROSS INCOME EXPENSES CITY OF MONTICELLO Liquor License Tournament Field Fee 8th Annual Light Installment Field Fee 28 Teams ~ $125 Electricity for Lights MINNESOTA SPORTS FEDERATION Dram Shop District & State Entry Fees Tournament Sanction Fees Team Sanctions 28 Teams ~ $15 Junior Olympics Donation MSF Capitol Campaign Donation Field Dragging Balls for League Viking Coke Dahlheimer Distibuting Lindenfelser Meats Maus Foods Marties Sam's Club--Candy & Concession Supplies Trophies--- League & Early Bird Tournament Concession Help Umpires Youth Football- Donation Concession Supplies Misc: Propane, new grill, tractor repairs, postage,' ga~, Times ad, & other purchases TOTA.L EXPENSES GROSS INCOME FOR 2000 LESS EXPENSES FOR 2000 NET INCOME FOR 2000 12,600.00 3,609.00 2,818.20 4,836.90 1,508.65 17,679.20 2,430.78 45,482.73 137.50 425.00 500.00 3,500.00 1,298.50 1,165.00 450.00 180.00 420.00 100.00 895.00 2,032.50 1,489.11 4,345.87 5,697.39 2,050.09 505.26 138.30 2,437.70 744.12 5,321.53 7,492.00 150.00 1,509.41 42,985.28 45,482.73 42,985.28 2,497.45 . . . H. Council Agenda - 2/26/0 I 50. Consideration nfwaivinl! statutory liability limits for City insurance renewals. (R W) A. RF.FERENCE AND HACKGROlJND: Wc are currently in the process of renewing our annual liability insurance coverage that will again provide fix an additional $1,000,000 in excess liability coverage over the required $1,000,000 minimum. By state statute, the City is not liable for any tort liability claim in excess of $1,000,000 damages; however, because the City has purchased an excess liahil ity coverage policy in the past, the City has the option of waiving our rights under Statute 466, which would allow someone to seek damages from the City in excess of the $1,000,000 limit up to the $2,000,000 provided by our excess liability coverage. Although we have typically purchased the excess $1,000,000 coverage, we have done so to ensure that in a major catastrophe where the City was liable, sufficient funds would be available to pay any and all claims. Even though we arc not responsible for any tort liability claim of more than $1,000,000, the City Council has to formally decide whether or not we want to waive our limits established by state statute. Since a formal Council action is necessary before the application can be renewed, the Council should formally indicate that it docs not want to waive its lllonetary limits established by statute. This will allow us to retain our rights under the $ 1.000,000 limit, but we would always have excess liability coverage available if it was ever needed. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Council should f(xmally indicate that the City of Monticello docs not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established hy Minnesota Statute 466.04. O. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of liability insurance application form. I . LMCIT LIABILITY COVERAGE - WAIVER FORM Cities obtaining liability coverage from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust must decide whether or not to waive the statutory tort liability limits to the extent of the coverage purchased. The decision to waive or not to waive the statutory limits has the following effects: If the city does not waive the statutory tort limits, an individual claimant would be able to recover no more than $300,000.on any claim to which the statutory tort limits apply. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would be limited to $1,000,000. These statutory tort limits would apply regardless of whether or not the city purchases the optional excess liability coverage. If the city waives the statutory tort limits and does not purchase excess liability coverage, a sinb:-.; claimant could potentially recover up to $1,000,000. on a single Occurrence. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to $1,000,000., regardless of the number of claimants. If the city waives the statutory tort limits and purchases excess liability coverage, a single claimant could potentially recover an amount up to the limit of the coverage purchased. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to the amount of coverage purchased, regardless of the number of claimants. Claims to which the statutory municipal tort limits do not apply are not affected by this decision. . This decision must be made by the city council. Cities purchasing coverage must completc and return this form to LMCIT before the effective datc of the covcrage. For further information, contact LMCIT. You may also wish to discuss these issues with your city attorney. The City of- ---accepfs-TiabiTitycove-rage-Iluiitsor$ Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT). tram the League of Check one: - The city DOES NOT WAIVE the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04. - The city WAIVES the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04, to the extent of the limits of the liability coverage obtained from LMCIT. Date of city council meeting Signature Position Return this completedform to LMCIT, 145 University Ave. W., St. Paul, MN. 55103-2044 . Page 1 of 1 5-0 -~~.- - . . Council Agenda - 2/26/01 SF:. Consideration of resolution anprovinl! renewal of 2Jlmblinl! license for Knights of Columbus - Chin Vuen Restaurant and Tree House Lounge. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Knights of Columbus pull-tab gambling operations located in Chin Yuen Restaurant and the Tree House Lounge will expire on March 31,2001. The organization is requesting approval of the City Counci I I()r renewal of their license at both locations through the State Gambling Control Goard. Attached is a financial report that shows the revenue from their operations and also the charitable contributions. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a pull-tab license to the Knights of Columbus for Chin Y uen Restaurant and Tree HOllse Lounge. 2. Do not adopt a resolution approving the license request. -. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ft has been the policy of the Council not to oppose any gambling license application request as long as the organization was deemed to be a local organization conducting the gambling activity. The financial report shows the contributions made locally. The staff does not have any reason to oppose the renewal of this application request. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: · Copy of Resolution · Copy of Financial Information ..-r. ..., ---"- ,,_. -~.... --- "--~ .................. ._'.._,,".~- . . . RESOLUTION NO. ~OOI-6 RESOLlJTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHARITABLE GAMBLING L,lCENSE WIJERF.:^S, the Monticello Knights of Columbus has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for thc issuance or a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at Chin Yuen Restaurant and Tree House Lounge located in Monticello, Minnesota: and WI JERI:^S. upon review of the organization's activities. the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the Statc Gambling Control Board.' NOW THEREFORE. /JE JT RESOLVED BY TI-JE CITV COUNCJL that the application by the Monticello Knights of Columbus for a charitable gambling liccnse is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 261h day of Fcbruary. 2001. --.'--".-... _'_'''''--.,--,,~--, --- Roger Belsaas, Mayor -"-""--"-"-"'--'-"..---.-.-- Rick Wolf"teJlcr. City ^dministrator LL ~C . . . . .. LISA BASKFIELD-DINGMAN, L TD CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS To the Board of Directors Lawful Gambling Fund of Knights of Columbus 6825 Monticello, MN I have compiled the accompanying balance sheet - regulatory basis of Lawful Gambling Fund of Knights of Columbus 6825 as of November 30, 2000 and the related statement of income - regulatory basis for the one month and eight months then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The Organization's policy is to prepare the financial statements for its Lawful Gambling Operation on the regulatory basis of accounting as prescribed by the State of Minnesota. Under the regulatory basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when received rather than when earned and certain expenses are recognized when cash is disbursed, rather than when the obligation is incurred. The cost of the games is recorded as inventory when the Organization receives games, at which time an accounts payable is recorded on its books. The cost of the games is expensed when the game is closed. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. I have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures and the statement of cash flows required by generally accepted accounting principles. If the omitted disclosures and statement of cash flows were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Company's financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. December 18, 2000 6551 Jansen Ave. N.E., Suite 103 * P.O. Box 17, Albertville, MN 55301 763-497 -0864/Phone * 763-497-07 45/Fax 5E Lawful Gambling Fund of Knights of Columbus 6825 Balance Sheet - Regulatory Basis November 30, 2000 . . . See Accountant's Compilation Report ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Checking Game Bank Cash Total Checking/Savings Other Current Assets Inventory. Chin Yuen Inventory - Tree House Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Combined Receipts Tax Payable Total Other Current liabilities Total Current liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABiliTIES & EQUITY Nov 30, '00 11,94208 1,200,00 13,14208 21479 255.44 470,23 13,61231 13,612.31 59.49 _,_~,.~,'-" 59.49 59.49 59.49 19,144.43 -5,59161 13,55282 13,612.31 5E Lawful Gambling Fund of Knights of Columbus 6825 Statement of Income.. Regulatory Basis For the One Month and Eight Months Enqing November 30. 2000 /e Income Pull Tab Revenue Pull Tab Income. Chin Vuen Pull Tab Income. Tree House Total Pull Tab Revenue I Total Income Expense Pull Tab Prizes Paid Pull Tab Prizes. Chin Vuen Pull Tab Prizes. Tree House Total Pull Tab Prizes Paid 1.9% Distributors Tax 1.9% Distr. Tax. Chin Vuen 1.9% Dlstr. Tax. Tree House Total 1.9% Distributors Tax Cost of games sold. Ln 22 Cost of Games Sold. Chin Yuen Cost of Games Sold. Tree House Total Cost of games sold. Ln 22 Compensation & Taxes. Ln 23 Camp & Taxes. Chin Yuen Comp & Taxes. Tree House Total Compensation & Taxes. Ln 23 Accounting. Ln 26 Accounting. Chin Yuen Accounting. Tree House Total Accounting. Ln 26 Office Supplies. Ln 27 Office Supplies. Chin Yuen Office Supplies. Tree House Total Office Supplies. Ln 27 Repair & Malnt . Ln 28 Repair & Malnt. . Chin Vuen Repair & Malnt. . Tree House Total Repair & Malnt . Ln 28 Rent. Ln 29 Rent. Chin Yuen Rent. Tree house Total Rent. Ln 29 License & Permits. Ln 32 License & Permits. KD's Total License & Permits. Ln 32 Cash Short. Ln 33 Cash Short. Chin Yuen Cash Short. Tree House Total Cash Short. Ln 33 ,-' See Accountant's Compilation Report Nov '00 1.90400 0,00 ----.---- 1,904,00 1,904,00 1,186,00 0,00 1,186,00 152.81 255,39 --------..--.------- 408,20 51,94 13,74 65.68 498,37 15000 ~~~~~-"'''_._._,--- 64837 115,00 115,00 23000 393,37 393,38 786,75 299,78 299,77 599,55 0,00 0,00 250,00 ~----- 25000 7,00 000 Apr. Nov '00 32,07100 55,24800 ."'''_...,,.,~-- 87,319,00 87,319,00 23,525,00 44,110,00 .....-...----..-....-.----- 67,63500 693,31 1.175,59 ._-----_._'_._'-'~.- .. 1,868,90 63742 976,57 1,613,99 3.98019 1,097,20 -------.--..-.. 5,077.39 1,200,03 1,20002 -.-----..-..---.'.. 2,40005 618,63 61860 1,23723 299 78 299.77 599,55 0,00 1,40000 70000 2,10000 25000 250,00 .3700 71,00 7.00 34,00 I Sf . . . . .' Lawful Gambling Fund of Knights of Columbus 6825 Statement of Income ~ Regulatory Basis For the One Month and Eight Months Ending November 30, 2000 Nov '00 Apr - Nov '00 ~_,~__..,_._~._~__.._'_._ _,__,~__n~"..