City Council Minutes 08-22-2011MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 22, 2011 — 7 p.m. Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes — August 8, 2011 Special MeetinE LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 8, 2011 SPECIAL MEETING AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2B. Approval of Minutes — August 8, 2011 Regular Meeting GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 8, 2011 REGULAR MEETING AS PRESENTED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda • Junk Amnesty Day (Brian Stumpf) • Liquor Store improvements (Clint Herbst) • Unpaid invoice (Clint Herbst) • Add 5K to consent agenda (Angela Schumann) 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements, and staff updates a. Citizen Comments: 1) Introduction of Monticello Royalty Miss Monticello Hannah Palmer, Princesses Ashley Walz and Nicole Atzel were not able to attend. b. Public Service Announcements: 1) Movie in the Park (9/10) — Kitty Baltos reported that the movie Secretariat will be shown on Saturday, September 10 in Pioneer Park and is sponsored by Charter Communications. She noted that all future movies will be held in Pioneer Park. The movie ET will not be shown this year. 2) Bertram Park — Angela Schumann noted that voting for the park is now in 66`h Place and encourages area residents go online to vote in an effort to earn funding for the park. Top three places receive cash awards. City Council Minutes — August 22, 2011 Page 1 C. Staff Updates: None 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for August 22 "d. Recommendation: Approve payment of the bill registers for August 22nd in the amount of $378,331.63. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures for FiberNet, MCC and Liquor Store. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -76 approving contribution from Tom Perrault for the General Fund. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2011 -76 approving a donation of $250 from Tom Perrault to go to the General Fund. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -78 calling for a Public Hearing on the proposed adoption of a modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the proposed modification of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -5. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2011 -78 calling for a Public Hearing on September 26, 2011 to consider the proposed Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the proposed adoption of a modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District 1 -5. E. Consideration of appointing a representative to the Monticello Economic Development Authority to serve the remaining term of an open seat. Recommendation: Approve appointment of Bruce Hammond to the Monticello FDA with the term ending December 31, 2011. F. Consideration of authorizing purchase of antenna and receiver equipment for FiberNet to add services for potential subscribers. Recommendation: Authorize purchase of antenna and receiver equipment at an initial cost of $22,400 and additional equipment as warranted by demand. G. Consideration of approving change order to authorize use of TrafficPatternsXD thermoplastic crosswalk markings at the intersection of 7«' Street West & Walnut Street as part of City Project No. 11 C001. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -80 providing for the Sale of Bonds to Refund the Series 2005A Improvement Bonds. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2011 -80 providing for the sale of $11,005,000 G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A. City Council Minutes — August 22, 2011 Page 2 I. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -77 approving final plat for Otter Creek Crossings 4«' Addition (Suburban Manufacturing). Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2011 -77 approving the final plat of Otter Creek Crossing 0' Addition. Consideration of approving a waiver of the Building Plan Review Fee for the new NAPA Store in accordance with the Business Expansion Incentive Pilot Program. Recommendation: Approve waiver of the estimated $800.53 building plan review fee for the building permit for the new NAPA Store as part of the Business Expansion Incentive Pilot Program. K. Consideration of approving Amended Resolution #2011 -54A approving vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easements for Outlot A, Monticello Business Center 5t" Addition. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2011 -54A approving vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easements for Outlot A, Monticello Business Center 5111 Addition. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF 5K AND REMOVAL OF G. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Brian Stumpf congratulated Bruce Hammond for his appointment on the EDA. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion #5G. Consideration of approving change order to authorize use of TrafficPatternsXD thermoplastic crosswalk markings at the intersection of 7h Street West & Walnut Street as part of City Project No. ]]COO] Glen Posusta stated that he does not necessarily think the City should invest in changing the crosswalks to a new design without giving more time to see how this design works out before spending the extra money. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #2 DENYING APPROVAL OF A CHANGE ORDER TO AUTHORIZE USE OF THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALK MARKINGS AT THE INTERSECTION OF 7TH STREET WEST AND WALNUT STREET AS PART OF CITY PROJECT NO. 11 C001. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -81 approving the modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the establishment of TIF District No. 1 -39 therein and the adoption of the TIF Plan, Applicant: Suburban Manufacturing City Council Minutes — August 22, 2011 Page 3 Megan Barnett Livgard stated that she was excited that a local business, Suburban Manufacturing, is expanding their business and looking at constructing a larger building at a different site. She noted that the EDA did hold a public hearing and that has been continued for further details of the Finance Plan to be developed and brought forward. The request tonight is to approve the establishment of anew TIF District #1 -39. The subsidy plan will be approved later by the EDA. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. As there were no comments, the public hearing was closed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE 41 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2011 -81 APPROVING A MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND ESTABLISHING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 1 -39 (SUBURBAN MANUFACTURING). GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 8. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2011 -79 authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for MCC Natatorium Improvements, City Project No. 11C006 Kitty Baltos introduced the request for authorizing plans and specifications for MCC Natatorium Improvements. She introduced representatives from Weld Architects who will talk about the project and the study they conducted: Joel Dunning and John Hartman. She also noted that Ron Broekemeier from the Advisory Board and Ron Hackemnueller, Building Official, are present to answer questions. Joel Dunning from Wold Architects gave some background about his company and explained that the project is broken into three components: address the root problem of natatorium issues, add efficiencies and performance improvements, and mitigate the conditions that added to the problems. Joel Dunning and John Hartman, lead mechanical engineer on this project, highlighted the items that are being recommended for consideration as part of the project including: Interior • Air handling unit for pool • Deteriorating mechanical materials • Heating capacity — increase efficiency • building automation system — improve current system • pool improvements — new technology Exterior • demolition of problem areas • exterior cladding installation — existing copper and new panels • reduce glass area in pool — new windows above, glass doorways lower; add walls where glass is removed • fix vestibule water damage City Council Minutes — August 22, 2011 Page 4 2 "d floor addition • addition over hallway adjacent to fitness area and walking track —advantage in not having to construct outside walls and roof; will be some challenge in working out details of construction Wold representatives talked about the some of the benefits to malting these improvements such as resolving the basic problem with the air handling, increasing energy efficiencies and increasing customer comfort. Tom Perrault asked about the replacement of the copper on the building exterior with other products. Glen Posusta noted the committee had discussed a stuccowork finish. Lloyd Hilgart commented on the work that has gone into reviewing the problems and narrowing down the choices to make the recommendation for the improvements. Ron Broekemeier and Sandra Theros from the MCC Advisory Board spoke briefly on the discussions that were held by the Board and the recommendations that are being made. They feel the Community Center is an asset to Monticello and think that it is important to keep the building in good shape. The Advisory Board supports the recommendation for the 2 "d floor addition to the fitness area as that area is overcrowded and would provide a source for additional revenue. Clint Herbst added some comments as he sits on the Advisory Board and was involved in the discussions. He feels that the improvements are needed and would also encourage expanding the fitness area. Glen Posusta asked if the addition could be expanded further than the recommended addition of 1000 square feet. Joel Dunning stated that there is probably some room for further expansion. Torn Perrault asked about the expected length of time that the building would last when the improvements are completed. Joel Dunning stated that buildings last many years but require maintenance and upkeep. In terms of the equipment, John Hartman explained that would depend on a variety of things noting that a new air handling system should last 20 to 25 years. Tom Perrault asked about recycling of copper and possible reimbursement to the City. Joel Dunning stated that the contractors who bid on the demolition of the exterior are quite knowledgeable on the recycling of copper and would address favorably that in their bids. The options could include replacing the copper on the building or using new materials on the exterior and recycling the copper. Jeff O'Neill asked about the process for developing the plans and specifications for the exterior and how they would address options in the design. Joel Dunning explained