City Council Minutes 06-14-1993MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 14, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of the regular meeting held May 24, 1993. Brad Fyle noted that he voted in favor of the motion asking the Parks Commission to review issues relating to the placement of off -premise advertising signs at the NSP/City ballfields. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. None forthcoming. 4. Public Hearing --Consideration of a resolution vacating a portion of Hart Boulevard. Petitioner, Monticello -Big Lake Hospital District. Mayor Maus opened the public hearing. Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained that on May 10, 1993, Council gave conceptual approval of vacating a 5' x 145' section of Hart Boulevard located directly in front of the existing clinic and proposed clinic expansion area. The vacated portion of Hart Boulevard, when added to the clinic site, would enable development of a 24 -ft wide driving aisle and covered canopy serving the front entrance to the clinic. City Council was asked to determine what to charge the hospital district for the vacated land. Brad Fyle suggested that the City charge the full market value of the vacated land. O'Neill informed Council that at one time the hospital district was considering selling the property located adjacent to the existing clinic site. The price of the land at that time was $42,000, or $.67 per foot. Perhaps $.67 per square foot should be the market value used to calculate the value of the vacated property. Ken Maus asked Gary Anderson if $.67 per square foot is consistent with land values in the area. Gary Anderson agreed that $.67 per square foot is an accurate figure. Page 1 T a2ud aluanoou up st looj aaunbs aad Lg•$ jutjj paaa2u uosaapuv �au� uaau Dqj ut sanjun puuj Ljjim IUOISISUoa si looj aiunbs aad Lg•$ p UosaapUV XauD pa-ijsu snuW ua-M •Xpadoad paIuoun Oql JO anjun aqj alujnojua of pasn anjun 4aNautU aqj aq pjnogs looj aaunbs iad Lg•$ sdutjaa(i •400j aad L9•$ a0 `000`Zt,$ Sum auiti Iuijl ju puuj aq ,jo aoud @ill •ajjs aiuija "Jupsixa z)q4 o4 juaaufpu paquooj Xpadoad atjl !�uijjas dupapjsuoo sum laralsip jultdsoLj aqj awp auo ju jutjj jpunoa paivaojui jjjaN,O •puuj p04uaun OT11 JO anjuA 4a31auw jjnj aqj a.otivy X11D aq4 4utp pa4sa,dins ajXA prig 'puuj p04uaun aijl aqj pu4sjp julidsoLj aq4 a.!JauLjo o4 Iutjm auiLwalap of paNsu sum jtounoo X110 'atutja atp 04 aauualua quo ij @ql'JuiAaas Xdouua p3.10n03 puu ajStu '�uintap aptm l3-tIg u ,jo juauzdojanap ajquua pjnom `alis otutja aq4 01 pappu uaLjm 'paunajnog VPH JO uotpod pa4uoun Oqj •uaau uojsuudxa oiujjo pasodoad puu atUija 'dupsixa aq4 ,jo 4uoaj Ut xjpaatp paluooj paunajnog IauH JO uotIaas 9K x 9 u 2U14uoun JO junoaddu junidoauoo anus jtounOD `C661 `01 XuW uo 4ut44 pauiujdxa jjpN.O aOjvajstLiiwpV 4uugsissV tuuvaq oijgnd aq4 pauado snuW loxuw •laialsiQ julj SOH aNurl ig-ojjaoiIUow 4JOU011110d 'pauAajnog IauH JO UO1jJOd V VUjjV3VA u01jnjos3a u JO uoiIuaaptsuOD-- uu-e0H aijgnd •t 2U1Luo3LjJ.1Oj DUON S�tiTuj LLioa puu IsIsanbaa SUOijija /SjUaiuLuoa SUazijjD T •XjSnOLuiuuUn paiaauo UOIJOW •papuauiu Su SaInuiui 2u140aui aql anoaddu of uosaapuV xapigS Xq papuooas puu IsgaaH juijo Xq apuui sum uoilow u `uoissnosip ialjV 'spjaUjjuq S110/dSN aijl Ju SU21S -�uisiJaaApu asiuzaad ,jjo jo quawaoujd aLjl o4 2upuja i sanssi mataaa 01 UoissiLULUOD s31au(j aijl 'JUINSU U0140 -LU Oqj JO aonPj UT paJoa aij lutj4 paJou ajsd puag •661 j,z; Auw pjaq Nuilaaut aujn as aqj jo salnuiw jo 1BAOiddie jo UoiJuaaptSUOD •9 auoN :IuosgV saaquiaW uasjp X44ud `OIXA pu.zg `IsgiaH lu'D `uosaapuV Xaj.I'gS `snuW uax :IUasaad saaquzaW *mod L - 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saInu'W jjounoD MINUTES REGULAR, MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 14, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of the regular meeting held May 24, 1993. Brad Fyle noted that he voted in favor of the motion asking the Parks Commission to review issues relating to the placement of off -premise advertising signs at the NSP/City ballfields. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. None forthcoming. 4. Public Hearing --Consideration of a resolution vacating a portion of Hart Boulevard. Petitioner, Monticello -Big Lake Hospital District. Mayor Maus opened the public hearing. Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained that on May 10, 1993, Council gave conceptual approval of vacating a 5' x 145' section of Hart Boulevard located directly in front of the existing clinic and proposed clinic expansion area. The vacated portion of Hart Boulevard, when added to the clinic site, would enable development of a 24 -ft wide driving aisle and covered canopy serving the front entrance to the clinic. City Council was asked to determine what to charge the hospital district for the vacated land. Brad Fyle suggested that the City charge the full market value of the vacated land. O'Neill informed Council that at one time the hospital district was considering selling the property located adjacent to the existing clinic site. The price of the land at that time was $42,000, or $.67 per foot. Perhaps $.67 per square foot should be the market value used to calculate the value of the vacated property. Ken Maus asked Gary Anderson if $.67 per square foot is consistent with land values in the area. Gary Anderson agreed that $.67 per square foot is an accurate figure. Page 1 Council Minutes - 6/14/93 After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to adopt a resolution vacating a portion of Hart Boulevard and establish the selling price of the vacated land at $.67 per square foot. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 93-17. 5. Consideration of accepting the 1992 Audit Report for the City of Monticello. Rick Borden and Kim Lillehaug of Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates, were present to review the 1992 Audit Report. Borden reported that the City is in good financial condition, and 1992 saw increases in fund balances in almost all funds at year-end. He also noted that actual expenditures and revenues for 1993 were very close to the amounts projected in the 1992 budget. In his report on legal compliance, Rick Borden noted that the City did not have sufficient pledge collateral during the year but that sufficient collateral was obtained subsequent to year-end. Borden noted that a collateral deficiency occurred near the end of the year because of an oversight by a financial institution and the problem should not occur again. Kim Lillehaug stated that Rick Wolfsteller has done a very good job in investing city funds. The City has received a high rate of return during a general decline in interest rates. It has meant tens of thousands of dollars for the City. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Year Ended December 31, 1992. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of amendments to the zoning map of Monticello proposed in conjunction with development of the Monticello Commerce Center. Applicant, Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. AND 7. Consideration of amendments to the City of Monticello Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Amendments are proposed in conjunction with request fbr zoning district boundary changes. Applicant, Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed the rezoning request submitted by Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. The changes consisted of converting a section of the business campus zone directly north of the school district from its current business campus designation to I-1 (light industrial) designation. The proposal also called for rezoning a 17 -acre section of land at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Chelsea Road and County Road 118 from its current designation as B-2 (limited business) to B-3 (highway business). In addition, it was proposed that the land located directly east, of 118 that is owned by the applicants be rezoned from its present designation of R -PUD (residential PUD) to a combination of B-3 and B-2. Page 2 Council Minutes - 6/14/93 Steve Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants reviewed the proposed zoning amendment in terms of the Chelsea Corridor Study, which was adopted in 1992 as an amendment to the City's comprehensive plan for the area. Grittman summarized his written report by noting that the proposed rezoning of land within the Chelsea area is being requested to provide a business park capable of attracting varied types of commercial and industrial uses. While the concept may be relevant as may the financial and marketability aspects also be, the proposal does not consider the city as a unified whole but rather attempts to provide diversity on a small scale in a somewhat segregated manner. Grittman emphasized that the Chelsea Corridor Study and associated findings still remain valid and that the proposed rezoning is not consistent with the plan for the area as outlined in the Chelsea Corridor Study. Charles Pfeffer, representing Monticello Commerce Center, Inc., noted that this particular rezoning request is the first request that has been initiated by the property owner. All previous rezonings have been initiated by the City. Pfeffer noted that his group has spent a good deal of time analyzing the site. They have met with the school district to review the rezoning proposal and have studied the storm water issues extensively. It was Pfeffer's view that the proposed rezoning would enhance the overall marketability of the property while at the same time being consistent with the community's best interest. Mike Gair, representing Monticello Commerce Center, Inc., provided. a detailed description of the proposal along with a description of recent development history, and he reviewed land use decisions that have been made in the past seven years. Gair noted that the proposed rezoning would allow development flexibility while at the same time being consistent with the City's developmental goals for the area. Clint Herbst asked the applicant if the School Superintendent agreed with the proposed rezoning request. Did