___'''__'~'''__ Lawful Purpose Contributions A-12 1/2 of Audit Costs A-4 Cont. to education Instlt. A.5 Cont. to scholarhip fund A-7 Cont. to youth activities A-8 - Taxes on Gambling Receipt Total Lawful Purpose Contributions 0.00 1,20000 000 0.00 000 607.50 1,200.00 3,432.00 50000 4,355.00 10,094.50 1,200.00 Total Expense 5,381.55 92,910.61 -~,--_...._--,.,------_. ,...-- ,. .. ..,-~, --_._._-,~..__."._.- Net Income .3,477.55 -5,591.61 ~,."-~--_._---,,.-~,....- ._----,---" -~~.,--- See Accountant's Compilation Report .s~ . Friday, February 09,2001 City Council of Monticello Monticello, Minnesota 55362 The Monticello Knights of Columbus Council 6825 has been operating a charitable gambling operation at Chin Yuen Restaurant and Bar, 1114 Cedar S1. and I-Iwy 25, Monticello, MN, since April of 1999. (License # B-01598) We have operated a successful pull tab both with sellers and on December 26,2000 implemented a pull tab dispensing devise at this site. We have also operated a pull tab bar operation at the Tree House Lounge, 200 Oakwood Street, Monticello, MN, since May, 1999. Since the beginning of our Charitable Gambling operation in April 1999 we have been able to payoff all start up loans, interest and equipment costs. We have stayed with in the required operating expense as required by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. We have also contributed to the following: . 3-16-2000 5-14-2000 5-22-2000 6-28-2000 1 ]-17-2000 11-17-2000 Monticello Graduation Party Monticello Scholarship Fund K C. Student Loan Fund S1. Henerys Youth Mission S1. Henerys School of Religion Monticello Color Guard $ 150.00 $3,000.00 $ 432.00 $ 500.00 $1,000.00 $ 200.00 The Gambling committee is also planning a substantial contribution similar to last year for the Monticello 2001 student scholarship fund. We are in the process of our licensure renewal with the Minnesota Gambling Compliance Board. We request a resolution of approval from the Monticello City Council supporting our license renewal. Enclosed is a copy of our balance sheet from the required audit for the twenty-first month of operation. If you have questions or need additional information please call Edward Jensen at 763- 295-3768 or Jim Mecklenburg work 651-582-8682 or home 763-263-2687. Thank you for your continued support of the Monticello Knights of Columbus gambling operation. Sincerely yours, . ~w.~ James W. Mecklenburg Gambling Manager Monticello Knights of Columbus Council 6825 t--j )L . . . Council Agenda - 2/26/01 SF. Consideration of resolution acceptin!! public imnrovement for Parkside at Mcadow Oaks. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to tC)[lnally accept the public improvements installed with the iirst phase of the Parkside at Mcadow Oaks project. The Public Works Director and City Engineer have indicated that the work has been successfully completed with the exception of the completion of the as-built plans and installation oCrequired trees. If the City Council accepts the project. then the City will return Shermer's deposits minus the cost to complete the as-built plans and plant trees as required under the development agreement. Once this work is done, the entire amount will be returned to Shenner. B. ALTERNA TIVE ACTIONS: c. 1. Move to adopt a resolution accepting the public improvements for Parkside at Meadow Oaks. 2. Move to deny adopting a rcsolution accepting the public improvements fiJr Parkside at Mcadow Oaks. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recOlnll1ends Alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution. . RF.SOLUTlON NO. 2001-7 ACCEPTING IMPROYEMEN'I'S P ARKSIDE AT MEADOW OAKS WHERI~^S, under the terms of a development agreement dated August 8, 1998 hetween the City of I'v'lonticello and Parkside Development Corporation, the developer provided [l.)r the installation of sanitary sewer, storm se\ver, water main, grading. biturninous streets \vith curb and gutter. street signs and all appurtel1illlt work for the residential development kno\l\,;n as Parks ide at Mcadow Oaks and WIIERI::AS. Condition #7 of the cleveloprnent agreement provides for the developer to guarantee the improvements installed lor a period of one year CollO\ying Ci ty' s acceptance of the im proyemcnts. WI-IEREAS. the City Engineer has inspected the \vork constructed \vithin the Parkside at Meadow Oaks development and finds it to be in cOnfOrl11anCe \vith the approved plans and specifications for the same. NOW 'I'I IEREFORE. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED GYIHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Cl'ry OF MONTICEI .LO, that the improvements constructed within the Parksicle at ,Mcadow Oaks development arc hereby accepted by the City of Monticello and that the developer has subrnitled security in an amount and form acceptable to the City Engineer to guarantee the \vork tl.)]' one . year hom the date of acceptance of said work. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 26'h day or February. 2001. A TI1~ST: Mayor Roger Gelsaas Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator . 5~ . . . Council Agcnda - 2/26/200 I 7. Consideration of resolution approving plans and specifications for City Project 200 1-03C. desi1!n-build eravity belt thickener improvements to the wastewater treatment facilitv and authorization to advertise for proposals. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: llDR has complctcd the draft design build documents to advertise for proposals for the gravity belt thickener for the wastewater treatment facility. As previously discussed with the City Council. this project differs Irom previous improvements to the wastewater treatment plant in that rather than designing a project and asking for bids from contractors. we are asking fiJr proposals frot11 a team consisting of an engineering firm and a construction company to design and build the gravity helt thickener improvements to the wastewater treatment facility. The request for proposal documents completed by HDR and included with your packet layout the basic guidelines f()r the project to include the scope. description of equipment and materials. as well as perf(m11anCC standards. The documents ask for a hase proposal. layouts of building and equipment and speei fie details about the process. as well as a process efficiency guarantee. The team memhers also have to spell out their past experience and qualifications for the project. The award 01' proposals will differ a little bit Crom the conventional low bid process. As allowed hy state statutes. the documents layout the proposal evaluation criteria such as a maximum 01' 70 points heing awarded for the capital costs plus expected operational expenditures fl.)!" such items as polymer (chemicals). water and energy consumption. An additional 20 points would be awarded fl.)r technical information such as reliahility. operahility. flexibility. durability, quality of materials and equipment, etc. This section would also weigh the extent to which the proposed project meets or betters scheduled requirements. Additionally. 10 l110re points would be awarded in the area of experience and qualifications of the design company and the construction company. therehy the total points that could be achieved f()r any proposer would be ] 00 points. It is expected that a committee will he put together consisting of a representative from HDR, one from City stafe one li'om PSG, one from Sunny Fresh Foods. and a representative from the City Council. [t wou[d be advantageous to select that individual at this meeting. A copy of the text of the RFP is enclosed for your review. The technical specifications have not been included but will he discussed at the Council Meeting by Mr. Ed DeLaForest of HDR. Again. the estimated cost of this project is in the neighborhood of $638,000. The majority (75%) is heing assessed to Sunny Fresh Foods. The following is a proposed schedule for the project: ACTIVITY DATE Issue request for proposals (RFP) ........................................ Mar 7. 200] . . . Council Agenda - 2/26/200 I Pre-bid meeting/general information meeting (sludge sampling) .... . . . . . . . . . . . Mar 21,2001 Proposals due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr], 200 I Interviews (ifdesired) ................................................. ApI' 6,2001 Negotiations (ifrequired) ......................................... Apr6-Apr8,2001 Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ApI' 8. 200 I City Council contract award action ....................................... ApI' 9,2001 Facility operational .................................................. Nov 15, 200 I Facility construction complete (with exception or site restoration).............. Dec 15,2001 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to pass a resolution accepting the plans and speciJications fix the request for proposals fiJr the design build of the gravity belt thickener improvernents to the wastewater treatment JllCility. We will be continuing to review the documents with staff. HDR and the City Attorney to assure cornpliance with state statutes. Any significant changes in the documents will be brought back to the Council f(Jr further approvals. 2. The second alternative would be not to pass the resolution accepting the plans and specifications or to make major changes as requested by thc City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator. Public Works Director, Ed De LaForest or I !DR and Chuck Keyes, the project manager for PSG at the WWTP, that the City Council approve the documents as drafted and as outlined in alternative #1 and authorize advertisement for proposals to be returned on April 3.2001. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Design build speciJications. . CITY OF MONTICELLO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CITY PROJECT NO. 2001-03C DRAFT FEBRUARY 23, 2001 SLUDGE THICKENING FACILITY . REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR DESIGN-BUILD SERVICES HDR Engineering, Inc. . 6190 Golden Hills Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 February 2001 . . , . Table of Contents I. COVER LETTER II. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION A. GENERAL B. INSTRUCTIONS C. SCHEDULE D. CITY RIGHTS AND OPTIONS E. DESIGN-BUILDER RESPONSIBILITIES/SCOPE OF WORK F. DESIGN-BUILDER SELECTION PROCESS III. PROPOSAL A. GENERAL B. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS C. REQUIRED CONTENTS OF PROPOSAL D. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA G. FORMS IV. GENERAL A. AGREEMENT B. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS C. SPECIAL PROVISIONS D. GENERAL CONDITIONS (ElCDC 1910-40 (1995 EDITION) E. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS v. DESIGN CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS BASIS FOR DESIGN KEY DESIGN CRITERIA OTHER DESIGN CRITERIA PROCESS DESIGN BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS SITE EV ALUA TION ELECTRICAL POEWR SYSTEM THICKENED SLUDGE PUMPING FEED PUMPS PIPING CONNECTION POINTS/PROCESS WATER GRA VITY BELT THICKENER PRE-SCREENING INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS FIELD OFFICE PLANT ACCESS AND EXECUTION OF WORK City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility Table of Contents - I 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK 02221 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING FOR UTILITIES 02529 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND STEPS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 03002 CONCRETE DIVISION 4 - MASONRY 04110 CEMENT AND LIME MORTARS 04220 CONCRETE MASONRY DIVISION 5. METALS 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL 05505 METAL FABRICATIONS DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07900 JOINT SEALANTS . DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS 08110 METAL DOORS AND FRAMES {AND BORROWED LIGHT FRAMES} 08120 ALUMINUM DOORS AND FRAMES 08220 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) DOORS AND FRAMES {AND FRP BORROWED LIGHT {AND WINDOW] FRAMES} 08525 ALUMINUM WINDOWS 08700 FINISH HARDWARE DIVISION 9 - FINISHES 09905 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT 11005 EQUIPMENT: BASIC REQUIREMENTS 11063 PUMPING EQUIPMENT: SELF-PRIMING CENTRIFUGAL BACKWASH PUMPS 11068 PUMPING EQUIPMENT: VORTEX (TORQUE-FLOW) 11069 PUMPING EQUIPMENT: PROGRESSIVE CAVITY 11 I 43 PLATE TYPE FILTER PRESS 11144 BELT FILTER PRESS DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13440 INSTRUMENTATION FOR PROCESS CONTROL: BASIC REQUIREMENTS 13441 CONTROL LOOP DESCRIPTIONS 13444 CONTROLLERS 13448 CONTROL PANELS AND ENCLOSURES 13500 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) CONTROL SYSTEM . City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility Table of Contents - 2 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL 15060 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS: BASIC REQUIREMENTS 15061 PIPE: STEEL 15062 PIPE: DUCTILE 15063 PIPE: COPPER 15100 VALVES: BASIC REQUIREMENTS 15101 GATE VALVES 151 03 BUTTERFLY VALVES 15183 PIPE, DUCT AND EQUIPMENT INSULATION 15605 HV AC: EQUIPMENT 15890 HV AC: DUCTWORK 15970 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL FOR HVAC SYSTEMS 15990 HVAC SYSTEMS: BALANCING AND TESTING DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL 16010 ELECTRICAL: BASIC REQUIREMENTS 161 II CONDUIT, CONDUIT FITTINGS AND CONDUIT SUPPORTS{, WIREWAY,} {AND UNDERFLOOR DUCT} 16115 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT. DUCTS, AND MANHOLES, HANDHOLES AND PRECAST CABLE TRENCH WIRE AND CABLE - 600 VOLT AND BELOW OUTLET. PULL, AND JUNCTION BOXES WIRING DEVICES PANELBOARDS DRY-TYPE TRANSFORMERS V ARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES - LOW VOLTAGE GROUNDING MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS. CONTROL EQUIPMENT & SEPARATELY MOUNTED DEVICES SAFETY SWITCHES INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR LIGHTING 16120 16130 16140 16150 16190 16265 16450 16474 16475 16500 END OF Toe City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility Table of Contents - 3 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . o AND 1 I. COVER LETTER II. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION A. GENERAL B. INSTRUCTIONS C. SCHEDULE D. CITY RIGHTS AND OPTIONS E. DESIGN.BUILDER RESPONSIBILITIES/SCOPE OF WORK F. DESIGN-BUILDER SELECTION PROCESS III. PROPOSAL A. GENERAL B. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS C. REQUIRED CONTENTS OF PROPOSAL D. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA E. FORMS IV. GENERAL A. AGREEMENT B. PERFORMANCE AND PA YMENT BONDS C. SPECIAL PROVISIONS D. GENERAL CONDITIONS (EJCDC 1910-40 (1995 EDITION) E. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS . V. DESIGN CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS BASIS FOR DESIGN KEY DESIGN CRITERIA OTHER DESIGN CRITERIA PROCESS DESIGN BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA AND REQUIREMENTS SITE EV ALUA TION ELECTRICAL POEWR SYSTEM THICKENED SLUDGE PUMPING FEED PUMPS PIPING CONNECTION POINTS/PROCESS WATER GRA VITY BELT THICKENER PRE-SCREENING INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS FIELD OFFICE PLANT ACCESS AND EXECUTION OF WORK JIIIIiIIlo.. ........ City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility 08124-009- I 64 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Thickening Facility City Project No. 2001-03C II. PROGRAM DESCRIPfION A. GENERAL 1. Introduction The City of Monticello (City) intends to procure design-build services for Gravity belt Thickener Improvements (" Sludge Thickening Facility" or "Thickening Facility" or "Facility") at the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) as authorized by Chapter 471A of the Minnesota Statutes. The City intends to award a single, lump sum Design-Build contract (referred to in the RFP and related documents as the: "Design-Build Services Agreement;" the "Design-Build Agreement;" the" Service(s) Agreement;" or the "Agreement"). The successful Proposer will perform and provide, as the single source of responsibility, all disciplines, management services, and administration for the design and construction of the new Thickening Facility. City staff will operate the new Thickening Facility after successful performance testing by the Design-Builder, as defined in the general conditions and the specifications. 2. Background The Monticello WWTP is located in Monticello, Minnesota. The facility has a current annual average flow of 1.1 MGD and provides secondary treatment using a sequence batch reactor process. Currently, the solids are thickened using dissolved air flotation and gravity. Thickened solids are then fed to anaerobic digesters and pumped to a liquid load- out facility. B. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Pre-Submittal Conference: A pre-bid meeting and general informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 21,2001 at 9:30 a.m. at the Monticello WWTP at 1401 Hart Boulevard, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. 2. Site Visits: Proposers can arrange site visits of the Monticello WWTP by contacting Chuck Keyes (763) 295-2225. The City makes no representations or warranties with respect to any information obtained during any individual site visit. 3. Proposal Submittal Date: Submit Proposals to the Monticello City Hall at 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. Proposals must be received no later than 12:00 noon, local time, on Tuesday, April 3, 2001. Proposers are responsible for the timely and accurate delivery of their Proposals. Proposals received after the time set for receipt may be returned unopened. City Of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility II-I 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . 4. Proposal Package: Submit the original and eight (8) copies of the Technical (includes Technical and Experience and Qualifications information as described in Section III, Proposal of the RFP) Proposal and an original and two copies of the Price Proposal. Place the Technical Proposals and the Price Proposals in separate sealed envelopes or boxes. Place the City project title, project number, the date and time the Proposal is due, and the name and address of the Proposer on the front of each sealed container. 5. Interviews: Interviews, if desired by the City, will be held on Friday, April 6, 2001 between 9:00 a.m. and 11 :30 a.m. or until such later time as may be needed. 6. Clarifications and Addenda: Proposers seeking clarification shall direct all communication in writing to: HDR Engineering, Inc. 6190 Golden Hills Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 Atto: Paul Tobkin City's consultant must receive requests for clarification at least seven days before the Proposal is due. Interpretation or modification of this Request for Proposals (RFP) document will be by addendum only. Oral responses and interpretations or modifications given by other methods are not binding. Addenda and other documents will be delivered by mail, FAX, electronic media, or messenger to RFP document holders of record at the mailing address, FAX number, email address or location provided by RFP document holders. 7. Sludge Samples: Secondary digested sludge as well as raw pasteurized sludge samples will be made available to all Proposers at the Monticello WWTP on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 between the hours of 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.. Staff will be available to assist Proposer in obtaining sludge samples. Proposer must bring containers to collect sludge samples. 8. Special Provisions a. Proposers shall complete all forms required and furnish all items of information or documentation requested. Failure to provide completed forms, information or documentation may result in disqualification of the Proposal. b. All Proposals shall be binding offers and must remain irrevocable at least 90-days after the deadline for submission. c. Costs of preparing and submitting each and all responses to this RFP are entirely the responsibility of the Proposers. City Of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility 11-2 08124-009.164 Request for Proposals (RFP) ---. -. .-- - . -., . ":-:-' .~'~~,..,~'- . C. SCHEDULE The tentative schedule is as follows: Activity . Issue Request for Proposals (RFP) . Pre-Bid Meeting/General Information Meeting/Sludge Sampling · Proposals Due . Interviews (if desired) . Negotiations (if required) · Recommendation . City Council Contract Award Action · Facility Operational . Facility Construction Complete (with exception of site Restoration) · The City reserves the right to revise, from time to time, the schedule as the City deems appropriate. Date* March 7, 2001 March 21, 2001 April 3, 2001 April 6, 2001 April 6 - 8, 2001 April 8, 2001 April 9, 2001 November 15, 2001 December 15, 2001 . D. CITY RIGHTS AND OPTIONS The City specifically reserves the right (among others), in its sole discretion to: 1. Amend the RFP, as it sees fit, at any time 2. Cancel the RFP at any time 3. Waive any and all informalities or irregularities in the Proposals received 4. Reject any or all Proposals, at any time, on the grounds that Design-Builder has failed to satisfy any requirements of the RFP or for any other reason deemed by the City to serve in its best interests. 5. Clarify, modify, accept or reject any and all recommendations made by the Evaluation Committee. 6. Discuss, seek clarification, and/or modification of a Proposal at anytime. 7. Reopen or conduct discussions with one or more Proposers at any time. 8. Accept any Proposal (within the specified acceptance period) and award a Contract to that Proposer, with or without any discussion or negotiation. 9. Assess liquidated damages for failure to comply with dates listed in Section C. Schedule, or Proposers scheduled completion date, whichever comes first. 10. Monetary awards will not be awarded for completion ahead of dates listed in Section C. Schedule or proposers scheduled completion date. . City Of MonticelIo Sludge Thickening Facility II-3 08124-009.164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . E. DESIGN-BUILDER RESPONSIBILITIES/SCOPE OF WORK The successful Proposer's (Design-Builder's) responsibilities include all design, engineering, approval, coordination, procurement, materials, equipment, labor, construction, start-up, testing, training, and other services and activities as necessary to provide the Sludge Thickening Facility at the Monticello WWTP. The Design-Builder will prepare and provide four (4) copies of operation and maintenance manuals, and record drawings, shop drawings, motor control schematic, and other required documentation. The format for the record drawings shall be one Mylar, one electronic (AutoCADD Release 14) and three full size paper drawings. The Design-Builder will be responsible for project safety and quality control, as well as all other activities necessary to provide the Sludge Thickening Facility and to properly integrate the Sludge Thickening Facility with the existing Monticello WWTP. The Design- Builder will not interrupt or cause interruption of operations at the existing Monticello WWTP. F. DESIGN-BUILDER SELECTION PROCESS . An Evaluation Conunittee will review, analyze, and make reconunendations to the City regarding the Proposals using the approach described below: 1. Proposal Evaluation To establish the most highly evaluated proposals the Evaluation Committee will score and rank proposals in accordance with Section III-D. Proposal Evaluation Criteria. 