City Council Minutes 07-11-2011MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 11, 2011— 7 p.m. Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes — June 27, 2011 Special Workshop BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 27, 2011 WORKSHOP AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2B. Approval of Minutes — June 27, 2011 Regular Meeting BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 27, 2011 REGULAR MEETING AS CORRECTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda The following item was added to the consent agenda: 5H) hlterim ordinance for electrical inspections. The following item was added to the regular agenda: a) Update on MPCA permit for JME Industries. 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements,'and staff updates a. Citizen Comments: None Public Service Announcements: 1) Clint Herbst served as Riverfest Chair this year. He congratulated new Queen Hannah Palmer and Princesses Ashley Walz and Nicole Atzel. He thanked Tom Moores for making the call on moving up the fireworks and thus avoiding a problem with a severe storm that rolled in. Clint also thanked Tom Grossnickle for making sure that the City and the parks looked very good. He extended a thank you to all the community volunteers and organizations that participated in helping making Riverfest a success. Jeff O'Neill showed a video of the newest event, a pie- eating contest with Mayor Clint Herbst as the winner and Mike Lynch from WCCO in 2 °d place. Two Council members won prizes in the duck races. City Council Minutes —July 11, 2011 Page 1 c. Staff Updates: 1) Live Wright presentation — Angela Schumann summarized the Live Wright project that was funded through grants provided through a state initiative. Monticello also received a grant of $52,000 to complete a parks and trail study. Angela Schumann has a video presentation that will be made available from the city website. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for July 11th. Recommendation: Approve payment of bill registers for July l la' in the amount of $824,363.57. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Approve new hires and departures for Liquor Store and FiberNet. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -60 approving a contribution from Cargill Kitchen Solutions for fire safety training for the Fire Department. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2011 -60 approving donation of $500 from Cargill for the Fire Department safety training. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -61 calling for a public hearing for the proposed Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the proposed establishment of Tax Increment Financing District 1 -39 (Suburban Mfg). Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2011 -61 calling for a Public Hearing on August 22, 2011 at 7 p.m. to consider a modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and proposed establislunent of TIF District 1 -39 (Suburban Mfg or related entity). E. Consideration of approving an application for an on -sale Wine /Strong Beer license for Pauly Companies, Inc, dba Bluestone Grill at 9351 Cedar Street. Recommendation: Approve application for an on -sale Wine /Strong Beer license for Pauly Companies, dba Bluestone Grill, at 9351 Cedar Street. (Application to be submitted to State Alcohol and Gambling Division when state shutdown ends.) F. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -62 approving Right -of -Way Agreement with Xcel Energy for the realigned intersection of CSAH 75 and 120t1' Street with Wright County's CSAH 75 realignment project. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2011 -62 approving Right- of-Way Agreement with Xcel Energy for the realigned intersection of CSAH 75 and 120t1i Street. G. Consideration of approving an application for a 1 -day temporary on -sale liquor license for the Monticello Lions Club for their Pork Chop Feed on July 28, 1011. Recommendation: Approve application for a I -day temporary on -sale liquor license for the Monticello Lions on July 28, 2011 for a Pork Chop Feed at Ellison City Council Minutes —July 11, 2011 Page 2 Park. (Note: requires signature by State AGED before license can be issued, which would not take place until after state shutdown ceases.) H. Consideration of adopting Interim Ordinance to allow the City to contract for electrical inspections during the state shutdown. Recommendation: Adopt Interim Ordinance 4533 allowing the City to contract for electrical inspections during the state shutdown. Ron Hackenrnueller noted that the City would contract with Arlyn Nelson, an approved state electrical inspector. There were some questions on the amount of the fees, which Council specified should be no greater than what normally would be charged. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADD ITEM 5H AND APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion No items were removed from the consent agenda. 7. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -63 accepting Feasibility Report and quotes and awarding contract for Walnut Street Boulevard Improvements, City Project No. 11C003 Bruce Westby provided a presentation outlining the proposed project for the Walnut Street Boulevard improvements. He reviewed the existing conditions with the deteriorating pavers along Walnut Street and in several crosswalks. Several areas are worse than others and the recommendations are based on phased improvements and monitoring of the pavers. He showed the various areas and discussed the proposed improvements in each of the ten areas. The pavers in the worst condition are the edges along Walnut Street between 5`v and 6`I' Streets. Clint Herbst asked why some areas are so much worse. Bruce Westby pointed out that the pavers were not sealed on a regular basis after they were placed. The de -icing chemicals probably contributed most to the deterioration with some areas being worse due to heavier chemical use and more road spray. Bruce Westby also pointed out that the sidewalk along Cargill is in bad condition and recommends replacing during this project. Bruce Westby talked about the plans for the islands in the Third Street Parking Lot and suggested that these could be included with the Walnut Street Improvement project. Bruce Westby commented that they discussed the paver replacement with Vaughn Veit, owner of Towne Centre, and he is in favor of this project as it is being proposed. Bruce Westby then showed the proposed crosswalk design of "stamped bituminous" that is being recommended and which would match the existing design without using pavers. Council had several questions on the process, wear, warranty and cost for this crosswalk design. Bob Pasclike added some comments regarding use of stamped bituminous in