Planning Commission Agenda 04-03-2001 AGF.NDA RF.<;lILAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION (. Tuesday - April 3, 200 I 7:00 P.M. Members: Dick hie. Robbie Smith, Roy Popilek. Richard Carlson. Rod Dragsten Council Liaison: Clint I Icrbst Stall: .Jcff(),NeiIL Fred Patch. Steve Grittman and Lori Kraemer I. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held March 6. 2001. 3. (~onsideration of (H.lding itenlS to the (1genda. 4. Citizens comments. . 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request it)r a conditional use permit It)r establishment of a convenience t()od type restaurant in the CCD district. Applicant: BBF Properties. Barry Fluth. 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request It)r a planned unit developml'nt allowing multiple structures on an industrial site. Applicant: Hlue Chip Development Company. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to re-zone from R.-2 to a planned unit development: and Consideration of concept stage planned unit development allowing mixed uses. Applicant: Church ofSt. Henry and Cedrus Creek Craftsman Inc. X. Public Hearing - Consideration of concept and development stage planned unit development: and consideration of preliminary plat approval I i.)!" a 92 unit townhome development. Applicant: Craig Scherber & Associates and Edgar Klucas. 9. Continued Public I Iearing - Consideration of development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for mixed commercial use. Applicant: Dan Mielke 10. Adjourn. . - 1 - . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - March 6, 200t 7:00 P.M. Memhers Present: R.ohhie Smith. Roy Popilck. Vice Chair R.ichard Carlson. Rod Dragsten and Council Liaison Clint Ilerhst Absent: Staff: Dick Frie JelT (YNeill. Steve Grittman and Lori Kraemer 1. Call to order. 2. 3. Vice Chair Carlson called the meeting to order at 7 PM. ^pproval of minutes of the regular Illeetin!! held February 6. 2001. A MOTION WAS MADF BY ROD DR^GSTEN AND SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITII TO ^PPROVE THE MINUTES or.' TilE FI:::l3RU^RY 6. 2001 PL^NNINCi COMMISSION MEETING. Motion carried 3 to 1 with Roy Popilck ahstaining. Consideration of acklinl! items to the agenda. Item 7B - Roy Popilek asked fiJr an update on the J. Morrell Trucking violations status. Item 7C ~ Jeff <rNeill to update commissioners on ordinance violations statuses. 4. Citizens comments. None 5. Consideration of a Ikvelopment Stage Planned Unit Development fl.)r a townhouse proiect in Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition. and consideration of approval of preliminarv plat. Applicant: Fa!!le Crest. Steve Grittman. City Planner. reported that the Planning Commission tabled action on Eagle Crest's Development Stage PUD at its February meeting. due to a nUlllher of outstanding design issues. and the applicant's inability to review staffcOlllments. Since that tillle. the applicant met with staff and suhmitted a revised plan which meets many of stafr s reconHllendations. Grittman summarized previous comlllents and the applicant's response as listed in the staff report: The easterly access road should be moved to the east boundary and loop around the end units: the \\Tstern-most driveway should be continued around to loop back and connect with the westerly access road ( jlie apJJ!icant's requested this change not he required. (/lId haw agreed 10 require Irash JJick-up (/Iulllwilhoxes 10 he located along Ihe loop road. Slat/agreed 10 sUfJfJorllhis ~ 1 - . design. 11'ith the condition thaI residenlS are lIlade mmre ollhis re(/uirelllent. The dnc!oper argued that residents in Ihe II'eSler(1' units 1l'(JII/d preler a "dead-end" drirnmJ' with less COI]lTnienl serria local ions, l'(fther Ihan Ihe loop drire. S'ta/lhas agrecd to accept this); The two dead-end interior driveways in the quad-unit area should be continued to intersect with Farmstead Dr. (The "dead-end" arral1gell/el1t is retained as 11'ith Note /. under the ,wrne condilions. 5;lUflhas agreed 10 occept Ihis): All driveways and roads in the project must be paved and curbed: Provide additional visitor parking spaced throughout the development at a minimum ratio of one spacc per three units, a total extra parking supply of at least 21 spaccs: Provide a 5 I(lot wide concrcte sidewalk along farmstead as shown on the plan from the trail connection on the east to the west boundary of the property at h:..imonson A venue: Significantly enhance landscaping within the foundation planting areas around the buildings. much more planting around the building is suggested where none is now proposed (This recolllll1endation had nol/Jeen met a/though a/ier IlIuch discussion alllong the applicant ond Ihe cOli/missioners, Ihe appliu1I11/i:-,/t Ihe)' could l71e('/ staff's requiremen/): Enhance planting along the Farmstead Drive exposure with a bufTer planting similar to that provided by Staff as an exhibit to this report (The oppliconl included afe11' such enhancemenls, hut a suhstanliol increose 11'ou/d he necessary to l71eellhe expeclUlionsjiJ/' rUD designolion.): Enhance planting in the bulferyard area along the north boundary: Provide increased plant sizes over the cast portion of the bufferyard: Finally. cluster mail box locations and identi fy trash receptacle locations consistent with postal and trash-removal requirements (The appliconl hos agreed 10 Ihis requiru71enl, and is 11'orking 1I'ilh stafrol1d the post of/ice/hr op/wo/wiate loult ions), . lhe commissioners asked Grittman how extensive the landscaping needed to be and Cirittman stated that there are no certain standards in our ordinances but that part of the conditions li,)r granting a pun arc that there be enhanced landscaping. At this time the applicant is showing signi ficantly less landscaping which is not acceptable. Vice Chair Carlson opened the public hearing. Gill Gleason, Eagle Crest Northwest stated they felt they did a~ld significant landscaping to enhance the project. also noting that they are concerned as well that this be a "supreme" development. They did, hov,ever state that they \vill work with staff on adding landscaping. as well as size and locations. Jctl CrNeill requested Mr. Cileason to advise why they were allowed to have the 1 g' drives instead. having the garbage and mail pick up at con1l110n sites. Gleason stated they did not want all the streets to be through streets. He feels they have nice circulation having it dead~end. He did state the owners may have a slight problem getting their garbage to a common spot but preferred that to a through street with possibly increased tranic. O.Neill noted that there would be up to possibly 12 units that would have to carry tl1L'ir garbage at least 100 n. Gleason stated that the buyers \vould he adviseclup-front in the association agreement. Cileason also stated that having a through street in that area \vould have taken up almost all oCthe green space. . -2- . . . Clint Herbst. Council Liaison, stated that in allowing a pun. the City should have an enhanced project and that having owners carry their garbage would be an inconvenience. especially with the amount of snow we've seen lately and may have a problem finding a location fl.H' this. Ilerbst also had a concern with elnergeney vehicles getting through. but C;leason stated that with the dead-ends and turnaround parking. these arc technically the o\'vner's driveways. stating it's the absolute best way to design this project. and as f~lr as snO\v removal/pile up. this is actually a better situation by allO\ving areas f(H' the snow to be piled. Gleason did state that it would be a possibility fl.H' them to put a walking path in to lnake it a little more convenient to hall garbage/recycling. Gleason added that they arc trying to make this affordable housing for first time horne owners and that adding more roads. etc. would increase the costs. Bill Gleason stated that in other developments it is actually the most common to have central pickup so that trucks are not travelling up and down the street. noting it is safer. There was further discussion regarding the enhancement of the landscaping. as well as some of the commissioners noting their approval of the dead-end streets yet noting that this would be a trade ofT f()r garbage/recycling having to be hauled to a central location. Gleason advised that Public Works did approve of the road designs after further review. as did the City Engineer. Also noted was that the fire departlnent would most likely work from Farmstead Ave. Engineering has looked at it: The public hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN AND SECONDED BY ROY POPILEK 'ro RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT STA(J[ PUD AND APPROVAL OF TilE PRELIMINARY PLAL SUBJECT 'ro CONDITIONS MEN'flONED IN 'ITIF REPORT. INCLlJDING SIGNIFICANTLY ENHANCED LANDSCAPING. AS WELL AS RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND PUBLIC WOR.KS. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of an amendment to the /onin~ Ordinance to permit increased size for freestanding and electronic signs. Applicant: Monticello Dodg,e, Steve Grittman. City Planner. advised that Monticello Dodge submitted a request which \\Ould allow for increased sign height. area. and electronic display size for freestanding signs. The proposed sign is approximately 750 square feet in area. 40 feet in height. and includes an electronic display that is approxilnately three times that of the current area allO\vance. Grittman advised the current regulations. noting that the current standards are an increased size for properties adjacent to freevvay areas. O'Neill noted the sign features a digital display that is capable of showing "television-like" images. The proposed Monticello Dodge sign is Ell' in excess of the City's current regulations. which already include a "bonus" size provision for freeway frontage. It rivals the size of -3- . hillhoards which have heen long restricted. Grittman stated that planning staff is unaware of comparable sign allowances in other areas. The City" s 200 square n.Hlt and 32 f()ot height standards are in line with many other llletropolitan area communities. and exceed the allowances of several. Finally. Monticello Ford installed a sign based on the new regulations adopted hy the City just one ycar ago. A change to the regulation could he read to have an unequal impact on similar businesses in the same area and zoning district. O'Neill stated that the proposed sign would replace an existing hillhoard. Grittman stated the concern would he that additional signage could take away from City aesthetics. and particularly in this corridor. others would likely take advantage of this and would then hecollle cluttered. Vice Chair Carlson opened the puhlic hearing. Bill RamhO\v. Denny Ilccker Automotive (iroup. addressed the commission stating that they would he eliminating a billboard that is currently there. He stated this is a state of the art sign which would also be availahle liJr the comlllunity to use. Ramhow provided another concept flJr a sign that may he more pleasing which was the same size as the previous concept. . It was asked hy the planning commission that if the applicant knew of the current ordinance. why vvould they propose a sign that is in excess. and Ramhow responded that they would he elilllinating the billboard which the City has been trying to accOlllplish. O'Neill added that he did tell Mr. Rambow that he would need an amendment to the ordinance for such a sign. hut he did ask Grittman if there was any way this sign could he allowed under a PUO. If the PC liked the sign in this area. would there be a way to allow this. yet now allow a proliferation of these types of signs in this area. Carlson asked how the billboard had any effect on this particular application and again it was stated that it is the City's desire to remove all hillhoards and this could be viewed as a positive. Cirittman stated that billboards are not allowahle now and arc classified as non-conll)l'llling. O'Neill asked ifbecause it is an (ll1-site advertiselllent. could this be viewed as different than a billhoard advertising fiJr something else other than advertising flJr a specific business at that location. . Grittman advised the reason fiJr an amendment versus a variance in this case. stating no hardship could be found for a variance. l-le also stated that if the planning cOlllmission were to try to regulate these signs to certain sites only. maybe they would look at zoning this area to a car dealership zoned area which would then allow these types of signs. O'Neill stated that it is hecoming more important to have something to draw people ofT the freeway and into Monticello. Ilerbst noted that the other businesses would most likely welcome signage such as what is proposed to get people olT the freeway and into their husinesses. Also. advertising for the community was a positive. although he did agree that the size difTerence is too great. Carlson disagreed and stated that all businesses in that area would be allowed the same size signage. Again mentioned was that the smaller size of the Ford sign. but also stated that the location vvas very ditTerl'l1t between -4- . Highway 25 and 1-94, especially in regard to speeds. The public hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK RECOMMI.:NDING DFNIAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE SIGN REGULATIONS" AND REQUIRE COMPLIANCE WITlI THE CURRENT STANDARDS. There was no imlnediate second to the motion" with further discussion by Rod Dragsten stating to possibly table this item and research the size and location of the current billboard in comparison to where the new sign would be placed. Carlson again stated he did not feel the billboard had any relevance to this request. Robbie Smith stated he was apprehensive of the size of the proposed sign but docs agree that it could be larger than the 200' because of it's location on the Freeway. Rambow also stated that the Ford sign size would not accommodate what they need. adding that he would like to have the planning commission consider a size somewhere bet\veen what they arc requesting and the City's standards. Herbst added that if this sign application \vas allowed it would have to have the stipulation that it be top~of- the- line and he also didn"t feel that the City would see too many applicants that would be able to do the same. Rambow asked if the planning commission would consider tabling so they could meet with stall and come up with something in the middle. O'Neill also asked that staff be allowed to research this further. . Vice Chair Carlson asked if Popilek felt he wanted to rescind his motion and table for further inf<.mmltion, but alter further discussion. Popilek stated that his motion stood. Carlson stated that he would be interested in pursing this application and tabling Jtlr input fronl staff and City Planner which Inay significantly change the issue at hand. Popilck agreed that he \voldd be interested in hearing from stall and City Planner. Herbst again added that the Ford sign is not relevant to this application. The commissioners did add that they did not feel it was fair to designate a corridor It)r this particular issue. but most did agree that this sign could bring in traffic to other businesses as well. Popilek asked if staff could come back with something better. but then stated that his motion stands. RICHARD CARLSON Sr~CONDFD Till.: MOTION. Motion carried 3 to 1 \vith Rod Dragsten voting in opposition. 7. Update on Walnut Street/Sunny Fresh parking. Grittman stated staff discussed this and stated they wanted to research and get the status on Sunny Fresh"s project which is still in process. I Ie did state that Sunny Fresh did add parking \vhen they constructed their addition. but that they are not yet finished yet so staff prefers to wait and see what happens to parking at that tinle. . -)- . . . x. 7B. Update on the J. Morrell Trucking violations. Roy Popilek asked if this item could be put on nextmonth's agenda. ~-Ie did state that the planning commission did make a recommendation to City Couneilthat this be looked at and O'Neill stated pictures \vere taken and a list of violations has been reeorded, however they have not compared the sections of the codes that relate to these violations nor has a letter been written to the owner. O'Neill added that the City has hired an intern who may be able to assist. Popilek again slated that this is about the fifth or sixth time this issue has been asked to be addressed and O'Neill stated that next month would be fine to have this item back on the agenda, along with an update regarding Sunny Fresh parking. 7C. City Council AQenda O'Neill advised that therc will be two ordinance amendmcnts coming before the City Council at their next Ineeting, accessory buildings and regulations on building designs in the B-3 district. Delays were due to City Planner being unable to atlend the meetings. O'Neill advised that the City had hired John Glomski as an intern who has extensive CIS training. stating that the County had just completed a parcel map of the City that \ve may obtain and Glomski will be working on this project. Robbie Smith asked about the quonset home on Elm Street and if it was occupied, stating he would like staff to look into this blighted home as the door is standing open and could pose a hazzard. O'Neill stated he \vould refer this on to the building official. Adiourn. ^ MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMrnl AND SECONDED BY ROD DRACiSTFN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:30 PM. Motion carried. Recorder -6- . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 04/03/0 I 5. Public Hearin1,! -- Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow a convenience food establishment in the CCD District. Location: 617 Locust Street Shops Applicant: HHF Properties. Berry Fluth and Pizza Man. (FP) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Severaltnonths ago. Pizza Man. a pizza take-out and delivery business set up their shop at 617 Locust Street. The business did not require a building permit but the proprietor checked with city staff anyway to insure that the business could be established in the Locust Street Shops location. A conditional use pennit had already been allowed f()r the Locust Street Shops. The Zoning Ordinance of the City is arnbiguous in its language as related to such a business in the CCD District and staff originally concluded that Pizza Man could establish their business without a conditional use permit. Since that time a similar business has been considered for location in the Town Center Project on Walnut Street. lJpon further review of the 70ning Ordinance. staff concluded that it would be best if a conditional use permit was considered by the Planning Commission and allowed for Pizza Man. crhe Pizza Man take-out and delivery business as located in the Locust Street Shops meets all required conditions of the Zoning Code. Seetion l4H~5 rDl f()r a conditional use permit to be allowed: I. The design of the site promotes pedestrian access adjacent to and along the property. 2. No more than two (2) curb cuts oftwenty-f'our (24) feet in width or less shall be pennitted. 3. Site lighting shall utilize fixtures similar in style to that designated by the City for use in public areas of the "CCI)" district. ,~. The building. site. and signage meets the standards for the "CCD" district. and design review approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 5. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency witb the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. The Planning Commission and the Design Advisory Team have previously given consideration to the Locust Street Shops under the original conditional use permit allowed 1()]" the shopping center. Staff has concluded that Pizza Man is a compatible use in the CCD District as located in the Locust Street Shops. Allowing Pizza Man to establish a convenience t"(xxl establishment subject to the terms of a conditional use permit will help to prevent similar establishments from locating in areas within the CCI) District without Planning Commission Consideration. - 1- . Planning Commission ^gcnda - 04/03/0 I B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION I. Motion to recommend allowing a conditional use permit I()!' HHF Properties and Pizza Man to cstablish a convenience rood establishment in the CCD District. subject to thc terms or the loning Code Section 148-5 rDl as related to such a business. 