the Superintendent say it was okay? Mike Gair stated that the Superintendent has been informed of the request. Gair stated he did not know if the Superintendent has endorsed the zoning ordinance amendment proposed. Bret Weiss indicated that Shelly Johnson had expressed his concern regarding the plan in terms of storm water issues. Clint Herbst stated that he did not think that the Chelsea Study is something we look away from. We want quality businesses in the area north of the school. A company that wants to be in the BC district is the type of company we want in the area. He noted, however, that he agreed with the concept of identifying a strip of I-1 property adjacent to Fallon Avenue. Brad Fyle stated that he agrees with Clint Herbst. Page 3 Council Minutes - 6/14/93 Fyle also indicated that the residential PUD areas should remain as designated. He suggested that in the event a freeway ramp is potentially developed at the location, the City could look at rezoning at that time. Shirley Anderson observed that the previous City Planner, in his report to the City in 1987, said the same thing about development in the area as did the current City Planner in the Chelsea study. This adds to the credibility of the Chelsea study. Ken Maus noted that perhaps the City can consider refining the business campus requirements at some point in the future. Perhaps simply requiring that 30% of the land area be retained as green area does not accomplish the City's goal of assuring a business campus environment. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Brad Fyle to deny the major portion of the rezoning proposal based on issues identified in the City Planner report and based on the finding that the proposed amendments to the zoning map are not consistent with the Chelsea Corridor Study. Motion includes allowing the opportunity for light industrial development fronting along Fallon Avenue at a depth of 400 feet between the school district property and a point 300 feet south of Chelsea Road. The motion is to include the rezoning of this area from BC to I-1 uses. Finally, in the motion staff was directed to work with the City Planner and the Planning Commission in developing potential amendments to the business campus regulations that would enable the City to achieve the purpose of the business campus district, which could include a reduction in the green space requirement. Voting in favor of the motion: Ken Maus, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson. Opposed: Patty Olsen. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 239. 8. Consideration of a zoning ordinance amendment which would allow a permit for promotional signage/banner for two weeks out of every month or a total of 168 days a year. AND 9. Consideration of a zoning ordinance amendment that would allow for an annual permit fee of $25 to cover permitting costs associated with promotional signage fees. Applicant, 9 local businesses. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that on March 22, 1993, the City received an application for zoning ordinance amendments as noted. The applicants include Country Kitchen, Downtown Standard, Holiday Station, Pump 'N Munch, Tom Thumb, Total Mart, Vance's Amoco, and West Side Market. Since November of 1992, City staff, Planning Commission, and the applicants have been reviewing issues and policies relating to display of banners. O'Neill stated that the efforts made by the applicants have not been Page 4 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 28, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen Members Absent: Ken Maus 2. 3. 9 Consideration of approval of minutes of the regular meeting held June 14, 1993. Motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Patty Olsen to approve the meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Ken Maus absent. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. None forthcoming. Consideration of adopting a resolution accepting feasibility report and ordering plans and specifications - Hart Boulevard Trunk Storm Sewer Outlet. City Council was asked to consider accepting a feasibility report and ordering plans and specifications for construction of a storm sewer system designed to convey water from County Road 75 to the Mississippi River. The alignment of the storm sewer will follow the parking lot to be constructed with the proposed expansion of the Monticello -Big Lake Hospital District clinic. According to Bret Weiss, the storm water system proposed is needed for the following reasons: 1. The existing Hart Boulevard storm water outlet utilizes the Bondhus property, which is limited in terms of storm water carrying capacity. 2. The storm water affecting the existing Hart Boulevard outlet continues to increase due to continued urbanization. upstream. 3. Heavy rainfall, especially rainfall during spring thaw, could result in damage to Hart Boulevard and downstream private property. 