Planning Commission Agenda 02-06-2001 . Members: AGI!:NDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - February 6, 200t 7:00 P.M. Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Roy PopiJek, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten Council Liaison: Clint Herbst Staff: 1. 2. .., ., . 4. . 5. 6. . Jeff O'NeilL Fred Patch. Steve Grittman and Lori Kraemer Call to order. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held January 2. 2001. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizens comments. Public Ilearing _ Consideration of a Development Stage PUD and preliminary plat to permit the expansion ofa bus service and sales facility. Applicant: Hoglund Bus Company. Public Hearing _ Consideration of a Development Stage PUD and preliminary plat to accommodate a 63 unit townhouse project in Klein Farms Estates 2"d Addition. Applicant: Eagle Crest Northwest. 7. Discuss Planning Commission involvement in upcoming MCP meeting. x. Adjourn. - 1- . . . =' MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - .Janul1ry 2, 200t 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Dick hie. Robbie Smith. Roy Popilek. Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten Absent: Council Liaison Clint Herbst Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman and Lori Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chair Frie calkd the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.. noting the absence of Council Liaison Herbst for the second consecutive meeting. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held December 5. 2000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK AND SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH TO APPROVE TI[E M[NUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 5. 2000. WITH THE CORRECTION TO THE MOTION ON ITEM SIX. Motion carried unanimously. ... ,). Consideration of addin!! items to the u!!enda. Rod Dragsten \vished to add discussion regarding MCP. This was placed as item 9. along with an update by Jeff CYNeill from the Design Advisory Team. 4. Citizens comments. None 5. Consideration of a Concept StaQe PUD for a 77 unit townhouse proiect in Klein Farms Estates 2nd Addition. Applicant: Ea!!k Crest North\vest. Steve Grittman. City Planner. provided the staff report regarding this proposed townhouse project v,hich contains 3 I units of sid\>by-side to\vnhouse units in 8 building clusters - 7 clusters of 4 units each and one three unit building. A central private street serves all of the units. The \vestern portion of the project would contain 36 units in nine "quadraminium" buildings. Bt?cause of tht? restricted area. one of these western-most buildings will not fit as designed. The \vest side also has a contlict with the buffer yard requirements for residential areas adjacent to e;.\isting industrial development. Steve discussed some options which were similar to tht? east side. Grittman also statt?d an additional consideration for the project should be tht? inclusion of small clusters of visitor parking throughout the development. - 1- Planning Commission Minutes - 01/02/0 I . With narrow private streets, there "vould be severely limited opportunity for non-residents to park when visiting the neighborhood. The project would require landscaping and amenities consistent with the intent of the PUD ordinance. Grittman advised of the substantial amount of front~yard landscaping required for the townhouse project adjacent to the east. including both foundation plantings and in common areas. For a project which is designed with straight private streets and linear building locations. site amenities should be greatly increased to mitigate the relatively monotonous sight lines. Front yard landscaping should be intensified significantly. Other clements could also be considered. including fencing or other structural items, and consideration for pedestrian access. such as a sidewalk along the private street. The garage front design of the rambler units makes the streetscape views an issue. Also. the public' s view of this project will be of the backs of most of the units from Farmstead Drive. Special attention should be given to the design of this area. such as perimder shrub planting and other elements. Because this will be rear yard space t(lr the residents. a design \vhich provides a feeling of private open space. but avoids a continuous six-foot fence along the street should be considered. . Grittman also noted that none of the units were shown with porch additions or patio spaces. however. these clements are olkn sought by residents either in the initial construction phase or later. The project designt:rs should show how these spaces "",ill be addressed. with attention to the puhl i<.: vk\vs of the site. the pri vate use of the space. and the purpose of PU D design. Chair Frie opent:d the Public I karing. Bill Gleason and John Gleason. 