Planning Commission Agenda 03-06-2001 . Members: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - Mareh 6, 2001 7:00 P.M. Dick Frie. Robhie Smith, Roy Popilek, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten Council Liaison: Clint Ilerbst Stafr: 1. 2. ,., ~. 4. 5. . 6. .. .I err <fNeill. Fred Patch, Steve Crrittman and Lori Kraemer Call to order. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held fehruary 6, 2001. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizens comlnents. Continued Puhlic Hearing - Consideration of a Development Stage PUD and preliminary plat to accommodate a 63 unit townhouse project in Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition. Applicant: Eagle Crest Northwest. Puhlie Hearing - Consideration or an amendment to the zoning ordinance providing f()r increased free-standing sign height and area. Applicant: Jacob I loldings/Denny Hecker Automotive Group. 7. Update on Walnut Street/Sunny Fresh parking. 8. Adjourn. -1- . . . MINUTES REGtJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - Fehruary 6, 2001 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Dick Frie, Rod Dragsten. Robbie Smith and Council Liaison Clint Ilerbst Members Absent: Richard Carlson and Roy Popilek Staff Present: Jeff O'NeilL Fred Patch, Steve Grittman 1. Call to order. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 7 pm. 2. Approval of minutes of the re!!ular Ineeting held January 2, 2001. ^ MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE TilE MINUTES OF TI-lE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 2001. Motion carried unanimously. Dick Frie noted that Councilmember Herbst had been absent the prior two meetings and that the Planning Commission needs his regular input. Councilmember Herbst noted that he views his role as Liaison as very important but noted that on occasion things come up that interfere with his volunteering as Council Liaison. Dick Frie recognized that the meetings are not mandatory and he expressed appreciation for Herbst's involvement and requested that Herbst contact staff in advance if he is not going to make the meeting. Herbst noted that he will try to notify staff in advance, but he docs not always know until the last minute ifhe will not attend. The size orthe agenda and the relative importance of the items will influence whether or not he attends. " .) . Consideration of addin!! items to the a!!enda. Robbie Smith had a question regarding Cabin Fever entertainment. This was placed as item 8 on the agenda. Clint Ilerbst would like to hear comments on the overtlow parking at Sunny Fresh. This was placed as item 9 on the agenda. Update on new signage at the law office by Fred Patch. This was placed as itenl lOon the agenda. 4. Citizens eOlnments. None t()rthcoming. -1- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/06/0 I 5. Consideration of a Development Staee PU D to permit the expansion of a bus service and sales bcilitv. Applicant: llo!.!lund Bus Company. Steve Cirittman reported that Hoglund Bus has applied for a Development Stage PUD approval continuing their proposal fiJr an expansion of their l~1Cilities between Oakwood Drive and Interstate 94. The site plan which has been submitted proposes a 1 O.6XO square foot building addition. with a significant amount of paving added to the site in the areas of traffic circulation and parking. Cireen areas are designated on the site plan, and a number of trees are proposed along the west and southwest boundaries. ^ gravel bus staging area is located to the west of the building addition, and the bulk of the bus sales display area on the cast portion of the site would remain grass and unchanged. The layout generally complies with discussions which staff has had with the property owners. A few details should be added to the plan to conform to those discussions, as well as common PUD standards: . Steve noted that the applicant is asking that the curb requirement be waved however certain areas such as driveway throats and parking stalls should have curb stops installed. ^ few of the areas are noted on the plan. These areas should be delineated and striped. Holly Klein, Hoglund Bus, indicated that they supported installation of trees but that they did not want to put curb stops in due to the problems created for plowing. Steve Grittman noted that the temporary curb was proposed in lieu of more expensive curb and that they are necessary to channel traffic. . Clint Herbst asked why they are wrapping trees around the front, why are they putting trees along the freeway. It does not make sense to screen the sales area. Grittman noted that the intent is not to screen and the trees will be located some distance from each other. In