City Council Minutes 03-12-2012 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL WORKSHOP /MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 12, 2012 — 6:15 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None Others: Staff: Tom Kelly, Jeff O'Neill, Matt Theisen Cargill: Kurt Zwiefel, Don Roberts, Carrie Heitz, Terry Profitt 1. Call to Order Mayor Herbst called the Special Meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. 2. Purpose of Workshop: Discussion of 2012 industrial water & sewer rates with Cargill Kitchen Solutions Tom Kelly summarized what he had put together for proposed rates for 2012 for water and sewer charges. 3. Consideration of adjusting industrial water and sewer rates Tom Kelly included calculations of 8% and 12% as well as calculations that included full depreciation and Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) loan repayments in the agenda report. With full depreciation and loan payments, the result would be a rather significant increase. After further calculations, he came up with a recommendation of 10% increase for water and 12% for sewer, which would cover some depreciation. Although the percentages seem quite high, it is a relatively small dollar amount for most users. The effect on Cargill Kitchen Solutions, however, would be a larger amount due to their high water usage. Clint Herbst asked Cargill to talk about the city rates in comparison to other cities where they are located. Don Roberts commented that the other cities generally have not increased water and sewer rates or only raise rates on rare occasions. Carrie Heitz stated that other cities have comparable rates for water, but Monticello charges quite a bit more for TSS and BOD. Glen Posusta asked if they have similar facilities in other cities that would compare to Monticello. Terry Profitt said that a comparable plant would be in Mason City, Iowa. Tent' Profitt asked Kurt Zwiefel to talk about some handouts that he had prepared. Kurt explained some rate structure calculations from 2007 to the 2012 proposed that he developed. Comparisons included influent (water inflow), effluent (water used /sewage), BOD and TSS. He also prepared some graphs showing the increases in costs compared to the amount of influent and effluent and noted that, although Cargill has decreased the effluent in recent years, the costs have continued to go up. Kurt Zwiefel pointed out the costs for influent and effluent are comparable to other cities, but the costs for TSS and BOD were quite a bit higher in Monticello. Clint Herbst suggested that they focus on the TSS and BOD costs rather than water and sewer rates to determine why those costs are so much higher than other cities. Clint Special Council Meeting /Worl<shop — March 12, 2012 Page 1 Herbst explained that the City had previously looked at overall costs of the WWTF and calculated what it would cost for users to cover the costs rather than use the tax levy to cover those costs. Glen Posusta said he understood that some of the costs assigned to Cargill were due to the type of product that is being dumped into the sewage facility to cover the cost of treatment and wear and tear on the equipment. Terry Profitt and Carrie Heitz pointed out that they have been trying to control the sewage that is dumped, but the rates still keep climbing. Kurt explained that he had looked at the water reports on the city's website and figured that they are using about 7% of the water and paying about 18% of the revenues. Clint Herbst pointed out that the revenues are also based on what they are dumping into the system so that would have to be looked at too. Don Roberts stated that their biggest concern is how they can continue to pay the large increases every year. Clint Herbst recommended that the City and Cargill should review the actual cost of BOD and TSS. Cargill asked if the City had considered going out for bids on the contract for operating the WWTF. Tom Kelly noted that the current contractor had not increased their rates for operations in 2010 or 2011. Carrie Heitz wondered why Cargill's charges had gone up if the cost for operating the WWTF did not increase. Jeff O'Neill explained that the City had not been charging what they should to cover the actual costs for water and sewer, and the recent increases have been catching up with where they should be. He also explained the upcoming need for covering loan repayment costs for the WWTF through the sewer fund. Don Roberts pointed out that the costs are becoming prohibitive to the point where Cargill may have to look at pretreatment of the sewage to reduce the need for treatment in the WWTF. Tent' Profitt explained that they would rather not be in the treatment business but it is getting to the point where they can't sustain the business at the high rates. Clint Herbst summarized that the BOD and TSS rates are probably the key component to work on. Don Roberts offered to provide BOD and TSS rates that they are paying at other sites if it would be useful for comparison. Kurt Zwiefel pointed out that the proposed rates would cost $59,000 more in charges this year and the BOD alone would account for $36,000 of that. Consensus was to recommend leaving the BOD and TSS rates where they are for now and look at actual costs going into those rates to determine where adjustments could possibly be made. 4. Adjournment LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 6:51 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman DW Approved: March 26, 2012 Attest: Cy X inistrator Special Council Meeting /Workshop — March 12, 2012 Page 2