4. Impending expansion of the clinic at the location of the Hart Boulevard storm water outlet creates an opportunity for coordinating the private project with installation of the Hart Boulevard storm sewer outlet. Page 1 Council Minutes - 6/28/93 Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the total project cost is estimated at $148,000. City staff is in the process of preparing options for financing this particular storm sewer improvement with the goal of developing a formula that will be applicable to future storm sewer projects. The financing program will likely include establishment of a variety of revenue sources. It is our goal to have the funding program reviewed by Council and in place in time for the contract award and public hearing for this project scheduled for August 23, 1993. Brad Fyle asked if John Bondhus is aware of the proposed project. O'Neill indicated that he had met with Bondhus regarding the matter and that Bondhus is supportive of completing the storm sewer project that corrects the current situation. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve a resolution accepting the feasibility study and ordering the preparation of plans and specifications for the Hart Boulevard storm sewer outlet. Motion carried unanimously with Ken Maus absent. SEE RESOLUTION 93-19. 5. Consideration of approval of plans and specifications for refurbishment or replacement of the second stage digester cover and authorization to advertise for bids_ John Simola reported that the City Engineer, PSG, and City staff have been working toward developing a set of plans and specifications that would greatly diminish the possibility of accelerated corrosion occurring in the future. Simola went on to note the factors that contributed to the premature failure of the digester cover, and he explained how the plans and specifications have been designed to correct flaws in design and operation that caused the original corrosion problem. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve plans and specifications as presented and authorize advertisement for bids. Motion carried unanimously with Ken Maus absent. 6. Consideration of granting annual approval for municipal license. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Patty Olsen to approve issuance of licenses as follows: Page 2 Intoxicating Liquor, On -sale Council Minutes - 6/28/93 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox 3. Joyner's Lanes 4. Robert Eidsvold DBA Comfort Inn Intoxicating Liquor, On -sale, Sunday R.PnPwnlc 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox 3. Joyner's Lanes 4. VFW Club 5. American Legion Club Non -intoxicating Malt, On -sale 1. Rod and Gun 2. Pizza Factory 3. Country Club Non -intoxicating Malt, Off -sale R An Pzxrnl c 1. Monticello Liquor 2. Maus Foods 3. River Terrace 4. Tom Thumb 5. Holiday Stationstore Wine/3.2 Beer Combination, On -sale Renown] 1. Dino's Deli Set-up License 1. Country Club 2. Rod and Gun ( steak fry only) Page 3 Council Minutes - 6/28/93 Club Licenses 1. VFW 2. American Legion Gambling, Temporary 1. St. Henry's Fall Festival (SEE RESOLUTION 93-21) 2. Rod & Gun Club (SEE RESOLUTION 93-20) Motion carried unanimously with Ken Maus absent. 7. Consideration of establishing fee schedule for reserved use of city park buildings. John Simola requested that the City Council consider establishing a fee schedule for reserved use of the new West Bridge Park building. Simola noted that we currently have four park buildings or structures which are reserved by the public on a regular basis throughout the summer months. Last year we had 69 reservations for all. buildings. This year we already have 70. In the past we have charged a $50 reserve fee as a deposit to cover cleaning or damage. Often there is more than one group or resident wishing to reserve a particular building on the same date. A $50 deposit ensures the individual the use of the building on a specific date, and it keeps individuals from reserving the building unless they are seriously considering using it. In almost all cases, the $50 deposit is returned. With the construction of the new building in West Bridge Park, the City has a much greater investment than in previous buildings and structures. In addition, the building will offer more amenities such as indoor restrooms in the same building, a separate food -serving area, summer ventilation system, etc. The building could be available to the general public on a rental basis throughout the year except the skating season, which runs from late November to early February. Simola also noted that the current rental of the meeting room in the library is $35 per day or portion thereof, and there appears to be no problem with this policy. Simola also noted that other communities charge to reserve use of certain park buildings. Clint Herbst stated that since everyone in the city has paid for development of the building at West Bridge Park, it should be available to city residents only. Herbst was concerned that providing the facility to a non-resident, even at a higher rate, could result in a city resident not having access to the facility. Herbst noted that if you're paying taxes as a city