2. Proposer Discussions The City reserves the right ask Proposers to enter into discussions regarding the contents of their Proposal. Items City may discuss include, without limitation: Advise the Proposer of perceived deficiencies and issues in its Proposal and provide the Proposer an opportunity to satisfy the City's requirements or preferences; Attempt to resolve uncertainties concerning the technical aspects as well as terms and conditions of the Proposal; Provide the Proposer an opportunity to submit any price, technical or other revisions to its Proposal which may result from the discussions. 3. Short List of Proposers . . . The Evaluation Conunittee may short-list the Proposal(s) that, in the opinion of the Evaluation Committee, have a reasonable chance of being accepted or negotiated into a mutually acceptable contract. The city reserves the right to award the project to the Proposer determined to have the best value proposal or enter into discussion and subsequent negotiations with only the highest evaluated Proposer or with all Proposers that, in the opinion of City, submit Best Value Proposals. After recommendation of a Design/Builder, Proposers will be notified in writing of the results of the evaluation process. . City Of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility 11-4 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) -I'- . . . 4. Negotiations The City has established a time frame for discussions with selected Proposers. At any time during the discussions, the City may determine that a Proposal should not receive further consideration and eliminate said Proposal from further consideration. Only the City has the authority to eliminate or reject a Proposal. 5. Final Evaluation and Project Award The Evaluation Committee will review, analyze, and evaluate all proposals based upon the Evaluation Criteria. The Evaluation Committee will determine and recommend to the City Council which Proposal, in its opinion, represents the most advantageous offer to the City. In doing so, the Evaluation Committee will consider which of the most higWy evaluated Proposals best serves the interests of the City, including the best value for the City. The City Council may accept, reject, clarify or modify any and all findings and recommendations; it may also make its own findings and determinations. If the City determines that a Proposal is most advantageous, it may accept said Proposal, notify the Proposer and award the Design-Build agreement as contained in the RFP. City Of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility II.S 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Thickening Facility City Project No. 2001-03C III. PROPOSAL A. GENERAL Each Proposal shall include technical, experience and qualifications, and price information. This information will constitute the Proposal and, as applicable and finally accepted, will be incorporated by reference into the contract awarded by the City for the Monticello WWTP Sludge Thickening Facility. Proposers must use the Proposal format identified in C. REQUIRED CONTENTS OF PROPOSAL and bind the packet together. B. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Proposers are required to provide a Proposal based on the RFP documents herein. The Design Criteria and Requirements included in this RFP are to serve as the minimum requirements for the proposed project. The successful Proposer ("Design-Builder") will be required to complete the facilities design, construct facilities, furnish and install equipment, and complete performance testing. The Design-Builder will also be responsible for operator training, operation and maintenance manuals, and startup of the Facilities. Facilities and equipment include, but are not limited to: a thickening building; gravity belt thickener; process piping; polymer storage and feed facilities; process instrumentation and control systems; sampling and other monitoring equipment; HV AC systems; and electrical power supply systems, feed pumps, thickened sludge pumps, and all appurtenances and support systems required for a fully operational gravity belt thickening system. Proposers are encouraged to propose alternative design approaches and innovative ideas that may take exception to or enhance the facility concept as described in the Design Criteria and Requirements section of this RFP. However, any alternatives must provide, as a minimum, equivalent process, control, and redundancy capabilities as those provided in the Design Criteria and Requirements section. For any alternative, the Proposer shall provide an explanation of why the alternative is being proposed, how it will benefit the City and how it will impact the total project cost. The alternative design shall be listed in the Proposer's Price Proposal under the "Bidder Alternate" column. In addition, Proposers may not take exception to the following minimum requirements: 1. The proposed facilities must meet the requirements of the GBT Performance Specifications. C. REQUIRED CONTENTS OF PROPOSAL The Proposer shall submit information on each of the following topics. The evaluation of the Proposals will be based on comparing the information submitted for each topic against the evaluation criteria described later in this section of the RFP. City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility III-I 08124-009-164 Request fOf Proposals (RFP) . 1. Cover Letter Briefly introduce the Proposer. Include the name, address, telephone number and FAX number of the authorized contact person(s) for any questions and receipt of clarifications or addenda (if necessary) regarding the RFP. 2. Executive Summary Highlight the major points of the Proposal and list the distinctive capabilities of the Proposer. 3. Technical Information . The Proposer shall describe the project approach and anticipated schedule to satisfy the technical requirements in this RFP. The technical submission shall be in sufficient detail so that the City can ascertain the Proposer's ability to comply with the requirements. The following subsections outline the technical elements that must be included in the Proposal. a. Process Design Criteria The Proposer shall describe the design criteria for the proposed Thickening Facility. The Proposer shall include a process flow diagram for the proposed Thickening Facility. b. Facility Description The Proposer shall describe the Facilities upon which its Proposal is based. The following information shall be provided: 1. Site Plan: 11 x 17 drawings showing the proposed arrangement of the facilities on the Site. The site plan shall identify the limits of the work; staging and lay down areas; temporary on-site structures, facilities, and utilities. ii. Building Plan, Sections, and Elevation: 11 x 17 drawings showing the proposed floor plan and architectural appearance including at least one building elevation. The plans, sections, and elevation(s) shall include dimensions and locations of equipment, doors, hatches, and windows. Hi. Equipment: A list including manufacturers name, model number, number of units, capacity, drive type, motor horsepower, and materials of construction as applicable, for equipment associated with the Thickening Facility. Any piece of equipment that requires support from existing plant systems must be identified with the type (e.g., gas, water, etc.) and amount of support required. Also furnish a list of spare parts included in the proposal and the closest location where additional parts and service are available. IV. Process and Building Services: A description of the design criteria for process and building service systems. Include the design criteria for major equipment associated with each system: . Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning . Electric Power and Lighting . Non-Potable Water Supply . Effluent Water Connection . City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility IlI-2 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . · Natural Gas · Process and Instrumem Air System v. Power Supply and Electrical System: A description of the design criteria and facilities provided to meet power supply and electrical system requirements. including: · A one-line diagram. · Interconnection between the Facilities and the plant power supply. · Hourly power consumption of gravity belt thickener included in Base Bid at design conditions. vi. Process Instrumentation and Controls: A description of the instrumentation and comrol system including control panels. remote terminal units. redundancy features, process failure alarms and alarm features and provisions for automatic shutdown. Also provide block diagrams and complete P&IDs illustrating the control system. c. Performance Guarantee . The Proposer shall supply a Performance Guaramee for the Gravity Belt Thickener. Proposer shall provide: maximum polymer usage per dry ton of sludge processed at design conditions; precise type of polymer proposed; a vendor name and telephone number who will supply polymer; minimum solids capture at design conditions. d. Implementation Schedule The Proposer shall include a one page maximum project schedule that identifies major activities and milestones necessary to deliver the Thickening Facility. The schedule shall also identify suggested City review periods during design. e. Water Consumption Proposer shall identify the maximum wash water consumption of the gravity belt thickener included in base bid in gallons/minute at design conditions. f. Provide a brief narrative describing any energy-saving measures included in the proposed design. g. The gravity belt thickener will be performance tested using non-pasteurized, digested sludge. However, the City anticipates pasteurizing all sludge in the future. Provide a narrative describing how the performance of the GBT may be affected by processing pasteurized, digested sludge. h. Other Information . The Proposer may provide any other information it deems relevant for purposes of evaluating its Proposal. 4. Experience and Qualifications Infonnation Proposers shall submit information on their experience and qualifications to perform the work described in this RFP. The following subsections outline the experience and qualifications submittal requirements. City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility III-3 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . a. Provide the legal name and address of the Design-builder (or lead finn or partner) and describe the type of organization (e.g. corporation, partnership, joint venture, etc.) responsible for delivering the project. b. Provide the name of the representative empowered to conduct business on the Proposer's behalf and furnish a certified copy of the resolution or agreement empowering that representative to do so. In addition, if the Proposer is a corporation, provide the name of the state under the laws of which the corporation is chartered the name and address of the corporation, and the name and title of the person who signs on behalf of the corporation. c. Describe the Proposer's team. Specifically: . Identify the roles and responsibilities of the Proposer, partner finns, and major subcontractors. . Describe the contractual relationship between the Proposer and all major partners and subcontractors. . . Identify the number of years in business as that entity. . Provide memoranda of understanding or similar documentation showing each finn or partner commitment to the team. d. Provide resumes for the overall project manager and individuals responsible for managing the design, construction, startup, and testing of the new Thickening Facility. Resumes shall identify previous projects that demonstrate the design, construction, startup and testing excellence of the above individuals and include two professional references for each. Also provide resumes for any other key project staff, and describe their project responsibilities. e. The design entity and the construction entity shall each provide project descriptions and references (including contact name and verified telephone number) for two wastewater projects over $1 million in project cost with each project to have occurred within the last seven years. References will be scored higher for experience in or evidence of: . 