City Council Minutes 01-23-2013 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 4:30 p.m. Public Works Meeting Room — 909 Golf Course Rd, Monticello, MN Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None Other: Jeff O'Neill, Bob Paschke, Tom Moores, Matt Theisen, Tom Pawelk, Ron Hackenmueller, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Mayor Herbst called the Special Meeting to order at 4:33 p.m. 2. Purpose of Workshop: Capital Equipment Items, Maintenance, and Financing Jeff O'Neill introduced the workshop and indicated this would include discussion about capital equipment and possible financing via a bond as well as maintenance of vehicles performed by the Public Works shop. 3. Consideration of identifying Capital Equipment items for purchase and authorize issuance of a Capital Equipment Note for financing of these items Bob Paschke explained that they had put together a list of capital equipment items based on pricing on the state bid list. Brian Stumpf asked about the price listed for a brush clipper (chipper); Tom Pawelk verified that $35,000 was the full price on the state bid list. Brian Stumpf talked about the 2 -ton truck and felt that it was advisable to go with a 2 -ton to meet needs for heavy duty hauling. Clint Herbst asked if it was possible to get a larger truck that could also be used for snowplowing. Tom Moores explained that would really be too large for their needs and the cost is quite a bit greater. There was discussion about the other truck listed for replacement. Tom Pawelk said that one would be for the Parks Department and the price includes trade -in credit, box to put on the back, and a tommy -lift. Brian Stumpf suggested perhaps they could keep the old box and sell the old chassis on auction. Tom Pawelk noted that the box is quite rusted on the existing truck and would advise a new box be purchased for the new chassis. Clint Herbst felt the old truck would be worth more on auction if the old box were left on it. Tom Moores talked about the proposed tractor /loader for $75,000. He explained that they had brought this before Council previously but were asked to wait to replace the old one. The current loader is a 1987 model and they would anticipate it could be traded or sold at auction. Tom Moores noted it may be possible to find a used loader that would work as well as purchasing off the state contract. Glen Posusta asked which size they were looking at. Tom Moores stated they are looking at a 5000 series, which is smaller than what they had proposed previously. This would provide multiple uses for the City City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 23, 2013 Page 1 and could be used in different departments. Public Works also has a New Holland tractor that provides year -round uses and would be good to keep. Torn Moores talked about replacing the proposed paint striping sprayer which was purchased in 1990. Public Works takes care of most of the striping and painting in the City. They have rebuilt it twice and propose to replace it with a slightly larger model. Tom Moores stated the desire to replace the 1 -ton truck with a 2 -ton so as to meet the heavy duty needs of Public Works. The 1 -ton truck does not have the braking power for the heavy loads they have. He feels the 1 -ton would bring a good price on trade -in or by selling it outright. Tom Moores next talked about the tack trailer, which would carry a water tank. The $30,000 cost includes a new tank plus the conversion needed to mount it on the trailer. The old tank would be converted for use by the Parks Department. Bob Paschke described the sign -lab system that Public Works would like to purchase. The cost of $35,000 would include color plastic in addition to a variety of other sign cutting and uses. Bob Paschke noted that he has checked and there are used systems for around $21,000. Tom Moores mentioned this would include street signs, directional signs, warning signs, and banners. Public Works would make the signs in house and could provide this service for all departments. Bob Paschke noted that an optional cutter could be purchased with the system and generally costs around $6500. In 2012, Public Works spent about $26,000 for signs and posts. Bob Paschke itemized a list that would comprise the entire system including a cutter. He explained some of the advantages for having a sign -lab system in house. Lloyd Hilgart stated that he would like to know what it would cost for Public Works to make their own signs versus purchasing the signs. He feels that it would be good to know the payback for making signs in house. Jeff O'Neill spoke about some of the benefits it could mean to the City for directional signage. Council suggested that Public Works staff put together more numbers related to a sign - lab system. Torn Perrault asked how long the City could expect that system to run without any upgrades. Bob Paschke stated that Blaine has had theirs in use for about 7 or 8 years. Tom Pawelk described the current brush chipper used by Parks and Streets to chip brush and branches around town for both residents and for the city. Tom Pawelk would suggest that they trade in the old chipper and has talked to the vendor about the possibility of a trade -in. Ron Hackenmueller asked about the possibility of replacing one of the building vans in this purchasing cycle. During the tour, they will take a look at the van and the pricing that Ron Hackenmueller secured. Ron Hackenmueller provided some information that the Building Department compiled on various vehicles and the amounts that they might cost. A van is preferred because it can be used for multiple purposes. City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 23, 2013 Page 2 Cathy Shuman explained what the Laserfiche system would include and some of the benefits for the public and for city staff. Approximately $62,000 will cover the cost of all the additional software and some equipment that is needed. There would continue to be an annual maintenance agreement in the budget which includes online training and technical support. Wayne Oberg talked about the bonding process and how that would work with the purchase of capital equipment. Wayne Oberg explained that the assets have to last at least as long as the bonding period. The items that are selected to be included in the bond can be adjusted before or after the bond resolution is approved. However, the City does have to purchase capital items for the total amount that is bonded. Wayne Oberg mentioned his plan to set up an internal service fiord to handle the equipment allocation which will then charge back the costs to various departmental users and, in turn, help repay the bond costs. 4. Discussion of maintenance of city fleet vehicles Jeff O'Neill mentioned that there were questions regarding the ability of Public Works staff to take care of city vehicles other than those at public works. Bob Paschke noted that Al Gapinski runs the shop and generally takes care of most of the minor maintenance for DMV and City Hall. He is usually pretty busy and doesn't have a lot of extra time. Tom Moores mentioned that Public Works sometimes takes their vehicles to local service stations for repairs. He indicated that they do take care of most oil changes for Public Works and also DMV and sometimes Building Department. Brian Stumpf stated that he would like to see the City utilize local merchants for some of the routine work. 5. Tour of Public Works shop to view equipment A tour of the public works vehicles and equipment took place starting at 5:40 pm. The group toured the Public Works and Parks Building reviewing equipment condition along the way. It was determined that the power transmission utilized for the brush attachment should be converted from mechanical to hydraulic. Council members commented on the variety of equipment that is utilized by the Public Works Department in completing its mission. It was noted that Public Works is highly versatile and creative with efforts to repair or fabricate equipment needed for a special purpose, to complete a job or improve efficiency. 6. Review of 5 -year Capital Improvement Plan 2013 -2017 The proposed Capital Improvement Plan was not reviewed in its entirety as part of this meeting. Specific items proposed for purchase with a capital equipment note were discussed. City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 23, 2013 Page 3 7. Adiournment Mayor Herbst adjourned the special meeting at 6:55 p.m. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman OW) Approved: February 11, 2013 Attest: (/'..." Cio(jWkfinistrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 23, 2013 Page 4