addition, the applicant supports planting of trees at the locations proposed. . Rod Dragsten stated that the bus staging area on the eastern boundary should not be covered with a gravel surf~lee and should be left as a grassy area. lie felt that the curbing should be put in as proposed. Robbie Smith asked for a clarification on curbing. Why are we not requiring full installation? Steve Grittman noted that the discussion previously established the hlct that the site will transition to a future use and that it docs not make sense to make a big investment in curbing given the potential redevelopment. Making a large investment today could deter the change-over to another use. Clint Herbst noted that thelact that there is minimal use of certain drive areas by the public could be reason to justify elimination or modification of the curb requirement. -2- . . . Planning ConHllission M inutcs - 02/06/0 I Rohhie Slnith noted that the entrances could he spruced up with curbing rather than curb stops. I Ie explained that you need to create a nice looking view from the right-ot-:"way and that curhing should he required under the pun. Robbie suggested installation of curbing at access points and at curb stops throughout the rest of the site. . Holly Klein noted that they would see to it that the hus storage area is mowed. After discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN AND SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH TO APPROVE THf DEVl::IDPMENT STACiE PUD WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Additional tree planting throughout the property as identitied in the Planner"s report. ..., Parking stall striping per thc site plan with modifications as requested by staff. 3. Drivcway entrances be installed with curb and guttcr from existing curh along roadway to a point within the property equal to the front yard setback in a 8-3 District (30'). Curh stops to he installed in other areas as defined in the planncr's report. 4. A drainage plan must be provided to the City Engineer for review and comment. Drainage plan to properly acconHllodate run-olT from nearby hotcl. 5. Large grassy area identified for bus display/storage to remain a grassy area. The owncr should maintain grass levels in compliance with puhlic nuisance ordinance. MOTION BASED ON THE FINDING THAT TI IE DEVELOPMENT AS PROPOSI,:!) IS CONSISTENT WITH TilE COMPREHFNSIVE PLAN. REDUCTION IN SITE IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS ARE ALLOWED IN RECOGNITION TIIA T REDEVELOPMENT OF THIS SITE MAY OCCUR RELATIVELY SOON. IN ADDITION. THE PUBLIC DOES NOT REGULARLY USE OR VIEW AREAS WI-IERF CURB AND PA VINCi ARE NOT REQUIRED UNDER THIS PLAN. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of a Development Staf.!e PUD to accommodate a 63 unit townhouse proiect in Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition. Applicant: Eaf.!Ie Crest. Steve C1rittman reviewed his report noting that Eagle Crest received a Concept PU [) approval at the recent Planning Commission and City Council meetings. They have submitted a Development Stage PUD plan based on that approval. StafThas had the opportunity to review the plan and makes the following comments: 1. The easterly access road should he moved to the east boundary and loop around the end units_ In this \vay, the entire eastern half of the project could be served by a continuous loop road without the dead-end section. This is an issue for City trash removal service. -3- . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/06/0 I as well as for general circulation. This ehangc should not result in a loss of units, since units 45-47 could be shifted \vest slightly. J The western-most driveway should be continued around to loop back and connect with the westerly access road. This will avoid a long dead-end driveway and permit the narrower pavement widths proposed. The driveway should be moved slightly to the \vest to allow for adequate backing movements out of the garage and driveway areas. A distance of 42 feet from face of garage to edge of pavement is suggested. This driveway may be 18 feet in width if this change is made. 3. The two dead-end interior driveways in the quad-unit area should be continued to intersect with Farmstead Drive. The spacing of buildings in this area should be a minimum of 60 feet from face of garage to f~lCe of garage. The driveway widths of 18 reet would be adequate in this arrangement to pennit backing and restricted access to the residents and service vehicles. '1 "-t. All driveways and roads in the project must be paved and curbed. The only exception to curbing is for the 20 to 22 foot long driveways which lead directly into thc garages from the access driveways. Except for the 18 foot wide driveways specifically Illentioned in points 2 and 3 above, a II other private streets and drives must be a m in imum of 24 feet in width, face of curb to face of curb. 5. Provide additional visitor parking spaced throughout the dcvelopment at a minimum ratio of one space per three units, a total extra parking supply of at least 21 spaces. Because narrower private streets do not accommodate on-street parking, these spaces are necessary to accommodate overllow from the unit driveways \vhich provide the only other visitor parking supply. 