City Council Minutes 11-10-2014MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 10, 2014 — 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes — October 27, 2014 Regular Meeting BRIAN STUMPF,MOVED TO ACCEPT THE OCTOBER 27, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda • Meadow Oak snow removal (Clint Herbst) • CSAH 75 East (Lloyd Hilgart) 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements, and updates A. Citizen Comments: None. B. Public Service Announcements: 1) EDA position open — Angela Schumann announced that the city is looking for an EDA commissioner to replace Rod Dragsten's position. Interviews will be held and Council will be asked to be present. Qualifications for EDA are to be a city resident or a business owner and have an interest in economic development for the city. C. Updates: 11 Snowmobile routes — This was postponed as Tom Moores was not able to attend. 2) FiberNet - Jeff O'Neill gave a short update on FiberNet. He noted that Goodwill and Moon Donuts are new businesses for FiberNet. It appears that there are almost no problems with digitizing on video channels caused by snow on the satellites, so that is good news. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for November 10th. Recommendation: Approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $374,641.15. City Council Minutes — November 10, 2014 Page 1 B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify new hires and terminations for MCC, Liquor Store, and Water Department. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2014 -112 to accept contribution from Uptown EyeCare for the Community Center Halloween Kiddie Parade. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2014 -112 accepting a donation of $250 from Uptown EyeCare as a sponsor of the Halloween Kiddie Parade held on October 25, 2014. D. Consideration of approving the Waste Water Treatment Facility contract amounts with Veolia Water for 2015. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2014 -114 amending the Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage and Final Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Sunset Ponds 2nd Addition. Applicant: Jensen, Donald /Sunset Ponds, LLC. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2014 -114 approving an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development as related to residential design standards for T -N (Single- Family) District for Lots 6, ?, 9, and 10, Block 3, Sunset Ponds 2nd Addition, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z (as follows) and based on a finding that the proposed amendment continues to achieve the goals of the original PUD and is consistent with the long -range goals for residential development as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. • The plans for the building permit shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance minimum finished square footage standards. • The plans for the building permit shall comply with the Zoning Ordinance minimum setback requirements. • Stone or brick veneer shall be on both the garage face area and portico as shown on the provided plans dated October 6, 2012. o Shake veneer shall not be permitted as an exclusive treatment in lieu of stone or brick veneer, and shall only be used to compliment the brick or stone in meeting the required 20 percent as shown on the plans. i Any corner lot shall include additional stone or brick on the secondary right -of- way elevation to better meet the intent of the 20 percent 'front building faVade " requirement. • All garage doors shall include raised panels and may include window lights. 0 No homes on abutting properties may be constructed of the exact same exterior home design. • The applicant enter into an agreement for amendment to Planned Unit Development for Sunset Ponds 2nd Addition. F. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2014 -113 stating Intent to Reimburse from bond proceeds for certain city projects: School Blvd improvements, Fallon Avenue overlay and 85h Street NE improvements, Fallon Avenue trail connection, and State Hwy 25 /85d` Street intersection improvements. City Council Minutes — November 10, 2014 Page 2 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2014 -113 declaring the official intent to reimburse expenditures from the proceeds of bonds for School Blvd and Trail Improvements ($550,000), Fallon Avenue Overlay and 85t' Street Improvements ($250,000), Fallon Avenue Trail Connection ($85,000), and State Hwy 25/85' Street Intersection Improvements ($315,000). GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM D. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 5D. Consideration of approving the Waste Water Treatment Facility contract amounts with Veolia Water for 2015 Tom Perrault asked whether the operational costs of the new screwpress equipment would be more or less than what the city previously paid. Chuck Keyes commented that Finance Director Wayne Oberg felt this should come to Council for approval and that is why this information is being presented tonight. Chuck explained that the City pays an annual fee for the Waste Water Treatment Facility contract that includes maintenance and repair, gas, electricity, polymer, and professional services. There are annual limits on the payments, but the overages are subject to a true -up payment at the end of the year. Chuck noted that the higher cost for 2015 is a combination of reconciling the annual fees along with the screwpress operating costs. There are a variety of reasons for the higher increase: more polymer needed for the screwpress; natural gas costs have gone up quite a bit; landfill and hauling fees were not part of the budget previously; and electrical costs are hard to predict. Added costs associated with the screwpress are about $60,000 to 70,000 of the increased costs for 2015. Clint Herbst stated that he understood that the screwpress was supposed to save some money. Chuck Keyes replied that he would not have indicated that the screwpress would save money; actually, anytime the Waste Water Treatment Facility is expanded, the costs will increase. Clint Herbst asked if the processing method using the screwpress is more or less costly than the old method. Chuck Keyes indicated that the screwpress costs more than operating the old system. However, there are other savings that were realized by converting to the screwpress; the city is avoiding future capital costs such as additional land, an additional sludge storage tank, and trucks for hauling the sludge. Chuck mentioned that some of the current equipment will continue to be used as long as possible. There will be some hauling costs but it may be possible to change the manner in which it is done to save some money. Chuck Keyes said there might be a possibility of reducing some trucking costs by utilizing an existing vehicle and city staff. There was some discussion on the farmland that had been used for landfilling under the old system, which now might be available for resale. Lloyd Hilgart asked if the screwpress was a required step for the Waste Water Treatment Facility in order to comply with the state - mandated phosphorous levels. Chuck Keyes City Council Minutes — November 10, 2014 Page 3 explained that it was not a requirement but it is a step toward producing Class A biosolids. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY ANNUAL FEE CONTRACT AMOUNTS FOR 2015 WITH VEOLIA WATER. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 7. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2014 -117 canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the 2014 General election for the City of Monticello Clint Herbst congratulated the winners of the General Election and thanked all those who showed up to vote. Jeff O'Neill explained that Council is asked to review the returns and adopt the resolution canvassing the returns and declaring the results for local offices with Brian Stumpf as Mayor and Lloyd Hilgart and Charlotte Gabler as Council Members. Jeff noted that there was only a six vote difference between the second and third place council member candidates. There is not an automatic recount, but Jim Davidson would be eligible to file a request for a recount, with the expenses paid by the city. Clint Herbst suggested that the City devise a notification protocol so that all candidates are contacted once the results are known on election night. Jeff O'Neill will follow up with that. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2014 -117 CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE 2014 GENERAL ELECTION FOR LOCAL OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Lloyd Hilgart and Charlotte Gabler B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 42014 -115 approving the sale of $6,510,000 G. O. Bonds, Series 2014A Tammy Omland from Northland Securities presented the bid information received from the bond sale. She mentioned that the Bond Sale Summary was handed out prior to the meeting and shows the term of the bonds for 15 years, while the Finance Plan was scheduled for 10 years. One bid was received from Piper Jaffrey and the rate was about 1 % higher than anticipated in the Finance Plan. Tammy Omland commented that this outcome was not expected under the city's A2 bond rating. Tammy reviewed the options available to Council which would be to approve the bond sale at the higher rate or to reject the bid. If rejected, Council could direct staff and Northland Securities to negotiate the sale of bonds with an underwriter or to rebid the bonds with the same or modified terms. City Council Minutes — November 10, 2014 Page 4 Brian Stumpf asked if there was enough time to rebid before the payment of the settlement is due. Tammy Omland explained the City has until February 12, 2015 to pay the settlement so there is some time to try and get a better rate. There is also the possibility that the market could move and rates could increase, leaving the city in a less favorable position for negotiating or selling bonds. Tammy feels that the city stands a chance for a better rate by negotiating with an underwriter. When city staff completes the negotiation, they will come back to Council for approval of the bond sale. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2014 -115 REJECTING THE BID AND DIRECTING STAFF AND NORTHLAND SECURITIES TO NEGOTIATE THE BOND SALE WITH AN UNDERWRITER. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2014 -116 authorizing preparation of Feasibility Report for Fallon Avenue pathway extension and Fallon Avenue and 85th Street Improvements, City Project No. 14Cxxx Shibani Bisson presented this request to Council and pointed out that it includes two items: Fallon Avenue and 85a' Street Improvements and a pathway connection from Hunters Crossing to Pioneer Park. Residents within_ the Hunters Crossing development petitioned the Council to extend the pathway along Fallon Avenue to connect to the pathway that leads to Pioneer Park. She showed a map of the options for the pathway connection along Fallon. Option 1 would extend the pathway along the west side of Fallon Avenue from Farmstead to 87th Street; this would require filling in a ditch, adding storm sewer, and wetland mitigation. Option 2 would construct the pathway between side lot lines of two properties within Klein Farms and then through city -owned property over to Fallon Avenue; this would require obtaining pathway easements, but would avoid filling in the ditch and wetland. Clint Herbst asked if it would be possible to put a retaining wall along the wetland and run the pathway along the road. Shibani Bisson explained that it would probably be necessary to fill in the wetland either way. Option 3 would be similar to option 2 but would require additional easements to run the pathway through Hunters Crossing instead of along Fallon. Clint Herbst commented that he did not think that would be the most direct route and the cost would be somewhat high if people choose to use a different, more direct route. Brian Stumpf suggested an on -road pathway where they could use yellow striping to separate the path from the street. Brian Stumpf asked if there would be grant funding available for a pathway like this. Angela Schumann commented on the process for determining a Safe Route to Schools pathway. The first round usually requires a planning process before obtaining funds to construct a pathway. Angela noted that this project would not be eligible for Park and Trail Legacy funding. City Council Minutes — November 10, 2014 Page 5 Clint Herbst recommended that the feasibility study concentrate on a pathway along Fallon Avenue rather than an option using easements through other property. Tom Perrault asked about Hunters Crossing Park and how the pathway connection would integrate with that. He also asked about additional work that would be done in conjunction with the pathway. Shibani Bisson explained the other part of the project is to overlay Fallon Avenue and 85th Street adjacent to the Hunters Crossing development, and overlay and reclaim and pave portions of 85th Street west of Edmonson Avenue. She displayed some pictures of the road segments to show the need for the road improvements. Shibani Bisson pointed out the segments on Fallon and 85th that would be included in the feasibility report. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2014 -116 AUTHORIZING WSB & ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE A FEASIBILITY REPORT TO INCLUDE A PATHWAY EXTENSION ALONG FALLON AVENUE AND IMPROVEMENTS TO FALLON AVENUE AND 85TH STREET, CITY PROJECT NO. 14CXXX, AT AN ESTIMATED FEE OF $15,000. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 8. Added items: • Meadow Oak snowplowing — A homeowner in Meadow Oaks called to indicate that she has issues with the snowplowing. Clint Herbst stated that he was not sure how much could be done to alleviate the problem. Jeff O'Neill will contract her to discuss the situation. • CSAH 75 East — Lloyd Hilgart said he had gotten a phone call asking about the speed limit along the section of CSAH 75 from CR 18 east to the freeway area. Shibani Bisson indicated that the speed limit is set at 55 in that stretch. She suggested it might be time to do a speed study to determine if the speed limit should be adjusted. Lloyd Hilgart verified that the road belongs to the City now. Shibani Bisson noted that the speed study could be done by MnDOT at no cost. Council concurred with doing a speed study if it is warranted. Shibani Bisson will check into that. 9. Adiournment TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:01 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman 4pV--1 Approved: November 24, 2014 Attest: J f j eill City Council Minutes — November 10, 2014 Page 6