1) Design-build project delivery. 2) WWTP solids handling. 3) Gravity belt thickening. 4) Teaming with proposed project members. 5) Attention to security when working in operating facilities. 6) Maintenance of plant operations. 7) Timely project completion. 8) Cooperation. 9) Low number of change orders. f. Safety Record Data: Provide the following for the Proposer or applicable team member who will be responsible for job site safety. i. Workers' Compensation experience modification factor rating. City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility III-4 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . n. Experience Modification factor calculation worksheet produced by insurance carrier or Minnesota workers' Reinsurance Association. iii. Incident rate factor rating. NOTE: To calculate incident rate use: (N divided by EH) x 200,000 where: . N - Number of reported injuries and illnesses EH = Total hours worked by all employees during the calendar year 200,000 = base hours for 100 equivalent full-time workers g. Financial Resources: Provide evidence of the Proposer's ability to meet the following requirements : i. The Proposer has, or is able to obtain (either directly or through the firm or partner responsible for designing the project), a minimum of $1 million in professional liability insurance coverage for design errors and omissions from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota and carrying a rating of Best's or Best's International of A- or higher. The Proposer is able to obtain (either directly or through the firm or partner responsible for constructing the project) a performance and payment bond in the amount of 5 % of the Proposers total bid from surety on the lists of "current Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" (as published in circular 580 (amended) by the Audit Staff, bureau of Government Financial Operations, U.S. Treasury Department) . ii. iii. The Proposer is able to obtain (either directly or through the firm or partner responsible for construction of the project) Comprehensive General Liability (including Premises-Operations; Independent Contractor's Protection; Products Liability and Completed Operations; Broad Form Property Damage) insurance coverage in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and in aggregate. iv. Provide a written certification statement signed by (an) Officers of the Proposer's organization and any partners, that proposer and any partner(s): . Have not within the last 5 years placed a surety or bonding company in a position to perform due to default on any public project. · Have never declared bankruptcy. . Have not, within the last 5 years, been debarred for bidding on contracts anywhere in the United States or under federal law. v. Provide information on pending litigation, or claims against the Proposer, if applicable, or the lead firm or partner(s) that constitute the Proposer for the last five years. vi. Provide a copy of an audited financial statement for the year 2000 for the Proposer and its corporate shareholders (if any), and its component partners or members (if any). The requisite financial statements shall include without limitation, on annual balance sheet and income statement for the year 2000. . City of Monticel\o Sludge Thickening Facility 1II-5 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . 5. Price Proposal Price information shall be submitted on the Price Proposal Forms provided in Paragraph E- FORMS. Price Proposal Forms shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope as described in Section II - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. Forms shall be clearly labeled to match the technical contents of each proposal. The Proposer must submit price information for the Base Bid for new thickening facilities. Proposer must submit a lump sum price to furnish and install the gravity belt thickener including the associated control panel. The Proposer must identify the gravity belt thickener used in the base bid by manufacturer and model number. Separate price information must also be submitted for two alternate gravity belt thickeners, which must also be identified by manufacturer and model number. Prices for the two alternate gravity belt thickeners shall be listed in an add/deduct format to the Proposer's total base bid. Proposers must also submit a lump sum price to deliver the remainder of the Thickening Facility (not including the gravity belt thickener. This price together with the gravity belt thickener price, constitutes the Total Base Bid for evaluation purposes, as described in Paragraph D. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA. . The Proposer may submit price information for alternative designs under the conditions outlined in Section m. PROPOSAL, Part B. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS. If the Proposer chooses to submit alternative designs, the total cost shall be listed in an add/deduct format to the Proposer's Total Base Bid. The Proposer must indicate the manufacturer and model number of progressive cavity pumps included in the Proposer's base bid. In addition, the Proposer must list the manufacturers and model numbers of two alternate progressive cavity pumps in an add/deduct format to the Proposer's total base bid. 6. Conflict of Interest Form Proposers and any corporate shareholder (if a corporation), its members (if a joint venture) and its partners (if a partnership or limited liability company) shall submit the Potential Conflict of Interest form included in Section V - FORMS, and indicate that they are unaware of any actual or potential conflicts of interest or identify and describe, in detail, actual or potential conflicts of interest. For purposes of this certification, the City includes its employees, representatives and the following outside consultants and their employees: HDR Engineering, Inc. 7. Minnesota Prevailing Wages State of Minnesota prevailing wages will not apply. D. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA The Evaluation Committee will review and evaluate Proposals that comply with the submittal requirements of this RFP. Proposals will be evaluated on a comparative basis and a score will be assigned to each proposal. The maximum available points for each Proposal evaluation criterion are shown below. 1. Project Cost (70 points) . a. Capital costs together with the present worth of 20-years of polymer consumption. City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility 111-6 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . b. Wash water usage energy consumption and solids capture may be considered if there are appreciable differences among Proposers. 2. Technical Information (20 pts), including without limitation: a. The ability of the proposed processes to meet the intent of the Design Criteria and Requirements. b. Aesthetic treatment of the proposed Facility and relationship to other Monticello WWTP facilities. c. The type and amount of support required from existing plant systems. d. Reliability, operability, flexibility, and durability of the proposed design. e. Type and quality of materials and equipment. f. Ease of operation and maintainability. g. Arrangement and apportionment of spaces. h. The extent to which the proposed project meets or betters schedule requirements. i. Energy savings concepts. 3. Experience and Qualifications Information (10 pts), including without limitation: a. Experience and qualifications of key project staff. b. Design and construction experience of the design entity and the construction entity, respectively, including references. c. Safety, security, housekeeping and cooperation with plant operators on past project. d. Financial capacity. e. Claims and litigation history. E. FORMS The following forms shall be included as part of the price proposal submittal. Included are the Price Proposal form, the Affirmative Action Certification Statement, and the Potential Conflict of Interest Form. City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility III-7 08124-009~ 164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . City of Monticello Price Proposal Form Sludge Thickening Facility Project City Project No. 2001-03C To: City of Monticello Proposal of: (Name ) (Address) Proposal to, DesignlBuild (DB) Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility City Project No. 2001-03C Pursuant to the City of Monticello (City) RFP for the Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility Project prepared under the direction of First. In submitting this Proposal, the undersigned Proposer understands and agrees to comply with all provisions of this RFP. Second. The undersigned Proposer acknowledges that it has received and examined the RFP including, but not limited to, the Sludge Thickening Facility Design Criteria and Requirements and has informed itself of the Addenda thereto and of the form of the Contract and Bonds to be furnished in the event it is the successful Proposer and is awarded a Contract. Third. The undersigned Proposer agrees to negotiate its Proposal in good faith and if the successful Proposer, to furnish the required Bonds as specified in the Contract. Performance and Payment Bonds are to be provided within 14 days after Notice of Award. Fourth. The undersigned Proposer further agrees to begin the Work upon receipt of a Notice To Proceed and to prosecute said Work within the time specified. Fifth. The undersigned Proposer further agrees to guarantee performance of the Work to be in accordance with the Contract Documents contained in the RFP, and that the Work shall be constructed and installed in a good and worker-like manner. City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility I11-8 08124.009.164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . Sixth. The undersigned Proposer certifies, and in the case of a joint Proposal each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, that this Proposal has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement as to any matter relating to this Proposal with any other proposer or with any competitor. Seventh. The undersigned Proposer further agrees to submit, if requested by the City, and prior to award of a Contract, the following: b. Such catalogs, drawings, specifications, descriptive information, and other details as to special equipment or materials Proposer proposes to use for the Facility, to permit evaluation of the merits thereof and a determination as to whether or not the materials or equipment comply with the requirements of this RFP. Statements of experience and a list of capital and equipment available to Proposer. Audited financial statements. a. c. d. 10K and 10Q's (SEC filings), ifany. f. Certification that there have been no material adverse changes or planned changes in the method of conducting business (bankruptcy, restructuring, mergers, acquisitions, litigation) since the most recent financial statements of the Proposer and affiliated parties. Certification of a list of off-balance sheet liabilities, including contingent liabilities and all major financial commitments, specifically including but not limited to: completion guarantees on construction projects operating guarantees parent company guarantees to owners or surety companies other contractual relationships which may affect guarantees for the project or financing for the project. e. . g. Descriptions of assets to be used to support the Proposer's guarantees and recourse the project will have to its balance sheets. h. Information on the Proposer's access to bank lines of credit, revolving credit agreements, and other sources of liquidity. Eighth. The