3031 Fernbrook Lane. Plymouth. of Eaglt: Crest Nortl1\\'Cst. addressed the memhers advising that all houses do have patios on tht: hack and a similar project they are in the process of building which is across the street from this project in Klein Farms Estates 3rJ Addition. Patios are a standard fi)r them and arc typically II x 10. slab on grades. no step. making them handicapped accessible. Gleasons also advised that there \vould have to be some type of privacy fence where units arc adjacent to eaeh l)ther. They also clarified that there are front porches on the to\vnhomes and front porches continuing down the sides on the quads. Bill Gleason noted the biggest issue \\"nuld be to eliminate a portion of the buildings. which they are recepti\'e to but running il1w a problem with the road being too tight. They pointed out that there was only a prnhkm \v-ith one unit where they could not maintain the 40' green space. They adv-ised that they initially just put in the minimums for landscaping according to the requirements gi\'en tht:m. G kasons stated they install 16' driv-es to give more green space. They also noted that the quads arc designed more for seniors. the other area is a little larger t\H)-story \\hich is ml)re l)t' a starter family home. All homes are for-sale property. . Sharlayne Brinkman of 4672 FarmSh..'ad Drive. which is directly across the street from this project. addressed the memhL'rs and the (ikasons regarding some concerns she has in terms -2- Planning Commission Minutes - 01/02/01 . of aesthetics and the possibility of increased traffic. Bill Gleason stated that it has been their impression that traffic would actually be less than with single family homes. Brinkman also asked the price range of these units which they stated to be approximately $145,000 for the two bedrooms and $149.900 for the three bedroom. It was also advised that screened patios would be facing Farmstead Drive, and advised that there are 30' setbacks which actually places them approximately 45' from the road. Gleason also stated that if fencing were installed it would be decorative versus privacy fencing. These units would be part of an association which would maintain them. Brinkman's concern was that these units would turn into rentals and then not be taken care of which in turn would decrease the value of her home. Gleason stated that although they do not restrict buyers from purchasing and then renting out the price is significant enough to deter them from that and they have not had any problems previously. . Fred Patch, Building Official. advised that he had a call from a resident on Eagle Court with concerns such as width of the streets tlJr emergency vehicles. house numbers that are visible to the road, sufticient street lighting on the main boulevard. suflicient off-street parking and landscaping that had not yet bl.:en completed which Patch assured him that there is a bond in place for landscaping. This development is also one of Eagle Crest Northwest's. John Gleason addressed these concerns and Fred Patch stated they are all in compliance. It was also noted that housl.: numbers wen.: not n:qul.:sted by the City but they \vould like to put them in anyv,;ay. Eagle Crest also stated that mailboxes would be installed in accordance with the City postmaster's n:quirements. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. There was further discussion among the mcmbers regarding play/park areas (\vhich O'Neill stated this area was included with Pionccr Park), sufficient parking. more extensive landscaping, streetscapes. snow removal. bul'ter between the industrial park area such as burms and plantings \vhich Grittman stated burms are acceptable but density ofplantings would be more desirable. O'Neill also stated a desire for possibly a path\vay/sidewalk along the north side of Farmsh:ad Drive to get people off the street and onto the path to the parks and schools. Eagle Crest Northwcst stated a desired timc framc for this project \vmild be by this spring and that this would all depend on ho\\ mllch time it \vill take to re-do their plans and meet with staff. . A iVIOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPII.IX AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOt\IMEND APPROVAL OF TilE CONCEPT PUD PLAN. \\TI'II DIRECTION TO TilE DEVELOPER TO I\lCORPOR.\TE TIlE COMMENTS OF STAFF AND Tl-IE Pl.:\NNIN(J COiVliVIISSIOl\ INTO TIlL DI:VEI.OPt\IFNT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DI:VLLOPr-,Ir-:NT PLi\!\:S. \IOTIO\; B.\SI':D ON THE FINDING THAT THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITII TilE COi\IPR\-:J IFNSIVE PLAN. t\lotion carried unanimously. -3- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01102/0 I building permits were required. Regarding zoning, this is a non-conforming use with bituminous curbs, and it was stated that any use I<.l\vfully existing may not be enlarged but may be continued. Patch stated that the parking lot was not expanded but only maintained in accordance with the ordinance. Grittman also advised that non-conformities can be maintained. 8. Discussion reuardinl.! Planninu Commission member terms. lcffO'Neill advised the members that the action taken at last month's meeting \vas not necessary as the City Council had actually taken action the previous year which resulted in there being no terms up this year. 9. Update rel.!ardin!,!: MCP and the Desil.!n Advisorv Team. Rod Dragsten suggested that with MCP closing their office and holding their annual meeting next month, perhaps the Planning Commission would like to bring recommendations to this meeting. (YNeill stated that MCP initially helped develop the plan as an arm of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission really should be included in taking the lead at this point. He also noted that it is crucial that Planning Commission and City Council members be present at this annual meeting. Some of the members also felt that with the current City Council's lack of support. perhaps the MCP gets sidetracked. Also stated was the situation \\ith the community center and MCPs involvement there seems to be contlicts regarding some of the City Council members. They also felt it was more burnout and with no support li'om the Council it became difficult. O'Neill advised that the intention of the City Council at the \'Cry beginning \vas not to continue funding the MCP at 50%. It was always the goal to limit City participation to 20% or so. He said that he thought the City Council docs continue to support MCP. just not at the earlier funding levels. [t was stated there may be a time \vhen the Planning Commission needs to give a recommendation to the City Council regarding keeping Mep up and going. They stated it would be good to have as many members present as possible at their annual meeting. 