City Council Minutes 02-22-1993MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 22, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, and Patty Olsen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of the regular meeting held February 8, 1993. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consideration of adopting a resolution providing conditional authorization to conduct a general referendum on issuance of an $850,000 general obligation bond for financing multi-purpose community arena. Assistant Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, reported that representatives from the Hockey Association, School District, and City of Monticello met on February 10, 1993, to discuss potential methods for funding and operating a multi-purpose arena. This group then forwarded three alternatives for financing an arena to the Parks Commission. At their meeting on February 18, 1993, the Parks Commission reviewed the alternatives provided by the joint group and additional ideas presented by the Hockey Association and acted to recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution providing conditional authorization to conduct a general referendum on issuance of an $850,000 general obligation bond for financing a multi- purpose community arena. O'Neill went on to note that Council is not asked by the Parks Commission to support the concept of development of an ice arena. Rather, it's asked to authorize a general referendum to be conducted in the event the community group organizing the effort to build a multi-purpose arena is able to accomplish a number of steps as outlined in the proposed resolution. Brad Fyle asked if $1,000,000 would be adequate to build a multi-purpose facility. Page 1 Council Minutes - 2/22/93 Dennis Taylor, representing the community group,.indicated that a $1,000,000 facility would be large enough to seat 1,000 people during the winter when the ice rink is in place. During summer months, it would be big enough to handle larger groups. It would be constructed out of steel with attractive brick facing. Jerry Shannon of Springsted, the City's bond consultant, indicated that his company has been involved in a number of ice arena bond issues and noted that the finance plan presented is realistic. If managed properly, the facility would be able to pay operations expenses and finance $400,000 of the $850,000 general obligation debt. Shirley Anderson indicated that she did not necessarily support the concept of development of an ice arena; however, she did support the concept of conducting a referendum as outlined in the resolution. She was also concerned that the park budget could be impacted if the facility is funded. Clint Herbst indicated that he was concerned about the impact of the additional taxes on the citizens that are scraping by. Ken Maus responded by saying that authorizing a referendum will give citizens that feel they cannot afford the ice arena or do not like the concept the chance to vote no. After discussion, a motion was made by Patty Olsen and seconded by Brad Fyle to adopt the resolution as noted below: RESOLUTION 93-4 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT A GENERAL REFERENDUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF G.O. BONDS FOR COMMUNITY ARENA WHEREAS, Monticello City Council and Parks Commission have reviewed various options for development and financing of a community arena; and WHEREAS, based on the financial performance of other similar arenas, it has been determined that facility design and construction features necessary to attract users and thereby generate revenue requires a capital investment of $1,000,000 in the primary structure and fixtures; and WHEREAS, Monticello City Council has received a recommendation from the Parks Commission to approve this resolution based on its research on the matter. Page 2 Council Minutes - 2/22/93 LET IT, THEREFORE, BE RESOLVED THAT the Monticello City Council hereby commits to authorizing a general referendum on the issuance of general obligation bonds in the amount of $850,000 at such time that the following steps are achieved. 1. The Monticello Youth Hockey Association must obtain a legally binding commitment from the Township to pay the City an amount equal to the Township's share of debt service on $450,000 based on relative market values of the City and Township. 2. The Hockey Association shall secure $100,000 in cash and donations to supplement the $850,000 bond and shall commit a minimum of $50,000 in sweat equity labor toward construction of the facility. 3. The Hockey Association shall pay for the cost to conduct the general referendum. 4. The Hockey Association shall obtain a commitment from the School District to provide the City of Monticello with the proposed 10 -acre community arena site, which is located at the northeast corner of the school campus area. 5. The Hockey Association shall obtain written commitments from various associations and organizations that desire to rent ice time from the facility. 6. Land use issues regarding zoning, conditional use permits, and site plan design shall be resolved prior to authorization to conduct the referendum. 7. Miscellaneous expenses and revenue sources associated with utilities construction, parking lot development, site preparation, etc., shall be detailed prior to the referendum. Said expenses shall be funded by sources other than the general obligation bond. 8. This resolution shall be valid for a period of 18 months. 