City Council Minutes 08-26-2013MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 26, 2013 — 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2. Approval of Minutes — August 12, 2013 Regular Meeting (these will be brought to the September 9t" meeting for approval) 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda • IRET proposed apartment building (Tom Perrault) • Fog sealing (Jeff O'Neill) • Interim plan for Public Works Director (Jeff O'Neill) • Continuation of budget workshop - Jeff O'Neill noted that the special meeting will be continued after the regular council meeting. 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements a. Citizen Comments: None b. Public Service Announcements: 1) "Blazin' Thru Bertram" trail run/walk (9/14) — Kitty Baltos provided an update on a new event at Bertram Park which is a trail run and memorial for Philip LaVallee This is also a fundraiser for Friends of Bertram. The walk/run takes place on September 14t, at 9 a.m. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for August 26th. Recommendation: Approve payment of bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $877,746.61. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify new hires and terminations for Administration, MCC, Liquor Store, and Public Works. C. Consideration of authorizing expenditure for 2013 local share of River Rider replacement bus. Recommendation: Authorize an expenditure of $14,055.80 City Council Minutes — August 26, 2013 Page 1 for the 2013 local share of a River Rider replacement bus to serve the city of Monticello. D. Consideration of authorizing closure of Sanitary Sewer Access Fund and Water Access Fund by transferring year -end fund balances to the debt service fund for the 2011A G.O. Refunding Bonds. Recommendation: Authorize closing the Sanitary Sewer Access Fund and Water Access Fund by transferring year -end fund balances to the 2011 A G.O. Refunding Bond Fund. E. Consideration of approving amendments to the capitalization thresholds and adopting the City of Monticello Capital Asset Guide. Recommendation: Approve capitalization thresholds listed as follows and adopt the Capital Asset Guide as presented. ASSET CLASS THRESHOLD Land /land improvements Land - $1 /Improvements - $50,000 Building /building improvements $20,000 Primary infrastructure & utility $75,000 Secondary infrastructure $25,000 Equipment $10,000 Software and non - tangible $10,000 Construction Work in Progress Upon completion, per above class F. Consideration of approving terms of sale for property at 413 W 4t" Street (PID 155- 010 - 029020) and authorizing staff to draft a purchase agreement with a potential buyer. Recommendation: Approve sale of property at 413 W 4th Street (PID 155- 010- 029020) for $20,000 and direct staff to prepare a purchase agreement with the following terms of sale: • Sale price of property $20, 000. • Closing costs to be shared by buyer and seller. • Purchase agreement to be drafted by the City Attorney. • Purchase agreement valid for 90 days from execution of agreement. • Proceeds of sale to be directed to the EDA General Sub -Fund, less purchase agreement, survey and closing costs. • Seller will provide a quit claim deed for the property. • The buyer has also requested a certificate of survey be prepared for the site. Estimated costs for a survey are $2, 000. • The City's sale is contingent on final review and approval of the building plans by the City Council /EDA Land Sale and Acquisition group. G. Consideration of approving equipment specifications and authorizing purchase of two Ford F550 4X4 trucks and ancillary equipment for the Park and Street Departments based on state contract pricing in accordance with the 2013 capital equipment bond issue. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. City Council Minutes — August 26, 2013 Page 2 H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 92013 -063 accepting petition and calling for a public hearing to consider vacation of drainage and utility easements on Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Pineview Addition (PID 155- 204 - 001020 & 155 -204- 001030). Applicant: Property owner and seller Tom Holthaus /Applicant Kent Kj ellberg. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2013 -063 accepting petition and calling for a public hearing on September 26, 2013 to consider vacation of drainage and utility easements on Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Pineview Addition (PID 155 -204- 001020 & 1030). Consideration of approving a three year contract with XO Communications for network access services. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS G AND I. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 5G. Consideration of approving equipment specifications and authorizing purchase of two Ford F550 4X4 trucks and ancillary equipment for the Park and Street Departments based on state contract pricing in accordance with the 2013 capital equipment bond issue Glen Posusta wanted a clarification on the need for a plow unit and wondered if it was necessary at this time to order the plow unit. Tom Pawelk explained the use of the truck that would be replaced, which is used to clear snow in municipal parking lots and for sanding; it could also be used to clear snow in cul -de -sacs. He noted that Crysteel is honoring the state bid pricing that they quoted last spring. Tom Pawelk also explained the value in purchasing the Boss plow unit rather than another brand. Wayne Oberg brought up the option of waiting until 2014 to purchase the add -ons so as to save sales tax that would be exempt after January 1, 2014. Tom Moores explained that they would like to order the truck with the plow now so it can be used during the snow season. They could wait until 2014 to order the other truck and dump body if it would be worth the savings of sales tax on the ancillary equipment. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO PURCHASE TWO FORD F550 TRUCKS AT THIS TIME WITHOUT THE PLOW UNIT. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. LLOYD HILGART MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO APPROVE THE SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF TWO 2014 FORD F550 4X4 TRUCKS FROM MIDWAY FORD, EQUIPPED WITH THE CRYSTEEL DUMP BODY AND ACCESSORIES AS SPECIFIED FOR EACH DEPARTMENT AND WITH THE PLOW UNIT ESTIMATED AT A NOT -TO- EXCEED COST OF $6500, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $114,407.32. COUNCIL ALSO AUTHORIZES STAFF City Council Minutes — August 26, 2013 Page 3 TO SELL THE OLD EQUIPMENT AT A PUBLIC AUCTION FOLLOWING DELIVERY OF THE NEW EQUIPMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Tom Perrault asked about the cost of the maintenance that has gone into the trucks that would be replaced. Tom Moores said he did not have those figures on hand, but discussed some of the problems they have been experiencing. 