undersigned Proposer further agrees to be bound by the provisions of Section 181.59 Minnesota Statutes, relating to discrimination. Ninth. The undersigned Proposer further agrees to be bound by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 473.144 and 363.073, and the provisions of Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 500.3600. Tenth. The undersigned Proposer will furnish all materials necessary to carry out and satisfactorily provide the services described in its Proposal in the manner and within the times specified in the applicable Contract Documents. . Eleventh. The undersigned Proposer will be responsible to obtain permits, licenses, or authorizations as provided in the Contract Documents. City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility 1II~9 08124-009-164 Request for proposals (RFP) . . . Twelfth. The undersigned Proposer further agrees to provide services in a manner that will not interfere with the City's operation of its existing WWTP during the period of construction on a continuous level of treatment equal to the level that existed prior to the initiation of construction. Thirteenth. The undersigned Proposer understands that in addition to the forthcoming forms, the other information provided by the undersigned Proposer under the RFP as a part of its Proposal may be made a part of the Contract. Fourteenth. The undersigned Proposer understands that, recently enacted legislation revised Minnesota Statutes Section 471A.03, subdivision 3 to allow the following; "The municipality, at its discretion, may classify all or portions of any (1) proposals received from vendors, and (2) government data received from vendors or generated by the municipality relating to negotiations with the vendors, as nonpublic data under section 13.02, subdivision 9, or as protected nonpublic data under section 13.02, subdivision 13, until completion of negotiations with all the vendors and, if the municipality solicits a best and final offer from one or more vendors, until the offers are received from all vendors who are requested to submit such an offer". Trade secret information may be classified as nonpublic data. "Trade secret information" is defined by Minnesota law to be data, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process (1) that was supplied by an affected individual or organization, (2) that is the subject of efforts by the individual or organization that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain it secrecy, and (3) that derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use. Proposer shall mark any "Trade Secret Information" contained in its proposal. The City will make reasonable efforts to maintain the nonpublic status of "trade secret information" submitted pursuant to this RFP provided that Proposer indicates that it considers any such information submitted to be "trade secret information" by clearly noting so on the face and on each page of such documents. This disclosure requirement shall not be deemed satisfied if Proposer indiscriminately designates the Proposal(s) in its entirety, or in some other wholesale manner as "trade secret information" . The undersigned Proposer further understands that the City is not responsible for unauthorized disclosures of "trade secret information" and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all claims, causes of actions and costs arising from any claimed violation of this law, including all legal fees and other costs incurred by the City in any legal proceeding. Fifteenth. The undersigned Proposer agrees that all taxes, fees, royalties and other charges related to the Sludge Thickening Facility, are included in this Proposal and costs set forth hereon. The undersigned Proposer agrees that it shall have no claim against the City because of any misunderstanding or lack of knowledge on its part as to liability for, or the amount of any taxes, fees, royalties or other charges which are required or accrue due to its performance thereunder. Sixteenth. The undersigned Proposer understands that Minnesota law makes certain Biosolids Processing facilities exempt from state sales tax. Proposer shall familiarize itself with applicable Minnesota law and be responsible for all tax liabilities. Seventeenth. The undersigned Proposer represents that it is a duly organized legal entity and is legally bound by the representations and covenants set forth in this Proposal. City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility JII.lO 08124.009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . PROPOSAL CONDITIONS The undersigned has carefully checked the Proposal Documents before preparing this Proposal and accepts the said documents as correctly describing the Work to be done. If this Proposal shall be accepted and the undersigned shall fail to contract as aforesaid, and to give the Bonds in faithful performance and for labor and materials required by Design/Build General Conditions, or other Contract Documents, or by law, and to provide all insurance as required by the Contract Documents within 14 calendar days after the date of the Notice Of Award of the Contract, the COUNCIL may, at its option, determine that the Proposer has abandoned its Contract and thereupon the award thereof shall be null and void, and the forfeiture of such security accompanying this Proposal shall operate and the same shall be the property of the City of Monticello as liquidated damages. PRICE PROPOSAL Proposal Item Number Estimated Units Description of Item Price Amount Gravity Belt Thickener Lump Sum $ 2 Remainder of Work Lump Sum $ Total Base Bid $ Indicate specific approved brand of progressive cavity pump used in Base Bid. (Proposer fill in) Indicate specific approved brand of GBT used in Base Bid. (Proposer fill in) City of Monticello Sludge Thickening Facility III-II 08124-009~ 164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . Alternate Gravity Belt Thickeners Approved Alternate GBT Manufacturer AddlDeduct from Total Base Bid 1. $ 2. $ Proposer Alternates AddlDeduct from Total Base Bid 1. Proposer Alternate 1 $ 2. Proposer Alternate 2 $ 3. Proposer Alternate 3 $ Progressive Cavity Pump Alternates Approved Alternate PC Pump Manufacturer AddlDeduct from Total Base Bid 1. $ 2. $ NOTES: 1. Each Proposer Alternate shall be considered a stand alone alternate, its Add/Deduct price independent of any other Proposer alternate price unless specifically identified otherwise by Proposer. 2. The City reserves the right to make award on the basis of the Base Bid only or on any alternate or combination of alternates it deems in its best interest. City Of Monticello Thickening Facility IlI-12 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . Gravity Belt Thickener Guarantee Proposers must provide the below listed information. All information shall be based on the GBT design criteria. 1. Gravity belt thickener included in base bid: · Manufacturer: · Model number: · Guaranteed maximum polymer consumption: Pounds per ton of dry solids feed (input) · Manufacturer and specific name or other unique identifier of the polymer proposed: · Name of the local supplier of the polymer identified above, and the telephone number for the supplier: Guaranteed minimum solids capture: 2. Gravity belt thickener included as alternate No.1: · Manufacturer: · Model number: · Guaranteed maximum polymer consumption: Pounds per ton of dry solids feed (input) . % . Manufacturer and specific name or other unique identifier of the polymer proposed: . Name of the local supplier of the polymer identified above, and the telephone number for the supplier: · Guaranteed minimum solids capture: % 3. Gravity belt thickener included as alternate No.2: · Manufacturer: · Model number: · Guaranteed maximum polymer consumption: Pounds per ton of dry solids feed (input) . Manufacturer and specific name or other unique identifier of the polymer proposed: . Name of the local supplier of the polymer identified above, and the telephone number for the supplier: · Guaranteed minimum solids capture: % City Of Monticello Thickening Facility 11I-13 08124.009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . Solids capture is defined as: % capture = (C/F)(F-E)/(C-E) xlOO Where: C= Cake TS in mg/I and cake is defined as the total dry solids concentration in the GBT solids discharge. F= Feed TS in mg/l and feed is defined as the total dry solids concentration in the feed sludge excluding any dilution due to polymer solution addition. E== Filtrate TSS in mg/I and filtrate is defined as the dry suspended solids concentration in the GBT liquid discharge attributable only to the sludge feed, excluding any dilution due to polymer solution and GBT wash water. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA The undersigned Proposer acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda: -'~'-- Failure to complete the foregoing Acknowledgment of the receipt of Addenda, by the insertion of the identifying numbers in the above blanks, may result in rejection of the Proposal. PROPOSAL SECURITY . Enclosed herewith is a Proposal Security in the form ofa Certified Check, Cashier's Check, or DesignlBuild Proposal Bond in the amount of payable to the Metropolitan Council. The amount of the Proposal Security is as required. FAILURE TO ENCLOSE A PROPOSAL SECURITY IN THE AMOUNT REQUIRED MAY RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF THE PROPOSAL. . City Of Monticello Thickening Facility III-14 08124.009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . CERTIFICATION AND EXECUTION WITNESS our hands and seal this day of ,2001 A (Corporation, Partnership, Other) of the State of By (An officer of the Proposer) Title City Of Monticello Thickening Facility III-15 08124-009-164 Request for Proposals (RFP) . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO SLUDGE THICKENING FACILITY POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST INDICATE APPROPRIA TEL Y I am unaware of any potential conflicts of interest: I am aware of the following potential conflict(s) of interest Description of potential conflict(s): I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that the information above is true. Firm' s Authorized Representative Date City Of Monticello Thickening Facility III. 16 08124-009.164 Request for Proposals (RFP) e City Project 2001-03C · Improves solids handling at the WWTP · Consists of: . New building over existing unused tanks . One gravity belt thickener . Six sludge handling pumps . Miscellaneous ancillary systems e. Project delivery using design-build · Action requested tonight: . Approve D-B documents . Approve evaluation criteria . Authorize advertisement for proposals . 1 . . Design- Build · Authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 471.371 · Allows municipalities to enter into a single contract for design and construction of water and wastewater projects. · Contract award based on: "... performance guarantee, completion date, . construction cost, capacity of the facility, design life, estimated annual operation and maintenance cost and other relevant factors." 2 . Advantages of Design-Build . Selection based on best value . Focuses responsibility . Faster project delivery . Fosters innovation . . Lower cost . 3 . . . Disadvantages of Design-Build · More difficult for owner to influence detailed design · Expensive to pursue · Lower quality if not careful · Not suitable for poorly defined projects 4 . Design-Build Selection Process · Engage criteria engineer · Develop RFP · Approve RFP and evaluation criteria, and authorize advertisement for proposals · Receive and evaluate proposals · Interview (optional) · Negotiate (optional) · Make recommendation to City Council · Award . . 