City Council Minutes 05-29-2012MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 29, 2012 — 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes — May 9, 2012 Special Joint Meeting (EDA -CC) BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MAY 9, 2012 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING (EDA -CC) MINUTES AS CORRECTED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2B. Approval of Minutes — May 14, 2012 Regular Meeting GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MAY 14, 2012 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS CORRECTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 2 n Liquor Store (Tom Kelly) Mowing (Glen Posusta) Add Item 5J to Consent Agenda - Matching Fluids for CSAH 75 Pedestrian Pathways and Trailhead Improvements (Bruce Westby) 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements, and staff updates a. Citizen Continents: 1) Marion O'Neill, of 2108 Cardinal Way in Buffalo introduced herself and indicated that she had filed for candidacy to run for House Seat 29B. She is a small business owner and works full time at the MN Senate. Mayor Herbst wished her well in her efforts. Public Service Announcements: 1) Monticello Recycling Day Results - Public Works Director Bob Paschke introduced Jason Warehime from Metro Appliance Recycling who had sponsored Monticello's May 12'11 recycling day. The business is approved by the EPA to do such clean -ups. Thirty -two residents participated in the event. Brian Stumpf asked if the recycling day could be repeated in the City Council Minutes— May 29, 2012 Page 1 Fall. Warehime stated that it would be possible to conduct a recycling event on a smaller scale later in the year. He agreed to work with the City to ensure broader advertising which notes that recycling day is open to residents and non - residents and that recycling prices would be discounted the day of the event. 2) Walk & Roll (6/16) - Angela Schumann reported that Monticello's 17tt' Annual Pathway Celebration promoting bike safety and wellness is scheduled for June 16tt' from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Walk & Roll route will begin at the New River Medical Center west parking lot and end at West Bridge Park. The event involves a bicycle rodeo, ambulance and helicopter tours, entertainment and prizes. Participants who have pathports validated at the 70 pathway partners have a chance to win a bicycle or a family membership to the Community Center. 3) Craft Market (6/7) — The Farmer's Market is welcoming a one -day Craft Market scheduled for Thursday, June 7tt' from 3:30 -7 p.m. in the library parking lot. Interested vendors can contract Sara Cahill at the MCC. C. Staff Updates: None 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for May 29tt'. Recommendation: Approve the bill and purchase card registers for May 29tt' in the amount of $1,649.505.49. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify new hires and departures for the MCC, Water, Streets, DMV, and Liquor Store. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -043 accepting contribution frorn Tom Perrault for the General Fund. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2012- 043 accepting contribution from Torn Perrault for the General Fund in the amount of $250. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -044 accepting contribution from CenterPoint Energy toward supplies for the Fire Department. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2012 -044 accepting a contribution from CenterPoint Energy toward supplies for the Fire Department in the amount of $1050. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -046 stating hntent to Reimburse fiom bond proceeds for 2012 Rural Road huprovements, City Project No. 12C001. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. City Council Minutes — May 29, 2012 Page 2 F. Consideration of adopting Resolutions #2012 -047 and #2012 -048 accepting quotes and awarding contracts for the 2012 Street Bituminous Sealcoat Project and the 2012 Street Pavement Marking Project. Recommendation: Adopt Resolutions #2012 -047 and #2012 -048 accepting quotes and awarding contracts to Allied Blacktop Company for the 2012 Sheet Bituminous Sealcoat Project in the amount of $77,037.36 and to AAA Striping Service for the 2012 Street Pavement Marking Project in the amount of $13,102.70. G. Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Clinic Use in a B -1 (Neighborhood Business) District for Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, Lower Monticello (355 East Broadway); PID 155- 015- 005010. Applicant: Saunders, Dorothy. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. H. Consideration of approving Special Use Permit allowing use of Ellison Park, West Bridge Park, Pioneer Park, and Community Center Parking Lot and related assistance in conjunction with the amival Riverfest celebration on July 12 -15, 2012. Applicant: Riverfest Committee. Recommendation: Approve the Special Use Permit allowing the use of Ellison Park, West Bridge Park, Pioneer Park and the Community Center Parking Lot in conjunction with the annual Riverfest celebration on July 12 -15, 2012. I. Consideration of approving 2011 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Annual Report. Recommendation: Approve the 2011 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Annual Report and direct staff to submit report to the MN Pollution Control Agency. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -052 committing local matching funds for completing the Great River Trailways and Trailhead Improvements, City Improvement Project No. l 00010. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2012 -052 committing local matching funds for completing the Great River Trailways and Trailhead Improvements, City Improvement Project I 00010. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO REMOVE ITEMS E AND G AND TO ADD ITEM 5J TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 5E. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -046 stating Intent to Reimburse, from bond proceeds./or 2012 Rural Road Improvements, City Project No. 12C001 Brian Stumpf asked if the City may be prematurely awarding reimbursement from bonds. Tom Kelly replied that the City doesn't plan to issue bonds at this time for this project. He noted however that it may be beneficial to issue a bond if the need should arise. This resolution would allow any expenses the City incurs now, such as staff or contractor time City Council Minutes — May 29, 2012 Page 3 7. for a project, to be included in a future bond issue. It does not commit the City to bonding to any particular project but rather leaves options open. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 ADOPTING RESOLUTION #2012 -046 DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT TO REIMBURSE EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS UP TO AN AMOUNT OF $1.1 MILLION FOR THE 2012 RURAL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 12C001. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 5G. Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Clinic Use in a B -1 (Neighborhood Business) District for Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, Lower Monticello (355 East Broadway); PID 155 -015- 005010. Applicant. Saunders, Dorothy Tom Perrault asked if the MRI unit would have a noisy generator. Angela Schumann replied that the generator would be enclosed in the trailer and that the sound would be snuffled. She also indicated that noise was noted as a condition in Exhibit Z and staff would continue to monitor that condition. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CLINIC USE IN A B -1 DISTRICT, BASED ON FINDINGS AS ADOPTED IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #2012 -045, WITH CONDITIONS NOTED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. • Maintenance of the existing parking configuration for number and size ofstalls. • The applicant will be required to verify the size of the MR[ unit and the ability to locate the unit completely on site. • The mobile Mk[ unit will not idle on -site, creating the potential for noise and frames. • No temporary banner signage shall be affixed to the current awnings as a means of permanent signage. • The internal illumination for the awning is required to comply with code illumination requirements. • Any lighting added to the site mast be verified by photometric plan to be code compliant. • Residential rental unit must meet base zoning requirements for square footage per bedroom. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -049 approving Angela Schumann outlined the two proposed actions before the Council. She noted that administrative lot combinations for previously platted parcels wider 5 acres in size are allowed under the subdivision ordinance. Each subject lot is one quarter of an acre and is zoned R -A Single - Family Residential. No public utilities are located within the easement City Council Minutes — May 29, 2012 Page 4 area. The lot combination would require the vacation of the drainage and utility easement between the two lots. Staff recommended the retention of the perimeter drainage and utility easement already in place. Upon development, the lot would be required to be graded to ensure proper drainage. The applicant would be required to provide a certificate of survey documenting the conditions. Clint Herbst asked if there had been any discussion of determining a lot assessment calculation in anticipation of future road improvements. Angela Schumann stated that it had not been directly addressed but that the report had noted that there would be a small taxation impact resulting from choosing to build one house on the two lots. He said that it would seem fairer to assess the property as two lots because road frontage for two lots is involved. He acknowledged that it would not be an issue until the road is improved again which likely would not be for some time. Glen Posusta asked if the lots would be combined at the county level or if there would be two property IDs. Angela Schumann indicated that the legal description would show two lots with one PID and would be recorded with the County. Clint Herbst opened the public hearing. As there were no comments, he closed the public hearing. Brian Stumpf agreed with the need to consider assessing as 2 lots for the future. Angela Schumann noted that such a condition could be added to the resolution. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE 41 ADOPTING RESOLUTION #2012 -049 APPROVING VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS BETWEEN LOTS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 3, CARLISLE VILLAGE 4 T AND APPROVING AN ADMINISTRATIVE LOT COMBINATION FOR LOTS 11 AND 12; WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO A DOUBLE ASSESSMENT BASED ON THE FACT THAT IT ORIGINATED AS TWO LOTS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Applicant Mike Lynch, 19776 - 214th Avenue, Big Lake, stated that he had a problem with doubling the assessment on the property. He indicated that the lots are two of the smaller and least expensive lots in the neighborhood. Clint Herbst explained that the City typically counts one lot as one unit for street assessments. This equates to about $4,000 per unit or $8,000 for two units for road improvements. He noted that this amount is far less than it would cost for road improvements in another community. Clint Herbst also pointed out that road work most likely would not occur for 20 to 30 years. Brian Stumpf pointed out that f tune Councils may not use a per lot assessment. Glen Posusta noted that no other city in the area currently assesses per lot and that this method would be the least expensive to a property owner. City Council Minutes — May 29, 2012 Page 5 Mike Lynch asked if the assessment could be one and a half times rather than a double assessment. Clint Herbst responded that if the issue came up, a fitture City Council would probably be willing to work with him. The applicant was satisfied with the motion with the understanding that the property may not be assessed for road improvements for 20 to 30 years. 8. Consideration of accepting the 2011 Audit Report Tom Kelly pointed out that this year's audit went more smoothly than in years past and was completed earlier in the year. He introduced Jim Eichten of the audit fine, Malloy Montague Karnowski Radosevich & Co. (MMKR), who presented an overview of the 2011 audit report. He said that the City received a "clean opinion" on the City's basic financial statements and noted continued improvement in City processes. MMKR reported two minor findings for 2011. One finding was related to journal entries and one was related to compliance with state laws and regulations. Corrective action has already been implemented and all audit findings from last year have been eliminated. Jinn Eichten recommended that the City document an IT contingency plan. Jim Eichten noted that the audit report highlights some statewide financial trends. Market values declined 5% in 2011. The City's tax rate is above average. Debt service costs per capita are significantly higher than the statewide average. Clint Herbst asked if having the power plant in town affects the City's ability to get state aid; Jim Eichten stated that it does not. Jim Eichten also highlighted some items from the financial statements: • Actual amounts for General Fund revenues and expenditures came within budgeted projections. The City has a policy of setting aside 45% as a fund balance to fund cash flow for the next year to offset receiving property tax payments twice a year and this policy works well for Monticello. • The Water Fund is cash flowing. Revenue increased due to a change in tiered rate structure. • The Sewer Fund also pays for itself. Revenues increased again due to a rate increase. • Revenues in the Liquor Fund have increased 36.4% since 2004. Net profit on sales of liquor was 24 -26 %. • The FiberNet Fund has been borrowing from other funds to cash flow. It has a future fund obligation of roughly $30 million. At 2011 year -end, the fund's deficit cash balance was $3.4 million. This is a big concern from an audit point of view. Jim Eichten pointed out that the City received the Government Finance Officer Association's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its City Council Minutes — May 29, 2012 - Page 6 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the second year for the 2010 audit. Tom Kelly confirmed the City will be applying for this award again for the 2011 audit. Jim Eichten summarized that the City does a great job with assessments, financial projections, and adherence to the budget. He did reiterate that his biggest concern is with the financial status of the FiberNet fund. Tom Perrault asked why the amount listed for depreciation of capital assets in the audit report was quite a bit higher than in 2010. Jim Eichten responded this is often noticed when there is a large capital project. After the construction is completed, the assets will begin to accumulate depreciation. Torn Kelly commented that the increase in accumulated depreciation is mainly related to the fiber optics system. Glen Posusta noted that the City has been working hard in the background trying to get things tumed around to resolve FiberNet's financial issues. LLOYD HILGART MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 ACCEPTING THE 2011 AUDIT REPORT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Tom Perrault commented that there are a lot of interesting statistics about who pays the taxes in town. He noted that the Monticello Nuclear Generation Plant pays 37% of the total levy. 9. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -050 approving Plans and Specifications and authorizing Advertisement for Bids for 2012 Rural Road Improvements, City Project No. 12C001 City Engineer Bruce Westby summarized that the 2012 Rural Road Improvement project includes Edmonson Avenue from south of Chelsea Road to the south city limits; Fallon Avenue from School Boulevard to Hunters Crossing; and Fenning Avenue south of School Boulevard to the south city limits. The project also includes two pathway improvements in the southeast corner of the city. The road improvement work on Edmonson Avenue between School Boulevard and Chelsea Road is eligible for state aid funding since this section of Edmonson Avenue is on the City's Municipal State Aid System. Staff estimates approximately $290,000 of the project costs along this section are eligible for state aid funding. The section of Edmonson Avenue south of School Boulevard to the city limits, as well as each of the sections of