6. Provide a 5 foot wide cone rete sidewalk along Farmstead as shown on the plan from the trail connection on the east to the west boundary of the property at Edmonson Avenue. Although the primary pedestrian access currently leads to the south through Klein Farms Estates 3,,1 Addition, future connection to other land uses to the east is a probability. If that area develops with commercial services, it is likely that residents of this projeet will want to walk in that direction. -fhe applicants had previously diseussed with StatTthe possibility of terminating the sidewalk at their western-most driveway instead of extending it all the way to Edmonson Avenue. 7. Significantly enhance landscaping within the foundation planting areas around the buildings. The current plan shows a per-unit planting of only four shrubs around the entry sidewalk. Mueh more planting around the building is suggested where none is now proposed. 8. Enhance planting along the Farmstead Drivcexposure with a butTer planting similar to that provided by Staff as an exhibit to this report. This butTer is designed to provide an .'open" sereen for the rear yard spaces which face the public roadway. . 9. Enhance planting in the bulTeryard area along the north boundary. One of the -4- Planning COl11mission Minutes - 02/06/01 . considerations for the private street encroaching into the required butTer area is additional butTer and screen plantings in that area. The proposal relics entirely on existing plantings and should be strengthened. For the portion orthe bufferyard where the road encroaches, an additional eight deciduous trees and 50 large shrubs would help to increase the butTer density. 10. Provide increased plant sizes over the east portion of the butTeryard. The grading plan shows a SWede in this area which is about 3 feet in depth. The plants should be increased in size to accommodate the require buffering effect. The ?Oning ordinance currently requires:2 Y; inch caliper deciduous trees; 6 foot high evergreen species; and at least 1 5 'Yo o I' all deciduous trees to he at least 3 !'2 inch caliper in size. StatTwould recommend that all deciduous species in the butTeryard be at least 3 Y: caliper inches and all evergreen species to be 8 feet in height to l11ake up ror the swale. II. Finally, cluster rnail box locations and identify trash receptacle locations consistent with postal and trash-removal requirements. After presentation oCthe items noted above, the following discussion ensued. . Bill Gleason stated that he was not able to review the stall report until today. lie noted that by adding twO access points on the main road, the need for the connecting segments on the north side is eliminated. lie felt that the plan as proposed by staff creates too much hlack top and does not add value to the development. He noted that the landscape ideas are good and will add value to the development. He is happy to I(Jllow the ideas presented in the Planner's report. Dick Frie wondered if there is enough room for snow storage and for emergency vehicle access. O'Neill noted that there needs to be a 24' drive looping through the site to allow for garbage collection. Connecting segments on the north side or the site could be relnoved irthe 18' drives were increased to 24'. Gleason noted that widening the interior drives would not be possible as doing so would result in an encroachment in the yard setback along County Road 117. Steve Grittman noted that removal of the segments along the northern edge would move the design toward more cornplete compliance with the bulTer yard requirements. Alter discussion, Dick Frie suggested that the item be tabled to allow ft)r stafr and developer to review the drive aisle pattern in more detail and come up with a good solution. 