7 Motion to reconlmend disallowing a conditional use permit f())' BBF Properties and Pizza Man to establish a convenience f()od establishlllent in the eCD District (for reasons as determined by the Planning Commission). c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stall recommends ^Iternative I to the Planning Comlllission. D. SUPPORTING BAT A . None . . -2- . . . Planning Commission Agenda 4/3/0 I 6. Considenltion of an application for approv~11 of a General Concept Stage Conditional lIse Permit / Planned Unit Development (CuP/PUn) to allow the construction of multiple industrial buildings on two lots. AllIllicant: Blue Chip Development Company. (NAC) A REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Application Summary. Blue Chip Development Company is requesting approval of a Concept Stage Conditional Use Permit / Planned Unit Development to allow the construction of multiple buildings on two lots. The applicant is proposing the construction of two 14,f)()O square j'(Jot industrial buildings on the property located at 206 Dundas Road. The site currently contains two lots. each of which contains one existing industrial building. T'hrough the PLIO process. these two lots may be reviewed as one site. Land Use and Zoning. The land use and zoning classifications for this property are consistent with the expansion of the existing industrial use. -l"he Proposed Land Use map guides this property, and the surrounding sites. jl.)\, industrial use. Similarly. the subject property is zoned 1-2. Heavy 1 ndustry. While the applicant has yet to indicate a speci fic use fi.)rthe buildings. commercial. warehouse. or manufacturing uses are all permitted in this district. Architectural ^ppearance and Exterior l1uilding Materials This application did not include architectural renderings or exterior building material information. As part oCtheir development stage PUt). the applicant should submit detailed building elevations that illustrate both the appearance of and materials to be used in the proposed buildings. Lot and Building Performance Standards The Lot and Building Per/'(mnance Standards for properties in the 1-2 District are outlined in Chapter 3 and Illustrated in the table below. The table compares this intl.mnation with the proposed development. An analysis of this information finds the development as proposed, meets the lot and building pertl.mnance standards for properties in the 1-2 District. -1- . . . Planning Commission ^gcnda 4/3/0 I Perfor'mance StmHJanls for The 1-2 District Category Required Standard Proposed Standard Status Front Yard Setback 50 n N/A N/A Side Yard Building A .10 It Conforming Setback 30 n. Building B 80 n. Conform ing Rear Yard Building A I 15ft. Conforming Setb,lCk 50 Ii. Building 13 115 n. Confonning Building SqJaration '/;, the Sum of thc Ilcigh 40 ft. Con form ing of both bldgs. Buffer yard Setback 20 n. 20 Ii. Con form ing Lot 1\ rea 30J)00 279,441 sq. ft. Conforming Lot Width I 00 ft 429.8 ft. Conform ing Building Building A lJnknown lJnknown 2 stories lIeight Building B Unknown Unknown Parking. At this time. the applicant is unable to determine a specific use for the proposed buildings. Consequently, stalTmust usc the most intensive parking standards allowed in thc 1-2 District. The parking standards for these uses are shown in the table below. Given this information. only a manuf~lCturing use in building ^ provides sufficient off--street parking. The applicant must demonstrate that the site ean provide the required number of off.street parking stalls by: increasing the number of proposed stalls. reducing the size of the proposed buildings. or indicating a use that can conform \vith the parking requirements. All stalls must be at least 20 feet long and 9 feet wide. The entire parking area must be surrounded be continuous concrete curb and cutter and this curb must be at least five feet from any 101 line. Potential Parking Standards for Properties in the 1.2 District Use Standard Required Proposed Status Sta lis S ta lis Building ^ 36 3() Con limll ing Manufacturing 8 I l/5()(J sq. n. Building B 36 31 N on-Conlilrlll ing Building ^ n 36 N on-Conlilrlll ing Office ~ I 1/2()(J sq. n. -' Building B 7~ 31 Non-Con form ing .' -2- . Planning COIllIll ission Agenda 4/3/0] ^ccess Currently. the site has three access points along Dundas Road. As designed. the driveway to aceess the proposed buildings is not al igned vvith the center curb cut. To f~lcilitate safe and efficient access to the proposed building in the rear of the site. the applicant should relocate the existing center curb cut so it is aligned with the proposed driveway. ^II plans for the parking and access area are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Off-Street I,oading The site plan illustrates two loading berths per building. The number and size of these berths are in con t'()fInance with the standards outlined in Section 3~6. However. the turning radiuses t'(1r these berths appear tight. 'I'he applicant should denlonstrate that all berths have adequate lnaneuvering room f'()\" large trucks. The oft-"street loading area is located on the south side of the proposed buildings and will EKe the neighboring residential lIse. The applicant should take special care with landscaping and screening to insure that the loading docks will not have a negative impact on the adjacent residential use. The noise from these docks shall comply with the standards outlined in Section 3-2. Subdivision K. . Civen that the applicant is requesting PUD approval \vith this application. staff suggests that they consider redesign the site's layout. The purpose for a PUD is not only to allow the applicant to place multiple buildings on one 101. but also to create a better and more cohesive development. This could be accomplished by rotating the proposed buildings by 90 degrees. Turning these buildings would move the loading area away fi'om the adjacent residential property. improve thc relationship between all f'()l\r buildings. and improve internal traffic movement on the site. Clrading. Drainage. and Utilities The application materials did not include a Grading. Drainage and Utility Plan. The applicant should submit a detailed plan in conformance with the City ('ode as part of their Development Stage cuP/pun application. These plans should also contain all necessary and required easements. ^" grading. drainage. and utility plans are subject to the reviC\v and approval of the City Engineer. l.andscapi ng . 'fhe applicant's Site Plan includes only minimal landscaping inl'(lfInation. The applicant must submit a detailed landscape plan in conltlflnance with the standards outlined in Section 3-2. Subdivision (I. -3- . . . Planning Commission Agenda 4/3/01 In addition to this information, the landscape plan must also illustrate a landscarc bulTer yard. Section 3-3, Subdivision Ci requires all incomratible land uses to rrovide a landscaped buffer yard along the side of the prorerty that is adjacent to the conflicting use. ^ccording to the City's Existing Land Use map. the subject rroperty is bordered by a residential use to the south, The butTer yard must contain 160 plant units per 100 feet of property line. This requiremcnt can be reduced by 50 rercent if the applicant installs an earth berm at least live feet in height or an opaque fence. The table below illustrates plant tyres and their associated plant unit values. The applicant should revise their landscape plan to conform with these standards. Buffer Yard Plant U nit Values Vegetation Plant Unit Value LVl.:rgrl.:l.:1l Trl.:es 15 Deciduolls Trees 10 Evergrl.:l.:1l or COil i fl:rous Shrubs 5 Shrubs/Hushes I Lighting The arrlication materials did not include a lighting or photometric plan. The applicant must submit a detailed lighting and photometric rlan in conformance with the standards outlined in Section 3~2, Subdivision fl Exterior Storage The site plan does not illustrate an area for a trash enclosure. ^s part of their develorment stage PUO application. the applicant must revise their site rlan to show a location fl.)!" a trash enclosun:. T'his trash enclosure must be made of the same materials as the rrinciral bui Idi ngs. Signs The arrlicant" s rlans do not provide any sign information. ^s rart of their develorment stage pun application, the arrlicant must sub,nit a detailed sign plan that shows the size and location of all rrorosed signs. This plan must be in conformance with Section 3-9, -4- Planning Commission Agenda 4/3/01 . B ALTERNA1'IVE ACTION I. Recommend approval based on the findings contained in this report and subject to the conditions outlined therein. 2. Recommend denial based on findings similar to the f(Jllowing: a. The applicant has t~liled to indicate a use for the proposed building. ^s a result, staff is unable to properly review this proposal. b. The site, as proposed. fails to provide the required number of off-street parking stalls. c. The applicant landscapc plan is incomplete. It t~lils to show the required number. type and location of plantings for the required buffer yard. d. This proposal lacks the creativity and uniqueness to receive a I'll D approval. 3. Tablc the application and request additional information. . c RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Concept Stage Conditiunal Use Permit/Planned Unit Development f()r the property located at 206 Dundas Road to allow the construction of multiple principal buildings on one lot. This recommendation is based on the lindings contained in this report and is subject to the conditions outlined below. I. Indicate a potential use for the proposed buildings. 7 Demonstrate that the site can accoll1modate the rcquired number ofoff-strect parking stalls. 3. Demonstrate that thc site can provide adcquate maneuvering room for large trucks. 4. ^Iign the center curb cut v"ith the proposed drivcway. 