10. Adiourn. A tvlOTION \V1\S tvlADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN AND SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON TO ADJOUR'N THE MEETING AT 8:-1-5 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Recorder -5- . . . Planning Cornlllission Agenda -2/06/0 I 5. Consideration of a Develooment Stae:e PUD to permit the expansion of a bus service and sl:tles facilitv. Applicant: HIH!lund Bus Company. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Iloglund Bus has applied for a Development Stage PUD approval continuing their proposal f(n an expansion of their facilities between Oakwood Drive and Interstate 94. The site plan which has been submitted proposes a 10,680 square foot building addition, with a significant amount of paving added to the site in the areas of traffic circulation and parking. Green areas are designated on the site plan. and a number of trees are proposed along the west and southwest boundaries. ^ gravel hus staging area is located to the west of the huilding addition. and the bulk of the bus sales display area on the east portion of the site would remain grass and unchanged. although the submitted plan is not specific as to that area. Thc layout generally complies with discussions which staff has had with the property owners. ^ few details should be added to the plan to conform to those discussions. as well as common PUD standards: 1. Additional tree planting would be advised throughout the property. There are a nUlnher of spaces marked "Green" which would benefit by planting in addition to lawn. and would discourage driving or other misuse. 7 The applicant is seeking a waiver of the City's general requirement for concrete curb surrounding al1 parking and driveway areas. In lieu of this requirement. staffwould recommend that the parking areas be supplied with movable concrete curb stops to help delineate parking spaces and avoid contact between vehicles and buildings. These eurb stops can also be helpful in identifying driveway "intersection" locations and protecting buildings from other vehicle Inovements. A sketch has been provided by staff on the site plan illustrating proposed locations. 3. A drainage plan is provided to the City Engineer for review and comment. The applicant has identified a major drainage-way through the property from the motel to the freeway which wil1 need to be accommodated with the improvements. 4. The applicant shows a large area of bus parking which is currently covered with grass. Application of Class 5 gravel is proposed. Application of Class 5 will require payment of trunk storm sewer fees since Class 5 material resuIts in a water impervious surf~lce. Planning Commission ^gcncla -2/06/0 I . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the PUD Development Stage Plan, subject to compliance with the requirernents in this report. 7 Motion to reconunend denial ofthe PUD Development Stage, hased on a finding that the PUD zoning requires more extensive improvements than those proposed in this plan. 3. Motion to table action on the PUD Development Stage, subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends approval of the Development Stage plan, with the comments made in this report. As noted in the previous Concept Stage approval hy the Planning Commission and City Council. the City helieves that the level of improvements on this site are appropriate for the use. The amendments suggested in this report would enhance the utility of the current use with minimal additional cost, and would also improve the aesthetics of the property. . D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Plan with Stafr Recommendations . 2 / ; . / .('.... ; // ~<Z.~~ ' r / t~ i ~"- !', 1/ /y. ~\ .--;."~ ~ 0, / E I ~~~/L/' :~. / -..:....-' ...u <-"'-:~. ~-.. i. ~~"''''''' / ~ ":' ..... ,... . ~" / / .. ::~-' ~ ~ .... I ..' ~ / ,j'~n ..4 ~ J/'- \ I ~ ; p, ~"...~ ~}-... / . ~ ~ ~/;', cf .. P, _ ~" '" / ... ~~ .. 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I ""-' ! . \ -- ." . . --.; ./ ..J .;1' . ,Y' o ...!.-~!___.\- ~\ ~ 13". ~ \" J \ " ..". ~ or ...,.. ...- cJ J "'" ,-<0, V' ldJ, J ~ I I i i pA . . . Planning Commission Agenda -2/06/0 I 6. Consideration ofa Development Stal!c pun and preliminary plat to accommodate a 63 unit townhouse project in Klein Farms i<:states 2"'1 Addition. Applicant: Eal!le Crest. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Eagle Crest received a Concept pun approval at the recent Planning Commission and City Council meetings. They have submitted a Development Stage flU [) plan based on that approval. Staff has had the opportunity to review the plan and makes the following comments: I. The easterly access road should be moved to the cast boundary and loop around the end units. In this way, the entire eastern half of the project could be served by a continuous loop road without the dead end section. This is an issue for City trash removal service. as well as f()r general circulation. This change should not result in a loss of units. since units 45-47 could be shifted west slightly. 