13ill Gleason agreed that tabling the rnatter makes sense and noted that they suggested adding a month to the process is acceptable. A MOTION WAS MADE BY R01313IE SMITH AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO TABU': CONSIDERATION OF TilE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD REQUISr. Motion carried unanimously. . -5- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/06/01 7. Discuss Plannin12 Commission involvement in upcoming MCP meeting. O'Neill inft)nned the group that the MCP will he having a melnhership meeting in March. The MCP is looking for specific projeets to undertake that the City would like to see completed. He wondered if the Planning Commission would like to provide some input to the MCP prior to this meeting. Are there any planning studies that the Planning Commission might want the MCP help process? Dick Frie stated that there should be Planning Commission involvement in MCP goal setting. He thought that everyone from the Planning Commission should attend the meeting and should provide input on MCr project prioritization. Councilmember Herbst suggested that the MCP give the Planning COlnmission a list of possible itcms fl)r completion and the Planning Commission should help in prioritization. Herbst suggest a project idea for the MCP. Why not do something with D-day. Combine D-Day with Walk and Roll. Have some anti-smoking celebration. Rod suggested that we should do something with the Trumpeter Swans. It was the consensus of the group to be involved in the MCP goal/project identification process as participants. However. the Planning Commission offers no specific projects at this time. Dick Frie noted that he wil1 not be here fix the March meeting 8. Robbie Slnith had a question regardin12 Cabin Fever Entertainment. What is with the paper on the windows? Fred Patch noted that the business did start remodeling the building without a huilding permit. After being contacted by the building department they did provide necessary information. Fred said he has stopped by a few times since. Patch also noted that they appear to be conducting retail operations, therefore the use remains acceptable. Dick Frie asked if this item can be put on the agenda for the next lneeting. 9. Overflow parkin!.! at Sunny fresh. Clint Herbst asked to hear cOlnments regarding over-flow parking. Is there a problem and/or is there anything we want to do about it. After discussion it was determined that a meeting should be set up with Sunny Fresh and that staff should analyze the problem and WIlle up with some ideas. This item to be placed on the next Planning Commission Agenda. -6- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/0(j/O I 10. Update on new sigml!!e at the law office. Fred Patch reported that the MetcaWLarson overhanging sign is in cOlllpliance with the City ('ode. It is difficult to read because the applicant placed the sign so high on the building. 11. There being no further discussion, meeting was adiourned. JellO'Neil1 -7- . . . Planning Commissioll Agenda -3/06/01 5. Considerntion of a Develonment Stnge Planned Unit Develonment for a townhouse Ilroiect in Klein Farms Estntes 2".1 Addition, and considcntion of nnllroval of preliminary Illat. Applicant: Engle Crest. (NAC) A. REI;I~:RENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission tabled action on Eagle Crest's Developll1ent Stage PUD at its February 1l1ecting, due to a number ofoutstanding design issues, and the applicant's inability to review staff comments. Since that time, the applicant has SUbll1itted a revised plan which meets rl1any of staffs recommendations. The previous comments, and the applicant's response, are sumrl1arized below: The easterly access road should be moved to the cast boundary and loop around the end units. In this way. the entire eastern halfofthe project could be served by a continuous loop road without the dead end section. This is an issue for City trash removal service. as well as for general circulation. This change should not result in a loss of units. since units 45-47 could be shifted west slightly. I. The easterly access road should be moved to the east boundary and loop around the end units. This has heen done 10 slafrs salisfac/ion. 1he redesi~n has led 10 a sli~hl increase in unil count. and the soulherly t()\l'nhouses in Ihe easl half oflhe projec/ 10 he ~rouped inlo ei~hl-UnillJ1llldin~s. inslead oflhe previous!hur-unit eluslers. 