City Council Minutes 06-27-2011 WorkshopMINUTES SPECIAL WORI {SHOP — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 27, 2011— 6:00 p.m. Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order Mayor Herbst called the workshop to order at 6:09 p.m. 2. 2010 Audit Report Tom Kelly led off discussion of the preparation of the 2010 Audit Report. He introduced Angie McIntire, Assistant Finance Director. He then turned the meeting over to Jim Eichten of MMKR, the city's audit firm. Jim explained which documents were provided by the City and began the presentation with the Management Report. He explained that the State of MN requires that the annual financial report be audited by an audit firm, who issues an opinion on the audit report through the Management Report. The scope and timing of the audit was done within the parameters required by MN Statutes. The results of the audit from MMKR are listed under Audit Opinions and Findings. • Unqualified opinion on the City's annual financial statements for 2010. • One matter with City's internal control that MMKR found to be a material weakness and that was due to adjustments that had not been recorded properly. That was partially due to the changeover in staff. Jim Eichten indicated that he was not particularly concerned as they have now had a chance to work with the new staff and do not feel this would be of further concern. • Two findings based on compliance with MN laws and regulations: • Investment in a mutual fund that was not rated according to MN requirements. • Labor claims for MCC and liquor payroll did not have appropriate signature declarations. These were the employees that check in and out electronically but no signature is recorded. Tom Kelly mentioned that the Finance Dept is working on rectifying this to include declarations. Jim Eichten commented on the section containing Other Recommendations: • IT Contingency Planning — MMKR recommends that a written contingency plan be developed to address city procedures in case of an emergency affecting Information Technology (IT) operations. • FiberNet billing and cash reconciliation — MMKR recommends better documentation and internal controls to reduce the risk of fraud or errors. Jim summarized the section labeled "Ftmding Cities in Minnesota" and noted the significant legislative activity that took place in the year 2010. He pointed out some items of concern for the state outlook and importance of internal controls, especially in City Council Minutes — Special Workshop —June 27, 2011 Page 1 situations where there may be staff cutbacks. Tom Kelly commented on the importance of protecting job processes and segregation of duties. Glen Posusta asked about the process for accounting for missing inventory at the Liquor Store. Tom Kelly explained that the annual inventory is reviewed to verify that losses such as breakage, etc is accounted for. Jim explained that the processes for adjustments are important in areas such as FiberNet and utility billing and require segregation of duties. Jim discussed the pages on Property Taxes, explaining that market values have been declining since 2009, thus affecting the tax capacity. In reviewing the Governmental Funds Overview, Jim noted that a significant amount of revenue is generated from property taxes and special assessments. Fund expenditures tend to be quite a bit higher for debt service compared to state -wide averages. Under Financial Trends and Analysis, Jim noted that the General Fund had a decline in fund balance due to transfers. Revenues were above average and expenditures were pretty much in balance with the budget. Jim noted that the City maintained a fund balance in keeping with their policy. Jim explained that the City had done a good job of following up on charges and collected quite a bit more than budgeted under Charges for Services. He noted that the actual property taxes collected were less than budgeted, due to non - payment of taxes. Under General Fund Expenditures, the total expenditures were under budget by $58,000, which demonstrates good fiscal control. Under the Enterprise Funds, Jim pointed out significant changes in revenues and expenditures for Liquor, Water, Sewer and FiberNet funds. Under the Statement of Activities, Jim pointed out the overall change in net assets, which was a change for the positive. Tom Kelly commented that he is pleased that the findings were reduced; however there were repeat findings which he will be working on correcting before the next audit. 3. Adjournment The workshop ended at 6:50 p.m. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman �{1 Approved: July 11, 2011 Attest: Q�9 (<)u , _ Q '/ y ninistrator City Council Minutes — Special Workshop —June 27, 2011 Page 2