resident, you want to be able to use the facilities. Page 4 Council Minutes - 6/28/93 Clint Herbst made a motion to amend the proposed fee schedule by eliminating the availability of the West Bridge Park building to non-residents. Motion died for lack of a second. Brad Fyle indicated that we need to keep the West Bridge Park building open to the area residents, and he agreed with the concept of charging a higher base rent. Council reviewed the new policy for reserving the West Bridge Park building. Clint Herbst suggested that the policy be updated to require that deposits confirming reservations should be made within 2 business days of the date that the reservation is made. He was concerned that under the present policy, individuals could reserve the park building for future use and then back out of actual use of the facility at the last minute. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Brad Fyle to amend the policy for reserving use of the city park buildings by requiring that reservations be confirmed through payment of the fee and deposit within 2 business days of the date of the reservation. Motion carried unanimously with Ken Maus absent. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Patty Olsen to approve the proposed West Bridge Park building rental fee schedule as follows: Base rent, city resident/business $35 Base rent, non-resident $75 Base rent, non-profit in -city organization fee waived Base rent, out -of -city profit or non-profit organization $75 Use of heat, winter season, all users $10 Voting in favor of the motion: Patty Olsen, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Absent: Ken Maus. John Simola also requested that Council consider installing a security system for the West Bridge Park facility. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to authorize installation of a motion detection system serving the West Bridge Park facility at a cost of $573. Motion carried unanimously with Ken Maus absent. Page 5 Council Minutes - 6/28/93 8. Review of Cedar Street road alignment. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed City Council that the City had received a request for a conditional use permit which would allow development of a mini -storage facility. The site of the mini -storage facility is located in conflict with the proposed alignment of Cedar Street. O'Neill went on to review different options for Cedar Street alignment. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to direct staff to prepare alternatives for review by all affected property owners. 9. Consideration of acceptance of 1993 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report and modification of Inspection Criteria. John Simola reported that the annual sidewalk inspection revealed no big surprises. The on -grid sidewalks within the community are in excellent shape. We have three possible replacement panels for this summer. The City could be responsible for replacement of those panels under our current policy. A couple of the panels involve a vertical rise or offset of more than 1/4 inch. Our inspection over the past few years has indicated that often these panels with a small amount of vertical rise settle down during the middle of the summer and are not a problem; therefore, we would like to amend the existing cause for repair or replacement to read "1/2 inch" rather than "1/4 inch." Simola also noted that off -grid sidewalks were found to be in good condition with the exception of the stairway leading to the apartments in the northwest corner of Walnut and River Street. Simola went on to recommend that Council accept the 1993 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report, order that a letter be sent to the apartment complex with the stairway problem, and amend the Sidewalk Inspection Criteria for vertical rises from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Brad Fyle to accept the annual sidewalk report and modify the Inspection Criteria as requested by staff. Motion carried unanimously with Ken Maus absent. 10. Consideration of bills for the month of June. A motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Patty Olsen to approve payment of bills for the month of June as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Ken Maus absent. Page 6 Council Minutes - 6/28/93 11. Other matters. A. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that Bruce Thielen, Director of the Wright County Parks Department, is seeking grant funds for funding of improvements to Montissippi Park. Improvements include paving of the service road and pathways. Thielen requests that Council consider adopting a resolution indicating support of the County's efforts to obtain grant funds. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Patty Olsen to adopt a resolution supporting Wright County's efforts to seek financial assistance for improvements to Montissippi Park. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 93-22. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. a Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 7