2. The western-most driveway should be continued around to loop back and connect with the westerly access road. This will avoid a long dead-end driveway and permit the narrower pavement widths proposed. The driveway should be moved slightly to the west to allow for adequate backing movements out of the garage and driveway areas. ^ distance of 42 feet from face of garage to cdge of pavement is suggested. This driveway may be 18 feet in width if this change is made. 3. The two dead-end interior driveways in the quad-unit area should be continued to intersect with Farmstead Drive. The spacing of buildings in this area should be a minimum of 60 feet from t~lCe of garage to face of garage. The driveway widths of 18 feet would be adequate in this arrangement to permit backing and restricted access to the residents and service vehicles. 4. All driveways and roads in the project must be paved and curbed. The only exception to curbing is for the 20 to 22 foot long driveways which lead directly into the garages from the access driveways. Except for the 18 foot wide driveways specifically mentioned in points 2 and 3 above, all other private streets and drives must be a minimum of 24 feet in width. face of curb to face of curb. 5. Provide additional visitor parking spaced throughout the development at a minirnum ratio of one space per three units, a total extra parking supply of at least 21 spaces. Because narrower private streets do not accommodate em-street parking, these spaces are necessary to acc0l11lnodate overl10w from the unit driveways which provide the only other visitor parking supply. . 6. Planning Commission Agenda -2/06/01 Provide a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk along Farmstead as shown on the plan from the trail connection on the east to the west boundary of the property at Edmonson A venue. Although the primary pedestrian access currently leads to the south through Klein Farms Estates 3'd Addition. future connection to other land uses to the cast is a probability. If that area develops with commercial services. it is likely that residents of this project will want to walk in that direction. The applicants had previously discussed with Stall the possibility of tenninating the sidewalk at their western-most driveway instead of extending it all the way to Edmonson Avenue. 7. Significantly enhance landscaping within the foundation planting areas around the buildings. The current plan shows a per-unit planting of only four shrubs around the entry sidewalk. Much more planting around the building is suggested where none is now proposed. . . 8. Enhance planting along the Farmstead Drive exposure with a buffer planting similar to that provided by Stall as an exhibit to this report. This buffer is designed to provide an "open" screen for the rear yard spaces which face the public roadway. 9. J':nhance planting in the bufferyard area along the north boundary. One of the considerations for the private street encroaching into the required buffer area is additional buller and screen plantings in that area. The proposal relics entirely on existing plantings and should be strengthened. For the portion of the bufferyard where the road encroaches. an additional eight deciduous trees and 50 large shrubs would help to increase the butler density. 10. Provide increased plant sizes over the cast portion of the bulTeryard. The grading plan shows a swale in this area which is about 3 feet in depth. The plants should be increased in size to accommodate the require buffering effect. The zoning ordinance currently requires 2 12 inch caliper deciduous trees; 6 foot high evergreen species: and at least I Y!l> of all deciduous trees to be at least 3 Y2 inch caliper in size. Staff would recommend that all deciduous species in the bufferyard be at least 3 Y2 caliper inches and all evergreen species to be 8 feet in height to make up for the swale. 11. Finally. cluster mail box locations and identify trash receptacle locations consistent with postal and trash-removal requirements. R. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend approval of the Developrnent Stage PUD and preliminary plat based on the recommendations listed in this report. 2 . I Planning ('ommission Agenda -2/06/0J Motion to recommend denial of the Development Stage PlID based on a 1inding that proposed density and circulation plan cannot be supported. 3. Motion to table action on the PUD, subject to additional infi.mllation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stall recommends approval of the PU D only with the conditions outlined above. While the concept in consistent with the expectations it)r this PU D district, there are a number of design details and enhancements necessary to make this project acceptable under the PUD requirements of the zoning ordinance li)r residential areas. As designed, the City would be approving a project which varies signilicantly from typical zoning standards, including private streets, narrower than standard two-way drives. encroachment in to the butTeryarcL and reduced setbacks from the street surl~lee. The enhancements proposed in this report are intended to ensure that the pun process is utilized f()r a project which results in a higher quality living environment than the basic zoning standards. Without such enhancements, staff docs not recommend the PU D process. . D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. 2. Site Plan Staff Sketch . .., _, . z ~ ; :....'~^\. ,..------:, X'.' '; , '\'':\ (, \, 1_. f . ,,---, ~ \ - --p,/ ~ /" '\ ~ \ \ \ I I 1J {> 1t v 1\\ r \;: I I 1/ ! , wf ~ !z~ l~ 1:".t. 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