the types of stuccowork and how Wold would take into consideration the various materials that could be used to create an effective exterior surface. Glen Posusta asked about the placement of vapor barrier on the building as he is concerned about the air flow. Joel Dunning explained that would be placed no matter what type of finish; would be placed on the "warm" side. Lloyd Hilgart asked about the potential for going over the estimated cost once they start getting into the project and possibly find other problems that need to be repaired. Joel Dunning does not feel that the project will go over cost due to the contingencies built into City Council Minutes — August 22, 2011 Page 5 the project costs. Lloyd Hilgart asked if there were any advantages to doing the work in conjunction with each other versus breaking it into components over time. Joel Dunning said there would probably be cost savings doing the project work all in the same time frame. Contractors would already be on site and have their equipment on site. It also makes sense to coordinate the timing of different portions of the project such as closing down the pool at the same time as the west entrance is blocked off. Glen Posusta mentioned the possibility of return on the investment through incentives and rebates due to energy efficiency gained through the improvements. Brian Stumpf commented that he feels the improvements to the building are needed and, although the 2 °a story addition is optional, it makes sense to include the entire project when preparing the plans and specifications. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2011 -79 ACCEPTING THE STUDY REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE NATATORIUM BUILDING COMMITTEE AND MCC ADVISORY BOARD AND APPROVING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY WOLD ARCHITECTS, INCLUDING THE 2ND FLOOR FITNESS ADDITION, FOR A PROPOSED PROJECT TOTAL OF $1,662,840. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Brian Stumpf noted that he originally voted against construction of the facility, but noted that it is now necessary to keep the building updated for public use. Clint Herbst commented that the public likes this amenity in the community. Glen Posusta noted that the city is not bonding for the improvements and will use MCC reserves and a Liquor Store loan for funding. 9. Consideration of approvine Laserfiche concept plan and purchases of additional software, licenses and equipment Angela Schumann presented the request for approval of the proposed Laserfiche concept plan and related purchases. She pointed out that the City adopted the state records retention schedule as our official guide for records storage and filing. Angela Schumaml pointed out how the City plans to incorporate Laserfiche as their digital storage system using electronic methods to store records. Angela Schumann noted some of the goals which are to keep up, clean up and go live online. She highlighted some of the benefits of using Laserfiche for our records management: • Meets State of Minnesota laws and standards • Improves on our original investment from 2005 • System of choice for many other cities • City copiers can be integrated as auxiliary scanners • Training is available at low or no cost City Council Minutes — August 22, 2011 Page 6 Angela Schumann talked about Laserfiche and how it would be utilized by the City for records retention, user searches, and copier integration. She pointed out how this system can be integrated with other city systems and tied into the city website for interactive access both internally and externally. Angela Schumann turned over the presentation to Clay Baer from Crabtree Companies to demonstrate some of the power of Laserfiche. Clint Herbst asked Clay about the process for getting rid of the records that are being stored around the city. He noted that once records are scanned and stored, they can be destroyed based on a schedule that the City would establish; he would recommend 30 -60 day window to make sure all necessary backups are completed. Clay mentioned that he had met with city staff and a number of the departments to review their records and come up with some recommendations to manage the records. Clay demonstrated: • Keyword search - also noted that Laserfiche is used by federal and state agencies due to the search qualities available; can be accessed by the public when allowed (could be a billable search) • GIS interactive search — link between GIS built by WSB and Laserfiche to access maps and related data • PermitWorks — using barcode scanning to build metadata fields for filing and searching; • City of Buffalo's ability to link into Laserfiche from all their buildings and vehicles, especially for property records • storage of property records to be integrated with GIS system or other city software such as accounts payable Clint Herbst asked about private data and ability for data to be hacked. Clay stated that the system meets Department of Defense standards for security and noted that all private data would be protected from public access. The second part of the demonstration included viewing of some other cities that utilize Laserfiche for web access by staff and citizens. Clay noted that cities who use Weblinks find that there are quite a few searches done by the public. Clay showed views of Laserfiche web access for: Red Wing — showed old records that were