Fallon Avenue and Femning Avenue currently proposed for improvements, are not eligible for state aid funding. The Edmonson Avenue improvements are proposed to be a reclaim /repave project. Pavement will be widened to 24 feet wide with two -foot wide aggregate shoulders along both sides. The elevation of the roadway will be lowered up to 4 inches, depending on the adjacent side - slopes, in order to minimize grading work. City Council Minutes— May 29, 2012 Page 7 The Fallon Avenue improvements are also proposed to be a reclaim/repave, and the elevation of the road will be lowered about 1 foot at the crest between School Boulevard and the entrance to Pioneer Park's parking lot to provide better sight lines. The City will use the lowered road material to fill in the ditch between Fallon Avenue and the trail that runs on the east side of Pioneer Park so drivers are better able to pull fully off the road to parallel park. Staff had reviewed providing paved off - street angled parking in this area but it would only have provided an additional 10 parking spots or so and as such it would not have been cost effective. City staff felt the parking area would have infrequent use and planned on placing turf on top of the reclaimed material. Clint Herbst suggested using aggregate or crushed rock instead as he thought that people may not realize they were allowed to park on the grass. Glen Posusta suggested trying aggregate suufacing for the first year and then reassessing the need for turf. Staff agreed to bid aggregate surfacing only at this time. Staff also noted that Fallon Avenue would be lowered a half foot to lessen the steep side slopes between the wetland and the low area of Pioneer Park. Fallon Avenue will be paved with 11 foot lanes and 2 foot shoulders except where side slopes are an issue. Fenning Avenue is proposed to receive a 1.5 inch overlay, maintaining the roadway width and restoring the shoulders with aggregate. Project costs are estimated to be $594,100 for Edmonson Avenue, $213,000 for Fallon Avenue, $103,600 for Fenning Avenue and $74,400 for the two pathway segments. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $985,100. The improvements would be funded using about $385,000 in special assessments, $290,000 in state aid funds, and the remainder being paid from street reconstruction funds in the amount of $310,000. The project could be awarded by June 25, and work could start by the end of June or early July and be completed in October. Glen Posusta noted that Wright County is building a concrete road. Bret Weiss with WSB and Associates said that upfront concrete costs were expensive but that it is cheaper for long -term maintenance. Most cities don't typically use concrete though. Bruce Westby added that concrete pavement is also more expensive to repair following utility maintenance work, which is especially costly for cities due to all the utilities under City streets. Bruce Westby requested authorization to look at installing an all -way stop at Dundas and Edmonson due to safety issues. Glen Posusta stated that once Edmonson Avenue is reconstructed more people would speed through there. He recommended installing the all -way stops without further study. Staff recommended the option of stockpiling on the south end of Fallon Avenue and closing the Farmstead Avenue access for a few weeks to save costs and wear and tear on the newer section of Fallon Avenue. Council agreed that staff should talk with the township board about this since it is their road as well. City Council Minutes — May 29, 2012 Page 8 GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2012 -050 APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 2012 RURAL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 12C001; AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO INSTALL ALL -WAY STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF EDMONSON AVENUE AND DUNDAS ROAD, LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 10. Consideration of adopting Ordinance #560 approving a text amendment to Title 10 of the Monticello Zoning Code allowing Entertainment /Recreation — Indoor Commercial as a Conditional Use in an IBC (Industrial and Business Campus) District and approving a Conditional Use Permit for Entertainment/Recreation — Applicant: Commercial Realty Solutions /Wayne Elam City Planner Steve Grittman provided information related to the text amendment and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) request for the operation of a baseball training facility in the building that houses the Monticello Workforce Center. The facility is proposed to be about 8,000 square feet located in the southeast corner of the building facing Interstate 94. There are projected to be 8 -10 customers on site at any time. Staff recommended a cap of 35 people on site. The inside of the building would be covered with netting to manage balls. The batting is simulated so noise would not be an issue. Steve Grittman reported that the Planning Commission had recommended adoption of the text amendment to the Industrial Business Campus (IBC) zoning district to create an allowance for Entertainment /Recreation — Indoor Commercial by CUP. After some discussion about noise, capacity and the issue of limiting the use of the facility to baseball training, they had also approved the CUP subject to a number of conditions as listed in the attached Planning Commission resolution. Clint Herbst wants to ensure that City Council doesn't overly restrict what would be allowed inside the building and indicated that such decisions may instead be considered landlord /tenant issues. He agreed that it might be more useful to identify a capacity cap onsite. Council members also discussed broadening the allowed use of the facility to sports training rather than just baseball training in an effort to keep options open for the applicant. Brian Sturnpf noted that the use would, of course, be limited by square footage. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR DECISION #1 - ALTERNATIVE #1 ADOPTING ORDINANCE #560 TO ESTABLISH ENTERTAINMENT/RECREATION — INDOOR COMMERCIAL AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS CAMPUS (IBC) ZONING DISTRICT. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. LLOYD HILGART MOVED FOR DECISION #2 — ALTERNATIVE #1 APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN INDOOR SPORTS TRAINING FACILITY City Council Minutes— May 29, 2012 Page 9 AS PROPOSED IN THE APPLICATION OF MAY 8, 2012, AND AS RECOMMENDED IN PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #2012 -051, CONTINGENT ON COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED IN EXHIBIT Z AS AMENDED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. • Indoor orientation to avoid contact with common walls of other tenant spaces. • Padding or other wall protection shall be utilized to avoid contact with common walls where activity orientation is uncontrolled to minimize /avoid noise conflicts with other tenant spaces. • Capacity of the occupied spaces shall be a maximum of 35 persons including staff and clients at any one time to avoid conflicts with other site uses. Utilization by more than 35 persons shall require an amendment to the CUP, and potentially require other site or building improvements. • Outdoor activities upon the subject property shall be prohibited. • Accessibility for this entrance, including handicap accessible parking, is subject to the review and comment of the Department of Building Safety. • Site signage shall be subject to the requirements of the City's sign ordinance and shall require application for sign permit. 11. Added items 2 "a Liquor Store - Tom Kelly received a call from the listing agent of the Cruiser's property proposed for a second liquor store. He indicated that the property owner was not able to come to terms with the current tenant to end the lease. Subsequently, the purchase agreement will be voided. Staff will not proceed further with this unless directed by City Council to consider other properties for this purpose. Mowing — Glen Posusta commended the mowing crew for mowing ditches and making the City look nice for Memorial Day weekend. He expressed his concern though with the number of vacant lots on main corridors which are not mowed such as School Boulevard, Highway 25 and Chelsea Road. He suggested that language in the ordinance should compel vacant lot owners to mow their property. He said that he doesn't know why it seems to be a struggle for staff to get properties in compliance with mowing. Angela Schumann pointed out that the property nuisance code requires vacant property owners to only mow the boulevard and within 100 feet of a building or structure. She suggested the code could be amended to require a broader mowing scope for property owners, if that was the intent. Glen Posusta suggested that citizens should be aware of the ordinance and that the City should put language in the ordinance to mow a lot when there are any noxious weeds. Angela Schumann commented that the ordinance does allow mowing when there are noxious weeds. Glen Posusta recommended that the city put such property owners on notice that the City will mow and then bill them. Angela Schumann explained that the City did send letters to vacant property owners to notify them that noxious weeds are a violation of City Council Minutes — May 29, 2012 Page 10 the ordinance and that they are required to spray and mow. Glen Posusta feels the City should not have go through this process every year to send out notices every year. Brian Stumpf remarked that the mowing season is probably over by the time the notification process is completed. Jeff O'Neill discussed the process which has been verified by the City Attorney and noted that there is an accelerated process after the first notice and latitude to follow up with mowing within 48 hours after that. Glen Posusta asked about the vacant lot behind Kwik Trip and the lot north of the adjacent strip mall that are not mowed. Jeff O'Neill pointed out that the City no longer requires that owners of vacant lots mow 15 feet from the curb as it is easier to have the City make that cut. He stated that staff has been trying to get main corridors in shape. Glen Posusta explained that he is particularly concerned about mowing on main corridors so that they look decent. Glen Posusta also asked what was figured out for mowing lots on 7th Street across from Target and Home Depot; staff noted that the City mowed those. Angela Schumann noted that Ryan Companies is responsible for the boulevard on their side of their property. There is no property owner on the south side of 7th Street so the City is taking responsibility for that. Brian Stumpf asked about the property at 6th Street and Elm Sheet. Angela Schumann noted that the property is part of an ongoing investigation and that staff will provide an update to council in the near future. 12. Adiournment BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:48 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri A5 Approved: June 11, 2012 /) Attest: Ae . J ty inistrator City Council Minutes —May 29, 2012 Page 11