Planning Commission Agenda 09-04-2001 . -, -, . . 4. 5. . AGENDA Rr~GlJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - September 4, 2001 7:00 P.M. Melnbers: Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Roy Popilek, Richard Carlson. Rod Dragsten Council Liaison: Clint Ilerbst Staff Jeff (),Neill. Fred Patch and Steve Grittman 1 . Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held June 25, 2001 and the regular meeting held August 7, 200 I. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizens comments. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request it)r amendment of Zoning code Chapter 13. Section 13-4, fJl 5, reducing side yard setbacks to 10 feet. Applicant: City of Monticello. 6. Public llearing - Consideration of a request flw a conditional use permit allowing a planned unit development in a residential district. Applicant: Scott Dahlke. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request fllr a conditional use permit for a concept stage planned unit development allowing a lnixed residential development. Applicant: Silver Creek Real Estate Development and Ocello, LLC. *" Applicant requests this itcm be tabled and continued at the October 2, 2001 meeting. 8. COlnprehensive Plan update and meeting notice. 9. Adjournment. -1- . . ) . Plann ing Conlin issioll Agenda - 09104/01 5. Public "earinl! - Consideration of a reQuest for amendment of Zoning Code Chapter 13. Section 13-4. I.J I 5, reducinl! side yard setbacks to 10 feet. Applicant: City of Monticello. (I"P) A. Rr(FERENCI;~ AND BACKG ROUND In the B-3 district. pet hospitals are allowed by conditional use perInit subject to several requirements (see below). One of these requirements applies a 20 foot sideyard sethack rather than the 10 foot sidcyard setback typical in the B-3 district. Staff has found that there is no substantial reason for the increased sideyard setback for pet hospitals in the 8-3 district and is recommending that it be removed from the ordinance as it excessively restricts and interferes with full use of the commercial lands within the B-3 district. B. ALTERNATIVES 1. Motion to recommend approval to the City Council of the ordinance amendment removing the special 20 foot sideyard setback for pet hospitals as considered by conditional use permit in the B-3 Zone. 2. Motion to recommend to the City Council that the ordinance amendlnent be denied. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommends Alternate 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA · Copy of proposed Ordinance with strike-out to show amendments. . ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 13, SECTION 13-4, ITEM [.1] OF Till,: MONT/CEI ,LO ZONING ORDINANCE. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Title 10, Chapter 13, Section 13-4, Item [.1 I of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: [.I I Pet hospitals with thc following condition: I. ) 3. 4. . 5. 6-: No outside pens or kennels. Annual inspection by City Health Of1icer at owner's expense. All animals must be leashed. Treatment would be limited to small domesticated aninlals. Side yard ~ctbacb 'Jvould be 20 fect in:stead of 10 feet. No outside storage of carcasses. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. 2001. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Council this _____ day of_. ATTEST: CITY OF MONTICELI ,0 By: __._ Roger Relsaas, Mayor Ry:__ _....._....___ Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator AYES: NAYS: . . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/0 I 6. Public Hearine - Consideration of a Concept Sta2;e Planned Unit Development for an ei2ht unit townhouse proiect in an R-2 ZoniOl! District. Applicant: Scott Dahlke. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Mr. Scott Dahlke is requesting approval of a Concept Stage Planned Unit Development (PI! D) to allow the construction of eight town homes upon a 1.0 acre parcel of land located south of West "rhird Street and west of Elm Street. The proposed dwelling units would be dispersed within two, Jour unit structures upon the property. The subject parcel is zoned R-2, Single and Two Family Residential. Adjacent Uses. The subject site is bounded on the north, south and cast by single family residential uses and on the west by property owned by the School District (Pinewood Elementary School). Provided adequate screening is provided from adjacent single family residential uses, the proposed use is considered compatible with existing uses in the area. Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is generally consistent with the provision of the City's Comprehensive Plan policies in that it promotes a wider range of housing choices in the City. Zoning. The subject parcel is zoned R-2. Single and T'wo Family Residential. Townhouses are allowed in this district as a Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development. Section 22-1 (0) requires the Planning Commission to consider the possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. The judgment of the Planning Commission must be based upon. but not limited to, the following factors: 1. Relationship to the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The geographical area involved. 3. Whether such use wi II tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. 4. The character of the surrounding area. 5. The demonstrated need for such use. PUD Processing. To accommodate the basc lot/unit lot configuration of the townhomc development, the processing of a PUD/CUP is required. The proccssing of PUD applications occurs in three stages: Concept Plan, Dcvelopment Plan and Final Plan. At this point, the applicant is sceking approval of the Concept Plan which involves a general determination of plan acceptability. . Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/01 Performance Standards. The following table illustrates lot performance requirements of the Loning Ordinance and the proposed development's compliance with the applicable req uirements. Lot Area Lot Width Lot Area Per Unit Setbacks * Front 30 ft. 30 ft. Side 30 ft. 30 ft. Rear 30 ft. 25 ft. "Setbacks apply along the perimeter or the development for PUD. Required 12,000 sq. ft. 100 ft. 5.000 sq. ft. Proposed 44.403 sq. ft. 191 ft. 5.550 sq. ft. Access. The proposed development is to be accessed from the south via a private driveway constructed within the West Fourth Street right-of-way. To allow such condition. a specific license must be issued. Because utilities will be located in this area. the residents of the project should be notified that utility work ,viii result in the residents need to repair the private driveway. . 'fhe acceptability of the temporary private driveway and issues associated with the referenced licensing requirement should be subject to comment and reconunendation by the City Engineer. Landscaping. As shown on the submitted site plan, the perimeter orthe site is lined with coniferous tree plantings. In addition to retaining the existing trees, the applicant is proposing to plan a mixture of ornamental an deciduous trees throughout the site. While the proposed landscaping is considered positive, it is recommended that additional plantings be provided within the interior "garage court" area of the development and that foundation planing (i.e. shrubs) be provided along the perimeter of the proposed structures. As part of the forthcoming Development Plan Stage submission, a detailed landscape plan should be submitted which identifies the location, size and variety of all site plantings. Building Elevations. As part of the Development Plan Stage submission. preliminary building elevations should be submitted. [t should be noted that buildings within the R-2 zoning district are limited to 2 Y2 stories in height. . 2 . Planning Conunission Agenda - 09/04/0 I Garbage and Mail Service. Ciarbage pick-up and mail service felr the proposed development is to be provided along Elrn Street. In recognition of such service locations, the fiJllowing are recommended: I. Sidewalk connections he provided on the north and south sides of the eastern town home building, connecting the interior "garage court" with Elm Street. 2. A mailhox structure (for the eight townhome units) be erected along Elm Street adjacent to one of the recommended sidewalks. Design details for the mailbox structures should be submitted prior to Final Stage PUD approval. Grading, Drainage and Utility Plans. As part of this application, a preliminary utility plan has been submitted. The plan should be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. As part of the Development Plan Stage submission. the applicant will need to submit a grading and drainage plan. Such plan will likewise be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. Park Dedication. The applicant will be required to provide appropriate cash contribution for park and trail dedication. All park dedication contributions shall be consistent with City policy. . Subdivision. To allow the sale orthe individual townhome units, the subject property will need to be subdivided in a base lot/unit lot arrangement. As part of the felrthcoming Developnlent Plan Stage submission, a preliminary plat depicting the proposed subdivision of the property should be submitted. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Concept Stage pun subject to the following conditions: a. Prior to Development Plan Stage approval, the following plans are submitted: Landscape Plan Grading and Drainage Plan Building Elevations · Preliminary Plat b. In addition to the trees shown on the site plan, additional plantings be provided within the interior "garage court" area of the site and along the . 3 . . Planning Commission Agenda - 09/04/01 perimeter of the proposed townhome buildings. c. The City Engineer provide comment and recommendation in regard to the acceptability of the temporary private driveway and issues associated with the required licensing requirement f()r such condition. d. Sidewalk connections be providcd on the north and south sides of the eastern townhome building. connecting the interior "garage court" with Elm Street. e. A mailbox structure (for the eight town home units) be erected along Elm Street adjacent to one of the recommended sidewalks. Design detailsl for the mailbox structure shall be submitted prior to Final Stage pun approval. f. The City Engineer provide comment and recommendation in regard to drainage and utility issues. g. ^ pathway connection shall be provided south of the subject property (along West Fourth Street) with a design to be determined. Potential findings supporting this decision will be: · The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. · The proposal is compatible with existing land uses in the area. · The proposal satisfies the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposal is consistent with the City's use of Planned Unit Development with appropriate landscaping and architectural design. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the concept Stage PUD. Potential findings supporting this decision would be: · The proposed land use is not compatible with the existing single hlmily residential land uses existing to the north, south and east of the subject property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed project is generally consistent with the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and zoning Ordinance. Thcrefore. staff reconunends approval of the Concept Stage pu~ with the conditions cited in alternative # 1. . 4 . Plann ing C0Il1I11 ission Agenda - 09/04/0 I SUPPORTING DATA Exhibits A and A-I - Area Location Map Exhibit H - Site Plan Fxhibit C - Utility Plan . . 5 ] I i I I I I I I . I I ! I I I I i ; I .1 _ _ . .,', , - - .. ~ ..- 1/4 o MilE ~ - - - - - ...... ...., h. . ~ . . , 612 595 983: P.0~"",,~ 1 /2 : MILE ..,:..........n .------.--.. : .... . ~ - .. . .. . . . -, RUG-29-2001 5:43 NRC , '"."I'f' _. - .. -" - .: . . - ....- -_..- .... .-. - - . .. . . - . . I ~ _ _: -.., . --... - , , - "" , \f . .. . - - " . -~. '" . -- "" ..:"" .. , '9 'MllIIl."t' . '-r.IEU.ISJIO 1) .. . - . -- - - - -- -:"" tiOI€ PNIK IllES ~ . : EA LOCATION MAP: ~HIBIT A ~ ~ ~- , AUG-29-21211211 5:44 . 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F$ AUG-29-2001 I';;; 81 '" ; ~~ ! .:. 6!5 ri ~ ~~ ~ W '" ..... -'" ~ ~ a Q, 5:44 NRC 612 595 9837 P.07 V10GhNM 'OTQ:>1!NOW ~""u." .UJ ........&.1- .".-~ _......-,....IIIIIM -~ilIl;..~... ::ITl 'NDlna iI.l.llil.ulTtn~ :u a1W..-w ....fnr-.,.." nr.>s _.... -;"-~4"" JJW":IS'.....~ /IS A..",.R; AHl3dOtld 313S/3 I:IOd lnoA Yl Alnun e NYld ld30NOO -:~"'d -JllaM --'.'11"'-''''- ($ .a~ ~ 8 t\J~ .,--.. r WJq: 1IIIf". .... "'lit' ..IIIIfIia""""'~""""""'''#'''rr// ". .:r:--,::: ~=~ :"~~ -_JOI 1(1/011. ..... ~ ~ ~ ~t'4 ~.. - ex ,.I."~ ..l'~ ~~ ~i5..:"'~ illl~ It l ,s.l!i 51 ~~.s~I~ ......;~ ... ~ .;;:S~.._.. " -to> e "'- " ~ " "'{":bi' ~ I .,; ~"'!r III I "1~t.>::ll II -- ~ .' ~:&i' ~ "ijji_fO. .. ,,~"'i~~ ::iS~l5:!... .3~:s 'l'i / / it- ~ ~ o tQ ,~ f Q... '-, ,J Ii: "I /J.,' tl/ l,. il II' U ..;'/ t' I~~ Il;/ ~~:/6 ,:;' 1/' .R" {;j " 1'1 .~:.J:j: ,I }I." I.~JI I~I/ I,~' c., I~I '"'-( I.~/::,... " .1 /// 6j: ~ // 1// /If';' / I ;J i'.' 