5. Redesign the site to create a unique and cohesive development. This design should relocate the off-street loading area away from the adjacent residential use. 6. As part of the development stage pun application, the applicant must submit and receive approval of the f()llc)\ving materials. . -5- . a. b. c. d. e. Planning Commission Agenda 4/3/01 Grading. drainage and utility plans. Detailed photometric plan. Comprehensive sign plan for the entire site. Site plan illustrating adequate trash storage. Detailed landscape plan that includes the required buffer yard and landscaping. d. Building elevations. D SUPPORTING DATA 1. Site location map. 2. Site Plan 3. Conditions of approval. Exhibit Z . . -0- MAR-29-2elel1 1121:56 NAC 612 595 9837 P.12I3/el3 -.- 'JII! r ~ JJj h, . i!.l I !i l "1 ~Jl ! }~~ ' "J. ... Z 0 ti CJ 0 .' C ...I I:: UJ ~ t- ~ ~ Ui -- !i --- ~ ~ ~ [j .- o ..... ... ~ ,rJ .- ... = t ~ = ~ ...., . ..... U " \ "1';... q... ~ :::: ~ .. E ... Po 'g co _ Iii; _ cd C.I l>> .... Q::-; ~= "0 ~_~:; c4:;~ ... ~:::::~ :::';i~ ~ Co = e -= '" ~:ii " ,~ to IU Q:I -;;::; ~ c ... ~"'&! ","= >. ,~ iU t:0N "::';OG/\I'E;i ~.. ::0 .~CIlI~~ ~r...===C::lf4r1lc.1'- !I""I~ =::: 0 ~ ..,.... <Il = co ::> 1Il ... " ~ ,::! - ~ ~ 0- t' '-' a . J>-. >. 'iij ll'- ~ t-l to.:i ~ ,!: = ~ .;<.!.~ .....:.. '" ._ ._ - - ~ Q) C-.& ~ Il.'I ] .... '11 "; /iii ~ "-I 1b e .... = '"' " ';; d ... 8.~ U U 0 .. ::I ::I = '.. g; ~ .. ;: .. .. .. = ... ~ 0 .0 = .:: -= .a ~ 1Il 0 ~ :;1 "l;l 'Il ::I ".;> ;;I co '" :l:'-" Cl ... - u ';i"", = o iiI III ;:: I'<. I;" e i: E E 0 "to ~ os _ 0: 0: - , =ClltfM:Jq,l1iU liIJGJ;...,-A~l.I=.c::::IS-- u III '"C 2..~ ';,. I;" ,: ::: ~ ~ ~ ~::; .d .2 ~ .~.... ~ ~ =-'".. = =""''''''.......- s ...,.,=~~.,"'" o i: 0 C1(l.~ .... ID 0 4:1 0 'U 4) ..., ... ~ Q.I ...... 'II ::J t<l...~oc~tt~::a:al~o.ll.iooI:,.l:=A:;tJ..l..l :ell. o C> c O ::SCl:~ Qo( -co.l............:p.:._....."".....u. . ~ <__Cl:Cl:~~~==$~u==~~ EXHIBIT A . I~ 02 Ii ~ ~ . J i i I -, i i! t ; ~ ,I ~ I ~ . Jt:J'..{J" 14'4" 271." 2,'4 a4 'lff4' 430.03 ,---t+ ~ i ! ! I i I 1 I I " I I II ' '---tr ~-1 ! ! I , \ \1 Tit I i I i i I I I I ! i II i i I -t--_#I- I' H'", i II I II ~ I II _:h!b ' ~ ~ i I ! 1\ \ II ~ I ~ I I I I i I, I . . I_Ill \1 \1 ~ : I I I I Iii II :~ I I Ig, ',I " , ' ! i i l ~ \ I 1 1\ ' ~ ~ ~ i I~ ! 4 L_____ __ __1_J--~-+--J I ! 5 () .. ;>:; ~ -0 ~,,~"'~-!--t. ~ t; 1 ~ ~ I I : - 0; ~ : I l' 0 I I 0 - I I g x I : Ul;: > : I '1 C!. I I I I I I I I I ,---I .--1--1 I I I I I ~ ~ t 'H" 2f... 202 DUNDAS ROAD I ~ 8. ~ ! g x ~ I ~ :; ID : o. I I I I I r~-I-~-, ~-t I I I I I ~ r"~-- 1....-- 428.8J CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL . 1. Indicate a potential use f(Jr the proposed buildings. 7 Demonstrate that the site can accommodate the required number ofotT-street parking stalls. , -, . Demonstrate that the site can provide adequate maneuvering room for large trucks. 4. Align the center curb cut with the proposed driveway. 5. Redesign the site to create a unique and cohesive development. This desien should relocate the off-street loading area away from the adjacent residential use. 6. As part of the development stage PUD application_ the applicant must submit and receive approval of the following materials: a. . b. c. d. e. Grading. drainage and utility plans. Detailed photometric plan. Comprehensive sign plan for the entire site. Site plan illustrating adequate trash storage. Detailed landscape plan that includes the required butTer yard and landscaping. d. Building elevations. EXHIBIT Z . . . . Plann ing COIllIl1 ission Agcnda - 04/03/0 I 7. Consideration of H Concept PlJD for a Mixed Use Project on the Site of the Former St. Henrv's Church. Applicant: Cedrus Creek CraftsmHn. (NAC) A. REFERL:NCE AND BACKGROIJND: Cedrus Creek Craftsman has requested City rcview of a concept for the IT-use of the St. Henry's Church building and property. At this stage of the project. building and site plans arc not yet developed to the point where they can be reviewed with any detail. This brief review is intended to help identify the proposed uses and questions which will need to be answered in future review cycles. Lalld Use. The applicant intends to develop the sacristy portion of the building into a theater and performing arts center. The Land of Lakes Choir Boys would utilize the theater as its primary venue for perf<mnances. The "Parish Center" is to be remodeled to accommodate business offices. meeting rooms. and a practice room. The original convent would be used as a day-care center (currently in operation). Eventually. the applicant wishes to expand into this area with practice rooms and class rooms related to the performing arts use. The parking lot block (Block 21) is proposed to be redeveloped into a clustered residential project. The applicant indicates that some form of central courtyard may be utili/cd. Block 22 to the west would be developed residentially. depending on the amount of land available. ISSlle.\'. The land uses appear to be similar to those originally considered a few months ago by a di fferent developer. although they are rearranged somewhat. From a conceptual standpoint. the developer will need to be able to address the capacity of the buildings. and parking to be developed in support of the uses. Since the existing parking lot would be redeveloped as housing. parking in support of the performing arts use would need to be added to the current building site. An issue discussed with the previous proposal related to the access to the site. Stall had encouraged a plan in which traflic. particularly during peak theater use times. would access from the south. This issue would need to be addressed as a part of this project. particularly since the parking location willll1ove. ..S'llmmary. The pun Zoning proposed for the previous project would be applicable for this concept as well. since the land uses are similar. The rearrangement of land uses may have some positive effects (better internal relationships of housing development. parking (m-site). However. relocation of the parking will raise the issue of access to the site through residential neighborhoods. Without site plans. staff can not address these issues with specificity. The applicant will need to be prepared to resolve them as the project proceeds. - 1- Planning Commission Agcnda- 04/03/01 . B. ALTERNArIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the concept for IT-use and redevelopment of the St. I Icnry"s Church area. based on a finding that the mixed usc concept would be positivc f(H the property, and potential traffic issues can be addressed as a part of the site planning process. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the concept for IT-use and redevelopment of the St. llcnry"s Church area. based on a finding that the proposed uses would be an over-intensi tication of land use in this area. 3. Motion to table action on thc Cedrus Creek/St. I Ict1lfs project pending additional information. c. STAFF RFCOMMENDATION . Stall bel ieves that the land uses proposed for the site would be reasonable for the area. with the note that site development plans have not been submitted, and no detailed review has been possible as a result. At this time, the issue oftraftic circulation and access \vould appear to the biggest isslle, with on~site parking also a potential concern. If the City approves of the land lIses as proposed, a Concept PLI [) approval could be granted, with the condition that developmcnt plans will need to be provided which address neighborhood impact issues. including those mentioned above. D. SUPPORTING DAI'A Applicant's Written Proposal Letter Site Plan . -2- Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. . Proposed Utilization of Existing St. Henry's Compound As Planned Unit Development Location - Block 21, 22, 28 Original Plat Block 28: Our proposal suggests the reworking of the present St. Henry's compound into a performing arts campus recognizing the Land O'Lakes Choir as its base supporter. . .:. Existing sacristy to be utilized as a theater and arts center .:. Parish center to be business offices, meeting rooms and practice room .:. Original convent would initially be retained as a private day-care provider and eventually expand into practice room/class rooms related to Land O'Lakes Choir facility. .:. Lots 6 through 10 would be redefined as parking and green spaces (play area) with future expansion for Land O'Lakes. Block 21 ~ Complete lots 1 through 10 (current parking lot block): Redevelopment as a cohesive residential neighborhood based on a cluster concept possibly on a courtyard core. Block 22 ~ Lots 4 through 7 (former priest's house): Potential to extended through old Bondus machine shop site. Expansion of new neighborhood base with potential abandonment of applicable block of Minnesota Street. This residential concept creates a potential of 14 to 22 new home sites within the respective neighborhood with a potential to generate $507,000 in property tax revenues (at a cap level over first ten year period). The performing arts campus would be a continuance of the east, west community corridor initiated by our new community center, Having the Land 0 'Lakes Choir based in Monticello should add a new depth to our community. . Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. (License #201351(0) 12420 Armitage Ave. NW 1>- Monticello, MN 55362 (163) 878~2943 1>- fax (163) 878~2343 A . . . Cedrus Creek, as developer, would agree to: .:. Procure aforementioned relevant properties inclusive of Burlington Northern land respective to Block 22. .:+ Assist Land of Lakes ChoirBoys in developing complete Block 28 into performing arts campus. .:+ Redevelop Block 21 complete and portions of Block 22 into a new cohesive neighborhood community of 22 new attached homes. An overall team effort inclusive of all these components and all these properties is necessary for the viability of developing this concept. For the pro forma to work we need complete compliance. We think this would be a wonderful rebirth of the area that the predecessors could be proud of and the community could embrace. Sincerely, ~(L f-t / __~_,.,., \ ' __ .) h~'~-' ~....",., ( "".. ." _.'~""'U'--"<:::__'-_.-'"'" John Komarek Enclosure Cedrus Creek ('rl'{fll,'mtlll, Jnc. (LicCII'<iC #]0135I(iO) I 242() Armitage Ave. NW -fir lHonticello, ["iN 55362 (763) 878-2943 -tf)-fax (76.