St Anthony. Council would like to receive more information before they make a final decision on the stamped bituminous design. City Council Minutes —July 11, 2011 Page 3 Bruce Westby pointed out that there are several options for replacement for the brick pavers and listed the lowest quotes: plain concrete - $46,488.75; colored concrete - $58,637.81; colored concrete with California finish - $70,910.84; and stamped colored concrete - $79,340.80. Bruce Westby noted that, although the stamped colored concrete is the most expensive option, it would maintain the continuity with the pavers that are already in place. Glen Posusta asked if the coloring is on top or mixed throughout the concrete, and Bruce Westby noted that it is mixed throughout. Glen Posusta asked about getting the same color tint if the project is phased in over several years. Bob Paschke noted that a sample will be saved and can be used for color mixing in the future. Bob Paschke also explained that the concrete would be sealed on a regular basis to protect the surface. Bruce Westby talked about the costs for the concrete work to replace pavers, the crosswalks, and the sidewalk by Cargill. He explained that staff does not propose funding any of this with assessments and recommend paying for the project from the Street Reconstruction Fund. Bruce Westby showed a copy of the California finish option with colored stamped concrete, which has a smooth edge finish along each side. Lloyd Hilgart asked why they would not put stamped concrete in the crosswalk. Bruce Westby explained that it would take several days to cure the concrete which would shut down and block the street for a length of time. Bret Weiss checked with his company and commented that cities are tending to go with bituminous options rather than concrete options as it tends to last longer and provides an effective finish. Glen Posusta pointed out that the total cost for the paver replacement with stamped, colored concrete would be about $80,000 and the crosswalks (stamped bituminous) would add about $10,000. He feels that the entire project should be done atone time rather than spreading it over time. This would keep everything looking the same and not have to worry about matching up colors and patterns. Tom Perrault asked if stamped colored concrete would last longer than colored concrete. Bob Paschke said that it would be the same; either way the City would seal the concrete every other year to provide a longer length of wear. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 ADOPTING RESOLUTION #2011 -63 TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR THE WALNUT STREET BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 11C003 TO STRAIGHT LINE CONCRETE IN AN ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $80,000; TO WAIVE THE BID PROCESS AND ACCEPT QUOTES; TO BE FUNDED OUT OF THE STREET RECONSTRUCTION FUND; AND TO RECONSIDER THE STAMPED BITUMINOUS OPTION FOR THE TWO CROSSWALKS AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. City Council Minutes —July 11, 2011 Page 4 Tom Perrault stated that he would prefer to do the project in phases as listed in the Feasibility Report. 8. Consideration of adopting Resolution No. 2011 -64 approving CSAH 75 Pedestrian Underpass Improvements, City Project No. 100010, and authorizing advance of $92,463.50 to Wright County according to the Memorandum of Understanding Bruce Westby summarized the past actions by Council and Wright County as related to the CSAH 75 Pedestrian Underpass and Pathway Improvements Project that was previously proposed as part of the Wright County CSAH 75 Reconstruction Project. The Council had made a motion on June 13 to provide up to $50,000 toward installing a pedestrian underpass. City staff asked Wright County for a contribution but they declined. City staff has made contacts with several companies and received pledges of contributions to make up the balance for the installation of the pedestrian underpass. Land of Lakes Choirboys, Veolia Es Solid Waste and Xcel Energy would provide a combined total of $50,000 to make up the difference for the base project, which would include installation of the box culvert and some lighting along with a pending system to drain water from the underpass. The underpass could be closed off until the pathway improvements and larger holding pond are completed. Clint Herbst commented that he would prefer not to close up the underpass and would like to see how much it would actually be affected by storm water. Brian Stumpf commented that he would like to see something done especially seeing that private organizations have stepped forward with contributions to see this project happen. TOM PERRAULT MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2011 -64 APPROVING CSAH 75 PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 100010 AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF $92,463.50 TO WRIGHT COUNTY, CONTINGENT ON RECEIPT OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -65 approving contributions from Veolia Solid Waste Midwest, LLC and Xcel Energy for CSAH 75 Pedestrian Underpass, City Project No. 100010 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2011 -65 APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS OF $15,000 FROM VEOLIA SOLID WASTE AND $20,000 PLUS EASEMENTS FROM XCEL ENERGY FOR THE CSAH 75 PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS PROJECT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 10. Added items a) Update on MPCA permit for JME badustries -Angela Schumann explained that the MPCA permit is a state - issued permit which was open for comment until July I". City Council Minutes —July 11, 2011 Page 5 This permit would allow JME to continue what they are doing but at a higher level. The City did submit a letter to the MPCA explaining the concerns regarding related uses and noted that the use they want to increase is an approved use under the ordinances in place at the time JME established that use. Brian Stumpf said that he had been contacted by a neighboring business who is concerned about the noise generated from the dumpsters and such. He would like to see staff continue monitoring the uses to make sure they comply with city ordinances and their conditional use permit. b) Landscaping at Walgreen's - Glen Posusta asked about the placement of sod along Walgreen's. He thought that Council had requested that it be filled in with black dirt and seeded. Angela Schumann explained that they were supposed to put in grass seed. She will be contacting Walgreen's to have it done correctly. 11. Adiournment BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:11 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman eaj Approved: July 25, 2011 Attest: y inistrator City Council Minutes —July 11, 2011 - Page 6