scanned and saved Shakopee — demonstrated minutes and agenda packets and how they can be tied together; he pointed out that these processes can save time as they can be done as part of normal work processes Angela Schumann turned the presentation over to Tom Kelly to talk about options and costs. Tom Kelly talked about Option #1 - an incremental step at a cost of $15,000 authorizing purchase of software, licenses, training and a scanner. The full integration plan would cost about $62,135. Either option would be paid out of the Capitol Revolving Fund. City Council Minutes — August 22, 2011 Page 7 GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 APPROVING THE LASERFICHE CONCEPT PLAN AND AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF SOFTWARE, LICENSES, TRAINING AND A SCANNER AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $15,000. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 10. Consideration of approving equipment specifications and authorizing purchase of a tractor for mowing and snow removal based on state contract pricing Tom Moores explained the request for authorizing purchase of a tractor that Public Works would use for mowing and snow removal. He noted that this tractor would be for rough mowing and would not be able to do finish mowing in the parks. Tom explained that this request is brought forward based on Council action taken at a special meeting in February 2011, which directed public works staff to get quotes on contract mowing services and solicit quotes for purchase or lease of a tractor with the possibility of replacing two pieces of older equipment. Tom Moores explained that they had sought quotes for contract mowing as a comparison, which ran $75 and $60 per acre. Public Works estimates the cost for mowing by city staff would nm $43.16 per acre. Public Works is proposing to replace two pieces of equipment - the 1999 New Holland snow plow tractor and 1987 Ford mowing tractor - if they purchase this new tractor. The new tractor would include a flail mower, snowplow blade and snowblower. Brian Stumpf commented that he would like to see the city hold on to the New Holland tractor as that is a good piece of equipment. Glen Posusta asked why they don't get a flail mower attachment for this tractor, and Tom Moores explained that the New Holland tractor doesn't have enough horsepower to drive the flail mower attachments. Glen Posusta commented that he does not think the recommended tractor would be well- suited for mowing ponds and ditches. Clint Herbst pointed out that this would be the second purchase this year for streets equipment. He didn't think they would be purchasing both items this year and was wondering what happened to the earlier purchase of the dump truck. Tom Moores explained the status on that and noted his disappointment that the dump truck was not scheduled to be built until September and delivered until October. After that they need to get equipment attached and don't expect it to be ready for use until close to the first of next year. Lloyd Hilgait asked how often the city mows the ditches. Tom Moores explained that the mowing takes place 5 to 6 times a year. Lloyd questioned how the mowing cost for the city was calculated, noting that there are probably some additional costs that should be included in the calculation. City Council Minutes — August 22, 2011 Page 8 Tom Moores explained the current use of the city equipment proposed to be replaced. The 1987 flail mower is used for rough mowing of ditches and ponds. The 1999 tractor is used for some pond mowing and for snow removal in winter. Clint Herbst would like to see the city add a mowing attachment to the 1999 tractor for flail mowing and review this again next year. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #2 DENYING REPLACEMENT OF THE 1987 FORD TRACTOR AND 1999 NEW HOLLAND TRACTOR AT THIS TIME. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Brian Stumpf commented that Council did look at the equipment at Public Works earlier this year and felt that Public Works staff has done everything they can with this equipment and it is time for it to be replaced. 11. Added items a) Junk Amnesty Day — Brian Stumpf would like to have staff review the costs related to Junk Amnesty Day and what it would take to bring it back. He feels that there are probably volunteer organizations that could assist with it. Clint Herbst would also like to see the report indicate what types of items can be placed curbside for pickup. Brian Stumpf asked if the city recoups any revenue. Bob Paschke said the cost previously ran around $25,000 including staff time and landfill or disposal costs. Tom Kelly reported that the city took in about $10,000 at the last Junk Amnesty Day. b) Improvements at Liquor Store —Clint Herbst recommended that it is should be high priority to upgrade the liquor store cameras to digital, to replace the check -out counters, and replace the carpet. Council consensus is to move ahead with the Liquor Store upgrades as soon as possible. c) Unpaid Invoice -Clint Herbst wanted to know why the payment was not being made for removing a building at 4`" Street. Tom Kelly was not sure an invoice had been received. City Staff will check into it. 12. Adjournment BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman _ANA/ Approved: September 12, 2011 /, n Attest: C' t i listrator City Council Minutes — August 22, 2011 Page 9