~) 878-2343 . site The total land area is calculated plus/minus from the short legals provided on the 1997 tax statement and city plat map. Block 21: 66 x 165 x 7 = 76,230 square feet 66 x 154 x 1 = 10,164 square feet Block 22: 66 x 165 x 2 = 21,780 square feet 66 x 105 x 2 = 13,860 square feet Block 28: 66 x 165 x 8 = 87,120 square feet 62 x 165.43 = 10,256 square feet The total land area of the subject property is 219,510+/- square feet or 5.04 acres. and Location . Page 3 A . . . Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. BURLINGTON NORTHERN ,;- I I I ~ I (!) !:;> ':J ~ 0.. '" <( ~ BLOCK 21 ORIGINAL PLAT CITY OF MONTICELLO TWO QUAD UNITS : A T144' WIDE BY 60' , DEEI' ~. ... , , , , THREE TWIN UNITS AT 7(';' WIDE BY 66' DEEP ........-330'..()" I !:;> ~ - - .. , ST. HENRYS SITE BLOCK 28 ORIGINAL PLAT CITY OF MONTICELLO PRELIMINARY PLAT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ST HENRY'S SITE .0:: ~ (!) ~ o (/J tu Z Z ~ BLOCK 22 ORIGINAL PLAT CITY OF MONTICELLO , , L _ _ _ __ FOURTH STR Cedrus Creek Craftsman,/nc. (License #20135160) 12420 Armitage A VB. NW +- Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 878..2943 +- fax (763) 878..2343 o . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 4/03/01 8. Consideration of an anplication for a Dcvelonment Stage Conditiomtl Use Permit/Planned Unit Development .:lOd a Preliminary Plat to allow the development of a townhouse nroiect located on the Klucas propertv. Apnlicant: Cnlie Schreber & Associates. Inc. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Craig Scherber & Associates. Inc. has applied for a CUP/PU 0 and Preliminary Plat to allow an 92-unit townhome development. The applicant did not submit a concept plan for review but has met with staff to discuss the development. The property is 14 acres in size and is located in northwest Monticello. The property is located between 1-94 and County llighway 75 south or West River Street. The property is zoned R-2. Single and Two Family Residential. Land Use and Zoning The proposed townhome land use is consistent with the zoning for the property. The predominate housing type is f()llr-unit townhomes. Two two-unit and two three-unit townhomes are also included. The surrounding land uses arc industrial to the west. an NSP training hlCility to the north. a singlc-l~mlily residential use to the east. and Interstate 94 to the south. Density Aner subtracting the area of the public right-of-way. the parcel is approxill1ately 13.6 acres in size. The proposed 92 units would create a density within this area of 6.6 units per acre. This is an appropriate density for 111cdium density residential development. Setbacks In the R-2 District the minimum front and rear yard setback is 30 feet ancl the mininlum side yard setback is 10 feet. The plan illustrates a minimum setback ono feetli'om all property boundaries; therefore. the setbacks hom property boundaries are compliant. The proposed minimunl setbacks within the property are listed below: Front yard (garage to curbline) Corner lot side yard adjacent to drive Rear yard setback Minimurn distance between buildings Proposed 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 22 feet -1- Planning Commission ^gcnda - 4/03/0 I . Bl~tfer Yard ^ burfer yard is required along the western boundary or the site between the proposed residential land use and the existing industrial use. A residential use next to an industrial use is considered a severe type of conflid that requires a minimum building setback or 50 reet. a minimum landscape yard of 40 feel. and a minimum of 160 plant units per 100 feet or property line. ^ thick band of evergreen trees already exists on the industrial property along the property line; therefore the residential development is required to install hall' the width and intensity of the required buffer yard. The proposed building setback is 30 reet and the width or the landscape screening is 20 leet. The density of planting is high with 147 trees along the west boundary or 156.5 plant units per 100 feet. The proposed buffer yard is adequate given the existing screening on the industrial site. Building Design and Spacing ^ general standard for building spacing is that a building should be no closer to another building than half the sum orthe building heights of the two buildings. The proposed height of the buildings is 24 feet and the Ininimum proposed building separation is 22 feet. This is close to the general standard. Building elevations and floor plans have been submitted. The elevations show vinyl lap siding on two-story buildings; thereflxe. the buildings do not exceed the maximum height of 2 V2 stories. . Access and Street Design_ The property gains access fron1 Marvin 1::l\vood Road in the northeast corner or the property. ^ cui-de-sac and road extension to Prairie Road is also planned at the south end of the site to provide a second access. The site plan shows the road being extended to the approximate existing end of Prairie Road. The issue of who \vill pay tl.W this road extension is being resolved at starr and Couneil level. The lots abutting the extension have a tax forfeit status and are not developed. Residents or the proposed development will likely use the north access onto Marvin Elwood Road: however. a seeond access is necessary and Prairie Road needs to be extended. In previous discussions stalTasked the applicant to look at the possibility of connecting the northern two dead-end streets to provide greater connectedness between un its. The appl icant has decided not to conned these two streets due to space limitations. Instead, the applicant should provide turn-around space at the end of each driveway. Parking alld Paved Surface.\'- The main internal private street is proposed to be 30 feet \vide and the side private drives are proposed to be 24 feet wide. These vvidths exceed the minimum of20 feet. ^ five-fl.)ot-wide concrete sidewalk is proposed along one side or the main internal street. The minimum requirement of two parking spaces per unit has been exceeded. Each unit has a driveway that is 25 feet long and 19 feet \vide. This allows two vehicles to be parked in the driveway in addition to two garage spaces per unit. Generally one guest parking space fl.))' each three . -2- . Plann i Ilg COI11I11 issioll ^genda - 4/03/01 dwelling units is required. The proposed plan shovvs one guest parking space f(Jr each two dwelling units. which exceeds the minimum standard. In the northern part of the site. some driveways ahnost touch where the street curves. To avoid the appearance of wide expanses of paving. stalTreconHnends that the driveways be separated by at least fl)ur feet at the curb line. Staff believes this can be accomplished without reducing the number of units by slightly adjusting the placement of buildings. Some building separations may be reduced to 22 fed and corner side yard setbacks may be slightly reduced to accomplish this. L{flldscapillg Multi-residential sites are required to contain a mininlUm of one tree per dwelling unit. Landscaping that exceeds minimum requirements is appropriate in this situation because it is a PLJD and Ilexibility li'om development standards is proposed. 'rhe proposed development contains 92 units. and the plan contains 147 trees in the buffer yard along the west property line and an additional 104 trees on the rest of the property. Although the minimum number of trees has been exceeded; stall recommends that trees be added or rearranged sl ightly to provide better screening along the cast and south property I ines as described in the following paragraph. . "rhe submitted landscape plan contains a variety of evergreen and deciduous trees. The majority of trees are located along the western property line to provide screening of the industrial site to the west. Evergreen trees are grouped along Marvin Elwood Road on either side of the entrance to the developrnent. Evergreen trees are also scattered along the eastern boundary between the proposed development and the single-I~1rnily development to the cast. Staff recommends that larger groups of evergreen trees be planted along the east boundary to break up views between the two developments and provide some screening of private backyard spaces. Shade trees are spaced along the internal streets throughout the development. Screening is not proposed along the south property line. A proposed stormwater pond provides some separation between the development and Interstate 94; however. vegetative screening would also be desirable along the south property line. ^ minimum of 15 percent of the required minimum number of trees for multi-residential developments is required to be long-lived hardwood deciduous trees. 3.5 inches in diameter as measured six inches off the ground. Currently. all oCthe long-lived hardwood deciduous trees proposed have a 2.5 inch caliper size. The landscape plan lnust be revised so that at least 14 of these proposed trees meet the 3.5 inch size requirement. Gradillg {flld Utilities Preliminary grading and utilities plans have been submitted. These plans are subject to City Engineer review and approval. . -3- Planning Commission Agenda - 4/03/0 I . Development Agreement As a condition of final plat approval. the applicant will he required to enter into a development agreement with the City. Homeowner Rules (fnd Bylaws As a condition of final plat approval. the applicant must suhmit a copy of all rules and hylaws to he utilized hy the development's homeowners association for City review. The rules and hylaws should address such issues as maintenance of con1mon open space and snow removal. Rejilse Starr had recommended that trash collection areas be created along the main drive as is shown on the plan to allow the easiest pick-up for the trash collectors. However. the resolution of the issue of how to design trash pick~up in developments with dead-end private streets has evolved. The City Council has now indicated that they would like to see hammer- head turnarounds with individual trash collection for each unit in situations like this. This wi II prevent residents from having to haul their trash to the end of the bloek. which may he over 300 feet away. . B. ALTERNATIVe ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the cuP/pun and Prelirninary Plat hased on the finding that the proposed piaL with conditions. is in compliance with the City's Zoning Ordinance. The conditions to approval are listed in Exhihit Z. 2. Motion to deny the CUP/PUD and Preliminary Plat. If this alternative is chosen. findings to support this alternative must be rnade. 