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STAFF RECOMMENDATION StaffrecOlnmends alternative #1. SUPPORTING DATA Letter from Silver Creek Real Estate requesting to table the puhlie hearing. t: y.';, '. . !II ' , AUG-31-2001 FRI 09:14 AM VEIT ENVIROMENTAL FAX NO. 763 428 3574 P. 01 . PIIONE: (763) 428-6700 · "AX: (763) 42B-3574 . www.silvcrcreekdevelopment.com . . l~eo.' Estate Deve.lopmeVlt Lt'd. LLC I\IJi]llSt 3 l, 2no I Cily of' J\rlonlicdJo J~:[t O'Neill 505 Walnlll SL moo MOJ1liccllo MN 55362 J.k:u' Mr. O'NciIJ, Silver Crl.'ck D.,:vdopll1Cllt is requesting lht; concept application that was submitted for a /{csid0nlinl Planlled Ullit Developlllent in a PZM Zone La be continued to the next Planning CC)[)lluisr;ioJl Jl1cC'lillg. Thank you l'Or your consideration ofth..is delay. If you have any questions YOll Call fI..'nch me at (763) 428-6700. . Sinc~rdy, Sih:ct en't.'li. IJeI1i.?lopmelll .!.~/..L)--'-'l' r;19:k.~. ,1(J:.1t!- -'f!:?it~:(ZtlV ~ I KC'l)~ Ibnh61 ('(;: Sh,tWll W('inaod . . . . MEMO To: Planning Commission Members From: Jeff (YNeiIL Deputy City Administrator Re: Comprehensive Plan Update - Meeting Notice Date: August 30, 2001 Get ready for an interesting meeting full of great discussion! This is ajust a reminder that a special meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 18 at 7:00 pm flJr the primary purpose of reviewing the Gold Nugget land use designation. It is hoped that other important land use related topics will be discussed. Following is a preliminary list of subjects that will be reviewed at the meeting. Please review this list and provide comments at the meeting on Tuesday. If you have time, take a look at your Comprehensive Plan document for any objectives, goals, etc., that need updating or need to change. Your comments at the meeting this Tuesday will help frame the agenda liJr the special meeting. · The scope ofa potential comprehensive plan update will be identit~ed along with a projected process and time line. The City is following state statutes with regards to annexation. We will be reviewing the City authority to plan lor growth under this Ji-amework. Examples of annexation agreements currently in use in other communities will be presented and discussed. A process for providing for Township and County input into the planning process will be discussed. Gold Nugget/Industrial land uses. Should additional industrial land be designated for this area and if so, should there be a shifting or reduction in industrial land areas at other locations? Review developlllent trends along the southeast border of the City and discuss developlllent goals f()r the area. The characteristic of this area makes it well suited to support step-up housing. Should development be strictly limited and halted when the existing sewer capacity is used up or should sanitary sewer capacity be added but require that housing developments k)llow a more restrictive development standards? . . . Review the trend toward attached and detached townhome development. Please note that there has been an increase in townhome units being built but there has been no additional land zoned I<Jr townhome development. Do we want to slow the rate oftownhome development and/or reduce the land inventory supporting town home development? Statistics on townhome development will be provided. The City has done a good job of developing roads and utilities supporting commercial development and has identified appropriate land areas for commercial development. Beyond this support the City has let markct f()fces shape commercial development. The group will have a discussion on whether or not to take a more active role in attracting commercial development. Should the City authorizc completion of a marketing study identifying specific businesses that are ripe tlw location in Monticello given current demographics? Now that infrastructure is in place to serve a large cOl11lnercial area and given the need f(Jr redevelopment of downtown, should we be spending more statT resources facilitating commercial development'? Are there land use designations that need to change? For instance, is a portion of the Chadwick parcel suitable f(n commercial development with the location on the freeway? What are the jobs and tax base implications'?, etc. . Transportation network - Freeway Interchange. The comprehensive plan calls t()[ development of an interchange at Orchard Road intended to serve industrial areas along the li'eeway between West Co. Rd. 39 and the Osowski area. Should the land use designations in this area be shifted? Should the City push toward development of an interchange at West Co. Rd. 39 supporting industrial and commercial development at the Chadwick Parcel? As noted earlier. I am seeking topics of concern or interest to be on the 9/18/0 I agenda. Please note also that staff will be providing supporting information pertaining to the subjects above with the fClnnalmeeting notice. 2