2. The western-most driveway should be continued around to loop back and connect with the westerly access road. The applicant 's have requesled Ihat this chan~e not he required. and hove a~reed to require trash pick-up and !I1ailhoxes to he located alon~ Ihe loop road Stafl agreed to support this desi~n. with Ihe condition that residenls ore nwde mH/I'e of Ihis requirernent. The developer argued Ihal residenls in the westerfv units would pre!L'r a "de(f(l~end" driveway wilh less convenient service local ions. ralher Ihan Ihe loop drive. '"'1 -, . The two dead-end interior driveways in the quad-unit area should be continued to intersect with Farmstead Drive. The spacing of buildings in this area should be a minimum of 60 feet from LICe of garage to f~lce of garage. The driveway widths of 18 feet would be adequate in this arrangement to permit backing and restricted access to the residents and service vehicles. - 1- Planning Commission ^gcnda -3/06/01 . The "deud-end" urrangernenl is relUined as lI'ilh Noll' I. under Ihe smne condilions ,I.,jwcing and drivL'1I'ay widlhs appear 10 II/eellhe requirel7/Cnls fisled uhove 4. ^1I driveways and roads in the project must be paved and curbed. The only exception to curbing is for the 20 to 22 root long driveways which lead directly into the garages from the access driveways. Except for the 18 foot wide driveways specifically mentioned above. all othcr private streets and drives must be a minimunl of 24 feet in width, LIce of curb to face of curb. This relJuirernenl appears 10 have heerl me! in Ihe new plans, 5. Provide additional visitor parking spaced throughout the development at a minimum ratio of one space per three units, a total extra parking supply of at least 21 spaces. Visilor purking appears 10 he udelJuule us redesigned. 6. Provide a 5 foot wide concrete side\valk along Farmstead as shown on the plan fronl the trail connection on the east to the wcst boundary of the propcrty at Edmonson ^ venue. Fhis relJuiremenlH'ill he me/as relJuesled. . 7. Signilicantly enhance landscaping within the foundation planting areas around the buildings. 'fhe current plan shows a per-unit planting of only four shrubs around the entry sidewalk. Much more planting around the building is suggested where none is now proposed. This recomrnemlulion hus nol heen mel, Fhe jhundolion plunling,,' conlinue 10 he sJmrse 01 hesl. A PUD requires Ihal in excllllngejhr Ihe signifimnl variulionsjrom ('ode mininnlfns, design ami umenily enhm1celnenls are included lI'hich resull in a superior projecl. LWlliscuping is one of'the mosl husic enhunconenls. und should he eXlensive, The Cily has ellfi)J'cell Ihis opprooch wilh oil olher IJUDs, including Klein Forms Eslales. adjucenllo Ihis projecllo Ihe easl, 8. Enhance planting along the Farmstead Drive exposure with a buffer planting similar to that provided by Staff as an exhibit to this report. cfhis butTer is designed to provide an "open" screen for the rear yard spaces which bce the public roadway. SlUff hod provided a skelch example of enhanced open screening along Farmslead. ond in a meel ing. had explui ned I hall his Ireal rnenl. or smnelhing cOn/purahle, H'Olild he unticipated along the lenglh of Ihe Farrnsleadji'onlage due 10 Ihe significunl llll/Ounl of reoI' YOI'd exposure, The opplicanl has included oje}11 such enhance/nenls, . -2- . 9. . . Planning Commission Agenda -3/06/0 I hUI u suhslunliul int.'reuse H'o/tld he neces.wlI)' 10 meet Ihe expeclulions jlJr PU[) designal ion. Enhance planting in the bufferyard area along the north boundary. One of the considerations for the private street encroaching into the required buffer area is additional buffer and screen plantings in that area. 'The proposal relies entirely on existing plantings and should be strengthened. for the portion of the hulTeryard where the road encroaches. an additional eight deciduous trees and 50 large shrubs would help to increase the huffer density, The hu/le/Tard landscaping \l'ill /nee! Ordinance reljuiremenls, und Ihe reconll11endal ions o/Sta/t. 10. Provide increased plant sizes over the east portion of the bufferyard. The grading plan shows a swale in this area which is about:3 feet in depth. The plants should he increased in size to accOlmnodate the require butTering effect. Thc zoning ordinance currently requires 2 1/1 inch caliper deciduous trees: 6 foot high evergreen species: and at least 1 YX) of all deciduous trees to be at least 3 1/2 inch caliper in size. Statl \vould recommend that all deciduous species in the hulTeryard be at least:3 i;; caliper inches and all evergreen species to be X feet in height to make up f()r the swale. rhis area o/lhe hu//c:/~yard ll'ill also meet require/nenls. 11. Finally, cluster mail box locations and identit'; trash receptacle locations consistent with postal and trash-removal requirements. The applicant has agreed 10 this rel/uire/nent. and is working \l'ith stafl'and Ihe post office/I)!' appropriate local ions. For the H'estern side of the project, on area along thc norlhern loop driveway will he set asidefl)!' this purpose. This are(/ should he il11prm'ed silnilar to a sidewalk hehind the curh./ln' ease OfSruHl' re/nol'ol and 0 hard sur/c/('c/or trash receptacles and recJ'cling conwiners awaiting pick-up. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Development Stage PUD and approval of prcl inlinary piaL subject to conditions mentioned in this report and recommendations of the City Engineer and Public Works stall ') Motion to recommend denial of the PU D, based on a finding that the proposed improvements do not qualify the project t()I' PU D consideration. -3- Planning Commission Agenda -3/06/0 I . ,.., -) . Motion to table action on the PUO. subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approvaL but only with additional plan inlprovements noted in this report. As we have stated in this and other PUO reviews. pun is a zoning technique intended to increase the quality or development design. Without the improvements which make 1'01' a clear finding of higher quality, PUD should not be used, and development should be made to comply with all zoning requirements, including public street frontage for all units and other basic zoning regulations. D. SUPPORTING DATA I. Development Plan ! I _,-ll1dscape Plan . . -4- . . . Planning COlTlmission Agenda -3/06/01 6. Considcration of an amendmcnt to thc Zonin2: Ordinance to rcrmit increast'd size for frccstanding :md elcctronic signs. Applicant: Monticello Dodge. (NAC) A. REFERENCF AND BACKGROUND: Monticello Dodge has submitted a request vvhich would allow for increased sign height area. and electronic display size for fiTestanding signs. The proposed sign is approxirnately 750 square ICet in area. 40 feel in height and includes an clectronic display that is approximately thrce tirnes that of the current area allowance. The current regulations were adopted to accommodate the electronic sign recently installed by Monticcllo r"ord last year. That C)rdinance required that electronic displays could be a part 01" a pylon sign to a maxirnum 01" 5C)O;\) ol"the sign display. but no more than 70 square ICet. Pylon signs I"or properties such as Monticello Dodge arc currently permitted to be 200 square ICel in area. and 32 feet in height. This is an increased size ror properties adjacent to liTeway areas. The sign features a digital display that is capable of showing .'television-like" images. The proposed Monticello Dodge sign is Llr in excess of the City's current regulations. \vhich already include a --bonus" size provision ror li'eeway fi'ontage. It rivals the size of billboards which have been lung restricted. Moreover. planning stal"r is unaware of comparable sign allowances in other areas. The City's 200 square foot and 32 foot height standards are in line with many other metropolitan area comlnunities. and exceed the allowances 01" several. Finally. Monticello Ford installed a sign based on the new regulations adopted by the City just one year ago. A change to the regulation could be read to have an unequal impact on similar businesses in the same area and /oning district. The proposed sign will replace an existing billboard. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of an amendment to the sign regulations to accOlnmodate the proposed I"reestanding sign for Monticello Dodge. Motion based on the finding that a free-standing sign of this magnitude is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. Motion to recOIn mend denial 01" an amendment to the sign regulations. and require compliance with the current standards. " .) . Motion to table action on the amendment. pending additional inf~)rmation. -1- Planning Commission ^gcnda -3/06/01 . c. S"I"AFF RECOMMENI)^"I"ION Staff does not recon1lnend an amendment to the regulations. lhe current language was adoptedjust one year ago to provide a consistent basis for regulating and allowing electronic signs. The overall sign size has been applied to Inany businesses in the area, and no unusual circumstances would appear to apply to this site that would compel a change. Finally, planning stall believes that increasing the size to accommodate signs of this size would eventually result in a scrious aesthetic problem, as well as cl uttering competition ror sign size and location as more businesses adapted to the new standmds. This result would not seem to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and other land use planning which have made community livability and attractiveness important objectives. D. SLJPPORTINCi D^TA Exhibit ^ - Proposed Sign Drawing . . -2- ~ U\ rt\ --I _ __ - f---- - _.. t---- ---.- -...-............. . ~ Q () - -- (J .J ~ - -- 4. - ,~~ I ~ ~ s:. . .~ t I : ~=--=--=-=I~ I J- I~ L_-- r:~ 4. ... . -~ ~ ~ 4 ? ~ I~ ~ i ~ ~ EAtibit A . 35' . ..........................'....... M.."..:.<.................'O."..'..........\.OOi...,..'.....\.'i'T......"..'I'.'.....C....' .'.\..E.......,..,.::../t',........t......................:...".'.\0..'. :'........... '.' .': ...., '.' ....... .'.,> ' .... ...... '.",;. ..:: ./ ,'. 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