3. Table the CUP/PUD and Preliminary Plat hased on the finding that the conditions be l11et and re-submitted for review. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stall recomrnends that the CUP/PUD and preliminary plat be approved subject to the conditions listed in Fxhibit Z. . -4- . D. . . Planning ConHnission Agenda - 4/03/0 I SUPPORTINCi DATA Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Preliminary Plat Exhibit D - Cirading Plan I':xhihit E - Utility Plan Exhihit F - Landscape Plan Exhibit Ci - Building Elevations Exhibit J-I - Building Floor Plans Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval -5- . . . 2. ') .J. 4. 5. 6. CONDITIONS OF CUP/PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL 1. Prairie Road must be extended from the subject property to \vhere the existing street ends. The City 111Ust determine ho\v to finance this extension. Driveways must be separated by at least i'our feet at the curb to avoid the appearance 01" a wide expanse of asphalt. "lhe landscape plan must be revised to include vegetative screening along the south property line to screen Interstate 94 and along the east property line to screen between the backyards of the proposed development and the existing development to the cast. The landscape plan must be revised to include at least 14 long-lived hardwood deciduous trees. 3.5 inches in diarneter as measured six inches off the ground. The site plan must be revised to add a hmnmer-head turnaround at the end of each of the three dead-end side streets and the trash collection areas along the Inain internal street must be eliminated. The Preliminary Grading Plan is subject to the review and approval oi'the City Engineer. 7. The Preliminary Utility Plan is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. The applicant must submit a copy o1"all rules and bylaws to be utilized by the development's homeowners association f()r City review. The rules/bylaws should address such issues as maintenance of cornmon open space and snow removal. 9. A lighting plan must be submitted f()r review by the City. 10. 'n1e applicant must enter into a development agreelnent with the City. 11. Comments from other City stafr. ~l,ib\t L MAR-29-2001 07:45 NAC '" ", 1il7TH ST HE:" 612 595 9837 P.14 \ . LOCATION MAP NONE CRAIG ~CHRUBER SITE PART SW.1/4, NE1/4, SEC. 4, 1121, R25 13164 MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA ~h\b\-\- . . . S't'd k - ~i Ii! :, iii: ", j' Ii> II ~"~I I i ~ ~I . .. : I! 1.E86 S6S G't9 v.\ / " ~- -b'l /~ .. . ' 'I"~"~.I' , ~~ // / ~" ( 'I -.- ~ ~ J 11.1 5'1' l<l m' H~ ~ . " ! z: n. ~ u;nl in i'l :!i~ d ~ i Ii Hm~ ilHd ... .., ~li ;; ~'~ :: '-'Si~2 ,,!~., ,;S&". lil ,,' i! t". r: ! ~Ie . i ~ .e ~Ea ! ~iJ; ~q iU~ H a~I' d · I"" .Y.Js~ . ~'3 ijdl! ~ .....~. .' · i ~1~g8 i ~ i n ~Im l II". ~ e &9 .. i lO 1=1 .. H. 00' J .1 B~ W -j"" ::>l::lN Sv : l.0 t Iii if ~ f :!i! !'J i iI If .. 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Consideration of an application for a Development Sta1!e Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit Development and a Preliminary Plat to allow~. mix of commercial uses. Applicant: Dan Mielke. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Bockl!/'ollnd and Eyislin,Q ('ondilions. The applicant has applied fix a CUP/PUO and Preliminary Plat to allow a mix of commercial uses. The City Council approved a concept stage PUD for this sitc at their November, 2000. meeting. The City Council also approved the vacation ofa portion of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Oakwood Drive as requested by the applicant contingent upon approval of the development and final stage PUD and associated plat by the Council. The property is located between Trunk Ilighway 25. the new Chelsea Road (cast) and Cedar Street. south of the Tom Thumb. Thc several parcels which are a part of the proposal total about 3.5 acres in area. Currently, the land is developed with the Ultra Lube building. the Subway restaurant. and two houses along Ccdar Street. The property is zoned B-3.11ighway Business Distriet. ProfJosed f)eve!omnenl. The proposed development would retain the Ultra Luhe and Subway restaurant. In addition. another hlst-flJod restaurant would be constructed in the southwest corner near Chelsea and TH 25: a ear wash hlcility would be added to the north side of the lJ Itra Lube bui Iding: a convenience store with gas would be constructed in the southeast corner near Chelsea and Cedar Street (with an additional 1.600 square ICet of other retail space attached): and a full-service restaurant would be located in the northeast corner of the site along Cedar Street. The proposal relies on Planned Unit Development "PUD" tlexibility since mueh of the project would share parking between parcels and utilize common driveways without separate landscaped areas between parking lots. ,I..,'elhucks. In the B-3 District the minimum ti'ont and rear yard setback is 30 feet and the minimum side yard setback is 10 feet. At their November meeting. the City Council decided that Ilighway 25 should be considered the front of the property f()r purposes of this PUD. Thc B-3 District required setbacks and proposed minimum setbacks are listed below: Front Yard. TH 25 (west side) Side Yard. Chelsea Rd. (south side) Side Yard (north side) Rear Yard. Cedar Street (cast side) Required 30 feet 1 0 feet 1 0 feet 30 ICet Proposed 30 feet I 5 feet 1 0 feet 22 feet . Flexibility from the rear yard setback requirement is needed for construction of the proposed gas/convenience store and the gas station canopy. Planning COllllllissiol1 Agenda - 4/03/0 I . Curhing is required to be set hack fivc feet li'om all lot lines and off-street parking is required to be set hack 15 fect froln any street surbce. The ofT-street parking sethack is compliant however. the {()llowing flexihility is requested Ii'om the curbing setbaek standard: . Drive lane for LIst food restaurant reduced from 5 feet (required) to 0 feet along Chelsea Rd. . Drive lane fi..w gas/convenience store reduced from 5 feet (required) to 0 feet at Chelsea/Cedar Street corner. BlIihlil1l! [Jesil!n 8uilding elevations and floor plans have not heen sublnitted. The Business Districts have minimum huilding materials requirements. and the put) process is designed to give the City the ability to comlnent on architectural quality and design. !JlIrkil1f!. Required and proposed parking is listed in the {()Ilowing tahle: . Use Re(IUired Spaces Proposed Spaces Sit -down restaurant 63 78 Convenience store/gas stationlretai I 30 19 Convenience food restaurant 56 44 Ultra-Lube/car wash 12 17 Subway restaurant 26 21 Total IS7 179 While the PUO process would permit the City to waive the need for the additional spaces through a shared parking concept. stalThas two primary concerns. First, Inost of these uses do not have specific peaks which are different enough from the other uses to justify significant dcpartures from thc ordinance requirements. The gasoline and oil changc Llcilities have only moderate pcak usage timcs, whereas thc restaurants will all peak at the same times. Thus. the overflow from one use will not have an unused parking area on adjacent property to absorb the demand. Second. the hulk of the parking deficiency occurs on the south half of the site with the convenience store/gas station/retail site and the new 1:1st f()()d restaurant. If the 1,546 square feet of rctai I space \vas el iminated. the required number of parking spaces would be rcduced from 30 to 22. which would be closer to the numher proposed. This situation is ofsignilicant concern since there will no overllow street parking available. The City has recently experienced the effects of an underparked restaurant in the downtown area. . :2 Planning COlllmission Agenda - 4/03/0 I . Parking requirements for the restaurants are based on an assumption that the floor space will be halfkitchen and halfdining area because we have not received floor plans. When sharing bctween the Subway restaurant and proposed sit-down restaurant is considered. both ofthese restaurants appear to have sufficient parking. The convenience I' clOd restaurant in the southwest corner of the property has 44 spaces compared to the required 56. A few spaces could be shared from the adjacent Ultra-Lube and car wash. but this would not make up the difference. In summary. the north half of the site has adequate parking: however. more parking is needed in the south half unless the City grants flexibility from parking standards. Lmldscu/Jil1',!, The planting plan schedule does not include the number of proposed plants. This must be added. The landscape plan includes deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs concentrated at the periphery of the development. Landscaping along the northern boundary is on the adjacent property and requires the adjacent property owner' s permission. Ilowever. this will raise an issue for this project. since this development would have limited control of maintenance and/or removal of that rnaterial. . For a PU)) design typically the City requires enhanced landscaping in exchange for tlexibility from other standards. The proposed landscape plan shows adequate landscaping at the periphery of the site, but minimal green space in the interior of the site. The proposed trallic islands arc very narrow. and vcry little landscaping is shown around the buildings. The health of the trees and shrubs would be greatly improved by expanding the width of the trallic islands and the unpaved areas around buildings must contain landscaping. Si',!l1s. No wall sign plans have been submitted. Stalf recommends that wall sign plans be submitted so that the entire sign plan package for the PUD can be evaluated. Section 3- 9[F\2.