9. The final community arena development budget and associated G.O. bond amount required to finance the structure may be amended to reflect construction cost inflation. LET IT ALSO BE RESOLVED THAT potential funding of park facilities development associated with Parks Commission planning and priorities shall be set apart from the Monticello Community Arena program and will not be affected in the event the general referendum is successful. Page 3 Council Minutes - 2/22/93 Voting in favor: Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus, Patty Olsen, Brad Fyle. Opposed: Clint Herbst. SEE RESOLUTION 93-4. 5. Consideration of feasibility of extending motor vehicle office hours. Rick Wolfsteller reported that one of the functions available at city hall is motor vehicle license renewal and transfer services. The motor vehicle office is open the same hours as city hall, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Since customer service is the only real product the City can provide to its residents, Council may want to discuss the feasibility of possibly extending the hours of service past normal city hall office hours such as providing extended hours one evening a week or to be open on Saturdays, etc. Ken Maus noted that the deputy registrar provides a service to consumers and that the hours need to correspond to consumer need. He noted that by extending hours at least one day a week, the City would be able to provide the service during hours when the commuter would be able to utilize the service. Brad Fyle indicated that he did not think that the later hours would result in the City gaining any customers. People will adjust their schedule to meet the deputy registrar hours. Patty Olsen indicated her support for extending hours later than 4:30. She informed Council that on occasion she has heard it requested from citizens that the City extend motor vehicle hours. Ken Maus stated that extending the hours should be considered an experiment. If it is found that customer demand does not justify being open after 4:30 on the day selected, then the old schedule can be reinstated. Karen Doty noted that on occasion due to sick leave, vacations, etc., the deputy registrar office will only have one person working during the evening hours. She indicated her concern regarding the safety of a single person working the motor vehicle desk. Rick Wolfsteller responded by saying that on the infrequent occasions when only one deputy registrar staff person would be available to work the evening hours, he would arrange for providing additional employees in the building during that time. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to extend the deputy registrar hours until 6 p.m. during one day per week as selected by Rick Wolfsteller. Voting in favor: Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen. Opposed: Brad Fyle. Page 4 Council Minutes - 2/22/93 6. Consideration of authorizing a self-defense class for female city employees. Karen Doty requested that City Council consider authorizing funding for female city employees to attend a local self-defense class. She noted that in the course of their work, employees travel to the Twin Cities for meetings or work alone late in the day or must work evenings such as at the municipal liquor store. She noted she recently had the opportunity to attend a self- defense class and found it to be very worthwhile, and the cost is very minimal at $150 per group of 16. Doty also informed Council that the class is not offered to men. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to authorize female employees and spouses of male employees to attend a self-defense class taught by Terry Dehmer of the Wright County Sheriffs Department. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consideration of new phone system for public works facility. John Simola reviewed the existing communications configuration and outlined inefficient aspects of our current system. He also noted that the City budgeted for a full-time secretary for public works in 1993; however, it was determined that hiring an additional person should be delayed until other alternatives, including communication improvement, could be developed that would improve staff efficiency. Simola went on to review the Comdial system proposed by Bridge Water, the Comdial Executec system proposed by Sherburne Telcom, and the AT&T Partner II system. Simola stated that the AT&T system best fits the City's needs. He noted that AT&T is committed to manufacturing the hardware for this system for the next 13 years and services the hardware for the next 25 years. He also noted, however, that he would not be opposed to looking at purchasing a system from Bridge Water Telephone if it had the same capabilities as the system proposed by AT&T. Wayne Mayer of Bridge Water Telephone indicated that the system proposed by Bridge Water does not have the functionality of the AT&T system; however, if given more time, Bridge Water would be able to introduce a new quote on an alternative system (North Star) that would be equal to the AT&T system and provide costs for the new Centrax switch gear at Bridge Water. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to table consideration of this matter and request that Bridge Water Telephone submit a quote on an alternative phone system with capabilities approximately equal to the AT&T Partner II system. This item is to be tabled for a period not to exceed six months. Motion carried Page 5 Council Minutes - 2/22/93 unanimously. Ken Maus asked Wayne Mayer if he would have the information on the system similar to the AT&T Partner II by the next meeting. Wayne responded yes, he should have it. 8. Consideration of adopting a resolution extending an agreement by the City to hold Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition, for the H -Window Company. Rick Wolfsteller reported that in June 1991, the Council adopted a resolution agreeing to hold all six lots of the Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition for the H -Window Company's future expansion potential. The agreement expired on December 31, 1992, and the H -Window Company has not yet made a decision on whether to purchase the property. Wolfsteller indicated that in response to the expiration of this agreement, he contacted Lemme regarding the H -Window's expansion plans. Wolfsteller noted that it is his understanding that a final decision on expansion plans will be made sometime in May and that the H -Window Company would be able to provide the City with an answer once and for all by June 1, 1993. Brad Fyle was concerned that holding the property for H -Window Company constituted a misuse of public funds. If we have a chance to sell it to another party, we should. Clint Herbst indicated that he would hate to push H -Window Company out. It makes sense to work with them to encourage them to stay in Monticello if they decide to expand. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Patty Olsen to adopt a resolution agreeing to hold Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition, for an additional time period expiring May 31, 1993, and also provide a first right of refusal for Lots 4, 5, and 6 for the same period. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 93-5. 9. Consideration of granting a seasonal 3.2 beer license to the Monticello Softball Association. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the Monticello Softball Association has requested a 3.2 beer license which would allow the sale of 3.2 beer at the NSP softball concession stand. He also noted that the City has an agreement with the Softball Association for reimbursement of $125 per team that utilizes the field, which equals $2,500 in 1992. Wolfsteller noted that as of this date, he has not yet received the $2,500 fee. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to table approval of the 3.2 beer license as requested. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 Council Minutes - 2/22/93 10. Consideration of supporting legislative action to amend on -sale 3.2 beer license requirements. Rick Wolfsteller reported that once again the Council is asked to discuss 3.2 on -sale beer license regulations and requirements. He reminded Council that at the previous meeting Council denied issuing a 3.2 beer license to the billiard center because pool halls do not qualify for a 3.2 beer license under state statutes. Wolfsteller reported that Bruce Langford has requested that Betty Adkins' office support legislation amending the current statutes which would allow pool halls to qualify for a 3.2 beer license under state statutes. Adkins would like to know if the City is interested in supporting such legislation. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to direct the City Administrator to inform Senator Adkins that the City of Monticello takes a neutral position on any changes to state law that would enable pool halls to qualify for a 3.2 beer license. The City would oppose any special legislation enabling pool halls to qualify for a 3.2 beer license in the city of Monticello only and not in any other city in the state of Minnesota. Voting in favor: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Ken Maus, Patty Olsen. Absent: Brad Fyle. 11. Consideration of setting a date for 1993 Board of Review Meeting. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Patty Olsen to approve the date for the Board of Review meeting set for 7 p.m., Thursday, April 22. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen, Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson. Absent: Brad Fyle. 12. Consideration of annual maintenance agreement with Wright County. John Simola reported that for many years, the City of Monticello has contracted with Wright County for snow and ice removal on various county roads. Simola went on to outline the roads that are impacted by the contract. Simola went on to recommend that the City Council authorize approval of the maintenance agreement as outlined in alternative #1. Simola stated that the agreement allows us to give citizens a higher level of service than if the work were being totally performed by the County, as we must travel certain county roads to reach other portions of the city and generally start a few hours prior to the County beginning their operations. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve the proposed 1993 maintenance agreement with Wright County as presented. Voting in favor: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Ken Maus, Patty Olsen. Absent: Brad Fyle. Page 7 Council Minutes - 2/22/93 13. Consideration of gambling license renewal --American Legion Post 260. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Brad Fyle to accept the summary report as presented and adopt the resolution approving the application for renewal. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 93-6. 14. Consideration of bills for the month of February. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Brad Fyle to approve payment of the bills as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. 4� O�� Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 8