5 . Proposed Selection Criteria · Capital and operating costs - 70 points · Technical approach - 20 points · Conformance to design and performance requirements · Aesthetic treatment · Support needed from existing plant systems · Reliability, operability, flexibility and . durability · Quality of materials and equipment · Ease of operation and maintenance · Arrangement and apportionment of spaces · Schedule compliance · Energy saving concepts . 6 .. . · Experience and Qualifications -10 points · Key project staff · Builder and designer · Competence in safety, security, and housekeeping and cooperation with plant operators · Financial strength · Claims and litigation history . . 7 . Proposal Evaluation Committee · One City Council Member · One representative of Sunny Fresh Foods · One or more City staff members · WWTP operator · One representative of criteria engineer . . 8 . . .- ., Counci I Agenda - 2/26/01 8. Consideration of ado ltion of resolution authorizin(J condemnation of svstem. (./0) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGI{OUND: The City Council is asked to consider authorizing the eminent domain process to obtain pathway casement necessary to construct the pathway and pedestrian overpass where it impacts the Dahlheimer and Pfeffer properties. With regards to the Dahlhein1er property. the need to proceed via the elninent domain process comes as a great surprise. Up until this week. we had the impression that any issues were relating to the price of the casement. We always thought that the acquisition terms could be resolved amicably. Surprisingly. last week, we were infi:mned by Greg Dahlheimer that the company would rather have the City move the bridge somewhere else. It was their view that by liJrcing the City into condemnation. perhaps the City would look elsewhere f()r a crossing location. With regards to the PiCtTer property. it looks like we can obtain the easement without exercising eminent domain, however. we believe it now prudent to begin the process in the event our expectations arc again wrong. The pathway casement area needed irom Dahlheimer amounts to .4 acres. At one point we thought that the easement could be acquired at no cost. The cost to obtain the easement could range from about $20.000 to $80.000. The $20.000 figure is based on the current selling price of industrial land. The $80.000 is based on the asking price for land adjacent to the C)' Ryan convenience store. It now also appears that the PtCfler easen1ent may also come at a price or in exchange f(JI' SOlne other consideration. More information on this to be provided at the lneeting. Should a portion of the pathway cost be assessed due to this increase in cost'? It was not expected that any portion of the pathway would be assessed to adjoining property owners because we thought they would be providing the easement at no cost. Due to the fact that there will be a charge for the pathway easement, perhaps a portion of the pathway cost should be assessed against the benefitting properties. Please note that the School District and Resurrection Church have provided pathway easements as requested. The strategy to block the installation of the pathway by not granting the casement can not prevail as long as the City Council believes in the value of the project and the public purpose that it serves. We will continue our dialogue with Dahlheimer up until the meeting with the hope that minds will be changed. Roger Belsaas has noted that he will be contacting Dahlhein1ers prior to the meeting to discuss this important matter. . Bret Weiss will be present to discuss the implications of the delay associated with the condemnation process. At the time that the plan development was authorized it was noted to the Council that the cost of the project could be impacted by unknown costs associated with acquiring easements. Council authorized the development of the plans with knowledge of the risk. Ilowcver, it could be said that the risks may have been downplayed due to the positive discussions with property owners up to that date. The original expected city share was expected to be $264,000 with no cost for . . . Council Agcnda - 2/26/0 I easements. This assumed that the ISTEA grant contributed RO% of final construction costs. ^ny costs over this amount will have to be included in next years tax levy, taken from reserves or delay some other 200] year budget item. Lastly. cost for plan development to date is over $ ] 00.000. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ]. Motion to adopt a resolution authorizing condemnation of property f()r trail system. I f the City Council is cOlllmitted to completing the project this year, it is important that this action be taken and not delayed for further negotiations. 2. Motion to deny authorization to proceed with the eminent domain process and withdraw from the ISTEA project and/or examine another location fl)r the bridge crossing. lJ nder this option the City would gi ve up the Federal/State eontri hution of construction cost (8(YYo) and take its chance on ever getting funding t()r a bridge at another location. I do not think it would be possible to take money allocated fur the bridge at this location and apply it for a pedestrian overpass somewhere else. " " . Motion to table action on the matter. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City ^dministrator to initiate eminent domain proceedings with the idea that the City would continue to negotiate with Dahlheimers. Other pathway crossing locations were examined during the grant application phase. There have never been any serious objections to the pathway and pedestrian crossing hy Dahlheimer or anyone else until this past week. We would be throwing out a huge an10unt of time and money associated with this important project if we were to abandon it in hopes offinding another location. If the City Council is interested in developing a safe pedestrian way for years to come at a logical location using the assistance of State and Federal dollars then the Council should select Alternative It 1. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copy of Resolution. OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN P. L. L. P P. 003 PEB.-22'OI(THU) 15:27 TEL:612 925 5879 . . . CI~Y 0' MONTICB~~O MINNBSO'l'A A meeting of the City council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, waa called to order by at p.m. in the council chamberl3 of the City Hall, Monticel~o, Minnesota on ' 2001. The following council members were present: , the following Council members were absent; A motion to adopt the following resolution was made by and seconded by -*********************************-****************************** RBSOLUTION # ____ AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATIoN OF PROPERTY 'OR TRAIL SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is in the process of establishing a trail system for the use of the public in general and the City of Monticello residente in particular; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire certain property for the purpose of building trails and completing the trail system; NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Monticello: l. Establishment of a trail system conetituces a public purpose. 2. The City Attorney is hereby authorized to proceed under Minnesota Stat-utes Chapter 117 to acquire the properties described in Exhibits A, Band C attached hereto. 3. The City Attorney is hereby authorized to proceed under Minnesota Statutes Section 117.04 to acquire title and possession at the earliest practicable date. FEB.-22'Ol(THU) 15:27 . . . OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 The following Council members voted in favor: the following council members voted against or abstained: whereupon the motion was declared duly passed and executed. -2- P. 004 . 9. Consideration of mnendin Building. (R W) Council Agenda - 2/26/0 I reement for the s~tle of the former Senior Citizens REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: / 1-'1 A. In November. 1999. tbe Council bad received an offer Irom Denni, Ande"on to purchase the Senior Citizens Building under a contract for deed at the price 01'$120.000. The City Council countered the otter at $130.000, but was not interested in accepting a contract f()r deed. Mr. Aoderson had origioally proposed to use the facility Ill[ a laundromat. but changed his plans and indicated a desire to remodel it into an oftiee building. . The closing on the property has not yet taken place due to a problem that exists with available on-si te parking Ii m i ta t i on,. A hhoug h Mr. A nderson knew that access to the I 0-1 2 parki ng spaces that existed on the south side of the building required cros,ing Over the abutting property to gain access, Mr. Anderson did not originally think this would be a problem. Both Mr. Anderson and city staff had assumed since this parking and access issue had been in existence for 20-30 years. continued u'e of the parking along the south side of the building would not be a problem. Since that time. the adjoining property owner, Ken 1l0lkeL has not indicated a willingness to provide any type of easement to the City and has also hinted that a future owner may be denied access to the f()rnler parking stalls. As a result. Mr. Anderson has been reluctant to close the deal without some type of understanding in regards to parking availability f()r the building. Over the past year. I have had a few contacts from parties interested in looking at the building and the question that always comes up is where is the parking located for the structure? r believe parking will always be an issue with anybody who buys this building and as a resuh. have discussed with Mr. Anderson the idea of constructing angled parking along the boulevard Irom River Street to the Senior Citizens Building as a solution to Our problem. As you may recall, the City does have an ordinance that allows the City to collect a parking ICe per stall from a property Owner in the Central Business District that may not have sufficient parking on their OWn property. The intent would be to use the tlmds acquired through this method to acquire land and/or build future parking laeilities for various businesses. When we originally discussed options J(l[ remodeling the building. the ICe Ill[ parking stalls provided olT-site by the City was $1.000 per stall. We have since that time increased the tee to $1,450 per stall, but $1.000 was what we were discussing with Mr. Anderson prior to the purchase agreement. Mr. Anderson seems agreeable to being assessed fl)r parking stalls at $1,000 each 1(n whatever number the City would Construct in front of the Senior Citizens Building to River Street. It is estimated that 10-12 parking stalls would fit in this space. In exchange 11)r agreeing to be assessed the $10.000-$12.000 for parking stalls, Mr. Anderson would like to amend the purchase agreement to purchase the property on a contract for deed over 15 years at 7% interest. In addition. Mr. Andc"on would be agreeable to committing to remodeling the exterior of the building within 12 months to make the property more attractive to the neighborhood. . . Co unci I Agcnda - 2/26/0 I One concern that has been previously noted with accepting a contract f()r deed is that a down payment should he sufficient to ensure that the City would be adequately protected if the buyer would remodel or alter the structure substantially and then default on a contract. With assumption of additional cost fiJr parking stalls. Mr. Anderson had proposed a $5.000 down payment that he made last year as the only additional till1ds to be provided at this tilne but it is recommended that an additional $15,000-$20,000 be required to adequately protect the City. If an additional $20,000 was required, this would bring the total to $25,000 which is about 20% of the original purchase price. Mr. Anderson and myself have met a number of times over the last year trying to get this issue resolved regarding parking and to close this sale. I think the idea of providing angled parking along the boulevard in front of the building to River Street would be a good solution to our parking problem and it would be in accordance with the ordinance we had in place at the time the purchase agreement was entered into by assessing the property an additional $1,000 per stall created. Accepting a contract for deed with a reasonable down payment should not be a problem fl.w the City and with an interest rate of 7%, it should equal or exceed the interest we could earn if we were to require cash. I think this would get the property back on the tax rolls relatively soon and bring this issue to a close. If the Council should decide not to proceed with an amended purchase agreernent with Mr. Anderson. I still believe the City needs to seriously consider constructing the parking improvenlents noted or we will continue to have difficulty in ever selling the building as is. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The Council could accept the amended offer ll)r the purchase under a contract fl.)r deed with a $20J)00~$25,000 down payment and the balance on a 15 year contract for deed at 7% interest. Under this alternative, the Council would be agreeable to assessing the property an additional $ ] ,000 per stall created and would agree to construct the improvement as soon as the parking demand existed. 2. The Council could reject the proposed amendment or make a counter offer. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the contract tl)r deed proposal with a 15%-20% down payment be considered. If the length of the contract seems too long. possibly requiring a balloon payment atter 8-]() years could be proposed, but I believe the creation of the additional parking on the boulevard and the assessment to the property of $10,000-$12.000 Ill/' the parking improvements is a reasonable compromise to get this project back on the tax rolls. It would he noted that the property even with the on street boulevard parking assessment would only entitle the property to a use that does not create more than I O~ 12 parking stall demand. . . ~ ...... Council Agenda - 2/26/01 Additional uses of the property above the 12 parking stall limitation would likely require additional funds Cor parking improvements before it was allowed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Amended purchase proposal to be presented at the meeting on Monday night. . . - - c. Council ^genda - 2/26/01 10. Consideration of adoptin1! corrections to the ioint resolution of the City of Monticello and the Township of Monticello as to the orderlv annexation of property. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked hy the MOAA to consider making housekeeping amendments to the City/Township agreement. 1 am told that the changes requested are not substantive and are intended to strengthen the Gold Nugget case through clarification of points in the agreement. The document did not arrive in time for insel1ion into the agenda packet. It should be available at the meeting on Monday so that you will have an opportunity for a more detailed review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to adopt corrections to the joint resolution of the City of Monticello and the Township of Monticello as to the orderly annexation of property. 2. Motion to deny adopting corrections. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since the staff was not ahle to review the document at this time. there is no staff reconllnendation on the proposed amendments. . . . COUNCIL UPDATE February 26, 2001 Entry Level Planner Position Swapped for Internship for Budget Year 200t .Jeff O'Neill Deputy City Administrator Please review the attached memo to the City Administrator which outlines a proposal to hire an intern versus filling a full time entry level planner position. The reasons for the change in the budget plan and more information regarding the work proposcd f()r the intern is outlined in the memo. I f any council member would like to discuss this further, pleaseleel free to add it to the agenda. I hope to present this information to the Personnel Committee for discussion at the meeting on Friday. February 23,2001 at 2:30. Attachment: Memo . . . To: Rick Wolfstellar From: Jeff O'Neill Community Development Intern 9 cJ Re: Date: February 20,200 I As you recall we discussed the concept of hiring an intern versus a full time planner as noted in the budget. Following arc some points that we discussed, additional information and a proposal hring John Glomski on as the Community Development Intern. Efficient use of City Funds. The city can save money and get the planning projects done hy hiring an intern versus a planner as noted in the hudget. The money saved on the Planner salary and fringe benefits could he used for purchase of office equipment/computer/GIS supplies etc. Test period. The person hired under the internship could be hired with the possihility that the position would move to full time if appropriate. At the end of the internship we could determine if there is a need to fill the planner position and have a good idea if the intern is right for the joh. Qualified Intern is Anlilable. John Glomski is working on his Masters degree in planning and has a HA with a major in Geography and a GIS certificate li"om Alexandria Technical College. He needs a quality internship for his Masters thesis. Ilis qualifications/hackground secm match the following projects: GIS EV111uation/possible implementation. We have been talking about starting and maintaining a GIS system for some time. I think a good projeet for the intern would be to evaluate the need for GIS and help us determine what level of GIS implementation is appropriate for Monticello. If it is determined to go ahead with GIS or property data hase/mapping system, the intern eould be responsihle 1'01' coordinating illlplementation. As part of his undergraduate internship at Olmsted County he worked on the GIS based sign inventory system. John eould also help the Public Works Department set up and implement a similar project mentioned by John Simota. Web Site Development. Our weh site needs a major make-over and J think it is obvious that we need to set up web site maintenance so that individual departments have control over maintaining information. The intern could be responsible for coordinating development and Illaintenance of the web site. J see the intern as the main person responsi ble Itlf coordinating the efforts of a team of staff putting it together. I do not think it would be a full time responsibility of the intern/planner to lllaintain the site after it is up and running. ~ . . . Codc Enforccment. lhe intern could spend some tin1e on the street this spring identifying zoning code and puhlic nuisance violations and follow-up accordingly. Land Developmcnt Manual. The intern that is interested in Monticello worked for Rochester Planning Department. As one of his projects he converted the land development manual to an on-line document. I am very curious about his knowledge in this area. Special Events. The intern could help out on walk and roll and the take pride project. Also, depending on the length of the internship, the intern could help organize a mass tree planting day. Parks Commission. The intern could help support the work of the Parks Department by assisting with grant writing and could become the staff liaison to the Parks Commission if the position became full-time. Heartland Express Open.tion Modifications. Based on recent input from the MNDOT program supervisor. we will be looking at making some significant changes to the operation of the local bus. Currently the system operates as a "dial a ride" system. We will be looking at converting to a "deviated/fixed route" system. The new method of operation will send the bus on a specific route with deviations from the route to pick up riders. MNDOT belives that ridership/system efficiency would improve with this switch. The intern could help with planning for and implementing the transition. Budget. The intern could be paid on an hourly basis. The current rate is $10-$12 per hour. I propose paying $12/hour hecause GlOll1ski is working on a graduate degree and comes with good qualifications. As noted above the money saved on the Planner salary and fringe benefits could go toward purchase of computer equipment. It is proposed that the internship would run for six months with an option ft1r renewal to another six months depending on progress made on the various projects undertaken. Office impl:lct. The intern could be stationed in one of the cubicles. I believe that there is at least one open. The Community Development Secretary would provide clerical support. I expect that the intern will do most of his own typing. I would not be supervising the position closely but will he selling out goals and henchmarks J()r completion of specific tasks required for completion of the projects noted ahove. Summary There seems to be a good case tt1r hiring an intern versus a full time planner as identilied in the budget. The projects identified for the intern appear to he within his capabilities. If you think that John is a good candidate for the position, I think we should give him a try. If you agree, we can copy this memo to the City Council as an update. . . . ~ COUNCIL lJPDA TE February 26, 2001 Sanitary Sewer and Water Capacity Study to be Funded by Maplewood Development Company .Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator Maplewood Development Company is interest in developing the"'Shultz" property. The development will be in two parts, the lower level and upper level. The lower level will include upscale low-mid density detached townhomes in the area generally located between the Methodist Church and Fenning A venue. The upper level will feature up-scale single Ellllily housing to be located to the south of the Monte Club. This project can not proceed without a better understanding ol"the sanitary sewer capacity in the area. The developers have tentatively agreed to fund the study necessary to determine how much acreage can be served by the existing systems. The intlml1ation may also lead to development of a guide plan for di recting developments to areas that can be served most effic iently. The area examined in the study will include all developable arcas that contribute the'"Mississippi Drive bottleneck."' This area includes the entire southeast side of the city. The study will examine current flows and will tell us how much capacity remains in the system f()r further development in the southeast area. The study will also result in a plan for serving the Maplewood development area. The plan will show where connection points to the existing system will be made and will identi Iy lilt station requirements. The Maplewood Development Company had indicated that they would like to review a concept plan with the Planning Commission and Council in March. Attachment: Area Map Showing Study Area ,- . . . 0) c .- ~w cu 0) E:E E 0) ~ ~ UJO) ...E'Y'" cEo 0)00 EON Q. .. o~&O -0..- O)a-:::..., >, OJ ~- C1t .0 cu tlE2 ..."'.0 . - .s::. 0) OOu.. ~' .....",iff ..,.r.'" --~- L, j J7 ,,_ tj! J ~ t .J i!';:~';: J!! , "c! " Ili e ~ - f/I " c CD ... ~ cv ! c( " c cv (ij u o ..J j J .r f i'lil;1 j!j.iJjl' ~ifjIJ'i '1;lfllll i". ii:ij ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ " "t:' ... - -.~- - -- '- / if ~ ::. .J I <: \.(,/-t II II /1 1/ - Ii II II 1 ~ Qv~ qllt'GJ 11 ~ :1 I' /' c- Oe> ;;e> UN S~ 11/0 t:= O::J UO , Q). C J :e, . - I o " .c .. ~ f! U ::J l'a 11/ C. 11/ ... f! ; c. E tJ) c. c o ~ 'ij '3 it .Q 'tJ I I CIl b C i ~ II. ::t: ~ ! c: c: in & I . ii B. " t il ,.~ ~L ~ "-" .l i. II o u o :.i == ~~ ~~ ~~ ~U -~ ::Jc 8 ~ t .~ '3 'li; 0 'E ~ E E o u . tI I II I ii i ::J 'tI S I ~ ....... . 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