(b)ii of the Zoning Ordinance states that for single or double occupancy business structures. the total maximum allowable signage on the property shall be 300 square feet. The PUD contains live lots; therefi.xe. the total allowable sign area allowed for the site is 1.500 square feet. A bonus allowing a "freeway standard sign" (200 sq. ft. in area and 32' high) applies in this case because part of the property is within gOO feet oflnterstate 94. The sign is allowed to be 32 feet above the center line of Trunk llighway 25 since that is the street from which the sign gains its principal exposure. Almost none of the proposed signs cornply with the minimum five foot setback from any driveway or parking area. . ~ .J . Planning COlllmission Agenda ~ 4/03/0 I lhe following freestanding signs are proposed for the development: Location Dcscription Proposed Max. Proposed Max. Size Allowed Height Allowed Northeilst Freeway visible sign with the 200 sq. ft. 200 sq. Ii. 60 ICet 32 ft. above Corner center nilme. convenience center-line store. and sit-down restilurant of TH 25 identi fication. Northwest Maintain existing Subway 72 sq. ft. 50 sq. n. 20 reet 22ft Corner sign. West (mid- New sign with lJltril-Lube and 80 sq. Ii. 50 sq. ft 20 feel 22 Ii. block) lJlta-Wash identificiltion. Southwest Fast service restaurmlt 60 sq. Ii. 50 sq. ft. 20 feel 22 Ii. identi ficat ion. South (mid- Low profile convenience store 64 sq. n. 25 sq. 1'1. 10 fed 16 ft. block) identification with fuel pncmg. Southeast (C- Low profi Ie C -store 37.3 sq Ii. 25 sq. ft. 4.67 fect 16 ft. store drive) directional sign. Last (mid-block) Center entrance sign with 88 sq. n. 25 sq. ft. 20 feel 16 n. small identification for each business entity. . . . . . . . . . . . If the proposed signs were constructed as proposed_ the following tlexibility from SIgn standards would be required: Increased height of the freeway sign 11-0111 32 feet above the center line ofTll 25 to 60 feet. Increased size of the Subway sign from 50 square feet to 72 square feet. Increased size of the lJltra-Lube/Ultra- Wash sign from 50 square reet to 80 square feet. I ncreased size of the fast serviee restaurant h'om 50 square !Cet to 60 square feet. Increased size of the c-store sign with fuel pricing li'm11 25 square feet to 64 square ICet. Increased size of the c-store sign directional sign from 25 square feet to 37.3 square ICet. Increased size of the center entrance sign frol11 25 feet to 88 square !Cet. Increased I1LII11ber of signs from I to 2 on the c-store/gas station parcel. Increased number of signs from 1 to 2 on the l~lst service restaurant parcel. Decreased setback of pylon signs h-om any driveway or parking area from 5 feet to o feet. 4 Planning COInlllission ^genda - 11/03/01 . At this time. more information on wall signage is necessary to evaluate the compliance of the sign plan with zoning ordinance requirelnents. Whereas some signage can be combined or shifted under the tlexibility process of the pun. the nurnber and height of the proposed freestanding signs would appear to extend beyond that which thc City commonly considers rcasonable flexibility. Li~hlin~. A photOlnetric plan has not been submitted and is required. Details of the type of lighting proposed have been submitted. but locations and fixture height have not been indicated. It is unelear from the details whether the light source drops below the housing or whether only the lens is below the housing. A style orlighting must be chosen in which the light source is not visible from adjacent property or public right-of-way. The photometric plan will also need to be evaluated to make sure that light falling on a public street docs not exceed one foot candle as measured from the center line of the street. Gr(ldin~ mull/lililies. Preliminary grading and utilities plans have been submitted. These plans arc subject to City Engineer review and approval. f)('1,e!O/JmenI11l!reemenl. As a condition of final plat approval. the applicant will be required to enter into a development agreement with the City. . 11 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the cuP/pun and Preliminary Plat based on the finding that the proposed pIaL with conditions. is appropriate for the location and proposed uses. and that the proposed improvements quali fy for PUD consideration under the City's PlJL) ordinance. The conditions to approval arc listed in Exhibit I.. 2. Motion to deny the CUP/PU!) and Preliminary PIaL based on a finding that the proposed uses arc too intense f(Jr the site causing insufficient setbacks. parking. and landscaping. Proposed signage appears to be excessive and building. sign. lighting. and landscape plans are incomplete. 3. Motion to table action on the cuP/pun and Preliminary PIaL subject to the submission of additional and revised information. C. STAFF RECOMMI~NDA TION . Staff docs not recommend approval of the CUP/PUD and Preliminary Plat as presented. PUD consideration is to be used where the City finds that the tlexibility granted under the PU!) results in a site design which is superior to a plan which cornplies with the basic zoning regulations. The proposed slgnage appears to signiticantly over the level which the 5 Planning Commissioll Agenda - 4103/0 I . ordinance standards allow, and the sign plans do not include proposed wall signs; therefore, it is irnpossible to evaluate the signage as a complete package. No building plans have been submitted; a photometric plan has not been submitted; and the landscape plan docs not include landscaping around all of the buildings. Because Development Stage PUD is the last opportunity for significant public review. staff recommends tabling of the proposal to permit compliance with the various requirements mentioned in this report. If the Planning Commission believes that the plans are adequate for an approval recommendation, the attached Exhibit / lists conditions which should be attached to that approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Site Plan Narrative Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Landscape Plan Exhibit J) - Grading Plan Exhibit E - Utility Plan Exhibit F - Sign Details Exhibit (J - Lighting Details Exhibit / - Conditions of Approval . 6 f3112/:08 :1~F:7:5:0=.:"Yle Desl~:p.C._ . ' , '. , . D.e:Hgn , AJ:U~HIT&:;eTU~1t i' U~.AN OltalllN .' ,/ -e': 'Memorandum ,..., . Projed: " . Projec:t No.. Date: ' '" - Mi~lke, Property Developm~~t 99.40.02 ' , M~rch 12. 2001 PUD Final Plan 'Narrative: Landowner(s) Names~', ' " ' " ' ,- . , '. Dan and Linda Mi.lke: Mielke Br.others.-LLC. Tracts 6. 2:3 Alvin Mielke~ '[rads 4.5.,7 , Gae Veit~,Shingobee'. Tract ~ landowner(s) Addresses: " .' Dan and Linda Mielke . _ 552 101. Street. NW' P.O. Box 562 .' .. M\3,nticeU~. '~N 55362. Alvin Mi'elke' , Box 143 . SwanviLLe. MN 56382. -. Gae Veit 669 North Medina P.O. Box 8 Loretta. MN 55357 " I . Names and Addresses of Professional Consultants: Architect: . Michael Knisely .Dlstyte Design. P.C. 620"Mendelssohn Avenue North. Suite 116 ' Golden Valley. MN 55427 , 620 MeIideIsaohn Ave. f<l. SIlIle116 Golden VlIlley,.hIIlnl'l!li'lot. 56'27 T [763) $t D996 I p63i 59\ ~604 F .... ," ~- ~ -- - ......,......... .. . " .-. ~- 1a1 001/004 , - -... 5G-.l .-.. ~ '"'P ... ....-. ". 1aI 002/004 ~3112/2001 MON 16:15 FAX 763 591 0964 Dis~yle Design. p.e. .' , . , . ... PUO Final Plan Narrative . Mielke Property DeveloPJnent , 3/1'2101 .. . ,Page 2 , . , Landscape Architect: David Kirscht David A. Kirscht Associates. Inc. 200 Edina Busine$$ Center. . , 5500 Lincoln Drive Edina. MN 55436-1666 ". 'Su'rveyor; -' Taylor land Surveyors 213 West Broadway- P.o. Box 179 . , '. . Montic~llo. MN 55362' . Attorney:. . Greg Smith' Smith & Associates. .207 South.Walnut Street P.O. Box &68 Monti~llo: MN. ~5362' " .. \ , , ' .Evidence'of Site Control: The o~nership .of the property is as .stated' above. An :up to date cert!fied ~bstract of title (o~ r.~gistered pr~perty report) can be.provided prior to the pubtic hearing; if . determined as necessary by the city attorney. .' , '.' ."... - .. Present Status Address and Legal Description:' See survey"for legal des~riptjon. . . . Current Addresses of existing buildings are: . . . . ., ' UltrawLube.lnc. 1190 Highway 25 Sout~ Monticello. M.N ,55362 ... House. Tract 3 . , 11 0 ~edar Street Monticello. MN 55362. . ' House. Tract 4 . 1126 .Cedar Street Monticello. MN 55362 .' .Subway . 1060 Highway 25 . 56-~ 03112/2001 MON 16:15 FAX,763 591 0964 Distyle Design. P.C. , ' IaI 003/004 . " . PUD Final Plan Narrative Mielke :Property Devel<<;,pment '3/.12/01 . Page '3 Monticello: MN 55;362 , . Existing' Zoning and Present Usa of the Property ~nd Surrounding 'property.: " 'Zoning is 83. Surroundi(1g property is commer:tial. Map of ~xl~ting Development: ' ,See s~rvey. , . - . ' A Written Statement Describit'g jhe Propos'ed ~UD: : 11)1 proposed PUD takes two separate ownership interests for slvin separate' , irregular trad$ of Landi Mrs. Vait' (Subway). one trad. and. the Mielke family interlsl$, , six ,tracts. an,d c;reates a unified-commercial project 6n 3.53 acres of commercially -zoned land. ..,. A map showinjl proposed replatting has been submitted and ls b~ing ,reviewed concurrently with this PUD proposal. ' " ,. Revisions to .concept Development plan . Several adjustments to the approved Concept PUD an~,proposed in 'order to -, accommodate_'specific tenant requirements. vlhic:ular circulation. and Ced~r Street improvementS. ' ' , 1'- The retail spac:e adjacerit to the convenience store has been relocated]o the ,- . north side'oftha c-store. ' :, , ' ' ' , , 2.' Parking that'was located on the nodh side of the 'cOnvenience stofe has been movl~ t~ the west side. , ' ' ' 3. 'Pump Islar'ids have been modified to coincide wit,h the tenant's requirements.. : and to enable better vehicuLBr c:irculali!Jn. . 4. 'Trash a.,d r~cycli'ng for the convenience store has been incorporated inside the . c-store. . ,. " 5. Mi~or curb adjustments have been made ~o aceom.modate drainage structures and grading. - " ,6. The main -entrance drive has been widened from '24 feet to 26 feet. Landscaping , .'.' . See attached landscape plan. Site Lighting , The entire site will be lighted to comply with the zoning ordinance using'coordinated fixtures that will be shielded to prevent glare' and spillover Ughting. See attached area , ' . lighting cut sheets. yJalllights will b~,of a similar downcast design as requiredfor. exit, discharge lighting. 5G-..?