5L Consideration of approving a three year contract with XO Communications for network access services Torn Perrault wanted clarification on the proposed pricing for the XO Communications agreement. Mark Pultusker explained that the current contract costs $16,600 per month. Under the new contract the monthly cost would drop to $6,660. However the contract would be extended to 3 years which would extend the cost over time, but the city would not have to continue to pay on the existing contract. The city could possibly save money by going to a different vendor, but they would still have to continue to pay the balance of the XO contract at the $16,600 monthly cost. TOM PERRAULT MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO APPROVE A THREE YEAR CONTRACT WITH XO COMMUNICATIONS FOR NETWORK ACCESS SERVICES AT A RATE OF $6,660 PER MONTH. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 7. Consideration of approving a contract with CSI Digital for video and network support services Mark Pultusker explained that CSI Digital is the current provider for video services on a five year agreement, which has one year remaining. Mark Pultusker noted that FiberNet has a need for Level 2 network support services in addition to the video support provided in the current agreement. CSI Digital could provide this type of network support and offered a 3 -year agreement at $2500 per month. Glen Posusta asked what is causing a freeze frame on TV channels. Mark Pultusker explained that this is probably related to set -top boxes and will be corrected with an upgrade which is in process at this time. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO APPROVE CONTRACTING WITH CSI DIGITAL FOR A 4 -YEAR AGREEMENT FOR VIDEO SUPPORT SERVICES AND A 3 -YEAR AGREEMENT FOR NETWORK SUPPORT SERVICES, EACH AT THE PRICE OF $2,500 PER MONTH. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH LLOYD HILGART VOTING IN OPPOSITION. City Council Minutes — August 26, 2013 Page 4 Tom Perrault had a question about the payment schedule in the service order agreement provided by CSI Digital. Mark Pultusker explained that this is an annual payment, so the city will be billed once a year. 8. Consideration of approving FiberNet video equipment upgrade and investment Mark Pultusker summarized the request for an upgrade to the FiberNet video equipment. Originally, FiberNet chose to contract with Avail to provide the video channels to FiberNet through their signals, in lieu of the city having to invest in additional equipment to bring in video signals for its TV channels. Avail (recently changed to Vubiquity) provides the bulk of the video channels and has been cutting back on channels and reduced its signal strength to save costs. They have agreed to forego the remaining year on the contract (worth $60,000), if the city prefers to upgrade their equipment to bring in the channel signals. This would have been the other option that FiberNet could have invested in initially. The total projected cost to upgrade the equipment is $240,000. Mark Pultusker pointed out that the city would not have to pay the $60,000 remaining on the agreement, as part of the termination agreement with Avail. CLINT HERBST MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO CANCEL THE CONTRACT WITH AVAIL (VUBIQUITY) WITH NO EARLY TERMINATION FEE AND PURCHASE VIDEO SIGNAL EQUIPMENT AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $240,000. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 9. Added items IRET proposed apartment building — Tom Perrault brought up the discussion that took place when IRET held a neighborhood meeting about their proposal for an apartment building. He wanted to know where he could find more information about why a project like this would decrease property values. Clint Herbst did not think it would be possible to find proof that this project would decrease property values in the area. Clint Herbst commented that the meeting was well attended and IRET provided quite a bit of information. • Fog ag — Tom Moores brought up the request for adding a fog seal to a portion of the sealcoating project for 2013. Shibani Bisson talked about the striping of the center turn lane on Meadow Oak Avenue, it is currently not needed now since the adjacent properties have not developed, but will be needed when development does occur. It was discussed to stripe the roadway with a center double yellow stripe. The old pavement markings may come up to the roadway surface in the future. Tom Moores explained the process of removing the center turn lane arrows and chip sealing over them. Tom Moores reviewed the cost estimates he received to remove the arrows and fog seal Meadow Oak Avenue. Tom Moores noted that fog sealing could still be done with this year's sealcoating and talked about some of the benefits of fog sealing. Tom Moores had checked on the cost of fog sealing the entire project and just on Meadow Oak Avenue. The City Council Minutes — August 26, 2013 Page 5 costs for Meadow Oak Avenue are approximately $6,000, which is within the budgeted amount for the seal coating and pavement marking project. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO FOG SEAL ON A PORTION OF MEADOW OAK AVENUE AS A TRIAL PROJECT. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. • Glen Posusta mentioned that there are a lot of acorns on River Street that could be cleaned up rather than have theirs wash into the storm drains. Public Works Director options — Tracy Ergen commented that staff members met this morning with the Personnel Committee to discuss options for handling public works director duties. It was recommended by the group to consider allocating those duties among the three public works supervisors, with certain duties turned over to the City Administrator, Finance Director, and engineering, while reviewing the workload. The three supervisors, city administrator, and finance director would receive additional compensation during the interim period of 6 to 12 months. This would give more time for the city to determine the need for the Public Works Director and other positions that are vacant right now. Jeff O'Neill mentioned that there would be some budget savings realized with this plan. BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE INTERIM PLAN FOR DISTRIBUTING DUTIES OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION FOR A PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS EFFECTIVE STARTING SEPTEMBER 1sT, 2013. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Clint Herbst stated that this is not meant as a money- saving process but rather to give time to review the workload and determine the needs of the city. Torn Perrault asked about the compensation rates and how that would be paid. Tracy Ergen explained that compensation would be paid on a monthly basis. 10. Adjournment GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING AT 8:10 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman Approved: September 9, 2013 r Attest: y inistrator City Council Minutes —August 26, 2013 Page 6