City Council Minutes 05-24-1993MINUTES REGULAR, MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 24, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of the regular meeting held May 10, 1993, and special meeting held May 18, 1993. Shirley Anderson suggested that the Council minutes be amended by changing #2 of agenda item #4 as follows: "Elderly and handicapped are major users of medical clinic facilities. Without the driveway and canopy, accessibility for handicapped and elderly is difficult and, therefore, the variances are necessary to provide a reasonable use of the property." After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve said meeting minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Comments, petitions, requests, and complaints. Roger Pribyl, representing the Monticello Baseball Association, requested that the City allow installation of advertising signs at the NSP softball fields, revenue from which would be used for purchase and installation of electronic scoreboard signs at each of the four fields. Brad Fyle wondered if allowing advertising signs would result in proliferation of signs at the ballpark. He stated that there should be some control of private advertising at a public park. Wolfsteller noted that issues relating to installation, maintenance, hooking up and wiring, etc., need to be resolved and included in an agreement between the Baseball Association and the City. Clint Herbst indicated that he supports allowing a 2 -ft high advertising sign located directly below the scoreboard. Patty Olsen agreed with Clint Herbst that a modest sign of a size consistent with the scoreboard would be acceptable. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson to allow the installation of a sign advertising a private business. Motion died for lack of a second. After further discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Patty Olsen to refer the matter to the Parks Commission.. Parks Commission is asked to review issues relating to placement of off -premise advertising signs at the NSP ballfields. Motion carried unanimously. Page 1 Council Minutes - 5/24/93 Pribyl requested immediate action by Council to allow advertising at the primary ballfield and associated scoreboard. Pribyl was concerned that delaying a decision would delay installation of the scoreboard until much of the season is completed. In response, Council went on to review in more detail the possibility of allowing installation of one scoreboard funded by advertising display at the field used primarily for baseball. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to allow installation of a 14 ft by 5 ft scoreboard to be installed by the Monticello Baseball Association at no cost to the City at the field used primarily for baseball. Furthermore, staff is directed to prepare an agreement between the City and the Association regarding the conditions under which advertising signs can be installed, agreement to include detail expectations with regard to the size of the signs, sign location, sign maintenance, etc. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Update by City Assessor on local board of review adjustments. Jerry Kramber was in attendance to update the Council on action taken in regard to reducing market values of parcels in question.. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to accept the changes and recommendations made by the County Assessor. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consideration of authorizing City Planner to prepare a long- term plan. for Hospital District area. Assistant Administrator O'Neill stated that as a condition of approval of the clinic expansion, the hospital district was requested to work with the City to design a long-term land use plan that serves the needs of the hospital district while being sensitive to nearby residential neighborhood concerns. On April 12, 1993, it was the consensus of Council to authorize City staff and consulting planner to work with the hospital district toward creating a development plan for the area. After reviewing the matter with the planner, it became evident that to do a thorough study of the issues would require a significant investment of time by City staff and City Planner ($3,100). City staff is concerned that the direction of the meeting of April 12 did not take into consideration the cost associated with the in-depth study that would be .required to answer the many questions relating to long-term development at this site. Therefore, City staff requests that Council again review the direction provided to staff at the meeting on the 12th and determine if Council was comfortable with spending $3,100 to prepare a long-term plan for the site. Page 2 Council Minutes - 5/24/93 Brad Fyle noted that he supports the concept of completing the study and that it is in the best interest of the City to work cooperatively with the hospital district in preparing the study and defining issues and solutions; however, the City should be the party responsible for paying for the study. Paying for the study in its entirety will give the City the proper level of independence it needs to prepare plans that are in the best interest of the city. Patty Olsen noted that the plan prepared will benefit the hospital district by providing direction necessary to plan for future development and will give the hospital district a better understanding of the best way to configure their site, including building and parking layouts. It was Olsen's opinion that the hospital district should contribute toward funding the project because it will provide a direct benefit to them. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Patty Olsen to allocate one-half of the funds necessary to complete the study contingent upon the hospital district agreeing to pay for the other half. Voting in favor of the motion: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Patty Olsen, Clint Herbst. Opposed: Brad Fyle. 6. Review of schematic design and preliminary construction cost estimates for phase II of the Monticello Public Works Facility. Mr. Doug Wild, architect for the City's engineering firm, OSM, reviewed with the Council the schematic design for phase II expansion of the public works facility. Mr. Wild noted that phase II could be broken down into three phases consisting of a sand and salt enclosure at a cost of approximately $108,000; a wash and paint bay at a cost of $110,000; and an addition to the present building to include handicapped accessible entry, restrooms, break room, along with a meeting and training room for approximately $126,000. The total of all three portions of phase II, with a contingency and engineering fees included, could total $413,000. After reviewing the three phases, Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the Council the need for the improvements such as a covered facility for storage of sand and salt to avoid any possible ground contamination along with the need for a separate wash bay facility for cleaning vehicles to avoid moisture problems in existing buildings. Councilmember Herbst questioned the need for skylights to be included in the existing building and in the salt and sand enclosure and the need for showers as part of the maintenance building facility. In addition, Mr. Herbst noted the City will have to address more pressing financial needs at the wastewater treatment plant prior to considering expenditures for additional public works facilities. Page 3 Council Minutes - 5/24/93 Mayor Maus and Councilmember Fyle also questioned the size of the proposed salt/sand shed facility and questioned whether the facility could be downsized to control costs. The Public Works Director noted that the Council was only reviewing a schematic design, and construction was not proposed at this time until at least 1994 or later. To consider construction next year, additional design work should be commenced this fall to ensure a sufficient lead time for next year's construction. After further review and discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst, seconded by Brad Fyle, and unanimously carried to accept the preliminary report on phase II as provided but to table any action on proceeding with further design until such time as the entire financial cost of repairs at our wastewater treatment plant is determined. 7. Consideration of authorizing a facility survey and. evaluation of all public buildings for determining compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The City Council was informed that the recently -adopted Americans with Disabilities Act extended civil rights protection to the disabled and requires public entities to review all of their existing buildings and programs along with services they provide to ensure that all facilities and programs are accessible by the handicapped. City Council reviewed a proposal by City Engineer, QSM, to conduct a facility survey of all City buildings which would outline any accessibility problems and corrective action that would be necessary. Mr. Doug Wild of 4SM estimated that a complete survey and evaluation of eight buildings and park facilities could cost between $8,000 and $9,000 for the entire study. Councilmember Herbst questioned whether the City's Building Inspector. along with City staff couldn't accomplish a survey on their own and suggested that the Building Inspector review the new law to determine if present staff has the time and expertise to accomplish the evaluation. As a result, a motion was made by Clint Herbst, seconded by Shirley Anderson, and unanimously carried to have the Building Inspector review the Americans with Disabilities Act to determine if City staff has the capability of completing its own evaluation study. Page 4 Council Minutes - 5/24/93 8. Consideration of bids and awarding of sealcoating proiect. The City of Monticello received four bids for completing a 66,000 sq yd sealcoating project on city streets on Friday, May 21, 1993. The bids ranged in price from $34,000.30 to $37,301.30. A motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Patty Olsen, and unanimously carried to award the 1993 sealcoating project to Astech Corporation of St. Cloud, Minnesota, as the low bidder in the amount of $.515 per square yard, or $34,000.30 for the estimated 66,000 sq yd project. 9. Consideration of replacing two waste -activated sludge pumps at the wastewater treatment plant. A motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Clint Herbst, and unanimously carried to approve the replacement of two waste -activated sludge pumps at the wastewater treatment plant at an estimated cost of $18,000. The proposed replacement pumps were recommended by the City staff and PSG, Inc., the City's contract operator of the wastewater treatment plant. 10. Approval of bills. A motion was made by Brad Fyle, seconded by Shirley Anderson, and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month. of May as presented. Rick Wolfste er City Admini ° rator Yef 'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 5