/ 03112/2001 MON 16:15 FAX 763 591 096~ Distyle Design. P.C. IaJ 004/004 . J' . pu~ Final Plan Narrative Mielke Property Dl!velopment 3/12/01 ' , page 4 Signs " ~" The signage conCept is intended to refled the dual nature of the center a~ both a travel and recreation-oriented' center and one that caters to local clientele. The attaChed ' ,~ sign plans are intended to be diagrammatic for the purposes of identifying heights, and , ge~eral config'uratl6n. SpeCific tenant sign details will ~. 'provided prior to permitting. : ," . Freest~nding signs ,will be coordinated in appearance'arid (o,nstruded to carry iden~ification for tIIo or more business entities. Freestandin'g signs ,placed 'aLong Highway 25 are proposed at a 'he,ight commensurate with signs,of .other businesses, aLong the highway'c~rridor'in order to be visually c::o~p~tible a,nd conveniently visible to the freeway area traffic. In addition to-wall signs allQwed by the sign ordinance and't~ provide identification for interior traffi~. freestanding signs are proposed to be, located as foLLows: ' . Freeway visible sign with the center, name. c;onvenlencl , , store. ~nd sit-down restaurant identification. ',Maintain existing Subway sign. '~. New sign with .Ultra..;Lube and Ultra-Wash identification , ." , . with ~eader board. " ' , 'Filst service restilurant identific::ation. ",- Low pr.ofile convenience store identification with fuel , pricing. ,- , ' ' ,Southeast (C~store driye): ' Low profil~ C~storli directional, sign. East '(mid-block):' ' " Center entrance sign ,with small identification for each , business entitY. "' ' , Northeast Comer:' , , . Northwest Com~r:' . ~est (mi~-block):- , ' SQuthw~st ' South (mid-bLock): , Because access' to the center will o~lY be 'from' Cedar Street. the lan~owners propose that wall signs b~ allowed on both' the east an~ west sides'of ,businesses along Highway 25. - , , J . Util~ties and Gr:ading . See ~ttached plans. Depending on the final plat ,configuration and strudure _ ' , placement in Ceda'r. utiUty adjustments may be likely i~ order t~ loate utllities'in easement areas.. ", ' Submitted By: DISTYLE DESIGN. P.C. ~ichael D. Knisely. 5G -- L\ MAR-29-21211211 1217:41 NAC 612 595 9837 P.12I2 mill . ~ I II I ~I II!!! I ." '" ~ '~ ~~ I Q ...... .. ~ CJ .- ...... = ! ~ Q ~ ... u "u L !t .. ..=-= ~ ~ .tow q,. D f i ~ ] "J s-.... ~! r~ r ' ].; ] ~ 0:- ~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~_~...-J "t:I"'CI ~ t:I ~ ::: I:l _.... 'QJ ... '" ~ fa ~ '=:'~ CQ ~ :;~~.;;; ;:J~~:: A .CO ~ ~c-.~"'CJ I I = ~ _ : ; ~ N ~ a:J q) 1J'r;; Iir.I ~ -:: :c .-:J Co ~ "," = i:: i:: ~ " "' "' 'l'l -,.R. ~ a:: 0 "A~cddOCIXl~GJGI' --...,_ ;,., ';; 'R ~ .u N ~ III l'l = ::l ., <l , ' ~ c:,;I '"iIo I ~ ~ ilI1 - "'0 ~ .... .... d 'C:::: 'C ..; .... ~ .... 'P' ...-.I...~ c:I ~ ~ C\) Q) 0 ... Il.Ili In ~ .:i .a rt.I S ." l'lo-l III ,- -8 III e '-' '-' 0 co ::I ::I S ~. ..., ;::t i:: " " .. 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Vi >-- 3= ::r: -+10 : Z a- la::: . 0 OCD <o::r: <..') GJ :-+1 Z . 0 ::r: I <...) 0 :;c 1.0 :=;: II 1 20'-0" r CENTER NAME PROPOSED RESTAURANT PROPOSED C.STORE FREEWAY PYLON SIGN ,... CISTYLE Daip ARCHITECTURE + URBAN DEBIGlN 620 MENDELSSOHN AVENUE NORTH SUITE 116 GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA 1515427-4336 T [763] 591.0996 I [76::1] 591.0964 F Mielke Property Development Hwy 25 and Chelsea Monticello, Minnesota Revision No. Description: 4 SITE 10 SIGNS Dote: 03/12/01 Project Number 99.40.02 Reference Drawing No. SIGNS ibit r-' @ 2001 by Di5tyle Design. P.c. SUBWAY EXISTING SUBWAY SIGN 1/8" == 1'-0" 1 '"''Or N 1 ~ WI :r: Ul Ul .-H ~ - U 1'<( 'oUl NZ: o 0 >=' - 1 D- -.r :r: u < :::2' 10'-0" PROPOSED RESTAURANT ~ ..... []ISTYLE Daip ARCHITECTURE + URBAN DESleN 620 MENDEl.SSOHN AVENUE NORTH SUITE 116 GOl.OEN VALl.EY, MINNESOTA 55427-4336 T [163] 591.0996 J [763] 591.0964 F l 10'-0" f UL TRA.LUBE ULTRA WASH 1.0 0 N I ~w :r: : o ~ _I _-H ~ - u 'f <( READER- ~ ~ BOARD o -H >=0 D- 1 :c N u < ::::;;; ULTRA LUBE & WASH 1/8" == 1'-0" r 8'-0" t-- ~I ----t I I C-STORE UNLEADED DIESEL 0 0 a ~o(@@ ~o~@ 1 a J: ~l ~ '" READER PANEL -DECORATIVE MASONRY BASE C-STORE PRICING SIGN Mielke Property Development Hwy 25 and Chelsea Monticello, Minnesota Date: 03/12/01 Project Number 99.40.02 Revision No. Description: 4 SITE 10 SIGNS Reference Drawing No. SIGNS Abrf f...W 2001 by Distyle Design, P.c. r 8'-0" 1 CENTER NAME REST AURANT . o I N o I SUBWAY LUBE & WASH C-STORE RETAIL REST AU- RANT . o I N . o I N '0 I o N o I N . o I en CENTER IDENTIFICATION SIGN ARCHITECTURE + URBAN DESlaN 620 MENDELSSOHN AVENUE NORTH SUITE 116 GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55427.4~~6 T (76~] 591.0996 I (76~] 591.0964 F Mielke Property Development Hwy 25 and Chelsea Monticello, Minnesota Date: II -- []ISTYLE Daip 03/12/01 Project Number 99.40.02 Revision No. Description: 4 SITE ID SIGNS Reference Drowing No. SIGNS 'fJ ilolt F:,3J 2001 by Distyle Design, PC. MAR-29-2001 07:44 NAC 612 595 9837 P.10 -1 B'-O. f , C..STORE Co ENTRANCE I ;r " DECORATIVE MASONRY BASE 4E PROPOSED C-STORE ENTRANC SIGN SIGNS '/4" JI: 1'-0" ~ CISTYLE Del;'" AAl!HI'PlleTI.IRl!: + URBAN OQIBN 620 MENDELSSOHN &VEHU! NOR1ll $UI~ .16 GOLDEN YAl.E'I'. "INNEiOT" SSW.'7~6 T 17~] 1591.099' I 176:1] 591.D9t'> , Mielke Property Development Hwy 2S and Chelsea Monticello, Minnesota Revision No, Description: 4 SITE 10 SIGNS Dote: 03/12/01 Project Number 99.40.02 Reference Drawing No. SIGNS :lno 1 Iot\.t 1':.....~"'It! "^f1:~,," 0,. . . . Results Cooper Lighting Products Page 1 of3 cooICa Ughting Please click on the print button in your browser to print this page. GM GALLERIA Features . Formed aluminum housing with stamped reveal has interior- welded seams for structural integrity and is finished in polyester powder coat . Ballast tray is hard-mounted to housing interior for cooler operation . Long-life core and coil ballast . Spun and stamped aluminum reflector in vertical lamp units, or hydroformed anodized aluminum reflector in horizontal lamp units. Rotatable optics standard . Formed aluminum door has heavy-duty hinges, captive retaining screws and is finished in polyester powder coat (Spider mount unit has steel door) . Convex tempered glass lens . Mogul-base porcelain socket . Approximate net weight: 64-69 Ibs. (29-31 kgs.) 175W-1000W High Pressure SOdiU~~ ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHT Description 1... eAOK TO .TOl" .I The Galleria achieves superior light distribution by utilizing a seamless reflector system, making it the optimum choice for almost any small or medium area lighting application. U.L. 1572 listed and CSA certified for wet locations. Dimensions ~.....~~ i..~J~~~I5.!~!~,.. ~Lbit 9-J http://www.cooperlighting.com/search/print/print_search Jesults.asp?id=1119&brand=McGra... 3/12/01 Results Cooper Lighting Products Spider Mount . r A . . RxtuN Medll.m (in.] Imml A 8 C D E F C H 14 1123/4 1112 3 112 19 114 21 3/4 S l)f 14 15 0"6 3Illl 19 38 89 480 662 162 or 366 381or406 EPA-Effectl"e Projected Ar.a: 2.4 Ordering Information SAMPU NUMaEtt: OMAznztzD ~ HouIIa, ....y ... (Ioo6111111ri.. M.Medlum Moundnt MetIlod AooAnnl'll I-Splder for 2 318" 0.0. tenon e..spldllr for 3 112" 0.0. lanon VoItI"L" 1.12OV 2-2MN 3-2.4OV ~77V loo48OV ...Triple-Tllptll wlrlld 347V t-Muld.T8Cl1Jl< wired 277V Product Information DtatrllMldOft'1t 1D-TVPllI I MCO Horl:wntal 2D-Typa II MeO Horizontal 3D-Type III MCO Horizontal FT..FOfW8rd Throw Horizontal AR-Atell Round Vartical AS-ArelI Square Venlelll RW-AllClllngulllr Wide Vertical 'Y..Verdcal Typll .. Color (add as _dflxl _dronze t8UIndardl Afl.Gre/Ij ..Black WH-White Page 2 of3 I .... 'AOI< TO TI)P ~ ,,~~._~~~~~~,,; ~ r=:. (5a8 8laIow) I.... 'ACI< TO ~ rmibi-l- @:,-2- http://www.cooper1ighting.com/search/print/print~search Jesults.asp?id= 1119&brand=McGra... 3/12/01 . . . TYPE: CATALOG II: DETAILS REFeR TO CHART FOR DIMeNSIONAL INFORMATION . o. ..................4 . MH (mounting heightl .. ..................3 O'~""2 hendhole 12. . ...:J......., Lal ~ B8se View L-s--1 .~ fl......, L~ ACCESSORIES Base with handhole and door ao~ cover et all four anchor bo~ locations o (force Ill) I BOlt cover (lIIhown In piece) flush with cestlng surface COOPER LIGHTING HAND HOLE (section through standard hendhole) SPECIFICATIONS Freme drilled & tapped for 5116".IaNC.2 ground ""feW below handhole opening Intern.1 h.ndhol. frame 356.T6 caat elumlnum .lIoy ""356-T6 cast aluminum alloy shoe base with aluminum alloy knock-in bolt covers. 2 ... 2" X 4 112" flush handhole aasembly with internel reinforcing frame. Frame drilled &. tapped for 5116" 18NC-2 grounding screw. 3,,, Straight square shaft 6005-T5 aluminum alloy satin etch finish. 4'"Drilled or Tenon (specify). 6...Anchor bolt per ASTM A576 with (1) nut. (1) flat washer, and (1) lock washer. Nuts, washers and threaded portion of bolt are hot dip galvanized. COOPER LIGHTING NOTE: I Other finish colors available. Consult bctory. For complete bl!ulitt information, refer to Baaes cutsheet; AOH971064. SSASQUARE STRAIGHT ALUMINUM S'.3&' Mounting Height SQUARE STRAIGHT ALUMINUM FINISH COLORS 1 BaClear Anodized C_Dark 8ronze Anodized D-8lack Anodized E-Medium 8ronze Anodized J_Dark 8ronze Painted Ua81ack Painted V-Grey Painted W_White Painted X.None (natural aluminum) ~ibif (;-3 . CONDITIONS OF CUP/PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL 1. The plant schedule on the landscape plan must include the proposed nllll1her of plants and the landscape plan must include landscaping around buildings. 2. The applicant must receive permission from the property owner to the north in order to plant on that property or the site and landscape plans must be revised to include landscaping along the northern houndary within the subject site. 3. Wall plan signs must he suhmitted so that signage can be evaluated as a total packagc. 4. Signage plans should he modified to comply with the nurnher. height, and area requircments of the zoning ordinance. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. 10. . The Grading Plan is subject to the review" and approval of the City Engineer. The Utility Plan is suhject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. A lighting plan must be submitted for review by the City. ^ style of lighting must be chosen in which the light source is not visible li'om adjacent property or public right-of-way. The applicant must enter into a develoPll1ent agreement with the City. Comments from other City staff. t2xl-{\bit 7-